Plate Load Test Problems - PDF
Plate Load Test Problems - PDF
Important Notes :
( qf ) Plate ( qf ) foundation
i.e. =
Bp Bf
SF B F ( B p + 0.3 )
ii) = { }
SP B P ( B F + 0.3 )
𝑞𝑓 - Ultimate bearing capacity
S F and S p - settlement in foundation and plate respectively.
B p and B F - width of plate and footing respectively.
Problem 1) following data corresponds to the load and settlement carried out with plate of
size 30 cm x 30 cm on sandy soil.
170 ( qf ) footing
0.3 1.2
( qf ) footing = 680 KN/m2
( qf ) 680
c) SBC qsafe = = = 226.67 KN/m2
d) Settlement in plate 𝑆𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒 = 23.5 mm = 0.023 mt.
Problem 2 ) A plate load test was conducted and the test data is given below. Find ultimate
bearing capacity of soil.
Dial guage reading
Load q KN/m2
0 0 0 0
55 186 192 192
110 362 365 353
165 766 758 756
220 1886 1889 1865
280 4810 4806 4784
335 14006 14010 13984
The least count of dial guage is 0.01 mm . size of the plate is 300 mm square .
Answer :
In this problem , it is not mention the type of soil. So, we are assuming the soil as clay
( Cohesive)
As per note, we have ( 𝑞𝑓 ) soil = ( 𝑞𝑓 ) foundation = ( 𝑞𝑓 ) plate
( 𝑞𝑓 ) plate = 320 KN/m2 ……see graph
With settlement S = 18 mm