IDP SAP SuccessFactors Suite - Design and Implementation Considerations For Role Based Permissions - v1.2
IDP SAP SuccessFactors Suite - Design and Implementation Considerations For Role Based Permissions - v1.2
Change Log
Version Date Description
1.0 1st March 2020 Initial version
1.1 5th May 2020 Template adjustment and reference updated
1.2 30th July 2020 RBP reporting enhancements released as part of 2H 2020 updated,
language improvements, added quick searches to review
permissions, and other minor enhancements
Supported Releases
Product Release - From Release-Valid
SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central 2105
Role Name Organization
Author / Owner SAP SuccessFactors Product Management SAP SE
Author Ankita Mistry IBM
Author Nicholas Iodice EY
The recommendations in this document are based on the functionality available up to SAP SuccessFactors
release mentioned above. Future functionality can impact the recommendations provided by this document.
We strive to keep these recommendations up to date, however, in case you find that recent new functionality
has not yet been considered in the latest version of this document, please reach out to your Customer Success
Manager / Partner Delivery Manager or send an email to
Implementation Design Principles (IDPs) for SAP SuccessFactors solutions are delivered by SAP for helping
customers and partners on how to choose the most appropriate strategy and solution architecture for SAP
SuccessFactors implementations. IDPs are compiled taking into consideration the experience of many
implementation projects and addressing frequent business requirements as well as real-life implementation
challenges. They are continuously reviewed and updated as product functionality evolves. In addition, the
reader is advised to read and familiarize with essential and additional product-related documentation which
includes Implementation Guides, SAP Notes, SAP Knowledge Base Articles and additional assets as they are
referenced in this document, see chapter 0.
1 TERMINOLOGY ............................................................................................................................................ 4
2 ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................................... 4
3 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................... 4
4 BUSINESS REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................................................... 4
4.1 COMPLIANCE WITH DATA PRIVACY REGULATIONS .............................................................................................................. 4
4.2 MAINTAIN SYSTEM PERFORMANCE ................................................................................................................................. 4
4.3 EASE OF MAINTENANCE ................................................................................................................................................ 5
5 SOLUTION OVERVIEW AND CONCEPTS.......................................................................................................... 5
6 DETAILED SOLUTION .................................................................................................................................... 5
6.1 ENGAGE RBP CONSULTANT AND RBP BUSINESS OWNER DURING EC DESIGN ........................................................................ 6
6.2 PERMISSION ROLE DESIGN............................................................................................................................................ 6
6.3 PERMISSION GROUP DESIGN......................................................................................................................................... 8
6.4 MAINTAIN A SINGLE CONSOLIDATED RBP WORKBOOK FOR LARGER IMPLEMENTATIONS............................................................ 8
6.5 LIMIT NUMBER OF USERS WITH ACCESS TO MANAGE RBPS.................................................................................................. 8
6.7 SET UP A GOVERNANCE PROCESS .................................................................................................................................... 9
6.8 SET UP PERIODIC RBP REPORTS ..................................................................................................................................... 9
6.9 RBP CHANGE AUDIT REPORTS .................................................................................................................................... 11
6.10 NAMING CONVENTION.......................................................................................................................................... 12
6.11 OTHER PERMISSION CONSIDERATIONS...................................................................................................................... 13
6.12 CHECK TOOL ........................................................................................................................................................ 14
7 REFERENCES ...............................................................................................................................................17
Abbreviation Description
EC Employee Central
UI User Interface
For larger global organizations, considerable thought and effort needs to be invested in designing Role Based
Permissions. Governance, Maintenance and Performance aspects need to be also considered upfront during
the design stages. This IDP will draw upon experiences from implementations and support situations to provide
guidance and a reference for customers who are either in the design stages or looking to review their current
permissions set up to improve upon their initial design.
Without a good understanding of key concepts and an adequate RBP design, customers will encounter
numerous challenges which should be avoided at all costs. Such issues may come in the form of legal fines
due to misappropriation of sensitive data, degradation of system performance due to inefficient configuration,
or possibly even increased operating costs due to complexity of design maintenance. To avoid these
challenges, customers should develop strong security models during the onset of their implementation in
accordance to the design principles below, as a poor RBP design can become increasingly difficult to roll back
and untangle.
The following sections will introduce the Security and System Design Requirements.
RBP design should address all data privacy requirements that apply to a customer.
As part of any SAP SuccessFactors implementation, safeguarding workforce data is of paramount priority.
With an increasing number of countries adopting strict legislation, such as General Data Protection Regulation
(GDPR), appropriately managing sensitive information has become both a moral and legal obligation. As stated
earlier, misappropriation of employee data may result in costly legal fees. As a rule of thumb, abide by the
principle of least privilege – grant as minimum required access, to as few users, for as short of a span,
as possible.
Customers working with complex security requirements across different businesses and countries lead to
employees having multiple redundant roles. This adversely affects the system performance.
System performance impacts the length of time it takes to generate reports, process jobs, load pages, and so
forth; therefore, customers will want to ensure SAP SuccessFactors is performing at an optimal level to
maximize benefits and facilitate a seamless user experience. Two primary aspects of an RBP design will
influence system performance – total number of permission groups and overlapping permissions granted by
multiple roles; ideally, both should be minimized as much as possible. Target fewer than 1,000 total permission
groups and ensure users are not receiving the same permission(s) from more than one role.
When working with a large number of permission roles and permission groups it is important to have a clear
understanding of what changes need to be made in order to address a new security requirement. The RBP
design should be easy to understand and hence easy to maintain.
Organizations are dynamic which means their RBP setup needs to be as well. The easier an RBP design is to
understand and maintain, the lower its corresponding operating costs will be. It is extremely important to have
a clear understanding of the design’s interdependencies. When managing many permission roles and
permission groups, properly addressing new security requirements becomes complicated.
Based on customer use cases and an understanding on the RBP infrastructure we have put together a set of
guidelines that can be used as a framework when designing the RBP for large customers with complex security
This chapter provides generic design guidelines and concrete examples addressing the previously outlined
business requirements. Due to the complexity of the topic and the specifics of each customer, the outlined
advice must be tailored to the concrete customer situation at hand.
6.1 Engage RBP Consultant and RBP Business Owner during EC design
It is beneficial to engage your RBP consultant and business owner(s) when designing the Org Structure and
Employee Classification components like Business Unit, Division, Department, Employee Class, Employment
type and Process Design to have insight into available data attributes for RBP design. For example: If there is
a new field being defined to distinguish between Hourly and Salaried employees, it might be useful for the RBP
consultant to understand this criteria or if there is a special security requirement for a special group of people,
the RBP consultant and EC consultant will be able to find a more efficient way to group that desired population.
It also helps the RBP consultant understand the process needs, that drive the security requirement.
Every employee will get the Global ESS Role plus the Country ESS role that the employee belongs to. Below
is the representation of role assignment for Country A employees.
This approach makes it easier to carry out changes that are global whether it is addition of a specific permission
or removal, at the same time still making it possible to make local changes within the Country ESS roles.
Careful considerations have to be made before finalizing on a design approach based not only just upon the
size and spread of the customer but also keeping in mind the ongoing maintenance efforts post go live, that
are in line with the security/governance model practiced by the customer. Some of the pros and cons of the
above design are listed below:
Pros Cons
Global changes can be made easily by updating just one Changes to the global role will affect the entire employee
single role population
Local country specific changes can be easily made by Good understanding of the current security design and
updating the country specific role stringent governance model required to decide which role
the changes are to be made in
Fewer roles to maintain as opposed to having to maintain During a phased go-live by country, advance planning by
a single role for each country all countries needed in deciding what goes into the global
Consider creating a Login Role which enables granted population to login to the application. This will come in
handy during phased implementations, go-lives, system lock down situations etc.,
6.3 Permission Group Design
To understand which permission groups are required, refer to your HR delivery model. Whether supported by
offshore service centers and/or local HR teams, these variations will determine which permission groups are
needed. While designing, strive to minimize the total number of permission groups. Defining populations at a
more granular level will increase the total number of permission groups needed. If multiple levels of target
populations are required, consider if configuring at the more granular level only will allow you to reduce the
total number of groups. For example, imagine both country and region-based permission groups are required;
perhaps country-based permission groups could be stacked to form regions, rather than configuring both
country and region-based permission groups. Below graphic shows usage of country specific groups to arrive
at North America Region, eliminating the need for a separate region group.
To achieve a strategy for recycling permission groups among the various modules; design with a long-term
mindset, while also solving for immediate project goals. An Employee Central go-live may be the near-term
focus; however, additional modules may be on the future road map and could influence permission group
requirements. Strive for dynamic group derivation rather than static, while utilizing data attributes that are
stable and consistent across the RBP model. Consider which permissions may be managed via user
relationships and apply a logical, clear naming schema.
• If a group is to be defined and modified using individual usernames, then it is recommended to create a
static group for the purpose instead of dynamic group, as it is better from a performance standpoint.
• Reuse existing groups wherever possible and avoid creation of duplicate groups. Include a step to check
existing groups before creating new groups. A good naming convention and understanding of security setup
is crucial to have an efficient RBP setup. Refer to section Naming Convention for further details.
• Employee data should be loaded first before creating RBP groups.
6.6 Separate access should be set up for specific admin roles where overlap may be required
Through this IDP we talk about not providing overlapping permissions to users. From a business as usual
perspective, admin roles may be an exception to that. They may need overlapping access since they need
visibility into the data irrespective of other employee roles that they are part of. Hence it is advised to maintain
separate roles for different types of admins. This will ensure a small number of people have the required
access. Sample roles include:
• SFAPI / Integration admin
• Reporting roles
• Module-specific admin (EC, LMS, PM/GM, Comp)
• Master Data Admin
The report can be used to identify the specific permissions assigned to each user. This report can also be used
to audit specific permissions for each role by removing the User related columns. Ideally two separate reports
should be created 1. For non-MDF related permissions and 2. For MDF related permissions.
As of release 2H 2020, the RBP user to group report has been enhanced to include inactive employees as
well. The security admin can run the report on a periodic basis to identify recently terminated employees and
(if needed) could remove them from the permission groups that they belong to. This will ensure the employee
doesn’t automatically get permissions upon rehire that he/she is not supposed to have.
The enhanced report also supports Assignment ID as a field available to extract in the output if it has been
enabled in the data model. For more details on Assignment ID refer to the KBA 2825052 – Assignment ID.
In addition to RBP Ad Hoc reports, you can also use SAP SuccessFactors Odata APIs to develop your own
custom queries for audit purposes
2. RBP Group Change Report
This report is used to audit changes to RBP permission groups. It is important to note that the RBP Group
change report only provides change information about dynamic groups. Currently group change report doesn’t
provide details about changes to static groups.
Similarly, the name of each permission group should indicate exactly how and for whom it is leveraged. The
following format may be used as a baseline:
[Population]_[Permission Role]_[Granted/Target]
By inputting example values into this format, it becomes clear that a “UnitedStates_SuperAdmin_Granted”
permission group would be leveraged to define the population of Super Admins within the United States.
Ensure to be consistent with labeling. For example, permission groups and roles that inconsistently reference
“United States,” “US,” “USA,” “United States of America,” and/or “America,” will be more challenging to search
and manage. Consistent usage of labels will allow security admins to easily search terms and find all their
corresponding permission groups and roles.
o Data Access Period Settings: Restrict access to data based on time period.
SAP SuccessFactors provides a data blocking function that controls exactly how long individual roles
will be able to access historical personal data, based on their role-based permissions. For example,
if HR Admins require to store address information for 3 years whereas Payroll Admins might have to
store it for 5 years. In such a situation the data access period settings can be used to give access to
HR Admins and Payroll Admins for visibility of data for different time periods.
It is important to note data blocking is only available in Employee Central and Reporting.
o Associations:
The visibility of objects like Event Reasons and Pay Components can be controlled using association.
Using association to control data visibility for Pay Components instead of defining different
permissions for it.
Using a combination of business rule and workflows to mitigate situations which require very specific
permissions. For example: Trigger a different workflow, if the transaction is initiated by an Admin v/s
HRBP, in order to mitigate additional access.
o Reports:
Reports are another mechanism that can be used to prevent creating new roles. For example: If Ad
Hoc reports do not follow field level permissions; the user can receive a report instead of having to
see the data on the UI
o Quick Searches:
Use the quick searches: User Role Search and View User Permission when you need to quickly
consult the permissions of an employee.
o Workflow design:
Another decision point will come as part of workflow design, for which you will decide whether RBPs
should be respected. By default, this functionality is set to “No,” which allows workflow participants
to see all fields applicable to Workflow Approval screens, regardless of their typical RBP constraints.
Conversely, this functionality can be set to “Yes,” which restricts the fields workflow participants will
see based on RBP configuration. Workflows not respecting RBPs should not impact your RBP
design; however, for those that do, you will want to consider which fields various workflow participants
should/will have access to during the workflow approval process. When evaluating various decision
points such as these, consider the level at which you need to design your security model to enforce
‘good-behavior’ rather than trusting your HR professionals to act accordingly.
o Relationships:
Leverage user relationships such as HR Manager, Comp Manager, Matrix Manager, Global
assignment manager, to assign role-based permissions instead of creating special groups/roles for
these requirements.
o Extend by n days
Using ‘Extend by N days’ a user can receive earlier access to employee data by setting the system
to show data earlier, for example, 30 days before the transfer. Usage of this feature may remove
the need to create additional temporary permission roles for managers, HRBPs, etc., who may be
involved in a transfer, hire or promotion.
2. Expand the rows to see all the checks available for your instance
3. Select the check you would like to perform and click Run Check (one or more checks can be run at a time)
4. Once the checks are completed, relevant messages are generated for each check that identified an issue
Click on the error which you would like to analyze. For example: 1 issue is reported for the check “Verify if
number of rules associated with a role exceeds 100”. Click on that issue to see the analysis and resolution
provided by the Check Tool.
5. As per the reported issue, the permission role ‘HR_Tier2_Reporting’, has 130 rules associate with the
permission role i.e., there are 130 granted and target population combinations.
6. Check this role in the system and as per the ‘Proposed Solution’ analyze if there are any rules that can be
eliminated to keep the number of rules low. Once you consolidate the number of rules and update the
permission role, rerun the check tool and ensure the number of rules have reduced below 100.
SAP Notes/KBAs
• 2321200 – BizX Platform - Troubleshooting RBP issues: Admin tools & reports [Including Check Tool]
• 2766870 – Role Based Permissions (RBP) Refresh Framework FAQ - SuccessFactors
• 2798822 – Accessing Future Transfers and Hire
• 2825052 – Assignment ID
SAP Documentation
Implementation Design Principle
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