Mechi Multiple Campus: Lab Report of Financial Accounting (CAAC-152)
Mechi Multiple Campus: Lab Report of Financial Accounting (CAAC-152)
Tribhuvan University
Bhadrapur, Jhapa, Nepal
Kritipur, Nepal
Submitted By
Name: - Tirtha Bahadur Rajbanshi
Roll no: - 66 (3rd sem)
Submitted To
Mechi Multiple Campus
Department of Bachelor in Computer Applications
Bhadrapur, Jhapa, Nepal
I hereby declare that the project work entitled “Tally” is a general concept of
accounting, original work done by me, and this project work is submitted in the
requirements for the award of the degree of Bachelor Second Semester. The results
enrolled in the report have not been submitted to any other university or institute for the
award of degree of BCA.
Roll no:- 66
The Lab report of BCA 3nd semester is the implementation of theoretical and practical
knowledge of various topics of Data Structure and Algorithm. This project is especially
designed to familiarize, develop and enhance the knowledge of students in management
of data and problem solving techniques.
This lab report is assigned to students as they lag behind in fair result processing and to
solve the current problem of various academic institutions. The report is made by using
C programming, MS Office Tools and also using my own related knowledge which I
gained from the theory and practical classes of ‘Data Structure and Algorithm’.
This Lab report is made to obtain the information about various uses of types of data
structures and algorithms. The main objective of this report is to make BCA students
capable of performing tasks related to data processing, automated reasoning, or
calculations and enhancing the problem solving abilities.
The report includes all features of lab practicals which is essential in enhancing the skill
of students for the fruitful career ahead in future. Finally, I welcome valuable and
constructive suggestions and comments from all the readers on any aspects of this for
improving my logic.
This lab report is especially assigned by the academic institution to the students of BCA
3nd semester for the partial fulfillment of the course and designed for the enhancement of
data management and problem solving activities.
For successful completion of this lab report there are various hands to help me out to
whom I am greatly thankful.
I would like to thank BCA director Mr. Krishna Prasad Acharya sir who granted our
project work by understanding the needs of students. I am highly indebted to my subject
teacher Mr. Ridip Khanal sir for his guidance and constant supervision as well as for
providing necessary information regarding the project & also for the support in
completing the lab report. Similarly, I am thankful to the institution and faculty
management for providing essential resources and remarkable support in this report.
Lastly, I would express heartfelt gratitude to the TU board for innovation of such a
wonderful course structure which can surely help to enhance the skill and career of
student’s ahead in future.
This is to certify that the Lab Report entitled “Data Structure and Algorithms” is an
academic work done by “Tirtha Rajbanshi” submitted in the partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Computer Application at Faculty of
Humanities and Social Sciences, Tribhuvan University under my guidance &
supervision. To the best of my knowledge, the worked performed by him in the lab
report is his own creation.