Lab Manual: Electric Circuit Analysis I EEE-121
Lab Manual: Electric Circuit Analysis I EEE-121
Lab Manual
Class BCE-1A
Pre Lab
Wheatstone Bridge
The Wheatstone bridge gives a precise method to measure resistance against a known standard.
Within a Wheatstone bridge, a comparative device measures two additional relative resistances
from two separate resistors. The relative resistance equals the lengths of a divided wire wound in
a coil of a potentiometer, a device allowing the manipulation of this resistance ration. Thus, the
Wheatstone bridge utilizes repetitive comparisons of potentials to find the potential settings. In
this experiment, a voltmeter is used as the null detector and is placed as shown in Fig. 1. The
Wheatstone bridge achieves balance when the following condition is satisfied and no current
flows through the voltmeter.
𝑅1 𝑅𝑥
𝑅2 𝑅𝑠
𝑅𝑥 = 𝑅1 𝑅𝑠 𝑅2
Figure 1
In Lab
➢ To find the value of unknown resistor using Wheatstone bridge.
➢ To verify experimentally the principle of delta-wye and wye-deltatransformation.
Fixed Resistors, Variable Resistor, DMM, Breadboard, DC Power Supply, Connecting wires
Knowledge Level
Before working on this lab you should have a basic understanding of the use of DMM for
resistance meter, ammeter and voltmeter. Student should be able to use voltage divider rule.
Measurement Table 1:
R1(Ω) R2(Ω) R3(Ω) Rx using Rx Using
Wheatstone DMM
200 200 200 200 200
100 100 100 100 100
Table 6.1
Task 2. Prior to converting this Delta configuration, first determine voltage across the resistors
𝑅𝐴𝐵, 𝑅𝐴𝐶, 𝑅𝐵𝐶, 𝑅4 and 𝑅5. Also determine the currents flowing through these resistors and note
these reading in Table 6.3. In Table 6.3 𝐸 is the voltage between the nodes (e.g. nodes A and
B for 𝑅𝐴𝐵) while 𝐼 is the current through resistor (e.g.𝑅𝐴𝐵) and so on.
(a) (b)
Figure 3
Task 3. Next convert the Delta to its equivalent Wye circuit. For conversion to hold true the
voltage difference between the nodes in the converted circuit must be same as that of the
difference between the nodes of the original delta circuit.
Task 4. Converted circuit as shown in Fig. 6.4 (b) contains a Wye instead of a Delta. Values of
the resistances determined using the relationships mentioned above should be equal to 1kΩ.
Task 5. Determine the voltage across all the resistors and current through them and note the
values in Table 6.4.
Task 6. The voltage difference between nodes in the Wye circuit and corresponding nodes in
delta circuit should be same. Do keep in mind the positive/negative signs while taking the
voltage difference.
Post Lab
No, As to “measure” such a resistance we need to grant that the voltage on the
lamp is the “nominal voltage” the lamp is designed to work with, otherwise we
measure the resistance at a different temperature, that’s not the one the lamp
will work with. The problem is that the bridge method does not control such
voltage. Another problem is that the current for meter that detects the balance
point has to come through resistor being measured. So we might be trying to
measure value when meter value is zero instead of some slight value of current.
Thus, basic Wheatstone bridge would have these difficulties.
Figure 4
It is clear from the simulation that 20k ohm resistor is required for the voltage V AB
equal to zero.
4. Is it possible to find the current through a branch or to find a voltage
across the branch using Wye-Delta/ Delta-Wye conversions only? If so,
justify your Answer:
5. Find the value of 𝑅𝑒𝑞for the circuit given below when the switch is open and
when the switch is closed?
Figure 5
Lab Assessment
Pre Lab /5
Performance /5
Results /5 /25
Viva /5
Critical Analysis /5