19R V5 6 Ch06 Wastewater Treatment and Discharge
19R V5 6 Ch06 Wastewater Treatment and Discharge
2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories 6.1
Volume 5: Waste
Deborah Bartram (USA), Michael D. Short (Australia), Yoshitaka Ebie (Japan), Juraj Farkaš (Slovakia), Céline
Gueguen (France), Gregory M. Peters (Sweden), Nuria Mariana Zanzottera (Argentina), M. Karthik (India)
Contributing Authors
Shuhei Masuda (Japan)
6.2 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Chapter 6: Wastewater Treatment and Discharge
2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories 6.3
Volume 5: Waste
Appendix 6A.1 Non-biogenic (fossil) CO2 emissions from wastewater treatment and discharge: Basis for
Future Methodological Development ......................................................................................6.51
Annex 6A.1 Summary data for pit latrine use, no sanitation facility, and groundwater use by country .....6.54
Annex 6A.2 Derivation of the maximum CH4 producing potential (Bo) for domestic wastewater .............6.57
Annex 6A.3 Estimation of default methane conversion factors for CH4 in centralised wastewater treatment
plants treating domestic wastewater ........................................................................................6.58
Annex 6A.4 Calculation of MCF for methane emissions from sewage discharges .....................................6.59
Annex 6A.5 Estimation of default emission factors for N2O in domestic wastewater treatment plants ......6.61
Annex 6A.6 Estimation of default emission factors for N2O in effluent .....................................................6.63
Annex 6A.7 List of countries by region included in Table 6.10a ................................................................6.64
References ................................................................................................................................................6.65
6.4 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Chapter 6: Wastewater Treatment and Discharge
Equation 6.1 (Updated) CH4 emissions from domestic wastewater for each treatment/discharge pathway or
system, j ......................................................................................................................6.17
Equation 6.1a (New) Total CH4 emissions from domestic wastewater treatment and discharge ..................6.17
Equation 6.2 CH4 emission factor for each domestic wastewater treatment/discharge pathway or
system .........................................................................................................................6.18
Equation 6.3 (Updated) Total organically degradable material in domestic wastewater ...................................6.21
Equation 6.3a (New) Total organics in domestic wastewater by treatment/discharge pathway or system ...6.22
Equation 6.3b (New) Organic component removed as sludge from aerobic treatment plants .......................6.27
Equation 6.3c (New) Organic component removed as sludge from septic systems ......................................6.28
Equation 6.3d (New) Total organics in treated domestic wastewater effluent .............................................6.28
Equation 6.4 Total CH4 emissions from industrial wastewater ........................................................6.33
Equation 6.5 CH4 emission factor for industrial wastewater ............................................................6.33
Equation 6.9 (Updated) N2O emissions from domestic wastewater treatment plants........................................6.37
Equation 6.7 (Updated) N2O emissions from domestic wastewater effluent .....................................................6.38
Equation 6.10 (New) Total nitrogen in domestic wastewater by treatment pathway ....................................6.40
Equation 6.10a (New) Estimation of protein consumed ..................................................................................6.41
Equation 6.8 (Updated) Total nitrogen in domestic wastewater effluent ..........................................................6.42
Equation 6.11 (New) N2O emissions from industrial wastewater treatment plants .......................................6.44
Equation 6.12 (New) N2O emissions from industrial wastewater effluent ....................................................6.47
Equation 6.13 (New) Total nitrogen in industrial wastewater .......................................................................6.47
Equation 6.14 (New) Total nitrogen in industrial wastewater effluent ..........................................................6.48
Figure 6.1 (Updated) Wastewater treatment systems and discharge pathways ...............................................6.8
Figure 6.1a (New) Percentage of low-income country populations using pit latrines as a primary sanitation
facility .........................................................................................................................6.12
Figure 6.2 (Updated) Decision tree for CH4 emissions from domestic wastewater.......................................6.15
Figure 6.3 (Updated) Decision tree for CH4 emissions from industrial wastewater treatment ......................6.32
Figure 6.4 (New) Decision tree for N2O emissions from domestic wastewater ......................................6.37
Figure 6.5 (New) Nitrogen in domestic wastewater treatment ................................................................6.40
Figure 6.6 (New) Decision tree for N2O emissions from industrial wastewater ......................................6.46
Figure 6A.1 (New) Correlation between influent total nitrogen (TN) loading and N2O emissions ...........6.61
2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories 6.5
Volume 5: Waste
Table 6.1 (Updated) CH4 and N2O emission potentials for wastewater and sludge treatment and discharge
systems ..........................................................................................................................6.9
Table 6.2 Default maximum CH4 producing capacity (Bo) for domestic wastewater .................6.18
Table 6.3 (Updated) Default MCF values and resultant EFs for domestic wastewater by type of treatment
system and discharge pathway, j .................................................................................6.20
Table 6.4 Estimated BOD5 values in domestic wastewater for selected regions and
countries ......................................................................................................................6.22
Table 6.5 Suggested values for urbanisation (U) and degree of utilisation of treatment, discharge
pathway or method (Ti,j) for each income group for selected countries ......................6.24
Table 6.6 Example of the application of default values for degrees of treatment utilisation (T)
by income groups ........................................................................................................6.26
Table 6.6a (New) Removal of organic component from wastewater as sludge (Krem) according to
treatment type ..............................................................................................................6.27
Table 6.6b (New) Wastewater treatment organics removal fractions (TOWREM) according to treatment
type ..............................................................................................................................6.28
Table 6.7 (Updated) Default uncertainty ranges for domestic wastewater ...................................................6.29
Table 6.8 (Updated) Default MCF values and resultant EFs for industrial wastewater ...............................6.34
Table 6.8a (New) Default EF values for domestic and industrial wastewater .........................................6.39
Table 6.10a (New) Default factors for domestic wastewater .....................................................................6.41
Table 6.10b (New) Estimate on use of food waste disposal in sewer ........................................................6.42
Table 6.10c (New) Wastewater treatment nitrogen removal fractions (NREM) according to treatment
type ..............................................................................................................................6.43
Table 6.11 (Updated) N2O methodology default data ....................................................................................6.43
Table 6.12 (New) Examples of industrial wastewater data ......................................................................6.48
Table 6.13 (New) Default uncertainty ranges for industrial wastewater ..................................................6.49
Table 6Ap.1 (New) Summary of literature investigating fossil organic carbon in wastewater ...................6.52
Table 6A.1 (New) Summary data for pit latrine use, no sanitation facility, and groundwater use
by country ...................................................................................................................6.54
Table 6A.2 (New) MCFs based on measured CH4 in full-scale domestic wastewater treatment plants ...6.58
Table 6A.3 (New) Summary of literature investigating methane emissions from wastewater
discharge .....................................................................................................................6.60
Table 6A.4 (New) Default N2O emission factors for domestic wastewater treatment plants ...................6.61
Table 6A.5 (New) N2O emission factors in full-scale domestic wastewater treatment plants ..................6.62
Table 6A.6 (New) List of countries by region included in Table 6.10a ....................................................6.64
6.6 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Chapter 6: Wastewater Treatment and Discharge
Wastewater can be a source of methane (CH4) when treated or disposed anaerobically or when dissolved CH4
enters aerated treatment systems. It can also be a source of nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. Carbon dioxide (CO2)
emissions from wastewater are not considered in the IPCC Guidelines because these are generally derived from
modern (biogenic) organic matter in human excreta or food waste and should not be included in national total
emissions. Appendix 6Ap.1 presents a discussion of non-biogenic (fossil) CO2 emissions from wastewater
treatment and discharge, where fossil organic carbon is present in wastewater or treatment sludge.
Wastewater originates from a variety of domestic, commercial and industrial sources and may be treated on site
(uncollected), sewered to a centralised plant (collected) or disposed untreated nearby or via an outfall. Domestic
wastewater is defined as wastewater from household water use, while industrial wastewater is from industrial
practices only. 1 Treatment and discharge systems can sharply differ between countries and for rural and urban
areas. Also, treatment and discharge systems can differ for rural and urban users, and for urban high income and
urban low-income users.
Sewer systems may consist of networks of open channels or closed underground pipes. Occasional stagnant
conditions and heat provide favourable anaerobic condition for methane generation in closed and open sewers. In
urban areas in developing countries and some developed countries, sewer systems may consist of networks of
open canals, gutters, and ditches, which are referred to as open sewers. These systems are subject to heating from
the sun and the sewers may be stagnant allowing for anaerobic conditions to emit CH4 (Doorn et al. 1997). In
most developed countries and in high-income urban areas in other countries, sewers are usually closed and
underground. Wastewater in closed underground sewers likely generate CH4, but there are insufficient data
available to quantify the emissions from these collection systems. However, research shows that significant
amounts of CH4 can be formed within closed sewer collection systems and enters centralised wastewater
treatment plants (WWTPs) as dissolved CH4 in the wastewater, where it is then emitted during treatment.
The degree of wastewater treatment varies in most developing countries. In some cases, industrial wastewater is
discharged directly into bodies of water, while major industrial facilities may have comprehensive in-plant
treatment. Domestic wastewater is treated in centralised plants, pit latrines, septic systems or disposed of in
unmanaged lagoons or waterways, via open or closed sewers. In some coastal cities domestic wastewater is
discharged directly into the ocean. Pit latrines are lined or unlined holes of up to several metres deep, which may be
fitted with a toilet for convenience. The pits are used alternatively, and the contents used as manure after few
months’ usage.
The most common wastewater treatment methods in developed countries are centralised aerobic wastewater
treatment plants and lagoons for both domestic and industrial wastewater. To avoid high discharge fees or to
meet regulatory standards, many large industrial facilities pre-treat their wastewater before releasing it into the
sewage system. Domestic wastewater may also be treated in on-site septic systems. These are advanced systems
that may treat wastewater from one or several households. They consist of an anaerobic underground tank and a
drainage field for the treatment of effluent from the tank. Some developed countries continue to dispose of
untreated domestic wastewater via an outfall or pipeline into a water body, such as the ocean.
Centralised wastewater treatment methods can be classified as primary, secondary, and tertiary treatment. In
primary treatment, physical barriers remove larger solids from the wastewater. Remaining particulates are then
allowed to settle. Secondary treatment consists of a combination of biological processes that promote
biodegradation of wastewater constituents by microorganisms. Secondary treatment processes include aerobic
stabilisation ponds, trickling filters, and activated sludge processes, as well as anaerobic reactors and lagoons.
Tertiary treatment processes are used to further purify the wastewater of pathogens, contaminants, and remaining
1 Because the methodology is on a per person basis, emissions from commercial wastewater are estimated as part of domestic
wastewater. To avoid confusion, the term municipal wastewater is not used in this text. Municipal wastewater is a mix of
household, commercial and non-hazardous industrial wastewater, treated at wastewater treatment plants.
2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories 6.7
Volume 5: Waste
nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus compounds. This is achieved using one or a combination of processes
that can include maturation/polishing ponds, biological processes, advanced filtration, carbon adsorption, ion
exchange, and disinfection.
Sludge is produced in all of the primary, secondary and tertiary stages of treatment. Sludge that is produced in
primary treatment consists of solids that are removed from the wastewater.
Sludge produced in secondary and tertiary treatment results from biological growth in the biomass, as well as the
collection of small particles. This sludge must be treated further before it can be safely disposed of. Methods of
sludge treatment include aerobic and anaerobic stabilisation (digestion), conditioning, centrifugation, composting,
and drying. Some sludge is incinerated before land disposal. Emissions from anaerobic sludge digestion, where
the digester’s primary use is for treatment of wastewater treatment solids, should be reported under Wastewater
Treatment. Land disposal, composting, and incineration of sludge is considered in Volume 5, Section 2.3.2 in
Chapter 2, Waste Generation, Composition, and Management Data, Section 3.2 in Chapter 3, Solid Waste
Disposal, Section 4.1 in Chapter 4, Biological Treatment and Disposal, and Chapter 5, Incineration and Open
Burning of Waste, respectively. N2O emissions from sludge and wastewater spread on agricultural land are
considered in Section 11.2, N2O emissions from managed soils, in Chapter 11, N2O Emissions from Managed
Soils, and CO2 Emissions from Lime and Urea Application, in Volume 4 of the Agriculture, Forestry, and Other
Land Use (AFOLU) Sector.
Figure 6.1 from the 2006 IPCC Guidelines has been updated and simplified to show the different pathways for
wastewater treatment and discharge, for wastewater that is not collected and for wastewater that is collected. The
figure specifies whether the discharge or end use of the wastewater is reported in this chapter. Figure 6.1
(Updated) also shows sludge treatment pathways in grey and clarifies whether the emissions are reported in this
chapter. Table 6.1 has been updated to reflect the main wastewater treatment and discharge systems in developed
and developing countries and their potential to emit CH4 and N2O.
Uncollected wastewater
Decentralised treatment
Latrines Agricultural soils
Septic tanks (Emissions reported in Volume 4, Chapter 11)
Constructed wetlands
Land disposal of wastewater
(Emissions reported in Volume 5, Chapter 3)
Collected wastewater
Incineration Composting
(Emissions reported in (Emissions reported in
Volume 5, Chapter 5) Volume 5, Chapter 4)
6.8 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Chapter 6: Wastewater Treatment and Discharge
Centralised aerobic
Poorly designed or managed aerobic treatment
wastewater treatment plants
systems produce higher CH4 due to reduced removal
of organics in sludge during primary treatment.
Plants with nutrient removal processes are sources of
CH4 and N2O.
Anaerobic treatment
2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories 6.9
Volume 5: Waste
6.10 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Chapter 6: Wastewater Treatment and Discharge
Secondary clarifier sludge is pumped out from the bottom of the clarifier. Of this sludge, a portion is sent back to
the activated sludge treatment process (return activated sludge) and the remainder (waste activated sludge) is
combined with primary treatment sludge before being sent to sludge handling (such as gravity thickening). The
thickened sludge may also be processed onsite in an anaerobic digester followed by further dewatering, such as
by centrifuge. Recovered wastewater from thickening and dewatering operations, such as filtrate from the gravity
thickener or centrate from the centrifuge) are returned to the influent stream at the headworks to the wastewater
treatment system.
CH4 generated in the sewer system enters the treatment plant as dissolved methane and is emitted during
turbulent/aerated treatment steps (Daelman et al. 2012). Although the CH4 emissions from centralised aerobic
plants may be small, they are not zero and may be substantial for some plants receiving sewage from expansive
sewer networks (Willis 2017). In addition, anaerobic conditions can form within the treatment system increasing
the potential for CH4 generation from an otherwise aerobic system. These refinements introduce a new MCF
associated with these systems, as well as a revised N2O emission factor for centralised wastewater treatment
Occasionally wastewater treatment plants could be hydraulically or organically overloaded, resulting in degraded
plant performance. In these cases, organic matter and nutrients that would normally be removed by the treatment
system instead pass through untreated and are discharged to the aquatic environment. The 2006 IPCC Guidelines
previously provided different emission factors for “well managed” centralised aerobic treatment systems versus
“not well managed” centralised aerobic treatment systems. However, these refinements remove those factors and
instead provide one factor for these types of systems. In the case of overloaded systems, the amount of organics
removed by the system in sludge (S) should reflect the performance achieved by the system.
2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories 6.11
Volume 5: Waste
Figure 6.1a (New) Percentage of low-income country populations using pit latrines as a
primary sanitation facility (Graham & Polizzotto 2013)
6.12 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Chapter 6: Wastewater Treatment and Discharge
The 2019 Refinement also includes new guidance on how to estimate N2O emissions from domestic and
industrial wastewater and presents updated guidance to estimate N2O emissions from centralised WWTPs.
Furthermore, the N2O emission factors for wastewater discharged to aquatic environments have been updated
and the calculation of N2O emissions from effluent discharged to aquatic systems has been updated to reflect the
removal of nitrogen that occurs during treatment.
2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories 6.13
Volume 5: Waste
An updated decision tree for domestic wastewater is included as updated Figure 6.2 and should be used to
determine the tier approach that is applicable to the country.
This section is an update to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines. In general, the overall steps for good practice in
inventory preparation for CH4 from domestic wastewater have been updated as follows:
6.14 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Chapter 6: Wastewater Treatment and Discharge
Figure 6.2 (Updated) Decision tree for CH 4 emissions from domestic wastewater
Collect data on No No
the share of
Yes wastewater
treatment in Tier 1 for discharge: Tier 2 for discharge:
each pathway Estimate emissions from discharge Estimate emissions from discharge
to all aquatic environments using to aquatic environments using
default Tier 1 emission factor and default Tier 2 emission factors and
methodology. methodology.
Develop country-
specific emissions
Is this a key
Yes factors and/or
collect activity data
See Volume 1 Chapter 4, "Methodological Choice and Identification of Key Categories" (noting Section
4.1.2 on limited resources), for discussion of key categories and use of decision trees.
2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories 6.15
Volume 5: Waste
Step 1: Use updated Equation 6.3 to estimate organically degradable material TOW in wastewater prior to
treatment. Use new Equation 6.3a to estimate total organics in domestic wastewater for each
wastewater treatment/discharge pathway or system, j (TOWj). Use new Equation 6.3d to estimate
total organics in treated wastewater effluent discharged (TOWEFFtreat).
Step 2: Use new Equations 6.3b and 6.3c to estimate the amount of organic component removed in sludge, S,
from aerobic treatment plants and septic systems.
Step 3: Select the pathway and systems (see updated Figure 6.1) according to country activity data. Use
Equation 6.2 or the updated Table 6.3 to obtain the emission factor for each domestic wastewater
treatment/discharge pathway or system.
Step 4: Use updated Equation 6.1 to estimate emissions and adjust for possible sludge removal and/or CH4
recovery of treatment/discharge pathway or system, j, in inventory year. Use new Equation 6.1a to
sum the emissions across all treatment/discharge pathways or systems.
Step 5: Use Equation 4.1 and emission factors in Table 4.1 to estimate methane emissions from anaerobic
digestion of sludge.
To determine the use of each type of treatment or discharge system, it is good practice to refer to national
statistics (e.g., from regulatory authorities). If these data are not available, wastewater associations or
international organisations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) may have data on the system usage.
Otherwise, consultation with sanitation experts can help, and expert judgment can also be applied (see Chapter 2,
Approaches to Data Collection, in Volume 1). Urbanisation statistics may provide a useful tool, e.g., city sizes
and income distribution.
These updates are presented because, in some cases, the original Equation 6.1 caused confusion among inventory
compilers when calculating CH4 emissions across multiple wastewater treatment/discharge pathways or systems
across multiple income groups. These updates allow for a more stepwise process in estimating emissions
throughout the country.
It is good practice for countries to treat the wastewater treatment system and onsite sludge treatment system as
separate pathways. As an example, for an activated sludge treatment process, calculate the emissions directly
associated with the aerobic treatment system as one pathway, and calculate the emissions and report any CH4
recovery directly associated with the anaerobic sludge digestion system as a separate pathway using the
emissions methodology provided in Table 4.1, Chapter 4 of Volume 5. Net emissions from both systems should
be summed together and reported under wastewater treatment and discharge. In no circumstances should a
country report negative emissions. As discussed in Chapter 4, the reporting of anaerobic digestion of sludge is
under biological treatment only if transferred from the wastewater treatment plant to anaerobic facilities co-
digesting sludge with MSW or other waste.
It is important that CH4 emissions from sludge that is managed using landfills, incineration, composting, biogas
production, or used in agriculture are not included in the wastewater treatment and discharge category. The data
should be consistent across the sectors, and categories, amount disposed at SWDS, applied to agricultural land,
incinerated or used elsewhere should be equal to the amount organic component removed as sludge in updated
Equation 6.1. Wastewater and sludge that is applied on agricultural land should be considered in Volume 4 for
AFOLU Sector, Section 11.2, N2O emissions from managed soils, in Chapter 11, N2O Emissions from Managed
Soils, and CO2 Emissions from Lime and Urea Application.
Wastewater treatment system/pathway usage often differs for rural and urban residents. Also, in developing
countries, there are likely to be differences between urban high-income and urban low-income residents. Hence,
emissions are calculated by each income group fraction. It is good practice to treat the three categories: rural
population, urban high-income population, and urban low-income population separately. It is suggested to use a
spreadsheet, as shown in Table 6.5.
Equation 6.1 should be used to estimate CH4 emissions from every treatment system and discharge pathway j
(hereafter referred to as treatment/discharge pathway or system), presented in Table 6.3 (Updated) that are
appropriate for the country, including the discharge of treated or untreated wastewater.
CH4 emissions from the following discharge pathways must be considered in the inventory for treated and
untreated wastewaters (if occurring in the country):
• Discharge to reservoirs, lakes, and estuaries;
• Discharge to aquatic environments other than to reservoirs, lakes, and estuaries;
• Discharge to sewers (with a distinction between stagnant and flowing (open or closed) sewers).
6.16 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Chapter 6: Wastewater Treatment and Discharge
For the discharge of treated wastewater, the TOW should reflect the organics in the wastewater as discharged
(see Equation 6.3d (New). As noted in the table, discharges to soil should be reported in Volume 4.
CH4 emissions from the following wastewater treatment systems must be considered in the inventory (if
occurring in the country):
• Centralised, aerobic treatment plant;
• Anaerobic reactor (e.g., upflow anaerobic sludge blanket digestion (UASB));
• Anaerobic lagoons (with a distinction between shallow and facultative lagoons and deep lagoons);
• Constructed wetlands;
• Septic systems (with a distinction between stand-alone septic tanks and septic tanks with land dispersal
• Latrines (depending of the climate).
Emissions from anaerobic digestion of wastewater treatment sludge should be estimated using Equation 4.1 and
included in the sum of emissions using Equation 6.1A (New). The emission factor used in Equation 4.1 accounts
for CH4 recovery, therefore the amount of methane recovered from anaerobic digestion should not be subtracted.
CH 4 Emissions (TOW j − S j ) • EFj − R j
CH4 Emissionsj = CH4 emissions from treatment/discharge pathway or system, j, in inventory year, kg
TOWj = organics in wastewater of treatment/discharge pathway or system, j, in inventory year,
kg BOD/yr. See Equation 6.3a.
Sj = organic component removed from wastewater (in the form of sludge) from
treatment/discharge pathway or system, j, in inventory year, kg BOD/yr. See Equations
6.3b and 6.3c. For wastewater discharged to aquatic environments, there is no sludge
removal (Sj = 0) and no CH4 recovery (Rj = 0). For wastewater treatment systems, please
see Section for additional guidance on how to estimate S, organic component
removed as sludge, if country-specific data are not available.
j = each treatment/discharge pathway or system
EFj = emission factor for treatment/discharge pathway or system, j, kg CH4/kg BOD. See
Equation 6.2 or updated Table 6.3.
Rj = amount of CH4 recovered or flared from treatment/discharge pathway or system, j, in
inventory year, kg CH4/yr. Default value is zero.
CH4 Emissions = CH4 emissions in inventory year, kg CH4/yr
CH4 Emissionsj = CH4 emissions from treatment/discharge pathway or system, j, in inventory year, kg
j = each treatment/discharge pathway or system
10-6 = conversion of kg to Gg
2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories 6.17
Volume 5: Waste
This section represents an update to Section of the 2006 IPCC Guidelines.
The emission factor for a wastewater treatment and discharge pathway and system is a function of the maximum
CH4 producing potential (Bo) and the methane correction factor (MCF) for the wastewater treatment and
discharge system, as shown in Equation 6.2. The Bo is the maximum amount of CH4 that can be produced from a
given quantity of organics (as expressed in Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) or Chemical Oxygen Demand
(COD) in the wastewater and represents the complete conversion of organic C to biogas. The MCF indicates the
extent to which the CH4 producing capacity (Bo) is realised in each type of treatment and discharge pathway and
system. Thus, it is an indication of the degree to which the system is anaerobic.
j Bo • MCFj
EFj = emission factor, kg CH4/kg BOD
j = each treatment/discharge pathway or system
Bo = maximum CH4 producing capacity, kg CH4/kg BOD
MCFj = methane correction factor (fraction). See updated Table 6.3.
Table 6.2 includes default maximum CH4 producing capacity (Bo) for domestic wastewater. It is good practice to
use country-specific data if available for emission factors, which are made up of Bo and MCF values. If a country
chooses to introduce country-specific data for Bo based on independent wastewater analyses, they must also
update the MCF because the MCFs presented in Table 6.3 were developed using the default Bo values. For
domestic wastewater, a COD-based value of Bo can be converted into a BOD-based value by multiplying with a
factor of 2.4. New Annex 6A.2 provides further explanation of the basis for these default Bo values to allow
countries to consider if these values are appropriate for the specific characteristics of their waste streams.
Because the Bo and MCF values must be used together, updated Table 6.3 now also includes the resultant default
CH4 emission factors for each wastewater treatment and discharge pathway. In addition, the MCFs in Table 6.3
of the 2006 IPCC Guidelines have been updated to reflect revisions to the following specific wastewater
treatment and discharge pathways and systems (see also new Annex 6A.3).
Updated Table 6.3 presents updated default MCFs associated with the discharge of wastewater to a water body
and it is good practice to apply the Tier 1 MCF to discharges of both treated and untreated wastewater. The BOD
of treated wastewater is typically 5–25 mg/L (Hammer & Hammer Jr. 2012; Tchobanoglous et al. 2014), which
provides a substrate for the formation of CH4 in a receiving water body. Furthermore, much of the dissolved CH4
that is generated in sewers is released either in the treatment plant headworks or to the receiving water body in
the case of untreated or primary treated discharges (Short et al. 2014; Short et al. 2017). Recent evidence points
to the operation of both microbial and non-microbial methanogenic pathways in nature (e.g., Jugold et al. 2012)
and strong relationships between the nutrient status of a receiving water body and the rate of generation of CH4
have been observed (e.g., Smith et al. 2017). Despite this relationship, most rivers, estuaries and coastal waters
are considerably supersaturated with CH4, irrespective of their nutrient status (Patra et al. 1998; Grunwald et al.
2009; Ward et al. 2017), while open oceans are slightly supersaturated (Tilbrook & Karl 1995; Oudot et al. 2002;
Castro-Morales et al. 2014). Supersaturated conditions occur when the rate of methanogenesis exceeds the rate at
which the CH4 is oxidised and/or transferred to the atmosphere and is important as it governs the driving force
6.18 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Chapter 6: Wastewater Treatment and Discharge
(mass transfer coefficient) and likely water-to-air CH4 emission from a receiving environment. So, while the
conditions of the receiving water body play a modulating role in relation to the rate of methanogenesis, the
addition of organic matter from sewer discharges is generally expected to increase CH4 emissions in freshwater
and coastal environments. Recent reviews of measurements of CH4 generation indicate that a significant
proportion of the CH4 emitted from freshwater systems has its origins in carbon deposited on sediments (Deemer
et al. 2016) which is one reason why methanogenesis is more intense in lakes and reservoirs than fast-flowing
Using the same stoichiometric relationship as was used to calculate the default Bo value (see new Annex 6A.2), a
ratio of 0.938 kg C per kg COD is obtained. Deemer et al. (2016) performed an extensive review of
measurements of CH4 and CO2 originating in aquatic systems, and independent measurements of both CH4 and
CO2 emission fluxes around the world. Using these data in combination with information on the partitioning of
global carbon flows in freshwater systems Tranvik et al. (2009) and a default Bo of 0.25 kg CH4/kg COD, a Tier
2 MCF of 0.035 is calculated for rivers. Where it is possible to separately identify discharges to slow-flowing
systems such as lakes and reservoirs, a Tier 2 MCF of 0.19 is presented (see updated Table 6.3 and new Annex
If countries are not able to collect activity data regarding the distribution of discharge to reservoirs, lakes, and
estuaries as compared to discharges to other aquatic environments, they should use the default Tier 1 factors. The
default Tier 1 MCF for CH4 generation for discharges to all aquatic environments is presented as the mean of the
two Tier 2 MCFs, or 0.11.
Concerning decentralised treatment systems for domestic wastewater, CH4 and N2O emissions from effluent
infiltration into soil must be considered.
The MCF for centralised aerobic treatment plants has been updated in Table 6.3 to reflect the potential for
generation of CH4 from these systems. In addition, there are no longer separate MCFs for “well managed” and
“not well managed” systems and it is good practice to estimate CH4 from all centralised, aerobic treatment plants.
If country-specific data are available to differentiate whether systems are overloaded or not well managed, these
situations should be reflected in the calculation of TOW (for inflow overload) or Smass (for systems that are not
well managed and therefore not achieving the expected removal of sludge).
Temperature affects wastewater treatment processes, in particular decentralised systems where no external
supplemental heat is provided (uncontrolled temperature) and anaerobic digestion for which the optimal
temperature is 30–38°C. At lower temperatures, the rate of anaerobic digestion decreases and CH4 production
becomes unlikely below 12°C. Inside septic tanks, the temperature is uncontrolled and is related to atmospheric
temperature as well as volumes of household hot and cold water used and discharged. There may also be a
gradient of temperature inside the septic tank, with warmer conditions at the bottom (sludge layer) and colder at
the top (Leverenz et al. 2010). Therefore, in countries having seasonal temperature variability, when the
temperature in septic tanks cools, the rate of digestion slows, the SRT increases, sludge accumulates, and CH4
emissions decrease. When the liquid temperature warms, the rate of digestion increases, sludge accumulated
during the cold season decomposes, gas solubility in the liquid decreases and CH4 emissions increase. This
situation can produce a ‘spring boil’ phenomenon, wherein warmer weather conditions give rise to increased
anaerobic microbial activity, increased gas production, and decreased solids removal efficiency due to the
resuspension of settled and incoming solids. Accordingly, there is a seasonal variability of CH4 emissions
(Leverenz et al. 2010); however, at this time, insufficient data exist to establish a temperature-dependent
emission factor associated with these systems. Countries that experience significant seasonal temperature
variations may wish to consider the development of a country-specific emission factor.
2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories 6.19
Volume 5: Waste
6.20 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Chapter 6: Wastewater Treatment and Discharge
The activity data for this source category is the total amount of organically degradable material in the wastewater
(TOW). This parameter is a function of human population and BOD generation per person. It is expressed in
terms of biochemical oxygen demand (kg BOD/year). The equation for TOW is:
TOW = total organics in wastewater in inventory year, kg BOD/yr
P = country population in inventory year, (person)
BOD = country-specific per capita BOD5 in inventory year, g/person/day. See Table 6.4.
0.001 = conversion from grams BOD to kg BOD
Total population statistics should be readily available from national statistics agencies or international agencies
(e.g., United Nations Statistics, see https://population.un.org/wpp/). Table 6.4 includes BOD default values for
selected countries. It is good practice to select a BOD default value from a nearby comparable country when
country-specific data are not available. The degree of urbanisation for a country can be retrieved from various
sources, (e.g., Global Environment Outlook, United Nations Environment Programme and World Development
Indicators, World Health Organization). The urban high-income and urban-low income fractions can be
determined by expert judgment when statistical or other comparable information is not available.
2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories 6.21
Volume 5: Waste
Country/Region Range Reference
Africa 37 35 – 45 1
Egypt 34 27 – 41 1
Asia, Middle East, Latin America 40 35 – 45 1
India 34 27 – 41 1
West Bank and Gaza Strip (Palestine) 50 32 – 68 1
Japan 42 40 – 45 1
Brazil 50 45 – 55 2
Canada, Europe, Russia, Oceania 60 50 – 70 1
Denmark 62 55 – 68 1
Germany 62 55 – 68 1
Greece 57 55 – 60 1
Italy 60 49 – 60 3
Sweden 75 68 – 82 1
Turkey 38 27 – 50 1
United States 85 50 – 120 4
Note: These values are based on an assessment of the literature. Please use national values, if available.
1. Doorn and Liles (1999).
2. Feachem et al. (1983).
3. Masotti (1996).
4. Metcalf and Eddy (2003).
This section is updated to include a new equation for the calculation of total organics in wastewater (TOWj) by
treatment/discharge pathway or system (see new Equation 6.3a).
TOWj = total organics in wastewater in inventory year, kg BOD/yr, for income group i and
treatment/discharge pathway or system, j.
TOW = total organics in wastewater in inventory year, kg BOD/yr. See updated Equation 6.3 for
TOW in wastewater prior to treatment or wastewater that is discharged without treatment and
new Equation 6.3d for TOW in treated wastewater effluent.
Ui = fraction of population in income group i in inventory year. See Table 6.5.
Tij = degree of utilisation of treatment/discharge pathway or system, j, for each income group
Ij = correction factor for additional industrial BOD discharged into treatment/discharge pathway
or system j (for collected the default is 1.25, for uncollected the default is 1.00)
The factor I values in new Equation 6.3a are from the 2006 IPCC Guidelines. It expresses the BOD from
industries and establishments (e.g., restaurants, butchers or grocery stores) that is co-discharged with
6.22 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Chapter 6: Wastewater Treatment and Discharge
domestic wastewater. In some countries, information from industrial discharge permits may be available
to improve I. Otherwise, expert judgment is recommended.
Table 6.5 includes default values of Ui and Ti,j for selected countries.
2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories 6.23
Volume 5: Waste
Urbanisation(U) 1 Degree of utilisation of treatment or discharge pathway or method for each income group (Ti,j )3
Fraction of Population U=rural U= urban high income U=urban low income
Septic Septic Septic
Country Rural urban-high2 urban-low2 Latrine Other Sewer4 None Latrine Other Sewer4 None Latrine Other Sewer4 None
Tank Tank Tank
Nigeria 0.52 0.10 0.38 0.02 0.28 0.04 0.10 0.56 0.32 0.31 0.00 0.37 0.00 0.17 0.24 0.05 0.34 0.20
Egypt 0.57 0.09 0.34 0.02 0.28 0.04 0.10 0.56 0.15 0.05 0.10 0.70 0.00 0.17 0.24 0.05 0.34 0.20
Kenya 0.62 0.08 0.30 0.02 0.28 0.04 0.10 0.56 0.32 0.31 0.00 0.37 0.00 0.17 0.24 0.05 0.34 0.20
South Africa 0.39 0.12 0.49 0.10 0.28 0.04 0.10 0.48 0.15 0.15 0.00 0.70 0.00 0.17 0.24 0.05 0.34 0.20
China 0.59 0.12 0.29 0.00 0.47 0.50 0.00 0.3 0.18 0.08 0.07 0.67 0.00 0.14 0.10 0.03 0.68 0.05
India 0.71 0.06 0.23 0.00 0.47 0.10 0.10 0.33 0.18 0.08 0.07 0.67 0.00 0.14 0.10 0.03 0.53 0.20
Indonesia 0.54 0.12 0.34 0.00 0.47 0.00 0.10 0.43 0.18 0.08 0.00 0.74 0.00 0.14 0.10 0.03 0.53 0.20
Pakistan 0.65 0.07 0.28 0.00 0.47 0.00 0.10 0.43 0.18 0.08 0.00 0.74 0.00 0.14 0.10 0.03 0.53 0.20
Bangladesh 0.72 0.06 0.22 0.00 0.47 0.00 0.10 0.43 0.18 0.08 0.00 0.74 0.00 0.14 0.10 0.03 0.53 0.20
Japan 0.20 0.80 0.00 0.20 0.00 0.50 0.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.90 0.00 0.10 0 0 0.90 0
Russia 0.27 0.73 0.00 0.30 0.10 0.00 0.60 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.90 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA
Germany5 0.06 0.94 0.00 0.20 0.00 0.00 0.80 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.95 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA
United Kingdom 0.10 0.90 0.00 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA
France 0.24 0.76 0.00 0.37 0.00 0.00 0.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA
Italy 0.32 0.68 0.00 0.42 0.00 0.00 0.58 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.96 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA
North America
United States 0.22 0.78 0.00 0.90 0.02 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.95 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA
Canada 0.20 0.80 0.00 0.90 0.02 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.95 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA
Latin America
and Caribbean
Brazil 0.16 0.25 0.59 0.00 0.45 0.00 0.10 0.45 0.00 0.20 0.00 0.80 0.00 0.00 0.40 0.00 0.40 0.20
Mexico 0.25 0.19 0.56 0.00 0.45 0.00 0.10 0.45 0.00 0.20 0.00 0.80 0.00 0.00 0.40 0.00 0.40 0.20
Australia and
0.08 0.92 0.00 0.90 0.02 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.95 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA
New Zealand
6.24 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Chapter 6: Wastewater Treatment and Discharge
2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories 6.25
Volume 5: Waste
Table 6.6 includes an example. Categories with negligible contributions are not shown. Note that the table can
easily be expanded with a column for MCF for each category. The degree of urbanization for this country is 65
This section is updated to also include new equations for the calculation of organic components removed as
sludge from aerobic treatment plants and from septic systems (see Equations 6.3b and 6.3c, respectively). Note
that the estimate of TOWij in Equation 6.3a is specific to the wastewater treatment system or pathway. Inventory
compilers should consider that sludge recovered from septic tanks may be transferred to centralised WWTPs. In
these cases, it is good practice to include this additional organic load when estimating TOW in influent to the
centralised WWTP.
The organic component removed from wastewater as sludge, S, in Equations 6.1 and 6.4, is not explained in
detail in the 2006 IPCC Guidelines. This section provides an update through the introduction of new Equations
6.3b and 6.3c, which provide default calculations of S for aerobic treatment plants and septic systems,
respectively. The default value of S for all other systems is zero. For aerobic treatment systems, some inventory
compilers incorrectly defined the variable “S” in Equation 6.1 as the mass of sludge removed rather than the
organic component removed from wastewater as sludge. It is important to note that the organic component
removed from wastewater as sludge is not equivalent to the mass (tonnes) of sludge produced from wastewater
treatment. Instead, the organic component removed as sludge is a function of sludge produced from wastewater
treatment (Smass) and a sludge factor (Krem) which indicates how much organic matter is removed from the
treatment process in sludge per kilogram of sludge produced.
6.26 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Chapter 6: Wastewater Treatment and Discharge
Default Range
Treatment Type (kg BOD/kg dry mass
Mechanical treatment plants (primary sedimentation sludge) 0.5 0.4 – 0.6
Aerobic treatment plants with primary treatment (mixed primary and secondary
0.8 0.65 – 0.95
sludge, untreated or treated aerobically)
Aerobic treatment plants with primary treatment and anaerobic sludge digestion
1.0 0.8 – 1.2
(mixed primary and secondary sludge, treated anaerobically)
Aerobic wastewater treatment plants without separate primary treatment 1.16 1.0 – 1.5
BOD, or biochemical oxygen demand, is a proxy indicator of the quality (or organic content) of the waste, but it is not a
direct mass measurement of the organic content. Just as the mass of oxygen in carbon dioxide is greater than the mass of
carbon, it is feasible for the BOD of a carbon-containing molecule to exceed 1 when the molecule is metabolised to carbon
Based on expert judgment by Lead Authors of this section using the following references: Pescod (1992); Davies (2005);
Foladori et al. (2010); WEF (2010); Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (2010); Serón et al. (2011).
Concerning septic systems, emissions depend on the fraction of the population managing their septic tank in
accordance with the sludge removal instructions of their septic tank/system (F in new Equation 6.3c). The default
value for F is 0.5 and corresponds to the situation where 50percent of the population managing their septic
system are complying with the sludge removal instructions. This default value is for countries where there is no
effective regulation or administrative requirements for sludge removal in septic systems. In countries with such
regulations or requirements, some evidence of maintenance controls should be provided (for instance the
existence of a local public service responsible for onsite sanitation). It is good practice to assess the F value
using available data on sludge removal practices among the population using septic systems.
2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories 6.27
Volume 5: Waste
Sseptic = organic component removed from wastewater (in the form of sludge) in septic systems, kg
TOWseptic = total organics in wastewater in septic systems inventory year, kg BOD/yr
F = fraction of the population managing their septic tank in compliance with the sludge removal
instruction of their septic system
0.5 = fraction of organics in wastewater removed in sludge when septic tank is managed in
accordance with sludge removal instructions
For discharges of treated wastewater, inventory compilers should estimate the amount of TOW in effluent
(TOWEFFLUENT) as shown in new Equation 6.3d.
EFFtreat ∑ TOW • T j • (1 − TOWREM , j )
TOWEFFtreat = total organics in the treated wastewater effluent discharged to aquatic environments in
inventory year, kg BOD/yr
TOW = total organically degradable material in domestic wastewater in inventory year, kg
BOD/yr. See Equation 6.3 (Updated).
TJ = degree of utilisation of treatment system j in inventory year ( ∑T
). See Table 6.5.
6.28 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Chapter 6: Wastewater Treatment and Discharge
Based on expert judgment by Lead Authors of this section using the following references: Pescod (1992);
WEF (2009); Schaider et al. (2017) .
No refinement. U NCERTAINTIES
Chapter 3, Uncertainties, in Volume 1 provides advice on quantifying uncertainties in practice. It includes
guidance on eliciting and using expert judgments which in combination with empirical data can provide overall
uncertainty estimates. This section provides an update to Table 6.7 to provide default uncertainty ranges for new
or updated emission factor and activity data of domestic wastewater. The following parameters are believed to be
very uncertain:
• The degrees to which wastewater in developing countries is treated in latrines, septic tanks, or removed by
sewer, for urban high, urban low income groups and rural population (Ti,j).
• The fraction of sewers that are ‘open’, as well as the degree to which open sewers in developing countries
are anaerobic and will emit CH4. This will depend on retention time and temperature, and on other factors
including the presence of a facultative layer and possibly components that are toxic to anaerobic bacteria
(e.g., certain industrial wastewater discharges).
• The amount of industrial TOW that is discharged into open or closed domestic sewers for each country is
very difficult to quantify.
2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories 6.29
Volume 5: Waste
Assessment of CH4 production potential from industrial wastewater streams is based on the concentration of
degradable organic matter in the wastewater, the volume of wastewater, and the propensity of the industrial
sector to treat their wastewater in anaerobic systems. Using these criteria, major industrial wastewater sources
with high CH4 gas production potential can be identified as follows:
• pulp and paper manufacture;
• meat and poultry processing (slaughterhouses);
• alcohol, beer, starch production;
• organic chemicals production;
• other food and drink processing (dairy products, vegetable oil, fruits and vegetables, canneries, juice making,
Both the pulp and paper industry and the meat and poultry processing industries produce large volumes of
wastewater that contain high levels of degradable organics. The meat and poultry processing facilities typically
employ anaerobic lagoons to treat their wastewater, while the paper and pulp industry also use lagoons and
anaerobic reactors. The non-animal food and beverage industries produce considerable amounts of wastewater
with significant organic carbon levels and are also known to use anaerobic processes such as lagoons and
anaerobic reactors. Anaerobic reactors treating industrial effluents with biogas facilities are usually linked with
recovery of the generated CH4 for energy. Emissions from the combustion process for energy should be reported
in the Energy Sector.
The method for estimating emissions from industrial wastewater is similar to the one used for domestic
wastewater. An updated decision tree for industrial wastewater is included as updated Figure 6.3 and should be
used to determine the tier approach that is applicable to the country.
The development of emission factors and activity data is more complex because there are many types of
wastewater, and many different industries to track. The most accurate estimates of emissions for this source
category would be based on measured data from point sources. Due to the high costs of measurements and the
6.30 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Chapter 6: Wastewater Treatment and Discharge
potentially large number of point sources, collecting comprehensive measurement data is very difficult. It is
suggested that inventory compilers use a top-down approach that includes the following general steps:
Step 1: Use Equation 6.6 to estimate total organically degradable carbon in wastewater (TOW) for industrial
sector i
Step 2: Select the pathway and systems (updated Figure 6.1) according to country activity data. Use Equation
6.5 to obtain emission factor. For each industrial sector estimate the emission factor using maximum
methane producing capacity and the average industry-specific MCF.
Step 3: Use Equation 6.4 to estimate emissions, adjust for possible sludge removal and or CH4 recovery and
sum the results.
2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories 6.31
Volume 5: Waste
Figure 6.3 (Updated) Decision tree for CH 4 emissions from industrial wastewater treatment
See Volume 1 Chapter 4, "Methodological Choice and Identification of Key Categories" (noting Section 4.1.2 on limited resources),
for discussion of key categories and use of decision trees.
6.32 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Chapter 6: Wastewater Treatment and Discharge
The general equation to estimate CH4 emissions from industrial wastewater is as follows:
CH 4 Emissions ∑ ( TOW
i − Si ) • EFi − Ri • 10−6
CH4 Emissions = CH4 emissions in inventory year, Gg CH4/yr
TOWi = total organically degradable material in wastewater from industry i in inventory year,
kg COD/yr
i = industrial sector
Si = organic component removed from wastewater (in the form of sludge) in inventory
year, kg COD/yr
EFi = emission factor for industry i, kg CH4/kg COD for treatment/discharge pathway or
system(s) used in inventory year
If more than one treatment practice is used in an industry this factor would need to be
a weighted average.
Ri = amount of CH4 recovered or flared in inventory year, kg CH4/yr
10-6 = conversion of kg to Gg
The amount of CH4 which is recovered or flared is expressed as R in Equation 6.4.
This section represents an update to Section of the 2006 IPCC Guidelines.
As stated in the 2006 IPCC Guidelines, there are significant differences in the CH4 emitting potential of different
types of industrial wastewater dependent on the type and form of constituents present in the wastewater. To the
extent possible, data should be collected to determine the maximum CH4 producing capacity (Bo) in each
As mentioned before, the MCF indicates the extent to which the CH4 producing potential (Bo) is realised in each
type of treatment method. Thus, it is an indication of the degree to which the system is anaerobic. See Equation
j Bo • MCFj
EFj = emission factor for each treatment/discharge pathway or system, kg CH4/kg COD,
(See Table 6.8.)
j = each treatment/discharge pathway or system
Bo = maximum CH4 producing capacity, kg CH4/kg COD
MCFj = methane correction factor (fraction). See Table 6.8.
Good practice is to use country- and industry-sector specific data that may be available from government
authorities, industrial organisations, or industrial experts. If country-specific data are available to determine the
Bo for a particular industry, industry-specific MCFs must be developed for the calculation of CH4 emissions.
However, if country-specific data are not available, it is good practice to use the IPCC default factors listed in
Table 6.2.
In determining the MCF, which is the fraction of waste treated anaerobically, expert judgment is recommended.
A peer-reviewed survey of industry wastewater treatment practices is one useful technique for estimating these
data. Surveys should be conducted frequently enough to account for major trends in industry practices (i.e., every
3-5 years). Chapter 2, Approaches to Data Collection, in Volume 1, describes how to elicit expert judgment for
2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories 6.33
Volume 5: Waste
uncertainty ranges. Similar expert elicitation protocols can be used to obtain the necessary information for other
types of data if published data and statistics are not available. Table 6.8 includes default MCF values, which are
based on expert judgment.
In addition, the MCFs in Table 6.8 have been updated to reflect revisions to certain wastewater treatment and
discharge pathways and systems, as described in Section
6.34 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Chapter 6: Wastewater Treatment and Discharge
No refinement.
No refinement. U NCERTAINTIES
No refinement.
2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories 6.35
Volume 5: Waste
emissions from wastewater treatment systems such as the temperature and dissolved oxygen concentration of the
wastewater, and the specific operational conditions.
Emissions also result from untreated wastewater or wastewater treatment effluent that is discharged into aquatic
environments. It is important to note that emissions are dependent on the nutrient-impacted status and
oxygenation level of the aquatic environment receiving the wastewater discharge. The current methodology in
the 2006 IPCC Guidelines appropriately captures discharge to relatively clean and/or well-oxygenated
environments. However, in the case of discharge to nutrient-impacted waters such as eutrophic lakes, estuaries
and rivers, or locations where stagnant conditions occur, emissions can be significantly higher.
Three tiers of methods for estimating N2O emissions from this category are summarised below:
The Tier 1 method applies default values for the emission factor and activity parameters. This method is
considered good practice for countries with limited data.
The Tier 2 method follows the same method as Tier 1 but allows for incorporation of a country-specific emission
factor and country-specific activity data. For example, a specific emission factor for a prominent treatment
system based on field measurements could be incorporated under this method. Use of country-specific emission
factor in the same region or climate area is also good practice. The amount of sludge removed for incineration,
landfills, and agricultural land should be taken into consideration.
For a country with good data and advanced methodologies, a country-specific method could be applied as a Tier
3 method. For example, a more advanced country-specific method could be based on plant-specific emissions
data from large wastewater treatment facilities or using country-specific measurements of nitrogen discharged to
aquatic environments of varying nutrient-impacted status. Direct measurement methods would provide a more
accurate measurement of N2O production from each treatment plant.
6.36 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Chapter 6: Wastewater Treatment and Discharge
Figure 6.4 (New) Decision tree for N 2 O emissions from domestic wastewater
Collect data on
Are wastewater the share of Are activity data
treatment pathways Is a country-
No wastewater available to categorise Yes
characterised? specific method
treatment in discharge by type of
each pathway waterbody?
Develop country-
Is this a key specific emissions
category1? factors and/or
collect activity data
See Volume 1 Chapter 4, "Methodological Choice and Identification of Key Categories" (noting Section
4.1.2 on limited resources), for discussion of key categories and use of decision trees.
2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories 6.37
Volume 5: Waste
N2O Plants DOM = N2O emissions from domestic wastewater treatment plants in inventory year, kg N2O/yr
TNDOM = total nitrogen in domestic wastewater in inventory year, kg N/yr. See new Equation 6.10.
Ui = fraction of population in income group i in inventory year. See Table 6.5.
Tij = degree of utilisation of treatment/discharge pathway or system j, for each income group
fraction i in inventory year. See Table 6.5.
i = income group: rural, urban high income and urban low income
j = each treatment/discharge pathway or system
EFj = emission factor for treatment/discharge pathway or system j, kg N2O-N/kg N
The factor 44/28 is for the conversion of kg N2O-N into kg N2O.
It is also required to estimate direct N2O emissions arising from the discharge of wastewater (treated or untreated)
into aquatic receiving environments. The methodology for emissions from effluent is similar to that of N2O
emissions explained in Volume 4, Section 11.2.2 in Chapter 11 N2O Emissions from Managed Soils, and CO2
Emissions from Lime and Urea Application. The simplified general equation is as follows:
N2OEFFLUENT,DOM = N2O emissions from domestic wastewater effluent in inventory year, kg N2O/yr
NEFFLUENT,DOM = nitrogen in the effluent discharged to aquatic environments, kg N/yr. See updated
Equation 6.8.
EFEFFLUENT = emission factor for N2O emissions from wastewater discharged to aquatic systems,
kg N2O-N/kg N
The factor 44/28 is the conversion of kg N2O-N into kg N2O.
New Table 6.8a includes default Tier 1 EF values for use in estimation of N2O emissions from waters receiving
treated or untreated effluent (see Annex 6A.5). These refinements to the emission factors build on the current
default value for EFEFFLUENT provided in Table 6.11 of the 2006 IPCC Guidelines. This existing emission factor
is adequate for all discharges when using the Tier 1 methodology. However, it is expected to generate an
underestimate of N2O emissions in the case of discharge to nutrient-impacted waters such as eutrophic lakes,
estuaries and rivers, or locations where stagnant conditions occur. Research published between 1978 and 2017
provide data indicating that higher N2O emissions occur when wastewater is discharged to nutrient-impacted
(eutrophic) or hypoxic aquatic receiving environments. Accordingly, Table 6.8a provides a new EFEFFLUENT of
0.019 g N2O-N/g N (95percent confidence limits 0.0041–0.091) for use with a Tier 3 method (see Annex 6A.6
for a discussion of information used to develop this new emission factor). The compiler can make use of many
different indications of whether this higher EF value should be employed. Harmful algal blooms and hypoxia are
the two most common symptoms of waterway nutrient over-enrichment (eutrophication). One possibility is to
consider the dissolved oxygen status of the receiving waters. Waterway hypoxia is becoming increasingly
common globally and definitions of hypoxia can vary depending on temperature, salinity, and the particular biota
of interest. Dissolved oxygen concentrations of between 0.1–3.0 mg/L (or <30percent of the oxygen saturation
concentration) are typically classified as hypoxic (Vaquer-Sunyer & Duarte 2008; Naqvi et al. 2010; Rabalais et
al. 2010) and are likely to result in increased N2O yields from microbial metabolism of discharged wastewater
Oxygen status can be a highly dynamic indicator in practice, and compilers may have better access to
information regarding the nutrient (trophic) status of receiving waters. Various thresholds for the boundary
between mesotrophic and eutrophic conditions have been proposed, such as Secchi depth (suggestions range
from 2 to 3.6 m), total phosphorus (20–75 μg/L), total nitrogen (0.3–5 mg/L), benthic chlorophyll (70 mg/m2)
and suspended chlorophyll concentration (5–30 μg/L) (Dodds et al. 1998; Burns et al. 2009; Mateo-Sagasta &
Burke 2010). Compilers may also consider whether there have been reports of algal blooms, sulphurous odours,
6.38 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Chapter 6: Wastewater Treatment and Discharge
fish kills or other indications of eutrophic and/or hypoxic conditions in the discharge environment. Global
datasets exist which may assist compilers in assessing the risk of nutrient impacts in different regions (Diaz et al.
2011; Xie & Ringler 2017). It is important to note that the context for application of this new Tier 3 EFEFFLUENT
factor is not necessarily the same as for nitrogen runoff from agriculture, due to the combination of reducing
conditions and high organic loading in many wastewaters which are unlikely to exist in agricultural runoff
The methodology to calculate the amount of N content in wastewater effluent (NEFFLUENT,DOM) presented in
Equation 6.8 of the 2006 IPCC Guidelines currently does not account for the removal of ammonia-N via
nitrification-denitrification processes in the sewer and the WWTP, or the removal of N in sludge, which can
result in a significant overestimate of N discharged to aquatic receiving environments. Typical total N
concentration in raw urban sewage is about 40 mg/L (range 20–70 mg/L) (Tchobanoglous et al. 2014), whereas
effluent treated in conventional activated sludge facilities (with nitrification) has a total of about 25 mg/L. Plants
with biological nutrient removal (with denitrification) regularly achieve an effluent total N of 5 mg/L or less. The
difference is due both to N removed in sludge (see Table 2.4A (New), Chapter 2 of Volume 5 regarding the N
content of sewage sludge) versus N loss to the atmosphere (see new Figure 6.5).
2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories 6.39
Volume 5: Waste
This section updates the methodology presented in the 2006 IPCC Guidelines to estimate the amount of N
content in wastewater entering treatment (TNDOM), the loss or removal of N through the treatment process (either
through biological conversion or removal with sludge) (NREM), and the N content in wastewater discharged to
aquatic systems (NEFFLUENT,DOM).
Nitrogen in
products (NHH)
Nitrogen in Nitrogen in N2O
protein available Nitrogen in
protein consumed Wastewater emissions
(ProteinSUPPLY ● treated
FNPR) (Protein ● FNPR) treatment
Food waste
disposed to sewer Nitrogen
(FNON-CON) removed in
TNDOM_j = total annual amount of nitrogen in domestic wastewater for treatment pathway j, kg N/yr
Ptreatment_j = human population who are served by the treatment pathway j, person/yr
Protein = annual per capita protein consumption, kg protein/person/yr
FNPR = fraction of nitrogen in protein, default = 0.16 kg N/kg protein
FNON-CON = factor for nitrogen in non-consumed protein disposed in sewer system, kg N/kg N. See
new Table 6.10a.
FIND-COM = factor for industrial and commercial co-discharged protein into the sewer system, kg
N/kg N
NHH = additional nitrogen from household products added to the wastewater, default is 1.1
(some country data are in new Table 6.10a).
If national statistics on protein consumed or protein supply are not available, Food Balance Sheets of FAOSTAT
can be used as activity data on per capita “protein supply quantity.” This information represents the total amount
of protein available to the population but must be adjusted to reflect the fraction of protein consumed (FPC),
according to the new Equation 6.10a.
6.40 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Chapter 6: Wastewater Treatment and Discharge
2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories 6.41
Volume 5: Waste
Wastewater from industrial or commercial sources that is discharged into the sewer may contain protein (e.g.,
from grocery stores and butchers). The default for this fraction is 1.25 for centralised treatment and 0 for
decentralised treatment systems (septic system, latrines, discharge).
N EFFLUENT , DOM ∑ (TN DOM • T j ) • (1 − N REM , j )
NEFFLUENT,DOM = total nitrogen in the wastewater effluent discharged to aquatic environments in
inventory year, kg N/yr
TNDOM = total nitrogen in domestic wastewater in inventory year, kg N/yr. See new Equation
Tj = degree of utilisation of treatment system j in inventory year ( ∑Ti
). See Table 6.5
6.42 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Chapter 6: Wastewater Treatment and Discharge
6.3.3 Uncertainties
Large uncertainties are associated with the IPCC default factors for N2O. Updated Table 6.11 below includes
uncertainty ranges based on expert judgment.
2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories 6.43
Volume 5: Waste
N2O PlantsIND = N2O emissions from industrial wastewater treatment plants in inventory year, kg N2O/yr
TNINDi = total nitrogen in wastewater from industry i in inventory year, kg N/yr. See new
Equation 6.13.
Ti,j = degree of utilisation of treatment/discharge pathway or system j, for each industry i in
inventory year
i = industry
6.44 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Chapter 6: Wastewater Treatment and Discharge
2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories 6.45
Volume 5: Waste
Figure 6.6 (New) Decision tree for N 2 O emissions from industrial wastewater
Collect N
Is industrial and outflow
wastewater a key Yes for each Tier 2 for treatment:
category1? industrial Yes
Estimate N2O emissions
sector. using country-specific
emission factors.
See Volume 1 Chapter 4, "Methodological Choice and Identification of Key Categories" (noting Section 4.1.2 on limited resources), for
discussion of key categories and use of decision trees.
It is also required to estimate N2O emissions from wastewater treatment effluent that is discharged into aquatic
environments. The methodology for emissions from effluent is like that of N2O emissions explained in Volume 4,
Section 11.2.2, Chapter 11, N2O Emissions from Managed Soils, and CO2 Emissions from Lime and Urea
Application. The simplified general equation is as follows:
6.46 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Chapter 6: Wastewater Treatment and Discharge
N2OEffluentIND = N2O emissions from industrial wastewater effluent in inventory year, kg N2O/yr
N EFFLUENT, IND = nitrogen in the industrial wastewater effluent discharged to aquatic environments, kg
N/yr. See new Equation 6.14.
EFEFFLUENT = emission factor for N2O emissions from wastewater discharged to aquatic systems, kg
N2O-N/kg N
The factor 44/28 is for the conversion of kg N2O-N into kg N2O.
2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories 6.47
Volume 5: Waste
N EFFLUENT , IND ∑ TN INDi • T j • (1 − N REM , j )
NEFFLUENT, IND = total annual amount of nitrogen in the industrial wastewater effluent, kg N/yr
TNINDi = total nitrogen in wastewater entering treatment for industry i, kg TN/yr
Tj = degree of utilisation of treatment system j in inventory year ( ∑T i
). See Table 6.5.
6.48 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Chapter 6: Wastewater Treatment and Discharge
6.4.3 Uncertainties
Uncertainty estimates for EF, P, W and TN are provided in new Table 6.13. The estimates are based on expert
2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories 6.49
Volume 5: Waste
6.50 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Chapter 6: Wastewater Treatment and Discharge
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Volume 5: Waste
6.52 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Chapter 6: Wastewater Treatment and Discharge
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Volume 5: Waste
6.54 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Chapter 6: Wastewater Treatment and Discharge
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Volume 5: Waste
6.56 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Chapter 6: Wastewater Treatment and Discharge
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6.58 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Chapter 6: Wastewater Treatment and Discharge
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Volume 5: Waste
6.60 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Chapter 6: Wastewater Treatment and Discharge
Figure 6A.1 (New) Correlation between influent total nitrogen (TN) loading and N 2 O emissions
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Volume 5: Waste
6.62 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Chapter 6: Wastewater Treatment and Discharge
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6.64 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Chapter 6: Wastewater Treatment and Discharge
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