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Catalog Edition
D 83.1 2014
A.G.P. Representaciones S.A.S
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Bogota, Colombia
Tel. : +57 1 5706353
Fax : +57 1 5707335 Answers for industry.
© Siemens AG 2014
Related catalogs
All information material, such as brochures, catalogs, manuals and
SINAMICS G180 D 18.1 operating instructions for standard drive systems are available up-to-date
Converters – Compact Units, Cabinet Systems, on the Internet at the following address:
Cabinet Units Air-Cooled and Liquid-Cooled www.siemens.com/motors/printmaterial
The listed documentation can be ordered here or it is available in
commonly used file formats (PDF, ZIP) for downloading.
Energy saving/Energy-saving program SinaSave
Further information on the subject of energy saving and the energy-
MOTOX Geared Motors D 87.1 saving program SinaSave is available at the following address:
Interactive Catalog CA 01 – Drive Technology Configurator
The Drive Technology Configurator is available in conjunction with
the electronic catalog CA 01 on DVD.
E86060-E5531-A101-A1-7600 (News)
SINAMICS Drives D 11
Drive Converter Chassis Units In addition, the Drive Technology Configurator (DT Configurator) can be
SINAMICS G150 used on the Internet without requiring any installation. The DT Configu-
rator can be found in the Siemens Mall under the following address:
Drive Converter Cabinet Units www.siemens.com/dt-configurator
The DT Configurator for motors, mechanical components, converters,
connection systems, control and licenses and system configuration can
be found in the CA 01 main menu, under drive systems, selection and
Industrial Communication IK PI engineering tools.
SIMATIC NET • 2D/3D model generator for motors and drives
• Data sheet generator
• Start-up calculation
E86060-K6710-A101-B7-7600 • Comprehensive product-specific documentationn
Hardware and software requirements
• PC with 1.5 GHz CPU or faster
AC NEMA & IEC Motors D 81.2
• Operating systems
Further details available on the Internet U.S./ – Windows XP
at: Canada – Windows NT 4.0 (SP6 and higher)
– Windows Vista
– Windows 7
www.sea.siemens.com/motors • At least 1 GB RAM (2 GB recommended)
• Screen resolution 1024 x 768, graphics with more than 256 colors,
small fonts
Products for Automation and Drives CA 01
Interactive Catalog, DVD • DVD drive for offline version (CA 01)
• Windows-compatible sound card
• Windows-compatible mouse
E86060-D4001-A510-D3-7600 The CA01 catalog can be directly installed on the hard disk or in the
network from the DVD as a partial or full version.
Industry Mall
Information and Ordering Platform
in the Internet:
© Siemens AG 2014
Refer to the Industry Mall for current updates of this Motors without Explosion Protection
LOHER CHEMSTAR and VARIO 1PS0 motor series
© Siemens AG 2014
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managed forests
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The Siemens Industry Sector is the We consistently rely on integrated tech- Market launch times can be reduced
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≤ 110 kV
LOHER motors
Customized and industry-specific drive solutions in the process industry
1 ■ Overview
With the LOHER CHEMSTAR, LOHER VARIO and SIMOTICS XP Double protection for maximum safety
motor series, Siemens has a range of drive solutions that are
specifically tailored to customized or industry-specific require- LOHER CHEMSTAR and LOHER VARIO motors can also be
ments. used for drive solutions with double protection. This involves, on
the one hand, a combination of gas and dust explosion protec-
Building on well-proven standard platforms, the motors and con- tion for locations in which both fine dust and explosive gases
verters are adapted to a specific project with considerable ver- can occur, e.g. in the process industry or in mining. On the other
satility in terms of mechanical and electrical design, as well as hand, this can be the double protection of the Ex d and Ex e
special monitoring systems and cooling methods. Totally individ- types of protection. This double protection is, for example,
ual drive systems are generated as a consequence which are appropriate onboard liquid gas tankers whereby electrical
tailor made for the respective plant, application or customer equipment must be totally excluded as a possible ignition
specification, thus enabling even highly sophisticated drives to source due to the hazardous load. For this purpose, the explo-
be achieved over the complete output range. sion-proof motors are mechanically designed with the type of
protection "Explosion-proof enclosure". At the same time, the
Motors in all applicable types of protection – temperatures of the active parts correspond to the type of
from 0.1 kW through to the Megawatt range protection "Increased safety".
LOHER CHEMSTAR and LOHER VARIO motors are available Further products
depending on their classification from 0.1 to around 3000 kW in
all applicable types of protection. The motors ensure reliable This catalog contains explosion-proof motors in fin-cooled de-
operation even in explosive atmospheres and provide maximum signs. In the case of high outputs up to 13.5 MW, tube-cooled
safety for persons, machines and the environment. motors are available (normally in the type of protection "Explo-
sion-proof enclosure" Ex d) as well as LOHER VARIO PLUS
The motors are available with the following types of protection: motors with built-on heat exchangers (air-to-air or air-to-water).
• Dust explosion protection in hazardous zones 21 and 22 The normal types of protection here are "Non-sparking" Ex n and
• "Non-sparking" Ex nA for Zone 2 "Pressurized enclosure" Ex p. Specially designed motors are
also available in the larger frame sizes for converter-fed opera-
• "Pressurized enclosure" Ex p for Zone 1 tion. They are characterized by subcritical operation, i.e. the
• "Increased safety" Ex e for Zone 1 critical bending speed is higher than the rated speed. The full
• "Explosion-proof enclosure" Ex d for Zone 1 control range can be utilized. The motors are designed with
sleeve bearings or roller bearings in accordance with their out-
The portfolio comprises motors of Group II (EU directive put and number of poles.
94/9/EC) for use in environments containing explosive gases in
the chemical, petrochemical and oil and gas industries, as well
as motors of Group I for firedamp protection in mining.
The motors are ATEX certified and also have country-specific
certificates such as EAC (Eurasian Customs Union), CCOE
(India) and NEPSI (China). The range of explosion-proof low-
voltage motors has been expanded with motors of the
SIMOTICS XP series. It represents the future standard product
series. The SIMOTICS XP motors are available in the type of pro-
tection "Explosion-proof enclosure" Ex d for an output range from
0.25 to 500 kW and supplement the LOHER CHEMSTAR series.
In comparison to the LOHER CHEMSTAR series, the smaller
range of products and fixed product characteristics ensure
significantly shorter delivery times and a considerably easier
ordering process.
LOHER motors
Customized and industry-specific drive solutions in the process industry
■ Application
The drive solutions with LOHER motors are matched to applica- With motors of the LOHER CHEMSTAR series, there is often no
tion-specific requirements – whatever extreme the actual loca- need for an anti-condensation heater even under conditions of
tion of use. The range comprises, in particular: extremely high humidity. The motors operate reliably in a temper-
• Explosion-proof drives of all common types of protection ature range from -55 to +70 °C, even in zones with dust and gas.
The motors can therefore also be used in desert and polar re-
• Winch drives that stand unprotected on the deck of a ship gions. Versions with corrosion-resistant stainless steel screws
• Subsea components for transporting mineral resources from are available. Shaft seals in IP55 degree of protection are avail-
the deep sea able as standard and provide protection against water and dust
• Drill drives for drilling tunnels or for underground coal mining to ensure problem-free outdoor installation.
• Smoke extraction motors that ensure fault-free fan operation Versions in industry-specific design are possible, for example
even under conditions of smoke at extremely high tempera- with a high-quality, particularly chemical-resistant finish or galva-
tures nized fan covers for corrosion protection in aggressive atmo-
• Vibration-proof, shock-resistant and earthquake-resistant spheres.
• Motors for deserts – specially designed for heat, dust and
sand storms
• Low-temperature drives for drive tasks in polar climates
LOHER motors
Customized and industry-specific drive solutions in the process industry
1 ■ Application (continued) ■ Design
Integrated pump drives The motors described in this catalog are surface-cooled, low-
voltage motors designed for the highest demands on availability
In the chemical industry, special motors are used that are inte- and reliability. The motors are extremely rugged and reliable and
grated into pumps. They operate reliably even under extreme are available as standard versions without explosion protection,
conditions of temperature and pressure. In this industry, temper- as well as in the Ex nA, Ex d(e), Ex p and Ex e types of protection.
atures can range from -50 to +400 °C and system pressures can For extreme requirements, motors are available with double pro-
be as high as 1200 bar. tection against gas and dust.
The highly efficient motors cover the output range of 0.25 to
1400 kW in 2 to 16-pole versions (higher outputs are possible on
request) and, in compliance with IEC 60034-30, they achieve
efficiency class IE2 in the output range 0.75 to 375 kW in 2-, 4-
and 6-pole versions, and they are available for 50 Hz and 60 Hz.
The LOHER CHEMSTAR and SIMOTICS XP motor series are self-
ventilated, surface-cooled finned motors for mains-fed and con-
verter-fed operation.
The LOHER VARIO series, which is also surface-cooled, is
characterized by its special internal air circulation / hollow fin
technology for an extremely high power density with a very high
degree of efficiency.
General information regarding efficiency in accordance with International Efficiency
Efficiency classes and efficiencies according to IEC 60034-30:2008
■ Overview
Standardization of the efficiency classes
Different energy efficiency standards exist worldwide for induction 100
motors. To promote international standardization, the international
standard IEC 60034-30:2008 (Rotating electrical machines – Part %
30: Efficiency classes of single-speed, three-phase, cage-induc- 90
tion motors (IE code)) was created. This groups low-voltage in-
duction motors into new efficiency classes (valid since October
2008). The efficiencies of IEC 60034-30:2008 are based on losses 80
determined in accordance with the IEC 60034-2-1:2007 standard. Classification
This has been valid since November 2007 and replaces standard acc. to IEC 60034-30:2008
IEC 60034-2:1996 as of November 2010. The supplementary 0.75 1.5 3 5.5 11 18.5 30 45 75 110 200 kW
losses are now measured and no longer added as a percentage. 1.1 2.5 4 7.5 15 20 37 55 90 132 375 kW
IE efficiency classes Output
EISA 2007
Premium Efficiency since 12/2010
NEMA Energy Efficient
Comprehensive laws have been introduced in the European
EISA 2007 Union with the objective of reducing energy consumption and
High Efficiency since 12/2010 therefore CO2 emissions. EU Directive 640/2009 concerns the
energy consumption or efficiency of induction motors in the
industrial environment. This Directive is now in force in every
Standard Efficiency country of the European economic area.
Low IEC motors NEMA motors
efficiency * defined in IEC/TS 60034-31
For further details on internationally applicable standards and
legal requirements, visit:
IE efficiency classes depending on the output
The EuP directive (Energy using Products) is implemented in the
Note: All efficiency classes are stated with reference to 50 Hz domestic laws of EU countries. The framework conditions for the
data (unless specified otherwise). European directives have already been agreed. The EU direc-
Measuring method according to IEC 60034-2-1:2007 for tive 2005/32/EC (=EuP directive) is based, regarding minimum
determining the efficiency efficiencies, on IEC 60034-30:2008. This directive has been
implemented in Germany by means of the so-called "Energie-
With the measuring method, the supplementary losses are no betriebene-Produkte-Gesetz (EBPG)" [Energy-using products
longer applied as a percentage, but instead they are determined law]. Low-voltage motors and high-voltage motors are affected
with measurements (IEC 60034-2-1: 2007). The nominal efficien- by changes to the standard – but only the version for mains-fed
cies are therefore normally reduced from EFF1 to IE2 and from operation.
EFF2 to IE1 for technically and physically identical motors.
Previously: PLL = 0.5 % of Padded
Now: PLL = Individual measurement
PLL = Load dependent supplementary losses
General information regarding efficiency in accordance with International Efficiency
Efficiency classes and efficiencies according to IEC 60034-30:2008
1 ■ Overview (continued)
CEMEP voluntary EU agreement NEMA EuP directive based on standard
IEC 60034-30:2008
Description Voluntary agreement between the EU The current legislature in USA/CAN/MX The EuP directive must be implemented
commission and the European sector also governs efficiencies in national law in all EU countries.
committee of manufacturers of electrical Losses are determined and therefore the
machines (CEMEP) efficiency is determined in accordance
with IEC 60034-2-1:2007
Number of poles 2, 4 2, 4, 6 2, 4, 6
Output range 1.1 … 90 kW 0.75 … 150 kW 0.75 … 375 kW
Level Standard – EFF3 NEMA Energy Efficient Standard Efficiency – IE1
Improved efficiency – EFF2 NEMA Premium Efficient High Efficiency – IE2
Highly efficient – EFF1 Premium Efficiency – IE3
Voltage 400 V, 50 Hz 230/460 V, 60 Hz <1000 V, 50/60 Hz
Degree of protection IP5x Open + closed motors All
Motors with brake NO YES In agreement
Geared motors NO NO YES
Ex motors NO YES EuP directive – NO
IEC 60034-30 – YES (but explosion
protection always has a higher priority)
Validity Voluntary agreement; will be Before November 2010 EPACT (IE2) IEC 60034-30 standard, valid since
replaced on implementation of the From December 2010 EISA 2007 October 2008, EuP
national measures Premium (IE3) minimum efficiency
Dates on which the changes will come into effect Explosion-proof motors also with high efficiency
January 1, 2015 International standard IEC 60034-30, which has been issued in
Compliance with the legally required minimum efficiency class response to the increasing importance of the subject of energy
IE3 for outputs from 7.5 to 375 kW or, as an alternative, IE2 motor efficiency, also concerns explosion-proof motors. LOHER has
plus frequency converter developed some series of explosion-proof motors especially for
this purpose in the Ex nA, Ex e and Ex de types of protection in
January 1, 2017 class "IE2". The rating plate is stamped with efficiency class "IE2"
Compliance with the legally required minimum efficiency class and the efficiency values. On expiry of the transition phase, de-
IE3 for outputs from 0.75 to 375 kW or, as an alternative, IE2 tails of the voltage ranges are omitted. Only the rated voltage is
motor plus frequency converter specified with the admissible line supply tolerances of ±10 %.
CEMEP: Comité Européen de Constructeurs de Machines
Électriques et d'Électronique de Puissance (European sector
committee of manufacturers of electrical machines)
NEMA: National Electrical Manufacturers Association
IEC: International Electrotechnical Commission
IE: International Efficiency
EuP: Energy using Products
Guide to selecting and ordering the motors
Drive selection and catalog orientation
■ Overview
Steps for drive selection
Step 1 Orientation and general technical information
Technical requirements Rated frequency and rated voltage 50/60 Hz 3 AC
for the motor 400/500/690 V
Operating mode Standard duty (continuous duty S1 according to EN 60034-1)
Degree of protection or type of explosion IP..
protection required
Rated speed (No. of poles) n = ….. rpm
Rated output P = ….. kW
Rated torque T = P · 9550/n = ……. Nm
Type of construction IM..
Step 2 Preselection in accordance with the application
Determination of the installa- Ambient temperature ≤ 40 °C > 40 °C
tion conditions and definition Site altitude ≤ 1000 m > 1000 m
of the application, if necessary
Factors for derating None Determine the factor for derating (for reduction
factor, see "Information about electric motor
Cross-reference to other These can be SIMOTICS motors for special requirements and applications or motors to the NEMA standard
Step 3 Preliminary selection of the motor
Determination of the range of Select the frame size and therefore the possible motors on the basis of the following parameters: cooling method,
possible motors degree of protection, rated output, rated speed and rated torque range.
Note: The standard temperature range of the motors is from -20 to +40 °C.
switch-on as a multiple
Rated current at 400 V,
construction, approx.
direct switch-on as a
direct switch-on as a
Efficiency at 50 Hz
Efficiency at 50 Hz
Efficiency at 50 Hz
Moment of inertia
Article number
Rated torque
Rated output
Rated output
Rated output
Rated speed
Frame size
at 50 Hz
at 60 Hz
at 60 Hz
at 50 Hz
at 50 Hz
4/4 load
3/4 load
2/4 load
4/4 load
50 Hz
50 Hz
Primary key
Guide to selecting and ordering the motors
Drive selection and catalog orientation
1 ■ Overview (continued)
Range of motors with explosion protection
Cata- Motor Motor No. of Fre- Frame size – rated output at 50 or 60 Hz
log version type poles quency 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315 355 400 450 500 560 1)
2 Motors with explosion protection 1PS1, 1PS4, 1PS5, 1MD5
High 1MD5 2-pole 50 Hz 0.75 … 360 kW
Efficiency 4-pole 50 Hz 0.75 … 360 kW
6-pole 50 Hz 0.75 … 360 kW
High 2-pole 50 Hz 0.37 ... 0.55 kW 460 kW
Efficiency 4-pole 50 Hz 0.25 ... 0.55 kW 460 kW
6-pole 50 Hz 0.25 ... 0.55 kW
High 1PS4 2-pole 50 Hz 315 … 355 kW
Efficiency 60 Hz 355 kW
4-pole 50 Hz 280 … 355 kW
60 Hz 315/355 kW
6-pole 50 Hz 225 … 355 kW
High 2-pole 50 Hz 400 … 1200 kW
Efficiency 2) 60 Hz 400 … 900 kW
4-pole 50 Hz 400 … 1400 kW
60 Hz 400 … 1000 kW
6-pole 50 Hz 400 … 1120 kW
8-pole 50 Hz 200 … 950 kW
10-pole 50 Hz 160 … 750 kW
12-pole 50 Hz 140 … 600 kW
14-pole 50 Hz 110 … 500 kW
16-pole 50 Hz 90 … 400 kW
High 1PS5 2-pole 50 Hz 0.75 … 355 kW
Efficiency 60 Hz 0.9 … 355 kW
4-pole 50 Hz 0.75 … 355 kW
60 Hz 0.9 … 355 kW
6-pole 50 Hz 0.75 … 355 kW, FS90 and above
60 Hz 0.75 … 200 kW; FS90 … 315
High 2-pole 50 Hz 0.37 … 0.55 kW 400 … 1200 kW
Efficiency 2) 60 Hz 0.44/0.66 kW 400 … 900 kW
4-pole 50 Hz 0.25 … 0.55 kW 400 … 1400 kW
60 Hz 0.3 … 0.66 kW 400 … 1000 kW
6-pole 50 Hz 0.25 … 0.55 kW 400 … 1120 kW
60 Hz 0.3 … 0.66 kW
8-pole 50 Hz 0.12 … 950 kW
10-pole 50 Hz 160 … 750 kW
12-pole 50 Hz 140 … 600 kW
14-pole 50 Hz 110 … 500 kW
16-pole 50 Hz 90 … 400 kW
Pole- 4-/2-pole 50 Hz Constant load torque: 0.65/0.85 … 150/200 kW
changing Square-law load torque for fan drive: 0.22/1.1 … 50/200 kW
(50 Hz)
8-/4-pole 50 Hz Constant load torque: 0.5/0.8 … 145/220 kW
Fan output: 0.12/0.7 … 45/180 kW
6-/4-pole 50 Hz Constant load torque: 0.6/0.9 … 125/180 kW
Square-law load torque for fan drive: 0.4/1.3 … 75/200 kW
8/6-pole 50 Hz Constant load torque: 0.45/0.6 … 115/150 kW
Square-law load torque for fan drive: 0.32/0.75 … 70/150 kW
Brake 4-pole 50 Hz 0.75 … 30 kW
motors 6-pole 50 Hz 0.6 … 22 kW
with High
1) 2)
Frame sizes 560 to 630 on request. Outside the IE code classification according to IEC 60034-30.
Guide to selecting and ordering the motors
Drive selection and catalog orientation
■ Overview (continued)
Range of motors with explosion protection (continued)
Cata- Motor Motor No. of Fre- Frame size – rated output at 50 or 60 Hz
log version type poles quency 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315 355 400 450 500 560 1)
2 Motors with explosion protection 1PS1, 1PS4, 1PS5, 1MD5 (continued)
High 1PS1 2-pole 50 Hz 1.5 … 355 kW
Efficiency 60 Hz 1.5 … 315 kW
4-pole 50 Hz 1.1 … 355 kW
60 Hz 1.3 … 315 kW
6-pole 50 Hz 0.75 … 355 kW
60 Hz 0.75 … 250 kW
High 2-pole 50 Hz 400 … 1200 kW
Efficiency 2) 60 Hz 400 … 900 kW
4-pole 50 Hz 400 … 1400 kW
60 Hz 400 … 1000 kW
6-pole 50 Hz 400 … 1120 kW
60 Hz On request
8-pole 50 Hz 0.37 … 1350 kW
10-pole 50 Hz 180 … 1100 kW
12-pole 50 Hz 160 … 800 kW
14-pole 50 Hz 125 … 710 kW
16-pole 50 Hz 100 … 560 kW
Guide to selecting and ordering the motors
Article number code
1 ■ Overview
The Article No. consists of a combination of digits and letters For deviations in the second and third block from the catalog
and is divided into three hyphenated blocks to provide a better codes, either -Z or 9 should be used as appropriate.
overview, e.g.:
1PS5070-0BD10-4AA0-Z Ordering data:
A15 • Complete Article No. and order code(s) or plain text
The first block (positions 1 to 7) identifies the motor type com- • If a quotation is available, please specify the quotation
plete with shaft height and overall length; the second block number in addition to the Article No.
(positions 8 to 12) defines the insulation, machine type, stator • When ordering a complete motor as a spare part, please
frame and voltage/connection/frequency; and in the third block specify the factors No. for the previously supplied motor as
(positions 13 to 16) the temperature class, number of poles, well as the Article No.
bearing type and product version are encoded.
Structure of the Article No.: Position: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 - 8 9 10 11 12 - 13 14 15 16
Motors with explosion protection 1PS1, 1PS4, 1PS5, 1MD5 and motors without explosion protection 1PS0
Positions 1 to 3: Motor series
Digit, letter, letter, LOHER CHEMSTAR, LOHER VARIO 1 P S
Position 4 Type of protection
Digit • Without explosion protection 0
• "Non-sparking" Ex nA version 1
• "Explosion-proof enclosure" Ex de IIB/Ex d IIB 4
• "Explosion-proof enclosure" Ex de IIC/Ex d IIC 5
Positions 1 to 3: Motor series
Digit, letter, letter, SIMOTICS XP 1 M D
Position 4 Type of protection
Digit "Explosion-proof enclosure" Ex de IIC/Ex d IIC 5
Positions 5 and 6 Frame size (FS)
Digits 07: FS 71; 08: FS 80; 09: FS 90; 10: FS 100; 11: FS 112; 13: FS 132; 0 7
20: FS 200; 22: FS 225; 25: FS 250; 28: FS 280; 16: FS 160; 18: FS 180; ...
31: FS 315; 35: FS 355; 40: FS 400; 45: FS 450; 56: FS 560 5 6
Position 7 Output identifier (encoded) 0
Digit Length + output levels …
Position 8 Insulation
Digit 0: Low-voltage, mains-fed operation; 1: Low-voltage, converter-fed operation, standard insulation; 0
2: Low-voltage, converter-fed operation, special insulation; ...
3: Low-voltage, mains-fed operation, pre-formed coil; 4
4: Low-voltage, converter-fed operation, pre-formed coil
Position 9 Type of machine
Letter B: Induction motor, squirrel-cage rotor, enclosed machine; B
F: Asynchronous generator, squirrel-cage rotor, enclosed machine; ...
N: Induction motor, pole-changing, fan design; R: Induction motor with built-on brake R
Position 10 Housing and cooling D
Letter D: Cast-iron, TEFC (self-ventilated); F: Cast-iron, TEFV (forced-air cooled) …
F: Steel, TEFC (self-ventilated); J: Steel, TEFV (forced-air cooled) J
Position 11 Voltage, circuit and frequency 0
Digit 0: 690 VΔ, 50 Hz; 1: 230/400 VΔ/Y, 50 Hz; 3: 500 VY; 50 Hz; 4: 400 VΔ, 50 Hz; 5: 500 VΔ, 50 Hz; …
6: 400/690 VΔ/Y, 50 Hz; 8: 690 VY, 50 Hz; 9: Other voltages 9
Position 12 Type of construction 0
Digit 0: IM B3; 1: IM B5; 2: IM B34; 3: IM B14; 4: IM V1 with protective cover; …
6: IM B35; 8: IM V1 without protective cover (without explosion protection); 9: Other types of construction 9
Position 13 Temperature class 0
Digit 0: Without temperature class; 3: Temperature class T3; …
4: Temperature class T4 4
Position 14 No. of poles A
Letter A: 2-pole; B: 4-pole; C: 6-pole; D: 8-pole; E: 10-pole; F: 12-pole; G: 14-pole; H: 16-pole; …
N: 4-/2-pole; P: 6-/4-pole; Q: 8-/4-pole; R: 8-/6-pole; S: 8-/6-/4-pole S
Position 15 Bearing type/rotor type
Letter A: Roller bearing/standard rotor; A
B: Roller bearing/special rotor B
Position 16 Product version 0
Digit 0: Finned housing; 1: Cast-ingot housing (1MD5...1); 2: Finned housing IE2 design …
3: Cast-ingot housing (1PS5…3) 3
Ordering example
Selection criteria Requirement Structure of the Article No.
Motor type 1PS Industry motor LOHER CHEMSTAR with type of
protection "Explosion-proof enclosure" 1 P S 5 ■■■ - ■■■■■ - ■■■■
Frame size 071 1 P S 5 0 7 ■ - ■■■■■ - ■■■■
Output identifier S 1 P S 5 0 7 0 - ■■■■■ - ■■■■
Mains-fed operation, induction motor with 1 P S 5 0 7 0 - 0 BD■■ - ■■■■
squirrel-cage rotor, cast-iron (self-ventilated)
Voltage/delta connection/frequency 690 VΔ, 50 Hz 1 PS 5 0 7 0 - 0 BD 1 ■ - ■■■■
Type of construction IM B3 1 PS 5 0 7 0 - 0 BD 1 0 - ■■■■
Temperature class T4 1 PS 5 0 7 0 - 0 BD 1 0 - 4 ■■■
No. of poles 2-pole 1 PS 5 0 7 0 - 0 BD 1 0 - 4 A■■
Bearing type/rotor Roller bearing/standard rotor 1 PS 5 0 7 0 - 0 BD 1 0 - 4 AA■
Product version Cast-ingot housing 1 PS 5 0 7 0 - 0 BD 1 0 - 4 AA 3
Guide to selecting and ordering the motors
Special tests in the test bay
■ Overview
Tests, test bay
The Siemens Ruhstorf site is equipped with an ultra-modern test 400
bay to enable it to fulfill the stringent requirements of the chemi- 350 350 350 350 350
Test output kW
cal industry and the oil and gas sector. The quality and reliability
of the tests is also confirmed, for example, by the certification 200 220
authorities for Ex motors. The in-house motor test bays are 150 180
equipped for testing the complete range of options of the 1PS 100 120 110 110 110
and 1MD5 motor series in accordance with the latest standards 50 65 70
80 90
and regulations. Each motor is subjected to a short routine test 0
prior to delivery. Type testing, warm-up runs and special tests 250 300 375 500 750 1500 3000 5000 7500
are possible. The testing capacities are subdivided into two test 272 333 428 600 1000 1800 3600 6000
units according to motor output. The output classification is Speed rpm
shown in the following diagrams.
Tests are organized on the site ranging from acceptance tests in Overview of the range of tests available in the test bay for industrial mo-
the presence of the customer through to system acceptance tors
tests with supply equipment such as transformers and convert-
ers. Special tests are possible on request in accordance with
customer specifications or standard tests such as API compli- 6000
ance. In our submersion tanks, motors to IP68 can be sub- 5000
Test output kW
merged in water and tested under load conditions. 4800 4800 4800
Noise measurements are performed on request in a soundproof 3600
3800 3800
room. Under normal circumstances, noise measurements are 3000
performed under no-load conditions. On request, the measure- 2400
ments can also be taken under load conditions. So-called "hold 2000 2000
points" can be agreed in addition to the possibilities offered by 1000 1200 1300
the test environments. These "hold points" are time points in
which semi-finished/finished motor parts are tested in accor- 0
250 300 375 500 750 1500 3000 5000
dance with requirements. These tests are performed at the in- 272 333 428 600 1000 1800 3600
stalled test sections of the production facility or, if necessary, in
Speed rpm
the test bays.
Overview of the range of tests available in the test bay for non-standard
Guide to selecting and ordering the motors
Special tests in the test bay
1 ■ Overview (continued)
Tests and acceptance tests for 1PS0, 1PS1, 1PS4 and 1PS5 motors
Additional identification code -Z Documen- Test description Available for
with order code tation
For internal For acceptance Frame size LOHER type series
tests test with
customer or
Standard F01 U51 Routine test to IEC (sine-wave voltage) 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
– F03 Visual inspection with test report review 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
F14 F15 Recording of no-load characteristic 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
F16 F17 Recording of short-circuit characteristic 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
F28 F29 U55 No load noise measurement, without noise analysis 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
F46 F47 U73 Partial discharge measurement on completed stator winding Pre-formed VARIO
1) 2)
F52 F53 Locked-rotor torque and current measurement 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
1) 2)
F54 F55 Polarization index measurement Pre-formed VARIO
1) 2)
F56 F57 Measurement of shaft vibration (for sleeve bearings only) 355 ... 500 VARIO
F58 F59 U56 1) 2) Vibration modal analysis (2-pole and V1 fixed mounted) 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
F62 F63 U55 Noise level analysis – octave-band analysis in combination 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
with F28/29 or F74/75
F70 – U79 Ultrasonic test on motor shaft with certificate 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
Standard F71 U50 Rotor balancing 355 ... 500 VARIO
F74 F75 U55 Noise test under load, without noise analysis, in combination 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
with type test F82/83 or F92/93
F76 – U76 Magnetic particle test on motor shaft 315 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
– F77 U81 Painting inspection (order sample paint sheets separately 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
with V90)
F78 – U77 Magnetic particle test on motor lifting lugs 355 ... 500 VARIO
– F79 – Packaging inspections 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
F82 F83 U53 Type test with heat run for horizontal motors according to IEC 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
(sine wave voltage)
F92 F93 U53 Type test with heat run for vertical motors according to IEC 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
(sine wave voltage)
– F95 U53 Type test, motor together with SINAMICS G180 converter 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
– F97 U53 Type test, motor together with SINAMICS G/S or PERFECT 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
HARMONY (max. 3 days service technician for converter
adjustment not included)
– F99 U53 Type test, motor together with non-Siemens converter 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
(max. 3 days service technician for converter adjustment
not included)
– – Special test on request 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
– – Special tests in combination with manufacturing of test equip- 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
ment; special shafts and special mouning types on request
1) 3)
Only in combination with a type test F82/F83 or F92/F93: Protocols according to separate order.
document U53.
Only in combination with a routine test, at acceptance F01:
document U51.
Guide to selecting and ordering the motors
Special tests in the test bay
■ Overview (continued)
Documentation for 1PS0, 1PS1, 1PS4 and 1PS5 motors
Additional Documentation Available for
code -Z Languages Frame size LOHER type series
with order code
U90 Document package NM1 (=U06+U15+U18+U58) De, En 71 ... 355 CHEMSTAR
consisting of installation and operating instructions,
EC type-examination certificate, dimensional drawing, wiring
U91 Document package NM2 (=U01+U04+U06+U15+U18+U40+U58) De, En 71 ... 355 CHEMSTAR
consisting of installation and operating instructions, wiring
diagram(s), EC type-examination certificate, LOHER data sheet,
manufacturer's declaration, dimensional drawing, current-torque
U92 Document package TM1 (=U01+U04+U06+U08+U15+U17+ De, En 355 ... 500 VARIO
U24+U25+U36+U43+U51+U56+U57+U58) consisting of data
sheet, current-torque characteristic, detail dimensional drawing,
terminal box drawing, wiring diagrams, installation and operating
instructions, set values
U01 Standard data sheet De, En, Fr, It, Es, Ru 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
U02 Customer data sheet 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
U03 Current-starting time characteristic De, En 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
U04 Current-torque characteristic (with load torque characteristic) De, En, Fr, It, Es, Ru 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
U05 Transient air-gap torques De, En 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
U06 Circuit diagram De, En, Fr 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
U07 Equivalent circuit diagram De, En, Fr, It, Es 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
U08 Terminal box drawing De, En 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
U09 Wöhler curve De, En 355 ... 500 VARIO
U10 Indication of shock resistance De, En 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
U11 Shock resistance calculation De, En 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
U12 Foundation load De, En, Fr, It, Es 280 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
U13 Calculation of axial magnetic pull De, En 355 ... 500 VARIO
U14 Lateral critical speed analysis De, En 200 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
U15 Dimensional drawing De, En 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
U16 Speed-starting time characteristic De, En 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
U17 Bearing and lubrication data sheet De, En, Fr, It, Es, Ru 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
U18 Operating instructions De, En, Fr, It, Es, Ru 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
U19 Shaft dimensional drawing with torsional stiffness values De, En 200 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
U20 Shaft dimensional drawing (without torsional stiffness values) De, En 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
U21 Instrument data sheet (all instruments combined) De, En 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
U22 Rating plate drawing De, En 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
U23 Noise characteristics report (standard) De, En 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
U24 Setpoint values (e.g. Pt100) De, En 200 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
U26 Spare parts list, order-specific (without prices) De, En 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
U28 Drawing of motor thermal growth De, En 200 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
U29 Winding data De, En 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
U30 Winding diagram De, En 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
U31 Shell record card En 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
U32 Test certificate 2.2 (EN 10204) De, En, Fr, It, Es, Ru 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
U33 SASO certificate En 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
U34 Calculation of the REED frequency De, En 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
U35 Lifting transport recommendation De, En 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
U36 Coating description De, En 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
U37 P & ID diagram De, En 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
U38 Power factor-efficiency characteristic De, En 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
Guide to selecting and ordering the motors
Special tests in the test bay
1 ■ Overview (continued)
Documentation for 1PS0, 1PS1, 1PS4 and 1PS5 motors (continued)
Additional Documentation Available for
code –Z Languages Frame size LOHER type series
with order code
U39 Power factor-speed characteristic De, En 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
U40 EC Declaration of Conformity De, En 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
U41 Certificate of conformity for mounting parts De, En 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
U42 Certificate of conformity for terminal box De, En 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
U43 Declaration of Incorporation De, En 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
U44 Certificate of conformity for IP degree of protection De, En 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
U45 Lifting lug calculation De, En 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
U46 Bearing life time calculation De, En 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
U50 Balance certificate (multi) De, En 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
U51 Inspection certificate 3.1 EN 10204 (multi) De, En, Fr, Ru 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
U52 Type test report (original motor) De, En 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
U53 Type test report (order-specific) – De, En 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
only in combination with F82/F83 or F92/93
U54 Load characteristics De, En 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
U55 Order-specific noise measurement report according to F De, En 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
option selected
U56 Vibration test report 3.1 (EN 10204) – at no load De, En 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
U57 Data information – for converter-fed operation De, En 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
U58 EC type-examination certificate De, En 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
U59 Acceptance test certificate De, En 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
U60 Shaft material certificate 3.1 De, En 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
U62 Calibration certificates De, En 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
U63 Quality plan De, En 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
U64 Thermal limit curve De, En 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
U65 Temperature-rise curve De, En 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
U66 External certificate according to design option De, En 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
U67 Certificate flame path 3.1 De, En 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
U68 Certificate of Compliance De, En 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
U69 Manufacturing Record Book De, En 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
U70 Tangent-delta measuring protocol (complete winding) 3.1 De, En Pre-formed coil VARIO
U71 Tangent-delta measuring protocol (10 % of the coils) 3.1 De, En Pre-formed coil VARIO
U72 Sample coil test protocol 3.1 De, En Pre-formed coil VARIO
U73 Partial discharge measurement report 3.1 De, En Pre-formed coil VARIO
U74 Material certificate for lamination 2.2 De, En 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
U75 Material certificate for copper 2.2 De, En 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
U76 Magnetic particle test report for motor shaft De, En 315 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
(frame size 315 and above)
U77 Magnetic particle test report for lifting lugs 3.1 De, En 355 ... 500 VARIO
U78 Liquid-penetrant test report for motor shaft 3.1 De, En 315 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
(frame size 315 and above)
U79 Ultrasonic test report for motor shaft 3.1 De, En 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
(only in combination with F70)
U80 Air gap measurement report 3.1 (frame size 315 and above) De, En 315 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
U81 Layer thickness protocol 3.1 (total layer thickness only) De, En 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
U82 Protection level certificate De, En 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
U83 Shaft vibration and run out protocol De, En
U84 Customer-specific dimension protocol De, En 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
U86 Standard test procedure De, En 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
Note: The delivery time for the factory test certificates may differ
from the delivery time for the motors.
Guide to selecting and ordering the motors
Special tests in the test bay
■ Overview (continued)
Documentation for 1PS0, 1PS1, 1PS4 and 1PS5 motors (continued)
Additional Documentation Available for
code –Z Languages Frame size LOHER type series
with order code
D00 Documentation in German 1) 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
D54 Documentation in Czech (operating instructions) 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
D55 Documentation in Polish (operating instructions) 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
D56 Documentation in Russian (operating instructions, data sheet, 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
dimension sheet)
D57 Documentation in Japanese (operating instructions) 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
D62 Documentation in Danish (operating instructions) 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
D71 Documentation in Rumanian (operating instructions) 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
D72 Documentation in Italian (operating instructions) 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
D73 Documentation in Finnish (operating instructions) 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
D74 Documentation in Dutch (operating instructions) 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
D75 Documentation in Turkish (operating instructions) 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
D76 Documentation in English 1) 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
D77 Documentation in French (operating instructions) 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
D78 Documentation in Spanish (operating instructions) 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
D79 Documentation in Portuguese (operating instructions) 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
D80 Documentation in Bulgarian (operating instructions) 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
D81 Documentation in Norwegian (operating instructions) 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
D82 Documentation in Hungarian (operating instructions) 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
D83 Documentation in Swedish (operating instructions) 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
D84 Documentation in Chinese, simplified (operating instructions) 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
D91 Documentation in Serbian (operating instructions) 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
B00 No documentation 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
B16 Photos for approval before shipment (rating plates + 2 views of 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
motor, delivery after approval by customer)
B17 Expediting during production (per order position) 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
B21 Documentation on CD 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
B22 Documentation as Email (standard) 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
B23 Documentation on paper, 1 set 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
B24 Preliminary documentation only 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
B29 Final documentation only 71 ... 500 CHEMSTAR, VARIO
On request Customer entry in drawing:
• Adding of additional title blocks in all drawings (title block has to
made available by the customer in the form of a DXF file)
• Approval documentation
• Motor sectional drawing
• Special documentation
• Plant-specific or order-specific creation of operating instructions
• Compilation of final documentation in a folder
All documents available.
General technical specifications
Cut-away diagram of a LOHER CHEMSTAR low-voltage motor
1 ■ Overview
Stamped and certified for converter-fed operation with Ambient temperatures from -55 to +70 °C
standard and special insulation PTC thermistor as additional protection or sole protection
SPM measuring nipple Auxiliary terminal box
Reinforced bearings Special paint finishes
Regreasing device for frame size 160 and above Special paint colors
General technical specifications
Paint finishes
■ Overview
Additional identification code –Z with order code
Standard V09 V10 (W14) V11 W15 – K24
LOHER paint finish
System N04 System N08 System N14/J08 System Z21/J08 Special prime System S10 – System G04
(paint finish coat system Z05 ETO option
System N14A) with internal (Engineer To
corrosion protec- Order) without
tion system J08 order code
Use: Standard Outdoor Tropical climate, Offshore, drilling Customer Underwater Customer
paint finish, climate, humid indoor cli- platforms, cus- request paint (sub- request
indoor tropical mate, VIK standard tomer request, (top coat from mersible (top coat from
installation, climate, paint finish, incl. J08 incl. J08/optional customer), pumps), customer)
standard for humid indoor (N14A without J08) (V19) with layer incl. J08 incl. J08
1PS0, 1PS1 climate, highly aggressive thickness 275 µm
standard for chemicals, decon- complies with
1PS4, 1PS5 tamination capabil- C5-Mhigh
ity, ships, onshore
Max. corrosiveness category
Internal – C3high C5-Mlow C5-Mmid – – Im 1h
External C3mid C5-Imid C5-Mlow – – Im 1h
Layer thickness
µm > 40 > 80 > 140 > 210 > 50 > 210 > 40
Climate groups acc. to Moderate Worldwide
EN 60721-3
Condensation climate + + ++ ++ + +
acc. to KFW DIN 50017
Sulfur dioxide acc. to 0 + +/++ ++ + 0
Saltwater according to 0 + +/++ ++ + +/++ 0
DIN 53167
Resistance according to DIN EN ISO 2812-1
Ammonia ~10 % + ++ ++ ++ + ++ +
Mineral oil, grease, + ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ +
solvent, benzene/
benzol, alcohol
Sulfuric acid 10 % 0 + ++ ++ + 0
Sulfuric acid 50 % – 0 + + 0 –
Bicarbonate of soda 10 % 0 + ++ ++ + –
Bicarbonate of soda 40 % – 0 ++ ++ + ––
Hydrochloric acid 37 % 0 0 + + – –
Temperature range
-40 … +130 °C (temporarily -60 … +150 °C, at +180 °C possible slight discoloration)
90 % 100 % 90 % 100 % 90 %
Ability to be painted
Good within 1 week, afterwards sanding down is necessary Very good Very good
Adhesion acc. to DIN EN ISO 2409
Characteristic value Gt 1
Pre-treatment of parts
All parts cleaned and degreased, steel and cast-iron parts sandblasted.
All layers oven dried.
Standard Standard RAL 7030 (stone gray) Gray 1) Gray 1) RAL 7032
Available colors 2) RAL 1004, 1018, 2004, 5009, 5010, 5012, 5015, 5018, 6002, 6003, – – (pebble gray)
6011, 7000, 7011, 7031, 7032, 7036, 7038, 9010, other colors are
available on request
Surface treatment of unpainted parts, shaft extension and flange
Coated with special rust-protection oil that repells water and palm sweat
Abrasion-resistant, elastic, scratch-resistant, shock-proof, totally light resistant, physiologically harmless
++ Long-term resistance Order code W10 can be used to order an internal coating in the
+ Good resistance color RAL 7032 (pebble gray). This internal coating is included
0 Limited resistance in the case of paint systems N14 (not N14A), Z21, Z05 and S10.
– Temporary resistance The maximum corrosiveness category of this paint finish is
–– No resistance C3mid.
1) Color non-compliant with RAL. 2) Colors with poor coverage, e.g. white or yellow, are not implemented in
N04, but instead with a greater layer thickness (e.g. N08).
General technical specifications
Paint finishes
1 ■ Overview (continued)
Paint system
Primer is omitted on aluminum and zinc-galvanized fan covers
Epoxy resin primer or intermediate coat
Synthetic resin primer (in some cases epoxy resin primer) Epoxy resin iron mica intermediate coat
Polyurethane top coat (PUR) Epoxy resin zinc dust primer
General technical specifications
Packaging, safety notes, documentation and test certificates
■ Overview
Packing weights
For 1PS0, 1PS1, 1PS4, 1PS5, 1MD5 motors
Frame For land transport Air freight Sea freight
size Packaging Foot- Flange- Packaging Foot- Flange- Packaging Foot- Flange-
mounted mounted mounted mounted mounted mounted
type type type type type type
Tare Tare Tare Tare Tare Tare
kg kg kg kg kg kg
71 Box 5 1) 5 1) Box 5 1) 5 1) Box 5 1) 5 1)
80 5 1) 5 1) 5 1) 5 1) 5 1) 5 1)
1) 1) 1) 1) 1)
90 5 5 5 5 5 5 1)
1) 1) 1) 1) 1)
100 5 5 5 5 5 5 1)
1) 1) 1) 1) 1)
112 5 5 5 5 5 5 1)
2) 2) 2) 2) 3)
132 Crate 8 8 Crate 9 9 Plywood 35 45 3)
2) 2) 2) 2) crate 3)
160 8 8 9 9 40 50 3)
180 10 2) 10 2) 11 2) 11 2) 45 3) 60 3)
2) 2) 2) 2) 3)
200 Planks 5 8 Planks 5 8 60 60 3)
2) 2) 2) 2) 3)
225 6 9 6 9 65 65 3)
2) 2) 2) 2) 3)
250 7 10 7 10 70 80 3)
2) 2) 2) 2) 3)
280 8 11 8 11 80 95 3)
2) 3) 2) 3) 3)
315 15 30 15 30 Wooden O.R. O.R. 3)
355 35 3) 40 3) 35 3) 40 3) O.R. 3) O.R. 3)
3) 3) 3) 3) 3)
400 50 60 50 60 O.R. O.R. 3)
3) 3) 3) 3) 3)
450 70 80 70 80 O.R. O.R. 3)
3) 3) 3) 3) 3)
500 80 90 80 90 O.R. O.R. 3)
1) 3)
On pallet (more than one motor is possible on one pallet). Packaging can be transported with forklift trucks, in plywood crate for sea
Attached to pallet (more than one motor is possible on one pallet). freight several motors may be possible per packing unit.
General technical specifications
Designs in accordance with standards and specifications
1 ■ Overview
Quality assurance
Orders for electrical machines are processed throughout, from For this certificate, an application for an extension of 3 years is
the quotation through to delivery, on the basis of a recognized submitted before the validity of the current certificate expires.
quality assurance system that fulfills the requirements of the
following quality standards: CE marking
• DIN EN ISO 9001 The motors bear the CE mark in accordance with the following
• EN 29001 guidelines:
• Guideline 2006/95/EC (Low-Voltage Directive) supersedes
LOHER is certified in accordance with Directive 94/9/EC: 93/68/EEC and 73/23/EEC
PTB 99 ATEX Q 003
• Directive 94/9/EC
IEC 60072-1 specifies dimensions only, there is no assignment of outputs.
More than one motor is possible per packing unit.
General technical specifications
Designs in accordance with standards and specifications
■ Overview (continued)
The following applies to explosion-proof motors:
Since the requirements of explosion-proof motors comply with
the European standards EN 60079-0, EN 60079-15,
EN 60079-31 and Directive 94/9/EC (ATEX 95), the certificates
issued by authorized testing agencies (PTB, DEKRA EXAM, etc.)
are accepted by all member states of the EU. The remaining
members of CENELEC, Switzerland in particular, also accept the
Product certifications are to be differentiated in terms of safety-
related certificates and efficiency certificates. Since 2011, it has
been obligatory for low-voltage motors with outputs in the range
of 0.75 to 375 kW (2, 4 and 6-pole) to be classified in accor-
dance with the IEC 60034-30 efficiency standard and to be
marked with the corresponding IE code (International Efficiency
IE1, IE2 or IE3). The efficiency is determined using the summed
losses method in accordance with IEC 60034-2-1.
Energy-saving motors for the European Economic Area in
accordance with EU Directive 640/2009
Since June 2011, all low-voltage motors that fall within the scope
of the EU directive must fulfill the specifications of international
efficiency class IE2.
• Line voltage ≤ 1000 V
• Line frequency 50 or 50/60 Hz
• Output range 0.75 to 375 kW
• Pole number 2, 4 and 6-pole
• Continuous duty S1
In January 2015, the efficiency requirements for motors within
the 7.5 to 375 kW range increased to IE3, otherwise IE2 motors
must be converter-fed.
This will also apply from January 2017 for 0.75 to < 7.5 kW
General technical specifications
Motor protection
1 ■ Overview
In the standard version, the motor is designed without motor Option A12
protection. The order variants for motor protection are coded by Motor protection through PTC thermistor with 6 embedded
means of the selected options. temperature sensors for warning and tripping In the terminal
box, 4 auxiliary terminals are required.
A distinction is made between current dependent and motor
temperature dependent protection devices. In order to achieve full thermal protection it is necessary to
combine a thermally delayed overcurrent release and a PTC
Current dependent protection devices thermistor. For full motor protection implemented only with PTC
Fuses are only used to protect mains cables in the event of a thermistors, please inquire.
short-circuit. They are not suitable for overload protection of the Motor temperature detection with converter operation
PTC sensor
The motors are usually protected by thermally delayed overload
protection devices (circuit breakers for motor protection or over- The PTC thermistor is a temperature dependent component.
load relays). This protection is current dependent and is In the region of the rated response temperature, the resistance
particularly effective in the case of a locked rotor. of the PTC increases very steeply.
For standard duty with short start-up times and starting currents
not too excessive and for low numbers of switching operations, 104
motor protection switches provide adequate protection.
Motor protection switches are not suitable for heavy starting duty
lg RKL Ω
or large numbers of switching operations. Differences in the
thermal time constants for the protection equipment and the
motor result in unnecessary early tripping when the protection
switch is set to rated current.
Motor temperature dependent protection devices 103
TNAT +15 K
TNAT -20 K
circuits. The PTC thermistors themselves cannot be subjected to
-20 °C
25 °C
General technical specifications
Voltages, currents and frequencies
■ Overview
Standard voltages and tolerances Rated current
The motors listed in this catalog are supplied with a fixed voltage In some output tables, the rated currents are only specified at a
(e.g. 400 V). The tolerance band for rated voltage is ±10 %. This rated voltage of 400 V. At other voltages, the rated currents vary
tolerance is in compliance with the standard and is not stamped in accordance with the inverse of the voltage:
on the rating plate. The tolerance band for frequency is ±2 %.
U I'
The motors of the LOHER CHEMSTAR and LOHER VARIO series =
U' I
can be designed without explosion protection and for Ex zones
with a non-standard winding for almost any frequency and any This means:
required line voltage up to 1000 V. The operating data listed in
the output tables applies to the rated voltages specified with I' =
tolerance bands according to EN 60034-1. U'
General technical specifications
Outputs and operating modes
1 ■ Overview
The outputs specified in the output tables are valid for duty type
S1 (continuous duty at constant load) in accordance with
EN 60034-1. For duty types S4, S5, S7 and S8 in addition to the
values for cyclic duration factor and switching frequency, the
moment of inertia of the motor (JM) and driven machine (Jext)
must also be stamped. All moments of inertia must be referred
to the motor speed. EN 60034-1 categorizes the groups of duty
types as follows:
1. Duty types in which starting and electrical braking do not
affect the overtemperature of the stator winding of the motor:
S2: Short-time duty
Operating times of 10, 30, 60, and 90 minutes are
recommended. After each period of duty the motor
remains at zero current until the winding has cooled
down to the coolant temperature.
S3: Intermittent duty without the influence of starting on the
Unless specified otherwise, the duty cycle time is
10 minutes. Values of 15, 25, 40, and 60 % are recom-
mended for the cyclic duration factor.
S6: Continuous duty with intermittent load.
Unless specified otherwise, the duty cycle time is
10 minutes. Values of 15, 25, 40, and 60 % are recom-
mended for the cyclic duration factor.
2. Duty types in which starting and braking have a correspond-
ing effect on the overtemperature of the stator winding and
the rotor cage:
S4: Intermittent duty with the influence of starting on the
temperature – switching cycles per hour (c/h) refers to
starting cycles.
S5: Intermittent duty with the influence of starting and
braking on the temperature – switching cycles per hour
(c/h) refers to starting and braking cycles.
S7: Continuous duty with starting and braking – the load
during the operating period must be known.
S8: Continuous duty with pole changing – the load during
the operating period must be known.
S9: Continuous duty with non-periodic load and speed
changes (converter-fed operation)
S10: Duty with discrete constant loads.
Most of the intermittent operating conditions occurring in
practice are a combination of the duty types listed under 1. and
2. All of the operating conditions must be known in order to
precisely determine a suitable motor.
General technical specifications
Rating plate and extra rating plates
■ Overview
Due to IE changeover, the affected motors will be equipped with New, according to EuP:
new rating plates complete with modified technical data. There • Efficiency classes IE1, IE2, IE3 according to IEC 60034-30
is no requirement to specify a voltage range. Only the rated
voltages are specified. Unless specified otherwise, a voltage • Specification of the nominal efficiencies according to
tolerance of up to ±10 % acc. to EN 60034-1 Range B applies. IEC 60034-30:2008 and the rated current with the rating
plate values or list values of power factor and efficiency
Note: The transition phase for harmonization of line voltages with (IEC 60034-30:2008 does not include any details regarding
increased tolerance within the EU expired on January 1, 2008. current)
Since then the admissible mains tolerances are 230/400 V • No separate specification of the rated voltage range
±10 %, 50 Hz and 400/690 V ±10 %, 50 Hz. In general, the
country of manufacture only is specified. The designation
"D-94099 Ruhstorf" is omitted with the exception of explosion-
proof motors.
Füllung der Lager:
LOHER DNGW-250MM-04A 1MD5253-1BD60-48A1-Z Filling of the bearings:
Remplissage des paliers:
3~MOT. NO. 3417569 520kg IM B3 IP55 Shell Gadus S3 T 100 2
400/690∆/Y V 101/59A 55kW 1479min -1
cos 0.84 Th Cl 155/130(FB) Extra rating plate: Bearing grease
Ex de IIC T4 Gb
BVS 11 ATEX E045 X
BOX Ex e
DATE: 20.09.12H 9-101A285.01
η[%] P[%]
2xM63x1.5 + 2xM20x1.5
UN 40 – 400 ∆ 133 – 400 ∆ 40 – 400 ∆ V
IN 37.5 – 94 84 – 84 71 – 71 A
n 145 – 1481 484 – 1484 137 – 1487 min -1 0102
f 5 – 50 16.3 – 50 5 – 50 Hz
7 8
Rating plate: Converter-fed operation
LOHER DNGW-250MM-04A 1MD5253-1BD60-48A1-Z
9 10
3~MOT. NO. 3417569 520kg IM B3 IP55
Type DNGW–250MM–04A
2 400/690∆/Y V 101/59A 55kW 1479min -1
Nr. 34 17569 6
x protected at sinusoidal supply cos 0.84 Th Cl 155/130(FBi)
Us 400 V ∆ Is / Ir 7.2 f 50 Hz/20°C 3 50Hz
protected at inverter supply only Ex de IIC T4 Gb
Us V Is A f Hz/20°C
BVS 11 ATEX E045 X
with x
tS 36 s rotor DATE: 20.09.12H
without η[%] P[%]
Tripping device with
93.7 100 II 2 G 0 102
EC-Type-Examination certificate 5 IE2
PTC thermistors DIN44082-M155 94.2 75
EN 60034/EN 60079/IEC 60079
94.0 50
Extra rating plate: PTC thermistor for sole protection, mains or Siemens AG, Hans-Loher-Str.32, DE-94099 Ruhstorf a.d. Rott Made in Germany 1
converter-fed operation G_D083_EN_00014
Extra rating plate: Anti-condensation heater Main rating plate: Mains-fed operation with legend
General technical specifications
Efficiency, power factor, rated torque, rated speed / insulation and winding
1 ■ Overview ■ Overview
Efficiency and power factor High-grade enameled wires, suitable insulating sheet materials,
and the type of impregnation (current UV or vacuum method)
The efficiency η and power factor cosϕ for each rated output are form insulation systems for the motor windings that ensure a high
listed in the selection tables in the individual sections of this level of mechanical and electrical strength as well as good
catalog. serviceability and a long service life. The insulation system is
Rated speed and direction of rotation suitable for rated voltages up to 1000 V. These insulation sys-
tems protect the winding to a large degree against the effects of
The rated speeds are applicable for the rated data. The synchro- aggressive gases, vapors, dust and oil. They resist the stress of
nous speed changes proportionally with the line frequency. normal climates in accordance with EN 60721-3 and are suitable
The motors are suitable for clockwise and counter-clockwise for use in tropical climates. In the case of a damp alternation
rotation. climate, which also occurs in various tropical zones, the special
If U1, V1, W1 are connected to L1, L2, L3, clockwise rotation version for increased humidity protection is required.
results as viewed onto the drive-end shaft extension. Counter- Silicone rubber encapsulation
clockwise rotation is achieved by swapping two phases (see
also "Heating and ventilation" on Page 1/27). Silicone rubber encapsulation is recommended in the following
cases irrespective of the temperature class of the winding:
Rated torque • When there is a heightened risk of condensation forming due
The rated torque in Nm delivered at the motor shaft is to the type of drive or application of the motor.
• If deposits of highly conductive dust on the winding heads
9.55 P 1000
T = need to be prevented.
Encapsulation offers particular advantages in combination with
P Rated output in kW temperature classes F and H for the following requirements:
n Speed in rpm
• Motors with high switching frequencies
If the voltage deviates from its rated value within the admissible • Motors for particularly difficult starting and braking conditions
limits, the locked-rotor torque, the pull-up torque and the break-
down torque vary with the approximate square of the value, but • Motors with increased mechanical short-circuit strength
the locked-rotor current varies approximately linearly. of the winding
General technical specifications
Heating and ventilation
■ Overview
Anti-condensation heater
Frame size Supply voltage Heater output per motor
The motors can be equipped with anti-condensation heaters to 1PS0, 1PS4, 1PS5 1PS1
protect them against internal condensation. The standard sup- V W W
ply voltages are listed in the table below. Other supply voltages
are possible on request. Anti-condensation heaters must not be
switched on during operation. 71 … 100 110 … 120 12 12
Anti-condensation heaters for 1PS1 motors in the type of protec- 112 … 132 210 … 250 25 24
tion "Non-sparking" are supplied with a self-limiter. The heater 160 … 250 50 48
output is listed in the adjacent table.
280 … 315 S/M 100 100
Alternatively, a voltage of between 5 and 10 % of the rated motor 315 L … 355 200 200
voltage can be connected to terminals U1 and V1 (1-phase)
which will heat the stator winding sufficiently. LOHER VARIO motors
355 … 400 110 … 120 250 250
450 210 … 250 280 280
500 350 350
If motors are equipped with forced ventilation, pipes for infeed or The values for static back pressure in Pa (1 Pascal = 0.102 mm
extraction of air, silencers, or similar, the values listed above WS) are maximum values that must not be exceeded on self-
must be complied with depending on frame size. ventilation and with the specified cooling air flow in pipes,
They must also be used to calculate the static back pressure of silencers, or similar.
General technical specifications
Types of construction
1 ■ Overview
Installation of rotating electrical machines IM B3 in IM B6, IM B7, IM B8, IM V5 or IM V6,
according to EN 60034-7 IM B5 in IM V1 or IM V3,
IM B14 in IM V18 or IM V19.
The most common types of construction are shown in the table.
It can be seen from the option lists for which frame size range For motors up to frame size 180 (standard version without con-
the individual types of construction are supplied. Other types of densation drain), this applies without constraints. With frame
construction are available on request. The type of construction size 200 and above, it is important that the motors are installed
is specified on the rating plate in accordance with Code I, with the condensation drainage holes at the lowest point. The
EN 60034-7, according to the type of construction ordered and mains connection of the motors is suitable for all types of con-
also appears as code letters in the type designation. This is not struction due to the ability to rotate the terminal box by 90°. The
the case with motor versions whose type of construction has not motors in the version "without explosion protection" for vertical
been standardized according to Code I. In such cases, the type installation with the shaft extension pointing downwards are
of construction is specified in accordance with Code II. Standard supplied without a protective cover over the fan cover, unless
motors, that is frame sizes 90 to 315 M, that are ordered in the specified otherwise.
basic (universal) types of construction IM B3, IM B5 or IM B14,
can also be operated in other mounting positions as follows:
Type of construction Bearings Motor type Type of construction Additional identifi-
acc. to EN 60034-7 code 12th position cation code with
of the Article No. order code
Horizontal installation with bearing plates
Without flange
IM B3/IM 1001 2 bearing plates A 0
With flange
IM B35/IM 2001 2 bearing plates D 6
General technical specifications
Types of construction
■ Overview (continued)
Type of construction Bearings Motor type Type of construction Additional identifi-
acc. to EN 60034-7 code 12th position cation code with
of the Article No. order code
Vertical installation with bearing plates
Without flange
IM V5/IM 1011 2 bearing plates R 9 +M1D
With flange
IM V1/IM 3011 2 bearing plates M 8
Flange designations
In accordance with EN 50347 or IEC 60072-1, the mounting
flanges are designated according to the nominal dimension of
the hole diameter. Their assignment to frame sizes can be
obtained from the dimensional drawings.
Flange with through holes, e.g. IM B5 EN 50347:
FF100, FF115, FF130, FF165, FF215, FF265, FF300, FF350,
FF400, FF500, FF600, FF740
Flange with tapped holes, e.g. IM B14 EN 50347:
FT65, FT75, FT85, FT100, FT115, FT130, FT165
General technical specifications
Motor connection and terminal box
1 ■ Overview
The terminal box housings are made of cast-iron and designed Position of the terminal box
to IP55 degree of protection (to IP56 in the case of LOHER
VARIO) in accordance with EN 60034-5. The terminals are there- Assignment of terminal box position to type of construction
fore protected from touch, dust deposits and water jets from any Types of construction Terminal box position
direction. The terminal boxes for explosion-proof motors corre- IM B3/IM B5, IM B3/IM B14 –
spond to the respective standards. terminal box on top
Explosion-proof motors are equipped as standard with terminal
boxes in type of protection Ex e in accordance with EN 60079-0
and EN 60079-7. For motors in type of protection "Non-sparking",
the terminal boxes are stamped with "Ex nA" in accordance with IM B3/IM B5, IM B3/IM B14 –
EN 60079-15. The "Ex nA" terminal box design is identical to that terminal box on side
for "Ex e".
The position of the terminal box and cable entries can be ob-
tained from the table below. The terminal boxes can be rotated
by 90° which allows the incoming supply cable to be fed in from IM B6 1)
different sides. For motors in type of protection "explosion-proof
enclosure", subsequent rotation of the terminal box for frame
sizes 71 and 80 is only permitted to be performed in an autho-
rized specialist workshop.
Monitoring devices or anti-condensation heaters are connected IM B7 1)
via auxiliary terminals in the terminal box. In frame size 132 and
above, the auxiliary terminals can be installed in an auxiliary
terminal box that is mounted on the side of the terminal box
corresponding to the type of protection of the motor.
IM B8 1)
IM V1, IM V18
IM V3, IM V19
IM V5 1)
IM V6 1)
IM V15, IM V17 1)
1) For terminal box position on top, the design is as for IM B3/IM B5,
IM B3/IM B14 – terminal box on top.
General technical specifications
Degrees of protection and mechanical design
■ Overview
Degrees of protection acc. to EN 60034-5
Degree of Scope of protection
Shock hazard protection and protection against the ingress of Protection against water (2nd digit)
foreign bodies (1st digit)
IP54 Total protection against touching of live parts and against getting Water sprayed from all directions onto the machine must not
near such parts as well as touching of moving parts inside the have a harmful effect.
IP55 Protection against harmful dust deposits: A jet of water from a nozzle that is aimed at the machine from all
Ingress of dust is not totally prevented, but dust will not directions does not have a harmful effect.
IP56 penetrate in sufficient quantities for satisfactory operation of the Water due to heavy seas, or water in a powerful jet, will not
machine to be affected. penetrate the housing in any quantities that may cause damage.
IP65 Total protection against touching of live parts and against getting A jet of water from a nozzle that is aimed at the machine from all
near such parts as well as touching of moving parts inside the directions does not have a harmful effect.
Protection against ingress of dust (dust tight).
All motors in the standard version correspond to IP55 degree Available types in IP67 degree of protection in frame size 160
of protection. Other degrees of protection are available as an and above:
option. • 1PS0 without explosion protection
For all types of construction with the shaft extension pointing • 1PS1 with type of protection Ex nA IIC
downwards, a suitable cover that prevents small parts from fall- • 1PS5 with type of protection Ex de IIC
ing into the fan cover is essential. Exceptions to this rule are
cases in which the motor is mounted such that the machine per- The technical specifications of the motors can be obtained from
forms the function of the cover. This type of cover must, however, the type descriptions.
not adversely affect the cooling air flow. Motors that are installed
outdoors must be protected against intensive exposure to the Additional options that are appropriate for IP67 degree of
sun. protection:
• PTC thermistor for winding monitoring
Motors to IP67 degree of protection
• Paint finish N14
Special motor versions can be supplied for installation in plants • Stainless steel screws
which can be flooded occasionally, such as pumping stations.
They are suitable for temporary submersion at standstill for up to • Anti-condensation heater
72 hours in a maximum depth of water of 8 m. During the entire • Built-on level switch
period of submersion, the motor must not be in operation. To en- (not included in the scope of supply of the motor)
sure that the built-in fan of the motor or the external ventilation is
not destroyed, the motor must be switched off before the water
level reaches the fan.
Special measures, such as special sealing around the shaft and
static joints in accordance with IP67 ensure that no water can
enter the motor for the duration of submersion. After connecting
the motor, the terminal box must be tightly sealed using the
supplied casting resin in accordance with the installation in-
structions supplied with the motor.
General technical specifications
Degrees of protection and mechanical design
1 ■ Overview (continued)
IP66 shaft seal (optional) Condensation drainage holes
A shaft seal to IP66 is available as an option for motors of the For motors of frame size 180 and below, condensation drainage
LOHER CHEMSTAR 1PS series. It comprises an axial ring seal holes are not provided due to the minimal empty internal space
(Gammaring 9RB). The sealing lip slides over a carefully pre- and consequently minimal build-up of condensation. They will
pared metal surface. The contact pressure reduces as the only be implemented in response to a special request. Such a
speed increases. This reduces wear. The metal cage in combi- request must be clearly stated when placing an order. Motors of
nation with the housing forms a labyrinth gap which protects the frame size 160 and above feature condensation drainage holes
sealing lip from water jets, dust and mechanical damage. This as standard.
mechanical design prevents deposits of water in the vicinity of
the sealing lip. The location of the condensation drainage holes depends on the
type of construction. They are located at the lowest point of the
bearing plates. If the drainage holes are not at the lowest point
following installation and commissioning of the motor, new holes
Bearing plate must be drilled accordingly and the existing holes must be
sealed with plugs. For IP55 and IP56 degrees of protection, the
Sliding surface condensation drainage holes are sealed. For motors of the 1PS0
type series, the condensation drainage holes are sealed with a
Metal cage plug that is compliant with the degree of protection and which
ensures condensation drainage. For motors of the 1PS1 type
Sealing lip series, condensation drainage holes are tightly sealed with a
bolt. The drilled hole must be opened regularly to allow the
Shaft accumulated condensation water to drain away.
For the 1PS4, 1PS5 and 1MD5 motor series, condensation drain-
age holes cannot be implemented, as this would not comply with
G_D083_EN_00025 the type of protection "Explosion-proof enclosure".
In the case of vertical types of construction, the hole in the top
The shaft seal is suitable for horizontal and vertical motor types bearing plate is sealed with a plug.
of construction. It is particularly suited to outdoor installations,
especially V3.
IP66/65 degree of protection has been verified for the seal by
DEKRA EXAM. The shaft seal has been successfully imple-
mented under extreme conditions for 30 years.
LOHER VARIO motors are equipped as standard with a contact-
less, maintenance-free labyrinth sealing system. Degree of
protection up to IP66 can be achieved by means of the special
version with integrated seals. This sealing system is certified in
accordance with the strict requirements for dust explosion-proof
motors (Ex t).
General technical specifications
■ Overview
The motors are equipped with deep groove ball bearings at the During commissioning, the bolts tightened with locknuts must be
drive end (DE) and the non-drive end (NDE). For special ver- slackened by several turns and then retightened. This releases
sions with reinforced bearings, a cylindrical roller bearing is the shaft so that it can rotate freely in the bearings.
fitted at the DE in some cases.
To fix the rotor in the axial direction, a bearing must be designed
as a so-called located bearing. To prevent expansion of the shaft
in a warm motor in the direction of the driven machine, the lo-
cated bearing is installed at the drive end. This does not apply
to motors with reinforced bearings (roller bearings). In accor-
dance with the type of construction, the located bearing must be
mounted on the NDE fan end. In LOHER VARIO motors of the
1PS0 and 1PS1 type series for vertical installation, the located
bearing is also mounted at NDE.
The assignment and designation of bearings are shown in the
tables under the heading ""Selection of roller bearings".
Bearing shipping brace
Cylindrical roller bearings are sensitive to shock at standstill.
This can occur during transportation, or it can be caused after
Example illustration
installation by adjacent machines. This results in longitudinal
grooves on the inner ring of the roller bearing. To prevent this, all
motors with roller bearings are equipped with a special shipping
brace. The rotor shaft is totally blocked by tightening several
hexagon bolts. This prevents vibration on the moving surface of
the bearing from being transferred.
Standard bearings
Selection of roller bearings
Frame size No. of poles Drive end (DE) bearing Non-drive end (NDE) bearing
Type of construction V types of construction Type of construction V types of construction
IM B3, IM B5 IM B3, IM B5
LOHER CHEMSTAR 1PS0 and 1PS1 motors
90 All 6205-2Z C3 6205-2Z C3 6205-2Z C3 6205-2Z C3
100 All 6306-2Z C3 6306-2Z C3 6306-2Z C3 6306-2Z C3
112 All 6306-2Z C3 6306-2Z C3 6306-2Z C3 6306-2Z C3
132 All 6308-2Z C3 6308-2Z C3 6308-2Z C3 6308-2Z C3
160 All 6310-2Z C3 6310-2Z C3 6310-2Z C3 6310-2Z C3
180 All 6311-2Z C3 6311-2Z C3 6311-2Z C3 6311-2Z C3
200 All 6312-Z C3 6312-Z C3 6312-Z C3 6312-Z C3
225 All 6313-Z C3 6313-Z C3 6313-Z C3 6313-Z C3
250 All 6314-Z C3 6314-Z C3 6314-Z C3 6314-Z C3
280 2 6314-Z C3 6314-Z C3 6314-Z C3 6314-Z C3
280 ≥4 6316-Z C3 6316-Z C3 6316-Z C3 6316-Z C3
315 2 6316 C3 6316 C3 1) 6316 C3 6316 C3
315 ≥4 6219 C3 6219 C3 6219 C3 6219 C3
355 2 6316 C3 6316 C3 1) 6316 C3 6316 C3
355 ≥4 6320 C3 6320 C3 6320 C3 6320 C3
LOHER VARIO 1PS0 and 1PS1 motors
355 2 6316 C3 6316 C3 6316 C3 7316 B 1)
355 ≥4 6320 C3 6320 C3 6320 C3 7320 B
400 2 6317 C3 6317 C3 1) 6317 C3 7317 B 1)
400 ≥4 6322 C3 6322 C3 6322 C3 7322 B
450 2 6318 C3 1) 2) 6318 C3 1) 2)
1) For 50 Hz operation only, for 60 Hz with C4 bearings. 2) On request, sleeve bearings may be necessary.
General technical specifications
1 ■ Overview (continued)
Selection of roller bearings (continued)
Frame size No. of poles Drive end (DE) bearing Non-drive end (NDE) bearing
Type of construction V types of construction Type of construction V types of construction
IM B3, IM B5 IM B3, IM B5
71 All 6203-2Z 6203-2Z 6203-2Z 6203-2Z
80 All 6204-2Z 6204-2Z 6204-2Z 6204-2Z
90 All 6205-2Z C3 6205-2Z C3 6205-2Z C3 6205-2Z C3
100 All 6306-2Z C3 6306-2Z C3 6306-2Z C3 6306-2Z C3
112 All 6306-2Z C3 6306-2Z C3 6306-2Z C3 6306-2Z C3
132 All 6308-2Z C3 6308-2Z C3 6308-2Z C3 6308-2Z C3
160 All 6310-2Z C3 6310-2Z C3 6310-2Z C3 6310-2Z C3
180 All 6311 C3 6311 C3 6311 C3 6311 C3
200 All 6312 C3 6312 C3 6312 C3 6312 C3
225 All 6313 C3 6313 C3 6313 C3 6313 C3
250 All 6314 C3 6314 C3 6314 C3 6314 C3
280 2 6314 C3 6314 C3 6314 C3 6314 C3
280 ≥4 6316 C3 6316 C3 6316 C3 6316 C3
315 2 6316 C3 6316 C3 1) 6316 C3 6316 C3
315 ≥4 6219 C3 6219 C3 6219 C3 6219 C3
355 2 2) 6316 C3 6316 C3 6316 C3 6316 C3
355 ≥4 6320 C3 6320 C3 6320 C3 6320 C3
LOHER VARIO 1PS4 and 1PS5 motors
355 2 6316 C4 6318 C4 6316 C4 6316 C4
355 ≥4 6320 C3 6320 C3 6320 C3 6320 C3
400 2 6317 C4 6320 C4 6317 C4 6320 C4
400 ≥4 6322 C3 6322 C3 6322 C3 6322 C3
450 2 NU1022M C3+6022 C3 1) 7218+6218 C4 1) NU1022M C3 NU1022M C3
450 ≥4 6324 C3 7224+6324 C3 6324 C3 NU1022M
500 2 NU1022M C3+6022 C3 1) 3) NU1022M C3 3)
1) 3)
For 50 Hz operation only, for 60 Hz with C4 bearings. On request, sleeve bearings may be necessary.
Only applies for 1PS5.
General technical specifications
■ Overview (continued)
Admissible forces on shaft extension
The values apply to the bearings and drive end shaft extensions
that are assigned in the following tables based on a calculated
service life of L10h = 20000 h. FQ x
They are applicable for horizontal and vertical shafts.
FQ = Cantilever force in N +FA -FA
FA = Axial force in N
x = Distance between point of application of force and
shoulder of shaft in mm xmax
l = Length of shaft extension in mm x0
General technical specifications
1 ■ Overview (continued)
1PS0, 1PS1, 1PS4, 1PS5 and 1MD5 motors
Valid are: x0 values for x = 0, x0.5 values for x = 0.5 · l and xmax values for x = l (l = shaft extension)
Frame size Admissible cantilever force FQ
at x0 at x0.5 at xmax
at speed
3000 rpm 1500 rpm 1000 rpm 750 rpm 3000 rpm 1500 rpm 1000 rpm 750 rpm 3000 rpm 1500 rpm 1000 rpm 750 rpm
kN kN kN kN kN kN kN kN kN kN kN kN
71 0.52 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32
80 0.69 0.75 0.89 0.89 0.59 0.49 0.59 0.59 0.44 0.37 0.44 0.44
90 0.75 0.94 0.93 0.93 0.69 0.64 0.60 0.60 0.63 0.47 0.44 0.44
100 1.39 0.57 1.84 1.84 1.11 0.38 1.23 1.23 0.83 0.29 0.92 0.92
112 1.36 1.72 1.96 1.96 1.24 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
132 2.14 2.70 3.08 3.08 1.73 1.88 2.77 2.77 1.23 1.34 2.01 2.01
160 3.42 4.33 4.99 4.99 3.11 3.93 4.23 4.23 2.82 2.90 2.87 2.87
180 4.21 5.30 6.08 6.08 3.84 4.84 5.55 5.55 3.53 4.21 4.21 4.21
200 4.46 5.60 6.42 6.42 4.08 5.14 5.90 5.90 3.78 4.75 5.36 5.36
225 5.10 6.37 7.21 7.21 4.73 5.79 6.57 6.57 4.41 5.32 5.74 5.74
250 5.53 7.00 8.01 8.91 5.03 6.36 7.28 8.10 4.61 5.83 6.68 6.81
280 5.32 7.96 9.09 10.23 4.89 7.31 8.35 9.41 4.52 6.77 7.73 8.70
315 S/M 6.20 6.80 7.70 8.70 5.70 6.30 7.20 8.00 5.40 5.80 6.70 7.50
315 L 5.90 6.20 7.00 8.00 5.60 6.00 6.30 6.30 5.30 4.90 4.20 4.20
355 Values on request
LOHER VARIO 1PS4 and 1PS5 motors
355 … 500 Values on request
71 0.52 0.57 0.57 – 0.41 0.41 0.41 – 0.32 0.32 0.32 –
80 0.69 0.86 0.89 – 0.59 0.59 0.59 – 0.44 0.44 0.44 –
90 0.75 0.94 1.08 – 0.69 0.87 0.92 – 0.64 0.67 0.67 –
100 1.40 1.26 1.17 – 1.22 0.84 0.78 – 0.91 0.63 0.58 –
112 1.38 1.73 1.37 – 1.25 1.17 0.91 – 0.95 0.87 0.68 –
132 2.17 2.73 3.04 – 1.95 1.88 1.81 – 1.39 1.34 1.29 –
160 3.46 4.37 4.38 – 2.51 2.37 2.34 – 1.72 1.61 1.60 –
180 4.29 5.36 6.16 – 3.92 4.51 3.57 – 3.06 3.09 3.12 –
200 4.49 5.68 6.49 – 4.13 5.21 5.95 – 3.81 4.56 4.35 –
225 5.14 6.38 7.38 – 4.77 5.81 6.72 – 4.45 5.33 5.74 –
250 5.64 6.98 8.12 – 5.13 6.35 7.39 – 4.71 5.82 6.77 –
280 5.53 8.19 9.59 – 5.08 7.53 8.82 – 4.70 6.97 8.16 –
315 S/M 6.20 6.75 7.59 – 5.75 6.16 6.94 – 5.36 5.67 6.38 –
315 L 6.16 6.01 6.89 – 5.79 5.57 6.38 – 5.45 5.20 5.95 –
355 Values on request
General technical specifications
■ Overview (continued)
Admissible axial force
In the case of exclusively axial loading, the values in the follow- The specified values apply to operation at 50 Hz.
ing tables are admissible. The values apply exclusively to the For a 60 Hz supply, the values must be reduced by 6 % to
bearings listed below. The data is based on a fatigue life of achieve the same service life.
L10h = 20000 h.
1PS0, 1PS1, 1PS4, 1PS5 and 1MD5 motors
Frame size Admissible axial force +FA
Horizontal shaft Vertical shaft – force acting upwards Vertical shaft – force acting downwards
Type of construction Type of construction
IM V3, IM V6, IM V14, IM V19, IM V36 IM V3, IM V6, IM V14, IM V19, IM V36
at speed
3000 rpm 1500 rpm 1000 rpm 750 rpm 3000 rpm 1500 rpm 1000 rpm 750 rpm 3000 rpm 1500 rpm 1000 rpm 750 rpm
kN kN kN kN kN kN kN kN kN kN kN kN
LOHER CHEMSTAR 1PS0 and 1PS1 motors
90 0.38 0.59 0.75 0.75 0.43 0.67 0.82 0.82 0.85 1.05 1.21 1.21
100 0.96 1.38 1.66 1.66 1.04 1.48 1.78 1.78 1.40 1.80 2.07 2.07
112 0.95 1.35 1.64 1.64 1.05 1.48 1.80 1.80 1.39 1.77 2.05 2.05
132 1.29 1.89 2.32 2.32 1.48 2.12 2.60 2.60 2.18 2.76 3.16 3.16
160 2.06 2.97 3.64 3.64 2.42 3.37 4.03 4.03 3.10 3.98 4.66 4.66
180 2.76 3.86 4.67 4.67 3.34 4.52 5.46 5.46 3.48 4.52 5.29 5.29
200 3.10 4.26 5.12 5.12 3.79 5.20 6.12 6.12 3.38 4.42 5.21 5.21
225 3.43 4.71 5.63 5.63 4.30 5.86 7.22 7.22 3.87 4.94 5.63 5.63
250 1) 3.20 4.67 5.75 6.66 4.27 6.01 7.29 8.21 4.89 6.19 7.15 8.07
280 1) 3.09 5.32 6.51 7.62 4.66 7.54 8.96 9.83 4.34 6.32 7.26 8.79
315 S/M 6.10 6.80 7.80 8.70 8.70 9.90 11.40 12.30 2.10 2.30 3.00 3.90
315 L 6.00 6.70 7.50 8.40 9.50 10.80 12.80 13.70 1.20 1.50 1.50 2.50
355 LB 5.40 9.40 10.90 12.30 10.20 15.90 18.90 20.40 0.45 2.90 3.70 5.20
LOHER VARIO 1PS0 and 1PS1 motors
355 … 500 Values on request
General technical specifications
1 ■ Overview (continued)
1PS0, 1PS1, 1PS4, 1PS5 and 1MD5 motors
Frame size Admissible axial force +FA
Horizontal shaft Vertical shaft – force acting upwards Vertical shaft – force acting downwards
at speed
3000 rpm 1500 rpm 1000 rpm 750 rpm 3000 rpm 1500 rpm 1000 rpm 750 rpm 3000 rpm 1500 rpm 1000 rpm 750 rpm
kN kN kN kN kN kN kN kN kN kN kN kN
71 0.25 0.39 0.49 0.49 0.28 0.43 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.66 0.76 0.76
80 0.37 0.55 0.68 0.68 0.40 0.61 0.74 0.74 0.67 0.84 0.97 0.97
90 0.38 0.59 0.75 0.75 0.43 0.67 0.82 0.82 0.85 1.05 1.21 1.21
100 0.96 1.38 1.66 1.66 1.04 1.48 1.78 1.78 1.40 1.80 2.07 2.07
112 0.95 1.35 1.64 1.64 1.05 1.48 1.80 1.80 1.39 1.77 2.05 2.05
132 1.29 1.89 2.32 2.32 1.48 2.12 2.60 2.60 2.18 2.76 3.16 3.16
160 2.06 2.97 3.64 3.64 2.42 3.37 4.03 4.03 3.10 3.98 4.66 4.66
180 2.76 3.86 4.67 4.67 3.34 4.52 5.46 5.46 3.48 4.52 5.29 5.29
200 3.10 4.26 5.12 5.12 3.79 5.20 6.12 6.12 3.38 4.42 5.21 5.21
225 3.43 4.71 5.63 5.63 4.30 5.86 7.22 7.22 3.87 4.94 5.63 5.63
250 5.60 7.07 8.15 9.06 6.67 8.41 9.69 10.61 2.49 3.79 4.75 5.67
280 5.49 7.92 9.11 10.22 7.06 10.14 11.56 12.43 1.94 3.72 4.66 6.19
315 S/M 6.10 6.80 7.80 8.70 8.70 9.90 11.40 12.30 2.10 2.30 3.00 3.90
315 L 6.00 6.70 7.50 8.40 9.50 10.80 12.80 13.70 1.20 1.50 1.50 2.50
LOHER VARIO 1PS4 and 1PS5 motors
355 … 500 Values on request
General technical specifications
■ Overview (continued)
1PS0, 1PS1, 1PS4, 1PS5 and 1MD5 motors
Frame size Admissible axial force +FA
Horizontal shaft Vertical shaft – force acting upwards Vertical shaft – force acting downwards
at speed
3000 rpm 1500 rpm 1000 rpm 750 rpm 3000 rpm 1500 rpm 1000 rpm 750 rpm 3000 rpm 1500 rpm 1000 rpm 750 rpm
kN kN kN kN kN kN kN kN kN kN kN kN
71 0.25 0.39 0.49 – 0.28 0.43 0.53 – 0.53 0.66 0.76 –
80 0.37 0.55 0.69 – 0.40 0.59 0.72 – 0.67 0.84 0.98 –
90 0.38 0.59 0.75 – 0.43 0.64 0.80 – 0.85 1.06 1.21 –
100 0.97 1.37 1.66 – 1.03 1.46 1.77 – 1.41 1.78 2.08 –
112 0.96 1.36 1.65 – 1.04 1.45 1.78 – 1.41 1.80 2.08 –
132 1.31 1.90 2.34 – 1.44 2.06 2.52 – 2.21 2.79 3.19 –
160 2.07 2.98 3.64 – 2.34 3.31 4.04 – 3.16 4.04 4.64 –
180 2.79 3.89 4.71 – 3.20 4.46 5.36 – 3.64 4.62 5.40 –
200 3.12 4.30 5.15 – 3.70 5.05 5.96 – 3.47 4.58 5.34 –
225 3.44 4.73 5.72 – 4.27 5.82 6.97 – 3.90 4.93 5.91 –
250 5.65 7.06 8.19 – 6.67 8.62 9.66 – 2.49 3.58 4.77 –
280 5.58 8.02 9.34 – 6.99 10.03 11.06 – 2.04 3.93 5.35 –
315 S/M 6.09 6.80 7.77 – 8.22 9.53 10.56 – 1.89 2.14 2.77 –
315 L 5.90 6.44 7.40 – 9.16 10.77 12.44 – 0.95 0.37 0.99 –
355 Values on request
General technical specifications
1 ■ Overview (continued)
Additional axial force with cantilever force on shaft extension
If the shaft extensions are loaded at x = l (l = shaft extension) with If the admissible cantilever forces are not exploited to the full,
the respective admissible cantilever force FQ, the following higher loads are possible in the axial direction (values on
additional forces are permitted to occur in the axial direction. request).
1PS0, 1PS1, 1PS4, 1PS5 and 1MD5 motors
Frame size Additional axial force +FA
Horizontal shaft Vertical shaft – force acting upwards Vertical shaft – force acting downwards
Shaft extension at top Shaft extension at top
Type of construction Type of construction
IM V3, IM V6, IM V14, IM V19, IM V36 IM V3, IM V6, IM V14, IM V19, IM V36
at speed
3000 rpm 1500 rpm 1000 rpm 750 rpm 3000 rpm 1500 rpm 1000 rpm 750 rpm 3000 rpm 1500 rpm 1000 rpm 750 rpm
kN kN kN kN kN kN kN kN kN kN kN kN
LOHER CHEMSTAR 1PS0 and 1PS1 motors
90 0.04 0.26 0.41 0.41 0.09 0.33 0.48 0.48 0.51 0.72 0.87 0.87
100 0.47 1.10 0.91 0.91 0.45 1.20 0.90 0.90 0.75 1.52 1.23 1.23
112 0.38 0.67 0.99 0.99 0.48 0.70 1.01 1.01 0.75 1.00 1.28 1.28
132 0.59 1.00 1.07 1.07 0.64 0.83 1.35 1.35 1.20 1.46 1.75 1.75
160 0.46 1.30 1.85 1.85 0.85 1.74 2.07 2.07 1.49 2.11 2.56 2.56
180 1.08 1.58 2.26 2.26 1.58 2.24 3.03 3.03 1.71 2.23 2.86 2.86
200 1.34 1.85 2.26 2.26 1.92 2.66 3.17 3.17 1.52 1.88 2.20 2.20
225 1.45 2.07 2.48 2.48 2.21 3.06 4.03 4.03 1.78 2.16 2.45 2.45
250 1) 1.00 1.66 2.06 2.42 1.94 2.84 3.57 3.86 2.57 3.01 3.44 3.85
280 1) 1.02 1.99 2.62 2.96 2.44 4.00 4.77 4.87 2.14 2.82 3.13 3.87
315 S/M 3.80 4.10 4.70 5.10 6.20 7.10 8.10 8.50 – – – 0.10
315 L 3.80 4.10 4.60 5.00 7.10 8.20 9.80 10.20 – – – –
355 LB 3.30 5.40 6.40 6.90 8.00 11.90 13.90 14.40 Values on request
LOHER VARIO 1PS0 and 1PS1 motors
355 … 500 Values on request
General technical specifications
■ Overview (continued)
1PS0, 1PS1, 1PS4, 1PS5 and 1MD5 motors
Frame size Additional axial force +FA
Horizontal shaft Vertical shaft – force acting upwards Vertical shaft – force acting downwards
Shaft extension at top Shaft extension at top
Type of construction Type of construction
IM V3, IM V6, IM V14, IM V19, IM V36 IM V3, IM V6, IM V14, IM V19, IM V36
at speed
3000 rpm 1500 rpm 1000 rpm 750 rpm 3000 rpm 1500 rpm 1000 rpm 750 rpm 3000 rpm 1500 rpm 1000 rpm 750 rpm
kN kN kN kN kN kN kN kN kN kN kN kN
71 0.07 0.18 0.27 0.27 0.09 0.22 0.31 0.31 0.34 0.45 0.54 0.54
80 0.09 0.26 0.37 0.37 0.12 0.31 0.42 0.42 0.39 0.54 0.65 0.65
90 0.04 0.26 0.41 0.41 0.09 0.33 0.48 0.48 0.51 0.72 0.87 0.87
100 0.47 1.10 1.02 1.02 0.55 1.20 1.13 1.13 0.91 1.52 1.43 1.43
112 0.38 0.67 0.99 0.99 0.48 0.80 1.15 1.15 0.81 1.09 1.65 1.65
132 0.59 1.00 1.07 1.07 0.78 1.22 1.35 1.35 1.48 1.86 1.91 1.91
160 0.46 1.30 1.85 1.85 0.85 1.74 2.28 2.28 1.49 2.31 2.85 2.85
180 1.08 1.58 2.26 2.26 1.58 2.24 3.03 3.03 1.71 2.23 2.86 2.86
200 1.34 1.85 2.26 2.26 1.92 2.66 3.17 3.17 1.52 1.88 2.20 2.20
225 1.45 2.07 2.48 2.48 2.21 3.06 4.03 4.03 1.78 2.16 2.45 2.45
250 3.40 4.06 4.46 4.97 4.34 5.24 5.97 6.49 0.17 0.61 1.04 1.55
280 3.42 4.59 5.22 5.56 4.84 6.60 7.37 7.47 – 0.22 0.53 1.27
315 S/M 3.80 4.10 4.70 5.10 6.20 7.10 8.10 8.50 – – – 0.10
315 L 3.80 4.10 4.60 5.00 7.10 8.20 9.80 10.20 – – – –
LOHER VARIO 1PS4 and 1PS5 motors
355 … 500 Values on request
General technical specifications
1 ■ Overview (continued)
1PS0, 1PS1, 1PS4, 1PS5 and 1MD5 motors
Frame size Additional axial force +FA
Horizontal shaft Vertical shaft – force acting upwards Vertical shaft – force acting downwards
Shaft extension at top Shaft extension at top
Type of construction Type of construction
IM V3, IM V6, IM V14, IM V19, IM V36 IM V3, IM V6, IM V14, IM V19, IM V36
at speed
3000 rpm 1500 rpm 1000 rpm 750 rpm 3000 rpm 1500 rpm 1000 rpm 750 rpm 3000 rpm 1500 rpm 1000 rpm 750 rpm
kN kN kN kN kN kN kN kN kN kN kN kN
71 0.07 0.18 0.27 – 0.09 0.22 0.31 – 0.34 0.45 0.54 –
80 0.10 0.25 0.36 – 0.13 0.29 0.40 – 0.40 0.54 0.65 –
90 0.05 0.17 0.30 – 0.10 0.23 0.36 – 0.52 0.63 0.76 –
100 0.45 0.94 1.25 – 0.51 1.03 1.36 – 0.89 1.36 1.66 –
112 0.41 0.78 1.16 – 0.49 0.87 1.28 – 0.86 1.22 1.58 –
132 0.53 1.08 1.48 – 0.66 1.24 1.66 – 1.44 1.96 2.34 –
160 1.09 1.93 2.45 – 1.40 2.30 2.93 – 2.18 2.98 3.45 –
180 1.24 2.01 2.86 – 1.64 2.59 3.50 – 2.07 2.73 3.54 –
200 1.34 1.84 2.49 – 1.81 2.58 3.38 – 1.59 2.10 2.66 –
225 1.45 1.99 2.48 – 2.17 2.93 3.71 – 1.79 2.04 2.65 –
250 3.42 4.07 4.56 – 4.32 5.46 5.83 – 0.14 0.42 0.95 –
280 3.42 4.61 5.18 – 4.82 6.41 6.66 – – 0.34 0.97 –
315 S/M 3.77 4.08 4.62 – 5.61 6.49 6.87 – – – – –
315 L 3.76 4.10 4.61 – 6.70 7.93 9.02 – – – – –
355 Values on request
General technical specifications
■ Overview (continued)
Reinforced bearings
Motors of the 1PS0, 1PS1 1PS5 and 1MD5 type series can be
designed with cylindrical roller bearings at DE for higher cantile-
ver forces, e.g. for belt drives. For frame size 160 and above, the
motors are equipped with a regreasing device at DE and NDE.
Selection of roller bearings
Frame size No. of poles Drive end (DE) bearing Non-drive end (NDE) bearing
Type of construction V types of construction Type of construction V types of construction
IM B3, IM B5 IM B3, IM B5
LOHER CHEMSTAR 1PS0 and 1PS1 motors
160 All NU310E C3 NU310E C3 6310 C3 6310 C3
180 All NU311E C3 NU311E C3 6311 C3 6311 C3
200 2 NU312E C3 NU312E C3 6312 C3 6312 C3
200 ≥4 NU312E NU312E 6312 C3 6312 C3
225 2 NU313E C3 NU313E C3 6313 C3 6313 C3
225 ≥4 NU313E NU313E 6313 C3 6313 C3
250 2 NU314E C3 NU314E C3 6314 C3 6314 C3
250 ≥4 NU314E NU314E 6314 C3 6314 C3
280 2 NU314E C3 NU314E C3 6314 C3 6314 C3
280 ≥4 NU316E NU316E 6316 C3 6316 C3
315 2 NU316E C3 NU316E C3 6316 C3 6316 C3 1)
315 ≥4 NU219E NU219E 6219 C3 6219 C3
355 2 NU316E C3 2) NU316E C3 2) 6316 C3 6316 C3 1)
355 4 NU320E C3 NU320E 6320 C3 6320 C3
355 ≥6 NU320E NU320E 6320 C3 6320 C3
LOHER VARIO 1PS0 and 1PS1 motors
355 ... 500 All Bearing types on request
160 All NU310E C3 NU310E C3 6310 C3 6310 C3
180 All NU311E C3 NU311E C3 6311 C3 6311 C3
200 2 NU312E C3 NU312E C3 6312 C3 6312 C3
200 ≥4 NU312E NU312E 6312 C3 6312 C3
225 2 NU313E C3 NU313E C3 6313 C3 6313 C3
225 ≥4 NU313E NU313E 6313 C3 6313 C3
250 2 NU314E C3 NU314E C3 6314 C3 6314 C3
250 ≥4 NU314E NU314E 6314 C3 6314 C3
280 2 NU314E C3 NU314E C3 6314 C3 6314 C3
280 ≥4 NU316E NU316E 6316 C3 6316 C3
315 2 NU316E C3 NU316E C3 6316 C3 6316 C3 1)
315 ≥4 NU219E NU219E 6219 C3 6219 C3
LOHER VARIO 1PS4 and 1PS5 motors
355 All Bearing sizes on request
For operation at 60 Hz, C4 bearing.
For operation at 50 Hz only, please inquire regarding operation at 60 Hz.
General technical specifications
1 ■ Overview (continued)
Admissible forces on shaft extension
The following values are based on a calculated service life of
L10h = 20000 h. They are applicable for horizontal and vertical
shafts. FQ x
The cantilever forces specified in the tables must not be ex-
ceeded to ensure compliance with the maximum admissible +FA -FA
shaft flexing in the ignition gap. Where values are not specified
in the tables, an increase in admissible force cannot be
achieved by using a roller bearing in place of a normal bearing, xmax
due to flexing of the shaft. x0
FQ = Cantilever force in N
FA = Axial force in N Admissible cantilever force
x = Distance between point of application of force and
shoulder of shaft in mm
l = Length of shaft extension in mm
General technical specifications
■ Overview (continued)
Additional axial force with cantilever force on shaft extension
If the shaft extensions are loaded at x = l with the respective
admissible cantilever force FQ, the following additional forces
are permitted to occur in the axial direction. If the admissible
cantilever forces are not exploited to the full, higher loads are
possible in the axial direction (values on request).
1PS0, 1PS1, 1PS4, 1PS5 and 1MD5 motors
Frame size Additional axial force +FA or -FA
Horizontal shaft Vertical shaft – force acting upwards Vertical shaft – force acting downwards
at speed
3000 rpm 1500 rpm 1000 rpm 750 rpm 3000 rpm 1500 rpm 1000 rpm 750 rpm 3000 rpm 1500 rpm 1000 rpm 750 rpm
kN kN kN kN kN kN kN kN kN kN kN kN
LOHER CHEMSTAR 1PS0 and 1PS1 motors
160 1.25 1.71 2.10 2.10 1.43 1.93 2.32 2.32 1.14 1.67 2.11 2.11
180 2.72 3.74 4.46 4.46 3.33 4.41 5.25 5.25 2.33 3.26 3.95 3.95
200 2.77 3.79 4.55 4.55 3.06 4.75 5.62 5.62 1.98 3.17 3.86 3.86
225 3.21 4.38 5.17 5.17 3.54 5.55 6.78 6.78 2.26 3.57 4.14 4.14
250 3.35 4.63 5.51 6.34 4.39 5.96 7.03 7.79 2.61 3.73 4.49 5.38
280 3.39 5.04 6.16 7.26 4.94 7.23 8.62 9.29 2.22 3.43 4.30 5.81
315 S/M 4.20 4.70 5.60 6.40 6.70 7.80 9.20 10.00 2.50 2.60 3.20 4.00
315 L 4.20 4.70 5.50 6.20 7.60 8.80 10.70 11.50 – 1.90 1.90 2.60
355 3.45 5.60 6.90 7.70 8.30 12.40 15.00 15.60 – 0.90 1.50 2.30
LOHER VARIO 1PS0 and 1PS1 motors
355 ... 500 Values on request
160 2.42 3.25 3.76 3.76 – – – – – – – –
180 2.72 3.74 4.46 4.46 3.33 4.41 5.25 5.25 2.33 3.26 3.95 3.95
200 2.77 3.79 4.55 4.55 3.50 4.75 5.62 5.62 2.27 3.17 3.86 3.86
225 3.21 4.38 5.17 5.17 4.11 5.55 6.78 6.78 2.62 3.57 4.14 4.14
250 3.82 4.76 5.65 6.49 4.86 6.06 7.17 7.94 – 3.86 4.63 5.53
280 3.65 5.20 6.32 7.34 5.22 7.38 8.77 9.46 2.48 3.59 4.46 5.81
315 S/M 4.40 4.70 5.60 6.40 6.90 7.80 9.20 10.00 – 2.60 3.20 4.00
315 L 4.40 4.70 5.50 6.20 7.90 8.80 10.70 11.50 – 1.90 1.90 2.60
355 Values on request
LOHER VARIO 1PS4 and 1PS5 motors
355 ... 500 Values on request
160 – – – – – – – – – – – –
180 3.03 3.98 4.81 – – – – – – – – –
200 2.99 3.85 4.60 – 3.62 4.63 5.49 – – 3.35 4.01 –
225 3.21 4.23 5.09 – 4.08 5.38 6.39 – 2.65 3.41 4.27 –
250 3.80 4.65 5.65 – 4.89 6.25 7.18 – – 3.62 4.69 –
280 3.70 5.11 6.26 – 5.23 7.21 8.20 – – 3.72 5.00 –
315 S/M 4.34 4.41 5.12 – 6.59 7.35 8.36 – – 2.20 – –
315 L 3.70 4.20 5.07 – 6.81 8.53 10.08 – – 0.59 1.07 –
355 Values on request
General technical specifications
Grease lifetime, relubrication intervals, grease quantities
1 ■ Overview
Motors of the 1PS and 1MD5 type series up to frame size 280
have permanent lubrication. The grease reservoir is sufficient for
several years. Motors of frame size 315 and above are equipped
with a regreasing device and grease dosing control. A regreas-
ing system is available for roller bearings as an option (K40) for
series 1PS and 1MD5 in frame sizes 160 … 280.
Standard bearings
Frame size Grease lifetime/regreasing interval
for optional relubrication, see values in brackets
in operating hours at rated speed
Horizontal type of construction (B) Vertical type of construction (V)
3000 rpm 1500 rpm ≤ 1000 rpm 3000 rpm 1500 rpm ≤ 1000 rpm
71 33000 40000 40000 24000 33000 40000
80 (8000) (8000) (8000)
132 24000 16000 26000
160 (4000) (2800) (5600)
315 4000 8000 11000 2800 5600 8000
355 4000 5600
LOHER VARIO 1PS0, 1PS1, 1PS4 and 1PS5 motors
355 4000 8000 11000 2800 4000 5600
400 5600 8000 2000
450 2000 1400 2800 4000
500 2000 4000 5600 – 2000
General technical specifications
Grease lifetime, relubrication intervals, grease quantities
■ Overview (continued)
Reinforced bearings
Frame size Regreasing interval
in operating hours at rated speed
Horizontal type of construction (B) Vertical type of construction (V)
3000 rpm 1500 rpm ≤ 1000 rpm 3000 rpm 1500 rpm ≤ 1000 rpm
160 2800 5600 8000 2000 4000 5600
250 2000 1400 2800 4000
280 4000 5600
355 2800
LOHER VARIO 1PS0, 1PS1, 1PS4 and 1PS5 motors
355 … 500 Values on request
The specified regreasing intervals are valid for an ambient The intervals for operation on 60 Hz systems are available on
temperature of max. 40 °C. request. They can be estimated for higher speeds by means of
For every 10 °C increase in temperature, the greasing interval the following rule.
is reduced by a factor of 0.7 of the value in the table (max. 20 °C
= factor 0.5). Intervals for operation on 60 Hz systems on re- At speeds above the rated speed on 50 Hz systems, the grease
quest. lifetime and regreasing intervals are reduced. With reference to
the time tf50 at 50 Hz, the reductions are as shown in the table
Special aspects of grease lifetime below.
For VARIO types in vertical types of construction, angular-con- Reduction in grease lifetime of regreasing interval
tact ball bearings or combined bearings are sometimes installed The specified regreasing intervals are valid for an ambient tem-
at NDE. This reduces the grease lifetime for the NDE bearings. perature of max. 40 °C. For every 15 °C increase in temperature,
At an ambient temperature of ≤ 25 °C, the grease lifetime can be the lubrication interval must be reduced to half of the value in the
expected to be doubled. Due to the durability of the grease in table.
years, it is limited to a maximum of 40000 h. Rated frequency
The grease lifetime or regreasing interval must be regarded 60 Hz 70 Hz 80 Hz 90 Hz 100 Hz
independently of the mechanical service life of the bearing. In tf/tf50 0.75 0.65 0.55 0.50 0.45
coupling operation with an elastic coupling, for example, the cal-
culated mechanical service life of the bearing is L10h = 50000 h.
The grease lifetime for permanently lubricated bearings is, how-
ever, limited to 40000 h. Regreasing must be performed within
the specified intervals.
General technical specifications
Position and design of the grounding terminals
1 ■ Overview
1 Frame sizes 71
1 LOHER CHEMSTAR Frame sizes 71 to 355
2 Frame sizes 80 to 280
2 LOHER VARIO Frame sizes 355 to 500
3 Frame sizes 315 to 500
Motors with feet, frame sizes 71 to 500 Flange-mounting motors, frame sizes 71 to 500
a b
s s
Clamping bracket for frame sizes 71 to 112 Flat terminal for frame sizes 132 to 500
General technical specifications
Measuring-surface sound pressure level
■ Overview
The table below lists the measuring-surface sound pressure For a rated frequency of 50 Hz and operation on the
level LpfA as well as the sound power level LWA for motors of the SINAMICS G180 converter, the sound pressure level will in-
1PS0 type series without explosion protection and the 1PS4, crease by approximately 3 dB(A). Noise data is not available for
1PS5 and 1MD5 type series with the type of protection "Explo- operation on other SINAMICS types. Noise values in converter-
sion-proof enclosure". The noise values apply to no-load opera- fed operation are also dependent on the operating point of the
tion at a rated frequency of 50 Hz. The noise measurements are application and the parameter settings (e.g. clock frequency) of
performed according to DIN EN ISO 1680 in a noise measuring the converter. Noise values can therefore only be given provi-
chamber under no-load conditions. The tolerance is +3 dB(A). sionally for a system controlled by a PWM converter (pulse width
Noise values in converter-fed operation may differ from these modulation).
values, because the speed can vary and an increase in the
noise level can be expected due to the non-sinusoidal voltages As the frequency/speed decreases, the noise level is reduced.
and currents. Experience has shown that, with high-quality converters, many
motors under real operating conditions that frequently involve
At 60 Hz, the values for 2-pole motors increase by approximately lower speeds and lower output, generate less noise than a com-
5 dB(A), and for 4-pole motors or higher pole numbers by parable motor in mains-fed operation.
approximately 4 dB(A).
Measuring-surface sound pressure level LpfA and sound power level LWA in no-load operation at fixed voltage for 1PS0, 1PS4, 1PS5 and
1MD5 motors
Frame size Motors in standard design – Low-noise motors with fans for one
noise class 1 direction of rotation – noise class 3 1)
2-pole 4-pole 6-pole 8-pole 2-pole 4-pole
3000 rpm 1500 rpm 1000 rpm 750 rpm 3000 rpm 1500 rpm
dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB
71 54 65 46 57 48 59 45 56 – – – –
80 57 68 49 60 48 59 50 61 – – – –
90 62 74 50 61 52 63 52 63 – – – –
100 64 76 54 66 52 64 52 64 – – – –
112 65 77 54 66 55 67 55 67 – – – –
132 68 80 62 74 57 69 57 69 56 68 – –
160 70 82 65 77 60 72 60 72 61 73 – –
180 71 84 66 79 61 74 63 76 62 75 – –
200 75 88 66 79 61 74 63 76 66 79 – –
225 76 89 69 82 62 75 64 77 67 80 – –
250 76 90 71 85 62 76 64 78 67 81 – –
280 78 92 73 87 66 80 66 80 68 82 – –
315 80 94 73 87 68 82 71 85 70 84 – –
355 82 97 76 91 74 89 72 87 77 92 – –
LOHER VARIO 2) 1PS0, 1PS4 and 1PS5 motors
355 78 93 76 91 74 89 75 90 74 89.5 – –
400 80 95.5 78 93.5 77 92.5 77 92.5 77 93 75 91
450 82 98 80 96 79 95 79 95 79 95 77 93
500 – – 82 98.5 80 96.5 79 95.5 81 97.5 79 95.5
The motor length (dimension L or LC) increases for noise class 3.
LOHER VARIO 2-pole and 4-pole motors are equipped as standard with
unidirectional fans.
General technical specifications
Information about electric motor dimensioning
1 ■ Overview
Output Conversion of output from kW to hp
The rated outputs and operating values specified in the The output can be converted from kW to hp as follows:
selection tables apply to duty type S1 in accordance with 1 kW = 1.341 hp
EN 60034-1 at a rated frequency of 50 Hz at rated voltage, a
coolant temperature (CT) of up to 40 °C and a site altitude of up Reduction factors for increased ambient temperature and site
to 1000 m above sea level. altitude:
• The motor output can be approximated in accordance with the
The motors can also be used at a coolant temperature of following characteristic curve.
between 40 °C and 60 °C or a site altitude of between 1000 m
and 4000 m above sea level. In these cases, the rated output
specified in the selection tables must be reduced in accordance
with the diagram, or a sufficiently larger motor type or higher
temperature class should be selected. If the coolant tempera- Site altitude above sea level
ture is reduced at site altitudes of over 1000 m above sea level, 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 m 3500
there is no need for a reduction in the rating data. 100
Occasional current overload %
40 45 50 55 °C 60
Coolant temperature (CT)
General technical specifications
Coolant temperature and site altitudes
■ Overview
SIMOTICS XP 1MD5 motors Reduction factor kHT for different site altitudes and/or coolant
The rated output specified in the selection tables is applicable
for continuous duty in accordance with EN 60034-1 at the Site altitude Coolant temperature
frequency of 50 Hz, a coolant temperature (CT) or ambient above sea level
temperature of 40 °C and a site altitude (SA) up to 1000 m above 40 °C 45 °C 50 °C
sea level. 1000 m 1.00 0.96 0.92
For higher coolant temperatures and/or site altitudes greater The coolant temperature is rounded up to the next 5 °C.
than 1000 m above sea level, the specified motor output must be
reduced using the factor kHT . LOHER CHEMSTAR
This results in an admissible output of the motor of: For motors of the LOHER CHEMSTAR series, the outputs or
reduced outputs listed in the following tables apply for the
Padm = Prated · kHT specified coolant temperatures and site altitudes for a winding
Padm Admissible motor output in kW utilization of 130 °C (B). The options specified here must be
Prated Rated output in kW explicitly ordered. The coolant temperature and output are
kHT Factor for abnormal coolant temperature and/or stamped on the rating plate.
site altitude
If the admissible motor output is no longer adequate for the
drive, it should be checked whether the motor with the next
higher rated output fulfills the requirements.
The motors are designed for temperature class 155 (F) and
utilized in temperature class 130 (B). Under non-standard
operating conditions, if they are to be used in this class, the
admissible output must be determined from the tables below.
If the coolant temperature differs from the standard +40 °C, for
compliance with explosion protection standards the option C22
for +45 °C or C23 for +50 °C must be selected for the applicable
coolant temperature. The maximum coolant temperature as well
as the reduced output are stamped on the rating plate.
General technical specifications
Coolant temperature and site altitudes
1 ■ Overview (continued)
1PS0 and 1PS1 motors
Derating tables for increased ambient temperatures and site altitudes
Type Motor type IE class Rated output for Rated output for ambient temperature and site altitude
standard version Additional identification code -Z with appropriate order codes
≤ +40 °C, ≤ 1000 m +45 °C, 1000 m +50 °C, 1000 m +55 °C, 1000 m
D11 D12 D13
+40 °C, 1500 m +45 °C, 1500 m +50 °C, 1500 m
D06 D11+D06 D12+D06
+40 °C, 2000 m +45 °C, 2000 m
D07 D11+D07
+40 °C, 2500 m
Winding utilization 130 °C (B)
Prated Padm Padm Padm
kW kW kW kW
1PS0 and 1PS1 motors – 2-pole
1PS.095-.BD..-.AA3 ANG.-090LR-02 IE2 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
1PS.096-.BD..-.AA3 ANG.-090LS-02 IE2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2
1PS.106-.BD..-.AA3 ANG.-100LS-02 IE2 3 3 3 3
1PS.113-.BD..-.AA3 ANG.-112MS-02 IE2 4 4 4 4
1PS.130-.BD..-.AA3 ANG.-132SR-02 IE2 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5
1PS.132-.BD..-.AA3 ANG.-132SS-02 IE2 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5
1PS.163-.BD..-.AA3 ANG.-160MR-02 IE2 11 11 11 11
1PS.165-.BD..-.AA3 ANG.-160MS-02 IE2 15 15 15 15
1PS.166-.BD..-.AA3 ANG.-160LS-02 IE2 18.5 18.5 18.5 18.5
1PS.183-.BD..-.AA3 ANG.-180MS-02 IE2 22 22 22 22
1PS.206-.BD..-.AA3 ANG.-200LR-02 IE2 30 30 30 30
1PS.208-.BD..-.AA3 ANG.-200LS-02 IE2 37 37 37 37
1PS.223-.BD..-.AA3 ANG.-225MS-02 IE2 45 45 45 45
1PS.253-.BD..-.AA3 ANG.-250MM-02 IE2 55 55 55 50
1PS.280-.BD..-.AA3 ANG.-280SL-02 IE2 75 75 75 75
1PS.283-.BD..-.AA3 ANG.-280MM-02 IE2 90 90 90 90
1PS.311-.BD..-.AA3 ANG.-315SL-02 IE2 110 110 110 110
1PS.313-.BD..-.AA3 ANG.-315ML-02 IE2 132 132 120 1) 110 1)
1PS.315-.BD..-.AA3 ANG.-315MN-02 IE2 160 160 145 135 1)
1) 1)
1PS.316-.BD..-.AA3 ANG.-315LL-02 IE2 200 190 180 170 1)
1) 1)
1PS.318-.BD..-.AA3 ANG.-315LN-02 IE2 250 240 230 210 1)
1PS.356-.BD..-.AA0 ANG.-355LB-02 IE2 315 300 290 275
1PS.357-.BH..-.AA0 ANS.-355LC-02 IE2 355 340 325 310
1PS.358-.BH..-.AA0 ANS.-355LD-02 400 380 365 350
1PS.358-.BJ..-.AA2 ANS.-355LX-02 450 430 410 395
1PS.404-.BJ..-.AA0 ANS.-400LL-02 450 430 410 395
1PS.405-.BJ..-.AA0 ANS.-400LN-02 500 480 460 440
1PS.407-.BJ..-.AA0 ANS.-400LN-02 560 535 515 490
1PS.408-.BJ..-.AA0 ANS.-400LX-02 630 605 580 550
1PS.453-.BJ..-.AA0 ANS.-450LL-02 630 605 580 550
1PS.455-.BJ..-.AA0 ANS.-450LL-02 710 680 650 625
1PS.457-.BJ..-.AA0 ANS.-450LN-02 800 765 735 700
1PS.458-.BJ..-.AA0 ANS.-450LN-02 900 860 825 790
1PS.505-.BJ..-.AA0 ANS.-500LL-02 1000 960 920 880
1PS.508-.BJ..-.AA0 ANS.-500LN-02 1200 1150 1100 1055
General technical specifications
Coolant temperature and site altitudes
■ Overview (continued)
Type Motor type IE class Rated output for Rated output for ambient temperature and site altitude
standard version Additional identification code -Z with appropriate order codes
≤ +40 °C, ≤ 1000 m +45 °C, 1000 m +50 °C, 1000 m +55 °C, 1000 m
D11 D12 D13
+40 °C, 1500 m +45 °C, 1500 m +50 °C, 1500 m
D06 D11+D06 D12+D06
+40 °C, 2000 m +45 °C, 2000 m
D07 D11+D07
+40 °C, 2500 m
Winding utilization 130 °C (B)
Prated Padm Padm Padm
kW kW kW kW
1PS0 and 1PS1 motors – 4-pole
1PS.095-.BD..-.BA3 ANG.-090LR-04 IE2 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1
1PS.096-.BD..-.BA3 ANG.-090LS-04 IE2 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
1PS.106-.BD..-.BA3 ANG.-100LR-04 IE2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2
1PS.108-.BD..-.BA3 ANG.-100LS-04 IE2 3 3 3 3
1PS.113-.BD..-.BA3 ANG.-112MS-04 IE2 4 4 4 4
1PS.130-.BD..-.BA3 ANG.-132SR-04 IE2 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5
1PS.133-.BD..-.BA3 ANG.-132MS-04 IE2 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5
1PS.163-.BD..-.BA3 ANG.-160MR-04 IE2 11 11 11 11
1PS.166-.BD..-.BA3 ANG.-160LS-04 IE2 15 15 15 15
1PS.183-.BD..-.BA3 ANG.-180MR-04 IE2 18.5 18.5 18.5 18.5
1PS.186-.BD..-.BA3 ANG.-180LS-04 IE2 22 22 22 22
1PS.206-.BD..-.BA3 ANG.-200LS-04 IE2 30 30 30 30
1PS.220-.BD..-.BA3 ANG.-225SR-04 IE2 37 37 37 37
1PS.223-.BD..-.BA3 ANG.-225MS-04 IE2 45 45 45 45
1PS.253-.BD..-.BA3 ANG.-250MM-04 IE2 55 55 55 50
1PS.280-.BD..-.BA3 ANG.-280SL-04 IE2 75 75 75 75
1PS.283-.BD..-.BA3 ANG.-280MM-04 IE2 90 90 90 90
1PS.311-.BD..-.BA3 ANG.-315SL-04 IE2 110 110 110 100 1)
1PS.313-.BD..-.BA3 ANG.-315ML-04 IE2 132 132 132 120 1)
1PS.315-.BD..-.BA3 ANG.-315MN-04 IE2 160 160 145 135 1)
1PS.316-.BD..-.BA3 ANG.-315LL-04 IE2 200 190 1) 180 1) 170 1)
1) 1)
1PS.317-.BD..-.BA3 ANG.-315LM-04 IE2 250 240 230 210 1)
1) 1)
1PS.356-.BD..-.BA2 ANG.-355LB-04 IE2 280 265 255 240 1)
1) 1)
1PS.356-.BD..-.BB2 ANG.-355LB-04 IE2 315 300 290 275 1)
1) 1)
1PS.358-.BH..-.BA0 ANS.-355LC-04 IE2 355 340 325 310 1)
1PS.350-.BH..-.BA0 ANS.-355LD-04 400 380 1) 365 1) 350 1)
1PS.357-.BJ..-.BA0 ANS.-355LN-04 450 430 1) 410 1) 395 1)
2) 1) 1)
1PS.358-.BJ..-.BA0 ANS.-355LX-04 500 480 460 440 1)
2) 1) 1)
1PS.404-.BJ..-.BA0 ANS.-400LL-04 500 480 460 440 1)
2) 1) 1)
1PS.405-.BJ..-.BA0 ANS.-400LN-04 560 535 515 490 1)
2) 1) 1)
1PS.407-.BJ..-.BA0 ANS.-400LN-04 630 600 580 550 1)
2) 1) 1)
1PS.408-.BJ..-.BA0 ANS.-400LX-04 710 680 650 620 1)
2) 1) 1)
1PS.455-.BJ..-.BA0 ANS.-450LL-04 800 765 735 700 1)
2) 1) 1)
1PS.457-.BJ..-.BA0 ANS.-450LN-04 900 860 825 790 1)
2) 1) 1)
1PS.458-.BJ..-.BA0 ANS.-450LN-04 950 910 870 835 1)
1PS.504-.BJ..-.BA0 ANS.-500LL-04 1000 690 1) 920 1) 880 1)
1PS.505-.BJ..-.BA0 ANS.-500LL-04 1120 1075 1) 1030 1) 985 1)
2) 1) 1)
1PS.507-.BJ..-.BA0 ANS.-500LN-04 1250 1200 1150 1100 1)
2) 1) 1)
1PS.508-.BJ..-.BA0 ANS.-500LN-04 1400 1340 1280 1230 1)
General technical specifications
Coolant temperature and site altitudes
1 ■ Overview (continued)
Type Motor type IE class Rated output for Rated output for ambient temperature and site altitude
standard version Additional identification code -Z with appropriate order codes
≤ +40 °C, ≤ 1000 m +45 °C, 1000 m +50 °C, 1000 m +55 °C, 1000 m
D11 D12 D13
+40 °C, 1500 m +45 °C, 1500 m +50 °C, 1500 m
D06 D11+D06 D12+D06
+40 °C, 2000 m +45 °C, 2000 m
D07 D11+D07
+40 °C, 2500 m
Winding utilization 130 °C (B)
Prated Padm Padm Padm
kW kW kW kW
1PS0 and 1PS1 motors – 6-pole
1PS.095-.BD..-.CA3 ANG.-090LR-06 IE2 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75
1PS.096-.BD..-.CA3 ANG.-090LS-06 IE2 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1
1PS.106-.BD..-.CA3 ANG.-100LS-06 IE2 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
1PS.113-.BD..-.CA3 ANG.-112MS-06 IE2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2
1PS.130-.BD..-.CA3 ANG.-132SR-06 IE2 3 3 3 3
1PS.133-.BD..-.CA3 ANG.-132MR-06 IE2 4 4 4 4
1PS.135-.BD..-.CA3 ANG.-132MS-06 IE2 5.5 5.5 5.5 5 1)
1PS.163-.BD..-.CA3 ANG.-160MR-06 IE2 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5
1PS.166-.BD..-.CA3 ANG.-160LS-06 IE2 11 11 11 11
1PS.186-.BD..-.CA3 ANG.-180LS-06 IE2 15 15 15 15
1PS.206-.BD..-.CA3 ANG.-200LR-06 IE2 18.5 18.5 18.5 18.5
1PS.208-.BD..-.CA3 ANG.-200LS-06 IE2 22 22 22 22
1PS.223-.BD..-.CA3 ANG.-225MS-06 IE2 30 30 30 30
1PS.253-.BD..-.CA3 ANG.-250MM-06 IE2 37 37 37 37
1PS.280-.BD..-.CA3 ANG.-280SL-06 IE2 45 45 45 45
1PS.283-.BD..-.CA3 ANG.-280MM-06 IE2 55 55 55 55
1PS.311-.BD..-.CA3 ANG.-315SL-06 IE2 75 75 75 75
1PS.313-.BD..-.CA3 ANG.-315ML-06 IE2 90 90 90 90
1PS.314-.BD..-.CA3 ANG.-315MM-06 IE2 110 110 110 110
1PS.315-.BD..-.CA3 ANG.-315MN-06 IE2 132 132 132 120 1)
1PS.316-.BD..-.CA3 ANG.-315LL-06 IE2 160 160 145 135 1)
1) 1)
1PS.317-.BD..-.CA3 ANG.-315LM-06 IE2 200 180 170 160 1)
1PS.317-.BD..-.CB3 ANG.-315LM-06 3) IE2 200 190 1) 180 1) 170 1)
1) 1)
1PS.356-.BD..-.CB0 ANG.-355LB-06 IE2 250 240 230 220 1)
1) 1)
1PS.357-.BH..-.CB0 ANS.-355LC-06 IE2 280 265 255 245 1)
1) 1)
1PS.358-.BH..-.CB0 ANS.-355LD-06 IE2 315 300 290 275 1)
1) 1)
1PS.357-.BJ..-.CB0 ANS.-355LN-06 IE2 355 340 325 310 1)
2) 1) 1)
1PS.358-.BJ..-.CB0 ANS.-355LN-06 400 380 365 350 1)
2) 1) 1)
1PS.404-.BJ..-.CB0 ANS.-400LL-06 400 380 365 350 1)
2) 1) 1)
1PS.405-.BJ..-.CB0 ANS.-400LN-06 450 430 410 395 1)
2) 1) 1)
1PS.407-.BJ..-.CB0 ANS.-400LN-06 500 480 460 440 1)
2) 1) 1)
1PS.453-.BJ..-.CB0 ANS.-450LL-06 560 535 515 490 1)
2) 1) 1)
1PS.455-.BJ..-.CB0 ANS.-450LL-06 630 600 580 550 1)
2) 1) 1)
1PS.457-.BJ..-.CB0 ANS.-450LN-06 710 680 650 620 1)
2) 1) 1)
1PS.458-.BJ..-.CB0 ANS.-450LN-06 800 765 735 700 1)
2) 1) 1)
1PS.505-.BJ..-.CB0 ANS.-500LL-06 900 860 825 790 1)
2) 1) 1)
1PS.507-.BJ..-.CB0 ANS.-500LN-06 1000 960 920 880 1)
2) 1) 1)
1PS.508-.BJ..-.CB0 ANS.-500LN-06 1120 1075 1030 985 1)
1) 2)
Alternative combination with Option C29 "Rated output of the lower output Outside the IE code classification according to IEC 60034-30.
level". Please inquire regarding higher ambient temperatures and other 3)
Special rotors with copper bars.
General technical specifications
Coolant temperature and site altitudes
■ Overview (continued)
1PS4 and 1PS5 motors – type of protection "Explosion-proof enclosure"
Derating tables for increased ambient temperatures and site altitudes
Type Motor type IE class Rated output for Rated output for ambient temperature and site altitude
standard version Additional identification code -Z with appropriate order codes
≤ +40 °C, ≤ 1000 m ≤ +45 °C, ≤ 1000 m ≤ +50 °C, ≤ 1000 m ≤ +55 °C, ≤ 1000 m
D11 D12 D13
≤ +40 °C, ≤ 1500 m ≤ +45 °C, ≤ 1500 m ≤ +50 °C, ≤ 1500 m
D06 D11+D06 D12+D06
≤ +40 °C, ≤ 2000 m ≤ +45 °C, ≤ 2000 m
D07 D11+D07
≤ +40 °C, ≤ 2500 m
Winding utilization 130 °C (B)
Prated Padm Padm Padm
kW kW kW kW
1PS4 and 1PS5 motors – 2-pole
1PS5070-.BD..-4AA3 DNGW-071BR-02 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37
1PS5071-.BD..-4AA3 DNGW-071BS-02 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55
1PS5081-.BD..-4AA3 DNGW-080BR-02 IE2 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75
1PS5081-.BD..-4AA3 DNGW-080BS-02 IE2 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1
1PS5095-.BD..-4AA3 DNGW-090LR-02 IE2 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
1PS5098-.BD..-4AA3 DNGW-090LS-02 IE2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2
1PS5106-.BD..-4AA3 DNGW-100LS-02 IE2 3 3 3 3
1PS5113-.BD..-4AA3 DNGW-112MS-02 IE2 4 4 4 4
1PS5131-.BD..-4AA3 DNGW-132SR-02 IE2 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5
1PS5132-.BD..-4AA3 DNGW-132SS-02 IE2 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5
1PS5163-.BD..-4AA3 DNGW-160MR-02 IE2 11 11 11 11
1PS5165-.BD..-4AA3 DNGW-160MS-02 IE2 15 15 15 15
1PS5166-.BD..-4AA3 DNGW-160LS-02 IE2 18.5 18.5 18.5 18.5
1PS5183-.BD..-4AA3 DNGW-180MS-02 IE2 22 22 22 22
1PS5206-.BD..-4AA3 DNGW-200LR-02 IE2 30 30 30 30
1PS5208-.BD..-4AA3 DNGW-200LS-02 IE2 37 37 37 37
1PS5223-.BD..-4AA3 DNGW-225MS-02 IE2 45 45 45 45
1PS5253-.BD..-4AA3 DNGW-250MM-02 IE2 55 55 55 50
1PS5280-.BD..-4AA3 DNGW-280SL-02 IE2 75 75 75 75
1PS5283-.BD..-4AA3 DNGW-280MM-02 IE2 90 90 90 90
1PS5311-.BD..-4AA3 DNGW-315SL-02 IE2 110 110 110 110
1PS5313-.BD..-4AA3 DNGW-315ML-02 IE2 132 132 120 2) 110 2)
1PS5315-.BD..-4AA3 DNGW-315MN-02 IE2 160 160 145 135 2)
2) 2)
1PS5316-.BD..-4AA3 DNGW-315LL-02 IE2 200 190 180 170 2)
2) 2)
1PS5318-.BD..-4AA3 DNGW-315LN-02 IE2 250 240 230 210 2)
2) 2)
1PS5353-.BD..-4AA3 DNGW-355MR-02 IE2 315 300 290 275 2)
1PS5355-.BD..-4AA3 DNGW-355MS-02 IE2 360 340 330 315
1PS5357-.BD..-4AA3 DNGW-355MT-02 460 440 430 405
1PS.358-.BH..-4AA0 DNS.-355LD-02 400 380 2) 365 2) 350 2)
1PS.358-.BJ..-4AA0 DNS.-355LX-02 450 430 2) 410 2) 395 2)
1PS.404-.BJ..-4AA0 DNS.-400LL-02 450 430 2) 410 2) 395 2)
1) 2) 2)
1PS.405-.BJ..-4AA0 DNS.-400LN-02 500 480 460 440 2)
1) 2) 2)
1PS.407-.BJ..-4AA0 DNS.-400LN-02 560 535 515 490 2)
1) 2) 2)
1PS.408-.BJ..-4AA0 DNS.-400LX-02 630 605 580 550 2)
1) 2) 2)
1PS.453-.BJ..-4AA0 DNS.-450LL-02 630 605 580 550 2)
1) 2) 2)
1PS.455-.BJ..-4AA0 DNS.-450LL-02 710 680 650 625 2)
1) 2) 2)
1PS.457-.BJ..-4AA0 DNS.-450LN-02 800 765 735 700 2)
1) 2) 2)
1PS.458-.BJ..-4AA0 DNS.-450LN-02 900 860 825 790 2)
1PS.505-.BJ..-4AA0 DNS.-500LL-02 1000 960 2) 920 2) 880 2)
1PS.508-.BJ..-4AA0 DNS.-500LN-02 1200 1150 2) 1100 2) 1055 2)
General technical specifications
Coolant temperature and site altitudes
1 ■ Overview (continued)
Type Motor type IE class Rated output for Rated output for ambient temperature and site altitude
standard version Additional identification code -Z with appropriate order codes
≤ +40 °C, ≤ 1000 m ≤ +45 °C, ≤ 1000 m ≤ +50 °C, ≤ 1000 m ≤ +55 °C, ≤ 1000 m
D11 D12 D13
≤ +40 °C, ≤ 1500 m ≤ +45 °C, ≤ 1500 m ≤ +50 °C, ≤ 1500 m
D06 D11+D06 D12+D06
≤ +40 °C, ≤ 2000 m ≤ +45 °C, ≤ 2000 m
D07 D11+D07
≤ +40 °C, ≤ 2500 m
Winding utilization 130 °C (B)
Prated Padm Padm Padm
kW kW kW kW
1PS4 and 1PS5 motors – 4-pole
1PS5070-.BD..-4BA3 DNGW-071BR-04 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
1PS5071-.BD..-4BA3 DNGW-071BS-04 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37
1PS5080-.BD..-4BA3 DNGW-080BR-04 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55
1PS5081-.BD..-4BA3 DNGW-080BS-04 IE2 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75
1PS5095-.BD..-4BA3 DNGW-090LR-04 IE2 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1
1PS5098-.BD..-4BA3 DNGW-090LS-04 IE2 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
1PS5106-.BD..-4BA3 DNGW-100LR-04 IE2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2
1PS5108-.BD..-4BA3 DNGW-100LS-04 IE2 3 3 3 3
1PS5113-.BD..-4BA3 DNGW-112MS-04 IE2 4 4 4 4
1PS5131-.BD..-4BA3 DNGW-132SR-04 IE2 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5
1PS5133-.BD..-4BA3 DNGW-132MS-04 IE2 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5
1PS5163-.BD..-4BA3 DNGW-160MR-04 IE2 11 11 11 11
1PS5166-.BD..-4BA3 DNGW-160LS-04 IE2 15 15 15 15
1PS5183-.BD..-4BA3 DNGW-180MR-04 IE2 18.5 18.5 18.5 18.5
1PS5186-.BD..-4BA3 DNGW-180LS-04 IE2 22 22 22 22
1PS5206-.BD..-4BA3 DNGW-200LS-04 IE2 30 30 30 30
1PS5220-.BD..-4BA3 DNGW-225SR-04 IE2 37 37 37 37
1PS5223-.BD..-4BA3 DNGW-225MS-04 IE2 45 45 45 45
1PS5253-.BD..-4BA3 DNGW-250MM-04 IE2 55 55 55 50
1PS5280-.BD..-4BA3 DNGW-280SL-04 IE2 75 75 75 75
1PS5283-.BD..-4BA3 DNGW-280MM-04 IE2 90 90 90 90
1PS5311-.BD..-4BA3 DNGW-315SL-04 IE2 110 110 110 100 2)
1PS5313-.BD..-4BA3 DNGW-315ML-04 IE2 132 132 132 120 2)
1PS5315-.BD..-4BA3 DNGW-315MN-04 IE2 160 160 145 135 2)
2) 2)
1PS5316-.BD..-4BA3 DNGW-315LL-04 IE2 200 190 180 170 2)
2) 2)
1PS5317-.BD..-4BA3 DNGW-315LM-04 IE2 250 240 230 210 2)
2) 2)
1PS5353-.BD..-4BA3 DNGW-355MR-04 IE2 315 300 290 275 2)
1PS5355-.BD..-4BA3 DNGW-355MS-04 IE2 360 340 330 315
1PS5357-.BD..-4BA3 DNGW-355MT-04 450 440 430 405
1PS.350-.BH..-4BA0 DNS.-355LD-04 400 380 2) 365 2) 350 2)
1) 2) 2)
1PS.357-.BJ..-4BA0 DNS.-355LN-04 450 430 410 395 2)
1) 2) 2)
1PS.358-.BJ..-4BA0 DNS.-355LX-04 500 480 460 440 2)
1) 2) 2)
1PS.404-.BJ..-4BA0 DNS.-400LL-04 500 480 460 440 2)
1) 2) 2)
1PS.405-.BJ..-4BA0 DNS.-400LN-04 560 535 515 490 2)
1) 2) 2)
1PS.407-.BJ..-4BA0 DNS.-400LN-04 630 600 580 550 2)
1PS.408-.BJ..-4BA0 DNS.-400LX-04 710 680 2) 650 2) 620 2)
1PS.455-.BJ..-4BA0 DNS.-450LL-04 800 765 2) 735 2) 700 2)
1PS.457-.BJ..-4BA0 DNS.-450LN-04 900 860 2) 825 2) 790 2)
1) 2) 2)
1PS.458-.BJ..-4BA0 DNS.-450LN-04 950 910 870 835 2)
1) 2) 2)
1PS.504-.BJ..-4BA0 DNS.-500LL-04 1000 960 920 880 2)
1) 2) 2)
1PS.505-.BJ..-4BA0 DNS.-500LL-04 1120 1075 1030 985 2)
1) 2) 2)
1PS.507-.BJ..-4BA0 DNS.-500LN-04 1250 1200 1150 1100 2)
1) 2) 2)
1PS.508-.BJ..-4BA0 DNS.-500LN-04 1400 1340 1280 1230 2)
General technical specifications
Coolant temperature and site altitudes
■ Overview (continued)
Type Motor type IE class Rated output for Rated output for ambient temperature and site altitude
standard version Additional identification code -Z with appropriate order codes
≤ +40 °C, ≤ 1000 m ≤ +45 °C, ≤ 1000 m ≤ +50 °C, ≤ 1000 m ≤ +55 °C, ≤ 1000 m
D11 D12 D13
≤ +40 °C, ≤ 1500 m ≤ +45 °C, ≤ 1500 m ≤ +50 °C, ≤ 1500 m
D06 D11+D06 D12+D06
≤ +40 °C, ≤ 2000 m ≤ +45 °C, ≤ 2000 m
D07 D11+D07
≤ +40 °C, ≤ 2500 m
Winding utilization 130 °C (B)
Prated Padm Padm Padm
kW kW kW kW
1PS4 and 1PS5 motors – 6-pole
1PS5071-.BD..-4CA3 DNGW-071BS-06 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
1PS5080-.BD..-4CA3 DNGW-080BR-06 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37
1PS5081-.BD..-4CA3 DNGW-080BS-06 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55
1PS5095-.BD..-4CA3 DNGW-090LR-06 IE2 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75
1PS5098-.BD..-4CA3 DNGW-090LS-06 IE2 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1
1PS5106-.BD..-4CA3 DNGW-100LS-06 IE2 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
1PS5113-.BD..-4CA3 DNGW-112MS-06 IE2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2
1PS5131-.BD..-4CA3 DNGW-132SR-06 IE2 3 3 3 3
1PS5133-.BD..-4CA3 DNGW-132MR-06 IE2 4 4 4 4
1PS5135-.BD..-4CA3 DNGW-132MS-06 IE2 5.5 5.5 5.5 5 2)
1PS5163-.BD..-4CA3 DNGW-160MR-06 IE2 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5
1PS5166-.BD..-4CA3 DNGW-160LS-06 IE2 11 11 11 11
1PS5186-.BD..-4CA3 DNGW-180LS-06 IE2 15 15 15 15
1PS5206-.BD..-4CA3 DNGW-200LR-06 IE2 18.5 18.5 18.5 18.5
1PS5208-.BD..-4CA3 DNGW-200LS-06 IE2 22 22 22 22
1PS5223-.BD..-4CA3 DNGW-225MS-06 IE2 30 30 30 30
1PS5253-.BD..-4CA3 DNGW-250MM-06 IE2 37 37 37 37
1PS5280-.BD..-4CA3 DNGW-280SL-06 IE2 45 45 45 45
1PS5283-.BD..-4CA3 DNGW-280MM-06 IE2 55 55 55 55
1PS5311-.BD..-4CA3 DNGW-315SL-06 IE2 75 75 75 75
1PS5313-.BD..-4CA3 DNGW-315ML-06 IE2 90 90 90 90
1PS5314-.BD..-4CA3 DNGW-315MM-06 IE2 110 110 110 110
1PS5315-.BD..-4CA3 DNGW-315MN-06 IE2 132 132 132 120 2)
1PS5316-.BD..-4CA3 DNGW-315LL-06 IE2 160 160 145 2) 135 2)
1PS5317-.BD..-4CA3 DNGW-315LM-06 3) IE2 200 180 2) 170 2) 160 2)
1PS5353-.BD..-4CA3 DNGW-355MR-06 IE2 280 260 2) 250 2) 240 2)
1PS5355-.BD..-4CA3 DNGW-355MS-06 IE2 315 300 280 270
1PS5357-.BD..-4CA3 DNGW-355MT-06 IE2 360 340 330 305
1PS.357-.BJ..-4CA0 DNS.-355LN-06 IE2 355 340 2) 325 2) 310 2)
1PS.358-.BJ..-4CA0 DNS.-355LN-06 400 380 2) 365 2) 350 2)
1PS.404-.BJ..-4CA0 DNS.-400LL-06 400 380 2) 365 2) 350 2)
1PS.405-.BJ..-4CA0 DNS.-400LN-06 450 430 2) 410 2) 395 2)
1PS.407-.BJ..-4CA0 DNS.-400LN-06 500 480 2) 460 2) 440 2)
1PS.453-.BJ..-4CA0 DNS.-450LL-06 560 535 2) 515 2) 490 2)
1PS.455-.BJ..-4CA0 DNS.-450LL-06 630 600 2) 580 2) 550 2)
1PS.457-.BJ..-4CA0 DNS.-450LN-06 710 680 2) 650 2) 620 2)
1PS.458-.BJ..-4CA0 DNS.-450LN-06 800 765 2) 735 2) 700 2)
1PS.505-.BJ..-4CA0 DNS.-500LL-06 900 860 2) 825 2) 790 2)
1PS.507-.BJ..-4CA0 DNS.-500LN-06 1000 960 2) 920 2) 880 2)
1PS.508-.BJ..-4CA0 DNS.-500LN-06 1120 1075 2) 1030 2) 985 2)
1) 3)
Outside the IE code classification according to IEC 60034-30. For +40 °C/+1000 m utilization F.
Alternative combination with Option C29 "Rated output of the lower output
level". Please inquire regarding higher ambient temperatures and other
General technical specifications
VIK design
1 ■ Overview
On request, three-phase motors of the LOHER CHEMSTAR 1PS
and SIMOTICS XP 1MD5 series can be designed in accordance
with VIK guidelines ("Verband der Industriellen Energie- und
Kraftwirtschaft e. V.", the Association of the Industrial Energy and
Power Industry). VIK motors have the same output as the motors
of this list, but also satisfy the VIK recommendation both me-
chanically and electrically. The most important points of the
minimum design to the VIK recommendation of March 2011 are
outlined in the table below.
VIK recommendation 1PS or 1MD5 design
Motor housing and terminal box in cast-iron, steel is permitted for LOHER CHEMSTAR in cast-iron as standard
frame size 355 and above LOHER VARIO in steel as standard
Standard temperature range -20 to +40 °C Standard
Paint finish suitable for industrial climates with corrosive gases and vapors Paint system N14A or higher quality
Fan covers must be designed with corrosion protection Fan cover of zinc-plated sheet steel or increased wall thickness
The motor compartment must be protected to prevent any small parts Flexible implementation for 1PS0 and 1PS1. For 1PS5 and 1MD5 this
entering through the terminal box separation is standard due to the Ex type of protection.
Terminal box of minimum size and rotatable 4 × 90°, observe derating The required size and conductor cross-sections as well as rotation
factors regarding the load on cables and wires capability correspond to the standard design of 1PS and 1MD5,
wire cross-sections are adapted
Nominal bearing lifetime 40000 h for coupling drive, the grease lifetime Standard for 1PS and 1MD5
can be different or use of regreasing device Flat grease nipples are used with regreasing device
Efficiency at least IE2 also for explosion-proof motors Standard
Defined noise emission limits Standard
Motors in explosion-proof enclosures and optionally selected PTC 1PS5 and 1MD5 with PTC thermistors (A11) are designed for VIK (K30)
thermistors must be designed for sole protection with sole protection (no converter rating plates).
In larger industrial motors, sole protection is only provided and stamped
as such for converter-fed operation.
For converter-fed operation, the bearing at NDE must be insulated in Options for converter-fed operation are not included in the VIK options
frame size 315 and above and must be ordered separately. If mains-operated motors with
explosion-proof enclosures and PTC thermistors are subsequently used
for converter-fed operation, insulated bearings must be retrofitted by the
Motors in type of protection Ex d must be constructed with Ex e terminal Standard
boxes and must fulfill IIC type of protection in frame size 315 and below
Minimum requirements for the documentation Documentation is not included with the VIK design (K30 or W09) and
must be ordered separately
General technical specifications
Brakes and brake motors
■ Overview
Three-phase brake motors with cage rotor The brake motors have the following properties:
Due to the demands of modern manufacturing systems, the 7 Short switching times
brake motor has become a special drive component in machine 7 High operational reliability
construction. In the rationalization of machines, in addition to the 7 A low motor flywheel effect
requirement for higher working speeds in switching operation,
there is a demand for shortening the non-productive intervals. 7 Favorable dimensions
The brake motor ensures short braking times for the rotating 7 Low space requirements
masses, even with a high switching frequency. Another impor-
tant application of brake motors is in stopping loads and revers- Application
ing torques. The 1PS0 brake motor comprises a three-phase The main application areas are as follows:
induction motor that is combined with a brake in a single unit.
• Braking of loads and centrifugal masses
Benefits • Braking in the event of danger
Thanks to its compact design, the brake motor is a useful • Shortening of follow-on times
component in drive technology wherever minimum braking time • Increased setting accuracy
is a priority. The familiar advantages of the three-phase induction
motor with a squirrel-cage rotor are also retained. This brake Brake motors are available as shown in the selection tables, but
motor is suitable for multi-faceted customer-specific application also with higher outputs, different voltages, frequencies and
cases. It can be used both for switching operation at a high numbers of poles as well as in pole-changing versions.
switching frequency, a high follow-on accuracy and longer ser-
vice life and as a high-power brake motor with a large operating
capacity. The right brake size must be selected for the applica-
tion. The brake motor is also particularly suitable for driving
hoists and traversing gear.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Toothed hub
2 NDE bearing plate
3 Rotor with brake pads
10 6 Adjustment sleeve
11 7 Armature disk
8 Fan cover
12 9 Fan
10 Complete solenoid assembly
11 Adjustment ring
12 Seeger rings
Sectional drawing of brake motor type 1PS020 frame size 200 with single-disk spring-operated brake
General technical specifications
Brakes and brake motors
1 ■ Overview (continued)
The surface-cooled brake motors are equipped with a quiescent The standard voltages for the brake coils are: 24 V, 103 V, 180 V,
current-operated (fail-safe) single-disk spring-operated brake 205 V +5 to 10 %. For the relationship between brake control
with two asbestos-free brake pads. The bearing plate at the non- voltage, rectifier type and brake coil voltage, see the section
drive end is specially shaped and it is made of cast-iron in every "Circuit diagrams".
motor. Refer to the table for the size of the bearings. Otherwise,
in terms of their mechanical design, the brake motors correspond Electrical connection
to the surface-cooled three-phase motors. In the terminal box, apart from the motor connection terminals,
The brakes and fans of the brake motors are suitable for both there is also a bridge rectifier for the standard 230 V brake con-
directions of rotation. The degree of protection for the brake mo- trol voltage. For higher brake control voltages, either a half-wave
tors is IP55. Other degrees of protection are possible on request. rectifier with zero diodes can be installed or connection can be
performed via an intermediate transformer that is, however, not
If it is necessary to rotate the shaft in the zero current state, the included in the scope of supply. For cases in which the motor
brake can be specially ordered with a manual release. All brakes operating voltage does not comply with the brake control volt-
feature torque adjustment. age, a separate brake control voltage must be supplied via an
additional contact.
Single-disk spring-operated brake
Single-disk spring-operated brakes are fail-safe brakes with 2
frictional surfaces in which an electromagnetic field is used to
release the brake which is applied using spring force. The
spring-operated brake brakes in the zero current state and
releases when current is flowing.
Special characteristics of the single-disk spring-operated brake:
• Braking in accordance with DIN VDE 0580 "Electromagnetic
devices and components – General specifications"
• Holding brake with spring-loaded operation
• Microswitch for air gap monitoring as an option
(brake size 12 and above)
• Braking torque is active in zero current state
(fail-safe brake)
• Rugged and simple design
• High level of operational reliability due to long service life
• Brakes are designed for temperature class F
• Large operating air gap makes automatic readjustment
• Under conditions of extremely high wear, the operating air gap
is easily adjusted
• Braking torque can be adjusted between 100 % and
approximately 60 %
• Manual release with automatic return
• Brakes are corrosion-protected, asbestos-free friction pads
• The brakes are designed for 100 % duty ratio
• The brakes will operate in any position
General technical specifications
Brakes and brake motors
■ Overview (continued)
Switching times
The switching times are given in the table below. The times are
shown in the diagram.
Characteristic torque
0.1 TB
t11 t12 t2 Time t
t3 t11 = Response time on engaging
t12 = Rise time of braking torque
U t1 = Engaging time
t2 = Disengaging time
t3 = Sliding time
Time t
Minimum braking torque for run-in frictional surfaces.
General technical specifications
Brakes and brake motors
1 ■ Overview (continued)
Circuit diagrams for brake motor with single-disk spring-operated brake
Rectifier Rectifier
U1 V1 W1 U1 V1 W1
L1 L2 L3 L1 N (L2) L1 L2 L3 L1 N (L2)
Brake switched at AC side (as delivered). Brake switched at DC side and AC side (additional switching contact K
Note control voltage on rating plate of the brake. required; reconnect brake connection cable from + to 1).
General technical specifications
Brakes and brake motors
■ Overview (continued)
Technical specifications
Brake size 10 12 14 16 18 20 25
Characteristic torque 1) Nm 16 32 60 80 150 260 400
Braking torque in %
• at 1500 rpm % 83 81 80 79 77 75 73
• at 3000 rpm % 76 74 73 72 70 68 68
Speed, max. rpm 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 1500 1500
Input power P20 °C W 30 40 50 55 85 100 110
Weight, approx. kg 2.5 3.5 5.2 7.9 12 19.3 29.1
Moment of inertia J 2) kg m2 0.0002 0.00045 0.00063 0.0015 0.0029 0.0073 0.02
Air gap adjustment, max. mm 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.5 3.0 4.0 4.5
Brake rotor thickness, min. mm 7.5 8.0 7.5 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.5
Operating energy, max. adm. WE kJ 12 24 30 36 60 80 120
(per switching operation)
Operating energy WR 0.1 Nm On request
(up to 0.1 mm abrasion)
Operating air gap
• min. mm 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.5
• max. mm 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 1.0 1.0 1.25
1) For possible assignment to motor frame sizes, see the output tables. 2) Rotating parts of the brake
General technical specifications
Brakes and brake motors
1 ■ Overview (continued)
Brake with manual release
The brake can also be supplied with manual release as an op- The brake is mechanically released and the shaft can rotate
tion. When the manual release lever is pulled under zero current easily. The pressure spring on the tension bolts holds the manual
conditions, the armature disk is pulled by means of the tension release lever in its normal position during operation.
bolts against the pressure springs in the solenoid assembly.
An air gap is created between the rotor and the armature disk.
Manual release
Cover ring
Sleeve screw
Solenoid assembly
Armature disk
Toothed hub
Rotor sGap
Pressure spring
Adapter flange
sGap h1 max
The air gap "s" is the distance between the armature disk and the Noise behavior
disk. The dimension "s" must be taken into consideration when
the manual release is installed. During operation, the noise response of the brake motor is hardly
affected by the brake. The measuring-surface sound pressure
Brake size Air gap level can therefore be obtained from the noise value tables for
sGap s+0.1 1PS0, 1PS4, 1PS5 and 1MD5 motors (without brakes) in the
section "Measuring-surface sound pressure level".
mm mm
When the brake is released or engaged, however, sudden
12 0.3 1.5 Operating brake noises arise. These are recorded by means of the A-weighted
(sGap max. ca. 2.5 × sGap)
14 emission sound pressure level (impulse sound pressure level)
16 according to DIN EN ISO 1680 – see Table.
18 0.4 2 Holding brake with Frame size A-weighted emission sound pressure level
emergency stop function (guide values)
20 (sGap max. approx. 1.5 × LpAF
25 0.5 2.5 sGap)
dB (A)
Important: 132 76
Even with reduced characteristic torque, the release distance
must be adjusted when the maximum air gap sGap max. is 160 80
reached. 180 ... 250 83
General technical specifications
Brakes and brake motors
■ Overview (continued)
Basis for the calculation Abbreviations and definitions used
A brake is designed mainly in accordance with the required P Drive power in kW
braking torque Treq.
TB Characteristic torque for the brake in Nm
The masses to be braked (moments of inertia), relative speeds,
braking times and the switching frequencies must be included TL Load torque in Nm
in the calculations. The boundary conditions, such as ambient Treq Required braking torque in Nm
temperature, air humidity, dust accumulation and mounting
position must be known. In the case of extreme/critical operating Ta Deceleration torque in Nm
conditions, the manufacturer should be consulted. Dimension- Δn0 Initial relative speed of the brake in rpm
ing must be in accordance with VDI guideline 2241.
JL Moment of inertia of all drive components referred
The friction surfaces must be kept free of grease and oil at all to the shaft to be braked in kgm2
t1 Engaging time, t1 = t11 + t12 in s
Safety factor
t2 Disengaging time (time from the start of torque removal
In order to ensure that mechanical transmission is reliable even until the value 0.1 TB is reached) in s
under extreme operating conditions, the calculated braking
torque should include the safety factor K which must be selected t3 Sliding time (time during which a relative movement
in accordance with the operating conditions. occurs between the input and the output with the brake
engaged) in s. This time depends on the delay required
Load types by the application case e.g. switching frequency
In practice, the following main types of load occur: t11 Responding delay on engaging (time from voltage
Treq = Ta · K + TB switch-off up to the moment when the torque begins to
rise) in s
Dynamic and static loading
t12 Time taken for the braking torque to rise in s
Most application cases involve a mixture of loads, because a
dynamic load is added to a static load torque. K Safety factor
+TL is used, for example, when lowering a load Qadm Max. admissible switching energy per switching cycle
–TL is used for normal braking in J
Rough determination of the required braking torque or Sn Switching frequency, i.e. the number of braking
frame size operations distributed evenly over the time unit in h-1
General technical specifications
Brakes and brake motors
1 ■ Overview (continued)
2LM8 25
10 5
2LM8 20
2LM8 18
2LM8 16
2LM8 14
2LM8 12
2LM8 10
2LM8 08
2LM8 06
10 3
10 2
1 10 10 2 10 3 10 4
Switching frequency S n
General technical specifications
Brakes and brake motors
■ Overview (continued)
Seawater-protected spring-operated brake IP67 Further characteristics of the solenoid double-disk spring-
operated brake of type 4BZFM
• Seawater-protected solenoid double-disk spring-operated
• Torque range: 100 to 1600 Nm (static torque)
• For use in cranes and offshore
• A cast-iron cover ensures IP67 degree of protection, so it can
be used under the most difficult climatic conditions
• All surfaces finished
• When the cover is removed, the braking function is maintained
• Minimal wear, brake pads are easy to replace
• Emergency release
• IEC – mounting flange
• As an option: switching status indication, terminal box,
anti-condensation heater, prepared for tachometer mounting
• Type approval: Germanisch Lloyd, Lloyds Register of
General technical specifications
Converter-fed operation – Special mechanical characteristics
1 ■ Overview
Basics Converter-fed operation can increase these shaft voltages and
bearing currents (typically by approximately 30 to 50 %). Addi-
Due to optimized design and manufacturing, most 1PS0 motors tional high-frequency bearing voltages and currents can occur
(without explosion protection) and 1PS1, 1PS4, 1PS5, 1MD5 during operation with pulse converters (common mode bearing
motors (with explosion protection) can also be used for con- currents and circulating currents). The bearing currents depend
verter-fed operation without the need to modify the electrical and on the motor size and the converter version (clock frequency,
mechanical design. The maximum limits and parameters for pulse modulation, output filter).
converter-fed operation are summarized in this catalog. The
special mechanical characteristics which must be taken into Previous experience shows that drives with SINAMICS G180
account that result from the higher speeds are listed below. pulse converters (clock frequency 3 to 7.5 kHz, pulse modula-
tion through voltage vector control, standard dv/dt output filter)
Bearing currents and 1PS0, 1PS1, 1PS4, 1PS5 and 1MD5 motors are not dam-
It is known that in motors supplied from the mains, a voltage can aged by the bearing currents that occur.
form along the mechanical shaft due to magnetic unbalance.
If this shaft voltage exceeds a threshold value of approximately
500 mV, bearing currents that can damage the bearings start to
flow. This phenomenon only occurs with larger motors. There-
fore, to prevent bearing currents, the non-drive end bearing is
insulated as of frame size 315. However, we recommend that
motors of frame size 225 and above be equipped with insulated
bearings on the non-drive end. The bearing insulation is per-
formed by insulating the bearing seat on the motor shaft or
through the use of current-insulated rolling-contact bearings.
The minimum requirement for the ordering options is described
in detail under "Output tables for converter-fed operation".
General technical specifications
Converter-fed operation – Special mechanical characteristics
■ Overview (continued)
Mechanical limit speeds
Mechanical limit speeds for standard version:
When the motor is operated above its rated frequency, it is im- 1PS5 motors with
portant to note that the maximum speeds are limited by the limits type of protection "Ex d"
for the roller bearings, the critical rotor speed and the rigidity of Frame size No. of poles
the rotating parts. In the case of motors for use in potentially 2 4 6 8
explosive areas of Zone 1 or 2, in accordance with EN 60079-0, n f n f n f n f
the peripheral speed and therefore the speed of plastic fans is rpm Hz rpm Hz rpm Hz rpm Hz
also limited.
For the limit speeds listed in the tables below, further special
71 9300 155 9300 310 9100 455 9100 606
measures may be required.
80 9300 155 9300 310 9100 455 9100 606
Mechanical limit speeds for standard version:
1PS0 and 1PS1 motors without explosion protection and with 90 9200 153 8500 273 8500 425 8500 567
type of protection "Non-sparking"
100 6900 115 8500 273 9000 450 9000 600
Frame size No. of poles
112 6300 105 9200 306 6800 340 6800 453
2 4 6 8
n f n f n f n f 132 6500 108 5900 197 7500 375 7500 500
rpm Hz rpm Hz rpm Hz rpm Hz 160 5900 98 6200 207 6200 310 6200 413
LOHER CHEMSTAR 1PS0 and 1PS1 motors 180 4800 80 5600 187 4750 238 4750 317
90 9200 153 8500 273 8500 425 8500 567 200 5000 83 3600 120 4300 215 4300 287
100 6900 115 8500 273 9000 450 9000 600 225 5300 88 4200 140 4200 210 4200 280
112 6300 105 9200 306 6800 340 6800 453 250 4200 70 3600 120 4000 200 4000 267
132 6500 108 5900 197 7500 375 7500 500 280 4800 80 3550 118 3800 190 3800 253
160 5900 98 6200 207 6200 310 6200 413 315 4000 67 3450 115 3700 185 3700 247
180 4800 80 5600 187 4750 238 4750 317 LOHER VARIO 1PS5 motors
200 5000 83 3600 120 4300 215 4300 287 355 3600 60 2700 90 2400 120 2400 160
225 5300 88 4200 140 4200 210 4200 420 400 3000 50 2250 75 2200 110 2100 140
250 4200 70 3600 120 4000 200 4000 267 450 3000 50 2100 70 2000 100 1900 127
280 4800 80 3550 118 3800 190 3800 253 500 3000 50 1800 60 1600 80 1500 100
315 4000 67 3450 115 3700 185 3700 247 SIMOTICS XP 1MD5 motors
355 3800 63 3200 106 3200 160 3000 200 71 6000 100 4500 150 4000 200 3000 200
LOHER VARIO 1PS0 and 1PS1 motors 80 6000 100 4500 150 4000 200 3000 200
355 3600 60 2700 90 2400 120 2400 160 90 6000 100 4500 150 4000 200 3000 200
400 3000 50 2250 75 2200 110 2100 140 100 6000 100 4200 140 3600 180 3000 200
450 3000 50 2100 70 2000 100 1900 127 112 6000 100 4200 140 3600 180 3000 200
500 3000 50 1800 60 1600 80 1500 100 132 5400 90 4200 140 3600 180 3000 200
160 4800 80 4200 140 3600 180 3000 200
180 4600 76 4200 140 3600 180 3000 200
200 4500 75 4200 140 3600 180 3000 200
225 4500 75 4500 150 4400 220 4400 293
250 3900 65 3700 123 3700 185 3700 247
280 3600 60 3000 100 3000 150 3000 200
315 3600 60 2600 87 2600 130 2600 173
355 3600 60 2600 87 2600 130 2600 173
General technical specifications
Converter-fed operation – Special mechanical characteristics
1 ■ Overview (continued)
Operating explosion-proof motors on a converter Siemens R20000 guideline for converter-fed operation
of explosion-proof, low-voltage, three-phase motors
For the safe operation of explosion-proof motors on a converter,
some basic rules must be observed. These rules are summa- Converter-fed operation of explosion-proof, low-voltage, three-
rized in the R20000 guideline. The current version of R20000 is phase motors with type of protection "Explosion-proof enclosure"
stamped on the rating plate. and "Non-sparking" for temperature classes T1 – T4
The guideline must be complied with regardless of the type and Explosion-proof three-phase motors may be operated on a
manufacturer of the converter. converter if the following conditions are satisfied:
If explosion-proof motors are to be operated at frequencies 1. The output voltage of the converter shall be controlled such
above 60 Hz or 10 % above the cutoff frequency, it may be that within the frequency range below the rated frequency of
necessary to perform a system test of the motor with the con- the motor, an approximately linear relationship is maintained
verter. between the voltage (fundamental component) and the fre-
quency (fundamental component), i.e. practically constant
The minimum requirement for the ordering options is described in machine flux in accordance with the rated data.
detail under "Output tables for converter-fed operation". The Operation above 1.1. times the rated frequency is only admis-
customer is responsible for fulfillment of the regulations which may sible when the motor has an appropriate rating plate for con-
be affected by the use of sine-wave filters, long cables, etc. verter-fed operation.
Operating dust explosion-proof motors on a converter 2. Icontinuous is the value to which the current is restricted by con-
Dust explosion-proof motors can be operated on a converter if verter control in continuous duty.
suitable monitoring equipment is used (e.g. PTC thermistor for The maximum value which can be set for Icontinuous is the con-
sole protection and certified evaluation units). The boundary tinuously admissible rated motor current in accordance with
conditions described above also apply in this case and compli- the rating plate on the motor or the value specified in the
ance with the R20000 guideline, in particular, is essential. For documents that describe converter-fed operation (R No.).
motors in the admissible type of protection for Zone 21, the limits 3. Itemp is the value to which the current is limited by converter
of the control range between 5 and 50 (60 Hz) also apply. The control in the case of temporary overloads of a maximum
maximum possible output in converter-fed operation must not duration of ttemp.
exceed the output for mains-fed operation even in the case of The maximum value which can be set for Itemp is
higher thermal utilization on the converter. In special cases, it 1.5 × Icontinuous.
may be necessary to test the original system comprising the
motor with the converter, or a system comprising the same 4. The time ttemp is the maximum time for which the converter
types. permits Icontinuous to be exceeded.
ttemp is to be set for a maximum of 60 seconds.
If the motor is operated on SINAMICS G180 or on a different
SINAMICS converter with a suitable filter (e.g. dv/dt filter), 5. The installed thermistors (e.g. PTC thermistors), which must
operation on line supplies from 500 V to 690 V is possible. be suitable as sole protection, are to be connected to a
Operation on converters with vector control is admissible. tripping device conforming to guideline 94/9/EC with a proto-
Compliance with the boundary conditions described in the type test certificate such as CK140: PTB 04 ATEX 3038 or
guideline No. 20000h must be ensured by the operating CK144/145: PTB 02 ATEX 3059.
company. 6. Voltage peaks (especially for pulse inverters with long motor
a) The assessment of the terminal box in relation to clear-
ances and creepage distances allows for converter-fed
operation with voltage peaks (ÛLL and ÛLE) of up to
Û = 1866 V. This may not be exceeded in the interests of
explosion protection.
b) To prevent partial discharges arising, with Ex nA machines
the voltage at the motor terminals must also be limited in
relation to the rise time to values which fall below the
characteristic curve of the "withstand voltage curve"
diagram (see picture below). With Ex d motors, this is
recommended so as not to limit the service life.
Ruhstorf, 2012-09-10
Siemens Aktiengesellschaft
General technical specifications
Converter-fed operation – Special mechanical characteristics
■ Overview (continued)
Typical voltage stress of motors for operation on the The maximum voltage is influenced by the rise time of the pulses
SINAMICS G180 converter at 690 V and by the length of cable used between motor and converter.
A dv/dt output filter at the converter can reduce the maximum
Motors of the 1PS or 1MD5 series with standard insulation motor voltage to uncritical values. With the SINAMICS G180 con-
are designed for peak voltage in accordance with verters, a high-quality dv/dt output filter is included as standard.
IEC/TS 60034-25:2007 Curve A (1560 V), see the diagram below. With converters without dv/dt output filters, inadmissible voltage
peaks can occur even with a relatively short motor cable (ap-
G_D083_EN_00045 prox. 10 m). With the dv/dt output filters of the SINAMICS G180
2000 converter, depending on the supply voltage, cable lengths of
V product G180 standard G180 reinforced 150 m (at 690 V) to 300 m (at 400 to 500 V) are possible. The
Peak voltage U
without filter filter filter admissible voltage stress for the motor depends on the rise time
Typical Typical tr of the converter output voltage. The admissible voltage stress
cable lengths up to cable lengths for our motors with standard insulation (1.56 kV curve) is shown
150 m up to 300 m in the diagram below. Special insulation is necessary for higher
voltage stress (2.15 kV curve; on request, additional charge).
800 G_D083_EN_00047
kV without filter for motors up to 690 V AC
2.15 kV
400 Characteristic A 2.0
from IEC/TC 60034-25:2007
(standard motor) without filter for motors up to 500 V AC
1.6 1.56 kV
0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8 μs 3.0
1.2 100 % UMotor
Rise time tr 90 %
As an option, 1PS motors are also available with special
insulation for peak voltages of 2.25 kV. In this case, the winding 10 %
is suitable for peak voltages in accordance with tA Time t
IEC/TS 60034-25:2007 Curve B. Due to the space required by
the special winding insulation, this option can only be ordered 0
0.01 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 μs 1.2
for frame size 160 and above. The possible output of the motor
is then 5 % lower than a motor with standard insulation. The limits
for peak voltage with regard to explosion protection, especially
for the terminal box, are applicable as specified in the R20000 Admissible voltage stress for motors with standard insulation
regulation. (ÛLLmax = Maximum value of phase-to-phase voltage)
Engineering information for converter-fed operation Motor operation on converter with sine-wave filter
Admissible voltage stress In special applications, e.g. with extremely long motor cables,
so-called sine-wave filters are used which result in a smoother
More stress is placed on the insulation of the motor winding with converter voltage than dv/dt filters. When a sine-wave filter is
converter-fed operation than with mains-fed operation. The used, it is important to note that a significant drop in motor
voltage stress also depends on the type of converter used. voltage of up to 15 % occurs. Under these operating conditions,
derating is necessary to prevent the motors from overheating.
Voltage stress on a converter with pulse width modulation (PWM) For operation with sine-wave filters and the consequent reduc-
The PWM converter subjects the motor windings to wear and tion of 10 to 15 % in motor voltage, the admissible outputs for
tear mainly by quickly applying voltage pulses. Each switching converter-fed operation must be similarly reduced by 10 to 15 %.
process of the converter releases a voltage wave onto the motor For the LOHER CHEMSTAR and LOHER VARIO series, it is
supply cable that can result in excessive motor voltages due to possible to dimension the motors for the reduced voltage at the
reflection (see diagram). motor terminals that results from the converter, which can
prevent a reduction in output due to reduced voltage.
UMotor G_D083_EN_00046
without filter
with filter
Time t
General technical specifications
Converter-fed operation – Special mechanical characteristics
1 ■ Overview (continued)
Output tables for converter-fed operation
TL P rated TL P rated
P1 P1
TL2 P2
TL3 P3
TL4 P4
f 5 10 16,7 50 f/Hz
T Limit curve for motors with their own fan TL2 Constant load torque in speed setting range 1:3
P rated Rated output of motor in mains-fed operation TL3 Constant load torque in speed setting range 1:5
P1 Listed output of motor in converter-fed operation TL4 Constant load torque in speed setting range 1:10
Motors with their own fan for pump and fan operation (TL ~ n2) Reduction in torque as a result of reduced cooling effect in motors with
their own fan (TL = constant)
General technical specifications
Converter-fed operation – Special mechanical characteristics
■ Overview (continued)
Prated nrated Type Setting range 1:10 Setting range 1:10 Setting range 1:5 Setting range 1:3
T ~ n2 T = constant T = constant T = constant
Mains Mains Output Torque Current Output Torque Current Output Torque Current Output Torque Current
50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 400 V 50 Hz 50 Hz 400 V 50 Hz 50 Hz 400 V 50 Hz 50 Hz 400 V
kW rpm kW Nm A kW Nm A kW Nm A kW Nm A
LOHER CHEMSTAR/VARIO 1PS4 and 1PS5 motors (Ex de)
Utilization of the winding according to B (130 °C)
Converter infeed with extremely motor-friendly output signal and full rated voltage at the motor terminal (modulation depth = 1)
Valid, for example, for SINAMICS G180
2-pole: 3000 rpm at 50 Hz
0.37 2780 1PS5070-1BD..-4AA3 0.41 1.4 0.87 0.25 0.9 0.61 0.30 1.0 0.69 0.35 1.2 0.76
0.55 2780 1PS5071-1BD..-4AA3 0.60 2.1 1.32 0.38 1.3 0.89 0.45 1.6 1.02 0.50 1.8 1.15
0.75 2810 1PS5080-1BD..-4AA3 0.80 2.9 1.68 0.50 1.8 1.15 0.60 2.1 1.32 0.70 2.4 1.47
1.1 2810 1PS5081-1BD..-4AA3 1.2 4.2 2.55 0.75 2.6 1.74 0.90 3.1 1.99 1.05 3.6 2.25
1.5 2865 1PS5095-1BD..-4AA3 1.6 5.7 3.25 1.05 3.5 2.20 1.2 4.2 2.50 1.4 4.8 2.80
2.2 2845 1PS5098-1BD..-4AA3 2.4 8.3 4.80 1.5 5.2 3.35 1.8 6.2 3.80 2.1 7.1 4.25
3 2900 1PS5106-1BD..-4AA3 3.3 11.2 6.4 2.1 7.1 4.55 2.5 8.5 5.1 2.9 9.6 5.7
4 2890 1PS5113-1BD..-4AA3 4.4 14.9 8.1 2.8 9.5 5.3 3.4 11.3 6.2 3.8 12.8 7.0
5.5 2910 1PS5131-1BD..-4AA3 6.0 20.4 11.2 4.0 13.0 7.5 4.7 15.5 8.7 5.3 17.6 9.8
7.5 2910 1PS5132-1BD..-4AA3 8.0 28 14.9 5.4 18 10.0 6.0 21 11.6 7.0 24 13.0
11 2955 1PS5163-1BD..-4AA3 12.0 40 22.0 8.0 26 14.8 9.5 31 17.1 10.5 35 19.1
15 2955 1PS5165-1BD..-4AA3 16.5 55 30.0 11.0 36 20.0 13.0 42 23.0 14.5 48 26.0
18.5 2955 1PS5166-1BD..-4AA3 20 67 36.5 13.5 44.1 24.5 16.0 52 28.5 18.0 59 32.0
22 2960 1PS5183-1BD..-4AA3 24 80 42.5 16.0 52 29.0 19.0 62 33.5 21 70 37.5
30 2955 1PS5206-1BD..-4AA3 33 109 58 22 72 39.5 26 84 46.0 29 95 51
37 2960 1PS5208-1BD..-4AA3 39 127 68 26 83 46.0 30 98 53 34 110 60
45 2965 1PS5223-1BD..-4AA3 47 154 84 34 109 61 38 124 69 42 136 75
55 2975 1PS5253-1BD..-4AA3 55 178 99 39 126 74 44 143 82 49 157 89
75 2980 1PS5280-1BD..-4AA3 84 272 143 60 193 104 68 218 116 74 240 127
90 2980 1PS5283-1BD..-4AA3 100 326 171 72 231 124 80 262 139 90 289 152
110 2980 1PS5311-1BD..-4AA3 116 376 200 82 267 148 94 302 165 102 332 180
132 2980 1PS5313-1BD..-4AA3 126 408 220 90 290 161 102 329 179 112 362 195
160 2980 1PS5315-1BD..-4AA3 154 495 260 108 352 192 124 398 215 136 438 235
200 2980 1PS5316-1BD..-4AA3 184 594 315 132 422 230 148 478 260 164 526 285
250 2985 1PS5318-1BD..-4AA3 230 741 390 164 528 285 186 597 320 205 657 350
315 2984 1PS5353-1BD..-4AA3 290 934 500 205 665 375 235 752 415 255 828 450
360 2984 1PS5355-1BD..-4AA3 330 1069 570 235 760 420 265 860 465 295 947 510
460 2985 1PS5357-1BD..-4AA3 425 1365 710 300 971 520 340 1099 580 375 1209 630
LOHER VARIO 1PS4 and 1PS5 motors
400 2984 1PS . 358-1BH..-4AA0 380 1220 630 281 894 470 316 1006 530 346 1100 570
450 2977 1PS . 358-1BJ ..-4AA0 430 1370 710 301 959 510 346 1102 580 384 1221 630
500 2981 1PS . 405-1BJ ..-4AA0 475 1520 780 348 1107 580 394 1253 650 432 1374 710
560 2982 1PS . 407-1BJ ..-4AA0 530 1700 870 385 1226 650 439 1396 730 482 1534 790
630 2983 1PS . 408-1BJ ..-4AA0 600 1920 575 1) 435 1385 423 1) 496 1578 475 1) 545 1735 522 1)
710 2985 1PS . 455-1BJ ..-4AA0 670 2150 645 1) 493 1571 481 1) 560 1782 539 1) 614 1953 586 1)
1) 1) 1)
800 2985 1PS . 457-1BJ ..-4AA0 760 2450 730 560 1782 545 637 2028 614 699 2225 667 1)
900 2984 1PS . 458-1BJ ..-4AA0 860 2750 817 1) 637 2028 614 1) 721 2295 690 1) 788 2510 748 1)
General technical specifications
Converter-fed operation – Special mechanical characteristics
1 ■ Overview (continued)
Prated nrated Type Setting range 1:10 Setting range 1:10 Setting range 1:5 Setting range 1:3
T ~ n2 T = constant T = constant T = constant
Mains Mains Output Torque Current Output Torque Current Output Torque Current Output Torque Current
50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 400 V 50 Hz 50 Hz 400 V 50 Hz 50 Hz 400 V 50 Hz 50 Hz 400 V
kW rpm kW Nm A kW Nm A kW Nm A kW Nm A
LOHER CHEMSTAR/VARIO 1PS4 and 1PS5 motors (Ex de)
Utilization of the winding according to B (130 °C)
Converter infeed with extremely motor-friendly output signal and full rated voltage at the motor terminal (modulation depth = 1)
Valid, for example, for SINAMICS G180
4-pole: 1500 rpm at 50 Hz
0.25 1350 1PS5070-1BD..-4BA3 0.27 1.9 0.73 0.17 1.2 0.54 0.20 1.4 0.60 0.23 1.6 0.65
0.37 1360 1PS5071-1BD..-4BA3 0.41 2.9 1.01 0.25 1.7 0.78 0.31 2.1 0.85 0.35 2.4 0.92
0.55 1400 1PS5080-1BD..-4BA3 0.60 4.2 1.49 0.38 2.6 1.10 0.46 3.1 1.22 0.50 3.6 1.33
0.75 1455 1PS5081-1BD..-4BA3 0.80 5.5 1.82 0.50 3.6 1.40 0.60 4.2 1.53 0.70 4.8 1.65
1.1 1460 1PS5095-1BD..-4BA3 1.2 8.1 2.35 0.80 5.2 1.71 0.95 6.2 1.92 1.05 7.0 2.10
1.5 1460 1PS5098-1BD..-4BA3 1.6 11.1 3.35 1.05 7.1 2.55 1.2 8.4 2.80 1.4 9.6 3.05
2.2 1450 1PS5106-1BD..-4BA3 2.4 16.3 4.85 1.6 10.4 3.45 1.8 12.4 3.90 2.1 14.1 4.30
3 1455 1PS5108-1BD..-4BA3 3.3 22.3 6.8 2.1 14 5.2 2.5 17 5.7 2.9 19.2 6.2
4 1460 1PS5113-1BD..-4BA3 4.5 29.6 8.6 2.9 19 6.1 3.4 23 6.9 3.9 25.5 7.6
5.5 1455 1PS5131-1BD..-4BA3 6.0 40.8 11.7 4.0 26 8.1 4.7 31 9.3 5.3 35.2 10.3
7.5 1470 1PS5133-1BD..-4BA3 8.0 55 15.8 5.5 36 11.3 6.5 42 12.8 7.0 48 14.0
11 1460 1PS5163-1BD..-4BA3 12.0 81 23.5 8.0 52 16.3 9.5 62 18.6 10.5 70 20.5
15 1460 1PS5166-1BD..-4BA3 16.5 110 31.0 11.0 71 22.0 13.0 84 25.0 14.5 95 27.5
18.5 1470 1PS5183-1BD..-4BA3 20 135 38.0 13.5 88 26.0 16.0 104 30.0 18.0 117 33.5
22 1470 1PS5186-1BD..-4BA3 24 161 45.0 16.0 105 31.5 19.0 124 36.0 21 139 40.0
30 1470 1PS5206-1BD..-4BA3 33 219 61 22 143 43.5 26 168 49 29 190 54
37 1480 1PS5220-1BD..-4BA3 41 270 72 29 190 54 33 216 60 36 238 65
45 1480 1PS5223-1BD..-4BA3 50 328 91 35 231 68 40 263 75 44 290 82
55 1480 1PS5253-1BD..-4BA3 55 358 99 39 252 74 44 286 82 49 316 89
75 1480 1PS5280-1BD..-4BA3 84 545 151 60 385 113 68 437 125 74 482 136
90 1480 1PS5283-1BD..-4BA3 94 617 170 68 436 127 76 495 141 84 545 153
110 1485 1PS5311-1BD..-4BA3 110 713 205 78 504 156 88 572 172 98 630 186
132 1485 1PS5313-1BD..-4BA3 132 855 240 94 605 180 106 686 200 116 756 215
160 1485 1PS5315-1BD..-4BA3 154 994 275 108 703 205 124 798 230 136 879 250
200 1488 1PS5316-1BD..-4BA3 184 1191 330 130 844 250 148 957 275 164 1054 300
250 1488 1PS5317-1BD..-4BA3 230 1488 415 164 1055 320 186 1196 350 205 1317 375
315 1488 1PS5353-1BD..-4BA3 290 1872 530 205 1330 405 253 1506 445 255 1657 480
360 1488 1PS5355-1BD..-4BA3 330 2141 600 235 1520 455 265 1721 500 295 1895 540
460 1488 1PS5357-1BD..-4BA3 425 2737 760 300 1942 570 340 2200 630 375 2422 680
LOHER VARIO 1PS4 and 1PS5 motors
400 1491 1PS . 350-1BH..-4BA0 380 2450 670 288 1831 520 323 2059 570 352 2243 620
450 1491 1PS . 357-1BJ ..-4BA0 430 2750 760 322 2052 590 363 2311 650 396 2519 700
500 1492 1PS . 358-1BJ ..-4BA0 475 3050 840 359 2283 660 403 2569 730 439 2797 780
560 1492 1PS . 405-1BJ ..-4BA0 530 3400 910 401 2556 700 451 2872 780 491 3124 840
630 1492 1PS . 407-1BJ ..-4BA0 600 3850 1030 454 2890 800 511 3250 880 556 3537 950
710 1492 1PS . 408-1BJ ..-4BA0 670 4300 1140 510 3248 890 572 3644 990 622 3960 1060
800 1493 1PS . 455-1BJ ..-4BA0 760 4850 1290 576 3666 1010 646 4114 1110 702 4468 1200
900 1493 1PS . 457-1BJ ..-4BA0 860 5500 846 1) 651 4145 655 1) 732 4659 725 1) 796 5065 783 1)
1) 1) 1)
950 1493 1PS . 458-1BJ ..-4BA0 900 5800 893 687 4376 696 772 4916 765 839 5343 829 1)
1) 1) 1)
1000 1494 1PS . 504-1BJ ..-4BA0 950 6100 939 720 4582 730 810 5158 812 882 5613 875 1)
1) 1) 1)
1120 1493 1PS . 505-1BJ ..-4BA0 1060 6800 1049 805 5128 812 905 5764 899 984 6266 974 1)
General technical specifications
Converter-fed operation – Special mechanical characteristics
■ Overview (continued)
Prated nrated Type Setting range 1:10 Setting range 1:10 Setting range 1:5 Setting range 1:3
T ~ n2 T = constant T = constant T = constant
Mains Mains Output Torque Current Output Torque Current Output Torque Current Output Torque Current
50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 400 V 50 Hz 50 Hz 400 V 50 Hz 50 Hz 400 V 50 Hz 50 Hz 400 V
kW rpm kW Nm A kW Nm A kW Nm A kW Nm A
LOHER CHEMSTAR/VARIO 1PS4 and 1PS5 motors (Ex de)
Utilization of the winding according to B (130 °C)
Converter infeed with extremely motor-friendly output signal and full rated voltage at the motor terminal (modulation depth = 1)
Valid, for example, for SINAMICS G180
6-pole: 1000 rpm at 50 Hz
0.25 895 1PS5071-1BD..-4CA3 0.27 3.0 0.74 0.16 1.7 0.75 0.20 2.1 0.74 0.23 2.5 0.74
0.37 895 1PS5080-1BD..-4CA3 0.41 4.5 1.18 0.24 2.5 0.91 0.30 3.2 0.99 0.34 3.7 1.06
0.55 900 1PS5081-1BD..-4CA3 0.60 6.6 1.65 0.37 3.8 1.31 0.45 4.7 1.41 0.50 5.5 1.51
0.75 960 1PS5095-1BD..-4CA3 0.80 8.4 2.00 0.50 5.3 1.62 0.60 6.3 1.74 0.70 7.2 1.85
1.1 950 1PS5098-1BD..-4CA3 1.1 11.8 2.90 0.70 7.3 2.40 0.85 8.8 2.55 1.00 10.1 2.70
1.5 955 1PS5106-1BD..-4CA3 1.6 17 4.15 1.05 10.6 3.55 1.2 12.7 3.75 1.4 14.5 3.90
2.2 950 1PS5113-1BD..-4CA3 2.4 25 5.6 1.5 16 4.30 1.8 19 4.70 2.1 21 5.1
3 955 1PS5131-1BD..-4CA3 3.3 34 7.0 2.1 21 5.1 2.5 25 5.7 2.9 29 6.2
4 955 1PS5133-1BD..-4CA3 4.4 45 9.0 2.8 28 6.5 3.4 34 7.3 3.8 39 8.0
5.5 955 1PS5135-1BD..-4CA3 5.5 55 12.1 3.5 35 9.3 4.2 42 10.1 4.7 48 10.9
7.5 965 1PS5163-1BD..-4CA3 8.0 84 16.8 5.4 53 12.2 6.0 63 13.6 7.0 72 15.0
11 970 1PS5166-1BD..-4CA3 12.0 122 25.5 8.0 78 18.4 9.0 93 20.5 10.5 106 22.5
15 980 1PS5186-1BD..-4CA3 16.5 165 32.0 11.0 107 23.0 13.0 126 26.0 14.5 143 28.5
18.5 980 1PS5206-1BD..-4CA3 20 204 40.5 13.5 132 29.0 16.0 156 32.5 18.0 176 36.0
22 980 1PS5208-1BD..-4CA3 23 228 46.5 15.0 148 35.0 18.0 175 38.5 20 198 42.0
30 985 1PS5223-1BD..-4CA3 33 329 63 23 231 47.5 27 263 53 29 290 57
37 985 1PS5253-1BD..-4CA3 39 382 75 27 269 58 31 306 63 34 337 68
45 985 1PS5280-1BD..-4CA3 50 493 93 35 347 71 40 394 78 44 435 84
55 990 1PS5283-1BD..-4CA3 62 600 112 44 424 84 49 481 93 54 530 101
75 990 1PS5311-1BD..-4CA3 84 818 148 60 578 110 68 656 122 74 723 133
90 990 1PS5313-1BD..-4CA3 100 981 180 72 694 133 80 787 148 88 868 161
110 990 1PS5314-1BD..-4CA3 124 1199 220 88 848 160 98 962 178 108 1061 195
132 990 1PS5315-1BD..-4CA3 132 1283 235 94 908 176 106 1030 195 116 1135 210
160 990 1PS5316-1BD..-4CA3 154 1490 270 108 1055 200 124 1196 225 136 1318 245
200 990 1PS5317-1BD..-4CA3 184 1788 340 130 1267 260 148 1436 285 164 1582 305
280 994 1PS5353-1BD..-4CA3 255 2496 485 184 1773 370 205 2008 410 230 2210 410
315 994 1PS5355-1BD..-4CA3 290 2808 530 205 1994 405 235 2258 445 255 2485 445
360 994 1PS5357-1BD..-4CA3 360 3206 610 235 2279 470 265 2580 510 295 2839 550
LOHER VARIO 1PS4 and 1PS5 motors
315 994 1PS5354-1BD..-4CA3 300 2900 540 226 2156 430 255 2432 470 278 2654 500
355 993 1PS . 357-1BJ ..-4CA0 335 3250 600 257 2453 470 288 2751 520 313 2989 560
400 992 1PS . 358-1BJ ..-4CA0 380 3650 690 272 2602 520 313 2994 580 346 3306 630
450 994 1PS . 405-1BJ ..-4CA0 425 4100 770 325 3102 600 364 3478 660 396 3777 710
500 994 1PS . 407-1BJ ..-4CA0 475 4550 850 360 3436 670 404 3857 740 439 4191 790
560 995 1PS . 453-1BJ ..-4CA0 530 5100 940 404 3854 740 453 4326 810 492 4699 870
630 995 1PS . 455-1BJ ..-4CA0 600 5700 1050 452 4315 830 507 4841 910 550 5256 980
710 995 1PS . 457-1BJ ..-4CA0 670 6500 1190 515 4921 940 578 5522 1030 628 5996 1110
800 995 1PS . 458-1BJ ..-4CA0 740 7100 765 1) 569 5430 614 1) 635 6067 672 1) 688 6570 719 1)
1) 1) 1)
900 995 1PS . 505-1BJ ..-4CA0 860 8200 875 651 6219 684 730 6976 754 793 7572 812 1)
1) 1) 1)
1000 995 1PS . 507-1BJ ..-4CA0 950 9100 968 721 6887 759 810 7733 835 880 8399 899 1)
General technical specifications
Converter-fed operation – Special mechanical characteristics
1 ■ Overview (continued)
Prated nrated Type Setting range 1:10 Setting range 1:10 Setting range 1:5 Setting range 1:3
T ~ n2 T = constant T = constant T = constant
Mains Mains Output Torque Current Output Torque Current Output Torque Current Output Torque Current
50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 400 V 50 Hz 50 Hz 400 V 50 Hz 50 Hz 400 V 50 Hz 50 Hz 400 V
kW rpm kW Nm A kW Nm A kW Nm A kW Nm A
LOHER CHEMSTAR/VARIO 1PS4/5 motors (Ex de)
Utilization of the winding according to F (155 °C)
Converter infeed with extremely motor-friendly output signal and slightly reduced rated voltage at the motor terminal (modulation depth < 1)
Valid, for example, for SINAMICS G120 PM230, SINAMICS G120 PM240, SINAMICS G130, SINAMICS S120
2-pole: 3000 rpm at 50 Hz
0.37 2780 1PS5070-1BD..-4AA3 0.43 1.52 0.96 0.26 0.903 0.65 0.32 1.1 0.74 0.37 1.28 0.83
0.55 2780 1PS5071-1BD..-4AA3 0.6 2.25 1.46 0.39 1.34 0.95 0.48 1.64 1.11 0.55 1.9 1.26
0.75 2810 1PS5080-1BD..-4AA3 0.85 3.04 1.88 0.55 1.84 1.24 0.65 2.23 1.44 0.75 2.58 1.63
1.1 2810 1PS5081-1BD..-4AA3 1.2 4.46 2.8 0.8 2.7 1.85 0.95 3.27 2.15 1.1 3.78 2.4
1.5 2865 1PS5095-1BD..-4AA3 1.7 6 3.6 1.1 3.72 2.35 1.3 4.46 2.75 1.5 5.1 3.1
2.2 2845 1PS5098-1BD..-4AA3 2.5 8.8 5.3 1.6 5.4 3.65 1.9 6.5 4.2 2.2 7.5 4.65
3 2900 1PS5106-1BD..-4AA3 3.5 11.8 7.1 2.2 7.5 4.9 2.7 8.9 5.6 3 10.1 6.2
4 2890 1PS5113-1BD..-4AA3 4.7 15.8 9 3 10 5.8 3.6 11.9 6.9 4 13.5 7.8
5.5 2910 1PS5131-1BD..-4AA3 6.5 21.5 12.4 4.2 13.7 8.2 4.9 16.3 9.6 5.5 18.5 10.8
7.5 2910 1PS5132-1BD..-4AA3 8.5 29.3 16.5 5.5 18.7 11 6.5 22.3 12.8 7.5 25.3 14.4
11 2955 1PS5163-1BD..-4AA3 13 42.4 24.5 8.5 27.7 16.2 10 32.6 18.9 11 36.8 21
15 2955 1PS5165-1BD..-4AA3 17.5 58 33 11.5 37.7 22 13.5 44.4 26 15.5 50 29
18.5 2955 1PS5166-1BD..-4AA3 22 71 41 14 46.5 27.5 16.5 55 32 19 62 35.5
22 2960 1PS5183-1BD..-4AA3 26 85 47.5 17 55 32 20 65 37 22 73 41.5
30 2955 1PS5206-1BD..-4AA3 35 115 65 23 76 44 27 89 51 31 100 57
37 2960 1PS5208-1BD..-4AA3 41 134 76 27 88 51 32 103 59 36 116 67
45 2965 1PS5223-1BD..-4AA3 50 163 93 35 115 67 40 131 75 44 144 83
55 2975 1PS5253-1BD..-4AA3 58 188 110 41 133 81 47 151 90 51 166 98
75 2980 1PS5280-1BD..-4AA3 88 287 157 63 203 114 71 230 128 78 254 140
90 2980 1PS5283-1BD..-4AA3 106 344 189 76 244 137 86 277 154 94 305 169
110 2980 1PS5311-1BD..-4AA3 122 396 225 86 281 163 98 319 182 108 351 199
132 2980 1PS5313-1BD..-4AA3 134 431 240 94 306 175 108 347 195 118 382 215
160 2980 1PS5315-1BD..-4AA3 162 523 290 116 371 210 130 420 235 144 463 260
200 2980 1PS5316-1BD..-4AA3 194 627 350 138 445 255 156 504 285 172 555 310
250 2985 1PS5318-1BD..-4AA3 240 783 430 174 557 315 196 630 350 215 693 385
315 2987 1PS5353-1BD..-4AA3 245 799 440 178 569 330 200 643 365 220 708 395
360 2987 1PS5355-1BD..-4AA3 285 913 495 200 650 365 230 735 405 250 809 440
460 2988 1PS5357-1BD..-4AA3 365 1167 620 260 831 465 290 940 510 320 1034 560
LOHER VARIO 1PS4 and 1PS5 motors
315 2981 1PS . 356-1BH..-4AA0 Values on request
355 2982 1PS . 357-1BH..-4AA0
400 2984 1PS . 358-1BH..-4AA0
450 2977 1PS . 358-1BJ ..-4AA0
500 2981 1PS . 405-1BJ ..-4AA0
560 2982 1PS . 407-1BJ ..-4AA0
630 2983 1PS . 408-1BJ ..-4AA0
710 2985 1PS . 455-1BJ ..-4AA0
800 2985 1PS . 457-1BJ ..-4AA0
900 2984 1PS . 458-1BJ ..-4AA0
General technical specifications
Converter-fed operation – Special mechanical characteristics
■ Overview (continued)
Prated nrated Type Setting range 1:10 Setting range 1:10 Setting range 1:5 Setting range 1:3
T ~ n2 T = constant T = constant T = constant
Mains Mains Output Torque Current Output Torque Current Output Torque Current Output Torque Current
50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 400 V 50 Hz 50 Hz 400 V 50 Hz 50 Hz 400 V 50 Hz 50 Hz 400 V
kW rpm kW Nm A kW Nm A kW Nm A kW Nm A
LOHER CHEMSTAR/VARIO 1PS4/5 motors (Ex de)
Utilization of the winding according to F (155 °C)
Converter infeed with extremely motor-friendly output signal and slightly reduced rated voltage at the motor terminal (modulation depth < 1)
Valid, for example, for SINAMICS G120 PM230, SINAMICS G120 PM240, SINAMICS G130, SINAMICS S120
4-pole: 1500 rpm at 50 Hz
0.25 1350 1PS5070-1BD..-4BA3 0.29 2.06 0.8 0.18 1.22 0.56 0.21 1.49 0.63 0.25 1.73 0.7
0.37 1360 1PS5071-1BD..-4BA3 0.43 3.01 1.12 0.27 1.81 0.81 0.32 2.2 0.91 0.37 2.55 1
0.55 1400 1PS5080-1BD..-4BA3 0.6 4.48 1.65 0.4 2.69 1.16 0.48 3.28 1.31 0.55 3.79 1.45
0.75 1455 1PS5081-1BD..-4BA3 0.85 5.9 2 0.55 3.75 1.48 0.65 4.45 1.65 0.75 5 1.8
1.1 1460 1PS5095-1BD..-4BA3 1.3 8.6 2.65 0.8 5.5 1.86 1 6.5 2.1 1.1 7.4 2.35
1.5 1460 1PS5098-1BD..-4BA3 1.7 11.7 3.7 1.1 7.5 2.7 1.3 8.9 3.05 1.5 10.1 3.3
2.2 1450 1PS5106-1BD..-4BA3 2.6 17.2 5.3 1.6 11 3.7 1.9 13.1 4.25 2.2 14.8 4.7
3 1455 1PS5108-1BD..-4BA3 3.5 23.5 7.5 2.2 15 5.5 2.7 17.8 6.2 3 20.2 6.7
4 1460 1PS5113-1BD..-4BA3 4.7 31.2 9.6 3 20 6.6 3.6 23.7 7.6 4.1 26.9 8.4
5.5 1455 1PS5131-1BD..-4BA3 6.5 43.1 12.9 4.2 27.5 8.8 4.9 32.6 10.1 5.5 37.1 11.3
7.5 1470 1PS5133-1BD..-4BA3 8.5 58 17.5 5.5 37.6 12.2 6.5 44.5 13.9 7.5 50 15.4
11 1460 1PS5163-1BD..-4BA3 13 86 26 8 55 17.6 10 65 20.5 11 74 22.5
15 1460 1PS5166-1BD..-4BA3 17.5 116 34.5 11.5 75 23.5 13.5 89 27.5 15 101 30.5
18.5 1470 1PS5183-1BD..-4BA3 22 143 42 14 93 28.5 16.5 110 33 19 124 36.5
22 1470 1PS5186-1BD..-4BA3 26 170 50 17 111 34 20 130 39.5 22 147 44
30 1470 1PS5206-1BD..-4BA3 35 231 68 23 151 47 27 178 54 31 201 60
37 1480 1PS5220-1BD..-4BA3 44 285 83 31 200 61 35 228 68 38 252 74
45 1480 1PS5223-1BD..-4BA3 53 346 101 37 244 74 42 277 82 47 306 90
55 1480 1PS5253-1BD..-4BA3 58 377 109 41 266 80 46 302 89 51 333 97
75 1480 1PS5280-1BD..-4BA3 88 576 168 63 407 123 71 461 137 78 509 150
90 1480 1PS5283-1BD..-4BA3 100 651 188 71 460 138 80 522 154 88 576 168
110 1485 1PS5311-1BD..-4BA3 116 751 225 82 532 171 94 603 188 102 664 205
132 1485 1PS5313-1BD..-4BA3 140 901 265 98 639 197 112 724 220 124 797 235
160 1485 1PS5315-1BD..-4BA3 162 1047 305 114 742 225 130 841 250 144 926 275
200 1488 1PS5316-1BD..-4BA3 194 1257 370 138 891 275 156 1010 305 172 1112 330
250 1487 1PS5317-1BD..-4BA3 240 1570 455 172 1114 340 196 1262 380 215 1389 410
315 1490 1PS5353-1BD..-4BA3 250 1603 460 178 1138 350 200 1289 385 220 1419 415
360 1490 1PS5355-1BD..-4BA3 285 1831 520 200 1301 400 230 1473 440 250 1622 470
460 1490 1PS5357-1BD..-4BA3 365 2340 650 255 1662 495 290 1882 550 320 2072 590
LOHER VARIO 1PS4, 1PS5 motors
280 1484 1PS . 356-1BH..-4BA0 Values on request
315 1489 1PS . 357-1BH..-4BA0
355 1490 1PS . 358-1BH..-4BA0
400 1491 1PS . 350-1BH..-4BA0
450 1491 1PS . 357-1BJ ..-4BA0
500 1492 1PS . 358-1BJ ..-4BA0
560 1492 1PS . 405-1BJ ..-4BA0
630 1492 1PS . 407-1BJ ..-4BA0
710 1492 1PS . 408-1BJ ..-4BA0
800 1493 1PS . 455-1BJ ..-4BA0
900 1493 1PS . 457-1BJ ..-4BA0
950 1493 1PS . 458-1BJ ..-4BA0
1000 1494 1PS . 504-1BJ ..-4BA0
1120 1493 1PS . 505-1BJ ..-4BA0
General technical specifications
Converter-fed operation – Special mechanical characteristics
1 ■ Overview (continued)
Prated nrated Type Setting range 1:10 Setting range 1:10 Setting range 1:5 Setting range 1:3
T ~ n2 T = constant T = constant T = constant
Mains Mains Output Torque Current Output Torque Current Output Torque Current Output Torque Current
50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 400 V 50 Hz 50 Hz 400 V 50 Hz 50 Hz 400 V 50 Hz 50 Hz 400 V
kW rpm kW Nm A kW Nm A kW Nm A kW Nm A
LOHER CHEMSTAR/VARIO 1PS4/5 motors (Ex de)
Utilization of the winding according to F (155 °C)
Converter infeed with extremely motor-friendly output signal and slightly reduced rated voltage at the motor terminal (modulation depth < 1)
Valid, for example, for SINAMICS G120 PM230, SINAMICS G120 PM240, SINAMICS G130, SINAMICS S120
6-pole: 1000 rpm at 50 Hz
0.25 895 1PS5071-1BD..-4CA3 0.29 3.13 0.88 0.17 1.81 0.64 0.21 2.23 0.71 0.24 2.61 0.78
0.37 895 1PS5080-1BD..-4CA3 0.43 4.63 1.22 0.26 2.68 0.91 0.31 3.31 1 0.36 3.87 1.09
0.55 900 1PS5081-1BD..-4CA3 0.6 6.9 1.77 0.39 3.98 1.33 0.47 4.92 1.46 0.5 5.8 1.59
0.75 960 1PS5095-1BD..-4CA3 0.85 8.9 2.2 0.55 5.6 1.69 0.65 6.7 1.86 0.75 7.6 2
1.1 950 1PS5098-1BD..-4CA3 1.2 12.4 3.15 0.75 7.7 2.45 0.9 9.3 2.7 1.05 10.6 2.9
1.5 955 1PS5106-1BD..-4CA3 1.7 17.9 4.55 1.1 11.2 3.65 1.3 13.4 3.95 1.5 15.3 4.2
2.2 950 1PS5113-1BD..-4CA3 2.5 26.4 6.3 1.6 16.3 4.55 1.9 19.6 5.1 2.2 22.5 5.6
3 955 1PS5131-1BD..-4CA3 3.5 36 7.8 2.2 22.2 5.5 2.6 26.8 6.2 3 30.7 6.9
4 955 1PS5135-1BD..-4CA3 4.7 47.7 10 3 29.7 6.8 3.5 35.7 7.8 4 40.8 8.7
5.5 955 1PS5135-1BD..-4CA3 5.5 58 13.2 3.7 36.7 9.7 4.4 43.9 10.8 5 50 11.8
7.5 965 1PS5163-1BD..-4CA3 8.5 89 18.6 5.5 56 13 6.5 67 14.8 7.5 76 16.4
11 970 1PS5166-1BD..-4CA3 13 129 26.5 8 82 18.9 9.5 98 21.5 11 111 23.5
15 980 1PS5186-1BD..-4CA3 17.5 174 35.5 11.5 113 24.5 13.5 133 28 15 151 31.5
18.5 980 1PS5206-1BD..-4CA3 21 216 45 14 139 31 16.5 165 35.5 19 186 39.5
22 980 1PS5208-1BD..-4CA3 24 242 51 16 156 35.5 18.5 185 40.5 21 209 45
30 985 1PS5223-1BD..-4CA3 35 347 70 25 244 52 28 277 58 31 306 63
37 985 1PS5253-1BD..-4CA3 41 403 83 29 284 63 33 322 69 36 356 75
45 985 1PS5280-1BD..-4CA3 53 518 102 37 366 75 43 415 84 47 458 91
55 990 1PS5283-1BD..-4CA3 65 634 124 46 447 91 52 508 102 57 560 111
75 990 1PS5311-1BD..-4CA3 88 863 165 63 610 120 71 692 135 78 763 147
90 990 1PS5313-1BD..-4CA3 106 1036 200 74 732 146 86 830 163 94 916 179
110 990 1PS5314-1BD..-4CA3 130 1266 240 92 894 175 104 1015 197 114 1119 215
132 990 1PS5315-1BD..-4CA3 140 1354 260 98 958 191 112 1086 215 124 1198 230
160 990 1PS5316-1BD..-4CA3 162 1573 300 114 1113 220 130 1262 245 144 1391 270
200 990 1PS5317-1BD..-4CA3 194 1888 375 138 1336 280 156 1515 310 172 1670 335
280 994 1PS5353-1BD..-4CA3 220 2134 430 158 1517 335 178 1718 365 196 1890 390
315 994 1PS5355-1BD..-4CA3 250 2401 470 178 1707 365 300 1932 400 220 2126 425
360 994 1PS5357-1BD..-4CA3 285 2741 540 200 2950 420 230 2207 455 250 2428 490
LOHER VARIO 1PS4 and 1PS5 motors
225 993 1PS . 353 1BH..-4CA0 Values on request
250 994 1PS . 356-1BH..-4CA0
280 993 1PS . 357-1BH..-4CA0
315 994 1PS . 358-1BH..-4CA0
355 993 1PS . 357-1BJ ..-4CA0
400 992 1PS . 358-1BJ ..-4CA0
450 994 1PS . 405-1BJ ..-4CA0
500 994 1PS . 407-1BJ ..-4CA0
560 995 1PS . 453-1BJ ..-4CA0
630 995 1PS . 455-1BJ ..-4CA0
710 995 1PS . 457-1BJ ..-4CA0
800 995 1PS . 458-1BJ ..-4CA0
900 995 1PS . 505-1BJ ..-4CA0
1000 995 1PS . 507-1BJ ..-4CA0
1120 995 1PS . 508-1BJ ..-4CA0
For LOHER CHEMSTAR type series, PTC thermistor must be For LOHER VARIO type series and welded steel types 355LC,
selected for sole protection of the winding with Option A15 or 355LD, without further options, sole winding protection is
A16 and with frame size 315 and above Option L27 (insulated implemented with 3 PTC thermistors for winding and bearing
bearing, fan side). insulation at the fan side.
The current values specified in the lists are calculated for 400 V.
General technical specifications
Converter-fed operation – Special mechanical characteristics
■ Overview (continued)
Prated nrated Type Setting range 1:10 Setting range 1:10 Setting range 1:3
T ~ n2 T = constant T = constant
Mains Mains Output Torque Current Output Torque Current Output Torque Current
50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 400 V 50 Hz 50 Hz 400 V 50 Hz 50 Hz 400 V
kW rpm kW Nm A kW Nm A kW Nm A
SIMOTICS XP 1MD5 motors (Ex de)
Utilization of the winding according to B (130 °C)
Converter infeed with extremely motor-friendly output signal and full rated voltage at the motor terminal (modulation depth = 1)
Valid, for example, for SINAMICS G180
2-pole: 3000 rpm at 50 Hz
0.37 2840 1MD5070- . BD . . -4AA1 0.34 1.15 0.95 0.21 0.720 0.76 0.29 0.985 0.87
0.55 2835 1MD5071- . BD . . -4AA1 0.50 1.71 1.35 0.32 1.07 1.01 0.44 1.47 1.21
0.75 2805 1MD5080- . BD . . -4AA1 0.65 2.36 1.58 0.44 1.46 1.18 0.60 2.02 1.42
1.1 2835 1MD5081- . BD . . -4AA1 1.00 3.44 2.25 0.65 2.15 1.72 0.85 2.94 2.05
1.5 2885 1MD5095- . BD . . -4AA1 1.3 4.60 3.00 0.90 2.93 2.40 1.2 3.96 2.75
2.2 2890 1MD5098- . BD . . -4AA1 2.0 6.8 4.30 1.3 4.32 3.45 1.7 5.8 3.95
3 2905 1MD5106- . BD . . -4AA1 2.7 9.2 5.8 1.8 5.9 4.25 2.4 7.9 5.2
4 2950 1MD5113- . BD . . -4AA1 3.6 12.0 7.3 2.4 7.8 5.3 3.2 10.4 6.6
5.5 2950 1MD5131- . BD . . -4AA1 5.1 16.5 9.9 3.3 10.8 7.2 4.4 14.3 8.8
7.5 2950 1MD5132- . BD . . -4AA1 6.5 22.5 13.2 4.5 14.7 9.7 6.0 19.5 11.8
11 2955 1MD5163- . BD . . -4AA1 10.0 32.9 19.2 6.5 21.6 14.1 8.5 28.6 17.2
15 2955 1MD5165- . BD . . -4AA1 13.5 45.0 25.5 9.0 29.4 18.3 12.0 39.0 22.5
18.5 2955 1MD5166- . BD . . -4AA1 17.0 56 31.5 11.0 36.4 22.5 14.5 48.3 28.0
22 2940 1MD5183- . BD . . -4AA1 20 66 37.5 13.0 42.9 26.5 17.5 57 33.0
30 2955 1MD5206- . BD . . -4AA1 27 90 51 18.0 59 36.0 24 78 44.5
37 2960 1MD5208- . BD . . -4AA1 34 110 62 22 72 43.0 29 96 55
45 2965 1MD5223- . BD . . -4AA1 41 134 74 29 95 55 36 119 67
55 2970 1MD5253- . BD . . -4AA1 51 164 90 36 116 67 45 145 81
75 2978 1MD5280- . BD . . -4AA1 69 222 124 49 158 95 61 197 113
90 2975 1MD5283- . BD . . -4AA1 82 268 147 59 190 109 73 237 131
110 2982 1MD5311- . BD . . -4AA1 100 326 174 72 232 128 90 289 156
132 2982 1MD5313- . BD . . -4AA1 122 392 205 86 279 149 108 347 182
160 2982 1MD5315- . BD . . -4AA1 148 475 245 104 337 178 130 420 220
200 2982 1MD5316- . BD . . -4AA1 184 593 305 130 422 220 164 525 275
250 2985 1MD5318- . BD . . -4AA1 230 742 385 164 528 280 205 657 345
315 2984 1MD5353- . BD . . -4AA1 290 934 500 205 665 375 255 828 450
360 2984 1MD5355- . BD . . -4AA1 330 1068 570 235 760 420 295 946 510
460 2985 1MD5357- . BD . . -4AA1 425 1365 720 300 971 530 375 1209 640
General technical specifications
Converter-fed operation – Special mechanical characteristics
1 ■ Overview (continued)
Prated nrated Type Setting range 1:10 Setting range 1:10 Setting range 1:3
T ~ n2 T = constant T = constant
Mains Mains Output Torque Current Output Torque Current Output Torque Current
50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 400 V 50 Hz 50 Hz 400 V 50 Hz 50 Hz 400 V
kW rpm kW Nm A kW Nm A kW Nm A
SIMOTICS XP 1MD5 motors (Ex de)
Utilization of the winding according to B (130 °C)
Converter infeed with extremely motor-friendly output signal and full rated voltage at the motor terminal (modulation depth = 1)
Valid, for example, for SINAMICS G180
4-pole: 1500 rpm at 50 Hz
0.25 1410 1MD5070- . BD . . -4BA1 0.23 1.57 0.80 0.14 0.974 0.71 0.20 1.34 0.76
0.37 1385 1MD5071- . BD . . -4BA1 0.34 2.36 0.98 0.21 1.44 0.87 0.29 2.01 0.94
0.55 1440 1MD5080- . BD . . -4BA1 0.50 3.38 1.32 0.33 2.15 1.13 0.44 2.91 1.24
0.75 1440 1MD5081- . BD . . -4BA1 0.65 4.61 1.72 0.44 2.93 1.41 0.60 3.97 1.59
1.1 1425 1MD5095- . BD . . -4BA1 1.00 6.9 2.40 0.65 4.32 1.95 0.85 5.9 2.20
1.5 1435 1MD5098- . BD . . -4BA1 1.3 9.3 3.15 0.85 5.9 2.55 1.2 8.0 2.90
2.2 1455 1MD5106- . BD . . -4BA1 2.0 13.3 4.40 1.3 8.6 3.35 1.7 11.5 3.95
3 1455 1MD5108- . BD . . -4BA1 2.7 18.3 5.9 1.8 11.8 4.40 2.4 15.8 5.3
4 1460 1MD5113- . BD . . -4BA1 3.7 24.3 7.8 2.4 15.7 6.2 3.2 21.0 7.1
5.5 1465 1MD5131- . BD . . -4BA1 5.1 33.3 10.7 3.3 21.6 8.1 4.4 28.8 9.6
7.5 1465 1MD5133- . BD . . -4BA1 6.5 45.3 13.8 4.5 29.4 10.1 6.0 39.2 12.3
11 1470 1MD5163- . BD . . -4BA1 10.0 66 19.8 6.5 42.9 14.7 8.5 57 17.8
15 1475 1MD5166- . BD . . -4BA1 13.5 90 26.5 9.0 59 19.5 12.0 78 23.5
18.5 1465 1MD5183- . BD . . -4BA1 17.0 112 33.0 11.0 73 24.0 14.5 97 29.0
22 1465 1MD5186- . BD . . -4BA1 20 133 39.0 13.0 86 28.5 17.5 115 35.0
30 1470 1MD5206- . BD . . -4BA1 27 181 53 18.0 118 38.0 24 157 47.0
37 1470 1MD5220- . BD . . -4BA1 34 222 61 24 156 45.0 30 196 54
45 1475 1MD5223- . BD . . -4BA1 41 270 75 29 190 56 36 238 67
55 1480 1MD5253- . BD . . -4BA1 51 329 94 36 232 71 45 291 84
75 1485 1MD5280- . BD . . -4BA1 69 447 123 49 316 91 61 395 110
90 1486 1MD5283- . BD . . -4BA1 82 536 149 59 380 113 73 474 134
110 1490 1MD5311- . BD . . -4BA1 102 654 183 72 464 138 90 579 165
132 1490 1MD5313- . BD . . -4BA1 122 784 215 86 557 160 108 694 193
160 1490 1MD5315- . BD . . -4BA1 148 950 260 104 675 196 130 841 235
200 1490 1MD5316- . BD . . -4BA1 184 1188 325 132 844 245 164 1052 295
250 1487 1MD5317- . BD . . -4BA1 230 1488 410 164 1055 310 205 1317 370
315 1488 1MD5353- . BD . . -4BA1 290 1874 520 205 1330 395 255 1659 470
360 1488 1MD5355- . BD . . -4BA1 330 2141 600 235 1520 450 295 1895 540
460 1488 1MD5357- . BD . . -4BA1 425 2737 750 300 1942 560 375 2422 670
General technical specifications
Converter-fed operation – Special mechanical characteristics
■ Overview (continued)
Prated nrated Type Setting range 1:10 Setting range 1:10 Setting range 1:3
T ~ n2 T = constant T = constant
Mains Mains Output Torque Current Output Torque Current Output Torque Current
50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 400 V 50 Hz 50 Hz 400 V 50 Hz 50 Hz 400 V
kW rpm kW Nm A kW Nm A kW Nm A
SIMOTICS XP 1MD5 motors (Ex de)
Utilization of the winding according to B (130 °C)
Converter infeed with extremely motor-friendly output signal and full rated voltage at the motor terminal (modulation depth = 1)
Valid, for example, for SINAMICS G180
6-pole: 1000 rpm at 50 Hz
0.25 860 1MD5070- . BD . . -4CA1 0.23 2.58 0.77 0.13 1.44 0.76 0.19 2.13 0.76
0.37 925 1MD5080- . BD . . -4CA1 0.34 3.54 1.04 0.21 2.16 0.90 0.29 3.01 0.98
0.55 930 1MD5081- . BD . . -4CA1 0.50 5.2 1.58 0.32 3.19 1.35 0.43 4.42 1.48
0.75 935 1MD5095- . BD . . -4CA1 0.70 7.1 1.97 0.44 4.41 1.64 0.60 6.1 1.84
1.1 935 1MD5098- . BD . . -4CA1 1.00 10.4 2.80 0.60 6.4 2.30 0.85 8.9 2.60
1.5 970 1MD5106- . BD . . -4CA1 1.3 13.7 3.50 0.90 8.8 2.80 1.2 11.9 3.25
2.2 965 1MD5113- . BD . . -4CA1 2.0 20.2 4.95 1.3 12.9 3.90 1.7 17.4 4.55
3 970 1MD5131- . BD . . -4CA1 2.7 27.3 6.7 1.8 17.6 5.4 2.4 23.6 6.1
4 970 1MD5133- . BD . . -4CA1 3.7 36.5 8.2 2.4 23.5 6.3 3.2 31.5 7.5
5.5 970 1MD5135- . BD . . -4CA1 5.0 50 11.4 3.3 32.2 8.8 4.4 43.2 10.3
7.5 975 1MD5163- . BD . . -4CA1 6.5 68 15.3 4.5 43.8 11.6 6.0 59 13.9
11 975 1MD5166- . BD . . -4CA1 10.0 100 21.0 6.5 65 15.7 8.5 87 19.1
15 975 1MD5186- . BD . . -4CA1 13.5 136 29.5 9.0 88 23.5 12.0 118 27.0
18.5 978 1MD5206- . BD . . -4CA1 17.0 168 34.0 11.0 109 25.0 14.5 145 30.5
22 978 1MD5208- . BD . . -4CA1 20 199 40.0 13.0 130 31.5 17.5 173 36.5
30 980 1MD5223- . BD . . -4CA1 27 271 54 19.5 190 40.5 24 239 48.5
37 982 1MD5253- . BD . . -4CA1 34 334 65 24 235 49.0 30 295 59
45 985 1MD5280- . BD . . -4CA1 41 404 78 29 285 59 36 357 70
55 985 1MD5283- . BD . . -4CA1 51 494 92 36 348 69 45 436 83
75 988 1MD5311- . BD . . -4CA1 69 672 130 49 475 99 61 594 117
90 988 1MD5313- . BD . . -4CA1 82 806 154 59 570 116 73 713 139
110 988 1MD5314- . BD . . -4CA1 102 985 183 72 697 136 90 871 164
132 988 1MD5315- . BD . . -4CA1 122 1183 220 86 836 164 108 1046 197
160 988 1MD5316- . BD . . -4CA1 148 1433 265 104 1013 200 130 1267 240
200 990 1MD5317- . BD . . -4CA1 184 1788 345 130 1267 270 164 1582 315
280 993 1MD5353- . BD . . -4CA1 255 2496 485 184 1773 370 230 2210 440
315 993 1MD5355- . BD . . -4CA1 290 2808 530 205 1994 405 255 2486 485
360 994 1MD5357- . BD . . -4CA1 330 3206 610 235 2279 470 295 2839 550
General technical specifications
Converter-fed operation – Special mechanical characteristics
1 ■ Overview (continued)
Prated nrated Type Setting range 1:10 Setting range 1:10 Setting range 1:3
T ~ n2 T = constant T = constant
Mains Mains Output Torque Current Output Torque Current Output Torque Current
50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 400 V 50 Hz 50 Hz 400 V 50 Hz 50 Hz 400 V
kW rpm kW Nm A kW Nm A kW Nm A
SIMOTICS XP 1MD5 motors (Ex de)
Utilization of the winding according to F (155 °C)
Converter infeed with extremely motor-friendly output signal and slightly reduced rated voltage at the motor terminal (modulation depth < 1)
Valid, for example, for SINAMICS G120 PM230, SINAMICS G120 PM240, SINAMICS G130, SINAMICS S120
2-pole: 3000 rpm at 50 Hz
0.37 2840 1MD5070- . BD . . -4AA1 0.36 1.21 0.98 0.23 0.758 0.77 0.31 1.04 0.90
0.55 2835 1MD5071- . BD . . -4AA1 0.50 1.81 1.41 0.34 1.13 1.03 0.46 1.55 1.26
0.75 2805 1MD5080- . BD . . -4AA1 0.70 2.50 1.65 0.46 1.53 1.21 0.60 2.13 1.47
1.1 2835 1MD5081- . BD . . -4AA1 1.05 3.63 2.35 0.65 2.26 1.77 0.90 3.10 2.10
1.5 2885 1MD5095- . BD . . -4AA1 1.4 4.85 3.10 0.90 3.09 2.45 1.2 4.18 2.85
2.2 2890 1MD5098- . BD . . -4AA1 2.1 7.1 4.40 1.3 4.55 3.50 1.8 6.2 4.10
3 2905 1MD5106- . BD . . -4AA1 2.9 9.7 6.0 1.9 6.2 4.40 2.5 8.4 5.4
4 2950 1MD5113- . BD . . -4AA1 3.9 12.6 7.6 2.5 8.2 5.5 3.3 10.9 6.8
5.5 2950 1MD5131- . BD . . -4AA1 5.3 17.4 10.3 3.5 11.4 7.5 4.6 15.1 9.2
7.5 2950 1MD5132- . BD . . -4AA1 7.0 23.8 13.9 4.8 15.5 10.0 6.0 20.6 12.3
11 2955 1MD5163- . BD . . -4AA1 10.5 34.7 20.0 7.0 22.7 14.5 9.0 30.1 17.9
15 2955 1MD5165- . BD . . -4AA1 14.5 47.5 26.5 9.5 31.1 19.0 12.5 41.2 23.5
18.5 2955 1MD5166- . BD . . -4AA1 18.0 59 33.0 11.5 38.4 23.0 15.5 51 29.0
22 2940 1MD5183- . BD . . -4AA1 21 69 39.0 14.0 45.2 27.5 18.5 60 34.5
30 2955 1MD5206- . BD . . -4AA1 29 95 53 19.0 62 37.0 25 82 46.5
37 2960 1MD5208- . BD . . -4AA1 36 116 64 23 76 45.0 31 101 57
45 2965 1MD5223- . BD . . -4AA1 44 142 78 31 100 58 39 125 69
55 2970 1MD5253- . BD . . -4AA1 53 173 94 38 123 70 47 153 84
75 2978 1MD5280- . BD . . -4AA1 73 235 131 52 167 99 64 208 118
90 2975 1MD5283- . BD . . -4AA1 88 283 154 62 201 114 78 250 138
110 2982 1MD5311- . BD . . -4AA1 106 344 183 76 245 134 94 305 164
132 2982 1MD5313- . BD . . -4AA1 128 414 215 92 294 156 114 367 192
160 2982 1MD5315- . BD . . -4AA1 156 501 260 110 356 188 138 444 230
200 2982 1MD5316- . BD . . -4AA1 194 626 325 138 445 235 172 555 290
250 2985 1MD5318- . BD . . -4AA1 240 783 405 174 557 295 215 693 360
315 2984 1MD5353- . BD . . -4AA1 245 799 440 178 569 330 220 708 395
360 2984 1MD5355- . BD . . -4AA1 285 913 495 200 650 365 250 809 440
460 2985 1MD5357- . BD . . -4AA1 365 1167 620 260 831 465 320 1034 560
General technical specifications
Converter-fed operation – Special mechanical characteristics
■ Overview (continued)
Prated nrated Type Setting range 1:10 Setting range 1:10 Setting range 1:3
T ~ n2 T = constant T = constant
Mains Mains Output Torque Current Output Torque Current Output Torque Current
50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 400 V 50 Hz 50 Hz 400 V 50 Hz 50 Hz 400 V
kW rpm kW Nm A kW Nm A kW Nm A
SIMOTICS XP 1MD5 motors (Ex de)
Utilization of the winding according to F (155 °C)
Converter infeed with extremely motor-friendly output signal and slightly reduced rated voltage at the motor terminal (modulation depth < 1)
Valid, for example, for SINAMICS G120 PM230, SINAMICS G120 PM240, SINAMICS G130, SINAMICS S120
4-pole: 1500 rpm at 50 Hz
0.25 1410 1MD5070- . BD . . -4BA1 0.24 1.65 0.81 0.15 1.02 0.72 0.21 1.41 0.77
0.37 1385 1MD5071- . BD . . -4BA1 0.36 2.50 1.00 0.22 1.51 0.88 0.31 2.12 0.95
0.55 1440 1MD5080- . BD . . -4BA1 0.50 3.57 1.36 0.34 2.27 1.14 0.46 3.07 1.27
0.75 1440 1MD5081- . BD . . -4BA1 0.70 4.86 1.77 0.47 3.09 1.43 0.60 4.18 1.63
1.1 1425 1MD5095- . BD . . -4BA1 1.05 7.2 2.45 0.65 4.54 1.99 0.90 6.2 2.25
1.5 1435 1MD5098- . BD . . -4BA1 1.4 9.8 3.25 0.90 6.2 2.60 1.2 8.4 3.00
2.2 1455 1MD5106- . BD . . -4BA1 2.1 14.1 4.60 1.3 9.1 3.45 1.8 12.2 4.10
3 1455 1MD5108- . BD . . -4BA1 2.9 19.3 6.1 1.9 12.4 4.50 2.5 16.6 5.5
4 1460 1MD5113- . BD . . -4BA1 3.9 25.6 8.1 2.5 16.5 6.3 3.4 22.2 7.4
5.5 1465 1MD5131- . BD . . -4BA1 5.3 35.1 11.1 3.5 22.8 8.3 4.6 30.4 10.0
7.5 1465 1MD5133- . BD . . -4BA1 7.0 47.8 14.4 4.7 31.0 10.4 6.0 41.4 12.9
11 1470 1MD5163- . BD . . -4BA1 10.5 69 20.5 7.0 45.2 15.2 9.0 60 18.4
15 1475 1MD5166- . BD . . -4BA1 14.5 95 27.5 9.5 62 20.0 12.5 82 24.5
18.5 1465 1MD5183- . BD . . -4BA1 18.0 118 34.5 11.5 77 24.5 15.5 102 30.5
22 1465 1MD5186- . BD . . -4BA1 21 140 41.0 14.0 91 30.0 18.5 121 36.5
30 1470 1MD5206- . BD . . -4BA1 29 191 55 19.0 124 39.5 25 165 49.0
37 1470 1MD5220- . BD . . -4BA1 36 235 64 25 165 47.0 31 207 57
45 1475 1MD5223- . BD . . -4BA1 43 285 79 31 200 58 38 251 70
55 1480 1MD5253- . BD . . -4BA1 53 347 98 38 245 74 47 307 88
75 1485 1MD5280- . BD . . -4BA1 73 472 129 52 334 96 64 417 116
90 1486 1MD5283- . BD . . -4BA1 88 566 156 62 401 117 76 500 140
110 1490 1MD5311- . BD . . -4BA1 106 690 191 76 490 144 94 611 172
132 1490 1MD5313- . BD . . -4BA1 128 828 225 90 588 168 114 733 200
160 1490 1MD5315- . BD . . -4BA1 156 1003 275 110 712 205 138 888 245
200 1490 1MD5316- . BD . . -4BA1 194 1254 345 138 891 255 172 1111 310
250 1487 1MD5317- . BD . . -4BA1 240 1570 425 172 1113 325 215 1390 385
315 1488 1MD5353- . BD . . -4BA1 250 1603 455 178 1138 350 220 1419 415
360 1488 1MD5355- . BD . . -4BA1 285 1831 520 200 1301 400 250 1621 470
460 1488 1MD5357- . BD . . -4BA1 365 2340 650 255 1662 495 320 2072 590
General technical specifications
Converter-fed operation – Special mechanical characteristics
1 ■ Overview (continued)
Prated nrated Type Setting range 1:10 Setting range 1:10 Setting range 1:3
T ~ n2 T = constant T = constant
Mains Mains Output Torque Current Output Torque Current Output Torque Current
50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 400 V 50 Hz 50 Hz 400 V 50 Hz 50 Hz 400 V
kW rpm kW Nm A kW Nm A kW Nm A
SIMOTICS XP 1MD5 motors (Ex de)
Utilization of the winding according to F (155 °C)
Converter infeed with extremely motor-friendly output signal and slightly reduced rated voltage at the motor terminal (modulation depth < 1)
Valid, for example, for SINAMICS G120 PM230, SINAMICS G120 PM240, SINAMICS G130, SINAMICS S120
6-pole: 1000 rpm at 50 Hz
0.25 860 1MD5070- . BD . . -4CA1 0.24 2.72 0.77 0.14 1.50 0.76 0.20 2.24 0.76
0.37 925 1MD5080- . BD . . -4CA1 0.36 3.74 1.06 0.22 2.27 0.91 0.31 3.17 1.00
0.55 930 1MD5081- . BD . . -4CA1 0.50 5.5 1.62 0.33 3.35 1.37 0.45 4.66 1.51
0.75 935 1MD5095- . BD . . -4CA1 0.70 7.5 2.00 0.46 4.63 1.66 0.60 6.4 1.87
1.1 935 1MD5098- . BD . . -4CA1 1.05 11.0 2.85 0.65 6.7 2.30 0.90 9.3 2.65
1.5 970 1MD5106- . BD . . -4CA1 1.4 14.5 3.65 0.95 9.3 2.90 1.2 12.5 3.35
2.2 965 1MD5113- . BD . . -4CA1 2.1 21.3 5.1 1.3 13.6 4.00 1.8 18.4 4.65
3 970 1MD5131- . BD . . -4CA1 2.9 28.9 6.9 1.9 18.6 5.5 2.5 24.9 6.3
4 970 1MD5133- . BD . . -4CA1 3.9 38.6 8.6 2.5 24.8 6.5 3.3 33.3 7.7
5.5 970 1MD5135- . BD . . -4CA1 5.3 53 11.8 3.4 34.0 9.0 4.6 45.6 10.7
7.5 975 1MD5163- . BD . . -4CA1 7.0 71 15.8 4.7 46.2 12.0 6.0 62 14.3
11 975 1MD5166- . BD . . -4CA1 10.5 106 22.0 7.0 68 16.2 9.0 91 19.7
15 975 1MD5186- . BD . . -4CA1 14.5 144 30.5 9.5 93 24.0 12.5 124 28.0
18.5 978 1MD5206- . BD . . -4CA1 18.0 177 35.5 11.5 115 26.0 15.5 153 31.5
22 978 1MD5208- . BD . . -4CA1 21 210 42.0 14.0 137 32.0 18.5 182 38.0
30 980 1MD5223- . BD . . -4CA1 29 286 56 20 200 42.0 25 252 50
37 982 1MD5253- . BD . . -4CA1 36 352 69 25 247 51 32 311 62
45 985 1MD5280- . BD . . -4CA1 44 427 82 31 301 61 38 377 73
55 985 1MD5283- . BD . . -4CA1 53 522 97 38 367 72 47 461 87
75 988 1MD5311- . BD . . -4CA1 73 709 135 52 501 103 64 627 122
90 988 1MD5313- . BD . . -4CA1 88 851 162 62 601 121 76 753 146
110 988 1MD5314- . BD . . -4CA1 106 1040 192 76 735 142 94 920 172
132 988 1MD5315- . BD . . -4CA1 128 1249 230 90 882 171 114 1104 205
160 988 1MD5316- . BD . . -4CA1 156 1513 280 110 1069 210 138 1337 250
200 990 1MD5317- . BD . . -4CA1 194 1888 360 138 1336 280 172 1670 325
280 993 1MD5353- . BD . . -4CA1 220 2134 430 158 1517 335 196 1890 390
315 993 1MD5355- . BD . . -4CA1 250 2401 470 178 1707 365 220 2126 425
360 994 1MD5357- . BD . . -4CA1 285 2741 540 200 1950 420 250 2428 490
General technical specifications
Converter-fed operation – Special mechanical characteristics
■ Overview (continued)
Prated nrated Type Setting range 1:10 Setting range 1:10 Setting range 1:5 Setting range 1:3
T ~ n2 T = constant T = constant T = constant
Mains Mains Output Torque Current Output Torque Current Output Torque Current Output Torque Current
50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 400 V 50 Hz 50 Hz 400 V 50 Hz 50 Hz 400 V 50 Hz 50 Hz 400 V
kW rpm kW Nm A kW Nm A kW Nm A kW Nm A
Utilization of the winding according to B (130 °C)
Converter infeed with extremely motor-friendly output signal and full rated voltage at the motor terminal (modulation depth = 1)
Valid, for example, for SINAMICS G180
2-pole: 3000 rpm at 50 Hz
1.5 2865 1PS 0 095-1BD..-4AA3 1.6 5.7 3.30 1.05 3.53 2.20 1.2 4.24 2.55 1.4 4.85 2.85
2.2 2845 1PS 0 098-1BD..-4AA3 2.4 8.3 4.80 1.5 5.2 3.35 1.8 6.2 3.80 2.1 7.1 4.25
3 2900 1PS 0 106-1BD..-4AA3 3.3 11.2 6.4 2.1 7.1 4.55 2.5 8.5 5.1 2.9 9.6 5.7
4 2890 1PS 0 113-1BD..-4AA3 4.4 14.9 8.1 2.8 9.5 5.3 3.4 11.3 6.2 3.8 12.8 7.0
5.5 2910 1PS 0 131-1BD..-4AA3 6.0 20.4 11.2 4.0 13.0 7.5 4.7 15.5 8.7 5.3 17.6 9.8
7.5 2910 1PS 0 132-1BD..-4AA3 8.0 27.8 14.9 5.4 17.8 9.9 6.0 21.1 11.5 7.0 24.0 13.0
11 2955 1PS 0 163-1BD..-4AA3 12.0 40.2 22.0 8.0 26.2 14.8 9.5 30.9 17.1 10.5 34.8 19.1
15 2955 1PS 0 165-1BD..-4AA3 16.5 55 30.0 11.0 35.8 20.0 13.0 42.1 23.0 14.5 47.5 26.0
18.5 2955 1PS 0 166-1BD..-4AA3 20 67 36.5 13.5 44.1 24.5 16.0 52 28.5 18.0 59 32.0
22 2960 1PS 0 183-1BD..-4AA3 24 80 42.5 16.0 52 29.0 19.0 62 33.5 21 70 37.5
30 2955 1PS 0 206-1BD..-4AA3 33 109 58 22 72 39.5 26 84 46.0 29 95 51
37 2960 1PS 0 208-1BD..-4AA3 39 127 68 26 83 46.0 30 98 53 34 110 60
45 2965 1PS 0 223-1BD..-4AA3 47 154 84 34 109 61 38 124 69 42 136 75
55 2975 1PS 0 253-1BD..-4AA3 55 178 99 39 126 74 44 143 82 49 157 89
75 2980 1PS 0 280-1BD..-4AA3 84 272 143 60 193 104 68 218 116 74 240 127
90 2980 1PS 0 283-1BD..-4AA3 100 326 171 72 231 124 80 262 139 90 289 152
110 2980 1PS 0 311-1BD..-4AA3 116 376 200 82 267 148 94 302 165 102 332 180
132 2980 1PS 0 313-1BD..-4AA3 126 408 220 90 290 160 102 329 179 112 362 195
160 2980 1PS 0 315-1BD..-4AA3 154 495 260 108 352 192 124 398 215 136 438 235
200 2980 1PS 0 316-1BD..-4AA3 184 594 315 132 422 230 148 478 260 164 526 285
250 2985 1PS 0 318-1BD..-4AA3 230 741 390 164 528 285 186 597 320 205 657 350
315 2981 1PS 0 356-1BH..-4AA0 300 960 510 218 695 390 245 781 430 269 855 460
355 2982 1PS 0 357-1BH..-4AA0 335 1080 550 238 758 400 272 866 450 301 957 490
400 2984 1PS 0 358-1BH..-4AA0 380 1220 630 281 894 470 316 1006 530 346 1100 570
450 2977 1PS 0 358-1BJ ..-4AA0 430 1370 710 301 959 510 346 1102 580 384 1221 630
500 2981 1PS 0 405-1BJ ..-4AA0 475 1520 780 348 1107 580 394 1253 650 432 1374 710
560 2982 1PS 0 407-1BJ ..-4AA0 530 1700 870 385 1226 650 439 1396 730 482 1534 790
630 2983 1PS 0 408-1BJ ..-4AA0 600 1920 990 435 1385 730 496 1578 820 545 1735 900
710 2985 1PS 0 455-1BJ ..-4AA0 670 2150 1110 493 1571 830 560 1782 930 614 1953 1010
800 2985 1PS 0 457-1BJ ..-4AA0 760 2450 1260 560 1782 940 637 2028 1060 699 2225 1150
900 2984 1PS 0 458-1BJ ..-4AA0 860 2750 1410 637 2028 1060 721 2295 1190 788 2510 1290
General technical specifications
Converter-fed operation – Special mechanical characteristics
1 ■ Overview (continued)
Prated nrated Type Setting range 1:10 Setting range 1:10 Setting range 1:5 Setting range 1:3
T ~ n2 T = constant T = constant T = constant
Mains Mains Output Torque Current Output Torque Current Output Torque Current Output Torque Current
50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 400 V 50 Hz 50 Hz 400 V 50 Hz 50 Hz 400 V 50 Hz 50 Hz 400 V
kW rpm kW Nm A kW Nm A kW Nm A kW Nm A
Utilization of the winding according to B (130 °C)
Converter infeed with extremely motor-friendly output signal and full rated voltage at the motor terminal (modulation depth = 1)
Valid, for example, for SINAMICS G180
4-pole: 1500 rpm at 50 Hz
1.1 1460 1PS 0 095-1BD..-4BA3 1.2 8.1 2.35 0.80 5.2 1.71 0.95 6.2 1.92 1.05 7.0 2.10
1.5 1460 1PS 0 098-1BD..-4BA3 1.6 11.1 3.35 1.05 7.1 2.55 1.2 8.4 2.80 1.4 9.6 3.05
2.2 1450 1PS 0 106-1BD..-4BA3 2.4 16.3 4.85 1.6 10.4 3.45 1.8 12.4 3.90 2.1 14.1 4.30
3 1455 1PS 0 108-1BD..-4BA3 3.3 22.3 6.8 2.1 14.2 5.2 2.5 16.9 5.7 2.9 19.2 6.2
4 1460 1PS 0 113-1BD..-4BA3 4.5 29.6 8.5 2.9 19.0 6.1 3.4 22.5 6.8 3.9 25.5 7.5
5.5 1455 1PS 0 131-1BD..-4BA3 6.0 40.8 11.7 4.0 26.1 8.1 4.7 31.0 9.3 5.3 35.2 10.3
7.5 1470 1PS 0 133-1BD..-4BA3 8.0 55 15.7 5.5 35.7 11.5 6.5 42.2 12.9 7.0 47.7 14.1
11 1460 1PS 0 163-1BD..-4BA3 12.0 81 23.5 8.0 52 16.3 9.5 62 18.6 10.5 70 20.5
15 1460 1PS 0 166-1BD..-4BA3 16.5 110 31.0 11.0 71 22.0 13.0 84 25.0 14.5 95 27.5
18.5 1470 1PS 0 183-1BD..-4BA3 20 135 38.0 13.5 88 26.0 16.0 104 30.0 18.0 117 33.5
22 1470 1PS 0 186-1BD..-4BA3 24 161 44.5 16.0 105 31.0 19.0 124 35.5 21 139 39.5
30 1470 1PS 0 206-1BD..-4BA3 33 219 61 22 143 43.5 26 168 49.0 29 190 54
37 1480 1PS 0 220-1BD..-4BA3 41 270 74 29 190 56 33 216 62 36 238 67
45 1480 1PS 0 223-1BD..-4BA3 50 328 90 35 231 67 40 263 74 44 290 81
55 1480 1PS 0 253-1BD..-4BA3 55 358 99 39 252 74 44 286 82 49 316 89
75 1480 1PS 0 280-1BD..-4BA3 84 545 151 60 385 113 68 437 125 74 482 136
90 1480 1PS 0 283-1BD..-4BA3 94 617 170 68 436 127 76 495 141 84 545 153
110 1485 1PS 0 311-1BD..-4BA3 110 711 205 78 504 158 88 572 173 98 630 187
132 1485 1PS 0 313-1BD..-4BA3 132 854 240 94 605 183 106 686 200 116 755 220
160 1485 1PS 0 315-1BD..-4BA3 154 992 275 108 703 210 124 797 230 136 878 250
200 1488 1PS 0 316-1BD..-4BA3 184 1191 335 130 844 255 148 957 280 164 1054 300
250 1487 1PS 0 317-1BD..-4BA3 230 1487 415 164 1055 315 186 1196 350 205 1316 375
280 1484 1PS 0 356-1BH..-4BA0 265 1710 470 200 1275 370 225 1432 410 245 1560 440
315 1489 1PS 0 357-1BH..-4BA0 300 1920 530 225 1434 410 253 1610 450 275 1754 490
355 1490 1PS 0 358-1BH..-4BA0 335 2150 590 254 1615 460 284 1811 510 309 1969 540
400 1491 1PS 0 350-1BH..-4BA0 380 2450 670 288 1831 520 323 2059 570 352 2243 620
450 1491 1PS 0 357-1BJ ..-4BA0 430 2750 760 322 2052 590 363 2311 650 396 2519 700
500 1492 1PS 0 358-1BJ ..-4BA0 475 3050 840 359 2283 660 403 2569 730 439 2797 780
560 1492 1PS 0 405-1BJ ..-4BA0 530 3400 910 401 2556 700 451 2872 780 491 3124 840
630 1492 1PS 0 407-1BJ ..-4BA0 600 3850 1030 454 2890 800 511 3250 880 556 3537 950
710 1492 1PS 0 408-1BJ ..-4BA0 670 4300 1140 510 3248 890 572 3644 990 622 3960 1060
800 1493 1PS 0 455-1BJ ..-4BA0 760 4850 1290 576 3666 1010 646 4114 1110 702 4468 1200
900 1493 1PS 0 457-1BJ ..-4BA0 860 5500 1460 651 4145 1130 732 4659 1250 796 5065 1350
950 1493 1PS 0 458-1BJ ..-4BA0 900 5800 1540 687 4376 1200 772 4916 1320 839 5343 1430
1000 1494 1PS 0 504-1BJ ..-4BA0 950 6100 1620 720 4582 1260 810 5158 1400 882 5613 1510
1120 1493 1PS 0 505-1BJ ..-4BA0 1060 6800 1810 805 5128 1400 905 5764 1550 984 6266 1680
General technical specifications
Converter-fed operation – Special mechanical characteristics
■ Overview (continued)
Prated nrated Type Setting range 1:10 Setting range 1:10 Setting range 1:5 Setting range 1:3
T ~ n2 T = constant T = constant T = constant
Mains Mains Output Torque Current Output Torque Current Output Torque Current Output Torque Current
50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 400 V 50 Hz 50 Hz 400 V 50 Hz 50 Hz 400 V 50 Hz 50 Hz 400 V
kW rpm kW Nm A kW Nm A kW Nm A kW Nm A
Utilization of the winding according to B (130 °C)
Converter infeed with extremely motor-friendly output signal and full rated voltage at the motor terminal (modulation depth = 1)
Valid, for example, for SINAMICS G180
6-pole: 1000 rpm at 50 Hz
0.75 960 1PS 0 095-1BD..-4CA0 0.80 8.4 2.00 0.50 5.3 1.62 0.60 6.3 1.74 0.70 7.2 1.85
1.1 950 1PS 0 098-1BD..-4CA0 1.2 12.5 3.00 0.75 7.8 2.45 0.90 9.3 2.60 1.05 10.7 2.75
1.5 955 1PS 0 106-1BD..-4CA0 1.6 17.0 4.20 1.05 10.6 3.60 1.2 12.7 3.75 1.4 14.5 3.95
2.2 950 1PS 0 113-1BD..-4CA0 2.4 25.0 5.6 1.5 15.5 4.30 1.8 18.6 4.70 2.1 21.4 5.1
3 955 1PS 0 131-1BD..-4CA0 3.3 34.1 7.0 2.1 21.2 5.1 2.5 25.4 5.7 2.9 29.1 6.2
4 955 1PS 0 133-1BD..-4CA0 4.4 45.2 9.1 2.8 28.3 6.4 3.4 33.9 7.2 3.8 38.7 8.0
5.5 955 1PS 0 135-1BD..-4CA0 5.5 55 12.1 3.5 34.9 9.3 4.2 41.7 10.1 4.7 47.5 10.9
7.5 965 1PS 0 163-1BD..-4CA3 8.0 84 16.8 5.4 53 12.2 6.0 63 13.6 7.0 72 15.0
11 970 1PS 0 166-1BD..-4CA3 12.0 122 24.0 8.0 78 17.7 9.0 93 19.8 10.5 106 21.5
15 980 1PS 0 186-1BD..-4CA3 16.5 165 32.0 11.0 107 23.0 13.0 126 26.0 14.5 143 28.5
18.5 980 1PS 0 206-1BD..-4CA3 20 204 40.5 13.5 132 28.5 16.0 156 32.5 18.0 177 36.0
22 980 1PS 0 208-1BD..-4CA3 23 229 46.0 15.0 148 33.0 17.5 175 37.0 20 198 41.0
30 985 1PS 0 223-1BD..-4CA3 33 329 63 23 231 47.5 27 263 53 29 290 57
37 985 1PS 0 253-1BD..-4CA3 39 382 75 27 269 58 31 306 63 34 337 68
45 985 1PS 0 280-1BD..-4CA3 50 491 92 36 347 70 40 394 77 44 434 83
55 990 1PS 0 283-1BD..-4CA3 62 601 112 43 424 84 49 481 93 54 531 101
75 990 1PS 0 311-1BD..-4CA3 84 818 148 60 578 110 68 656 122 74 723 133
90 990 1PS 0 313-1BD..-4CA3 100 981 180 72 694 133 80 787 148 88 868 161
110 990 1PS 0 314-1BD..-4CA3 124 1199 215 88 848 158 98 962 177 108 1061 193
132 990 1PS 0 315-1BD..-4CA3 132 1283 235 94 908 176 106 1030 195 116 1135 210
160 990 1PS 0 316-1BD..-4CA3 154 1490 270 108 1055 200 124 1196 225 136 1318 245
200 990 1PS 0 317-1BD..-4CA3 184 1788 340 130 1267 260 148 1436 285 164 1582 305
225 993 1PS 0 353 1BH..-4CA0 215 2050 390 161 1540 310 181 1726 330 197 1877 360
250 994 1PS 0 356-1BH..-4CA0 235 2300 430 180 1718 340 202 1932 370 220 2104 400
280 993 1PS 0 357-1BH..-4CA0 265 2550 470 200 1907 370 225 2145 410 245 2336 440
315 994 1PS 0 358-1BH..-4CA0 300 2900 540 226 2156 430 255 2432 470 278 2654 500
355 993 1PS 0 357-1BJ ..-4CA0 335 3250 600 257 2453 470 288 2751 520 313 2989 560
400 992 1PS 0 358-1BJ ..-4CA0 380 3650 690 272 2602 520 313 2994 580 346 3306 630
450 994 1PS 0 405-1BJ ..-4CA0 425 4100 770 325 3102 600 364 3478 660 396 3777 710
500 994 1PS 0 407-1BJ ..-4CA0 475 4550 850 360 3436 670 404 3857 740 439 4191 790
560 995 1PS 0 453-1BJ ..-4CA0 530 5100 940 404 3854 740 453 4326 810 492 4699 870
630 995 1PS 0 455-1BJ ..-4CA0 600 5700 1050 452 4315 830 507 4841 910 550 5256 980
710 995 1PS 0 457-1BJ ..-4CA0 670 6500 1190 515 4921 940 578 5522 1030 628 5996 1110
800 995 1PS 0 458-1BJ ..-4CA0 740 7100 1320 569 5430 1060 635 6067 1160 688 6570 1240
900 995 1PS 0 505-1BJ ..-4CA0 860 8200 1510 651 6219 1180 730 6976 1300 793 7572 1400
1000 995 1PS 0 507-1BJ ..-4CA0 950 9100 1670 721 6887 1310 810 7733 1440 880 8399 1550
For LOHER CHEMSTAR 1PS0 type series, PTC thermistor must The current values specified in the lists are calculated for 400 V.
be selected for protection of the winding with Option A11 or A12
and with frame size 315 and above Option L27 (insulated
bearing, fan side).
For LOHER VARIO type series and welded steel types 355LC,
355LD, without further options, sole winding protection is
implemented with 3 PTC thermistors for winding and bearing
insulation at the fan side.
General technical specifications
Technical definitions for pole-changing motors
1 ■ Overview
General information Torque
Mechanically, all pole-changing motors correspond to the The pole-changing motors can be started up from standstill
single-speed motors. Pole-changing motors in frame size 225 whatever the number of poles. In the output tables, the starting
and above of the 2-pole level have the same bearings and the torques are specified for direct switch-on and the rotor classes.
same shaft extensions as the corresponding frame sizes of the The high speed levels can have pull-up torques; so where
single-speed 2-pole motors. possible start-up must be performed at the lower speed levels.
Starting is improved as a result, and with heavy starting the
Voltage and frequency temperature rise is reduced.
The pole-changing motors in this catalog are supplied for the The pole-changing motors included in the output tables are
following voltages in 50 Hz supply systems: 400 V, 500 V or supplied for 2 or 3 fixed speed levels. If output levels are
690 V. required other than those listed in the catalog, the motors in
Within the range of these voltages, motors can be supplied with Dahlander circuits can also be supplied with 2 separate wind-
abnormal windings for any rated voltage required. For rated volt- ings. The output will, however, be considerably lower than for a
ages below 400 V as well as different frequencies, it is essential motor with a Dahlander circuit. The following variants are avail-
to inquire. able:
The outputs specified in the selection tables apply to duty type
S1 according to EN 60034-1.
With regard to coolant temperatures above 40 °C and site
altitudes above 1000 m above sea level, the same points apply
as for single-speed motors.
X 1301 X 1302
1W 1V 1U 1W 1V 1U
(U1) (V1) (W1)
(U1) (V1) (W1)
1U 1V 1W 1U 1V 1W 1U 1V 1W 1U 1V 1W
2U 2V 2W 2U 2V 2W 2U 2V 2W 2U 2V 2W
L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3
G_D083_EN_00048 G_D083_EN_00049
Speed ratio 1:2; 1 winding (Dahlander) circuit Δ/YY for constant torque Speed ratio 1:2; 1 winding (Dahlander) circuit Y/YY for torque that reduces in
4-/2-, 8-/4- and 12-/6-pole accordance with the square law (fan drive) 4-/2-pole, 8-/4-pole and 12-/6-pole
X 1401 X 1401
1U 1V 1W 2U 2V 2W 1U 1V 1W 2U 2V 2W
(1U1) (1V1) (1W1) (2U1) (2V1) (2W1)
1U 1V 1W 1U 1V 1W 1U 1V 1W 1U 1V 1W
2U 2V 2W 2U 2V 2W 2U 2V 2W 2U 2V 2W
L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3
G_D083_EN_00050 G_D083_EN_00051
Speed ratio 1:1.5 and 1:1.33; 2 separate windings in Y/Y or Y/Δ or Δ/Y Speed ratio 1:1.5 and 1:1.33; 2 separate windings in Δ/Δ or Y/Δ or Δ/Y
circuit for constant torque 6-/4-pole and 8-/6-pole, for torque that reduces circuit for constant torque 6-/4-pole and 8-/6-pole, for torque that reduces
in accordance with the square law 6-/4-pole and 8-/6-pole in accordance with the square law 6-/4-pole and 8-/6-pole
General technical specifications
Technical definitions for pole-changing motors
■ Overview (continued)
Circuit diagrams for three speeds
X 1501 X 1502
1U 1V 1W 2W 2V 2U 1U 1V 1W 2W 2V 2U
(1U1) (1V1) (1W1) (2U1) (2V1) (2W1) (1U1) (1V1) (1W1) (2U1) (2V1) (2W1)
(1U2) (1V2) (1W2) (2U2) (2V2) (2W2) (1U2) (1V2) (1W2) (2U2) (2V2) (2W2)
3U 3U
3V 3V
(2U3) (2V3) (2W3) 3W (2U3) (2V3) (2W3) 3W
low speed ∆ medium speed high speed low speed medium speed high speed
1U 1V 1W 1U 1V 1W 1U 1V 1W 1U 1V 1W 1U 1V 1W 1U 1V 1W
2U 2V 2W 2U 2V 2W 2U 2V 2W 2U 2V 2W 2U 2V 2W 2U 2V 2W
3U 3V 3W 3U 3V 3W 3U 3V 3W 3U 3V 3W 3U 3V 3W 3U 3V 3W
L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3
G_D083_EN_00052 G_D083_EN_00053
Speed ratio 1:2:4; Dahlander circuit, 4-/2-pole, separate winding 8-pole, Speed ratio 1:2:4; Dahlander circuit, 4-/2-pole, separate winding 8-pole,
Y/Δ/YY circuit – 2 separate windings also possible in Δ circuit for constant Y/Y/YY circuit – 2 separate windings also possible in Δ circuit for torque
torque 8-/4-/2-pole that reduces in accordance with the square law (fan drive) 8-/4-/2-pole
X 1503 X 1504
1W 1V 1U 2U 2V 2W 1W 1V 1U 2U 2V 2W
(1U1) (1V1) (1W1) (2U1) (2V1) (2W1) (1U1) (1V1) (1W1) (2U1) (2V1) (2W1)
(1U2) (1V2) (1W2) (2U2) (2V2) (2W2) (1U2) (1V2) (1W2) (2U2) (2V2) (2W2)
3U 3U
3V 3V
(1U3) (1V3) (1W3) 3W (1U3) (1V3) (1W3) 3W
∆ low speed medium speed high speed low speed medium speed high speed
1U 1V 1W 1U 1V 1W 1U 1V 1W 1U 1V 1W 1U 1V 1W 1U 1V 1W
2U 2V 2W 2U 2V 2W 2U 2V 2W 2U 2V 2W 2U 2V 2W 2U 2V 2W
3U 3V 3W 3U 3V 3W 3U 3V 3W 3U 3V 3W 3U 3V 3W 3U 3V 3W
L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3
G_D083_EN_00054 G_D083_EN_00055
Speed ratio 1:1.33:2; Dahlander circuit, 8-/4-pole, separate winding Speed ratio 1:1.33:2; Dahlander circuit, 8-/4-pole, separate winding
6-pole, Y/Δ/YY circuit – 2 separate windings also possible in Δ circuit for 6-pole, Y/Y/YY circuit – 2 separate windings also possible in Δ circuit for
constant torque 8-/6-/4-pole torque that reduces in accordance with the square law (fan drive)
General technical specifications
■ Overview
Classification of zones
Areas subject to explosion hazard are divided into zones. Divi-
sion into zones depends on the chronological and geographical
probability of the presence of a hazardous, potentially explosive
atmosphere. Information and specifications for classification of
the zones are laid down in the following standards:
• IEC/EN 60079-10-1 for gas atmospheres
• IEC/EN 60079-10-2 for dust atmospheres
Zone 22
1) Motors of 2) Motors which are certified for gas or dust protection must not be used in
- Zone 1 can also be used in Zone 2 hybrid mixtures! Hybrid mixtures:
- Zone 21 can also be used in Zone 22 When explosive gas and dust atmospheres occur simultaneously.
3) Motors are not approved for operation in environments containing
conductive dust.
■ Overview (continued)
Hazardous areas
Zone acc. to Explanations Examples Permissible electrical equipment
EN 60079-14
General Motors
Gases, vapors and mist
Zone 0 Areas in which there is an This normally only applies to Electrical equipment is only Explosion-proof motors are
explosive gas atmosphere the internal space of containers permitted to be used in Zone 0 not permitted to be used here
constantly or over a long or apparatus. which is explicitly certified for whatever their type of protec-
period. use in this zone. tion. Exceptions can only be
applied by the monitoring
Zone 1 Areas in which it is to be These include, for example: Electrical equipment must be In Zone 1, explosion-proof
expected that a hazardous, Close proximity to Zone 0, the explosion-proof in accordance motors must be used that have
potentially explosive atmo- internal space of equipment, with one of the EN 60079-0 type of protection "Explosion-
sphere will only occur close proximity to types of protection. proof enclosure", "Increased
occasionally. • Feed openings safety" or "Pressurized enclo-
• Filling and draining facilities
• Fragile apparatus or pipes
made of glass or ceramics,
Zone 2 Areas in which it is to be This may also include: Explosion-proof motors in the
expected that a hazardous, Areas surrounding Zones 0 type of protection "Non-spark-
potentially explosive atmo- and 1. ing" Ex nA can be used in
sphere will occur only rarely Areas surrounding flange Zone 2.
and then only for a short connections with flat seals
period. for pipes in closed rooms.
Zone 20 Areas in which a potentially This normally only applies to Electrical equipment is only Explosion-proof motors are
explosive gaseous atmosphere the internal space of apparatus permitted to be used in not permitted to be used here.
in the form of a cloud of com- (mills, dryers, mixers, pipelines, Zone 20 which is explicitly Exceptions can only be applied
bustible dust is present silos, etc.) certified for use in this zone. by the monitoring authorities.
constantly over long periods,
or frequently.
Zone 21 Areas in which a potentially This zone may also include: Motors with type of protection
explosive atmosphere in the Areas in the immediate vicinity "Explosion-proof enclosure",
form a cloud of combustible of filling and draining stations "Increased safety" or "Non-
dust is occasionally present and areas in which dust depos- sparking" can be used in
in normal operation. its build up that could occasion- Zone 21 provided that they
ally result in an explosive mix- comply with IP6x degree of
ture of combustible dust and air protection and fulfill the require-
during normal operation ments of EN 60079-0 and
EN 60079-31.
Zone 22 Areas in which a dangerous These may also include: Motors without EC type-exami-
explosive atmosphere in the Areas in the vicinity of appara- nation certificate (with EC
form of a cloud in the air con- tus when dust may be expelled Declaration of Conformity of
taining flammable dust does from unsealed areas (e.g. mill the manufacturer) are also per-
not usually occur or occurs rooms). mitted to be used in Zone 22.
only briefly during normal For non-conductive dust, IP5x
operation. degree of protection must be
implemented as a minimum and
the requirements of EN 60079-0
and EN 60079-31 must be ful-
In the case of conductive dust,
the requirements for Zone 21
Note: Note I:
The installation regulations of VDE 0118 apply to firedamp Layers, deposits and accumulations of combustible dust must
protection equipment. In mining, the areas are not subdivided be taken into consideration like any other possible cause of an
into Zones. explosive atmosphere.
Note II:
Normal operation refers to the state in which the equipment is
used within its design parameters.
■ Overview (continued)
Types of protection SIMOTICS XP motors
Type of protection "Non-sparking" Ex nA acc. to IEC/EN 60079-15 The SIMOTICS XP 1MD5 motor series are positioned in the
range of explosion-proof motors alongside the LOHER motor
For motors with type of protection "Non-sparking", the type of series and represent the future standard product series.
construction prevents the occurrence of arcing, sparks or hot SIMOTICS XP motors are characterized by significantly shorter
surfaces during normal operation. Motors of this type of protec- delivery times, as well as by a considerable simplification of or-
tion are occasionally located in a potentially explosive atmo- der processing, but in comparison to the 1PS5 motor series the
sphere whereby the atmosphere can achieve a level that poses variety of products is limited and the product characteristics are
a risk. These motors are assigned to device group II – category fixed. The components with relevance for the type of protection,
3G (corresponding to Zone 2). such as housing, bearing plate and terminal box, are identical in
The LOHER CHEMSTAR and LOHER VARIO Ex nA series are design in the 1MD5 and 1PS5 motor series. These two series are
generally certified for the highest class "IIC". They are marked in therefore mechanically interchangeable and offer a well-rounded
accordance with the EC directive (94/9/EC) with II 3G Ex nA IIC portfolio ranging from 1MD5 standard applications to 1PS5
T3 Gc. Compliance with the regulations is documented with an special applications.
EC Declaration of Conformity. The SIMOTICS XP 1MD5 motors are explosion-proof, 3-phase
The motor terminal boxes are also marked and certified as "Non- induction motors with squirrel-cage rotors. They are suitable for
sparking". The terminal boxes of the LOHER CHEMSTAR and use under ambient conditions in which there is a high risk of an
LOHER VARIO Ex nA series are identical in construction to the explosive atmosphere being generated as a result of gas, vapor
Ex e "Increased safety" connection system. In accordance with or mist (Zone 1). The motors comply with directive ATEX 94/9/EC
the current, harmonized edition, EN 60079-0 Edition 2009, the and are marked with II 2G Ex de IIC T3-T6 Gb.
gas for the type of protection test must be specified in the case Type of protection "Dust explosion protection" Ex t acc. to
of type of protection "Non-sparking". IEC/EN 60079-31
Type of protection "Explosion-proof enclosure" Ex d acc. to The motor series in types of protection "Non-sparking" and
IEC/EN 60079-1 "Explosion-proof enclosure" already described can also be
For motors in type of protection "Explosion-proof enclosure", it is designed for dust explosion protection. Atmospheres with po-
ensured that any explosion will be restricted to within the motor. tentially explosive dust are classified as frequently occurring
The housing must resist the pressure of the explosion and also (Zone 21) and rarely occurring (Zone 22). Further classification
prevent ignition from the internal to the external atmospheres. differentiates between conductive and non-conductive dust. In
Motors in type of protection "Explosion-proof enclosure Ex d" are general, motors of the 1PS and 1MD5 series can be used in
used in a potentially explosive atmosphere whereby this atmo- Zone 21 for non-conductive and conductive dust and in Zone 22
sphere can achieve a level that poses a risk. These motors are for non-conductive dust. The motors are marked in accordance
assigned to device group II – category 2G (corresponding to with EN 60079-0 and EN 60079-31 with II 3D Ex tc IIIB T130 °C
Zone 1). They ensure a high degree of safety. Dc (Zone 22, non-conductive dust) or II 2D Ex tb IIIC T130 °C
(Zone 21, conductive dust). The installed terminal boxes are
To define the risk posed by a potentially explosive gas, the min- marked and certified in accordance with the dust and gas
imum ignition temperature of a dust cloud is required as well as explosion protection class.
details of the possibility of a flame exiting through a narrow slit in
the motor housing. This is achieved by classification in explosion Suitability of the motors is confirmed for Zone 21 with an EC
groups IIA, IIB and IIC, whereby IIC represents the highest type-examination certificate and for Zone 22 with an EC
requirements (see the table "Assignment of combustible gases Declaration of Conformity.
and vapors"). Motors with dual labeling for gas and dust may only be used in
LOHER CHEMSTAR Ex d(e) motors applications in which gas and dust occur simultaneously after
prior examination of the properties of the hybrid mixtures by the
The LOHER CHEMSTAR 1PS5 motor series in type of protection user.
Ex d(e) are approved for use in potentially explosive atmo-
spheres of Zone 1 according to EN 60079-0, EN 60079-1 and For further information, see Chapter "Operation of motors with
EN 60079-7. They are marked in accordance with the EC direc- type of protection "Dust explosion protection""
tive (94/9/EC) with II 2G Ex d IIB T3-T6 Gb and II 2G Ex d IIC
T3-T6 Gb. If the terminal box is in type of protection "Increased
safety", they are marked with II 2G Ex de IIB T3-T6 Gb and
II 2G Ex de IIC T3-T6 Gb.
Compliance with the regulations is ensured in every case with an
EC type-examination certificate.
■ Overview (continued)
Overview of standards for explosion protection German Federal Testing Laboratory. EC type-examination
certificates from the German Federal Testing Laboratory for
The explosion-proof three-phase motors comply with the Euro- explosion-proof electrical equipment in accordance with EN
pean standards. The European standards are recognized by all standards are valid in all EU member states. Any deviations from
member states of CENELEC (European Committee for Electro- the certified electrical and mechanical design specified in this
technical Standardization). The national electrotechnical com- list require a supplement to be issued, or re-certification.
mittees of Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland,
France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Use of electrical equipment in accordance with EN 60079-14
Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Portugal,
and United Kingdom (UK) are affiliated to CENELEC. Electrical equipment used in potentially explosive workshops and
storage areas must comply with EN 60079-14/ VDE 0165-1
Equipment European standard "Explosive atmospheres - Part 14: Electrical installations design,
General provisions EN 60079-0 selection and erection". All other general regulations issued by the
Flameproof enclosures EN 60079-1 responsible supervisory authorities and the Employer's Liability
Increased safety EN 60079-7 Insurance Association or any specifically issued for individual
case are also applicable.
Classification of areas EN 60079-10-1
(gases, vapors and mist) A plant subject to inspection is not permitted to be commissioned
Classification of areas (dust) EN 60079-10-2 initially or following a significant modification until the plant has
Intrinsic safety EN 60079-11 been inspected by an approved testing agency for correctness of
Electrical equipment in potentially explosive EN 60079-14 assembly, installation, site conditions and safe operation taking
atmospheres (gases, vapors, mist) into account the intended mode of operation. Devices compliant
Type of protection "n" (Zone 2) EN 60079-15 with directive 94/9/EC are permitted to be commissioned in accor-
dance with the responsible supervisory authority. (see BetrSichV,
Maintenance of Ex equipment EN 60079-17
Section 3, § 14)
Intrinsically safe electrical systems EN 60079-25
Equipment "Dust" EN 60079-31 Device marking
(dust ignition protection by enclosure)
The device group and category are specified in the device
Equipment "Dust" EN 50281-2-1 marking.
Equipment "Dust" EN 61241-2-2
Basic concepts and methodology EN 1127-1 The device marking is specified as follows:
e.g. CE 0102 II 2G Ex d IIC T4 Gb
Explosion protection directive 94/9/EC – ATEX 100a
• CE conformity mark, CE stands for "Communauté
Explosion protection has been fully harmonized by directive Européenne" (French for "European Community")
94/9/EC in Germany and in the other member states of the Euro-
pean Union. The requirements of the new law came into force on The manufacturer declares by means of CE marking that the
July 1, 2003 and since then only those devices and protection relevant product has been manufactured in accordance with all
systems that comply with directive 94/9/EC are permitted to be applicable regulations and requirements of directive 94/9/EC
marketed. and the product has been subjected to the relevant conformity
evaluation process.
Directive 94/9/EC and directive 1999/92/EC specify that only
specific electrical equipment and devices are permitted to be -0102 Identification number for the supervisory authority,
used in the zones. in the case of the products 1PS and 1MD5 this is the
The devices are assigned to device groups and categories. German Federal Testing Laboratory (PTB)
• Marking for prevention of explosions in accordance with
Certifications directive 94/9/EC
With the exception of the dust explosion proof motors certified
by EXAM (BVS), the motors in this catalog are certified by the
Example "Non-sparking": CE 0158 II 3 G Ex nA IIC T3 Gc
CE marking
Number of the certifying "notified" body (0158 = EXAM)
Explosion protection marking
Device group: I = Underground
II = All other areas
Category: 2 (Zone 1/21)
3 (Zone 2/22)
Ex atmosphere G = Gas
D = Dust
Explosion-proof equipment – Explosion protection (protection method) in accordance with European standards
Type of protection nA, d, de, e, tb or tc (de = Motor enclosure Ex d with terminal box Ex e) – see types of protection
Explosion group and explosion subgroup II = Gas (IIA, IIB or IIC)
see Table "Examples of the assignment of combustible gases and vapors"
Temperature class with max. surface temperature T1 = 450 °C T4 = 135 °C
(see the following section) T2 = 300 °C T5 = 100 °C
"Temperature classes and groups" T3 = 200 °C T6 = 85 °C
Equipment protection level: G = Gas D = Dust
Ga = Very high protection, Da = Very high protection,
Gb = High protection, Db = High protection,
Gc = Increased protection, Dc = Increased protection
Additional information on the subject of explosion protection, types of protection and zones is provided in the Siemens brochure
"Explosion Protection".
■ Overview (continued)
Temperature classes and groups Temperature classes
Combustible gases and vapors are divided into temperature Temperature class Maximum surface Ignition temperature
classes according to their ignitability and into groups according of electrical temperature of of gases or vapors
to their spark ignition capacity. The marking of a three-phase equipment electrical equipment
motor with the codes for the type of protection, group and tem- T1 450 °C > 450 °C
perature class specifies that it can be used without danger in
T2 300 °C > 300 °C
hazardous areas depending on the zone classification. The nu-
merical sequence of the codes for the group and temperature T3 200 °C > 200 °C
class has been selected so that motors that satisfy the require- T4 135 °C > 135 °C
2 ments for a certain group and temperature class also satisfy the
requirements for lower groups and classes. T5 100 °C > 100 °C
T6 85 °C > 85 °C
1) 2)
Subgroups IIA, IIB and IIC must be specified for the Ex nA and Ex de The minimum ignition temperature depends on the composition and lies
types of protection described in this list in accordance with EN 60079-0 between 220 and 300 °C, over 300 °C in special cases.
■ Overview (continued)
Operation of motors with type of protection • Surface temperature of motors < 2/3 the minimum ignition
"Dust explosion protection" temperature of the dust/air mixture.
Potentially explosive atmospheres with dust can arise in industry • Surface temperature of the motors < minimum ignition
and in agriculture. For a specific environment (Zone), a product temperature of dust layer (of 5 mm depth) -75 K.
(device or motor) is permitted to be used only if it is assigned to the The user determines the category and maximum permissible
appropriate device group and category (see the following table). surface temperature based on the hazardous area and the type
An important feature of dust protection is the IP degree of pro- of dust.
tection. Depending on the environmental conditions, differing Note:
requirements are placed on the dust-tightness of the enclosure. Conductive or non-conductive dust changes the device
For dust explosion protection, it is important to ensure that the category (see table below).
surface temperature of the motors is limited to a value below the The motors are designed for ambient temperatures between
minimum ignition temperature of the combustible dust or a dust -20 and +40 °C.
Dust explosion protection EN 50281-1-1/EN 50281-1-2
Equipment group II
Category 2D 3D
Zone 21 22
Conductive dust Non-conductive dust Conductive dust
IP degree of protection IP6x IP5x IP6x
Max. surface temperature T130 °C
Marking II 2D Ex tb IIIC T130 °C Db II 3D Ex tc IIIB T130 °C Dc II 3D Ex tc IIIC T130 °C Dc
ATEX certification EC type-examination certificate EC Declaration of Conformity of the manufacturer
IECEx certification IECEx Certificate of Conformity No IECEx certificate available
Zone 22 non-conductive dust: Maintaining explosion protection during normal operation
Can be ordered as an option (Zone 22 options) with
LOHER CHEMSTAR 1PS0, 1PS1, 1PS5 and SIMOTICS XP 1MD5 Electrical machines must be protected against overheating as a
motor series. result of overload. The protection devices that can be consid-
ered depend on the operating mode, but also on the design and
Zone 22 conductive dust: suitability of the electrical machine.
Implemented and certified normally as Zone 21, the option for
Zone 21 must be selected in this case. Overcurrent protection devices with inverse-time delayed trip-
ping in accordance with EN 60947, e.g. motor circuit breakers in
Zone 21 non-conductive dust: all phase conductors, must be set to the rated current of the
Handled and certified as for Zone 21 conductive dust. motor. Furthermore, they should be selected such that the motor
is thermally protected even under short-circuit conditions (i.e.
Zone 21 conductive dust: with a blocked rotor). This requirement is regarded as fulfilled
Can be ordered as an option (Zone 21 options) with when the tripping time obtained from the tripping characteristic
LOHER CHEMSTAR 1PS1, 1PS5 and SIMOTICS XP 1MD5 motor (starting temperature 20 °C) for the ratio IA/IN does not exceed
series. the warm-up time tE for the relevant ignition group.
Hybrid mixtures Windings in a Δ connection should preferably be protected in
When dust explosion protection is combined with gas explosion such a way that the trip unit or relay is connected in series with
protection, it is important to consider the possibility that hybrid the winding phases. When selecting and configuring the trip
mixtures can occur: hybrid mixtures are mixtures of flammable unit, the rated value of the phase current (i.e. 0.58 times the
dusts with explosive gas/air atmospheres which can together rated motor current) is to be taken as a basis. If, however, the trip
create a dangerous explosive atmosphere if they occur at the unit is connected in the mains supply conductor, protective
same time. Changes can arise in the safety characteristics here, measures must be taken to ensure that sufficient motor protec-
such as a change in the zone classification, increase in the tion is afforded when only one phase fails.
explosion pressure, reduction in the minimum ignition energy For pole-changing motors, inverse-time delayed trip units or
and a reduction in the maximum temperatures to be observed. relays must be provided for each speed level that must be
For this reason, the relative characteristics must be considered mutually interlocked.
both for gas (Zones 0, 1 and 2) and for dust (Zones 20, 21 and Thermal motor protection for direct temperature monitoring, e.g. with
22) where hybrid mixtures arise. It is necessary for a competent PTC thermistors, in combination with a certified monitoring device
assessor to determine in the individual case whether the param- alone or in addition to overcurrent protection. Motors with thermal
eters determining ignition are unfavorably affected in a particular motor protection as sole protection are available on request.
hybrid mixture. Motors with dual labeling for gas (G) and dust (D)
may only be used in applications in which gas and dust occur The motors are only permitted to be used for continuous duty
simultaneously after prior examination of the properties of the and not for normal, infrequently repeated start-ups in which no
hybrid mixtures by the user. significant start-up temperature rise occurs. The values for tem-
perature rise time tE for the individual ignition groups and for the
inrush current ratio IA/IN are specified on the rating plate of the
respective motor and are stated in the test certificate from the
German Federal Testing Laboratory.
■ Overview (continued)
Overview of explosion-proof motors
Type of protection "d" Type of protection "n"
Motor series 1MD5 1PS5 1PS1
Motor type DNGW D..L/D..W A..K
Frame size 71 … 355 71 … 500 90 … 500
Outputs 0.25 … 460 kW 0.25 … 1120 kW 0.25 … 1120 kW
Temperature class T4 T1 … T6 T3
■ Technical specifications
SIMOTICS XP 1MD5 motor series, type of protection General technical specifications
"Explosion-proof enclosure"
SIMOTICS XP motors of the 1MD5 series are surface-cooled, Motor type DNGW
fully enclosed motors in type of protection "Explosion-proof
enclosure" Ex d. They can be designed in accordance with the Frame size 71 … 355
current VIK recommendation ("Verband der Industriellen Outputs 0.25 … 460 kW
Energie- und Kraftwirtschaft e. V.", the Association of the
Temperature class T4
Industrial Energy and Power Industry).
Type of protection II 2G Ex d(e) IIC Gb, IEC/EN 60079-0,
The motors are marked in accordance with EN 60079-0 Ed. 2009 IEC/EN 60079-1
and EN 60079-1 with II 2G Ex de IIC T4 Gb for operation in
Zone 1. Ex zones Gas Zone 1 optional Dust Zone 22/21
Guidelines 94/9/EC (ATEX 95)
Cooling Surface-cooled IC 411
No. of poles 2-, 4-, 6-pole
Voltage/frequency 400, 500, 690 V/50 Hz
Degree of protection IP55, IP56, IP65
Type of construction All common types of construction
Housing Cast-iron
Insulation Class F utilized according to B
Special versions
• For outdoor temperatures -20 to +50 °C
• Permanent load S1
• Drive-end located bearing
• Country-specific certificates such as EAC (Eurasian Customs Union),
China Energy Label, PESO (CCOE India)
Sectional view of 1MD5 three-phase motor, frame sizes 71 to 132 Sectional view of 1MD5 three-phase motor, frame sizes 160 to 355
Example: 1MD5131-0BD60-4AA1 (motor type: DNGW-132SR-02) Example: 1MD5315-0BD60-4AA1 (motor type: DNGW-315LL-02)
7.5 kW, 2-pole 200 kW, 2-pole
1) 3)
For designs with feet only. For specific operating conditions, the external fans can be constructed
Special version for frame size 132. in aluminum for frame sizes 71 to 225 and in sheet steel for frame sizes 250
to 315. This applies in the case of increased coolant temperature in
particular. The cooling air flow from NDE to DE must not be obstructed.
The intake area in front of the fan cover must not be obstructed.
Only one direction of rotation for 2-pole and 4-pole version.
Figure 1 Terminal box for frame sizes 71 to 112 Figure 2 Terminal box for frame sizes 132 to 225
Figure 3 Terminal box for frame sizes 250 to 280 Figure 4 Terminal box for frame sizes 315 to 355
2 mm2 mm2
mm2 mm2
71 6 × M4 1 4 (6) 4 × 2.5 4 6 2) Fig. 1
132 6 × M5 1 10 (25) 2) 25 Fig. 2
180 6 x M6 2.5 35 (50) 2) 12 × 4 70 Fig. 2
250 6 × M10 6 … 70 95 Fig. 3
315 S/M 6 × M12 16 … 150 16 × 4 150 Fig. 4
315 L 6 × M16/M20 3) 16 … 300
Number and size of entry threads and cable glands (to be ordered specially), see table "Cable glands for 1MD5 motors".
The terminals are designed for the connection of 1 conductor per terminal. For connection of 2 conductors per terminal,
please inquire at Siemens Ruhstorf specifying the conductor cross-sections.
Explosion-proof terminal boxes with a cast auxiliary terminal box only (max. 12 × 4 mm2),
for number and size of entry threads, see "Cable glands" table.
kW FS rpm Nm – % % % – A A A – – – kg kgm2
• Cooling: self-ventilated (IC 411)
• Efficiency: High Efficiency IE2, 0.75 kW and above in accordance with IEC 60034-30
• Insulation: thermal class 155 (temperature class F), IP55 degree of protection, utilization in accordance with thermal class 130 (temperature class B), S1-100 %
• Type of protection: "Explosion-proof enclosure" according to EN 60079-1; 2007: CE 0102 II 2G Ex d(e) IIC T4 Gb
2-pole: 3000 rpm at 50 Hz 2
0.37 071 B 2840 1.24 69.5 69.5 68.0 0.77 1.00 0.8 0.58 3.6 6.5 3.1 DNGW-071BR-02 1MD5070-■BD■■-4AA1 24 0.0004
0.55 071 B 2835 1.85 74.1 74.1 70.0 0.75 1.43 1.14 0.83 3.6 6.3 2.9 DNGW-071BS-02 1MD5071-■BD■■-4AA1 25 0.0005
0.75 080 B 2805 2.55 IE2 77.4 79.5 78.8 0.84 1.67 1.34 0.97 1.9 4.9 2.3 DNGW-080BR-02 1MD5080-■BD■■-4AA1 26 0.0008
1.1 080 B 2835 3.71 IE2 79.6 81.3 80.8 0.83 2.40 1.92 1.39 2.4 6.0 2.7 DNGW-080BS-02 1MD5081-■BD■■-4AA1 28 0.0011
1.5 090 L 2885 4.96 IE2 81.3 82.3 80.8 0.84 3.15 2.52 1.83 2.7 6.9 3.6 DNGW-090LR-02 1MD5095-■BD■■-4AA1 36 0.0017
2.2 090 L 2890 7.3 IE2 83.2 83.9 82.3 0.85 4.50 3.6 2.61 2.5 7.1 3.7 DNGW-090LS-02 1MD5098-■BD■■-4AA1 36 0.0021
3 100 L 2905 9.9 IE2 84.6 85.2 84.7 0.84 6.1 4.9 3.54 2.3 7.0 3.3 DNGW-100LS-02 1MD5106-■BD■■-4AA1 51 0.0044
4 112 M 2950 12.9 IE2 85.8 86.7 86.1 0.86 7.8 6.2 4.5 2.4 7.4 3.3 DNGW-112MS-02 1MD5113-■BD■■-4AA1 66 0.0092
5.5 132 S 2950 17.8 IE2 87.0 88.0 87.4 0.87 10.5 8.4 6.1 1.8 6.6 2.9 DNGW-132SR-02 1MD5131-■BD■■-4AA1 83 0.020
7.5 132 S 2950 24.3 IE2 88.1 88.7 88.6 0.87 14.1 11.3 8.2 2.2 7.5 3.1 DNGW-132SS-02 1MD5132-■BD■■-4AA1 95 0.024
11 160 M 2955 35.5 IE2 89.4 90.0 89.1 0.87 20.5 16.4 11.9 2.1 7.4 3.2 DNGW-160MR-02 1MD5163-■BD■■-4AA1 168 0.045
15 160 M 2955 48.5 IE2 90.3 90.9 90.3 0.88 27.0 21.6 15.7 2.4 7.6 3.4 DNGW-160MS-02 1MD5165-■BD■■-4AA1 177 0.045
18.5 160 L 2955 59.8 IE2 90.9 91.2 90.4 0.88 33.5 26.8 19.4 2.9 7.9 3.6 DNGW-160LS-02 1MD5166-■BD■■-4AA1 185 0.057
22 180 M 2940 71.5 IE2 91.3 91.8 91.4 0.87 40.0 32.0 23.2 2.7 7.4 3.6 DNGW-180MS-02 1MD5183-■BD■■-4AA1 231 0.094
30 200 L 2955 96.9 IE2 92.0 92.3 91.7 0.87 54.0 43.2 31.3 2.5 6.9 3.3 DNGW-200LR-02 1MD5206-■BD■■-4AA1 311 0.18
37 200 L 2960 119 IE2 92.5 92.8 92.3 0.88 66.0 52.8 38.3 2.7 7.4 3.5 DNGW-200LS-02 1MD5208-■BD■■-4AA1 311 0.20
45 225 M 2965 145 IE2 92.9 93.1 92.5 0.88 79.0 63.2 45.8 2.7 7.8 3.7 DNGW-225MS-02 1MD5223-■BD■■-4AA1 390 0.23
55 250 M 2970 177 IE2 93.2 93.3 92.4 0.89 96.0 76.8 55.7 2.3 6.8 3.1 DNGW-250MM-02 1MD5253-■BD■■-4AA1 469 0.40
75 280 S 2978 240 IE2 93.8 93.6 92.4 0.87 133 106 77.1 2.5 7.2 3.2 DNGW-280SL-02 1MD5280-■BD■■-4AA1 672 0.71
90 280 M 2975 289 IE2 94.1 94.2 93.5 0.88 157 126 91.0 2.5 7.1 3.1 DNGW-280MM-02 1MD5283-■BD■■-4AA1 732 0.83
110 315 S 2982 352 IE2 94.3 94.2 93.3 0.90 187 150 108 2.4 7.3 3.0 DNGW-315SL-02 1MD5311-■BD■■-4AA1 1004 1.3
132 315 M 2982 423 IE2 94.6 94.7 94.1 0.91 220 176 128 2.4 7.2 3.1 DNGW-315ML-02 1MD5313-■BD■■-4AA1 1088 1.6
160 315 M 2982 512 IE2 94.8 94.9 94.3 0.92 265 212 154 2.3 7.0 3.1 DNGW-315MN-02 1MD5315-■BD■■-4AA1 1132 1.8
200 315 L 2982 640 IE2 95.0 95.2 94.8 0.92 330 264 191 2.4 7.1 3.0 DNGW-315LL-02 1MD5316-■BD■■-4AA1 1367 2.2
250 315 L 2985 800 IE2 95.0 95.5 95.2 0.92 415 332 241 3.2 8.6 3.5 DNGW-315LN-02 1MD5318-■BD■■-4AA1 1561 3.5
315 355 M 2984 1008 IE2 95.6 95.4 94.5 0.88 540 432 313 1.6 6.8 2.3 DNGW-355MR-02 2) 1MD5353-■BD■■-4AA1 2520 4.8
360 355 M 2984 1152 IE2 95.9 95.6 95.0 0.89 610 488 354 1.7 6.8 2.4 DNGW-355MS-02 2) 1MD5355-■BD■■-4AA1 2660 5.3
460 355 M 2985 1472 96.3 96.3 95.7 0.90 770 616 446 1.9 6.8 2.6 DNGW-355MT-02 2) 1MD5357-■BD■■-4AA1 2800 6.4
Operating modes Frame size Order code
Mains-fed operation 71 ... 355 0 –
Converter-fed operation, standard insulation 71 ... 355 1 –
Voltages Frame size Order code
690 VΔ, 50 Hz 355 0 –
230 V/400 V, 50 Hz 71 ... 200 1 –
500 VY, 50 Hz 71 ... 315 3 –
500 VΔ, 50 Hz 71 ... 355 5 –
400 V/690 V, 50 Hz 71 ... 355 6 –
For other voltages see Page 2/18 71 ... 355 9 …
Types of construction Frame size Order code
IM B3 71 ... 355 0 –
IM B5 71 ... 315 1 –
IM B34 71 ... 112 2 –
IM B14 71 ... 112 3 –
IM V1/cover 71 ... 355 4 –
IM B35 71 ... 355 6 –
Other types of construction see Page 1/28 and 2/18 71 ... 355 9 …
1) Outside the IE code classification according to IEC 60034-30. 2) Direction of rotation must be specified (order code K97 or K98).
kW FS rpm Nm – % % % – A A A – – – kg kgm2
• Cooling: self-ventilated (IC 411)
• Efficiency: High Efficiency IE2, 0.75 kW and above in accordance with IEC 60034-30
• Insulation: thermal class 155 (temperature class F), IP55 degree of protection, utilization in accordance with thermal class 130 (temperature class B), S1-100 %
2 • Type of protection: "Explosion-proof enclosure" according to EN 60079-1; 2007: CE 0102 II 2G Ex d(e) IIC T4 Gb
4-pole: 1500 rpm at 50 Hz
0.25 071 B 1410 1.69 68.5 68.5 60.0 0.64 0.68 0.54 0.39 3.6 4.3 3.1 DNGW-071BR-04 1MD5070-■BD■■-4BA1 24 0.0007
0.37 071 B 1385 2.55 72.7 72.7 63.0 0.73 0.85 0.68 0.49 3.3 4.2 3.0 DNGW-071BS-04 1MD5071-■BD■■-4BA1 24 0.0009
0.55 080 B 1440 3.65 1) 78.1 78.9 76.1 0.74 1.14 0.91 0.66 2.2 5.3 3.1 DNGW-080BR-04 1MD5080-■BD■■-4BA1 27 0.0017
0.75 080 B 1440 4.97 IE2 79.6 80.2 78.0 0.76 1.49 1.19 0.86 2.2 5.6 3.1 DNGW-080BS-04 1MD5081-■BD■■-4BA1 28 0.0021
1.1 090 L 1425 7.4 IE2 81.4 81.7 79.9 0.78 2.15 1.72 1.25 2.3 5.6 2.9 DNGW-090LR-04 1MD5095-■BD■■-4BA1 34 0.0028
1.5 090 L 1435 10.0 IE2 82.8 83.5 82.0 0.79 2.80 2.24 1.62 2.6 6.4 3.4 DNGW-090LS-04 1MD5098-■BD■■-4BA1 37 0.0036
2.2 100 L 1455 14.4 IE2 84.3 85.1 84.3 0.81 3.75 3.0 2.17 2.1 6.9 3.3 DNGW-100LR-04 1MD5106-■BD■■-4BA1 53 0.0086
3 100 L 1455 19.7 IE2 85.5 86.7 86.0 0.82 4.8 3.84 2.78 2.0 6.9 3.1 DNGW-100LS-04 1MD5108-■BD■■-4BA1 55 0.011
4 112 M 1460 26.2 IE2 86.6 87.3 86.5 0.81 6.8 5.4 3.94 2.5 7.1 3.2 DNGW-112MS-04 1MD5113-■BD■■-4BA1 66 0.014
5.5 132 S 1465 35.9 IE2 87.7 89.0 87.7 0.80 8.9 7.1 5.2 2.3 6.9 2.9 DNGW-132SR-04 1MD5131-■BD■■-4BA1 93 0.027
7.5 132 M 1465 48.9 IE2 88.7 90.3 88.8 0.83 11.4 9.1 6.6 2.3 6.9 2.9 DNGW-132MS-04 1MD5133-■BD■■-4BA1 102 0.034
11 160 M 1470 71 IE2 89.8 90.9 90.8 0.85 21.0 16.8 12.2 2.1 6.7 2.8 DNGW-160MR-04 1MD5163-■BD■■-4BA1 168 0.077
15 160 L 1475 97 IE2 90.6 91.3 91.0 0.85 28.0 22.4 16.2 2.3 7.3 3.0 DNGW-160LS-04 1MD5166-■BD■■-4BA1 185 0.098
18.5 180 M 1465 121 IE2 91.2 92.0 91.9 0.84 35.0 28.0 20.3 2.5 7.2 3.4 DNGW-180MR-04 1MD5183-■BD■■-4BA1 231 0.16
22 180 L 1465 143 IE2 91.6 92.2 91.9 0.84 41.5 33.2 24.1 2.6 7.3 3.5 DNGW-180LS-04 1MD5186-■BD■■-4BA1 242 0.16
30 200 L 1470 195 IE2 92.3 92.8 92.6 0.84 56.0 44.8 32.5 2.5 6.7 3.3 DNGW-200LS-04 1MD5206-■BD■■-4BA1 311 0.27
37 225 S 1470 240 IE2 92.7 93.5 93.5 0.88 65.0 52.0 37.7 2.3 6.6 2.9 DNGW-225SR-04 1MD5220-■BD■■-4BA1 390 0.42
45 225 M 1475 291 IE2 93.1 93.8 93.7 0.87 80.0 64.0 46.4 2.5 6.9 3.1 DNGW-225MS-04 1MD5223-■BD■■-4BA1 420 0.46
55 250 M 1480 355 IE2 93.5 93.9 93.5 0.85 100 80.0 57.0 2.7 6.8 3.0 DNGW-250MM-04 1MD5253-■BD■■-4BA1 518 0.75
75 280 S 1485 482 IE2 94.0 94.2 93.8 0.87 132 106 76.5 2.5 6.8 3.0 DNGW-280SL-04 1MD5280-■BD■■-4BA1 752 1.3
90 280 M 1486 578 IE2 94.2 94.3 93.6 0.87 159 127 92.2 2.6 7.3 3.1 DNGW-280MM-04 1MD5283-■BD■■-4BA1 785 1.4
110 315 S 1490 705 IE2 94.5 94.6 94.0 0.86 195 156 113 2.7 7.4 3.0 DNGW-315SL-04 1MD5311-■BD■■-4BA1 1001 2.0
132 315 M 1490 846 IE2 94.7 94.9 94.6 0.87 230 184 133 2.7 7.1 2.9 DNGW-315ML-04 1MD5313-■BD■■-4BA1 1033 2.3
160 315 M 1490 1025 IE2 94.9 95.0 94.5 0.87 280 224 162 2.8 7.2 3.1 DNGW-315MN-04 1MD5315-■BD■■-4BA1 1126 2.8
200 315 L 1490 1282 IE2 95.1 95.3 94.7 0.87 350 280 203 3.1 7.5 3.2 DNGW-315LL-04 1MD5316-■BD■■-4BA1 1341 3.5
250 315 L 1487 1605 IE2 95.1 95.4 95.0 0.87 435 348 252 2.6 7.5 2.6 DNGW-315LM-04 1MD5317-■BD■■-4BA1 1449 4.2
315 355 M 1488 2022 IE2 95.5 95.6 95.0 0.85 560 448 325 2.0 6.8 2.2 DNGW-355MR-04 2) 1MD5353-■BD■■-4BA1 2480 6.1
360 355 M 1488 2310 IE2 95.7 95.8 95.2 0.85 640 512 371 2.2 6.9 2.2 DNGW-355MS-04 2) 1MD5355-■BD■■-4BA1 2610 6.8
460 355 M 1488 2952 96.0 96.1 95.8 0.86 800 640 464 2.2 7.1 2.2 DNGW-355MT-04 2) 1MD5357-■BD■■-4BA1 2750 8.5
Operating modes Frame size Order code
Mains-fed operation 71 ... 355 0 –
Converter-fed operation, standard insulation 71 ... 355 1 –
Voltages Frame size Order code
690 VΔ, 50 Hz 355 0 –
230 V/400 V, 50 Hz 71 ... 200 1 –
500 VY, 50 Hz 71 ... 315 3 –
500 VΔ, 50 Hz 71 ... 355 5 –
400 V/690 V, 50 Hz 71 ... 355 6 –
For other voltages see Page 2/18 71 ... 315 9 …
Types of construction Frame size Order code
IM B3 71 ... 355 0 –
IM B5 71 ... 315 1 –
IM B34 71 ... 112 2 –
IM B14 71 ... 112 3 –
IM V1/cover 71 ... 355 4 –
IM B35 71 ... 355 6 –
Other types of construction see Page 1/28 and 2/18 71 ... 355 9 …
1) Outside the IE code classification according to IEC 60034-30. 2) Direction of rotation must be specified (order code K97 or K98).
kW FS rpm Nm – % % % – A A A – – – kg kgm2
• Cooling: self-ventilated (IC 411)
• Efficiency: High Efficiency IE2, 0.75 kW and above in accordance with IEC 60034-30
• Insulation: thermal class 155 (temperature class F), IP55 degree of protection, utilization in accordance with thermal class 130 (temperature class B), S1-100 %
• Type of protection: "Explosion-proof enclosure" according to EN 60079-1; 2007: CE 0102 II 2G Ex d(e) IIC T4 Gb
6-pole: 1000 rpm at 50 Hz 2
0.25 071 B 860 2.78 61.6 60.0 55.0 0.76 0.77 0.62 0.45 2.2 3.0 2.0 DNGW-071BS-06 1MD5070-■BD■■-4CA1 24 0.0008
0.37 080 B 925 3.82 71.4 71.0 67.5 0.70 1.07 0.86 0.62 2.1 4.0 2.4 DNGW-080BR-06 1MD5080-■BD■■-4CA1 27 0.0020
930 5.6 1)
0.55 080 B 74.0 74.2 71.0 0.66 1.63 1.30 0.94 2.5 4.4 2.9 DNGW-080BS-06 1MD5081-■BD■■-4CA1 30 0.0030
0.75 090 L 935 7.7 IE2 75.9 76.1 74.0 0.70 2.05 1.64 1.19 2.0 4.1 2.5 DNGW-090LR-06 1MD5095-■BD■■-4CA1 36 0.0038
1.1 090 L 935 11.2 IE2 78.1 78.0 76.5 0.70 2.90 2.32 1.68 2.2 4.4 2.6 DNGW-090LS-06 1MD5098-■BD■■-4CA1 42 0.0054
1.5 100 L 970 14.8 IE2 79.8 80.2 79.0 0.73 3.70 2.96 2.14 2.0 6.2 2.9 DNGW-100LS-06 1MD5106-■BD■■-4CA1 55 0.011
2.2 112 M 965 21.8 IE2 81.8 82.5 81.3 0.75 5.2 4.2 3.01 2.1 6.0 3.1 DNGW-112MS-06 1MD5113-■BD■■-4CA1 66 0.014
3 132 S 970 29.5 IE2 83.3 84.0 82.8 0.74 7.0 5.6 4.1 1.6 5.6 2.6 DNGW-132SR-06 1MD5131-■BD■■-4CA1 92 0.024
4 132 M 970 39.4 IE2 84.6 85.8 85.0 0.78 8.7 7.0 5.0 1.6 5.6 2.5 DNGW-132MR-06 1MD5133-■BD■■-4CA1 96 0.029
5.5 132 M 970 54 IE2 86.0 87.4 87.0 0.77 12.0 9.6 7.0 1.9 6.1 2.8 DNGW-132MS-06 1MD5135-■BD■■-4CA1 104 0.037
7.5 160 M 975 73 IE2 87.2 88.0 87.3 0.74 16.8 12.9 9.33 1.9 4.7 2.2 DNGW-160MR-06 1MD5163-■BD■■-4CA1 168 0.125
11 160 L 975 108 IE2 88.7 89.6 89.2 0.76 23.5 18.0 13.0 1.9 4.8 2.2 DNGW-160LS-06 1MD5166-■BD■■-4CA1 177 0.144
15 180 L 975 147 IE2 89.7 90.1 90.2 0.78 31.0 24.8 18.0 2.5 6.0 3.1 DNGW-180LS-06 1MD5186-■BD■■-4CA1 242 0.138
18.5 200 L 978 181 IE2 90.4 91.3 91.2 0.82 36.0 28.8 20.9 2.4 5.8 2.6 DNGW-200LR-06 1MD5206-■BD■■-4CA1 311 0.33
22 200 L 978 215 IE2 90.9 91.6 91.2 0.82 42.5 34.0 24.6 2.5 6.2 2.6 DNGW-200LS-06 1MD5208-■BD■■-4CA1 311 0.33
30 225 M 980 292 IE2 91.7 92.5 92.3 0.83 57.0 45.6 33.0 2.5 6.1 2.8 DNGW-225MS-06 1MD5223-■BD■■-4CA1 395 0.58
37 250 M 982 360 IE2 92.2 93.1 93.1 0.83 70.0 56.0 40.6 2.8 6.0 2.5 DNGW-250MM-06 1MD5253-■BD■■-4CA1 524 0.86
45 280 S 985 436 IE2 92.7 93.4 93.2 0.84 83.0 66.4 48.1 2.7 6.3 2.6 DNGW-280SL-06 1MD5280-■BD■■-4CA1 638 1.1
55 280 M 985 533 IE2 93.1 93.9 94.0 0.86 99.0 79.2 57.4 2.5 6.4 2.6 DNGW-280MM-06 1MD5283-■BD■■-4CA1 704 1.4
75 315 S 988 725 IE2 93.7 94.0 93.6 0.84 138 110 80.0 2.5 6.7 2.8 DNGW-315SL-06 1MD5311-■BD■■-4CA1 905 2.1
90 315 M 988 870 IE2 94.0 94.3 93.6 0.84 165 132 95.7 2.6 6.9 2.8 DNGW-315ML-06 1MD5313-■BD■■-4CA1 952 2.5
110 315 M 988 1063 IE2 94.3 94.6 94.5 0.86 196 157 114 2.7 7.0 2.8 DNGW-315MM-06 1MD5314-■BD■■-4CA1 1111 3.6
132 315 M 988 1276 IE2 94.6 94.9 94.7 0.86 235 188 136 3.0 7.5 2.9 DNGW-315MN-06 1MD5315-■BD■■-4CA1 1165 4.0
160 315 L 988 1546 IE2 94.8 94.7 94.4 0.86 285 228 165 3.1 7.7 3.3 DNGW-315LL-06 1MD5316-■BD■■-4CA1 1319 4.7
200 315 L 990 1929 IE2 95.0 95.3 94.9 0.83 365 292 212 2.8 7.5 3.3 DNGW-315LM-06 1MD5317-■BD■■-4CA1 1671 7.6
280 355 M 993 2693 IE2 95.7 95.7 95.2 0.82 520 416 301 2.1 7.1 2.8 DNGW-355MR-06 1MD5353-■BD■■-4CA1 2460 13
315 355 M 993 3029 IE2 95.9 95.9 95.5 0.83 570 456 330 2.1 7.1 2.8 DNGW-355MS-06 1MD5355-■BD■■-4CA1 2590 15
360 355 M 994 3458 IE2 96.0 96.1 95.7 0.83 650 520 377 2.2 7.2 2.9 DNGW-355MT-06 1MD5357-■BD■■-4CA1 2730 16
Operating modes Frame size Order code
Mains-fed operation 71 ... 355 0 –
Converter-fed operation, standard insulation 71 ... 355 1 –
Voltages Frame size Order code
690 VΔ, 50 Hz 355 0 –
230 V/400 V, 50 Hz 71 ... 200 1 –
500 VY, 50 Hz 71 ... 315 3 –
500 VΔ, 50 Hz 71 ... 355 5 –
400 V/690 V, 50 Hz 71 ... 355 6 –
For other voltages see Page 2/18 71 ... 315 9 …
Types of construction Frame size Order code
IM B3 71 ... 355 0 –
IM B5 71 ... 315 1 –
IM B34 71 ... 112 2 –
IM B14 71 ... 112 3 –
IM V1/cover 71 ... 355 4 –
IM B35 71 ... 355 6 –
Other types of construction see Page 1/28 and 2/18 71 ... 355 9 …
2 415 VY, 50 Hz
415 VΔ, 50 Hz
380 VΔ/660 VY, 50 Hz 9 L1L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
Motor protection with 3 PTC thermistors A11 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
for tripping – without surge arresters,
sole protection not included
Motor protection with 2 × 3 PTC A12 – – – – – – – – – – – – – ✓
thermistors for prewarning/tripping –
without surge arresters, sole protection
not included
Motor protection with 3 PTC thermistors A15 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
for tripping as sole protection on
converter (TMS)
Motor protection with 2 × 3 PTC A16 – – – – – – – – – – – – – ✓
thermistors for prewarning/tripping as
sole protection on converter (TMS)
2 Pt100 double resistance thermometers A42 – – – – – – – – – – – – – ✓
for 4-wire connection from terminal box
for roller bearings – 1 × DE and 1 × NDE
6 Pt100 resistance thermometers in stator A64 – – – – – – – – – – – – – ✓
winding, 3-wire connection from auxiliary
terminal box
Ambient temperature +45 °C, insulation C22 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
class F, utilization B, derating 4 %
Ambient temperature +50 °C, insulation C23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
class F, utilization B, derating 8 %
Colors and paint finish
Coating system N08 – 110 µm
(C3 medium) – standard finish with
corrosion resistance acc. to
EN/ISO 12944-5 = C3
Coating system N14/J08 – 170 µm V10 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
(chemical industry + onshore, C5
industrial climate) – corrosion resistance
acc. to EN/ISO 12944-5 = C5
(5 to 15 years) for industrial climate
Coating system (chemical industry + W14 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
onshore, C5 industry) – corrosion
resistance acc. to EN/ISO 12944-5 = C5
(5 to 15 years) for industrial climate
Coating system Z21/J08 – 210 µm V11 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
(offshore, C5M-M) – corrosion resistance
acc. to EN/ISO 12944-5 = C5
(5 to 15 years) – sea climate
Unpainted, only primed K24 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Unpainted K23
Special finish in RAL 1004, 1018, 2000, Y54 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
2004, 5009, 5012, 5015, 6003, 6011, special finish
7000, 7011, 7031, 7038, 9002 – specify RAL….
special coating system in addition, e.g.
V10, V11, W14, etc.
RAL colors, other than those offered Y51 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
above special finish
■ Dimensional drawings
Type of construction IM B3
For flange dimensions, see Page 2/26.
ZxS 2
ZxS 2
■ Dimensional drawings
E In EN 50347, the frame sizes
T are allocated flange FF with
through holes and flange FT
with tapped holes.
(Z = the number of retaining
Frame size No. of poles Flange with Dimension designation acc. to IEC
through hole (FF)/
tapped hole (FT)
acc. to EN 50347
71 B 2, 4 FF130 10 30 130 110 160 9.5 3.5 4
FT85 15 30 85 70 105 M6 2.5 4
80 B 2, 4 FF165 10 40 165 130 200 11.5 3.5 4
FT100 15 40 100 80 120 M6 3 4
90 L 2, 4 FF165 10 50 165 130 200 11.5 3.5 4
FT115 10 50 115 95 140 M8 3 4
100 L 2, 4 FF215 11 60 215 180 250 14 4 4
FT130 10 60 130 110 160 M8 3.5 4
112 M 2, 4 FF215 11 60 215 180 250 14 4 4
FT130 10 60 130 110 160 M8 3.5 4
132 S 2, 4 FF265 12 80 265 230 300 14 4 4
132 M 2, 4 FF265 12 80 265 230 300 14 4 4
160 M 2, 4, 6 FF300 20 110 300 250 350 18 5 4
160 L 2, 4, 6 FF300 20 110 300 250 350 18 5 4
180 M 2, 4, 6 FF300 16 110 300 250 350 18 5 4
180 L 2, 4, 6 FF300 16 110 300 250 350 18 5 4
200 L 2, 4, 6 FF350 20 110 350 300 400 18 5 8
225 S 2 FF400 16 110 400 350 450 18 5 8
4, 6 140
225 M 2 FF400 16 110 400 350 450 18 5 8
4, 6 140
250 M 2, 4, 6 FF500 18 140 500 450 550 18 5 8
280 S 2, 4, 6 FF500 18 140 500 450 550 18 5 8
280 M 2, 4, 6 FF500 18 140 500 450 550 18 5 8
315 S 2 FF600 22 140 600 550 660 24 6 8
4, 6 170
315 M 2 FF600 22 140 600 550 660 24 6 8
4, 6 170
315 LL 2 FF600 22 140 600 550 660 24 6 8
4, 6 170
315 L 2 FF600 22 140 600 550 660 24 6 8
4, 6 170
355 M 2 FF740 25 140 740 680 800 24 6 8
4, 6 210
■ Technical specifications
LOHER CHEMSTAR and VARIO 1PS4 and 1PS5 motor series, General technical specifications
type of protection "Explosion-proof enclosure"
LOHER CHEMSTAR and VARIO 1PS4 and 1PS5 motors
LOHER CHEMSTAR and VARIO motors of the 1PS4 and 1PS5 Motor type D..L/D..W
series are surface-cooled motors in type of protection "Explo-
sion-proof enclosure" Ex d. The CHEMSTAR motors can be Frame size 71 … 500
designed in accordance with the current VIK recommendation Outputs 0.25 … 1120 kW
("Verband der Industriellen Energie- und Kraftwirtschaft e. V.",
Temperature class T1 … T6
the Association of the Industrial Energy and Power Industry).
Type of protection II 2G Ex d(e) IIC Gb, IEC/EN 60079-0,
The motors are marked in accordance with EN 60079-0 Ed.2009 IEC/EN 60079-1
and EN 60079-1 with II 2G Ex de IIB T3-6 Gb or
II 2G Ex de IIC T3-6 Gb for operation in Zone 1. Ex Zones Gas Zone 1 optional, Dust Zone 22/21
Guidelines 94/9/EC (ATEX 95)
Cooling Surface-cooled, water-jacket-cooled on
No. of poles 2- … 12-pole, multi-pole + pole-changing
versions on request
Voltage/frequency All common voltages, and in 50 Hz and
60 Hz special designs on request
Degree of protection IP55 to IP68
Type of construction All common types of construction +
special types of construction
Housing Cast-iron or steel
Insulation Class F utilized according to B
Special versions
• For outdoor temperatures -55 to +60 °C
(other temperatures on request)
• Site altitude up to 3000 m (> 3000 m on request)
• Modified windings, for example, for increased ambient temperatures,
site altitude for optimum electrical values
• Permanent load S1 as well as partial load operation, e.g. S2/S3/S6
• Drive-end located bearing; special bearing for increased axial/
radial forces
• Large electrical variance, such as reduced starting current,
modified torque curve, star-delta start-up, etc.
• CHEMSTAR: copper rotor as an option
• Metal fan in aluminum, steel or brass
• Monitoring devices such as Pt100, PTC, KTY winding/bearing,
vibration monitoring, etc.
• Country-specific certificates such as EAC (Eurasian Customs Union) ,
NEPSI (China), China Energy Label, CCOE (India),
IECEX (international)
• Version for offshore, on-deck and/or marine classifications
• Combination with brakes + rotary encoder + forced ventilation
• Enlarged connection system and/or larger terminal box for large cable
Sectional view of CHEMSTAR 1PS5 three-phase motor, Sectional view of CHEMSTAR 1PS5 three-phase motor,
frame sizes 71 to 132 frame sizes 160 to 315
Example: 1PS5131-0BD6.-4AA3 (motor type: DNGW-132SR-02) Example: 1PS5316-0BD6.-4AA3 (motor type: DNGW-315LL-02)
7.5 kW, 2-pole 200 kW, 2-pole
1) 3)
For designs with feet only. Suitable for both directions of rotation, but LOHER VARIO 2- and 4-pole are
For specific operating conditions, the external fans can be constructed only suitable for one direction of rotation.
in aluminum for frame sizes 71 to 225 and in sheet steel for frame sizes 250
to 315. This applies in the case of increased coolant temperature in par-
ticular. The cooling air flow from NDE to DE must not be obstructed. The
intake area in front of the fan cover must not be obstructed.
Auxiliary terminal box is not possible. Frame sizes 132 to 160, 1 auxiliary terminal box Ex e (W72, M52)
is possible, frame sizes 180 to 225, 2 auxiliary terminal boxes Ex e
(W72, M52) are possible.
Figure 3 Terminal box for LOHER CHEMSTAR frame sizes 250 to 280 Figure 4 Terminal box for LOHER CHEMSTAR frame sizes 315 to 355
3 auxiliary terminal boxes Ex e (W72, M52) are possible. 3 auxiliary terminal boxes Ex e (W72, M52) are possible.
Figure 5 Terminal box for LOHER VARIO frame sizes 355 to 500 For versions with terminal box Ex d, no auxiliary terminal
boxes are possible for frame sizes 71 to 112 and 1 auxiliary
terminal box Ex d (V43) is possible for frame sizes 132 to
mm2 mm2
cross-section 1)
mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2
71 6 × M4 1 2.5 (6) 2) 4 × 2.5 4 6 2) Fig. 1 6 × M5 1 10 Fig. 2
(25) 2)
132 6 × M5 1 10 (25) 2) 25 Fig. 2 6 x M6 2.5 35 (50) 2) Fig. 2
180 6 x M6 2.5 35 (50) 2) 12 × 4 70 Fig. 2 6 × M10 6 70 Fig. 3
250 6 × M10 6 … 70 95 Fig. 3 6 × M12 16 150 Fig. 4
315 S/M 6 × M12 16 … 150 16 × 4 150 Fig. 4 6 × M16 16 300 Fig. 4
315 L 6 × M16/M20 3) 16 … 300 Special connection system on request
355 … 500 Fig. 5
Number and size of entry threads and cable glands (to be ordered specially), see table "Cable glands for 1PS4 and 1PS5 motors".
Cable glands for 1PS4 and 1PS5 motors
Frame size Standard cable glands Max. entry threads 6)
4) 5)
Entry thread Cable diameter Removable gland plate Ex e terminal box Ex d terminal box
(for Ex e terminal box only)
Type HSK-M-Ex Type ADE 1F Metric NPT Metric NPT
for Ex e for Ex d
mm mm
71 1 × M25 × 1.5 10 … 16 8.5 … 16 None 1 × M32 × 1.5 2 × 1" 2 × M40 × 1.5 2 × 11/4"
100 1 × M32 × 1.5 13 … 20 18 … 27.5
112 2 × M32 × 1.5
132 2 × M50 × 1.5 2 × 2" 2 × M63 × 1.5 2 × 2"
160 2 × M40 × 1.5 22 … 32 23 … 34
180 None 2 × M63 × 1.5
200 2 × M50 × 1.5 32 … 38 29 … 41
250 2 × M63 × 1.5 37 … 44 42 … 56 With
315 2 × M100 × 2 2 × 4" 2 × M100 × 2 2 × 4"
Additional entry threads, e.g. for PTC thermistor, heating: Entry threads are sealed on delivery with certified plugs,
• Ex e II: M20 × 1.5/D = 6 up to 12 mm cable glands can be ordered separately.
• Ex d IIC: M20 × 1.5/D = 6 up to 12 mm
1) Rated voltage / max. working voltage 400 V / 440 V. 4) Number and size of entry threads according to DIN 42925.
2) Maximum conductor cross-section with cable lug. 5) Cable glands suitable for unshielded/non-reinforced cables and leads.
3) Alternatively, larger studs for higher rated current. Option K54 (Ex e), W91 (Ex d).
6) Other threads, number and size on request.
Explosion-proof terminal boxes with a cast auxiliary terminal box only (max. 12 × 4 mm2),
for number and size of entry threads, see table "Cable glands for 1PS5 motors".
1) 2)
Rated voltage / max. working voltage 400 V / 440 V. Only in conjunction with enlarged terminal box.
coils with VARIO motors ensures that most motors can be
converter-fed without modification of the electrical design.
The maximum limits and parameters for converter-fed operation
are summarized in this catalog.
For operation on a frequency converter, the motor must be fitted
with PTC thermistors. These are installed in the stator winding
and, in combination with a trip unit certified by the German
Federal Testing Laboratory, they perform sole motor protection in
Explosion protection: II 2G Ex d IIC T4 Gb
the case of converter-fed operation. Motor circuit breakers can
be dispensed with. PTC thermistors with a rated shutdown tem- Frame sizes and types of construction: see dimensional
perature of 145 °C ("KL145") are normally used. Converter-fed drawings
motors of this type are normally stamped with duty type S1 or S9.
Permissible coolant temperature: -20 to +50 °C
Mains-fed operation
Connection cable (standard design): NSSHöu-J
Selection of the PTC thermistor for full motor protection (sole The free length of connection cable must be specified when or-
protection) in mains-fed operation is more complex because the dering. The standard length is 1.5 m. Two or more cable entries
load case "blocked shaft, motor draws full starting current" also are used in the case of pole-changing or single-speed motors
has to be monitored. with rated current > 70 A.
To protect the rotor, it may be necessary here to use only PTC
thermistors with low tripping temperatures. The advantage is that Rated voltage: 1000 V
all line duty types (S1 to S7) and converter-fed operation (S9) are Max. operating temperature at conductor: -20 to +80 °C
covered. These motors are therefore stamped with S1 to S7 and
S9. The larger the motor and the smaller the number of poles, the
more difficult it is to achieve sole protection using PTC thermistors
in mains-fed operation: due to the laws of increasing size, larger
machines become ever more "rotor-critical". The sole protection
limit for 4-pole motors typically lies in the region of frame size 280.
Rated voltage ranges for forced ventilation on motors of the 1PS4 and 1PS5 series
Motor Motor type Mains/ Rated voltage range Frequency Rated output Rated current max.
Frame size V Hz kW A
132 … 225 DN.W-071BG-04 Y 400 50 0.25 0.70
DN.W-071BH-04 440 60 0.44 1.05
250 DN.W-071BG-04 Y 400 50 0.25 0.70
DN.W-080BH-04 440 60 0.90 1.90
280 … 315 DN.W-080BG-04 Y 400 50 0.75 1.70
DN.W-080BH-04 440 60 0.90 1.90
355 DN.W-090LX-04 D 400 50 1.1 2.60
60 Hz on request
355 … 500 DN.W100LD04 D 400 50 3 6.60
60 Hz on request
If the motor is only ordered and used for S1 duty type and the
built-on brake is only required as a holding brake, the motor can
be protected with a motor circuit breaker in accordance with
DIN VDE 0165.
Mechanical design with brake
Voltage and frequency: Motors with a built-on brake are Dust and explosion protection II for DC or single-phase AC
supplied for the voltages and frequencies specified in the output
tables. General technical specifications
Output: The outputs specified in the selection tables are Brake designs
applicable to S4 duty type in accordance with EN 60034-1. 76 24E..B00 – DC 76 24G..B00 – AC
(direct current) (alternating current)
Thermal motor protection: The motors have 3 embedded PTC
thermistors and are designed for sole protection in combination Standard V 205 V DC 230 V AC
with a trip unit. rated voltage
2-pole: 3000 rpm at 50 Hz
0.37 071 B 2780 1.27 1) 77.5 78.5 78.3 0.87 0.79 0.63 0.46 2.5 5.0 2.5 DNGW -071BR-02 2) 1PS 5 070-■BD■■-4AA3 24 0.0006
0.55 071 B 2780 1.89 1) 77.5 78.5 78.3 0.86 1.19 0.95 0.69 2.5 5.0 2.5 DNGW -071BS-02 2) 1PS 5 071-■BD■■-4AA3 25 0.0006
0.75 080 B 2810 2.55 IE2 81.6 83.0 82.0 0.87 1.52 1.22 0.88 2.7 5.8 2.9 DNGW -080BR-02 2) 1PS 5 080-■BD■■-4AA3 26 0.0008
1.1 080 B 2810 3.74 IE2 81.5 82.8 82.7 0.86 2.30 1.84 1.33 2.8 5.5 2.9 DNGW -080BS-02 2) 1PS 5 081-■BD■■-4AA3 28 0.0008
1.5 090 L 2865 5.00 IE2 84.0 85.1 84.3 0.88 2.90 2.32 1.68 3.0 6.8 2.8 DNGW -090LR-02 1PS 5 095-■BD■■-4AA3 36 0.0020
2.2 090 L 2850 7.4 IE2 84.6 85.6 85.1 0.86 4.4 3.52 2.55 3.0 6.5 3.0 DNGW -090LS-02 1PS 5 098-■BD■■-4AA3 36 0.002
3 100 L 2900 9.9 IE2 86.0 86.3 85.8 0.87 5.8 4.6 3.36 2.7 7.5 3.0 DNGW -100LS-02 1PS 5 106-■BD■■-4AA3 51 0.0041
4 112 M 2890 13.2 IE2 86.5 86.8 86.8 0.93 7.2 5.8 4.2 2.7 7.0 3.1 DNGW -112MS-02 1PS 5 113-■BD■■-4AA3 66 0.0075
5.5 132 S 2910 18.0 IE2 88.5 89.9 89.2 0.90 10.0 8.0 5.8 2.6 6.7 3.1 DNGW -132SR-02 1PS 5 131-■BD■■-4AA3 83 0.014
7.5 132 S 2915 24.6 IE2 89.5 90.1 89.5 0.91 13.3 10.6 7.7 2.7 6.8 3.0 DNGW -132SS-02 1PS 5 132-■BD■■-4AA3 95 0.020
11 160 M 2955 36 IE2 90.7 91.0 90.0 0.90 19.5 15.6 11.3 2.1 7.5 2.8 DNGW -160MR-02 1PS 5 163-■BD■■-4AA3 176 0.045
15 160 M 2955 48 IE2 91.3 92.1 91.9 0.89 26.5 21.5 15.4 2.1 7.0 2.8 DNGW -160MS-02 1PS 5 165-■BD■■-4AA3 176 0.092
18.5 160 L 2955 60 IE2 91.4 92.2 91.9 0.89 33.0 26.5 19.0 2.1 70 2.8 DNGW -160LS-02 1PS 5 166-■BD■■-4AA3 192 0.092
22 180 M 2960 71 IE2 92.5 93.0 92.8 0.90 38.0 30.5 22.0 2.2 6.8 2.9 DNGW -180MS-02 1PS 5 183-■BD■■-4AA3 246 0.16
30 200 L 2955 97 IE2 92.0 92.3 91.7 0.87 54.0 43.5 31.5 2.5 6.9 3.3 DNGW -200LR-02 1PS 5 206-■BD■■-4AA3 333 0.20
37 200 L 2960 119 IE2 92.5 92.8 92.3 0.88 66.0 52.0 38.0 2.7 7.4 3.5 DNGW -200LS-02 1PS 5 208-■BD■■-4AA3 349 0.23
45 225 M 2965 145 IE2 92.9 93.1 92.5 0.88 79.0 64.0 46.0 2.3 7.8 2.6 DNGW -225MS-02 1PS 5 223-■BD■■-4AA3 420 0.34
55 250 M 2975 177 IE2 93.8 93.9 93.2 0.86 98.0 79.0 57.0 2.1 8.0 2.9 DNGW -250MM-02 1PS 5 253-■BD■■-4AA3 540 0.45
75 280 S 2980 240 IE2 94.4 93.9 92.4 0.89 129 103 75.0 2.1 7.3 3.0 DNGW -280SL-02 1PS 5 280-■BD■■-4AA3 775 0.88
90 280 M 2980 288 IE2 94.4 94.1 92.6 0.90 153 122 89.0 2.0 6.3 2.5 DNGW -280MM-02 1PS 5 283-■BD■■-4AA3 830 1.03
110 315 S 2980 352 IE2 94.8 94.3 92.9 0.88 190 152 110 2.2 6.7 2.5 DNGW -315SL-02 1PS 5 311-■BD■■-4AA3 1030 1.55
132 315 M 2980 423 IE2 95.1 95.0 94.2 0.89 225 180 130 2.0 6.3 2.4 DNGW -315ML-02 1PS 5 313-■BD■■-4AA3 1080 1.85
160 315 M 2980 513 IE2 95.6 95.6 95.0 0.89 270 215 157 2.3 6.8 2.6 DNGW -315MN-02 1PS 5 315-■BD■■-4AA3 1160 2.2
200 315 L 2980 641 IE2 95.8 95.8 95.2 0.89 340 270 196 2.6 7.3 2.7 DNGW -315LL-02 1PS 5 316-■BD■■-4AA3 1390 2.8
250 315 L 2985 800 IE2 95.8 96.1 95.8 0.90 420 335 245 2.6 7.3 2.7 DNGW -315LN-02 1PS 5 318-■BD■■-4AA3 1570 3.5
315 355 M 2984 1008 IE2 95.6 95.4 94.5 0.88 540 432 313 1.6 6.8 2.3 DNGW -355MR-02 1PS 5 353-■BD■■-4AA3 2520 4.8 3)
360 355 M 2984 1152 IE2 95.9 95.6 95.0 0.89 610 488 354 1.7 6.8 2.4 DNGW -355MS-02 3) 1PS 5 355-■BD■■-4AA3 2660 5.3
460 355 M 2985 1472 1) 96.3 96.3 95.7 0.90 770 616 446 1.9 6.8 2.6 DNGW -355MT-02 3) 1PS 5 357-■BD■■-4AA3 2800 6.4
400 355 L 2985 1279 1) 96.7 96.7 96.1 0.91 655 525 380 1.4 7.9 3.2 DNS ■ -355LD-02 1PS ■358-■BH■■-4AA0 2250 4.0
450 355 L 2978 1443 1) 96.4 96.5 96.0 0.91 740 590 430 0.95 6.2 2.55 DNS ■ -355LX-02 1PS ■358-■BJ ■■-4AA0 2600 5.0
450 400 L 2984 1440 1) 96.5 96.5 95.9 0.90 745 595 430 0.80 6.2 2.8 DNS ■ -400LL-02 1PS ■404-■BJ ■■-4AA0 3000 6.0
500 400 L 2982 1601 1) 96.6 96.7 96.2 0.91 820 655 475 0.80 5.9 2.55 DNS ■ -400LN-02 1PS ■405-■BJ ■■-4AA0 3200 7.0
560 400 L 2983 1792 1) 96.8 96.8 96.3 0.91 915 730 530 0.85 6.2 2.7 DNS ■ -400LN-02 1PS ■407-■BJ ■■-4AA0 3200 7.0
630 400 L 2984 2016 1) 96.8 96.8 96.3 0.91 – 825 595 0.85 6.2 2.6 DNS ■ -400LX-02 1PS ■408-■BJ ■■-4AA0 3500 8.5
630 450 L 2986 2014 1) 96.7 96.6 96.0 0.91 – 830 600 0.75 6.2 2.7 DNS ■ -450LL-02 1PS ■453-■BJ ■■-4AA0 4200 11
710 450 L 2986 2270 1) 96.8 96.8 96.2 0.91 – 925 670 0.80 6.3 2.8 DNS ■ -450LL-02 1PS ■455-■BJ ■■-4AA0 4200 11
800 450 L 2986 2557 1) 96.9 96.9 96.3 0.91 – 1050 760 0.80 6.3 2.8 DNS ■ -450LN-02 1PS ■457-■BJ ■■-4AA0 4500 13
900 450 L 2985 2879 1) 97.0 97.0 96.5 0.91 – 1170 850 0.85 6.4 2.7 DNS ■ -450LN-02 1PS ■458-■BJ ■■-4AA0 4500 13
1000 500 L 2986 3198 1) 96.6 96.5 95.6 0.90 – – 960 0.85 6.4 2.8 DNS ■ -500LL-02 1PS ■505-■BJ ■■-4AA0 6400 24
1200 500 L 2990 3831 1) 96.9 96.8 96.1 0.91 – – 1135 0.75 6.6 2.8 DNS ■ -500LN-02 1PS ■508-■BJ ■■-4AA0 6400 35
Enclosures Frame size Order code
Ex de IIB/Ex d IIB 355 ... 500 L 4 –
Ex de IIC/Ex d IIC 71 ... 500 W 5 –
Operating modes Frame size Order code
Mains-fed operation 71 ... 450 (≤ 800 kW) 0 –
Converter-fed operation, standard insulation 71 ... 400 1 –
Converter-fed operation with special insulation (derating approx. 5 %) 160 ... 500 2 –
Mains-fed operation, pre-formed coil 450 (> 800 kW) ... 500 3 –
Converter-fed operation, pre-formed coil 450 ... 500 4 –
Voltages Frame size Order code
690 VΔ, 50 Hz 355 ... 500 0 –
230 V/400 V, 50 Hz 71 ... 112 1 –
500 VY, 50 Hz 71 ... 315 3 –
500 VΔ, 50 Hz 355 ... 450 5 –
400 V/690 V, 50 Hz 71 ... 400 6 –
690 VY, 50 Hz 71 ... 400 8 –
For other voltages see Page 2/54 71 ... 500 9 …
Types of construction Frame size Order code
IM B3 71 ... 500 0 –
IM B5 71 ... 315 1 –
IM B34 71 ... 112 2 –
IM B14 71 ... 112 3 –
IM V1/cover 71 ... 400 4 –
IM B35 71 ... 500 6 –
For other types of construction see from Page 1/28 71 ... 500 9 …
1) Outside the IE code classification according to IEC 60034-30. 3) Direction of rotation must be specified (order code K97 or K98).
Variant can be supplied as Ex nA, Loher type changes to ANGK….
6-pole: 1000 rpm at 50 Hz
0.25 071 B 910 2.62 1) 65.0 67.0 63.5 0.75 0.74 0.59 0.43 1.7 3.2 2.0 DNGW -071BS-06 2) 1PS 5 071-■BD■■-4CA3 24 0.0015
0.37 080 B 910 3.88 1) 69.5 70.0 68.0 0.74 1.04 0.83 0.60 1.9 3.5 2.1 DNGW -080BR-06 2) 1PS 5 080-■BD■■-4CA3 27 0.0020
0.55 080 B 910 5.8 1) 73.5 73.8 71.0 0.70 1.51 1.21 0.88 2.0 3.3 2.1 DNGW -080BS-06 2) 1PS 5 081-■BD■■-4CA3 30 0.0030
0.75 090 L 960 7.5 IE2 80.0 80.4 78.0 0.72 1.88 1.50 1.09 1.5 4.5 2.2 DNGW -090LR-06 1PS 5 095-■BD■■-4CA3 36 0.0044
1.1 090 L 950 11.1 IE2 78.1 77.9 75.4 0.72 2.80 2.24 1.62 1.4 4.1 2.0 DNGW -090LS-06 1PS 5 098-■BD■■-4CA3 42 0.0044
1.5 100 L 955 15.0 IE2 80.0 79.0 75.0 0.68 3.95 3.16 2.29 2.5 4.5 2.7 DNGW -100LS-06 1PS 5 106-■BD■■-4CA3 55 0.010
2.2 112 M 950 22.1 IE2 82.7 83.7 82.3 0.74 5.2 4.2 3.01 2.0 5.0 2.2 DNGW -112MS-06 1PS 5 113-■BD■■-4CA3 66 0.019
3 132 S 950 30.2 IE2 85.4 86.1 85.1 0.79 6.4 5.1 3.71 2.5 5.7 2.5 DNGW -132SR-06 1PS 5 131-■BD■■-4CA3 92 0.033
4 132 M 955 40.0 IE2 85.7 86.7 86.1 0.82 8.2 6.6 4.8 2.3 6.0 2.5 DNGW -132MR-06 1PS 5 133-■BD■■-4CA3 96 0.045
5.5 132 M 955 55 IE2 86.1 86.1 85.5 0.77 12.0 9.6 7.0 2.4 6.0 2.6 DNGW -132MS-06 1PS 5 135-■BD■■-4CA3 104 0.045
7.5 160 M 965 74 IE2 88.2 88.5 88.0 0.80 15.3 12.3 8.9 1.5 6.0 2.4 DNGW -160MR-06 1PS 5 163-■BD■■-4CA3 176 0.088
11 160 L 970 108 IE2 88.9 89.4 88.7 0.78 23.0 18.3 13.3 1.6 6.0 2.6 DNGW -160LS-06 1PS 5 166-■BD■■-4CA3 192 0.11
15 180 L 980 146 IE2 90.5 91.2 90.7 0.82 29.0 23.5 16.9 2.1 6.5 2.5 DNGW -180LS-06 1PS 5 186-■BD■■-4CA3 255 0.28
18.5 200 L 980 180 IE2 91.2 91.5 90.9 0.80 36.5 29.5 21.0 2.5 7.0 2.6 DNGW -200LR-06 1PS 5 206-■BD■■-4CA3 333 0.45
22 200 L 980 214 IE2 91.5 92.0 91.4 0.78 44.5 35.5 26.0 2.5 7.0 2.6 DNGW -200LS-06 1PS 5 208-■BD■■-4CA3 349 0.49
30 225 M 985 291 IE2 91.7 92.5 92.0 0.81 58.0 46.5 34.0 2.0 7.0 2.8 DNGW -225MS-06 1PS 5 223-■BD■■-4CA3 430 0.92
37 250 M 985 359 IE2 92.8 92.8 91.9 0.79 73.0 58.0 42.0 1.5 6.6 2.5 DNGW -250MM-06 1PS 5 253-■BD■■-4CA3 560 1.0
45 280 S 985 436 IE2 93.2 93.4 93.1 0.83 84.0 67.0 48.5 2.5 7.0 2.8 DNGW -280SL-06 1PS 5 280-■BD■■-4CA3 780 2.5
55 280 M 990 531 IE2 93.5 93.6 93.2 0.84 101 81.0 59.0 2.6 7.0 2.8 DNGW -280MM-06 1PS 5 283-■BD■■-4CA3 850 2.9
75 315 S 990 723 IE2 94.5 94.8 94.5 0.86 133 107 77.0 2.0 7.2 2.1 DNGW -315SL-06 1PS 5 311-■BD■■-4CA3 1030 3.3
90 315 M 990 868 IE2 94.8 95.2 95.1 0.85 161 129 93.0 2.1 6.9 2.3 DNGW -315ML-06 1PS 5 313-■BD■■-4CA3 1100 4.0
110 315 M 990 1061 IE2 94.5 94.8 94.4 0.86 195 156 113 2.0 7.1 2.2 DNGW -315MM-06 1PS 5 314-■BD■■-4CA3 1190 4.9
132 315 M 990 1273 IE2 94.7 95.0 94.7 0.86 235 187 136 2.2 7.0 2.2 DNGW -315MN-06 1PS 5 315-■BD■■-4CA3 1180 4.9
160 315 L 990 1543 IE2 94.8 95.0 95.0 0.87 280 225 162 2.1 7.0 2.3 DNGW -315LL-06 1PS 5 316-■BD■■-4CA3 1400 6.0
200 315 L 990 1929 IE2 95.0 95.2 95.0 0.84 360 290 210 2.3 7.0 2.5 DNGW -315LM-06 1PS 5 317-■BD■■-4CA3 1600 6.8
280 355M 993 2693 IE2 95.7 95.7 95.2 0.82 520 416 301 2.1 7.1 2.8 DNGW -355MR-06 1PS 5 353-■BD■■-4CA3 2460 13
315 355M 993 3029 IE2 95.9 95.9 95.5 0.83 570 456 330 2.1 7.1 2.8 DNGW -355MS-06 1PS 5 355-■BD■■-4CA3 2590 15
360 355M 994 3458 IE2 96.0 96.1 95.7 0.83 650 520 377 2.2 7.2 2.9 DNGW -355MT-06 1PS 5 357-■BD■■-4CA3 2730 16
315 355 L 994 3027 IE2 96.2 96.2 95.5 0.84 560 450 325 1.35 6.6 2.5 DNS ■ -355LD-06 1PS ■358-■BH■■-4CA0 2600 11.5
355 355 L 993 3415 IE2 96.3 96.3 95.8 0.85 630 505 360 1.0 5.6 2.3 DNS ■ -355LN-06 1PS ■357-■BJ ■■-4CA0 2700 12.5
400 355 L 992 3849 1) 96.3 96.4 95.9 0.84 715 575 415 1.0 5.6 2.25 DNS ■ -355LN-06 1PS ■358-■BJ ■■-4CA0 2700 12.5
400 400 L 994 3844 1) 96.3 96.4 95.8 0.84 715 575 415 1.0 5.6 2.3 DNS ■ -400LL-06 1PS ■404-■BJ ■■-4CA0 3400 18.0
450 400 L 994 4323 1) 96.4 96.4 95.9 0.84 800 640 465 1.0 5.5 2.25 DNS ■ -400LN-06 1PS ■405-■BJ ■■-4CA0 3700 21.5
500 400 L 994 4805 1) 96.5 96.5 96.0 0.84 890 710 515 1.05 5.7 2.3 DNS ■ -400LN-06 1PS ■407-■BJ ■■-4CA0 3700 21.5
560 450 L 995 5374 1) 96.7 96.7 96.2 0.85 980 785 570 0.95 5.8 2.3 DNS ■ -450LL-06 1PS ■453-■BJ ■■-4CA0 4700 34.0
630 450 L 995 6046 1) 96.8 96.8 96.3 0.85 1105 885 640 0.95 5.7 2.3 DNS ■ -450LL-06 1PS ■455-■BJ ■■-4CA0 4700 34.0
710 450 L 995 6813 1) 96.9 97.0 96.5 0.85 1240 995 720 0.95 5.7 2.25 DNS ■ -450LN-06 1PS ■457-■BJ ■■-4CA0 5000 40.0
800 450 L 995 7676 1) 97.0 97.0 96.5 0.85 – 1125 815 1.0 5.9 2.35 DNS ■ -450LN-06 1PS ■458-■BJ ■■-4CA0 5000 40.0
900 500 L 995 8635 1) 96.8 96.8 96.2 0.85 – – 915 1.0 5.8 2.25 DNS ■ -500LL-06 1PS ■505-■BJ ■■-4CA0 6200 60.0
1000 500 L 995 9592 1) 96.9 96.8 96.2 0.85 – – 1015 1.0 6.0 2.25 DNS ■ -500LN-06 1PS ■507-■BJ ■■-4CA0 6900 72.0
1120 500 L 995 10746 1) 96.9 96.9 96.4 0.86 – – 1120 1.0 5.7 2.15 DNS ■ -500LN-06 1PS ■508-■BJ ■■-4CA0 6900 72.0
Enclosures Frame size Order code
Ex de IIB/Ex d IIB 355 ... 500 L 4 –
Ex de IIC/Ex d IIC 71 ... 500 W 5 –
Operating modes Frame size Order code
Mains-fed operation 71 ... 450 0 –
Converter-fed operation, standard insulation 71 ... 450 1 –
Converter-fed operation with special insulation (derating approx. 5 %) 160 ... 500 2 –
Mains-fed operation, pre-formed coil 500 3 –
Converter-fed operation, pre-formed coil 450 ... 500 4 –
Voltages Frame size Order code
690 VΔ, 50 Hz 355 ... 500 0 –
230 V/400 V, 50 Hz 71 ... 112 1 –
500 VY, 50 Hz 71 ... 315 3 –
500 VΔ, 50 Hz 355 ... 450 5 –
400 V/690 V, 50 Hz 71 ... 400 6 –
690 VY, 50 Hz 71 ... 400 8 –
For other voltages see Page 2/54 71 ... 500 9 …
Types of construction Frame size Order code
IM B3 71 ... 500 0 –
IM B5 71 ... 315 1 –
IM B34 71 ... 112 2 –
IM B14 71 ... 112 3 –
IM V1/cover 71 ... 450 4 –
IM B35 71 ... 500 6 –
For other types of construction see from Page 1/28 71 ... 500 9 …
1) Outside the IE code classification according to IEC 60034-30. 2) Variant can be supplied as Ex nA, Loher type changes to ANGK….
0.12 071 B 680 1.69 1) 51.0 51.5 45.0 0.66 0.51 0.41 0.30 1.9 2.4 2.0 DNGW -071BS-08 2) 1PS 5 071-■BD■■-4DA3 20 0.0015
0.25 080 B 680 3.51 1) 56.0 55.4 50.0 0.66 0.98 0.78 0.57 1.7 2.3 2.0 DNGW -080BS-08 2) 1PS 5 081-■BD■■-4DA3 27 0.0020
0.37 090 L 700 5.0 1) 67.0 67.5 64.0 0.60 1.33 1.06 0.77 1.7 2.5 2.0 DNGW -090LR-08 1PS 5 095-■BD■■-4DA3 35 0.0036
0.55 090 L 700 7.5 1) 69.5 69.5 65.0 0.60 1.90 1.52 1.10 1.7 2.8 2.0 DNGW -090LS-08 1PS 5 098-■BD■■-4DA3 35 0.0044
0.75 100 L 700 10.2 1) 71.9 70.2 66.0 0.70 2.15 1.72 1.25 2.0 3.7 2.1 DNGW -100LR-08 1PS 5 106-■BD■■-4DA3 55 0.010
1.1 100 L 710 14.8 1) 74.7 72.2 68.5 0.70 3.05 2.44 1.77 1.5 4.0 2.0 DNGW -100LS-08 1PS 5 108-■BD■■-4DA3 55 0.010
1.5 112 M 710 20.2 1) 78.0 78.5 76.5 0.73 3.80 3.04 2.20 1.8 4.0 2.0 DNGW -112MS-08 1PS 5 113-■BD■■-4DA3 65 0.016
2.2 132 S 715 29.4 1) 82.5 83.2 81.5 0.73 5.3 4.2 3.07 1.7 4.5 2.1 DNGW -132SR-08 1PS 5 131-■BD■■-4DA3 90 0.033
3 132 M 715 40.1 1) 83.8 84.5 82.9 0.74 7.0 5.6 4.1 1.8 4.5 2.2 DNGW -132MR-08 1PS 5 133-■BD■■-4DA3 90 0.045
4 160 M 720 53 1) 87.3 88.0 87.5 0.80 8.3 6.6 4.8 1.8 5.5 2.2 DNGW -160MR-08 1PS 5 163-■BD■■-4DA3 176 0.12
5.5 160 M 720 73 1) 87.3 88.0 87.5 0.80 11.4 9.1 6.6 1.7 5.6 2.2 DNGW -160MS-08 1PS 5 165-■BD■■-4DA3 176 0.12
7.5 160 L 720 99 1) 87.6 88.7 88.5 0.80 15.4 12.4 9.0 1.7 5.6 2.2 DNGW -160LS-08 1PS 5 166-■BD■■-4DA3 192 0.16
11 180 L 720 146 1) 87.6 88.5 88.0 0.80 22.5 18.1 13.1 1.8 5.0 2.0 DNGW -180LS-08 1PS 5 186-■BD■■-4DA3 255 0.28
15 200 L 725 198 1) 89.8 90.0 89.5 0.78 31.0 24.5 17.9 2.4 5.2 2.2 DNGW -200LR-08 1PS 5 206-■BD■■-4DA3 333 0.49
18.5 225 S 735 240 1) 90.0 90.5 89.8 0.78 38.0 30.5 22.0 2.3 5.5 2.5 DNGW -225SR-08 1PS 5 220-■BD■■-4DA3 395 0.82
22 225 M 735 286 1) 91.0 91.2 90.5 0.78 44.5 36.0 26.0 2.3 5.8 2.5 DNGW -225MS-08 1PS 5 223-■BD■■-4DA3 430 0.92
30 250 M 735 390 1) 91.3 91.5 90.4 0.80 59.0 47.5 34.5 1.9 5.3 2.2 DNGW -250MM-08 1PS 5 253-■BD■■-4DA3 560 1.1
37 280 S 740 477 1) 92.0 92.1 91.0 0.80 73.0 58.0 42.0 2.0 5.3 2.1 DNGW -280SL-08 1PS 5 280-■BD■■-4DA3 780 1.9
45 280 M 740 581 1) 92.4 92.5 91.5 0.80 88.0 70.0 51.0 2.0 5.2 2.1 DNGW -280MM-08 1PS 5 283-■BD■■-4DA3 850 2.2
55 315 S 743 707 1) 94.0 94.4 94.3 0.78 108 87.0 63.0 1.6 6.2 2.1 DNGW -315SL-08 1PS 5 311-■BD■■-4DA3 1000 3.4
75 315 M 742 965 1) 93.8 94.3 94.2 0.79 146 117 85.0 1.6 6.2 2.0 DNGW -315ML-08 1PS 5 313-■BD■■-4DA3 1170 4.1
90 315 M 742 1158 1) 94.0 94.2 94.0 0.79 175 140 101 1.7 6.3 2.0 DNGW -315MM-08 1PS 5 314-■BD■■-4DA3 1240 4.8
110 315 M 742 1416 1) 94.2 94.3 94.0 0.80 210 169 122 1.6 6.0 2.0 DNGW -315MN-08 3) 1PS 5 315-■BD■■-4DA3 1240 5.2
132 315 L 742 1699 1) 94.4 94.7 94.6 0.79 255 205 148 1.6 6.5 2.0 DNGW -315LL-08 1PS 5 316-■BD■■-4DA3 1390 6.8
160 315 L 742 2059 1) 94.6 94.6 94.0 0.79 310 245 179 1.5 6.5 2.5 DNGW -315LM-08 3) 1PS 5 317-■BD■■-4DA3 1530 7.2
200 355 L 744 2566 1) 95.2 95.4 94.8 0.82 370 295 214 1.15 5.8 2.35 DNS ■ -355LB-08 1PS■356-■BH■■-4DA0 2250 14.7
225 355 L 744 2886 1) 95.3 95.4 94.8 0.81 420 335 243 1.15 5.8 2.4 DNS ■ -355LC-08 1PS■357-■BH■■-4DA0 2500 15.7
250 355 L 744 3206 1) 95.3 95.4 94.8 0.81 466 373 270 1.2 5.8 2.45 DNS ■ -355LD-08 1PS■358-■BH■■-4DA0 2600 17.0
280 355 L 743 3597 1) 95.8 96.0 95.6 0.81 520 415 300 1.15 5.2 2.3 DNS ■ -355LN-08 1PS■357-■BJ ■■-4DA0 2700 12.5
315 355 L 743 4049 1) 95.8 96.0 95.6 0.81 580 465 335 1.05 5.1 2.2 DNS ■ -355LX-08 1PS■358-■BJ ■■-4DA0 2850 13.5
355 400 L 743 4559 1) 96.0 96.1 95.6 0.81 655 525 380 1.0 5.1 2.3 DNS ■ -400LL-08 1PS■404-■BJ ■■-4DA0 3400 17.5
400 400 L 744 5136 1) 96.1 96.2 95.8 0.82 735 585 425 0.95 5.2 2.25 DNS ■ -400LN-08 1PS■407-■BJ ■■-4DA0 3700 21.0
450 400 L 743 5779 1) 96.1 96.3 95.9 0.81 830 665 480 0.95 5.0 2.25 DNS ■ -400LX-08 1PS■408-■BJ ■■-4DA0 3900 23.0
500 450 L 745 6411 1) 96.5 96.6 96.1 0.83 900 720 520 0.85 5.2 2.2 DNS ■ -450LL-08 1PS■455-■BJ ■■-4DA0 4700 35.5
560 450 L 745 7178 1) 96.5 96.6 96.1 0.84 1000 800 580 0.85 5.4 2.25 DNS ■ -450LN-08 1PS■457-■BJ ■■-4DA0 5100 42.0
630 450 L 745 8075 1) 96.6 96.7 96.2 0.83 1130 905 655 0.90 5.3 2.25 DNS ■ -450LN-08 1PS■458-■BJ ■■-4DA0 5100 42.0
670 450 L 746 8579 1) 96.7 96.7 96.3 0.83 1210 965 700 0.85 5.2 2.3 DNS ■ -450LX-08 1PS■450-■BJ ■■-4DA0 5300 46.0
710 500 L 746 9086 1) 96.7 96.8 96.2 0.85 1240 995 720 0.85 5.8 2.55 DNS ■ -500LL-08 1PS■504-■BJ ■■-4DA0 6200 73.0
800 500 L 746 10242 1) 96.7 96.8 96.4 0.85 – 1120 810 0.85 5.6 2.45 DNS ■ -500LL-08 1PS■505-■BJ ■■-4DA0 6200 73.0
900 500 L 745 11530 1) 96.5 96.6 96.1 0.84 – 1285 930 1.0 5.5 2.2 DNS ■ -500LN-08 1PS■507-■BJ ■■-4DA0 6900 88.0
950 500 L 746 12152 1) 96.7 96.7 96.1 0.83 – – 990 0.95 5.9 2.4 DNS ■ -500LX-08 1PS■508-■BJ ■■-4DA0 7100 96.0
Enclosures Frame size Order code
Ex de IIB/Ex d IIB 355 ... 500 L 4 –
Ex de IIC/Ex d IIC 71 ... 500 W 5 –
Operating modes Frame size Order code
Mains-fed operation 71 ... 450 0 –
Converter-fed operation, standard insulation 71 ... 450 1 –
Converter-fed operation with special insulation (derating approx. 5 %) 160 ... 500 2 –
Mains-fed operation, pre-formed coil 500 3 –
Converter-fed operation, pre-formed coil 500 4 –
Voltages Frame size Order code
690 VΔ, 50 Hz 355 ... 500 0 –
230 V/400 V, 50 Hz 71 ... 112 1 –
500 VY, 50 Hz 71 ... 315 3 –
500 VΔ, 50 Hz 355 ... 450 5 –
400 V/690 V, 50 Hz 71 ... 400 6 –
690 VY, 50 Hz 71 ... 400 8 –
For other voltages see Page 2/54 71 ... 500 9 …
Types of construction Frame size Order code
IM B3 71 ... 500 0 –
IM B5 71 ... 315 1 –
IM B34 71 ... 112 2 –
IM B14 71 ... 112 3 –
IM V1/cover 71 ... 450 4 –
IM B35 71 ... 500 6 –
For other types of construction see from Page 1/28 71 ... 500 9 …
1) Outside the IE code classification according to IEC 60034-30. 3) Rated output, partial utilization up to 155 °C (F).
2) Variant can be supplied as Ex nA, Loher type changes to ANGK….
Outside the IE code classification according to IEC 60034-30.
kW FS kgm2
• Cooling: self-ventilated (IC 411)
• Insulation: thermal class 155 (temperature class F), IP55 degree of protection, utilization in accordance with thermal class 130 (temperature class B), S1-100 %
• Type of protection: "Explosion-proof enclosure" according to EN 60079-1; 2007: CE 0102 II 2G Ex d(e) IIC T4 Gb
14-pole: 430 rpm at 50 Hz
110 355 L DNS ■ -355LB-14 1PS■356-■BH■■-4GA0 2250
125 355 L DNS ■ -355LC-14 1PS■357-■BH■■-4GA0 2500
140 355 L DNS ■ -355LD-14 1PS■358-■BH■■-4GA0 2600
160 400 L DNS ■ -400LL-14 1PS■404-■BJ ■■-4GA0 3400
180 400 L DNS ■ -400LN-14 1PS■405-■BJ ■■-4GA0 3700
200 400 L DNS ■ -400LN-14 1PS■407-■BJ ■■-4GA0 3700
225 400 L DNS ■ -400LX-14 1PS■408-■BJ ■■-4GA0 3900
250 450 L DNS ■ -450LL-14 1PS■454-■BJ ■■-4GA0 4700
280 450 L DNS ■ -450LN-14 1PS■455-■BJ ■■-4GA0 5100
315 450 L DNS ■ -450LN-14 1PS■457-■BJ ■■-4GA0 5100
340 450 L DNS ■ -450LX-14 1PS■458-■BJ ■■-4GA0 5300
355 500 L DNS ■ -500LL-14 1PS■504-■BJ ■■-4GA0 6200
400 500 L DNS ■ -500LN-14 1PS■505-■BJ ■■-4GA0 7000
450 500 L DNS ■ -500LN-14 1PS■507-■BJ ■■-4GA0 7000
500 500 L DNS ■ -500LX-14 1PS■508-■BJ ■■-4GA0 7200
16-pole: 375 rpm at 50 Hz
90 355 L DNS ■ -355LB-16 1PS■356-■BH■■-4HA0 2250
100 355 L DNS ■ -355LC-16 1PS■357-■BH■■-4HA0 2500
110 355 L DNS ■ -355LD-16 1PS■358-■BH■■-4HA0 2600
132 400 L DNS ■ -400LL-16 1PS■405-■BJ ■■-4HA0 3400
160 400 L DNS ■ -400LN-16 1PS■407-■BJ ■■-4HA0 3700
180 400 L DNS ■ -400LX-16 1PS■408-■BJ ■■-4HA0 3900
200 450 L DNS ■ -450LL-16 1PS■454-■BJ ■■-4HA0 4700
225 450 L DNS ■ -450LN-16 1PS■455-■BJ ■■-4HA0 5100
250 450 L DNS ■ -450LN-16 1PS■457-■BJ ■■-4HA0 5100
265 450 L DNS ■ -450LX-16 1PS■458-■BJ ■■-4HA0 5300
280 500 L DNS ■ -500LL-16 1PS■504-■BJ ■■-4HA0 6200
315 500 L DNS ■ -500LN-16 1PS■505-■BJ ■■-4HA0 7000
355 500 L DNS ■ -500LN-16 1PS■507-■BJ ■■-4HA0 7000
400 500 L DNS ■ -500LX-16 1PS■508-■BJ ■■-4HA0 7200
Enclosures Frame size Order code
Ex de IIB/Ex d IIB 355 ... 500 L 4 –
Ex de IIC/Ex d IIC 355 ... 500 W 5 –
Operating modes Frame size Order code
Mains-fed operation 355 ... 450 0 –
Converter-fed operation, standard insulation 355 ... 450 1 –
Converter-fed operation with special insulation (derating approx. 5 %) 355 ... 500 2 –
Mains-fed operation, pre-formed coil 500 3 –
Converter-fed operation, pre-formed coil 500 4 –
Voltages Frame size Order code
690 VΔ, 50 Hz 355 ... 500 0 –
500 VΔ, 50 Hz 355 ... 450 5 –
400 V/690 V, 50 Hz 355 ... 400 6 –
690 VY, 50 Hz 355 ... 400 8 –
For other voltages see Page 2/54 355 ... 500 9 …
Types of construction Frame size Order code
IM B3 355 ... 500 0 –
IM V1/cover 355 ... 450 4 –
IM B35 355 ... 500 6 –
For other types of construction see from Page 1/28 355 ... 500 9 …
1) Outside the IE code classification according to IEC 60034-30. 3) Only possible with 690 V, 60 Hz (values apply to 690 V).
2) Variant can be supplied as Ex nA, Loher type changes to ANGK….
kW FS rpm Nm – % % % – A – – – kg kgm2
• Cooling: self-ventilated (IC 411)
• Efficiency: High Efficiency IE2, 0.75 kW and above in accordance with IEC 60034-30
• Insulation: thermal class 155 (temperature class F), IP55 degree of protection, utilization in accordance with thermal class 130 (temperature class B), S1-100 %
• Type of protection: "Explosion-proof enclosure" according to EN 60079-1; 2007: CE 0102 II 2G Ex d(e) IIC T4 Gb
6-pole: 1200 rpm at 60 Hz
0.3 071 B 1110 2.58 1) 69.0 69.5 65.5 0.69 0.76 2.2 4.0 2.1 DNGW-071BS-06 2) 1PS5071-■BD■■-4CA3 24 0.0015
0.44 080 B 1110 3.79 1) 70.0 71.0 70.0 0.70 1.08 2 4.0 2.2 DNGW-080BR-06 2) 1PS5080-■BD■■-4CA3 27 0.0020
0.66 080 B 1130 5.6 75.0 75.0 72.0 0.66 1.64 2.3 4.5 2.4 DNGW-080BS-06 2) 1PS5081-■BD■■-4CA3 30 0.0030
0.75 090 L 1160 6.2 IE2 81.8 82.0 80.1 0.72 1.53 1.5 5.0 2.5 DNGW-090LR-06 1PS5095-■BD■■-4CA3 36 0.0044
0.9 090 L 1160 7.4 IE2 82.0 82.0 80.2 0.72 1.83 1.4 5.1 2.4 DNGW-090LS-06 1PS5098-■BD■■-4CA3 42 0.0044
1.25 100 L 1175 10.2 IE2 85.5 85.2 82.3 0.73 2.4 1.5 5.6 2.4 DNGW-100LS-06 1PS5106-■BD■■-4CA3 55 0.010
1.8 112 M 1180 14.6 IE2 86.6 86.5 83.0 0.73 3.4 1.3 5.8 2.5 DNGW-112MS-06 1PS5113-■BD■■-4CA3 66 0.019
3 132 S 1170 24.5 IE2 87.9 87.6 85.3 0.74 5.5 2.4 6.6 3.0 DNGW-132SR-06 1PS5131-■BD■■-4CA3 92 0.033
4 132 M 1160 32.9 IE2 88.3 88.9 88.1 0.79 6.9 2.1 6.6 2.7 DNGW-132MR-06 1PS5133-■BD■■-4CA3 96 0.045
5.5 132 M 1180 44.5 IE2 90.0 90.2 89.0 0.80 9.2 1.5 6.5 2.3 DNGW-132MS-06 1PS5135-■BD■■-4CA3 104 0.045
7.5 160 M 1170 61 IE2 89.6 89.7 88.0 0.80 12.6 1.3 6.2 2.4 DNGW-160MR-06 1PS5163-■BD■■-4CA3 176 0.088
11 160 L 1170 90 IE2 90.2 90.4 89.0 0.80 18.3 1.3 6.5 2.4 DNGW-160LS-06 1PS5166-■BD■■-4CA3 192 0.11
15 180 L 1180 121 IE2 91.0 91.4 90.7 0.81 24.5 2.4 7.0 2.5 DNGW-180LS-06 1PS5186-■BD■■-4CA3 255 0.28
18.5 200 L 1180 150 IE2 91.7 91.7 90.8 0.80 30.5 2.5 7.0 2.6 DNGW-200LR-06 1PS5206-■BD■■-4CA3 333 0.45
22 200 L 1180 178 IE2 91.8 91.8 91.0 0.80 36.0 2.5 7.0 2.6 DNGW-200LS-06 1PS5208-■BD■■-4CA3 349 0.49
30 225 M 1180 243 IE2 93.0 93.0 92.0 0.82 47.5 2.0 7.0 2.8 DNGW-225MS-06 1PS5223-■BD■■-4CA3 430 0.92
37 250 M 1185 298 IE2 93.2 93.2 92.3 0.80 60.0 1.4 7.0 2.6 DNGW-250MM-06 1PS5253-■BD■■-4CA3 560 1.0
45 280 S 1189 361 IE2 93.6 93.6 93.2 0.85 68.0 2.3 6.5 2.5 DNGW-280SL-06 1PS5280-■BD■■-4CA3 780 2.5
55 280 M 1190 441 IE2 93.8 93.8 93.0 0.84 84.0 2.5 7.2 2.8 DNGW-280MM-06 1PS5283-■BD■■-4CA3 850 2.9
75 315 S 1190 602 IE2 94.8 94.9 94.3 0.86 111 2.2 7.2 2.4 DNGW-315SL-06 1PS5311-■BD■■-4CA3 1030 3.3
90 315 M 1190 722 IE2 94.3 94.4 94.0 0.86 133 2.0 7.2 2.2 DNGW-315ML-06 1PS5313-■BD■■-4CA3 1100 4.0
110 315 M 1190 883 IE2 95.0 95.2 95.0 0.87 160 1.8 7.1 2.2 DNGW-315MM-06 1PS5314-■BD■■-4CA3 1190 4.9
132 315 M 1190 1059 IE2 95.2 95.2 95.0 0.86 194 2.0 7.2 2.3 DNGW-315MN-06 1PS5315-■BD■■-4CA3 1180 4.9
160 315 L 1190 1284 IE2 95.2 95.3 95.0 0.86 235 2.2 7.5 2.5 DNGW-315LL-06 1PS5316-■BD■■-4CA3 1400 6.0
200 315 L 1190 1605 IE2 95.2 95.2 95.0 0.84 300 2.4 7.6 2.6 DNGW-315LM-06 1PS5317-■BD■■-4CA3 1600 6.8
LOHER VARIO on request
Enclosures Frame size Order code
Ex de IIB/Ex d IIB 71 ... 315 –
Ex de IIC/Ex d IIC 71 ... 315 –
Operating modes Frame size Order code
Mains-fed operation 71 ... 315 0 –
Converter-fed operation, standard insulation 71 ... 315 1 –
Converter-fed operation with special insulation (derating approx. 5 %) 160 ... 315 2 –
Voltages Frame size Order code
For other voltages see Page 2/54 71 ... 315 9 …
Types of construction Frame size Order code
IM B3 71 ... 315 0 –
IM B5 71 ... 315 1 –
IM B34 71 ... 112 2 –
IM B14 71 ... 112 3 –
IM V1/cover 71 ... 315 4 –
IM B35 71 ... 315 6 –
For other types of construction see from Page 1/28 71 ... 315 9 …
1) 2)
Outside the IE code classification according to IEC 60034-30. Variant can be supplied as Ex nA, Loher type changes to ANGK….
kW FS kg
• Cooling: self-ventilated (IC 411)
• Mains-fed operation: double pole-changing for constant load torque
• Insulation: thermal class 155 (temperature class F), IP55 degree of protection, utilization in accordance with thermal class 130 (temperature class B), S1-100 %
• Type of protection: "Explosion-proof enclosure" according to EN 60079-1; 2007: CE 0102 II 2G Ex d(e) IIC T4 Gb
4-/2-pole: 1500/3000 rpm at 50 Hz with one winding connected in Dahlander circuit
0.65/0.85 80 B DNGW-080BS-42 1PS5081-■BD■■-4NA3 28
1.45/1.9 90 L DNGW-090LS-42 1PS5098-■BD■■-4NA3 37
2/2.4 100 L DNGW-100LR-42 1PS5106-■BD■■-4NA3 53
2.6/3.2 100 L DNGW-100LS-42 1PS5108-■BD■■-4NA3 55
3.6/4.3 112 M DNGW-112MS-42 1) 1PS5113-■BD■■-4NA3 66
4.9/6 132 S DNGW-132SR-42 1) 1PS5131-■BD■■-4NA3 93
6.5/9 132 M DNGW-132MR-42 1PS5133-■BD■■-4NA3 102
9/11 160 M DNGW-160MR-42 1PS5163-■BD■■-4NA3 176
13/16 160 L DNGW-160LS-42 1PS5166-■BD■■-4NA3 192
16.5/20 180 M DNGW-180MR-42 1PS5183-■BD■■-4NA3 246
18.5/25 180 L DNGW-180LS-42 1PS5186-■BD■■-4NA3 255
26/31 200 L DNGW-200LS-42 1PS5206-■BD■■-4NA3 333
32/38 225 S DNGW-225SR-42 1PS5220-■BD■■-4NA3 415
38/46 225 M DNGW-225MS-42 1PS5223-■BD■■-4NA3 420
45/55 250 M DNGW-250MM-42 1PS5253-■BD■■-4NA3 540
60/75 280 S DNGW-280SL-42 1PS5280-■BD■■-4NA3 775
73/90 280 M DNGW-280MM-42 1PS5283-■BD■■-4NA3 830
82/96 315 S DNGW-315SL-42 1PS5311-■BD■■-4NA3 1020
100/124 315 M DNGW-315ML-42 1PS5313-■BD■■-4NA3 1120
120/145 315 M DNGW-315MN-42 1PS5315-■BD■■-4NA3 1190
142/172 315 L DNGW-315LL-42 1PS5316-■BD■■-4NA3 1430
150/200 315 L DNGW-315LM-42 1PS5317-■BD■■-4NA3 1520
LOHER VARIO on request
Operating modes Frame size Order code
Mains-fed operation 80 ... 315 0 –
Converter-fed operation, standard insulation 80 ... 315 1 –
Voltages Frame size Order code
230 V, 50 Hz 80 ... 312 1 –
500 VY, 50 Hz 80 ... 315 3 –
400 V, 50 Hz 80 ... 315 6 –
690 VY, 50 Hz 80 ... 315 8 –
For other voltages see Page 2/54 80 ... 315 9 …
Types of construction Frame size Order code
IM B3 80 ... 315 0 –
IM B5 80 ... 315 1 –
IM B34 80 ... 312 2 –
IM B14 80 ... 312 3 –
IM V1/cover 80 ... 315 4 –
IM B35 80 ... 315 6 –
For other types of construction see from Page 1/28 80 ... 315 9 …
Rated output, partial utilization up to 155 °C (F).
kW FS kg
• Cooling: self-ventilated (IC 411)
• Mains-fed operation: double pole-changing for constant load torque
• Insulation: thermal class 155 (temperature class F), IP55 degree of protection, utilization in accordance with thermal class 130 (temperature class B), S1-100 %
• Type of protection: "Explosion-proof enclosure" according to EN 60079-1; 2007: CE 0102 II 2G Ex d(e) IIC T4 Gb
8-/4-pole: 750/1500 rpm at 50 Hz with one winding connected in Dahlander circuit
0.5/0.8 90 L DNGW-090LS-84 1PS5098-■BD■■-4QA3 37
0.9/1.3 100 L DNGW-100LR-84 1PS5106-■BD■■-4QA3 53
1/1.6 100 L DNGW-100LS-84 1PS5108-■BD■■-4QA3 55
1.4/2.2 112 M DNGW-112MS-84 1PS5113-■BD■■-4QA3 66
2.3/3.4 132 S DNGW-132SR-84 1PS5131-■BD■■-4QA3 93
3/5 132 M DNGW-132MR-84 1PS5133-■BD■■-4QA3 102
4/5.5 160 M DNGW-160MR-84 1PS5163-■BD■■-4QA3 176
5/7.5 160 M DNGW-160MS-84 1PS5165-■BD■■-4QA3 176
7/11 160 L DNGW-160LS-84 1PS5166-■BD■■-4QA3 192
11/18 180 L DNGW-180LS-84 1) 1PS5186-■BD■■-4QA3 255
17/25 200 L DNGW-200LR-84 1PS5206-■BD■■-4QA3 333
22/31 225 S DNGW-225SR-84 1) 1PS5220-■BD■■-4QA3 405
26/38 225 M DNGW-225MS-84 1) 1PS5223-■BD■■-4QA3 445
32/46 250 M DNGW-250MM-84 1PS5253-■BD■■-4QA3 560
42/60 280 S DNGW-280SL-84 1PS5280-■BD■■-4QA3 780
50/72 280 M DNGW-280MM-84 1) 1PS5283-■BD■■-4QA3 850
60/83 315 S DNGW-315SL-84 1PS5311-■BD■■-4QA3 1020
72/110 315 M DNGW-315ML-84 1PS5313-■BD■■-4QA3 1170
90/132 315 M DNGW-315MN-84 1PS5315-■BD■■-4QA3 1240
115/160 315 L DNGW-315LL-84 1) 1PS5316-■BD■■-4QA3 1430
145/220 315 L DNGW-315LM-84 1) 1PS5317-■BD■■-4QA3 1530
LOHER VARIO on request
Operating modes Frame size Order code
Mains-fed operation 90 ... 315 0 –
Converter-fed operation, standard insulation 90 ... 315 1 –
Voltages Frame size Order code
230 V, 50 Hz 90 ... 112 1 –
500 VY, 50 Hz 90 ... 315 3 –
400 V, 50 Hz 90 ... 315 6 –
690 VY, 50 Hz 90 ... 315 8 –
For other voltages see Page 2/54 90 ... 315 9 …
Types of construction Frame size Order code
IM B3 90 ... 315 0 –
IM B5 90 ... 315 1 –
IM B34 90 ... 112 2 –
IM B14 90 ... 112 3 –
IM V1/cover 90 ... 315 4 –
IM B35 90 ... 315 6 –
For other types of construction see from Page 1/28 90 ... 315 9 …
Rated output, partial utilization up to 155 °C (F).
kW FS kg
• Cooling: self-ventilated (IC 411)
• Mains-fed operation: double pole-changing for constant load torque
• Insulation: thermal class 155 (temperature class F), IP55 degree of protection, utilization in accordance with thermal class 130 (temperature class B), S1-100 %
• Type of protection: "Explosion-proof enclosure" according to EN 60079-1; 2007: CE 0102 II 2G Ex d(e) IIC T4 Gb
6-/4-pole: 1000/1500 rpm at 50 Hz with two separate windings
0.6/0.9 90 L DNGW-090LS-64 1PS5098-■BD■■-4PA3 37
0.9/1.3 100 L DNGW-100LR-64 1PS5106-■BD■■-4PA3 53
1.1/1.5 100 L DNGW-100LS-64 1PS5108-■BD■■-4PA3 55
1.5/2.2 112 M DNGW-112MS-64 1PS5113-■BD■■-4PA3 66
2.2/3.3 132 S DNGW-132SR-64 1PS5131-■BD■■-4PA3 93
3/4.5 132 M DNGW-132MR-64 1PS5133-■BD■■-4PA3 102
4.5/6.5 160 M DNGW-160MR-64 1PS5163-■BD■■-4PA3 176
6.5/9.5 160 M DNGW-160LS-64 1PS5166-■BD■■-4PA3 192
11/16 160 L DNGW-180LS-64 1PS5186-■BD■■-4PA3 255
13/19 180 L DNGW-200LR-64 1PS5206-■BD■■-4PA3 333
15/23 200 L DNGW-200LS-64 1PS5208-■BD■■-4PA3 349
18/27 225 S DNGW-225SR-64 1PS5220-■BD■■-4PA3 395
21/31 225 M DNGW-225MS-64 1PS5223-■BD■■-4PA3 445
28/40 250 M DNGW-250MM-64 1PS5253-■BD■■-4PA3 560
43/65 280 S DNGW-280SL-64 1PS5280-■BD■■-4PA3 820
52/78 280 M DNGW-280MM-64 1PS5283-■BD■■-4PA3 870
60/90 315 S DNGW-315SL-64 1PS5311-■BD■■-4PA3 1020
70/100 315 M DNGW-315ML-64 1) 1PS5313-■BD■■-4PA3 1020
80/115 315 M DNGW-315MN-64 1PS5315-■BD■■-4PA3 1190
100/140 315 L DNGW-315LL-64 1) 1PS5316-■BD■■-4PA3 1430
125/180 315 L DNGW-315LM-64 1) 1PS5317-■BD■■-4PA3 1550
LOHER VARIO on request
Operating modes Frame size Order code
Mains-fed operation 90 ... 315 0 –
Converter-fed operation, standard insulation 90 ... 315 1 –
Voltages Frame size Order code
230 V, 50 Hz 90 ... 112 1 –
500 VY, 50 Hz 90 ... 315 3 –
400 V, 50 Hz 90 ... 315 6 –
690 VY, 50 Hz 90 ... 315 8 –
For other voltages see Page 2/54 90 ... 315 9 …
Types of construction Frame size Order code
IM B3 90 ... 315 0 –
IM B5 90 ... 315 1 –
IM B34 90 ... 112 2 –
IM B14 90 ... 112 3 –
IM V1/cover 90 ... 315 4 –
IM B35 90 ... 315 6 –
For other types of construction see from Page 1/28 90 ... 315 9 …
Rated output, partial utilization up to 155 °C (F).
kW FS kg
• Cooling: self-ventilated (IC 411)
• Mains-fed operation: double pole-changing for constant load torque
• Insulation: thermal class 155 (temperature class F), IP55 degree of protection, utilization in accordance with thermal class 130 (temperature class B), S1-100 %
• Type of protection: "Explosion-proof enclosure" according to EN 60079-1; 2007: CE 0102 II 2G Ex d(e) IIC T4 Gb
8-/6-pole: 750/1000 min at 50 Hz with two separate windings
0.45/0.6 90 L DNGW-090LS-86 1PS5098-■BD■■-4RA3 37
0.6/0.8 100 L DNGW-100LR-86 1PS5106-■BD■■-4RA3 53
0.7/0.9 100 L DNGW-100LS-86 1PS5108-■BD■■-4RA3 55
0.9/1.4 112 M DNGW-112MS-86 1PS5113-■BD■■-4RA3 66
1.5/2 132 S DNGW-132SR-86 1PS5131-■BD■■-4RA3 93
2.2/3 132 M DNGW-132MR-86 1PS5133-■BD■■-4RA3 102
4/5.5 160 M DNGW-160MR-86 1PS5163-■BD■■-4RA3 176
5.5/7.5 160 L DNGW-160LS-86 1PS5166-■BD■■-4RA3 192
8.5/11 180 L DNGW-180LS-86 1PS5186-■BD■■-4RA3 255
14.5/19 200 L DNGW-200LR-86 1) 1PS5206-■BD■■-4RA3 333
16/21 225 S DNGW-225SR-86 1PS5220-■BD■■-4RA3 395
19/25 225 M DNGW-225MS-86 1PS5223-■BD■■-4RA3 445
24/32 250 M DNGW-250MM-86 1PS5253-■BD■■-4RA3 560
33/44 280 S DNGW-280SL-86 1PS5280-■BD■■-4RA3 780
40/53 280 M DNGW-280MM-86 1PS5283-■BD■■-4RA3 850
50/65 315 S DNGW-315SL-86 1) 1PS5311-■BD■■-4RA3 1010
60/80 315 M DNGW-315ML-86 1) 1PS5313-■BD■■-4RA3 1170
70/95 315 M DNGW-315MN-86 1) 1PS5315-■BD■■-4RA3 1240
80/110 315 L DNGW-315LL-86 1) 1PS5316-■BD■■-4RA3 1400
115/150 315 L DNGW-315LM-86 1) 1PS5317-■BD■■-4RA3 1550
LOHER VARIO on request
Operating modes Frame size Order code
Mains-fed operation 90 ... 315 0 –
Converter-fed operation, standard insulation 90 ... 315 1 –
Voltages Frame size Order code
230 V, 50 Hz 90 ... 112 1 –
500 VY, 50 Hz 90 ... 315 3 –
400 V, 50 Hz 90 ... 315 6 –
690 VY, 50 Hz 90 ... 315 8 –
For other voltages see Page 2/54 90 ... 315 9 …
Types of construction Frame size Order code
IM B3 90 ... 315 0 –
IM B5 90 ... 315 1 –
IM B34 90 ... 112 2 –
IM B14 90 ... 112 3 –
IM V1/cover 90 ... 315 4 –
IM B35 90 ... 315 6 –
For other types of construction see from Page 1/28 90 ... 315 9 …
Rated output, partial utilization up to 155 °C (F).
kW FS kg
• Cooling: self-ventilated (IC 411)
• Mains-fed operation: double pole-changing for square-law load torque
• Insulation: thermal class 155 (temperature class F), IP55 degree of protection, utilization in accordance with thermal class 130 (temperature class B), S1-100 %
• Type of protection: "Explosion-proof enclosure" according to EN 60079-1; 2007: CE 0102 II 2G Ex d(e) IIC T4 Gb
4-/2-pole: 1500/3000 rpm at 50 Hz with one winding connected in Dahlander circuit for fan drive
0.22/1.1 80 B DVGW-080BS-42 1PS5081-■ND■■-4NA3 28
0.5/2 90 L DVGW-090LS-42 1PS5098-■ND■■-4NA3 37
0.65/2.4 100 L DVGW-100LR-42 1PS5106-■ND■■-4NA3 53
0.8/3 100 L DVGW-100LS-42 1PS5108-■ND■■-4NA3 55
1.1/4.1 112 M DVGW-112MS-42 1PS5113-■ND■■-4NA3 66
1.6/6 132 S DVGW-132SR-42 1PS5131-■ND■■-4NA3 93
2.2/9 132 M DVGW-132MR-42 1PS5133-■ND■■-4NA3 102
3/12 160 M DVGW-160MR-42 1PS5163-■ND■■-4NA3 176
4/16 160 L DVGW-160LS-42 1PS5166-■ND■■-4NA3 192
5.5/20 180 M DVGW-180MR-42 1PS5183-■ND■■-4NA3 246
6.3/25 180 L DVGW-180LS-42 1) 1PS5186-■ND■■-4NA3 255
8.5/33 200 L DVGW-200LS-42 1PS5206-■ND■■-4NA3 333
10.5/38 225 S DVGW-225SR-42 1PS5220-■ND■■-4NA3 415
13/46 225 M DVGW-225MS-42 1PS5223-■ND■■-4NA3 420
15/55 250 M DVGW-250MM-42 1PS5253-■ND■■-4NA3 540
20/75 280 S DVGW-280SL-42 1PS5280-■ND■■-4NA3 775
24/90 280 M DVGW-280MM-42 1PS5283-■ND■■-4NA3 830
27/110 315 S DVGW-315SL-42 1PS5311-■ND■■-4NA3 1020
33/132 315 M DVGW-315ML-42 1PS5313-■ND■■-4NA3 1120
37/145 315 M DVGW-315MN-42 1PS5315-■ND■■-4NA3 1190
44/172 315 L DVGW-315LL-42 1PS5316-■ND■■-4NA3 1430
50/200 315 L DVGW-315LM-42 1PS5317-■ND■■-4NA3 1520
LOHER VARIO on request
Operating modes Frame size Order code
Mains-fed operation 80 ... 315 0 –
Converter-fed operation, standard insulation 80 ... 315 1 –
Voltages Frame size Order code
230 V, 50 Hz 80 ... 112 1 –
500 VY, 50 Hz 80 ... 315 3 –
400 V, 50 Hz 80 ... 315 6 –
690 VY, 50 Hz 80 ... 315 8 –
For other voltages see Page 2/54 80 ... 315 9 …
Types of construction Frame size Order code
IM B3 80 ... 315 0 –
IM B5 80 ... 315 1 –
IM B34 80 ... 112 2 –
IM B14 80 ... 112 3 –
IM V1/cover 80 ... 315 4 –
IM B35 80 ... 315 6 –
For other types of construction see from Page 1/28 80 ... 315 9 …
Rated output, partial utilization up to 155 °C (F).
kW FS kg
• Cooling: self-ventilated (IC 411)
• Mains-fed operation: double pole-changing for square-law load torque
• Insulation: thermal class 155 (temperature class F), IP55 degree of protection, utilization in accordance with thermal class 130 (temperature class B), S1-100 %
• Type of protection: "Explosion-proof enclosure" according to EN 60079-1; 2007: CE 0102 II 2G Ex d(e) IIC T4 Gb
8-/4-pole: 750/1500 rpm at 50 Hz with one winding connected in Dahlander circuit for fan drive
0.12/0.7 80 B DVGW-080BS-84 1) 1PS5081-■ND■■-4QA3 28
0.35/1.3 90 L DVGW-090LS-84 1PS5098-■ND■■-4QA3 37
0.45/2 100 L DVGW-100LR-84 1PS5106-■ND■■-4QA3 53
0.55/2.5 100 L DVGW-100LS-84 1PS5108-■ND■■-4QA3 55
0.9/3.7 112 M DVGW-112MS-84 1PS5113-■ND■■-4QA3 66
1.3/5 132 S DVGW-132SR-84 1PS5131-■ND■■-4QA3 93
1.7/6.8 132 M DVGW-132MR-84 1PS5133-■ND■■-4QA3 102
3/10 160 M DVGW-160MR-84 1PS5163-■ND■■-4QA3 176
3.5/13 160 L DVGW-160LS-84 1PS5166-■ND■■-4QA3 192
4/16 180 M DVGW-180MR-84 1PS5183-■ND■■-4QA3 246
5/20 180 L DVGW-180LS-84 1PS5186-■ND■■-4QA3 255
7/28 200 L DVGW-200LR-84 1PS5206-■ND■■-4QA3 333
8/33 225 S DVGW-225SR-84 1PS5220-■ND■■-4QA3 405
9.5/39 225 M DVGW-225MS-84 1) 1PS5223-■ND■■-4QA3 445
11/49 250 M DVGW-250MM-84 1PS5253-■ND■■-4QA3 560
17/68 280 S DVGW-280SL-84 1PS5280-■ND■■-4QA3 780
20/80 280 M DVGW-280MM-84 1PS5283-■ND■■-4QA3 850
22/95 315 S DVGW-315SL-84 1PS5311-■ND■■-4QA3 1030
26/110 315 M DVGW-315ML-84 1PS5313-■ND■■-4QA3 1120
30/130 315 M DVGW-315MN-84 1PS5315-■ND■■-4QA3 1190
38/160 315 L DVGW-315LL-84 1PS5316-■ND■■-4QA3 1450
45/180 315 L DVGW-315LM-84 1PS5317-■ND■■-4QA3 1520
LOHER VARIO on request
Operating modes Frame size Order code
Mains-fed operation 80 ... 315 0 –
Converter-fed operation, standard insulation 80 ... 315 1 –
Voltages Frame size Order code
230 V, 50 Hz 80 ... 112 1 –
500 VY, 50 Hz 80 ... 315 3 –
400 V, 50 Hz 80 ... 315 6 –
690 VY, 50 Hz 80 ... 315 8 –
For other voltages see Page 2/54 80 ... 315 9 …
Types of construction Frame size Order code
IM B3 80 ... 315 0 –
IM B5 80 ... 315 1 –
IM B34 80 ... 112 2 –
IM B14 80 ... 112 3 –
IM V1/cover 80 ... 315 4 –
IM B35 80 ... 315 6 –
For other types of construction see from Page 1/28 80 ... 315 9 …
Rated output, partial utilization up to 155 °C (F).
kW FS kg
• Cooling: self-ventilated (IC 411)
• Mains-fed operation: double pole-changing for square-law load torque
• Insulation: thermal class 155 (temperature class F), IP55 degree of protection, utilization in accordance with thermal class 130 (temperature class B), S1-100 %
• Type of protection: "Explosion-proof enclosure" according to EN 60079-1; 2007: CE 0102 II 2G Ex d(e) IIC T4 Gb
6-/4-pole: 1000/1500 rpm at 50 Hz with two separate windings for fan drive
0.4/1.3 90 L DVGW-090LS-64 1PS5098-■ND■■-4PA3 37
0.6/1.8 100 L DVGW-100LR-64 1PS5106-■ND■■-4PA3 53
0.75/2.4 100 L DVGW-100LS-64 1PS5108-■ND■■-4PA3 55
0.9/3 112 M DVGW-112MS-64 1PS5113-■ND■■-4PA3 66
1.25/4.2 132 S DVGW-132SR-64 1PS5131-■ND■■-4PA3 93
1.65/5.5 132 M DVGW-132MR-64 1PS5133-■ND■■-4PA3 102
2.2/7.5 160 M DVGW-160MR-64 1PS5163-■ND■■-4PA3 176
3/9 160 M DVGW-160MS-64 1PS5165-■ND■■-4PA3 176
3.5/12 160 L DVGW-160LS-64 1PS5166-■ND■■-4PA3 192
4.5/14 180 M DVGW-180MR-64 1PS5183-■ND■■-4PA3 246
5.5/16.5 180 L DVGW-180LS-64 1PS5186-■ND■■-4PA3 255
7/20 200 L DVGW-200LR-64 1PS5206-■ND■■-4PA3 333
9/26 200 L DVGW-200LS-64 1PS5208-■ND■■-4PA3 349
10/31 225 S DVGW-225SR-64 1PS5220-■ND■■-4PA3 395
13/38 225 M DVGW-225MS-64 1PS5223-■ND■■-4PA3 445
17/48 250 M DVGW-250MM-64 1PS5253-■ND■■-4PA3 560
25/70 280 S DVGW-280SL-64 1PS5280-■ND■■-4PA3 820
30/82 280 M DVGW-280MM-64 1PS5283-■ND■■-4PA3 870
32/95 315 S DVGW-315SL-64 1PS5311-■ND■■-4PA3 1030
37/115 315 M DVGW-315ML-64 1PS5313-■ND■■-4PA3 1120
47/135 315 M DVGW-315MN-64 1PS5315-■ND■■-4PA3 1190
55/160 315 L DVGW-315LL-64 1) 1PS5316-■ND■■-4PA3 1430
75/200 315 L DVGW-315LM-64 1) 1PS5317-■ND■■-4PA3 1520
LOHER VARIO on request
Operating modes Frame size Order code
Mains-fed operation 90 ... 315 0 –
Converter-fed operation, standard insulation 90 ... 315 1 –
Voltages Frame size Order code
230 V, 50 Hz 90 ... 112 1 –
500 VY, 50 Hz 90 ... 315 3 –
400 V, 50 Hz 90 ... 315 6 –
690 VY, 50 Hz 90 ... 315 8 –
For other voltages see Page 2/54 90 ... 315 9 …
Types of construction Frame size Order code
IM B3 90 ... 315 0 –
IM B5 90 ... 315 1 –
IM B34 90 ... 112 2 –
IM B14 90 ... 112 3 –
IM V1/cover 90 ... 315 4 –
IM B35 90 ... 315 6 –
For other types of construction see from Page 1/28 90 ... 315 9 …
Rated output, partial utilization up to 155 °C (F).
kW FS kg
• Cooling: self-ventilated (IC 411)
• Mains-fed operation: double pole-changing for square-law load torque
• Insulation: thermal class 155 (temperature class F), IP55 degree of protection, utilization in accordance with thermal class 130 (temperature class B), S1-100 %
• Type of protection: "Explosion-proof enclosure" according to EN 60079-1; 2007: CE 0102 II 2G Ex d(e) IIC T4 Gb
2 8-/6-pole: 750/1000 rpm at 50 Hz with two separate windings for fan drive
0.32/0.75 90 L DVGW-090LS-86 1PS5098-■ND■■-4RA3 37
0.45/1 100 L DVGW-100LR-86 1PS5106-■ND■■-4RA3 53
0.55/1.3 100 L DVGW-100LS-86 1PS5108-■ND■■-4RA3 55
0.8/1.9 112 M DVGW-112MS-86 1PS5113-■ND■■-4RA3 66
1.1/2.6 132 S DVGW-132SR-86 1PS5131-■ND■■-4RA3 93
1.6/3.8 132 M DVGW-132MR-86 1PS5133-■ND■■-4RA3 102
2.5/6 160 M DVGW-160MR-86 1PS5163-■ND■■-4RA3 176
3.5/8 160 L DVGW-160LR-86 1PS5166-■ND■■-4RA3 192
5.5/12.5 180 L DVGW-180LS-86 1PS5186-■ND■■-4RA3 255
9.5/20 200 L DVGW-200LS-86 1PS5206-■ND■■-4RA3 333
11/24 225 S DVGW-225SS-86 1PS5220-■ND■■-4RA3 395
13/28 225 M DVGW-225MS-86 1PS5223-■ND■■-4RA3 445
16/34 250 M DVGW-250MM-86 1PS5253-■ND■■-4RA3 560
25/50 280 S DVGW-280SL-86 1PS5280-■ND■■-4RA3 780
30/60 280 M DVGW-280MM-86 1PS5283-■ND■■-4RA3 850
33/70 315 S DVGW-315SL-86 1PS5311-■ND■■-4RA3 1010
40/85 315 M DVGW-315ML-86 1PS5313-■ND■■-4RA3 1090
47/100 315 M DVGW-315MN-86 1PS5315-■ND■■-4RA3 1180
55/120 315 L DVGW-315LL-86 1PS5316-■ND■■-4RA3 1390
70/150 315 L DVGW-315LM-86 1) 1PS5317-■ND■■-4RA3 1550
LOHER VARIO on request
Operating modes Frame size Order code
Mains-fed operation 90 ... 315 0 –
Converter-fed operation, standard insulation 90 ... 315 1 –
Voltages Frame size Order code
230 V, 50 Hz 90 ... 112 1 –
500 VY, 50 Hz 90 ... 315 3 –
400 V, 50 Hz 90 ... 315 6 –
690 VY, 50 Hz 90 ... 315 8 –
For other voltages see Page 2/54 90 ... 315 9 …
Types of construction Frame size Order code
IM B3 90 ... 315 0 –
IM B5 90 ... 315 1 –
IM B34 90 ... 112 2 –
IM B14 90 ... 112 3 –
IM V1/cover 90 ... 315 4 –
IM B35 90 ... 315 6 –
For other types of construction see from Page 1/28 90 ... 315 9 …
Rated output, partial utilization up to 155 °C (F).
Without additional charge For dual voltages 230 V/400 V, 220 V/380 V, 400 V/690 V or
• This order code only determines the price of the version – 380 V/660 V:
Additional plain text is required. – For motors for converter-fed operation, the converter rating
✓ With additional charge plate is stamped with 380 V or 400 V.
O. R. On request – For motors with a Dahlander circuit, the lower voltage is
– Not possible generally specified.
Voltages not listed in the catalog are only available on request.
Standard brake supply voltage: 230 V, 1-phase AC
Special electrical designs/winding protection
Design with reduced starting current – – O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
factory clarification required and maybe
type test needed, ETO option (Engineer
To Order) without order code
Special design according to load curve – O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
of driven machine or customer require-
ments – factory clarification required and
maybe type test needed, ETO option
without order code
Adjustment of rating in response to – O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
customer requirements – factory clarifi-
cation required and maybe type test
needed, ETO option without order code
Motor protection with 3 PTC thermistors A11 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
for tripping – without surge arresters,
sole protection not included
Motor protection with 2 × 3 PTC A12 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
thermistors for prewarning/tripping –
without surge arresters, sole protection
not included
Motor protection with 3 PTC thermistors A15 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
for tripping as sole protection on
converter (TMS)
Motor protection with 2 × 3 PTC A16 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
thermistors for prewarning/tripping as
sole protection on converter (TMS)
Measuring of winding temperature by A23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
means of embedded KTY84-130
temperature sensor
Measuring of winding temperature by A25 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
means of 2 × embedded KTY84-130
temperature sensors
Monitoring of winding temperature using A60 – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – –
3 Pt100 resistance thermometers –
in 2-wire design
Monitoring of winding temperature using A61 – – – – – – O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
2 × 3 Pt100 resistance thermometers –
2-wire design, for round-wire winding
3 Pt100 resistance thermometers in stator A63 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
winding, 3-wire connection from auxiliary
terminal box
6 Pt100 resistance thermometers in stator A64 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
winding, 3-wire connection from auxiliary
terminal box
6 Pt100 slot resistance thermometers A65 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
without surge arresters for 4-wire
connection from terminal box –
for pre-formed coil winding only
6 Pt100 slot resistance thermometers A66 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with surge arresters for 4-wire connection
from terminal box – for pre-formed coil
winding only
6 Pt100 slot resistance thermometers A67 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
in shielded design without surge
arresters for 4-wire connection –
for pre-formed coil winding only
Standard version
Without additional charge
• This order code only determines the price of the version –
Additional plain text is required.
✓ With additional charge
O. R. Possible on request
– Not possible
1) 2)
Coding in 8th position of the article number, for Acceptance tests must be selected additionally. For example, for the first
LOHER CHEMSTAR = 2. motor select F83 or F93, and for each additional motor F01. Inclusive of
costs for certification authority and inspector, and shaft test if specified by
certification authority. LOHER CHEMSTAR for essential drive is possible on
request as an ETO option (Engineer To Order) without an option code.
■ Dimensional drawings
Type of construction IM B3
For flange dimensions, see Page 2/75.
2 ZxS
2 ZxS
L (4-pole to 16-pole)
2 T EA
■ Dimensional drawings
E In EN 50347, the frame sizes
T are allocated flange FF with
through holes and flange FT
with tapped holes.
(Z = the number of retaining
Frame size No. of poles Flange with Dimension designation acc. to IEC
through hole (FF)/
tapped hole (FT)
acc. to EN 50347
Selectable flange LA E M N P S T Z
71 B 2 … 16 FF130 10 30 130 110 160 9.5 3.5 4
FT85 15 30 85 70 105 M6 2.5 4
FT115 1) 15 – 115 95 140 M8 3 4
FT100 1) 15 – 100 80 120 M6 3 4
FT130 1) 15 – 130 110 160 M8 3.5 4
80 B 2 … 16 FF165 10 40 165 130 200 11.5 3.5 4
FT100 15 40 100 80 120 M6 3 4
FT130 1) 10 – 130 110 160 M8 3.5 4
FT85 1) 15 – 85 70 105 M6 2.5 4
FT115 15 – 115 95 140 M8 3 4
90 L 2 … 16 FF165 10 50 165 130 200 11.5 3.5 4
FT115 10 50 115 95 140 M8 3 4
FT130 1) 13.5 – 130 110 160 M8 3.5 4
FT110 1) 13.5 – 110 80 140 M6 3 4
100 L 2 … 16 FF215 11 60 215 180 250 14 4 4
FT130 10 60 130 110 160 M8 3.5 4
FT115 1) 10 – 115 95 140 M8 3 4
FT165 1) 12 – 165 130 200 M10 3.5 4
112 M 2 … 16 FF215 11 60 215 180 250 14 4 4
FT130 10 60 130 110 160 M8 3.5 4
FT165 1) 12 165 130 200 M10 3.5 4
132 S 2 … 16 FF265 12 80 265 230 300 14 4 4
132 M 2 … 16 FF265 12 80 265 230 300 14 4 4
160 M 2 … 16 FF300 20 110 300 250 350 18 5 4
160 L 2 … 16 FF300 20 110 300 250 350 18 5 4
180 M 2 … 16 FF300 16 110 300 250 350 18 5 4
180 L 2 … 16 FF300 16 110 300 250 350 18 5 4
200 L 2 … 16 FF350 20 110 350 300 400 18 5 8
225 S 2 FF400 16 110 400 350 450 18 5 8
4 … 16 140
FF500 1) 22 – 500 450 550 18 5 8
225 M 2 FF400 16 110 400 350 450 18 5 8
4 … 16 140
FF500 1) 22 – 500 450 550 18 5 8
250 M 2 … 16 FF500 18 140 500 450 550 18 5 8
FF400 1) 16 – 400 350 450 18 5 8
FF600 1) 22 – 600 550 660 22 6 8
2 280 M 2 … 16
FF600 1)
FF400 1) 16 – 400 350 450 18 5 8
FF600 1) 22 – 600 550 660 22 6 8
315 S 2 FF600 22 140 600 550 660 24 6 8
FF500 1) 22 – 500 450 550 18.5 5 8
4 … 16 FF600 22 170 600 550 660 24 6 8
FF500 1) 22 – 500 450 550 18.5 5 8
315 M 2 FF600 22 140 600 550 660 24 6 8
FF500 1) 22 500 450 550 18.5 5 8
4 … 16 FF600 22 170 600 550 660 24 6 8
FF500 22 500 450 550 18.5 5 8
315 LL 2 FF600 22 140 600 550 660 24 6 8
FF740 1) 25 740 680 800 24 6 8
4 … 16 FF600 22 170 600 550 660 24 6 8
FF740 1) 25 740 680 800 24 6 8
315 L 2 FF600 22 140 600 550 660 24 6 8
FF740 25 740 680 800 24 6 8
4 … 16 FF600 22 170 600 550 660 24 6 8
FF740 1) 25 740 680 800 24 6 8
355 M 2 FF740 25 140 740 680 800 24 6 8
4 … 16 210
355 LB 2 FF740 25 140 740 680 800 24 6 8
4 … 16 170
355 LC/LD 2 FF740 25 140 740 680 800 24 6 8
4 … 16 170
355 L 2 FF740 25 140 740 680 800 24 6 8
4 … 16 170
400 L 2 FF940 28 170 940 880 1000 24 6 8
4 … 16 210
450 L 2 FF1080 30 170 1080 1000 1150 28 6 8
4 … 16 210
500 L 2 FF1180 30 170 1180 1120 1250 28 7 8
4 … 16 210
■ Technical specifications
LOHER CHEMSTAR and VARIO 1PS1 motor series, General technical specifications
type of protection "Non-sparking"
The LOHER CHEMSTAR and VARIO motors of the 1PS1 series Motor type A..K
are fully-enclosed, surface-cooled motors in the "Non-sparking"
type of protection Ex nA II. In these motors, the type of construc- Frame size 90 … 500
tion prevents the occurrence of arcing, sparks or hot surfaces Outputs 0.25 … 1120 kW
during normal operation, ensuring that the required level of
Temperature class T3
safety is maintained. The CHEMSTAR motors can be designed
in accordance with the applicable VIK specifications ("Verband Type of protection II 3G Ex nA IIC Gc IEC/EN 60079-15
der Industriellen Energie- und Kraftwirtschaft e. V.", the Associa-
tion of the Industrial Energy and Power Industry).
Ex Zones Gas Zone 2 optional, Dust Zone 22/21 2
Guidelines 94/9/EC (ATEX 95)
The motors are assigned to device group II – category 3G
(corresponding to Zone 2) and are approved and optimized Cooling Surface-cooled, water-jacket-cooled
on request
for use in hazardous areas of Zone 2 in accordance with
EN 60079-0 and EN 60079-15. The motors are marked accord- No. of poles 2 … 12-pole, multi-pole + pole-changing
ing to EN 60079-15 with II 3G Ex nA IIC Gc for use in Zone 2. versions on request
Voltage/frequency All common voltages, and in 50 Hz and
60 Hz special designs on request
Degree of protection IP55 to IP68
Type of construction All common types of construction +
special types of construction
Housing Cast-iron or steel
Insulation Class F utilized according to B
Special versions
• For outdoor temperatures -55 to +60 °C
(other temperatures on request)
• Site altitude up to 3000 m (> 3000 m on request)
• Modified windings, for example, for increased ambient temperatures,
site altitude for optimum electrical values
• Permanent load S1 as well as partial load operation, e.g. S2/S3/S6
• Drive-end located bearing; special bearing for increased axial/
radial forces
• Large electrical variance, such as reduced starting current,
modified torque curve, star-delta start-up, etc.
• CHEMSTAR: copper rotor as an option
• Metal fan in aluminum, steel or brass
• Monitoring devices such as Pt100, PTC, KTY winding/bearing,
vibration monitoring, etc.
• Country-specific certificates such as EAC (Eurasian Customs Union),
NEPSI (China), China Energy Label, CCOE (India), IECEX (international)
• Version for offshore, on-deck and/or marine classifications
• Combination with brakes + encoder + forced ventilation
• Enlarged connection system and/or larger terminal box for large
cable cross-sections
Sectional view of CHEMSTAR 1PS1 three-phase motor, Sectional view of CHEMSTAR 1PS1 three-phase motor,
frame sizes 90 to 200 LB frame sizes 225 to 355
Example: 1PS1131-0BD0.-0AA3 (motor type: ANGK-132SR-02) with regreasing device (frame size 315 and above)
7.5 kW, 2-pole Example: 1PS1316-0BD0.-0AA3 (motor type: ANGK-315LL-02)
200 kW, 2-pole
Housing, ventilation
Housing and fan for motors of the LOHER CHEMSTAR and VARIO 1PS1 series
Frame size Housing Bearing plates Fan cover Fan 2)
Material Design of Surface Material Material Material
housing feet 1)
90 … 160 Cast-iron Cast With cooling fins Cast-iron Sheet steel Plastic
180 ... 280 Screwed on
315 Aluminum
355 Cast Steel
355 … 450 Steel Welded With cooling fins Cast-iron Sheet steel Steel
500 3) Steel, bearing hub
in cast-iron
1) 3)
For designs with feet only. Suitable for both directions of rotation, but LOHER VARIO 2- and 4-pole are
For specific operating conditions, the external fans can be constructed only suitable for one direction of rotation.
in aluminum for frame sizes 71 to 225 and in sheet steel for frame sizes
250 to 315. This applies in the case of increased coolant temperature in
particular. The cooling air flow from NDE to DE must not be obstructed.
The intake area in front of the fan cover must not be obstructed.
No auxiliary terminal boxes Ex e (W72, M52) are possible. Frame sizes 132 to 160, 1 auxiliary terminal box Ex e (W72, M52)
is possible, frame sizes 180 to 225, 2 auxiliary terminal boxes Ex e
(W72, M52) are possible.
Figure 3 Terminal box for LOHER CHEMSTAR frame sizes 250 to 280 Figure 4 Terminal box for LOHER CHEMSTAR frame sizes 315 to 355
3 auxiliary terminal boxes Ex e (W72, M52) are possible. 3 auxiliary terminal boxes Ex e (W72, M52) are possible.
Figure 5 Terminal box for LOHER VARIO frame sizes 355 to 500 For motors of type series 1PS1 CHEMSTAR and VARIO, the
terminal pins are fitted with round terminals in accordance with
DIN 46223.
2 mm2 mm2
max. cross-section 1)
mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2
90 6 × M4 1 2.5 (6) 2) 4 × 2.5 4 6 2) Fig. 1 6 × M5 1 10 (25) 2) Fig. 2
132 6 × M5 1 10 (25) 2) 25 Fig. 2 6 x M6 2.5 35 (50) 2) Fig. 2
180 6 x M6 2.5 35 (50) 2) 12 × 4 70 Fig. 2 6 × M10 6 70 Fig. 3
250 6 × M10 6 … 70 95 Fig. 3 6 × M12 16 150 Fig. 4
315 S/M 6 × M12 16 … 150 16 × 4 150 Fig. 4 6 × M16 16 300 Fig. 4
315 L 6 × M16/M20 3) 16 … 300 Special connection system on request
355 … 500 Fig. 5
Number and size of entry thread and cable glands (to be ordered specially), see table "Cable glands for 1PS1 motors".
Cable glands for 1PS1 motors
Frame size Standard cable glands 4) Max. entry thread 5)
6) 7)
Entry thread Cable diameter, type HSK-K Metric NPT 8)
90 1 × M25 × 1.5 9 … 16 1 × M25 × 1.5 1 × 1"
100 1 × M32 × 1.5 13 … 20 1 × M32 × 1.5 2 × 1"
112 2 × M32 × 1.5 2 × M32 × 1.5
132 2 × M40 × 1.5 2 × 11/2"
160 2 × M40 × 1.5 22 … 32
180 2 × M63 × 1.5 2 × 2"
200 2 × M50 × 1.5 32 … 38
250 2 × M63 × 1.5 37 … 44
315 S/M 2 × M100 × 1.5 2 × 31/2"
315 L
9) 9) 9) 9)
355 … 500
Entry thread for PTC thermistor, heating: M20 × 1.5/D = 6 up to 12 mm
The entry threads are sealed on delivery with certified plugs.
The terminal boxes will only be supplied with cable glands in accordance with the table if specially ordered.
Special cable glands can be fitted on request.
1) 6)
Rated voltage / max. working voltage 400 V/440 V Number and size of entry threads according to DIN 42925.
2) 7)
Maximum conductor cross-section with cable lug. Cable glands suitable for the infeed of unshielded/non-reinforced cables
Alternatively, larger studs for higher rated current. and leads.
Materials used for standard gland: polyamide Cable glands for NPT thread on request.
Other threads, number and size on request. Undrilled gland plate.
frame size 355 for CHEMSTAR motors. of 200 °C. The winding temperature is limited by the temperature
class (e.g. "F": 145 °C). The reason for the above-mentioned initial
The motors are equipped with 6 terminals. They can be operated test on the original converter is normally to establish compliance
in star or delta. The standard connection for all 400 V motors is with the temperature limits for the motor with type of protection
delta connection. They are therefore suitable for 400 VΔ/690 VY Ex nA II T.
and for Y-Δ starting at 400 V. The 500 V motors are available both
for 500 VY and for 500 VΔ, provided that one of the two variants Special cases "blocked shaft" and "starting":
is not preferred for winding reasons. Type of protection Ex nA II T excludes these two special cases.
Limit temperatures are permitted here that do not take into
Motors of the 1PS1 series are wound in accordance with temper- account the temperature class. Even though "blocked shaft" and
ature class F (155 °C). Normally, they are only utilized according "starting" are excluded, a motor of the type of protection Ex nA II
to Class B (130 °C). Exceptions are indicated in the selection T is not permitted to be implemented for heavy starting. These
and ordering data. In accordance with EN 60034-1, in addition motors are only permitted to be operated on soft-starting de-
to the temperature class, the thermal utilization is also stamped vices under the following conditions:
on the rating plate if this value lies below that of the temperature
class. The motors of this series are therefore stamped with • The soft-starting device has been function-tested by the
"F – B", and those indicated are stamped with "F". German Federal Testing Laboratory
Operation on a frequency converter • A motor circuit breaker must be provided as a minimum of
General use of "Overcoat" double-layer enameled wires and • The duty type does not give rise to expectations of a
optimized impregnation techniques ensures that most motors in significant increase in temperature as a result of the starting
this series can be converter-fed without modification of the elec- procedure (e.g. pump drives with a low moment of inertia)
trical design. The standard requires that the motor manufacturer
conducts an initial type test using the original converter. Con-
verter-fed motors of the 1PS1 series are fitted with PTC thermis-
tors (CHEMSTAR) or Pt100 (VARIO). These temperature sensors
in combination with a trip unit certified by the German Federal
Testing Laboratory perform sole temperature monitoring in the
case of converter-fed operation. Motor circuit breakers can be
dispensed with. PTC thermistors with a rated shutdown temper-
ature of 145 °C ("KL145") are normally used. Other PTC thermis-
tors can also be installed in the motor, e.g. prewarning sensors.
2-pole: 3000 rpm at 50 Hz
1.5 090 L 2865 5.00 IE2 84.0 85.1 84.3 0.88 2.90 2.32 1.68 3.0 6.8 2.8 ANGK-090LR-02 1PS1095-■BD■■-3AA3 36 0.0020
2.2 090 L 2850 7.4 IE2 84.6 85.6 85.1 0.86 4.4 3.52 2.55 3.0 6.5 3.0 ANGK-090LS-02 1PS1098-■BD■■-3AA3 36 0.0020
3 100 L 2900 9.9 IE2 86.0 86.3 85.8 0.87 5.8 4.6 3.36 2.7 7.5 3.0 ANGK-100LS-02 1PS1106-■BD■■-3AA3 51 0.0041
4 112 M 2890 13.2 IE2 86.5 86.8 86.8 0.93 7.2 5.8 4.2 2.7 7.0 3.1 ANGK-112MS-02 1PS1113-■BD■■-3AA3 66 0.0075
5.5 132 S 2910 18.0 IE2 88.5 89.9 89.2 0.90 10.0 8.0 5.8 2.6 6.7 3.1 ANGK-132SR-02 1PS1131-■BD■■-3AA3 83 0.014
7.5 132 S 2915 24.6 IE2 89.5 90.1 89.5 0.91 13.3 10.6 7.7 2.7 6.8 3.0 ANGK-132SS-02 1PS1132-■BD■■-3AA3 95 0.020
11 160 M 2930 36 IE2 90.7 91.0 90.0 0.90 19.5 15.6 11.3 2.1 7.5 2.8 ANGK-160MR-02 1PS1163-■BD■■-3AA3 176 0.045
15 160 M 2925 48 IE2 91.3 92.1 91.9 0.89 26.5 21.5 15.4 2.1 7.0 2.8 ANGK-160MS-02 1PS1165-■BD■■-3AA3 176 0.092
18.5 160 L 2925 60 IE2 91.4 92.2 91.9 0.89 33.0 26.5 19.0 2.1 7.0 2.8 ANGK-160LS-02 1PS1166-■BD■■-3AA3 192 0.092
22 180 M 2960 71 IE2 92.5 93.0 92.8 0.90 38.0 30.5 22.0 2.2 6.8 2.9 ANGK-180MS-02 1PS1183-■BD■■-3AA3 246 0.16
30 200 L 2960 97 IE2 92.0 92.3 91.7 0.87 54.0 43.5 31.5 2.5 6.9 3.3 ANGK-200LR-02 1PS1206-■BD■■-3AA3 333 0.20
37 200 L 2960 119 IE2 92.5 92.8 92.3 0.88 66.0 52.0 38.0 2.7 7.4 3.5 ANGK-200LS-02 1PS1208-■BD■■-3AA3 349 0.23
45 225 M 2965 145 IE2 92.9 93.1 92.5 0.88 79.0 64.0 46.0 2.3 7.8 2.6 ANGK-225MS-02 1PS1223-■BD■■-3AA3 420 0.34
55 250 M 2975 177 IE2 93.8 93.9 93.2 0.86 98.0 79.0 57 2.1 8 2.9 ANGK-250MM-02 1PS1253-■BD■■-3AA3 540 0.45
75 280 S 2980 240 IE2 94.4 93.9 92.4 0.89 129 103 75 2.1 7.3 3.0 ANGK-280SL-02 1PS1280-■BD■■-3AA3 775 0.88
90 280 M 2980 288 IE2 94.4 94.1 92.6 0.90 153 122 89 2.0 6.3 2.5 ANGK-280MM-02 1PS1283-■BD■■-3AA3 830 1.03
110 315 S 2980 352 IE2 94.8 94.3 92.9 0.88 190 152 110 2.2 6.7 2.5 ANGK-315SL-02 1PS1311-■BD■■-3AA3 960 1.55
132 315 M 2980 423 IE2 95.1 95.0 94.2 0.89 225 180 130 2.0 6.3 2.4 ANGK-315ML-02 1PS1313-■BD■■-3AA3 1020 1.85
160 315 M 2980 513 IE2 95.6 95.6 95.0 0.89 270 215 157 2.3 6.8 2.6 ANGK-315MN-02 1PS1315-■BD■■-3AA3 1100 2.2
200 315 L 2980 641 IE2 95.8 95.8 95.2 0.89 340 270 196 2.6 7.3 2.7 ANGK-315LL-02 1PS1316-■BD■■-3AA3 1310 2.8
250 315 L 2985 800 IE2 95.8 96.1 95.8 0.90 420 335 245 2.6 7.3 2.7 ANGK-315LN-02 1PS1318-■BD■■-3AA3 1450 3.5
315 355 L 2985 1008 IE2 96.1 96.3 96.0 0.89 530 425 310 2.3 7 2.7 ANGK-355LB-02 1PS1356-■BD■■-3AA3 1580 4.7
355 355 L 2983 1136 IE2 96.5 96.5 96.0 0.92 575 460 333 1.20 6.80 2.80 ANSK-355LC-02 1PS1357-■BH■■-3AA0 2100 3.6
400 355 L 2985 1279 1) 96.7 96.7 96.1 0.91 655 525 380 1.40 7.90 3.20 ANSK-355LD-02 1PS1358-■BH■■-3AA0 2200 4.0
450 355 L 2978 1443 1) 96.4 96.5 96.0 0.91 740 590 430 0.95 6.20 2.55 ANSK-355LX-02 1PS1358-■BJ ■■-3AA0 2300 5.0
450 400 L 2984 1440 1) 96.5 96.5 95.9 0.90 745 595 430 0.80 6.20 2.80 ANSK-400LL-02 1PS1404-■BJ ■■-3AA0 2400 6.0
500 400 L 2982 1601 1) 96.6 96.7 96.2 0.91 820 655 475 0.80 5.9 2.55 ANSK-400LN-02 1PS1405-■BJ ■■-3AA0 2600 7.0
560 400 L 2983 1792 1) 96.8 96.8 96.3 0.91 915 730 530 0.85 6.2 2.7 ANSK-400LN-02 1PS1407-■BJ ■■-3AA0 2600 7.0
630 400 L 2984 2016 96.8 96.8 96.3 0.91 – 825 595 0.85 6.2 2.6 ANSK-400LX-02 1PS1408-■BJ ■■-3AA0 2900 8.5
630 450 L 2986 2014 96.7 96.6 96.0 0.91 – 830 600 0.75 6.2 2.7 ANSK-450LL-02 1PS1453-■BJ ■■-3AA0 3500 11.0
710 450 L 2986 2270 96.8 96.8 96.2 0.91 – 925 670 0.80 6.3 2.8 ANSK-450LL-02 1PS1455-■BJ ■■-3AA0 3500 11.0
800 450 L 2986 2557 1) 96.9 96.9 96.3 0.91 – 1050 760 0.80 6.3 2.8 ANSK-450LN-02 1PS1457-■BJ ■■-3AA0 3700 13.0
900 450 L 2985 2879 1) 97.0 97.0 96.5 0.91 – 1170 850 0.85 6.4 2.7 ANSK-450LN-02 1PS1458-■BJ ■■-3AA0 3700 13.0
1000 500 L 2986 3198 1) 96.6 96.5 95.6 0.90 – – 960 0.85 6.4 2.8 ANSK-500LL-02 1PS1507-■BJ ■■-3AA0 6300 24.0
1200 500 L 2990 3831 1) 96.9 96.8 96.1 0.91 – – 1135 0.75 6.6 2.8 ANSK-500LN-02 1PS1508-■BJ ■■-3AA0 6300 35.0
Operating modes Frame size Order code
Mains-fed operation 90 ... 450 (≤ 800 kW) 0 –
Converter-fed operation, standard insulation 2) 90 ... 400 1 –
Converter-fed operation with special insulation (derating approx. 5 %) 2) 160 ... 500 2 –
Mains-fed operation, pre-formed coil 450 (> 800 kW)... 500 3 –
Converter-fed operation, pre-formed coil 450 ... 500 4 –
Voltages Frame size Order code
690 VΔ, 50 Hz 355 ... 500 0 –
230 V/400 V, 50 Hz 90 ... 112 1 –
500 VY, 50 Hz 90 ... 315 3 –
500 VΔ, 50 Hz 355 ... 450 5 –
400 V/690 V, 50 Hz 90 ... 400 6 –
690 VY, 50 Hz 90 ... 400 8 –
For other voltages see Page 2/91 90 ... 500 9 …
Types of construction Frame size Order code
IM B3 90 ... 500 0 –
IM B5 90 ... 315 1 –
IM B34 90 ... 112 2 –
IM B14 90 ... 112 3 –
IM V1/cover 90 ... 400 4 –
IM B35 90 ... 500 6 –
For other types of construction see from Page 1/28 90 ... 500 9 …
1) 2)
Outside the IE code classification according to IEC 60034-30. Can only be ordered with additional identification code -Z and order code
4-pole: 1500 rpm at 50 Hz
1.1 090 L 1460 7.2 IE2 86.4 87.2 86.3 0.85 2.15 1.72 1.25 1.9 6.8 2.8 ANGK-090LR-04 1PS1095-■BD■■-3BA3 34 0.0044
1.5 090 L 1455 9.8 IE2 86.1 86.5 85.2 0.81 3.10 2.48 1.80 1.9 6.7 2.8 ANGK-090LS-04 1PS1098-■BD■■-3BA3 37 0.0044
2.2 100 L 1455 14.4 IE2 87.1 87.8 86.8 0.83 4.4 3.52 2.55 1.7 6.4 2.4 ANGK-100LR-04 1PS1106-■BD■■-3BA3 53 0.0060
3 100 L 1455 19.7 IE2 86.0 86.3 84.7 0.80 6.3 5.0 3.65 2.0 6.3 2.6 ANGK-100LS-04 1PS1108-■BD■■-3BA3 55 0.0071
4 112 M 1460 26.2 IE2 88.8 89.4 88.8 0.84 7.8 6.2 4.5 1.9 6.8 2.5 ANGK-112MS-04 1PS1113-■BD■■-3BA3 66 0.0126
5.5 132 S 1455 36.1 IE2 89.0 89.7 89.2 0.85 10.5 8.4 6.1 2.6 7.6 2.7 ANGK-132SR-04 1PS1131-■BD■■-3BA3 93 0.030
7.5 132 M 1470 48.7 IE2 90.2 90.7 90.1 0.84 14.3 11.4 8.3 2.0 7.6 2.8 ANGK-132MS-04 1PS1133-■BD■■-3BA3 102 0.030
11 160 M 1460 71 IE2 90.5 91.4 91.6 0.81 21.7 16.7 12.1 2.1 6.8 2.6 ANGK-160MR-04 1PS1163-■BD■■-3BA3 176 0.077
15 160 L 1460 98 IE2 90.9 92.0 92.2 0.81 29.4 22.5 16.3 2.1 6.5 2.7 ANGK-160LS-04 1PS1166-■BD■■-3BA3 192 0.098
18.5 180 M 1470 120 IE2 92.3 92.8 92.4 0.83 34.9 27.5 20.0 3.3 7.6 3.0 ANGK-180MR-04 1PS1183-■BD■■-3BA3 246 0.16
22 180 L 1470 143 IE2 91.8 92.3 92.0 0.83 41.7 32.5 23.5 3.0 7.0 2.6 ANGK-180LS-04 1PS1186-■BD■■-3BA3 255 0.16
30 200 L 1470 195 IE2 92.3 93.2 93.4 0.83 56.5 45.0 33.0 1.5 6.0 2.5 ANGK-200LS-04 1PS1206-■BD■■-3BA3 333 0.27
37 225 S 1480 239 IE2 93.5 93.9 93.4 0.81 71.0 52.0 38.0 3.0 7.3 2.9 ANGK-225SR-04 1PS1220-■BD■■-3BA3 415 0.37
45 225 M 1475 291 IE2 93.5 93.9 93.4 0.81 71.0 65.0 47.5 3.0 7.3 2.9 ANGK-225MS-04 1PS1223-■BD■■-3BA3 445 0.37
55 250 M 1480 355 IE2 93.7 94.4 94.4 0.87 97.0 78.0 56.0 2.5 7.7 2.9 ANGK-250MM-04 1PS1253-■BD■■-3BA3 560 0.75
75 280 S 1480 484 IE2 94.4 94.8 95.0 0.84 137 109 79.0 2.4 7.0 2.6 ANGK-280SL-04 1PS1280-■BD■■-3BA3 820 1.3
90 280 M 1480 581 IE2 94.5 94.4 93.5 0.85 162 129 94.0 2.5 7.2 2.7 ANGK-280MM-04 1PS1283-■BD■■-3BA3 870 1.4
110 315 S 1485 707 IE2 94.6 94.6 93.5 0.82 205 164 119 2.0 6.6 2.5 ANGK-315SL-04 1PS1311-■BD■■-3BA3 960 2.2
132 315 M 1485 849 IE2 95.0 95.1 94.5 0.84 240 191 138 2.0 6.4 2.5 ANGK-315ML-04 1PS1313-■BD■■-3BA3 1040 2.9
160 315 M 1485 1029 IE2 95.1 95.3 95.0 0.85 285 230 166 2.1 6.9 2.5 ANGK-315MN-04 1PS1315-■BD■■-3BA3 1120 3.4
200 315 L 1488 1284 IE2 95.2 95.4 95.3 0.85 355 285 205 2.3 6.9 2.5 ANGK-315LL-04 1PS1316-■BD■■-3BA3 1340 3.9
250 315 L 1487 1605 IE2 95.2 95.4 95.2 0.83 455 365 265 2.6 7.5 2.6 ANGK-315LM-04 1PS1317-■BD■■-3BA3 1420 4.2
315 355 L 1488 2022 IE2 95.1 95.2 95.0 0.85 560 450 340 2.0 7.7 2.5 ANGK-355LB-04 1PS1356-■BD■■-3BA2 1730 6.8
315 355 L 1493 2015 IE2 96.3 96.3 96.0 0.85 560 445 320 1.3 7.7 2.6 ANGK-355LB-04 2) 1PS1356-■BD■■-3BB2 1730 6.8
355 355 L 1491 2273 IE2 96.6 96.6 96.0 0.86 615 492 357 1.25 6.7 2.4 ANSK-355LC-04 1PS1358-■BH■■-3BA0 2300 7.7
400 355 L 1491 2561 1) 96.7 96.7 96.1 0.86 690 552 400 1.25 6.7 2.4 ANSK-355LD-04 1PS1350-■BH■■-3BA0 2350 8.5
450 355 L 1491 2880 1) 96.6 96.7 96.1 0.86 785 630 457 1.1 6.2 2.4 ANSK-355LN-04 1PS1357-■BJ ■■-3BA0 2400 9.0
500 355 L 1492 3200 1) 96.7 96.7 96.2 0.85 875 700 505 1.0 6.2 2.4 ANSK-355LX-04 1PS1358-■BJ ■■-3BA0 2500 9.5
500 400 L 1492 3200 96.6 96.6 96.0 0.87 855 685 495 1.1 6.2 2.6 ANSK-400LL-04 1PS1404-■BJ ■■-3BA0 2700 13
560 400 L 1492 3583 96.7 96.7 96.1 0.88 950 760 550 1.1 6.2 2.55 ANSK-400LN-04 1PS1405-■BJ ■■-3BA0 2900 15
630 400 L 1492 4031 96.8 96.8 96.2 0.88 1070 855 620 1.1 6.3 2.6 ANSK-400LN-04 1PS1407-■BJ ■■-3BA0 2900 15
710 400 L 1492 4544 1) 96.9 96.9 96.4 0.88 1200 960 695 1.05 6.3 2.5 ANSK-400LX-04 1PS1408-■BJ ■■-3BA0 3500 17
800 450 L 1493 5114 1) 96.9 96.9 96.3 0.88 1355 1085 785 1.0 6.6 2.6 ANSK-450LL-04 1PS1455-■BJ ■■-3BA0 3800 24.5
900 450 L 1493 5755 1) 97.0 97.0 96.4 0.88 – 1215 880 1.05 6.6 2.5 ANSK-450LN-04 1PS1457-■BJ ■■-3BA0 4300 29.0
950 450 L 1493 6076 1) 97.0 97.0 96.5 0.88 – 1285 930 1.05 6.6 2.5 ANSK-450LN-04 1PS1458-■BJ ■■-3BA0 4800 29.0
1000 500 L 1494 6390 96.9 96.9 96.2 0.88 – – 980 0.85 6.2 2.55 ANSK-500LL-04 1PS1504-■BJ ■■-3BA0 5200 43.0
1120 500 L 1493 7160 97.0 97.0 96.4 0.88 – – 1095 0.80 6.0 2.4 ANSK-500LL-04 1PS1505-■BJ ■■-3BA0 5200 43.0
1) 3)
1250 500 L 1494 7990 97.0 96.9 96.3 0.88 – – 0.80 6.5 2.4 ANSK-500LN-04 1PS1507-■BJ ■■-3BA0 6600 54.0
1400 500 L 1494 8940 1) 97.1 97.0 96.3 0.87 – – 1385 0.90 7.2 2.7 ANSK-500LN-04 1PS1508-■BJ ■■-3BA0 6600 54.0
Operating modes Frame size Order code
Mains-fed operation 90 ... 450 (≤ 800 kW) 0 –
Converter-fed operation, standard insulation 90 ... 400 1 –
Converter-fed operation with special insulation (derating approx. 5 %) 3) 160 ... 500 2 –
Mains-fed operation, pre-formed coil 450 (> 800 kW)... 500 3 –
Converter-fed operation, pre-formed coil 450 ... 500 4 –
Voltages Frame size Order code
690 VΔ, 50 Hz 355 ... 500 0 –
230 V/400 V, 50 Hz 90 ... 112 1 –
500 VY, 50 Hz 90 ... 315 3 –
500 VΔ, 50 Hz 355 ... 450 5 –
400 V/690 V, 50 Hz 90 ... 400 6 –
690 VY, 50 Hz 90 ... 400 8 –
For other voltages see Page 2/91 90 ... 500 9 …
Types of construction Frame size Order code
IM B3 90 ... 500 0 –
IM B5 90 ... 315 1 –
IM B34 90 ... 112 2 –
IM B14 90 ... 112 3 –
IM V1/cover 90 ... 400 4 –
IM B35 90 ... 500 6 –
For other types of construction see from Page 1/28 90 ... 500 9 …
1) Outside the IE code classification according to IEC 60034-30. 3) Can only be ordered with additional identification code -Z and order code
2) Motor with special rotor (Cu). M73.
1) 3)
Outside the IE code classification according to IEC 60034-30. Can only be ordered with additional identification code -Z and order code
Motor with special rotor (Cu). M73.
kW FS rpm Nm – % % % – A A A – – – kg kgm2
• Cooling: self-ventilated (IC 411)
• Insulation: thermal class 155 (temperature class F), IP55 degree of protection, utilization in accordance with thermal class 130 (temperature class B), S1-100 %
• Type of protection: "Non-sparking" in accordance with EN 60079-15; 2010: CE 0102 II 3G Ex nA IIC T3 Gc
10-pole: 600 rpm at 50 Hz
180 355 L 594 2889 1) 94.6 94.7 94.0 0.81 338 271 196 1.05 5.3 2.15 ANSK-355LC-10 1PS1357-■BH■■-3EA0 2350 16.5
200 355 L 594 3211 1) 94.6 94.8 94.1 0.81 376 300 218 1.05 5.1 2.05 ANSK-355LD-10 1PS1358-■BH■■-3EA0 2400 18.0
225 355 L 593 3620 1) 95.2 95.5 95.1 0.80 425 340 245 1.1 4.8 2.15 ANSK-355LX-10 1PS1358-■BJ ■■-3EA0 2550 19.0
250 400 L 594 4014 1) 95.4 95.7 95.2 0.80 475 380 275 0.95 4.7 2.05 ANSK-400LL-10 1PS1404-■BJ ■■-3EA0 2800 27.0
280 400 L 595 4495 1) 95.6 95.8 95.3 0.81 520 415 300 0.95 4.7 2.05 ANSK-400LN-10 1PS1405-■BJ ■■-3EA0 3100 32.0
315 400 L 595 5058 1) 95.6 95.8 95.4 0.80 595 475 345 0.95 4.7 2.05 ANSK-400LN-10 1PS1407-■BJ ■■-3EA0 3100 32.0
355 400 L 595 5700 1) 95.8 96.0 95.6 0.80 665 530 385 0.95 4.8 2.1 ANSK-400LX-10 1PS1408-■BJ ■■-3EA0 3300 35.0
400 450 L 595 6418 1) 96.0 96.1 95.5 0.80 750 600 435 1.0 4.9 2.1 ANSK-450LL-10 1PS1454-■BJ ■■-3EA0 4100 42.0
450 450 L 595 7221 1) 96.1 96.2 95.6 0.81 835 670 485 0.95 4.8 2.05 ANSK-450LN-10 1PS1455-■BJ ■■-3EA0 4400 50.0
500 450 L 595 8020 1) 96.2 96.3 95.7 0.80 940 750 545 0.95 5.0 2.15 ANSK-450LN-10 1PS1457-■BJ ■■-3EA0 4400 50.0
520 450 L 595 8336 1) 96.2 96.2 95.6 0.79 985 785 570 1.0 5.1 2.2 ANSK-450LX-10 1PS1458-■BJ ■■-3EA0 4700 55.0
560 500 L 596 8965 1) 96.1 96.1 95.3 0.80 1050 840 610 0.85 5.3 2.35 ANSK-500LL-10 1PS1504-■BJ ■■-3EA0 5400 82.0
630 500 L 596 10082 1) 96.2 96.2 95.4 0.80 1180 945 685 0.90 5.3 2.4 ANSK-500LN-10 1PS1505-■BJ ■■-3EA0 6100 98.0
670 500 L 597 10719 1) 96.3 96.2 95.4 0.80 1260 1005 730 0.95 5.5 2.45 ANSK-500LN-10 1PS1507-■BJ ■■-3EA0 6100 98.0
750 500 L 597 11998 1) 96.4 96.3 95.5 0.79 – – 820 0.95 5.5 2.45 ANSK-500LX-10 1PS1508-■BJ ■■-3EA0 6500 108
12-pole: 500 rpm at 50 Hz
160 355 L 493 3097 1) 94.1 94.3 93.8 0.78 313 250 181 0.95 4.6 2.1 ANSK-355LC-12 1PS1357-■BH■■-3FA0 2350 17.0
180 355 L 494 3481 1) 94.3 94.5 93.9 0.77 355 285 205 1.0 4.7 2.15 ANSK-355LD-12 1PS1358-■BH■■-3FA0 2400 19.0
190 355 L 494 3672 1) 94.5 94.7 94.3 0.77 375 300 218 0.95 4.6 2.2 ANSK-355LX-12 1PS1358-■BJ ■■-3FA0 2550 18.5
200 400 L 494 3861 1) 94.9 95.1 94.7 0.78 390 310 225 0.95 4.6 2.05 ANSK-400LL-12 1PS1404-■BJ ■■-3FA0 2800 26.5
225 400 L 495 4341 1) 95.1 95.3 94.9 0.79 430 345 250 1.0 4.7 2.15 ANSK-400LN-12 1PS1405-■BJ ■■-3FA0 3100 32.0
250 400 L 495 4824 1) 95.2 95.4 95.0 0.78 485 390 282 1.0 4.6 2.1 ANSK-400LN-12 1PS1407-■BJ ■■-3FA0 3100 32.0
280 400 L 495 5402 1) 95.2 95.4 95.0 0.78 545 435 315 0.95 4.8 2.2 ANSK-400LX-12 1PS1408-■BJ ■■-3FA0 3300 35.0
315 450 L 495 6075 1) 95.5 95.7 95.3 0.78 610 490 355 0.90 4.5 1.95 ANSK-450LL-12 1PS1454-■BJ ■■-3FA0 4100 42.0
355 450 L 495 6842 1) 95.6 95.8 95.4 0.78 690 550 400 0.90 4.6 2.0 ANSK-450LN-12 1PS1455-■BJ ■■-3FA0 4400 50.0
400 450 L 495 7709 1) 95.7 95.9 95.4 0.78 785 630 455 0.95 4.6 2.0 ANSK-450LN-12 1PS1457-■BJ ■■-3FA0 4400 50.0
420 450 L 495 8095 1) 95.7 95.9 95.4 0.78 810 650 470 0.95 4.7 2.05 ANSK-450LX-12 1PS1458-■BJ ■■-3FA0 4600 55.0
450 500 L 496 8662 1) 95.8 95.8 95.2 0.80 845 675 490 0.90 4.8 2.05 ANSK-500LL-12 1PS1504-■BJ ■■-3FA0 5400 82.0
500 500 L 496 9617 1) 95.8 95.8 95.1 0.79 950 760 550 0.95 5.1 2.2 ANSK-500LN-12 1PS1505-■BJ ■■-3FA0 6100 98.0
560 500 L 496 10779 1) 95.9 96.0 95.3 0.80 1055 840 610 0.90 4.9 2.1 ANSK-500LN-12 1PS1507-■BJ ■■-3FA0 6100 98.0
600 500 L 496 11546 1) 96.0 96.1 95.5 0.80 – 905 655 0.90 5.1 2.15 ANSK-500LX-12 1PS1508-■BJ ■■-3FA0 6350 108
Operating modes Frame size Order code
Mains-fed operation 355 ... 400 0 –
Converter-fed operation, standard insulation 2) 355 ... 400 1 –
Converter-fed operation with special insulation (derating approx. 5 %) 2) 355 ... 500 2 –
Mains-fed operation, pre-formed coil 450 ... 500 3 –
Converter-fed operation, pre-formed coil 450 ... 500 4 –
Voltages Frame size Order code
690 VΔ, 50 Hz 355 ... 500 0 –
500 VY, 50 Hz 355 ... 500 3 –
500 VΔ, 50 Hz 355 ... 450 5 –
400 V/690 V, 50 Hz 355 ... 500 6 –
690 VY, 50 Hz 355 ... 500 8 –
For other voltages see Page 2/91 355 ... 500 9 …
Types of construction Frame size Order code
IM B3 355 ... 500 0 –
IM V1/cover 355 ... 450 4 –
IM B35 355... 500 6 –
For other types of construction see from Page 1/28 355 ... 500 9 …
1) 2)
Outside the IE code classification according to IEC 60034-30. Can only be ordered with additional identification code -Z and order code
kW FS kg
• Cooling: self-ventilated (IC 411)
• Insulation: thermal class 155 (temperature class F), IP55 degree of protection, utilization in accordance with thermal class 130 (temperature class B), S1-100 %
• Type of protection: "Non-sparking" in accordance with EN 60079-15; 2010: CE 0102 II 3G Ex nA IIC T3 Gc
14-pole: 430 rpm at 50 Hz
125 355 L ANSK-355LC-14 1PS1357-■BH■■-3GA0 2350
140 355 L ANSK-355LD-14 1PS1358-■BH■■-3GA0 2400
160 400 L ANSK-400LL-14 1PS1404-■BJ ■■-3GA0 2800
180 400 L ANSK-400LN-14 1PS1405-■BJ ■■-3GA0 3100
200 400 L ANSK-400LN-14 1PS1407-■BJ ■■-3GA0 3100
225 400 L ANSK-400LX-14 1PS1408-■BJ ■■-3GA0 3250
250 450 L ANSK-450LL-14 1PS1454-■BJ ■■-3GA0 4100
280 450 L ANSK-450LN-14 1PS1455-■BJ ■■-3GA0 4400
315 450 L ANSK-450LN-14 1PS1457-■BJ ■■-3GA0 4400
340 450 L ANSK-450LX-14 1PS1458-■BJ ■■-3GA0 4600
355 500 L ANSK-500LL-14 1PS1504-■BJ ■■-3GA0 5400
400 500 L ANSK-500LN-14 1PS1505-■BJ ■■-3GA0 6100
450 500 L ANSK-500LN-14 1PS1507-■BJ ■■-3GA0 6100
500 500 L ANSK-500LX-14 1PS1508-■BJ ■■-3GA0 6500
16-pole: 375 rpm at 50 Hz
100 355 L ANSK-355LC-16 1PS1357-■BH■■-3HA0 2350
110 355 L ANSK-355LD-16 1PS1358-■BH■■-3HA0 2400
132 400 L ANSK-400LL-16 1PS1405-■BJ ■■-3HA0 2800
160 400 L ANSK-400LN-16 1PS1407-■BJ ■■-3HA0 3100
180 400 L ANSK-400LX-16 1PS1408-■BJ ■■-3HA0 3250
200 450 L ANSK-450LL-16 1PS1454-■BJ ■■-3HA0 4100
225 450 L ANSK-450LN-16 1PS1455-■BJ ■■-3HA0 4400
250 450 L ANSK-450LN-16 1PS1457-■BJ ■■-3HA0 4400
265 450 L ANSK-450LX-16 1PS1458-■BJ ■■-3HA0 4650
280 500 L ANSK-500LL-16 1PS1504-■BJ ■■-3HA0 5400
315 500 L ANSK-500LN-16 1PS1505-■BJ ■■-3HA0 6100
355 500 L ANSK-500LN-16 1PS1507-■BJ ■■-3HA0 6100
400 500 L ANSK-500LX-16 1PS1508-■BJ ■■-3HA0 6650
Operating modes Frame size Order code
Mains-fed operation 355 ... 500 0 –
Converter-fed operation, standard insulation 1) 355 ... 500 1 –
Converter-fed operation with special insulation (derating approx. 5 %) 1) 355 ... 500 2 –
Mains-fed operation, pre-formed coil 450 ... 500 3 –
Converter-fed operation, pre-formed coil 450 ... 500 4 –
Voltages Frame size Order code
690 VΔ, 50 Hz 355 ... 500 0 –
500 VY, 50 Hz 355 ... 500 3 –
500 VΔ, 50 Hz 355 ... 450 5 –
400 V/690 V, 50 Hz 355 ... 500 6 –
690 VY, 50 Hz 355 ... 500 8 –
For other voltages see Page 2/91 355 ... 500 9 …
Types of construction Frame size Order code
IM B3 355 ... 500 0 –
IM V1/cover 355 ... 500 4 –
IM B35 355 ... 500 6 –
For other types of construction see from Page 1/28 355 ... 500 9 …
Can only be ordered with additional identification code -Z and order code
1) Outside the IE code classification according to IEC 60034-30. 3) Can only be ordered with additional identification code -Z and order code
2) Only possible with 690 V (values apply to 690 V). M73.
kW FS rpm Nm – % % % – A – – – kg kgm2
• Cooling: self-ventilated (IC 411)
• Efficiency: High Efficiency IE2, 0.75 kW and above in accordance with IEC 60034-30
• Insulation: thermal class 155 (temperature class F), IP55 degree of protection, utilization in accordance with thermal class 130 (temperature class B), S1-100 %
• Type of protection: "Non-sparking" in accordance with EN 60079-15; 2010: CE 0102 II 3G Ex nA IIC T3 Gc
6-pole: 1200 rpm at 60 Hz
0.75 090 L 1160 6.2 IE2 81.8 82.0 80.1 0.72 1.53 1.5 5.0 2.5 ANGK-090LR-06 1PS1095-■BD■■-3CA3 36 0.0044
0.9 090 L 1160 7.4 IE2 82.0 82.0 80.2 0.72 1.83 1.4 5.1 2.4 ANGK-090LS-06 1PS1098-■BD■■-3CA3 42 0.0044
1.25 100 L 1175 10.2 IE2 85.5 85.2 82.3 0.73 2.4 1.5 5.6 2.4 ANGK-100LS-06 1PS1106-■BD■■-3CA3 55 0.010
1.8 112 M 1180 14.6 IE2 86.6 86.5 83.0 0.73 3.4 1.3 5.8 2.5 ANGK-112MS-06 1PS1113-■BD■■-3CA3 66 0.019
3 132 S 1170 24.5 IE2 87.9 87.6 85.3 0.74 5.5 2.4 6.6 3.0 ANGK-132SR-06 1PS1131-■BD■■-3CA3 92 0.033
4 132 M 1160 32.9 IE2 88.3 88.9 88.1 0.79 6.9 2.1 6.6 2.7 ANGK-132MR-06 1PS1133-■BD■■-3CA3 96 0.045
5.5 132 M 1180 44.5 IE2 90.0 90.2 89.0 0.80 9.2 1.5 6.5 2.3 ANGK-132MS-06 1PS1135-■BD■■-3CA3 104 0.045
7.5 160 M 1180 61 IE2 89.6 89.7 88.0 0.80 12.6 1.3 6.2 2.4 ANGK-160MR-06 1PS1163-■BD■■-3CA3 176 0.088
11 160 L 1175 89 IE2 90.2 90.4 89.0 0.80 18.3 1.3 6.5 2.4 ANGK-160LS-06 1PS1166-■BD■■-3CA3 192 0.11
15 180 L 1170 122 IE2 91.0 91.4 90.7 0.81 24.5 2.4 7.0 2.5 ANGK-180LS-06 1PS1186-■BD■■-3CA3 255 0.28
18.5 200 L 1180 150 IE2 91.7 91.7 90.8 0.80 30.5 2.5 7.0 2.6 ANGK-200LR-06 1PS1206-■BD■■-3CA3 333 0.45
22 200 L 1180 178 IE2 91.8 91.8 91.0 0.80 36.0 2.5 7.0 2.6 ANGK-200LS-06 1PS1208-■BD■■-3CA3 349 0.49
30 225 M 1180 243 IE2 93.0 93.0 92.0 0.82 47.5 2.0 7.0 2.8 ANGK-225MS-06 1PS1223-■BD■■-3CA3 430 0.92
37 250 M 1185 298 IE2 93.2 93.2 92.3 0.80 60.0 1.4 7.0 2.6 ANGK-250MM-06 1PS1253-■BD■■-3CA3 560 1.0
45 280 S 1185 363 IE2 93.6 93.6 92.5 0.80 37.5 2.3 6.5 2.5 ANGK-280SL-06 1PS1280-■BD■■-3CA3 780 2.5
55 280 M 1188 442 IE2 93.8 93.6 93.0 0.90 45.5 2.4 7.0 2.8 ANGK-280MM-06 1PS1283-■BD■■-3CA3 850 2.9
75 315 S 1190 602 IE2 94.5 94.6 94.3 0.90 62 2.3 7.2 2.4 ANGK-315SL-06 1PS1311-■BD■■-3CA3 1030 3.3
90 315 M 1190 722 IE2 94.5 94.6 94.3 0.90 75 2.2 7.2 2.3 ANGK-315ML-06 1PS1313-■BD■■-3CA3 1100 4.0
110 315 M 1190 883 IE2 95.0 95.0 94.3 0.90 90 1.8 7.1 2.2 ANGK-315MM-06 1PS1314-■BD■■-3CA3 1190 4.9
132 315 M 1190 1059 IE2 95.2 95.2 94.3 0.90 108 1.8 7.2 2.2 ANGK-315MN-06 1PS1315-■BD■■-3CA3 1180 4.9
160 315 L 1190 1284 IE2 95.2 95.2 94.6 0.90 134 2.0 7.5 2.3 ANGK-315LL-06 1PS1316-■BD■■-3CA3 1400 6.0
200 315 L 1192 1602 IE2 95.1 95.2 94.6 0.80 172 2.4 7.4 2.6 ANGK-315LM-06 1PS1317-■BD■■-3CA3 1600 6.8
250 355 L 1194 1999 IE2 95.4 95.5 94.7 0.90 210 1.1 7.1 2.4 ANGK-355LB-06 1PS1356-■BD■■-3CB2 1730 9.1
LOHER VARIO on request
Operating modes Frame size Order code
Mains-fed operation 90 ... 355 0 –
Converter-fed operation, standard insulation 2) 90 ... 355 1 –
Converter-fed operation with special insulation (derating approx. 5 %) 2) 160 ... 355 2 –
Voltages Frame size Order code
230 V/400 V, 60 Hz 90 ... 112 1 –
500 VY, 60 Hz 90 ... 355 3 –
400 V/690 V, 60 Hz 90 ... 355 6 –
690 VY, 60 Hz 90 ... 355 8 –
For other voltages see Page 2/91 90 ... 355 9 …
Types of construction Frame size Order code
IM B3 90 ... 355 0 –
IM B5 90 ... 315 1 –
IM B34 90 ... 112 2 –
IM B14 90 ... 112 3 –
IM V1/cover 90 ... 355 4 –
IM B35 90 ... 355 6 –
For other types of construction see from Page 1/28 90 ... 355 9 …
1) 2)
Motor with special rotor (Cu). Can only be ordered with additional identification code -Z and order code
1PS1. . . - . . . ■ . - . . . . 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315 355 355 400 450 500
Optional voltages
690 VΔ, 50 Hz
230 VΔ/400 VY, 50 Hz
500 VY, 50 Hz 3 – – – – –
400 VΔ, 50 Hz 4 – –
500 VΔ, 50 Hz 5
400 VΔ/690 VY, 50 Hz 6 – –
690 VY, 50 Hz 8 – – – –
415 VY, 50 Hz 9 L1C ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – – – –
415 VΔ, 50 Hz 9 L1D ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – –
380 VΔ/660 VY, 50 Hz 9 L1L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – – – – –
220 VΔ/380 VY, 50 Hz 9 L1R ✓ ✓ ✓ O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R. – – – – – –
1000 VΔ, 50 Hz 9 L1V O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R.
Other voltages 9 L1Y • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
tion code
220 VΔ/380 VY, 60 Hz 9 L2A ✓ ✓ ✓ O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R. – – – – – –
(50 Hz output)
220 VΔ/380 VY, 60 Hz 9 L2B ✓ ✓ ✓ O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R. – – – – – –
(60 Hz output)
380 VΔ/660 VY, 60 Hz 9 L2C ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – – –
(50 Hz output)
380 VΔ/660 VY, 60 Hz 9 L2D ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – – –
(60 Hz output)
460 VY, 60 Hz (60 Hz output) 9 L2E ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ O.R. O.R. – –
460 VΔ, 60 Hz (60 Hz output) 9 L2F ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R.
575 VY, 60 Hz (60 Hz output) 9 L2L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ O.R. O.R. – –
575 VΔ, 60 Hz (60 Hz output) 9 L2M ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R.
440 VY, 60 Hz (50 Hz output) 9 L2Q ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ O.R. O.R. – –
440 VΔ, 60 Hz (50 Hz output) 9 L2R ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R.
460 VY, 60 Hz (50 Hz output) 9 L2S ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ O.R. O.R. – –
460 VΔ, 60 Hz (50 Hz output) 9 L2T ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R.
575 VY, 60 Hz (50 Hz output) 9 L2U ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ O.R. O.R. – –
575 VΔ, 60 Hz (50 Hz output) 9 L2V ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R.
440 VY, 60 Hz (60 Hz output) 9 L2W ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ O.R. O.R. – –
440 VΔ, 60 Hz (60 Hz output) 9 L2X ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R.
Without additional charge For dual voltages 230 V/400 V, 220 V/380 V, 400 V/690 V or
• This order code only determines the price of the version – 380 V/660 V:
Additional plain text is required. – For motors for converter-fed operation, the converter rating
✓ With additional charge plate is stamped with 380 V or 400 V.
O. R. On request – For motors with a Dahlander circuit, the lower voltage is
– Not possible generally specified.
Voltages not listed in the catalog are only available on request.
Certification acc. to NEPSI – design may differ D32 – – – – – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
(different cover size)
Certificate EAC for Eurasian Customs Union D35 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
IEC Ex certificate D37 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Special mechanical designs
Terminal box on right-hand side K09 – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
(view onto DE)
Terminal box on left-hand side (view onto DE) K10 – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Terminal box on top K11
Terminal box to IP65 Q71 – – – – – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Cable entry thread metrically different from W30 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – –
standard – thread dimension must be specified
Enlarged connection system for main terminal L00 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – –
box – not in combination with K53 (Ex d
terminal box)
Undrilled cable gland plate – for main L01 – – – – – – – – – – – –
terminal box
Split terminal box W31 – – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
NPT thread – specify size in plain text, gland W32 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R.
cannot be supplied
Cable gland, standard – one cable gland for K54 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – –
supply cable in the main terminal box, non-
armored cable
Cable gland, standard thread size for auxiliary W33 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – –
connection (1 unit) – for connection cable of
accessories in main or auxiliary terminal box
Main terminal with tinned cable lug for copper W34 – – – – – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Saddle terminal for connection without cable lug W35 – – – – – – – – – – – – O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R.
Special cable gland – special sizes or Y97 • and O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R.
armored cable, exact cable data needed identification
Material of auxiliary terminal box: Stainless M51 – – – – – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
steel – not in combination with K53 (Ex d
terminal box)
Separate auxiliary terminal box for anti- M52 – – – – – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
condensation heater
Heater in main terminal box P84 – – – – – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Auxiliary terminal box in cast-iron design with Q75 – – – – – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
"undrilled" removable cable gland plate – not in
combination with K53 (Ex d terminal box)
Auxiliary terminal box in cast-iron design with Q76 – – – – – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
removable cable gland plate "drilled with metric
thread and sealed with metal plug" – not in
combination with K53 (Ex d terminal box)
Welded standard stator housing for surface- W54 O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R.
cooled motors – factory clarification required
because of possible dimension deviations
Welded copper bar rotors W55 – – – O.R. ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Second shaft extension for IM B3 up to 100 % Q21 – – – – – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Trated; cylindrical with feather key
Special rotor for heavy duty starting (e.g. Q22 – – – – – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
double-cage rotor or brass rotor) – testing
Generator design (asynchronous) with W56 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – –
1.8 times runaway speed
IP56 degree of protection K51 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
IP65 degree of protection K50 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
IP66 degree of protection L94 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R.
IP67 degree of protection K93 – – – – – – – – – – – – O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R.
IP67 degree of protection without level switch W58 O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R. ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
(resin material for terminal box protection will
be shipped as extra package, 8 m submerged,
72 h max.)
Condensation drainage holes sealed with W60 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Increased tropicalization, humidity ≥ 80 % – W61 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
LOHER CHEMSTAR incl. V10 and W71,
LOHER VARIO incl. V10 and P45
Tropical design for outdoor onshore installation L28 – – – – – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Design without fan and fan cover – motor W62 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R.
mounted in air stream of driven fan; without
external air stream cooling, due to derating
Fan with plastic coating in case of metal fan W63 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Fan of aluminum W64 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – – – – –
Fan of steel W65 O.R. O.R. O.R. ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
External fan of brass W66 O.R. O.R. O.R. ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
External fan of stainless steel V94 – – – – – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Special ventilation for on-deck motors W67 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Fan cover of steel sheet (3 mm thick) W68 O.R. O.R. ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Galvanized fan cover – included in K30 and W69 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – –
Noise class 3 for clockwise direction of rotation K37 – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – –
viewed onto DE – for 2-pole motors only
Noise class 3 for counter-clockwise direction of K38 – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – –
rotation viewed onto DE – for 2-pole motors only
Clockwise – direction of rotation must be K97 – – – – – – – – – – –
specified for LOHER VARIO 2-/4-pole motors
Counter-clockwise – direction of rotation must K98 – – – – – – – – – – –
be specified for LOHER VARIO 2-/4-pole motors
Noise reduction: Silencer for air inlet (DW, L20 – – – – – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
NMA) – only in combination with K97 or K98
Stainless steel grid for air inlet silencer – L25 – – – – – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
only in combination with L20
Forced ventilation at NDE V28 – – – – – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Backstop for clockwise direction of rotation G48 – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
viewed onto DE (counter-clockwise blocked)
Backstop for counter-clockwise direction of G49 – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
rotation viewed onto DE (clockwise blocked)
Tapered shaft extension with shaft nut T36 – – – – – – – – – – – – O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R.
Sun canopy mounting in normal steel, cover V87 – – – O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R.
in unpainted stainless steel for vertical motors
Sun canopy mounting in normal steel, cover in V99 – – – O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R.
unpainted stainless steel for horizontal motors
Preparation for SPM bearing monitoring, only W84 – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
M8 drilled hole for measuring nipple
Machined surface on motor foot with dowel Q94 – – – – – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
pin holes
Base frame for height adaptation of max. Q96 – – – – – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
2 frame sizes difference
Adaptation of foot and shaft dimensions to next Q97 – – – – – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
higher frame size (no adaptation of terminal
Adaptation of flange dimensions and drilled Q98 – – – – – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
holes in flange
Preparation for later installation of sun Q99 – – – – – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
protection shield
SPM bearing monitoring: Measuring nipple G50 – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
system 32 - thread M8, DE and NDE
Shock pulse measurement (SPM), fixed sensor H05 – – – – – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
and distribution box
SPM bearing monitoring: Fixed sensor system W85 – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – –
40 thread M8
Bearing temperature monitoring with PTC W86 – – – – O.R. O.R. ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – –
thermistors at DE/NDE
Speed monitoring by inductive proximity A03 – – – – – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
switches, Pepperl + Fuchs
2 Pt100 resistance thermometers for 3- or A40 – – – – – – – – O.R. O.R. O.R. O.R. ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
4-wire connection from terminal box for roller
bearings – 1 × DE and 1 × NDE
2 Pt100 double resistance thermometers for A42 – – – – – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
4-wire connection from terminal box for roller
bearings – 1 × DE and 1 × NDE
2 dial-type thermometers for roller bearings A70 – – – – – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
and sleeve bearings with meter unit without
2 dial-type thermometers for roller bearings A71 – – – – – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
and sleeve bearings with meter unit on stator
housing and 2 NO contacts
Standard version
Without additional charge
• This order code only determines the price of the version –
Additional plain text is required.
✓ With additional charge
O. R. Possible on request
– Not possible
■ Dimensional drawings
Type of construction IM B3
For flange dimensions, see Page 2/110.
ZxS 2
225 M 2 1086 480 1062 246 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
4 … 16 1146 510 1092 60 140 125 7.5 18 64 60 140 125 7.5 18 64
250 M 2 1178 496 1140 354 60 M20 140 125 7.5 18 64 60 M20 140 125 7.5 18 64
4 … 16 65 69 65 69
ZxS 2
L (2 pole)
L (4-pole to 16-pole)
■ Dimensional drawings
E In EN 50347, the frame sizes
T are allocated flange FF with
through holes and flange FT
with tapped holes.
(Z = the number of retaining
Frame size No. of poles Flange with Dimension designation acc. to IEC
through hole (FF)/
tapped hole (FT)
acc. to EN 50347
Selectable flange LA E M N P S T Z
90 L 2 … 16 FF165 10 50 165 130 200 11.5 3.5 4
FF215 1) 11 – 215 180 250 14 4 4
FT115 15 50 115 95 140 M8 3 4
FT100 1) 8 – 100 80 120 M6 3 4
FT130 1) 10 – 130 110 160 M8 3.5 4
100 L 2 … 16 FF215 11 60 215 180 250 14 4 4
FT130 11 60 130 110 160 M8 3.5 4
FT115 1) 10 – 115 95 140 M8 3 4
FT130 1) 12 – 165 130 200 M10 3.5 4
112 M 2 … 16 FF215 11 60 215 180 250 14 4 4
FT165 1) 13 – 265 230 300 14 4 4
FT130 11 60 130 110 160 M8 3.5 4
FT165 1) 12 – 165 130 200 M10 3.5 4
132 S 2 … 16 FF265 12 80 265 230 300 14 4 4
FF215 1) 11 – 215 180 250 14 4 4
132 M 2 … 16 FF265 12 80 265 230 300 14 4 4
FF215 1) 11 – 215 180 250 14 4 4
160 M 2 … 16 FF300 20 110 300 250 350 18 5 4
FF215 1) 11 – 215 180 250 14 4 4
FF265 1) 12 – 265 230 300 14 4 4
160 L 2 … 16 FF300 20 110 300 250 350 18 5 4
FF215 1) 11 – 215 180 250 14 4 4
FF265 1) 12 – 265 230 300 14 4 4
180 M 2 … 16 FF300 13 110 300 250 350 18 5 4
FF265 1) 12 – 265 230 300 14 4 4
FF400 1) 16 – 400 350 450 18 5 8
180 L 2 … 16 FF300 13 110 300 250 350 18 5 4
FF265 1) 12 – 265 230 300 14 4 4
FF400 1) 16 – 400 350 450 18 5 8
200 L 2 … 16 FF350 15 110 350 300 400 18 5 8
FF300 1) 15 – 300 250 350 18 5 4
FF400 1) 16 – 400 350 450 18 5 8
225 S 2 FF400 16 110 400 350 450 18 5 8
FF350 1) 15 – 350 300 400 18 5 8
4 … 16 FF400 17 140 400 350 450 18 5 8
FF350 1) 15 – 350 300 400 18 5 8
■ Technical specifications
LOHER CHEMSTAR and VARIO 1PS0 motor series General technical specifications
without explosion protection
The motors of series 1PS0 without explosion protection are avail- Motor type A...A
able as LOHER CHEMSTAR and VARIO motors. Motors that
operate in a "safe" or "non-explosive" environment do not require Frame size 90 … 500
any special mechanical and electrical protection against explo- Output range 0.37 ... 1400 kW (thermal utilization in
sive gas, vapor or dust. There is no risk of explosion in this case. (50 Hz types) accordance with temperature class B
The CHEMSTAR motors can be mechanically designed in accor- at ambient temperature = 40 °C)
dance with VIK specifications ("Verband der Industriellen Ener- Number of poles 2 to 12-pole, also higher number of poles
gie- und Kraftwirtschaft e. V.", the Association of the Industrial for special versions
Energy and Power Industry). These motors therefore correspond Pole-changing:
mechanically to the VIK recommendation, they have no Ex mark-
ing and are not permitted to be used in potentially explosive • 2 speeds, e.g. 4-/2-pole, 8-/4-pole,
atmospheres of Zone 2. VIK motors with Ex certification are
available for selection in series 1PS1. • 3 speeds, e.g. 8-/4-/2-pole,
8-/6-/4-pole Dahlander or separate
In general, these motors are suitable for applications in produc- windings for square-law or constant
tion plants or process engineering equipment in factories (con- torques
veyor belts, elevators and cranes, escalators and water pumps). Voltage range Up to 1000 V
Rated voltage Normal low voltage
Non-standard voltage and/or frequency
as required by the customer
3 Operating mode S1 and others
Degree of protection IP55, IP56 and IP65 to IP68
Cooling method IC 411, IC 416,
special cooling methods such as
IC 410, IC 71W water-jacket-cooled
Type of construction All common types of construction +
special types of construction
Housing Cast-iron or steel
Bearings Roller bearings (standard) and special
bearings for high axial and radial forces
Types of protection None
Noise level All motors are noise-optimized (noise
values in accordance with EN 60034-9)
low-noise version for 2-pole motors
(GG3) is possible as an option
Sectional view of CHEMSTAR 1PS0 three-phase motor, Sectional view of CHEMSTAR 1PS0 three-phase motor,
frame sizes 90 to 200 LB frame sizes 225 to 355
Example: 1PS0132-0BD60-0AA3 (motor type: ANGA-132SR-02) Example: 1PS0316-0BD60-0AA3 (motor type: ANGA-315LL-02)
7.5 kW, 2-pole 200 kW, 2-pole
Sectional view of VARIO 1PS0 three-phase motor, frame sizes 355 to 500,
with regreasing device
Example: 1PS0357-0BH0.-0AA2 (motor type: ANSA-355LC-02)
355 kW, 2-pole
Housing, ventilation
Housing and fan for motors of the LOHER CHEMSTAR and VARIO 1PS0 series
Frame size Housing Bearing plates Fan cover Fan 2)
Material Design of Surface Material Material Material
housing feet 1)
90 … 280 Cast-iron Cast With cooling fins Cast-iron Sheet steel Plastic 3)
315 Screwed on Aluminum 3)
355 Cast Steel
355 … 450 Steel Welded With cooling fins Cast-iron Sheet steel Steel
500 Steel, bearing hub
in cast-iron
1) 3)
For designs with feet only. For specific operating conditions, the external fans can be constructed
Suitable for both directions of rotation, but LOHER VARIO 2- and 4-pole are in aluminum for frame sizes 90 to 225 and in sheet steel for frame sizes
only suitable for one direction of rotation. 250 to 315. This applies in the case of increased coolant temperature in
particular and a high number of starts. The cooling air flow from NDE to DE
must not be obstructed. The intake area in front of the fan cover must not
be obstructed.
3 Auxiliary terminal box is not possible Frame sizes 132 to 160, 1 auxiliary terminal box (M50) is possible,
Frame sizes 180 to 225, 2 auxiliary terminal boxes (M50) are possible
Figure 3 Terminal box for LOHER CHEMSTAR frame sizes 250 to 280 Figure 4 Terminal box for LOHER CHEMSTAR frame sizes 315 to 355
3 auxiliary terminal boxes (M50) are possible 3 auxiliary terminal boxes (M52) are possible
Figure 5 Terminal box for LOHER VARIO frame sizes 355 to 500
With the VARIO connection system, the auxiliary terminal boxes (max. 3)
are mounted on the housing
132 6 × M5 1 10 (25) 2) 25 Fig. 2 6 x M6 2.5 35 Fig. 2
160 (50) 2)
37 200 L 2970 119 IE2 93.5 94.2 94.1 0.89 64.0 51.0 37.1 2.0 7.2 2.6 ANGA-200LS-02 1PS0208-■BD■■-0AA3 349 0.23
45 225 M 2970 145 IE2 93.6 93.7 93.0 0.88 79.0 63.0 45.8 2.3 7.5 2.6 ANGA-225MS-02 1PS0223-■BD■■-0AA3 420 0.34
55 250 M 2975 177 IE2 93.8 93.9 93.2 0.86 98.0 79.0 57.0 2.1 8.0 2.9 ANGA-250MM-02 1PS0253-■BD■■-0AA3 540 0.45
75 280 S 2980 240 IE2 94.4 93.9 92.4 0.89 129 103 75.0 2.1 7.3 3.0 ANGA-280SL-02 1PS0280-■BD■■-0AA3 775 0.88
90 280 M 2980 288 IE2 94.4 94.1 92.6 0.90 153 122 89.0 2.0 6.3 2.5 ANGA-280MM-02 1PS0283-■BD■■-0AA3 830 1.03
110 315 S 2980 352 IE2 94.8 94.3 92.9 0.88 190 152 110 2.2 6.7 2.5 ANGA-315SL-02 1PS0311-■BD■■-0AA3 960 1.55
132 315 M 2980 423 IE2 95.1 95.0 94.2 0.89 225 180 130 2.0 6.3 2.4 ANGA-315ML-02 1PS0313-■BD■■-0AA3 1020 1.85
160 315 M 2980 513 IE2 95.6 95.6 95.0 0.89 270 215 157 2.3 6.8 2.6 ANGA-315MN-02 1PS0315-■BD■■-0AA3 1100 2.2
200 315 L 2980 641 IE2 95.8 95.8 95.2 0.89 340 270 196 2.6 7.3 2.7 ANGA-315LL-02 1PS0316-■BD■■-0AA3 1310 2.8
250 315 L 2985 800 IE2 95.8 96.1 95.8 0.90 420 335 245 2.6 7.3 2.7 ANGA-315LN-02 1PS0318-■BD■■-0AA3 1450 3.5
315 355 L 2985 1008 IE2 96.1 96.3 96.0 0.89 530 425 310 2.3 7.0 2.7 ANGA-355LB-02 1PS0356-■BD■■-0AA2 1580 4.7
355 355 L 2983 1136 IE2 96.5 96.5 96.0 0.92 575 460 333 1.2 6.8 2.8 ANSA-355LC-02 1PS0357-■BH■■-0AA0 2100 3.6
400 355 L 2985 1279 1) 96.7 96.7 96.1 0.91 655 525 380 1.4 7.9 3.2 ANSA-355LD-02 1PS0358-■BH■■-0AA0 2200 4.0
450 355 L 2978 1443 1) 96.4 96.5 96.0 0.91 740 590 430 0.95 6.2 2.55 ANSA-355LX-02 1PS0358-■BJ ■■-0AA0 2300 5.0
450 400 L 2984 1440 1) 96.5 96.5 95.9 0.90 745 595 430 0.8 6.2 2.8 ANSA-400LL-02 1PS0404-■BJ ■■-0AA0 2400 6.0
500 400 L 2982 1601 1) 96.6 96.7 96.2 0.91 820 655 475 0.8 5.9 2.55 ANSA-400LN-02 1PS0405-■BJ ■■-0AA0 2600 7.0
560 400 L 2983 1792 1) 96.8 96.8 96.3 0.91 915 730 530 0.85 6.2 2.7 ANSA-400LN-02 1PS0407-■BJ ■■-0AA0 2600 7.0
630 400 L 2984 2016 1) 96.8 96.8 96.3 0.91 – 825 595 0.85 6.2 2.6 ANSA-400LX-02 1PS0408-■BJ ■■-0AA0 2900 8.5
630 450 L 2986 2014 1) 96.7 96.6 96.0 0.91 – 830 600 0.75 6.2 2.7 ANSA-450LL-02 1PS0453-■BJ ■■-0AA0 3500 11
710 450 L 2986 2270 1) 96.8 96.8 96.2 0.91 – 925 670 0.8 6.3 2.8 ANSA-450LL-02 1PS0455-■BJ ■■-0AA0 3500 11
800 450 L 2986 2557 1) 96.9 96.9 96.3 0.91 – 1050 760 0.8 6.3 2.8 ANSA-450LN-02 1PS0457-■BJ ■■-0AA0 3700 13
900 450 L 2985 2879 1) 97.0 97.0 96.5 0.91 – 1170 850 0.85 6.4 2.7 ANSA-450LN-02 1PS0458-■BJ ■■-0AA0 3700 13
1000 500 L 2986 3198 1) 96.6 96.5 95.6 0.90 – – 960 0.85 6.4 2.8 ANSA-500LL-02 1PS0507-■BJ ■■-0AA0 6300 24
1200 500 L 2990 3831 1) 96.9 96.8 96.1 0.91 – – 1135 0.75 6.6 2.8 ANSA-500LN-02 1PS0508-■BJ ■■-0AA0 6300 35
Operating modes Frame size Order code
Mains-fed operation 90 ... 450 (≤ 800 kW) 0 –
Converter-fed operation, standard insulation 90 ... 400 1 –
Converter-fed operation with special insulation (derating approx. 5 %) 160 ... 500 2 –
Mains-fed operation, pre-formed coil 450 (> 800 kW)... 500 3 –
Converter-fed operation, pre-formed coil 450 ... 500 4 –
Voltages Frame size Order code
690 VΔ, 50 Hz 355 ... 500 0 –
230 V/400 V, 50 Hz 90 ... 112 1 –
500 VY, 50 Hz 90 ... 315 3 –
500 VΔ, 50 Hz 355 ... 450 5 –
400 V/690 V, 50 Hz 90 ... 400 6 –
690 VY, 50 Hz 90 ... 400 8 –
For other voltages see Page 3/23 90 ... 500 9 …
Types of construction Frame size Order code
IM B3 90 ... 500 0 –
IM B5 90 ... 315 1 –
IM B34 90 ... 112 2 –
IM B14 90 ... 112 3 –
IM V1/cover 90 ... 400 4 –
IM B35 90 ... 500 6 –
For other types of construction see from Page 1/28 90 ... 500 9 …
1) Outside the IE code classification according to IEC 60034-30.
Outside the IE code classification according to IEC 60034-30.
kW FS kg
• Cooling: self-ventilated (IC 411)
• Efficiency: High Efficiency IE2, 0.75 kW and above in accordance with IEC 60034-30
• Insulation: thermal class 155 (temperature class F), IP55 degree of protection, utilization in accordance with thermal class 130 (temperature class B), S1-100 %
14-pole: 430 rpm at 50 Hz
125 355 L ANSA-355LC-14 1PS0357-■BH■■-0GA0 2350
140 355 L ANSA-355LD-14 1PS0358-■BH■■-0GA0 2400
160 400 L ANSA-400LL-14 1PS0404-■BJ ■■-0GA0 2800
180 400 L ANSA-400LN-14 1PS0405-■BJ ■■-0GA0 3100
200 400 L ANSA-400LN-14 1PS0407-■BJ ■■-0GA0 3100
225 400 L ANSA-400LX-14 1PS0408-■BJ ■■-0GA0 3250
250 450 L ANSA-450LL-14 1PS0454-■BJ ■■-0GA0 4100
280 450 L ANSA-450LN-14 1PS0455-■BJ ■■-0GA0 4400
315 450 L ANSA-450LN-14 1PS0457-■BJ ■■-0GA0 4400
340 450 L ANSA-450LX-14 1PS0458-■BJ ■■-0GA0 4600
355 500 L ANSA-500LL-14 1PS0504-■BJ ■■-0GA0 5400
400 500 L
450 500 L
ANSA-500LN-14 1PS0505-■BJ ■■-0GA0 6100
ANSA-500LN-14 1PS0507-■BJ ■■-0GA0 6100 3
500 500 L ANSA-500LX-14 1PS0508-■BJ ■■-0GA0 6500
16-pole: 375 rpm at 50 Hz
100 355 L ANSA-355LC-16 1PS0357-■BH■■-0HA0 2350
110 355 L ANSA-355LD-16 1PS0358-■BH■■-0HA0 2400
132 400 L ANSA-400LL-16 1PS0405-■BJ ■■-0HA0 2800
160 400 L ANSA-400LN-16 1PS0407-■BJ ■■-0HA0 3100
180 400 L ANSA-400LX-16 1PS0408-■BJ ■■-0HA0 3250
200 450 L ANSA-450LL-16 1PS0454-■BJ ■■-0HA0 4100
225 450 L ANSA-450LN-16 1PS0455-■BJ ■■-0HA0 4400
250 450 L ANSA-450LN-16 1PS0457-■BJ ■■-0HA0 4400
265 450 L ANSA-450LX-16 1PS0458-■BJ ■■-0HA0 4650
280 500 L ANSA-500LL-16 1PS0504-■BJ ■■-0HA0 5400
315 500 L ANSA-500LN-16 1PS0505-■BJ ■■-0HA0 6100
355 500 L ANSA-500LN-16 1PS0507-■BJ ■■-0HA0 6100
400 500 L ANSA-500LX-16 1PS0508-■BJ ■■-0HA0 6650
Operating modes Frame size Order code
Mains-fed operation 355 ... 450 0 –
Converter-fed operation, standard insulation 355 ... 450 1 –
Converter-fed operation with special insulation (derating approx. 5 %) 355 ... 500 2 –
Mains-fed operation, pre-formed coil 355 ... 500 3 –
Converter-fed operation, pre-formed coil 355 ... 500 4 –
Voltages Frame size Order code
690 VΔ, 50 Hz 355 ... 500 0 –
500 VΔ, 50 Hz 355 ... 450 5 –
400 V/690 V, 50 Hz 355 ... 400 6 –
690 VY, 50 Hz 355 ... 400 8 –
For other voltages see Page 3/23 355 ... 500 9 …
Types of construction Frame size Order code
IM B3 355 ... 500 0 –
IM V1/cover 355 ... 450 4 –
IM B35 355 ... 500 6 –
For other types of construction see from Page 1/28 355 ... 500 9 …
1) 2)
Outside the IE code classification according to IEC 60034-30. Only possible with 690 V, 60 Hz (values apply to 690 V).
Motor with special rotor (Cu).
kW FS kg
• Cooling: self-ventilated (IC 411)
• Mains-fed operation: double pole-changing for square-law load torque
• Insulation: thermal class 155 (temperature class F), IP55 degree of protection, utilization in accordance with thermal class 130 (temperature class B), S1-100 %
4-/2-pole: 1500/3000 rpm at 50 Hz with one winding connected in Dahlander circuit for fan drive
0.5/2 90 L AVGA-090LS-42 1PS0098-■ND■■-0NA3 37
0.65/2.4 100 L AVGA-100LR-42 1PS0106-■ND■■-0NA3 53
0.8/3 100 L AVGA-100LS-42 1PS0108-■ND■■-0NA3 55
1.1/4.1 112 M AVGA-112MS-42 1PS0113-■ND■■-0NA3 66
1.6/6 132 S AVGA-132SR-42 1PS0131-■ND■■-0NA3 93
2.2/9 132 M AVGA-132MR-42 1PS0133-■ND■■-0NA3 102
3/12 160 M AVGA-160MR-42 1PS0163-■ND■■-0NA3 176
4/16 160 L AVGA-160LS-42 1PS0166-■ND■■-0NA3 192
5.5/20 180 M AVGA-180MR-42 1PS0183-■ND■■-0NA3 246
6.3/25 180 L AVGA-180LS-42 1) 1PS0186-■ND■■-0NA3 255
8.5/33 200 L AVGA-200LS-42 1PS0206-■ND■■-0NA3 333
10.5/38 225 S AVGA-225SR-42 1PS0220-■ND■■-0NA3 415
13/46 225 M AVGA-225MS-42 1PS0223-■ND■■-0NA3 455
15/55 250 M AVGA-250MM-42 1PS0253-■ND■■-0NA3 560
20/75 280 S AVGA-280SL-42 1PS0280-■ND■■-0NA3 780
24/90 280 M AVGA-280MM-42 1PS0283-■ND■■-0NA3 850
27/110 315 S AVGA-315SL-42 2) 1PS0311-■ND■■-0NA3 970
33/132 315 M AVGA-315ML-42 2) 1PS0313-■ND■■-0NA3 1040
37/145 315 M AVGA-315MN-42 2) 1PS0315-■ND■■-0NA3 1120
44/172 315 L AVGA-315LL-42 2) 1PS0316-■ND■■-0NA3 1340
50/200 315 L AVGA-315LM-42 2) 1PS0317-■ND■■-0NA3 1420
65/250 355 L AVGA-355LB-42 2) 1PS0356-■ND■■-0NA0 1730
LOHER VARIO on request
Operating modes Frame size Order code
Mains-fed operation 90 ... 355 0 –
Converter-fed operation, standard insulation 90 ... 355 1 –
Voltages Frame size Order code
230 V, 50 Hz 90 ... 112 1 –
500 VY, 50 Hz 90 ... 315 3 –
400 V, 50 Hz 90 ... 355 6 –
690 VY, 50 Hz 90 ... 355 8 –
For other voltages see Page 3/23 90 ... 355 9 …
Types of construction Frame size Order code
IM B3 90 ... 355 0 –
IM B5 90 ... 315 1 –
IM B34 90 ... 112 2 –
IM B14 90 ... 112 3 –
IM V1/cover 90 ... 355 4 –
IM B35 90 ... 355 6 –
For other types of construction see from Page 1/28 90 ... 355 9 …
1) Rated output, partial utilization up to 155 °C (F). 2) Motor with special rotor (Cu).
8/33 225 S AVGA-225SR-84 1PS0220-■ND■■-0QA3 415
9.2/37 225 S AVGA-225SS-84 1) 1PS0221-■ND■■-0QA3 425
9.5/39 225 M AVGA-225MR-84 1) 1PS0223-■ND■■-0QA3 445
11/44 225 M AVGA-225MS-84 1) 1PS0224-■ND■■-0QA3 335
11/49 250 M AVGA-250MM-84 1PS0253-■ND■■-0QA3 560
17/68 280 S AVGA-280SL-84 1PS0280-■ND■■-0QA3 780
20/80 280 M AVGA-280MM-84 1PS0283-■ND■■-0QA3 850
22/95 315 S AVGA-315SL-84 1PS0311-■ND■■-0QA3 950
26/110 315 M AVGA-315ML-84 1PS0313-■ND■■-0QA3 1030
30/130 315 M AVGA-315MN-84 1PS0315-■ND■■-0QA3 1110
38/160 315 L AVGA-315LL-84 1PS0316-■ND■■-0QA3 1300
45/180 315 L AVGA-315LM-84 1PS0317-■ND■■-0QA3 1410
50/220 355 M AVGA-355MB-84 2) 1PS0353-■ND■■-0QB0 1560
60/275 355 L AVGA-355LB-84 2) 1PS0356-■ND■■-0QB0 1730
LOHER VARIO on request
Operating modes Frame size Order code
Mains-fed operation 90 ... 355 0 –
Converter-fed operation, standard insulation 90 ... 355 1 –
Voltages Frame size Order code
230 V, 50 Hz 90 ... 112 1 –
500 VY, 50 Hz 90 ... 315 3 –
400 V, 50 Hz 90 ... 355 6 –
690 VY, 50 Hz 90 ... 355 8 –
For other voltages see Page 3/23 90 ... 355 9 …
Types of construction Frame size Order code
IM B3 90 ... 355 0 –
IM B5 90 ... 315 1 –
IM B34 90 ... 112 2 –
IM B14 90 ... 112 3 –
IM V1/cover 90 ... 355 4 –
IM B35 90 ... 355 6 –
For other types of construction see from Page 1/28 90 ... 355 9 …
1) Rated output, partial utilization up to 155 °C (F). 2) Motor with special rotor (Cu).
7/20 200 L AVGA-200LR-64 1PS0206-■ND■■-0PA3 333
9/26 200 L AVGA-200LS-64 1PS0208-■ND■■-0PA3 341
10/31 225 S AVGA-225SR-64 1PS0220-■ND■■-0PA3 415
13/38 225 M AVGA-225MS-64 1PS0223-■ND■■-0PA3 445
17/48 250 M AVGA-250MM-64 1PS0253-■ND■■-0PA3 560
25/70 280 S AVGA-280SL-64 1PS0280-■ND■■-0PA3 780
30/82 280 M AVGA-280MM-64 1PS0283-■ND■■-0PA3 850
32/95 315 S AVGA-315SL-64 1PS0311-■ND■■-0PA3 980
37/115 315 M AVGA-315ML-64 1PS0313-■ND■■-0PA3 1040
47/135 315 M AVGA-315MN-64 1PS0315-■ND■■-0PA3 1120
55/160 315 L AVGA-315LL-64 1) 1PS0316-■ND■■-0PA3 1340
75/200 315 L AVGA-315LM-64 1) 2) 1PS0317-■ND■■-0PA3 1430
90/250 355 L AVGA-355LB-64 1PS0356-■ND■■-0PA0 1730
LOHER VARIO on request
Operating modes Frame size Order code
Mains-fed operation 90 ... 355 0 –
Converter-fed operation, standard insulation 90 ... 355 1 –
Voltages Frame size Order code
230 V, 50 Hz 90 ... 112 1 –
500 VY, 50 Hz 90 ... 315 3 –
400 V, 50 Hz 90 ... 355 6 –
690 VY, 50 Hz 90 ... 355 8 –
For other voltages see Page 3/23 90 ... 355 9 …
Types of construction Frame size Order code
IM B3 90 ... 355 0 –
IM B5 90 ... 315 1 –
IM B34 90 ... 112 2 –
IM B14 90 ... 112 3 –
IM V1/cover 90 ... 355 4 –
IM B35 90 ... 355 6 –
For other types of construction see from Page 1/28 90 ... 355 9 …
1) Rated output, partial utilization up to 155 °C (F). 2) Motor with special rotor (Cu).
13/28 225 M AVGA-225MS-86 1PS0223-■ND■■-0RA3 445
16/34 250 M AVGA-250MM-86 1PS0253-■ND■■-0RA3 560
25/50 280 S AVGA-280SL-86 1PS0280-■ND■■-0RA3 780
30/60 280 M AVGA-280MM-86 1PS0283-■ND■■-0RA3 850
33/70 315 S AVGA-315SL-86 1PS0311-■ND■■-0RA3 960
40/85 315 M AVGA-315ML-86 1PS0313-■ND■■-0RA3 1030
47/100 315 M AVGA-315MN-86 1PS0315-■ND■■-0RA3 1110
55/120 315 L AVGA-315LL-86 1PS0316-■ND■■-0RA3 1300
70/150 315 L AVGA-315LM-86 1) 2) 1PS0317-■ND■■-0RA3 1420
85/190 355 L AVGA-355LB-86 1PS0356-■ND■■-0RA0 1730
LOHER VARIO on request
Operating modes Frame size Order code
Mains-fed operation 90 ... 355 0 –
Converter-fed operation, standard insulation 90 ... 355 1 –
Voltages Frame size Order code
230 V, 50 Hz 90 ... 112 1 –
500 VY, 50 Hz 90 ... 315 3 –
400 V, 50 Hz 90 ... 355 6 –
690 VY, 50 Hz 90 ... 355 8 –
For other voltages see Page 3/23 90 ... 355 9 …
Types of construction Frame size Order code
IM B3 90 ... 355 0 –
IM B5 90 ... 315 1 –
IM B34 90 ... 112 2 –
IM B14 90 ... 112 3 –
IM V1/cover 90 ... 355 4 –
IM B35 90 ... 355 6 –
For other types of construction see from Page 1/28 90 ... 355 9 …
1) Rated output, partial utilization up to 155 °C (F). 2) Motor with special rotor (Cu).
1) Rated output, partial utilization up to 155 °C (F). 2) Motor with special rotor (Cu).
18.5 180 M 1470 120 260 IE2 92.3 92.8 0.83 35.0 28.0 20.0 3.3 7.6 3.0 ABGA-180MR-04 1PS0183-■RD■■-0BA3 270 0.16
22 180 L 1470 143 260 IE2 91.8 92.3 0.83 41.5 33.5 24.0 3.0 7.0 2.6 ABGA-180LS-04 1PS0186-■RD■■-0BA3 280 0.16
30 200 L 1470 195 400 IE2 92.3 93.2 0.83 57.0 45.0 33.0 1.5 6.0 2.5 ABGA-200LR-04 1PS0206-■RD■■-0BA3 366 0.27
37 225 S 1480 239 400 IE2 93.5 93.9 0.81 71.0 56.0 41.0 3.0 7.3 2.9 ABGA-225SR-04 1PS0220-■RD■■-0BA3 456 0.37
45 225 M 1475 291 400 IE2 93.1 93.7 0.84 83.0 66.0 48.0 2.6 6.7 2.6 ABGA-225MS-04 1PS0223-■RD■■-0BA3 490 0.41
55 250 M 1480 355 400 IE2 93.7 94.4 0.87 97.0 78.0 56.0 2.5 7.7 2.9 ABGA-250MM-04 1PS0253-■RD■■-0BA3 616 0.79
6-pole: 1000 rpm at 50 Hz
3 132 S 955 30 80 IE2 84.1 85.0 0.79 6.50 5.20 3.80 2.3 6.5 2.5 ABGA-132SR-06 1PS0131-■RD■■-0CA3 103 0.033
4 132 M 955 40 80 IE2 86.0 86.3 0.81 8.30 6.60 4.80 2.3 6.5 2.5 ABGA-132MR-06 1PS0133-■RD■■-0CA3 112 0.045
5.5 132 M 955 55 150 IE2 86.1 86.8 0.77 12.0 9.60 6.90 2.4 6.1 2.6 ABGA-132MS-06 1PS0135-■RD■■-0CA3 118 0.045
7.5 160 M 965 74 150 IE2 87.4 88.1 0.82 15.1 12.1 8.80 2.5 6.5 2.9 ABGA-160MR-06 1PS0163-■RD■■-0CA3 193 0.125
11 160 L 970 108 260 IE2 89.0 89.2 0.74 24.0 19.3 14.0 3.0 6.7 3.0 ABGA-160LS-06 1PS0166-■RD■■-0CA3 210 0.144
15 180 L 970 148 260 IE2 89.7 90.2 0.78 31.0 25.0 17.9 1.7 5.6 2.5 ABGA-180LS-06 1PS0186-■RD■■-0CA3 270 0.138
18.5 200 L 980 180 400 IE2 91.2 91.5 0.80 36.5 29.5 21.0 2.5 7.0 2.6 ABGA-200LR-06 1PS0206-■RD■■-0CA3 366 0.33
22 200 L 980 214 400 IE2 91.5 92.0 0.78 44.5 35.5 26.0 2.5 7.0 2.6 ABGA-200LS-06 1PS0208-■RD■■-0CA3 375 0.33
30 225 M 980 292 400 IE2 91.8 92.5 0.80 59.0 47.0 34.0 2.8 6.0 2.3 ABGA-225MS-06 1PS0223-■RD■■-0CA3 380 0.55
37 250 M 985 359 400 IE2 92.2 92.3 0.77 75.0 60.0 43.5 2.1 6.0 2.1 ABGA-250MM-06 1PS0253-■RD■■-0CA3 560 1.0
Operating modes Frame size Order code
Mains-fed operation 132 ... 250 0 –
Converter-fed operation, standard insulation 132 ... 250 1 –
Converter-fed operation with special insulation (derating approx. 5 %) 160 ... 250 2 –
Voltages Frame size Order code
230 V/400 V, 50 Hz 132 ... 250 1 –
500 VY, 50 Hz 132 ... 250 3 –
400 V/690 V, 50 Hz 132 ... 250 6 –
690 VY, 50 Hz 132 ... 250 8 –
For other voltages see Page 3/23 132 ... 250 9 …
Types of construction Frame size Order code
IM B3 132 ... 250 0 –
IM B5 132 ... 250 1 –
IM B34 132 ... 250 2 –
IM B14 132 ... 250 3 –
IM V1/cover 132 ... 250 4 –
IM B35 132 ... 250 6 –
For other types of construction see from Page 1/28 132 ... 250 9 …
TB = Braking torque in Nm
Without additional charge For dual voltages 230 V/400 V, 220 V/380 V, 400 V/690 V or
• This order code only determines the price of the version – 380 V/660 V:
Additional plain text is required. – For motors for converter-fed operation,
✓ With additional charge the converter rating plate is stamped with 380 V or 400 V.
O.R. Possible on request – For motors with a Dahlander circuit, the lower voltage
– Not possible is generally specified.
Voltages not listed in the catalog are only available on request.
Standard brake supply voltage: 230 V, 1-phase
internal corrosion protection system J08
Coating system Z21/J08 – 210 µm V11 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
(offshore, C5M-M) – corrosion resistance
acc. to EN/ISO 12944-5 = C5
(5 to 15 years) – sea climate
Increased layer thickness 275 µm for V19 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
coating system Z21 (C5M-high) – only in
combination with V11 – corrosion resis-
tance acc. to EN/ISO 12944-5 = C5 high
(> 15 years) – sea climate
Special offshore paint finish to Norsok V12 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
M501 (C5-high – sea climate) – corrosion
resistance acc. to EN/ISO 12944-5 = C5
high (> 15 years) – sea climate
Special coating system S11/J08 V13 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
(e.g. submerged motors)
Unpainted, only primed K24 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – –
Unpainted K23 – – – –
Outer coating 110 µm for zinc-galvanized V98 – – – – – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
noise cabinet – V98 = outer coating
110 µm for zinc-galvanized noise cabinet
Special colors according to Munsell or Y50 • and – – – – – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
British Standard identification
Standard paint finish in RAL 1004, 1018, Y53 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
2000, 2004, 5009, 5012, 5015, 6003, standard
6011, 7000, 7011, 7031, 7038, 9002 finish RAL….
Special paint finish in RAL 1004, 1018, Y54 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
2000, 2004, 5009, 5012, 5015, 6003, special
6011, 7000, 7011, 7031, 7038, 9002 – finish RAL….
(specify special coating system in
addition, e.g. V10, V11, W14, etc.)
RAL colors, other than those offered Y51 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
above special
finish RAL….
Special non-RAL colors Y71 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Other paint combinations/systems or O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
RAL colors to customer specification
Shipping), CT 45 °C with manufacturer's
declaration – non essential
Design acc. to BV (Bureau Veritas), CT W26 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
50 °C with manufacturer's declaration –
non essential
Design acc. to DNV (Det Norske Veritas), W27 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
CT 45 °C with manufacturer's declaration
– non essential
Design acc. to ABS (American Bureau of W28 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Shipping), CT 50 °C with manufacturer's
declaration – non essential
Design acc. to RINa (Registro Italiano W29 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Novale), CT 50 °C with manufacturer's
declaration – non essential
Other certifications, motors for upper W99 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
deck mounting and acceptance tests to
classification – factory clarification
Design acc. to GL (Germanischer Lloyd), Q60 – – – – – – – – – – – – O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
CT 45 °C, essential drive 2)
Design acc. to LRoS (Lloyds Register of Q61 – – – – – – – – – – – – O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
Shipping), CT 45 °C with manufacturer's
declaration, essential drive 2)
Design acc. to BV (Bureau Veritas), CT Q62 – – – – – – – – – – – – O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
45 °C with manufacturer's declaration,
essential drive 2)
Design acc. to DNV (Det Norske Veritas), Q63 – – – – – – – – – – – – O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
CT 45 °C with manufacturer's declaration,
essential drive 2)
Design acc. to ABS (American Bureau of Q64 – – – – – – – – – – – – O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
Shipping), CT 50 °C with manufacturer's
declaration, essential drive 2)
Design acc. to RINa (Registro Italiano Q65 – – – – – – – – – – – – O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
Novale), CT 50 °C with manufacturer's
declaration, essential drive 2)
Design acc. to CCS (China) CT 45 °C with Q66 – – – – – – – – – – – – O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
manufacturer's declaration, essential
drive 2)
Design acc. to USSR (Russia) CT xx °C Q67 – – – – – – – – – – – – O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
with manufacturer's declaration, essen-
tial drive 2)
Design acc. to PR (Poland) CT xx °C with Q68 – – – – – – – – – – – – O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
manufacturer's declaration, essential
drive 2)
Design acc. to NKK (Japan) CT xx °C with Q69 – – – – – – – – – – – – O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
manufacturer's declaration, essential
drive 2)
Terminal box on right-hand side K09 – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
(view onto DE)
Terminal box on left-hand side K10 – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
(view onto DE)
Terminal box on top K11
Mounting of rotary pulse encoder Q70 – – – – – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Loher preferred brand
Terminal box to IP65 Q71 – – – – – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Cable entry thread metrically different W30 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – –
from standard – thread dimension must
be specified
Enlarged connection system for main L00 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – –
terminal box – not in combination with
K53 (Ex d terminal box)
Undrilled cable gland plate – L01 – – – – – – – – – – – –
for main terminal box
Split terminal box W31 – – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
NPT thread – specify thread size in plain W32 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
text, cable gland not in our supply
Cable gland, standard – one cable K54 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – –
gland for supply cable in the main
terminal box, non-armored cable
Cable gland, standard thread size for W33 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – –
auxiliary connection (1 unit) – for
connection cable of accessories in main
or auxiliary terminal box
Main terminal with tinned cable lug W34 – – – – – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
for copper cable
Saddle terminal for connection without W35 – – – – – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
cable lug
Special cable gland – special sizes or Y97 • and O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
armored cable, exact cable data needed identification
Auxiliary terminal box, non-Ex, cast-iron M50 – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
design – without removable cable gland
plate, with metric cable entry thread
Material of auxiliary terminal box: stain- M51 – – – – – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
less steel – not in combination with K53
(Ex d terminal box)
Separate auxiliary terminal box for anti- M52 – – – – – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
condensation heater
Heater in main terminal box P84 – – – – – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
only in combination with W38, length as
power cable
Additional separately supplied terminal W41 – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – –
box made of cast-iron with baseplate –
main terminal box certified acc. to Ex e
Cable entry from DE K83
Cable entry from NDE K84
Rotation of the terminal box by 180° K85
Vibration quantity level A – IEC 60034-14 K01
Vibration quantity level B – IEC 60034-14 K02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
– for converter-fed operation only at
lowest and highest speed of speed
Shaft and flange with increased accuracy K04 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
according to DIN 42955
Radial sealing ring at DE for horizontal K17 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – –
flange-mounting types (DE oil-tight)
Radial sealing ring at DE for vertical W43 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – –
flange-mounting types (DE oil-tight)
Labyrinth sealing for external bearing W44 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Bearing for increased cantilever forces K20 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
(roller bearing DE with regreasing) –
comprising K40
Bearings for increased axial forces V20 – – – – – – – – – – – – O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
Regreasing device DE/NDE K40 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Grease-collecting chamber if regreasing W45 – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
is applied
Bearing insulation NDE for roller bearings L27 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
– binding for frame sizes 315 to 500 for
converter-fed operation
Shaft grounding device – up to -20 °C V36 – – – – – – – – – – – – O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
Located bearing DE K94
Located bearing NDE L04 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Special grease Klüber Staburags – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
NBU8EP – ETO option (Engineer To
Order) without order code
Special grease Klüber Isoflex SL2 – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
ETO option (Engineer To Order) without
order code
Standard version
Without additional charge
• This order code only determines the price of the version –
Additional plain text is required.
✓ With additional charge
O.R. Possible on request
– Not possible
1) 2)
Coding in 8th position of the article number, for Acceptance tests must be selected additionally. For example, for the first
LOHER CHEMSTAR = 2. motor select F83 or F93, and for each additional motor F01. Inclusive of
costs for certification authority and inspector, and shaft test if specified by
certification authority. LOHER CHEMSTAR for essential drive is possible on
request as an ETO option (Engineer To Order) without an option code.
■ Dimensional drawings
Type of construction IM B3
For flange dimensions, see Page 3/43.
L (2 pole)
L (4-pole to 16-pole)
■ Dimensional drawings
E In EN 50347, the frame sizes
T are allocated flange FF with
through holes and flange FT
with tapped holes.
(Z = the number of retaining
Frame size No. of poles Flange with Dimension designation acc. to IEC
through hole (FF)/
tapped hole (FT)
acc. to EN 50347
Selectable flange LA E M N P S T Z
90 L 2 … 16 FF165 10 50 165 130 200 11.5 3.5 4
FF215 1) 11 – 215 180 250 14 4 4
FT115 15 50 115 95 140 M8 3 4
FT100 1)
FT130 1)
100 L 2 … 16 FF215 11 60 215 180 250 14 4 4
FT130 11 60 130 110 160 M8 3.5 4
FT115 1) 10 – 115 95 140 M8 3 4
FT130 1) 12 – 165 130 200 M10 3.5 4
112 M 2 … 16 FF215 11 60 215 180 250 14 4 4
FT165 1) 13 – 265 230 300 14 4 4
FT130 11 60 130 110 160 M8 3.5 4
FT165 1) 12 – 165 130 200 M10 3.5 4
132 S 2 … 16 FF265 12 80 265 230 300 14 4 4
FF215 1) 11 – 215 180 250 14 4 4
132 M 2 … 16 FF265 12 80 265 230 300 14 4 4
FF215 1) 11 – 215 180 250 14 4 4
160 M 2 … 16 FF300 20 110 300 250 350 18 5 4
FF215 1) 11 – 215 180 250 14 4 4
FF265 1) 12 – 265 230 300 14 4 4
160 L 2 … 16 FF300 20 110 300 250 350 18 5 4
FF215 1) 11 – 215 180 250 14 4 4
FF265 1) 12 – 265 230 300 14 4 4
180 M 2 … 16 FF300 13 110 300 250 350 18 5 4
FF265 1) 12 – 265 230 300 14 4 4
FF400 1) 16 – 400 350 450 18 5 8
180 L 2 … 16 FF300 13 110 300 250 350 18 5 4
FF265 1) 12 – 265 230 300 14 4 4
FF400 1) 16 – 400 350 450 18 5 8
200 L 2 … 16 FF350 15 110 350 300 400 18 5 8
FF300 1) 15 – 300 250 350 18 5 4
FF400 1) 16 – 400 350 450 18 5 8
225 S 2 FF400 16 110 400 350 450 18 5 8
FF350 1) 15 – 350 300 400 18 5 8
4 … 16 FF400 17 140 400 350 450 18 5 8
FF350 1) 15 – 350 300 400 18 5 8
FF500 1) 22 – 500 450 550 18.5 5 8
4 … 16 FF600 22 170 600 550 660 24 6 8
FF500 1) 22 – 500 450 550 18.5 5 8
315 M 2 FF600 22 140 600 550 660 24 6 8
FF500 1) 22 – 500 450 550 18.5 5 8
4 … 16 FF600 22 170 600 550 660 24 6 8
FF500 1) 22 – 500 450 550 18.5 5 8
315 LL 2 FF600 22 140 600 550 660 24 6 8
FF740 1) 25 – 740 680 800 24 6 8
4 … 16 FF600 22 170 600 550 660 24 6 8
FF740 1) 25 – 740 680 800 24 6 8
315 L 2 FF600 22 140 600 550 660 24 6 8
FF740 1) 25 – 740 680 800 24 6 8
4 … 16 FF600 22 170 600 550 660 24 6 8
FF740 1) 25 – 740 680 800 24 6 8
355 M 2 FF740 25 140 740 680 800 24 6 8
4 … 16 170
355 L 2 FF740 25 140 740 680 800 24 6 8
4 … 16 170
355 L 2 FF740 25 140 740 680 800 22 6 8
4 … 16 170
400 L 2 FF940 28 170 940 880 1000 22 6 8
4 … 16 210
450 L 2 FF1080 30 170 1080 1000 1150 26 6 8
4 … 16 210
500 L 2 FF1180 30 – 1180 1120 1250 26 7 8
4 … 16 210
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to detailed product information as well as numerous solution
examples for programming, configuration and application.
The content, in six languages, is increasingly multimediabased
– and now also available as a mobile app. Online support’s
“Technical Forum” offers users the opportunity to share informa-
tion with each other. The “Support Request” option can be used
to contact Siemens’ technical support experts. The latest con-
tent, software updates, and news via newsletters and Twitter
ensure that industry users are always up to date.
Using the Online Support app, you can access over 300,000 The search function retrieves product information and articles
documents covering all Siemens industrial products – anywhere, and supports you with a personalized suggestion list. You can
any time. Regardless of whether you need help implementing find your favorite pages – articles you need frequently – under
your project, fault-finding, expanding your system or are plan- “mySupport”. You also receive selected news on new functions,
ning a new machine. important articles or events in the News section.
You have access to FAQs, manuals, certificates, characteristics
curves, application examples, product notices (e.g. announce-
ments of new products) and information on successor products
in the event that a product is discontinued.
Scan the QR code
Just scan the product code printed on the product directly using
for information on
the camera of your mobile device to immediately see all techni-
cal information available on this product at a glance. The graph- our Online Support
ical CAx information (3D model, circuit diagrams or EPLAN app.
macros) is also displayed. You can forward this information to
your workplace using the e-mail function. The app is available free of charge from the Apple App Store
(iOS) or from Google Play (Android).
Technical Support
5 The ability to quickly analyze system and error messages and
take appropriate action are key factors in ensuring that plants
run safely and efficiently. Questions can arise at any time and in
any industry, whether it’s an individual product or a complete
automation solution. Siemens technical support offers individual
technical assistance in matters related to functionality, how to
operate, applications, and fault clearance in industrial products
and systems – at any time and globally, over the phone, by e-
mail, or via remote access. Experienced experts from Siemens
answer incoming questions promptly. Depending on the require-
ments, they first consult specialists in the areas of development,
on-site services, and sales. Technical support is also available
for discontinued products that are no longer available. Using the
support request number, any inquiry can be clearly identified
and systematically tracked.
Industry Services
Industry Services for the entire life cycle
Spare Parts
Drive and automation systems must be available at all times.
Even a single missing spare part can bring the entire plant to a
standstill – and result in substantial financial losses for the oper-
ator. The spare parts services from Siemens protects against
such losses – with the aid of quickly available, original spare
parts that ensure smooth interaction with all other system com-
ponents. Spare parts are kept on hand for up to ten years; de-
fective parts can be returned. For many products and solutions,
individual spare parts packages ensure a preventive stock of
spare parts on-site. The spare parts services is available around
the world and around the clock. Optimum supply chain logistics
ensure that replacement components reach their destination as
quickly as possible. Siemens’ logistics experts take care of plan-
ning and management as well as procurement, transportation,
customs handling, warehousing, and complete order manage-
ment for spare parts.
Repair Services
Reliable electrical and electronic equipment is crucial for oper-
ating continuous processes. That is why it is essential that mo-
tors and converters always undergo highly specialized repair
and maintenance. Siemens offers complete customer and repair
services – on site and in repair centers – as well as technical
emergency services worldwide. The repair services include all
measures necessary to quickly restore the functionality of defec-
tive units. In addition, services such as spare parts logistics,
spare parts storage and rapid manufacturing are available to
plant operators in all verticals. With a global network of certified
repair shops operated by Siemens as well as third parties,
Siemens handles the maintenance and overhaul of motors,
converters, and other devices as an authorized service partner.
Field Services
It’s a top priority in all industries: the availability of plants and
equipment. Siemens offers specialized maintenance services
such as inspection and upkeep as well as rapid fault clearance
in industrial plants – worldwide, continuously, and even with
emergency services as needed. The services include startup as
well as maintenance and fault clearance during operation. The
startup service includes checking the installation, function tests,
parameterization, integration tests for machines and plants, trial
operation, final acceptance, and employee training. All services,
including remote maintenance of drives, are also available as
elements of customized service contracts.
Industry Services
Industry Services for the entire life cycle
Increasingly, up-to-date knowledge is becoming a determining
factor in success. One of the key resources of any company is
well-trained staff that can make the right decision at the right
moment and take full advantage of the potential. With SITRAIN –
Training for Industry, Siemens offers comprehensive advanced
training programs. The technical training courses convey exper-
tise and practical knowledge directly from the manufacturer.
SITRAIN covers Siemens’ entire product and system portfolio in
the field of automation and drives. Together with the customer,
Siemens determines the company’s individual training needs
and then develops an advanced training program tailored to the
desired requirements. Additional services guarantee that the
knowledge of all Siemens partners and their employees is
always up-to-date.
Industry Services
Industry Services for the entire life cycle
Modernization & Optimization Services
High machine availability, expanded functionality and selective
energy savings – in all industries, these are decisive factors for
increasing productivity and lowering costs. Whether a company
wants to modernize individual machines, optimize drive sys-
tems, or upgrade entire plants, Siemens’ experts support the
projects from planning to commissioning.
Expert consulting and project management with solution respon-
sibility lead to security and make it possible to specifically iden-
tify savings potential in production. This secures investments
over the long term and increases economic efficiency in opera-
Service Contracts
Making maintenance costs calculable, reducing interfaces,
speeding up response times, and unburdening the company’s
resources – the reduced downtimes that these measures
achieve increase the productivity of a plant. Service contracts
from Siemens make maintenance and repairs more cost-effec-
tive and efficient. The service packages include local and re-
mote maintenance for a system or product group in automation
and drive technology. Whether you need extended service peri-
ods, defined response times, or special maintenance intervals,
the services are compiled individually and according to need.
They can be adjusted flexibly at any time and used indepen-
dently of each other. The expertise of Siemens’ specialists and
the capabilities of remote maintenance thus ensure reliable and
fast maintenance processes throughout a plant’s entire lifecycle.
Metal surcharges
5 Weight method
No surcharge for gold
No surcharge for dysprosium
The weight method uses the basic official price, the daily price No surcharge for neodym
and the raw material weight. In order to calculate the surcharge,
the basic official price must be subtracted from the daily price.
The difference is then multiplied by the raw material weight.
The basic official price can be found in the table below using the
number (1 to 9) of the respective digit of the metal factor. The raw
material weight can be found in the respective product descrip-
1) Refer to the separate explanation on the next page regarding the raw materials dysprosium and neodym (= rare earths).
2) For a different method of calculation, refer to the separate explanation for these raw materials on the next page.
3) Source: Umicore, Hanau (www.metalsmanagement.umicore.com).
4) Source: German Trade Association for Cables and Conductors (www.kabelverband.org).
Metal surcharges
■ Explanation of the raw material/metal surcharges for dysprosium and neodym (rare earths)1) 2)
Surcharge calculation Structure of the metal factor
To compensate for variations in the price of the raw materials The metal factor consists of several digits; the first digit is not
silver1), copper1), aluminum1), lead1), gold1), dysprosium and/or relevant to the calculation of dysprosium and neodym.
neodym, surcharges are calculated on a daily basis using the
so-called metal factor for products containing these raw The remaining digits indicate the method of calculation used for
materials. The surcharge for dysprosium and neodym is calcu- the respective raw material. If no surcharge is added for a raw
lated as a supplement to the price of a product if the basic material, a "-" is used.
official price of the raw material in question is exceeded. 1st digit List or customer net price using the percentage method
The surcharge is calculated in accordance with the following 2nd digit for silver (AG)1)
3rd digit for copper (CU)1)
• Basic official price of the raw material2)
Three-month basic average price (see below) in the period 4th digit for aluminum (AL)1)
before the quarter in which the order was received or the 5th digit for lead (PB)1)
release order took place (= average official price) for
- dysprosium (Dy metal, 99 % min. FOB China; USD/kg) 6th digit for gold (AU)1)
- neodym (Nd metal, 99 % min. FOB China; USD/kg) 7th digit for dysprosium (Dy)
• Metal factor of the products 8th digit for neodym (Nd)
Certain products are displayed with a metal factor. The metal
factor indicates (for those raw materials concerned) the basic
official price as of which the surcharges for dysprosium and Weight method
neodym are calculated using the weight method. An exact The weight method uses the basic official price, the average
explanation of the metal factor is given below. price and the raw material weight. In order to calculate the
surcharge, the basic official price must be subtracted from the
Three-month average price
average price. The difference is then multiplied by the raw
The prices of rare earths vary according to the foreign currency, material weight.
and there is no freely accessible stock exchange listing. This
The basic official price can be found in the table below using the
makes it more difficult for all parties involved to monitor changes
number (1 to 9) of the respective digit of the metal factor. Your
in price. In order to avoid continuous adjustment of the sur-
Sales contact can inform you of the raw material weight.
charges, but to still ensure fair, transparent pricing, an average
price is calculated over a three-month period using the average Metal factor examples
monthly foreign exchange rate from USD to EUR (source: Euro-
pean Central Bank). Since not all facts are immediately available
at the start of each month, a one-month buffer is allowed before ––––––71
the new average price applies. No basis necessary
Examples of calculation of the average official price: No surcharge for silver
Period for calculation of Period during which the order/release order is No surcharge for copper
the average price: effected and the average price applies:
No surcharge for aluminum
Sep 2012 – Nov 2012 Q1 in 2013 (Jan – Mar)
No surcharge for lead
Dec 2012 – Feb 2013 Q2 in 2013 (Apr – Jun)
No surcharge for gold
Mar 2013 – May 2013 Q3 in 2013 (Jul – Sep)
Dysprosium acc. to weight, basic official price
Jun 2013 – Aug 2013 Q4 in 2013 (Oct – Dec) 300 €
Neodym acc. to weight, basic official price 50 €
1) For a different method of calculation, refer to the separate explanation for these raw materials on the previous page.
2) Source: Asian Metal Ltd (www.asianmetal.com)
Metal surcharges
4 175
5 200 Calculation based on raw material weight
6 225
7 300
8 400
9 555
- No metal surcharge
Industry Automation, Drive Technologies and Low-Voltage Power Distribution
Further information can be obtained from our branch offices listed at www.siemens.com/automation/partner
System Solutions for Industry Catalog Low-Voltage Power Distribution and Catalog
Interactive Catalog on DVD Electrical Installation Technology
Products for Automation and Drives, Low-Voltage Power CA 01 SENTRON · SIVACON · ALPHA LV 10
Distribution and Electrical Installation Technology Protection, Switching, Measuring and Monitoring
Devices, Switchboards and Distribution Systems
Building Control Standards-Compliant Components for LV 11
GAMMA Building Control ET G1 Photovoltaic Plants
3WT Air Circuit Breakers up to 4000 A LV 35
Drive Systems 3VT Molded Case Circuit Breakers up to 1600 A LV 36
Digital: SIVACON System Cubicles, System Lighting LV 50
SINAMICS G130 Drive Converter Chassis Units D 11
and System Air-Conditioning
SINAMICS G150 Drive Converter Cabinet Units
SINAMICS GM150, SINAMICS SM150 D 12 Digital: ALPHA Distribution Systems LV 51
Medium-Voltage Converters ALPHA FIX Terminal Blocks LV 52
SINAMICS PERFECT HARMONY GH180 D 15.1 SIVACON S4 Power Distribution Boards LV 56
Medium-Voltage Air-Cooled Drives Digital: SIVACON 8PS Busbar Trunking Systems LV 70
Germany Edition Digital: DELTA Switches and Socket Outlets ET D1
SINAMICS G180 D 18.1
Converters – Compact Units, Cabinet Systems,
Cabinet Units Air-Cooled and Liquid-Cooled Motion Control
SINAMICS S120 Chassis Format Units and D 21.3 SINUMERIK & SIMODRIVE NC 60
Cabinet Modules Automation Systems for Machine Tools
SINAMICS S150 Converter Cabinet Units SINUMERIK & SINAMICS NC 61
SINAMICS DCM DC Converter, Control Module D 23.1 Equipment for Machine Tools
SINAMICS DCM Cabinet D 23.2 SINUMERIK 840D sl Type 1B NC 62
SINAMICS and Motors for Single-Axis Drives D 31 Equipment for Machine Tools
SINAMICS G120P and SINAMICS G120P Cabinet D 35 SINUMERIK 808 NC 81.1
pump, fan, compressor converters Equipment for Machine Tools
Three-Phase Induction Motors SIMOTICS HV, D 84.1 SINUMERIK 828 NC 82
SIMOTICS TN Equipment for Machine Tools
• Series H-compact SIMOTION, SINAMICS S120 & SIMOTICS PM 21
• Series H-compact PLUS Equipment for Production Machines
Asynchronous Motors Standardline D 86.1 Drive and Control Components for Cranes CR 1
Synchronous Motors with Permanent-Magnet D 86.2
Technology, HT-direct Power Supply
DC Motors DA 12 Power supply SITOP KT 10.1
SIMOREG DC MASTER 6RA70 Digital Chassis DA 21.1
Safety Integrated
SIMOREG K 6RA22 Analog Chassis Converters DA 21.2
Digital: SIMOREG DC MASTER 6RM70 Digital DA 22 Safety Technology for Factory Automation SI 10
Converter Cabinet Units
SIMOVERT PM Modular Converter Systems DA 45 SIMATIC HMI/PC-based Automation
SIEMOSYN Motors DA 48 Human Machine Interface Systems/ ST 80/
MICROMASTER 420/430/440 Inverters DA 51.2 PC-based Automation ST PC
SIMODRIVE 611 universal and POSMO DA 65.4 SIMATIC Ident
Note: Additional catalogs on SIMODRIVE or SINAMICS Industrial Identification Systems ID 10
drive systems and SIMOTICS motors with SINUMERIK
and SIMOTION can be found under Motion Control
SIMATIC Industrial Automation Systems
Low-Voltage Three-Phase-Motors Products for Totally Integrated Automation ST 70
SIMOTICS Low-Voltage Motors D 81.1 SIMATIC PCS 7 Process Control System ST PCS 7
SIMOTICS FD Flexible Duty Motors D 81.8 System components
MOTOX Geared Motors D 87.1 SIMATIC PCS 7 Process Control System ST PCS 7 T
SIMOGEAR Geared Motors MD 50.1 Technology components
SIMOGEAR Gearboxes with adapter MD 50.11 Add-ons for the SIMATIC PCS 7 ST PCS 7 AO
Mechanical Driving Machines Process Control System
FLENDER Standard Couplings MD 10.1
FLENDER High Performance Couplings MD 10.2 SIMATIC NET
FLENDER SIG Standard industrial gear unit MD 30.1 Industrial Communication IK PI
FLENDER SIP Standard industrial planetary gear units MD 31.1
SIRIUS Industrial Controls
Process Instrumentation and Analytics SIRIUS Industrial Controls IC 10
Field Instruments for Process Automation FI 01
Digital: SIPART Controllers and Software MP 31
Products for Weighing Technology WT 10
Digital: Process Analytical Instruments PA 01 Information and Download Center
Digital: Process Analytics, PA 11 Digital versions of the catalogs are available on the Internet at:
Components for the System Integration www.siemens.com/industry/infocenter
There you’ll find additional catalogs in other languages.
Please note the section “Downloading catalogs” on page
Digital: These catalogs are only available as a PDF. “Online services” in the appendix of this catalog.
© Siemens AG 2014
Siemens AG Subject to change withoput prior notice The information provided in this catalog contains merely general
Industry Sector Article No. E86060-K5583-A111-A2-7600 descriptions or characteristics of performance which in case of actual
use do not always apply as described or which may change as a result
Drive Technologies Division E.9115.27.LDT / Dispo 18402
of further development of the products. An obligation to provide the
Large Drives KG 0914 4.0 HOF/AUM 276 En respective characteristics shall only exist if expressly agreed in the
Hans-Loher-Str. 32 Printed in Germany terms of contract. Availability and technical specifications are subject
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