Btech Syllabus Cse 2018 31545
Btech Syllabus Cse 2018 31545
To build a rich intellectual potential embedded with interdisciplinary knowledge, human values and
professional ethics among the youth, aspirant of becoming engineers and technologists, so that they
contribute to society and create a niche for a successful career.
To become a leading and unique institution of higher learning, offering state-of-the art education,
research and training in engineering and technology to students who are able and eager to become
change agents for the industrial and economic progress of the nation. To nurture and sustain an
academic ambience conducive to the development and growth of committed professionals for
sustained development of the nation and to accomplish its integration into the global Economy.
1. An ability to apply acquired knowledge of mathematics, science and computer science and
engineering to solve engineering problems.
2. An ability to identify, formulate and analyze engineering problems.
3. An ability to design and implement a system, process, component or program to meet desired
needs, within realistic constraints such as culture, society, environment, health and safety.
4. An ability to conduct investigation of complex problems to reach valid conclusions and to
research the contemporary issues.
5. An ability to use appropriate skills, model tools and techniques necessary for computing and
engineering practices.
6. An ability to demonstrate professional responsibilities pertaining to computer science and
engineering by the analysis of societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues.
7. An ability to produce engineering solution in global and societal context and demonstrate the
needs for sustainable development.
8. Apply ethical principle, professional ethics and norms of computer engineering practices.
9. An ability to function effectively as an individual and multi- disciplinary teams.
10. An ability to prepare technical reports and make presentations for the effective delivery of
technical information.
11. Recognition of the need for an ability to engage in lifelong learning.
12. An ability to incorporate appropriate economics and business practices for project, risk and
change management.
Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
Scheme of B. Tech Programme in Computer Science and Engineering to be applicable from 2018 Batch onwards
S. No Course Code Course Title Teaching Load Credit Course
L T P Type
1. CSPC-301 Theory of Computation 3 1 0 4 PC
2. CSPC-303 Operating Systems 3 0 0 3 PC
3. CSPC-305 Software Engineering 3 0 0 3 PC
4. CSPC-307 Information Security 3 0 0 3 PC
5. CSPC-309 Probability Theory for Data 3 1 0 4 PC
6. CSPE-3XX DE-I 3 0 0 3 PE
7. CSPC-323 Operating Systems 0 0 2 1 PC
8. CSPC-325 Software Engineering 0 0 2 1 PC
9. CSPC-327 Information Security 0 0 2 1 PC
10. CSPE-3XX DE-I Laboratory 0 0 2 1 PE
11. CSCI-301 Minor Project, Phase-I 0 0 2 0* CIC
TOTAL 18 2 10 24
S. No Course Course Title Teaching Load Credit Course
Code L T P Type
1. CSPC-302 Data Analytics 3 1 0 4 PC
2. CSPC-304 Cloud Computing 3 0 0 3 PC
3. CSPC-306 Network Security and Cyber 3 0 0 3 PC
4. CSPC-308 Data Mining and Data Warehousing 3 0 0 3 PC
5. CSPE-3XX DE-II 3 0 0 3 PE
6. CSOE-XXX OE-I 3 0 0 3 OE
7. CSPC-322 Data Analytics Laboratory 0 0 2 1 PC
8. CSPC-326 Network Security and Cyber 0 0 2 1 PC
Forensics Laboratory
9. CSPC-328 Data Mining and Data Warehousing 0 0 2 1 PC
10. CSPE-3XX DE-II Laboratory 0 0 2 1 PE
11. CSCI-301 Minor Project, Phase-II 0 0 2 2* CIC
TOTAL 18 1 10 25
* Minor Project will be allotted in 5th Semester, will be evaluated after 6th Semester
S. No Course Code Course Title Teaching Load Credit
1. CSPE-332 Advanced Computer Networks 3 0 0 3
2. CSPE-334 Android Programming and
Mobile Applications 3 0 0 3
3. CSPE-336 Internet of Things 3 0 0 3
4. CSPE-352 Advanced Computer Networks
0 0 2 1
5. CSPE-354 Android Programming and
Mobile Applications 0 0 2 1
Development Laboratory
CSPE-356 Internet of Things Laboratory 0 0 2 1
S. No Course Code Course Title Teaching Load Credit Course
L T P Type
1. CSPC-402 System Programming 3 0 0 3 PC
and Compiler Design
2. CSPE-4XX DE-IV 3 0 0 3 PE
3. CSPE-4XX DE-V 3 0 0 3 PE
4. CSOE-XXX OE-III 3 0 0 3 OE
5. CSPC-422 System Programming 0 0 2 1 PC
and Compiler Design
6. CSCI-400 Project (Phase-II) 0 0 8 4 CIC
7. CSCI-424 Industrial Lecture 0 0 2 1 CIC
TOTAL 12 0 12 18
* Major Project will be allotted in 7th Semester, will be evaluated in 8th Semester
S. No Course Code Course Title Teaching Load Credit
1. CSPE-442 High Performance Computing 3 0 0 3
2. CSPE-444 Soft Computing 3 0 0 3
3. CSPE-446 Wireless Networks 3 0 0 3
After completion of the course, students will be able to:
1. Demonstrate knowledge of binary number, boolean algebra and binary codes.
2. Design, simulate, built and debug complex combinational and sequential circuits based on an abstract
functional specification.
3. Analyze combinational systems using standard gates and minimization methods such as karnaugh maps.
Gate – Level Minimization: The map method, Four-variable map, Five-Variable map, product of sums
simplification Don’t-care conditions, NAND and NOR implementation other Two-level implementations, Exclusive
– Or function, Hardware Description language (HDL).
Combinational Logic: Combinational Circuits, Analysis procedure Design procedure, Binary Adder-Subtractor
Decimal Adder, Binary multiplier, magnitude comparator, Decoders, Encoders, Multiplexers, HDL for
combinational circuits.
Synchronous Sequential Logic: Sequential circuits, latches, Flip-Flops Analysis of clocked sequential circuits,
HDL for sequential circuits, State Reduction and Assignment, Design Procedure.
Registers and Counters: Registers, shift Registers, Ripple counters synchronous counters, other counters, HDL for
Registers and counters.
Memory, CPLDs, and FPGAs: Introduction, Random-Access Memory, Memory Decoding, Error Detection and
correction Read-only memory, Programmable logic Array programmable Array logic, Sequential Programmable
Asynchronous Sequential Logic: Introduction, Analysis Procedure, Circuits with Latches, Design Procedure,
Reduction of state and Flow Tables, Race-Free state Assignment Hazards, Design Example.
After the completion of the course, the students will be able to:
1. Understand fundamentals of programming like variables, conditional and iterative execution, methods, etc.
2. Understand fundamentals of object-oriented programming, including defining classes, invoking methods,
using class libraries, etc.
3. Have the ability to write a computer program to solve specified problems.
4. Be able to use the OOP environment to create, debug and run simple C++ programs.
Object oriented thinking: Need for OOP Paradigm, Procedural programming vs object oriented programming,
object oriented concepts.
Functions: Main function, function prototyping, inline functions, reference variables, call by reference, Defaults
arguments, function overloading, Math library functions.
Class: Difference between C structure and class, specifying a class, Defining member functions: inside and outside
class, scope resolution operator, Array within a class, array of objects, Static data members and member functions,
Object as function arguments, returning objects, Friend function, memory allocation for objects ,pointer to
members, pointer to object, this pointer local classes.
Constructor and destructor: Constructor, types of constructors: default, parameterized and copy constructor,
constructor overloading, constructor with default parameter, dynamic initialization of objects, destructor
Operator overloading and Type Conversion: Defining operator overloading, overloading unary and binary
operator,Data Conversion: Basic to User Defined , User defined to basic, Conversion from one user-defined to
Inheritance and polymorphism: Base class, derived class, visibility modes, derivation and friendship, Types of
inheritance, Containership, virtual function binding, pure virtual functions, Abstract class, pointer to derived class.
Console IO operations: C++ stream classes, Unformatted IO operations, formatted IO operations, managing output
with manipulators.
Working with files: Classes for file stream operations, opening and closing files, File opening modes, file Pointers,
Error handling during file operations, command line arguments. Templates: Class template, class template with
parameter, function template, function template with parameter.
After the completion of the course, the students will be able to:
1. Understand the concepts of data structure, data type and array data structure.
2. Analyze algorithms and determine their time complexity.
3. Implement linked list data structure to solve various problems.
4. Understand and apply various data structure such as stacks, queues, trees and graphs to solve various
computing problems using C-programming language.
Introduction: Basic Terminology, Elementary Data Organization, Structure operations, Algorithm Complexity and
Time-Space trade-off
Arrays: Array Definition, Representation and Analysis, Single and Multidimensional Arrays, address calculation,
application of arrays, Character String in C++, Character string operation, Array as Parameters, Ordered List,
Sparse Matrices and Vectors.
Stacks: Array Representation and Implementation of stack, Operations on Stacks: Push & Pop, Array
Representation of Stack, Linked Representation of Stack, Operations Associated with Stacks, and Application of
stack: Conversion of Infix to prefix and Postfix Expressions, Evaluation of postfix expression using stack.
Recursion: Recursive definition and processes, recursion in C, example of recursion, Tower of Hanoi Problem,
simulating recursion, Backtracking, recursive algorithms, principles of recursion, tail recursion, removal of
Queues: Array and linked representation and implementation of queues, Operations on Queue: Create, Add, Delete,
Full and Empty, Circular queues, D-queues and Priority Queues.
Linked list: Representation and Implementation of Singly Linked Lists, Two-way Header List, Traversing and
Searching of Linked List, Overflow and Underflow, Insertion and deletion to/from Linked Lists, Insertion and
deletion Algorithms, Doubly linked list, Linked List in Array, Polynomial representation and addition, Generalized
linked list, Garbage Collection and Compaction.
Trees: Basic terminology, Binary Trees, Binary tree representation, algebraic Expressions, Complete Binary Tree,
Extended Binary Trees, Array and Linked Representation of Binary trees, Traversing Binary trees, Threaded Binary
trees, Traversing Threaded Binary trees, Huffman algorithm.
Binary Search Trees: Binary Search Tree (BST), Insertion and Deletion in BST, Complexity of Search Algorithm,
Path Length, AVL Trees, B-trees.
Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
Scheme of B. Tech Programme in Computer Science and Engineering to be applicable from 2018 Batch onwards
Searching and Hashing: Sequential search, binary search, comparison and analysis, Hash Table, Hash Functions,
Collision Resolution Strategies, Hash Table Implementation.
Sorting: Insertion Sort, Bubble Sorting, Quick Sort, Two Way Merge Sort, Heap Sort, Sorting on Different Keys,
Practical consideration for Internal Sorting.
Graphs: Terminology & Representations, Graphs & Multi-graphs, Directed Graphs, Sequential Representations of
Graphs, Adjacency Matrices, Traversal, Connected Component and Spanning Trees, Minimum Cost Spanning
File Structures: Physical Storage Media File Organization, Organization of records into Blocks, Sequential Files,
Indexing and Hashing, Primary indices, Secondary indices, B+ Tree index Files, B Tree index Files, Indexing and
Hashing Comparisons.
1. Horowitz and Sahani, “Fundamentals of data Structures”, Galgotia Publication Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
2. R. Kruse etal, “Data Structures and Program Design in C”, Pearson Education Asia, Delhi-2002
3. A. M. Tenenbaum, “Data Structures using C & C++”, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
4. Bruno R Preiss, “Data Structures and Algorithms with Object Oriented Design Pattern in C++”, Jhon
Wiley & Sons, Inc.
5. GilbergForozan , “Data Structure – A pseudo code approach with C++”, Cengage Learning, New Delhi.
After the completion of the course, the students will be able to:
1. Understand basic computer network technology, data communications System and its components.
2. Identify the different types of network topologies and protocols, to enumerate the layers of the OSI model
and TCP/IP
3. Identify the different types of network devices and their functions within a network.
4. Understand and build the skills of subnetting and be familiar with the basic protocols of computer
networks, and how they can be used to assist in network design and implementation.
Introduction: Goals and Applications of Networks, Network structure and architecture, OSI reference model,
TCP/IP Protocol suite, Layering principles, Network Topology Design, connecting devices, Physical Layer
Transmission Media, Line coding scheme, Basic idea of modulation and multiplexing, Switching methods.
Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
Scheme of B. Tech Programme in Computer Science and Engineering to be applicable from 2018 Batch onwards
Local Area Networks: LAN topologies: Bus topology, Ring topology, Token passing rings, FDDI, Star topologies,
Asynchronous transfer mode, Ethernet, IEEE standards 802.3, 802.5. Wireless LANs: IEEE 802.11 and Bluetooth.
Reliable Data Delivery: Error detection and Correction, Error control (retransmission techniques, timers), Flow
control (Acknowledgements, sliding window), Medium Access sub layer - Channel Allocations, LAN protocols -
ALOHA protocols, CSMA, CSMA/CD, Overview of IEEE standards.
End-to-end Delivery, routing and Forwarding: Routing versus forwarding, Static and dynamic routing, Unicast
and Multicast Routing. Distance-Vector, Link-State, Shortest path computation, Dijkstra's algorithm, Network
Layer Protocols (IP, ICMP), IP addressing, sub netting and super netting (CIDR), IPV4 and IPV6, Address
mapping-ARP, RARP, BOOTS, and DHCP.
Process-to-process Delivery: design issues, UDP and TCP segment formats, connection establishment and
termination, Principles of congestion control, Approaches to Congestion control, Quality of service, Flow
characteristics, Techniques to improve QoS.
Brief introduction to session and presentation layer.
Network applications and security: Naming and address schemes (domain name system, IP addresses, Uniform
Resource Identifiers, etc.), HTTP as an application layer protocol, Remote login, Electronic mail, SMTP, FTP
Commands and Replies, WWW and SNMP, Security in computer networks: principles of cryptography, symmetric
key, public key, authentication protocols, digital signatures, firewalls. Security in different layers: secure E-mail,
SSL, IP security.
After the completion of the course, the students will be able to:
1. Perform operations on various discrete structures such as sets, functions, relations, and sequences.
2. Solve problems using Counting techniques, Permutation and Combination, Recursion and generating
3. Apply algorithms and use of graphs and trees as tools to visualize and simplify Problems.
4. Understand the various properties of algebraic systems like Rings, Monoids and Groups
Set Theory: Basics of set theory, Cartesian Product of Sets, Partition of Sets, Concept of Relation & Properties of
Relations, Different types of Relations, Tabular and Matrix Representation of Relations, Relations and Diagraphs,
Composition of Relations, Functions and their different mappings, Composition of Function, Recursion and
Recurrence Relations.
Algebraic Structures: Definition, Properties, types: Semi Groups, Monoid, Groups, Abelian group, properties of
groups, Subgroup, cyclic groups, Cosets, factor group, Permutation groups, Normal subgroup, Homomorphism and
isomorphism of Groups, example and standard results, Rings and Fields: definition and standard results.
Posets, Hasse Diagram and Lattices: Introduction, ordered set, Hasse diagram of partially, ordered set, isomorphic
ordered set, well ordered set, properties of Lattices, bounded I and complemented lattices.
Boolean Algebra: Partial Ordering, Totally ordered Sets, Dual Order, Hasse Diagram Lexicographic Ordering,
Cover of an Element, Least and Greatest Elements, Minimal and Maximal Elements ,Upper and Lower Bound ,
Well-Order Set, Binary and n-Ary Operations, Lattices, Atoms of a Boolean Algebra, Boolean Expressions,
Applications of Boolean Algebra to Switching Theory.
Propositional Logic: Proposition, First order logic, Basic logical operation, truth tables, tautologies,
Contradictions, Algebra of Proposition, logical implications, logical equivalence, predicates, Universal and
existential quantifiers.
Combinatorics & Graphs: Recurrence Relation, Generating function, Bipartite, Regular, Planar and connected
graphs, connected components in a graph, Euler graphs, Hamiltonian path and circuits, Graph coloring, chromatic
number, isomorphism and Homomorphism of graphs.
After the course completion, the student will be able to
1. Understand the different numerical methods to solve the algebraic equations and to solve system of linear
and non linear equations.
2. Understand the different numerical methods for interpolation, differentiation, integration and solving set of
ordinary differential equations.
3. Understand how numerical methods afford a mean to generate solutions in a manner that can be
implemented on digital computers.
Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
Scheme of B. Tech Programme in Computer Science and Engineering to be applicable from 2018 Batch onwards
Roots of algebraic and transcendental equations, Bisection method, Regula – Falsi method, Newton –Raphson
method, Bairstow’s method and Graeffe’s root squaring method.
Solution of simultaneous algebraic equations, matrix inversion and eigen-value problems, triangularisation method,
Jacobi’s and Gauss-Siedel iteration method, partition method for matrix inversion, power method for largest eigen-
value and Jacobi’s method for finding all eigen-values.
Finite differences, interpolation and numerical differentiation, forward, backward and central differences, Newton’s
forward, backward and divided difference interpolation formulas, Lagrange’s interpolation formula, Stirling’s and
Bessel’s central difference interpolation formulas, numerical differentiation using Newton’s forward and backward
difference formulas and numerical differentiation using Stirling’s and Bessel’s central difference interpolation
Numerical integration, Trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s one-third rule and numerical double integration using
Trapezoidal rule and Simpson’s one-third rule.
Taylor’s series method, Euler’s and modified Euler’s methods, Runge-Kutta fourth order methods for ordinary
differential equations, simultaneous first order differential equations and second order differential equations.
Boundary value problems, finite difference methods for boundary value problems.
Partial differential equations, finite difference methods for elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic equations.
1. S SSastry, Introductionary Methods of Numerical Analysis, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall of India Pvt.Ltd.,
New India -1999
2. S C Chapra and R P Canale, Numerical Methods for Engineers, 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill Book
Company, Singapore 1990.
3. Kalavathy S., “Numerical Methods”, Cengage Publishers, New Delhi.
4. Burden Richard L. ,Faires J. Douglas, “Numerical Anlaysis” , Cengage Learning , New Delhi.
Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
Scheme of B. Tech Programme in Computer Science and Engineering to be applicable from 2018 Batch onwards
After the completion of the course, the students will be able to:
1. Analyze and design digital combinational circuits like decoders, encoders, multiplexers, and de-
multiplexers including arithmetic circuits (half adder, full adder, and multiplier).
2. Analyze sequential digital circuits like flip-flops, registers, counters.
3. Gain knowledge of the nomenclature and technology in the area of memory devices: ROM, RAM,
This is only the suggested list of Practical’s. Instructor may frame additional Practical’s relevant to the course
After the completion of the course, the students will be able to:
1. Gain understanding about the object oriented principles in construction of robust and maintainable
2. Have a competence to design, write, compile, test and execute programs using high level language.
3. Have an awareness of the need for a professional approach to design and the importance of good
documentation to finish.
Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
Scheme of B. Tech Programme in Computer Science and Engineering to be applicable from 2018 Batch onwards
1. Write a program to read a matrix of size m x n form the keyboard and display the same using function.
2. Write a Program to make the use of inline function.
3. Write a function power () which raise a number m to a power n. The function takes double value of m and
integer value of n and returns the result. Use a default value of n is 2 to make the function to calculate
squares when this argument is omitted.
4. Program to show that the effect of default arguments can be alternatively achieved by overloading.
5. Write a class ACCOUNT that represents your bank account and then use it.
6. The class should allow you to deposit money, withdraw money, calculate interest, send you a message if
you have insufficient balance.
7. Write a class STRING that can be used to store strings, add strings, equate string, output strings.
8. Create the class TIME to store time in hours and minutes. Write a friend function to add two TIME objects.
9. Create two classes DM and DB. DM stores the distance in meter and centimeters and DB stores the
distance in feet and inches. Write a program two add object of DM with the object of DB class.
10. Write a program to create an abstract class named Shape that contains an empty method named number Of
Sides ( ).Provide three classes named Trapezoid, Triangle and Hexagon such that each one of the classes
inherits the class Shape. Each one of the classes contains only the method number Of Sides ( ) that shows
the number of sides in the given geometrical figures.
11. Write Programs to demonstrate the concept of Default constructor, Parameterized constructor, Copy
constructor, and Constructor overloading
12. Program to demonstrate the concept of destructor, multiple inheritance, multilevel inheritance, hybrid
inheritance, and concept of containership.
13. Program to overload unary operator and overload binary operator
14. Program to show the concept of run time polymorphism using virtual function.
15. Program to work with formatted and unformatted IO operations.
16. Program to read the name and roll numbers of students from keyboard and write them into a file and then
display it.
17. Program to copy one file onto the end of another, adding line numbers
18. Write a function template for finding the minimum value contained in an array.
19. Write a class template to represent generic vector (a series of float values). Include member function to
perform following tasks.
a. Create vector
b. Modify the value of a given element
c. To multiply by a scalar value
d. To display vector in the form of (10, 20, 30,…………)
This is only the suggested list of Practical’s. Instructor may frame additional Practicals relevant to the course
After the completion of the course, the students will be able to:
Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
Scheme of B. Tech Programme in Computer Science and Engineering to be applicable from 2018 Batch onwards
1. Understand the importance of data structures and abstract data type, and their basic usability in different
applications through different programming languages.
2. Analyze and differentiate different algorithms based on their time complexity.
3. Understand various data structure such as stacks, queues, trees, graphs, etc. to solve various computing
4. Implement various kinds of searching and sorting techniques, and know when to choose which technique.
After the course completion, the student learning outcomes include:
1. Understand fundamental underlying principles of computer networking
2. Understand details and functionality of layered network architecture.
3. Illustrate design and implementation of data link, network and transport layer protocols within a
simulated/real networking environment and practice packet/file transmission between nodes.
This is only the suggested list of practicals. Instructor may frame additional practicals relevant to the course
Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
Scheme of B. Tech Programme in Computer Science and Engineering to be applicable from 2018 Batch onwards
1. To understand the different issues involved in the design and implementation of a database system. To
study the physical and logical database designs, database modeling, relational, hierarchical, and network
2. To understand and use data manipulation language to query, update, and manage a database
3. To develop an understanding of essential DBMS concepts such as: database security, integrity,
concurrency, distributed database, and intelligent database, Client/Server (Database Server), Data
4. To design and build a simple database system and demonstrate competence with the fundamental tasks
involved with modeling, designing, and implementing a DBMS.
Introduction: An overview of database management system, database system Vs file system, Database system
concepts and architecture, data models schema and instances, data independence and data base language and
interfaces, Data definitions language, DML, Overall Database Structure.
Relational data Model and Language: Relational data model concepts, integrity constraints: entity integrity,
referential integrity, Keys constraints, Domain constraints, relational algebra, relational calculus, tuple and domain
Introduction to SQL: Characteristics of SQL. Advantage of SQL.SQL data types and literals.Types of SQL
commands.SQL operators and their procedure.Tables, views and indexes. Queries and sub queries. Aggregate
functions. Insert, update and delete operations. Joins, Unions, Intersection, Minus, Cursors in SQL.
Data Base Design & Normalization: Functional dependencies, normal forms, first, second, third normal forms,
BCNF, inclusion dependences, loss less join decompositions, normalization using FD, MVD, and JDs, alternative
approaches to database design.
Crash Recovery: Failure classification, recovery concepts based on deferred update, recovery concepts based on
intermediate update, shadow paging, check points, on-line backup during database updates.
Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
Scheme of B. Tech Programme in Computer Science and Engineering to be applicable from 2018 Batch onwards
Concurrency Control Techniques: Concurrency control, locking Techniques for concurrency control, Time
stamping protocols for concurrency control, validation based protocol, multiple granularity, Multi version schemes,
Recovery with concurrent transaction.
Integrity, Security and Repositories: Needs for database integrity, integrity constraints, non-procedural integrity
constraints, integrity constraints specifications in SQL, introduction to database security mechanism, security
specification in SQL, system catalogues
After the completion of the course, the students will be able to:
1. Demonstrate in-depth knowledge of methods and theories in the field of machine learning and provide an
introduction to the basic principles, techniques, and applications of machine learning, classification tasks,
decision tree learning.
2. Apply decision tree learning, bayesian learning and artificial neural network in real world problems.
3. Demonstrate the use of genetic algorithms and genetic programming.
4. Apply inductive and analytical learning with perfect domain theories.
Introduction: Well-Posed learning problems, Basic concepts, Designing a learning system, Issues in machine
learning. Types of machine learning: Learning associations, Supervised learning (Classification and Regression
Trees, Support vector machines), Unsupervised learning (Clustering), Instance-based learning (K-nearest Neighbor,
Locally weighted regression, Radial Basis Function), Reinforcement learning (Learning Task, Q-learning, Value
function approximation, Temporal difference learning).
Decision Tree Learning: Decision tree representation, appropriate problems for decision tree learning, Univariate
Trees (Classification and Regression), Multivariate Trees, Basic Decision Tree Learning algorithms, Hypothesis
space search in decision tree learning, Inductive bias in decision tree learning, Issues in decision tree learning.
Bayesian Learning: Bayes theorem and concept learning, Bayes optimal classifier, Gibbs algorithms, Naive Bayes
Classifier, Bayesian belief networks, The EM algorithm.
Artificial Neural Network: Neural network representation, Neural Networks as a paradigm for parallel processing,
Linear discrimination, Pairwise separation, Gradient Descent, Logistic discrimination, Perceptron, Training a
perceptron, Multilayer perceptron, Back propagation Algorithm. Recurrent Networks, Dynamically modifying
network structure.
Genetic Algorithms: Basic concepts, Hypothesis space search, Genetic programming, Models of evolution and
learning, Parallelizing Genetic Algorithms.
Inductive and Analytical Learning: Learning rule sets, Comparison between inductive and analytical learning,
Analytical learning with perfect domain theories: Prolog-EBG. Inductive Analytical approaches to learning, Using
prior knowledge to initialize hypothesis (KBANN Algorithm), to alter search objective (Tangent Prop and EBNN
Algorithm), to augment search operators (FOCL Algorithm).
Basic Principles of Algorithm Design and Analysis
The Divide and Conquer Method: Overall technique, mergesort, quicksort, quickselect, FFT, etc.
The Greedy Method: Overall technique, the knapsack problem, optimal merge pattern, Huffman coding, minimum
spanning tree, single-sourse shortest paths problem, etc.
Dynamic Programming: Overall technique, matrix chain problem, all-pairs shortest path problem, optimal binary
search trees, etc.
Graph Traversal Techniques: Tree traversal and applications, depth-dirst search, bread-first search, connectivity
algorithms, biconnectivity algorithms, etc.
Backtracking: Overall technique, generation of combinatorial objects such as graphs, sets, permutations, graph
colorings, cliques, Hamiltonian cycles, etc.
Branch and Bound method: Overall method, the 0/1 knapsack problem, the job assignment problem, the traveling
salesman problem, etc.
Lower bound theory: Techniques for determining complexity lower bounds of problems, algorithm modeling,
application to lower bound on sorting, searching, and merging.
After the completion of the course, the students will be able to:
1. Learn the fundamentals of computer organization and its relevance to classical and modern problems of
computer design.
2. Identify where, when and how enhancements of computer performance can be accomplished.
3. Learn the sufficient background necessary to read more advance texts as well as journal articles on the
4. See how to use concepts of computer organization in real-life settings using various PC performance
Introduction: Historical overview, economic trends, underlying technologies, Data Representation- Data Types,
Complements. Fixed-Point Representation, Floating-Point Representation. Error Detection and Correction,
Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division algorithms and hardware.
Register Transfer and Micro operations: Register transfer language, Inter-Register Transfer, Arithmetic Micro-
operations, Logic and Shift micro-operations Language, Control functions.
Arithmetic Logic Unit: Arithmetic, logic and shift micro operations. Constructing an arithmetic logic shift unit.
Basic Computer Architecture and Design: Computer registers, Computer Instructions-Instruction Set
Completeness. Classifying Instruction Set Architecture. Basic steps of Instruction Execution, Hardwired Control,
Micro programmed Control. Horizontal and Vertical Microprogramming. Interrupts.
Central Processing Unit: General Register Organization. Stack Organized CPU. Instruction Formats, Addressing
Modes. Data Transfer and Manipulation. RISCVs CISC.
Pipelining: Parallel and pipeline Processing, Pipeline Control, Pipeline Implementations, Conflicts Resolution, and
Pipeline Hazards. Vector Processing, and Array Processors.
Memory Organization: Memory Systems: principle of locality, principles of memory hierarchy Caches,
associative memory, main memory, Virtual memory, Paging and Segmentation, Memory Interleaving.
Input Output Organization: I/O performance measures, types and characteristics of I/O devices, I/O Modes-
Programmed I/O, Interrupt Initiated I/O and DMA. Buses: connecting I/O devices to processor and memory,
interfacing I/O devices to memory, processor, and operating system.
Parallel Computers: Classification, SIMD, MIMD Organizations, Connection Networks, Data Flow Machines,
and Multithreaded Architectures.
After the completion of the course, the students will be able to:
1. Understand the architecture and organization of microprocessor along with instruction coding formats.
2. Understand, write structured and well-commented programs in assembly language with an ability to test
and debug them in the laboratory.
3. Understand software/ hardware interrupts and further writes programs to perform I/O using handshaking
and interrupts.
4. Understanding of digital interfacing and system connections.
Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
Scheme of B. Tech Programme in Computer Science and Engineering to be applicable from 2018 Batch onwards
INTEL 8086 Microprocessor: Pin Functions, Architecture, Characteristics and Basic Features of Family,
Segmented Memory, Addressing Modes, Instruction Set, Data Transfer Instructions, Arithmetic, Logical, Shift and
Rotate Instructions, String Instructions, Flag Control Instructions, Transfer of Control Instructions, Processor
Control Instructions, Programming Examples, Interrupt Structures, Multitasking and Multiprogramming,
MIN/MAX Modes of 8086,Co-processors 8087 and 8089.
Interrupts: 8086 Interrupts and Types, 8254 Software-Programmable Timer/Counter, 8259A Priority Interrupt
Controller, Software Interrupt Applications.
Digital and Analog Interfacing: Programmable Parallel Ports and Handshake Input/output, Interfacing Keyboards
and Alphanumeric Displays, Interfacing Microcomputer Ports to Devices, Developing the Prototype of a
Microcomputer Based Instrument
Memories, Coprocessors, and EDA Tools: 8086 Maximum Mode and DMA Data Transfer, Interfacing and
Refreshing Dynamic RAMs, The 8087 Math Coprocessor, Computer Based Design and development Tools
Introduction to 8051 Microcontroller : 8051-architecture and pin diagram, Registers, Timers Counters, Flags,
Special Function Registers, Addressing Modes, Data types, instructions and programming, Single –bit operations,
Timer and Counter programming, Interrupts programming, Serial communication, Memory accessing and their
simple programming applications.
Hardware interfacing: I/O Port programming, Bit manipulation, interfacing to a LED, LCD, Keyboard, ADC,
DAC, Stepper Motors and sensors.
3. To understand the micro and macro implications of economic policies and decisions.
Course Outcomes
The students will able to understand different terms and concepts of economics. The students
will gain proficiency in understanding the changes in economic environment and their
impact both at micro and macro levels.
Course Contents
Basic Economic concepts, Decision making under risk and uncertainty. Concept of utility,
demand and supply, elasticity of demand and supply, Demand forecasting. Production function
in short and long run: law of diminishing marginal returns, isoquant-isocost approach.
Economies of scale. Shapes of different cost curves in short and long run. Price-output
determination in perfect competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition and oligopoly.
Macroeconomics: national income, business cycle, fiscal policy, monetary policy, price indices,
inflation, theories of international trade.
Reference Books
1. Carl E Case, Ray C Fair and Sharon E Oster (2017), Principles of Economics, Pearson
2. John Sloman, Dean Garratt and Alison Wride (2014), Economics, 9th edition, Pearson.
3. Christopher R Thomas, S Charles Maurice and Sumit Sarkar (2010), Managerial
Economics, 9th edition, McGraw Hill Publication.
4. H L Ahuja (2017), Managerial Economics, 9th edition, S Chand Publishing.
After the course completion, the student learning outcomes include:
1. Create database with different types of integrity constraints and use the SQL commands such as DDL,
DML, DCL, TCL to access data from database objects.
2. Use database security & authorization in order to access database for the different kinds of the user.
3. Access and manipulate data using PL/SQL blocks.
4. Connect database to front end using JDBC and ODBC driver
Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
Scheme of B. Tech Programme in Computer Science and Engineering to be applicable from 2018 Batch onwards
1. Write SQL queries for Data Definition and Data Manipulation language.
2. Write SQL queries using Logical operators (=,<,>,etc.).
3. Write SQL queries using SQL operators (Between…. AND, IN(List), Like, ISNULL and also with
negating expressions ).
4. Write SQL query using character, number, date and group functions.
5. Write SQL queries for Relational Algebra (UNION, INTERSECT, and MINUS, etc.).
6. Write SQL queries for extracting data from more than one table (Equi-Join, Non-Equi-Join , Outer Join)
7. Write SQL queries for sub queries, nested queries.
8. Implement VIEWS, CURSORS, and TRIGGRS & write ASSERTIONS.
9. Implement FORMS and REPORTS.
10. Creation, altering and droping of tables and inserting rows into a table (use constraints while creating
tables) examples using SELECT command.
11. Queries (along with sub Queries) using ANY, ALL, IN, EXISTS, NOTEXISTS, UNION, INTERSET,
Constraints. Example:- Select the roll number and name of the student who secured fourth rank in the
12. Queries using Aggregate functions (COUNT, SUM, AVG, MAX and MIN), GROUP BY, HAVING and
Creation and dropping of Views.
13. Develop a program that includes the features NESTED IF, CASE and CASE expression. The program can
be extended using the NULLIF and COALESCE functions.
14. Program development using WHILE LOOPS, numeric FOR LOOPS, nested loops using ERROR
Handling, BUILT –IN Exceptions, USE defined Exceptions, RAISE- APPLICATION ERROR.
15. Programs development using creation of procedures, passing parameters IN and OUT of PROCEDURES.
16. Program development using creation of stored functions, invoke functions in SQL Statements and write
complex functions.
17. Program development using creation of package specification, package bodies, private objects, package
variables and cursors and calling stored packages.
18. Develop programs using features parameters in a CURSOR, FOR UPDATE CURSOR, WHERE
CURRENT of clause and CURSOR variables.
19. Develop Programs using BEFORE and AFTER Triggers, Row and Statement Triggers and INSTEAD OF
* Students are advised to use Developer 2000/Oracle-10i orhigherversion or other latest version for above listed
experiments. However depending upon the availability of software’s, students may use Power Builder /SQL
SERVER. Mini Project may also be planned & carried out throughout the semester to understand the important
various concepts of Database.
This is only the suggested list of Practicals. Instructor may frame additional Practicals relevant to the course
Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
Scheme of B. Tech Programme in Computer Science and Engineering to be applicable from 2018 Batch onwards
After the course completion, the students will be able to:
1. Hands on knowledge of methods and theories in the field of machine learning for learning principles,
techniques, and applications of machine learning.
2. Implement decision tree learning, bayesian learning and artificial neural network for real world problems.
3. Design and implement various classification techniques.
1. Study and Implement the Naive Bayes learner using WEKA. (The datasets taken can be: Breast Cancer
data file or Reuters data set).
2. Study and Implement the Decision Tree learners using WEKA. (The datasets taken can be: Breast Cancer
data file or Reuter‟s data set).
3. Estimate the accuracy of decision classifier on breast cancer dataset using 5-fold cross-validation. (You
need to choose the appropriate options for missing values).
4. Estimate the precision, recall, accuracy, and F-measure of the decision tree classifier on the text
classification task for each of the 10 categories using 10-fold cross-validation.
5. Develop a machine learning method to classifying your incoming mail.
6. Develop a machine learning method to Predict stock prices based on past price variation.
7. Develop a machine learning method to predict how people would rate movies, books, etc.
8. Develop a machine learning method to Cluster gene expression data, how to modify existing methods to
solve the problem better
9. Select two datasets. Each dataset should contain examples from multiple classes. For training purposes
assume that the class label of each example is unknown (if it is known, ignore it). Implement the Kmeans
algorithm and apply it to the data you selected. Evaluate performance by measuring the sum of Euclidean
distance of each example from its class center. Test the performance of the algorithm as a function of the
parameter k.
10. Implement the EM algorithm assuming a Gaussian mixture. Apply the algorithm to your datasets and
report the parameters you obtain. Evaluate performance by measuring the sum of Mahalanobis distance of
each example from its class center. Test performance as a function of the number of clusters.
11. Suggest and test a method for automatically determining the number of clusters. Using a dataset with
known class labels compare the labeling error of the K-means and EM algorithms. Measure the error by
assigning a class label to each example. Assume that the number of clusters is known.
This is only the suggested list of Practicals. Instructor may frame additional Practicals relevant to the course
Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
Scheme of B. Tech Programme in Computer Science and Engineering to be applicable from 2018 Batch onwards
After the course completion, the student will be able to:
1. Learn how to analyze algorithms and estimate their worst case and average case behavior.
2. Analyze fundamental data structures with the manner in which these data structures can be implemented.
3. Applying algorithm design strategies, sorting and searching techniques and solution of relevant recurrence
relations to real life applications.
4. Design and implement optimization algorithms in specific applications.
1. Program to implement Quick sort using the Divide and Conquer technique and analyze its Time
2. Program to implement Merge sort using the Divide and Conquer technique and analyze its Time
3. Program to perform Binary Search using the Divide and Conquer technique and analyze its Time
4. Program to implement Starssen’s Matrix Multiplication Algorithm and analyze its Time Complexity.
5. Program to find the Minimum Spanning tree using prim’s algorithm.
6. Program to find the Minimum Spanning tree using kruskal’s algorithm.
7. Program to solve the knapsack problem using greedy method.
8. Program to find the shortest path of the multistage graph using dynamic programming.
9. Program to solve the Traveling salesman problem using the dynamic programming approach.
10. Program to solve the Optimal Binary Search Tee problem using the dynamic programming approach.
11. Program to find the solution to the N queen’s problem using backtracking.
12. Program to find the shortest path using Floyd’s algorithm.
13. Program to solve Graph Coloring problem.
14. Program to solve Hamiltonian Cycle Problem.
15. Program to implement Knuth Morris Pratt algorithm and analyze its time complexity
This is only the suggested list of Practicals. Instructor may frame additional Practicals relevant to the course
After the course completion, the students will be able to:
1. Understand and gain the knowledge of computer hardware.
2. Configure computer systems and do various port programming.
3. Do assembly language programming for 8085, 8086 microprocessor.
4. Implement TSR programming with interrupt.
I. Microprocessor 8086:
1. Arithmetic operation – Multi byte Addition and Subtraction, Multiplication and Division – Signed and
unsigned Arithmetic operation, ASCII – arithmetic operation.
2. Logic operations – Shift and rotate – Converting packed BCD to unpacked BCD, BCD to ASCII
3. By using string operation and Instruction prefix: Move Block, Reverse string, Sorting, Inserting, Deleting,
Length of the string, String comparison.
4. DOS/BIOS programming: Reading keyboard (Buffered with and without echo) – Display characters,
II. Interfacing:
1. 8259 – Interrupt Controller: Generate an interrupt using 8259 timer.
2. 8279 – Keyboard Display: Write a small program to display a string of characters.
3. 8255 – PPI: Write ALP to generate sinusoidal wave using PPI.
4. 8251 – USART: Write a program in ALP to establish Communication between two processors.
III. Microcontroller 8051
1. Reading and Writing on a parallel port.
2. Timer in different modes.
3. Serial communication implementation.
This is only the suggested list of Practicals. Instructor may frame additional Practicals relevant to the course
Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
Scheme of B. Tech Programme in Computer Science and Engineering to be applicable from 2018 Batch onwards
After the course completion, the student will be able to:
1. To understand the different issues involved in the design and implementation of a database system. To
study the physical and logical database designs, database modeling, relational, hierarchical, and network
2. To understand and use data manipulation language to query, update, and manage a database
3. To design and build a simple database system and demonstrate competence with the fundamental tasks
involved with modeling, designing, and implementing a DBMS.
Introduction: An overview of database management system, database system Vs file system, Database system
concepts and architecture, data models schema and instances, data independence and data base language and
interfaces, Data definitions language, DML, Overall Database Structure.
Relational data Model and Language: Relational data model concepts, integrity constraints: entity integrity,
referential integrity, Keys constraints, Domain constraints, relational algebra, relational calculus, tuple and domain
Introduction to SQL: Characteristics of SQL. Advantage of SQL.SQL data types and literals.Types of SQL
commands.SQL operators and their procedure.Tables, views and indexes. Queries and sub queries. Aggregate
functions. Insert, update and delete operations. Joins, Unions, Intersection, Minus, Cursors in SQL.
Data Base Design & Normalization: Functional dependencies, normal forms, first, second, third normal forms,
BCNF, inclusion dependences, loss less join decompositions, normalization using FD, MVD, and JDs, alternative
approaches to database design.
Crash Recovery: Failure classification, recovery concepts based on deferred update, recovery concepts based on
intermediate update, shadow paging, check points, on-line backup during database updates.
Integrity, Security and Repositories: Needs for database integrity, integrity constraints, non-procedural integrity
constraints, integrity constraints specifications in SQL, introduction to database security mechanism, security
specification in SQL, system catalogues
Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
Scheme of B. Tech Programme in Computer Science and Engineering to be applicable from 2018 Batch onwards
After the course completion, the students would be able to:
1. Analyze the working of an operating system and its components.
2. Identify the working methodology of various subcomponents of the operating system.
3. Compare and analyze different approaches for memory management techniques.
Operating systems objectives, services and functions: Characteristics of Modern Operating Systems,
Characteristics of Batch and multiprogramming operating systems. Comparisons between real time systems and
time-sharing systems, Operating system services and kernel features.
I/O management, I/O devices: Introduction to I/O management, I/O devices, Concepts of threading, Organization
of I/O functions, polling, various modes of data transfer, Hardware/Software interface, I/O buffering.
Processes and Process scheduling policies: Introduction to processes management, operating system views of
processes, various process transition states, Introduction to Processor scheduling, Introduction to various types of
schedulers, Performance criteria in scheduling algorithms, Concept of FCFS scheduling algorithm, Concept of
priority scheduling algorithm like SJF, Concept of non-preemptive and preemptive algorithms, Concept of round-
robin scheduling algorithm, , Concept of multi-level queues, feedback queues.
Memory Management: Need of Memory management and its requirements, paging, segmentation, concept of
fragmentation. Characteristics of contiguous & non-contiguous allocation techniques, Detail study of fragmentation,
Virtual memory management, introduction to page-replacement, Need of various page-replacement policies,
Concept of FIFO and optimal page-replacement algorithms, Concept of LRU approximation and its page-
replacement algorithm, Concept of allocation algorithms.
File management System: Need of file management, its requirements, User’s and operating system’s view of file
system, Concept of file directories and file sharing, secondary memory management.
Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
Scheme of B. Tech Programme in Computer Science and Engineering to be applicable from 2018 Batch onwards
After the course completion, the student would be able to:
1. Analyse the working of an operating system and its components
2. Compare and analyse different file systems being used in different operating systems.
3. Design and implement system-level applications for open-source operating systems
1. Simulation of the CPU scheduling algorithms such as Round Robin, SJF, FCFS, Priority
2. Simulation of page Replacement Algorithms such as FIFO, LRU, and Optimal
3. Simulation of paging techniques of memory management.
4. Simulation of file allocation Strategies like Sequential, Indexed, Linked
5. Simulation of file organization techniques such as Single Level Directory, Two Level, Hierarchical, DAG
6. To automate the allocation of IP addresses i.e. to set and configure the DHCP server and DHCP client.
7. To share files and directories between RedHat Linux operating systems i.e. to set and configure the NFS
server and NFS clients.
8. To share files and directories between Red Hat Linux and Windows operating systems i.e. to set and
configure the samba server.
9. To set and configure the DNS (Domain Name Server).
10. To set and configure the print server and to share printers between Windows and Red Hat Linux operating
This is only the suggested list of Practicals. Instructor may frame additional Practicals relevant to the course
Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
Scheme of B. Tech Programme in Computer Science and Engineering to be applicable from 2018 Batch onwards
Object oriented thinking: Need for OOP Paradigm, Procedural programming vs object oriented programming,
object oriented concepts.
Functions: Main function, function prototyping, inline functions, reference variables, call by reference, Defaults
arguments, function overloading, Math library functions.
Class: Difference between C structure and class, specifying a class, Defining member functions: inside and outside
class, scope resolution operator, Array within a class, array of objects, Static data members and member functions,
Object as function arguments, returning objects, Friend function, memory allocation for objects ,pointer to
members, pointer to object, this pointer local classes.
Constructor and destructor: Constructor, types of constructors: default, parameterized and copy constructor,
constructor overloading, constructor with default parameter, dynamic initialization of objects, destructor
Operator overloading and Type Conversion: Defining operator overloading, overloading unary and binary
operator,Data Conversion: Basic to User Defined , User defined to basic, Conversion from one user-defined to
Inheritance and polymorphism: Base class, derived class, visibility modes, derivation and friendship, Types of
inheritance, Containership, virtual function binding, pure virtual functions, Abstract class, pointer to derived class.
Console IO operations: C++ stream classes, Unformatted IO operations, formatted IO operations, managing output
with manipulators.
Working with files: Classes for file stream operations, opening and closing files, File opening modes, file Pointers,
Error handling during file operations, command line arguments. Templates: Class template, class template with
parameter, function template, function template with parameter.
After the completion of the course, the students will be able to:
1. Gain understanding about the object oriented principles in construction of robust and maintainable programs.
2. Have a competence to design, write, compile, test and execute programs using high level language.
3. Have an awareness of the need for a professional approach to design and the importance of good documentation
to finish.
Course Program outcomes
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO 1. H M M
CO 2. L H H M
CO 3. H M H M H M
1. Write a program to read a matrix of size m x n form the keyboard and display the same using function.
2. Write a Program to make the use of inline function.
3. Write a function power () which raise a number m to a power n. The function takes double value of m and
integer value of n and returns the result. Use a default value of n is 2 to make the function to calculate
squares when this argument is omitted.
4. Program to show that the effect of default arguments can be alternatively achieved by overloading.
5. Write a class ACCOUNT that represents your bank account and then use it.
6. The class should allow you to deposit money, withdraw money, calculate interest, send you a message if
you have insufficient balance.
7. Write a class STRING that can be used to store strings, add strings, equate string, output strings.
8. Create the class TIME to store time in hours and minutes. Write a friend function to add two TIME objects.
9. Create two classes DM and DB. DM stores the distance in meter and centimeters and DB stores the
distance in feet and inches. Write a program two add object of DM with the object of DB class.
10. Write a program to create an abstract class named Shape that contains an empty method named number Of
Sides ( ).Provide three classes named Trapezoid, Triangle and Hexagon such that each one of the classes
inherits the class Shape. Each one of the classes contains only the method number Of Sides ( ) that shows
the number of sides in the given geometrical figures.
11. Write Programs to demonstrate the concept of Default constructor, Parameterized constructor, Copy
constructor, and Constructor overloading
12. Program to demonstrate the concept of destructor, multiple inheritance, multilevel inheritance, hybrid
inheritance, and concept of containership.
13. Program to overload unary operator and overload binary operator
14. Program to show the concept of run time polymorphism using virtual function.
15. Program to work with formatted and unformatted IO operations.
16. Program to read the name and roll numbers of students from keyboard and write them into a file and then
display it.
17. Program to copy one file onto the end of another, adding line numbers
18. Write a function template for finding the minimum value contained in an array.
19. Write a class template to represent generic vector (a series of float values). Include member function to
perform following tasks.
e. Create vector
f. Modify the value of a given element
g. To multiply by a scalar value
h. To display vector in the form of (10, 20, 30,…………)
This is only the suggested list of Practical’s. Instructor may frame additional Practicals relevant to the course
Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
Scheme of B. Tech Programme in Computer Science and Engineering to be applicable from 2018 Batch onwards
After the completion of the course, the students will be able to:
1. Understand the concepts of data structure, data type and array data structure.
2. Implement linked list data structure to solve various problems.
3. Understand and apply various data structure such as stacks, queues, trees and graphs to solve various
computing problems using C-programming language.
Arrays: Array Definition, Representation and Analysis, Single and Multidimensional Arrays, address calculation,
application of arrays, Character String in C++, Character string operation, Array as Parameters, Ordered List,
Sparse Matrices and Vectors.
Stacks: Array Representation and Implementation of stack, Operations on Stacks: Push & Pop, Array
Representation of Stack, Linked Representation of Stack, Operations Associated with Stacks, and Application of
stack: Conversion of Infix to prefix and Postfix Expressions, Evaluation of postfix expression using stack.
Recursion: Recursive definition and processes, recursion in C, example of recursion, Tower of Hanoi Problem,
simulating recursion, Backtracking, recursive algorithms, principles of recursion, tail recursion, removal of
Queues: Array and linked representation and implementation of queues, Operations on Queue: Create, Add, Delete,
Full and Empty, Circular queues, D-queues and Priority Queues.
Linked list: Representation and Implementation of Singly Linked Lists, Two-way Header List, Traversing and
Searching of Linked List, Overflow and Underflow, Insertion and deletion to/from Linked Lists, Insertion and
deletion Algorithms, Doubly linked list, Linked List in Array, Polynomial representation and addition, Generalized
linked list, Garbage Collection and Compaction.
Trees: Basic terminology, Binary Trees, Binary tree representation, algebraic Expressions, Complete Binary Tree,
Extended Binary Trees, Array and Linked Representation of Binary trees, Traversing Binary trees.
Searching and Hashing: Sequential search, binary search, comparison and analysis, Hash Table, Hash Functions,
Collision Resolution Strategies, Hash Table Implementation.
Sorting: Insertion Sort, Bubble Sorting, Quick Sort, Two Way Merge Sort, Heap Sort, Sorting on Different Keys,
Practical consideration for Internal Sorting.
Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
Scheme of B. Tech Programme in Computer Science and Engineering to be applicable from 2018 Batch onwards
Graphs: Terminology & Representations, Graphs & Multi-graphs, Directed Graphs, Sequential Representations of
Graphs, Adjacency Matrices, Traversal, Connected Component and Spanning Trees, Minimum Cost Spanning
1. Horowitz and Sahani, “Fundamentals of data Structures”, Galgotia Publication Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
2. R. Kruse etal, “Data Structures and Program Design in C”, Pearson Education Asia, Delhi-2002
3. A. M. Tenenbaum, “Data Structures using C & C++”, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
4. Bruno R Preiss, “Data Structures and Algorithms with Object Oriented Design Pattern in C++”, Jhon
Wiley & Sons, Inc.
5. GilbergForozan , “Data Structure – A pseudo code approach with C++”, Cengage Learning, New Delhi.
Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
Scheme of B. Tech Programme in Computer Science and Engineering to be applicable from 2018 Batch onwards
After the course completion, the student will be able to
1. Understand theoretical foundations of computer science.
2. Master regular languages, finite automata, pushdown automata, Turing recognizable Languages.
3. Employ finite stated machines to solve problems in computing.
4. Think analytically and intuitively for problem-solving situations in related areas of theory in computer
Basics in Theory of Computations: Basic concepts of strings, alphabets, languages, Principles of Mathematical
Languages and Grammars: Construct of a language, Grammar, Chomsky Classification of Formal Languages.
Finite Automata: Automata and Applications of Automata Theory, Deterministic and Non-Deterministic FA,
Comparison and Equivalence of DFA and NFA.
Regular Expressions: Regular Expression, Equivalence of Regular Expression and Finite Automata, Equivalence
of Regular Grammar and Finite Automata, Regular and Non- Regular Languages, Pumping Lemma for Regular Sets
Finite State Machines: Moore and Mealy Machines, Equivalence of Moore and Mealy Machines.
Context Free Language: Context Free Grammar, Derivation trees, Context Free Grammar Simplification,
Chomsky & Greibach Normal forms, Ambiguities.
Pushdown Automata: Definition, Equivalence of PDA by Empty Store and PDA by Final State. Construction of
PDA for CFLs.
Turing Machines: Introduction and Turing Machine Model, Computable functions and languages. Techniques for
construction of Turing machines, Church’s Hypothesis.
Undecidability: Recursive and recursively enumerable languages, Rice theorem, Post’s correspondence problem.
After the course completion, the students would be able to:
1. Analyze the working of an operating system and its components.
2. Define and analyze the synchronization in processes.
3. Identify the working methodology of various subcomponents of the operating system.
4. Compare and analyze different approaches for memory management techniques.
Operating systems objectives, services and functions: Characteristics of Modern Operating Systems,
Characteristics of Batch and multiprogramming operating systems. Comparisons between real time systems and
time-sharing systems, Operating system services and kernel features.
I/O management, I/O devices: Introduction to I/O management, I/O devices, Concepts of threading, Organization
of I/O functions, polling, various modes of data transfer, Hardware/Software interface, I/O buffering.
Processes and Process scheduling policies: Introduction to processes management, operating system views of
processes, various process transition states, Introduction to Processor scheduling, Introduction to various types of
schedulers, Performance criteria in scheduling algorithms, Concept of FCFS scheduling algorithm, Concept of
priority scheduling algorithm like SJF, Concept of non-preemptive and preemptive algorithms, Concept of round-
robin scheduling algorithm, , Concept of multi-level queues, feedback queues.
Concurrency control schemes: Various approaches to concurrency control schemes, Concept of prouder/consumer
problem, Mutual Exclusion, Concept of mutual exclusion first and second algorithm, Concept of mutual exclusion
third algorithm including introduction and characteristics of semaphores, Introduction to Mutual exclusion with
semaphores, Introduction to Interprocess Communication and Synchronization, Critical regions and Conditional
critical regions in a Semaphore. Introduction to monitors, various modes of monitors.
Dead Locks: Concept of Deadlocks, issues related to its prevention, avoidance and detection / recovery, Concept of
deadlock prevention and its avoidance, Concept of deadlock detection and recovery.
Memory Management: Need of Memory management and its requirements, paging, segmentation, concept of
fragmentation. Characteristics of contiguous & non-contiguous allocation techniques, Detail study of fragmentation,
Virtual memory management, introduction to page-replacement, Need of various page-replacement policies,
Concept of FIFO and optimal page-replacement algorithms, Concept of LRU approximation and its page-
replacement algorithm, Concept of allocation algorithms.
Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
Scheme of B. Tech Programme in Computer Science and Engineering to be applicable from 2018 Batch onwards
File management System: Need of file management, its requirements, User’s and operating system’s view of file
system, Concept of file directories and file sharing, secondary memory management.
1. Peterson and Silberschatz, “Operating System Concepts”, Addison-Wesley 6th Edition 2006.
2. Milenkoviac, “Operating Systems Concepts and Design”, Tata McGraw-Hill 2005.
3. Andrews S. Tanenbaum, “Modern Operating Systems”, Pearson Education, 3nd edition 2016.
4. W Stallings, “ Opertating Systems” Pearson, 6th Edition 2012
5. Dhamdhere, D M, “Introduction to Systems Software”, Tata Mc-Graw Hill 2015
6. N Chauhan, “Principles of Operating Systems” 1st ed. 2018
After the completion of the course, students will be able to:
1. Analysis of different software development process models.
2. Extract and analyze software requirements specifications for different projects.
3. Develop some basic level of software architecture/design and apply standard coding practices.
4. Apply different testing and debugging techniques and analyze their effectiveness.
Introduction to Software Engineering: The evolving role of software, Changing Nature of Software,
Software myths.
A Generic view of process: Software engineering- A layered technology, a process framework, The Capability
Maturity Model Integration (CMMI), Process patterns, process assessment, personal and team process models.
Process models: The waterfall model, Incremental process models, Evolutionary process models, the unified
Software Requirements: Functional and non-functional requirements, User requirements, System requirements,
Interface specification, the software requirements document.
Requirements engineering process: Feasibility studies, Requirements elicitation and analysis, Requirements
validation, Requirements management.
System models: Context Models, Behavioral models, Data models, Object models, structured methods.
Design Engineering: Design process and Design quality, Design concepts, the design model.
Creating an architectural design: Software architecture, Data design, Architectural styles and patterns,
Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
Scheme of B. Tech Programme in Computer Science and Engineering to be applicable from 2018 Batch onwards
Architectural Design.
Object-Oriented Design: Objects and object classes, An Object-Oriented design process, Design evolution.
Performing User interface design: Golden rules, User interface analysis and design, interface analysis, interface
design steps, Design evaluation.
Testing Strategies: A strategic approach to software testing, test strategies for conventional software, Black-Box
and White-Box testing, Validation testing, System testing, the art of Debugging.
Product metrics: Software Quality, Metrics for Analysis Model, Metrics for Design Model, Metrics for source
code, Metrics for testing, Metrics for maintenance.
Metrics for Process and Products: Software Measurement, Metrics for software quality.
Risk management: Reactive vs. Proactive Risk strategies, software risks, Risk identification, Risk projection, Risk
refinement, RMMM, RMMM Plan.
Quality Management: Quality concepts, Software quality assurance, Software Reviews, Formal technical reviews,
Statistical Software quality Assurance, Software reliability, The ISO 9000 quality standards.
CASE Tools: Types of CASE tools, advantages and components of CASE tools, Unified Modelling Language
(UML), Hands on practice of CASE tools.
After the course completion, the student will be able to
1. To be familiar with information security awareness and a clear understanding of its importance.
2. To be familiar with how threats to an organization are discovered, analyzed, and dealt with.
3. To be familiar with network security threats and countermeasures and network security designs using
available secure solutions (such As PGP, SSL, IPSec, etc).
4. To be exposed to original research in network security.
Overview: Services, Mechanisms, and Attacks, the OSI Security Architecture, A Model for Network, Security.
Block Ciphers And The Data Encryption Standard: Simplified DES, Block Cipher Principles, The Data
Encryption Standard, The Strength of DES, Differential and Linear Cryptanalysis, Block Cipher Design Principles,
Block Cipher Modes of Operation.
Introduction To Finite Fields: Groups, Rings, and Fields, Modular Arithmetic, Euclid’s Algorithm, Finite Fields
of the Form GF(p), Polynomial Arithmetic, Finite Fields of the Form GF(2n).
Advanced Encryption Standard: Evaluation Criteria for AES, The AES Cipher.
Contemporary Symmetric Ciphers: Triple DES, Blowfish, RC5, Characteristics of Advanced Symmetric Block
Ciphers, RC4 Stream Cipher.
Confidentiality Using Symmetric Encryption: Placement of Encryption Function, Traffic Confidentiality, Key
Distribution, Random Number Generation.
Public-Key Encryption and Hash Functions: Introduction to Number Theory: Prime Numbers, Format’s and
Euler's Theorems, Testing for Primality, The Chinese Remainder Theorem, Discrete Logarithms.
Public-Key Cryptography and RSA: Principles of Public-Key Cryptosystems, the RSA Algorithm,
Recommended Reading and Web Site, Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems.
Key Management and Other Public-Key Cryptosystems: Key Management, Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange,
Elliptic Curve Arithmetic, Elliptic Curve Cryptography.
Message Authentication and Hash Functions: Authentication Requirements, Authentication Functions, Message
Authentication Codes, Hash Functions, Security of Hash Functions and MACs.
Hash Algorithms: MD5 Message Digest Algorithm, Secure Hash Algorithm, RIPEMD-160, and HMAC.
Digital Signatures and Authentication Protocols: Digital Signatures, Authentication Protocols, Digital Signature
System Security: Intruders: Intruders, Intrusion Detection, Password Management, Malicious Software: Viruses
and Related Threats, Virus Countermeasures, Firewalls: Firewall Design Principles, Trusted Systems.
After the completion of the course, the students will be able to:
Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
Scheme of B. Tech Programme in Computer Science and Engineering to be applicable from 2018 Batch onwards
Probability: The concept of probability, The axioms of probability, Some important theorems on Probability,
Assignment of Probabilities, Conditional Probability, Theorems on conditional probability, Independent Event’s,
Bayes’ Theorem.
Random Variables and Probability Distributions: Random variables, Discrete probability distributions,
Distribution functions for discrete random variables, Continuous probability distribution, Distributions for
continuous random variables, joint distributions, Independent random variables.
Mathematical Expectation: Definition, Functions of random variables, some theorems on Expectation, The
variance and Standard Deviation, Moments, Moment Generating Functions, Covariance, Correlation Coefficient.
Special Probability Distributions: The Binomial Distribution, The Normal Distribution, The Poisson Distribution,
Relations between different distributions, Central limit theorem, Uniform distribution, Chi-square Distribution,
Exponential distribution.
Sampling Theory: Population and Sample, Sampling with and without replacement, the sample mean, Sampling
distribution of means, proportions, differences and sums, the sample variance, the sample distribution of variances.
Tests of Hypotheses and Significance: Statistical Decisions, Statistical hypotheses, Null Hypotheses, Tests of
hypotheses and significance, Type I and Type II errors, level of significance, Tests involving the Normal
distribution, One-Tailed and Two-tailed tests, Special tests of significance for large and small samples, The Chi-
square test for goodness of fit.
Curve Fitting Regression and Correlation: Curve Fitting, The method of least squares, the least squares line,
multiple regression, the linear correlation coefficient, Rank correlation, Probability interpretation of regression and
After the course completion, the student will be able to
1. Analyse the working of an operating system and its components and Define and analyse the
synchronization process.
2. Identify the working methodology of multithreaded applications.
3. Compare and analyse different file systems being used in different operating systems.
4. Design and implement system-level applications for open-source operating systems
This is only the suggested list of Practicals. Instructor may frame additional Practicals relevant to the course
Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
Scheme of B. Tech Programme in Computer Science and Engineering to be applicable from 2018 Batch onwards
After the course completion, the student will be able to
1. Able to prepare SRS, design, test cases, software configuration management and risk management related
2. Develop function oriented and object oriented software design using tools like rational rose.
3. Implement unit testing and integration testing.
4. Able to track the progress of a project using Openproj or equivalent tool
This is only the suggested list of Practicals. Instructor may frame additional Practicals relevant to the course
Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
Scheme of B. Tech Programme in Computer Science and Engineering to be applicable from 2018 Batch onwards
After the course completion, the student will be able to
1. Understanding of various information security threats.
2. Understanding and implementation of security measures to encounter threats.
3. Implementation and understanding of encryption techniques.
This is only the suggested list of Practicals. Instructor may frame additional Practicals relevant to the course
Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
Scheme of B. Tech Programme in Computer Science and Engineering to be applicable from 2018 Batch onwards
After the course completion, the student will be able to
1. Understand the concepts of advanced programming and practice on reusing components.
2. Learn principles and concepts of Object Orientation such as Abstraction, Data Hiding, Polymorphism.
3. Develop programs by using inbuilt libraries and importing Packages.
4. To be familiar with create and handle threads, interfaces and applets.
Overview of Basic OOP Concepts: Need for object-oriented paradigm: Agents, responsibility, messages, methods,
classes and instances, class hierarchies (Inheritance), method binding, datatypes, variables, scope and life time of
variables, arrays, operators, expressions, control statements, type conversion and casting, classes and objects,
constructors, methods, access control, this keyword, garbage collection, overloading methods and constructors,
parameter passing, recursion, string handling, inheritance, super keyword, polymorphism- method overriding,
abstract classes.
Packages and Interfaces: Defining, Creating and Accessing a Package, Understanding CLASSPATH, importing
packages, differences between classes and interfaces, defining an interface, implementing interface, applying
interfaces, variables in interface and extending interfaces. Exploring packages –, Java.util.
Exception handling and multithreading: Concepts of exception handling, benefits of exception handling,
Termination or resumptive models, exception hierarchy, usage of try, catch, throw, throws and finally, built in
exceptions, creating own exception sub classes. Differences between multi threading and multitasking, thread life
cycle, creating threads, synchronizing threads, daemon threads, thread groups.
Event Handling: Events, Event sources, Event classes, Event Listeners, Delegation event model, handling mouse
and keyboard events, Adapter classes, inner classes.The AWT class hierarchy, user interface components- labels,
button, canvas, scrollbars, text components, check box, check box groups, choices, lists panels – scrollpane, dialogs,
menubar, graphics, layout manager – layout manager types – boarder, grid, flow, card and grib bag.
Applets: Concepts of Applets, differences between applets and applications, life cycle of an applet, types of applets,
creating applets, passing parameters to applets.
Swing: Introduction, limitations of AWT, MVC architecture, components, containers, exploring swing-JApplet,
JFrame and JComponent, Icons and Labels, text fields, buttons – The JButton class, Check boxes, Radio buttons,
Combo boxes, Tabbed Panes, Scroll Panes, Trees, and Tables.
Networking: Basics of network programming, addresses, ports, sockets, simple client server program, multiple
clients, Java .net package Packages – java.util,
Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
Scheme of B. Tech Programme in Computer Science and Engineering to be applicable from 2018 Batch onwards
1. An Introduction to programming and OO design using Java, J.Nino and F.A. Hosch, John wiley& sons.
2. An Introduction to OOP, second edition, T. Budd, pearson education.
3. An introduction to Java programming and object oriented application development, R.A. Johnson-
4. Core Java 2, Vol 1, Fundamentals, Cay.S.Horstmann and Gary Cornell, seventh Edition, Pearson
After the course completion, the student will be able to
1. Compose key NLP elements to develop higher level processing chains, assess / evaluate NLP based
2. Choose appropriate solutions for solving typical NLP sub problems (tokenizing, tagging, parsing)
3. Describe the typical problems and processing layers in NLP
4. Analyze NLP problems to decompose them in adequate independent components
Introduction to Natural Language Understanding: The study of Language, Applications of NLP, Evaluating
Language Understanding Systems, Different levels of Language Analysis, Representations and Understanding,
Organization of Natural language Understanding Systems, Linguistic Background: An outline of English syntax.
Introduction to semantics and knowledge representation, Some applications like machine translation, database
Grammars and Parsing: Grammars and sentence Structure, Top-Down and Bottom-Up Parsers, Transition
Network Grammars, Top-Down Chart Parsing. Feature Systems and Augmented Grammars: Basic Feature system
for English, Morphological Analysis and the Lexicon, Parsing with Features, Augmented Transition Networks.
Grammars for Natural Language: Auxiliary Verbs and Verb Phrases, Movement Phenomenon in Language,
Handling questions in Context-Free Grammars. Human preferences in Parsing, Encoding uncertainty, Deterministic
Ambiguity Resolution: Statistical Methods, Probabilistic Language Processing, Estimating Probabilities, Part-of-
Speech tagging, Obtaining Lexical Probabilities, Probabilistic Context-Free Grammars, Best First Parsing.
Semantics and Logical Form, Word senses and Ambiguity, Encoding Ambiguity in Logical Form.
Application of NLP: Intelligent Work Processors: Machine Translation; User Interfaces; Man-Machine Interfaces:
Natural language Querying Tutoring and Authoring Systems. Speech Recognition Commercial use of NLP.
Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
Scheme of B. Tech Programme in Computer Science and Engineering to be applicable from 2018 Batch onwards
1. AksharBharti, VineetChaitanya and Rajeev Sangal, NLP: A Paninian Perspective, Prentice Hall, New Delhi
2. James Allen, Natural Language Understanding, 2/e, Pearson Education, 2003
3. D. Jurafsky, J. H. Martin, Speech and Language Processing, Pearson Education, 2002
4. L.M. Ivansca, S. C. Shapiro, Natural Language Processing and Language Representation
5. T. Winograd, Language as a Cognitive Process, Addison-Wesley
After the course completion, the student will be able to
1. Understand the HTML, XML DOM, JavaScript, CSS and applet codes
2. Design dynamic and interactive web pages by embedding Java Script code in HTML
3. Use Java Script to validate user input and create good, effective and customized websites
Program outcomes
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Introduction to HTML: HTML Common tags- List, Tables, images, forms, Frames; Cascading Style sheets.
Introduction to JavaScript: Scripts, Objects in Java Script, Dynamic HTML with Java Script
XML: Document type definition, XML Schemas, Document Object model, Presenting XML, Using XML
Processors: DOM and SAX
Java Beans: Introduction to Java Beans, Advantages of Java Beans, BDK Introspection, Using Bound properties,
Bean Info Interface, Constrained properties Persistence, Customizes, Java Beans API, Introduction to EJB’s
Web Servers and Servlets: Tomcat web server, Introduction to Servelets: Lifecycle of a Serverlet, JSDK, The
Servelet API, The javax.servelet Package, Reading Servelet parameters, and Reading Initialization parameters. The
javax.servelet HTTP package, Handling Http Request & Responses, Using Cookies-Session Tracking, Security
Introduction to JSP: The Problem with Servelet. The Anatomy of a JSP Page, JSP Processing. JSP Application
Design with MVC Setting Up and JSP Environment: Installing the Java Software Development Kit, Tomcat Server
& Testing Tomcat
JSP Application Development: Generating Dynamic Content, Using Scripting Elements Implicit JSP Objects,
Conditional Processing – Displaying Values Using an Expression to Set an Attribute, Declaring Variables and
Methods Error Handling and Debugging Sharing Data between JSP pages, Requests, and Users Passing Control and
Date between Pages – Sharing Session and Application Data – Memory Usage Considerations
Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
Scheme of B. Tech Programme in Computer Science and Engineering to be applicable from 2018 Batch onwards
Database Access : Database Programming using JDBC, Studying Javax.sql.* package, Accessing a Database from
a JSP Page, Application – Specific Database Actions, Deploying JAVA Beans in a JSP Page, Introduction to struts
1. Web Programming, building internet applications, Chris Bates 2nd edition, WILEY Dreamtech
2. The complete Reference Java 2 Fifth Edition by Patrick Naughton and Herbert Schildt. TMH (Chapters: 25)
3. Java Server Pages –Hans Bergsten, SPD O’Reilly.
4. Internet and World Wide Web – How to program by Dietel and Nieto PHI/Pearson Education Asia
5. JoclSklar, “Web Warrier guide to web design technologies”, Cengage Learning, New Delhi
After the course completion, the student will be able to
1. Make use of members of classes using java API.
2. Demonstrate the ability to employ various types of selection constructs in a Java program.
3. Be able to employ a hierarchy of Java classes to provide a solution to a given set of requirements.
1. a) Write a Java program that prompts the user for an integer and then prints out all prime numbers up to
that integer.
b) Write a Java program to multiply two given matrices.
2. a) Write a Java program that checks whether a given string is a palindrome or not. Ex: MADAM is a
b) Write a Java program for sorting a given list of names in ascending order.
3. Write a java program to create an abstract class named Shape that contains an empty method named
number Of Sides ( ).Provide three classes named Trapezoid, Triangle and Hexagon such that each one of
the classes extends the class Shape. Each one of the classes contains only the method number Of Sides ( )
that shows the number of sides in the given geometrical figures.
4. a) Develop an applet that displays a simple message.
b) Develop an applet that receives an integer in one text field, and computes its factorial Value and returns
it in another text field, when the button named “Compute” is clicked.
5. Write a Java program that works as a simple calculator. Use a grid layout to arrange buttons for the digits
and for the +, -,*, % operations. Add a text field to display the result.
6. Write a Java program for handling mouse events.
7. (a) Write a Java program that creates three threads. First thread displays “Good Morning” every one
second, the second thread displays “Hello” every two seconds and the third thread displays “Welcome”
every three seconds. (b) Write a Java program that correctly implements producer consumer problem using
the concept of inter thread communication.
8. Write a program that creates a user interface to perform integer divisions. The user enters two numbers in
the textfields, Num1 and Num2. The division of Num1 and Num2 is displayed in the Result field when the
Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
Scheme of B. Tech Programme in Computer Science and Engineering to be applicable from 2018 Batch onwards
Divide button is clicked. If Num1 or Num2 were not an integer, the program would throw a
NumberFormatException. If Num2 were Zero, the program would throw an ArithmeticException Display
the exception in a message dialog box.
9. Write a Java program that implements a simple client/server application. The client sends data to a server.
The server receives the data, uses it to produce a result, and then sends the result back to the client. The
client displays the result on the console. For ex: The data sent from the client is the radius of a circle, and
the result produced by the server is the area of the circle. (Use
10. a) Write a java program that simulates a traffic light. The program lets the user select one of three lights:
red, yellow, or green. When a radio button is selected, the light is turned on, and only one light can be on at
a time No light is on when the program starts.
b) Write a Java program that allows the user to draw lines, rectangles and ovals.
11. Suppose that a table named Table.txt is stored in a text file. The first line in the file is the header, and the
remaining lines correspond to rows in the table. The elements are seperated by commas. Write a java
program to display the table using JTable component.
This is only the suggested list of Practicals. Instructor may frame additional Practicals relevant to the course
After the course completion, the student will be able to
1. Implement compose key NLP elements to develop higher level processing chains
2. Implement appropriate solutions for solving typical NLP sub problems (tokenizing, tagging, parsing)
3. Implement the typical problems and processing layers in NLP
4. Implement NLP problems to decompose them in adequate independent components
Program outcomes
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This is only the suggested list of Practicals. Instructor may frame additional Practicals relevant to the course
Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
Scheme of B. Tech Programme in Computer Science and Engineering to be applicable from 2018 Batch onwards
After the course completion, the student will be able to
1. Apply markup languages to design effective web pages.
2. Design the DB applications using JDBC, JSP and servlets.
3. Design dynamic and interactive web pages by embedding Java Script code in HTML.
4. Use Java Script to validate user input and create good, effective and customized websites
Program outcomes
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The students are advised to get exposed to web technologies like HTML, XML and their variants as well as Java
1 Write HTML/Java scripts to display your CV in Web Browser.
2 Creation and annotation of static web pages using any HTML editor.
3 Create a web page which includes a map and display the related information when a hot spot is clicked in
the map.
4 Create the several Frames using HTML and display to the web browser.
5 Create Scientific Calculator using JavaScript.
6 To design web page to create a real time clock with a timing event using java script event handling
7 Create a web page that displays college information using Style Sheet.
8 Create a Client Side Scripts for Validating Web Form Controls using DHTML.
9 Write a program to use XML and JavaScript for creation of your homepage.
10 Write a program in XML for creation of DTD which specifies a particular set of rules.
11 Create a Stylesheet in CSS/XSL and display the document in Web Browser.
12 Write a Java Servelet for HTTP Proxy Server.
13 Use JSP pages for sharing session and application data of HTTP Server.
14 Write a program to use JDBC connectivity program for maintaining database by sending queries.
This is only the suggested list of Practicals. Instructor may frame additional Practicals relevant to the course
Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
Scheme of B. Tech Programme in Computer Science and Engineering to be applicable from 2018 Batch onwards
After the completion of the course, the students will be able to:
1. Understand what Big Data is and why classical data analysis techniques are no longer adequate.
2. Understand the benefits that Big Data can offer to businesses and organizations.
3. Learn conceptually how Big Data is stored.
4. See how Big Data can be analyzed to extract knowledge.
Program outcomes
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Mathematical concepts in data analytics: Descriptive Statistics, Probability Distributions, Inferential Statistics,
Inferential Statistics through hypothesis tests, Regression & ANOVA, Regression, ANOVA (Analysis of Variance)
Differentiating algorithmic and model based frameworks Regression: Ordinary Least Squares, Ridge
Regression, Lasso Regression, K Nearest Neighbors Regression & Classification
Supervised Learning with Regression and Classification techniques -1, Bias-Variance Dichotomy, Model
Validation Approaches, Logistic Regression, Linear Discriminant Analysis, Quadratic Discriminant Analysis,
Regression and Classification Trees, Support Vector Machines
Supervised Learning with Regression and Classification techniques -2, Ensemble Methods: Random Forest
Neural Networks, Deep learning
Unsupervised Learning and Challenges for Big Data Analytics, Clustering, Associative Rule Mining,
Challenges for big data analytics
Prescriptive analytics, creating data for analytics through designed experiments, creating data for analytics through
Active learning, creating data for analytics through Reinforcement learning
Hadoop Overview: Introduction to Hadoop, RDBMS vs Hadoop, key aspects of hadoop, hadoop components,
hadoop conceptual layer, high level architecture of hadoop.
Hadoop Architecture: Hadoop architecture, Hadoop ecosystem components, Hadoop storage: HDFS, Hadoop
processing, Map Reduce Framework, Hadoop server roles.
Hadoop big data technology landscape: NoSQL, Types of NoSQL database, Advantages, New SQL, Comparison
of SQL, NoSQL and NewSQL.
Theory and Methods: Measures and evaluation, Supervised Learning, Linear and Logistic Regression, Decision
trees, Unstructured data analytics.
1. Hastie, Trevor, et al. The elements of statistical learning. Vol. 2. No. 1. New York: Springer, 2009.
Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
Scheme of B. Tech Programme in Computer Science and Engineering to be applicable from 2018 Batch onwards
2. Montgomery, Douglas C., and George C. Runger. Applied statistics and probability for engineers. John
Wiley & Sons, 2010
3. Big data and Analytics by Seema Acharya and Subhashini Chellappan.
4. Hadoop: The Definitive Guide by Tom White.
5. Big Data Analytics: From Strategic Planning to Enterprise Integration with Tools, Techniques, NoSQL
andGraph by David Loshin.
After the course completion, the student will be able to
1. Understand cloud computing models and architecture.
2. Understand security implications in cloud computing.
3. Analyse the operation, implementation and performance of cloud computing systems, and the relative
merits and suitability of each for complex data-intensive applications.
4. Analyse the migration risks and cost in Cloud Computing.
Introduction: Cloud-definition, benefits, usage scenarios, History of Cloud Computing – Cloud Architecture –
Types of Clouds – Business models around Clouds – Major Players in Cloud Computing – issues in Clouds –
Eucalyptus – Nimbus – Open Nebula, CloudSim, Risks Involved in Cloud Computing.
Cloud Services: Types of Cloud services: Software as a service – Platform as a Service – Infrastructure as a
Service – database as a Service – Monitoring as a Service – Communication as services. Service providers –
Google, Amazon, Microsoft Azure, IBM, Salesforce.
Collaborating Using Cloud Services: Email Communication over the Cloud – CRM Management – Project
Management – Event Management – Task Management – Calendar – Schedules – Word Processing – Presentation
– Spreadsheet – Databases – Desktop – Social Networks and Groupware, Work Loan Management in Cloud.
Virtualization for Cloud: Need for Virtualization – Pros and cons of Virtualization – Types of Virtualization –
System Vm, Process VM, Virtual Machine monitor – Virtual machine properties – Interpretation and binary
translation, HLL VM – Hypervisors – Xen, KVM, VMWare, Virtual Box, Hyper-V.
Other Ways to Collaborate Online: Collaborating via Web - Based Communication Tools - Evaluating Web Mail
Services – Evaluating Web Conference Tools – Collaborating via Social Networks and Groupware - Collaborating
via Blogs and Wikis.
Security, Standards and Applications: Security in Cloud: Cloud security challenges – Software as a Service
Security, Common Standards: The Open Cloud Consortium – The Distributed Management Task Force – Standards
for application Developer – Standards for Messaging – Standards for Security, End user access to cloud computing,
Mobile Internet devices and the cloud.
Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
Scheme of B. Tech Programme in Computer Science and Engineering to be applicable from 2018 Batch onwards
1. K Jayaswal, J Kallakurchi, DJ Houde, and D Shah, “Cloud Computing Black Book” 1 st edition, 2018.
2. Z Mahmood and R puttini, “Cloud Computing Concepts Technology & Architecture”, 1 st edition, 2014
3. John Rittinghouse and James Ransome, Cloud Computing, Implementation, Management and Strategy,
CRC Press, 2010.
4. David E. Y. Sarna Implementing and Developing Cloud Application, CRC press 2011.
After the course completion, the student will be able to
1. Analyze the security issues related to network layer, transport layer and application layer.
2. Study of Cyber laws and forensics.
3. Evaluation of various forensics tools.
4. Analyze and validate forensics data.
Introduction to Forensics
Introduction to Traditional Computer Crime, Traditional problems associated with Computer Crime. Introduction to
Identity Theft & Identity Fraud. Types of CF techniques – Incident and incident response methodology – Forensic
duplication and investigation. Preparation for IR: Creating response tool kit and IR team. – Forensics Technology
and Systems – Understanding Computer Investigation – Data Acquisition.
1. Man Young Rhee, “Internet Security: Cryptographic Principles”, “Algorithms and Protocols”, Wiley
Publications, 2003.
2. Nelson, Phillips, Enfinger, Steuart, “Computer Forensics and Investigations”, Cengage Learning, India
Edition, 2008.
3. John R.Vacca, “Computer Forensics”, Cengage Learning, 2005
4. Richard E.Smith, “Internet Cryptography”, 3rd Edition Pearson Education, 2008.
5. MarjieT.Britz, “Computer Forensics and Cyber Crime”: An Introduction”, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall,
After the course completion, the student will be able to
1. Design a data mart or data warehouse for any organization
2. Extract knowledge using data mining techniques
3. Explore recent trends in data mining such as web mining, spatial-temporal mining
Program outcomes
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Introduction: Data Mining Concepts, Input, Instances, Attributes and Output, Knowledge Representation &
Review of Graph Theory, Lattices, Probability & Statistics
Machine learning concepts and approaches: Supervised Learning Framework, concepts & hypothesis, Training
& Learning, Boolean functions and formulae, Monomials, Disjunctive Normal Form & Conjunctive Normal Form,
A learning algorithm for monomials
Data Preparation: Data Cleaning, Data Integration & Transformation, Data Reduction
Mining Association Rules: Associations, Maximal Frequent & Closed Frequent item sets, Covering Algorithms &
Association Rules, Linear Models & Instance-Based Learning, Mining Association Rules from Transactional
databases, Mining Association Rules from Relational databases & Warehouses, Correlation analysis & Constraint-
based Association Mining.
Classification and Prediction: Issues regarding Classification & Prediction, Classification by Decision Tree
induction, Bayesian classification, Classification by Back Propagation, k-Nearest Neighbor Classifiers, Genetic
algorithms, Rough Set & Fuzzy Set approaches
Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
Scheme of B. Tech Programme in Computer Science and Engineering to be applicable from 2018 Batch onwards
Cluster Analysis: Types of data in Clustering Analysis, Categorization of Major Clustering methods, Hierarchical
methods, Density-based methods, Grid-based methods, Model-based Clustering methods
Mining Complex Types of Data: Multidimensional analysis & Descriptive mining of Complex data objects,
Mining Spatial Databases, Mining Multimedia Databases, Mining Time-series & Sequence data, Mining Text
databases, Mining World -Wide Web
Data Mining Applications and Trends in Data Mining: Massive Datasets/Text mining, Agent-Based Mining
1. Jiawei Han and MichelineKamber, “Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques”, Morgan Kaufmann
Publishers, 2000 (ISBN: 1-55860-489-8).
2. Ian H. Witten and Eibe Frank, “Data Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques with
Java implementations”, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, San Fransisco, CA (2000).
3. Dorian Pyle, “Data Preparation for Data Mining”, Morgan Kaufmann, (1999)
4. Korth, Silbertz, Sudarshan, “Database Concepts”, McGraw Hill
5. Elmasri, Navathe, “Fundamentals Of Database Systems”, Addision Wesley
After the course completion, the student will be able to
1. Preparing for data summarization, query, and analysis.
2. Applying data modelling techniques to large data sets
3. Creating applications for Big Data analytics
4. Building a complete business data analytic solution
Program outcomes
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This is only the suggested list of Practicals. Instructor may frame additional Practicals relevant to the course
After completion of this course, the students would be able to
1. Basic Data Recovery and Analysis – National White Collar Crime Center
2. A working knowledge of the policies and procedures used in the forensic examination of computer
3. Working with computer forensic evidence under the immediate supervision of a Senior Forensic Examiner
4. Apply the knowledge of computer forensics to an actual case while being supervised.
Course Program outcomes
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1. Hands on training on the case management system to input case data.
2. Working on evidence handling and security procedures.
3. Implement key fob and alarm code and understand how to set burglar alarm.
4. Working on verification procedure within the forensic laboratory.
5. Implement how to forensically wipe a target drive and how to ensure a drive has been wiped.
6. Implement various network security protocols studded in the theory classes.
This is only the suggested list of Practicals. Instructor may frame additional Practicals relevant to the course
Outcomes Course Highlights
COURSE ASSESSMENT METHODS: Assignments for each topic to be evaluated in the lab, and final
evaluation at the end which includes Viva Voce, Conduct of experiment.
Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
Scheme of B. Tech Programme in Computer Science and Engineering to be applicable from 2018 Batch onwards
After the course completion, the student will be able to
1. Synthesize the data mining fundamental concepts and techniques from multiple perspectives.
2. Develop skills and apply data mining tools for solving practical problems
3. Develop research skills by reading the data mining literature and develop advance relevant programming
Program outcomes
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Students are required to perform practical’s in Oracle/MS SQL Server and STATISTICA Data Miner
1. Building a Database Design using ER Modeling and Normalization Techniques
2. Implementation of functions ,Procedures, Triggers and Cursors
3. Load Data from heterogeneous sources including text files into a predefined warehouse schema.
4. Design a data mart for a bank to store the credit history of customers in a bank .Use this credit profiling to
process future loan applications.
5. Feature Selection and Variable Filtering (for very large data sets)
6. Association Mining in large data sets
7. Interactive Drill-Down, Roll up, Slice and Dice operations
8. Generalized EM &k-Means Cluster Analysis
9. Generalized Additive Models (GAM)
10. General Classification and Regression Trees (GTrees)
11. General CHAID (Chi-square Automatic Interaction Detection) Models
12. Interactive Classification and Regression Trees
13. Goodness of Fit Computations
This is only the suggested list of Practicals. Instructor may frame additional Practicals relevant to the course
Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
Scheme of B. Tech Programme in Computer Science and Engineering to be applicable from 2018 Batch onwards
After the course completion, the student will be able to
1. Understand packet switching networks and routing in packet switching networks with different routing
2. Describe traffic management at packet level, flow level and flow aggregate levels of packet switching
3. Explain the architecture of TCP/IP and protocols associated with TCP/IP and to analyze the network
applications, network management and security issues
4. Apply the knowledge about QoS, VPNs, and tunneling and overlay networks and to understand mobile
networking and wireless sensor networking
Reliable Protocol:
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP): Error Control, Flow Control, Congestion Control, Timers, And TCP Options:
NOP, MSS, Window Scale Factor, Timestamp, SACK-Permitted And SACK Options
Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP): Introduction, Services, Features, Packet Format, Association,
State Transition Diagram, Flow Control, Error Control, Congestion Control
Congestion Control and Resource Allocation: Issues In Resource Allocation: Network Model, Taxonomy,
Evaluation Criteria; Queuing Disciplines: FIFO, Fair Queuing; TCP Congestion Control: Additive
Increase/Multiplicative Decrease, Slow Start, Fast Retransmit and Fast Recovery; Congestion-Avoidance
Mechanisms: DECbit, Random Early Detection (RED), Source-Based Congestion Avoidance; Quality of Service:
Application Requirements, Integrated Services (RSVP), Differentiated Services (EF 516, AF), Equation-Based
Congestion Control
Next Generation Network: Unicast Routing Protocols: RIP, OSPF; Multicasting And Multicast Routing Protocols:
Introduction, Multicast Addresses, IGMP, Multicast Routing, Routing Protocols, MBone
Internet Protocol Version 6: IPV6 Addressing: Introduction, Address Space Allocation, Global Unicast
Addresses, Auto configuration, Renumbering; IPV6 Protocol: Packet Format, Transition from Ipv4 TO Ipv6;
Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) For Tunnelling.
Wireless LAN: Infrared vs. Radio Transmission, Infrastructure and Ad Hoc Networks. IEEE 802.11, System
Architecture, Protocol Architecture, Physical Layer, Medium Access Control Layer, MAC Management, Future
Development, HIPERLAN, Protocol Architecture, Physical Layer, Channel Access Control Sublayer, Medium
Access Control Sublayer, Information Bases and Networking, Bluetooth, User Scenarios, Physical Layer, MAC
Layer, Networking, Security, Link Management
After the course completion, the student will be able to
1. Design and implement the user interfaces for mobile applications.
2. Design the mobile applications that is aware of the resource constraints of mobile devices.
3. Develop advanced mobile applications that accesses the databases and the web.
4. Develop useful mobile applications in the current scenario using Google Android and Eclipse simulator.
Mobile Applications – Characteristics and Benefits – Application Model – Infrastructure and Managing Resources –
Mobile Software Engineering – Frameworks and Tools – Mobile devices Profiles.
Generic UI Development – VUIs and Mobile Applications – Text to Speech techniques – Designing the right UI –
Multimodal and Multichannel UI – Gesture based UIs – Screen Elements and Layouts – Voice XML – Java API.
Memory Management – Design patterns for limited memory – Work flow for Application Development –
Techniques for composing Applications – Dynamic Linking – Plug ins and rules ofthumb for using DLLs –
Concurrency and Resource Management – Look and feel.
Intents and Services – Storing and Retrieving data – Communication via the Web – Notification and Alarms –
Graphics and Multimedia – Telephony – Location based services – Packaging and Deployment – Security and
Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
Scheme of B. Tech Programme in Computer Science and Engineering to be applicable from 2018 Batch onwards
Google Android Platform – Eclipse Simulator – Android Application Architecture – Event based programming –
Apple iPhone Platform – UI tool kit interfaces – Event handling and Graphics services – Layer Animation.
After the course completion, the student will be able to
1. Analyze various protocols of IoT
2. Design portable IoT using appropriate boards
3. Develop schemes for the applications of IoT in real time scenarios
4. Design business Intelligence and Information Security for IoT
Introduction: Definition – Foundations – Challenges and Issues - Identification - Security. Components in internet
of things: Control Units – Sensors – Communication modules –Power Sources – Communication Technologies –
RFID – Bluetooth – Zigbee – Wifi – Rflinks –Mobile Internet – Wired Communication-IoT Platform Overview-
Raspberry pi-Arduino boards.
IoT Protocols: Protocol Standardization for IoT-M2M and WSN Protocols-SCADA and RFID Protocols-Issues
with Iot Standardization-Protocols-IEEE 802.15.4-BACNet Protocol-Zigbee Architecture - Network layer – APS
Layer – Security.
Resource Management in the Internet of Things: Clustering - Software Agents - Data Synchronization -
Clustering Principles in an Internet of Things Architecture - The Role of Context - Design Guidelines -Software
Agents for Object – Data Synchronization- Types of Network Architectures - Fundamental Concepts of Agility and
Autonomy-Enabling Autonomy and Agility by the Internet of Things - The Evolution from the RFID-based EPC
Network to an Agent based Internet of Things- Agents for the Behaviour of Objects.
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Scheme of B. Tech Programme in Computer Science and Engineering to be applicable from 2018 Batch onwards
Case Study and IoT Application Development: IoT applications in home- infrastructuressecurity-Industries- IoT
electronic equipments. Use of Big Data and Visualization in IoTIndustry 4.0 concepts - Sensors and sensor Node –
Interfacing using Raspberry Pi/Arduino- Web Enabled Constrained Devices.
Web of Things: Web of Things versus Internet of Things-Architecture Standardization for WoT-Platform
Middleware for WoT- WoT Portals and Business Intelligence-Cloud of Things:Grid/SOA and Cloud Computing-
Cloud Standards –Cloud of Things Architecture-Open Source e-Health sensor platform.
1. Honbo Zhou, ”The Internet of Things in the Cloud:A Middleware Perspective” –– CRC Press-2012.
2. Dieter Uckelmann, Mark Harrison, “Architecting the Internet of Things”, Springer- 2011.
3. Arshdeep Bahga, Vijay Madisetti, “Internet of Things (A Hands-On-Approach)”, VPT, 2014.
4. Olivier Hersent, David Boswarthick, Omar Elloumi, “The Internet of Things – Key applications and
Protocols”, Wiley, 2012.
After the course completion, the student will be able to
1. Implement various networks environment and passing packets through them using different routing
2. Design various error control, flow control, and congestion control mechanism in TCP.
3. Implement networks environment for simulating various access techniques and Queuing algorithm.
4. Design scenarios for wireless networks using simulation tools.
Note: Implementation should be done using C/C++, QualNet/NS2 and other similar tools.
1. Write a program to transfer a file from one system to another system using TCP and UDP sockets.
2. Write a program to demonstrate communication between different processes using IPC.
3. Write a Program to implement Routing Information Protocol (RIP) for a set of nodes.
4. Write a program to implement flow control and congestion control in TCP.
5. Write a program to implement queuing algorithm which will discard the staled packets.
6. Write a congestion control algorithm for routers which will inform the host nodes to stop sending when
threshold is reached.
7. Create a network of multiple routers and hosts to simulate RED and Drop Tail Queuing algorithm.
8. Write a program to simulate Group Communication and implement Carrier sensing techniques.
9. Design scenarios for wireless networks using simulation tools.
Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
Scheme of B. Tech Programme in Computer Science and Engineering to be applicable from 2018 Batch onwards
This is only the suggested list of Practicals. Instructor may frame additional Practicals relevant to the
course contents.
After the course completion, the student will be able to
1. Design and implement the user interfaces for mobile applications.
2. Design the mobile applications that is aware of the resource constraints of mobile devices.
3. Develop advanced mobile applications that accesses the databases and the web.
4. Develop useful mobile applications in the current scenario using Google Android and Eclipse simulator.
Program outcomes
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This is only the suggested list of Practicals. Instructor may frame additional Practicals relevant to the course
Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
Scheme of B. Tech Programme in Computer Science and Engineering to be applicable from 2018 Batch onwards
After the course completion, the student will be able to
1. Implement various protocols of IoT
2. Implement portable IoT using appropriate boards
3. Implement schemes for the applications of IoT in real time scenarios
4. Implement business Intelligence and Information Security for IoT
This is only the suggested list of Practicals. Instructor may frame additional Practicals relevant to the course
Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
Scheme of B. Tech Programme in Computer Science and Engineering to be applicable from 2018 Batch onwards
After the course completion, the student will be able to
1. Identify the importance of multimedia database and related concepts.
2. Design multimedia database based on the current environment and requirement.
3. Develop application which incorporate multimedia database as a group work.
Program outcomes
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Introduction: An introduction to Object-oriented Databases; Multidimensional Data Structures: k-d Trees, Point
Quadtrees, The MX-Quadtree, R-Trees, comparison of Different Data Structures
Image Databases: Raw Images, Compressed Image Representations, Image Processing: Segmentation, Similarity-
Based Retrieval, Alternative Image DB Paradigms, Representing Image DBs with Relations, Representing Image
DBs with R-Trees, Retrieving Images By Spatial Layout, Implementations
Text/Document Databases: Precision and Recall, Stop Lists, Word Stems, and Frequency Tables, Latent Semantic
Indexing, TV-Trees, Other Retrieval Techniques
Video Databases: Organizing Content of a Single Video, Querying Content of Video Libraries, Video
Segmentation, video Standards
Audio Databases: A General Model of Audio Data, Capturing Audio Content through Discrete Transformation,
Indexing Audio Data
Multimedia Databases: Design and Architecture of a Multimedia Database, Organizing Multimedia Data Based on
The Principle of Uniformity, Media Abstractions, Query Languages for Retrieving Multimedia Data, Indexing
SMDSs with Enhanced Inverted Indices, Query Relaxation/Expansion
Spatial Concepts and Data Models: Models of spatial information, Design extending the ER model with spatial
concepts, Extending the ER model pictograms, Object oriented data model with UML.
Spatial Query Languages: Extending the SQL for spatial data, Examples of queries that emphasis spatial data,
Object relational schema examples queries.
Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
Scheme of B. Tech Programme in Computer Science and Engineering to be applicable from 2018 Batch onwards
After the course completion, the student will be able to
1. Understand the general process of embedded system development
2. Understand General System Theory, how to apply embedded system and how to differentiate this from the
traditional mechanistic theory.
3. Evaluate how architectural and implementation decisions influence performance and power dissipation.
4. Evaluate how architectural and implementation decisions influence performance and power dissipation.
Hardware and Software Co-Design in Embedded System: Buffers and latches, Reset circuit, Chip, Timers and
counters and watch dog timers, Universal asynchronous receiver, transmitter (UART), Pulse width modulators,
LCD controllers. Development of fixed ROM image, Code generation tools: Emulator, Simulator and Debugger.
Embedded software development environments: Challenges and issues in embedded software development,
Device drivers, System calls and Programming languages: assembly languages, high level languages like C/C++,
Source Code Engineering tool for Embedded C/C++. Introduction to Embedded Java.
Processor and memory Organization: Custom Single Purpose Processor Hardware, General-Purpose Processor:
Introduction, Basic Architecture, Application Specific Instruction Set Processors (ASIPS), Microcontrollers and
Digital Signal Processors. Memory writes ability, Storage performance, Tradeoff s, Memory hierarchy and cache.
Software Engineering in Embedded System: Software Engineering practice in the embedded Software
development process. Software models used in designing, Unified Modeling language, Software maintenance.
Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
Scheme of B. Tech Programme in Computer Science and Engineering to be applicable from 2018 Batch onwards
Embedded Operating System: Operating system services, Embedded Operating system, Real Time Operating
system, Interrupt latency and Response time, Interrupts Routines in RTOS, Introduction to VxWorks and Micro OS-
1. David E Simon, “An Embedded Software Primer”, 1/e Pearson Education 1999.
2. Raj Kamal, “Embedded Systems”, Tata McGraw-Hill 2004.
3. Bruce Powel Douglass, “Real-Time UML: Developing Efficient Objects for Embedded Systems”, 2/E
Addison Wesley 2004.
4. Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Janice GillispieMazidi, “The 8051 Micro controller & Embedded Systems”, 1/e
Pearson Education 2000.
5. Valvano, “Embedded Microcomputer Systems : A real time interfacing”,Cengage Learning, New Delhi
Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
Scheme of B. Tech Programme in Computer Science and Engineering to be applicable from 2018 Batch onwards
After the course completion, the students would be able to:
1. Understood the basics of the project management techniques.
2. Learnt the feasible solution and optimum solution for the resource management. Learnt the time estimation
and critical path for project.
3. Learnt about the application of probability techniques in the decision making.
4. Learnt the various inventory models and simulations in the resource planning and management.
Introduction: Project Management (PM) Fundamentals, People, Process, and Product, Technology Classic
mistakes, PMI Processes, Software project phases, Organizational structures, Project charter Statement of Work
Planning Phase: Development lifecycle models, Matching lifecycles to projects, Project plans Work Breakdown
Structures (WBS)
Software Quality and Metrics: Attributes and metrics for different types of projects viz development project,
reengineering, maintenance, testing projects; use of metrics in decision making
Project Monitoring and Control: Project control and management processes, effort data collection, monitoring
and control, quantitative techniques in monitoring and control processes, tools and techniques used in quantitative
project management.
Estimation and Budgeting: Estimation, Budgeting, Project selection, NPV, ROI, Payback models
Scheduling: Project network diagram fundamentals, PERT techniques, Gantt charts, Critical chain scheduling,
resource leveling and remote smoothing techniques
1. Kathy Schwalbe, “Information Technology Project Management”, Cengage Learning, 7/e, 2013.
2. M. Cottrell and B. Hughes, "Software Project Management", McGraw-Hill, 5/e, 2009.
3. Quantum PM, “Microsoft Office Project Server 2003 Unleashed”, Pearson Education India, 2005.
4. Robert T. Futrell, Donald F. Shafer and Linda Isabell Shafer , “Quality Software Project”, Pearson India,
5. D. J. Henry, “Software Project Management – A Real-World Guide to Success”, Addison-Wesley, 2003.
Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
Scheme of B. Tech Programme in Computer Science and Engineering to be applicable from 2018 Batch onwards
On completion of the course students will be able to
1. Demonstrate an understanding of contemporary graphics hardware and formation of images.
2. Create interactive graphics applications using different platforms.
3. Learn the signal processing algorithms and techniques in image enhancement and image restoration.
4. Application of various image processing techniques to solve real world problems
Introduction: Introduction, Application areas of Computer Graphics, overview of graphics systems, video-display
devices, raster-scan systems, random scan systems, graphics monitors and work stations and input devices
Output primitives: Points and lines, line drawing algorithms, mid-point circle and ellipse algorithms. Filled area
primitives: Scan line polygon fill algorithm, boundary-fill and flood-fill algorithms
2-D geometrical transforms: Translation, scaling, rotation, reflection and shear transformations, matrix
representations and homogeneous coordinates, composite transforms, transformations between coordinate systems.
2-D viewing pipeline, viewing coordinate reference frame, window to view-port coordinate transformation, viewing
functions, Cohen-Sutherland and Cyrus-beck line clipping algorithms, Sutherland – Hodgeman polygon clipping
3-D object representation: Polygon surfaces, quadric surfaces, spline representation, Hermite curve, Bezier curve
and B-Spline curves, Bezier and B-Spline surfaces. Basic illumination models, polygon rendering methods, 3-D
geometric transformations, rotation, scaling, reflection and shear transformations, composite transformations, 3-D
viewing pipeline, viewing coordinates, view volume and general projection transforms and clipping.
Visible surface detection methods: Classification, back-face detection, depth-buffer, scan-line, depth sorting,
BSP-tree methods, area sub-division and octree methods.
Fundamentals: Introduction, Origin, Areas of Image Processing, steps in Digital Image Processing, Components of
Image Processing System, Image Sensing, Sampling and Quantization, Neighboring of Pixels, Mathematical and
perceptual preliminaries, human visual system model, image signal representation, imaging system specification
building image quality, role of computers, image date formats.
Image Enhancement and Restoration: Enhancement: Spatial Filtering, Introduction to Fourier Transformation,
Restoration: A model of the Image Degradation/ Restoration Process.
Image Compression: Image compression models, Error free compression, Lossy compression. Image
segmentation: Line detection, Edge Detection, Edge linking and Boundary Detection, and Region-based
Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
Scheme of B. Tech Programme in Computer Science and Engineering to be applicable from 2018 Batch onwards
Object Recognition: Pattern and pattern classes, Recognition based on Decision Theoretic Methods, Structural
Applications of Image processing: Picture data archival, machine vision, medical image processing.
1. “Computer Graphics”, second Edition, Donald Hearn and M.Pauline Baker, PHI/Pearson Education.
2. “Computer Graphics Second edition”, Zhigandxiang, Roy Plastock, Schaum’s outlines, Tata Mc- Graw hill
3. Pratt, W. K. Digital Image Processing, John Wiley, N. Y.
4. Jain, A.K. fundamentals of Digital Image Processing, Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall
5. Digital Image Processing by Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods, 3rd edition, pearson, 2014
After the course completion, the student will be able to
1. Identify problems that are amenable to solution by AI methods, and which AI methods may be suited to
solving a given problem.
2. Formalize a given problem in the language/framework of different AI methods
3. Describe basic AI algorithms (e.g., standard search algorithms or resolution).
4. Design and carry out an empirical evaluation of different algorithms on a problem formalization.
Program outcomes
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Introduction: Introduction to AI: Definitions, Historical foundations, Basic Elements of AI, Characteristics of
intelligent algorithm, AI application Areas
Problem solving: State space search; Production systems, search space control: depth-first, breadth-first search,
heuristic search - Hill climbing, best-first search, branch and bound. Problem Reduction, Constraint Satisfaction
End, Means-End Analysis
Handling uncertainty: Non-Monotonic Reasoning, Probabilistic reasoning, use of certainty factors, Fuzzy logic
Knowledge Based Systems: Proportional Logic, FOPL, Clausal Form, Resolution & Unification. Knowledge
representation, acquisition, organisation& Manipulation, Semantic nets, Frames, Conceptual Dependency, Scripts &
Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
Scheme of B. Tech Programme in Computer Science and Engineering to be applicable from 2018 Batch onwards
Machine Learning: Concept of learning, Concept creation, learning automation, supervised and Unsupervised
Learning, learning tasks & learning strategies, single layer & multiplayer Perceptions, Back propagation, learning
by inductions, Competitive Learning, HebbianCoincidence Learning, Attractor Networks Samuel's checkers
algorithm. Hopfield nets, Adaptive resonance theory
Expert Systems: Need and justification for expert systems, Basic Components & architecture of Expert systems,
ES-Shells, Representing & Using Domain Knowledge, Knowledge acquisition. Case studies: MYCIN, RI.
After completion of this course, the students would be able to
1. Develop interactive graphics applications using different platforms.
2. Implementation of various 2D and 3D image transformation techniques.
3. Implementation of various techniques of image enhancement, reconstruction, compression and
1. Implementation of various line drawing algorithms.
2. Implementation of various circle drawing algorithms.
3. Implementation of various line clipping algorithms.
4. Implementation of various ellipse drawing algorithms.
5. Implementation of various translation, rotation and scaling techniques in 2D plane.
6. Implementation of various composite transformations techniques on an objects.
7. Implement of various histogram equalization and non-linear filtering algorithms.
8. Implement of various edge detection, 2-D DFT, DCT, and DWT techniques.
9. Implement of various segmentation algorithm using watershed transform.
This is only the suggested list of Practicals. Instructor may frame additional Practicals relevant to the course
Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
Scheme of B. Tech Programme in Computer Science and Engineering to be applicable from 2018 Batch onwards
On completion of the course students will be able to
1. Analyze tools and practices for working with big data
2. Understand various application of big data analytics to different domains
3. Integrate and correlate large amounts of information/data using Big Data techniques
Program outcomes
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Introduction to Big Data: Analytics – Nuances of big data – Value – Issues – Case for Big data – Big data options
Team challenge – Big data sources – Acquisition – Features of Big Data - Security, Compliance, auditing and
protection - Evolution of Big data – Best Practices for Big data Analytics - Big data characteristics - Volume,
Veracity, Velocity, Variety – Big Data Architecture – Big Data and Cloud.
Data Analysis: Evolution of analytic scalability – Convergence – parallel processing systems – Cloud computing –
grid computing – Map reduce Basics – Map Reduce Algorithm Design - enterprise analytic sand box – analytic data
sets – Analytic methods – analytic tools – Cognos – Microstrategy – Pentaho - Regression Modeling - Multivariate
Analysis - Bayesian Modeling - Inference and Bayesian Networks - Support Vector and Kernel Methods.
Stream Computing : Introduction to Streams Concepts – Stream data model and architecture - Stream Computing,
Sampling data in a stream – Filtering streams – Counting distinct elements in a stream – Estimating moments –
Counting oneness in a window – Decaying window - Realtime Analytics Platform(RTAP) applications IBM
Infosphere – Big data at rest – Infosphere streams – Data stage – Statistical analysis – Intelligent scheduler –
Infosphere Streams.
Predictive Analytics and Visualization: Predictive Analytics – Supervised – Unsupervised learning – Neural
networks – Kohonen models – Normal – Deviations from normal patterns – Normal behaviours – Expert options –
Variable entry - Mining Frequent itemsets - Market based model – Apriori Algorithm – Handling large data sets in
Main memory – Limited Pass algorithm – Counting frequent itemsets in a stream – Clustering Techniques –
Hierarchical – K- Means – Clustering high dimensional data Visualizations - Visual data analysis techniques,
interaction techniques; Systems and applications.
Frameworks and Applications: IBM for Big Data – Map Reduce Framework - Hadoop – Hive – Sharding -
MongoDB – NoSQL Databases - S3 - Hadoop Distributed file systems – Hbase – Impala – Analyzing big data with
Twitter and Facebook – Big data for E-commerce – Big data for blogs.
Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
Scheme of B. Tech Programme in Computer Science and Engineering to be applicable from 2018 Batch onwards
1. Frank J Ohlhorst, “Big Data Analytics: Turning Big Data into Big Money”, Wiley and SAS Business
Series, 2012.
2. AnandRajaraman and Jeffrey David Ullman, Mining of Massive Datasets, Cambridge University Press,
3. Bill Franks, “Taming the Big Data Tidal Wave: Finding Opportunities in Huge Data Streams with
Advanced Analytics”, Wiley and SAS Business Series, 2012.
4. Paul Zikopoulos, Chris Eaton, Paul Zikopoulos, “Understanding Big Data: Analytics for Enterprise Class
Hadoop and Streaming Data”, McGraw Hill, 2011.
5. Paul Zikopoulos, Dirk deRoos, Krishnan Parasuraman, Thomas Deutsch , James Giles, David Corrigan,
“Harness the Power of Big data – The big data platform”, McGraw Hill, 2012.
On completion of the course students will be able to
1. Analyze algorithms for public digital ledger to share information in a trustworthy and secure way
2. Design applications of Blockchain from cryptocurrencies to various other domains, including business
process management, smart contracts, IoT and so on..
3. Evaluate the security aspects along with various use cases from different application domains.
Program outcomes
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Introduction to Blockchain: History of Digital Money to Distributed Ledgers, Design Primitives: Protocols,
Security, Consensus, Permissions, Privacy
Blockchain Architecture and Design: Basic crypto primitives: Hash, Signature; Hashchain to Blockchain; Basic
consensus mechanisms
Consensus: Requirements for the consensus protocols, Proof of Work (PoW), Scalability aspects of
Blockchain consensus protocols
Hyperledger Fabric I: Decomposing the consensus process, Hyper ledger fabric components, Chaincode Design
and Implementation
Hyperledger Fabric II: Beyond Chaincode, fabric SDK and Front End, Hyperledger composer tool
Use case I: Blockchain in Financial Software and Systems (FSS): Settlements, KYC, Capital markets, Insurance
Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
Scheme of B. Tech Programme in Computer Science and Engineering to be applicable from 2018 Batch onwards
Use case II: Blockchain in trade supply chain: Provenance of goods, visibility, trade supply chain finance, invoice
management discounting, etc
Use case III: Blockchain for Government: Digital identity, land records and other kinds of record keeping between
government entities, public distribution system social welfare systems
On completion of the course students will be able to
1. Analyze algorithms for coordination, communication, security and synchronization in distributed systems
2. Design and Implement distributed file systems and distributed algorithms for deadlocks.
3. Evaluate the effectiveness and shortcomings of their solutions
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Characterization of Distributed Systems: Introduction, Examples of distributed Systems, Resource sharing and
the Web Challenges.
Theoretical Foundation for Distributed System: Limitation of Distributed system, absence of global clock,
shared memory, Logical clocks, Lamport’s& vectors logical clocks, Causal ordering of messages, global state, and
termination detection.
Distributed Mutual Exclusion: Classification of distributed mutual exclusion, requirement of mutual exclusion
theorem, Token based and non token based algorithms, performance metric for distributed mutual exclusion
Distributed Deadlock Detection: system model, resource Vs communication deadlocks, deadlock prevention,
avoidance, detection & resolution, centralized dead lock detection, distributed dead lock detection, path pushing
algorithms, edge chasing algorithms.
Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
Scheme of B. Tech Programme in Computer Science and Engineering to be applicable from 2018 Batch onwards
Agreement Protocols: Introduction, System models, classification of Agreement Problem, Byzantine agreement
problem, Consensus problem, Interactive consistency Problem, Solution to Byzantine Agreement problem,
Application of Agreement problem, Atomic Commit in Distributed Database system.
Distributed Objects and Remote Invocation: Communication between distributed objects, Remote procedure call,
Events and notifications, Java RMI case study.
Security: Overview of security techniques, Cryptographic algorithms, Digital signatures Cryptography pragmatics,
Case studies: Needham Schroeder, Kerberos, SSL& Millicent.
Distributed File Systems: File service architecture, Sun Network File System, The Andrew File System, Recent
Transactions and Concurrency Control: Transactions, Nested transactions, Locks, Optimistic Concurrency
control, Timestamp ordering, Comparison of methods for concurrency control.
Distributed Transactions: Flat and nested distributed transactions, Atomic Commit protocols, Concurrency control
in distributed transactions, Distributed deadlocks, Transaction recovery. Replication: System model and group
communication, Fault -tolerant services, highly available services, Transactions with replicated data.
Distributed Algorithms: Introduction to communication protocols, Balanced sliding window protocol, Routing
algorithms, Destination based routing, APP problem, Deadlock free Packet switching, Introduction to wave &
traversal algorithms, Election algorithm.
CORBA Case Study: CORBA RMI, CORBA services.
On completion of the course students will be able to
1. Describe the expectations, pressures and problems faced in developing software and the need for
processes, tools, techniques and approaches;
2. Analyze, design, test and maintain software systems
3. Identify risks during software development.
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Introduction to Software Engineering: The evolving role of software, Changing Nature of Software, Software
A Generic view of process: Software engineering- A layered technology, a process framework, The Capability
Maturity Model Integration (CMMI), Process patterns, process assessment, personal and team process models.
Process models: The waterfall model, Incremental process models, Evolutionary process models, The Unified
Software Requirements: Functional and non-functional requirements, User requirements, System requirements,
Interface specification, the software requirements document.
Requirements engineering process: Feasibility studies, Requirements elicitation and analysis, Requirements
validation, Requirements management.
System models: Context Models, Behavioral models, Data models, Object models, structured methods.
Design Engineering: Design process and Design quality, Design concepts, the design model.
Creating an architectural design: Software architecture, Data design, Architectural styles and patterns,
Architectural Design.
Object-Oriented Design: Objects and object classes, An Object-Oriented design process, Design evolution.
Performing User interface design: Golden rules, User interface analysis and design, interface analysis, interface
design steps, Design evaluation.
Testing Strategies: A strategic approach to software testing, test strategies for conventional software, Black-Box
and White-Box testing, Validation testing, System testing, the art of Debugging.
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Scheme of B. Tech Programme in Computer Science and Engineering to be applicable from 2018 Batch onwards
Product metrics: Software Quality, Metrics for Analysis Model, Metrics for Design Model, Metrics for source
code, Metrics for testing, Metrics for maintenance.
Metrics for Process and Products: Software Measurement, Metrics for software quality.
Risk management: Reactive vs. Proactive Risk strategies, software risks, Risk identification, Risk projection, Risk
refinement, RMMM, RMMM Plan.
Quality Management: Quality concepts, Software quality assurance, Software Reviews, Formal technical reviews,
Statistical Software quality Assurance, Software reliability, The ISO 9000 quality standards.
CASE Tools: Types of CASE tools, advantages and components of CASE tools, Unified Modelling Language
After the course completion, the student will be able to
1. Identify problems that are amenable to solution by AI methods, and which AI methods may be suited to
solving a given problem.
2. Formalize a given problem in the language/framework of different AI methods
3. Describe basic AI algorithms (e.g., standard search algorithms or resolution).
4. Design and carry out an empirical evaluation of different algorithms on a problem formalization.
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Introduction: Introduction to AI: Definitions, Historical foundations, Basic Elements of AI, Characteristics of
intelligent algorithm, AI application Areas
Problem solving: State space search; Production systems, search space control: depth-first, breadth-first search,
heuristic search - Hill climbing, best-first search, branch and bound. Problem Reduction, Constraint Satisfaction
End, Means-End Analysis
Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
Scheme of B. Tech Programme in Computer Science and Engineering to be applicable from 2018 Batch onwards
Handling uncertainty: Non-Monotonic Reasoning, Probabilistic reasoning, use of certainty factors, Fuzzy logic
Knowledge Based Systems: Proportional Logic, FOPL, Clausal Form, Resolution & Unification. Knowledge
representation, acquisition, organisation& Manipulation, Semantic nets, Frames, Conceptual Dependency, Scripts &
Expert Systems: Need and justification for expert systems, Basic Components & architecture of Expert systems,
ES-Shells, Representing & Using Domain Knowledge, Knowledge acquisition in expert Systems. Case studies:
Case Studies: Domain specific case study to be undertaken which will explore the application of AI to that domain.
After undergoing two months industrial training, Students will be able to
1. Apply their technical knowledge and engineering methods to solve real-life situations
2. Learn modern tools and contemporary ideas by practicing self-learning
3. Learn work ethics by Interacting with engineers and other professional groups thereby, increasing
technical, interpersonal and communication skills, both oral and written
Program outcomes
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CO 3 M M H H H H
The fundamental objective of Industrial Training is to prepare students for future employment in their
chosen engineering discipline. Industrial Training allows students to practice what they have learned and to
develop key professional attributes. During the 8 week Industrial training the students are exposed to the discipline
of working in a professional engineering organization and develop an understanding of the functioning.
Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
Scheme of B. Tech Programme in Computer Science and Engineering to be applicable from 2018 Batch onwards
On completion of the course students will be able to
1. Able to learn modern tools and contemporary ideas by practicing self-learning
2. Apply the skills and practices ofdesign and analysis during system development
3. Contribute the acquired knowledge in their area ofinterest in the form of process / system / product /
prototypes as end product
4. Able to interact with multi-disciplinary teams and as an individual
5. Prepare the project reports based on prescribed format in a complete manner
This is project work (phase-I) to be done by the students in the seventh semester. The evaluation committee of the
Department shall evaluate the project for 2 credits assigned for the project. A report of the project work carried out
during the semester shall be submitted at the end of the semester approved by the project guide and HOD.
Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
Scheme of B. Tech Programme in Computer Science and Engineering to be applicable from 2018 Batch onwards
After the course completion, the student will be able to
1. Understand the design aspects of various different language processors
2. Identify theory and practice of compilation in the lexical analysis, syntax, and semantic analysis, code
generation and optimization phases of compilation.
3. Exemplify and compare various function of parser along with its types for design of compiler.
4. Understand a parser such as a bottom-up SLR parser without using compiler-generation tools.
Program outcomes
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CO 2 H H M
CO 3 M L
CO 4 M L L
Introduction to Language Processor: Overview, fundamentals of language processing and symbol tables
Assemblers and Macros: Pass structure of assemblers, design of two pass assemblers using any hypothetical
computer, design of macro processors
Linker and Loaders: Relocation and linking operation, design of linker, absolute and relocating loaders
Compiler structure: analysis-synthesis model of compilation, various phases of a compiler, tool based approach to
compiler construction.
Lexical analysis: interface with input, parser and symbol table, token, lexeme and patterns. Difficulties in lexical
analysis, Error reporting. Implementation. Regular definition, Transition diagrams, LEX.
Syntax analysis: CFGs, ambiguity, associativity, precedence, top down parsing, recursive descent parsing,
transformation on the grammars, predictive parsing, bottom up parsing, operator precedence grammars, LR parsers
Syntax directed definitions: inherited and synthesized attributes, dependency graph, evaluation order, bottom up
and top down evaluation of attributes, L- and S-attributed definitions.
Type checking: type system, type expressions, structural and name equivalence of types, type conversion,
overloaded functions and operators, polymorphic functions.
Run time system: storage organization, activation tree, activation record, parameter passing, symbol table, dynamic
storage allocation.
Intermediate code generation: intermediate representations, translation of declarations, assignments, control flow,
boolean expressions and procedure calls. Implementation issues.
Code generation and instruction selection: issues, basic blocks and flow graphs, register allocation, code
Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
Scheme of B. Tech Programme in Computer Science and Engineering to be applicable from 2018 Batch onwards
generation, dag representation of programs, code generation from dags, peep hole optimization, code generator
generators, specifications of machine.
After the course completion, the student would be able to:
1. Implement different language processors.
2. Implement various lexical analysis techniques in compiler design.
3. Implement various code optimization techniques in compiler design.
This is only the suggested list of Practicals. Instructor may frame additional Practicals relevant to the course
Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
Scheme of B. Tech Programme in Computer Science and Engineering to be applicable from 2018 Batch onwards
After the course completion, the student will be able to
1. Recognize the feasibility of applying a soft computing methodology for a particular problem
2. Apply fuzzy logic and reasoning to handle uncertainty and solve engineering problems
3. Apply genetic algorithms to combinatorial optimization problems
4. Effectively use existing software tools to solve real problems using a soft computing approach
5. Evaluate and compare solutions by various soft computing approaches for a given problem.
Program outcomes
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CO 3 M M
CO 4 H M
CO 5 H H H
Parallel Processing Concepts: Levels of parallelism (instruction, transaction, task, thread, memory, function),
Models (SIMD, MIMD, SIMT, SPMD, Dataflow Models, Demand-driven Computation etc), Architectures: N-wide
superscalar architectures, multi-core, multi-threaded
Parallel Programming with CUDA: Processor Architecture, Interconnect, Communication, Memory Organization,
and Programming Models in high performance computing architectures: (Examples: IBM CELL BE, Nvidia Tesla
GPU, Intel Larrabee Microarchitecture and Intel Nehalem microarchitecture), Memory hierarchy and transaction
specific memory design, Thread Organization
Fundamental Design Issues in Parallel Computing: Synchronization, Scheduling, Job Allocation, Job
Partitioning, Dependency Analysis, Mapping Parallel Algorithms onto Parallel Architectures, Performance Analysis
of Parallel Algorithms
Fundamental Limitations Facing Parallel Computing: Bandwidth Limitations, Latency Limitations, Latency
Hiding/Tolerating Techniques and their limitations,
Advanced Topics: Petascale Computing, Optics in Parallel Computing, Quantum Computers, Recent developments
in Nanotechnology and its impact on HPC
Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
Scheme of B. Tech Programme in Computer Science and Engineering to be applicable from 2018 Batch onwards
After the course completion, the student will be able to
1. Understand and describe soft computing techniques and their roles in building intelligent machines
2. Recognize the feasibility of applying a soft computing methodology for a particular problem
3. Apply fuzzy logic and reasoning to handle uncertainty and solve engineering problems
4. Apply genetic algorithms to combinatorial optimization problems
5. Effectively use existing software tools to solve real problems using a soft computing approach
Program outcomes
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CO 3 M M
CO 4 H M
CO 5 H H H
Artificial Neural Networks: Basic concepts - Single layer perception - Multilayer Perception - Supervised and
Unsupervised learning – Back propagation networks - Kohnen'sself organizing networks - Hopfield network.
Fuzzy Systems: Fuzzy sets and Fuzzy reasoning - Fuzzy matrices - Fuzzy functions - Decomposition -Fuzzy
automata and languages - Fuzzy control methods - Fuzzy decision making.
Neuro - Fuzzy Modeling: Adaptive networks based Fuzzy interface systems - Classification and Regression Trees
-Data clustering algorithms - Rule based structure identification - Neuro-Fuzzy controls -Simulated annealing –
Evolutionary computation.
Genetic Algorithms: Survival of the Fittest - Fitness Computations - Cross over - Mutation - Reproduction -Rank
method - Rank space method.
Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
Scheme of B. Tech Programme in Computer Science and Engineering to be applicable from 2018 Batch onwards
SoftcomputingAnd Conventional AI: AI search algorithm - Predicate calculus - Rules of interference – Semantic
networks -Frames - Objects - Hybrid models - Applications.
1. Jang J.S.R., Sun C.T. and Mizutani E, "Neuro-Fuzzy and Soft computing", Prentice Hall 1998.
2. LaureneFausett, "Fundamentals of Neural Networks", Prentice Hall, 1994.
3. George J. Klir and Bo Yuan, "Fuzzy sets and Fuzzy Logic", Prentice Hall, USA 1995.
4. N. J. Nelsson, "Artificial Intelligence - A New Synthesis", Harcourt Asia Ltd., 1998.
5. D.E. Goldberg, "Genetic Algorithms: Search, Optimization and Machine Learning", Addison Wesley, N.Y,
After the course completion, the student will be able to
1. Understand the wireless network basic concept with cell structure, modulation techniques, coding
techniques and application
2. Understand research problems of wireless networks pose in disciplines such as signal processing,
3. Apply MAC layer protocols and guided on the protocols developed.
4. Apply Routing protocols for wireless network.
Program outcomes
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CO 2 L H H M
CO 3 M M M
CO 4 H M
Basics of wireless data transmission: frequencies & regulations, signal propagation, propagation models,
modeling the propagation loss, multiplexing, spread spectrum, antennas, cellular systems.
Cellular system concept: Cellular Hierarchy, System Management, Cellular Reuse Pattern, Ways of increasing the
system capacity, Channel assignment to the cells
Media Access Techniques: SDMA, FDMA, TDMA, CDMA, Aloha, CSMA, BTMA, DBTMA, FAMA, PUMA,
Wireless MAN (IEEE 802.16): IEEE 802.16-2004(802.16d) for fixed WiMAX and 802.16(802.16e) for mobile
Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
Scheme of B. Tech Programme in Computer Science and Engineering to be applicable from 2018 Batch onwards
Wireless Telecommunication Systems: Basic architecture and working of followings: WLL, GSM, Handover
process, GPRS, EDGE, UMTS, CDMA2000, 3G and 4G Systems,
Software defined Radio: The Software Radio concept, Minimum radio standard, Basic elements of Software Radio
1. Michel Daoud Yacoub, “Wireless Technology: Protocols, Standards, and Techniques”, CRC Press, 2001.
2. K. Wesołowski, “Mobile Communication Systems”, Wiley Publication, 2002.
3. J. Schiller, “Mobile Communications”, Addison-Wesley, 2004.
4. J. Geier, “Wireless LAN”, 2/e, SAMS, 2001.
5. G. Held, “Data Over Wireless Networks”, McGraw-Hill, 2001.
After the course completion, the student will be able to
1. Understand common text mining and social network analytics techniques carried out in contemporary
2. Analyze the complexities of collecting, integrating, processing and managing text and network data from a
wide range of internal and external sources.
3. Understand various analytical methods can be used to uncover the potential of text and network data to
gain actionable insights and support marketing decisions.
Program outcomes
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CO 2 M H M M
CO 3 M H H H
Introduction to Web - Limitations of current Web – Development of Semantic Web – Emergence of the Social Web
– Statistical Properties of Social Networks -Network analysis - Development of Social Network Analysis - Key
concepts and measures in network analysis - Discussion networks - Blogs and online communities - Web-based
Mining Communities
Aggregating and reasoning with social network data- Advanced Representations - Extracting evolution of Web
Community from a Series of Web Archive - Detecting Communities in Social Networks - Evaluating Communities
– Core Methods for Community Detection & Mining - Applications of Community Mining Algorithms - Node
Classification in Social Networks.
After the completion of the course, the students will be able to:
1. Gain knowledge on the interplay between humans, tasks, technology, and contexts
2. Gain knowledge on important human factors that affect HCI
3. Apply HCI principles, guidelines, methods, and techniques
Program outcomes
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CO 3 M H M
Design of an interactive system - Interaction Styles -Question and answer -Form-based - Command language -
Menus -Natural language -Direct manipulation -Virtual Reality - Augmented Reality -Other emerging interaction
Design and Evaluation Process -Prototyping -Testing and evaluating interface designs - Guidelines and criteria for
designing UI, UI Software and Specifications -Languages and tools for specifying and building interfaces -Dialogue
independence –UIMSLanguages and software abstractions -Programming support tools -. Basic Interaction Tasks,
Techniques, and Devices.
Human Performance -Scientific foundations for designing user interfaces -Visual presentation of information -
Graphical design -Designing experiments - Introduction to Research in HumanComputer Interaction -Why do HCI
research? -Research prototypes -Interdisciplinary nature of HCI research -Examples of HCI research.
New Interaction Techniques -New modes of human-computer communication -Voice Gesture - Eye movement -
Tangible user interfaces -Brain-computer interfaces - Case Study.
1. Wilbert O Galitz, “The Essential Guide To User Interface Design”, Wiley Dreamatech, 3 rd edition, 2007
Ben Shneidermann, “Designing The User Interface - Strategies for Effective HumanComputer Interaction”,
4th Edition, Pearson Education Asia, 2004
2. Alan Dix, Janet Fincay, GreGoryd, Abowd, and Russell Bealg, “Human – Computer Interaction”, 3rd
edition, Pearson, 2003
3. Yvonne Rogers , Helen Sharp, and Jenny Preece, “Interaction Design: Beyond Human - Computer
Interaction”, 3rd edition, Wiley, 2011
After the course completion, the student will be able to
1. Analyze theory and approaches for learning with deep neural networks.
2. Acquire knowledge of different variants of deep learning and their typical applications.
3. Train and model with deep architectures as well as have hands-on experience in using deep learning
frameworks for this purpose.
4. Implement basic versions of some of the core deep network algorithms.
5. Correlate it with machine learning approaches.
Program outcomes
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CO 2 H M H M
CO 3 M M
CO 4 H M
CO 5 H H H
Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
Scheme of B. Tech Programme in Computer Science and Engineering to be applicable from 2018 Batch onwards
After the course completion, the student will be able to
1. Apply advanced skills to critically analyse and solve problems in biotechnology.
2. Use techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.
3. Analyze protein sequences, identify proteins, and retrieve protein structures from databases. View and
interpret these structures. Understand homology modelling and computational drug design.
4. Design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
Program outcomes
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CO 2 L H M L
CO 3 M H H
CO 4 H M L
Analytical Science and Bioinformatics: High throughput sequencing, Experimental determination of protein
structures, Gene expression monitoring, Proteomics, Metabolomics
Statistical Methods in Bioinformatics: Basic mathematics, Vectors and matrices, Multivariate statistics -
particularly exploratory methods and pattern recognition
Bioinformatics Algorithms and Tools: Visualization of sequence data, Sequence alignment, Homology searching
- including BLAST, Gene expression informatics, Introduction to gene finding
Applications and Commercial Aspects of Bioinformatics: Visualization of sequence data, Drug discovery,
Genetic basis of disease, Personalized medicine and gene-based diagnostics, Legal, ethical and commercial
ramifications of bioinformatics
Bioinformatics: The Business of Research: Research methodology (focusing on computer-based research), Case
studies of areas of current bioinformatics research Routes to research funding (academic and commercial),
Bioinformatics business models, Intellectual property rights
Software Engineering in Bioinformatics: Advanced programming using Java and BioJava, Advanced database
work using SQL, Interfacings programs with databases. Data interoperability using XML
Principles of Programming and Databases using Java and SQL: Fundamental principles of programming,
Object-oriented programming using Java, Introduction to databases using Oracle.
Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
Scheme of B. Tech Programme in Computer Science and Engineering to be applicable from 2018 Batch onwards
PERL programming: Data manipulation, File maintenance, Pipelining Packaging and interfacing system facilities
After the course completion, the student will be able to
1. Apply soft computing based solutions to real world and engineering problems.
2. Apply fuzzy logic and reasoning to handle uncertainty and solve engineering problems
3. Apply genetic algorithms to combinatorial optimization problems.
4. Apply neural networks to pattern classification and regression problems and compare solutions by various
soft computing approaches for a given problem.
Artificial Neural Networks: Basic concepts - Single layer perception - Multilayer Perception - Supervised and
Unsupervised learning – Back propagation networks - Kohnen'sself organizing networks - Hopfield network.
Fuzzy Systems: Fuzzy sets and Fuzzy reasoning - Fuzzy matrices - Fuzzy functions - Decomposition -Fuzzy
automata and languages - Fuzzy control methods - Fuzzy decision making.
Neuro - Fuzzy Modeling: Adaptive networks based Fuzzy interface systems - Classification and Regression Trees
-Data clustering algorithms - Rule based structure identification - Neuro-Fuzzy controls -Simulated annealing –
Evolutionary computation.
Genetic Algorithms: Survival of the Fittest - Fitness Computations - Cross over - Mutation - Reproduction -Rank
method - Rank space method.
SoftcomputingAnd Conventional AI: AI search algorithm - Predicate calculus - Rules of interference – Semantic
networks -Frames - Objects - Hybrid models - Applications.
Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
Scheme of B. Tech Programme in Computer Science and Engineering to be applicable from 2018 Batch onwards
1. Able to learn modern tools and contemporary ideas by practicing self-learning
2. Apply the skills and practices ofdesign and analysis during system development
3. Contribute the acquired knowledge in their area ofinterest in the form of process / system / product /
prototypes as end product
4. Able to interact with multi-disciplinary teams and as an individual
5. Prepare the project reports based on prescribed format in a complete manner
Program outcomes
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO 1 M H H H M M
CO 2 M H H H
CO 3 H H H H H
CO 4 H M M H H
CO 5 M H H
This is project work (phase-II) to be done by the students in the eighth semester. The evaluation committee
comprising of members of Department and external experts evaluate the project for 4 credits assigned for the
project. A report of the project work carried out during the semester shall be submitted at the end of the semester
approved by the project guide and HOD.