Dopt Orders Establishment Recruitment Policies 14017 - 10 - 86 - Estt - RR 01091998
Dopt Orders Establishment Recruitment Policies 14017 - 10 - 86 - Estt - RR 01091998
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel and Training)
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The undersigned is directed to say that the question of counting of previous
Group 'A' service to meet the condition of minimum eligibility service prescribed in the
Recruitment/Service Rules at the time of lateral entry on direct recruitment as qualifying
service for promotion to the higher grades has been considered by the Government and it has
been decided that since all appointments by the method of direct recruitment are in the public
interest, the benefit of counting of previous Group 'A' service to meet the condition of
minimum eligibility prescribed in the Recruitment/Service Rules at the time of lateral entry on
direct recruitment as qualifying service for promotion to the higher grades will be admissible
to an employee provided he/she has completed the prescribed eligibility service in the
immediate feeder grade. However, the past service will not count for seniority in the new
organisation, as upheld in the Supreme Court's judgement dated November 19, 1993 in the
case of Renu Muffick vs Union of India [TT 1993 (b) SC 527].
Copy to:-
1. The Secretary, Union Public Service Commission, Dholpur House,
Shalljehan Road, New Delhi
2. The Comptroller and Auditor General of India, 10, Bahachwshah Zafar Marg„
New Delhi
3. The Registrar General, The Supreme Court of India, New Delhi.
4. The Election Commission of India, Ashore Road, New Delhi.
5. The Secretary General, Rejya Sabha Secretariat, New Delhi.
6. The Secretary General, Lok Sabha Secretariat, New Delhi.
7. The Secretary, Central Vigilance Commission, New Delhi.
8. The President's Secretariat, New Delhi
9. The Vice-President's Secretariat New Delhi
10. The Prime hormister's Office, South Block, New Delhi
11. The Cabinet Secretariat, New Delhi.
12. The Planning Commission, New Delhi.
13. The Controller General of Accounts, New Delhi
14. Edablishment(RR), Dept of Personnel and Training - 10inis