Civil Trial 2020 Ebook
Civil Trial 2020 Ebook
Table of Contents
Chapter - I
1. Institution of suit : 5
2. Jurisdiction of Courts : 7
3. Plaint : 23
4. Documents filed with plaint : 26
5. Parties to the suit : 28
6. Suit Valuation and Court fee : 41
7. Suit by or against minor or person in disability : 58
8. Suit by or against Government : 60
9. Return of Plaint : 65
10. Rejection of plaint : 68
11. Service of summons : 77
12. Appearance of Defendant & Written Statement : 99
13. Set off and Counter claim : 104
14. Appearance of parties & Consequences of
non appearance : 114
15. Examination of parties & ADR : 126
16. Settlement of issues : 139
17. Hearing of Suit : 146
18. Production, Impounding & Return of
Documents : 171
19. Arguments by the parties : 190
20. Judgment & Decree : 199
21. Final Decree Proceedings : 211
Chapter - II
1. Strike out and Adding of parties : 222
2. Striking out & Amendment of Pleadings : 241
3. Amendment of Pleadings : 243
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Chapter - III
1. Application for execution : 319
2. Stay of execution : 339
3. Mode of execution : 342
4. Adjudication of claims and objections between
the parties to the suit (Section 47 CPC) : 388
5. Resistance to delivery of possession : 391
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Ors 2002 (6) SCC 16: ―Plaintiff is dominus litis, that is, master of,
or having dominion over, the case. He is the person who has
carriage and control of an action. In case of conflict of jurisdiction
the choice ought to lie with the plaintiff to choose the forum best
suited to him unless there be a Rule of law excluding access to a
forum of plaintiffs choice or permitting recourse to a forum will
be opposed to public policy or will be an abuse of the process of
In a case Dhruv Green Field LTD. vs. Hukam Singh, (AIR 2002
SC 2841) the Hon‘ble Supreme Court observed that-
(1) If there is an express provision in any special Act barring the
jurisdiction of a Civil Court to deal with matters specified
thereunder the jurisdiction of an ordinary Civil Court shall stand
(2) If there is no express provision in the Act but an examination
of the provisions contained therein lead to a conclusion with
regard to the exclusion of jurisdiction of a Civil Court, the Court
would then inquire whether any adequate and efficacious
alternative remedy is provided under the Act; if the answer is in
the affirmative, it can safely be concluded that the jurisdiction of
the Civil Court is barred. If, however, no such adequate and
effective alternative remedy is provided then exclusion of the
jurisdiction of the Civil Court cannot be inferred.
(3) Even in cases where the jurisdiction of a Civil Court is barred
expressly or impliedly the Court would nonetheless retain its
jurisdiction to entertain and adjudicate the suit provided the
order complained of is a nullity.
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Lala Ram Swarup & Ors. vs. Shikar Chand & Anr. [1966(2) SCR
553]. In this case, Gajendragadkar, CJ. speaking for a
Constitution Bench of the Supreme Court, formulated the
following tests:
"The two tests, which are often considered relevant in dealing
with the question about the exclusion of Civil Courts jurisdiction
are (a) whether the special statute which excludes such
jurisdiction has used clear and unambiguous words indicating
that intention; and (b) does that statute provide for an adequate
and satisfactory alternative remedy to a party that may be
aggrieved by the relevant order under its material provisions.
Applying these tests the inference is inescapable that the
jurisdiction of the Civil Courts is intended to be excluded.‖
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fresh suit may lie but that would not mean that the suit which
was not maintainable on the date of its institution, unless an
exceptional case is made out therefor, can be held to have been
validly instituted. The material date for the purpose of invoking
Section 20 is the one of institution of a suit and not the
subsequent change of residence. Change of residence subsequent
to the decision of a Court would not confer territorial jurisdiction
on the Court which did not have it, Mohanakumaran Nair v.
Vijayakumaran Nair, AIR 2008 SC 213
A plain reading of Section 20 of the Code leaves no room for
doubt that it is a residuary provision and covers those cases not
falling within the limitations of Sections 15 to 19. The opening
words of the Section ―Subject to the limitations aforesaid‖ are
significant and make it abundantly clear that the Section takes
within its sweep all personal actions. A suit falling under Section
20 thus may be instituted in a Court within whose jurisdiction
the defendant resides, or carries on business, or personally
works for gain or cause of action wholly or partly arises. Harshad
Chiman Lal Modi vs D. L. F. Universal LTD, AIR 2005 SC 4446,
(2005) 7 SCC 791, (2005) 6 Supreme 634.
Where on the basis of a contract to sell the land, a suit for
specific performance has been filed, which also demanded
possession, the suit will be governed by Section 16(d) and not
under Section 20(c) of the CPC, Ananda Bazar Patrika Ltd. & Ors.
v. Biswanath Prasad Maitin, AIR 1986 Pat. 57
Objections to jurisdiction (Sect.21) — (1) No objection as to the
place of suing shall be allowed by any Appellate or Revisional
Court unless such objection was taken in the Court of first
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relating to bar to the suit created by the law for the time being in
force, frame it as a preliminary issue, B.S.I. Ltd. vs M. V.Critian-
C and Ors., AIR 1999 Bom. 320.
Bar on suit to set aside decree on objection as to place of
suing (Sect. 21A) — No suit shall lie challenging the validity of a
decree passed in a former suit between the same parties, or
between the parties under whom they or any of them claim,
litigating under the same title, on any ground based on an
objection as to the place of suing.
Explanation.—The expression ―former suit‖ means a suit which
has been decided prior to the decision in the suit in which the
validity of the decree is questioned, whether or not the previously
decided suit was instituted prior to the suit in which the validity
of such decree is questioned.
Scope: The above provisions completely bars a suit to set aside a
decree on the ground of absence of jurisdiction.
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the suit. Sub-Rule (4) thereof provides that nothing in the said
Rule shall apply to document produced for the cross-examination
of the plaintiff‘s witnesses, or, handed over to a witness merely to
refresh his memory. Similar is the provision under the sub-
clause (3) of Rule 1 of the Order XIII of the Code. Being so, it
cannot be disputed that if the plaintiff fails to mention the
documents in the list annexed to the plaint and to place on
record a copy of such document, which is required to be
produced under the law at the time of filing of the plaint, the
plaintiff is not entitled to produce any additional document
thereafter, without the leave of the Court. The contention that
such leave has necessarily to be obtained prior to the documents
being placed on record, cannot be found fault with. But, at the
same time, it is also to be noted that nothing prevents the
Court in its discretion to grant leave subsequent to the
documents being produced before the Court even though
such documents were not entered in the list annexed to the
plaint. It would depend upon the facts of each case.
Undoubtedly, the order of the Court in that regard will have to be
a speaking and reasoned order. Mohanraj Rupchand Jain v.
Kewalchand Hastimal Jain AIR 2007 Bombay 69.
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Section, for the same act or transaction may give rise to different
cause of action, as when several persons are injured by the same
act of negligence on the part of the railway company.
Plaintiff having Different Interests
A succeeds to B's estate by inheritance and assigns a portion
thereof to C. D is in possession of the estate and disputes A's
right of succession to it. A and C may under the present Rule,
jointly sue D for the possession of the property of the portion of
the estate to which they are entitled if the ground on which the
relief is claimed is common to all the plaintiffs. It does not matter
that the claim was made by A on the basis of inheritance and C
on the basis of assignment. Thus such persons may be joined in
a suit even if their interests are different.
The word severally in this Rule indicates an involvement of
some common questions of law or of fact, and not the identity
of interest or of the cause of action. Where a right to relief in
respect of the same act or transaction is alleged to exist in two or
more persons severally, they may join as plaintiff in one suit
or they may at their option bring separate suits. This Rule
does not necessitate one suit. Where the debts of several
creditors to the same person are specified separately in an
agreement relating to such debts and the agreement is jointly
executed by the creditors, though each is to take his share, a
separate suit by each creditor is maintainable.
Thus, when three pieces of land are mortgaged by three different
persons in favour of a mortgagee, a single suit by the heirs of all
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and the Court may, in every suit deal with the matter in
controversy so far as regards the rights and interests of the
parties actually before it. Notwithstanding this position, the
Court will be justified in dismissing the suit if the necessary
parties are not impleaded. T Panchapakesan v. Peria Thambi
Naicker, (1972) 2 MLJ 590
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(2) The Rules may determine the value of any class of land, or of
any interest in land, in the whole or any part of a local area, and
may prescribe different values for different places within the
same local area.
Section 4 Valuation of relief in certain suits relating to land
not to exceed the value of the land-
Where a suit mentioned in the Court-fees Act, 1870 (7 of 1870),
Section 7 paragraph iv, or Schedule II, article 17, relates to land
or an interest in land of which the value has been determined by
Rules under the last foregoing Section, the amount at which for
purposes of jurisdiction the relief sought in the suit is valued
shall not exceed the value of the land or interest as determined
by those Rules.
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valuation of suit for purpose of Court fees is not very relevant but
it is necessary for the plaintiff to disclose the value of the subject
matter of the suit for the purpose of jurisdiction. However, there
is exception to this general rule in as much as those suits which
fall under some of the provisions of Section 7 of the Court Fees
Act, the valuation of the suit for the purpose of Court Fees and
jurisdiction shall be the same. This has been specified in Section
8 of the Suit Valuation Act.
Question: How the Court fees payable in a suit is assessed?
Answer: In order to understand the scheme for assessment of
Court fee payable in a suit or appeal it will be necessary to
understand the relation between The Suit Valuation Act 1887
and the Court Fees Act 1870.
The Suit Valuation Act 1887 is an Act to prescribe the
mode of valuing certain suits for the purpose of determining the
jurisdiction of Court with respect thereto. Part I of the Act
empowers the State Governments to make Rules for determining
the value of the land for the purposes of jurisdiction in certain
classes of suits and Part II declares that in suits not coming
within paragraphs V,VI, IX and X, clause (d) of Section 7 of the
Court Fees Act, the value as determinable for the computation of
Court Fee and the value for the purpose of jurisdiction shall be
the same. In these cases mentioned in paragraphs V,VI, IX and X
, clause (d) of Section 7 of the Court Fees Act, the suit valuation
shall be made as per the market value of the suit property .
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Court Fees
Fixed Court fee is chargeable as per Schedule II of the Court
Fees Act. In other cases the Court fee is charged as per the
valuation of suit.
For determining the jurisdiction of a suit, in case of fixed
Court fee the jurisdiction shall be according to the valuation of
suit as disclosed in the plaint.
In cases where the ad valorem Court fee is chargeable, the
jurisdiction shall be determined as per the Suit Valuation Act.
The value of the suit for the purpose of payment of Court fee is to
be determined first and then such value is to be adopted to
determine jurisdiction.
Ram Pravesh Singh vs Maneshwari Prasad Narain Deo, AIR 1958
(Pat) 129; 1957 0 BLJR 698; 1957 0 Supreme (Pat) 196,
The plaintiff/respondent in a proceeding before the Public
Demand Recovery Act raised objection at the sale price of Rs
550/- on the plea that its real value was Rs 60,000/- This
objection was not allowed and consequently he filed a suit for
cancellation of sale deed in which the suit was valued at Rs
550/-- The defendant objected the valuation on the ground that
the plaintiff himself had earlier state the value to be Rs 60,000/-.
The Hon‘ble Supreme Court held that the valuation was
challenged by the petitioner and though he himself in his written
statement did not give his own value, but relied on the statement
of the plaintiff himself in a previous application made by him for
stay or delivery of possession. In that application the value of the
property sold was given at Rs. 60,000. In this case it was
conceded on behalf of the petitioner that no ad valorem Court-fee
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was payable and that the Court-fee paid was sufficient. The
Court below, therefore, held that it was a pure declaratory suit
and the Court-fee paid for declaration under Schedule 2. Article
17(iii) of the Court Fees Act was sufficient. No objection had been
raised in this regard in the revisional application filed in the
Supreme Court. The only point that had been taken in the
petition of revision is about the valuation. It is contended that the
valuation of the property, which had been sold in a certificate
sale under the Public Demands Recovery Act, was beyond the
jurisdiction of the Court. The only point, therefore, that had to be
determined in the present application was as to what should be
the valuation, for the purpose of jurisdiction, in pure declaratory
suit Sec.3 of the Suits Valuation Act provides for Rules to be
made by the Provincial Government for determining the value of
land for purposes of jurisdiction in the suits mentioned in the
Court Fees Act, 1870, Section 7, paras, (v) and (vi) and para, (x),
Clause (d). Section 4 says that where a suit mentioned in the
Court Fees Act, 1870, Section 7, para. (iv) or Schedule II, Article
17, relates to land or an interest in land of which the value has
been determined by Rules under the last foregoing Section, the
amount at which for purposes of jurisdiction the relief sought in
the suit is valued shall not exceed the value of the land or
interest as determined by those Rules. Unfortunately no Rule has
been framed by the State Government in this regard. Section 8 of
the Suit valuation act lays down that where in suits other than
those referred to in the Court Fees Act, 1870, Section 7, paras.
(v), (vi) and (ix) and para (x), Clause (d), Court-fees are payable ad
valorem under the Court Fees Act, 1870, the value as
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(c) where the land pays no such revenue, or has been partially
exempted from such payment, or is charged with any fixed
payment in lieu of such revenue, and net profits have arisen from
the land during the year next before the date of presenting the
plaint fifteen times such net profits; but where no such net
profits have arisen there from-the amount at which the Court
shall estimate the land with reference to the value of similar land
in the neighborhood;
(d) where the land forms part of an estate paying revenue to
Government, but is not a definite share of such estate and is not
separately assessed as above mentioned- the market-value of
the land; Proviso as to Bombay Presidency.-Provided that, in the
territories subject to the Governor of Bombay in Council, the
value of the land shall be deemed to be-
(1) where the land is held on settlement for a period not
exceeding thirty years and pays the full assessment to
Government-a sum equal to five times the survey assessment;
(2) where the land is held on a permanent settlement, or on a
settlement for any period exceeding thirty years, and pays the full
assessment to Government-a sum equal to ten times the survey
assessment; and
(3) where the whole or any part of the annual survey-assessment
is remitted-sum computed under paragraph (1) or paragraph (2)
of this proviso, as the case may be, in addition to ten times the
assessment, or the portion of assessment, so remitted.
Explanation.-The word "estate", as used in this paragraph,
means any land subject to the payment of revenue, for which the
proprietor or a farmer or ryot shall have executed a separate
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(iii) It has been held that when the plaintiff paid ad valorem
Court-fee in a suit for recovery of a specific calculated amount as
damages on account of leakage of cooking gas cylinder leading to
accident the valuation was correct;--- The suit was found to be
correctly valued for the purposes of Court fee and jurisdiction
under Section 7(I) of the Court fees Act. - Bhagwant Sarup v.
Himalay Gas Co., AIR 1985 HP 41.
(iv) It has been held that in a suit for partition the share claimed
by the plaintiff would determine the Court-fee and not the
property as a whole; Rakesh Chandra Das v. Khan Bahadur
Abdul Majid Choudhary, AIR 1982 Gau 82.
(v) The Hon‘ble Supreme Court has clearly held in AIR 1958 SC
245that ordinarily the valuation stated by the plaintiff should be
accepted in cases falling under S. 7(iv)(b) and (c) of the Act. If it is
read along with the other sentences in the judgment, then it is
clear that the valuation given by the plaintiff in a case falling
under Section 7(iv)(b) or (c) shall have to be accepted by the Cost;
Kesho Mahton v. Ayodhya Mahton, AIR 1983 Pat 67.
(vi) It has been held that Section 7(iv)(f) is applicable to a suit for
dissolution of partnership at will and rendition of accounts in as
much as it is a suit for accounts and value for jurisdiction and
Court-fee is the same ad valorem Court-fee to be paid under
Section 7; Madan Mohan Sharma v. Uttam Singh Bagga, AIR
1985 J&K 87.
(vii) The Code of Civil Procedure empowers the Court to make up
deficiency of Court-fees and under Order VII Rule 11 it is
provided that the plaint shall be rejected where the relief claimed
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Return of plaint
Order 7 Rule 10 - (1) Subject to the provisions of Rule 10A, the
plaint shall at any stage of the suit be returned to be presented to
the Court in which the suit should have been instituted.
Explanation.-For the removal of doubts, it is hereby declared
that a Court of appeal or revision may direct, after setting aside
the decree passed in a suit, the return of the plaint under this
Further, Rule 10A provides that where in any suit after the
defendant has appeared, and the plaint is returned, the Court
shall direct the plaintiff (1) to specify the Court in which he
proposes to present the plaint after its return (2) the Court may
fix a date for appearance of parties in said Court and give notice
to both parties of such date. This notice of date shall be deemed
to be a summon for the appearance of the defendant in such
Court on the date fixed.
Question: Can a Plaintiff file an appeal from the order under
Rule 10 of Order 7?
Answer: Yes, such appeal is maintainable under Order 43 Rule 1
(a) . But where the plaint was returned on an application made
by the plaintiff under Order 7 Rule10A(2) such appeal is not
Order 7 Rule10 (2) Procedure on returning plaint.-On
returning a plaint, the Judge shall endorse thereon the date of its
presentation and return, the name of the party presenting it, and
a brief statement of the reasons for returning it.
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Scope - CPC provides that the plaint shall at any stage of the suit
be returned to be presented to the Court in which the suit should
have been instituted. Once the Court has held that it has no
pecuniary jurisdiction, it should not have dismissed the suit but
is bound to return it for presentation to proper Court.
The return of the plaint with an endorsement on it is a part of the
Court‘s duty and until an endorsement is made and the plaint is
ready for return, the proceedings cannot be considered to be at
an end. This means that the proceedings for the return of the
plaint came to an end only when an endorsement was actually
made on the plaint. Then only can the plaint be said to be ready
for being returned for presentation to the proper Court. In view of
the wording of Section 14 of the Limitation Act, it must be held
that the date on which the plaint was tendered to the plaintiff will
be the date on which the proceedings ended. Islam Shah v. Wali
Mohammad Khan, 1971 SCC OnLine All 313 : AIR 1971 All 473
When it is found that the suit was barred under some statutory
provisions, the proper procedure to be followed will be to reject
the plaint and not to return it to the plaintiff. Ajmer Kaur & Ors.
v. Punjab State & Ors., AIR 1991 (P& H) 12.
The Court finding that it has no jurisdiction to try the suit and
therefore, dismissed the same. Held, the proper course for the
Court was to return the suit for presentation to proper Court
instead of dismissing it, R.S.D.V. Finance Company Ltd. v. Shri
Vallabh Glass Works Limited, AIR 1993 SC 2094 : 1993(2) SCC
Return of plaint by Court on ground that it lacked pecuniary
jurisdiction. Right of defendant to file fresh written
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Rejection of plaint
Order 7 Rule 11-The plaint shall be rejected in the following
(a) where it does not disclose a cause of action;
(b) where the relief claimed is undervalued, and the plaintiff,
on being required by the Court to correct the valuation
within a time to be fixed by the Court, fails to do so;
(c) where the relief claimed is properly valued, but the plaint is
returned upon paper insufficiently stamped, and the
plaintiff, on being required by the Court to supply the
requisite stamp-paper within a time to be fixed by the Court,
fails to do so;
(d) where the suit appears from the statement in the plaint to
be barred by any law ;
(e)where it is not filed in duplicate;
(f) where the plaintiff fails to comply with the provisions of
Rule 9 :
Provided that the time fixed by the Court for the correction
of the valuation or supplying of the requisite stamp-paper
shall not be extended unless the Court, for reasons to be
recorded, is satisfied that the plaintiff was prevented by
any cause of an exceptional nature form correcting the
valuation or supplying the requisite stamp-paper , as the
case may be, within the time fixed by the Court and that
refusal to extend such time would cause grave injustice to
the plaintiff.
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application under Cls. (a) and (d) of Rule. 11 of Order. VII, C.P.C.,
the averments in the plaint are germane; the pleas taken by the
defendant in the written statement would be wholly irrelevant at
that stage, therefore, a direction to file the written statement
without deciding the application under Order 7, Rule. 11, C.P.C.
cannot but be procedural irregularity touching the exercise of
jurisdiction by the trial Court. Sakeen Bhai v. State of
Maharshtra, 2003(1) Supreme 433: AIR 2003 SC 759 : 2003
(1)SCC 557.
Cause of action and applicability of law are two distinct different
and independent things and one cannot be confused with the
other. The expression ‗cause of action‘ has not been defined in
the Code. It is however settled law that every suit presupposes
the existence of a cause of action. If there is no cause of action,
the plaint has to be rejected [Rule 11(a) of Order VII]. Stated
simply, cause of action means a right to sue. It consists of
material facts which are imperative for the plaintiff to allege and
prove to succeed in the suit. The classic definition of the
expression (cause of action) is found in the observations of Lord
Brett in Cooke v. Gill, 1873 (8) CP 107: 42 LJ CP 98. A cause of
action means every facts, which if traversed, it would be
necessary for the plaintiff to prove in order to support his right to
a judgment of the Court. In other words, it is a bundle of facts
which taken with the law applicable to them gives the plaintiff a
right to relief against the defendant. It must include some act
done by the defendant since in the absence of such an act no
cause of action can possibly accrue. Laxman Prasad v. Progigy
Electronics Ltd., 2008 (1) SCC 618: AIR 2008 SC 685
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5.The test for exercising the power under Order VII Rule 11
is that if the averments made in the plaint are taken in
entirety, in conjunction with the documents relied upon,
would the same result in a decree being passed. This test
was laid down in Liverpool & London S.P. & I Assn. Ltd. v.
M.V.Sea Success I & Anr., (2004) 9 SCC 512.
6.It is not permissible to cull out a sentence or a passage,
and to read it in isolation. It is the substance, and not
merely the form, which has to be looked into. The plaint has
to be construed as it stands, without addition or subtraction
of words. If the allegations in the plaint prima facie show a
cause of action, the Court cannot embark upon an enquiry
whether the allegations are true in fact. Hardesh Ores (P.)
Ltd. v. Hede & Co. (2007) 5 SCC 614.
7.If on a meaningful reading of the plaint, it is found that
the suit is manifestly vexatious and without any merit, and
does not disclose a right to sue, the Court would be justified
in exercising the power under Order VII Rule 11 CPC.
8.The power under Order VII Rule 11 CPC may be exercised
by the Court at any stage of the suit, either before
registering the plaint, or after issuing summons to the
defendant, or before conclusion of the trial. Saleem Bhai v.
State of Maharashtra 7 (2003) 1 SCC 557.
9."Cause of action" means every fact which would be
necessary for the plaintiff to prove, if traversed, in order to
support his right to judgment. It consists of a bundle of
material facts, which are necessary for the plaintiff to prove
in order to entitle him to the reliefs claimed in the suit.
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Introduction: Practically after the presentation of the plaint and
after perusing the report of the Serishtadar when it is found to be
in order, the Court is required to draw a detailed order on the
point of admission of the suit. It may pointed out that expression
―admission‖ does not figure in the Code, but before issuing the
summons to the defendants as per Order 7 Rule 9 the Court
need to draw a specific order on the following points:
1. Valuation of the Suit
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(6) The High Court or the District Judge, as the case may be,
shall prepare a panel or courier agencies for the purposes of sub-
Rule (1).
Scope- Under Order V Rule 9, the summons may be served by
the officer of the Court and it permits service of summons by
party or through courier. Order V Rule 9(3) and Order V Rule 9-A
permit service of summons by courier or by the plaintiff.
Order V Rule 9(5) requires the Court to declare that the
summons had been duly served on the defendant on the
contingencies mentioned in the provision. It is in the nature of
deemed service. The apprehension expressed was that service
outside the normal procedure is likely to lead to false reports of
service and passing of ex parte decrees. It is further urged that
courier‘s report about defendant‘s refusal to accept service is also
likely to lead to serious malpractice and abuse. The Hon‘ble
Supreme Court held that while considering the submissions, it
has to be borne in mind that problem in respect of service of
summons has been one of the major causes of delay in the due
progress of the case. It is common knowledge that the defendants
have been avoiding to accept summons. There have been serious
problems in process serving agencies in various Courts. There
can, thus, be no valid objection in giving opportunity to the
plaintiff to serve the summons on the defendant or get it served
through courier. There is, however, danger of false reports of
service. It is required to be adequately guarded. The Courts shall
have to be very careful while dealing with a case where orders for
deemed service are required to be made on the basis of
endorsement of such service or refusal. The High Courts can
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Written statement (Order 8 Rule 1)-(1)]The defendant shall
within thirty days from the date of service of summons on him
present a written statement of his defence.
Provided that where the defendant fails to file the written
statement within the said period of thirty days, he shall be
allowed to file the same on such other day, as may be specified
by the Court, for reasons to be recorded in writing, but which
shall not be later than ninety days from the date of service of
Scope -Extension of time – Provisions of Order VIII, Rule 1
including the proviso are not mandatory but directory – As such
the delay can be condoned and the written statement can be
accepted even after the expiry of 90 days from the date of service
of summons in exceptionally hard cases. Zolba vs. Keshao
(2008)11 SCC 769, Salem Advocate Bar Assn vs. Union of India
(2005)6 SCC 344.
The extension of time shall be only by way of exception and for
reasons to be recorded in writing, howsoever, brief they may be,
by the Court. In no case, shall the defendant be permitted to seek
extension of time when the Court is satisfied that it is a case of
laxity or gross negligence on the part of the defendant or his
counsel. The Court may impose costs for dual purpose; (i) to
deter the defendant from seeking any extension of time just for
asking, and (ii) to compensate the plaintiff for the delay and
inconvenience caused to him. Aditya Hotels (P) Ltd. vs. Bombay
Swadeshi Stores Ltd. 2007 (3) Supreme 291
Page 99 of 401
the facts set out by the plaintiff in the plaint filed in the Court. In
a case, specifically where a written statement has not been filed
by the defendant, the Court should be a little cautious in
proceeding under Order 8 Rule 10 of the CPC. Before passing the
judgment against the defendant it must see to it that even if the
facts set out in the plaint are treated to have been admitted, a
judgment could not possibly be passed in favour of the plaintiff
without requiring him to prove any fact mentioned in the plaint.
It is a matter of the Court‘s satisfaction and, therefore, only on
being satisfied that there is no fact which need be proved on
account of deemed admission, the Court can conveniently pass a
judgment against the defendant who has not filed the written
statement. But if the plaint itself indicates that there are
disputed questions of fact involved in the case regarding which
two different versions are set out in the plaint itself, it would not
be safe for the Court to pass a judgment without requiring the
plaintiff to prove the facts so as to settle the factual controversy.
Such a case would be covered by the expression ―the Court may,
in its discretion, require any such fact to be proved‖ used in sub-
rule (2) of Rule 5 of Order 8, or the expression ―may make such
order in relation to the suit as it thinks fit‖ used in Ruel 10 of
Order 8. Balraj Taneja v. Sunil Maan, AIR 1999 SC 3381 : 1999
(8)SCC 396.
Right to cross-examine witnesses in case of non-filing of
written statement- The suit, however, was not taken up for
hearing ex parte against the petitioner nor was it ordered to be so
taken up. The position of law in such a case is that a defendant,
even without filing a written statement, can take part in the
shall refer the matter again to the Court and direct the parties to
appear before the Court on the date fixed by it.
Sec 89. Settlement of disputes outside the Court.—(1) Where
it appears to the Court that there exist elements of a settlement
which may be acceptable to the parties, the Court shall formulate
the terms of settlement and give them to the parties for their
observations and after receiving the observations of the parties,
the Court may reformulate the terms of a possible settlement and
refer the same for :—
(a) arbitration;
(b) conciliation;
(c) judicial settlement including settlement through Lok Adalat:
(d) mediation.
(2) Were a dispute has been referred— (a) for arbitration or
conciliation, the provisions of the Arbitration and Conciliation
Act, 1996 (26 of 1996) shall apply as if the proceedings for
arbitration or conciliation were referred for settlement under the
provisions of that Act;
(b) to Lok Adalat, the Court shall refer the same to the Lok Adalat
in accordance with the provisions of sub-Section (1) of Section 20
of the Legal Services Authority Act, 1987 (39 of 1987) and all
other provisions of that Act shall apply in respect of the dispute
so referred to the Lok Adalat;
(c) for judicial settlement, the Court shall refer the same to a
suitable institution or person and such institution or person
shall be deemed to be a Lok Adalat and all the provisions of the
Legal Services Authority Act, 1987 (39 of 1987) shall apply as if
may postpone the hearing of the suit to a day not later than
seven days from the date of first hearing and direct that such
party shall appear in person on such day.
(2) If such party fails without lawful excuse to appear in person
on the day so appointed, the Court may pronounce judgment
against him, or make such order in relation to the suit as it
thinks fit.
Scope - Judges who refer the cases for settlement through any of
the ADR methods are known as referral judges. The role of a
Referral Judge is of great significance in Court-referred
mediation. All cases are not suitable for mediation. Only
appropriate cases which are suitable for mediation should be
referred for mediation. Success of mediation will depend on the
proper selection and reference of only suitable cases by referral
Stage of Reference - The appropriate stage for considering
reference to ADR processes in civil suits is after the completion of
pleadings and before framing the issues. If for any reason, the
Court did not refer the case to ADR process before framing
issues, nothing prevents the Court from considering reference
even at a later stage.
However, considering the possibility of allegations and counter
allegations vitiating the atmosphere and causing further strain
on the relationship of the parties, in family disputes and
matrimonial cases the ideal stage for mediation is immediately
after service of notice on the respondent and before the
filing of objections/written statements by the respondent. An
order referring the dispute to ADR processes may be passed only
14) If the Presiding Judge of the case assists the parties and if
settlement negotiations fail, he should not deal with the
adjudication of the matter, to avoid apprehensions of bias and
prejudice. It is, therefore, advisable to refer cases proposed for
Judicial Settlement to another Judge.
15) If the Court refers the case to an ADR process (other than
Arbitration), it should keep track of the case by fixing a hearing
date for the ADR Report. The period allotted for the ADR process
should not exceed from the period as permitted under applicable
Mediation Rules .The Court should take precaution that under no
circumstances the ADR process shall be used as a tool in the
hands of an unscrupulous litigant to delay the trial of the case.
16)The Court should not send the original judicial record of the
case at the time of referring the case for an ADR forum, however
only copies of relevant papers of the judicial record should be
annexed with referral order. If the case is referred to a Court
annexed Mediation Center which is under the exclusive control
and supervision of a Judicial Officer, the original file may be
made available wherever necessary.
Go to Index
Framing of issues(Order 14 Rule 1)—
(1) Issues arise when a material proposition of fact or law is
affirmed by the one party and denied by the other.
(2) Material propositions are those propositions of law or fact
which a plaintiff must allege in order to show a right to sue or a
defendant must allege in order to constitute his defence.
(3) Each material proposition affirmed by one party and denied by
the other shall form the subject of distinct issue.
(4) Issues are of two kinds:
(a) issues of fact,
(b) issues of law.
(5) At the first hearing of the suit the Court shall, after reading
the plaint and the written statements if any, and 1 [after
examination under Rule 2 of Order X and after hearing the
parties or their pleaders], ascertain upon what material
propositions of fact or of law the parties are at variance, and shall
thereupon proceed to frame and record the issues on which the
right decision of the case appears to depend.
(6) Nothing in this Rule requires the Court to frame and record
issued where the defendant at the first hearing of the suit makes
no defence.
(2) Where issues both of law and of fact arise in the same suit,
and the Court is of opinion that the case or any part thereof may
be disposed of on an issue of law only, it may try that issue
first if the issue relates to—
(a) the jurisdiction of the Court, or
(b) a bar to the suit created by any law for the time being in force,
and for that purpose may, if it thinks fit, postpone the settlement
of the other issues until after that issue has been determined,
and may deal with the suit in accordance with the decision on
that issue.
Scope - Issue of jurisdiction as a preliminary issue - Order
XIV, Rule 2, C.P.C. is a relevant provision under which an issue
could be framed as a preliminary issue. Looking to the language
of Order XIV, Rule 2, C.P.C. it is clear that the Legislature has
left a discretion on the Court to come to the conclusion regarding
framing of the preliminary issue. No doubt in doing so there is a
rider on the Court that a preliminary issue should be an issue of
law only and that relates to the jurisdiction of the Court, or a bar
to the suit created by any law for the time being in force. Under
this, the Court has been given discretion either to decide the
issue of jurisdiction as a preliminary issue or decide along with
other issues, Ms. Ram Babu Singhal Enterprises (P) Ltd. v. M/s.
Digamber Parshad Kirti Prashad, AIR 1988 All. 299
where in the opinion of the Court the whole suit may be disposed
of on the issues of law alone, but the Code confers no jurisdiction
upon the Court to try a suit on mixed issues of law and fact as
preliminary issues. Normally all the issues in a suit should be
tried by the Court : not to do so, especially when the decision on
issues even of law depends upon the decision of issues of fact,
would result in a lop-sided trial of the suit.‖ Though there has
been a slight amendment in the language of Order 14, Rule 2Civil
Procedure Code by the Amending Act, 1976, but the principle
enunciated in the above quoted decision still holds good and
there can be no departure from the principle that the Code
confers no jurisdiction upon the Court to try a suit on mixed
issue of law and fact as a preliminary issue and where the
decision on issue of law depends upon decision of fact, it cannot
be tried as a preliminary issue. Ramesh B. Desai v. Bipin Vadilal
Mehta, AIR 2006 SC 3672.
Go to Index
warrant, either with or without bail, for the arrest of such person,
and may make an order for the attachment of his property to
such amount as it thinks fit, not exceeding the amount of the
costs of attachment and of any fine which may be imposed under
Rule 12;
Provided that no Court of Small Causes shall make an order for
the attachment of immovable property.
Section 32 of the C.P.C.— The Court may compel the
attendance of any person to whom a summons has been issued
under Section 30 and for that purpose may—
(a) issue a warrant for his arrest;
(b) attach and sell his property;
(c) impose a fine upon him 1 [not exceeding five thousand
(d) order him to furnish security for his appearance and in
default commit him to the civil prison.
Scope -The provisions for such coercive processes in the Rule is
to ensure that the summons issued by the Court to enable the
parties for redressal of injustice suffered by them is respected
and the witnesses comply with the Court‘s requisition to attend
to give evidence or to produce documents according to the
Object of the Rule - The object of this Rule is to enable the
Court to help the parties to compel attendance of recalcitrants
who, even though served, fail to appear without lawful excuse.,
Dwarka Prasad v. Rajkunwar Bai, A.I.R. 1976 M.P. 214.
Court may of its own accord summon as witnesses strangers
to suit (Order16Rule 14)—Subject to the provisions of this Code
Provided that where documents are filed and the parties rely
upon the documents, the proof and admissibility of such
documents which are filed along with affidavit shall be subject to
the orders of the Court.
(2) The evidence (cross-examination and re-examination) of the
witness in attendance, whose evidence (examination-in-chief) by
affidavit has been furnished to the Court, shall be taken either by
the Court or by the Commissioner appointed by it:
Provided that the Court may, while appointing a commission
under this sub-Rule, consider taking into account such relevant
factors as it thinks fit.
(3) The Court or the Commissioner, as the case may be, shall
record evidence either in writing or mechanically in the presence
of the Judge or of the Commissioner, as the case may be, and
where such evidence is recorded by the Commissioner he shall
return such evidence together with his report in writing signed by
him to the Court appointing him and the evidence taken under it
shall form part of the record of the suit.
(4) The Commissioner may record such remarks as it thinks
material respecting the demeanour of any witness while under
Provided that any objection raised during the recording of
evidence before the Commissioner shall be recorded by him and
decided by the Court at the stage of arguments.
(5) The report of the Commissioner shall be submitted to the
Court appointing the commission within sixty days from the
date of issue of the commission unless the Court for reasons to
be recorded in writing extends the time.
(6) The High Court or the District Judge, as the case may be,
shall prepare a panel of Commissioners to record the evidence
under this Rule.
(7) The Court may by general or special order fix the amount to
be paid as remuneration for the services of the Commissioner.
(8) The provisions of Rules 16, 16A, 17 and 18 of Order XXVI, in
so far as they are applicable, shall apply to the issue, execution
and return of such commission under this Rule.
Scope- Order 18, Rule 4 provides that in every case, the
examination-in-chief of a witness shall be on affidavit. The Court
has already been vested with power to permit affidavits to be filed
as evidence as provided in Order 19, Rules 1 and 2 of the Code. It
has to be kept in view that the right of cross-examination and re-
examination in open Court has not been disturbed by Order 18,
Rule 4 inserted by amendment. It is true that after the
amendment cross-examination can be before a Commissioner but
no exception can be taken in regard to the power of the
legislature to amend the Code and provide for the examination-
in-chief to be on affidavit or cross-examination before a
Commissioner. The scope of Order 18, Rule 4 has been examined
and its validity upheld in Salem Advocates Bar Association‘s
case. There is also no question of inadmissible documents being
read into evidence merely on account of such documents being
given exhibit numbers in the affidavit filed by way of
examination-in-chief. Further, in Salem Advocates Bar
Association‘s case, it has been held that the trial Court in
appropriate cases can permit the examination-in-chief to be
recorded in the Court. Proviso to sub-Rule (2) of Rule 4 of Order
18 clearly suggests that the Court has to apply its mind to the
facts of the case, nature of allegations, nature of evidence and
importance of the particular witness for determining whether the
witness shall be examined in Court or by the Commissioner
appointed by it. The power under Order 18, Rule 4(2) is required
to be exercised with great circumspection having regard to the
facts and circumstances of the case. It is not necessary to lay
down hard and fast Rules controlling the discretion of the Court
to appoint Commissioner to record cross-examination and re-
examination of witnesses. The purpose would be served by
noticing some illustrative cases which would serve as broad and
general guidelines for the exercise of discretion. For instance, a
case may involve complex question of title, complex question in
partition or suits relating to partnership business or suits
involving serious allegations of fraud, forgery, serious disputes as
to the execution of the will etc. In such cases, as far as possible,
the Court may prefer to itself record the cross-examination of the
material witnesses. Another contention raised is that when
evidence is recorded by the Commissioner, the Court would be
deprived of the benefit of watching the demeanour of witness.
That may be so but the will of the legislature, which has by
amending the Code provided for recording evidence by the
Commissioner for saving Court‘s time taken for the said purpose,
cannot be defeated merely on the ground that the Court would be
deprived of watching the demeanour of the witnesses. Further, as
noticed above, in some cases, which are complex in nature, the
prayer for recording evidence by the Commissioner may be
declined by the Court. It may also be noted that Order 18, Rule
other means fails measures should be taken for the safe custody
of the document pending instructions from higher authorities.
(A). Any party to a suit or proceeding may file photostat copy of
any valuable and important document and the original thereof
may be produced at the time of evidence. The original document
may be returned to the party concerned soon after it has been
inspected or put in evidence unless its retention is considered
necessary. In case retention of original document is considered
necessary by the Court, all measures should be taken by the
Court for its safe custody.
As Per Rule 240 of JCCR - When an original document, after
being marked for the purpose of identification, is returned, and a
copy thereof substituted under the provisions of Order VII, Rule
17, or Order XI 11, Rule 5, Code of Civil Procedure, a note of the
return of the original shall be made in the lists referred to in the
preceding Rules.
As Per Rule 241 of JCCR -When any public document (not being
the record of a suit or of a judicial proceeding) or a document in
public custody has been produced in Court in compliance with a
summons the Court shall after the document has been inspected
or put in evidence, as the case may be, cause it to be returned
with the least possible delay to the officer from whose custody it
has been produced after the preparation of such copies as the
Court may require under Order XIII, Rule 5, clause (2) Civil
Procedure Code, unless its detention is considered to be
necessary till the delivery of the judgment.
Note- While returning any public document, the Court shall
make an endorsement therein near about the exhibit mark and
Court may send for papers from its own records or from
other Courts.(Order13 Rule 10)— (1) The Court may of its own
motion, and may in its discretion upon the application of any of
the parties to a suit, send for, either from its own records or from
any other Court, the record of any other suit or proceeding, and
inspect the same.
(2) Every application made under this Rule shall (unless the
Court otherwise directs) be supported by an affidavit showing
how the record is material to the suit in which the application is
made, and that the applicant cannot without unreasonable delay
or expense obtain a duly authenticated copy of the record or of
such portion thereof as the applicant requires, or that the
production of the original is necessary for the purposes of justice.
(3) Nothing contained in this Rule shall be deemed to enable the
Court to use in evidence any document which under the law of
evidence would be inadmissible in the suit.
Scope - Necessity of affidavit - Where an application is not
supported by affidavit as required by Rule 10, the application
cannot be rejected on that ground. Sub-Rule (2) of Rule 10 of
Order 13 indicates that every application for calling for the
records of any other suit or proceedings from any other Court has
to be supported by an affidavit showing (i) how the records were
material to the suit in which the application was made, (ii) that
the applicant cannot without unreasonable delay or expense
obtain a duly authenticated copy of the records for such portion
thereof as the appellant requires or that the production of
original records were necessary for the purpose of justice., M/s.
Apollo Machinery Mart v. Firj Shah Mustt. Rausana Begum &
Ors., AIR 1996 Gau. 5:
Juggi Lal Kamlapat vs. Pratap Mal Rameshwar 1978 (1) SCC 69
The burden is no doubt on the appellant to prove his case but the
parties to the suit are bound by the procedure prescribed in the
Code of Civil Procedure. Order VIII of the Civil Procedure Code
requires what a written statement should contain. Order VIII,
Rule 2, requires that the defendant must raise by his pleading all
matters which show the suit not to be maintainable, or that the
transaction is either void or voidable in point of law, and all such
grounds of defence as, if not raised, would be likely to take the
opposite party by surprise. Rule 3 requires that it shall not be
sufficient for a defendant in his written statement to deny
generally the grounds alleged by the plaintiff, but the defendant
must deal specifically with each allegation of fact of which he
does not admit the truth, except damages. Though the
respondent did not question the validity of the delivery order at
the first instance he was at liberty to question it when he filed the
additional written statement and to raise all grounds of defence
to the validity of the delivery order. The failure to question the
validity of the delivery order or the ground that it required
registration with the Mill or that the possessor was bound to give
an undertaking would be failure to comply with the requirements
of Order VIII. The pleadings were before the Original Side of the
Calcutta High Court and the Courts have recognised that the
pleadings of the Original Side of the High Court must be strictly
construed. In Badat and Co. v. East India Trading Co., AIR 1964
Court; (ii) when, as regards the Court passing the decree, the same
stands completely disposed of. It is in the latter sense the word
"decree" is used in S. 2(2) of Civil Procedure Code. The
appealability of the decree will, therefore, not affect its character
as a final decree. The final decree merely carries into fulfilment the
preliminary decree. Shankar Balwant Lokhande vs Chandrakant
Shankar Lokhande, AIR1995 SC 1211, (1995) 3 SCC 413 , 1995 0
Supreme(SC) 389
The Lok Adalat shall proceed and dispose the cases and arrive at
a compromise or settlement by following the legal principles, equity
and natural justice. Ultimately the Lok-Adalat passes an award,
and every such award shall be deemed to be a decree of Civil
Court or as the case may be which is final.
Section 21 of the Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987 reads
as follows:-
“21. AWARD OF LOK ADALAT.—2[(1)] Every award of the Lok
Adalat shall be deemed to be a decree of a Civil Court or, as the
case may be, an order of any other Court and where a compromise
or settlement has been arrived at, by a Lok Adalat in a case
referred on it under sub-Section (1) of Sec. 20, the Court fee paid in
such cases shall be refunded; in the manner provided under the
Court Fees Act, 1870 (7 of 1870)
(2) Every award made by a Lok Adalat shall be final and binding
on all the parties to the dispute, and no appeal shall lie to any
Court against the award. P. T. Thomas vs. Thomas Job, AIR 2005
SC 3575, (2005) 6 SCC 478, 2005 0 Supreme(SC) 982
Preparation of decree.—
the valuation as given in the decree of the first Court should also
be embodied.
Note 4.-In drawing up decrees interest, if any, allowed by the
Court should be clearly-shown and also the period for which and
the rate at which interest has been allowed.
As Per Rule 108 of JCCR - When such notice has been posted
any party or his Advocate may before the expiry of the time
prescribed in the last preceding Rule peruse the decree and
either sign it or if it is incorrectly prepared bring the matter to the
notice of the Court.
As Per Rule 110 of JCCR -.(i) Decrees or formal orders need not
be drawn up in the case of Interlocutory orders made during the
course of a suit or execution proceeding.
(ii) Final orders such as those under Order IX, Rules 9 and 13,
Order XXI, Rules 2, 58, 91, 92,99, 100, 101, Order XXIII, Rule 1,
Order XLI, Rules 19,21,23, Order XLVII, Rule 1, and an order
rejecting a plaint; provided where any such holder is capable of
execution or affects execution by reason of cost to be paid by one
party to the other such costs may be shown in the order-sheet
with a short note showing the result of the case and the name of
the party by whom such costs are to be paid as well as that of the
party who is to receive the same so that the latter, if desirous of
executing the order may not be compelled to take a copy of the
(a) No formal decree/ separate award is required to be prepared
in Motor Vehicles Accident Claim Cases. The judgment itself shall
contain the detailed particulars viz, (i) name and address of the
parties with age, (ii) the detail of amount of compensation with
decree. So long as final decree has not been passed there can be
more than one preliminary decree. Smt. Sumabai v. Basagouda
Rama Sankapal, 1998(4) C.C.C. 620 (Kant.).
law was for two reasons. First is that Revenue Authorities are
more conversant with matters relating to agricultural lands.
Second is to safeguard the interests of government in regard to
revenue. The second reason, which was very important in the
19th century and early 20th century when the Code was made,
has now virtually lost its relevance, as revenue from agricultural
lands is negligible. Where the Collector acts in terms of the
decree, the matter does not come back to the Court at all. The
Court will not interfere with the partitions by the Collector,
except to the extent of any complaint of a third party affected
Procedure of Commissioner (Order 26 Rule 14)—(1) The
Commissioner shall, after such inquiry as may be necessary,
divide the property into as many shares as may be directed by
the order under which the commission was issued, and shall
allot such shares to the parties, and may, if authorized thereto by
the said order, award sums to be paid for the purpose of
equalizing the value of the shares.
(2) The Commissioner shall then prepare and sign a report or the
Commissioners (where the commission was issued to more than
one person and they cannot agree) shall prepare and sign
separate reports appointing the share of each party and
distinguishing each share (if so directed by the said order) by
metes and bounds. Such report or reports shall be annexed to
the commission and transmitted to the Court; and the Court,
after hearing any objections which the parties may make to the
report or reports, shall confirm, vary or set aside the same.
Amit Kumar Shaw and Another vs. Farida Khatoon, 2005 (11)
SCC 403
A transferee pendente lite cannot claim his addition in the
pending suit as of right, so the Court has a discretion to make
him a party; he can be added as a proper party only if his interest
on the subject matter of the suit is substantial and not just
Anokhe Lal vs Radha Mohan Prasad 1996(8) Supreme 75
If it is found that addition of a party would result in de novo trial,
the application could not be allowed. Even otherwise the Court
should have been very circumspect in dealing with application of
third party seeking leave to become party in the suit when the
plaintiff was opposed to it. If consequence of such addition would
involve a de novo trial the Court should normally have disallowed
the application.
Stranger to a contract cannot be added as party. In a suit for
specific performance of contract for sale, third parties to the
contract are not necessary parties to the suit.
Order 1 Rule 10(2) empowers the Court to implead any person as
party suo moto, who ought to have been joined, whether as
plaintiff or defendant, or whose presence before the Court may be
necessary in order to effectually and effectively to adjudicate all
the questions involved in the suit.
Razia Begum vs Shabjadi Anwar Begum, AIR 1958 SC 886 is the
leading case which has laid down the principles for exercising
power under this provision as under:
1. The question of addition of parties under Rule 10 of Order 1
AIR 1970 Patna 1 Ram Niranjan Das vs. Loknath Mandal &
A co-owner alone can institute a suit for recovery of
possession of land held by him along with other persons against
a trespasser who dispossessed all the co-owners, and can obtain
a decree for recovery of possession of the entire area, the
judgment of the suit, however, not affecting the rights of the
other co-owners which would remain intact. AIR 1951 PAT 315
has been overruled.
2016 (3) JBCJ 651 HC – Sambhu Sharan Singh vs. Sushma
Baliase- Order 1 Rule 10 Civil Procedure Code and Section 52 of
the Transfer of Property Act – In a suit for Specific Performance of
a contract a purchaser normally should be impleaded. A
transferee pendente lite can be added as party if his interest in
the subject matter of the suit is substantial and not just
2010 (3) J.C.R 525 (Jhr) Jamila Bibi vs. Hasmuddin Ansari:-
Order 1 Rule 10 C.P.C:- Impleadment sought in partition suit
as defendant being grandchildren of the recorded tenant refused.
It has been held that the Court below committed error in
rejecting the application.
2009 (4) J.C.R. 231 (Jhr) Sarita Kataruka vs. Jai Kishor Nath
Sahdeo:- Order 1 Rule 10 C.P.C. - Suit Property being used for
commercial activities – Persons seeking impleadment is also
share-holder in the disputed premises along with the original
plaintiffs as well as with original defendants.- Joining a party
defendant is necessary for the passing of effective decree in the
suit.- Order of refusal quashed.
Go to Index
Rule 16, J.B. Patnaik v. Benett Coleman and Co. Ltd. & Anr., AIR
1990 Ori. 107.
Go to Index
In this case suit was filed in the year 1993 and at that point of
time, Defendant Nos. 4 to 6 were not made parties to the suit.
Plaintiff Nos. 1 to 5 and Defendants Nos. 1 to 3 were the only
parties. They had filed a joint memorandum for the dismissal of
the suit on 22.04.1993, which was within one or two months of
the filing of the suit. The compromise petition came to be rightly
dismissed by the High Court in RFA No. 297/1994. In the
compromise petition, curiously, it was noted that the joint family
properties were divided by metes and bounds in the year 1972. If
the partition had really taken place in the year 1972 and was
acted upon as per the Panchayat Parikath, then Plaintiff Nos. 1 to
5 would not have filed a suit for partition and separate
possession in the year 1993. Be that as it may, it is clear from
records that the suit was being prolonged on one pretext or the
other by the Plaintiff Nos. 1 to 5 and ultimately, the application
for amendment of the plaint came to be filed on 01.09.2008. By
that time, the evidence of both the parties had been recorded and
the matter was listed for final hearing before the Trial Court. If
there indeed was a partition of the joint family properties earlier,
(2) The general rule is that the party is not allowed to set up
new case or new cause of action.
(6) All reliefs ancillary to main relief and reliefs, which are in
the nature of additional reliefs should be allowed as general rule.
this Rule within the period specified in the Limitation Act, 1963
(36 of 1963), and the suit has in consequence abated; and
(b) the plaintiff applies after the expiry of the period
specified therefore in the Limitation Act, 1963 (36 to 1963), for
setting aside the abatement, and also for the admission of that
application under Section 5 of that Act on the ground that he
had, by reason of such ignorance, sufficient cause for not making
the application within the period specified in the said Act, the
Court shall, in considering the application under the said Section
5, have due regard to the fact of such ignorance, if proved.(Order
22 Rule 4)
Scope : Order 22, Rule 4 lays down that where within the time
limited by law, no application is made to implead the legal
representatives of a deceased defendant, the suit shall abate as
against a deceased defendant. This Rule does not provide that by
the omission to implead the legal representative of a defendant,
the suit will abate as a whole. What was the interest of the
deceased defendant in the case, whether he represented the
entire interest or only a specific part are facts that would depend
on the circumstances of each case. If the interests of the co-
defendants are separate, as in case of co-owners, the suit will
abate only as regards the particular interest of the deceased
party. (Masilamani Nadar v. Kuttiamma (1960 Ker LJ 936)
In the case Sant Singh v. Gulab Singh (AIR 1928 Lah 573) it has
been held that under Order 22 Rule 4(3) read with Order 22, Rule
11 Civil Procedure Code where no application is made to implead
the legal representative of the deceased respondent, the appeal
shall abate as against the deceased respondent. That, so far as
the statute is concerned, the appeal abates only qua the deceased
respondent, but the question whether the partial abatement
leads to an abatement of the appeal in its entirety depends upon
general principles. If the case is of such a nature that the
absence of the legal representative of the deceased respondent
prevents the Court from hearing the appeal as against the other
respondents, then the appeal abates in toto. Otherwise, the
abatement takes place only in respect of the interest of the
respondent who has died. The test often adopted in such cases is
whether in the event of the appeal being allowed as against the
remaining respondents there would or would not be two
contradictory decrees in the same suit with respect to the same
subject-matter. The Court cannot be called upon to make two
inconsistent decrees about the same property, and in order to
avoid conflicting decrees the Court has no alternative but to
dismiss the appeal as a whole. If, on the other hand, the success
of the appeal would not lead to conflicting decrees, then there is
no valid reason why the Court should not hear the appeal and
adjudicate upon the dispute between the parties. It was further
held in the said judgment that a distinction must be made
between the cases in which there is specification of shares or
interests, and those in which there is no specification of
interests. That in cases where there is a specification of share or
interest, the appeal cannot abate as a whole. That in such cases,
the appeal abates only in respect of the interest of the deceased
respondent and not as a whole. To the same effect is the ratio of
the judgment of the Supreme Court in the case of Sardar Amarjit
Singh Kalra v. Pramod Gupta ((2003) 3 SCC 272) in which it has
It is Order 22, Rule 3(2) that provides for abatement of the suit.
However, the operation of Order 22, Rule 3(2) is postponed till the
very end of period of limitation prescribed by law for bringing the
legal representatives. Till then the suit is kept alive by reason of
Order 22, Rule 1. V. Appalanaidu v. P. Demudmma, A.I.R. 1982
A.P. 281:
Obligation of the Court to Determine proper representative
As a legal position, it cannot be disputed that normally, an
enquiry under Order 22, Rule 5, Civil Procedure Code as to
whether a person is legal representative of deceased party is of a
summary nature and findings therein cannot amount to res
judicata, however, that legal position is true only in respect of
those parties, who set up a rival claim against the legatee. But
such finding would be final and operate as res judicata as
regards that suit and cannot be re-agitated., Dashrath Rao Kate
v. Brij Mohan Srivastava, AIR 2010 SC 897
Filing an application to bring the legal representatives on record,
does not amount to bringing the legal representatives on record.
When an LR application is filed, the Court should consider it and
decide whether the person named therein as the legal
representatives, should be brought on record to represent the
estate of the deceased. Until such decision by the Court, the
persons claming to be the legal representatives have no right to
represent the estate of the deceased, nor prosecute or defend the
case. If there is a dispute as to who is the legal representative, a
decision should be rendered on such dispute. Only when the
question of legal representative is determined by the Court and
such legal representative is brought on record, it can be said that
appeal, the Court shall set aside the abatement. Now where an
application for setting aside an abatement is made but the Court
having not been satisfied that the party seeking setting aside of
abatement was prevented by sufficient cause from continuing the
appeal, the Court may decline to set aside the abatement. Then
the net result would be that the appeal would stand disposed of
as having abated. It may be mentioned that no specific order for
abatement of a proceeding under one or the other provision of
order 22 is envisaged: the abatement takes place on its own force
by passage of time. In fact, a specific order is necessary under
Order 22, Rule 9 Civil Procedure Code for setting aside the
abatement. When an appeal is disposed of having abated and
thereafter an application is made for setting aside abatement of
appeal, an order refusing to set aside abatement is appealable as
an order under Order 40, Rule 1 (k)Civil Procedure Code. There
being a specific provision conferring a right of appeal one can
resort to the same. Madan Naik (dead) by Legal Representatives
v. Mst. Hansubala Devi, AIR 1983 SC 676
the suit, the Court shall set aside the abatement or dismissal
upon such terms as to costs or otherwise as it thinks fit.
(3) The provisions of Section 5 of the 1 Indian Limitation Act,
1877 (15 of 1877) shall apply to applications under sub-Rule (2).
Explanation.—Nothing in this Rule shall be construed as barring,
in any later suit, a defence based on the facts which constituted
the cause of action in the suit which had abated or had been
dismissed under this Order.
Go to Index
i.e., in the form or procedure not affecting the merit of the case,
such as also of statutory notice, under Section 80 of the Code,
mis-joinder of the parties or cause of action, non-payment of
proper Court -fee or stamp fee, failure to disclose cause of action,
mistake in not seeking proper relief, improper or erroneous
valuation of the subject matter of the suit, absence of territorial
jurisdiction of the Code or defect in prayer clause etc. Non-
joinder of a necessary party, omission to substitute heirs etc may
also be considered in this respect, or where the suit was found to
be premature, or it had become infructuous, or where relief could
not be, and where the relief even if granted, could not be
executed, may fall within the ambit of sufficient ground
mentioned in that provision.
The question is if the suit has already been decreed or, for
that matter, dismissed and a decree has been passed
determining the rights of the parties to the suit, which is
under challenge in an appeal, can the decree be destroyed
by making an application for dismissing the suit as not
pressed or unconditionally withdrawing the suit at the
appellate stage?
It was held by the Hon‘ble Supreme Court that every suit, if it is
not withdrawn or abandoned, ultimately results in a decree as
defined in Section 2(2) of the Code of Civil Procedure. Once the
matter in controversy has received judicial determination, the
suit results in a decree either in favour of the plaintiff or in
favour of the defendant. What is essential is that the matter must
have been finally decided so that it becomes conclusive as
between the parties to the suit in respect of the subject-matter of
the suit with reference to which relief is sought. It is at this stage
that the rights of the parties are crystallised and unless the
decree is reversed, recalled, modified or set aside, the parties
cannot be divested of their rights under the decree. Now, the
decree can be recalled, reversed or set aside either by the Court
which had passed it as in review, or by the appellate or revisional
Court. Since withdrawal of suit at the appellate stage, if allowed,
would have the effect of destroying or nullifying the decree
affecting thereby rights of the parties which came to be vested
under the decree, it cannot be allowed as a matter of course but
has to be allowed rarely only when a strong case is made out. It
is for this reason that the proceedings either in appeal or in
revision have to be allowed to have a full trial on merits. In view
that such defect could not come within any of the categories of
―formal defect‖ within this Rule and permission could not be
granted., V. Narayanappa v. Narayanappa, A.I.R.1971 Mys. 334
limitation in the same manner as if the first suit had not been
Go to Index
Under this Rule, Court must be satisfied that there has been a
lawful compromise. Under this Rule, an agreement or
compromise which is void or voidable under the Indian Contract
Act shall not be deemed to be lawful. Under the amended Rule 3
the Court can pass a decree in terms of the agreement even
though it includes matters to forming the subject matter of the
suit provided that such extraneous matters relate to the parties
to the suit. Kiran v. Ram Prakash, A.I.R. 1980 Delhi 99:
A compromise decree is not a decision of the Court, nor can it be
said that a decision of the Court was implicit in it. It is the
acceptance by the Court of something to which the parties
agreed. Such a decree cannot operate as res judicata. (Pulavarthi
Venkata Subba Raoand vs Valluri Jagannadha Rao & Ors, AIR
1967 SC 591.
A consent decree (Compromise decree) does not stand on a higher
footing than a contract between the parties. The Court always
has the jurisdiction to set aside a consent decree upon any
ground which will invalidate an agreement between the parties.
In the absence of any such ground, the consent decree is binding
that the consent terms would not be for the welfare of the minor
although the matter is not free from doubt. Manjula v. Dilip Jyoti
Prakash, A.I.R.1980 Bom. 235:
may hold on the inquiry, or also to report his own opinion on the
point referred for his examination.
(2) Proceedings and report to be evidence—Court may direct
further inquiry—The proceedings and report (if any) of the
Commissioner shall be evidence in the suit, but where the Court
has reason to be dissatisfied with them, it may direct such
further inquiry as it shall think fit.
Expenses of commission to be paid into Court (Order 26 Rule
15)—Before issuing any commission under this Order, the Court
may order such sum (if any) as it thinks reasonable for the
expenses of the commission to be, within a time to be fixed, paid
into Court by the party at whose instance or for whose benefit the
commission is issued.
Powers of Commissioners (Order 26 Rule 16)- Any
Commissioner appointed under this Order may, unless otherwise
directed by the order of appointment—
(a) examine the parties themselves and any witness whom they or
any of them may produce, and any other person whom the
Commissioner thinks proper to call upon to give evidence in the
matter referred to him;
(b) call for and examine documents and other things relevant to
the subject of inquiry;
(c) at any reasonable time enter upon or into any land or building
mentioned in the order.
Question objected to before the commissioner (Order 26 Rule
16A) (1) Where any question put to a witness is objected to by a
party or his pleader in proceedings before a commissioner
appointed under this order, the commissioner shall take down
claim; and such sum shall be held in deposit by the Court until
the suit is disposed of or until the further order of the Court.
Procedure where defendant fails to furnish security or find
fresh security (Order 38 Rule 4)—Where the defendant fails to
comply with any order under Rule 2 or Rule 3, the Court may
commit him to the civil prison until the decision of the suit or,
where a decree is passed against the defendant, until the decree
has been satisfied:
Provided that no person shall be detained in prison under this
Rule in any case for a longer period than six months, nor for a
longer period than six weeks when the amount or value of the
subject-matter of the suit does not exceed fifty rupees :
Provided also that no person shall be detained in prison under
this Rule after he has complied with such order.
(iii) The Court while dealing with the matter ought not to ignore
the factum of strength of one party‘s case being stronger than the
(iv) No fixed Rules or notions ought to be had in the matter of
grant of injunction but on facts and circumstances of each case,
the relief being kept flexible.
(v) The issue is to be looked from the point of view as to whether
on refusal of the injunction the plaintiff would suffer irreparable
loss and injury keeping in view the strength of the party‘s case;
(vi) Balance of convenience ought to be considered as an
important requirement even if there is a serious question or
prima facie case in support of the grant;
(vii) It is also to be seen whether the grant or refusal of
injunction will adversely affect the interest of general public
which can or cannot be compensated otherwise.,
While considering an application for grant of injunction, the
Court will not only take into consideration the basic elements in
relation thereto, viz., existence of a prima facie case, balance of
convenience and irreparable injury, it must also take into
consideration the conduct of the parties. Grant of injunction is
an equitable relief. A person, who had kept quiet for a long time
and allowed another to deal with the properties exclusively,
ordinarily would not be entitled to an order of injunction. The
Court will not interfere only because the property is a very
valuable one. However, grant or refusal of injunction has serious
consequence depending upon the nature thereof. The Courts
dealing with such matters must make all endeavours to protect
the interest of the parties. For the said purpose, application of
Rule 160 Of JCCR- The power under Order XXXIX, Rule 3 of the
Code of Civil Procedure, to issue an ex-parte injunction should be
exercised with the greatest care. The issue of an injunction on
the application of one party and without previously giving to the
person affected by it an opportunity of contesting the propriety of
order. Sree Ram v. State of Uttar Pradesh & Ors., AIR 2011 All.
An application would be maintainable only in case of violation of
an order of injunction passed under Rules 1 or 2. The power
under the provision is punitive in nature, akin to the power to
punish for civil contempt under the Contempt of Courts Act,
1971. The person complaining of disobedience or breach has,
therefore, to clearly make out beyond any doubt that there was
an injunction or order directing the person against whom the
application is made, to do or desist from doing some specific
thing or act and that there was disobedience or breach of such
order. The Court cannot construe the order in regard to which
disobedience/breach is alleged, as creating an obligation to do
something which is not mentioned in the ‗order‘, on surmises
suspicions and inferences. The power under Rule 2A should be
exercised with great caution and responsibility. Food Corporation
of India v. Sukh Deo Prasad, 2009(2) CCC 197 (SC).
Provisions of Order 39, Rule 2A of the Code are quasi criminal in
nature and since a person violating the injunction order passed
by the Civil Court or otherwise disregarding the same is liable to
be detained in civil prison, therefore the aforesaid violation or
disregarding of injunction order has to be proved beyond all
reasonable doubts by the person complaining of such violation.
The standard of proof required in such a case would no doubt, be
as is required in a criminal case since the said act of the violator
itself entails his detention in civil imprisonment. Lakhbir Singh v.
Harpinder Singh, AIR 2004 P&H 126
Go to Index
(c) pay the amount due from him as the Court directs; and
(d) be responsible for any loss occasioned to the property by his
willful default or gross negligence.
Enforcement of receiver’s duties (Order 40 R 4)—Where a
(a) fails to submit his accounts at such periods and in such form
as the Court directs, or
(b) fails to pay the amount due from him as the Court directs, or
(c) occasions loss to the property by his willful default or gross
negligence, the Court may direct his property to be attached and
may sell such property, and may apply the proceeds to make
good any amount found to be due from him or any loss
occasioned by him, and shall pay the balance (if any) to the
Chapter III
The expression ―execution‖ simply means the process for
enforcing or giving effect to the judgment of the Court. The
principles governing execution of decree and orders are dealt with
in Sections 36 to 74 and Order 21 of the Civil Procedure Code
and Rule113 to 137 of JCCR.
The classification of Order 21 is as follows-
(I) Applications for execution
(II) Stay of executions.
(III)Mode of executions.
- Decree for the payment of money
- Decree related to Specific movable property
- Decree for specific performance for restitution of
conjugal rights or for an injunction executed.
- Decree for execution of document, or endorsement of
negotiable instrument
- Decree for execution of Immovable Property
(IV)Adjudication of the claims and objections between the
parties to the suit (Sec.47 of C.P.C.)
(V)Resistance to delivery of possession (Order 21 Rules 97 to
(i) the name of the person against whom execution of the decree
is sought; and
(j) the mode in which the assistance of the Court is required
(i) by the delivery of any property specifically decreed;
(ii) by the attachment, or by the attachment and sale, or by
the sale without attachment, of any property;
(iii) by the arrest and detention in prison of any person;
(iv) by the appointment of a receiver;
(v) otherwise, as the nature of the relief granted may require.
(3) The Court to which an application is made under sub-Rule(2)
may require the applicant to produce a certified copy of the
Scope- Jurisdiction - Under Order 21 Rule 10 of CPC, an
application for execution should be made to the Court ―which
passed the decree‖. Therefore, the value of the property sold at
the execution is more than Rs. 25,000 does not take away the
jurisdiction of the trial Court. The Court held that the value of
the property sold in execution is not relevant to determine the
jurisdiction of the execution Court. Desh Bandhu Gupta v. N. L.
Anand and Rajinder Singh, 1994 (1) SCC 131. In Banwar Lal v.
Prem Lata, (1990) 1 SCC 353
decree for benefit of all under Order 21, Rule 15, C.P.C. Sanyasi
Padhy & Ors. v. Divakara Rao, AIR 1993 Ori. 46.
Where decree had been passed in favour of more than one
plaintiffs and application for execution filed by one of the decree-
holder, the application was held to be maintainable. The
contention that one of the decree-holders was not competent to
file the execution application was rejected. Sri Kant. v. Banasraj
Singh, AIR 1986 All 5: 1985 All CJ 329.
Right of survivor of decree-holder to execute decree-Where
two decree-holders joined in execution application, one of them
died, the surviving decree holder can execute the decree on his
own behalf and on behalf of legal representatives of the deceased
decree-holder. Section 214 of the Succession Act is not attracted
in such a case. M.L. Sreedharan v. Pattieri Kumaran, A.I.R. 1981
Ker. 51
Non-applicability of the Rule - Where the firm has been
dissolved, the authority of partner to give a valid discharge on
behalf of the firm clashes with the dissolutions of the firm and he
can, therefore no longer maintain the execution application in his
name alone. All the partners of the dissolved firm ought to have
been joined in making the execution application so as to give the
judgment-debtor an effective and complete discharge as provided
in Section 47 of the partnership act. Kalloo v. Board of Revenue,
A.I.R. 1983 All. 272.
Court. The Supreme Court decreed the suit. It was not open to
Executing Court to consider question whether there was a valid
assignment in favour of the appellant once appeal filed by
appellant had been allowed by Supreme Court. Saraswati Devi
Gupta v. Sudha Rani 2006 (1) SCC 725.
possession was issued on the same date. The order which was
passed in violation of the Rules of natural justice was void and
was rightly set aside by the High Court. It was only after the
remand of the case by the high Court that the appellant got an
opportunity of filing objections before the executing Court which
he did on Aug. 13, 1981. Even on the date when the appellant
filed objections before the executing Court the execution-
application bore the signatures of late r and no other person had
signed or verified the same. It is thus obvious that even in the
year 1981 when the executing Court took notice of the execution-
application after remand from the high Court there was no signed
application before the said Court on behalf of the decree- holders.
No attempt, not even a prayer, was made before the executing
Court for the amendment of the application. It was only on Sept.
29, 1984 after the dismissal of appellant‘s objections that the
executing Court suo motu permitted the amendment of the
application. The procedure, on the face of it was violative of the
provisions of Rules 11 And 17 of the CPC, Jiwani v. Rajmata
Basantika Devi, AIR 1994 SC 1286.
Prasad Agarwalla & Ors. v. Allahabad Bank & Ors., AIR 1987
Cal. 262.
the decree to the Court having jurisdiction over the property and
some other Courts taking the view that it is a matter of discretion
for the executing Court and it could either proceed with the
execution or send the decree for execution to another Court. But
this conflict was set at rest by Amendment Act 22 of 2002 with
effect from 1.7.2002, by adopting the position that if the
execution is sought to be proceeded against any person or
property outside the local limits of the jurisdiction of the
executing Court, nothing in Section 39 of the Code shall be
deemed to authorise the Court to proceed with the execution. In
the light of this, it may not be possible to accept the contention
that it is a matter of discretion for the Court either to proceed
with the execution of the decree or to transfer it for execution to
the Court within the jurisdiction of which the property is situate,
Mohit Bhargava v. Bharat Bhushan Bhargava, 2007 (4) SCC
the amount was due, the judgment-debtor could have paid it and
he was deprived of this opportunity to clear off dues, if any,
under the decree. It is only after the service of notice under Order
21 Rule 22 of the Code and failure of the judgment-debtor to pay
the decretal amount, as claimed, that the decree-holder takes
recourse to proceedings under Order 21 Rule 54 of the Code. It
will be noticed that sub-Rule (1) of Rule 54 of Order 21 of the
Code contemplates an order of prohibition to be served on the
judgment-debtor from transferring or charging the property in
any way first if the property sought to be sold is immovable
property. This is for the benefit of the decree-holder. Even at this
stage if the judgment-debtor had notice of attachment, he could
pay the balance decretal amount and thereafter attachment
would either not be effected and if already effected would be
vacated. Sub-Rule (1-A) contemplates that this order shall also
require the judgment-debtor to attend Court on a specified date,
to take notice of the date to be fixed for settling the terms of the
proclamation of sale provided under Rule 66 of Order 21 of the
Code. Satyanarain Bajoria v. Amnarain Tibrewal, AIR 1994 SC
Dispensing with the notice under Order 21, Rule 22(1) can be
resorted to only if the Court considered that issue of such notice
would cause unreasonable delay or would defeat the ends of
justice. But dispensing with the notice cannot be axiomatic since
there is nothing on record to show that the Executing Court
satisfied that issuance of notice causes unreasonable delay or
would defect the ends of justice. Therefore, the order straight
away issuing delivery warrant for delivery of the property without
(III)Mode of executions
Decree for payment of money(Order 21 Rule 30)—Every
decree for the payment of money, including a decree for the
payment of money as the alternative to some other relief, may be
executed by the detention in the civil prison of the judgment-
debtor, or by the attachment and sale of his property, or by both.
Scope - Where mode of recovery had been prescribed by
Court granting decree, Executing Court cannot alter same.—
Where though in the money decree, the mode of recovery had
been prescribed by the Court granting decree, the Executing
Court altered the manner of recovery of decretal amount, it was
held that order of the Executing Court was erroneous and was
not sustainable. Radhey Shyam Gupta v. Punjab National Bank,
AIR 2009 SC 930.
Option to apply under Order 21, Rule 30, for execution of a
decree simultaneously against both persons and property of
judgment-debtor is subject to exercise by Court of judicial
discretion vested in it under Order 21, Rule 21—Although,
ordinarily the decree holder has an option to choose any
particular mode for execution of his money decree, it will not be
correct to say that the Court has absolutely no discretion to place
any limitation as to the mode in which the decree is to be
executed. The option to apply under Order 21, Rule 30, CPC for
execution of a decree simultaneously against both the persons
and the property of the judgment-debtor is subject to exercise by
the Court of judicial discretion vested in it under Order 21, Rule
(4) The decree-holder shall deliver to the Court a copy of the draft
with such alterations (if any) as the Court may have directed
upon the proper stamp-paper if a stamp is required by the law for
the time being in force; and the Judge or such officer as may be
appointed in this behalf shall execute the document so delivered.
(5) The execution of a document or the endorsement of a
negotiable instrument under this Rule may be in the following
form, namely :—
―C. D., Judge of the Court of,(or as the case may be), for A. B., in
a suit by E. F against A. B.‖,
and shall have the same effect as the execution of the document
or the endorsement of the negotiable instrument by the party
ordered to execute or endorse the same.
(6) (a) Where the registration of the document is required under
any law for the time being in force, the Court, or such officer of
the Court as may be authorized in this behalf by the Court, shall
cause the document to be registered in accordance with such
(b) Where the registration of the document is not so, required,
but the decree-holder desires it to be registered, the Court may
make such order as it thinks fit.
(c) Where the Court makes any order for the registration of any
document, it may make such order as it thinks fit as to the
expenses of registration.
Scope - SERVICE OF DRAFT SALE-DEED- Order 21 Rule 34
provides the procedure for execution of documents pursuant to a
decree. Where a decree is for the execution of document the
decree-holder may prepare a draft of the document in d
accordance with the terms of the decree and deliver the same to
the Court. Thereupon, the Court shall cause the draft to be
served on the judgment-debtor together with a notice requiring
his objections, if any, to be made out within time as the Court
fixes in this behalf. Where the judgment-debtor objects to the
draft, his objections shall be stated in writing and then
determined. The draft shall be approved or altered consistently
with the finding arrived at by the Court. In the present case the
plaintiff decree-holders pointed out that the defendant judgment-
debtors were aware of the contents of the draft sale deed. The fact
remains that the draft sale deed accompanied by a notice
requiring objections to be made by a judgment-debtor as
provided by sub-Rule (2) of Rule 34 of Order 21 CPC was not
caused to be served by the Court. The record also reveals the
judgment-debtors repeatedly insisting, may be dogmatically, on
draft sale deed being delivered to them enabling objections being
filed. There is no determination by the executing Court that the
immovable property as delineated and demonstrated in the map
accompanying the draft sale deed was the property forming the
subject-matter of the agreement to sell and the decree. Inasmuch
as the possession is yet to be taken by the plaintiff decree-
holders, this aspect can still be taken care. When the suit as to
immovable property has been decreed and the property is not
definitely identified, the defect in the Court record caused by
overlooking of provisions contained in Order 7, Rule 3 and Order
20, Rule 3 CPC is capable of being cured. After all a successful
plaintiff should not be deprived of the fruits of decree. Resort can
be had to Section 152 or Section 47 CPC depending on the facts
Attachment of property
Examination of judgment-debtor as to his property (Order 21
Rule 41)— (1) Where a decree is for the payment of money the
decree-holder may apply to the Court for an order that—
(a) the judgment-debtor, or
(b)where the judgment-debtor is a corporation] any officer
thereof, or
(c) any other person,
be orally examined as to whether any or what debts are owing to
the judgment-debtor and whether the judgment-debtor has any
and what other property or means of satisfying the decree; and
the Court may make an order for the attendance and
examination of such judgment-debtor, or officer or other person,
and for the production of any books or documents.
(2) Where a decree for the payment of money has remained
unsatisfied for a period of thirty days, the Court may, on the
application of the decree-holder and without prejudice to its
power under sub-Rule (1), by order require the judgment-debtor
or where the judgment-debtor is a corporation, any officer
thereof, to make an affidavit stating the particulars of the assets
of the judgment-debtor.
(3) In case of disobedience of any order made under sub-Rule (2),
the Court making the order, or any Court to which the
proceeding is transferred, may direct that the person disobeying
the order be detained in the civil prison for a term not exceeding
three months unless before the expiry of such term the Court
directs his release.
Sale of property
Proclamation of sales by public auction (Order 21 Rule 66)—
(1) Where any property is ordered to be sold by public auction in
execution of a decree, the Court shall cause a proclamation of the
intended sale to be made in the language of such Court.
(2) Such proclamation shall be drawn up after notice to the
decree-holder and the judgment-debtor and shall state the time
and place of sale, and specify as fairly and accurately as
(a) the property to be sold or, where a part of the property
would be sufficient to satisfy the decree, such part;
(b) the revenue assessed upon the estate or past of the estate,
where the property to be sold is an interest in an estate or in
part of an estate paying revenue to the Government;
(c) any encumbrance to which the property is liable;
(d) the amount for the recovery of which the sale is ordered;
(e) every other thing which the Court considers material for a
purchaser to know in order to judge of the nature and value of
the property :
Provided that where notice of the date for settling the terms of the
proclamation has been given to the judgment-debtor by means of
an order under Rule 54, it shall not be necessary to give notice
under this Rule to the judgment-debtor unless the Court
otherwise directs :
Provided further that nothing in this Rule shall be construed as
requiring the Court to enter in the proclamation of sale its own
estimate of the value of the property, but the proclamation shall
include the estimate, if any, given, by either or both of the
(3) Every application for an order for sale under this Rule shall be
accompanied by a statement signed and verified in the manner
herein before prescribed for the signing and verification of
pleadings and containing, so far as they are known to or can be
ascertained by the person making the verification, the matters
required by sub-Rule (2) to be specified in the proclamation.
(4) For the purpose of ascertaining the matters to be specified in
the proclamation, the Court may summon any person whom it
thinks necessary to summon and may examine him in respect to
same sum for such property or for any lot, the bidding shall be
deemed to be the bidding of the co-owner.
may apply to the Court to set aside the sale, on the ground that
the judgment-debtor had no saleable interest in the property
Sale when to become absolute or be set aside (Order 21 Rule
92)—(1) Where no application is made under Rule 89, Rule 90 or
Rule 91, or where such application is made and disallowed, the
Court shall make an order confirming the sale, and thereupon
the sale shall become absolute:
Provided that, where any property is sold in execution of a decree
pending the final disposal of any claim to, or any objection to the
attachment of, such property, the Court shall not confirm such
sale until the final disposal of such claim or objection.
(2) Where such application is made and allowed, and where, in
the case of an application under Rule 89, the deposit required by
that Rule is made within sixty days from the date of sale, or in
cases where the amount deposited under Rule 89 is found to be
deficient owing to any clerical or arithmetical mistake on the part
of the depositor and such deficiency has been made good within
such time as may be fixed by the Court, the Court shall make an
order setting aside the sale:
Provided that no order shall be made unless notice of the
application has been given to all persons affected thereby.
Provided further that the deposit under this sub-Rule may be
made within sixty days in all such cases where the period of
thirty days, within which the deposit had to be made, has not
expired before the commencement of the Code of Civil Procedure
(Amendment) Act, 2002.
(3) No suit to set aside an order made under this Rule shall be
brought by any person against whom such order is made.
(4) Where a third party challenges the judgment-debtor‘s title by
filing a suit against the auction-purchaser, the decree-holder and
the judgment-debtor shall be necessary parties to the suit.
(5) If the suit referred to in sub-Rule (4) is decreed, the Court
shall direct the decree-holder to refund the money to the auction-
purchaser, and where such an order is passed the execution
proceeding in which the sale had been held shall, unless the
Court otherwise directs, be revived at the stage at which the sale
was ordered.
Return of purchase-money in certain cases(Order 21 Rule
93)—Where a sale of immovable property is set aside under Rule
92, the purchaser shall be entitled to an order for repayment of
his purchase-money, with or without interest as the Court may
direct, against any person to whom it has been paid.
Certificate to purchaser (Order 21 Rule 94)—Where a sale of
immovable property has become absolute, the Court shall grant a
certificate specifying the property sold and the name of the
person who at the time of sale is declared to be the purchaser.
Such certificate shall bear date the day on which the sale became
Delivery of property in occupancy of judgment-debtor (Order
21 Rule 95)—Where the immovable property sold is in the
occupancy of the judgment-debtor or of some person on his
behalf or of some person claiming under a title created by the
judgment-debtor subsequently to the attachment of such
property and a certificate in respect thereof has been granted
Ishuri Subbeiah Setty, A.I.R. 1981 Kant. 234: (1981) 1 Kant. L.J.
Where certain property was not covered under the decree but
was wrongly delivered in the execution and application filed by
JD for resumption of the said property, held the application was
maintainable. Gopalkrishan Kammath v. R. Bhaskar Rao, AIR
1989 Ker. 251
Go to Index
(b) pass such other order as, in the circumstances of the case, it
may deem fit.
(2) Where, upon such determination, the Court is satisfied that
the resistance or obstruction was occasioned without any just
cause by the judgment-debtor or by some other person at his
instigation or on his behalf, or by any transferee, where such
transfer was made during the pendency of the suit or execution
proceeding, it shall direct that the applicant be put into
possession of the property, and where the applicant is still
resisted or obstructed in obtaining possession, the Court may
also, at the instance of the applicant, order the judgment-debtor,
or any person acting at his instigation or on his behalf, to be
detained in the civil prison for a term which may extend to thirty
Order to be passed upon application complaining of
dispossession (Order 21 Rule 100) —Upon the determination of
the questions referred to in Rule 101, the Court shall, in
accordance with such determination,—
(a) make an order allowing the application and directing that the
applicant be put into the possession of the property or dismissing
the application; or
(b) pass such other order as, in the circumstances of the case, it
may deem fit.
Orders to be treated as decrees (Order 21 Rule 103) —Where
any application has been adjudicated upon under Rule 98 or
Rule 100, the order made thereon shall have the same force and
be subject to the same conditions as to an appeal or otherwise as
if it were a decree.
1 For execution of any decree 12 years from the date Article 136
other than mandatory and of decree Or Order Limitation
perpetual injunction becoming enforceable Act
2 For the enforcement of a 3 years from the date Article 135
decree granting a mandatory of decree or date fixed Limitation
Injunction under Order 21 for performance Act
Rule 32 r/w 35 CPC
3 For execution of decree No time limit Article 136
granting perpetual injunction prescribed. Proviso
4 To record an adjustment or 30 days : when the Article 125
satisfaction of a decree under payment or adjustment Limitation
Order 21 Rule 2 CPC is made Act
5 Time for sale For immovable (Order 21
property after expiry of Rule 68
15 days from the date CPC)
on which the copy of
proclamation is affixed
on Court notice board.
For movables property
it is 7 days.
6 Time limit for deposit of 1/4 Immediately after Order 21
the sale proceeds- declaration of sale. If Rule 84
the purchaser may be
dispensed with.
7 Time limit for deposit of 3⁄4 15 days from the date Order 21
th sale proceeds and S.C. of sale Rule 85
Charges (Rule 85) or amount
required for stamps
8 To set aside sale in execution The deposit required by Order 21
of decree the rule is made within Rule 89
60 days from the date
of sale
9 For delivery of possession by One year from the date Article 134
a purchaser of immovable of confirmation of Sale Limitation
property at a sale in Act
execution of decree
10 For removal of resistance or 30 days from the date Article 129
Go to Index