TLE-Sep 7-8

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DAILY Teacher Mrs. Lady Jobel B. Rueda Learning Area TLE- Home Economics
LESSON Date and September 7-8, 2022 Quarter First
LOG Time 8:40-9:30 Section A
10:20-11:10 Section E

abstractions about the Measuring tools

lesson Marking Tools
I.OBJECTIVES Cutting Tools
A. Content Standard Demonstrates an understanding and Sewing Tools
skills in sewing household linens I. Evaluating learning Identify the correct answer. Write
B. Performance Standard Sews household linens using your answer in your notebook.
appropriate tools and materials and ________ 1. A sewing tool used to
applying the basic principles in protect the finger to be pricked by
sewing the needle in doing hand sewing.
C. Learning Competency/ 2.1 Classifies tools and materials ________ 2. It is used to keep
Objectives according to their use (measuring, needles and pins in place when not
cutting, sewing) in use.
Code : TLE6HE-0c-5) ________ 3. A sewing tool that has
II.CONTENT TOOLS AND MATERIALS IN one sharp end and a hole at the
SEWING other end to make the thread pass
________ 4. This is a measuring
tool used in drafting curves in the
A. References pattern of the arm, neckline, and
1.Teacher’s Guide pages TG p. crotch.
2.Learner’s Materials LM p. ________ 5. this is an orange
pages colored hard square wax used for
3.Textbook pages marking guidelines or sewing lines
4.Additional Materials from PowerPoint in
Learning Resource fabric
(LR)portal J. Additional activities Identify five tools laid on the table
B. Other Learning for application or and give their functions
Resource remediation
A. Reviewing previous What are the different VI.REFLECTION
lesson or presenting tools/materials needed in sewing? A. Remarks Score No. of Pupils
the new lesson 1
B. Establishing a Have you tried sewing / mending 2
purpose for the your old, torn clothes? Can you 3
lesson share on the class what 4
happened? 5
C. Presenting Present pictures of tools/ materials
examples/Instances needed in sewing. Ask if they have
of the new lesson seen and used one. B. Reflection
D. Discussing new Sewing tools and materials are
concepts and classified into:
practicing new skills # Measuring tools
1 Marking Tools
Cutting Tools
Sewing Tools
E. Discussing new Group Activity:
concepts and
practicing new skills #

F. Developing mastery Describe functions of different

(leads to Formative sewing tools and materials and
Assessment 3) classify them according to their
G. Finding practical Tools greatly contribute in making
application of garment construction easier, faster,
concepts and skills in more efficient, and enjoyable.
daily living
H. Making Sewing tools and materials are
generalizations and classified into:

DAILY Teacher Mrs. Lady Jobel B. Rueda Learning Area TLE- Home Economics
LESSON Date and September 7-8, 2022 Quarter First
LOG Time 8:40-9:30 Section A
10:20-11:10 Section E

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