Module 1 and 2 ELEC - Activating Content
Module 1 and 2 ELEC - Activating Content
Activating Content
Synchronous Session
Asynchronous Session
Directions: Answer the following questions.
1. What is MPPE?
Multigrade Program in Philippine Education or MPPE is a program that
contributed a lot to the Department of Education (DepEd) in giving or providing a
complete education to students who are living in isolated, underserved, and sparsely
populated communities, ensuring that best quality of education is being served most
especially in those areas with decreasing enrolment records.
There are two main factors that can benefit the advantages of having multigrade
classes. First is the learners, they can experience a maximum social interaction between
or among the peers and cooperative learning environment. They’ll be able to learn to be
independent and be prepared for real-life situations where there is a constant interaction
between people to different ages. Girls who are often expected to stay at home or at least
close to home to take care of younger siblings or the household will have more chances
to go to school are located within the community. It is proven also that these learners can
attain a higher achievement level most especially in mathematics, science and
languages. Here, learners will be able to learn more about discipline and having a focus
on their studies.
On the other hand, this program also offers advantages on the teacher’s side.
Teachers can make the most of inter-age, multi-level situation to facilitate learning
processes wherein they can get to know also their learners and be able to assess their
needs and will try to look for ways in meeting or providing the needs of the students
which can be done through applying effective teaching strategies. They can innovate and
experiment with different forms of instructional delivery, learning materials and
experiences. And lastly, teachers learn to work with different groups and deal with the
curriculum content across the subject areas.
Jeddah B. Quiño, MA
MODULE 1, 2 WEEK 3, 4
Jeddah B. Quiño, MA