Guidance Note On The Design of Thrust Blocks For Buried Pieplines
Guidance Note On The Design of Thrust Blocks For Buried Pieplines
Revision : 0
Effective Date : 15 November 2004
Design Division
水務 署 Water Supplies Department
This Guidance Note on the Design of Thrust Blocks for Buried Pipelines and the information therein is the property of the Water
Supplies Department. All rights are reserved. No part of this guidance note may be reproduced in any form, transmitted by any means
or otherwise disclosed without prior permission of the Water Supplies Department.
Guidance Note on the Design of Table of Contents
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Design Division Revision : 0
水 務 署 Water Supplies Department Date : 15/11/04
Table of Contents
Guidance Note
1. SCOPE …………………………………………………………………. 1
2. REFERENCES ………………………………………………………... 1
3. BACKGROUND ………………………………………………………. 2
4. GUIDELINES …………………………………………………………. 2
Drawing -
Standard Drawing No. WSD 1.40 – Typical Buried Thrust Block
Dimensions – For DN450 Ductile Iron Pipe or Below
Guidance Note on the Design of Revision Sheet
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Design Division Revision : 0
水 務 署 Water Supplies Department Date : 15/11/04
Revision Sheet
Table of Contents 0
Revision Sheet 0
Guidance Note 0
Annex 1 0
Annex 2 0
Revision 0
Effective Date 15/11/04
Guidance Note on the Design of Guidance Note
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水 務 署 Water Supplies Department Date : 15/11/04
1.1 This guidance note provides guidance on the design of thrust blocks for
buried pressure pipelines with cover of no less than 600mm. For more
detailed guidance, the reader may refer to the report on “A Review of Design
of Thrust Blocks” prepared by the Design Division, Water Supplies
Room 4606A
46/F Immigration Tower
7 Gloucester Road
Hong Kong
2.5 Kubota (2000). Ductile Iron Pipeline Design Manual (Third Edition).
2.6 Ng, Vitus (1993). Hong Kong Polytechnic University MSc Thesis on
Thrust Blocks Design for Water Pipelines.
2.7 W. Heffer & Sons Ltd. (1972). Manual of British Water Engineering
Practice (Fourth Edition) Volume II – Engineering Practice.
3.1 The findings of a review on thrust block design undertaken by the Design
Division are the basis of this guidance note.
3.2 To strive for improved design economy, the review recommended a number
of changes to the thrust block design assumptions and criteria set out in
Section 1.9.9(h) of Chapter 1 (Revision 3) of Volume II of the Civil
Engineering Design Manual. The revised design assumptions and criteria
are presented in detail in this guidance note. At the same time, design
formulae and worked examples are inlcuded to illustrate their application to
4.1.1 Thrusts developed due to changes in pipe direction, dead ends or changes in
pipe diameter are considered. Forces due to changes in velocity head are
assumed negligible.
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4.1.2 Pipes with rigid joints, e.g. steel pipes with welded and flanged joints,
welded collars etc., or PE pipes with fusion joints, take half the thrust
through the longitudinal continuity of the pipe itself while the other half is
taken by thrust blocks.
4.1.3 On a pipeline generally with rigid joints, there cannot be any loose joint (e.g.
a flange adaptor, coupling joint, expansion joint etc.) within a certain safe
length so calculated as to enable ground anchorage to be adequately
mobilised from either side of a bend or from a blank end or taper.
Otherwise, the thrust block at the bend, blank end or taper is required to
resist the whole of the thrust in the same way as a thrust block on a pipeline
with flexible joints.
4.1.4 For pipes with flexible joints (e.g. DI pipes with socket and spigot joints,
etc.) all the thrust must be assumed to be taken by thrust blocks.
4.1.5 Buried thrust blocks other than those on cross-country mains where pipe
cover is less than 600mm will be designed against working conditions as
(b) A minimum factor of safety of 1.1 against sliding when the thrust
block is fully exposed and at the same time the main continues to be in
FOS against sliding (short term working conditions) = 1.1
(c) A minimum factor of safety of 1.5 against sliding when the thrust
block is under normal working conditions when there is no road
opening going in the vicinity of the thrust block. 1/6 of passive
pressure is allowed to be mobilised and the soil parameters are
assumed to be ’ = 30o and c’ = 0 and the depth of overburden = 0.5m.
FOS against sliding (normal working conditions) = 1.5
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水 務 署 Water Supplies Department Date : 15/11/04
4.1.6 The blocks are also to be checked against pressure testing conditions as
(i) 1.5 times the maximum working pressure except that, if the
maximum working pressure exceeds 1.5 MPa, the testing pressure
shall be 1.3 times the maximum working pressure, or
(c) Where the thrust block is one to restrain a top vertical bend, taper or
blank end, it can also be assumed that there is at least 0.5m thick
backfill over the entire top vertical bend, taper or blank end block
during testing.
4.2.1 The design formulae given in Annex 1 can be made use of in determining
sizes of thrust blocks of various types. In the light of the revised design
assumptions and criteria, appropriate values are assigned to certain
parameters. These are also provided in Annex 1.
4.2.2. Worked examples demonstrating the use of the design formulae are
presented in Annex 2.
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水 務 署 Water Supplies Department Date : 15/11/04
4.2.3 Alternatively, for ductile iron mains with nominal diameters between DN80
and DN450 operating at maximum pressure heads ranging from 60m to
120m, thrust block dimensions are obtainable from Standard Drawing No.
WSD 1.40. The thrust block dimensions shown on Standard Drawing No.
WSD 1.40 have been derived from calculations performed using the
formulae given in Annex 1.
Guidance Note on the Design of Annex 1
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水 務 署 Water Supplies Department Date : 15/11/04
Symbols Description
angle of bend
Fsw,s = 1.1 factor of safety against sliding during short term working
Fsw,n = 1.5 factor of safety against sliding during normal working
Fst = 1.1 factor of safety against sliding during testing
μ (c Vc + w Vw+ S) + f Fp
Fsw,n = = 1.5
D d
Guidance Note on the Design of Annex 1
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水 務 署 Water Supplies Department Date : 15/11/04
Design Parameters:
A = 2000 mm μ = 0.5
B = 2000 mm Kp = 3.0
C = 2000 mm Ec = 500 mm
= 45º c = 23.6 kN/m3
D = 450 mm w = 9.81 kN/m3
Hw = 110 m s = 18.0 kN/m3
Ht = 1.5 Hw = 165 m, since Hw <150 MPa f = 1/6
Design Parameters:
A = 2000 mm μ = 0.5
B = 2000 mm Kp =3.0
C = 2000 mm Ec = 500 mm
= 45º c = 23.6 kN/m3
D = 450 mm w = 9.81 kN/m3
Hw = 110 m s = 18.0 kN/m3
Ht = 1.5 Hw = 165 m, since Hw <150 Mpa
Design Parameters:
A = 1100 mm μ = 0.5
B = 750 mm Kp =3.0
C = 750 mm Ec = 500 mm
= 45º c = 23.6 kN/m3
D = 450 mm w = 9.81 kN/m3
Hw = 110 m s = 18.0 kN/m3
Ht = 1.5 Hw = 165 m, since Hw <150 Mpa qav = 150 kPa
Design Parameters:
A = 2600 mm μ = 0.5
B = 2500 mm Kp =3.0
C = 2500 mm Ec = 500 mm
D = 450 mm c = 23.6 kN/m3
d = 450 mm w = 9.81 kN/m3
Hw = 110 m s = 18.0 kN/m3
Ht = 1.5 Hw = 165 m, since Hw <150 Mpa f = 1/6
Design Parameters:
A = 2400 mm μ = 0.5
B = 2200 mm Kp =3.0
C = 2200 mm Ec = 500 mm
D = 450 mm c = 23.6 kN/m3
d = 300 mm w = 9.81 kN/m3
Hw = 110 m s = 18.0 kN/m3
Ht = 1.5 Hw = 165 m, since Hw <150 Mpa
μ (c Vc + w Vw+ S)
Fsw,n =
0.5 x (23.6 x 11.35 + 9.81 x 0.27 + 47.52)
= 1.67 > 1.5 ok
Design Parameters:
A = 2600 mm Kp =3.0
B = 2500 mm Rf = 1.0
C = 2500 mm Ec = 500 mm
θ = 45 c = 23.6 kN/m3
D = 450 mm w = 9.81 kN/m3
Hw = 110 m s = 18.0 kN/m3
Ht = 1.5 Hw = 165 m, since Hw <150 MPa f = 1/6
μ = 0.5