Confrontation Visual Fields - A Guide For Ophthalmologists in Training
Confrontation Visual Fields - A Guide For Ophthalmologists in Training
Stephen C. Pollock, MD
Confrontation Visual Fields for Ophthalmologists in Training
Stephen C. Pollock, MD
In the human brain, more neurons and synapses are devoted to vision than to any other
sensory or motor function (Walsh & Hoyt’s Clinical Neuro-Ophthalmology, 6th ed, 2005, p.3).
Consequently, diseases affecting the brain, including brain tumors and strokes, frequently
result in visual field defects, and the patterns of field loss nearly always have localizing value.
Clinical testing of the visual fields is also critically important for detecting optic neuropathies,
for differentiating neuropathic from retinopathic disease, and for evaluating patients with
unexplained visual loss.
In spite of the above, many residency training programs offer little or no formal instruction in
the proper techniques for performing a confrontation visual field. This may reflect a mistaken
belief that ophthalmology residents instinctively know how to perform the test, or it may relate
to the ubiquitous availability of automated perimetry. The reality is that performing automated
perimetry on every patient is impractical and, in some cases, impossible (i.e., at the bedside).
In addition, residents who acquire skill and experience in testing fields by confrontation will be
better able to intuit what their patients are experiencing and will be better equipped to
interpret the results of formal perimetry.
Type of Testing
This guide will describe the techniques for performing visual fields by confrontation, a.k.a.
“confrontation visual fields.” This type of test doesn’t require complicated equipment and can
be performed anywhere.
The screening portion of a confrontation field takes about 2 minutes to perform. If one or more
defects are identified during the screening phase, defining the extent of those defects and their
relationship to key landmarks necessarily requires additional time, but rarely more than 5 or 10
The equipment needed for visual field testing by confrontation is limited to the following:
◼ The examiner’s hands
◼ A small red test object
◼ An ocular occluder and/or a supply of adhesive eye patches
A convenient red test object is the cap of a bottle of dilating eyedrops. The examiner holds the
bottle with a thumb and forefinger and presents the cap as a target.
A more elegant target is a circular red disc mounted on the end of a short slender stick. The
back of the disc can be white, so that the examiner can alternately present the red target and
hide the red target simply by twirling the stick 180°.
The following is an example of a hand-held occluder used for covering one eye while the
opposite eye is being evaluated:
An adhesive eye patch can serve as an alternative occlusive device. Use of a patch obviates the
need for the patient to hold an occluder in place, thus eliminating an additional task and
allowing the patient to focus all of their attention on the eye being tested.
To establish a familiar routine, begin with the patient’s right eye. Note, however, that an
exception can be made if the vision in the right eye is significantly worse than that in the left
eye. In that situation, it makes sense to reverse the usual order and begin with the better-
seeing left eye. This will enable the patient to learn what’s expected of them and to become
comfortable with the testing procedure before moving on to the more challenging eye.
Young, healthy adults typically have no difficulty closing one eye or positioning an occluder over
one eye while undergoing evaluation of the visual field of the opposite eye. By contrast, asking
patients who are elderly or who have some degree of cognitive impairment to simultaneously:
a) hold an occluder over one eye, b) maintain fixation with the other eye, c) process the
examiner’s instructions and questions, d) observe targets in their peripheral field, and e)
describe what they see or don’t see is akin to having them ride a unicycle on a high wire while
juggling bowling pins and singing show tunes. Use of a patch is preferable in such patients.
The examiner should instruct the patient to look directly at the examiner’s eye during the test.
The target eye should be the one directly across from the patient’s eye. When the patient’s
right eye is being tested, the patient should be instructed to look directly at the examiners left
eye. Conversely, when the patient’s left eye is being tested, the patient should be instructed to
look directly at the examiner’s right eye. Fixation on the “mirror-image eye” of the examiner
results in perfect correspondence between the patient’s visual field and the visual field of the
examiner. For example, when testing the patient’s right eye, the patient’s temporal field is
superimposed on the temporal field of the examiner’s left eye, and the patient’s nasal field is
superimposed on the nasal field of the examiner’s left eye. Thus, the examiner’s visual field
naturally serves as a normal control.
Note, too, that when the patient fixates on the examiner’s eye, the visual axes of the patient
and the examiner are colinear, which makes it easy for the examiner to assess the adequacy of
fixation and to detect any losses of fixation.
CAVEAT: Having a patient use the examiner’s nose as the fixation target
is strongly discouraged. Doing so would disrupt the correspondence
between the patient’s field and the examiner’s field. Furthermore, it
would make it difficult for the examiner to determine the adequacy of
fixation or the position of the major perimetric landmarks (e.g. vertical
meridian, horizontal meridian, physiologic blind spot).
The importance of operating within the plane of testing cannot be overstated. Doing so
ensures that the position of the test object in the patient’s visual field is identical to the
position of the object in the examiner’s field. This topographic correspondence means that the
examiner always knows exactly where the object is located in the patient’s visual field, based
on the examiner’s own perception of the object’s location.
CAVEAT: The adverse impact of testing outside of the test plane can
best be demonstrated by example. Imagine that the examiner presents
a target in the patient’s upper temporal field, but the positioning of the
target is such that it’s closer to the examiner than it is to the patient.
The patient will perceive the target to be smaller and closer to fixation
than the examiner perceives it to be. Conversely, the examiner will
perceive the target to be larger and farther away from fixation than the
patient perceives it to be. The patient’s field and the examiner’s field no
longer correspond to one another.
PERIPHERAL: ◼ Test the patient’s ability to count fingers in all four quadrants
First, explain to the patient that you’re going to be evaluating their vision, one eye at a
time. Then occlude one of the patient’s eyes, either with a patch or by having the
patient hold an occluder. (During the test, you should of course close your own eye ―
the one directly across from the patient’s occluded eye). Instruct the patient to “Look
straight at my eye” while pointing an index finger at your open eye. You may want to
add “Keep looking directly at my eye, even if I show you things off to the side.”
Test Ability to Count Fingers. Position both hands, fists closed, below the horizontal
meridian, with one hand in the patient’s right lower quadrant and the other hand in the
patient’s left lower quadrant. In just one quadrant, display 1, 2 or 5 fingers, and
simultaneously ask “How many fingers do you see?” After the patient responds, close
that hand, then display 1, 2 or 5 fingers in the other lower quadrant, asking “How many
now?” Repeat this sequence in the two upper quadrants.
Each hand should be situated no more than 30° to 35° from fixation.
Presenting fingers more peripherally than this makes it difficult for
anyone, including normals, to provide reliable responses.
Make sure that your palm is facing the patient’s eye. In this way, you
ensure that your finger display will always be perpendicular to the
patient’s peripheral line of sight, i.e., perpendicular to the line
extending from the patient’s eye to your hand. Any other hand
position is problematical. If your fingers were to point toward the
patient’s eye, or if your hand positioning was such that the patient
could see your fingers only from the side (with the result that the
closest finger would block one or more of the others), you would
inadvertently be creating conditions that favor a delayed or inaccurate
response, regardless of whether or not the patient’s vision is normal.
Compare Sensitivity Across the Vertical Meridian. Having screened the periphery,
attention can now be turned to the central portion of the field, a circular area extending
roughly 15° from fixation in each direction. A red test object is useful for screening
within this area for two reasons: 1) its small size facilitates detection of smaller defects,
and 2) impaired perception of the color red is a sensitive indicator of localized
abnormalities within the central field.
The simplest maneuver is to have the patient compare their perception of red on either
side of fixation. Remind the patient to “keep looking straight at my eye.” Begin by
presenting the red target about 5° nasal to fixation, and ask the patient what color they
see. After they respond, move the target to a position about 5° temporal to fixation,
and again ask what color they see. Normal responses, of course, are “red” and “red.” If
this is what the patient reports, ask if the red appears equally vivid and bright on both
sides. In a normal patient, one expects an affirmative response.
Temporal Nasal
Temporal Nasal
When defects are present, the patient may respond that the target looks “pink” or
“gray” or “dark” on either the nasal or temporal side. They may even report that they
can’t see it at all on one side. As was mentioned earlier, detection of a field defect
during screening obligates the examiner to further evaluate the defect with respect to
its size, its shape and its relationship to key perimetric landmarks. The techniques for
further defining defects in the central field will be covered later in the guide.
Moving a target within the central visual field in full view of the patient
is an almost irresistible invitation for the patient to begin following the
target instead of maintaining steady fixation. So as to prevent this
from happening, be sure to keep the target hidden from the patient’s
view during movement ― whether you’re moving the target into its
initial position or moving it to a different location in the field. If you’re
using an eyedrop bottle, obscuring the red cap can be accomplished by
rotating the bottle 90° toward yourself (i.e., away from the patient) so
that the cap is blocked by the bottom of the bottle and/or by your
fingers. If you’re using a red disc mounted on a short stick, the disc
can be obscured as described above, or alternatively, it can be hidden
by twirling the stick so that the red side of the disc faces away from
the patient and toward you.
In addition to hiding the red target when moving from a nasal location
to a temporal location and vice-versa, you also should avoid moving
the target in a straight line along the horizontal meridian. Moving
your hand in this way would temporarily block the patient’s view of
your eye, interrupt fixation, and may prompt the patient to follow
your hand. Instead, when moving the target from one side to the
other, execute a U-shaped excursion or “swoosh” just below fixation.
Locate and Define the Physiologic Blind Spot. The final screening step is to locate and
map the patient’s physiologic blind spot. The blind spot corresponds to the position of
the optic nerve head (optic disc) at the back of the eye. In normal individuals, it
subtends an angle of about 6° and is centered approximately 15° temporal to fixation
and slightly below the horizontal meridian:
10° Physiologic
blind spot
Start by presenting the red target midway between fixation and the blind spot. Remind
the patient to keep looking straight at your eye. Slowly move the target in the temporal
direction. As you do, instruct the patient: “Tell me when the red target disappears” (or
“Tell me if the red target seems to go away”). Once the patient notifies you that they
can no longer see it, stop moving the target and say “Tell me when it comes back” (or
“Tell me when you can see it again”), then resume slowly moving the target temporally.
As soon as the patient reports that they can see it again, move the target back into the
blind spot, and verify by asking “Gone again?” You can then map the upper and lower
limits of the blind spot in the same manner ― first moving the target upward until it’s
seen, then returning it to the blind spot, then moving it downward until it’s seen.
If the evaluation of the blind spot is being performed properly, and in particular, if the
red target is consistently presented within the plane of testing, then the experience of
the examiner will mirror that of the patient. When the patient reports that the target
has disappeared, you will simultaneously note the disappearance. And when the
patient reports that the target has come back into view, you will see it re-emerge at the
same time. If this is NOT the case, the most likely explanation is that the red target is
NOT being presented in the plane of testing, i.e., the target is not equidistant from you
and the patient. There are two possibilities:
1) The target is closer to the patient than to you. In this situation, the patient will
report that the target has vanished while you still perceive it.
2) The target is closer to you than to the patient. In this situation, you will lose the
target in your blind spot while the patient still sees it.
In either case, you’ll need to adjust target distance so that your blind spot and the
patient’s blind spot perfectly overlap. This condition is met only within the plane of
Plane of
The third advantage of evaluating the patient’s physiologic blind spot is that it enables
you to visualize a set of coordinates covering the central portion of the visual field. This
polar coordinate system includes meridional lines ― principally the horizontal and
vertical meridians, which intersect at the point of fixation ― as well as a scale of degrees
along each meridian. Armed with this mental image superimposed on actual space, you
will be able to map the location and extent of central defects to an accuracy of ± 3°,
which approaches the accuracy afforded by automated (computerized) perimetry.
With the red target situated within the patient’s blind spot (and yours), note the
distance between the target and fixation. That distance corresponds to 15° of temporal
field along the horizontal meridian. Now mentally subdivide that 15° segment into
three equal parts, the first part extending 5° from fixation, the second extending 10°
from fixation, and the third extending 15° from fixation. You now have a quantitative
scale. It then becomes a simple matter to picture an equivalent horizontal scale on the
nasal side of fixation: 5°, 10° and 15°. Finally, imagine taking an imprint of the
horizontal meridian and rotating it 90° so as to create an equivalent vertical scale, one
that extends 15° above fixation and 15° below fixation. Any visual field defects
identified within the central visual field can now be mapped with respect to a
quantitative and remarkably accurate system of spacial coordinates.
However, if one or more abnormalities have been detected during screening, it’s incumbent on
the examiner to fully characterize each abnormality. The questions you need to address
include the following:
◼ How extensive is the defect, i.e., how much area does it cover?
◼ What are its relationships to the key perimetric landmarks ― vertical meridian,
horizontal meridian, fixation, and the physiologic blind spot?
◼ Is it absolute or relative?
Extent of the Defect. For defects that are enclosed on all sides by normal field and thus qualify
as scotomas, you can explore the size of the defect by positioning an appropriately sized target
within the non-seeing area, then slowly moving it outward until the patient reports
visualization of the target. Repeat this in several directions (right, left, up and down, at a
minimum) to obtain a clear sense of the size and shape of the scotoma.
On the other hand, if the defect is not enclosed and instead is continuous with non-visual space
outside the limits of the normal field, you can position a hand or finger in this peripheral nether
region and slowly move toward fixation until the patient reports visualization. This can be
repeated along several radial meridians.
CAVEAT: Avoid using a small red test object to define defects in the
periphery of the visual field. Color perception is primarily a central
(macular) function, and regardless of color, small targets are difficult for
anyone to perceive in the far periphery.
Relationship to Key Perimetric Landmarks. Localizing the pathologic lesion responsible for a
visual field defect depends in large part on the relationship between the defect and the major
landmarks: the vertical meridian, the horizontal meridian, the point of fixation, and the
physiologic blind spot. It’s particularly important to determine whether or not a newly
discovered defect ends abruptly at the vertical meridian, i.e., “respects the vertical,” since such
defects nearly always reflect the presence of intracranial disease.
For example, if a patient is unable to count fingers or perceive your hand in the upper temporal
quadrant of their right eye, explore respect for the vertical by positioning your left hand in that
quadrant with your index finger pointing upward toward the ceiling. Slowly move your vertical
finger nasally, toward the vertical meridian, while instructing the patient to tell you as soon as
they see your finger. If they report seeing the finger just as the edge of it reaches the vertical,
it's highly likely that the defect is hemianopic in character, either bitemporal or homonymous.
Assume for the moment that the upper temporal field defect in the patient described above
does indeed respect the vertical meridian. You’ll then want to determine whether or not the
defect breaks at the horizontal meridian as well. Explore this by again placing your left hand in
the patient’s upper temporal quadrant, this time with your index finger positioned horizontally.
Slowly move your finger downward while instructing the patient to notify you as soon as they
see your finger. If they report seeing the finger just as the edge of it reaches the horizontal
meridian, then the defect conforms to a quadrantanopia. On the other hand, if the finger isn’t
seen until it’s well below the horizontal, then the defect represents an incomplete hemianopia,
denser above. Of course, determining whether the defect is bitemporal or homonymous will
depend on the findings in the fellow eye.
Be aware that bitemporal hemianopias may involve the central visual field exclusively. These
so-called “central bitemporal defects” can be associated with essentially normal peripheral
fields. They are identified by their strict respect for the vertical meridian. If you identify a
temporal defect during screening of the central visual field, be sure to use the red target to
assess the relationship of the defect to the vertical meridian.
Some homonymous defects also reside exclusively in the central portion of the visual field.
Such defects, termed “homonymous hemianopic scotomas,” tend to be dense, paracentral, and
highly congruous. Though not all of these defects extend to the vertical meridian, most do, and
some also respect the horizontal meridian. Use the red test object to map defects of this type.
Finally, it’s important to recognize that visual field defects resulting from optic nerve disease
often connect to the physiologic blind spot. Some, such as cecocentral scotomas, extend from
the blind spot to involve fixation. Others, referred to as arcuate defects, appear to originate
from the upper or lower pole of the blind spot and fan out nasally in the shape of a scimitar.
To accurately map these types of central defects, use a small red test object. For optic nerve
related defects that are large and involve the periphery (e.g. altitudinal field loss), it’s
preferable to use your hand and/or your index finger to explore the extent of the defect.
(You might wonder how the patient can look straight at your eye if they
can’t see it. The answer is that most patients can intuit the location of
your eye from the portions of your face that remain visible ― ear, nose,
forehead, cheek, plus the other eye).
Relative vs. Absolute Defects. In addition to size and shape, visual field defects possess the
property of depth. The depth of a defect is the degree to which sensitivity to visual stimuli is
reduced within the boundaries of the defect. The reduction in sensitivity ranges from very mild
to complete loss of ability to perceive even the strongest stimulus.
If sensitivity is depressed within a defined area but the patient still has residual vision in that
area (e.g. blurred outlines of objects), the defect is said to be relative. By contrast, if vision is
completely absent in the involved area, the defect is described as absolute.
Note that some visual field defects incorporate both relative and absolute components. For
example, a large central scotoma resulting from optic neuritis or from a compressive lesion of
the optic nerve may be absolute at its center but may be relative further away from fixation.
Such defects are said to have sloping margins.
Two types of templates exist for recording the results of confrontation visual fields. The
simplest (but least satisfactory) template consists of a pair of circles divided into quadrants:
The obvious problem with the template shown above is that the monocular visual field of
human beings is not circular. In normal individuals, the superior field extends 55° to 60° from
fixation, the nasal field extends 60° to 65° from fixation, the inferior field extends 70° to 75°
from fixation, and the temporal field extends 90° to 95° from fixation.
A template that’s more representative of reality is shown below:
This is the template that will be used for the Mini Atlas of visual field defects that appears at
the end of the guide.
Screening Variations
The basic screening protocol outlined on pages 6 through 12 represents a sensible, efficient and
commonly used approach. That said, some clinicians prefer to employ alternative techniques
when performing a confrontation visual field. Some of these alternatives are listed briefly
◼ Hold up both hands, one in a temporal quadrant and one in the corresponding nasal
quadrant, and simultaneously display 1 or 2 fingers with each hand. Ask the patient
“How many total fingers am I holding up?” This technique has the advantage of
screening for the phenomenon of extinction as well as for the presence of peripheral
field defects. If the patient provides an incorrect response, each quadrant will need
be assessed individually in order to distinguish between field loss and extinction.
(Anderson AJ et al. Clin Exp Optom 2009; 92:1:45-48).
◼ Wiggling fingers. Position one hand in a quadrant and instruct the patient to tell you
when they see your finger start to wiggle. After a pause, wiggle your index finger.
A variant of this technique is to hold up both hands, one in a temporal quadrant and
one in the corresponding nasal quadrant, then wiggle the index finger of just one
hand and ask the patient to identify which finger is wiggling.
◼ Kinetic testing of the outer boundaries of the field. This technique involves
positioning a hand or finger outside the limits of the normal visual field (i.e., within
non-visual space), then moving it inward toward fixation until the patient reports
seeing the target. This maneuver is repeated along multiple meridians for 360°.
The process is time-consuming, technically cumbersome (the examiner has to reach
beyond 90° to map the outer margin of the temporal field!), and yields no
information about defects that are fully enclosed by normal field.
◼ Enhanced Testing of Sensitivity Across the Vertical Meridian. Screening the central
visual field by having the patient compare their perception of red on either side of
the vertical meridian was described on page 8 of the guide. Recall that the red
target is first presented about 5° nasal to fixation and then about 5° temporal to
fixation. Both target locations lie on the horizontal meridian, which is adequate for
detection of most cecocentral defects and paracentral hemianopic defects.
However, using two test sites will not reliably detect arcuate defects or
homonymous hemianopic scotomas that don’t extend to the horizontal meridian.
In order to enhance the sensitivity of the testing protocol, consider increasing the
number of test sites from two to six ― two on the horizontal meridian, two about
10° above the horizontal meridian, and two about 10° below the horizontal
Blind spot 5°
Mini Atlas of Visual Field Defects
Defect Type: Bitemporal hemianopia (incomplete)
Defect Type: Complete right homonymous hemianopia
Defect Type: Right homonymous hemianopia, denser above (“pie in the sky”)
Defect Type: Right inferior quadrantanopia
Defect Type: Homonymous hemianopic scotoma, right upper quadrant
Defect Type: Right homonymous hemianopia with sparing of the temporal crescent
Localizes To: Left occipital lobe, with sparing of the anterior calcarine cortex surrounding
the parieto-occipital sulcus