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Pamphlet On Safety Precautions For Steel Erection Work

The document provides safety precautions for steel erection work: 1) Proper supervision and training of workers is required. Necessary warning signs and lighting must be provided. 2) Welding and riveting equipment must be stored and handled safely. Workers require proper protective gear. 3) Steel materials must be transported safely and within vehicle capacity. Routes and ramps must be inspected. 4) Steel members must be stored properly and secured from movement to prevent injuries during erection.

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Pamphlet On Safety Precautions For Steel Erection Work

The document provides safety precautions for steel erection work: 1) Proper supervision and training of workers is required. Necessary warning signs and lighting must be provided. 2) Welding and riveting equipment must be stored and handled safely. Workers require proper protective gear. 3) Steel materials must be transported safely and within vehicle capacity. Routes and ramps must be inspected. 4) Steel members must be stored properly and secured from movement to prevent injuries during erection.

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इ पात िनमाण काय हे तु सुर ा सावधािनयाँ In brief, the safety precautions to be  Necessary warning signs shall be

adopted for steel erection work in displayed.

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS FOR STEEL conformity with IS 7205:1974 are:  Proper lighting arrangement should be
1. पयवे ण म सावधािनयाँ / Precautions in
provided for good visibility for the
movement of men and vehicles.
प रचय / Introduction supervisions:
 Where flow of traffic is to be permitted,
 Supervisory staff should be well trained when over head work is in progress,
 Steel erection work is one of the most in enforcing the safety regulations and suitable wire netting should be used
hazardous works in the construction be able to distinguish safe and unsafe over head to catch material falling from
field. workmen ship. height.
 There is a possibility of casualty or  Newly recruits should be given an
mishap because the erection of steel Induction Course on General Safety.
structure and building frames are often  While engaging men for job, make sure
at height and in exposed position. that they are skilled in the particular job
 Steel erectors perform many tasks in they have to perform.
unintentionally created dangerous  Staff engaged in the job should have a
situations. medical checkup certifying that he is fit
 Time spent by workers at individual for duties he has to perform.
work points is often relatively short, so
2. वे डं ग एवं रवे टं ग म सावधािनयाँ /
 Staff should be safety conscious and
access scaffolding is frequently not use all necessary safety appliances as
used. Precautions in welding and riveting:
per job requirement.
 Safety should be ensured in erection  When the work is in progress the area
work right from planning stage up to  The welders and cutters should be
should be cordoned off by barricading
actual execution of the work. educated and well trained and should
to prevent persons from hitting against
 It is felt necessary that workers and have valid certificate.
structural components or getting injured
officials must have the knowledge of  Gas cylinders should be stored away
by falling objects.
precautions which are to be adopted from open flames and other sources of
 Barricading should be sufficient away
during steel erection work. heat. Oxygen cylinders should not be
from the location and necessary
stored near gas, oil, grease and similar
indicators should be provided.
Steel erection work has following four combustible materials.
stages:  The cylinders should marked full or
empty as the case may be.
i. Planning and supervision.  Before a cylinder is moved, cylinder
ii. Fabrication valve shall be closed.
iii. Transport  All cylinder valves should be closed
iv. Erection when welding is stopped for some
reason or torches are being replaced.
 The welder and gas cutters should be  Snaps and plungers of pneumatic  If a level trestle is being used instead of
equipped with proper personal riveting hammers should be secured to ramp for truck or cranes to operate, this
protective equipments like gloves, prevent the snap from dropping out of should be carefully checked.
safety boots, apron, and hand shield. place.  Shipments on barges, or any other form
The filter glass of hand shield should  The rivet heating equipment should be of carrier, should be inspected for safe
be suitable to the eyes of the workers. as near as possible to the place of work. loading and unloading.
 A pail of water should always be kept  Steel members should be so placed that
ready for quenching the fire during they will not shift, slide or over turn
riveting and to prevent fires when during transit.
working near inflammable materials.  The loading should be such that no
 Rivets, bolts, nuts or other loose articles pieces are liable to move and trap a man
should be kept in boxes at the working when part of the load is removed.
area to prevent hazard from their falling.  When a number of trusses or deep
 All gas cylinders shall be used and stored girders are load in one truck, all but one
in the upright position only and should be 3. साम ी के प रवहन म सावधािनयाँ / being lifted should be tied back unless
conveyed in trollies. Precautions in transportation of they have been tied or braced to prevent
material: their falling over and endangering men
 Transport may be done by trucks, tipper
Lorries, tractors, and trailers etc.
 Each driver must have a valid Driving
 Route of transport should be leveled,
marked and planed to avoid potential
 Before, under taking the welding hazards such as over head power line
operations near combustible materials, and steeply sloping ground.
suitable blanketing should be provided  If necessary, warning boards / barriers
and fire Extinguishers kept nearby. may be erected to prevent over head
 Rivets covered with slippery material structure or over head power line.
should not be used in the fabrication  Un attended vehicles should have the
work.  Load should be within the capacity of
engine switched off. vehicles and should be evenly
 Gas cutting and welding torches should  The strength and capacity of ramps for
be lighted by means of special lighters distributed and properly secured and
trucks used in delivering the equipment, should not projected beyond the plan
and not with matches. supplies or the steel, should be checked
 Care should be taken while handling area of vehicles. If it is unavoidable, it
to prevent their failure. should be clearly shown by the
rivets so that they do not fall, strike, or
cause injury. attachment of flags.
4. साम ी के रखरखाव म सावधािनयाँ /  The erection gang should have सुर ा बे ट या हानस का उपयोग /
Precautions in handling of materials: adequate supply of bolts, washers, Use of Safety belt or harness:
rivets, pins etc of the correct size.  The majority of fatal accidents in
 If cranes is used on site, consider all the  Enough number of bolts should be used construction field are due to falls from
factors that could affect the safe use in connecting each piece using a heights.
such as, the weight, size and type of the minimum two bolts in a pattern to ensure  Where work cannot be done from a
load, maximum reach or radius required that the joint will not fail due to dead load scaffold or ladder, or from a mobile
and any restrictions like over head and erection load. access platform, the wearing of a safety
power line and ground conditions.  All splice connections in column, wave harness may be the only way to prevent
 Operator of cranes and other lifting girder etc. should be completely bolted serious injury or casualty.
appliances and the workmen engaged in or riveted or welded before erection.  There are many types of safety belt and
slinging should be well trained in the  Slings for erecting steel work should be safety harness available.
safe use of cranes, hoists etc. light and flexible enough to grip the  The manufacturer or supplier should be
 Proper signalling system should be pieces but strong enough to bear the asked for advice on suitable types for the
developed for the use of workmen and it loads. intended purpose and for instructions on
should be strictly followed. Hand signal  The slings should not slide while use and maintenance.
should be adopted and no oral signals erecting diagonal members.  Full safety harness should always be
should be given. Only one man at a used in preference to a safety belt.
time, who is allotted this specific task, 5. य गत सुर ा मक उपकरण का उपयोग/
should give the signals. Use of Personal Protective Safety harness and its lanyard must:
 Before slinging and before lifting load, it Equipments (PPE): Limit your fall to a drop of not more than 2m
should be ensured that the load does not  Despite of all preventive measures in by means of an inertia device.
exceed the safe lifting capacity of the planning and supervision, some  Be strong enough to support your
cranes. personal protective equipment such as weight.
 Cranes should always be on a level and helmet, hearing and eye protection,  Be attached to a strong structure through
firm ground. boots and gloves, is needed. a firm anchorage point above the place
 The movement of mobile cranes should  Proper work clothes will provide at which you are working.
be carefully watched so that the boom of protection for the skin.
the cranes does not come into contact of  Where harmful dust, mist or gases may
with any electric wires and other objects be present respiratory protection
in the vicinity of work being carried out. equipment should be used.
 Only properly tested and marked lifting  All safety equipments should be in
tackles of adequate strength should be accordance with their related IS codes
used. The safe working load of the like IS-5983 for Goggle Shield, IS-3521
tackles should never be exceed. for Industrial Safety Belt and IS-2925 for
Safety Helmet.
के वल कायालयीन योग हे तु
For Official use only)


इ पात िनमाण काय हे तु सुर ा सावधािनयाँ

कैमटे क/िस. /2016/एस.ई.डबळयू/1.0

िसत बर/September-2016

महाराजपुर, वािलयर - 475005

Maharajpur, Gwalior – 474005
(An ISO: 9001-2008 certified organization)
Telephone : 0751-2470869, Fax : 0751-2470841
E-mail :dircivilcamtech@gmail.com

The information contained in this pamphlet
does not supersede any existing provisions laid
down in RDSO & Railway Board instructions.
This document is not statutory & instructions
given in it are for the purpose of guidance only.

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