Blockchain in Action
Blockchain in Action
Blockchain in Action
Grasping Blockchain
lockchain is a shared, i m m u table ledger that facilitates the
process of recording transactions a nd tracking assets in a
business network. A n asset can be tangible (a house, a car,
ca sh, land) or intangible (intellectual property, patents , c o p y -
rights, branding) . Virtually any t h i ng of value can be tracked a nd
traded o n a blockchain network, reducing risk a nd cutting costs
for all involved.
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The shortcomings of current
transaction systems
Throu gh out history, instruments of trust, such as m i nt ed coins,
paper m o n e y , letters of credit, a n d ba nk i ng sy stem s, have
emer ge d to facilitate the e xc ha ng e of value a nd protect buyers
a nd sellers. Im porta nt innovations (for e xam pl e, telephone lines,
credit card sy stem s, the Internet, a nd mobile technologies) have
improved the convenience, speed, and efficiency of transactions
while shrinking — and sometimes virtually eliminating — the
distance between buyers a nd sellers.
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the grow th of transaction v olume s. A nd transaction v o lumes are
exploding with the rise of Internet of Things (IoT) — autonomous
objects, s uch as refrigerators that buy groceries w he n supplies are
ru nni ng low a nd cars that deliver themselves to your door, s t o p -
p i ng for fuel a l o ng the way.
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The birth of blockchain
Bitcoin is actually built o n the foundation of blockchain, which
serves as Bitcoin’s shared ledger. T h i nk of blockchain as an o p e r -
a ti ng sy s tem, such as Microsoft Windows or M a c O S, a nd Bitcoin
as only one of the m a n y applications that can run o n that o p e r a t -
i ng system. Blockchain provides the m e a n s for recording Bitcoin
transactions — the shared ledger — but this shared ledger can
be used to record a ny transaction a nd track the m o v e m e nt of a ny
asset whether tangible, intangible, or digital. For e xam pl e, b l o c k -
chain enables securities to be settled in mi nu t e s instead of days. It
can also be used to help companies mana g e the flow of goods and
related pa yme nt s , or enable ma nu facturers to share production
logs with original equ i pme nt ma nufac turers (OEM s) a n d r e g u l a -
tors to reduce product recalls.
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Each node can receive or send transactions to other nodes, a nd the
data is synchronized across the network as it’s transferred.
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Recognizing the key business benefits
For business, blockchain has the following specific benefits:
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N ot all blockchains are built for business . So m e are permissioned,
while others aren’t . A permissioned network is critical for a b l o c k -
chain for business, especially within regulated industries. It offers
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» Distributed and sustainable: The ledger is shared, updated
with every transaction, and selectively replicated among
participants in near real time. Because it’s not owned or
controlled by any single organization, the blockchain
platform’s continued existence isn’t dependent on any
individual entity.
» Secure, private, and indelible: Permissions and cryptogra-
phy prevent unauthorized access to the network and ensure
that participants are who they claim to be. Confidentiality is
maintained through cryptographic techniques and/or data
partitioning techniques to give participants selective visibility
into the ledger; both transactions and the identity of
transacting parties can be masked. After conditions are
agreed to, participants can’t tamper with a record of the
transaction; errors can be reversed only with new
» Transparent and auditable: Because participants in a
transaction have access to the same records, they can
validate transactions and verify identities or ownership
without the need for third-party intermediaries. Transactions
are time-stamped, ordered, and can be verified in near real
» Consensus-based and transactional: All relevant network
participants must agree that a transaction is valid. This is
achieved through the use of consensus algorithms. Each
blockchain network can establish the conditions under which
a transaction or asset exchange can occur.
» Orchestrated and flexible: Because business rules and
smart contracts (that execute based on one or more
conditions) can be built into the platform, blockchain
business networks can evolve as they mature to support
end-to-end business processes and a wide range of
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Blockchain Uses Cases
Cross-border transactions
Banks need a way to m a n a g e nostro/vostro accounts. Nostro (ours)
refers to a n account a domestic ba nk holds in a foreign ba nk in
the foreign country’s currency. Vostro (yours) is how the foreign
ba nk refers to that account . S uch accounts are used to facilitate
and simplify trade and foreign exchange transactions through
reconciliation. Nostro/vostro accounts can become stored account
transactions o n a blockchain to dramatically improve t rans pa r -
ency and efficiency through automated reconciliation of accounts.
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information throu gh trusted providers like ba nk s , telcos, a nd
g over nme nts . As a result, these consumers can connect to c ri t i -
cal online services with a digital credential they already have a nd
trust, while ensuring that their information is only ever shared
with their explicit consent.
A considerable a m o u nt of g ov er nme nt involves recording t r a n s -
actions a nd tracking ownership of assets, all of which can be m a d e
more efficient and transparent through the use of blockchain.
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Establishing trusted identity remai ns a problem due to forgery
and expensive background checks required in verification. Millions
of people worldwide m a y have forged their identity d o c u m e n t a -
tion and m a y not be exactly wh o they say they are. Millions upon
millions of refugees a nd their children g o undocumented. People
in the poorer parts of the world m a y not have sufficient proof
to establish identity as required by certain service providers; for
example, banks typically require proof of residence or utility bills
to establish identity, neither of which m a y exist in the developing
Food safety
According to a study fr om the Food M ar k e t i ng Institute and G r o -
cery Ma nufac turers Association, the average food recall costs a
company $10 million — not including losses of sales, illnesses,
deaths, a nd da ma g e to their brand. I B M Food Trust brings together
growers, processors, wholesalers, distributors, ma nu fact urers,
retailers, a nd others to e nhance visibility a nd accountability in
each step of the food supply. Powered by I B M Blockchain, I B M
Food Trust directly connects participants through a permissioned,
p e rm a ne nt , a nd shared record of food origin details, processing
data, shipping details, a nd m o re.
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IBM Food Trust benefits include
Global trade
M ore tha n $ 4 trillion in goods are shipped each year, with 80 p e r -
cent of those sh i pme nt s carried by the ocean shippi ng industry.
Yet the cost of trade documentation is estimated to reach o n e -
fifth of the actual physical transportation costs because different
supply chain participants — manufacturers, shippers, insurers,
banks, customs and border agents, and more — rely on vastly
different systems to process transactions, often slowing or c o m -
pletely stopping the m o v e me nt of goods. A proposed I B M joint
venture with a world leader in logistics will use I B M Blockchain’s
distributed ledger technology to help speed goods o n their journey
fr om manufacturer to ma r ke t, providing one universal view of the
truth to unleash ne w transparency a nd remove friction.
The healthcare industry needs a more efficient and secure s y s -
t e m for m a n a g i n g medical records, preauthorizing pay me nt s ,
settling insurance c l a ims , a nd p e r forming a nd recording other
These materials are © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Any dissemination, distribution, or unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.
complex transactions. Blockchain promises to provide m u c h -
needed relief.
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