Trudvang Chronicles Curse of Runes
Trudvang Chronicles Curse of Runes
“None refreshed me ever with food or drink,
I peered right down in the deep;
crying aloud I lifted the Runes
then back I fell from thence.”
Max Herngren
Additional Design
Love Almquist
Additional Help
Luca Cherstich
John Maron
Cover Art
Alvaro Tapia
Interior Art
Henrik Pettersson and Alexander Persson
Additional Kudos
Thanks to all the Kickstarter pledgers and to all
the backers who made this project come to life
Take heed, skalds and Game Masters. Let me tell you a
story. As the fate of the realm of the mysterious Dwarves
hangs in the balance, our heroes’ parlay with giants, do battle
with serpent gods, sing with the East Wind, and brave the
unknown underground of a forgotten realm.
This is the story of the Curse of Runes, It is recommended that the game it now, you would not have known it was
set in a land of sagas that has been master read the module completely at a kingdom of any race lest I told you so.
forgotten by time and history. Who can least once before they attempt to run it. To the Human eye, it would appear only
say what really happened, and what is as a damp, eerie hole of darkness and
just a story? I cannot tell you, for even I nothingness except for cold and stone.
have forgotten. So, listen well – this is a The Legend of Ironblood That is because no Human would have
tale you won’t believe. In the Age of Dreams – long before the the perseverance or indeed strength to
rule of mankind had come to Trudvang, survive the journey into the heart of the
in a time when the Elven gods of the mountain – through miles and miles of
Preparations Vanir still dwelled amongst their tunnels and narrow passages. For there
Curse of Runes is an epic campaign that children in the forests of the south, there lies the true treasure of Dirbozvo and
tells the story of an accursed sword from was a kingdom undreamed of far beneath the Buratja: the furnaces. The Buratja
the ancient days of Trudvang. This sword the great Iron Tooth. And its name Dwarves treated their furnaces like
carries the curse of an old Dwarven was “Dirbozvo” – roughly translated men treat gods. They prayed to them,
mystery, and it is the task of the characters as “molten fortress” or “great smithy” they sacrificed to them, and they loved
to uncover that mystery which lies hidden (depending on the pronunciation) in them as intensely as they burned. And
deep within the heart of the world. Vrok. Dirbozvo was not a kingdom full the furnaces were things of gold and
Ultimately, they must put to rest the old of lavishly carved and bejeweled cities silver and mitraka and hardest iron,
grudges of the Dwarves, and save not only and towers in cavernous hollows, nor and upon them they carved the faces
themselves – but all of Trudvang. did it hold any monolithic gates, pillars, of Borjorn the maker and his daughter
Will you be leading this campaign as statues, or solemn halls filled with the Gutka, who was of kin to fire. If you
the game master? If not, stop reading statues of ancient kings and wisdom. saw those furnaces, you too would
now so as not to spoil the experience This kingdom was one of the first great have been convinced beyond doubt
for yourself. Curse of Runes is best smithies of the Dwarves of Trudvang, that Dirbozvo was nothing short of
experienced around the gaming table. and it was ruled by the silent Buratja. a miracle of Dwarven craft. This was
The module is balanced for a party Dirbozvo was a confusing network of not a kingdom of the Borjornikka,
of four characters that have been twisting tunnels carved from the solid who polish their floors and carve their
adventuring in Trudvang for a while. rock of the Great Iron Tooth. Where faces into statues in monolithic halls of
However, should you wish to, you can other kingdoms would have great halls ancient somberness. This was a Buratja
modify the campaign yourself with and stairwells and bridges, Dirbozvo kingdom, and all that mattered was the
minimal effort to balance the challenge had tunnels, forges, and dark gaping furnaces and the logis that fueled them
to your particular gaming group. chasms. If any of you were to look upon – nothing else.
prologue | 7
There are many legends about But today I will tell you the story of Nimatetsya – great king of Dirbozvo –
Dirbozvo – it was he birthplace of the his death. was the one to break it. The warriors of
Buratja Tukorov the Borjornolika (“equal For so it was that in the 5,000th year the Buratja emptied many of their secret
to Borjorn”), and the greatest smith who of his reign the great king Nimatetsya vaults and armories to take up spear, axe,
ever lived. It is the place where the fabled had a vision. It was a vision of darkness and hammer in the fight to come – for
Hammer of Time was forged, which and endless space. A vision of a lone who knew what horrors awaited them
was used to slay Kvaljar, the Hrimtursir, Dwarf braving Ginnungagap without in the formless space of Ginnungagap?
during the War of the Giants. It was the being lost. He dreamed that there in the The Buratja bore no armor in battle, for
greatest smithy of the Dwarves, and its endless space rested an artifact that spoke their hide was thick from the intense
roaring furnaces were only outmatched to him – a scarlet sword that illuminated heat of the logi furnaces. All they wore
by the legendary Logakilj, and it housed the endless darkness around with a blood were masks of iron and body markings of
the biggest population of Buratja red glow. In his dream, he touched the charcoal and tunnelswine fat that would
Dwarves ever seen before or since. scarlet sword, and a great flood of blood protect them from evil spirits.
Today I will tell you the legend of its came gushing forth, and it pushed back The legions of Nimatetsya came to the
fall. the darkness of Ginnungagap, and as the wall that had been marked by the Thuuls
At the closing of the Age of Dreams, the blood settled it became solid like magma – and they broke it. In that moment,
great king, or “Thune” as the dwarves call that eventually coagulated into a solid they were met with darkness, and then
their leaders, of Dirbozvo was Nimatetsya, mountain. Nimatetsya awoke – he knew light, and then, finally, heat. For the
from the blood of Pyurin. Nimatetsya what he had to do. Dwarves had not found Ginnungagap as
is famous in Dwarven culture and most The mighty Thune mustered his the Thuuls had foreseen, they had found
of his kin, no matter where they dwell, warriors – the fearsome Logovorda the dragons. Young, strong, and bestial
can even to this day tell you of him and - into one of the largest forges of his they were. Half blind, bloodthirsty and
his many exploits, for so great were his kingdom, and there he spoke to them. confused – for they had not yet been
many feats. His name translates to “one Hundreds of thousands of Buratja made by the snake god Yukk into their
who arises”. Nimatetsya was the first gathered, and they all fit in that final form. Nimatetsya and his warriors
Buratja Dwarf to face Ginnungagap craggy, molten cavern whose rock were struck with panic, and many died in
alone and live to tell the tale, and for that was so black that they called it “the a matter of seconds as the uncontrolled
he was named Thune over Dirbozvo. soot forge”. Nimatetsya told his kin fire of the dragons licked the soot walls of
Not only was Nimatetsya a great Thune of Ginnungagap, and of the sword the cavernous kingdom. Many Dwarves
and a great fighter, he was also a fabled of blood that he had seen that would and dragons alike died in the fighting
smith. For in the magma draped caverns finally end the great dark beyond. The that went on for days according to
of his underground kingdom, he labored Buratja loved their king, but they were legend. The dragons fought with tooth
intensely through the thousands of years skeptical and afraid. Dwarves are not and claw and fire, the Dwarves with
(counting in human terms) of his great afraid of change per se, but they do not hammer, axe, sword, and iron wills. But
rule. The scrolls of ancient knowledge tell commit to it without due cause. So, to as the dragons were yet young, and the
us that Nimatetsya’s carved granite throne appease his people, the king Nimatetsya Dwarves were legion, Nimatetsya and
sat empty for most of his reign, as he called for the few Borjornikka that did his warriors managed to overcome the
would spend all of his time by the roaring dwell in Dirbozvo to send word to the wurms and ensnare them with great iron
logi furnaces making things. Nimatetsya’s best Eigle Thuuls – the runesmiths bonds made from the hardest iron they
crown and mitraka armor he crafted and sages of the Dwarves – that lived could find in the mountain. The Dwarves
himself, and so too did he make each and secluded in an underground cloister. call this battle “the Great Defeat” as
every sword, axe, and hammer carried by The Mountain itself would determine they had failed to find Ginnungagap
his warriors in battle. As if that was not their next course of action. and make good on their king’s wishes to
enough, the great Nimatetsya was also And so, the Thuuls came to the great find the sword of blood. But Nimatetsya
very, very beautiful - far fairer to look upon king of Dirbozvo, and for a whole year was not dissuaded, for he had an idea,
than any other Buratja ever seen before or they meditated upon the granite throne of a plan. The sword of blood that he saw
since. Some of his people even believed Nimatetsya and the various passages and in the dream might not have lain within
that he was in fact no male Dwarf at all, tunnels of Dirbozvo, hoping to discern Ginnungagap after all, but he knew that
but one of the Norgavaina – the beautiful the will of the mountain. Finally, the there was a reason why the Thuuls and
- who live hidden in the underbelly of the runesmiths of the Borjornikka declared the dream had brought him to the den of
world. Whether such a thing is true or that a wall had been found at the far the dragons.
not, we cannot know for certain. I could edge of the kingdom whose purpose had The Dwarves bound the dragons in
tell you many other tales and legends of revealed itself. Beyond that wall awaited mighty chains, and they muzzled them
Nimatetsya and his kingdom. Ginnungagap, and it was destined that as best they could. Then, they brought
8 | prologue
them to the furnaces. For while the fire without rest. With only his instincts The king named the runeblade
of logis is indeed intense, none could and his sense to guide him, Nimatetsya “Krovanbonh” – “Ironblood.”
possibly match the fire of dragons. With listened to the sound of the furnace In the years to come, Dwarves
irons, hot pincers, and great chains and the fire to know how to treat it. from all over Trudvang journeyed
and whips of a thousand masters, the He fed the furnace iron and charcoal over hill and under hill just to witness
Dwarves subdued the dragons and made in quantities unnumbered and the the might and beauty of Krovabonh.
them bend to their will. They gave new monumental god of heat devoured it like There came visitors from Gjitzmakulj,
life to the furnaces of Dirbozvo, and the a starved beast, eating its fill. At the end Brokmuskrym, Grunkrovorda, and even
fires of that kingdom burned like never of the process, just when the moment the mighty and famous Tvologoya. It is
before. For generations, the dragons was right, the time came to execute the said that the Great Thune Funvor came
were bound in the forges of the Buratja, final part of Nimatetsya’s plan. On the to see the scarlet blade and compliment
and for generations they grew stronger. Thune’s command, the Dwarves slew its perfection and strength. Each Thune
With every year that passed, the fires the dragons with huge axes swinging brought a gift that they proposed the
of the dragons became more and more from the roof of the cavernous forge. As mighty Nimatetsya should attempt
intense, and so the Dwarves could craft the axes fell, the crimson blood of the to slice with his new sword, to show
things of even greater beauty. However, great wurms gushed forth in roaring its supposed strength. They brought
the will of the dragons seemed broken fountains and covered the entire forge stone, iron, Mitraka, and even dragon
as if they had accepted their new fate from top to bottom. Every Dwarf scales. Nimatetsya wielded the
in captivity. They became sorrowful, there bathed in the sanguine liquid, runeblade fiercely, and it was indeed
and still. It was in that time that many and so did the molten iron in the mold strong and could cut through stone,
legendary artifacts were shaped that are of the sword-to-be. In that moment, iron, Mitraka, and dragon scales with
remembered to this day in writing and Nimatetsya thought he saw an idol of ease. Nobody could dispute the power
in song. The sword of the Elven king Yukk in the forge shake in anger, but he and strength of Krovabonh or the new
Vainoahve, the spear of the dark Witch paid the portent no mind, and thought Ironblood iron. There was only one
Lord, and the helmet of the god chosen it a trick of the eye. As the dragon’s problem with the sword: it made the
from the west whose name is forgotten bodies were still warm, the king mixed king dream.
by the Dwarves. the blood and the iron in the gargantuan Voices of beasts whispered to him
As the dragons grew stronger, furnace, and they merged into what is in the night. They whispered to him
Nimatetsya went to work on building famously known today as “Rokjärna” (or of betrayal and of treachery, of being
a furnace. A furnace so large that “Ironblood iron”) – the heaviest material entrapped, and of being forced into
its memory would echo throughout ever created by men, elves, or dwarves. bonds. Of becoming a prisoner, a slave.
eternity. A furnace that could hold such But the great king’s work was not over At first, it was just the dreams, but then
heat and power that the things that yet. For months more he labored in the the thoughts of betrayal and treachery
were of its making would bring tears forges of his cavernous kingdom, working began to manifest during every waking
to whoever laid their eyes upon them. the metal into the proper shape and finish moment of his life. The thoughts could
The great Thuul of Dirbozvo and his which his vision demanded. Finally, after come to him at dinner, when working the
closest smiths labored day and night for a year’s hard work, Nimatetsya held aloft dragon furnaces, or just when walking
nigh on a hundred years. Nimatetsya his new creation – a perfectly straight and about the chasms of his kingdom. He
prepared to make his sword. And thick blade colored scarlet by the dragon’s began to hate those around him, and he
one day, the moment came when the blood, emitting a crimson glow around saw them as enemies more and more with
dragons were large enough and their it. The Thuuls infused the sword with each passing day. They were plotting
fire intense enough for the sword to be great runes and magical wards that were against him; he just knew it. They were
crafted. So, in the great soot forge, the inscribed in intricate patterns all along the slugs, lesser beings that deserved to die.
Dwarves made ready for the forging of side of the blade, for this new material was He shut out his advisors, he stopped
the blade that Nimatetsya had seen in untested and unknown by the Dwarves talking to his people, and eventually his
his dreams. Five dragons were brought and so they feared what it might do to paranoia and madness went so far that
forth and positioned around the fire. them. The jewelers and artisans etched he locked himself in his deepest chamber,
It took ten Dwarves to subdue each gemstones that shone like stars into its allowing no one within the same room as
dragon. Nimatetsya came into the forge hilt and weaved its grip with the thick himself. Everyone that even did so much
and he shunned his crown and his heavy hide of the toughest Tunnelhog in the as whisper a treacherous word about the
mitraka armor. The great king of the kingdom. Thus, it was the fabled treasure great Thune Nimatetsya of Dirbozvo
Buratja labored for ten days and ten of the great kingdom of Dirbozvo, and came to know horrible and painful
nights by the furnace as the dragons one of the finest treasures that Trudvang deaths, all whilst the king listened and
around it breathed forth white hot fire has ever seen. was satisfied.
prologue | 9
Nimatetsya had brought this doom at the furnaces of the Buratja Dwarves wielder. But one thing was certain: in the
upon himself. For what the king did for a hundred years. They thirsted for end, they would all die by its blade, one
not know was that in the eyes of Yukk, revenge. Nimatetsya was punished, driven way or another.
the serpent god of deceit, the forging of to madness. The mental strain became so Eventually the Dwarves of Dirbozvo
the runeblade Krovabonh had been too heavy that in the end, the great king of became terrified of the cursed sword
grim; too bestial, even for them. What Dirbozvo, he who was fairest and most and in desperation they locked it away
Nimatetsya had done to the dragons wise and most powerful of all the Buratja behind heavy vaults and consecrated
had been evil magic, dark magic that did in Trudvang, did throw himself onto his doors of Rokjärn. The doors were sealed
not belong in the hallowed forges of the accursed runeblade Krovabonh and ended with protective runes, and all Dwarves
Buratja Dwarves. The killing of dragons his own life. The whispers in his head of Dirbozvo were forbidden to ever
was nothing new to Yukk, but to kill had begun to convince him that life itself go near it. No more would the great
with such cruelty and then make a thing had become a prison and something that Thunes of that kingdom ever wield the
of such beauty? No, it would not stand. could betray him, and so he rid himself sword Krovabonh as part of their blood
Nimatetsya had brought shame upon his of it. Every other Thune of Dirbozvo right. And so, memory of the cursed
own bloodline, and indeed upon the whole after Nimatetsya found the end of their blade faded away from our time, along
kingdom of Dirbozvo. And so, the snake life upon the sharp edge of Krovabonh, with the kingdom Dirbozvo beneath
god Yukk devised a way to punish the even the ones from other bloodlines. the Great Iron Tooth. The Dwarves
great king. He trapped the spirits of the At the moment of a Thune’s greatest waned in number, as their race was all
slain dragons in the sword Krovabonh. struggle and hardship, the runeblade but destroyed in many bloody battles and
The dragons whose blood had been mixed would betray them, and present itself in struggles across oceans of time. The ages
with the molten iron were now residing the hands of their enemies. It was wielded passed, and Trudvang changed forever.
inside the blade itself, waiting to be by usurpers, by traitors, and even by their But it is said that Krovabonh still lies
unleashed. And so, the sword was cursed. own brothers in moments of drunken waiting somewhere out there. Waiting
Cursed with the bestial and angered anger. No one could know exactly how or for an unfortunate wielder to claim it –
spirits of dragons who had been fettered in which way Krovabonh would betray its and kill at its command.
10 | prologue
Book 0ne
As the adventure begins, our characters have
found themselves upon the bitter, misty, and harsh
highland in northeastern Runewiik known as
Skaftafijell. How the characters arrived there, or for
what reason, only they themselves know.
It is recommended that the Game Master a path that will lead them through the the larger population of both Mittland
weaves in the characters’ previous quest to find the Borjornikka Dwarves and Westmark. It is a place where the
adventures, backstories, and goals into for the Ark Blood Queen, Tuva Sothi. strong iron will of the Ovus and the
their arrival at Skaftafijell. This way, the For help with dialogue or NPC tenets of Nid have not quite taken hold as
beginning of the adventure will seem actions, please refer to the appendix at they have over the rest of Mittland, and
more organic and seamless to the players, the back of the module where you’ll find many still practice the old and savage
although it might require some extra more information. ways of the sword and spear.
preparation from the Game Master. The highlands are ruled primarily
The first act of the adventure is quite by three powerful clans. The most
open in structure, and it is up to the Northeastern Skaftafijell powerful among them are the clan of
characters themselves to choose their The first chapter of our story takes Gudrugla, and it is they that dwell in
path through it. There is a basic premise place to the west of the great Iron Tooth the northeastern parts of the land where
to guide the characters, and places for in the northern parts of the kingdom the green country slithers up with black
them to visit and people for them to talk of mankind known as Mittland. In the rock formations against the deep roots
to. As a Game Master, you should refer northeastern parts of this kingdom, of the Great Iron Tooth and the sinister
to the map of northeastern Skaftafijell, where Runewiik borders the sinister Darkwoods. Their clan lady is known as
and ask your characters questions Darkwoods, lies the highland named Undis, and she rules her people from a
about what they’re doing, when they Skaftafijell - meaning “land of many settlement called Hveig. The two other
are doing it, and why. This will help spears” in the old language of the clans are the Porkinga who rule over the
you organically nudge them in the right bruids of the Eald tradition. It is here east, and the lowly clan of Hegla, who
direction from time to time, so that they that our characters arrive, driven by occupy the western parts of Skaftafijell.
end up where they need to be by the end whatever end. The three clans are in constant conflict
of the act. At the start of the adventure, It is a harsh highland, and those who with each other, and smaller battles and
you should encourage the characters to dwell there make a living as hunters or skirmishes are fought daily somewhere
explore Skaftafijell if they want to before warriors primarily. Warriors have always in the wilderness. It is not uncommon
they travel to the larger settlement of held a certain status here, so too have for fortresses and homesteads across the
Hveig, as there are many interesting those who can lead a group of fighters Land of Many Spears to change master
places to visit in the wild before the story in battle and defeat their enemy. In fact, from year to year, after a siege or raid
gets going. When the characters arrive the people of Skaftafijell have more in from an opposing clan.
at Hveig, the first part of the main plot common with the Stormlanders than the To strengthen their already powerful
kicks in, and the characters are set on Mittlanders and Viranns that make up position, lady Undis and her clan have
6 Skaftafijell
1: Hveig
2: Western Darkwoodss
4 3: Wigenbona
4: Dimmirheig
5: Oldtower
6. Thoromheid
7 7: Gamhalt
forged an alliance with the Arks, a savage Places in northeastern twenty individuals come all the way
tribe of Wildfolk, from the northern Skaftafijell from Graydeep (“Grunkovorda”) in the
mountains, and their leader Tuva Sothi The first act of Curse of Runes is an open Stormlands, and serve the Iron Circle of
– also known as the “Blood Queen”. She story, and it is up to the characters to Grimgnistur (“Olgisiljev”). They were
and her Ark warriors have sworn to decide where they want to go and who sent to this remote part of the Darkwoods
protect the Gudrugla clan in exchange they want to talk to. Refer to this chapter by their masters to find the entrance to
for free food, drink, slaves, and care of whenever they pick a new place on the the fallen kingdom of Dirbozvo, and see if
the fearsome thornbeasts which her map to travel to. there are any treasures or knowledge that
warriors ride into battle during their can be recovered from its ruined depths.
raids across Runewiik. At the time of the characters’ arrival in
In Skaftafijell, many still live by the 1. Hveig Skaftafijell, the Borjornikka have been
Eald tradition, or some more deep form Hveig is a large settlement of wood and searching for nigh on five years, and have
of nature worship that is very similar to stone that serves as the stronghold of the just found one of the smaller and secret
that which is practiced in the Stormlands. Gudruglas. It is home to one hundred entrances to Dirbozvo.
Among the clansfolk of Gudrugla, there warriors and their families, and some
are those who practice Haminges, the dark sixty pigs and chickens.
faith, but these are few and live exclusively 3. Wigenbona
close to the borders of the Darkwoods. The Borjornikka Dwarves have named
With the Darkwoods so close to their 2. Western Darkwoods their settlement in the Darkwoods
borders, it is not uncommon for the In the northeastern parts of the western Wigenbona – meaning “twig house” in
people of the highlands to take up arms Darkwoods, close to the lower hills of the Dwarvish. It consists of about twelve
and defend themselves against Trolls and Great Iron Tooth, there is a small colony cobblestone huts and cottages buried
other dark creatures that find their way of Borjornikka Dwarves. The Dwarves beneath the moist and damp earth of the
down from the forest into Mittland for live just below the moss-covered earth forest, housing somewhere around twenty
plunder. For that reason, the clans have floor of the forest, in little cobblestone individuals, most of them hunters or
raised a number of smaller watchtowers huts and cottages hidden by large rocks warriors from Graydeep in the Stormlands.
here and there upon Skaftafijell. The and branches of fir. The Dwarves are The settlement is well hidden, and difficult
largest tower is in the outpost of Hveig, led by Kvolugain Stonewatch, an old to find by anyone who isn’t a Borjornikka
where Clan Lady Undis resides with her Borjornikka hunter as rough as dragon Dwarf specifically from the sub-kingdom
family and warriors in a stone keep. scales. He and his little clan of about of Grimgnistur in Graydeep. If there is
The Cursed Blade attacked the kingdom with savagery in life is unimaginable, its skeleton
At last the characters stand before the and roaring molten breath of fire, and towers over the characters like a titan
huge Rokjärn gates behind which the the Dwarves were unprepared for the of old. They feel very, very small and
last Thune of Dirbozvo imprisoned the attack. Glimmyrgjarn never made it suddenly insignificant, despite their
cursed runeblade known as “Krovabonh”. to the runeblade, he was the last to be accomplishments. Could they hope to
The gates are ten meters tall and twenty slain by Krovabonh before the characters stand against a creature like this ever and
meters across, decorated with many faces, find the sword. However, before he died, live to tell the tale?
figures, and creatures. In the middle of the dragon did manage to break down Beyond the skeletal dragon awaits
the gates, two huge carvings of dragons the Rokjärn gates protecting it. As the no great monolithic hall or polished
meet each other, and their flames seal the characters arrive at the gates, they find treasure room. This is nothing more
gates shut. them broken down and scorched, with than a huge cave with unpolished
Or at least that’s what the gates once a huge skeleton of a Jarnwurm lying and raw walls of blackest stone. The
looked like. in the middle of them surrounded by a characters can see for several hundred
In the beginning of the Age of meter high piles of Buratja skeletons meters into the cave as it is well lit,
the Queen, a great Jarnwurm known and rusted weapons and armor. A truly amazingly enough, by great pillars of
as Glimmyrgjarn came to Dirbozvo awe-inspiring and disturbing sight to stone and iron within which logis were
to steal the blade Krovabonh. He behold. The might of the Jarnwurm once fettered by soot black chains. They
The player characters are now cursed by the Dwarven god Yukk to
carry the sword Krovabonh. As they leave the ruins of the kingdom of
Dirbozvo, they are immediately surrounded by the late Tuva Sothi’s
Arks and taken prisoner. All characters including the Accursed are
disarmed, and the Arks outnumber them severely.
The runeblade is stolen away from them, tongue, though, and if there is a Dwarf in and bring with them what feels like icy
and on the backs of thorn beasts they are the party, he’ll communicate with them a daggers that cut through the character’s
taken to Arkland in the far north of the lot. During such interactions he’ll often skin. The Wildfolk are dressed for the
Iron Mountains. mention a place called “Borgoverthu”, weather, but they won’t share their warm
near the limestone caves in Arkland, and furs with the characters.
asks if the Dwarven character has been Suddenly, the sound of a great horn
Prisoners of the A rks there or knows how to get there. Goshov echoes throughout the forest, and the
The journey to Arkland in the north doesn’t know much about it, but he says characters can hear the thorn beasts
is long and hard, even when traveling that he’s heard that’s where the Buratja shriek in response. The Arks grab their
on the backs of thorn beasts soaring Dwarves live. weapons and start barking at each other
through the ice wind sky. As prisoners, However painful, the characters stay and running around the encampment.
the characters are treated extremely with the Arks isn’t very lengthy. One Everything happens very quickly. From
poorly. When travelling on the thorn night, as they have made camp in the their wooden jail cell, the characters can
beasts, they are fastened by iron chains northern Darkwoods, the characters see armored men and women charging
to their rider, and when resting they have been thrown in an improvised into the fire light of the encampment
are most often tied around a big tree or wooden cell guarded by three Ark on dark horses. Their armors is icy
rock or thrown into a muddy ditch. The warriors. Goshov is out hunting for blue, their cloaks are white, and their
characters are only allowed to sleep for food with his best warriors and hunters, helmets are crested with dragons. The
two hours per night, the Arks beat or and he’s left his young daughter in characters can also see that a great white
torture them to keep them awake. command over the encampment. The frost dragon is embroidered on their
The Ark in command is a large man thorn beasts are not far, they never are, banners and etched on their shields and
named Goshov. He wears parts of a Hrim but the characters can’t see them right breastplates. They look like knights. The
Troll’s skull as a helmet, and he carries a now. Even though its low summer, the mounted newcomers quickly overwhelm
huge hunting spear woven with human characters have now travelled so far the Arks and storm the encampment.
hair. He’s an apparent cannibal, as are north in Trudvang, only hours away The Wildfolk try to hold their ground,
many of his kin, and he likes to torture from the the Great Iron Mountains, but they don’t stand a chance against the
the characters by eating human body that snows have begun to fall, and they knights and their sharp, castle-forged
parts and forcing them to watch. Goshov feel very cold most of the time. The swords and strong war steeds. The thorn
isn’t very talkative, and doesn’t even winds coming down from the mountains beasts return, and the knights turn
understand much Vrok or Rona, only a rattle the trees of the Darkwoods as if to face them. Just then, the characters
few words. He can speak the Dwarven they were shaken by an invisible giant, notice something glittering at the edge
1 4
2 The Farm
3 1. Wooden Hall
2. Stables and Sheds
3. Mill
4. Underground spring
For the first night the characters The Secret of B elgost soon reveal itself so that it might be
spend at Nemanhallr there is a great The old Hwitalja weaver Belgost is hindered. For now, Belgost is deep in
feast of the Elves happening. There troubled by dark thoughts and long thought.
is singing and dancing there, and travels. He has spent over a year in Since the characters arrived at
merriment in plenty. The characters Silvtronder to the far west, but recently Nemanhallr in the company of the Elf
are welcomed by Jarmio himself, who has returned to his homeland after Aitolé and his family, Belgost will not
is a happy fellow with nothing but being called by his distant sister’s son, suspect any ill-intent on their part. As
nice things to say about the characters who is a servant to the king of Dark- long as the characters play their cards
being in his hall. He introduces them Mundor in Majnjord. Upon returning well, and do not mention Rautakappu,
to his ten children and his three wives to Mittland, Belgost has encountered or any other details about their quest
and his two male lovers and bids them the second daughter of Neman, the for Krovabonh, the old weaver will not
to sit at his grand table and tell of East Wind Ainvildur. Ainvildur is think that they are the threat that he is
their many travels. He is fascinated afraid and distressed, and she has looking for against Ainvildur the East
by their stories, and has a broad told Belgost that someone is after her, Wind. If the characters engage Belgost
emotional spectrum unlike anything wishing to trap her or otherwise harm in conversation, he will seem very
the characters have ever seen. He her. She doesn’t know where or when tired and absent-minded, as if he’s not
laughs hard at their jokes, and cries they will come for her, but she knows really present in the hall. He doesn’t
dramatically at the sad parts. that she must stay hidden at all costs or eat anything, and Jarmio will often
Also, at the grand table sits a very a horrible fate shall befall the Elves of make remarks that there is not vitner
old man in robes and furs, almost half Trudvang, who they both love dearly. in the whole world that can substitute
asleep. He has a great bushy white beard Belgost is troubled by these portents, for a good boiled chicken’s head. But
and long flowing white hair. He seems as and by the secret he carries. For before Belgost doesn’t want any, he just wants
ancient as an old oak in the forest, and she went away, the East Wind told more wine from the servants.
he leans, even when sitting down, on a Belgost where she is hiding so that he Let this part of the story be as open
huge wooden staff from which are hung might protect her and keep evil spirits as possible, and let the characters
many talismans and eagle feathers. This from her. The old vitner weaver can’t direct the action. The farm lies open
is the Gandhman Belgost, and he is tired make any sense of it, and he is hoping for them to explore, and there are many
and weary. that the threat to Ainvildur will people here they can talk to. Elves from
One-handed heavy weapon WA IM PV/BV Weight Damage Quality
Mitraka Stakk Swerd 3 -3 9/90 1.2kg 1d10 (OR 8-10) Master: +1 SV to use this sword, +2 CP is
locked to the sword
Plate armor PV/BV Heft MM Weight Quality
Zvordorkûm-maki styled armors 13/130 1 0m 5.6 kg Special: The PV is 24 against normal fire
and 20 against magical fire.
The Cursed Rune to pry the magical runes from its blade Suddenly, the silence is broken by a hellish
When the characters emerge from the using mighty pinchers and hammers, the shriek. All the Dwarves in Nifulong clasp
dark and misty tunnel that connects sword lies silent and still. their ears and writhe their sooty bodies in
Nidavellir and Nifulong, they are met by One by one, the runes are removed, and pain. The Accursed feels terror overcome
a great gathering of the Buratja Dwarves. by the magical chanting and whispering them. Then, the demonic cackling laughter
At first, they are hard to make out, dark of the great Thuul Pryyndur, their magic of a maniac echoes throughout the caves of
and jagged like the rocks they are, but fades from Trudvang and turns to nothing the Dwarves, and the very firmament of the
soon they all gather together in a low and more than floating embers that the rune mountain trembles like thunder. The molten
foreboding throat-song for the characters. priest catches in his sooty hand and stows iron in the forge suddenly shifts in hue
Their many voices make the pebbles away behind his ears. There, their mighty and turns into purest and reddest blood –
dance. There is also the Thuul Prynduur, glow fades into nothingness. The jewels smoking from the heat. Then, a thunderous
who emerges from the darkness carrying and precious stones inlaid upon the hilt voice echoes throughout the kingdom for all
necklaces of brightest silver for the of the sword are also removed, and given Dwarves to hear.
characters. He hangs them around their to messengers to carry away to other
necks, and mumbles something that the parts of Tvologoya where the Dwarves “Do you think you could deceive me? Do
characters cannot hear. After a moment count their treasures in great vaults and you think you could defeat me? Fools!
of silence, Prynduur speaks to them. chambers, unknown to Man or Elves. Thieves! Craven! I am the shadow of
Lastly, the naked Rokjärn blade is carried your world. The destroyer of reality. The
“Snake has gone. Kutjatti is fulfilled. with great respect across the smithy, and great snake that will eat the universe!
Now, runes must die.” laid in the middle of the greatest furnace Flee now, as best you can – worms! Flee,
in all of Nifulong. There, with the sword flee, flee for your miserable little lives!”
The characters follow the Buratja resting upon the molten bed, the Dwarves
Dwarves back to the forges where the whip the furnace into such a raging storm From the blood sizzling in the forge
Mitraka blades were forged. There, of heat that not even the sword forged bed erupts a huge shadow that envelops
under ceremonious and mystical by dragon’s blood can withstand it. the entire room. For a moment, nobody
circumstances, the Dwarves attempt to Finally, after many hours of chanting and can see anything, and the entire world
unmake the Ironblood sword Krovabonh. working the air vents of the furnace, the is engulfed in utter darkness. Then, two
The powers of Yukk are no longer there sword melts away, and is gone from the scarlet eyes appear in the far darkness, and
to protect the sword, and the Accursed realm of Trudvang. It is done. After all, they gaze like intense, molten rubies upon
can no longer hear the sword whisper the characters are free. the characters. A moment of silence, a low
to them. Even as the Dwarves begin For a moment. growl, and then a huge explosion erupts
* Ca
The Limestone
Grapinir * ella
S k a l l*g r i n * *K a r d k
l *S k a l p e t o p p
T o r n* f a l
p *
* Torngal T h e m i t r a k a *M Thang
Huve * kejp
k w o o d
0 200 400 km
In your session you can chose to cut the Wildfolk. Joklagard lies in the north As the characters arrive at Huve, there
through this journey quickly, summarizing of Arkland, in the area that borders the is a meeting happening of two local clans
it as a hard ordeal that wears heavily on Great Ice Plains, a day or two’s march that are making sacrifice to the dark gods
the characters. Or, you can choose to play from where the characters enter Arkland. of Haminges, to ask for a good raid in the
this out day by day, night by night, and let Moromhildar says that they must not lands of the south. They have gathered
the characters make their way through the be seen by anyone while they are here. many Bastjurs in chains here, and even
forest on their own and experience it in Should the savage Arks learn of their some Human prisoners from Westmark,
detail. Or something in between. Whatever presence, they will be vastly outnumbered, ready to be slaughtered on the icy stone
you do, it is important that the characters and surely be captured, killed, or worse. tablets in the name of demons and chaos
understand that the journey is not an On their journey north, the troupe stays serpents. The characters must attempt to
easy one. They should encounter plenty on the western side of Arkland, as the sneak past the cultists gathered, followers
of monsters and Wildfolk that attempt to eastern parts of the land is very densely of the giant god Vigan, to avoid becoming
stop them, capture them, or eat them even. populated, with many settlements and offerings themselves. Sneaking past the
Whatever the case, the characters mustn’t fortresses of the Wildfolk. The most cultists is not an easy thing, and most
reach the borders of Arkland unscathed critical part of the journey is when they likely the characters will fail at this task,
and rested. They should be wounded, must pass the infamous Huve. since they are in a very open and exposed
weary, tired, and hungry. Huve is really in practice just a gathering environment, tired and weary, and leading
of very large rocks. There is no keep here, their horses and gear along in the waist
there are no towers and no battlements. high snow. All the characters must sneak
Arkland Nor is the place owned by any chief or held past. If they fail the skill roll, they will
At long last, the characters arrive at the by any warlord. It is simply a gathering draw the attention of the Wildfolk cultists,
borders of Arkland, where the Darkwoods place for all the Arks, and an important and an intense chase will ensue.
pass into the nameless mountain chain one at that. It has become a place where the
that borders the Great Ice Plains and Wildfolk can meet to share spoils of raids The Chase
the realm of Trudvang. This is a harsh and battles. It is a place where business is If spotted by the cultists, they will
and unforgiving landscape. The forests settled among the savages, where deals are take up the chase for the characters on
are dark and full of unspeakable horrors. struck, and where rituals are conducted. sleighs dragged by ravenous wolves. The
The snow lies thick, the mountains are Sacrifices are also common at Huve. This distance is measured in abstract “distance
black and icy, and nigh on impassable. is the only place where the characters can units”. Depending on how poorly the
Moromhildar says she has only been find passage northeast that will lead them characters failed their sneak attempt, the
here a few times before, but that it was further along to Joklagard, otherwise they chase will start with a distance unit of 4-6
enough to make her wish to never come would have to pass by heavily protected units. The characters must increase the
back again. But she can remember where fortresses and lookout points further east. distance to 10 units, slay their enemies,
they need to go to find the mountain pass Such an expedition would surely end in the or destroy their sleighs to move on. At
that will lead them away from the eyes of death of the characters. the beginning of each combat round, a
Rautakappu now has his high seat. The are up to the players. Use the places and
Treasures at Joklagard
old giant has built a formidable stone and encounters listed below as a framework to
wood fort around the ice tower, made up guide the story, and feel free to expand or Rautakappu is clad in many rings of
of many buildings and houses for animals, shorten wherever it feels appropriate to bronze, silver, and iron. The metal in
slaves, and other ill-doings. Surrounding the session at hand. The most important these have a total value of 200 silver
it all is a great ringed wall of wood and story bits are called out. coins, but a skilled craftsman can earn a
stone that has a single gatehouse, facing When the characters are exploring lot more from it if forged into something
south. Joklagard is only reachable by a Joklagard, you should roll on the table that a buyer is willing to pay for.
great ice bridge that stretches across below to see where Rautakappu is located. In his master bedroom, Rautakappu
the Storm’s Eye lake to the southern keeps the Alfarka famous sword
gatehouse. Using a magical password RAUTAKAPPUS’ LOCATION “Eveningstar” that was carried by the
that only Rautakappu knows, the bridge 1d10 Rautakappu is... Elven hero Johiho.
can be lowered into the cold water of the 1 wandering about the yard.
lake to protect the fort from intruders. It ✦ Eveningstar: Legendary Elven
2 in the kitchen.
is nigh on impossible to reach the fort by Arming Sword in Alfark Wood. WA 3,
boat across the lake, as anything less than 3 tending to his sleigh. IM -2, PV/BV 9/90, Dmg 1d10 (OR
an immense ship would be torn asunder 4 eating in the dining hall. 9-10), value 1900 sc, weight 0.7 kg, +3
by the strong currents, and smashed upon 5 torturing the Elves in the stockades. CP locked to this sword.
the drifting blocks of ice. Suffice it to 6 sleeping – snoring loudly.
say that nobody enters, or indeed leaves, Tossed away like trash in the basement,
7 paying his respects at the
Joklagard without the will of Rautakappu. the characters can find a suit of Alfarka
Consider the following part, up until wood armor that also once belonged to
“Souls and iron”, as an open story. There 8 visiting Elsa. Johiho (PV/BV: 4/40, Heft: 2).
are pre-designed sections that should 9 out and about with his sleigh. He
occur during the characters’ stay at will return shortly.
Joklagard. But how the characters get 10 out on a longer trip. The 1. The Tower of Ice
there, and what events happen before and characters can explore for 1d6 In the center of Joklagard stands
after to lead into those story sections, hours before he returns. the only remaining structure of the
The story has come to an end, but Player characters: AP Player characters: AP
many questions yet remain. Whatever Explore a named location in +10 Returning the East Wind to -25
happened at the end, did the characters Skaftafijell Rautakappu
make the right decision? Did they create Learn Oytun’s secrets +15 Finding the secret gate +25
a new curse of runes and a new weapon Meet Undis Gudrugla +5 Finding Tvologoya +50
to trap souls – or did they trust in the Find the dwarves at Wigenbona +10 Arriving at Yetzin +15
spirit of Nimatetsya to safeguard the
Battle Kvistlaf for the first time +10 Meeting the Eigle Thuuls +5
world from Glimmyrgjarn and the wrath
of Krovabonh? Kill Kvistlaf - 30 Traversing the Bifhrust +15
If the characters killed Glimmyrgjarn, Entering Dirbozvo + 20 Forging a Buratja sword +20
what did they do with the soul-forged Finding Krovabonh +10 Finding Yukk +15
weapon? Killing Tuva Sothi +20 Breaking the curse +100
And whatever happened to the
Breaking free from the Arks +5 Escaping Tvologoya +10
Dwarves of Tvologoya? Where did
they go after the dragon laid low their Arriving at Oustoyga +5 Arriving at Nore +5
kingdom? Befriending the Knights of Avold +5 Departing for Arkland +5
Where did the Farje Wind take Elsa? Learning the legend of Rautakappu +5 Surviving the journey to Arkland +15
Is she truly safe with him? Finding Rautakappu + 15 Escaping the cultists +5
What about the Farje Winds threat to
Meeting Aitolé and his companions +5 Arriving at Joklagard +10
the characters? Will he pursue them?
Befriending Jarmio +5 Visit a location in Joklagard +5
Befriending Belgost +15 Summon the Farje Wind using the +25
Adventure Points horn atop the tower of ice
The game master should distribute Defeating Belgost +20 Obtain the keys of Boroballar +25
adventure points in accordance to the Learning Belgost’s secret +25 Craft a regular soul-forged weapon +50
table below and with the guiadence from Finding Torpo +10 Craft a flawed soul-forged weapon -50
the Game Master’s Guide throughout
Defending Torpo +15 Best Rautakappu at one of his +15
the campaign.
Meeting the Norgavaina +20
74 | epilogue
One-handed heavy weapon WA IM PV/BV Weight Damage Quality
Krovabonh 2 -5 8/NA* 2.5 kg 1d10 (OR 8-10) Legend:
*the sword is unbreakable.
appendix | 75
when you’re at your most vulnerable, determined by the Game Master, the instead of their intended target. If they
you’ll see something glitter in between character who wielded the sword will pass, the character attacks the target
the stones and shrubbery – a shimmering have a violent and dark nightmare. A they intended normally. Once engaged,
hilt - and Krovabonh will present itself nightmare full of dread and horror, the bloodthirst lasts until the fight is
to you when all else has failed, forcing death and dismemberment and brutal over.
you to wield it once more. On other violence. Utter chaos made real.
occasions it will be there waiting for you After they awaken in a cold sweat,
after a particularly horrible nightmare, the purpose of their Psyche check Rune of Fire Blood
resting solemnly upon your chest. It is will come into play. If they passed The third rune of Krovabonh enchants
a mystery how Krovabonh returns to the roll, the character is disturbed it with a magical property that activates
the wielder over and over again, but one by the dream – like a normal person whenever the wielder rolls an open roll
thing is certain: you’ll never be able to be would be. However, if the character on the damage die. Upon activation, the
rid of the sword. No matter if it is thrown fails the Psyche roll, they find that blade of the sword glows more intensely
from the highest mountain or dropped they actually enjoy the nature of the of scarlet than ever before. Gashing into
in the hottest river of lava. It cannot be dream, even though it was violent and the flesh of their foe, it causes their blood
destroyed by any means known to Men bloody. Slowly, for every failed Psyche to be lit aflame, and burns the foe from
or Elves. check using Krovabonh, the character the inside out – causing 1d10 damage
will be overtaken by more and more and 1d5 additional damage every 1d6
sinister thoughts. Eventually, after 10 action rounds.
Rune of Yukk failed Psyche checks, from separate When a person is killed in this way,
The second rune was not inscribed by encounters, the character that wields their soul is consumed by the sword in
any Thuul or craftsman, but by the the sword will be given the ability whirls of ash. Such eaten souls are never
serpent god Yukk himself. Yukk was called Bloodthirst. allowed to rest in their afterlife, leaving
offended by the way the king Nimatetsya behind only a gray-colored, shriveled,
brutally executed the Jarnwurms and Bloodthirst and wrizened husk of a corpse in this
used their blood to craft the sword When the character rolls a 10 on the earthly world.
Krovabonh. To punish the king, Yukk damage die, they enter a bloodthirsty Logiwurms, Logis, and muspeljotuns
inscribed his rune upon the sword in rage and lose control over themselves. are immune to the damage of this ability.
secret – and like a snake it would slither They fight like a mad animal, screaming
inside the Thune’s mind and slowly at the top of their lungs, unable to
poison it to a point beyond saving. The tell friend from foe, as their eyes turn NPCs
same fate will befall anyone who wields blood red. When the character rolls The characters will encounter many
the sword. to hit with an attack in this state, they NPCS throughout the campaign. Here
Every time the blade takes a life, the must pass a Situation Roll with SV 12 they are catalogued with a brief character
wielder must pass a sa Situation Roll modified by Psyche to avoid attacking description and appropriate statistics for
with SV 10 modified by Psyche. After their friends. Should they fail the check, the game master to use as is or to modify
an amount of time has passed that is the character attacks their closest ally for their needs.
76 | appendix
Ainvildur Ark
Movement: 2 CP per 1m (Max 10 m, max 9 m in armor)
“Winds guide you.” Body Points: 35
Damage Levels:
Ainvildur is the name given to the Flowra of the East Wind 1-9 (0) / 10-18 (-1) / 19-27 (-3) / 28-35 (-7) / > 35 (dying)
and the daughter of Nema. She travels all year from east to west Character Traits: Strength + 2, Constitution +1, Charisma -2
and then back again and she answers the jojk of Aino the old Skills: Care SV 1, Entertainment SV 1, Faith SV 1, Knowledge SV 1,
Lauladaling elf hero. Because of her allegiance with the elves, Shadow arts SV 6, Vitner Craft SV 1, Wilderness SV 7
Ainvildur is fleeing from Rautakappu who wishes to catch her Agility SV 8 Battle Maneuver 1 (Combat Movement 1),
and trap her in his magical sack. Horsemanship 2
Fighting SV 10 Armed Fighting 2 (1H Heavy Weapons 1,
Movement: 2 CP per 1m (Max 10 m) 2H Weapons 2), Battle Experience 1 ( Armor
Body Points: 28 Bearer 1, Combat Reaction 1)
Damage Levels: Equipment: Tvei Axi (WA 2, IM -6, PV/BV 9/90, DMG 1d10 OR
1-7 (0) / 8-14 (-1) / 15-21 (-3) / 22-28 (-7) / > 28 (dying) 8-10+2 Strength), Fur Armor (PV/BV 2/20, MM -1, IM -1)
Character Traits: Charisma +2, Perception +1 Initiative: +2 (Battle Experience 1, Combat Reaction 1, armor -1)
Skills: Agility SV 6, Care SV 1, Entertainment SV 1, Faith SV 1, Combat Points: Free 11 / Armed 2 (1H Heavy Weapons 2, 2H
Fighting SV 6, Knowledge SV 10, Shadow arts SV 6, Vitner Craft SV 6 Weapons 4)
Wilderness SV 10 Geography 3 Samples of attacks:
Initiative: +/-0 (IM -4) Tvei Axi: SV10, SV7
Combat Points: Free 6
The Arks are battle-hardened and fearless. Many of them
have seem to have seen too few winters. They are a terrible foe
Aitolé to fight as they attack their opponents without any regard to
their own safety. All of them fight to the death.
“This place is not safe. We must move switfly.”
appendix | 77
Belgost Borjornikka Ranger
Use these stats for the Dwarves of Wigebona or for any other
Strategies Dwarven scout or explorer you may need.
Belgost’s main combat strategy is to lure his enemies into a
trap and then unleash his spells upon them. If confronted, he Movement: 2 CP per 1m (Max 8 m)
will try to delay the battle by engaging in conversation while Body Points: 30
secretly vyrding in order to improve his chances. He could Damage Levels:
for example cast ’Bind’ or ’Rust’ on the PCs´ weapons so that 1-8 (0) / 9-15 (-1) / 16-22 (-3) / 23-30 (-7) / > 30 (dying)
they can’t be drawn or are destroyed before they even know Character Traits: Perception +2, Psyche +1
what’s going on. If Belgost is aware that he is being followed Skills: Entertainment SV 1, Faith SV 1, Knowledge SV 7, Vitner
he will try to make sure that the confrontation takes place Craft SV 1
in an advantageous environment for his casting, perhaps by Agility SV 8 Battle Maneuver 2 (Combat Movement 2, Evade 3)
taking a high ground or somewhere that makes him difficult Care SV 8 Handler 2 (Commander 2)
to reach in melee. He primarily fights with vitner and only Fighting SV 10 Armed Fighting 2 (1H Light Weapons 2 Bows &
uses the staff as a secondary weapon, for example when forced Slings 2), Battle Experience 1 (Combat Actions 2,
into melee or when he no longer is able to cast. Combat Reaction 2)
The East Wind Ainvildur, the daughter of Nema, is hiding Shadow arts SV 8 Shadowing 1 (Finding & Spotting 1, Camouflage
at Torpo – an ancient sacrificial and spiritual site that was & Hiding 2)
raised by the ancient bysentian lords high up in the sooty Wilderness SV 8 Nature Knowl. 1 (Botany 1), Hunting Experience 2
mountains long before the tenant of Nid came to Westmark. (Tracker 2, Wilderness Signs 2)
The characters who are learned about the land will know that Equipment: Dwarven Iron Split Axi (WA 4, IM -3, PV/BV 7/70,
this is a place of inexplicable happenings and dark magic. A Damage 1d10 OR 10), Veidi Bogi (WA 3, IM -2, PV/BV 2/20, Damage
sanctuary for the Flowra Morgu where the old masters and 1d10 OR 10, Ranges 2-30m/31-80 m)
lords of Bystent used to commit sacrifice in their honor. The Initiative: +4
East Wind has hidden there because she suspects it is the last Combat Points: Free 11 / Armed 2 (1H Light Weapons 4, Bows &
place anyone would look for her. Slings 4) / Combat Actions 4
Samples of attacks:
Movement: 2 CP per 1m (Max 10 m) (IM +2) Split Axi: SV10, SV7
Body Points: 30, (IM +3) Veidi Bogi SV10, SV7
Damage Levels:
1-8 (0) / 9-16 (-1) / 17-23 (-3) / 24-30 (-7) / > 30 (dying)
Character Traits: Constitution -2, Psyche -1, Intelligence +2, Borjornikka Warrior
Charisma +1 Use these stats to represent all kinds of Dwarven warriors, like
Skills: Care SV 1, Entertainment SV 1, Faith SV 1, Knowledge SV 7 Tvologoya’s guards or the Grimgnistur fighters led by Rorthram
Agility SV 8 Battle Maneuver 2 (Combat Movement 2, Evade 3) Trollstooth.
Fighting SV 10 Armed Fighting 2 (1H Light Weapons 3),
Battle Experience 1 (Combat Actions 2, Combat Movement: 2 CP per 1m (Max 8 m, 6 m with armor)
Reaction 1) Body Points: 33
Shadow arts SV 7 Shadowing 1 (Finding & Spotting 1) Damage Levels: 1-9 (0) / 10-17 (-1) / 18-25 (-3) / 26-33 (-7) / > 33
Vitner Craft SV 10 Call of Vitner 2 (Hwitalja 3, Vitner Habit 1), (Dying).
Vitner Shaping 2 (Sejding 2, Vitner Runes 1, Character Traits: Constitution +1, Strength +2.
Vyrding 2) Skills: Care SV 6, Entertainment SV 1, Faith SV 1, Knowledge SV 7,
Wilderness SV 8 Nature Knowledge 1 (Botany 1) Shadows Arts SV 7, Vitner Craft SV 1, Wilderness SV 6
Equipment: Captital Staaf (WA 4, IM -3, PV/BV 4/40, Damage 1d10 Agility SV 7 Battle Maneuver 1 (Evade 2, Ironclad 2).
(OR 10) +1 to Vitner Craft SV), Fighting SV 10 Armed Fighting 2 (Right 1H Heavy Weapons 2,
Vitner Points: 60 Shield Bearer 2, Bows & Sling 1), Battle
Vitner Tablets: Soil Craft level 5, Vitner of Objects level 2, Power of Experience 1 (Armor Bearer 3, Fighter 2).
Thought level 2 Equipment: Dwarven Iron Staaf Spjót (WA 3, IM -3, PV/BV 5/50,
Initiative: +2 (Battle Experience 1, Combat Reaction 1) Dmg 1d10 OR 9-10+2 Strength), Krossbogur (WA 1/6, IM -5, PV/
Combat Points: Free 11 / Armed 2 (1H Light Weapons 6) / Combat BV 5/50, Dmg 1d10 OR 8-10, Range 1-80, 81-160), medium Dwarven
Actions 4 Iron-reinforced Shield (WA 2, IM -2, PV/BV 8/80), Bogemurgla Full
Samples of attacks: Armor (PV/BV 8/80; Heft 8 reduced to 6, MM -2 m, IM -2).
(IM +/-0) Staaf: SV10, SV9 Initiative: -1 (Battle Experience 1, -2 Armor).
78 | appendix
Combat Points: Free 11 / Attacks & Parries 4 / Armed 2 (1H Right Body Points: 31
Heavy Weapons 4, Shields 4, Bows & Slings 2). Damage Levels:
Samples of attacks: 1-8 (0) / 9-16 (-1) / 17-24 (-3) / 25-31 (-7) / > 31 (dying)
(IM -6) Staaf Spjót SV 11, SV 10, Shield SV 15 Character Traits: Charisma +1, Constitution -1, Perception +1
(IM -6) Krossbogur SV 19 Skills: Agility SV 6, Faith SV 1, Vitner Craft SV 1, Wilderness SV 5
Care SV 7 Tradesman 1 (Peasant 1)
Entertainment SV 8 Music & Dancing 2 (Singing & Playing 2),
Boroballar, the ogre guard Storytelling 2
Boroballar is a rough-looking ogre serving under the giant Fighting SV 8 Armed Fighting 2 (1H Light Weapons 2)
Rautakappu. Knowledge SV 7 Culture Knowl. [Wildfolk] 1 (Customs & Law 1)
Shadow arts SV 8 Shadowing 2 (Finding & Spotting 1)
Type: Humanoid; Size: 2t; Equipment: Seax (WA 4 , IM -1, PV/BV 5/50),
Movement: Land 2 CP per 2 m (Max 20 m) Initiative: +0
Natural Armor: 1; Combat Points: Free 8 / Armed 2 (1H Light Weapons 4)
Religion: Haminges; Samples of attacks:
Initiative: -2 (Dexterity) (IM -1) Seax: SV7, SV7
Fear Factor: 1d10.
Body Points: 59
Damage Levels: Dragon Knight of Avold
1-15 (0) / 16-30 (-1) / 31-45 (-3) / 46-59 (-7) / >59 (Dying) These brave warriors are the last survivors of an ancient order
Character Traits: Constitution +2, Dexterity -2; Strength +4 vowed to fighting dragons and darkness, while serving the
Feats: Mood (See Jorgi’s Bestiary p.166) Gavlian faith.
Skills: Agility SV 5, Care SV 4, Entertainment SV 3, Faith 4, Shadow
Arts SV 7, Vitner Craft SV1. Movement: 2 CP per 1m (Max 10 m, max 8 m in armor)
Fighting SV 7 Armed Fighting 2 (One-Handed Heavy Body Points: 34
Weapons 2; Two-Handed Weapons 2); Battle Damage Levels:
Experience 1 (Armor Bearer 1; Fighter 1); 1-9 (0) / 10-18 (-1) / 19-26 (-3) / 27-34 (-7) / > 34 (dying)
Unarmed Fighting 1 (Brawling 1; Wrestling 1) Character Traits: Constitution +1, Strength + 1
Knowledge SV 5 Language 1 (Mother Tongue (Bastjumal) 3) Skills: Care SV 5, Entertainment SV 1, Faith SV 1, Knowledge SV 8,
Wilderness SV 7 Hunting Experience 1 (Hunting and Fishing 1); Shadow arts SV 1, Vitner Craft SV 1, Wilderness SV 7
Survival 1 Agility SV 8 Battle Maneuver 2 (Ironclad 2), Horsemanship
Equipment: Tvei Klubb (WA 2, IM -5 PV/BV 6/60, Damage 2D10 2 (Riding 3)
(OR 7-10)+4). Fighting SV 10 Armed Fighting 2 (1H Light Weapons 1, 1H
Combat Points: Free 8/ Attacks & Parries 2 / Armed 2 (One- Handed Heavy Weapons 1, Shield Bearer 2), Battle
Heavy Weapons 4, Two-Handed Weapons 4) / Unarmed 1 (Brawling 2, Experience 1 (Fighter 1, Armor Bearer 3,
Wrestling 2). Combat Actions 3)
Samples of attacks: 2 actions per 1 round Equipment: Barda Makir (WA 3, IM -5, PV/BV 7/70, Damage
Unarmed SV 8, SV 5 1d10 OR 9-10 +1 Strength), Staaf Spjót (WA 3, IM -3, PV/BV 4/40,
Weapon SV 10, SV 6 Damage 1d10 OR 9-10 +1 Strength). Medium Shield (WA 2, IM -2,
PV/BV 5/50), Double Chain Mail (PV/BV 8/80, Heft 8 reduced to 6
due to Ironclad 2, MM-2, IM -2). )
Bryoni Initiative: -3 (Battle Experience 1, Armor -2)
Combat Points: Free 11 / Attacks & Parries 2/ Armed 2 (1H Light
“Let me tell you a story to get us to the other side of the night. Weapons 2, 1H Heavy Weapons 2, Shield Bearer 4) / Combat Actions 6
What say you?” Samples of attacks:
(IM -8) Staaf Spjót: SV10, SV7; Medium Shield: SV 8, SV7
Bryoni is an old man that once used to be an aspiring skald and (IM -10) Barda Makir: SV10, SV7; Medium Shield: SV 8, SV7
storyteller. But that was before he was taken prisoner by the
Gudruglas. Now, after many years of penniless enslavement, The Dragon Knights of Avold are mounted warriors in heavy
he serves as the Warden at the stockades of Hveig for fair armor. They have Capable battle trained horses that which
payment. means that by spending 6 combat points at the start of the turn,
they receive +4 when attacking their unmounted opponents
Movement: 2 CP per 1m (Max 10 m9 while such enemies get –4 on their attacks against them.
appendix | 79
Eien-Sullimo Fylke, the Giant Ogre
Larger than a normal Ogre, Fylke certainly got some giant blood
“....” running in its veins, as it demonstrates not just its size, but the small
horns on its head. Fylke is a loyal retainer of Rautakappu.
Not much is known about Eien-Sullimo as she is one of the
mysterious Norgavaina – the beautiful amongst the dwarves. Type: Humanoid; Size: 4t
All we know is that she is very old and very strangely beautiful. Movement: Land 2 CP per 4 m (Max 40 m)
Natural Armor: 1
Movement: 2 CP per 1m (Max 10 m) Initiative: -5 (Dexterity -4, Armor -1)
Body Points: 28 Fear Factor: 1d10 (OR 9-10). Body Points: 100
Damage Levels: Damage Levels: 1-25 (0) / 26-50 (-1) / 51-75 (-3) / 76-100 (-7) / >76
1-7 (0) / 8-14 (-1) / 15-21 (-3) / 22-28 (-7) / > 28 (dying) (Dying)
Character Traits: Charisma +4, Constitution -2, Intelligence +4 Character Traits: Dexterity -4; Strength +6
Skills: Agility SV 8, Care SV 1, Entertainment SV 1, Faith SV 5, Equipment: Crooked Saber (WA 3, IM -5 PV/BV 18/180, Damage
Fighting SV 8 Shadow arts SV 8, Vitner Craft SV 1 3D10 OR 8-10 +6 Strength), Buckler (WA 3, IM -1, PV/BV 8/80),
Knowledge SV 10 Cultural Knowledge [Dwarves] 5, Language 5 Black Leather Armor (PV/BV 4/40, MM -1m, IM -1).
(Mother Tongue [Futhark] 5, Foreign Tongue Natural Weapons: Unarmed 2d10 (OR 9-10) +6 Strength.
[Bastjumal] 2, Foreign Tongue [Ancient Combat Points: Free 10/ Armed 2 (1H Right Heavy Weapons 4,
Rona] 1, Foreign Tongue [Ancient vrok] 1, Shields 4) / Unarmed 1 (Brawling 2, Wrestling 2).
Foreign Tongue [Dragearthian] 1 Samples of attacks:
Wilderness SV 8 Geography 3 (IM -11) Crooked Saber SV 16, Buckler SV 14
Initiative: +/-0 (IM -5) Unarmed SV 13
Combat Points: Free 8
Farje hrimvurm
This Frost Dragon is just a manifestation of the Farje Wind “Goshov - kill!”
Goshov is the chieftain of the band of Arks that kidnap the
Type: Quadruped winged creature; characters. Like many of those he holds sway over, Goshov is a
Size: 7t; cannibal that prefers to eat the body parts of humans whenever
Movement: Land 2 CP per 14 m (Max 28 m); Flying 2 CP per 14 m he can get ahold of them. It’s an unusual taste, but something
(Max 42 m); that is quite common amongst Arks such as himself. Despite his
Initiative (base): -4; rough exterior, Goshov is afraid of many things. Storms, fire,
Fear Factor: 1d10 (OR 7-10). and above all else he fears the sorcery of Vitner.
Body Points: 204
Damage Levels: Movement: 2 CP per 1m (Max 10 m, max 9 m in armor)
1-51 (0) / 52-102 (-1) / 103-153 (-3) / 154-204 (-7) / >204 (Dying) Body Points: 35
Character Traits: Perception +2 Damage Levels:
Feats: Hidden, Hrim Body, Hrim Breath (SV 13), Night’s Sight, 1-9 (0) / 10-18 (-1) / 19-27 (-3) / 28-35 (-7) / > 35 (dying)
Thermal Sight. Character Traits: Constitution +1, Strength + 2, Psyche -2, Charisma -2
Natural Weapons: Skills: Care SV 1, Entertainment SV 1, Faith SV 1, Knowledge SV 3,
Bite damage 3d10 (OR 8-10) +6, IM 0 Shadow arts SV 1, Vitner Craft SV 1, Wilderness SV 5
Claws damage 3d10 (OR 8-10) +6, IM 0 Agility SV 8 Battle Maneuver 1 (Combat Movement 1),
Hrim Breath damage 2d10 (OR 8-10), IM -4 Horsemanship 2
Number of Rounds to Spread Combat Points: 3 Fighting SV 10 Armed Fighting 2 (1H Heavy Weapon 1, 2H
Combat Points: Weapons 2), Battle Experience 1 (Fighter 2,
Free: 10; Natural Weapons: Bite 10, Claws 13 Armor Bearer 1, Combat Reaction 1)
Samples of attacks: Equipment: Hunting Spear (WA 3, IM -3, PV/BV 4/40, Damage
3 actions per 3 rounds 1d10 OR 9-10 +2 Strength). Tvei Axi (WA 2 , IM -6, PV/BV 9/90,
Bite SV 12; Claws SV 12, SV 9 Damage 1de10 OR 8-10 +2 Strength), Fur Armor (PV/BV 2/20, MM
-1, IM -1)
Initiative: +2
80 | appendix
Combat Points: Free 11 / Attacks & Parries 4/ Armed 2 (2H Fighting SV 10 Armed Fighting 3 (Bows & Slings 4, 2H Light
Weapons 4, 1H Heavy Weapons 2) Weapons 3), Battle Experience 2 (Armor Bearer
Samples of attacks: 2, Combat Reaction 2)
(IM -4) Tvei Axi: SV11, SV10 Shadow arts SV 8 Shadowing 2 (Hiding & Camouflage 2, Walking
in Shadows 1, Finding & Spotting 1)
Wilderness SV 8 Nature Knowledge 2 (Animal Friend 2) Survival 2
Jarmio Equipment: Tve Bogi (WA 2 , IM -4, PV/BV 3/30, Damage 1d10
OR 8-10, Ranges 2-70/71-150 m), Seax (WA 4 , IM -1, PV/BV 5/50,
“Come sit by my side! Come drink from my cup!” Damage 1d10 OR 10), Capital Fur Armor (PV/BV 2/20, MM -0, IM -0)
Initiative: +6 (Battle Experience 2, Combat Reaction 2)
Jarmio is the eccentric lord of the woods and the hall known as Combat Points: Free 12 / Armed 3 (Bows & Slings 8, 1H Light
Nemanhallr. He bears a strawberry blond beard and a belly full Weapons 6) / Combat Actions 4
of ale and food. Jarmio is quick to let people into his hall and his Samples of attacks:
life and he welcomes all strangers like close friends or long-lost (IM +2) Tve Bogi: SV13, SV10
siblings. He also has a way with animals, as if he could speak their (IM +5) Seax: SV10, SV 6, SV5
appendix | 81
Kvistlaf Lesser Dragon-shaped Logi
These are minor fire spirits, resembling dragons, although at a
“They can bend, or they can break.” much smaller scale.
82 | appendix
Moromhildar Character Traits: Constitution +1, Intelligence +1
Skills: Agility SV 6, Entertainment SV 1, Faith SV 1, Shadow arts SV
“The forests speak to you. You need only open your ears to hear 5, Vitner Craft SV 1, Wilderness SV 4
it.” Care SV 8 Handicraft 2 (Hard Materials 2) Tradesman 1
Fighting SV 7 Armed Fighting 1 (1H Light Weapons 1)
Moromhildar is also a proud knight of the house of Avold, Knowledge SV 6 Culture Knowl. [Dwarves] (Lore & Legends 1,
stationed by Oustoyga under the command of Wiggon Avold. Customs & Law 1) Language 1 (Foreign
She is a Barkbrule, a half Korpikalli elf, and thus she has a deep Tongue [Futhark] 1, Foreign Tongue [Rona]
connection with nature and is as much a ranger as she is a knight. 1, Mother Tongue [Wild Vrok] 3
She often keeps watch over the wilderness for the Dragon Knights Initiative: +/-0
of Avold and informs them about the comings and goings in the Combat Points: Free 7 / Armed 1 (1H Light Weapons 2)
dark woods of the western lands.
appendix | 83
After the deceit of the Vanir during the war with the dragons, voices of the trapped children...
the tribe of korpikallis known as Lauladalings stole/brought
(there are many conflicting sources on this detail) one of the Size: 8t;
mysterious stones of sagas from the illmalaini elves with the Movement: Land 2 CP per 8 m (Max 64 m);
purpose of reinstating their old land. With the hero Aino as Initiative (base): -4;
their leader and with the power of the stone of sagas in their Fear Factor: 1d10 (OR 7-10).
clasp the elves slew the hrimtursirs one by one, only Rautakappu Body Points: 232
survived after his mother hid him beneath icy waters. Aino and Damage Levels:
the Lauladalings razed the old castle of Rautakappu’s family to 1-58 (0) / 59-116 (-1) / 117-174 (-3) / 175-232 (-7) / >232 (Dying)
ruins and left none alive, not even the babes suckling at their Character Traits: Strength +8
mothers’ teats. Then Aino and the elves called the winds of Feats: Fire weakness, Frenzy, Grip, Horn Throw, Hrim Body (See
Trudvang to them to seek their aid. The winds did come, and Jorgi’s Bestiary p.132-134)
they were wrathful. For the tursirs had laid low the forests Skills: Faith SV 3, Knowledge SV 8, Shadow Arts SV7, Vitner Craft
and mountains that the winds had flown through in ages past SV 1, Wilderness SV 10
and they promised to forever carry the magical song, the jojk, Agility SV 7 Horsemanship 2 (Driving Wagon 2)
of Aino over Trudvang so that the tursirs could nevermore Care SV 10 Handicraft 3 (Hard Materials 4)
ravage the land. Only the Farje Wind, the wind of the Great Ice Entertainment SV7 Gambling 2 (Game Strategist 1, Great Gambler 1)
Plains, refused the elves. As is bid by ancient tradition, when Fighting SV10 Battle Experience 5, Fighter 5
summoned by the horn of the Lauladalings he did come, but Armor (Chainmail): 10;
after listening to Aino and the elves the Farje Wind named Weapons:
the hrimtursirs as their brothers and kin and swore wrathful Unarmed: 2d10 (OR 8-10) + 8, Initiative: 0.
vengeance on the other winds and the elves. Two-Handed Weapon: 4d10 (OR 7-10) + 8, Initiative: -5/-7
Since then, Rautakappu has been a returning figure in the Number of Rounds to Spread Combat Points: 3
legends and sagas of the elves of Trudvang. The sagas tell of Combat Points: Free 10 / Attacks & Parries 15
how Rautakappu in his clothes of iron, riding his sled pulled by Samples of attacks: 2 actions per 4 rounds, Weapon SV 15, SV 10
mastomants, tries to lure the elves into the pits and holes where
the winds cannot reach. He is told to be fond of eating elves and Rautakappu’s enchanted arm ring turns him invisible,
humans and trapping them in his giant sack. He’s a trickster meaning that characters must pass a difficult (-7) Shadow Arts
and a deceiver who likes games, riddles and competitions which skill roll with the Finding & Spotting specialty in order to
he is spelled to be rather good at. In this context any elf can see him while he stands still, and a normal skill check against
recall that the sagas of their kin mention Rautakappu as a friend Finding & Spotting when he moves.
of the dwarves and an ally of the ancient smiths and Thuuls. It
is said and sung that it was them who taught Rautakappu how
to forge living souls into iron, a horrible fate for those whom Rorthram Trollstooth
it befalls. Brave and violent, this famous Zvorda warrior’s only aim is to fulfil his
The Hrimtursir Rautakappu is very old but he carries the duty: to find Dirbozvo and protect any other Dwarf.
hunger and anger of a youngling. He was born in what is today
known as northfrost around the age of the queen. He’s the last Movement: 2 CP per 1m (Max 6 m)
remaining of a long and proud line of giants that were destroyed Body Points: 40
long ago by the korpikalli tribe known as the Lauladalings Damage Levels: 1-10 (0) / 11-20 (-1) / 21-30 (-3) / 31-40 (-7) / > 40
and their leader Aino. He hates elves, all elves, and he curses (Dying).
their names by day and dreams of their destruction by night. Character Traits: Constitution +2, Strength +4.
However, Rautakappu is a great friend and ally of the dwarves Skills: Care SV 8, Entertainment SV 1, Faith SV 1, Knowledge SV 7,
of Tvologoya and especially the current Thune of Nifulong, the Shadows Arts SV 8, Vitner Craft SV 1, Wilderness SV 8
lowest level of Tvologoya also known as Nifelheim to humans Agility SV 10 Battle Maneuver 1 (Evade 3, Ironclad 5).
and elves. Fighting SV 10 Armed Fighting 2 (Two-Handed Weapons 4),
Underneath his thick mastomant furs, Rautakappu wears Battle Experience 2 (Armor Bearer 3, Fighter
a gigantic chainmail, the shirt of iron from which his name 2), Unarmed Fighting 2 (Brawling 3).
derives. Although he always travels in snow and frost, the Equipment: Rauku, Masterful Mitraka Tvei Hammri (WA 2 turned
armor never seems to rust for some reason. Elven legends to 3, IM -6, PV/BV 13/130, Dmg 1d10 OR 7-10 +4 Strength, +1 SV,
claim that each time Rautakappu captures an elven child, he +2 CP locked to it), Masterful Bogemurgla Full Armor (PV/BV 9/90;
forges their soul into the next link. Only Rautakappu knows Heft 6 reduced to 1, MM 0, IM 0).
the truth of this tale, but some who have heard the rattle of his Initiative: +2 (Battle Experience 2).
mail claim that if you listen carefully enough, you can hear the
84 | appendix
Combat Points: Free 12 / Attacks & Parries 4 / Armed 2 (2H Movement: Land 2 CP per 6 m (Max 18 m); Flying 2 CP per 12 m
Weapons 8) / Unarmed 2 (Brawling 6). (Max 36 m);
Samples of attacks: Natural Armor: 3;
(IM -4) Rauku SV 16, SV 10. Initiative (base): +4;
Fear Factor: 1d10 (OR 7-10).
Body Points: 153–188
Skaftafijell Clansman Damage Levels (for 171 BP):
Use these stats to represent generic human warriors from all the clans 1-43 (0) / 44-86 (-1) / 45-129 (-3) / 130-171 (-7) / >171 (Dying)
in the area, whether they are Porkinga, Gudrugla or Hegla. Feats: Night’s Sight, Terrifying Stench.
Movement: 2 CP per 1m (Max 11 m, 10 m with armor) Natural Weapons:
Body Points: 32 Bite damage 2d10 (OR 8-10)+6
Damage Levels: 1-8 (0) / 9-16 (-1) / 17-24 (-3) / 25-32 (-7) / > 32 Claws 2d10 (OR 9-10)+6
(Dying). Number of Rounds to Spread Combat Points: 3
Character Traits: Dexterity +1 Combat Points: Free 7; Natural
Skills: Agility SV 7, Care SV 6, Entertainment SV 5, Faith SV 1, Weapons: (Bite 6; Claws 14);
Knowledge SV 7, Shadows Arts SV 8, Vitner Craft SV 1, Wilderness SV 9 Samples of attacks: 3 actions per 3 rounds
Fighting SV 8 Armed Fighting 1 (Right 1H Heavy Weapons 1 Bite SV 12; Claws SV 8, SV 7
2, Shield Bearer 2, Bows & Sling 2), Battle
Experience 1 (Armor Bearer 1, Fighter 1). For more information regard the Thorn Beast, see page 25
Equipment: Staaf Spjót (WA 3, IM -3, PV/BV 4/40, Dmg 1d10 OR in Jorgi’s Beastiary.
9-10), Tve Bogi (WA 2, IM -4, PV/BV 3/30, Dmg 1d10 OR 8-10,
Range 2-70, 71-150), medium shield (WA 2, IM -2, PV/BV 5/50), Fur
Armor (PV/BV 2/20, MM -1 m, IM -1). Tuva Sothi
Initiative: +1 (Dexterity +1, Battle Experience 1, -1 Armor).
Combat Points: Free 9 / Attacks & Parries 2 / Armed 1 (1H Right “Bring me blood. Blood for the blood queen.”
Heavy Weapons 4, Shields 4, Bows & Slings 4).
Samples of attacks: Tuva Sothi – also known as the Blood Queen - is the
(IM -4) Staaf Spjót SV 16, Shield SV 13 wildfolk chieftain of the savage Arks. Her name brings fear
(IM -4) Tve Bogi SV 16 into the hearts of many from Fjaal to the Stormlands and
her reputation precedes her wherever she goes. Tuva hates
outsiders and his afraid of Dwarves. She loves her thorn beast
as intensely as some love their dogs.
The Farje Wind
“By ice and by snow.” Tuva is an incredibly aggressive fighter, in part due to her
Thornroot addiction but mostly because of her culture. She will
The Farje Wind is the spirit and the flowra of the northern try harm or kill opponents as quickly as possible in order to even
most wind of Trudvang. In old times, the Farje Wind was the the odds and will dart back and forth in order to make it more
only of the four winds to refuse the call of Aino the hero of the difficult to attack her. She will prioritize attacking weaker and
Lauladalings and side with the ferocious Hrimtursirs in the war less armored opponents if possible before engaging the greater
with the elves. When summoned by an ancient horn that carries threats. She will also make use of the ‘Feint’ combat action in
Aino’s magical jojk, the Farje Wind must come and listen to order to make her attacks more difficult to parry. She will only
what the one who blew the horn has to say. try to parry attacks if pressed by a powerful opponent. Tuva
The Farje Wind appears before the material people of the is affected by the Thornroot (page 92, Game Master’s Guide)
mortal world like an avatar of ice. A slender man made entirely when fighting, the GM can roll to decide to which extent by
from blue and crystalline ice and snow. Their eyes are white, using the table on page 89 in the Game Master’s Guide.
and their laughter is cold.
Movement: 2 CP per 1m (Max 12 m, max 11 m in armor)
Body Points: 38
Thorn beast Damage Levels:
Type: Winged creature; 1-10 (0) / 11-20 (-1) / 21-29 (-3) / 30-38 (-7) / > 38 (dying)
Age: 70, max 150; Character Traits: Strength + 4 Constitution +2, Dexterity +2,
Size: 6t; Charisma -2
appendix | 85
Skills: Entertainment SV 6, Faith SV 8, Knowledge SV 6, Shadow Undis Gudrugla
arts SV 9, Vitner Craft SV 1, Wilderness SV 9
Agility SV 8 Battle Maneuver 2 (Combat Movement 3, Evade 2), “Bring me their heads. They’ll make fine soup bowls.”
Horsemanship 2 (Riding 3)
Care SV 7 Handler 3 (Commander 3) Undis is the clan lady of the Gudruglas in Skaftafijell. She is
Fighting SV 10 Armed Fighting 3 (2H Weapons 5), Battle a mighty and strong woman who knows what she wants and
Experience 3 (Fighter 4, Armor Bearer 1, doesn’t take no for an answer. It’s been long since a man sat on
Combat Actions 3, Combat Reaction 3) the throne of bones in Skaftafijell and so Undis is one in a long
Equipment: Masterful Quality Tvei Axi (WA 2(4) , IM 4-, PV/BV line of female leaders. As her wife and lover, she takes a lady
10/100, Damage 1d10 OR 8-10 +4 Strength), Capital Quality Fur named Alhwa who once was a prisoner of war from Majnjord
Armor (PV/BV 2/20, MM -0, IM -0) taken on a raid. Throughout the years they have come to love
Initiative: +11 (Battle Experience 3, Combat Reaction 3, Dexterity +2). each other intensely.
Combat Points: Free 13 / Attacks & Parries 8/ Armed 3 (2H
Weapons 10) / Combat Actions 6 Movement: 2 CP per 1m (Max 10 m, max 9 m in armor)
Samples of attacks: Body Points: 34
(IM +7) Tvei Axi: SV12, SV12, SV10 Damage Levels:
1-9 (0) / 10-18 (-1) / 19-26 (-3) / 27-34 (-7) / > 34 (dying)
Character Traits: Strength + 2, Psyche +2, Intelligence +1, Charisma -1
Uggin of Guashov’s blood Skills: Agility SV 6, Entertainment SV 1, Faith SV 1, Knowledge SV 7,
Vitner Craft SV 1, Wilderness SV 9
“The blood is strong.” Care SV 8 Handler 2 (Commander 2)
Fighting SV 10 Armed Fighting 2 (2H Weapons 4), Battle
Uggin of Guashov’s blood is a proud Dwarf and a revered Eigle Experience 3 (Fighter 3, Armor Bearer 2,
Thuul of Yetzin. To be an Eigle Thuul – the most revered Combat Actions 2)
amongst the rune priests of the dwarves – is considered a Shadow arts SV 7 Shadowing 2
formidable honor and Uggin and his ilk’s are treated like royalty Equipment: Breid Spjót (WA 2(3), IM -5, PV/BV 7/70), Fur Armor
by their people. When Glimmyrgjarn lays waste to Tvologoya, (PV/BV 2/20, MM -1, IM -1)
it is Uggin that leads the people to safety in Bysente. Initiative: +1
Combat Points: Free 13 / Attacks & Parries 6/ Armed 2 (2H Weapons
Movement: 2 CP per 1m (Max 8 m) 8) / Combat Actions 4
Body Points: 30 Samples of attacks:
Damage Levels: (IM -4) Breid Spjót: SV10, SV10, SV9
1-8 (0) / 9-16 (-1) / 17-23 (-3) / 24-30 (-7) / > 30 (dying)
Character Traits: Psyche +1, Intelligence +4
Skills: Agility SV 5, Entertainment SV 1, Shadow arts SV 8, Vitner Wiggon Avold
Craft SV 1, Wilderness SV 5
Care SV 10 Handicraft 2 (Hard Materials 5) “By my life or death, I will protect you.”
Faith SV 10 Divine Power 3 (Faithful 3, Powerful 3), Invoke 2
(Thuul Forging 4) Wiggon is an honorable Dragon Knight. Hailing from Westmark
Fighting SV 7 Armed Fighting 1 (2H Weapons 1), Battle and the house of Avold, Wiggon comes from a long and proud
Experience 2 (Fighter 2) line of warriors. He is the son to the lord of the house, Porokild
Knowledge SV 10 Cultural Knowl. [Dwarves] 3 (Lore & Legends 2, Avold, and he commands the eastern outpost of Oustoyga in the
Customs & Law 3, Religion 3), Language 3 Darkwoods by the sooty mountains.
(Foreign Tongue [vrok] 1, Foreign Tongue
[Rona] 1, Mother Tongue [Futhark] 4, R&W Movement: 2 CP per 1m (Max 10 m, max 7 m in armor)
[Futhark] 4) Body Points: 34
Divinity Points: 61 Damage Levels:
Divinity Tablets: Borjorn’s Hand, level 3 (level 3 of the rune inscribed 1-9 (0) / 10-18 (-1) / 19-26 (-3) / 27-34 (-7) / > 34 (dying)
on Uggin’s belt), Healing Rune, level 3 (level 3 of the rune inscribed on Character Traits: Constitution +1, Strength + 1
Uggin’s belt), Labyrinth Blood, level 4 (level 4 of the rune inscribed in Skills: Entertainment SV 1, Faith SV 1, Knowledge SV 8, Shadow arts
a jewelled necklace), Power of Repair, level 3 (Uninscribed) SV 6, Vitner Craft SV 1, Wilderness SV 7
Equipment: Tvei Hakk (WA 2, IM -6, PV/BV 8/80) Agility SV 8 Battle Maneuver 2 (Ironclad 2), Horsemanship 2
Initiative: Initiative +2 (Battle Experience 2) (Riding 3)
Combat Points: Free 9 / Attacks & Parries 4/ Armed 1 (2H Weapons 2) Care SV 8 Handler 1 (Commander 2, Sage 1)
86 | appendix
Fighting SV 10 Armed Fighting 2 (1H Light Weapons 1, 1H Yukk’s Snake
Heavy Weapons 1, Shield Bearer 2), Battle Type: other;
Experience 1 (Fighter 1, Armor Bearer 4, Size: 7t;
Combat Actions 3) Movement: Land & Water 2 CP per 3 m (Max 24 m);
Equipment: Barda Makir (WA 3, IM -5, PV/BV 7/70, Damage Natural Armor: 4;
1d10 OR 9-10 +1 Strength), Staaf Spjót (WA 3, IM -3, PV/BV 4/40, Initiative (base): -4;
Damage 1d10 OR 9-10 +1 Strength), Medium Shield (WA 2, IM -2, Fear Factor: 1d10 (OR 10).
PV/BV 5/50), Capital Full Plate Armor (PV/BV 10/100, Heft 10 Feats: Constricting (SV 10), Hylja, Paralyzing Stare
turned to 2 due to Ironclad, MM -3 m, IM -3) Body Points: 150
Initiative: -5 Damage Levels (for 95 BP):
Combat Points: Free 11 / Attacks & Parries 2/ Armed 2 (1H Light 1-38 (0) / 39-77 (-1) / 78-114 (-3) / 115-150 (-7) / >150 (Dying)
Weapons 2, 1H Heavy Weapons 2, Shield Bearer 4) / Combat Actions 6 Natural Weapons:
Samples of attacks: Bite Damage 3d10 (OR 9-10)+6 IM: 0
(IM -5) Staaf Spjót: SV10, SV7; Medium Shield: SV 8, SV7 Number of Rounds to Spread Combat Points: 3
(IM -9) Barda Makir: SV10, SV7; Medium Shield: SV 8, SV7 Combat Points: Free 7; Natural Weapons: 11
Samples of attacks:
Bite SV 10, SV 8
Wildfolk cultist
Movement: 2 CP per 1m (Max 10 m, max 9 m in armor)
Body Points: 33
Damage Levels:
1-9 (0) / 10-17 (-1) / 18-25 (-3) / 26-33 (-7) / > 33 (dying)
Character Traits: Constitution +1, Perception +1
Skills: Care SV 1, Entertainment SV 1, Faith SV 8, Knowledge SV 5,
Shadow arts SV 6, Vitner Craft SV 1, Wilderness SV 7
Agility SV 8 Battle Maneuver 1 (Combat Movement 1)
Horsemanship 2 (Driving Wagon 1)
Fighting SV 8 Armed Fighting 2 (1H Light Weapons 1,
Bows & Slings 2), Battle Experience 1 (Combat
Reaction 1)
Equipment: Veidi Bogi (WA 3, IM -2, PV/BV 2/20, Damage 1d10
OR 10, range 2-30 m/31-80 m), Split Axi (WA 4, IM -3, PV/BV 6/60,
Damage 1d10 OR 10)
Initiative: +3
Combat Points: Free 9 / Armed 2 (1H Light Weapons 2, Bows &
Slings 4)
Samples of attacks:
(IM +/-0) Split Axi: SV13
(IM +1) Veidi Bogi: SV15
appendix | 87