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120 Dungeon Traps Rooms and Events

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120 Dungeon Traps Rooms and Events

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D20 D6

1 Pit filled with 1 acid

2 nothing
3 sludge
4 spikes
5 venomous creatures
6 water
2 Pressure plate releases 1 a rolling boulder
2 blades
3 crushing walls
4 darts
5 flames
6 poison gas
3 The floor 1 collapses
2 is a creature
3 is frictionless
4 is invisible, but can be walked on
5 is spring-loaded
6 tilts into another room
4 A shelf 1 contains a clue or key
2 holds a cursed book
3 holds a full potion bottle
4 holds a spell scroll
5 holds poisoned food
6 is a secret passage
5 Suddenly 1 a gust of wind blows out the torches
2 the doors all close and lock
3 the room begins filling with sand
4 the statue here animates and attacks
5 you all become very sleepy
6 you sink into the ground like quicksand
6 A locked chest 1 can't be unlocked but has gold inside
2 contains cursed treasure
3 holds a potion bottle
4 holds a spell scroll
5 is actually a mimic
6 unlocks with difficulty but is empty
7 A tripwire 1 made of a vine triggers strangling vines
2 releases the trapped monster
3 drops a cage over you
4 slams the doors shut and locks them
5 triggers a decrepit and ineffective trap
6 sounds an alarm alerting the denizens
8 A one-way portal to 1 a random room (splits the party unless holding hands)
2 a treasure trove
3 death
4 the beginning of the dungeon
5 the stomach of a monster
6 underwater
9 A door 1 leads to this same room, no way out
2 that opens to a solid wall
3 that requires a password
4 trapped with explosives
5 with a large keyhole in the center
6 with a riddle in order to open
10 A peculiar room where 1 gravity is reversed
2 it is utterly dark and all lights are ineffective
3 the walls imprison living monsters
4 time outside does not pass while inside it
5 you all have strange prophetic visions
6 you must walk backwards to go forward
D20 D6
11 In this cavern 1 grow crystals of various sizes and colors
2 grow phosphorescent mushrooms
3 is a clutch of large eggs
4 is a disused mine with an overturned cart
5 lives a monster who is thankfully not home
6 runs a magical or cursed spring of water
12 A treasure 1 guarded by a sleeping monster
2 inside an ooze or gelatinous cube
3 that animates and attacks if touched
4 that is illusory and conceals a pit
5 that there is surprisingly nothing sinister about
6 with a curse that is not immediately apparent
13 A lever that if pulled 1 causes monsters to fall from the ceiling
2 causes the room to begin filling with water
3 changes something elsewhere in the dungeon
4 opens a pit beneath the lever
5 opens a secret door
6 starts a countdown, which resets if pulled again
14 On a pedestal sits a 1 candelabra that if lit reanimates the skeletons on the floor
2 crystal ball that views other parts of the dungeon
3 fountain with magical or cursed water
4 mirror that sees through clothing, closed boxes, etc.
5 summoning altar that makes monsters until destroyed
6 valuable diamond with razor-sharp facets
15 This room is the 1 great hall
2 kitchen and pantry
3 laboratory
4 living quarters
5 storehouse
6 temple of evil
16 A tricky monster that 1 gets worse if attacked (splits into more, gets tougher, etc.)
2 has a weakness removed or an unexpected extra ability
3 is a doppelganger of a PC or familiar NPC
4 is verbally controlled by enemy, but will listen to party as well
5 looks like a tough monster, but is a disguised easy one
6 looks like an easy monster, but is a disguised tough one
17 Someone is here: 1 A lost explorer who has survived by his ability to turn invisible
2 An aged immortal knight who challenges you to a battle of wits
3 Asking for help, but is a decoy and not actually in distress
4 Kidnapped peasants, victims for experimentation or sacrifice
5 The corpses of less fortunate adventurers who came before
6 The designer of the dungeon, imprisoned by his master
18 Temptation: 1 First time is a benefit, all subsequent times are injurious
2 Glass pillar of coins, if broken, party is buried alive in coins
3 Hand in the dark opening is the only way to open the door
4 Rope for swinging across chasm, the rope is sliced to break
5 Tiny door, shrinking potion nearby, shrinking doesn't wear off
6 Whoever labeled the box "Do Not Open" wasn't kidding
19 Combat Complications: 1 Chased back through an area of traps already traversed
2 Fog
3 Marbles on the floor, flying enemies
4 One of the PCs is mind controlled to fight the others
5 Portcullis closes and splits the party
6 Sneezing powder
20 Miscellaneous: 1 Elevator/Staircase
2 Giant spiderwebs
3 Glue on wall/door/item
4 Logic puzzle
5 Trap affects all except the person triggering it
6 You hear a click, but nothing happens

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