Alareeni Hamdan 2020
Alareeni Hamdan 2020
40 2,627
2 authors, including:
Allam Hamdan
Ahlia University
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All content following this page was uploaded by Allam Hamdan on 30 July 2021.
1. Introduction
Early in the 21st century, well-known cases of financial failures in the USA had a severe
negative impact on the US and global economy, raising the emergence of the 2008 global
financial crisis. The global financial crisis shook markets international causing an economic
problems requiring a high level of intervention by authorities and causing a wide range of
social concerns (Nicholson et al., 2011). The financial crisis raised concern regarding farms’
ethical behaviour, accountability risk oversight and capability to strategically attract a wide
range of investors (Galbreath, 2013). In addition, it cast doubt on corporate reporting and
disclosure as a credible source of information on firms’ going-concern (Alqallaf and
Alareeni, 2018).
Issues of disclosure have long been an inherent part of the life of firms. Disclosure is a
crucial link in our economies, and the availability of information about companies is
essential for investors and other stakeholders to make proper capital allocation choices and
avoid any imminent danger. A higher level of disclosure can help attract capital and
maintain confidence in stock markets. In contrast, a lower level of disclosure and an unclear
picture of firms can lead to manipulation, unethical behaviour and damage of market
integrity at a high cost to firms, stakeholders and the economy (OECD, 2004). Received 20 June 2020
Revised 13 September 2020
2 October 2020
Given frequent financial scandals, as part of firms’ strategy and in response to pressure 2 October 2020
from authorities, NGOs and stakeholders, more firms now strictly comply with Accepted 6 October 2020
(Richardson, 2009; Hahn et al., 2010). Therefore, it is important to focus on all ESG
dimensions when testing their impact on FP.
However, a limited number of ESG studies focus on all three dimensions of ESG and their
impact on firms’ performance in a single setting (Gillan et al., 2011; Yeom, 2012; Balatbat
et al., 2012; Galbreath, 2013; Pasquini-Descomps and Sahut, 2014a, 2014b; Sahut and
Pasquini-Descomps, 2015; Sharma and Thukral, 2015; Tarmuji et al., 2016a, 2016b;
Nassar, 2018; Ali et al., 2018). The findings of these studies include conflicting perspectives
and inconclusive findings as to whether ESG and their dimensions have a positive, negative
or neutral association with FP.
This section divides ESG studies, FP-related, into four categories:
3. studies exploring the relationship between the corporate governance disclosure (CG);
4. studies focusing on the overall ESG.
In the second line of studies, Chiong (2010) provided evidence that association between
the environmental disclosure level and FP measured by ROE, growth of revenue and debt
to equity is negative. This follows Smith et al. (2007), who found that EVN is negatively
related with FP. A significant negative relationship among the EVN level and ROA is evident.
Other lines of study have showed evidence that the relationship between EVN and
regulations and FP is low in practice. For example, Elsayed and Paton (2005) measured FP
using ROA, return on sales and Tobin’s Q. They evidenced that environmental disclosure
and regulations had less impact on FP; this evidence is weak.
On top of that, other studies have shown a neutral relationship between FP and
environmental disclosures that do not seem to be connected to profitability (Cowen et al.,
1987; Sarumpaet, 2006; bin Abd. Rahman et al., 2009). Accordingly, we can suggest the
following hypothesis:
H1. EVN affects firms’ performance.
2012b) found that companies with higher CSR have the highest FP. Margolis et al. (2007)
showed that CSR practices help firms earn and increase competitive advantage. They
confirmed a positive relationship between CSR and FP. This is supported by Baird et al.
(2012), who showed that the relationship between firms’ CSR and FP is a significant positive
Many other CSR studies have supported this positive relationship (Barnett and Salomon,
2006, 2012b; Margolis et al., 2007; Wu, 2006).
On the contrary, other lines of studies, for example, Fisher-Vanden and Thorburn (2011),
have provided evidence that CSR and FP have a negative relationship. When the expected
relationship among CSR and FP is U-shaped, the negative relationship could be detected at
an earlier stage of CSR practices, as CSR cost caused the initial downward slope of the U-
Other lines of studies have shown that the relationship between CSR and FP will be neutral;
firms that do have social responsibility practices will have lower cost and then lower price,
while those firms take into consideration social responsibility practices in their production
will suffer from higher costs and, as a result, their prices will be higher (McWilliams and
Siegel, 2001). Accordingly, studies have suggested that CSR does not have an impact on
FP (Patten, 1991; Waddock and Graves, 2000).
To conclude, the above discussion shows that studies’ conclusions have been mixed.
Therefore, the results should be examined from time to time, and further research is
needed. In addition, limitations in these studies open a research gap to be considered,
especially for S&P 500-listed firms. Hence, the following hypothesis is proposed to test the
impact of CSR disclosure on firms’ performance:
H2. CSR disclosure affects firms’ performance.
Other studies such as Bhagat and Bolton (2009) investigated pre-SOX (Sarbanes–Oxley
Act, 2002) and post-SOX relationships among CG and FP. A negative relation was shown
between both variables in the period pre-2002, when SOX was not prevalent and a positive
relationship among both variables in the period post-2002, when SOX was launched. In
Ireland, O’connell and Cramer (2010) deduced that board size has a significant negative
impact on FP. In addition, they found less negative relationship for smaller firms between
board size and FP and a significant positive relationship between FP and the ratio of non-
executives on the board. To test the relationship between CG and FP, we formulate the
following hypothesis:
H3. CG disclosure affects firms’ performance.
2.5 Overview of environmental, social and governance scores
The term “environmental, social and governance” first emerged in the United Nations
Principles of Responsible Investment and then in a number of firms’ CSR reports (Davis and
Stephenson, 2006). Then, it appeared as a result of collaboration among the United Nations
Environmental Program, and the Coalition for Environmentally Responsible Economies,
Global Reporting Initiative was established in 2001 (Galbreath, 2013).
The ESG scores rating market has developed considerably in recent years and is used by
major business consulting firms worldwide. ESG scores are used as major indexes and
overall indicators to identify EVN, CSR and CG practices. Bassen and Kova cs (2008)
argued that ESG scores are significant in delivering ESG information used by investors and
other interested parties in evaluating a corporation’s risks and opportunities. Han et al.
(2016b) reported that scoring indicators of the environment activity, social responsibility and
governance mechanisms are crucial for business and interested parties (Abughniem et al.,
Today, there are three leading international providers of financial and non-financial data
services: Bloomberg, MSCI and Thomson Reuters. Bloomberg is progressively developing
in-house ESG expertise. It enables investors to access raw data and link easily to financial
This study uses data from ESG scores provided by Bloomberg, that collects accurate data
and cares about its reputation for accumulating. The Bloomberg ESG valuation tool rates
and classifies companies’ performance or portfolios. It materializes ESG performance and
categorizes the best and worst companies’ reactions regarding these issues (Han et al.,
However, the Environmental Score (EVN) addresses many issues related to the business
environment and the association between business and society (e.g. CO2 emissions,
energy consumption, energy efficiency policy, total waste and emissions reduction policy).
The Social Score (CSR) measures the firm’s social disclosure information (e.g. fair-trade
principles, gender equality, number of employees, employee turnover ratio, human rights,
product safety, ratio of women in management, ratio of women employees). The CG score
reflects issues related to the CG structure (e.g. board independence, corruption, bribery,
reporting and disclosure, shareholder protection).
As we presented in the literature review, the results are inconsistent regarding the
relationship between ESG practices and FP. We suppose that using the overall ESG score
only may lead to mixed results. Thus, this study considers the impacts of the three ESG
scores (CSR, EVN and CG) on FP individually as well as the overall ESG score.
3. Study methodology
3.1 Study sample
The study sample comprises annual data for all firms listed in the S&P 500 during the period
2009 to 2018. This selection resulted in 4,869 observations derived from 505 listed firms. All
the data used were collected from the Bloomberg. Bloomberg’s ESG disclosure scores are
considered major indices to identify EVN, CSR and CG disclosures S&P 500-listed firms.
Bloomberg’s scoring scale ranges from null disclosure with a score of zero to full disclosure
with a score of 100.
(Brammer et al., 2009; Margolis et al., 2009; Buallay et al., 2020c). Thus, we considered the
overall ESG score in addition to the three separate sub-ESG scores: ENV, CSR and CG.
This classification enabled us to assess which dimension of the ESG score is the key driver
for increasing FP and what variable is most influential on FP.
The study evaluated firms’ performance based on three dimensions, namely, the firm’s
operational, financial and market performance, using ROA, ROE and Tobin’s Q,
respectively. These dimensions were used as dependent variables to state the best
regression model in evaluating the relationship between the study variables.
We also considered firm size, financial leverage, assets turnovers and assets growth as
control variables. The choice of these control variables can be justified by studies that found
firm size, financial leverage, assets turnover and assets growth to be essential control
variables when testing the impact of ESG scores on FP (Andersen and Dejoy, 2011; Han
et al., 2016b; Margolis et al., 2009; Pasquini-Descomps and Sahut, 2014a; Hamdan et al.,
2017; Hamdan, 2018).
Table 2 Descriptive statistics and normality tests of the study variables
Descriptive statistics Normality tests
Variables Mean SD Max Min Skewness Kurtosis Jarque–Bera
Independent variables:
ESG Index 33.166 13.415 76.349 12.397 0.507 2.494 0.000
EVN Index 24.784 17.507 82.171 0.775 0.517 2.419 0.000
CSR Index 27.440 16.631 86.667 3.125 0.586 2.667 0.000
CG Index 57.921 6.619 85.714 21.429 0.778 3.676 0.000
Dependent variables:
ROA 6.523 6.561 46.841 47.240 0.066 10.983 0.000
ROE 18.816 28.160 527.885 221.090 6.223 98.625 0.000
Tobin’s Q 1.900 1.060 9.697 0.615 2.479 11.937 0.000
Control variables:
Firm size (million $) 74,887 236,102 2,572,274 1,012 6.890 56.006 0.000
Financial leverage 3.994 4.370 79.422 1.046 6.636 85.761 0.000
Assets turnover 0.783 0.677 4.792 0.029 2.002 8.291 0.000
Growth 8.489 25.740 654.406 60.660 9.134 164.566 0.000
Source: Bloomberg
around (2) for all variables. To overcome this problem, we took the natural algorithm for all
study variables. Table 2 shows that the mean of ESG disclosure of US companies is
33.166%. In Table 3, we observe that during the study period (2008–2017), an upward
trend is observed in the ESG score (improving from 25.412 to 31.019%) and in all its sub-
components. This showed that the companies tried to increase ESG disclosure and all its
sub-components, but it still needs to be enhanced, and the companies should take actions
to increase this level. Furthermore, in Table 2, the results reveal that the ESG sub-
components have some distinction. The mean of GC disclosure has the highest value
(57.921%) followed by CSR disclosure (27.440%), while EVN disclosure has the lowest
disclosure among the companies (24.784%). This indicates again that US companies
positively practiced CG disclosure and sought to increase this level of disclosure due to its
impact on companies in many aspects. For the EVN and CSR disclosures, the means are
slightly weak, so there is still a gap to be filled to gain the benefits of EVN and CSR
disclosures. This weakness is also supported by the results presented in Table 3, as EVN
and CSR indices did not exceed more than 28.154 and 28.030%, respectively, through the
study period. It is worth mentioning that although the ESG score and the ENV and CSR sub-
components showed a relatively high variance as presented by the standard deviation, this
does not hold for the CG disclosure. This may be because firms differ in their priorities to
commit to EVN and CSR disclosures, while sharing similar governance performance. For
the performance measures, the mean average of ROA has a positive value within the
Independent variables:
ESG Index 25.412 22.078 23.222 25.075 26.676 28.211 29.654 31.223 31.232 31.019
EVN Index 19.808 19.727 21.060 23.188 23.674 25.084 25.725 26.991 27.211 28.154
CSR Index 19.250 15.221 16.432 18.259 20.764 22.587 24.858 26.956 27.350 28.030
CG Index 55.099 53.889 54.298 54.897 55.923 56.298 56.326 57.432 57.139 57.121
Dependent variables:
ROA 7.334 6.990 4.481 5.306 6.919 6.960 6.657 6.922 6.832 5.782
ROE 19.009 17.942 10.834 12.382 17.927 19.700 17.493 19.647 19.455 19.722
Tobin’s Q 2.320 2.224 1.639 1.827 1.967 1.907 1.978 2.222 2.325 2.268
sample used in the analysis (mean = 6.523) (Table 2). A similar positive pattern was
observed for Tobin’s Q and ROE (mean = 1.90%; 18.816%, respectively). Note: ROA, ROE
and Tobin’s Q were not changed significantly during the study period (Table 3). In addition,
during the study period, ROA, ROE and Tobin’s Q reached their lowest values from 2007 to
2009, and lowest values were in the year 2008, 4.481, 10.834 and 1.639%, respectively.
This is due Great Recession period (i.e. 2007–2009).
Table 4 Path analysis for ESG, EVN, CSR and CG levels and performance
ESG Index EVN Index CSR Index CG Index
Performance and
difference tests High ESG Low ESG High EVN Low EVN High CSR Low CSR High CG Low CG
Table 5 Path analysis for ESG based on firm size and financial leverage
Firm size Firm financial leverage
Variables Mean difference by firm size Difference tests Mean difference by firm FL Difference tests
Big firms Small firms t-Statistic Z-statistic High FL Low FL t-Statistic Z-statistic
ESG 32.209 22.711 23.280 23.431 28.860 26.605 5.183 5.369
Obs. 2,281 2,092 (0.000) (0.000) 2,157 2,125 (0.000) (0.000)
CG 57.860 53.863 20.972 21.084 56.686 55.334 6.705 7.039
Obs. 2,281 2,092 (0.000) (0.000) 2,157 2,125 (0.000) (0.000)
EVN 27.862 19.759 13.268 13.085 25.686 23.554 3.393 3.857
Obs. 1,929 1,205 (0.000) (0.000) 1,613 1,481 (0.000) (0.000)
CSR 26.223 17.882 16.937 15.311 23.294 21.353 3.750 2.388
Obs. 2,271 1,992 (0.000) (0.000) 2,119 2,063 (0.000) (0.017)
Note: The difference significance at: *10%; **5% and ***1% levels
Source: Bloomberg
5. Empirical analysis
5.1 Pearson correlation analysis
Table 6 presents the correlation outputs, with a focus on testing the relationships between
the study variables (dependent and independent variables) and among the independent
variables. The results show that there is a significant positive relationship between ESG
index as well as its components (EVN, CSR and CG) indices and ROA, ROE and a negative
relationship with Tobin’s Q. This indicates that firms with high level of ESG have a high level
of operational and financial performance and lower market performance. However, CG is
negatively correlated with Tobin’s Q and positively correlated with ROE. This means that the
higher level of CG, the lower the market and financial performance. Also, EVN and CSR
have a positive correlation with ROA and ROE, which indicates that the higher level of the
EVN disclosure, the higher the operational and financial performance.
To summarize, ESG and its sub-components are highly associated with the study
dependent variables, which could support our study’s hypothesis. The result indicates that
firms with higher level of ESG disclosure have better performance.
ESG 0.784 0.966 0.882 0.026 0.091 0.108 0.204 0.020 0.040 0.108
CG 0.786 0.652 0.674 0.006 0.083 0.126 0.257 0.028 0.099 0.093
EVN 0.967 0.667 0.696 0.024 0.068 0.022 0.182 0.037 0.035 0.086
CSR 0.883 0.665 0.704 0.018 0.082 0.065 0.100 0.021 0.001 0.088
ROA 0.037 0.015 0.060 0.070 0.604 0.450 0.127 0.050 0.319 0.039
ROE 0.097 0.047 0.083 0.115 0.819 0.268 0.061 0.138 0.196 0.001
TQ 0.056 0.100 0.025 0.030 0.714 0.572 0.156 0.021 0.257 0.074
Size 0.424 0.393 0.273 0.271 0.354 0.163 0.534 0.071 0.179 0.026
FL 0.107 0.140 0.064 0.049 0.492 0.013 0.424 0.424 0.035 0.010
Turnover 0.037 0.057 0.024 0.117 0.574 0.496 0.501 0.396 0.317 0.018
Growth 0.158 0.159 0.118 0.114 0.235 0.158 0.224 0.155 0.191 0.079
Note: The difference significance at: *10%; **5%; ***1% levels
Source: Bloomberg
between the fixed effects model and the random effects model. Results obtained from the
Hausman test (p-value = 0.178, 0.457 and 0.157, respectively) led to choosing random
effects model (REM) instead of the fixed effects model (FEM). In other words, the fixed
effects model is inconsistent and that the random effects model is more suitable for this
study. Therefore, this research applied the random effects model, which allows for
controlling unobserved heterogeneity across countries that is fixed over time.
We developed three models to determine whether there are relationships among ESG and
its sub-components’ disclosure and firms’ operational, financial and market performance
and if they are positive, negative or even neutral. Therefore, to test the study hypotheses
and achieve the study aims, Table 7 shows the results of the regression analysis using
panel data. The relationships between the dependent variables and independent and
control variables are shown.
The regression analysis results showed that ROA, ROE and Tobin’s Q models are
statistically significant. Table 7 shows that the p-values of the F-test of all the three models
are less than 5% (0.000), which evidences that the explanatory power of the ROA, ROE and
Tobin’s Q models is high. As shown in Table 7, the results show that the ESG index has a
significant positive relationship with ROA, ROE and Tobin’s Q, as p-values of all the three
models are less than 5% (0.000). This indicates that the impact of ESG is significant and
has a positive impact on the firm’s ROA, ROE and Tobin’s Q. Thus, H4 that suggests that
overall ESG disclosure affects firms’ performance is supported. This reflects that a greater
level of ESG disclosure has a positive impact on the firm’s operational, financial and market
performance. The higher disclosure of ESG enhances the firm’s operational, financial and
market performance. This may be because the yearly variation of the ESG disclosure
enhances the positive image of firms and then performance. This result is in line with some
prior research showing that ESG disclosure is positively related to companies’ performance
(Waddock and Graves, 1997; Sharfman and Fernando, 2008; Albuquerque et al., 2012;
Pasquini-Descomps and Sahut, 2013). This result contradicts other studies suggesting that
there is no conclusive evidence on the relationship between ESG and performance (Eccles
et al., 2012; Orlitzky, 2013; Alareeni, 2018a, 2018b).
Constant 3.009 2.420*** (0.016) 2.130 13.997*** (0.000) 1.760 8.681*** (0.000)
Independent variables
ESG Index 1.137 4.551*** (0.000) 0.067 2.274** (0.023) 0.245 6.203*** (0.000)
EVN Index 0.560 4.271*** (0.000) 0.030 1.945* (0.0518) 0.124 5.978*** (0.000)
CSR Index 0.292 4.787*** (0.000) 0.015 2.160** (0.0308) 0.063 6.558*** (0.000)
CG Index 0.252 4.002*** (0.000) 0.015 2.024** (0.0430) 0.059 5.925*** (0.000)
Control variables
Firm size 0.003 6.583*** (0.000) 0.070 11.49*** (0.000) 0.001 8.099*** (0.000)
Leverage 0.009 1.482 (0.138) 0.045 12.373*** (0.000) 0.002 0.237 (0.813)
Assets turnover 2.937 16.459*** (0.000) 0.384 17.982*** (0.000) 0.348 12.315*** (0.000)
Growth 0.030 7.167*** (0.000) 0.003 0.503 (0.6147) 0.003 4.911*** (0.000)
R2 0.140 0.179 0.112
Adjusted R2 0.138 0.176 0.110
F-Statistic 62.707*** 78.130*** 48.344***
Hausman test
Chi-Sq. 1.062 0.765 1.109
p-value 0.178 0.457 0.157
Note: Symbols mean significance at: *10%; **5% and ***1% levels
Source: Bloomberg
Notably, although the results of testing the impact of ESG on firm’s performance showed a
significant positive impact on the firm’s operational, financial and market performance,
dividing the ESG index provided different results in the relationship with the firm’s
operational, financial and market performance. First, regression analysis found that EVN
disclosure is negatively associated with the firm’s operational and financial performance
(ROE and ROE). A significant inverse relationship among the EVN disclosure level and ROA
and ROE is evident for US S&P 500 companies. These results are in line with Chiong (2010),
who provided evidence that the association between EVN disclosure and firms’ financial
performance measured by ROE is negative. This also follows Smith et al. (2007), who found
that EVN disclosure is negatively related to performance measured by ROA. However, this
result contradicts many other studies suggesting that the relationship between EVN
disclosure, ROA and ROE is positive (Karagozoglu and Lindell, 2000; Majumdar and
Marcus, 2001; Saleh et al., 2011).
It is worthy to note that this result may be because, firms with EVN disclosure practices will
incur higher costs followed by higher prices. This indicates that firm operational and
financial performance has been affected more by EVN disclosure. Also, the results
indicated that EVN disclosure is positively related to firm market performance measured by
Tobin’s Q. This indicates that EVN disclosure is significant for firms listed in US S&P 500
market performance.
Second, the result indicated a significant negative relationship between CSR disclosure and firm
operational and financial performance (ROA and ROE). This may be because firms engaged in
socially responsible practices suffer from more financial costs and have lower operational and
financial performance. This result is in line with studies done by Friedman (1970), Nollet et al.
(2016a) and Buallay (2018), who provided evidence that CSR and firms’ operational and
financial performance have a negative relationship. However, the results showed that the
relationship between CSR and firms’ market performance measured by Tobin’s Q is a significant
positive relationship. This indicates that S&P 500 firms are aware of and consider CSR practices
a main driver for market performance. Accordingly, it can be said that CSR disclosure has a
significance and usefulness for market value of S&P 500-listed firms.
Third, CG disclosure was found to positively affect ROA and Tobin’s Q. A higher level of CG
disclosure practices improves and positively affects operational and market performance.
This means that CG disclosure increases asset efficiency (ROA) and firms’ assets market
value (Tobin’s Q). Of course, this may be due to the fact that a good level of CG is a
significant factor in improving FP in the best interests of stockholders and other interested
parties, limiting agency costs and enabling firms to continue as going-concerns (Fama and
Jensen, 1983). In addition, firms that adapt good CG mechanisms provide more useful
information to investors and other financial statement users to decrease information
asymmetry and help firms enhance operations. This result is in line with some studies
suggesting a positive relationship between CG disclosure and firms’ performance (Bauer
et al., 2010; Hussein and Kamardin, 2016). This result is also supported by Bhagat and
Bolton (2009), who investigated pre-SOX and post-SOX relationships among CG practices
and FP. A negative relation was shown between both variables pre-2002 when SOX was not
prevalent, and a positive relationship was found among both variables in post-2002, when
SOX was launched.
Regarding the relationship between CG practices and ROE, the results showed a
significant negative relationship. This means that CG disclosure decreases financial
performance (ROE). This may be due to the cost of practising and publishing CG
disclosure. This result is in consistent with another study done by Core et al. (2006).
Finally, when it comes to control variables, firm size was found to be positively significant
with ROA, ROE and Tobin’s Q. Large firms have more assets, high-qualified employees and
higher efficiency. Therefore, it is expected their performance will be higher.
For financial leverage, it has a positive and significant relationship with the firm’s financial
performance (ROE). However, the other measures of performance (ROE and Tobin’s Q)
were not found to be significantly associated with financial leverage. This indicates that the
more financial leverage, the higher level of financial performance. This result is in line with
Popli et al. (2017), who reported that leverage can be used as an indication to gain higher
long-term performance.
The results showed that assets turnover is significantly correlated positively with all
performance measures (ROA, ROE and Tobin’s Q). This means the higher assets turnover
in firms, the higher market value of assets (Tobin’s Q), the higher asset efficiency (ROA) and
the higher return on equity (ROE). Moreover, growth was found to be positively significant
with ROA and Tobin’s Q, and not significant with ROE. This means that growth enhances
firms’ operational performance and market value. The results failed to find any relationship
between growth and firms’ ROE.
6. Conclusion
This study aims to determine the impact of ESG on firm performance using data of US S&P
500-listed firms over the period that extends from 2009 to 2018. The study sample includes
4869 observations derived from 505 listed firms.
The independent variables used are the overall ESG, CSR, EVN and GC indices. The
dependent variables are the firms’ operational, financial, performance and market
performance measures (ROA, ROE and Tobin’s Q). The study also used four control
variables such as firm size, leverage, growth and assets turnover.
The descriptive analysis results show that the overall ESG, CSR, EVN and CG tend to be
higher with firms that have high assets and high financial leverage. Further, results showed
that firms with high disclosure levels of ESG, EVN and CSR have higher operational and
financial performance (ROA and ROE). A low level of GC disclosure has a higher level of
operational performance (ROA). However, firms’ market performance (Tobin’s Q) is better in
firms that have a low level of ESG, CSR, EVN and CG disclosure.
Results from the regression models suggest that ESG disclosure had a significant positive
impact on the all firms’ operational, financial, market performance (ROA, ROE and Tobin’s
Q). Considering the sub-components of ESG (e.g. CSR, EVN, CR) provided us different
directions. EVN and CSR disclosure were found to be negatively associated with firms’
operational, financial performance (ROE and ROA) for S&P 500 firms. This may be because
firms engaged in more socially responsible practices suffer from more financial costs and
thus have lower operational and financial performance. However, EVN and CSR disclosure
are positively related to firms’ market performance measured by Tobin’s Q. This evidences
that EVN and CSR disclosure has a significance and usefulness for market performance of
S&P 500-listed firms. Companies use EVN and CSR disclosure as a part of their strategic
planning to create additional value for their product. Effective EVN and CSR disclosure can
attract investors, to increase their willingness to buy and invest, respectively.
Further, CG disclosure was found to positively affect firms’ operational and market
performance (ROA and Tobin’s Q). This indicates that CG disclosure increases the asset
efficiency (ROA) and the firm’s assets market value (Tobin’s Q). This suggests that a higher
level of CG is an important factor in enhancing firms’ performance in the best interests of
stockholders and other interested parties and to enable firms to continue as a going-
concern. Finally, the results show a significant negative relationship between CG practices
and firms’ financial performance (ROE).
The study’s results have important implications for researchers and regulators in the USA
and other developed countries. ESG serves shareholders’ interests in long-run planning,
and considerable resources should be dedicated in this direction, given that ESG
expenditure does not pay off immediately but after a threshold of ESG has been achieved.
Further, it is suggested that regulators such as central banks, auditors and stock market
organizers consider ESG to provide reliable financial information. Added to that, the
stakeholders such as investors recommended increasing their knowledge about the term of
ESG and its importance in the business to make better investment choices (Alareeni, 2019).
Regulators of CG codes can use this study’s results as empirical support for developing
new regulations and amendments and implementing necessary corrective decisions
regarding the effectiveness of applying CG codes in the USA and other developed
One of the key study limitations is that the ESG scores do not consider the kinds of ESG
disclosure a firm uses. Hillman and Keim (2001) showed that different types of ESG can
have different effects on firms’ performance. Further, when different kinds of ESG disclosure
are combined into only one score, the related effects might cancel each other out by
determining the real effect.
It is suggested that further research examine the effects of ESG disclosure for other listed firms,
such those listed in developing countries or for different industries in the USA, which will provide
productive and fruitful comparisons. Further, it would be interesting to examine the moderating
role of some factors on the relationship between ESG and firms’ performance.
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