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M.Des Sample Paper

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Directions (Questions 1-30): Study the following passages to answer the questions that follow each passage. Passage-I ‘The term e-commerce embraces all the ways of transacting business via electronic data. But it is most closely identified with commerce transacted over the internet, and it is the intemet that has put ‘e-commerce near the top of the corporate agenda in the first years of the 21" century. E-commerce is merely an elision of electronic commerce, but it embodies a revolutionary idea: that electronic commerce is qualitatively different from ordinary time-worn commerce, that (in the jargon) there is a paradigm shift in the way that business is conducted in the world of e-commerce. Doing business via the internet is not only much quicker and much cheaper than other methods, it is also thought to overturn old rules about time, space and price. There is the much-vaunted death of distance: a customer 10,000 miles away becomes as accessible as one around the corner. And e-commerce has created the phenomenon of the long tail. Furthermore, economies of scale are undermined. In its April 1999 report “Making Open Finance Pay”, Forrester Research, an American research company gave examples of the way in which the internet had altered the pricing structure of a number of industries, particularly those with high information content. Before the advent of the intemet it cost $ 100 to make an equity market order. Afterwards it cost just $ 15, an 85% fall in price, far more than could ever have been gleaned from traditional economies of scale. This is a revolution for organisations whose structures and strategies have built-in assumptions about relationships between price and volume. Electronic commerce has grown rapidly. Online sales in the United States are reckoned to have grown by some 18% in 2017. ‘The country’s five largest online retailers (often called e-tailers) were Amazon, Staples, Office Depot, Dell and Hewlett-Packard. Dell became a market leader in computers through early use of the internet to sell goods and services direct to consumers, and to buy components from suppliers. Financial service offerings over the internet have also sprouted like mushroom, although security issues have imposed some restraint on the industry. At Charles Schwab, an American retail brokerage firm, it took just three years for online dealing to account for more than half of all its securities trading. For banks, the economic logic of e-commerce is compelling. It has been estimated that a banking transaction over the telephone costs half as much as the same transaction conducted over a counter in a traditional branch, and that an ATM transaction costs a quarter as much. But a banking transaction over the internet costs a mere 1% of an over-the-counter transaction at a branch. E-commerce also allows unknown firms to establish new businesses cheaply and rapidly, and to compete with old-timers. This they do not provide only by cutting prices and offering wider choices, but also by allowing consumers to make real-time price comparisons and to switch rapidly (and frequently) to the cheapest provider. This control that consumers have over prices has led some analysts to predict that e-commerce can at best only ever be a low-margin business, and at worst a no-margin business. 1, The word elision used in the passage means (1) Omission (2) Abbreviation (3) Contraption (4) Slang 2. Which of the following audiences would find the above passage most useful ? (1) Software engineers (2) Financial service providers (3) New entrepreneurs (4) Internet Service providers 12-PMIMIXX-XX/L 3 63/ DN 3. Why does the writer state that in e-commerce economies of scale are undermined ? (1) Because it reinforces the built-in assumptions about the interconnection between price and volume. (2) Because volumes cannot be expected in e-commerce, cost per transaction may remain more or less the same. (3) Because e-commerce has the potential to create large volumes which may eventually push up the cost per transaction. (4) Because the advantage that a business may derive through volume becomes available even at small scales, 4. Which of the following statements are not supported by the passage ? ‘A. Transactions conducted using mobile phones do not qualify to be e-commerce. B. The amount of trade conducted electronically has grown extraordinarily with widespread . internet usage. C. Modern commerce typically uses the World Wide Web at least at some point in the transaction’s lifecycle. D. Transaction conducted through email will not qualify to be e-commerce. E. Electronic commerce involves the transportation of physical items in some way. (I)A,B,CandE = (2) A,C,DandE (3) Cand E (4) B, Dand E 5. Which of the following is the most appropriate antonym of the word ‘gleaned’ used in the passage? : (1) Reduced (2 Expected (8) Executed (4) Separated Passage-II {In terms of the total energy consumed by different sectors, the largest consumer is understandably the industrial sector, which accounts for nearly half the total energy used in the country today. This is followed by the transport sector which consumes about 25%, the household sector (about 14%) and the agricultural sector (about 9%). This last sector has shown considerable increase in energy use over the last four decades. Among the primary fuels, the relative proportion of coal has dropped from nearly 80% to 40% and that of oil has gone up from 17% to 44% over the same period. ‘Total energy consumption in India today is equivalent to 291 million tons of oil of which 26% comes from wood. On a per capita basis it works out to about one litre of oil per day, which is extremely low by international standards. The future energy demand depends upon the level of development envisaged and also on the sections of people to be affected by it. ‘The energy disparity between the urban and the rural population is at present as wide as between nations on a worldwide scale. There is apparently a greater need to provide energy in the rural areas and to improve the efficiency of energy use than merely to increase the national figures for energy ‘consumption limiting its use to those who are getting the bulk share already. With the projected rate of population growth, improving upon the per capita energy consumption is a Herculean task as our coal reserves and the capacity to import oil cannot be increased beyond a point. There is clearly no escape from the utilisation of renewable energy sources in a big way if the gap between the desired levels of energy supply and available resources has to be kept at the minimum. 12-PMIMIXX-XX/1 4 10. 1. 12. Which of the following shows correctly the different sectors consuming energy arranged in ascending order? 1. Agriculture Il. Household WL Industrial IV Transport (LIV, 1, 1 (2) 1,0, 1V, it @ UL IV, 11 4) IHL, 1, 1,1V According to the passage, the energy requirement of the future will be decided on the basis of which of the following ? A. Total energy already consumed by us in the past B. Level of development of oil industry C. Profile of the affected people () Only A (2) Only B 3) Only C (4) Both B and C The energy disparity ... as wide as .... worldwide scale, the first sentence of third paragraph ‘means (2) disparity in urban and rural is observed in all nations. (2) in no other nation such disparity is observed. (3) developed countries consume more energy than developing countries. (4) worldwide scale is different for rural and urban areas. Which of the following styles has been adopted by the author ? (1) Data-based, objective, positive, solution-oriented (2) Data-based, but coloured by socialism (3) Highly subjective with bias for rural people (4) Objective, descriptive, lacking clarity ‘The author is laying greater emphasis on which of the following ? A. Efficient use of energy B. Increasing national indices for energy consumption CC. Controlling population growth (1) Only A (2) Only B (3) Only C (4) All these ‘The author feels that increasing per capita use of energy is (1) not at all desirable, (2) a matter of great difficulty. (3) not easy but certainly achievable. (4) rather difficult, but not impossible. Which of the following statements is true ? (1) Industrial sector uses 50% of total energy used in India, (2) Energy consumption in India is 26% of world consumption, (3) The household sector has shown considerable increase in energy use. (A) Use of oil has increased from 40% to 80%. 12-PMIMXX-XX/L 5 13, Which of the following has been suggested by the author as the best possible solution to overcome energy crisis ? (1) Exploration of oil reserves (2) Maximisation of renewable sources (3) Importing large quantities of coal (4) Reducing share of bulk users 14, Which of the following has been mentioned as a major hurdle in enhancing per capita consumption of energy in India? (1) Present level of development in India (2) International norm of | litte of oil per day per person (3) Disparity in use of energy in rural and urban areas (4) None of these Passage-II Work expands 50 as to fill the time available for its completion, The general recognition of this fact is shown in the proverbial phrase, ‘It is the busiest man who has time to spare.” Thus, an elderly lady at leisure can spend the entire day writing a postcard to her niece. An hour will be spent in finding the postcard, another hunting for spectacles, half an hour to search for the address, an hour and quarter in composition and twenty minutes in deciding whether or not to take an umbrella when going to the pillar box in the street. The total effort that would occupy a busy man for three minutes, all told, may. in this fashion leave another person completely exhausted after a day of doubt, anxiety and toil. 15. Whois the person likely to take more time to do work ? (1) A busy man (2) Aman of leisure (3) An elderly person (4) An exhausted person 16. What is the total time spent by the elderly lady in writing a postcard ? (1) Three minutes (2) Four hours and five minutes (3) Halfan hour ) A full day 17. What does the expression ‘pillar box’ stand for ? (1) A box attached to the pillar (2) Abox in the pillar (3) Box office ) A pillar-type post box 18, What happens when the time to be spent on some work increases ? (1) The work is done smoothly (2) The work is done leisurely (B) The work consumes all the time (4) The work needs additional time 19. Explain the sentence : ‘Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion’ (1) The more work there is to be done, the more the time needed. (2) Whatever time is available for a given amount of work, all of it will be used G) If you have more time, you can do more work. (4) Ifyou have some important work to do, you should always have some additional time. 12-PMIMXX-XXI 6 Passage-IV Recent technological advancement in manned and unmanned undersea vehicles, overcome some of the limitations of divers equipment. Without a vehicle, divers often became sluggish and their mental concentration was limited. Because of undersea pressure that affected their mind, concentration among divers was difficult or impossible. But today, most oceanographers make observations by means of instruments that are lowered into the ocean or from samples taken from the water. Direct observations of the ocean floor are made not only by the divers, but also by deep-diving submarines. Some of these submarines can dive to depths of more than several miles and cruise at depths of 15 thousand feet. Radio equipped buoys can be operated by remote control in order to transmit information back to land-based laboratories including data about water temperature, currents and weather. Some of mankind’s most serious problems, especially those concerning energy and food may be solved with the help of observations made possible by these undersea vehicles. 20. This passage suggests that the successful exploration of the ocean depends upon (1) vehicles as well as divers. (2) radio that divers use to communicate, (3) controlling currents and the weather. (4) removal of the limitations of diving equipment, 21. How is a radio-equipped buoy most likely to be operated ? (1) By operators inside the vehicle and underwater. (2) By operators outside the vehicle on a ship. (3) By operators outside the vehicle on a diving platform, (4) By operators outside the vehicle in a laboratory on the shore. 22. With what topic is the passage primarily concemed ? (1) Recent technological advances (2) Communication among divers (3) Direct observation of the ocean floor (4) Undersea vehicles 23. Divers have had problems in concentrating underwater because (1) the pressure affected their minds, (2) they got distracted, (3) they did not think clearly. (4) the pressure destroyed their mental processes. 24. Undersea vehicles (1) are too small for a man to fit inside. (2) are very slow to respond. (3) have the same limitations that divers have, (4) make direct observations of the ocean floor. 12-PM/M/XX-XXMT 7 Passage-V ‘A new US study has warned that adolescents who take performance enhancing anabolic steroids are more likely to have adverse neural and behavioural consequences, like aggression and moodiness, because of the steroids’ affect on the underdeveloped brain and the nervous system, The study by Northeastern University in the US, centred around a brain chemical called serotonin, which is linked to mood, Lower levels of serotonin are associated with depression and aggression. For the study, experiments were carried out on a strain of Syrian hamsters. This breed has similar neurological circuitry to humans, so experts felt it might be a good model for humans in this respect. The hamsters were given a high dose of anabolic steroids over the course of a month—which corresponded to five years’ repeated dosage in humans. The researchers found that the hamsters were more aggressive than those not given steroids and these aggressive tendencies were mellowed if Prozac—a drug which boosts serotonin “uptake”—was given. However, subsequent analysis showed significantly lower than normal serotonin levels in the neural connections of the hamster’s brains. This suggests there may be a longer-term effect of taking steroids while the brain is still developing. Professor Richard Melioni, who helped run the study, was quoted as saying by BBC : “We know testosterone or steroids affect the development of serotonin nerve cells, which, in tum, decreases serotonin availability in the brain, The serotonin neural system is developing during adolescence and the use of anabolic steroids uring this critical period appears to have immediate neural and behavioural consequences.” 25. The drug that boosts serotonin uptake is (A) Prozac. (2) Melanin. (3) Erythrocytes. (4) Penicillin, 26. Which of the following is the most appropriate synonym of the word ‘mellowed’ used in the passage? (1) Harsh, (2) Softened (3) Interm 4) Unpleasant 27. Why do adolescents develop neural disorders ? (1) The effect of steroids hampers the growth of the brain, (2) Prozac, if taken in excess by adolescents, makes them aggressive, (3) Due to a decrease in the level of serotonin in the blood. (4) None of these 28. Which of the following sentences is true, according to the passage ? (1) Adolescents are more likely to have neural and behavioural disorders. (2) Depression and aggression are caused by a lower intake of serotonin. (G) Those taking steroids are likely to face long-term neural and behavioral implications. (4) None of these 29. Upon which breed of mammals were the experiments carried out ? (J) Sicilian gangsters (2) Italian hamsters (3) Syrian hamsters (4) None of these 30. The thrust area of the research mentioned in the passage is (1) the effect of serotonin on the human brain, (2) the effect of high doses of anabolic steroids. (3) the immediate neural and behavioural consequences of the use of anabolic steroids. 4) All these 12-PM/MIXX-XX/L 8 Directions (Questions 31-35): Fill in the blanks, 31. The Indian media has never been a monolith and for every news outlet, there has been a sensationalist tabloid as a counterpoint, (A) credible, corresponding (2) deceptive, emulated (3) imaginary, similarity (A) controversial, alternate 32. The government issued a ‘warning to the social media platform asking it to take immediate measures to prevent the spread of “irresponsible and messages.” (1) amiable, imploring 2) Alinty, explosive (3) acquiescent, supplicate (4) static, implosive 33. to clear the Civil Services preliminary examination twice in a row had severely her self-esteem. (1) Dream, drowned (2) Negligence, sank (3) Failure, affected (4) Laxity, effected 34. After months of colder weather, the days get longer, the buds in the trees, birds sing, and the world agreen dress. (1) come out, puts on (2) put off, comes around (3) take up, deals with (4) fall off, carries on 35. The most important use of petroleum or crude oil is as a fuel for heating for electricity, and for powering vehicles. (1) being generated, favourably (2) generating, especially (3) to generate, exclusively (4) generated, decisively Directions (Questions 36-40) : In each of these questions, out of the given group of words, choose the correctly spelt word. 36. (1) Lackadaisical (2) Lackadasicial (3) Lakadaisicial (4) Lakadasicial 37. (1) Delaterious (2) Deleterious (3) Daleterious (4) Dalaterious 38. (1) Repertiore (2) Repartoire (3) Repertoire (4) Repartiore 39. (1) Ostantious (2) Ostantatious (3) Ostentetious (4) Ostentatious 40. (1) Nuance (2) Nuaence 8) Nuanice (4) Nueance 12 PMMIXX-XXII 9 63/ DN Directions (Questions 41-45): In each of these questions, choose the option which can be substituted ‘for the given words. 41, A bicycle with seats and pedals for two riders, one behind the other. (1) Tricycle (2) Barrow (3) Toboggan 42. A group of three people holding power in an organization (2) Triumvirate 5 (1) Elegy (2) Trivet 3. A mournful poem or a song (@) Hymn G) Tritium (3) Epic (4) Tandem (4) Trio (4) Ode 44. A narrow stretch of land with sea on either side, connecting two large bodies of land (1) Peninsula (2) Island (3) Isthmus 45, Calmness and composure, especially in a difficult situation (1) Equanimity (2) Verbatim (3) Detachment (4) Strait (4) Charade Directions (Questions 46-50): Choose the option that is the plural form of the given word. 46. Fish (1) Fishs 47. Fungus (1) Fungusess 48. Aircraft (1) Aircraftes 49. Goose (1) Gooses 50, Alumnus (1) Alumnuses 12-PM/M/KX-XX/ (2) Fishess (2) Fungusses (2) Aircrafts (2) Goosess (2) Alumni 10 (3) Fish 3) Fungi (3) Aircraft (3) Geese (3) Alumnusses (4) Fishhes (4) Fungis (4) Aircrafttes, (4) Goosses (4) Alumnusess Directions (Questions 51-5: Choose the option which best expresses the meaning of the underlined idiom/phrase in the sentence, 51. 52. 53. 34, 55. Nothing worthwhile can be accomplished by fits and starts. (1) by losing patience (2) by being in high spirits (3) by working intermittently (4) by getting confused Tam on the horns of a dilemma about the matter. (1) in suspense (2) ina terrible mood (3) ina difficult situation (4) in a nervous condition My parents are running their business for the last five years, but now it is on its Jast legs, (1) about to take off (2) about to perish (3) about to produce results (4) about to fructify I knew the boss was angry, so when I saw her come in, I made a beeline for my room. (1) to be at leisure (2) to do your own work (3) to head straight toward something (4) to work diligently My sister sets my teeth on edge with her tall tales. (1) to cheer someone (2) to imitate someone (3) to praise someone (4) to help someone Directions (Questions $6-60): Choose the word which is opposite in meaning of the underlined word. 56. 57. 58. 59, 60. The current of the river is fast flowing and treacherous. (1) delusive (2) loyal (3) precarious (4) perfidious A serene mind can never be the pioneer of a great revolution. (1) tranquil (2) jocular (3) earmest (4) agitated Our special offers are intended to entice people to buy. (1) allure (2) help (3) attract (4) repulse Garima went to sleep in languor after coming back from work. (A) hate (2) vigour (3) ecstasy (4) fatigue He has always been hard-working and frugal. (1) extravagant (2) crafty 3) thrifty (4) inane 12-PM/MIXXXXIL n 63/, AN 62, 63. 65. 67, 68. 69. 70. 3.7 ye 9 =, = aft = or aga waaed aor err? 40°1080 3 “i 1 ey a inte 4) 32. qd) 2055 (2) 392 @) 2755 @) 10 Aten ar aes, Gee eet wes orien Ae aT 625 % 81 af oer ar Bers £12,000 8 a wir war 3: (1) 26950 (2) &7500 (3) %7280 (4) 87375 ale feet meer a aire ¥ 10% after gf ech @ ch wat ana 4 oh af ae aan uRacs eh? (1) 21% ae (2) 22% wae 3) 23% afe (4) 25% gfe UG STA SAY TATA 4% BT OR Te BT Sra Ge 8 cas ae Uw Pcie wt GATE 900 TH B GoM or wah RAT 8) SeaT aTae ome oT ay ofeert e @ 8i% aH ® 65% arr @ see 4) sia we ae sat ved 5 Hawt aa We NE GAT A AT 1 SRE BS RAE TT aisha gs aaa ar 2? iat (2) 2a 3) 338 4) 4ah rafter a @ fare fier or a wad wa 8? 29 31 13:17 ‘ST 35° 38” 42 ‘ 3 13 17 a2 Or Or Op aw wafer ory aorta b am Geax ora wate ay ar 4 am ory ara 1 er pee S| Te THe vate wae 11250 8 at seer aie aa ea 8? () 3711.50 (2) %7509.50 G) 38721.25 (4) 27812.50 ‘ (OP). fors.(075) «1 wr AP aut er? wa @3 @+ @1 Ue 16°! =64x4* ato? aT se em 1 1 Qa W Q) B @) ra @1 we wel ete 17 A. 28 Wh, car sity 11 A. 52 eh cher 8) wes ost WY oH oH eT aay Hr Sra HE EY aret TMS | BAS fay Aret B as garsl vee TS? Q)5 3) 6 @7 12-PMWXX-XX/1 12 61. 62. 63, 64. 65. 66. 67. 68, 69. 70. The LCM. of 2,7 and 12 is 40” ig =, 1 i M 20 Q) 395 @) a @) So The salary of Sunita is 2% of what her elder sister Anita is getting, If Anita's salary is 12,000, the salary of Sunita is z ()) %6950. (2) 87500 (3) 77280 (4) 87375 If the income of a manager is increasing annually by 10%, what will be the change in his income after two years? (1) 21% increase (2) 22% increase (3) 23% increase (4) 25% increase A deals is professing to sell hs goods ata loss of 496 but by means of his false balance, he et 0 ma Ee a ae Ine pecee (1) gain si% Q) loss 65% @) gain 65% 4) None of these 3 years ago the average age of a family of $ members was 17 years. With the birth of a baby, the average age of six members remains the same even today. Find the age of the baby. () L year (2) 2 years 3) 3 years (4) 4 years Which one of the following fractions is the least? 29 31 13 17 7 po 38" 42 31 13 7 n= 2) 3) = a @2 OS O33 OD ‘Aman spends zh of his salary to meet pocket expenses, th of the remainder of his salary he spends to meet his other expenses. If his monthly salary's savings amount to %1250, find his monthly salary. (3711.50 (2) 87509.50 (8721.25 (4 87812.50 + The value of co +{0.75+(0.75) +1} is aa @3 @+ @1 If 16°" = 64x 4", the value of x is 7 1 1 1 Ox @ aa Os Qt A party hall is 17 m 28 om long and 11 m 52 om broad, It is required to pave the floor of the tall by using minimum numberof square slabs of marble. How many such slabs are required? a4 7 12-PMIMIXX-XX/L 13 7h R. 2B. 14. 6. 11. 8. 19. 80. A og B starrer feat ga a we 20 sty 15 ft get ae Tne BL SREY 6 TR Seer Preroe am fear, fered are B BY ore CT aT] BAR ae TH ore! 4 FRAT AGRI ga at Cah Gere BY Pee a RT aR wa 8? (1) 60 fe (2) 40 fer 3) 35 fer (4) 30 fea qe walter 215 9 ew Stee Ge atte we ga OPH freer @ ate far wy U2 A yew after aT wee we 12a a eB Ge tee Re Ha ar eh 8? () ate @ Hater @) 3 cee og ofrer aad at ty aint a et eR € oT Te oa a Ta ENTS SIS & (1)-215, 220, %35 (2) %12, 22, %36 (3) &16, %24, %30 (4) 210, 220, %40 farrell ar wan Heer Sere wa Yer Saw 5% BE eT VI AAS ae 8% BT gE ea GA aH HF 3S wa BY One| Tet oT afer Apa es (i) €1000 0) %1000 (3) 8800 (4) eo aE aE Sr ofatt Ar te fee cere eb ore vere oy Grail Gad sigi oT wT sro F Tact wR) a aigt ate eh af ear ure enh? wi Q)4 @B)6 (4) 10 va da Hae Set A Ve Patan ay oy ye Pee ere 7 ast & Ferg Frater oT Ted an oe Ree a eS Ea wo 124% 2) 102 % @ ue 4 175% wef te. oe et te oh Se & fay 8% 81 ume are HURT Pert eh? (1) %1072 (2) 2980 (3) 21124 (4) 1242 ym flare Set ae ener 50 Pert, we eer gt wer 3 der 17 fae Tw ara we | TAS TT Seed fog anh Bt ae te ae Sire oo er yore Sear arar oh a TD era rnc gg a Aa ‘aret 60 foray, whet Her & at Wt arar at site ret (1) 35 fame, AR rer (2) 45 fr. we et GB) 55 feet. wet eet (4) 50 fre fer er 135 Mex aia) vo 2a Weve 1 Us yw age a7 das A oR oR On # cet we eset st Wl axe 21 des Hu wah 1 aewtd aH aa & (1) 310 Aree (2) 185 Arex (3) 270 Hew (4) 215 tex ye are ane a eer H 1 fe gh Pve A aty e fe Re H 221 fae Hag oo weed 81 ere ware BH aE: (1) 3 feat fe eet 2) 1 far we det) 2 far. ofa der (4) 2.5 fart, afer det 14 12-PMIM/XX-XXIL n 73. 75. 76. 71. B. 79. 80. ‘A and B can separately do a piece of work in 20 and 15 days respectively. They worked together for 6 days, after which B was replaced by C. If the work was finished in next 4 days, then the number of days in which C alone could do the work will be - (1) 60 days (2) 40 days (3) 35 days @ 30 days Aman buys milk at %15 a litre and mixes it with water. By selling the mixture at €12 a litre he gains 2s percent on his outlay. How much water did each litre of the mixture contain? i 1A B a a 2) Uh ite 3) 3 titre 4) 1 tite () 5 litre OR ii yee OG ‘Three boys are aged 2 years, 4 years and 8 years, They want to divide seventy rupees in the ratio of their ages, How much money would each get? (1) RLS, 320, BS (2) 812, 822, %36 (3) FI6, %24, B3O_—(4) B10, 720, 740 While selling an electric fan, a dealer gives a discount of 5%. If he gives a discount of 8%, he earns €36 less as profit. The marked price of the fan is s ) 21000 (2) 21200 @) 800 (4) None of these The number of two digit numbers which on being reversed (i. position) gives out perfect square two digit numbers is/are : qi (24 @6 (4) 10 their digits exchanged the John invested a sum of money at a certain rate of simple interest in a bank for 7 years. He got double the sum he invested at the end of 7 years. The rate percent is : 1 2 Zz. 1 =% 2% 42% (4) 172% @ 2 2) 10. 3) 14=% a1 A sum of %8000 is deposited in the bank. The rate of interest in the bank for first year is $% and for the second year 8%. Find the compound interest. (2) %1072 (2) 2980 @) 1124 (4) %1242 A marriage party travelled by bus at 50 km. per hour for 3 hours and 17 minutes, Due to some fault in bus, they decided to reach their destination by train which also took 3 hours 17 minutes. If the speed of the train is 60 km/hour, the average speed of the whole journey is : (1) 35 kr. (2) 45 ki/ar. (3) 55 km/hr, (4) 50 kin/hr, A train 135 m long passes a boy standing on the platform in 7 seconds, but it passes the platform completely in 21 seconds. The length of the platform is : (1) 310m (2) 185m (3) 270m (4) 215m A boat can be rowed with the stream B km in 15 minutes and the same distance against the stream in 224 minutes. The stream is flowing atthe rate of (1) 3km perhour (2) 1kmperhour (3) 2kmperhour (4) 2.5 km per hour 12-PMIMIXXXXM 15 iter eT 81-82): ST TET A Ry ay sist oR /sin ae HAE A AST WH ITT fade eet 4% rent 8 rahe oma Ya ONY a? al. 83. 84, 85. 86. 87, 88. 89. F8G, G9H, H7I, ISH, ISK, K7L, (1) GOH 2) ISK (3) 18H @) KIL ABC, BDF, CFI, DHL, EJM, FLR (1) BDF (2) DHL (3) FLR (4) EM ‘ger, fare & RReanfter & | Perey, aan wr wee —eA—aHt 8 | cee, Ha wT To efor & oi fercT wor der 81 ors, Boat DH gach Ter arta S ge wr fla By Tet ar ies Baer Rea BP (1) TR (2) Feet @) FR G@) Prete et fret oT ware ve waite oiftrer, Arnett, den, aitore, Frerotte cag way a oie Ve ae YH HAR A Us © od aa fe eet wa A a) cfr da St wert TS wR aA or, cw dm wr ag 21 Aneto Sar, siftbot Ft ag aie wet SSF Sen, stores & ste ay as 1 do she Pre } de at afta 21 store ate tae & dhe ot ae 2? () fer (2) aifoar @) a (4) aor fioeit era ate ¥ MOBILE Gt OMIBEL ferar viet #1 Sa Bs ¥ TELEPHONE # eT ferar arya? () ETELHNPOE = 2) LETEHPNOE ~—(3) ETELHONPE—(4) ETELHPNOE feel Gra Zs 4 HIMALAYA 201915271627327 she NILGIRI @ 1419162191019 ferear Unat 81 Se BS F ARAVALI Far ferear SIEM? (1) 2710276271619 (2) 2710276271620 (3) 2710296271619 (4) 2711276271619 arent A wit & ya FH she 800 tex ett 81 800 lex wea FE BWI Ue Ugh 81 oa ae Bw Say yee Baty 500 Tex UeteR CIA Tea 81 Cw B ae fix ay ae aie 400 Alex BereR D WIA Vga 8) WI D, wa AD fore fear F feat 8? (2) SRT (2) afarer—afeer @) seR-aRaA 4) afr Aaily Bat adit arg 9:4 argare 4 81 oe Sere aS ae wAGT sy ST 5:3 eT A ok Bvt afar ong fart 8? nue (1) 183i 8 ae (2) 273i 12a 3) 45 atte 20 af (4) 36 afte 16 aE foe Gare F MME Ser BT ART ter Heth wor 55% wrt Rae site 20% AT STATA OT APR Ath a Ga We 7500 A ct area cat wT ret er et wt eee fara 8? (1) 2250 (2) 2700 (3) 2750 (4) 2800 12-PM/MIXX-XX/L 16 Directions (Questions 81-82) : Find the odd one out. 8. 82, 83, 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. F8G, G9H, H7I, 18H, ISK, K7L (1) GOH (2) ISK 3) I8H (4) KIL. ABC, BDF, CFI, DHL, EJM, FLR (2) BDF (2) DHL 3) FLR (4) EM Sushma is married to Vimal. Vimal is the brother-in-law of Amita. Lakshman is Madhav’s male cousin who is son of Vimal. Arjun is the father of Sushma’s only sister Amita's son, How is Lakshman related to Arjun? (1) Father-in-law (2) Brother-in-law (3) Nephew (4) Can’t be determined Six persons Ankita, Meenakshi, Laila, Ojas, Nisha and Daman are standing in a row facing north (not necessarily in the same order). Ankita stands in one of the middle two positions. Daman is standing three places right of Ojas. Meenakshi and Laila stand somewhere to the left of Ankita, Laila stands to the immediate left of Ojas, There are two persons between Laila and Nisha. Who is standing between Ojas and Meenakshi? (D) Nisha (2) Ankita (3) Daman ) Laila In a certain code MOBILE is written as OMIBEL. How is TELEPHONE written in that code? () ETELHNPOE = 2) LETEHPNOE = (3) ETELHONPE.—(4) ETELHPNOE In a certain code HIMALAYA is written as 201915271627327 and NILGIRI is written as 1419162191019. How is ARAVALI written in that code? (1) 2710276271619 (2) 2710276271620 (3) 2710296271619 (4) 2711276271619 Ayesha started travelling east from point A for 800 m. At the end of 800 m, she reached point B. She took @ left tur from point B and travelled for another $00 m and reached point C. From point C she tumed left again and travelled for 400 m to reach point D. In which direction is point D from point A? (1D) North East (2) South West (3) North West (4) South East The present ages of A and B are in the ratio of 9:4. Seven years hence, the ratio of their ages will be 5:3. Find the present ages of A and B? (1) 18 and 8 @ 27 and 12 (3) 45 and 20 (4) 36 and 16 In the last election, the ruling party got 55% of the total valid votes and 20% of the votes were invalid. If the total number of votes was 7500, what is the number of valid votes that the other parties got? (1) 2250 (2) 2700 (3) 2750 (4) 2800 12-PMIMIXX-XXM v7 fis es yaa fey Ty siftmert (4) ate eRe (R) & fore Prafeac 4S wel fered BAI art oar fafa wo A afer ee) (1) (A) ate (R) Sst wer _& TET (RB), (A) HT BAT ST 2), Saatkant (3) (A) wal & Peg (R) Tea & (4) (A) Tait & Fg (R) HE e 90, afferent (A): et Ge) fg teh ae tl a we RT (R): fire # vaRier A Ser areft wierd ele B1 91, afer (A): TH eat ans o agen foe 7 asf 4 aeeh sea Ft Pea (Gene) ara ara 60% aa & wate Set Aer ST Gare Wa AT ararel Bact 2% aI V1 RT (R): fh oe oh ee eee eee ey rie eg 09) Te Ry Ne HO a LS S| sera Wares GRO B UT YH srt HTS Tara Bl Wad Si ga Tel FS TH, GR Hors wr ATT BL Repro WSS ee ee ar Ta ede of at wa S age weer 8) saa oa PraeRaa wo F sift BY (2) ae ert Lore S sie wer Ul EeaT wa B (2) a mer ML orer 8 ote werd 1 ewer wars 2 (3) a& wor Iale eet eta weil ware 2B) (4) af& wert Lote eet fret oa pret ware E | 92. wet G 4 0 Sa Pte eR IL, tag waiters wens &

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