Protection Metering

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A step by step guide for Protection & Metering.

1. First complete the sizing of Transformer and load calculation as shared before and develop sld as
discussed before without ct,pt.

2. Assign load current ( rated current) to every feeder supplying loads and short circuit current value
as per methods shared before on busbars.

3. Include CT, PT in slds with Vector group, earthing etc.

4. Perform CT and PT sizing calculations and show results like accuracy class, alf ,VA, x class, Vk, I mag
etc on slds.

5. Show meters, relays with protection function etc on slds to convert to protection and metering
slds by connecting across ct, pts as relevant.

6. Now select protection functions like 51, 50, 64R, 87 etc as per international or company
specifications for Protection functions of each electrical elements like generator , transformer, motor,
cable, transmission lines etc. A good protection engineer must study each equipment function in
both normal and fault condition to decide on protection function rather than merely depending on
specification. This exercise should be done before ctpt sizing to include it in calculation.

7. Now decide where to put the relays and meters , on switchboard feeder verticals or separate
control panels. Generally for 132kV and above separate control and relay panel are used due to more
no of protection function and meters involved that can not be accommodated on switchgear panel
with ctpt inside switchgear connected to separate CRP in adjoining control room.. This decides VA
burden also as separate panel increases lead burden. Also whether CT secondary is 1/5 A also has
impact on CT,PT sizing. Refer typical 132 kV CRP enclosed.

There is another version usually used in Process plant, BTG Control , Marine Vessel control which is
Control desk which has all control and monitoring and annunciations except relays . typical enclosed.

8. Now select exact relay models after evaluating various relay manufacturers on the basis of
protection & metering slds and specification.

9. Perform setting and coordination studies.

General : There is always debate between Europe/British and american practices . Protection function
symbol is no different. The american way of narrating overcurrent by digits like 51 is more familiar to
me than I> symbol in IEC. I had a big argument with a british client regarding above and had to
satisfy by putting both symbols on sld. Its upto you.
Setting is calculated based on fault current reflected on CT secondary. Fault Current though can
be standardised on Busbar but actual fault current varies. Therefore setting also varies.
Technically standard setting has got no meaning.

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