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Macan From 2018 Porsche Connect Good To Know Owner S Manual

Porsche Macan Good To Know

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Macan From 2018 Porsche Connect Good To Know Owner S Manual

Porsche Macan Good To Know

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Porsche Connect

Porsche Connect
Useful Things to Know – Owner’s Manual
WKD 95B 70 B 21 22 12/2021 Equipment Further information on the services
Because Porsche vehicles and applications undergo Detailed information on the services is available on-
Porsche, the Porsche Crest, 911, PCCB, PCM, PDK, continuous development, equipment and specifica- line at www.porsche.com/connect.
PSM, PTM, Tequipment, as well as other designa- tions may not be as illustrated or described in this
tions, are all registered trademarks of Dr. Ing. h.c. F. manual. Items of equipment are sometimes optional
Porsche AG. Porsche Connect Owner's Manual
or vary depending on the country in which the vehicle
Reprinting, even of excerpts, or duplication of any is sold. For information on retrofitting options, please The Porsche Connect Owner's Manual does not re-
type is only permissible with the written authoriza- contact an authorized Porsche dealer. Owing to the place the Owner's Manual for your vehicle. You can
tion of Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG. different legal requirements in individual countries, find further information about your vehicle in the sep-
the equipment in your vehicle may vary from that arate Owner's Manual. Pay particular attention to the
© Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG warning and safety instructions.
described in this Owner’s Manual. If your Porsche
Porscheplatz 1 is fitted with any equipment not described in this
70435 Stuttgart manual, your authorized Porsche dealer will be glad
Germany to provide information regarding correct operation of
the items concerned.
About this Owner’s Manual 1. Instructions are numbered in cases where a se-
quence of steps must be followed.
Warnings and symbols
2. Instructions that must be followed on the
Different types of warning instructions and symbols PCM.
are used in this Owner’s Manual.
Serious injury or death g Indicates where you can find more information on a
Failure to observe warnings in the “Danger” category
will result in serious injury or death. More information
Possible serious injury or For more information about your vehicle, Connect
death services and charging equipment, visit

Failure to observe warnings in the “Warning” cate- g www.porsche.com

gory may result in serious injury or death. and the digital Porsche channels.

Possible moderate or
CAUTION Disclaimer
slight injury
Apple®, the Apple logo, CarPlay®, iPod®, Siri®, iPhone®
Failure to observe warnings in the “Caution” category and other designations of Apple are trademarks of
may result in moderate or slight injury. Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
App Save is a service mark of Apple Inc., registered in
NOTE the U.S. and other countries. iOS® is a trademark or
registered trademark of Cisco Technology, Inc. in the
Vehicle damage possible
U.S. and other countries and is used under license by
Failure to observe warnings in the “Note” category Apple. Android®, Android Auto®, Google Play® and the
can result in damage to the vehicle. Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC.

Additional information is provided under “Informa-

b Prerequisites that must be fulfilled in order to

use a function.
e Instructions that must be followed.

Table of Contents
Registration and Setup
Important information about Porsche Connect. . . . . 3
Registration and activate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Connect & pair vehicle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Managing and setting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Services at a Glance
Apple CarPlay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Dictation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Finder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
My Porsche App. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Navigation Plus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Radio Plus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Risk Radar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Voice control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Weather. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Index. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Registration and Setup

Registration and Setup Information 1. Only use the multi-function steering wheel, info-
tainment system, etc., while driving if the traffic
Important information about Por- For information on how to operate Porsche Com- situation allows you to do so safely. If necessary,
munication Management (PCM) and theDevice Man-
sche Connect ager, please refer to the separate vehicle operating
stop the vehicle in a safe place.
2. Do not use a cellphone or other mobile device
Availability instructions.
while driving.
The availability of Porsche Connect varies depending
3. Only make or receive calls using hands-free
on the country and equipment. Accordingly, the con- Registration procedure equipment.
tents described may differ.
Depending on the country and equipment, registra- 4. Do not reach between the steering wheel spokes
tion procedures may vary. while driving. Otherwise, you may not be able to
Data connection Information react in time to dangerous situations.
A data connection is required in order to use Porsche
More information on Porsche Connect (help videos,
Connect Services. The data connection can be estab- Apps
Porsche Connect operating instructions and FAQs)
lished via the embedded SIM card or an external WiFi
can be found at Various apps are available for your vehicle, depending
hotspot, depending on the country.
g www.porsche.com/connect on the country (download from Apple App Store or
. GOOGLE ® Play Store).
For legal reasons, customer identity verification is re- Setting and operating
quired touse the integrated SIM card in some coun- while driving
Porsche Connect Services
tries. For this purpose, the customer’s identity must
Depending on the country and equipment, the availa- Configuring settings and operating apps while driving
be verified by means of an identity document before
ble Porsche Connect services may vary. can distract you from the traffic situation. You may
the activation of the Porsche Connect services. Ver-
lose control of the vehicle.
ification is performed by a third-party provider (ID- Information
now) in the form of a video call. e Operate and adjust settings only while the vehi-
More information on Porsche Connect (help videos,
cle is stationary.
For more information on activation and personal veri- Porsche Connect operating instructions and FAQs)
fication, please refer to the Videos & Instructions as can be found at Information
well as the Questions & Answers on g www.porsche.com/connect
g www.porsche.com/connect .
More information on Porsche Connect (help videos,
. Porsche Connect operating instructions and FAQs)
can be found at
The currently active data connection is displayed in Use while driving g www.porsche.com/connect.
the status area of the PCM and in the Device Man- If the PCM or other components in the vehicle are
ager. operated while driving, there is a risk of being dis-
tracted while driving, and it may not be possible to
react to dangerous situations in time. For this reason,
some functions are only available when the vehicle is

Registration and Setup

Registration and activate Activate Porsche ID account (Porsche Con- 3. Select the Services tab.
My Porsche nect user) and Porsche Connect services 🡆 Available services are displayed.

b E-mail was received to activate the Porsche ID 4. Select the desired service.
My Porsche is the central platform for managing per- account. 5. Activate and configure.
sonal vehicles, using relevant services and a contact
point for further offers. Access to My Porsche is via 1. Click the "Activate Porsche ID Account" button Information
the personal Porsche ID. in the e-mail and enter the confirmation code
(sent to the cell phone number on file). – The Porsche Connect Service package includes
The Porsche ID is a verified email address that is used
as Porsche ConnectUser in My Porschethe Porsche 2. Set the password and security code for the many Porsche Connect services for a free in-
Connect Store and in the Porsche Connect App. Porsche ID account. clusive period, which can be different for each
service and country. More information about the
In the Porsche ID account, the user is given the ability 3. Complete profile details and activate the free
free inclusive periods as well as subsequent
to make personal settings regarding data synchroni- Porsche Connect inclusive period, which is
costs and information about the availability of in-
zation and processing. The platform also offers other available in some countries. (Automatically
dividual services is available online at www.por-
options for scheduling service appointments, for ex- performed in the background depending on the
sche.com/connect or from your authorized Por-
ample. country)
sche dealer.
The services and functions are available depending 4. The My Porsche home page displays the 8- – Depending on the country, the Porsche Connect
on the country and equipment. digit pairing code that you need to use Porsche services are used via the embedded SIM card
Connect services in your vehicle. or the external WiFi hotspot (only available for
Log in My Porsche to access 5. For entry in Porsche Communication Manage- Russia).
ment (PCM), send the pairing code to the cell – Additional costs may be incurred for receiving
b Porsche ID account is activated. phone number on file in My Porsche by text data from the Internet, depending on the cell-
1. Open My Porsche message. phone rate plan, particularly when the system is
– or – used in foreign countries. We recommend a data
(Access can be found at the top left of the flat rate.
Note the pairing code.
Porsche website depending on country.)
Service availability and scope, as well as serv-
2. Enter and open the login data (Porsche ID and Information
ice providers, may vary from country to country,
password). If no e-mail was received to activate the Porsche ID, model year, device and tariff.
please contact your Porsche partner.
Add navigation destination
Configure services Navigation destinations can be defined either in the
My Porsche portal or directly in the vehicle.
b Porsche ID account is activated.
1. Open My Porsche
2. Log in with personal access data (Porsche ID
and password).

Registration and Setup

Adding a navigation destination in the My Porsche

b Porsche ID account is activated.
1. Open My Porsche
2. Log in with personal access data (Porsche ID
and password).
3. Select the Services tab.
🡆 Available services are displayed.
4. Select Navigation Plus service.
5. Select Add new destination
6. Enter destination data.
🡆 Destination is displayed in My Porsche and
can be edited, marked, deleted or sent to
the vehicle.

Registration and Setup

Connect & pair vehicle NOTE Information

Establishing data connection via an embed- If a SIM card adapter is used, there is a risk of the SIM If a data connection cannot be established, check the
ded SIM card falling out of the adapter due to vibrations and following:
Establishing data connection via embedded SIM card components of the card getting stuck in the drive. − PCM phone is switched off.
(availability dependent on country). e Do not use a SIM card adapter. − External SIM card has sufficient data volume and
b There is no SIM card in the SIM card reader. is inserted correctly.
− External SIM card is not damaged and is working
b PCM phone is switched on. (SET e Porsche
Connect e Turn on phone features) − APN settings (Internet access) are correct. The
The data connection is established immediately when APN settings can be checked by contacting the
the ignition is switched on. network provider.
Information − Abroad: Data roaming is allowed on the external
SIM card and enabled in the PCM.
If a data connection cannot be established, check the − The vehicle is in an area with sufficient network
following: reception (not a coverage blackspot).
− PCM phone is switched off.
− The vehicle is in an area with sufficient network Fig. 1: Insert an external SIM card into the armrest e If necessary, Restart PCM.
reception (not a coverage blackspot).
b PCM phone is switched on. (SET e Porsche Selecting access point for external SIM card
− Private mode deactivated.
Connect e Turn on phone features) If multiple access points are available, the message
e If necessary, Restart PCM. Several access points are available. Select an access
1. Insert external SIM card B(Fig. 1) (mini-SIM, point to establish a data connection. may appear. A
dimensions: 25 x 15 mm). The missing corner list of available access points (APNs) is displayed.
Displaying data packages must be pointing front left with the chip facing
down. 1. Select the desired access point (APN).
e APPS e Data packages 2. SIM card with PIN: 2. If there is no access point configured, you
🡆 Depending on the market, information should contact the service provider to obtain
about the booked data package is dis- a. Enter the PIN code of the external SIM card
the APN settings. To configure the APN set-
played. and confirm with OK.
tings, select or (depending on the con-
Save PIN Select b. nection status) e Options e Data con-
Establishing a data connection via an exter- 3. Confirm the prompt for establishing the data nections e Reset access point configuration
nal SIM card connection. in the header.
🡆 The data connection is established.
An inserted external SIM card deactivates the func-
tion of the embedded SIM card (availability depend- 4. To remove the external SIM card, press on the
ent on country). Additional costs may be incurred for inserted card and remove the card.
the data connection (e.g. due to data roaming).

Registration and Setup

Establishing data connection via external Private mode

WiFi hotspot When private mode is activated, communication be-
Data connection via external WiFi hotspot is available tween the vehicle and the app as well as My Por-
depending on the country. sche is suppressed. No vehicle-specific information is
transferred. This means that no vehicle settings can
b There is no SIM card in the SIM card reader. be configured via the app or My Porsche.
b Vehicles with embedded SIM (availability de-
e Please inform all persons using the vehicle that
pendent on country):
communication may be suppressed.
PCM phone is switched off. (SET e Porsche
Activate private mode
Connect e Turn off phone features)
1. In the header or (depending on the e Select SET e Porsche Connect e Private
connection status), search for Options e mode e Activate Privacy Settings/Deactivate
Privacy Settings.
WiFi e WiFi hotspot
2. Select a WiFi hotspot (e.g. public hotspot or
the cell phone's personal hotspot) and enter
the WiFi access data in the PCM. Be aware of
upper and lower case when entering the data.
🡆 A connection is established to the external
WiFi hotspot.

Log in Porsche Connect user (Porsche ID) in

The Porsche ID is linked to the PCM via a pairing
code. This is necessary for using some Connect serv-
ices to retrieve personal settings from My Porsche.

1. APPS e Link e Porsche ID settings

e ID options
2. Enter the pairing code that is displayed under
My Porsche after successful activation of the
🡆 User is logged in, symbol appears in
the header.

Registration and Setup

Managing and setting Log out Porsche Connect user (Porsche ID)
Using services via My Porsche in PCM
Activated services can be configured and used via My b A Porsche Connect user is created and regis-
Porsche (country-dependent). tered.

1. open My Porsche. 1. Button e APPS  e Button

(Access can be found at the top left of the 2. Logout from Porsche Connect
Porsche website depending on country.) 🡆 The user currently logged in is logged out.
2. Log in with personal access data (Porsche ID Information
and password).
− The Porsche Connect services (including the
3. Select the Services tab.
Car Connect services, but not the Safety and
🡆 Available services are displayed.
Security services) offer a free inclusive period,
4. Select the desired service. which varies in length for each services package
5. Activate and configure. and country, but is always at least 3 months.
More information about the free inclusive peri-
For further information on the service: visit www.por- ods as well as subsequent costs and informa-
sche.com/connect. tion about the availability of individual services
for your country is available online at www.por-
Updating content in PCM sche.com/connect or from your authorized Por-
sche dealer.
e Button e APPS  e Button − Depending on the country, the Porsche Connect
e Reload services service can be used via the embedded SIM card
or a data-enabled external SIM card. A separate,
🡆 The contents of the purchased services
fee-based contract with a cellphone service pro-
are updated.
vider is required for the external SIM card.
− Additional costs may be incurred for receiving
Displaying service messages data from the Internet, depending on the cell-
phone rate plan, particularly when the system is
e Button Apps  e APPS  e Button used in foreign countries. We recommend a data
Service e information flat rate.
🡆 Information about the services purchased − Service availability and scope, as well as serv-
and the contract duration is displayed. ice providers, may vary from country to country,
model year, device and tariff.

Services at a Glance

Services at a Glance Opening Apple CarPlay™ in PCM e To open the main menu in Apple Car-
Play, press the Home button  on the
Apple CarPlay touchscreen of the PCM.
Opening Apple CarPlay
e To switch to the main functions of PCM select
Apple CarPlay makes iPhone apps available in the
Porsche Communication Management (PCM). You APPLE CARPLAY e Home e Porsche
can use the Siri® voice recognition system to send button.
and answer text messages as well as process voice – or –
commands. Press any direct selection button (e.g. MEDIA
Fig. 2: USB port (Type C) in the armrest
− We recommend that you install the latest iOS Operating Apple CarPlay via Siri voice rec-
version. b iPhone 7 or later, iOS 14 or higher. ognition
− Only those apps in the iPhone you are using
b Siri and Apple CarPlay must be activated in the Starting Siri
that are supported by Apple CarPlay are dis-
settings of the iPhone you are using.
played. For information on supported apps, go b Siri is activated in the settings of the iPhone you
to: www.apple.com/ios/carplay. b For proper use, use undamaged genuine Apple are using.
cables without USB adapters.
− The function can only be offered in countries b The ignition and PCM are switched on.
supported by Apple. For information on sup-
1. Connect the iPhone to the USB interface (type
There are no active phone calls.
ported countries, go to: www.apple.com/ios/ C) A (Fig. 2) in the armrest.
feature-availability/#apple-carplay. b ParkAssist is not active.
2. Confirm that Apple CarPlay is being used.
− The displayed content and features of Apple b PCM voice control is not active.
🡆 Apple CarPlay opens. The available apps
CarPlay are provided solely by the connected
are displayed.
− When Apple CarPlay is used, any active Blue- 3. To switch to Apple CarPlay from another menu
tooth ® connections (e.g. for telephony, me- item, select APPLE CARPLAY .
– or –
dia playback or news) are automatically discon-
nected. Select Apple CarPlay in status bar.
An inserted SIM card cannot be used for making
calls while this app is in use. Operating Apple CarPlay with PCM
− Some apps require an active data connection. All available apps can be operated using the Fig. 3: Press the voice control button on the control lever.
Additional costs may be incurred, depending on touchscreen, the rotary push button and the Undo
the cellphone rate, particularly when used in for- button of the PCM. 1. Press and hold the button on the (Fig. 3)
eign countries. We recommend using a data flat control lever.
rate. 2. Say the desired voice command.

Services at a Glance

Ending Siri b The Bluetooth® and WiFi function of the cell- To switch from another menu item to Apple Car-
b Siri is active and waiting for a voice command. phone is activated and is visible for other devi- Play:
e e Apple CarPlay Select
Press the button on the (Fig. 3) control b Wireless CarPlay is activated on the cellphone. – or –
b Bluetooth®function and vehicle WiFi function ac- Apple CarPlay in the status area.
🡆 A fading acoustic signal sounds.
Deleting a stored iPhone from the list of devices
Switching between Apple CarPlay and use 1. Select or (depending on the connec-
1. Select or (depending on the connection
of the iPhone as an iPod tion status) in the status area and Connection
status) Options  in the header.
manager e Apple CarPlay Search in the menu – or –
Apple CarPlay is not available if the connected iPhone
under Connection Assistant.
is connected as an iPod. You can switch between
– or – Select devices. e Options 
using the iPhone as an iPod and Apple CarPlay using
the Device Manager. Devices e Link 2. Select the desired device.

2. Select the device from the list. Ending Wireless CarPlay

1. To call up the Device Manager, select or
(depending on the connection status) in the 3. Confirm that Apple CarPlay is being used. 1. Select devices.
header. 🡆 Apple CarPlay opens.
2. Select the symbol for the iPhone you are
– or – The available apps are displayed. using.
Devices 🡆 Wireless CarPlay is ended.
After you have connected your iPhone once, Apple
2. Select the symbol Apple CarPlay for the CarPlay starts automatically whenever you get into
iPhone you are using. the vehicle. You can leave the cellphone in your bag
– or – or trouser pocket, for example (Bluetooth® function
Select the iPod icon of the iPhone you are and WiFi function must be activated).
using. Alternatively, Wireless CarPlay can be reconnected
🡆 The icon for the iPhone’s currently active via:
use is highlighted in color.
1. Devices
Opening Wireless Apple CarPlay 2. Select the symbol for the iPhone you are
Wireless CarPlay (available depending on country) using.
enables the use of Apple CarPlay without cables. .
Wireless CarPlay only supports one active cellphone
at a time.

Services at a Glance

Dictation Information Opening voice control

You can use the Dictate service to record a message − Depending on the Bluetooth® capability of the Impaired speech recogni-
via voice control. cellphone, it is possible to access the content tion
The voice output can be interrupted for you to speak of the phone book, call lists and messages. It is The voice can change in stressful situations. This
further voice commands. Activate/deactivate voice also possible to transfer an ongoing conversation could lead to the desired phone connection not being
interruption in the PCM: to the cellphone after parking the vehicle and established, or not being established fast enough.
continue it outside the vehicle if the cellphone
e Do not use voice control in an emergency.
e SET e General system settings e Interrupt supports this function.
voice control Select . − A list of selected compatible cellphones is e Enter the emergency number via the touch dis-
available online on the Porsche website for play.
your country under: Models Your model (e.g.
Connect phone via Bluetooth®
911 Carrera) e Catalogs and brochures e Via
b The Bluetooth® function of the cellphone is acti- Bluetooth®®
vated and is visible for other devices.
b The Bluetooth® function of the PCM is activated. Connecting a cellphone (Windows® and
iOS® operating system)
1. PHONE e Search for new phone
For cellphones with Windows® and iOS® operating
2. Select a cellphone from the device list.
systems, it is recommended to start connection from
🡆 A 6-digit Bluetooth® code is generated Fig. 4: Press the voice control button on the control lever.
the cellphone:
and displayed in the PCM and on the cell
phone. 1. Search for available devices in the Bluetooth® Activate voice control
menu of the cellphone. To make the PCM visible,
3. Compare the Bluetooth® code in the PCM and
select or in the header (depending on the b Ignition is on.
cell phone.
connection status). b There are no active phone calls.
4. If the Bluetooth® code in the PCM and on the
2. Select the PCM from the list of available devi- b ParkAssist not active.
device match, confirm. If necessary, enter the
ces. The Bluetooth® device name of the PCM
PIN for the external SIM card in the PCM. 1. Press button on the control lever.
can be displayed in the Device manager under
🡆 When the phone is successfully connected, the 🡆 A rising acoustic signal is heard and the
Options  e Bluetooth e Bluetooth name.
numeric input (menu KEYPAD  ) is displayed in symbol for voice control appears on the
2. Say the voice command.

Deactivating voice control

b Voice control is active.

Services at a Glance

e Press button on the control lever. – Reduce disruptive noises by closing the doors,
🡆 A fading acoustic signal sounds. windows and sunroof, for example.
– The hands-free microphone for voice control is
directed toward the driver's side.
The dialog can be paused by tapping on the micro-
phone symbol  and started again by tapping again. Dictate and read out messages
The Dictation service can be used, for example, to
Further voice control button functions dictate text messages or e-mails and to play back
The button on the control lever activates different incoming messages from PCM.
functions, depending on the application: b Data connection established.
– Skips a running announcement when pressed b Porsche Connect Services activated in My Por-
briefly. sche.
– Interrupts the current dialog when pressed g Refer to chapter “Registration and Setup“ on
briefly. page 3.
– Activated by pressing and holding Siri® voice b The cellphone supports the function.
b Voice control is active.
Dictate Messages
− Navigation announcements and traffic notices
Service cannot be used with Apple devices.
are not issued during a dialog.
− When the voice control function is activated, list e Say the voice command: Dictate (new) e-mail
– or –
entries can be selected using the voice control,
the rotary push button or the touchscreen. Dictate (new) text message
− If the spoken voice command is not understood 🡆 The dictated message is displayed in the
or if it cannot be interpreted, then voice control PCM for the user to check.
responds with the question Excuse me? and the Read out message
voice command can be repeated after that.
e Say the voice command:
Notes on communication using voice control Read out E-Mail
Note the following points when using voice control: – or –
– Speak clearly and at a normal volume. Read out SMS
– Stress voice commands evenly, without long 🡆 The message is read out.
pauses in your speech.
– Do not speak when the voice control is making
an announcement.

Services at a Glance

Finder Search for point of interest

The Finder (availability dependent on country) is the b Data connection established.
central search function in the navigation of the Por- b Porsche Connect Services are activated in My
sche Communication Management (PCM). Informa- Porsche.
tion on destinations such as restaurants, hotels, pet-
rol stations or car parks can be called up in the Finder. 1. NAV e DEST e POIs Select .
Destinations can be displayed in the current vicinity, 2. For example, the following categories can be
along the route, at the destination or at another loca- searched:
tion. The selected destination can be adopted as a – Parking
navigation destination and saved as a favorite.
– Gas stations
– Hotels
– Restaurants
3. Select the icon in the header Desired
Select the desired option:
Fig. 5: Finder
– POIs nearby: Displays destinations in the
b Data connection established. vicinity of the vehicle.
– POIs along route: When route guidance
b Porsche Connect Services are activated in My
is active, destinations along the route are
1. NAV e Select in the header. – POIs at destination: When guidance is ac-
🡆 In addition to the input line, you can tive, destinations are displayed at the des-
switch between an integrated search in tination.
the PCM memory and online content – At another location: Destinations that are
and an online search on the Internet. located at a searched location are dis-
2. Select destination.
🡆 Information such as availability, price in-
formation or reviews are displayed.
3. Calculate route

Services at a Glance

My Porsche App b The phone’s WiFi function is activated. Functions in the Vehicle menu item
Setting up and using the app b The PCM’s WiFi function is activated. The vehicle menu item offers the following functions,
depending on the vehicle type and country:
The app, which is available depending on the country, 1. Select or (depending on the connection
– Display details
offers the option of networking the mobile phone status) e Options e PCM Hotspot in the
with the vehicle (designation and functions subject header. – Lock
to change). This allows vehicle-specific information – Pre-heater/air conditioning
2. In the WiFi settings for the device, enter the
to be retrieved directly using the phone and selected
displayed WiFi access data for the PCM or
vehicle settings to be made via the app. In addition, Select Vehicle in the main menu (Home).
scan the displayed QR code with the cellphone.
the breakdown call can be triggered in the app de-
🡆 Connection to the wireless Internet access
pending on the country. The following functions, e. g.
of the PCM is established. Display details
are available: Current vehicle data such as range
and fuel level or retrieving battery status, remotely Communication between the vehicle and app may be Depending on the equipment, the following informa-
controlling the locking and unlocking of the vehicle, suppressed. tion can be displayed:
activating and deactivating air conditioning or pre-
– Mileage
heating, managing and sending personal POIs (Points Using app functions
of Interest) to the vehicle, transferring destinations – Range
from calendar entries from the phone to the PCM. In order to use the full range of functions in the app, – Fuel fill level
The App also provides insight into current informa- the following requirements must be met: – Oil level
tion on the Porsche brand, such as new products or b App connected to PCM. – Battery charge level
b Private mode deactivated. – Service intervals
The availability of app functions depends on the
b Remote access authorization granted in the – Make appointment
respective vehicle model, model year, vehicle equip- – Trip data
ment as well as the local availability of the respective
function in the offer market. b Connect or Car Connect services activated. e Select Vehicle e Details in the main menu.
b Authorization granted on mobile device.
Connecting app to the PCM via WiFi Lock
The app allows access to vehicle-specific data and Menu navigation The locking status of doors, windows, tailgate, hood,
other functions. It is recommended that this data be The app menu navigation takes place centrally via the sunroof and fuel filler cap can be displayed. In addi-
protected from unauthorized access by third parties. menu items tion, the doors and trunk can be locked.
Using the app could incur additional costs with your – Vehicle
cellphone service provider, as the data is transmitted – Map
via cellphone networks. – Browse
b App is installed on the phone (download from – Account
Apple App Store or Google Play Store).
b App started.

Services at a Glance

Display lock status Hot exhaust gases Immediate start of Pre-heater

When the vehicle is fully locked, a green tick is dis-
The emissions produced during pre-heater operation The pre-heater can be started and stopped immedi-
played above the vehicle symbol in the top left. If one
are very hot. ately.
or more vehicle parts are open, this is indicated by
a corresponding symbol above the vehicle display at e Switch off the pre-heater before refueling. 1. Select Vehicle in the main menu (Home).
the top left.
e Park the vehicle so that hot exhaust gases can be 2. Below the vehicle display, select and confirm
1. Select Vehicle in the main menu (Home). discharged without obstruction on the underside the security notice.
of the body and cannot come into contact with 3. Start Select .
2. Select the vehicle symbol at the top left.
easily combustible materials such as grass or 🡆 Pre-heater is started immediately and
Opened vehicle parts are displayed.
leaves. adopts the standard temperature set in
Lock the vehicle the app.
The pre-heater is used to heat the interior of the
b Porsche Entry & Drive vehicle and defrost the windshield when the engine is For information on the timer-controlled Pre-heater:
b Vehicle is stationary and switched off. not running. The vehicle's pre-heater can be control- g Refer to chapter “Timer“ on page 15.
led remotely using this function.
b Driver's door completely closed.
b Security code My Porsche assigned. Information Timer
1. Select Vehicle in the main menu (Home). After the running time, the auxiliary heating is deacti- This function can be used to manage the timer-
vated and is only available again after the engine has controlled Pre-heater. For the set time, the vehicle
2. Below the vehicle display, select . been started. strives for the set climatic conditions.
3. Confirm Select .
In order to use the full range of functions in the app, In order to use the full range of functions in the app,
the following requirements must be met: the following requirements must be met:
Pre-heater on
b Engine is shut off. b Private mode deactivated.
Inhalation of toxic ex-
DANGER b Outside temperatures below approx. 68 °F (20 b Remote access authorization granted in the
haust gases
°C). PCM.
The pre-heater burns fuel when switched on. This b Adequate fuel level (reserve not reached). b Adequate fuel level (reserve not reached).
produces toxic exhaust gases, which are released
underneath the vehicle. 1. Select Vehicle in the main menu (Home). 1. Select Vehicle in the main menu (Home).
e Do not operate the pre-heater in closed spaces 2. Select Details e Functions e Pre-heater. 2. Select Details e Functions e Pre-heater
(e.g. in a garage). e Timer.

Services at a Glance

Manage timer Alarms b Speed alarm activated / deactivated.

Up to three timers can be configured and saved. A b Authorization for push notification on smart-
Speed Alarm
maximum of one timer can be active. The vehicle phone granted.
This function can be used to set a maximum speed.
interior is heated to the last vehicle temperature set. b Private mode deactivated.
The desired vehicle temperature is set via the PCM If the set speed is exceeded, a push notification ap-
set. pears with details of the vehicle position. b Remote access authorization granted.
A history of triggered alarms can be displayed. 1. In the main menu (Home), select vehicle.
1. Select Vehicle in the main menu (Home).
b Speed alarm activated. 2. Details e Functions e Alarms e speed.
2. Select Details e Functions e Pre-heater
b Authorization for push notification on smart-
e Timer. 3. Activate / deactivate the desired alarm with
phone granted. the slider.
3. Select the desired timer. b Private mode deactivated.
Location Alarm
4. Edit date / period and time. b Remote access authorization granted.
5. Select Complete. With this function an area (e.g.  city, district). De-
1. In the main menu (Home), select vehicle. pending on the setting, a push notification appears
6. Select Send timer to vehicle.
2. Details e Functions e Alarms e speed. when the vehicle is maneuvered out of or into the
🡆 Settings are saved and timer is sent to the area. The vehicle position and time are also displayed.
vehicle. Manage speed alarm A history of triggered alarms can be displayed.
Activating/deactivating timer Up to four speed alarms can be configured and saved. b Location alarm activated.
Several speed alarms can be active at the same time.
A timer that has already been set can be activated / b Authorization for push notification on smart-
deactivated. If the timer is activated, the vehicle is b Private mode deactivated. phone granted.
air-conditioned until the programmed time. b Remote access authorization granted. b Private mode deactivated.
b Timer set. 1. In the main menu (Home), select vehicle. b Remote access authorization granted.
1. Select Vehicle in the main menu (Home).
2. Details e Functions e Alarms e speed. 1. In the main menu (Home), select vehicle.
2. Select Details e Functions e Pre-heater 3. Add an alarm. 2. Details e Functions e Alarms e Location.
e Timer. 4. Set the speed with the slider.
Manage location alarm
3. Activate / deactivate the desired timer using 5. Select Save.
the slider. Up to four location alarms can be configured and
Activate / deactivate the speed alarm saved. Several location alarms can be active at the
4. Select Send timer to vehicle. same time.
🡆 The timer is activated / deactivated and An alarm that has already been set can be activated /
sent to the vehicle. deactivated.

Services at a Glance

b Private mode deactivated. 3. Enter and confirm the current odometer read-
b Remote access authorization granted. ing.

1. In the main menu (Home), select vehicle. 4. Select the desired Porsche partner and con-
2. Details e Functions e Alarms e Location.
5. Select the desired service and confirm.
3. Add an alarm.
6. Desired preferences (e.g.  Select replacement
4. Define the location and radius. car) and confirm.
5. Enter the desired name of the alarm. 7. Select the desired appointment and confirm.
– or –
6. Select Save.
Jump to the next available appointment.
Activate / deactivate location alarm 8. Check the appointment details in the overview
An alarm that has already been set can be activated / and agree to the data transfer.
9. Send appointment request.
b Location alarm activated / deactivated.
10. Optional: Add appointment to calendar.
b Authorization for push notification on smart-
phone granted.
b Private mode deactivated.
b Remote access authorization granted.
1. In the main menu (Home), select vehicle.

2. Details e Functions e Alarms e Location.

3. Activate / deactivate the desired alarm with
the slider.

Make appointment
With this function, appointments can be made with a
Porsche partner via the app (e.g.  for maintenance).
b Private mode deactivated.
b GPS/location activated on the cell phone.
1. In the main menu (Home), select vehicle.

2. Details e make an appointment.

Services at a Glance

Functions in the Map menu item Search for destination 3. Enter a navigation destination in the search
The Map menu item allows navigation to the follow- bar.
This function can be used to search for an address
ing extent: and transfer it to the vehicle,  for example. 4. Select Search.
– Display position – or –
1. Select Map in the toolbar.
– Navigate to vehicle While typing, select a search suggestion from
– Search for destination 2. Select. the list.
– Save destination as favorite 3. Enter a navigation destination in the search 5. Select Send destination to vehicle
– Send destination to vehicle bar.
– Plan route 4. Select Search. Plan route
– or –
While typing, select a search suggestion from This function can be used to plan a route from the
Display position current vehicle location to a specific destination and
the list.
The positions of the vehicle and cellphone can be send it to the vehicle.
displayed on the map.
Save destination as favorite b Private mode deactivated.
b GPS/location activated on the cellphone. 1. Select Map in the toolbar.
This function can be used to save a destination as a
1. Select Map in the toolbar. favorite. 2. Select.
2. Tap to display the position of the cellphone. 1. Select Map in the toolbar. 3. Enter a navigation destination in the search
– or – bar.
Tap the vehicle display to display the vehicle 2. Select.
4. Select Search.
position. 3. Enter a navigation destination in the search – or –
While typing, select a search suggestion from
Navigate to vehicle 4. Select Search. the list.
– or –
This function navigates from the current cellphone 5. Select to display the route.
While typing, select a search suggestion from
position to the vehicle. the list. 6. Select send destination to vehicle
b Navigation app installed (e.g.  Google Maps or 5. Select.
– or –
Apple Maps). Optional: To edit the route, select .
b GPS/location activated on the cellphone. 7. Select Add stop.
Send destination to vehicle – or –
1. Select Map in the toolbar.
This function can be used to search for an address Select Edit route.
2. Navigate to the vehicle, select Open in naviga- and transfer it to the vehicle,  for example. 8. Select Send destination to vehicle
tion app.
1. Select Map in the toolbar.
3. Start the navigation to the vehicle in the navi-
gation app. 2. Select.

Services at a Glance

Charging Planner 11. Select send destination to vehicle The My Profile menu item consists of the following
This function can be used to plan and send a route,
– Personal details Displays personal information
including charging stops, from the current vehicle lo- Functions in the Discover menu item
about the Porsche ID account, such  as Name,
cation to a specific destination. In order to display the The menu item Discover contains information and addresses, telephone numbers and password.
route and charge planning as precisely as possible, news about the Porsche brand.
the expected battery charge can be indicated when – Payment & orders: Shows backed-up payment
By tapping on a topic, a detailed description with options and orders placed.
departing with the vehicle.
further content, e. g. videos or pictures, appears. A
b Private mode deactivated. website may be indicated for more information. Display my profile

1. Select Map in the toolbar. e Select Account e My profile in the main menu
2. Select    .
Functions in the Account menu item (Home).
Various settings can be made under the Account
3. Enter a navigation destination in the search Display payment & purchase orders
menu item:
– My profile 1. Select Account e My profile in the main menu
4. Select Search.
– Messages (Home).
– or –
While typing, select a search suggestion from – Contact and Help 2. Swipe down to the point Payment & Orders.
the list. – Settings
– My garage Messages
5. To create the Charging Planner route, select
. – Privacy policy
Messages from the My Porsche portal can be dis-
– Legal Notice played. A push notification also appears as soon as a
6. If several vehicles are registered with the Por-
– Legal Info new message has been received.
sche ID, select the desired vehicle.
– License rights
7. 7. Specify the expected charge status of the
– Log out e Select Account e Messages in the function
high-voltage battery at departure.
8. Select Calculate route.
– or –
My profile
Optional: To edit the route, select . Porsche ID data can be displayed. Changes to profile Contact and Help
data or the password can be made via a link to the My
9. Select Add stop. Depending on the country and equipment, the follow-
Porsche Portal.
– or – ing contact options are displayed in the event of a
Select Edit route. theft or breakdown:
– or – – Report a theft
Select Search for charging station at desti- – Roadside Assistance
e Select Contact and Help in the main menu
10. Select Save route. (Home).

Services at a Glance

Report a theft – Tire pressure

The Theft Reporting function can be used to report a – Temperature
theft to the Porsche Security Operating Center (SOC). – Privacy
b Porsche Vehicle Tracking System (PVTS) is acti- – Activate/deactivate declaration of consent
vated. for App Analytics.
– or – – Activate/deactivate declaration of consent
Car Security package active. for product improvements.

1. Select Contact and Help in the main menu e In the main menu (Home), select Account e
(Home). settings.
2. Select Report theft.
3. Initiate call. My garage
The following information can be displayed or edited:
Roadside Assistance
– Overview of all vehicles.
When a vehicle breaks down, vehicle data can be
transferred to Porsche Assistance. – Add driver
– The vehicle color is displayed in the vehicle dis-
b Private mode deactivated.
1. Select Contact and Help in the main menu – Vehicle views in different perspectives.
(Home). – Pairing Code:
2. Select Breakdown Assistance. – Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
3. Call Porsche Assistance – Model name
The model name can be changed in the app and
4. Initiate call.
in the My Porsche portal.

Settings 1. Select My Garage e in the main menu

The following settings can be made: (Home).
– Units 2. Select vehicle.
– System of units
– E-Consumption
– Fuel consumption

Services at a Glance

Navigation Plus g Refer to chapter “Registration and activate“ on b Data connection established.
page 4.
Real-time Traffic b Porsche Connect Services are activated in My

The Real-time traffic service retrieves the current 1. NAV e MAP e Options Navigation Porsche.
settings g Refer to chapter “Registration and activate“ on
traffic flow online in real time and highlights the roads
page 4.
in the Porsche Communication Management (PCM) 2. Select Online navigation services e Online
in color according to the traffic situation. b Pairing code is entered in the PCM.
g Refer to chapter “Registration and activate“ on
🡆 When route guidance is active, messages
page 4.
are displayed in the navigation map. A sta-
tus symbol appears in the header when 1. NAV e FAV   Select .
real-time traffic is active. 🡆 The destinations and favorites created in
Call up real-time traffic message My Porsche or via the app are displayed.
Fig. 6: Traffic situation marked in map view By opening a real-time traffic message, details about 2. Select destination and Start route guidance.
it can be displayed. Information
The following traffic flow information is displayed:
– Green lines: free flowing traffic b Data connection established.
Online destinations saved under My Destinations will
– Yellow lines: slow-moving traffic b Porsche Connect Services are activated in My be deleted after 30 days.
– Red lines: traffic jam Porsche.
– Dark red lines: blocked roads g Refer to chapter “Registration and activate“ on Online Routing
page 4.
In addition, the navigation map displays notices for With the option Online Routing, additional online
road construction, accidents, hazards, etc. b Online navigation activated.
data is used in the route calculation to enable im-
g Refer to chapter “Online Routing“ on page 21. proved route guidance.
1. Select on the map.
Activating real-time traffic Activate online routing
🡆 Brief overview with route information,
b Data connection established. time loss and type of fault is displayed. b Data connection established.
b Porsche Connect Services are activated in My 2. Tap Brief Overview. b Porsche Connect Services are activated in My
Porsche. 🡆 Detailed information is displayed in the Porsche.
right-hand margin of the PCM page. g Refer to chapter “Registration and activate“ on
page 4.

My Destinations e Select NAV e FAV  Navigation settings

Destinations can be created via My Porsche or the e Online navigation services e Online naviga-
app and called up directly in PCM. tion.

Services at a Glance

Satellite maps b Data connection established. Information

Under the menu item Satellite map, satellite data can b Porsche Connect Services are activated in My − Up to three destinations are created, and up to
be used to display aerial images of buildings, roads Porsche. three routes are available for each destination.
and terrain. g Refer to chapter “Registration and activate“ on Suggested routes are prioritized according to
page 4. how frequently an identical route is traveled.
b Online navigation activated. − The traffic situation for available smart routes
is displayed depending on the current vehicle
e Select Point of Interest (POI) under NAV
e DEST / MAP . − The PCM identifies whether the route is traveled
during the week or at the weekend. Recorded
Fig. 7: Map display Satellite map Online Map Update smart routes are only displayed at the appropri-
ate time – either at the weekend or on week
The online map update service can be used to update
b Data connection established. days.–
the navigation system maps via the Internet.
b Porsche Connect Services are activated in My − Opening Smart routes stops active route guid-
Porsche. b Data connection established. ance.
g Refer to chapter “Registration and activate“ on b Porsche Connect Services are activated in My Accessing smart routing
page 4. Porsche.
b Smart routing activated.
g Refer to chapter “Registration and activate“ on
1. NAV e MAP e (in the header)
page 4. 1. NAV e MAP
2. Satellite Map Select .
e It will automatically check for updates for the 2. Select at the bottom right of the map.
regions relevant to you. As soon as an update
Panorama View 3. Select the desired smart route from the list of
is possible, a corresponding message is dis-
The panorama view is displayed in the details list played in the PCM.
after the destination selection of an available point of 4. Start  Select .
interest (POI) on the right-hand side margin of the Smart routes Delete smart routes
PCM page.
A personal route is created automatically as soon as Saved smart routes remain stored after the function
an identical route is traveled twice. is deactivated and must be deleted.
Activating smart routing e NAV e MAP e Options  e Naviga-
1. NAV e Options e Navigation settings tion settings e Smart routes

2. Under Smart routes, activate the Smart

routes function.
Fig. 8: Panorama View
🡆 The symbol is displayed at the bottom
right of the map.

Services at a Glance

News 3. Continue configuring news feed (enter news Read the news to me
With the News service, selected news feeds (news feed description) and then select Save. The voice control system can be used to read out
channels) or subscribed Twitter tweets can be current news articles or tweets from the PCM.
displayed in Porsche Communication Management Operating news in the PCM. Start voice control and read out news
(PCM) according to interest. The voice control func-
tion allows news and subscribed tweets to be read
out by the PCM.

Configuring news and Twitter via My Por-

Five news feed channels are predefined as standard
in the PCM. Additional news feeds can be added
individually via My Porsche. Fig. 10: Press the voice control button on the control lever.

1. Open My Porsche. Fig. 9: Using the voice function for messages
Ignition is on.
(Access can be found at the top left of the b Data connection is established. b There are no active phone calls.
Porsche website depending on country.) b Porsche Connect Services activated in My Por- b ParkAssist not active.
2. Log in with personal access data (Porsche ID sche. b News articles
and password). b Pairing code is entered in the PCM. – or –
3. Select Services e News. Tweet selected.
1. APPS  e Select News  Select . 1. Briefly press on the control lever. A rising
4. Select the desired option:
2. (in the header) Select message channel. acoustic signal is heard and the symbol for
– New  : Adds new news feeds to the list. – or – voice control appears on the PCM.
– SEARCH : Locates individual news feeds in the Select Twitter. 2. Say the voice command: Read the news to me
news list. – or –
3. News articles
– Delete : Deletes individual news feeds from – or – Read out tweet.
the list.
Select Tweet from the list. 🡆 The selected news article or tweet is read
– Pen icon  : Edits already added news feeds. out.
🡆 The article or tweet is displayed in the
Adding new news feeds interaction area on the right.

1. New  Select . 4. The text can be read aloud using the voice
function via the loudspeaker icon . Tapping
2. Enter the URL of a message portal in the input the loudspeaker icon again cancels the
field. reading process.
🡆 A suggested list of suitable news feeds is

Services at a Glance

Radio Plus Activate hybrid radio

The Radio Plus service can be used to select between The hybrid radio function enables consistent, perfect
the integrated Internet radio and hybrid radio. The In- reception. If the DAB or FM reception is disrupted
ternet radio receives radio stations online; the hybrid due to the environment, the PCM receives the radio
radio automatically selects the best possible recep- station online when the function is activated.
tion. b Media source DAB/FM has been selected.

1. MEDIA   e Options  Select .

2. Activate Tuner settings e Online station track-

🡆 If reception is poor, stations are automat-
ically received online, and appears
Fig. 11: Radio Plus next to the station name.
b Data connection established. Setting streaming quality
b Porsche Connect Services activated in My Por- In order to restrict data consumption, the streaming
sche. quality can be set when Internet radio stations are
Call up Internet radio
With the Internet radio integrated in the PCM you can 1. MEDIA   e PLAY  Select .
receive online channels from radio stations.
2. Select the media source (in the
1. MEDIA   e PLAY  Select . header) e online.

2. Opening media sources  (in the header) e 3. Options  e Streaming quality

Activate/deactivate additional online data
Station categorization This option can be used to display additional meta-
Internet radio stations can be called up according data and album covers.
to the categories of popularity, country, genre and
1. Select MEDIA.
2. Select e Options  e Tuner settings e On-
1. MEDIA   e LIST  . line additional data.
2. Select the desired category, e.g. Genre.

Services at a Glance

Risk Radar
The Risk Radar service is used to provide local hazard
information and traffic sign recognition (availability
dependent on country).

Fig. 12: Risk Radar

The networking of vehicles allows access to shared,

anonymized information from other vehicles. The
PCM can therefore point out danger zones at an early
stage and offers an optimized traffic sign display with
constantly updated data.
b Data connection established.
b Porsche Connect Services activated in My Por-

Activate online navigation

1. NAV  e MAP  e Icon (in the header)

2. Select Online Navigation.

Open messages
b Route guidance active

e NAV  e Traffic 
🡆 The danger zones that are received via the
Risk Radar are marked with the symbol
A message appears in the multifunction
display shortly before the danger zone is

Services at a Glance

Voice control Activate voice control Information

The voice control service allows selected functions b Ignition is on. − Navigation announcements and traffic notices
in Porsche Communication Management (PCM) to be b There are no active phone calls. are not issued during a dialog.
operated by voice. The Voice control service is not
b ParkAssist not active. − When the voice control function is activated, list
available in all languages and markets. entries can be selected using the voice control,
1. Briefly press on the control lever.
The voice output can be interrupted for you to speak the rotary push button or the touchscreen.
🡆 A rising acoustic signal is heard and the
further voice commands. Activate/deactivate voice − If the spoken voice command is not understood
symbol for voice control appears on the
interruption in the PCM: or if it cannot be interpreted, then voice control
responds with the question Excuse me? and the
e SET  Select e System settings e Voice con- 2. Say the voice command. voice command can be repeated after that.
trol e Interrupt voice control. Deactivate voice control Notes on communication using voice control
b Voice control is active. Note the following points when using voice control:
Opening voice control
e Press button on the control lever. – Speak clearly and at a normal volume.
Impaired speech recogni-
WARNING 🡆 A fading acoustic signal sounds. – Stress voice commands evenly, without long
Information pauses in your speech.
The voice can change in stressful situations. This – Do not speak when the voice control is making
could lead to the desired phone connection not being The dialog can be paused by tapping on the micro- an announcement.
established, or not being established fast enough. phone symbol  and started again by tapping again. – Reduce disruptive noises by closing the doors,
e Do not use voice control in an emergency. Further voice control button functions windows and sunroof, for example.
e Enter the emergency number via the PCM. The button on the control lever activates different
– The hands-free microphone for voice control is
directed toward the driver's side.
functions, depending on the application:
– Skips a running announcement when pressed
– Interrupts the current dialog when pressed
– Activated by pressing and holding Siri® voice

Fig. 13: Press the voice control button on the control lever.

Services at a Glance

Weather Display rain radar (availability dependent on coun-

The Weather service can be used to display weather
information, e.g. at the destination in Porsche Com-
munication Management (PCM).

Display weather

Fig. 15: Rain radar

This function can be used to display the probability

of rain at the selected location. By pressing on the
displayed time, the predicted rainfall forecast can be
called up in 15 minute steps. The max. forecast time
Fig. 14: Weather
is 1.5 hours. Regions with a high probability of rain
b Data connection established. are shown in green.
b Porsche Connect Services activated in My Por- b Active route.
sche. b Data connection established.
1. APPS  e Weather  b Porsche Connect Services activated in My Por-
2. Icon (in the header) Select the desired
option: e APPS  e Weather  e Rain radar 
– Nearby: Displays weather information in the vi-
cinity of the vehicle.
– At destination: If route guidance is active,
weather information at the destination is dis-
– At another location: Weather information at a
desired location is displayed.

Refresh display

e APPS  e Weather  e Options  e Re-

load page
🡆 The time of the last update is displayed next to
the option.


Index Connect phone M

via Bluetooth® (new phone). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
via Bluetooth® (Windows® and iOS® operating Message dictate
A system). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 and read aloud. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Add a My Porsche navigation Connecting Mobile data (connectivity). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
destination. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 My Porsche App to the PCM via WiFi. . . . . . . . . 14 My Garage app. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
App Connectivity My Porsche. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
 account. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Establishing a data connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 My Destinations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
 messages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 My Porsche App. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Account settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 D My Porsche Register
Charging Planner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 with Porsche ID. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Discover. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 My profile
message. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Display position. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18  App. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Map. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 E
Menu navigation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Establish Porsche Connect
My Destinations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
data connection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Navigation
Navigate to vehicle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Establishing My Destinations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Plan route. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
data connections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Online map update. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Save destination as favorite. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Online Navigation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Search destination. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Establishing a data connection
Panorama View. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Send destination to vehicle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 (integrated SIM card). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Real-time Traffic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Using remote functions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Establishing a data connection on-line services. . . . 6
Satellite maps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Using remote services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Establishing an integrated SIM card Search function (Finder). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
App  data connection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Smart routes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
account. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Navigation Plus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Contact and Help. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 F
My profile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Apple CarPlay
Finder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 O
Online Map Update. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Siri. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 H Online navigation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Switching between iPod and Apple CarPlay. . . 10
Hybrid radio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Online Routing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Apple CarPlay
Wireless. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 I Open
Apple CarPlay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Apps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Internet Opening Apple CarPlay
C Establishing a data connection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 in PCM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Internet radio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Opening voice control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Charging Planner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Operate Apple CarPlay
Configure & use services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 L with PCM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Configuring My Porsche services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Log in Porsche Connect
Connect. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 User (Porsche ID) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4


Panorama View. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Plan route. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Porsche Connect. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Establish data connection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Registration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Radio Plus
Activate Radio Plus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Activate/deactivate additional online data. . . . 24
Call up Internet radio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Real-time Traffic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Registration and activate Register
in My Porsche. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Satellite maps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Setting up and using
My Porsche App. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Smart routes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Using remote functions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Using remote services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

 App. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14


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