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Spring Boot 033

The summary describes the key aspects of the Spring Boot architecture document in 3 sentences: Spring Boot follows a layered architecture consisting of a presentation layer, business layer, persistence layer, and database layer. It aims to simplify Spring configuration and allow standalone applications to be run easily. The different layers communicate with each other, with the presentation layer handling requests and passing them to the business layer for processing before data is ultimately retrieved from or stored in the database layer.

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Raj Aryan
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0% found this document useful (0 votes)
102 views10 pages

Spring Boot 033

The summary describes the key aspects of the Spring Boot architecture document in 3 sentences: Spring Boot follows a layered architecture consisting of a presentation layer, business layer, persistence layer, and database layer. It aims to simplify Spring configuration and allow standalone applications to be run easily. The different layers communicate with each other, with the presentation layer handling requests and passing them to the business layer for processing before data is ultimately retrieved from or stored in the database layer.

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Raj Aryan
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Spring Boot –

The Spring Boot is built on top of the core Spring framework. It is a simplified and
automated version of the spring framework. The spring boot follows a layered
architecture in which each layer communicates to other layers.

Spring Boot makes it easy to create stand-alone, production-grade Spring based

application that you can “Just Run”

The main aim of spring boot is to remove the XML and annotations-based
configuration settings from the application.

Spring Boot Layers

The spring boot consists of the following four layers:

1. Presentation Layer – Authentication & Json Translation

2. Business Layer – Business Logic, Validation & Authorization
3. Persistence Layer – Storage Logic
4. Database Layer – Actual Database
1. Presentation Layer

The presentation layer is the top layer of the spring boot architecture. It consists of
Views. i.e., the front-end part of the application. It handles the HTTP requests and
performs authentication. It is responsible for converting the JSON field’s
parameter to Java Objects and vice-versa. Once it performs the authentication of
the request it passes it to the next layer. i.e., the business layer.

2. Business Layer

The business layer contains all the business logic. It consists of services classes. It
is responsible for validation and authorization.

3. Persistence Layer

The persistence layer contains all the database storage logic. It is responsible for
converting business objects to the database row and vice-versa.

4. Database Layer

The database layer contains all the databases such as MySql, MongoDB, etc. This
layer can contain multiple databases. It is responsible for performing the CRUD
Spring Boot Flow Architecture


• The Client makes an HTTP request(GET, PUT, POST, etc.)

• The HTTP request is forwarded to the Controller. The controller maps the
request. It processes the handles and calls the server logic.
• The business logic is performed in the Service layer. The spring boot
performs all the logic over the data of the database which is mapped to the
spring boot model class through Java Persistence Library(JPA).
• The JSP page is returned as Response from the controller.

JPA - Java Persistence API


The java persistence API provides a specification for persisting, reading, and
managing data from your java object to your relational tables in the database.





application.properties file:

spring.jpa.database-platform = org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5Dialect
spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto = update

Modal layer:

Create a simple POJO(Plain old java class) with some JPA annotation.

@Entity: This annotation defines that a class can be mapped to a table

@Id: This annotation specifies the primary key of the entity.

@GeneratedValue: This annotation is used to specify the primary key generation

strategy to use. i.e. Instructs database to generate a value for this field
automatically. If the strategy is not specified by default AUTO will be used.

// @ID This annotation specifies

// the primary key of the entity.


// @GeneratedValue This annotation

// is used to specify the primary

// key generation strategy to use

@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)

private long id;

import javax.persistence.Entity;

import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue;

import javax.persistence.GenerationType;

import javax.persistence.Id;

DAO(Data access object) layer:

• @Repository: The @Repository annotation is a marker for any

class that fulfills the role or stereotype of a repository
(also known as Data Access Object or DAO).
• JpaRepository<Employee, Long> JpaRepository is a JPA-specific
extension of the Repository. It contains the full API of
CrudRepository and PagingAndSortingRepository. So it contains
API for basic CRUD operations and also API for pagination and
sorting. Here we enable database operations for Employees.

import org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.JpaRepository;

import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;

import com.example.demo.modal.Employee;

// @Repository is a Spring annotation that

// indicates that the decorated class is a repository.

public interface EmployeeRepository extends JpaRepository<Employee, Long>{

ArrayList<Employee> findAllEmployee();

Service layer:

@Service: This annotation is used with classes that provide some business
functionalities. Spring context will autodetect these classes when
annotation-based configuration and classpath scanning is used. Here JPA
repository has lots of predefined generic methods to perform the database
operation some are used in the below code.

import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.Iterator;

import java.util.Optional;

import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;

import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;

import com.example.demo.modal.Employee;

import com.example.demo.repository.EmployeeRepository;

// @Service marks a Java class that performs some service,

// such as executing business logic, performing

// calculations, and calling external APIs.


public class EmpServiceImpl implements EmpService {

EmployeeRepository employeeRepository;


public ArrayList<Employee> findAllEmployee() {

return (ArrayList<Employee>) employeeRepository.findAll();


public Employee findAllEmployeeByID(long id) {

Optional<Employee> opt = employeeRepository.findById(id);

if (opt.isPresent())

return opt.get();


return null;


public void addEmployee() {

ArrayList<Employee> emp = new ArrayList<Employee>();

emp.add(new Employee("Lucknow", "Shubham"));

emp.add(new Employee("Delhi", "Puneet"));

emp.add(new Employee("Pune", "Abhay"));

emp.add(new Employee("Noida", "Anurag"));

for (Employee employee : emp) {



public void deleteAllData() {


Controller layer:

• @RestController: This is a Spring annotation that is used to build

REST API in a declarative way. RestController annotation is applied to
a class to mark it as a request handler, and Spring will do the
building and provide the RESTful web service at runtime.
• @Autowired: This annotation can be used to autowire bean on
the setter method just like @Required annotation, constructor,
a property, or methods with arbitrary names and/or multiple
• @PostMapping: This annotation maps HTTP POST requests onto specific
handler methods. It is a composed annotation that acts as a shortcut
for @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod. POST)
• @GetMapping: This annotation is a specialized version of
@RequestMapping annotation that acts as a shortcut for
@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod. GET). The @GetMapping annotated
methods in the @Controller annotated classes handle the HTTP GET
requests matched with the given URI expression.
• @DeleteMapping: This annotation maps HTTP DELETE requests onto
specific handler methods. It is a composed annotation that acts as a
shortcut for @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod. DELETE

package com.example.demo.controller;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;

import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.DeleteMapping;

import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;

import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PathVariable;

import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PostMapping;

import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;

import com.example.demo.modal.Employee;

import com.example.demo.service.EmpServiceImpl;


public class EmpController {


EmpServiceImpl empServiceImpl;


public void add() {



public ArrayList<Employee> getAllEmployee() {

return empServiceImpl.findAllEmployee();


public Employee getEmployeeUsingId(@PathVariable long id) {

return empServiceImpl.findAllEmployeeByID(id);


public void delete() {


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