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First Lesson SMAW

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First Lesson SMAW

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Name of the Teacher:

Subject: TLE 8 (SMAW)

Grade/Section: Grade 8 –

Teaching Date and Time: February 21, 2023 (T 7:30-9:30 TH 9:50-11:50 AM)


Content The learner demonstrates an understanding of the preparation of SMAW

Standards: materials and tools.

Performance The learner independently prepares appropriate SMAW materials and

Standards: tools based on industry standards.

At the end of the lesson the students are expected to;

Intended Learning 1. Identify the different holding, driving and arc welding materials and
Outcomes: equipment in SMAW.

2. Categorize the SMAW tools according to their functions.

3. Value the importance of driving tools, hand tools, and arc welding
materials and equipment in SMAW.


MATERIALS IN SMAW (Driving Tools, Hand Tools, And Arc Equipment & Materials)


Instructional Materials: Laptop, Tv, PPT, Flash Cards



Preliminary Teachers Activity

Prayer, Greetings, Energizer, Checking of Attendance, Setting of
Classroom Standards, Checking of Assignments

Who can remember what was your topic last meeting?

• What are the measuring tools used in SMAW?

Review • Who can enumerate the cutting tools used in SMAW?

• What is the marking tool that was discussed last meeting?

Let us have an icebreaker before proceeding to our discussion.

 Can you spot at least 3 tools, materials and equipment used by
the welder in the picture?
 Have you seen or used these tools at home?

Adjustable Wrench- A tool with movable jaw which makes it adjustable

to various sizes of nuts.

Clamp/Clamps- are metal sheet or leg holders that temporarily holds

two pieces of materials together.

Unlocking Loosening/tightening- A process where tools and equipment are

Difficulties adjusted based on the standard procedure.

Slag- in welding it is a hard layer on the weld created from non-metallic

elements such as carbon, and atmospheric gases.

Welding Electrode- metal wires baked on chemical coatings. This is

used to provide the filler metal required for the joint to be welded.

Before we proceed, let us read the following objectives for today's


At the end of the lesson the students are expected to;

Presentation of
Objectives 1. Identify the different holding, driving and arc welding materials and
equipment in SMAW.

2. Categorize the SMAW tools according to their functions.

3. Value the importance of driving tools, hand tools, and arc welding
materials and equipment in SMAW.

Direction: In a ¼ sheet of paper, Identify the following pictures of

SMAW tools and materials. Choose your answer in the box provided.

Pliers Ball Peen Hammer Screwdriver

C clamp Safety Gloves Wrench

1. 4.
2. 5.

3. 6.

1. How did you find the activity? Was it easy? Or is it difficult?

Analysis 2. Have you seen these tools in your home?

3. Do you know how to use these tools?




Ball peen hammer It is employed for straightening, bending, and

deforming metals. It has two faces. Some is flat in striking cold chisels
and punches.

Chipping hammer It is employed for removing slag on the weld and

with two faces, the taper from one side and round pointed on the
opposite side.
Wrench It is used for loosening and tightening light and heavy nuts
and bolts.

Screwdriver It is used to tighten and loosen screws by pushing or

pulling screws in a rotating manner.


Toolmaker clamp it is employed for holding small parts both at the

bench and at the machine. This tool is additionally referred to as a
parallel clamp.

C-Clamp It is an all-purpose clamp that is generally used for all types

of labor.

Drill vise A sturdy steel vise with a movable jaw that easily goes back
or forth by raising the handle.

Machinist vise A work holding tool for machining activity.

Hand vise V block with clamp is employed to carry metal stocks for
little machining operation.

Vise-Grip A tool used to grip the stock tight enough to carry the thing.

Tong It is used to hold the metal to be forged and must be held

securely while working.

Pliers Used for holding, cutting, and twisted wires.


Electrode Holder A handle like a tool that holds the electrode during
welding. It receives amperage and directs it through the electrode to
form an arc and should be well insulated and free from defect.

Welding Machine Shielded Metal Arc Welding machine is the main

part of this process, because without the machine certainly, we cannot
do the welding process.

Welding helmet Used to filter the intense ultraviolet UV light produced

from the arc welding process.

Welding rod/ Electrode Consists of an internal metal core and an

outer coating called flux- Metal core melts into the molten base metal.

Safety Gloves Thick and insulated, used to protect your hand during
the welding process.

Guided questions:

Let us have a quick recap by answering these questions.

1. How many driving tools are used in SMAW? Can you name these
driving tools?

2. How about the holding tools? Who can name each holding tools
used in SMAW?

3. What are the Arc welding equipment and materials used in SMAW?

Now let us check if you really listen in our discussion today by doing
this activity.
Directions: The class will be divided into six groups and each group
will categorize the SMAW tools by posting the flash cards in each of
the categories such as driving and holding tools, arc welding materials
and equipment.

Holding Tools Arc Welding Materials

Driving Tools and Equipment

1. Ball peen 1.Toolmaker clamp 1. Electrode Holder

2.C-Clamp 2.Welding Machine
hammer 3.Drill vise 3.Welding helmet

3.Wrench 4.Machinist vise 4.Welding rod/ Electrode

4.Screwdriver 5.Hand vise 5.Safety Gloves



1. Why do we need to learn the different driving, holding and arc

welding tools and equipment in SMAW?
2. Is it necessary to learn the functions of SMAW tools before using it?

Direction: Identify the different holding, driving and arc welding tools,
materials and equipment in SMAW. Write the letter of the correct
answer in a 1/4 sheet of paper.

1. A holding tool that has sturdy steel vise with a movable jaw that
easily goes back or forth by raising the handle.

a. C-clamp c. Drill vise

b. Vise Grip d. Toolmaker Clamp

2. It is used for loosening and tightening light and heavy nuts and

a. Hand Vise c. C-clamp

b. Wrench d. Screwdriver

IV. Evaluation 3. An arc welding material that is used to filter the intense ultraviolet
UV light produced from the arc welding process.

a. Welding Helmet c. Welding Machine

b. Safety Gloves d. Welding rod

4. Which of the following is not a holding tool?

a. Tong c. Wrench

b. Vise-Grip d. Pliers

5. It is the main equipment in arc welding, without this we cannot do

the welding process.

a. Welding rod c. Welding Helmet

b. Welding Machine d. Electrode Holder

V. Assignment Direction: Choose at least one driving, holding and arc welding tools,
materials and equipment and give its importance. Explain your
answers in a 1/4 sheet of paper.

Prepared by: Checked by:

Pre-Service Teacher Cooperating Teacher

Approved by:

Academic Coordinator Head Teacher III

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