Codigo de Boas Praticas - UAB
Codigo de Boas Praticas - UAB
Good Practice
in Research
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Research planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Research practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Working procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Research infrastructure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Research involving people . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Research involving animal experimentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Research involving natural spaces and cultural heritage . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Potentially hazardous procedures and materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Collection and storage of materials and data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Acquisition and recording . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Physical materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Computerised materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Data ownership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
< <
The basic principles that should inspire any kind of research at the UAB are free-
dom, honesty and responsibility.
The principle of freedom refers equally to the choice and the carrying out of
research. Despite that, this freedom is embraced by the ethical principles con-
tained in the previously mentioned UAB Statutes amd the international agree-
ments and declarations that make reference to them, as well as the legal pre-
cepts applicable in each case, which are mentioned at the end of this code.
< <
Researchers must be honest in their research activities and also towards other
researchers in their work and with the institution itself. This applies to all works
of research, including the initial formulation of the hypothesis, design of the re-
search methodology, analysis of data, publication of the results, recognition of
the contribution of other researchers and reviewing and evaluation activities
undertaken as personal commissions.
Researchers must recognise the direct and indirect collaborations and con-
tributions of colleagues clearly, unequivocally and explicitly.
Researchers must respect industrial and intellectual property rights and
must not plagiarise or self-plagiarise or manipulate the results.
The honesty of researchers also implicitly involves rigour in carrying out
the research. Researchers have to engage in a careful process of discovery
and interpretation. That requires detailed revision of the results obtained
before publication and, if errors significant are detected after publication,
these should be publicly and explicitly rectified as soon as possible.
As members of the UAB, researchers must guarantee that the research is car-
< ried out in accordance with the principles expressed in the University Statutes, <
as well as in the terms and conditions defined by the funding body or agreed be-
tween the UAB and the funding bodies. This includes the need to ensure that:
> Research is carried out in compliance with the criteria for economic and
environmental sustainability.
> Research is carried out in accordance with the original proposal present-
ed to the funding body, except where changes have been agreed.
> Funding is used solely for the planned objectives, except where authori-
sation has been obtained for alternative uses.
> Reports reflect the work being carried out exactly and are presented
within the set deadlines.
> The conditions relating to publication, authorship and intellectual prop-
erty are complied with.
Researchers must report any act of malpractice with regard to these prin-
ciples as soon as they come to light in an appropriate and responsible manner.
Research groups
In accordance with the UAB Statues (Article 182) research is structured around a
research group. The research group is a research unit made up of members of the
academic staff who share scientific objectives and are coordinated by a principal
Research groups must have an organisational structure in which the lines of
authority and communication among its members are clearly indicated, as well
as the responsibilities for the different research actions.
All members of a group, within their area of responsibility, must take on this
commitment and reject initiatives that could jeopardise the way in which they
carry out their project. Members of the research group must take an active part
< in the activities that are proposed and organised. <
Research groups must have a principal researcher who leads the group and pub-
licly represents it. The responsibilities of that leadership include both academic
and organisational aspects.
Research group leaders must promote an area of work in which members can
gain experience and develop their skills and in which the exchange of ideas and
knowledge is promoted as well as the achievement of common research objec-
Leaders must also promote cooperation with other research teams to en-
courage the exchange of ideas and knowledge among researchers
> Interact personally and regularly with the trainee researchers under
their supervision to over see the tasks they have been asked to carry
out and guarantee that they are fulfilled.
> Facilitate access to adequate means and scientific environment, tak-
ing into account the training needs and avoiding unnecessary pres-
> Introduce trainee staff to discussion forums and scientific meetings
and offer advice for their future, as well as allowing them to partici-
pate in research projects, periods abroad, courses, etc.
< > Avoid trainee researchers being involved in tasks that are outside <
their area of training.
> Ensure that work orientated to training researchers (Master’s de-
grees, PhD theses) does not form part of projects with commercial
restrictions over the diffusion of results.
> Ensure that the research is carried out in safe conditions, informing
the trainee researchers about the safety rules and risk prevention
measures and insisting that these are complied with.
> Stress to trainee researchers that they must follow the CBPR and
should be self-critical when evaluating the safety of their own work.
> Offer the trainee researchers all the information they need in rela-
tion to the existing legal requirements that affect research activity
(see legal references).
> Recognise the personal work of the researchers and be rigorous and
fair in the authorship of publications and other forms of diffusion of
the work carried out.
> Carry out work in a way that provides an example for the trainee re-
< <
Working procedures
The methods used in the protocols or in the research project must come from re-
liable sources (reference methods, scientific publications rules, etc.) Where the
research involves a new methodology the process of starting up and validation
of the new methodology must form part of the research protocol and research-
ers must demonstrate its reliability with evidence.
All procedures and methods used in the research protocol must be ad-
equately referenced and documented to allow subsequent revision in the most
exact way possible of how it is going to operate. This documentation must con-
sist of at least the original results obtained by the researchers. According to the
nature of the research it may be more appropriate to document the methods in
the research protocol or in specific procedures. In this last case the copies of the
< procedures must be controlled to ensure that all the researchers have the same <
version of the documents..
Research infrastructure
All installations must be adapted so that the planned research activities can be
carried out, both in terms of the safety of people working in them and the quality
of the results obtained.
Where equipment is used to carry out the research activities, researchers
must ensure that it is adequate for the activities to be carried out and that the
people who have to use it are suitably trained with adequate instructions for its
use. In the case of complex equipment those instructions must be in the form of
documented procedures.
Any piece of equipment used for research activities must undergo preventa-
tive maintenance to avoid malfunctioning that could later the results obtained.
Researchers must also guarantee the reliability of the measures offered by the
equipment at al times.
< <
Computerised materials
In the case of data stored electronically, security copies should be sys-
tematically generated periodically and, taking into account the estab-
lished conservation period, recovery must be guaranteed, especially
cases where the format or standards are changed.
It must be guaranteed that all means are available to avoid accidental
dissemination of the data as a result of error or lack of knowledge or a
lack of protection against external attacks.
< Copies of the main programs used to process the data obtained must <
also be kept.
Storage of materials should be carried out in such a way as to guarantee their in-
tegrity, traceability and conservation at all times. Where the storage conditions
are critical (temperature, humidity, etc.) the corresponding records must be ob-
tained. Any exchange of materials with other institutions must be undertaken
with the corresponding signed transfer protocol.
Data ownership
All the primary data (collection notebook, data bases, etc.) as well as material
obtained during the research is the property of the centre to which the project
leader belongs. Where there is a change of institution, and where necessary, the
project leader may make a photocopy of all or part of the record books, a copy
of the existing electronic information and a photocopy of the data collection
notebooks or part of the material available to the person who is changing centre.
Where the change affects the head researcher this process must be carried out
Dissemination policy
The dissemination of the results is an ethical responsibility of researchers un-
derstood as being a contribution to increasing and improving human knowledge
and as part of the process of balancing accounts for the use of public resources
for research.
Therefore it is unethical to wait too long before disseminating the results,
not disseminating them at all or exaggerating the importance of results derived
from the research, or even the non-publication of negative results (in certain
health-related cases).
The UAB considers open-access initiatives for knowledge to be positive
(Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humani-
ties), which favour and promote models of publication that advocate free access
< to scientific and academic production generated by researchers. For that reason
the UAB recommended the Berlin Declaration (
berlin-prozess/berliner-erklarung/) to the Governing Council on 14 March 2012.
In any case open access has to meet the same criteria of honesty and rigour that
rule other means of communication.
> Have made a substantial contribution to the project and the creative pro-
cess, i.e. to the conception and design of the project or the analysis and
interpretation of the results.
> Have contributed to the preparation of presentation, report or the re-
> Be able to present a personal contribution to the research and discuss
the main aspects of the research as a whole.
Order of authors
The order in which authors appear in the publications may follow certain
customs or uses that are established in each area of research and it is
recommended that these are respected.
In general terms, where the contribution between different authors is
equal, the most usual order in which names appear is alphabetical.
Where the contribution of each author is different it is usual practice
to list the authors as follows:
< <
> The first co-author is the person who has made the greatest efforts in
the research and prepared the first draft of the article.
> The next co-author is the senior researcher who directed the research
or who has ultimate responsibility for the research protocol.
> The other co-authors may appear in order of their contribution or, in
some cases, alphabetical order.
Where two or more researchers have made an equal effort and have
shared the main work in writing the manuscript they have the same con-
sideration as first authors. This circumstance is explicit in the publication
of the original. The same criteria can also be applied to intermediate and
senior authors.
The author with responsibility for the correspondence is the one wit
the main responsibility for the publishing process as well as future inter-
actions that may derive from the publication of the work.
Authorship of reports
The publication of working or technical reports or any other written docu-
ment aimed at third parties must always include the relationship of the
Intellectual property
The appropriate contractual documents must be written up in which the
different interests, tasks and contributions of the parties are set out. The
obligation to secrecy and confidentiality by the parties must also be stip-
ulated and the assignment of ownership of the results generated within
the project, and the possibility of drawing up appropriate and efficient
legal protection o the result and establishing the conditions for their ex-
ploitation must be contemplated.
If the results obtained in the research are susceptible to protection
because they have potential commercial interest, they should not be dis-
seminated while the parties are carrying out the evaluation of them. Pos-
Industrial property
When the research staff participating in a project promoted by industry
make a significant contribution to the design and execution of a project,
the necessary agreements must be established with the promoting body
to share the corresponding industrial property rights, and intellectual
rights where necessary.
Where the UAB contributes means and facilities for the promotion
and creation of technology companies as the result of the work of a spe-
cific research group it must be careful that abuses do not occur in favour
< of the private interests of the company participants.
Curriculum vitae
The curriculum vitae is the result of the research activity and under no circum-
stances should it be the purpose of the research.
The CV is set out in a document detailing personal information, training and
professional experience, in which truthfulness and clarity are essential require-
ments. The content is the responsibility of the person presenting the CV and
there it is recommended that all pages be signed or stamped.
It is the obligation of researchers to keep the UAB informed of their profes-
sional activity by updating the CV using the appropriate instruments.
Peer review
Peer review refers to a personal responsibility in the for of an expert or similar to
carry out an evaluation, examination or criticism of a manuscript that they have
been sent in the hope of publishing, an application for individual or group funding
or an experimental procedure assessed by an ethics committee.
< The reviews must be objective, i.e. based on scientific criteria rather than <
personal opinions and ideas. The review must be rejected where there are con-
flicts of interest (for example where there is a direct link with the authors or
where there is close competition) or when the reviewer is not considered to be
sufficiently prepared to carry out the review.
The reports and manuscripts reviewed are always considered confidential,
privileged information. As a consequence, the documentation:
> Must not be used for the benefit of the reviewer until the information has
been published.
> Must not be shared with colleagues except for specific reasons if there is
no explicit permission from the publishers or the research agency.
> Must not be copied except where those responsible for the publishing
process or the research agency give their permission to do so. The most
normal situation is that once the process is complete the material is de-
stroyed or returned.
Legal references
Royal Decree 178/2004, of 30 January, (BOE no. 27 of 31 January) which ap-
proves the general rules for the drawing up and execution of Law 9/2003,
of 25 April, establishing the legal framework for the confined use, volun-
tary liberation and commercialisation of genetically modified organisms.
Order of 25 de March 1998 in which, according to technical progress, Royal De-
cree 664/1997, of 12 May, on the protection of workers against risks related
to exposure to biological agents at work (BOE no.76 of 30 March 1998) is