Quarter 2, Week 1 - NOVEMBER 07-11, 2022
Quarter 2, Week 1 - NOVEMBER 07-11, 2022
The learners should be able to make a chart showing healthful habits that promote proper functioning of the musculo-
B. Performance skeletal,integumentary,digestive,circulatory,excretory,respiratory and nervous systems
C. Learning Explain how the organs of each organ system work together(S6LT-lIa-b-1)
Write the LC
code for each
Describe the structure Describe the structure Discuss proper care of Describe the structure Describe the structure
and function of the and function of the parts the muscular and and functions of the and functions of the
parts of the skeletal of the muscular system skeletal system parts of the digestive parts of the respiratory
system system. system
Parts and functions of Parts and functions of Parts and functions of Parts and functions of Parts and functions of
II. CONTENT Musculo-skeletal musculo-skeletal system musculo-skeletal system digestive system respiratory system
A. References
1. Teacher’s
Guide pages
2. Learner’s
Materials pages
3. Textbook pages The New Science Links, The New Science The New Science Links The New Science Links The New Science Links
pp. 104-113 Links,pp.114-121 pp. 119. pp. 129-137 The pp. 129-137 The
The Amazing World of Amazing World of Amazing World of
Science 6 pp. 65-67 Science 6 pp. 77-82. Science
4. Additional
Materials from
Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Science Worksheets, Worksheets, crossword Charts and pictures Charts and pictures Charts and pictures
Resources video clips puzzle
B. Establishing a 1.Skeleton dance Four Pics, One Word. Why do we need to wear Fill in the missing Jumbled Letters
purpose for the https://www.youtube.c Guess the word by helmet when riding a letters of fruits and Activity: Rearrange the
lesson om/watch? studying how the four motorcycle? vegetables to reveal the letters to form the
v=e54m6XOpRgU pictures are related to magic word. (Show correct words.
2. Label the each other. Write the picture of the digestive 1.ENOS-
parts:Group Work word in the box below. system)Refer to New 2.PXNHARY-
Science Links 6 p. 129 3.LRYANX-
What are these words?
__ __ __ __ __
examples/instanc teacher asks to the Activity Picture analysis: Work Work
es of the new students “What is the 1. Setting of Showing pictures of 1. Setting of 1. Setting of
lesson purpose of the human standards/Safety Tips Common injuries and standards/Safety Tips standards/Safety Tips
skeleton?” 2. Activity #1: Observing diseases of the musculo- 2. Activity “Investigating 2. Activity #1
1.Setting of Tendons of Muscles skeletal system. Digestion of Food in the “Investigating How the
standard/Safety tips Problem: How are the Question: What have you Mouth” Lungs Work”
2.Activity #1: muscles connected to the seen/observe in the Problem: What Problem: How do lungs
Examining Bone bones? Refer to Science picture given? processes happen when work? Refer to New
Structure Links page 150 the food is in the science Links pp. 140-
Problem: How do mouth? Refer to New 141
skeleton functions? Science Links pp. 130-
Refer to The New 131
Science Links page 105
concepts are the two division of muscles connected to are other What are the parts and What are the main parts
the skeletal system? bones? What are the musculoskeletal system functions of Digestive of the respiratory
What are the parts & types of muscles? injuries and disorders? System? Mix and Match system? Find your
functions of the axial Original File Submitted What are their activity. Parts & Match Activity. (Using
skeleton? The and Formatted by DepEd symptoms? How are they Functions of the pictures of the parts of
appendicular skeleton? Club Member - visit treated? How can they digestive system. Refer the respiratory system
What is the difference depedclub.com for more prevented? to New science Links pp. and metacards for its
between compact bone 133 functions.
& spongy bone? Why is
bone marrow
E. Continuation of Activity #2: Observing Activity #2: Observing Activity #2 Carousel Activity#2 Group work Activity #2 “Observing
the discussion of Movements of Joints Movement of Muscles brainstorming. “Investigating Digestion the Effect of Strenuous
new concepts Problem: What are the Problem: How do Each group will take of Food in the Stomach” Activity on Breathing”
(leads to different kinds of muscles work? Refer to turns in writing their Problem: What Problem: How does
Formative joints? New Science Links p.116 ideas on how to care the processes happen when exercise affect
Assessment 2) Refer to The New Safety Tips: Do not musculo-skeletal system. the food is in the breathing?
Science Links p. 109 overstretch your stomach? Refer to New Safety Tips: Do not
( Group Work) muscles. Science Links pp. 134 play with or swallow the
Safety Tips: 1. Be Safety Tips: Be careful materials to be used.
careful in moving your in handling liquids like Refer to New Science
body parts, especially hydrochloric acid. Links 6 pp. 144
your neck and Always wait for the
backbone. teachers instruction
2. Do not allow other before performing the
persons to pull or twist activity
your arm.
F. Developing Mix and match Picture analysis: Group Create an exercise to: Chain of Events: Think Trace the path of air
mastery (leads to activity: Parts and work. The teacher show Improve flexibility of one food item that from the nose to the
Formative functions of Skeletal pictures of the different Improve physical you enjoy eating. Using lungs. Write your
Assessment 3) System (group work) types of muscles maybe: endurance the diagram below and
illustration in your
Each group will be a. smooth muscles describe the chain of
provided with b. cardiac muscles Improve muscular events that happens manila paper.
parts(green) and c. skeletal muscles strength during the digestion of
function(yellow) written Guide Questions: your favorite food.
in metacards. 1. What can you Indicate all the
see/observe in the structures that are
pictures given? involved. Refer to New
2. How do these muscles Science Links p. 82
move or work?
3. Compare and contrast
the three kinds of
applications of should bones be don’t we overstretch our it that some schools, breakfast considered as important to maintain a
concepts and strong? Why is it muscles? If we do, what hospitals, and the most important clean environment to
skills in daily important to prevent will happen? 2. Why department stores have meal of the day? have a healthy
living falls and other handicapped person designed ramps for respiratory system?
(reflective approach) accidents that could should be treated with disabled persons? TRIVIA: Borborygmus Why? In what way do
injure the bones? kindness and respect? Borborygmus is the you think the amount of
Why is it dangerous to TRIVIA: Don’t you know rumbling sound in the carbon dioxide affect the
move a person with that your face has 50 stomach. When you speed or intensity of
spinal fracture? muscles? You use 17 hear your stomach breathing? Why do
How will you take care muscles to smile but rumbling, it is the signal adolescent like you
of your bones? more than 46 muscles to from your brain that the should not try smoking
frown. So from now on stomach has begun the even though you see
TRIVIA: Bones are what will you do? digestion. others doing it?
alive. They are made of TRIVIA: A yawn is a
living cells capable of signal of oxygen
growing and repairing shortage I the body.
themselves. When we are drowsy or
sleepy, the lungs do not
take enough oxygen
from the air. This causes
a shortage of oxygen and
sends a message that
causes you to take a
deep long breath called
H. Making What are the ideas did 1. Explain how the bones Why do we need to take What are the parts of What are the parts and
generalizations you learn in the lesson? and muscles work care of our musculo- the digestive system? functions of the
and abstractions What are the parts and together? skeletal system? How does the digestive respiratory system?
about the lesson functions of the 2. How will you know system work?
skeletal system? that a muscle is
Describe the potential contracting?
consequences if all 3. Why do muscles need
bone tissues in rest?
humans were made of
spongy bones & no
compact bones.
learning Matching type: Match Completion Type. Activity Make a chart Arranging Sequence of Multiple Choice: Read
the parts of the skeletal Supply the missing showing healthful habits Events: Arrange The each item
system in column A words. Choose your that promote the proper New Science Links pp. carefully.Circle the letter
with the functions in answers in the box functioning of the 129-137 The Amazing of the correct answer.
column B. below. musculo-skeletal system. World of Science the 1. Tiny hairs lined inside
Column A The ______system consist (Use rubrics in assessing following statements the nose prepare air for
Column B of all muscles in the their work) according to the process the lungs by ______.
1. Skull body. Muscles have three Healthful Habits of digestion and a. cleaning it
a. the inner layer of the kinds:______,______ and absorption in the body. b. drying it
bone that skeletal. Muscles always Number each of the c. moistening it
2. Spinal column work in _____.If one steps according to the d. warming it
contains yellowish muscle contracts the sequence it occurs. 2. How does the body
substance opposite relaxes. ____ Water is absorbed. use the energy released
3. Bones _______help the body ____Food is broken into in its cells?
which manufactures move and do work. Good small pieces a. to rest the body
blood cells food, exercise, rest, and ____Nutrients pass b. to lower body
4. Hinge joint good posture are through the blood temperature.
in the body. necessary to make stream c. for making oxygen
5. Ball and socket muscles strong and ____Waste are removed d. for muscles to move
b. protects the spinal healthy. from the body. 3. When you exhale, the
cord Muscles Smooth ____Food is liquefied diaphragm helps air
Muscular and digested into forms leave the body by _____
c. a rigid case that Cardiac Pairs that cell can use. a. expanding the lungs
protects the b. making the chest
brain c. pushing air in the
d. allows movement in d. making the chest
all smaller
4. The body’s cells use
directions oxygen to break sugar
into _____.
e. allows movement in a. oxygen and water
one b. carbohydrates and
direction only c. protein and water
d. carbon dioxide and
5. What happens when
you breathe in air?
a. The diaphragm
expands and the ribcage
b. the diaphragm
contracts and the
ribcage expands.
c. the diaphragm
expands and the rib
cage collapses.
d. The diaphragm
contracts and the
ribcage remain the
J. Additional How will you take care Assignment: Write SM if Assignment: Write a Assignment:
activities for of your bones? the statement pertains to short paragraph about The digestive system
application or smooth muscles, CA if the need for calcium for provides nourishment
remediation cardiac muscles and SK the musculo-skeletal for all the cells of our
if skeletal muscles. system to function well. body. What are good
_____1. These are habits that will keep our
muscles found only in digestive system
heart. healthy?
--------2. They are
striated and involuntary.
--------3. They are
striated and voluntary.
--------4. They are
muscles of internal
--------5. The muscle cell
of this type contains only
one nucleus.
V. REMARKS Re-teaching
Transfer of
Lack of Time
lesson to the
following day
No class
A. No. of learners
who earned 80%
in the evaluation
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have caught
up with the
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
strategies worked
well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation
or localized
materials did I
which I wish to
share with other
GRADES 1 to 12 School: ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Grade Level: 6
NOVEMBER 7 - 11, 2022 (WEEK
Teaching Dates and Time: 1) Quarter: 2ND QUARTER
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s
Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Kto12 Curriculum Guide English 6
Materials from
Learning Resource Learning English The Easy Way 6, pp. 189-
(LR)portal 209
C. Presenting Suggested Questions: Ask the pupils to Let the pupils Distribute biodata
examples/Instances After the first paragraph: define the terms on differ the previous sheets for each
of the new lesson Ask: Why do you think the bunn y wanted to the arranged instances. group. Let them
run away? What would you do to keep the jumbled letters. say what they see
bunny from running? After the second inside it.
Ask: What do you think would have
happened to the bunny to get away? Why did
the mother rabbit not want the bunny to get
After the third paragraph
Ask: Have you ever wanted to run away?
Why? After the fourth paragraph:
Ask: If you could change into anything you
wanted, what would you become? Why?
D. Discussing new APPLICATION Show some Show the tarpapel Tell to class what
concepts and Based from the story read, name the things sentences with the and discuss the a biodata is.
practicing new skills the little bunny says he will become and mathematical degrees of
#1 what the mother wants she will be. concepts. Let them comparison of
define the words adjectives.
When the bunny The mother will using context
becomes become clues.
E. Discussing new The teacher will guide the students on how to Present sentences Group Activity Have the parts of
concepts and employ appropriate with mathematical Give an adjective a biodata be
practicing new skills style of speaking, adjusting language, concepts. Then, let to each group and discussed.
#2 gestures, rate, and volume according to the pupils consult let them make a
audience and purpose a glossary to define sentence for each
the meaning. degree.
F. Developing mastery Group Activity Let the pupils Let the pupils Ask questions
(leads to Formative The pupils will proceed into their groupings. complete the complete the about the parts of
Assessment ) Then, they will be asked to prepare a reaction sentences by sentences by a biodata.
or a synopsis of the selection read. The underlining the writing the Original File
output will be read with the group. After that, correct answer appropriate form of Submitted and
the group will check for errors. After the time, from the choices. the adjective on Formatted by
the group will relay their insights. the blank. DepEd Club
Member - visit
depedclub.com for
G. Finding practical What benefit can we get from knowing how to Why do we need to What is the Why do we need a
application of speak well? understand relevance of using biodata?
concepts and skills in mathematical the correct
daily living concepts? adjective?
H. Making What are the standards of speaking well? Give some What are the How do we fill up
generalizations and mathematical different degrees a biodata?
abstractions about concept and their of adjectives?
the lesson meaning.
I. Evaluating learning The reporting will be graded using a teacher – Let the pupils Let the pupils Have the pupils fill
made rubric for speaking. complete the complete the up a biodata. A
sentences by sentences by rubric for filling
Let’s Decide underlining the writing the up a biodata will
Decide if each of the statements about the correct answer appropriate form of be used to grade
poem is True or False. from the choices. the adjective on the pupils.
1. The mountain and the squirrel did not the blank.
agree with each other.
2. The mountain insulted the squirrel
3. The squirrel doubts that the mountain
is big.
4. The squirrel says that it takes a year
to make all sorts of things and weather.
5. The squirrel says he is quicker than
the mountain.
6. The squirrel is grateful to the
mountain for giving him a path to move
7. The squirrel says the mountain is
8. The mountain has got many trees on
9. The squirrel cannot crack a nut.
10. The squirrel and the mountain are
good friends.
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
remediation who
scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or
supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did
I use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?
Date/Time November 7-11, 2022 Grading WEEK 1-SECOND
A. Content Standard Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates
knowledge and skills knowledge and skills knowledge and skills knowledge and skills knowledge and skills
that will lead to one that will lead to one that will lead to one that will lead to one that will lead to one
becoming an ideal becoming an ideal becoming an ideal becoming an ideal becoming an ideal
entrepreneur entrepreneur entrepreneur entrepreneur entrepreneur
B. Performance Sells products based Sells products based Sells products based Sells products based Sells products based
Standard on needs and on needs and on needs and on needs and on needs and
demands demands demands demands demands
C. Learning Produces simple Produces simple Produces simple Produces simple Produces simple
Competency/s: products products products products products
TLEIE6-0a-2 TLEIE6-0a-2 TLEIE6-0a-2 TLEIE6-0a-2 TLEIE6-0a-2
II CONTENT Qualities of Types of The Buyer The Seller Producing Simple
Entrepreneur Entrepreneurs products
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials TLE-ICT. Module TLE-ICT. Module TLE-ICT. Module TLE-ICT. Module TLE-ICT. Module
3. Textbook pages Life Skills Through Life Skills Through Life Skills Through Life Skills Through Life Skills Through
TLE 6 pages 2-11 TLE 6 pages 2-11 TLE 6 pages 2-11 TLE 6 pages 2-11 TLE 6 pages 2-11
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
B. Other Learning Audio-visual Audio-visual Audio-visual Audio-visual Audio-visual
A. Reviewing previous What is the second What is an What are the What is a buyer? What is a seller?
lesson or presenting the component of TLE? entrepreneur? qualities of
new lesson entrepreneur?
B. Establishing a Song: EPP Time Song: EPP Time . Song: EPP Time Song: EPP Time Song: EPP Time
purpose for the lesson Discuss the objective Discuss the objective Discuss the objective Discuss the objective Discuss the objective
of the lesson of the lesson of the lesson of the lesson of the lesson
C. Presenting Who is an What qualities of What is the role of What is the role of a What business would
Examples/instances of entrepreneur? entrepreneur do you entrepreneur? seller? you like to start?
new lesson have?
D. Discussing new Collaborative approach Collaborative Collaborative Collaborative Explain different
concepts and practicing I. Concept mapping approach approach approach simple product
new skills #1 Give different qualities I. Concept mapping I. Concept mapping I. Concept mapping
of an entrepreneur Give different types of Give the role of a Give the role of a
II. Role model an entrepreneur buyer seller
Act one qualities of an II. Role model II. Role model II. Role model
entrepreneur Act one type of an Act one role of a Act one role of a
III. Drawing entrepreneur buyer seller
Draw picture showing III. Drawing III. Drawing III. Drawing
one quality of an Draw picture showing Draw picture Draw picture
entrepreneur. type of an showing role of showing role of seller
entrepreneur. buyer
E. Discussing new
concepts and practicing
new skills #2
F. Developing mastery 1. What is an 1. What are the types 1. What is a buyer? 1. What is a seller? 1. What are the
(Leads to Formative entrepreneur? of entrepreneurs? 2. What are the roles 2. What are the roles simple products you
Assessment) 2. What are the 2. What type of of a buyer? of a seller? can produce?
qualities of entrepreneur do you 3. What qualities of a 3. What qualities of a 2. What business
entrepreneur? want to be? Why? buyer you should seller you should would you like to
3. How 3. How have? have? start? Why?
entrepreneurship entrepreneurship 4. If you will buy 4. If you will buy 3. Would you like to
helps in our economy? helps in our something, what something, what be an entrepreneur?
4. What qualities of an economy? kind of buyer you kind of seller you Why?
entrepreneur should 4. Which type of are? Why? are? Why?
have in order to entrepreneur do you 5. Would you like to 5. Would you like to
succeed? think is much be an entrepreneur? be an entrepreneur?
5. Would you like to be needed? Why? Why? Why?
an entrepreneur? 5. Would you like to
Why? be an entrepreneur?
II.NILALAMAN Pagtukoy ng iba’t ibang Pagpapahalaga ng pagkakaroon ng Paglalahad ng mga sariling Pagpapahalaga ng pagkakaroon Paglalahad ng mga sariling
sitwasyon na nagpapakita ng katangian ng pagiging responsable karanasan ng pagiging responsable ng katangian ng pagiging karanasan ng pagiging
pagiging responsible sa sarili sa sarili sa sarili responsable sa sarili responsable sa sarili
A. Sanggunian
1.Mga pahina sa Gabay ng Guro MELC page 10
2.Mga Pahina sa Kagamitang
3.Mga pahina sa Teksbuk
4. Karagdagang Kagamitan
mula sa portal ng Learning
B. Iba pang Kagamitang powerpoint presentation
A. Balik-Aral sa nakaraang Sagutin ang crossword puzzle Ano ang ibig sabihin ng pagiging Panuto Piliin sa Hanay B ang Ano ang ibig sabihin ng pagiging Panuto Piliin sa Hanay B ang
aralin at/o pagsisimula ng aralin tungkol sa mga pinagkukunan ng responsable sa sarili? katangiang tinutukoy ng pagiging responsable sa sarili? katangiang tinutukoy ng
mga impormasyon. Ang pagiging responsable sa sarili responsable Ang pagiging responsable sa sarili pagiging responsable
ay ginagampanan ang sariling sa sarili na matatagpuan sa Hanay ay ginagampanan ang sariling sa sarili na matatagpuan sa
obligasyon sa bahay, paaralan, at A. Isulat ang letra sa patlang. obligasyon sa bahay, paaralan, at Hanay A. Isulat ang letra sa
komunidad. Hanay A komunidad. patlang.
___ 1. Si Rica ay nagsauli ng Hanay A
sobrang sukli sa tindera. ___ 1. Si Rica ay nagsauli ng
____ 2. Nilinis ni Juan ang lugar sobrang sukli sa tindera.
kung saan siya gumawa ng ____ 2. Nilinis ni Juan ang
kanyang proyekto. lugar kung saan siya gumawa
____ 3. Binigyan ng ulam ng ng kanyang proyekto.
kapitbahay ang mag-anak ni Mang ____ 3. Binigyan ng ulam ng
Pedro nang panahong wala silang kapitbahay ang mag-anak ni
makain. Mang Pedro nang panahong
____ 4. Hindi pinakinggan ni Rex wala silang makain.
ang kanyang kaklase nang ____ 4. Hindi pinakinggan ni
sinabihan siyang tumingin sa Rex ang kanyang kaklase
kanyang notbuk noong sila’y nang sinabihan siyang
nagsusulit. tumingin sa kanyang notbuk
____ 5. Inilalagay ni Karen sa noong sila’y nagsusulit.
kanyang alkansya ang sobrang ____ 5. Inilalagay ni Karen sa
baon na binibigay ng kanyang kanyang alkansya ang
Nanay sobrang baon na binibigay ng
Hanay B. kanyang Nanay
a. matipid saan Hanay B.
b. may paggalang at pang-unawa a. matipid saan
sa kalagayan ng ibang tao b. may paggalang at pang-
c. malinis unawa sa kalagayan ng ibang
d.tapat. tao
e. may sariling pagtitimpi c. malinis
e. may sariling pagtitimpi
B. Paghahabi sa layunin ng Ikaw ba ay isang responsableng Masasabi mo bang ikaw ay Ikaw ba ay isang responsableng Masasabi mo bang ikaw ay
aralin bata? responsable? bata? responsable?
Ikaw ba ay mapagkakatiwalaan Ano-anong katangian ang dapat Ikaw ba ay mapagkakatiwalaan na Ano-anong katangian ang dapat
na gumawa ng mga bagay na mong taglayin? gumawa ng mga bagay na mag- mong taglayin?
mag- isa?
C. Pag-uugnay ng mga Basahin ang kwento. Alamin Ang pagkakaroon ng mga Basahin ang pahayag ng mga Ang pagkakaroon ng mga Basahin ang pahayag ng mga
halimbawa sa bagong aralin kung paano ito ipinakita ng katangian ng pagiging responsable magkakaibigan tungkol sa katangian ng pagiging magkakaibigan tungkol sa
batang si sa sarili ay nakapagdudulot ng kanilang mga naging di- responsable sa sarili ay kanilang mga naging di-
Ben. kabutihan sa pangkalahatan na malilimutang karanasan. nakapagdudulot ng kabutihan sa malilimutang karanasan.
nakatutulong upang mapanatili ang pangkalahatan na nakatutulong
kaayusan at kapayapaan sa ating upang mapanatili ang kaayusan
pamayanan. Tinitiyak niya at kapayapaan sa ating
na bahagi siya sa paglutas ng pamayanan. Tinitiyak niya
suliranin at hindi maging sanhi ng na bahagi siya sa paglutas ng
suliranin. suliranin at hindi maging sanhi
Ang mga taong responsable ay ng suliranin.
maaaring pagkatiwalaan ng mga Ang mga taong responsable ay
gawain. maaaring pagkatiwalaan ng mga
Ang pagkakaroon ng gawain.
pagpapahalaga sa responsibilidad Ang pagkakaroon ng
at pagtitiwala ay pagpapahalaga sa
kinabibilangan ng sumusunod na responsibilidad at pagtitiwala ay
katangian: kinabibilangan ng sumusunod na
▪ Matapat katangian:
▪ Masipag ▪ Matapat
▪ Maayos ▪ Masipag
▪ Malinis ▪ Maayos
▪ Magalang ▪ Malinis
▪ Aktibo sa komunidad ▪ Magalang
▪ Sumusunod sa alituntunin at ▪ Aktibo sa komunidad
batas ▪ Sumusunod sa alituntunin at
▪ Tumutupad sa pangako batas
▪ May paggalang at pang-unawa sa ▪ Tumutupad sa pangako
kalagayan ng ibang tao ▪ May paggalang at pang-unawa
sa kalagayan ng ibang tao
D. Pagtatalakay ng bagong Sagutin ang sumusunod na Panuto: Basahin ang mga pahayag. Sagutin ang mga tanong: Panuto: Basahin ang mga Sagutin ang mga tanong:
konsepto at paglalahad ng tanong sa kwaderno. Isulat ang TAMA kung ito ay 1. Sino-sino ang nag-uusap? pahayag. Isulat ang TAMA kung 1. Sino-sino ang nag-uusap?
bagong kasanayan #1 1. Sino ang pangunahing tauhan nagpapahalaga ng katangian ng 2. Tungkol saan ang kanilang ito ay nagpapahalaga ng 2. Tungkol saan ang kanilang
sa kwento? pagiging responsable at MALI kung pinag-uusapan? katangian ng pagiging pinag-uusapan?
2. Ilarawan si Ben. Ano-ano ang hindi. 3. Sino sa kanila ang may responsable at MALI kung hindi. 3. Sino sa kanila ang may
kaniyang katangian? 1. Makilahok sa mga Clean Up magandang karanasan? 1. Makilahok sa mga Clean Up magandang karanasan?
3. Bakit maaga siyang Drives sa paaralan o pamayanan. 4. Alalahanin ang iyong mga Drives sa paaralan o pamayanan. 4. Alalahanin ang iyong mga
gumigising? 2. Manahimik lamang kapag may naging karanasan. Mayroon ka rin 2. Manahimik lamang kapag may naging karanasan. Mayroon
4. Ikaw rin ba ay katulad ni mga nakitang nagtatapon ng bang ginawa na maihahalintulad mga nakitang nagtatapon ng ka rin bang ginawa na
Ben? Paano mo ito nasabi? basura sa mga kalsada. sa kanilang karanasan? basura sa mga kalsada. maihahalintulad sa kanilang
5. Bakit mahalagang maging 5. Kaya mo ba itong ipagmalaki? karanasan?
responsable sa sarili? 3. Balewalain ang mga babala ng Bakit? 3. Balewalain ang mga babala ng 5. Kaya mo ba itong
Department of Health (DOH) ukol Department of Health (DOH) ipagmalaki? Bakit?
sa pandemya. ukol sa pandemya.
4. Gayahin ang mga lumalabag sa 4. Gayahin ang mga lumalabag
batas trapiko. sa batas trapiko.
5. Pagsasauli ng mga bagay na hindi 5. Pagsasauli ng mga bagay na
sa iyo. hindi sa iyo.
E. Pagtatalakay ng bagong Panuto: Lagyan ng tsek (✓) sa Magbigay ng limang katangian ng Panuto: Bilugan ang bilang na Magbigay ng limang katangian ng Panuto: Bilugan ang bilang
konsepto at paglalahad ng tabi ng bilang kung ang pagiging responsable. Pumili ng nagpapakita ng karanasan ng pagiging responsable. Pumili ng na nagpapakita ng karanasan
bagong kasanayan #2 pangungusap ay nagpapakita isang katangiang kailangan mong pagiging isang katangiang kailangan mong ng pagiging
ng pagiging responsable sa pasulungin at ipaliwanag kung bakit responsable sa sarili. pasulungin at ipaliwanag kung responsable sa sarili.
sarili at ekis (x) kung hindi. ito ang napili mo. 1. Ako ay naging matapang at bakit ito ang napili mo. 1. Ako ay naging matapang at
1. Nakikilahok sa mga gawaing matatag sa lahat ng gawaing matatag sa lahat ng gawaing
pampamayanan katulad ng ibinigay sa akin ng aking guro ibinigay sa akin ng aking guro
“Clean and Green”. upang magampanan at matapos upang magampanan at
2. Laging pinapasa sa iba ang ito. matapos ito.
gawaing iniatas. 2. Tinanggihan ko ang ibinigay sa 2. Tinanggihan ko ang
3. Iginagalang ang mga aking parte sa programa dahil ibinigay sa aking parte sa
magulang at kapatid. nahihiya ako. programa dahil nahihiya ako.
4. Tinatapos ang takdang-aralin 3. Matiyaga kong inunawa ang 3. Matiyaga kong inunawa
sa paaralan. bawat konseptong itinuro sa akin ang bawat konseptong
5. Sinisikap na mapataas ang ng aking guro upang makasabay itinuro sa akin ng aking guro
grado. ako sa daloy ng aming pinag- upang makasabay ako sa
aaralan. daloy ng aming pinag-
4. Kailangan kong maging masipag aaralan.
at maasahan sa lahat ng gawain 4. Kailangan kong maging
binigay sa akin. masipag at maasahan sa
5. Hindi ko kailangang simulan lahat ng gawain binigay sa
kaagad ang pag-iimpok dahil bata akin.
pa naman ako. 5. Hindi ko kailangang
simulan kaagad ang pag-
iimpok dahil bata pa naman
F. Paglinang sa Kabihasaan Panuto: Isulat ang (SA) kung Panuto: Sa ibaba ay mga katangian Panuto: Iguhit ang hugis puso sa Panuto: Sa ibaba ay mga Panuto: Iguhit ang hugis puso
(Tungo sa Formative Assesment sang-ayon ka sa nilalahad na ng pagiging isang responsable sa patlang kung tama ang ginawa at katangian ng pagiging isang sa patlang kung tama ang
) pangungusap at sarili. Piliin ang katangiang hugis bituin naman kung mali. responsable sa sarili. Piliin ang ginawa at hugis bituin naman
(HS) kung hindi sang-ayon. naaangkop sa pangungusap. Isulat ______ 1. Hindi ko sinabi sa aking katangiang naaangkop sa kung mali.
_____ 1. Pagtatapon ng balat ng ang titik ng wastong sagot. guro na isa ako sa gumawa ng pangungusap. Isulat ang titik ng ______ 1. Hindi ko sinabi sa
saging kahit saan lang. a. matipid proyekto sapagkat hindi maganda wastong sagot. aking guro na isa ako sa
_____ 2. Tumutulong sa b. nagpapakita ng paggalang at ang pagkakagawa nito. a. matipid gumawa ng proyekto
paglilinis ng silid- aralan. pang-unawa sa ibang tao _______ 2.Sinira ng kapatid ko ang b. nagpapakita ng paggalang at sapagkat hindi maganda ang
_____ 3. Paggamit ng mga c. sumusunod sa alituntunin at aking bag kaya sinaktan ko siya. pang-unawa sa ibang tao pagkakagawa nito.
teknolohiya nang walang batas _______ 3.Tinulungan ko si nanay c. sumusunod sa alituntunin at _______ 2.Sinira ng kapatid
disiplina. d. tapat na magsampay ng mga damit dahil batas ko ang aking bag kaya
_____ 4. Nahahati ang oras nang e. aktibo sa komunidad alam kong d. tapat sinaktan ko siya.
wasto, para sa iba’t ibang pagod na siya. e. aktibo sa komunidad _______ 3.Tinulungan ko si
gawain gaya ng takdang gawain _____1. Sinabihan ka ng nanay mo _______ 4.Nagtimpi ako at inayos nanay na magsampay ng mga
sa paaralan, mga gawain sa na bumili ng karne at isda sa ko ang kinalat na laruan ng aking _____1. Sinabihan ka ng nanay damit dahil alam kong
bahay at sa paglalaro. palengke. Pagkatapos mong bumili, akababatang kapatid, mo na bumili ng karne at isda sa pagod na siya.
_____ 5. Labag sa kalooban ang isinauli mo sa kanya ang tamang ______ 5. Kahit alam kong palengke. Pagkatapos mong _______ 4.Nagtimpi ako at
paggawa ng iniuutos ng mga sukli. papagalitan ako ni nanay, sinabi ko bumili, isinauli mo sa kanya ang inayos ko ang kinalat na
magulang. _____2.Nakasakay ka sa dyip. pa rin na ako ang nakasira ng tamang sukli. laruan ng aking akababatang
Huminto ang drayber nang maging kanyang relo. _____2.Nakasakay ka sa dyip. kapatid,
pula ang ilaw-trapiko. Huminto ang drayber nang ______ 5. Kahit alam kong
_____3. Nakita ni Joy na umiiyak maging pula ang ilaw-trapiko. papagalitan ako ni nanay,
ang kanyang kaibigan. Nilapitan _____3. Nakita ni Joy na umiiyak sinabi ko pa rin na ako ang
niya ito at tinanong kung bakit siya ang kanyang kaibigan. Nilapitan nakasira ng kanyang relo.
umiiyak. Nakidalamhati siya sa niya ito at tinanong kung bakit
kanyang kaibigan at inalok niyang siya umiiyak. Nakidalamhati siya
tulungan siya. sa kanyang kaibigan at inalok
_____4.Nagboluntaryong sumali sa niyang tulungan siya.
kampanya ng Sangguniang _____4.Nagboluntaryong sumali
Kabataan ang kuya ni Dawn tungkol sa kampanya ng Sangguniang
sa pag-recycle ng mga plastik. Kabataan ang kuya ni Dawn
_____5. Sa halip na itapon ang mga tungkol sa pag-recycle ng mga
bagay na maaari pang gamitin ni plastik.
Joshua, itinatago niya ito upang _____5. Sa halip na itapon ang
gamitin muli sa ibang pagkakataon.. mga bagay na maaari pang
gamitin ni Joshua, itinatago niya
ito upang gamitin muli sa ibang
G. Paglalapat ng aralin sa pang Ano-ano ang magandang • Taglay mo ba ang mga katangian Gumawa ng isang sanaysay • Taglay mo ba ang mga Gumawa ng isang sanaysay
araw-araw na buhay maidudulot nang pagiging ng pagiging responsable? tungkol sa iyong karanasan kung katangian ng pagiging tungkol sa iyong karanasan
responsable sa sarili lalo na sa • Ano-ano ang ibinubunga ng paano mo ipinakita ang pagiging responsable? kung paano mo ipinakita ang
panahon ngayon? pagkakaroon ng mga katangiang ito responsable sa iyong sarili. • Ano-ano ang ibinubunga ng pagiging responsable sa
sa iyo, sa ibang tao at sa pagkakaroon ng mga katangiang iyong sarili.
pamayanan? ito
sa iyo, sa ibang tao at sa
H. Paglalahat ng Aralin • Ano ang ibig sabahin ng Ano-ano ang mga katangiang dapat Ano-ano ang mga karanasan mo sa Ano-ano ang mga katangiang Ano-ano ang mga karanasan
pagiging responsable sa sarili? mong taglayin upang ikaw ay buhay na nagpapakita ng pagiging dapat mong taglayin upang ikaw mo sa buhay na nagpapakita
• Ano-ano ang mga sitwasyon maging responsable sa iyong sarili? responsable sa sarili? ay maging responsable sa iyong ng pagiging responsable sa
na nagpapakita ng pagiging Paano nakatulong ang mga sarili? sarili?
responsable sa sarili? karanasang ito sa iyong buhay? Paano nakatulong ang mga
karanasang ito sa iyong
I. Pagtataya ng Aralin Panuto: Kulayan ng pula ang Panuto: Hanapin sa Hanay B ang Panuto: Basahin at unawaing Panuto: Hanapin sa Hanay B ang Panuto: Basahin at unawaing
hugis puso (♡) kung ang katangiang inilalahad sa Hanay A. mabuti ang bawat sitwasyon. katangiang inilalahad sa Hanay A. mabuti ang bawat sitwasyon.
pahayag ay Isulat Lagyan ng tsek Isulat Lagyan ng tsek
nagpapakita ng pagiging ang wastong titik sa patlang. (✓) kung pangungusap kung tama ang wastong titik sa patlang. (✓) kung pangungusap kung
responsable sa sarili at bughaw at kung sa tingin mo ang tama at kung sa tingin mo
naman kung hindi. Hanay A pangungusap ay mali. Hanay A ang pangungusap ay mali.
1. Panonood ng mga palabas sa ______ 1. Nakita ni Susan na 1. Ang magplano ay lagi kong ______ 1. Nakita ni Susan na 1. Ang magplano ay lagi kong
telebisyon bago magsimulang nalaglag ang P100 ng kanyang ate. ginagawa sa aking pang araw-araw nalaglag ang P100 ng kanyang ginagawa sa aking pang
mag-aral. Pinulot niya ito at ibinalik sa na buhay. ate. Pinulot niya ito at ibinalik sa araw-araw na buhay.
2. Pagpatay ng ilaw kung hindi kanyang ate 2. Kung may mga bagay o ideya kanyang ate 2. Kung may mga bagay o
kinakailangan upang makatipid _______2. Laging nagmamano si akong naiisip, kumikilos agad ako _______2. Laging nagmamano si ideya akong naiisip,
sa Caloy para Caloy kumikilos agad ako para
binabayarang kuryente ng sa mga nakatatanda. gawin ito. sa mga nakatatanda. gawin ito.
magulang. ______ 3. Tumutulong sa mga 3. Ipinagpapabukas ko ang mga ______ 3. Tumutulong sa mga 3. Ipinagpapabukas ko ang
3. Pagsali sa mga gawain o gawaing bahay si Hannah. bagay na kaya kong gawin ngayon. gawaing bahay si Hannah. mga bagay na kaya kong
proyekto ng Sangguniang ______ 4. Nagsusuot lagi ng face 4. Tinitingnan ko ang mga bagay sa ______ 4. Nagsusuot lagi ng face gawin ngayon.
kabataan sabarangay. mask si John sa batas positibong paraan upang gumaan mask si John sa batas 4. Tinitingnan ko ang mga
4. Pag-uwi nang hindi tama sa ang mga dinadala kong problema. bagay sa positibong paraan
oras. kapag lumalabas ng bahay. 5. Agad akong sumusuko sa kapag lumalabas ng bahay. upang gumaan
5. Pagtapos ng anumang ______ 5. Itinatabi ni Jen ang pagsagot sa takdang-aralin dahil ______ 5. Itinatabi ni Jen ang ang mga dinadala kong
nasimulang gawain sa abot ng sobrang baon araw-araw. ito ay may kahabaan. sobrang baon araw-araw. problema.
sariling kakayahan. Hanay B Hanay B 5. Agad akong sumusuko sa
a. magalang a. magalang pagsagot sa takdang-aralin
b. matipid b. matipid dahil ito ay may kahabaan.
c. matapat c. matapat
d. masipag d. masipag
e. sumusunod e. sumusunod
J. Karagdagang gawain para sa
takdang-aralin at remediation
A. Bilang ng mag-aaral na
nakakuha ng 80% sapagtataya
B. Bilang mag-aaral na
nangangailangan ng iba pang
gawain para sa remediation
C. Nakatulong ba ang remedial?
Bilang ng mag-aaral na
nakaunawa sa aralin?
D. Bilang ng mga mag-aaral na
magpatuloy sa remediation?
E. Alin sa mga istrateheya ng
pagtuturo ang nakatulong ng
lubos? Paano ito nakatulong?
F. Anong suliranin ang aking
naranasan na solusyonan sa
tulong ng aking punongguro at
G.Anong kagamitang panturo
ang aking nadibuho na nais
kong ibahagi sa mga kapwa ko
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