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Trojan war
The events of the Trojan War are found in many works of Greek literature and depicted in
numerous works of Greek art. There is no single, authoritative text which tells the entire events of
the war. Instead, the story is assembled from a variety of sources, some of which report
contradictory versions of the events. The most important literary sources are the two epic poems
traditionally credited to Homer, the Iliad and the Odyssey, composed sometime between the 9th
and 6th centuries BC.[5] Each poem narrates only a part of the war. The Iliad covers a short period
in the last year of the siege of Troy, while the Odyssey concerns Odysseus's return to his home
island of Ithaca following the sack of Troy and contains several flashbacks to particular episodes
in the war.
Other parts of the Trojan War were told in the poems of the Epic Cycle, also known as the Cyclic
Epics: the Cypria, Aethiopis, Little Iliad, Iliou Persis, Nostoi, and Telegony. Though these poems
survive only in fragments, their content is known from a summary included
in Proclus' Chrestomathy.[6] The authorship of the Cyclic Epics is uncertain. It is generally thought
that the poems were written down in the 7th and 6th century BC, after the composition of the
Homeric poems, though it is widely believed that they were based on earlier traditions. [7]
Both the Homeric epics and the Epic Cycle take origin from oral tradition. Even after the
composition of the Iliad, Odyssey, and the Cyclic Epics, the myths of the Trojan War were passed
on orally in many genres of poetry and through non-poetic storytelling. Events and details of the
story that are only found in later authors may have been passed on through oral tradition and
could be as old as the Homeric poems. Visual art, such as vase painting, was another medium in
which myths of the Trojan War circulated. [8]
In later ages playwrights, historians, and other intellectuals would create works inspired by the
Trojan War. The three great tragedians of Athens, Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides, wrote a
number of dramas that portray episodes from the Trojan War. Among Roman writers the most
important is the 1st century BC poet Virgil; in Book 2 of his Aeneid, Aeneas narrates the sack of
All of the gods were invited to Peleus and Thetis' wedding and brought many gifts, [19] except Eris
(the goddess of discord), who was stopped at the door by Hermes, on Zeus' order.[20] Insulted, she
threw from the door a gift of her own:[21] a golden apple (το μήλον της έριδος) on which was
inscribed the word καλλίστῃ Kallistēi ("To the fairest").[22] The apple was claimed by Hera, Athena,
and Aphrodite. They quarrelled bitterly over it, and none of the other gods would venture an
opinion favouring one, for fear of earning the enmity of the other two. Eventually, Zeus ordered
Hermes to lead the three goddesses to Paris, a prince of Troy, who, unaware of his ancestry, was
being raised as a shepherd on Mount Ida,[23] because of a prophecy that he would be the downfall
of Troy.[24] After bathing in the spring of Ida, the goddesses appeared to him naked, either for the
sake of winning or at Paris' request. Paris was unable to decide among them, so the goddesses
resorted to bribes. Athena offered Paris wisdom, skill in battle, and the abilities of the greatest
warriors; Hera offered him political power and control of all of Asia; and Aphrodite offered him the
love of the most beautiful woman in the world, Helen of Sparta. Paris awarded the apple to
Aphrodite, and, after several adventures, returned to Troy, where he was recognised by his royal
Thetis gives her son Achilles weapons forged by Hephaestus (detail of Attic black-figure hydria, 575–550
Peleus and Thetis bore a son, whom they named Achilles. It was foretold that he would either die
of old age after an uneventful life, or die young in a battlefield and gain immortality through
poetry.[25] Furthermore, when Achilles was nine years old, Calchas had prophesied that Troy could
not again fall without his help. [26] A number of sources credit Thetis with attempting to make
Achilles immortal when he was an infant. Some of these state that she held him over fire every
night to burn away his mortal parts and rubbed him with ambrosia during the day, but Peleus
discovered her actions and stopped her.[27]
According to some versions of this story, Thetis had already killed several sons in this manner,
and Peleus' action therefore saved his son's life. [28] Other sources state that Thetis bathed Achilles
in the Styx, the river that runs to the underworld, making him invulnerable wherever he was
touched by the water.[29] Because she had held him by the heel, it was not entirely immersed
during the bathing and thus the heel remained mortal and vulnerable to injury (hence the
expression "Achilles' heel" for an isolated weakness). He grew up to be the greatest of all mortal
warriors. After Calchas' prophecy, Thetis hid Achilles in Skyros at the court of King Lycomedes,
where he was disguised as a girl.[30] At a crucial point in the war, she assists her son by providing
weapons divinely forged by Hephaestus (see below).
Elopement of Paris and Helen
A scene from the Iliad where Odysseus (Ulysses) discovers Achilles dressed as a woman and hiding
among the princesses at the royal court of Skyros. A late Roman mosaic from La Olmeda, Spain, 4th–5th
centuries AD
Since Menelaus's wedding, Odysseus had married Penelope and fathered a son, Telemachus. In
order to avoid the war, he feigned madness and sowed his fields with salt. Palamedes outwitted
him by placing Telemachus, then an infant, in front of the plough's path. Odysseus turned aside,
unwilling to kill his son, so revealing his sanity and forcing him to join the war. [39][48]
According to Homer, however, Odysseus supported the military adventure from the beginning,
and travelled the region with Pylos' king, Nestor, to recruit forces.[49]
At Skyros, Achilles had an affair with the king's daughter Deidamia, resulting in a
child, Neoptolemus.[50] Odysseus, Telamonian Ajax, and Achilles' tutor Phoenix went to retrieve
Achilles. Achilles' mother disguised him as a woman so that he would not have to go to war, but,
according to one story, they blew a horn, and Achilles revealed himself by seizing a spear to fight
intruders, rather than fleeing. [26] According to another story, they disguised themselves as
merchants bearing trinkets and weaponry, and Achilles was marked out from the other women for
admiring weaponry instead of clothes and jewellery. [51]
Pausanias said that, according to Homer, Achilles did not hide in Skyros, but rather conquered
the island, as part of the Trojan War.[52]
First gathering at Aulis
Second gathering
A map of the Troäd (Troas)
Eight years after the storm had scattered them, [63] the fleet of more than a thousand ships was
gathered again. When they had all reached Aulis, the winds ceased. The prophet Calchas stated
that the goddess Artemis was punishing Agamemnon for killing either a sacred deer or a deer in a
sacred grove, and boasting that he was a better hunter than she. [39] The only way to appease
Artemis, he said, was to sacrifice Iphigenia, who was either the daughter of Agamemnon and
Clytemnestra,[64] or of Helen and Theseus entrusted to Clytemnestra when Helen married
Agamemnon refused, and the other commanders threatened to make Palamedes commander of
the expedition.[66] According to some versions, Agamemnon relented and performed the sacrifice,
but others claim that he sacrificed a deer in her place, or that at the last moment, Artemis took
pity on the girl, and took her to be a maiden in one of her temples, substituting a lamb.
Hesiod says that Iphigenia became the goddess Hecate.[67]
The Achaean forces are described in detail in the Catalogue of Ships, in the second book of
the Iliad. They consisted of 28 contingents from mainland Greece, the Peloponnese,
the Dodecanese islands, Crete, and Ithaca, comprising 1186 pentekonters, ships with 50 rowers.
Thucydides says[68] that according to tradition there were about 1200 ships, and that
the Boeotian ships had 120 men, while Philoctetes' ships only had the fifty rowers, these probably
being maximum and minimum. These numbers would mean a total force of 70,000 to 130,000
men. Another catalogue of ships is given by the Bibliotheca that differs somewhat but agrees in
numbers. Some scholars have claimed that Homer's catalogue is an original Bronze Age
document, possibly the Achaean commander's order of operations. [69][70][71] Others believe it was a
fabrication of Homer.
The second book of the Iliad also lists the Trojan allies, consisting of the Trojans themselves, led
by Hector, and various allies listed as Dardanians led by
Aeneas, Zeleians, Adrasteians, Percotians, Pelasgians, Thracians, Ciconian spearmen, Paionian
archers, Halizones, Mysians, Phrygians, Maeonians, Miletians, Lycians led
by Sarpedon and Carians. Nothing is said of the Trojan language; the Carians are specifically
said to be barbarian-speaking, and the allied contingents are said to have spoken many
languages, requiring orders to be translated by their individual commanders. [72] The Trojans and
Achaeans in the Iliad share the same religion, same culture and the enemy heroes speak to each
other in the same language, though this could be dramatic effect.
Philoctetes on Lemnos, with Heracles' bow and quiver (Attic red-figure lekythos, 420 BC)
Philoctetes was Heracles' friend, and because he lit Heracles's funeral pyre when no one else
would, he received Heracles' bow and arrows.[73] He sailed with seven ships full of men to the
Trojan War, where he was planning on fighting for the Achaeans. They stopped either at Chryse
Island for supplies,[74] or in Tenedos, along with the rest of the fleet.[75] Then Philoctetes was bitten
by a snake. The wound festered and had a foul smell; on Odysseus's advice,
the Atreidae ordered Philoctetes to stay on Lemnos.[39]
Medon took control of Philoctetes's men. While landing on Tenedos, Achilles killed king Tenes,
son of Apollo, despite a warning by his mother that if he did so he would be killed himself by
Apollo.[76] From Tenedos, Agamemnon sent an embassy to the Priam king of Troy composed of
Menelaus and Odysseus, asking for Helen's return. The embassy was refused. [77]
Philoctetes stayed on Lemnos for ten years, which was a deserted island according to Sophocles'
tragedy Philoctetes, but according to earlier tradition was populated by Minyans.[78]
Calchas had prophesied that the first Achaean to walk on land after stepping off a ship would be
the first to die.[79] Thus even the leading Greeks hesitated to land. Finally, Protesilaus, leader of
the Phylaceans, landed first.[80] Odysseus had tricked him, in throwing his own shield down to land
on, so that while he was first to leap off his ship, he was not the first to land on Trojan soil. Hector
killed Protesilaus in single combat, though the Trojans conceded the beach. In the second wave
of attacks, Achilles killed Cycnus, son of Poseidon. The Trojans then fled to the safety of the walls
of their city.[81]
The walls served as sturdy fortifications for defence against the Greeks. The build of the walls
was so impressive that legend held that they had been built by Poseidon and Apollo during a year
of forced service to Trojan King Laomedon.[82] Protesilaus had killed many Trojans but was killed
by Hector in most versions of the story,[83] though others list Aeneas, Achates, or Ephorbus as his
slayer.[84] The Achaeans buried him as a god on the Thracian peninsula, across the Troäd. [85] After
Protesilaus' death, his brother, Podarces, took command of his troops.
Achilles' campaigns
Achilles' surrender of Briseis to Agamemnon, from the House of the Tragic Poet in Pompeii, fresco, 1st
century AD, now in the Naples National Archaeological Museum
The Achaeans besieged Troy for nine years. This part of the war is the least developed among
surviving sources, which prefer to talk about events in the last year of the war. After the initial
landing the army was gathered in its entirety again only in the tenth year. Thucydides deduces
that this was due to lack of money. They raided the Trojan allies and spent time farming the
Thracian peninsula.[86] Troy was never completely besieged, thus it maintained communications
with the interior of Asia Minor. Reinforcements continued to come until the very end. The
Achaeans controlled only the entrance to the Dardanelles, and Troy and her allies controlled the
shortest point at Abydos and Sestos and communicated with allies in Europe.[87]
Achilles and Ajax were the most active of the Achaeans, leading separate armies to raid lands of
Trojan allies. According to Homer, Achilles conquered 11 cities and 12 islands. [88] According to
Apollodorus, he raided the land of Aeneas in the Troäd region and stole his cattle. [89] He also
captured Lyrnassus, Pedasus, and many of the neighbouring cities, and killed Troilus, son of
Priam, who was still a youth; it was said that if he reached 20 years of age, Troy would not fall.
According to Apollodorus,
He also took Lesbos and Phocaea, then Colophon, and Smyrna, and Clazomenae, and Cyme;
and afterwards Aegialus and Tenos, the so-called Hundred Cities; then, in
order, Adramytium and Side; then Endium, and Linaeum, and Colone. He took also Hypoplacian
Thebes and Lyrnessus, and further Antandrus, and many other cities.[90]
Kakrides comments that the list is wrong in that it extends too far into the south. [91] Other sources
talk of Achilles taking Pedasus, Monenia, [92] Mythemna (in Lesbos), and Peisidice.[93]
Among the loot from these cities was Briseis, from Lyrnessus, who was awarded to him,
and Chryseis, from Hypoplacian Thebes, who was awarded to Agamemnon. [39] Achilles
captured Lycaon, son of Priam,[94] while he was cutting branches in his father's
orchards. Patroclus sold him as a slave in Lemnos,[39] where he was bought by Eetion
of Imbros and brought back to Troy. Only 12 days later Achilles slew him, after the death of
Ajax and a game of petteia
Ajax son of Telamon laid waste the Thracian peninsula of which Polymestor, a son-in-law of
Priam, was king. Polymestor surrendered Polydorus, one of Priam's children, of whom he had
custody. He then attacked the town of the Phrygian king Teleutas, killed him in single combat and
carried off his daughter Tecmessa.[96] Ajax also hunted the Trojan flocks, both on Mount Ida and in
the countryside.
Achilles and Ajax engaged in a game, c. 540–530 BC, Vatican Museums
Numerous paintings on pottery have suggested a tale not mentioned in the literary traditions. At
some point in the war Achilles and Ajax were playing a board game (petteia).[97][98] They were
absorbed in the game and oblivious to the surrounding battle. [99] The Trojans attacked and
reached the heroes, who were only saved by an intervention of Athena. [100]
Death of Palamedes
Odysseus was sent to Thrace to return with grain, but came back empty-handed. When scorned
by Palamedes, Odysseus challenged him to do better. Palamedes set out and returned with a
shipload of grain.[101]
Odysseus had never forgiven Palamedes for threatening the life of his son. In revenge, Odysseus
conceived a plot[102] where an incriminating letter was forged, from Priam to Palamedes, [103] and
gold was planted in Palamedes' quarters. The letter and gold were "discovered", and
Agamemnon had Palamedes stoned to death for treason.
However, Pausanias, quoting the Cypria, says that Odysseus and Diomedes drowned
Palamedes, while he was fishing, and Dictys says that Odysseus and Diomedes lured Palamedes
into a well, which they said contained gold, then stoned him to death. [104]
Palamedes' father Nauplius sailed to the Troäd and asked for justice, but was refused. In
revenge, Nauplius travelled among the Achaean kingdoms and told the wives of the kings that
they were bringing Trojan concubines to dethrone them. Many of the Greek wives were
persuaded to betray their husbands, most significantly Agamemnon's wife, Clytemnestra, who
was seduced by Aegisthus, son of Thyestes.[105]
Near the end of the ninth year since the landing, the Achaean army, tired from the fighting and
from the lack of supplies, mutinied against their leaders and demanded to return to their homes.
According to the Cypria, Achilles forced the army to stay.[39] According to Apollodorus,
Agamemnon brought the Wine Growers, daughters of Anius, son of Apollo, who had the gift of
producing by touch wine, wheat, and oil from the earth, in order to relieve the supply problem of
the army.[106]
Main article: Iliad
Chryses pleading with Agamemnon for his daughter (360–350 BC)
Chryses, a priest of Apollo and father of Chryseis, came to Agamemnon to ask for the return of
his daughter. Agamemnon refused, and insulted Chryses, who prayed to Apollo to avenge his ill-
treatment. Enraged, Apollo afflicted the Achaean army with plague. Agamemnon was forced to
return Chryseis to end the plague, and took Achilles' concubine Briseis as his own. Enraged at
the dishonour Agamemnon had inflicted upon him, Achilles decided he would no longer fight. He
asked his mother, Thetis, to intercede with Zeus, who agreed to give the Trojans success in the
absence of Achilles, the best warrior of the Achaeans.
After the withdrawal of Achilles, the Achaeans were initially successful. Both armies gathered in
full for the first time since the landing. Menelaus and Paris fought a duel, which ended when
Aphrodite snatched the beaten Paris from the field. With the truce broken, the armies began
fighting again. Diomedes won great renown amongst the Achaeans, killing the Trojan
hero Pandaros and nearly killing Aeneas, who was only saved by his mother, Aphrodite. With the
assistance of Athena, Diomedes then wounded the gods Aphrodite and Ares. During the next
days, however, the Trojans drove the Achaeans back to their camp and were stopped at the
Achaean wall by Poseidon. The next day, though, with Zeus' help, the Trojans broke into the
Achaean camp and were on the verge of setting fire to the Achaean ships. An earlier appeal to
Achilles to return was rejected, but after Hector burned Protesilaus' ship, he allowed his relative
and best friend Patroclus to go into battle wearing Achilles' armour and lead his army. Patroclus
drove the Trojans all the way back to the walls of Troy, and was only prevented from storming the
city by the intervention of Apollo. Patroclus was then killed by Hector, who took Achilles' armour
from the body of Patroclus.
Triumphant Achilles dragging Hector's body around Troy, from a panoramic fresco of the Achilleion
Achilles, maddened with grief over the death of Patroclus, swore to kill Hector in revenge. The
exact nature of Achilles' relationship to Patroclus is the subject of some debate. [107] Although
certainly very close, Achilles and Patroclus are never explicitly cast as lovers by Homer, [108] but
they were depicted as such in the archaic and classical periods of Greek literature, particularly in
the works of Aeschylus, Aeschines and Plato.[109][110] He was reconciled with Agamemnon and
received Briseis back, untouched by Agamemnon. He received a new set of arms, forged by the
god Hephaestus, and returned to the battlefield. He slaughtered many Trojans, and nearly killed
Aeneas, who was saved by Poseidon. Achilles fought with the river god Scamander, and a battle
of the gods followed. The Trojan army returned to the city, except for Hector, who remained
outside the walls because he was tricked by Athena. Achilles killed Hector, and afterwards he
dragged Hector's body from his chariot and refused to return the body to the Trojans for burial.
The body nevertheless remained unscathed as it was preserved from all injury by Apollo and
Aphrodite. The Achaeans then conducted funeral games for Patroclus. Afterwards, Priam came
to Achilles' tent, guided by Hermes, and asked Achilles to return Hector's body. The armies made
a temporary truce to allow the burial of the dead. The Iliad ends with the funeral of Hector.
After the Iliad
Penthesilea and the death of Achilles
Judgment of Arms
The suicide of Ajax depicted on Greek pottery by Exekias, now on display at the Château-musée
de Boulogne-sur-Mer
A great battle raged around the dead Achilles. Ajax held back the Trojans, while Odysseus
carried the body away.[131] When Achilles' armour was offered to the smartest warrior, the two that
had saved his body came forward as competitors. Agamemnon, unwilling to undertake the
invidious duty of deciding between the two competitors, referred the dispute to the decision of the
Trojan prisoners, inquiring of them which of the two heroes had done most harm to the Trojans.
Alternatively, the Trojans and Pallas Athena were the judges [133][134] in that, following Nestor's
advice, spies were sent to the walls to overhear what was said. A girl said that Ajax was braver:
For Aias took up and carried out of the strife the hero, Peleus'
son: this great Odysseus cared not to do.
To this another replied by Athena's contrivance:
Why, what is this you say? A thing against reason and untrue!
Even a woman could carry a load once a man had put it on her
shoulder; but she could not fight. For she would fail with fear
if she should fight. (Scholiast on Aristophanes, Knights 1056 and Aristophanes ib)
According to Pindar, the decision was made by secret ballot among the Achaeans. [135] In all story
versions, the arms were awarded to Odysseus. Driven mad with grief, Ajax desired to kill his
comrades, but Athena caused him to mistake for the Achaean warriors the cattle and their
herdsmen.[136] In his frenzy he scourged two rams, believing them to be Agamemnon and
Menelaus.[137] In the morning, he came to his senses and killed himself by jumping on the sword
that had been given to him by Hector, so that it pierced his armpit, his only vulnerable part.
According to an older tradition, he was killed by the Trojans who, seeing he was invulnerable,
attacked him with clay until he was covered by it and could no longer move, thus dying of
starvation.[citation needed]
A fresco depicting Odysseus, Diomedes, and Cassandra, from Pompeii, Italy, 1st century BC – 1st century
After the tenth year, it was prophesied [139] that Troy could not fall without Heracles' bow, which was
with Philoctetes in Lemnos. Odysseus and Diomedes [140] retrieved Philoctetes, whose wound had
healed.[141] Philoctetes then shot and killed Paris.
According to Apollodorus, Paris' brothers Helenus and Deiphobus vied over the hand of Helen.
Deiphobus prevailed, and Helenus abandoned Troy for Mount Ida. Calchas said that Helenus
knew the prophecies concerning the fall of Troy, so Odysseus waylaid Helenus. [134][142] Under
coercion, Helenus told the Achaeans that they would win if they retrieved Pelops' bones,
persuaded Achilles' son Neoptolemus to fight for them, and stole the Trojan Palladium.[143]
The Greeks retrieved Pelops' bones,[144] and sent Odysseus to retrieve Neoptolemus, who was
hiding from the war in King Lycomedes's court in Skyros. Odysseus gave him his father's arms. [134]
Eurypylus, son of Telephus, leading, according to Homer, a large force of Kêteioi,
or Hittites or Mysians according to Apollodorus,[147] arrived to aid the Trojans. Eurypylus killed
Machaon[114] and Peneleos,[148] but was slain by Neoptolemus.
Disguised as a beggar, Odysseus went to spy inside Troy, but was recognised by Helen.
Homesick,[149] Helen plotted with Odysseus. Later, with Helen's help, Odysseus and Diomedes
stole the Palladium.[134][150]
Trojan Horse
Main article: Trojan Horse
The earliest known depiction of the Trojan Horse, from the Mykonos vase c. 670 BC
The end of the war came with one final plan. Odysseus devised a new ruse—a giant hollow
wooden horse, an animal that was sacred to the Trojans. It was built by Epeius and guided by
Athena,[151] from the wood of a cornel tree grove sacred to Apollo,[152] with the inscription: "The
Greeks dedicate this thank-offering to Athena for their return home". [153] The hollow horse was
filled with soldiers[154] led by Odysseus. The rest of the army burned the camp and sailed
for Tenedos.[155]
When the Trojans discovered that the Greeks were gone, believing the war was over, they
"joyfully dragged the horse inside the city",[156] while they debated what to do with it. Some thought
they ought to hurl it down from the rocks, others thought they should burn it, while others said
they ought to dedicate it to Athena. [157][158]
Both Cassandra and Laocoön warned against keeping the horse.[159] While Cassandra had been
given the gift of prophecy by Apollo, she was also cursed by Apollo never to be believed.
Serpents then came out of the sea and devoured either Laocoön and one of his two sons,
Laocoön and both his sons,[160] or only his sons,[161] a portent which so alarmed the followers of
Aeneas that they withdrew to Ida. [157] The Trojans decided to keep the horse and turned to a night
of mad revelry and celebration. [134] Sinon, an Achaean spy, signalled the fleet stationed at
Tenedos when "it was midnight and the clear moon was rising" [162] and the soldiers from inside the
horse emerged and killed the guards.[163]
Sack of Troy
Neoptolemus, son of Achilles, kills King Priam (detail of Attic black-figure amphora, 520–510 BC)
The Achaeans entered the city and killed the sleeping population. A great massacre followed
which continued into the day.
Blood ran in torrents, drenched was all the earth,
As Trojans and their alien helpers died.
Here were men lying quelled by bitter death
All up and down the city in their blood. [164]
The Trojans, fuelled with desperation, fought back fiercely, despite being disorganised and
leaderless. With the fighting at its height, some donned fallen enemies' attire and launched
surprise counterattacks in the chaotic street fighting. Other defenders hurled down roof tiles and
anything else heavy down on the rampaging attackers. The outlook was grim though, and
eventually the remaining defenders were destroyed along with the whole city.
Neoptolemus killed Priam, who had taken refuge at the altar of Zeus of the Courtyard. [157]
Menelaus killed Deiphobus, Helen's husband after Paris' death, and also intended to kill
Helen, but, overcome by her beauty, threw down his sword [166] and took her to the ships.[157][167]
Menelaus captures Helen in Troy, Ajax the Lesser drags Cassandra from Palladium before the eyes of
Priam (fresco from the Casa del Menandro, Pompeii)
Ajax the Lesser raped Cassandra on Athena's altar while she was clinging to her statue. Because
of Ajax's impiety, the Acheaens, urged by Odysseus, wanted to stone him to death, but he fled to
Athena's altar, and was spared. [157][168]
Antenor, who had given hospitality to Menelaus and Odysseus when they asked for the return of
Helen, and who had advocated so, was spared, along with his family. [169] Aeneas took his father
on his back and fled, and, according to Apollodorus, was allowed to go because of his piety. [165]
The Greeks then burned the city and divided the spoils. Cassandra was awarded to Agamemnon.
Neoptolemus got Andromache, wife of Hector, and Odysseus was given Hecuba, Priam's wife.[170]
The Achaeans[171] threw Hector's infant son Astyanax down from the walls of Troy,[172] either out of
cruelty and hate[173] or to end the royal line, and the possibility of a son's revenge. [174] They (by
usual tradition Neoptolemus) also sacrificed the Trojan princess Polyxena on the grave of Achilles
as demanded by his ghost, either as part of his spoil or because she had betrayed him. [175]
Aethra, Theseus' mother, and one of Helen's handmaids, [176] was rescued by her
grandsons, Demophon and Acamas.[157][177]
Main article: Returns from Troy
The gods were very angry over the destruction of their temples and other sacrilegious acts by the
Achaeans, and decided that most would not return home. A storm fell on the returning fleet off
Tenos island. Additionally, Nauplius, in revenge for the murder of his son Palamedes, set up false
lights in Cape Caphereus (also known today as Cavo D'Oro, in Euboea) and many were
Agamemnon had made it back to Argos safely with Cassandra in his possession after
some stormy weather. He and Cassandra were slain by Aegisthus (in the oldest
versions of the story) or by Clytemnestra or by both of them. Electra and Orestes later
avenged their father, but Orestes was the one who was chased by the Furies.
Nestor, who had the best conduct in Troy and did not take part in the looting, was the
only hero who had a fast and safe return. [179] Those of his army that survived the war
also reached home with him safely, but later left and
colonised Metapontium in Southern Italy.[180]
Ajax the Lesser, who had endured more than the others the wrath of the Gods, never
returned. His ship was wrecked by a storm sent by Athena, who borrowed one of
Zeus' thunderbolts and tore the ship to pieces. The crew managed to land in a rock,
but Poseidon struck it, and Ajax fell in the sea and drowned. He was buried by Thetis
in Myconos[181] or Delos.[182]
Teucer, son of Telamon and half-brother of Ajax, stood trial by his father for his half-
brother's death. He was disowned by his father and wasn't allowed back on Salamis
Island. He was at sea near Phreattys in Peiraeus.[183] He was acquitted of
responsibility but found guilty of negligence because he did not return his dead body
or his arms. He left with his army (who took their wives) and founded Salamis
in Cyprus.[184] The Athenians later created a political myth that his son left his kingdom
to Theseus' sons (and not to Megara).
Neoptolemus, following the advice of Helenus, who accompanied him when he
travelled over land, was always accompanied by Andromache. He met Odysseus and
they buried Achilles' teacher Phoenix on the land of the Ciconians. They then
conquered the land of the Molossians (Epirus) and Neoptolemus had a child by
Andromache, Molossus, to whom he later gave the throne. [185] Thus the kings of
Epirus claimed their lineage from Achilles, and so did Alexander the Great, whose
mother was of that royal house. Alexander the Great and the kings of Macedon also
claimed to be descended from Heracles. Helenus founded a city in Molossia and
inhabited it, and Neoptolemus gave him his mother Deidamia as wife. After Peleus
died he succeeded Phtia's throne.[186] He had a feud with Orestes (son of
Agamemnon) over Menelaus' daughter Hermione, and was killed in Delphi, where he
was buried.[187] In Roman myths, the kingdom of Phtia was taken over by Helenus,
who married Andromache. They offered hospitality to other Trojan refugees, including
Aeneas, who paid a visit there during his wanderings.
Diomedes was first thrown by a storm on the coast of Lycia, where he was to be
sacrificed to Ares by king Lycus, but Callirrhoe, the king's daughter, took pity upon
him, and assisted him in escaping.[188] He then accidentally landed in Attica,
in Phaleron. The Athenians, unaware that they were allies, attacked them. Many were
killed, and Demophon took the Palladium.[189] He finally landed in Argos, where he
found his wife Aegialeia committing adultery. In disgust, he left for Aetolia.
According to later traditions, he had some adventures and
founded Canusium and Argyrippa in Southern Italy.[191]
Philoctetes, due to a sedition, was driven from his city and emigrated to Italy, where
he founded the cities of Petilia, Old Crimissa, and Chone, between Croton and Thurii.
After making war on the Leucanians he founded there a sanctuary of Apollo the
Wanderer, to whom also he dedicated his bow.[193]
According to Homer, Idomeneus reached his house safe and sound. [194] Another
tradition later formed. After the war, Idomeneus's ship hit a horrible storm. Idomeneus
promised Poseidon that he would sacrifice the first living thing he saw when he
returned home if Poseidon would save his ship and crew. The first living thing he saw
was his son, whom Idomeneus duly sacrificed. The gods were angry at his murder of
his own son and they sent a plague to Crete. His people sent him into exile
to Calabria in Italy,[195] and then to Colophon, in Asia Minor, where he died. [196] Among
the lesser Achaeans very few reached their homes.
House of Atreus
The murder of Agamemnon (1879 illustration from Alfred Church's Stories from the Greek Tragedians)
According to the Odyssey, Menelaus's fleet was blown by storms to Crete and Egypt, where they
were unable to sail away because the winds were calm. [197] Only five of his ships survived.
Menelaus had to catch Proteus, a shape-shifting sea god, to find out what sacrifices to which
gods he would have to make to guarantee safe passage. [198] According to some stories the Helen
who was taken by Paris was a fake, and the real Helen was in Egypt, where she was reunited
with Menelaus. Proteus also told Menelaus that he was destined for Elysium (Heaven) after his
death. Menelaus returned to Sparta with Helen eight years after he had left Troy. [199]
Agamemnon returned home with Cassandra to Argos. His wife Clytemnestra (Helen's sister) was
having an affair with Aegisthus, son of Thyestes, Agamemnon's cousin who had conquered
Argos before Agamemnon himself retook it. Possibly out of vengeance for the death of Iphigenia,
Clytemnestra plotted with her lover to kill Agamemnon. Cassandra foresaw this murder, and
warned Agamemnon, but he disregarded her. He was killed, either at a feast or in his bath,
according to different versions. Cassandra was also killed. [201] Agamemnon's son Orestes, who
had been away, returned and conspired with his sister Electra to avenge their father. [202] He killed
Clytemnestra and Aegisthus and succeeded to his father's throne. [203][204]
Main article: Odyssey
Odysseus and Polyphemus by Arnold Böcklin: the Cyclops' curse delays the homecoming of Odysseus for
another ten years
Odysseus' ten-year journey home to Ithaca was told in Homer's Odyssey. Odysseus and his men
were blown far off course to lands unknown to the Achaeans; there Odysseus had many
adventures, including the famous encounter with the Cyclops Polyphemus, and an audience with
the seer Teiresias in Hades. On the island of Thrinacia, Odysseus' men ate the cattle sacred to
the sun-god Helios. For this sacrilege Odysseus' ships were destroyed, and all his men perished.
Odysseus had not eaten the cattle, and was allowed to live; he washed ashore on the island
of Ogygia, and lived there with the nymph Calypso. After seven years, the gods decided to send
Odysseus home; on a small raft, he sailed to Scheria, the home of the Phaeacians, who gave him
passage to Ithaca.
Once in his home land, Odysseus travelled disguised as an old beggar. He was recognised by his
dog, Argos, who died in his lap. He then discovered that his wife, Penelope, had been faithful to
him during the 20 years he was absent, despite the countless suitors that were eating his food
and spending his property. With the help of his son Telemachus, Athena, and Eumaeus, the
swineherd, he killed all of them except Medon, who had been polite to Penelope, and Phemius, a
local singer who had only been forced to help the suitors against Penelope. Penelope tested
Odysseus with his unstrung recurve bow to ensure it was him, and he forgave her.[205] The next
day the suitors' relatives tried to take revenge on him but they were stopped by Athena.
Main article: Telegony
The Telegony picks up where the Odyssey leaves off, beginning with the burial of the dead
suitors, and continues until the death of Odysseus.[206] Some years after Odysseus'
return, Telegonus, the son of Odysseus and Circe, came to Ithaca and plundered the island.
Odysseus, attempting to fight off the attack, was killed by his unrecognised son. After Telegonus
realised he had killed his father, he brought the body to his mother Circe, along with Telemachus
and Penelope. Circe made them immortal; then Telegonus married Penelope and Telemachus
married Circe.
Historical basis
See also: Historicity of the Iliad
Map showing the Hittite Empire, Ahhiyawa (possibly the Achaeans (Homer) and Wilusa (Troy)
The historicity of the Trojan War, including whether it occurred at all and where Troy was located
if it ever existed, is still subject to debate. Most classical Greeks thought that the war was a
historical event, but many believed that the Homeric poems had exaggerated the events to suit
the demands of poetry. For instance, the historian Thucydides, who is known for being critical,
considers it a true event but doubts that 1,186 ships were sent to Troy. Euripides started
changing Greek myths at will, including those of the Trojan War. Near AD 100, Dio
Chrysostom argued that while the war was historical, it ended with the Trojans winning, and the
Greeks attempted to hide that fact.[220] Around 1870 it was generally agreed in Western Europe
that the Trojan War had never happened and Troy never existed. [221] Then Heinrich Schliemann
popularised his excavations at Hisarlik, Çanakkale, which he and others believed to be Troy, and
of the Mycenaean cities of Greece. Today many scholars agree that the Trojan War is based on a
historical core of a Greek expedition against the city of Troy, but few would argue that the
Homeric poems faithfully represent the actual events of the war.
In November 2001, geologist John C. Kraft and classicist John V. Luce presented the results of
investigations into the geology of the region that had started in 1977. [222][223][224] The geologists
compared the present geology with the landscapes and coastal features described in
the Iliad and other classical sources, notably Strabo's Geographica. Their conclusion was that
there is regularly a consistency between the location of Troy as identified by Schliemann (and
other locations such as the Greek camp), the geological evidence, and descriptions of
the topography and accounts of the battle in the Iliad, although of course this could be a
In the twentieth century scholars have attempted to draw conclusions based on Hittite
and Egyptian texts that date to the time of the Trojan War. While they give a general description
of the political situation in the region at the time, their information on whether this particular
conflict took place is limited. Andrew Dalby notes that while the Trojan War most likely did take
place in some form and is therefore grounded in history, its true nature is unknown.
The Tawagalawa letter mentions a kingdom of Ahhiyawa (Achaea, or Greece) that lies beyond
the sea (that would be the Aegean) and controls Milliwanda, which is identified with Miletus. Also
mentioned in this and other letters is the Assuwa confederation made of 22 cities and countries
which included the city of Wilusa (Ilios or Ilium). The Milawata letter implies this city lies on the
north of the Assuwa confederation, beyond the Seha river. While the identification of Wilusa with
Ilium (that is, Troy) is always controversial, in the 1990s it gained majority acceptance. In
the Alaksandu treaty (c. 1280 BC) the king of the city is named Alaksandu, and Paris's name in
the Iliad (among other works) is Alexander. The Tawagalawa letter (dated c. 1250 BC) which is
addressed to the king of Ahhiyawa actually says: "Now as we have reached agreement on the
matter of Wilusa over which we went to war-..."[226]
Formerly under the Hittites, the Assuwa confederation defected after the battle of
Kadesh between Egypt and the Hittites (c. 1274 BC). In 1230 BC Hittite king Tudhaliya IV (c.
1240–1210 BC) campaigned against this federation. Under Arnuwanda III (c. 1210–1205 BC)
the Hittites were forced to abandon the lands they controlled in the coast of the Aegean. It is
possible that the Trojan War was a conflict between the king of Ahhiyawa and the Assuwa
confederation. This view has been supported in that the entire war includes the landing in Mysia
(and Telephus' wounding), Achilles's campaigns in the North Aegean and Telamonian Ajax's
campaigns in Thrace and Phrygia. Most of these regions were part of Assuwa. [70][227] That most
Achaean heroes did not return to their homes and founded colonies elsewhere was interpreted by
Thucydides as being due to their long absence.[228] Nowadays the interpretation followed by most
scholars is that the Achaean leaders driven out of their lands by the turmoil at the end of the
Mycenaean era preferred to claim descent from exiles of the Trojan War. [229]