KPLABS Course - Cloud Practitioner D1 PDF
KPLABS Course - Cloud Practitioner D1 PDF
Zeal Vora
Section - Fundamentals of Cloud Computing
Solution -
Example 1:-
Due to some big promotion, server capacity needs to be increased from 4GB RAM to 32 GB
Raise a support ticket and expect a response within 15 minutes to 12 hours for a response.
Get the DC guys to resize your Server.
Cloud Way:-
It is very important to choose a right cloud service provider based on your use-case.
● Software as Service
● Platform as Service
● Infrastructure as Service
But if you just depend on AWS for everything, you will lose a lot of money. Hence many of the
organizations opt for Multi-Cloud based approach.
Module 3: Architecture of Cloud Environments
The cloud from behind the scenes is the data center only.
A person can provision resources in the cloud whenever needed, without requiring any human
interaction with a service provider.
Even a Cloud provider has limits, though it might be high, these limits are definitely reached.
Module 4: Elasticity
Elasticity deals with adding and removing capacity, whenever it is needed in the environment.
Horizontal Scalability: Adding or Removing instances from the pool like cluster farm
Vertical Scalability: Adding or Removing resources for existing servers.
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