P 7197 BGM Iec Ts 60034 30 2 - en
P 7197 BGM Iec Ts 60034 30 2 - en
IEC TS 60034-30-2
for variable
speed motors
International standard IEC TS 60034-30-2:2016 for variable speed motors
In the European Community, EU Directive 2005/32/EC and the follow-on directive 2009/125/EC established the first requirements for environ-
mentally responsible design of energy-using products. These requirements were implemented for electric motors in Regulation (EC) 640/2009. As
an additional requirement for the European market, since 1 January 2017 all motors with rated power from 0.75 kW to 375 kW must conform to
energy efficiency class IE3, or alternatively IE2 for use in inverter operation. The international standard IEC 60034-30-1 defines efficiency classes
from IE1 to IE4 for line-operated electric motors. These efficiency classes are specified for AC motors operating at rated speed and rated torque. In
some cases, efficiency-optimized asynchronous motors developed to comply with the Standard Efficiency (IE1) to Super Premium Efficiency (IE4)
classes are longer or larger than before.
Level 3
0.75 ... 375 kW 0.75 ... 375 kW
2016 2,4,6 pole 2,4,6 pole
2012 IE2
16. June
In the current statutory framework for the marketing of electric motors, it should first be noted that all regulations worldwide currently only apply to
asynchronous motors designed for operation directly from the AC line (line-operated motors). Motors supplied with special windings (including asyn-
chronous motors) and permanent magnet motors are therefore not included and can be sold without having to comply with current motor regulations,
as long as they cannot be operated directly from the AC line. As previously mentioned, all minimum efficiency values only apply to the rated operating
point of an electric motor, which in Europe means 50 Hz and rated torque. There are presently no regulations anywhere in the world that encompass
the partial-load range.
Effective 1 June 2016, it is also stipulated in the USA that geared motors with line-operated asynchronous motors (from 0.75 kW / 1 HP to 373 kW
/ 500 HP) must conform to energy efficiency class IE3. As in Europe, exceptions are possible, for example special motors designed for intermittent
duty. For China it is presently necessary to supply IE2 motors.
This allows the system power losses to be calculated by summation in the partial load range, which means they can also be determined for realistic
application conditions. This standard applies to the power range from 0.12 kW to 1,000 kW. It has also been adopted as an international standard
with the designation IEC 61800-9-2, effective since the start of 2017.
corresponding to
IEC 61800-9-2
0 25 50 75 100
Extended Product
P1 90 100 90
P2 50 100 50
P3 25 100 25
P4 90 50 45
P5 50 50 25
P6 50 25 12.5
P7 25 25 6.25
It is usually necessary to use motors with at least IE3 efficiency for applications which predominantly require line-operated asynchronous motors
(without an inverter) and continuous duty operation (S1). Exceptions are only possible in specific situations, for example other duty cycles (e.g. S3, in-
termittent operation) or where an inverter can additionally be employed.
In drive applications where frequency inverters are predominantly used to control motors, it is possible to use an asynchronous motor with a
corner frequency of 70 Hz at 400 V. This motor is optimized for inverter operation, which means it can also be used in compliance with the new
IEC TS 60034-30-2 standard. As this motor cannot be operated directly from the AC line, this drive is not subject to the statutory regulations for line-
operated motors and can therefore be deployed worldwide.
In accordance with the new IEC 60034-30-2 standard, Bauer Gear Motor has developed a new series of asynchronous motors compliant with
efficiency class IE4.
Thanks to better motor utilization (70 Hz corner frequency), costs are lower than with comparable IE3 or IE4 line-operated motors, and in many
cases these optimized motors are significantly more compact.
Motors inside the scope of IEC TS 60034-30-2 Motors outside the scope of IEC TS 60034-30-2
• Variable speed electric motors outside the scope of • Motors with mechanical commutators (e.g. DC motors)
IEC 60034-30-1
• Motors designed to be operated fully immersed in a liquid
• Also other motor technologies, such as PMSM
• Motors fully integrated into a product (e.g. a gear, a pump,
• Motors designed for operation with a sinusoidal supply a fan or a compressor), whose energy efficiency cannot be
voltage but not suitable for line operation measured independently of the product concerned
• PMSM, synchronous reluctance, DC synchronous and • Brake motors where the brake is an integral part of the
induction motors which are designed exclusively for motor structure and does not have its own power source for
inverter operation efficiency determination and cannot be dismounted
• Rated output power between 0.12 kW and 1,000 kW • Motors with soft-start by means of a frequency inverter
followed by direct line operation (IEC 60034-30-1)
• Rated voltage from 50 V to 1,000 V
• Motors designed for servo applications
• Rated speed from 600 rpm to 6,000 rpm
ηn = 1
1+(1+r HL)∙( η _ 1)
rHL = 0.15 (15%) for motors with rated power up to and including 90 kW
rHL = 0.25 (25%) for motors with rated power above 90 kW
Motor speed
Motordrehzahl 1,201
1201 …to1800
1,800 1/min
0.12 0.18 0.2 0.25 0.37 0.4 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.5 22 30 37 45 55 75
Examples: Motor designs – optimized asynchronous motors for frequency inverter operation at 70 Hz
3 D..11MA4 87,67
4 D..11LA4 88,67
Motores quewhich
puedencan be
funcionar Motors
Motores que nowhich cannot
pueden funcionar
conectados directly
operateddirectamente be operated
conectados directly
from AC linealterna.
a la red de voltage a la red de alterna.
from AC line voltage
Standard 60034-30-1 60034-30-2 No aplicable
Tensión de Direct from
Directamente desde Provided bypor
Suministrado Require
Supply voltage Requiere convertidor Servomotores
Servo Drives
alimentación línea
AC de
lineCA convertidor
inverter inverter
Motores conwith
Motor Motores Asynchronous
asíncronos estándar Servo
Servo motores
Motor Standard Motors special windings
do especial y PMSM
Etiqueta de efi- and PMSM
IE1, 2, 3, 4 IE1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ninguna
Label IE1, 2, 3, 4 IE1, 2, 3, 4, 5 none
Cuota de mercado
Market share 60 %
60 % 30 %
30 % < 11 %
< % 10 %
10 %
Emergent Tecnología
technology emergente
technology consolidada
La nueva norma
The newIEC
60034-30-2fomenta el desarrollo
standard fosters newde nuevas tecnologías de motor
motor technologies
Asynchronous ••••••• • • • • • • • • • • ••••
Asynchronous ••••••• • • • • • • • • • • ••••
Asynchronous ••••••• • • • • • • • • • • ••••
Asynchronous ••• • • • • • • • • • • •
PMSM • • • • • • • • •
PMSM ••••••• • • • • • • •
PMSM •• • • • •
• = plannedg
P-7197-BGM-EN-A4 02/18 Bauer Gear Motor | +49 711 3518-0 7
Bauer Gear Motor Facilites
Couplings Electric Clutches & Brakes Heavy Duty Clutches & Brakes Gearing
Ameridrives Inertia Dynamics Industrial Clutch Bauer Gear Motor
www.ameridrives.com www.idicb.com www.indclutch.com www.bauergears.com
Bibby Turboflex Matrix Twiflex Boston Gear
www.bibbyturboflex.com www.matrix-international.com www.twiflex.com www.bostongear.com
Guardian Couplings Stromag Stromag Delroyd Worm Gear
www.guardiancouplings.com www.stromag.com www.stromag.com www.delroyd.com
Huco Warner Electric Svendborg Brakes Nuttall Gear
www.huco.com www.warnerelectric.com www.svendborg-brakes.com www.nuttallgear.com
Lamiflex Couplings Wichita Clutch
www.lamiflexcouplings.com Linear Products www.wichitaclutch.com Overrunning Clutches
Stromag Warner Linear Formsprag Clutch
www.stromag.com www.warnerlinear.com Belted Drives www.formsprag.com
TB Wood’s TB Wood’s Marland Clutch
www.tbwoods.com Engineered Bearing Assemblies www.tbwoods.com www.marland.com
Kilian Stieber
Geared Cam Limit Switches www.kilianbearings.com www.stieberclutch.com
Bauer assumes no liability or responsibility for misprints and errors in catalogues, brochures and other printed documentation. Bauer reserves the right to make changes to products
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are the sole and exclusive property of the relevant companies. Bauer and the Bauer logo are trademarks of Bauer Gear Motor GmbH. Images are only illustrative and may differ from the
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Eberhard-Bauer-Straße 37
73734 Esslingen - Germany
Tel.: +49 711 3518-0
Fax: +49 711 3518-381 P-7197-BGM-EN-A4 02/18