Ericmario 2010
Ericmario 2010
Ericmario 2010
Digital Receiver
Silva Cruz Eric Mario and Gordana Jovanovic Dolecek
Departament of Electronics
Institute INAOE
Puebla, México
Email: {ericmsc, gordana}
Abstract - This paper presents the design of a QPSK multirate 1/ T . To avoid aliasing is necessary to apply an antialiasing
radio receiver with non – synchronized Intermediate Frequency filter. The most simple antialiasing filter is the CIC (cascade-
(IF) and reconfigurable downsampling conversion. In order to integrator-comb filter) proposed by Hogenauer [3]. The
avoid the aliasing the compensated cascade of integrator comb
(CIC) filter is introduced. The non-synchronized samples need a
equivalent system function of the CIC filter is defined by,
timing synchronization correction, performed at the output of ⎡ 1 ⎛ 1 − z −M ⎞⎤
the matched filter using Farrow structure-based interpolator. H (z) = ⎢ ⎜ −1 ⎟ ⎥
, (2)
The receiver is simulated in Matlab and Simulink and results ⎣ M ⎝ 1 − z ⎠⎦
are verified by computation of the number of Erroneous bits where, M is the decimation factor and K is the number of
obtained during the simulation. stages in cascade.
However, this filter has a high passband droop which
I. INTRODUCTION increases with the increase of the number of the cascaded
The essence of the digital communication system design filters K , resulting in a considerable degradation of the
is to efficiently transmit digital bits and recover them from signal.
corruptions due the noise and other channel impairments. The obtained non-synchronized samples need the block
Digital modulation is a process that impresses a digital for the timing correction which is performed after the
symbol onto a signal suitable for transmission. There are matched filter, which serves to maximize the signal to noise
three main criteria of choosing a modulation scheme; power ratio (SNR) before the synchronization. Generally, the output
efficiency, bandwidth efficiency and system complexity, [1]. signal of the matched filter is sent to the Farrow structure-
based interpolator, [4] in a Digital Phase Locked Loop
The Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK) is one of the (DPLL), [5, 6], in order to find correct sampling intervals.
most used Phase Shift Keiying digital modulations, due to its There are different receiver structures proposed in the
simplicity, excellent power and bandwidth efficiency. The literature [7-14]. In [12] has been proposed the receiver
error performance degradation of the QPSK is measured in structures based on the configuration of a variable matched
term of the signal to noise ratio (SNR) for a given BER (Bit filter with a CIC anti-aliasing filter. The configuration of a
Error Rate) characteristic, [2]. CIC filter in cascade with an interpolator and a fixed matched
The received signal is defined by, [2] filter has been proposed in [13].
The main objective of this work is to improve the
⎡ a p ( t − kT − τ ) e j 2π f IF t e jθ ⎤ + n ( t ) ,
⎢⎣ ∑
r (t ) = 2 Es ℜ (1) characteristics of the receiver using the advantages of the
⎥⎦ structures [12, 13].
where, The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Next section
{ak } are the uncorrelated data symbols with symbol rate describes the proposed structure of the receiver and the
corresponding blocks. The simulations of the proposed
1/ T , structure in Matlab and Simulink are given in section III. The
Es is the energy per symbol, section IV provides the discussion of results.
p (t ) is the impulse response of the matched filter,
τ is the time delay of the signal in the channel, II. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED STRUCTURE
f IF is the carrier frequency,
The principal blocks of the proposed structure are shown
θ is the carrier phase delay, in Fig. 1.
n (t ) is additive Gaussian noise (AWGN), with power In the following we briefly describe the basic blocks of
spectral density equal to N 0 / 2 . the structure.
The received signal, sampled with a rate 1/ Ts , where Ts
is the carrier period, should be resampled with the bit rate
- The bit rate is rB = 5 × 106 bits / sec , Timing synchronizer stage is implemented in Simulink
- Each transmitted symbol is sampled 4 times, as is shown in the Fig. 6.
- Roll off factor of Matched filter is α p = 0.25 ,
- Carrier frequency is a multiple of the bit rate f c = 10 rB ,
- The Channel is modeled with Additive White Gaussian
Noise (AWGN) characterized by a signal to noise ratio (SNR)
in a range of 5-20dB,
- The fractional delay in the channel (e.g. τ = 0.45 ) is
simulated with a fractional delay interpolator.
received signal. The following plot shows the compensated received signal. Once realized the decimation process, the
CIC output. The matched filter is used to maximize the Matched filter determines the form of the symbol and is
amplitude of each symbol received with a reduced sampling followed by the DPLL synchronizer which corrects the
rate. The output of the matched filter is shown in the middle fractional delay time of symbols with the Farrow delay
plot of the Fig. 10. In the bottom plot is given the resulting interpolator. The results of the simulation show a reduced
output signal of the synchronizer, where the samples were number of erroneous bits.
adjusted to the corrected times within the Farrow fractional
interpolator. REFERENCES