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HazLoc Guide To Zoned Equipment

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HazLoc Guide To Zoned Equipment

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HazLoc Essential Guides:

Understanding Zoned Equipment

Deeside Lane, Chester, CH1 6DD UK

hazloc@intertek.com 01244 882590 www.intertek-hazloc.com

HazLoc Essential Guides:
Understanding Zoned Equipment


All equipment manufactured for use in explosive atmospheres, whether the

explosive atmosphere is caused by gas, vapour, mist or combustible dust must be
suitably marked to indicate in what hazardous area of the explosive atmosphere
the equipment can be installed. Hazardous areas are split into three classes of
zone, these are:

Gas/Vapours/Mist Combustible Dusts

Zone 0 Zone 20
Zone 1 Zone 21
Zone 2 Zone 22

What is a Zone? (Extract from IEC 60079-14)

Zone 0
Place in which an explosive atmosphere consisting of a mixture with air of
flammable substances in the form of gas, vapour or mist is present continuously or
for long periods or frequently.

Zone 1
Place in which an explosive atmosphere consisting of a mixture with air of
flammable substances in the form of gas, vapour or mist is likely to occur in
normal operation occasionally.

Zone 2
Place in which an explosive atmosphere consisting of a mixture with air of
flammable substances in the form of gas, vapour or mists is not likely to occur in
normal operation but, if it does occur, will persist for a short period only.

Zone 20
Area in which an explosive atmosphere in the form of a cloud of combustible dust
in air is present continuously, or for long periods or frequently.

Zone 21
Area in which an explosive atmosphere in the form of a cloud of combustible dust
in air is likely to occur, occasionally, in normal operation.

Zone 22
Area in which an explosive atmosphere in the form of a cloud of combustible dust
in air is not likely to occur in normal operation but, if it does occur, will persist for
a short period only.

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Understanding Zoned Equipment

The marking on the equipment identifies into what zone the equipment can be
safely installed and used. Historically it has been acceptable to install equipment
into specific zones based on the type of protection e.g. you had to understand the
protection concept to know what zone the equipment being installed could be
located in.

This table shows the current Protection Concepts versus Zones.

Protection Concept Zones of use

Ex ia 0, 1 and 2
Intrinsic Safety
Ex ib 1 and 2
Ex ic 2
Flameproof Ex d 1 and 2
Increased Safety Ex e 1 and 2
Encapsulation Ex ma 0, 1 and 2
Ex mb 1 and 2
Ex mc 2
Pressurization/Purge Ex px 1 and 2
Ex py 1 and 2
Ex pz 2
Quartz Ex q 1 and 2
Oil Immersion Ex o 1 and 2
Type n Ex n 2

With the introduction of the ATEX Directive the concept of marking your
equipment with the category was introduced. This would indicate to the end user
what zone the equipment could be used in.

Gas/Vapours/Mist Combustible Dusts

Cat 1 Zone 0 Cat 1 Zone 20
Cat 2 Zone 1 Cat 2 Zone 21
Cat 3 Zone 2 Cat 3 Zone 22

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Understanding Zoned Equipment

In addition the IECEx introduced the Equipment Protection Level (EPL) marking
which has been adopted along with the ATEX marking.

The ATEX category making and the IECEx EPL marking should always be

This table shows the full cross reference of EPL versus Category versus Zone.
(Extract from IEC 60079-0)

IEC 60079-0 Directive 91/9/EC EN 60079-10-X

EPL Group Equipment Equipment Category Zones
Ma I I M1 NA
Mb M2
Ga 1G 0
Gb 2G 1
Gc II 3G 2
Da 1D 20
Db 2D 21
Dc 3D 22

Explanation of a typical marking

0359 II 2 G Ex d IIC T4 Gb

Complies Marking Temperature

Notified Equipment
with for Equipment Equipment Explosion Type of Class (T1-T6)
Body Environment Group Protection
European Explosion Group Category Protection Protection (and/or
Number Level
Directives Protection T135oC)

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Understanding Zoned Equipment

Examples of markings

A level switch has the markings;

II 2 G Ex ia IIC T4 Gb

Q: In what zone can this be fitted?

A: Historically the ia would indicate this is suitable for zone 0. However, with
ATEX the category overrides the concept and indicates that this is to be installed
into a Zone 1 by the marking of Category 2 this is reinforced by the EPL of Gb.

A luminaires has the markings;

II 2 G Ex emb IIC T4 Gb

Q: In what zone can this be fitted?

A: This example includes some new markings ‘mb’ if you were not sure what the
new markings meant, with the category 2 and the EPL Gb showing you can still
assess that it’s a zone 1 piece of equipment.

A flameproof enclosure containing a safety barrier has the markings;

II 2 (1)G Ex d [ia Ga] IIC T4 Gb

Q: In what zone can this be fitted?

A; The 2 tells us that it’s a category 2 piece of equipment which can be installed
into a Zone 1, the (1) indicates that the output is safe for Zone 0. Again this is
reinforced by the EPL Gb for Zone 1 and [Ga] for output to Zone 0.

To ensure correct selection of equipment clause 5 of IEC 60079-14 should be

referred to.

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Understanding Zoned Equipment

The following is an extract from the ATEX Guidance Notes which shows additional
variations to markings. These demonstrate how complex markings can be.

m I M2 Mining products, Group I, Category M2.

m II 1G Non-Mining products, Group II, Category 1 for use in gas/vapour/mist –


m II 1D Non-Mining products, Group II, Category1 for use in dust –


m Protective system, for use in gas/vapour/mist/dust – atmospheres.

m II (1)GD Device according to Article 1(2) of directive 94/9/EC in the non-

hazardous area with intrinsically safe circuits of category “Ex ia”, which
can be connected e.g. to category 1 equipment.

m II 2GD Category 2 equipment for use in potentially explosive atmospheres

containing gases or dust.

m II (2)/2(1)/1G An assembly, such as gas detection system with more than one
detection head, that is partly category 1 and partly category 2 formed by
a safety device and equipment. The safety device is intended for use
outside the hazardous area and the equipment is intended for use inside
the hazardous area.

m II 2(1)G Category 2 equipment containing a safety device for a category 1


m II 2(1)GD Same equipment for gas or dust potentially explosive atmospheres.

m II (2)G(1)G A safety device alone which ensures the safety against explosion for
category 1 equipment and for another category 2 equipment.

m II 3/3D A blower exhausting out of zone 22 and to be installed in zone 22.

There will always be some exception to the rules. A comprehensive understanding

can be obtained from the ATEX Directive and associated guidance documents.

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Understanding Zoned Equipment

Under the ATEX Directive those installing equipment should be

fully competent to do so.

If you are involved with ATEX, IECEx or DSEAR, it is likely that the new training and
competence requirements will affect you. The new edition of IEC60079-14 (edition
4) specifies in detail the requirements for people involved in the installation of
equipment or plant designed for use in hazardous areas (explosive atmospheres).
Installation is equally applicable to skid/assembly manufacturers who use
certified ATEX or IECEx equipment to form an assembly, as it is to installers
of apparatus on a plant. Designers and manufacturers of equipment also need to
be sure they are making the right decisions when it comes to ensuring the
equipment is designed to the requirements of the correct and current standards.

How Intertek can help

Intertek provide training. Intertek has UK's largest dedicated explosion safety
training centre which offers practical and theoretical CompEx Certification and
DSEAR competence training and training for equipment designers and
manufacturers at all levels in all hazardous area fields.

Training courses available include:

• CompEx Certified Training Courses for Site Operatives

• ModulEx Modular training programme for designers and manufacturers of
hazardous area equipment
• Bespoke Training for ATEX and DSEAR

Intertek is an ATEX Notified Body (for all equipment concepts and facilities), an
IECEx Certification Body (CB), a US NRTL (Nationally Recognised Testing
Laboratory) and is accredited by SCC (Standards Council of Canada).

Intertek has the widest coverage of all product types and EU Directives so you can
be assured your compliance needs can be met in full.

Should you require assistance to conduct conformity assessment work, or need

help to gain new market access, then please contact Intertek, who will gladly help
to find a way past any barriers to market access.

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HazLoc Essential Guides:
Understanding Zoned Equipment


Technical Sales

Andy Austin Ben Fisher

Technical Manager Senior Account Manager
andy.austin@intertek.com ben.fisher@intertek.com

Intertek, Deeside Lane, Chester, Flintshire, CH1 6DD, UK

Telephone: +44 (0)1244 882590

For more information on specific testing and certification information, please contact Intertek at
1-800-WORLDLAB, email icenter@intertek.com, or visit our website at www.intertek-hazloc.com.

This publication is copyright Intertek and may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form in whole or in part without the
prior written permission of Intertek. While due care has been taken during the preparation of this document, Intertek
cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of the information herein or for any consequence arising from it. Clients are
encouraged to seek Intertek’s current advice on their specific needs before acting upon any of the content.

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