Department of Education
Department of Education
Department of Education
B. Performance Standards The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates competence The learner demonstrates competence The learner demonstrates
competence in applying knowledge in applying knowledge of global in applying knowledge of global competence in applying knowledge
of global health to local or national health to local or national context health to local or national context of global health to local or national
context global initiatives global initiatives global initiatives context global initiatives
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives recommends ways of adopting global recommends ways of adopting global Assesses physical activities, exercises Assesses physical activities,
(Write the LC Code for each) health initiatives to local or national health initiatives to local or national and eating habits exercises and eating habits
context context
Engages in moderate to vigorous Engages in moderate to vigorous
physical activities for at least 60 physical activities for at least 60
minutes a day in and out of school minutes a day in and out of school
II. CONTENT Global Health and Development Millenium Development Goals Sustainable Development Goals Issues, Concerns, and Trends
A. Reviewing previous lessons or presenting The teacher will ask the students The teacher will let the students recall The teacher will let the students recall The teacher will let the students
the new lesson about Global Health issues they the global health issues. the Millenium Development Goals recall Sustainable Development Goal
observe in the community
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson Ask the students to share the Ask the students to share their insights Ask the students to share their insights Ask the students to report the current
government’s response to the on the present situation of health, about the health, economy, and status of the Sustainable
discussed issues economy, and environment in the environment of the Philippines for the Development Goals
Philippines year 2022-2023
C. Presenting examples/ instances of the
new lesson
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing The teacher will discuss the different The teacher will discuss the different The teacher will discuss the different The teacher will discuss about the
new skill #1 Global Health concerns Millenium Development Goals Sustainable Development Goals Global Health Initiatives
E. Discussing new concepts and practicing The teacher will present the different The teacher will present examples for The teacher will ask the students to The teacher will give examples of
new skill #2 development goals each Millenium Development Goal give their insights on the different Global Health Initiatives
Sustainable Development Goal
F. Developing mastery (Leads to The teacher will allow the students to The teacher will let the students use The teacher will create their The teacher will let the students
Formative Assessment 3) watch issues concerning global their phone to search for the implementation strategies for each identify the different initiatives being
health achievements of MDG throughout the SDG implemented in the Philippines
G. Finding practical applications of Ask the students to create solutions Ask the students about the importance Ask the students to relate the goals to Ask the students to relate the
concepts and skills in daily living for the existing issues. of each Millenium Development Goal daily concerns in the community different initiatives to the lives of
to the Filipino lives Filipino people
H. Generalizing and abstractions the Allow students to explain their Allow students to explain their Allow students to explain their Allow students to explain their
lesson takeaways from the discussion takeaways from the discussion takeaways from the discussion takeaways from the discussion
I. Evaluating learning Learners will be evaluated based on Learners will be evaluated based on Learners will be evaluated based on a Paper-and-pen test
their writings on global health their writings for each Millenium Paper-and-pen test
solutions Development Goal
J. Additional activities for application or
* GAD Integration Equalized Opportunities Equalized Opportunities Equalized Opportunities Equalized Opportunities
V. REMARKS Lessons were not discussed because Lessons were not discussed because of Lessons were not discussed because of Lessons were not discussed because
of the practices for Madulang the practices for Madulang Sabayang the practices for Madulang Sabayang of the practices for Madulang
Sabayang Pagbigkas Pagbigkas Pagbigkas Sabayang Pagbigkas
A. No. of learners who earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to share with other
Teacher I
Head Teacher III-MAPEH Department