Small Drives Geared Motors 12-600W v2010-07 en
Small Drives Geared Motors 12-600W v2010-07 en
Small Drives Geared Motors 12-600W v2010-07 en
Small drives
We can offer you automation solutions, Cut your process costs and increase your
including control, visualisation and drive ability to compete. Let us analyse your
technology, from one source. Our drive drive technology tasks and support you
systems will improve the performance of with made-to-measure solutions.
your machines. From project planning to
commissioning, we have the know-how. We can take an integrated approach to
Our international sales and service projects thanks to the scalability of our
network can provide you with expert help products and the scope of the overall
and advice at any time. portfolio. We can get the best from your
machines and systems.
The product range comprises direct Customer benefit takes pride of place for
current permanent magnet motors and us during the development of our
three-phase asynchronous motors, which products. This is what helps to make us
can be combined with worm, helical or such a powerful partner for you, with the
planetary gearboxes to form geared ability to solve your drive tasks in a quick
motors. Modular motor structure and the and flexible manner. Our experienced
wide range of variants make it easy to team of engineers, technicians and
find the most suitable design for any product specialists is at your disposal.
specific application.
The small drives are part of the Lenze
Connected directly to the mains, speed product portfolio for cost-optimised drive
controlled or battery-driven – the Small solutions. From smallest drives to drive
Drives from Lenze are suitable for many solutions from 400 kW – you can rely on
application areas, e.g.: our well thought-out program.
˘ Materials handling
˘ Medical engineering
˘ Batching systems
˘ Handling /robotics
˘ Printing machinery
˘ Packaging machinery
Three-phase AC motors
Decentralised drives
General information
Product key 1-2
Type code 1-3
List of abbreviations 1-7
Product information Motors and Gearboxes 1-8
Overview Motor drive dimensioning 1-9
Overview Dimensioning of geared motors and gearboxes 1-10 1
SSNòò-1Pòò Solid shaft: 3, 5, 8 Flange: 3, 5 Cable/terminal box: 2, 3, 4, 5
Shaft/flange position
Product group
G- Gearboxes
S- Small drives
Product range
KR- Bevel gearbox
PL- Planetary gearbox
SN- Worm gearbox
ST- Helical gearbox
Helical gearbox -03, 04, 05
Bevel gearbox -03
Worm gearbox -25, 31, 40
Planetary gearbox -42, -52, 62, 81, 12
No. of stages
1- Single-stage
2- Two-stage
3- Three-stage
Drive-end version
G- Three-phase asynchronous motor SDS series
U- Three-phase asynchronous motor 13.71 series ò/13.75ò
P- DC permanent magnet motors 13.12 series ò
Output design
Shaft design
V- Solid shaft
D- Double shaft
H- Hollow shaft
Housing design
A- Foot-mounted with centring
C- Without foot, with centring
Output design
L- Round flange with tapped holes
R- Without flange
K- Round flange with through hole
Motor frame size
Axis height according to standard e.g. 071 = IEC71
Input design
C- Compact motor with Lenze mounting flange
N- Standard motor with IEC mounting flange
Overall length
1- S, short
2- M, medium
3- L, long
Product group
13- Small drives
Motor type
12- DC permanent magnet motor
71- Three-phase asynchronous motor, smooth housing
75- Three-phase asynchronous motor, ribbed housing
Output design
1 0- Lenze standard, IEC
1- For worm gearbox SSN
6- For helical gearbox GST and bevel gearbox GKR
Motor type
2- Flange mounting B14
3- Foot mounting B3
5- Foot-flange mounting B3/B14
6- Flange mounting B9 for gearbox GST/GKR
Built-on accessories
0- No built-on accessories
1- With brake
4- With DC tacho
5- With AC tacho
6- For tacho attachment
7- For brake attachment
Product group
S- small drives
D- Three-phase AC current
S- Naturally ventilated
Design 1
G- Smooth housing
Machine type
A- Asynchronous machine
Built-on accessories
BI- Brake and incremental encoder
BR- Brake
BS- Brake and resolver
BV- Brake, prepared
IG- Pulse encoder
RS- Resolver
XX- None
Overall length
2- M, medium
3- L, long
Product group
S- Small drives
Product range
PL- Planetary gearbox
SN- Worm gearbox
Worm gearbox -25, 31, 40
1 Planetary gearbox -42, -52, 62, 81, 12
No. of stages
1- Single-stage
2- Two-stage
3- Three-stage
Drive-end version
N- Standard motor
F- Open design
Output design
Shaft design
V- Solid shaft
D- Double shaft
H- Hollow shaft
Housing design
A- Foot-mounted with centring
C- Without foot, with centring
Output flange
L- Round flange with tapped holes
R- Without flange
Jext [kgm2] Moment of inertia of the machine to be VDE Verband deutscher Elektrotechniker
driven reduced to motor shaft
Jload [kgm2] Moment of inertia of the load machine USDA United States Department of Agriculture
Jmot [kgm2] Moment of inertia of the motor NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers
JA [kgm2] Moment of inertia of the drive Association
reduced to drive shaft
JB [kgm2] Moment of inertia of the brake AC Alternating current/voltage
DC Direct current/voltage
k Application factor
(following DIN 3990) EMC Electromagnetic compatibility
Operating modes
The ratings are obtained when the following conditions are steady-state temperature of the machine is never achieved.
fulfilled: In the resting time following the operating time the motor
˘ Ambient temperature up to 40 °C cools down to the initial temperature.
˘ Installation at a height up to 1000 m a.m.s.l.
˘ Unobstructed airflow With Intermittent operation S3, S4, S5 the operation con-
˘ No recycling of the warm exhaust air via the intake sists of a repeating set of short-term duties. The running
time is normally 10 minutes. The resting periods between
The operating mode is important when choosing a motor. the operating periods are sufficiently long for the machine
A motor heats up much less, for example, when loaded only to cool down.
intermittently than when constantly under load, thus allo- S3 operation occurs, when the heating effect of the starting
wing the selection of a smaller motor. In accordance with current is negligible, S4 when the effect of the starting cur- 1
VDE 0530, there are eight different modes of operation; rent cannot be disregarded, S5 when the braking current
S1 to S8. causes additional heating of the machine.
For Continuous operation S1 the operating time at the With continuous duty with intermittent loading S6 the
rated power is so long that the steady-state temperature of motor can cool down in the idle phases.
the machine is reached. Such motors are suitable for conti-
nuous duty, i.e. they can be permanently loaded with the With continuous operation with start-up and
rated load. braking S7 there are practically no pauses.
The machine is permanently under voltage.
For Short-time operation S2 the operating time is so short
in comparison to the resting time which follows it that the
M2 · n2
Calculate the required motor power P1 =
9550 ·
Calculate the duty class:
1 Duty Type of load Intensity
Jext + Jmot
I Smooth operation, minor or negligible shocks FI ≤ 1.25 FI (geared motor) =
II Irregular operation, average shocks 1.25 < FI ≤ 4
III Irregular operation, major shocks Jext + JA
FI > 4 FI (gearbox) =
and/or alternating loads JA
Calculate the temporal factors:
˘ Operating time/day
˘ Switching operations/hour
Use the diagram to determine the application factor k of the machine
Operating time/day
24 h 16 h 8h
1.8 1.7 1.6
Application factor
1.5 1.2
1.3 1.1 0.9
Requirement for geared motor: c (selection table) ≥ k
Requirement for gearbox: M2 perm (selection table) ≥ M2 · k
2. Calculate the axial and radial forces applied to the gearbox shaft
fz Transmission element
1.12 Gears
M2 · fz
Fr = 2000 ·
dw [mm] 1.25 ... 1.4 Sprocket
1.5 Toothed belt pulleys
1.5 ... 2.0 Narrow V-belt pulleys depending on initial stress
˘ Frperm ≥ Fr
(Frperm taken from gearbox-specific data)
˘ Faperm ≥ Fa
(Faperm taken from gearbox-specific data)
Worm gearboxes 2-170
Planetary gearboxes 2-172
Helical gearboxes 2-175
Bevel gearboxes 2-176
Built-on accessories
B-side built-on accessories 2-178
Controllers 2-184
General data
Motor type 13.71ò.35.ò.2.0 13.71ò.òò.ò.ò.ò 13.75ò.òò.ò.ò.ò
Enclosure IP54 or IP 55
Thermal class
Motor protection - Thermal contact (normally-closed contact)
Cooling Naturally ventilated Integral fan
Temperature range -20 to +40 °C
Site altitude Up to 1000 m a.m.s.l.
Electrical connection Terminal box
Bearing Deep-groove ball bearing
Operating mode
The multi-range windings make three-phase asynchronous voltages – 3-phase 220-240/380-415 V. The lower voltage
motors suitable for operation in a wide range of operating applies to delta connections and the higher to star
Three-phase asynchronous motor type: 13.710 Three-phase asynchronous motor type: 13.750
(smooth housing) (ribbed housing)
For mains switching operation, the voltage spikes can be limited by the use of a suppressor circuit with RC components or
varistors (not part of scope of supply). The suppressor circuit must be of a suitable dimension for the application in question!
Rated data
Motor type (smooth housing) 13.710.35 13.710.35 13.710.47 13.710.47 13.710.55 13.710.55
Rated power (W) 12 25 40 75 60 90
Rated torque (Nm) 0.085 0.088 0.28 0.27 0.42 0.32
Rated current (A) 0.18 / 0.1 0.35 / 0.2 0.38 / 0.22 0.40 / 0.23 0.37 / 0.21 0.44 / 0.25
Rated voltage (V) 230/400 230/400 230/400 230/400 230/400 230/400
Rated frequency (Hz) 50 50 50 50 50 50
Rated speed (rpm) 1350 2700 1350 2700 1350 2700
Power factor 0.7 0.53 0.61 0.76 0.72 0.86
Moment of inertia (kgcm2) 0.22 0.22 0.41 0.41 1.4 0.85
Max. radial force (N) Fr 240 190 350 280 340 270
Max. axial force (N) Fa 230 170 320 240 320 240
MA/MN 2.6 2.6 2.2 2.4 1.9 2.1
MK/MN 2.0 2.0 2.5 2.0 1.8 2.1
Motor type (ribbed housing) 13.750.45 13.750.45 13.750.55 13.750.55 13.750.65 13.750.65
Rated power (W) 30 60 90 150 180 250
Rated torque (Nm) 0.21 0.21 0.64 0.53 1.27 0.86
Rated current (A) 0.42 / 0.24 0.48 / 0.28 0.70 / 0.40 0.73 / 0.42 1.20 / 0.70 1.27 / 0.73
Rated voltage (V) 230/400 230/400 230/400 230/400 230/400 230/400
Rated frequency (Hz) 50 50 50 50 50 50
Rated speed (rpm) 1350 2700 1350 2700 1350 2750
Power factor 0.56 0.62 0.65 0.86 0.79 0.83
Moment of inertia (kgcm2) 0.31 0.31 1.3 0.79 2.1 1.4
Max. radial force (N) Fr 240 190 400 320 570 450
Max. axial force (N) Fa 120 90 380 280 520 390
MA/MN 2.8 3.3 2.1 2.3 1.7 2.7
MK/MN 2.0 2.9 1.9 2.6 2.0 2.0
Dimensions in mm
Enclosure IP54
Gearbox type VCL
Flange/shaft position 3 5
Mounting position A B C D E F
Position of electrical connection 2 3 4 5
Dimensions in mm
Dimensions in mm
Geared motor a2 b1 b2 c1 d2 e2 e3 f1 f2 g g1 h1 k k1 k2
j7 h8 h6
100 60 32 9 10 80 50 3 3 85 144 31 78 235 245
120 80 32 9 12 100 50 3 3 85 144 31 78 235 255
Dimensions in mm
Geared motor a1 a5 a6 a7 b1 b5 b6 b7 c5 d d1 e1 e4 e5 f1 f5 f6 g g1
h8 H7
SSN31-1UHAR-056C2ò 63 25 25 75 40 50 50 40 5 15 25 50 50 54 2.5 78 78 85 144
Dimensions in mm
Enclosure IP54
Position of electrical connection 2
Dimensions in mm
Dimensions in mm
Dimensions in mm
Geared motor a a1 b b1 b2 c c1 d e e1 f f1 f2 g g1 g2 h h1 i
B3 B14 B3 B14 B3 B3 B14 B3 B14 B3 B14 B3 B3 B3 B3
Ø j7 h11 h6 Ø
SSN25-1UVCò-045C2ò 60 80 75 50 28 8 8 9 79 65 93 3 7 93 137.5 62 75 25 48.5
Dimensions in mm
Geared motor a a2 b b1 b2 c1 d2 e e2 e3 f f1 f2 g g1 h h1 i k
j7 h8 h6
71 100 90 60 32 9 10 90 80 50 112 3 3 111 148 87 31 74 78
71 120 90 80 32 9 12 90 100 50 112 3 3 111 148 87 31 74 78
Dimensions in mm
Geared motor a1 a5 a6 a7 b1 b5 b6 b7 c5 d d1 e1 e4 e5 f1 f5 f6 g g1
h8 H7
SSN31-1UHAR-056C2ò 63 25 25 75 40 50 50 40 5 15 25 50 50 54 2.5 78 78 111 148
Dimensions in mm
Geared motor a a2 b b1 b2 c1 d2 e e2 e3 f f1 f2 g g1 h h1 i k
j7 h10 h6
SSN40-1UVAò-063C2ò 80 140 100 95 44 10 15 105 115 65 125 3 3 123 160 103 40 88 96
Dimensions in mm
Geared motor a1 a5 a6 a7 b1 b5 b6 b7 c5 d d1 e1 e4 e5 f1 f5 f6 g g1
h8 H7
SSN40-1UHAR-063C2ò 77 30 30 85 50 60 60 50 6 20 30 65 65 80 2 90 90 123 160
Dimensions in mm
Dimensions in mm
Dimensions in mm
Dimensions in mm
Dimensions in mm
General data
Rated data
Connector for resolver and thermal contact
Pin no. Connection name Connection to:
1 +Ref Resolver
2 -Ref Resolver
Motor angular
Power connector connection
4 +cos Resolver
5 -cos Resolver
6 +sin Resolver
7 -sin Resolver
11 + KTY/thermal switch
12 - KTY/thermal switch
Connector for resolver and thermal contact
Pin no. Connection name Connection to:
1 +Ref Resolver
2 -Ref Resolver
Motor angular
Power connector connection
4 +cos Resolver
5 -cos Resolver
6 +sin Resolver
7 -sin Resolver
11 + KTY/thermal switch
12 - KTY/thermal switch
Connector for resolver and thermal contact
Pin no. Connection name Connection to:
1 +Ref Resolver
2 -Ref Resolver
Motor angular
Power connector connection
4 +cos Resolver
5 -cos Resolver
6 +sin Resolver
7 -sin Resolver
11 + KTY/thermal switch
12 - KTY/thermal switch
Connector for resolver and thermal contact
Pin no. Connection name Connection to:
1 +Ref Resolver
2 -Ref Resolver
Motor angular
Power connector connection
4 +cos Resolver
5 -cos Resolver
6 +sin Resolver
7 -sin Resolver
11 + KTY/thermal switch
12 - KTY/thermal switch
Encoder connector (resolver/incremental encoder) Encoder angular connection
Characteristics SDSGAòò047
Permissible continuous and peak torque value as function of the speed for SDS047-22
Torque [Nm]
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
Characteristics SDSGAòò056-22
Permissible continuous and peak torque value as function of the speed for SDS056-22
Torque [Nm]
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
Peak torque value Speed [rpm ]
Continuous torque
Characteristics SDSGAòò063-22
Permissible continuous and peak torque value as function of the speed for SDS063-22
Torque [Nm]
500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500
Characteristics SDSGAòò063-32
Permissible continuous and peak torque value as function of the speed for SDS063-32
Torque [Nm]
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
Peak torque value Speed [rpm ]
Continuous torque
The motor temperature is monitored continuously using The feedback to the servo inverter 9300 is carried out using
the KTY temperature detector, although this does not offer the feedback system cable. When the encoder is fed with a
full protection. measuring current of 1 mA, the relationship between tem-
perature and resistance will be as follows:
Temperature in °C
Technical data
AC connection DC connection
Operating temperature 150 ºC ± 5 ºC
Reset temperature 90...135 ºC
Supply voltage 250 V ≈ 60 V 48 V 24 V
Rated current [A] 2.5 A 1.0 A 1.25 A 1.6 A
Rated voltage 230 V connector version and motor frame size 047 only
390 V connector version and motor frame size 056-063 only
230/400 V terminal box version only
Enclosure IP54
Motor protection KTY connector version only
Thermal contact 'NC contact' terminal box version only
Electrical connection Terminal box
B-side design XX=no built-on accessories terminal box version only
RS=with resolver connector version only
BR=with spring-applied brake terminal box version only
RS=with incremental encoder connector version only
BS=with spring-applied brake and resolver connector version only
BI=with spring-applied brake and incremental encoder connector version only
BV=for brake attachment terminal box version only
Brake supply voltage 24 V DC
230 V AC with bridge rectifier terminal box version only
Position of electrical connection 2
Dimensions in mm
Rated voltage 230 V connector version and motor frame size 047 only
390 V connector version and motor frame size 056-063 only
230/400 V terminal box version only
Enclosure IP54
Motor protection KTY connector version only
Thermal contact 'NC contact' terminal box version only
Electrical connection Terminal box
B-side design XX=no built-on accessories terminal box version only
RS=with resolver connector version only
BR=with spring-applied brake terminal box version only
RS=with incremental encoder connector version only
BS=with spring-applied brake and resolver connector version only
BI=with spring-applied brake and incremental encoder connector version only
BV=for brake attachment terminal box version only
Brake supply voltage 24 V DC
230 V AC with bridge rectifier terminal box version only
Position of electrical connection 2
Geared motor a2 b1 b2 c1 d2 e2 e3 f1 f2 f6 g g1 g2 g3 h h1 h2
j7 h8 h6
100 60 32 9 10 80 50 3 3 78 75 101 58 96 71 31 40
120 80 32 9 12 100 50 3 3 78 75 101 58 96 71 31 40
Dimensions in mm
Geared motor a1 a5 a6 a7 b1 b5 b6 b7 c5 d d1 e1 e4 e5 f1 f5 f6 g g1 g2 g3 h h1
h8 h7
SSN31-1GHAR-047C22 63 25 25 75 40 50 50 40 5 15 25 50 50 54 2.5 78 78 75 101 58 96 71 40
Dimensions in mm
no built-on accessories
Geared motor a2 b1 b2 c1 d2 e2 e3 f1 f2 f6 g g1 g2 g3 h h1 h2
j7 h10 h6
SSN40-1GVAò-056C22 140 95 44 10 15 115 65 3 3 90 85 106 58 101 88 40 48
Dimensions in mm
no built-on accessories
with one attachment
with two built-on accessories
Geared motor a1 a5 a6 a7 b1 b5 b6 b7 c5 d d1 e1 e4 e5 f1 f5 f6 g g1 g2 g3 h
h8 H7
SSN40-1GHAR-056C22 77 30 30 85 50 60 60 50 6 20 30 65 65 80 2 90 90 85 106 58 101 88
Dimensions in mm
no built-on accessories
Geared motor a2 b1 b2 c1 d2 e2 e3 f1 f2 f6 g g1 g2 g3 h h1 h2
j7 h10 h6
SSN40-1GVAò-063C22 140 95 44 10 15 115 65 3 3 90 95 111 58 106 88 40 48
Dimensions in mm
no built-on accessories
with one attachment
with two built-on accessories
Geared motor a1 a5 a6 a7 b1 b5 b6 b7 c5 d d1 e1 e4 e5 f1 f5 f6 g g1 g2 g3 h
h8 H7
SSN40-1GHAR-063C22 77 30 30 85 50 60 60 50 6 20 30 65 65 80 2 90 90 95 111 58 106 88
Dimensions in mm
no built-on accessories
Geared motor a2 b1 b2 c1 d2 e2 e3 f1 f2 f6 g g1 g2 g3 h h1 h2
j7 h10 h6
SSN40-1GVAò-063C32 140 95 44 10 15 115 65 3 3 90 95 111 58 106 88 40 48
Dimensions in mm
no built-on accessories
with one attachment
with two built-on accessories
Geared motor a1 a5 a6 a7 b1 b5 b6 b7 c5 d d1 e1 e4 e5 f1 f5 f6 g g1 g2 g3 h
h8 H7
SSN40-1GHAR-063C32 77 30 30 85 50 60 60 50 6 20 30 65 65 80 2 90 90 95 111 58 106 88
Dimensions in mm
Dimensions in mm
Dimensions in mm
Dimensions in mm
Dimensions in mm
Dimensions in mm
Dimensions in mm
Dimensions in mm
Dimensions in mm
Geared motor a a1 a2 b1 b2 b5 b7 c2 c5 d d2 e1 e2 e5 f1 f2 f5 g g1 g2 g3 h i i1 i2 i5
h7 j7 k6
120 80 100
GST03-2GVòò-056C22 2 71 140 48 95 60 91 10 11 20 M6 61 115 105 8 84 85 106 58 101 65 46 51 40 52
160 110 130 3.5
Dimensions in mm
Geared motor a a1 a2 b1 b2 b5 b7 c2 c5 d d2 e1 e2 e5 f1 f2 f5 g g1 g2 g3 h i i1 i2 i5
h7 j7 k6
120 80 100
GST04-1GVòò-056C22 36 72 140 48 95 55 105 10 17 16 M5 61 115 130 8 80 85 106 58 101 50 35 43 32 45
160 110 130 3.5
Dimensions in mm
Geared motor a a1 a2 b1 b2 b5 b7 c2 c5 d d2 e1 e2 e5 f1 f2 f5 g g1 g2 g3 h i i1 i2 i5
h7 j7 k6
120 80 100
GST04-2GVòò-056C22 0 72 140 48 95 76 105 10 16 20 M6 61 115 130 8 112 85 106 58 101 80 43 51 40 53
160 110 130 3.5
Dimensions in mm
Geared motor a a1 a2 b1 b2 b5 b7 c2 c5 d d2 e1 e2 e5 f1 f2 f5 g g1 g2 g3 h i i1 i2 i5
h7 j7 k6
120 80 100
140 95 115
GST05-1GVòò-056C22 45 88 58 70 125 10 22 20 M6 74 155 9 99 85 106 58 101 63 43 52 40 56
160 110 130
200 130 12 165
GST05-1GVòò-056C22 403.5 200 156 156 244 43 40 6 28 33 26 29 115 159.5 156 51.5 168 M6 9 11 22.5 6 113 10-12
Dimensions in mm
Geared motor a a1 a2 b1 b2 b5 b7 c2 c5 d d2 e1 e2 e5 f1 f2 f5 g g1 g2 g3 h i i1 i2 i5
h7 j7 k6
120 80 10 100 3
140 95 11 115
GST05-2GVòò-056C22 1 88 58 90 125 23 25 M10 74 158 9 139 85 106 58 101 100 53 62 50 66
160 110 10 130 3.5
200 130 12 165
GST05-2GVòò-056C22 452.5 200 156 156 244 50 4 40 30 26 49 115 208.5 156 98 158.5 M6 9 11 28 8 113 14-16
Dimensions in mm
Geared motor a a1 a2 b1 b2 b5 b7 c2 c5 d d2 e1 e2 e5 f1 f2 f5 g g1 g2 g3 h i i1 i2 i5
h7 j7 k6
120 80 100
GST04-1GVòò-063C22 36 72 140 48 95 55 105 10 17 16 M5 61 115 130 8 80 95 111 58 106 50 35 43 32 45
160 110 130 3.5
Dimensions in mm
Geared motor a a1 a2 b1 b2 b5 b7 c2 c5 d d2 e1 e2 e5 f1 f2 f5 g g1 g2 g3 h i i1 i2 i5
h7 j7 k6
120 80 100
GST04-2GVòò-063C22 0 72 140 48 95 76 105 10 16 20 M6 61 115 130 8 112 95 111 58 106 80 43 51 40 53
160 110 130 3.5
Dimensions in mm
Geared motor a a1 a2 b1 b2 b5 b7 c2 c5 d d2 e1 e2 e5 f1 f2 f5 g g1 g2 g3 h i i1 i2 i5
h7 j7 k6
120 80 100
GST04-1GVòò-063C32 36 72 140 48 95 55 105 10 17 16 M5 61 115 130 8 80 95 111 58 106 50 35 43 32 45
160 110 130 3.5
Dimensions in mm
Geared motor a a1 a2 b1 b2 b5 b7 c2 c5 d d2 e1 e2 e5 f1 f2 f5 g g1 g2 g3 h i i1 i2 i5
h7 j7 k6
120 80 100
GST04-2GVòò-063C32 0 72 140 48 95 76 105 10 16 20 M6 61 115 130 8 112 95 111 58 106 80 43 51 40 53
160 110 130 3.5
Dimensions in mm
Geared motor a a1 a2 b1 b2 b5 b7 c2 c5 d d2 e1 e2 e5 f1 f2 f5 g g1 g2 g3 h i i1 i2 i5
h7 j7 k6
120 80 100
140 95 115
GST05-1GVòò-063C22 45 88 58 70 125 10 22 20 M6 74 155 9 99 95 111 58 106 63 43 52 40 56
160 110 130
200 130 12 165
GST05-1GVòò-063C22 415.5 207 156 161 256 43 40 6 28 33 26 29 115 159.5 156 51.5 168 M6 9 11 22.5 6 123 11.5-13.5
Dimensions in mm
Geared motor a a1 a2 b1 b2 b5 b7 c2 c5 d d2 e1 e2 e5 f1 f2 f5 g g1 g2 g3 h i i1 i2 i5
h7 j7 k6
120 80 10 100 3
140 95 11 115
GST05-2GVòò-063C22 1 88 58 90 125 23 25 M10 74 158 9 139 95 111 58 106 100 53 62 50 66
160 110 10 130 3.5
200 130 12 165
GST05-2GVòò-063C22 464.5 207 156 161 256 50 4 40 30 26 49 115 208.5 156 98 158.5 M6 9 11 28 8 123 15.5-17.5
Dimensions in mm
Geared motor a a1 a2 b1 b2 b5 b7 c2 c5 d d2 e1 e2 e5 f1 f2 f5 g g1 g2 g3 h i i1 i2 i5
h7 j7 k6
120 80 100
140 95 115
GST05-1GVòò-063C32 45 88 58 70 125 10 22 20 M6 74 155 9 99 95 111 58 106 63 43 52 40 56
160 110 130
200 130 12 165
GST05-1GVòò-063C32 455.5 247 156 201 296 43 40 6 28 33 26 29 115 159.5 156 51.5 168 M6 9 11 22.5 6 163 13-15
Dimensions in mm
Geared motor a a1 a2 b1 b2 b5 b7 c2 c5 d d2 e1 e2 e5 f1 f2 f5 g g1 g2 g3 h i i1 i2 i5
h7 j7 k6
120 80 10 100 3
140 95 11 115
GST05-2GVòò-063C32 1 88 58 90 125 23 25 M10 74 158 9 139 95 111 58 106 100 53 62 50 66
160 110 10 130 3.5
200 130 12 165
GST05-2GVòò-063C32 504.5 247 156 201 296 50 4 40 30 26 49 115 208.5 156 98 158.5 M6 9 11 28 8 163 17-19
Dimensions in mm
Geared motor a a1 a2 b2 b3 b5 b7 c2 c5 d d2 e1 e2 e5 f2 f3 f5 g g1 g2 g3 h i1 i2 k k1
j7 h7 k6
GKR03-2GVAò- 120 80 – 100 3 –
29 84 60 75 8 7 20 M6 70 90 80 85 106 58 101 50 42.5 40 397.5 201.5
056C22 110 – 60 87 – 4
Dimensions in mm
Geared motor a a1 a2 b1 b2 b3 b5 b7 c2 c5 d d1 e1 e2 e5 f2 f3 f5 g g1 g2 g3 h i1 i2
J7 j7 H7 H7
GKR03-2GHAò- 120 80 – 18 100 3 –
29 84 55 60 75 8 7 30 70 90 80 85 106 58 101 50 2.5 30
056C22 110 – 60 20 87 – 4
GKR03-2GHAò- 7 20.8
397.5 201.5 100 157.5 245.5 100 86 22 20 152 130 117 48 50 80 M6 6.6 6 114.5 7-9
056C22 9 22.8
Dimensions in mm
Rated data
13.120.35 13.120.45
Mn = 0.175 Nm nn = 3000 rpm Mn = 0.35 Nm nn = 3000 rpm
n/nn I/In
n/nn I/In
Δ T [K]
Δ T [K]
M/Mn M/Mn
13.120.55 13.120.65
Mn = 0.636 Nm nn = 3000 rpm Mn = 1.18 Nm nn = 3000 rpm
n/nn I/In
n/nn I/In
Δ T [K]
Δ T [K]
M/Mn M/Mn
13.120.75 Explanations
Mn = 1.91 Nm nn = 3000 rpm 1: Armature current (mean value) as function of torque
2: Speed as function of torque at rated voltage
3: Housing temperature increase as function of torque
at FF = 1 for 160 V and 180 V motors
4: As 3, for 24 V motors
M/Mn, I/In, n/nn: standardised values referred to the rated
n/nn I/In
Δ T [K]
For a detailed dimensioning of the drives please consult
your Lenze sales representative.
Additional order information
Geared motor a a1 b b1 b2 c c1 d e e1 f f1 f2 g g1 g2 h h1
B3 B14 B3 B14 B3 B3 B14 B3 B14 B3 B14 B3 B3 B3
ø j7 h11 h6 ø
SSN25-1PVCò-035C21 15.5 80 55 50 28 8 8 9 24.5 65 71 3 7 54 62 62 57 25
Dimensions in mm
Geared motor a2 b b1 b2 c c1 d2 e2 e3 f f1 f2 g h h1 i
j7 h8 h6
100 75 60 32 11 9 10 80 50 95 3 3 70 45 31 57.5
120 75 80 32 11 9 12 100 50 95 3 3 70 45 31 57.5
Dimensions in mm
Geared motor a1 a5 a6 a7 b1 b5 b6 b7 c5 d d1 e1 e4 e5 f1 f5 f6 g
h8 H7
SSN31-1PHAR-045C21 63 25 25 75 40 50 50 40 5 15 25 50 50 54 2.5 78 78 70
Dimensions in mm
KMAT 456906
Geared motor a2 b b1 b2 c c1 d2 e2 e3 f f1 f2 g h h1 i
j7 h8 h6
100 90 60 32 13 9 10 80 50 110 3 3 80 56 31 68
120 90 80 32 13 9 12 100 50 110 3 3 80 56 31 68
Dimensions in mm
Geared motor a1 a5 a6 a7 b1 b5 b6 b7 c5 d d1 e1 e4 e5 f1 f5 f6 g
h8 H7
SSN31-1PHAR-056C21 63 25 25 75 40 50 50 40 5 15 25 50 50 54 2.5 78 78 80
Dimensions in mm
Geared motor a a2 a3 b b1 b2 c c1 d2 e2 e3 e6 f f1 f2 g g1 g2 h1 h2
j7 h10 h6
SSN40-1PVAò-063C21 34 140 – 100 95 44 15 10 15 115 65 67.5 137 3 3 98 121 45 40 103
Dimensions in mm
Geared motor a1 a5 a6 a7 b1 b5 b6 b7 c5 d d1 e1 e4 e5 f1 f5 f6 g g1 g2
h8 H7
SSN40-1PHAR-063C21 77 30 30 85 50 60 60 50 6 20 30 65 65 80 2 90 90 98 121 45
Dimensions in mm
Geared motor a a2 a3 b b1 b2 c c1 d2 e2 e3 e6 f f1 f2 g g1 g2 h1 h2
j7 h10 h6
SSN40-1PVAò-071C21 41.5 140 90 112 95 44 8 10 15 115 65 141.5 132 3 3 110 138 46 40 111
Dimensions in mm
Geared motor a1 a5 a6 a7 b1 b5 b6 b7 c5 d d1 e1 e4 e5 f1 f5 f6 g g1 g2
h8 H7
SSN40-1PHAR-071C21 77 30 30 85 50 60 60 50 6 20 30 65 65 80 2 90 90 110 138 46
Dimensions in mm
Dimensions in mm
Dimensions in mm
Dimensions in mm
Dimensions in mm
Additional order information
Dimensions in mm
Geared motor a a1 a2 b1 b2 b5 b7 c2 c5 d d2 e1 e2 e5 f1 f2 f5 g g1 h i i1 i2
j7 j7 k6
120 80 100
GST04-1PVòò-056C21 36 72 140 48 95 55 105 10 17 16 M5 61 115 125 8 80 80 85 50 35 43 32
160 110 130 3.5
* Observe dimension k2
Dimensions in mm
Geared motor a a1 a2 b1 b2 b5 b7 c2 c5 d d2 e1 e2 e5 f1 f2 f5 g g1 h i i1 i2
j7 j7 k6
120 80 100
GST04-2PVòò-056C21 0 72 140 48 95 76 105 10 18 20 M6 61 115 130 8 112 80 85 80 43 51 40
160 110 130 3.5
* Observe dimension k2
Dimensions in mm
Geared motor a a1 a2 b1 b2 b5 b7 c2 c5 d d2 e1 e2 e5 f1 f2 f5 g g1 h i i1 i2
j7 j7 k6
120 80 100
GST04-1PVòò-063C21 36 72 140 48 95 55 105 10 17 16 M5 61 115 130 8 80 98 94 50 35 43 32
160 110 130 3.5
* Observe dimension k2
Dimensions in mm
Geared motor a a1 a2 b1 b2 b5 b7 c2 c5 d d2 e1 e2 e5 f1 f2 f5 g g1 h i i1 i2
j7 j7 k6
120 80 100
GST04-2PVòò-063C21 0 72 140 48 95 76 105 10 18 20 M6 61 115 130 8 112 98 94 80 43 51 40
160 110 130 3.5
* Observe dimension k2
Dimensions in mm
Geared motor a a1 a2 b1 b2 b5 b7 c2 c5 d d2 e1 e2 e5 f1 f2 f5 g g1 h i i1 i2
j7 j7 k6
120 80 100
140 95 10 115
GST05-1PVòò-071C21 45 88 58 70 125 22 20 M6 74 154 9 99 110 101 63 43 52 40
160 110 130
200 130 12 165
* Observe dimension k2
Dimensions in mm
Geared motor a a1 a2 b1 b2 b5 b7 c2 c5 d d2 e1 e2 e5 f1 f2 f5 g g1 h i i1 i2
j7 j7 k6
120 80 100
140 95 115
GST05-2PVòò-071C21 1 88 58 90 125 10 23 25 M10 74 155 9 139 110 101 100 53 62 50
160 110 130
200 130 165
* Observe dimension k2
Dimensions in mm
Geared motor a a1 a2 b1 b2 b5 b7 c2 c5 d d2 e1 e2 e5 f1 f2 f5 g g1 h i i1 i2
j7 j7 k6
120 80 100
140 95 10 115
GST05-1PVòò-071C21 45 88 58 70 125 22 20 M6 74 154 9 99 110 101 63 43 52 40
160 110 130
200 130 12 165
* Observe dimension k2
Dimensions in mm
Geared motor a a1 a2 b1 b2 b5 b7 c2 c5 d d2 e1 e2 e5 f1 f2 f5 g g1 h i i1 i2
j7 j7 k6
120 80 100
10 3
140 95 115
GST05-2PVòò-071C21 1 88 58 90 125 23 25 M10 74 155 9 139 110 101 100 53 62 50
160 110 130
12 3.5
200 130 165
* Observe dimension k2
Dimensions in mm
Type a1 a2 a3 a5 a6 a7 a8 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 c1 c2 d d1 d2 d3 e1 e2 Weight
h8 j7 h8 H7 h6 h6 approx. kg
SSN 31 63 100 63 25 25 4 4 40 60 32 50 50 40 5 9 15 25 10 10 50 80 0.7-0.8
SSN 31 63 120 63 25 25 4 4 40 80 32 50 50 40 5 9 15 25 12 12 50 100 0.7-0.8
SSN 40 77 140 77 30 30 4 14 50 95 44 60 60 50 6 10 20 30 15 15 65 115 1.5-1.8
Type e3 e4 e5 e7 f1 f2 f3 f5 f6 h h1 h2 k l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 n1 n2 m Weight
approx. kg
SSN 31 50 50 54 75 2.5 3 3 78 78 71 31 40 78 63 30 30 4 25 26 24 50 0.7-0.8
SSN 31 50 50 54 75 2.5 3 3 78 78 71 31 40 78 63 40 40 4 28 26 24 50 0.7-0.8
SSN 40 65 65 76 85 2 3 3 90 90 88 40 48 96 83 50 43 4 36 30 24 59 1.5-1.8
Type q1 q2 q3 q4 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 t1 t2 u1 u2 Weight
approx. kg
SSN 31 91.5 121.5 60 90 5.5 M6 M5 6.5 6 17.3 11.2 5 3 0.7-0.8
SSN 31 101.5 131.5 70 100 5.5 M6 M5 6.5 6 17.3 13.5 5 4 0.7-0.8
SSN 40 128 168 83 123 5.5 M8 M6 8 7 22.8 17 6 5 1.5-1.8
Dimensions in mm
Gearbox type Ratio M max. Axial load Radial load Selection Gearbox type Ratio M max. Axial load Radial load Selection
max. max. (tick as max. max. (tick as
i Nm N N required) i Nm N N required)
SPL62-1NVCR 3.7 8 50 240 SPL81-1NVCR 3.7 20 80 400
6.75 8 50 240 6.75 20 80 400
SPL62-2NVCR 13.73 25 70 360 SPL81-2NVCR 13.73 60 120 600
25.01 25 70 360 25.01 60 120 600
2 34.97 25 70 360 34.97 60 120 600
45.56 25 70 360 45.56 60 120 600
SPL62-3NVCR 50.89 50 120 520 SPL81-3NVCR 50.89 120 200 1000
71.06 50 120 520 71.06 120 200 1000
99.5 50 120 520 99.5 120 200 1000
123.97 50 120 520 123.97 120 200 1000
Gearbox type Ratio M max. Axial load Radial load Selection At the drive end motor attachment
max. max. (tick as
Gearbox type Design Selection
i Nm N N required)
SPL42 B14-SPL42
SPL12-1NVCR 3.7 50 120 600
SPL52 IEC56B14C80
6.75 50 120 600
SPL62 IEC56B14C80
SPL12-2NVCR 13.73 150 180 900
SPL62 IEC63B14C90
25.01 150 180 900
SPL81 IEC63B14C90
45.56 150 180 900
SPL81 IEC71B14C105
SPL12-3NVCR 50.89 300 300 1500
SPL12 IEC71B14C105
92.7 300 300 1500
168.84 300 300 1500
1-stage 0.8
2-stage 0.75
3-stage 0.7
Dimensions in mm
f␣ Effective direction factor f␣ at output shaft fw Additional load factor fw at output shaft
2-stage helical gearbox GST 03...09 - 2, 3
1.3 GSTòò-1
Drehrichtung links CCW
Direction of rotation
Drehrichtung rechts CW
Direction of rotation 1.1
0° 30° 60° 90° 120° 150° 180° 210° 240° 270° 300° 330° 360° 0.6
␣ 0.5
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
f␣ Effective direction factor at output shaft fw Additional load factor at output shaft
1,8 1,3
Version Hòò
1,2 0,6
1,1 0,5
Direction of rotation CCW
1,0 0,4
0° 30° 60° 90° 120° 150° 180° 210° 240° 270° 300° 330° 360° 0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1 1,1
Technical data
Brake Braking torque Brake voltage Coil power Rotor bore Weight
Type [Nm] [DV] [W] [mm] [kg]
BFK 457-03 0.5 24 or 205 9 10 0.25
BFK 457-04 1 24 or 205 12.5 7 or 10 0.3
BFK 457-05 2 24 or 205 16 10 0.4
BFK 458-06 4 24 or 205 20 10 0.8
Tacho generators
DC tachogenerator AC tachogenerator
An armature with winding and commutator rotates in a A rotating permanent magnet induces a single- or multi-
permanent magnetic field. The induced voltage is tapped at phase AC voltage in the stator winding. An integrated
the commutator by carbon brushes. rectifier rectifies the AC voltage so that the output signal
is a DC voltage.
˘ Detection of the direction of rotation when the polarity Features
of the tacho voltage changes ˘ Simple structure (price)
˘ Very low residual ripple of the tacho signal thanks to sui- ˘ Simple assembly
table dimensioning of the windings ˘ No wearing parts, therefore maintenance-free
˘ Very good linearity of the tacho signal even at very low ˘ Direction of rotation not detected from polarity of the
speeds tacho voltage, therefore not suitable for 4-Q drives
˘ Tacho voltage and speed are only proportional from
a minimum speed nmin > 0 because of the threshold
voltage of the integrated rectifier.
Technical data
Design Detection of Voltage Ripple Reversing Linearity Minimum Max Thermal Enclosure Weight
Type direction per 1000 rpm error error limit of speed limit current [approx.
of rotation control range
for 4-Q drives [V] [rpm ] [rpm ] [mA] kg]
DC current
tacho yes 20 (-10%) < 0.3% +/– 0.0% < 0.05% 0 9000 24 IP54 0.5
Type GT7.08
Three-phase AC
current tacho no 30 (+/– 3%) 4% – < 1% 60 10000 20 IP54 0.5
Type TD3
Available designs
Motor design Motor pre- Spring-applied brake Feedback
Motor type pared for
Type Type DC AC
an attachment
BFK457-04 BFK458-06 Type GT7.08 Type TD3
DC permanent magnet motor
13.120.45 ö ö ö ö
13.120.55 ö ö ö ö
13.120.65 ö ö ö ö
13.120.75 ö ö ö ö
AC asynchronous motor
(smooth housing)
13.710.47 ö ö
13.710.55 ö ö
AC asynchronous motor
(ribbed housing)
13.750.45 ö ö
13.750.55 ö ö
13.750.65 ö ö
Motor type
b1 c1 d d1 d2 e1 g2 f1 l l1 l2 s1
Motor type
DC permanent magnet motor
13.120.45 70 7 10 77 2.5 30 30 4xM4
13.120.55 70 7 10 77 2.5 30 30 4xM4
13.120.65 70 7 10 15 77 2.5 27 30 4xM4
13.120.75 70 7 10 15 77 2.5 27 30 4xM4
AC asynchronous motor
(smooth housing)
13.710.47 7 7.9 18.5 21
13.710.55 10 10 30
AC asynchronous motor
(ribbed housing)
13.750.45 7 7 90 93 38.5 39.5 35
13.750.55 70 10 10 10 108.5 77 110.5 3 42 48 51.5 4xM4
13.750.65 70 10 10 10 121 77 123 3 45 51 49 4xM4
AC asynchronous motor
SDSGA 047-22 10 71 48 75 25 25 44 3xM3
SDSGA 056-22 10 12 81 58 85 25 25.5 44 3xM3
SDSGA 063-22 10 15 91 66 95 23.5 25 46 3xM4
SDSGA 063-32 10 15 91 66 95 23.5 25 46 3xM4
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