0000982-Employment Application Form - CPSB 2
0000982-Employment Application Form - CPSB 2
Folio No:.......................
Please complete this form in BLOCK letters. Submit it to the Secretary, County
Public Service Board, P.O.BOX 1376, 20200 KERICHO, or apply on-line via the
Public Service Board Job Application Portal; www.psbkericho.org .
Vacancy Applied For
Attach copies of certificates, testimonials, a copy of coloured passport size photo, copy
of ID card and clearance certificates (KRA, CID, HELB and EACC).All parts of this form
must be filled.
1. Vacancy applied for
5.Other Details.
5. Other Details
Indicate the language(s) you are proficient in…………………………………………………
Have you ever been convicted of any criminal offence or a subject of probation order?
Have you ever been dismissed or otherwise removed from employment? Yes No
Effective date.............................................................................................................
Have you ever been interviewed by Kericho County Public Service Board before?
Yes No
(Declaring the above information will not necessarily debar an applicant from
employment in Public Service. Each case will be considered on its own merit)
6 Academic/Professional/Technical Qualifications (Starting with the Highest)
6 Acad /Professional/Technical Qualifications (Starting with the Highest)
Year University/ Award/Atta Courses Subject/ Class
College/ inment e.g. (e.g. Option /Grade
Institution Degree, PhD,MSc, (Econ,Maths,
/School Diploma, BA) Finance etc)
From To
9. Personal References
11. Personal References
The names of distinguished persons should not be used unless they really know you
well. The names of relatives or staff members of the Kericho Public Service Board
should also not be used.
Occupation:………………………………Title .......................…………………………………..
Occupation:………………………………………… Title…………………………….................
10. Declaration:
I hereby certify to the best of my knowledge that the particulars given on this form
are correct and I understand that any incorrect information may lead to
disqualification/legal action.
Date: …………………….....................................…....................................................
Signature of the Applicant
Date...........................................................Official Stamp:.........................................