A Methodical Framework
Wim Zeiler
First print
© Noordhoff Uitgevers bv
Design Handbook
A Methodical Framework
Wim Zeiler
First edition
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1 Why design?
8 Examples
References 438
Index 458
Make use of unknown possibilities, find new paths. Leave the beaten track,
because you will only slip. Accept the challenge to find the good out of the
infinite number of possibilities. Perhaps this book can help you.
Step 1 Analysis: Function
Preliminary block diagrams
Step 2 Generate: Function
Formulate block diagrams
- Goal
- Analysis preliminary research of need
- Determine goal
- Determine situation
- Determine legal context
- Determine available resources
- Determine knowledge and skills
- Make program of requirements
- Market survey
- Users survey
- Benchmarking
- Commissioning company – client –
designer triangle
- Value framework
- Checklist demands Result:
Program of
© Noordhoff Uitgevers bv INTRODUCTION 11
Following the four phase chapters and the examples in Chapter , there
are five theme chapters. These chapters provide you with additional
methods that you can use within the framework of the four-phase model of
‘Methodical Design’ and help you to go through the process of objectives,
solutions, selection and elaboration to achieve an ‘Integral Design’. Finally,
Chapter provides you with a method that approaches designing in a
completely different way and could, perhaps, be a new direction for the
future of designing.
Each chapter begins with a list of paragraph titles, a list of questions that are
answered in the chapter and a brief introduction of the content.
a Chronological
You will first read about design and its importance in history. From this
context, you will learn about ‘Methodical Design’ and you can make this
method your own by studying the four chapters explaining each different
phase and the examples in Chapter .
After you have made ‘Methodical Design’ your own, you will discover other
methods in the theme chapters. These can further assist you in any phase.
b Get started
You will start designing and try to set up the design process using the
examples of Chapter . If you get stuck, you can refer to the relevant phase
chapter for more information and background.
d Use as reference
Once you have made the method of methodical design your own, especially
the theme chapters offer you a good overview of other supporting methods
with specific themes, such as formulating an objective, generating solutions,
selecting techniques, the elaboration and the ‘Integral Design’.
12 © Noordhoff Uitgevers bv
1 1
Why design?
There is also a trend towards developing entirely new things: Innovation
is a vital necessity for businesses and organizations. Dutch companies
cannot compete just on the basis of price. Wages are much lower in other
countries and our high productivity is almost achieved by others. Knowledge
competition is becoming increasingly difficult because knowledge is easily
accessible through the Internet. Economic growth must therefore arise from
other added value.
Organizations can differentiate themselves from their competitors by
introducing the use of creativity with new products, services or processes
that are preferably not easy to copy. Dutch companies can only permanently
distinguish themselves by constant innovation. Therefore, creativity is seen
as a fifth factor of production, alongside knowledge, land, labor and capital.
Actually a new creative age is beginning, a period of increasing and fast
innovation. Design is the key, because there is no innovation without design!
Innovation It is good to take a closer look at what innovation is because there are
different definitions. Innovation can be defined as:
It sometimes seems that innovation has only recently become a trend, but
according to this definition it is a subject that people have been aware of
for a long time. The difference is that the importance of innovation has only
become apparent in the last couple of years.
used for investing in new products. This is a prerequisite for the company to
remain profitable and to ensure the economic survival. All this highlights the
need to continuously invest in the development of new products.
FIGURE 1.1 The various phases of the life cycle of a product
− New
for product
to market
Source: Buys J.A., During W., Jes P., Kroonenberg H.H. van den, Marinissen A.H., 1982
The first phase of the life cycle of a product is further elaborated by Kramer
(), see figure .. It is remarkable that the introduction of a next new product
has been omitted, while this is a necessity for the existence of a company.
FIGURE 1.2 The financial results of a product during the life cycle related to the revenue
Reduced As a result of the reduced development time, customers are quickly seduced
development by new products from competitors. It is therefore necessary for companies
to continuously, rapidly and efficiently introduce new products to the
market to stay one step ahead of the competition or at least keep up with
them. It is therefore no surprise that the pace of innovation is accelerating,
see figure ..
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140
Source: Joseph Jacobsen, Organizational and Individual Innovation Diffusion, Global Innovation Outlook, 2004, IBM, p.6
© Noordhoff Uitgevers bv WHY DESIGN? 17
FIGURE 1.6Evolution of fixed costs and expenses incurred during the lifetime
of a product
Costs Costs
(%) (%)
100 100
75 75
Determined Costs
costs incurred
50 50
25 25
0 0
Work prep.
Work prep.
4% 1%
y t n
ud en tio Project
St m
c phases
ve o
Source: Andreasen M.M. and Hein L., 2000
Little attention Management has given design relatively little attention because of a lack
to design of an understanding of how important this phase is for the final cost of a
product. Managers are usually more focused on current, immediate costs
instead of future costs, which is why they pay too little attention to it. After
all, the direct cost of marketing and production are higher than those of
the design, as shown in figure .. Research by Arthur D. Little (Buijs and
Valkenburg, )
Project phases
Source: Andreasen M.M. and Hein L., 2000
© Noordhoff Uitgevers bv WHY DESIGN? 19
FIGURE 1.9 Influence/information contrast in the early stages of the design process
Influence/ % 100
80 Knowledge about
the design
Task Clarification Concept Design Embodiment Design Detail Design
Time into design process
Source: Ullman, 1992
To plan and make decisions about (something that is
being built or created).
This descriptions only indicates what the designer does and how, the why
is missing. Now some definitions are provided by two important thinkers of
the last century on design: Herbert Simon and Donald Schön.
This definition implies that you have to start from an existing situation, but
it need not always be the case if you are designing something entirely new.
Furthermore, design is more than simply planning a number of actions. An
important aspect emphasized here is that design often consists of a series of
actions and not just one single action.
The definition of design was taken from the University of California at Los
Angeles (UCLA) by Van den Kroonenberg. The definition talks about ‘the
best solution’. From this you can deduce that there are different solutions
for a given design problem and therefore a selection should be made. The
standards of physical nature in the definition refer to the possibilities and
limitations of nature and physics. These are of both a physical and technical
nature. The aforementioned standards of a social nature relate to the
limits set by society. Those are of economic, social, legal or ethical nature.
Nonetheless, the search for a good all-encompassing definition continued.
The designer’s faculty of ADMS in Eindhoven used the following definition:
This definition shows that designs are not only focused on products, but
also on processes or systems, which must comply with certain requirements
and wishes in order to meet the need. However, the term ‘synthetic activity’
is too complex on the one hand (‘synthesis’ means putting together
individual elements into a new whole) and too limited on the other because
design goes beyond synthesis; it also involves analysis, evaluation and
development. It is also important to emphasize the decision-making process
during the design process. This is expressed in the following definition by
Von Slamm:
This definition reflects on the fact that during the design process you
can make good use of what exists in order to come up with new ideas.
Nevertheless, the definition is too narrow.
Generally you could say that the concept and significance of design is
growing, as shown in figure ..
Level of
integration & Designing is
development integration:
total process
Multifunctional team
central for success
Designing shares of enterprise
common ground
between enterprise
and market
Human factors
Designing concerns
better products
Industrial design
Market research
Design is seen
as 'shaping'
Esthetic 'twist' to
forms, colors, printed
Economic Design is also of great economic significance in the Netherlands. The Dutch
significance design sector had, according to the Central Statistical Office (Lanjouw, )
and TNO, an estimated added value of . billion euros (Rutten et al., ).
This value was equal to that of the Dutch air transport and even larger than
the annual added value of the petroleum industry (. billion per year).
The design sector is important for increasing the innovative power of Dutch
business. The aim therefore is to double the value of the design sector to
billion euros and more in the coming years. Emphasizing once again the
importance of design and the possibilities that a designer will have in the future.
FIGURE 1.11 Development number of jobs in the design industries in the Netherlands
Percentage to 200
the total Design sectors Creative industry
amount of
jobs Sectors with recognisable Total economy
180 amount of designers
(1996 = 100)
1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Source: TNO
Solving social Besides creating direct economic, social value, designers are also
problems increasingly involved in solving major social problems:
a health
b safety
c environmental problems
d resource scarcity
e energy issues
a Health
In the field of the development of biomedical products in particular, design Biomedical
contributes towards positive improvement in the health of human beings. products
New medical equipment and new facilities for drugs enhance the ability to
fight diseases.
Yet technology can also have a negative impact on the health of human
beings. This particularly relates to the environment as well as working
conditions in certain professions. As a designer, you will need to ensure
that workplaces are created without undesirable adverse health effects
occurring. You also need to ensure that the products you design do not
damage the health of the user. User-friendly designs by applying ergonomic User-friendly
principles is therefore an important task for designers. designs
b Safety
Increased use of advanced technology entails risks to humans and the
environment. The safety aspects should not be neglected when new
technology is introduced. You need to design optimal, safe constructions.
It is obviously not possible as a designer to make your processes/products
completely risk-free, but it is possible through careful design to reduce the
consequences of any accidents. If something goes wrong, the outcome
should be predictable and it should be made clear how to intervene to
prevent undesirable effects.
Especially the latest technology contributes strongly to reducing safety
risks such as terrorist attacks, for example through the detection gates
at the airport. In addition, cameras contribute to security by supervising
entertainment venues in cities.
c Environmental issues
Closely linked to the challenge of energy and raw material consumption are
environmental issues. The use of energy and raw materials results in very
different waste products. All kinds of side effects during the manufacture,
use and disposal of products also cause problems. Especially the
acidification of the environment through dry and wet deposition (acid rain)
of sulfur and nitrogen oxides, global warming due to CO emissions and the
hole in the ozone layer caused by the release of CFCs are examples of this.
As a designer, it is expected that you are aware of all the possible side
effects that could be caused by your products. You also need to consider the
possibility of removal of technical products when they are decommissioned.
Supply chain management, the integral attention for the entire life cycle of a Supply chain
product, is an important aspect in the design of products. management
d Resource scarcity
The increasing scarcity of raw materials requires you as a designer to design
with a minimum of material consumption. You have to aim at an optimal
life cycle of the technical equipment, and when the inevitable end comes, a
large portion of the materials should be recovered through recycling. In this Recycling
way, you contribute to a sustainable use of resources. This inevitably has an
impact on the requirements of modern technical equipment.
e Energy issues
Modern man uses more energy, which results in the problem of
depletion of energy resources and the need to find new sources of energy.
Above all, this energy must be safe and should not be harmful to the
environment. Energy consumption will increase, especially in developing
26 © Noordhoff Uitgevers bv
Recent developments
Products were designed by a designer on the drawing board or behind
the screen. This way of working enabled him to generate a number of
alternative possibilities. From these options, he was able to choose the
variant that would be manufactured.
This option was formerly hardly used to develop multiple variants and from
there on make informed choices. Often the first draft was progressively
improved through trial and error and adapted until it met the requirements. Trial and error
Today there is a need for multiple alternatives and a more conscious and
transparent decision about the different solution concepts. Because of rapid
developments in the technical sciences and society, businesses cannot
afford to get to the right product design through trial and error. The risk of
failure or a longer development process can be reduced in a good way by
choosing the best solution from multiple alternatives.
The related changes in society have led to increased complexity of the
problems, with greatly increased costs and corresponding financial risks.
Characteristic of this new phase is the awareness and the need to:
r ensure the safety of people and goods during every technical operation
r improve working conditions
r use raw materials and energy in an economical way
r have the least amount of impact on the environment
Characteristic of current industry practice is that the designers have less Less and less
and less time to design products. New products should also be realized time to design
immediately and should be readily applied. This often involves completely
new designs, of which no examples are available. In this case you can, as a
designer, not fall back on experience with similar designs: after determining
a problem, you often rely on familiar situations. This results in a quick
decision process towards a solution because of the time pressure. If you
cannot distance yourself from this, chances are that the resulting products
lack the desired improved characteristics compared to existing products.
If you do not have a sufficient overview of the multiplicity and diversity
of the factors involved, the chance of making wrong decisions increases.
This is how end products are realized that possibly do not meet the client’s
expectations. Sometimes, mistakes can still be restored by bringing
significant additional expenditure (see example .).
In cooperation with a sales agent who supervised the sale and distribution
of the schnitzel crusher, these machines have become a success, but the
design and construction agency realized that the trial and error approach
had cost more time and additional resources. As a consequence, the
conclusion was that they no longer wanted to continue to work this way.
Over the years many designs have been added, with different capacity, length
and height. Each machine is built from the standard to customer specific
options; where necessary, the machine is built completely customized.
The latter applies for example to a tandem design that was intended to
be used overseas. This crusher is built entirely to customer needs and is
manufactured in such a way that the capacity of the machine is increased
twice. Meanwhile, these machines are used worldwide in eighteen countries,
and in many meat processing production lines (see figure 1.12).
The food processing industry needs many machines that often must be
designed in a specific context and for a specific use. If you look on the
Internet, you will see that several Dutch companies make similar machines
for the food processing industry.
But further research reveals something different: the story is not true. The
Americans first used pencils, like the Russians, but abandoned the idea
because broken pencil points and the resulting graphite material when
writing in a weightless environment may pose a serious threat to equipment
and astronauts. And, the solution was not devised by the designers of
NASA: a private company was used that had independently developed a
ballpoint pen, without financial support from NASA. It was purchased for a
small fee by NASA. Later, the Russians also abandoned pencils and bought
the same pens as the Americans.
30 © Noordhoff Uitgevers bv
In short, the story is different, but the approach remains the same: do
proper research first for the need to see if there isn’t already an appropriate
solution on the market that you might use or improve. Only if this is not
the case, you can start your designing process. Designers tend to keep
the research brief and want to design right away. They prefer to think in
solutions, but it is important to first consider if the new need for a new
design is not a false need, and whether the requirements imposed by client
fit the identified need.
© Noordhoff Uitgevers bv 31
▶ With the ever shorter life span of products the time to design is
increasingly shortened, an unsuccessful design is increasingly risky for
the survival of an organization or enterprise.