Narrative Clutch and Coin Purse
Narrative Clutch and Coin Purse
This narrative explores the connection between clutch bags, coin purses, with the integration scrap hinablon fabric and the
art of needle craft. It highlights how needle craft techniques, such as embroidery, crocheting, cross-stitching, or beadwork,
can be applied to enhance the “hablons” design and aesthetic appeal and bring added value to the products.
Clutch bags provide a canvas for needle craft enthusiasts to showcase their skills and creativity. With their relatively flat
surfaces and often plain exteriors, clutch bags offer ample space for various needle craft techniques. Embroidery, for
instance, allows intricate designs, patterns, or monograms to be stitched onto the fabric, adding a personalized touch to the
bag. Crocheting can also be employed to create charming motifs or decorative elements. These needle craft techniques
elevate the visual appeal of clutch bags, transforming them into unique and eye-catching accessories.
Similarly, coin purses provide a smaller yet equally suitable platform for needle craft. The compact size of coin purses allows
for focused and detailed needlework. Embroidery, beadwork, or even appliqué techniques can be employed to embellish
the exterior fabric of a coin purse, making it visually appealing and distinct. Needle craft can be used to create intricate floral
patterns, geometric designs, or even personalized monograms on the surface of the purse. These decorative elements
enhance the aesthetic value of the coin purse while showcasing the needle craft skills of the creator.
The application of needle craft techniques on clutch bags and coin purses allows artisans to express their artistic talents and
create one-of-a-kind pieces. By using different colors, threads, beads, or materials, needle craft enthusiasts can infuse their
unique style and personality into these accessories. Customization options are virtually limitless, enabling individuals to
match their clutch bags or coin purses with specific outfits, occasions, or personal preferences.
The integration of needle craft in clutch bags and coin purses also plays a role in preserving traditional craftsmanship. Many
needle craft techniques have been passed down through generations and are deeply rooted in cultural heritage. By
incorporating these techniques into contemporary accessories, artisans contribute to the continuation of traditional needle
craft and help keep these skills alive.
Clutch bags and coin purses provide a creative outlet for needle craft enthusiasts to showcase their skills and artistic
expression. Through techniques like embroidery, crocheting, cross-stitching, and beadwork, these accessories are
transformed into unique and personalized pieces bringing added value to the hinablon fabrics. By merging traditional needle
craft with modern fashion, clutch bags and coin purses become more than just functional items – they become works of art
that celebrate the beauty of craftsmanship and individuality.
Clutch Bag
13 inches x 8 Inches
Coin Purse
4 inches x 3 Inches