Experimental Research
Experimental Research
Experimental Research
Jury Cureg, Carmela Hora, Gwend Memoracion, Kate Mercado, Rose Muñoz, and Leslee Ocampo
Sta. Cecilia Parochial School
Many people, especially those with dull, frizzy, and dry hair, use regular conditioner to
strengthen and smoothen their hair. However, some products may not be good for their hair, as some
products contain lots of chemicals and can be expensive. The purpose of this study was to determine
the level of effectiveness of regular conditioner and mayonnaise infused with aloe vera conditioner and
whether there is a significant difference or not between using regular conditioner and mayonnaise
infused with aloe vera conditioner. A systematic sampling technique was used in this study. The
population was composed of ten (10) subjects for regular conditioner and ten (10) subjects for
mayonnaise infused with aloe-vera conditioner. The results stated that the subjects were satisfied with
the effectiveness of regular conditioner and mayonnaise infused with aloe vera conditioner and that
there was a significant difference between the two. It means that mayonnaise infused with aloe vera
conditioner is effective and can be used as an alternative to regular conditioner.
protein in mayonnaise that helps to Participants
strengthen, thicken, and moisturize one’s hair.
If we use mayonnaise on our hair, there's a The subject for this study were random people,
possibility that our hair will get oily and bring male or female, with age ranges to 15 to 20.
back the shine of our damaged hair, but the There are 20 subjects that is divided into two
only disadvantage of this method is that there for uncontrolled and controlled group. The
will be a smell from the mayonnaise during and controlled group will use the research product
after the method. That's why we need to check and the uncontrolled group will continue in
first if our hair is naturally oily or dry, because their daily hair routine. They have compared
if we just apply it without knowing, instead of and rated both product inks according to their
helping ourselves to improve, we will just effectiveness and performance
degrade the quality of our hair. Using it will
take a few weeks before we see the results Instrument
because it will not happen overnight.
In this study, the researchers ought to
This study aims to determine the evaluate and find data with the use of
effects of aloe vera-infused mayonnaise on dry questionnaires. After the experiment in which
and damaged hair. Can it be an alternative homemade mayonnaise was used to study how
product for damaged hair? Can this method it affected various hair problems, researchers
help us save money? What are the benefits of planned to use a pretest-posttest strategy to
mayonnaise for our hair? These are the accurately collect data both before and after the
questions that we are going to focus on in this application of homemade mayonnaise. The
study. results of the effects that could occur at the
various forms of hair problems will be provided
Methodology by the pretest-posttest design.
uncontrolled group answer the questionnaire that are vital in the researcher’s study.
that is divided into five parts which are related
1. Weighted mean to describe the
to three variables. After the collection of the
evaluation rating.
data, the researchers tallied and tabulated the
data for interpretation.
Data Analysis
The data are handled using Microsoft Where x is the value of the item
excel. This method utilizes the tools that is in a w is the weight of the item
computer and is highly quick and accurate. In
the first step of the data processing, the data
will be gathered using an instrument. The data 2. Two-sample T-test to test for
collected should be exact and specified since significant differences in the
that will Identify the validity of the results. result.
The second stage is the preparation, whereby
the data will be examined to avoid misleading
findings. After that, the data will now be
processed. The last stage would be the
interpretation of the results. The findings need
interpretation as it will offer a more
meaningful information. Where x is the sample mean
μ is the population
In this study, weighted means and T s is the standard
tests for two independent means were used to deviation
n is the sample size
conduct statistical analyses to determine if the
means of two separate groups were statistically
significantly different from one another.
Materials requirement
Treatment of Data
The equipment needed for this
experiment is a blender, a spoon, a container
and a small jar. The researchers used blender
Listed below are the statistical tools
to thoroughly mix the ingredients and form a Step 2: Combine the Egg Yolk, and Vinegar
thick paste or mayonnaise. Aloe vera and In a mixing bowl, whisk together the egg yolk,
sunflower oil are the other ingredients that are and white wine vinegar. Make sure the
mixed uniformly using a spoon. And a Small jar ingredients are well combined.
is where they stored the final product. Step 3: Gradually Add the Oil
Slowly pour the oil into the egg yolk mixture
Apply the mayonnaise infused with aloe vera Level of 3.5 Very Satisfied
all over the hair and scalp, massaging it for satisfaction
after using the
about 5 minutes. product
Let it sit for 20–30 minutes.
Rinse it with shampoo after.
Effectiveness 3.4 Very Satisfied
You can apply this product twice a month or
per week for better results. Grand Mean: 3.45
Level of 3.3 Very Satisfied Questions Weighted Verbal
satisfaction mean interpretation
after using the
The hair 3.7 Very Satisfied
Effectiveness 3 Satisfied The hair 3.6 Very Satisfied
Grand Mean = 3.15 silky
The hair 3.5 Very Satisfied
oiliness is
subjects were very satisfied with the Problem 1.2: The effectiveness of Mayonnaise-
appearance of the Mayonnaise with Aloe-vera infused aloe vera in hair’s texture
based Conditioner.
Table 3 Texture of Aloe Mayonnaise-infused
aloe vera
Table 2.1 Appearance of Normal conditioner Questions Weighted Verbal
mean interpretation
Questions Weighted Verbal
mean interpretation
The hair 2.5 Fairly Satisfied The hair 3.5 Very Satisfied
becomes becomes
shiny smooth
The hair 3 Satisfied
becomes The hair 3.5 Very Satisfied
silky becomes
The hair 2.7 Satisfied moisturized
oiliness is
Grand mean = 3.5
Grand mean = 2.73
In table 2.1, the weighted mean ranges In table 3, both statements have the same
from 2.5 - 3, where the statement “The hair weighted mean with a mean of 3.5, which
becomes shiny” has the lowest weighted mean clearly indicates that the subjects were greatly
with a mean of 2.7, while the statement “The satisfied with the effects of Mayonnaise with
hair becomes silky” has the highest weighted Aloe-vera based conditioner to hair’s texture.
mean with a mean of 3. This result tells that This is because mayonnaise can be utilized as
majority of the subjects were moderately hair mask and a good alternative for
satisfied with the appearance of Normal conditioner. Mayo-based hair masks are most
Conditioner. This is because without the often associated with adding moisture and
bonding, the conditioners fail to provide taming frizz on those with wavy/curly hair
moisture and strengthen to the hair the
conditioner on the scalp can flatten the hair
and make the roots greasier. Hair that has
been over conditioned or improperly rinsed can
become lifeless, dull, and brittle.
Table 3.1 Texture of Normal conditioner Questions Weighted Verbal
mean interpretation
Questions Weighted Verbal
The smell of 3.5 Very Satisfied
mean interpretation
the hair is
pleasant after
using it
The product 3.8 Very Satisfied
The hair 3.1 Satisfied
is easy to use
The product 3.5 Very Satisfied
is convenient
to use
Grand mean = 3.6
The hair 3 Satisfied
becomes While there is limited scientific
moisturized evidence to support the alleged advantages of
mayonnaise as a hair mask, it is packed of
Grand mean = 3.05 good-for-your nutrients. and because it is made
from organic products it smells slightly like
By over-conditioning your hair, you herbal and and the sun flower oil nuetralize its
risk weighing it down with natural oils and odor
chemicals, giving it a limp, unruly, and In table 4, the weighted mean ranges
unhealthy appearance. from 3.5-3.8, where the statement “The smell of
In table 3.1, the weighted mean ranges the hair is pleasant after using it” and “The
from 3-3.1, where the statement “The hair product is convenient to use” have the lowest
becomes moisturized” has the lowest weighted weighted mean, with a mean of 3.5. While the
mean with a mean of 3. While the statement statement “The product is easy to use” has the
“The hair becomes smooth” has the highest highest weighted mean with a mean of 3.8.
weighted mean with a mean of 3.1. This result This result tells that most of the subjects are
tells that the subjects were moderately satisfied with the aroma of the Mayonnaise
satisfied with the effects of Normal conditioner with Aloe-vera based conditioner.
to hair’s texture.
The product 3.5 Satisfied Variable t- p- Decisi Interpreta
infused aloe vera in hair’s appearance, texture, Mayonnaise-infused aloe vera and regular
Variable t- p- Decisi Interpretat
value valu on ion Normal
e Conditio
Mayonna 5.543 Reject Significant ner
ise 22 .002 Ho
With 59 On Table 5.2 it shows that the t-value is 9. and
aloe-vera the p-value is significant to p >0.05 we reject
null hypothesis and it shows that there is a
significant difference in using Mayonnaise-
infused aloe vera and normal conditioner in
terms of its effects on hair’s texture. The study
conditioner has no significant difference. This subjects reported being more satisfied
with the appearance of the aloe vera-
is because in terms of hair scent, the data
based conditioner than the regular
collected in uncontrolled and controlled group conditioner.
2. Both aloe vera-mayonnaise-based
almost tied.
conditioners and normal conditioners
were effective in terms of improving
hair texture, according to the subjects.
Table 5.4
However, the subjects reported being
Effectiveness of Aloe Vera-infused more satisfied with the aroma of the
aloe vera-mayonnaise-based
conditioner than the regular
Variable P- t- Decisi Interpreta conditioner.
Value value on tion 3. Overall, the study suggests that there
is no significant difference in the
Mayonn .0334 Reject Significant effectiveness of using mayonnaise with
aise 3.666 96 Ho an aloe vera-based conditioner and a
regular conditioner for smoothing
With 67
First and foremost, the researchers
Normal give gratitude to God for His blessings that
enabled them to successfully complete their
research as well as for the strength He gave
ner them to carry out their study. Second, the
On Table 5 it shows that the t-value is 3.66667 researcher expresses gratitude to Mr. Jose V.
Agustin Jr. and Mr. Jose A. Procalla Jr., who
and the p-value is significant to p >0.05, the served as their research advisers, for their
decision was to reject Ho and it shows that perseverance, inspiration, enthusiasm, and
vast expertise, as well as for their vital
There is a significant difference between using guidance during this research. The researchers
Mayonnaise-infused aloe vera and regular are also very appreciative of their families for
their support, prayers, love, and sacrifices
conditioner in terms of its visible effectiveness. made to help them with their education and
future planning. Last but not least, the
Conclusion: researchers would like to express their
profound appreciation to the volunteers who
helped with the study and served as our
1. According to the subjects, while the subjects.
performance of regular conditioner
and aloe vera-infused mayonnaise was
similar in terms of satisfactory
performance, the aloe vera-infused
mayonnaise was more effective than
the regular conditioner in enhancing
the appearance of hair. Most of the
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