01 Tech. Spec Int. Fire Detection System 20230624
01 Tech. Spec Int. Fire Detection System 20230624
a. This specification outlines the requirements for an Intelligent, addressable fire detection and alarm
b. The work described in this specification consists of all labour, materials, equipment and services
necessary and required to complete and test the automatic fire detection and alarm system. Any
material not specifically mentioned in this specification or not shown on drawings but required for
proper performance and operation shall be furnished and installed for a complete and operational
system, by the contractor at no extra cost.
c. The contractor shall furnish, and install complete and ready for intended use and operation, an
automatic fire detection and alarm system including control panel (s), initiating devices (manual
pull stations, intelligent smoke and heat detectors, etc.) indicating devices (hooters, bells, visual
warning signals, etc.) and supervisory devices, annunciaters, wiring apparatus and accessories.
d. The installation and locations of equipment and devices in the building shall be governed by the
specifications and drawings with due regard to actual site conditions, manufacturers'
recommendations, ambient factors affecting the equipment and other operations in the vicinity. If
any departure from the specifications or drawings is necessary, approval shall be obtained from the
Project Manager before work is started thereon.
e. Materials and equipment shall be new, first grade, standard, current models of the manufacturer
and shall be suitable for this system. Where two or more pieces of equipment performing the
same function are required, they shall be exact duplicates produced by the same manufacturer.
f. All materials, devices, and equipment shall be compatible with the circuits or systems in which they
are utilized.
g. The system shall have provisions for interfacing the same with BMS in future.
a) Shop drawings showing location of all the detectors, control modules, Fire Alarm panel, Repeater
Panel etc.
f) Point-to-point wiring diagrams showing the points of connection and terminals used for all
electrical field connections in each system, all equipment or systems which are supervised and
controlled by the fire alarm system. Diagrams shall show all connections from field devices to the
control panel initiating modules, output modules, switches, relays and terminals. Diagrams shall
show interconnection of all devices, modules, output modules, switches, relays and terminals.
g) Custom Build software details for project with loop/device annunciation description and
automatic control functions for each specific loop/device.
a) Tests certificates will be furnished for approval of all Fire alarm devices and system devices.
b) All routine tests as per relevant codes for the Fire Alarm Panel, shall be conducted and results
furnished to the Project Manager.
4.1.1 General
i. Each device shall be assigned a unique address via soft addressing. Address selection via rotary,
binary switches or by jumpers is not acceptable.
ii. Devices shall receive power and communication from the same pair of conductors. For fault
isolating modules a separate power wiring which shall be fault tolerant shall be provided.
iii. Each device shall contain screw terminals with rising plates for positive termination of wiring
specified in schedule of quantities.
i. Manual stations shall be of rugged die cast /Lexan construction designed for semi-flush mounting.
Stations shall be of the pull design/ Glass break type. They shall use a key operated test-reset lock,
and shall be designed so that after actual emergency operation, they cannot be restored to normal
use except by the use of a key.
ii. Provisions shall be made such that the address cannot be changed merely from opening the
i. All fire sensors shall mount on a common base to facilitate the changing of sensor type if building
conditions change. The base shall be incompatible with conventional detectors to preclude the
mounting of a non-intelligent device.
ii. If the Fire Alarm Panel determines that the sensor is in alarm, the Fire Alarm Panel shall command
the sensor LED to remain on to indicate alarm.
iii. Each sensor shall be capable of being tested for alarm via command from the Fire Alarm Panel.
iv. Each sensor shall respond to Fire panel scan for information with its type identification to
preclude inadvertent substitution of another sensor type. The Fire Alarm panel shall operate with
the installed type but shall initiate a mismatch (trouble) condition until the proper type is installed
or the programmed sensor type changed.
v. Each sensor shall respond to Fire Alarm Panel scan for information with an analog representation
of measured fire related phenomena (smoke density, particles of combustion, temperature). Such
response proves end-to-end sensor including the operation of the sensor electronics. Systems
which only monitor the presence of a conventional detector in an addressable base shall not be
4.1.4 Addressable Analog Heat Detectors: Considered in Multiple sensor detectors in point no. 4.1.5.
4.1.5 Intelligent Addressable Analog Multiple sensor Detectors (Photo + ROR Tempt + Fixed
i. The Intelligent Addressable Analog Multiple sensor Detectors (Photo + ROR Tempt + Fixed
Tempt.) shall have an optical sensing chamber that operates on the light scattering principle
and thermal element which responds to rate of rise of temperature & fixed temperature.
Detector shall be completely solid state with LED indication at the detector. Detector along
with base shall be UL/ VdS approved.
ii. Detector shall have inbuilt fault isolator/ fault isolator base as per NFPA Style 7 i.e. in case of
any cable fault in loop wire, system should keep working without losing any detector/ device &
to get exact location of fault.
iii. It shall be possible to able/ disable photo or heat part of the detector i.e. multiple sensor
detectors shall be able to work as Photo alone or Heat alone or combined as per site
iv. The Detector shall be able to sense incipient fire by detecting the presence of visible and
invisible products of combustion.
v. It shall be possible to connect Smoke Detector with Heat Detector or Manual Push Buttons in
the same circuit. The sensitivity of Detector shall be adjusted and set by the contractor to suit
the site requirement.
vi. It shall have in built safety device to monitor the removal and pilferage of the Detector. The
Detector also must have facility for remote indication. The quiescent current flow must not
exceed 200 micro amps and alarm condition current shall be maximum 10 milli amps.
vii. Multiple sensor Detector shall be intelligent Analog, Addressable Detector with its own
manually/ auto set digital code and be able to give Analog output to the Fire Alarm Panel
regarding any changed condition. It shall be able to communicate with the Fire Alarm Panel
by the pulses emitted from the Panel.
viii. The Base of the Detector shall be interchangeable with other Smoke or Heat Detectors. LED
shall be provided to indicate locally alarm condition. The enclosure shall meet IP 44
protection grade.
ix. It shall be able to withstand temperature variations from -10 o C to 60 o C. Further, Relative
Humidity (noncondensing type) up to 95% shall not hamper its performance. The voltage
rating shall be from 17 V DC to 28 V DC, though the voltage may be changed depending
upon the working voltages of a proprietary Fire Alarm Panel.
x. The Detector shall meet the requirements of UL/EN. It shall be possible to test the
Detector's working both from the Panel as well as locally by means as designed by the
contractor and approved by the Project Manager.
xi. It shall be possible to mount the Detectors in Duct Casting units for sampling of Supply Air
from the AHU.
xii. Photoelectric smoke sensor shall be provided as indicated on the place. Each shall contain an
optical sensing chamber with nominal sensitivities of 2.3% foot obscuration. Detector must
have auto learn & drift compensation features.
Addressable signal emitter for acoustic signaling of a fire alarm in indoor areas, suitable for direct
connection to the loop. The siren shall be red in colour, with four different types of tone and the
volume being set using DIP switches.
- Signal volume: 89 to 99 dB / 1 m (dependent on sound)
- Short Circuit Isolator: Integrated
Addressable flashing light for optical signaling of a fire alarm in indoor areas, suitable for direct
Connection to the loop. The flashlight shall be in red colour, with the flash rate being set by means of
Software and using DIP switches. The flashlight shall have the integrated Short Circuit Isolator
i. The Input Device shall provide an addressable input for N.O. or N.C. contact devices such as
manual stations, water flow switches, sprinkler supervisory devices, etc.
ii. The input device shall provide a supervised initiating circuit. An open-circuit fault shall be
annunciated at the Fire Alarm panel (Subsequent alarm shall be reported.)
iii. The device shall contain a weather proof IP 66 casing to protect electronics of module from Dust/
water. Module shall have soft/ automatic addressing. Module using manual addressing using rotator/
binary switches etc. or any special tool shall not be acceptable
i. The Output Device shall provide an addressable output for a separately powered alarm indicating
circuit or for a control relay.
ii. The Output Device shall provide a supervised indicating circuit where indicated on the plans. An
open circuit fault shall be annunciated at the Fire Alarm panel.
iii. The Output Device shall provide a control relay where indicated on the plans. The relay contacts
shall be SPDT rated at two amps 24 V DC.
iv. OEM may offer control module as per their configuration, however one module should not have
more than four independent addressable inputs. Module shall have soft/ automatic addressing.
Module using manual addressing using rotator/ binary switches etc. or any special tool shall not be
4.1.9 Fault Isolator Device (In case not integrated in addressable elements)
i. The Fault Isolator Device shall detect and isolate a short-circuited segment of a fault-tolerant loop.
ii. The device shall automatically determine a return to normal condition of the loop and restore the
isolated segment.
iii. The fault isolator device shall be placed every 20 devices to limit the number lost in the event of a
4.2.1 Fire Alarm panel shall be provided with Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) Module, function key pad, and
printer as specified below.
4.2.2 Functions
The Fire Alarm Control Panel shall include a full featured operator interface control and annunciation
panel that shall include a backlit minimum 200 character liquid crystal display, individual, color coded
system status LEDs, and an alphanumeric keypad for the field programming and control of the fire
alarm system.
All programming or editing of the existing program in the system shall be achieved without special
equipment and without interrupting the alarm monitoring functions of the fire alarm control panel.
a. Supervise and monitor all intelligent addressable detectors and monitor modules connected to the
system for normal, trouble and alarm conditions.
b. Supervise all initiating signaling and notification circuits throughout the facility by way of
connection to monitor and control modules.
c. Detect the activation of any initiating device and the location of the alarm condition. Operate all
notification appliances and auxiliary devices as programmed.
d. Visually and audibly annunciate any trouble, supervisory, security or alarm condition on operator's
terminals, panel display, and annunciators.
When a fire alarm condition is detected and reported by one of the system initiating devices or
appliances, the following functions shall immediately occur:
b. A local piezo-electric audible device in the control panel shall sound a distinctive signal.
c. The minimum 200 character backlit LCD display shall indicate all information associated with the
fire alarm condition, including the type of alarm point and its location within the protected
d. Printing and history storage equipment shall log and print the event information along with a time
and date stamp.
e. All system outputs assigned via preprogrammed equations for a particular point in alarm shall be
executed, and the associated system outputs (alarm notification appliances and/or relays) shall be
The Central Processing Unit shall communicate with, monitor, and control all other modules within
the control panel. Removal, disconnection or failure of any control panel module shall be detected and
reported to the system display by the Central Processing Unit.
The Central Processing Unit shall contain and execute all control-by-event programs for specific action
to be taken if an alarm condition is detected by the system. Such control-by-event programs shall be
held in non-volatile programmable memory, and shall not be lost with system primary and secondary
power failure.
The Central Processing Unit shall also provide a real-time clock for time annotation of all system
events. The time-of-day and date shall not be lost if system primary and secondary power supplies fail.
The CPU shall be capable of being programmed on site without requiring the use of any external
programming equipment. Systems that require the use of external programmers or change of
EPROMs are not acceptable.
The CPU and associated equipment are to be protected so that they will not be affected by voltage
Each peripheral device connected to the CPU shall be continuously scanned for proper operation.
Data transmissions between the CPU and peripheral devices shall be reliable and error free. The
transmission scheme used shall employ dual transmission or other equivalent error checking
The Signalling Line Circuit (SLC) Interface Board shall monitor and control a minimum of 250
intelligent addressable devices. This includes minimum 125 intelligent detectors
The SLC interface board shall contain its own redundant microprocessor (spare card) and shall be
capable of operating in a redundant mode without losing any function in the unlikely event of a failure
in the main CPU.
The SLC interface board shall not require any jumper cuts or address switch settings to initialize
The SLC interface board shall provide power and communicate with all intelligent addressable
detectors and modules on a single pair of wires. This SLC Loop shall be capable of operating as a
NFPA Style 7 (Class A) circuit.
The SLC interface board shall be able to drive an NFPA Style 7 twisted shielded circuit up to 3500
meter in length.
The SLC interface board shall receive analog information from all intelligent detectors and shall
process this information to determine whether normal, alarm, or trouble conditions exist for that
particular device. The SLC interface board software shall include software to automatically maintain
the detector's desired sensitivity level by adjusting for the effects of environmental factors, including
the accumulation of dust in each detector. The analog information may also be used for automatic
detector testing and the automatic determination of detector maintenance requirements.
The control panels shall be housed in a cabinet suitable for surface or semi-flush mounting. Cabinet
and front shall be corrosion protected, given a rust-resistant prime coat, and manufacturer's standard
a. The control panel shall derive 230 Volts power from main supply. A standby power supply shall
be immediately available in the event of failure of normal supply and shall automatically be
connected so as to maintain the equipment in condition such that fire alarm originating from the
operation of Detector can be given. The standby battery as secondary supply shall be such that
when charged by associated battery charging equipment it can operate independently for a period
of 24 hours. It shall have enough power supply to cope with additional load resulting in alarm
originated from two separate zones for the one hour. Batteries shall be of Lead Acid type and
sealed Maintenance free.
c. Necessary automatic changeover from normal to standby DC supply in case of main supply failure
shall be provided by the Contractor.
d. In addition to the batteries, a battery charger suitable for operation on the auxiliary power available
in the plant as specified above shall be supplied. The capacity of the charger shall be such that the
same can boost charge the battery (within 8 hrs) while supplying the rated load of the fire detection
and annunciation system. Facilities shall be provided to limit the voltage supplied to fire detection
and alarm system to their rated values during the time of boost charging. The charger shall
normally supply the battery trickle charging current and the DC load of the fire detection and
alarm system. In case the AC supply on the input side of the charger fails the necessary power for
the complete fire detection and alarm system shall be supplied by the battery.
e. Visible and audible annunciation for troubles or failure in the power supply system like "charger
Failure", "Battery Low Voltage", etc. shall be provided.
4.2.5 Networking
An additional output drive card must be provided to facilitate networking between two or more panels.
4.2.5 Wiring
Writing shall be carried out with 2 core or 2 nos. 1.5 sq. mm. (as per OEM recommendations and as
per schedule of quantities) stranded copper conductor which shall be PVC insulated and PVC
4.3 PA system
The scope of work under this head shall include designing supplying and installing of Public Address
System. The work under this system shall consist of furnishing all materials, equipment’s and
appliances and labour necessary to install the said system, complete with Speakers, Amplifiers, Mike,
Zone Selection Panel for interfacing with other systems.
The PA system is designed to serve the dual purpose of making general announcement or to transmit
the fire tone under fire condition.
The Speakers shall be distributed in the entire floor and shall be configured in different zones. The
announcement can made in zone wise or to all the speakers simultaneously in ALL CALL mode. Fire
Alarm shall be announced immediately on receipt of Fire signal from the panel to all zones.
4.3.2 Amplifiers All amplifiers shall be mixing type for combining speech and music. The power amplifiers (240/480 watts) shall have adequate continuous (RMS) power output to meet
the requirement of the configuration. The unit shall be capable of delivering the rated output watts
with less than 0.05% harmonic distortion in the design band width. The amplifier shall have a broad
band frequency response of 20 Hz to 20 KHz. The output voltage and impedance shall meet with the
system requirements. Amplifiers shall be protected against over loads and output shorts and a special
thermal overload on the heat sink. The distributed audio amplifiers shall be magnetically coupled switch mode type with two input signal
sources selectable manually or automatically by the fire alarm system. The amplifier shall incorporate a
push-to-talk switch. Output wattage and volts shall be as shown in the schedule of work or as required
to meet the needs of the PA system. Power as well as audio amplifiers shall be mounted in suitable wall mounted / floor standing
enclosures. Speakers shall be especially designed for broadcasting high quality, integrated emergency fire alarm
signals and voice communications and approved by an appropriate authority for use in such situations. Speakers shall be ceiling or wall mounted as shown in the schedule of work and shall be completed
with mounting brackets accessories etc. Speakers shall be in wooden or metal enclosures. Speakers shall be of high efficiency yielding maximum output at minimum power across 200 – 12000
Hz frequency range. Speakers shall have a line matching transformer for direct connection to
amplifiers with multiple taps. Speakers shall be mounted in a rugged metal housing with vandal
resistant grille. The user interface to the entire public address system shall be the Zone Selection Panel. It shall be able
to address 40 zones. The Panel shall have one Microphone for announcements. The selection of announcement is done
through the Panel. The announcement/Fire tone can be made zone wise. The Control Panel shall have
individual zone selection switches as well as ALL CALL switch.
The central controller shall be the integrated solution for BGM and emergency voice alarm system
(EVAC). The voice alarm system shall be designed for public address and emergency evacuation. All
the essential EVAC functionality – such as system supervision, spare amplifier switching, loudspeaker
line surveillance, digital message management and a fireman’s panel interface – shall be combined.
The system shall provide for emergency call (EMG), business call and BGM audio, up to 60 zones, 8
call stations and two remote control panels. The voice alarm system shall be a one channel /two
channel systems. It shall be compatible with BGM sources and 100 V booster amplifiers. It shall be
capable of connecting to EVAC compliant loudspeakers and accessories for an integrated public
address and voice alarm solution.
The system shall be fully IEC 60849 compliant. It shall have full system supervision, loudspeaker line
impedance supervision, a supervised emergency microphone on the front panel and a supervised
message manager for 255 pre-recorded messages and chimes. It shall be possible to merge messages to
allow even more flexible use of pre-recorded announcements and evacuation messages. It shall be
possible for each message to have any length within the total available capacity. The memory shall have
a capacity of 16 MB. It shall be possible to upload from a PC via USB into the memory, after which
the unit shall operate without PC connection. The standard WAV-format shall be used for the
messages and sample rates of 8 kHz up to 24 kHz with 16-bit word length (linear PCM) shall be
Volume override relay contacts shall be provided for each zone separately for overriding local
loudspeaker volume controls. All current override schemes shall be supported (3-wire and 4-wire
override schemes i.e. standard 24V and failsafe). Upon a call or an activated trigger input these
contacts shall be activated for the appropriate zones, together with an additional voltage free contact
(Call Active) for control purposes.
A 24Vdc output shall be available to supply power to external relays, so no external power supply shall
be required for that purpose. A LED VU-meter shall allow for monitoring of the master output.
The maximum allowed total cable length between the controller and the last router in the chain shall
be 1000 meters. The maximum allowed total cable length between the controller and the last call
station in the chain shall be 1000 meters. The maximum allowed total cable length between the
controller and the RC panel shall be 1000 meters.
The controller and each connected router shall have 12 trigger inputs to start business and emergency
messages. Each shall be configurable for a message consisting of a sequence of up to 8 wave files. It
shall be possible for wave files to be used in different combinations with other messages, optimizing
flexibility and used storage space.
As the basis of the voice alarm system, the controller shall have all the essential functionality for
compliance with IEC 60849 standard, including full system supervision, loudspeaker line impedance
supervision, a supervised emergency microphone on the front panel and a supervised message
manager The messages shall be mergable to allow even more flexible use of pre-recorded
announcements and evacuation messages. The controller shall be used as a stand-alone system with up
to 6 zones, or expanded to up to 60 zones using additional 6-zone routers. Up to 8 call stations shall be
connectable. Interconnections shall be made using standard RJ45 connectors and CAT5 cable.
It shall be possible to connect 480 watts per router. The audio output shall use standard analog audio
100 V line switching for full compatibility with public address equipment and EVAC-compliant
loudspeakers. The system shall be configured using DIP switches for basic functionality and a PC for
more advanced functions. It shall be possible to specify 16 priority levels.
A built-in 240 W booster amplifier shall provide the power for the emergency call channel and BGM.
It shall be possible to add additional booster amplifiers as spare, to provide two-channel operation or if
the total power requirement exceeds 240 W (maximum 480 W per 6 zones). All booster amplifiers
shall be supervised.
The maximum/rated output power of the internal booster shall be 360 W / 240 W. max mains inrush
current shall be 8A @ 230 Vac / 16A @ 115 Vac.
The frequency response shall be 60 Hz – 18 kHz (+1/-3 dB, @ -10 dB ref. rated output. The
distortion shall not exceed 1% at the rated output, 1 kHz. The controller shall have tone controls to
allow for adjustment of the BGM sound. It shall have separate bass and treble controls. The controller
shall have two BGM source inputs and a microphone/line input with configurable priority, speech
filter, phantom power and selectable VOX activation. It shall be possible to select 16 priority levels for
microphone, call stations and trigger inputs for optimum system flexibility. It shall have two
connectors to connect the call stations. It shall have 12 input triggers with 6 supervised trigger inputs.
Furthermore it shall have one tape output on cinch connectors. The trigger outputs shall be on floating
relays with a rating of 250V 7A. The controller shall have an emergency active relay, a fault relay and
two general-purpose relays, for control purposes. The fault relay shall be failsafe.
The output section shall have six transformer-isolated 100 V constant voltage outputs for driving 100
V-loudspeakers in six separate zones. All zones shall be individually selectable from the front panel and
the BGM output level in each zone shall be individually settable in 6 steps. The BGM output shall be
connected to the 70V line, thus it shall be possible to connect a total load of 480 Watts in a two
channel system combined with a 480 Watt booster.
The output of the booster shall be also available as a separate output on 100V and 70 V. A separate
100 V Call Only output shall be provided for addressing an area where BGM is not required but where
priority announcements are. Six configurable volume override output contacts shall be available for
overriding local volume controls during priority calls. A LED VU-meter shall monitor the output.
The voice alarm router shall be an expansion unit adding 6 zones as well as 12 input- and 8 output
contacts to the voice alarm system. It shall be able to use the booster built in the voice alarm
controller. It shall provide outputs and inputs for one or two boosters in a multi amplifier one- or two-
channel system. It shall provide dual channel operation for calls and BGM simultaneously to a
maximum of six different zones, using two booster amplifiers. Also single channel operation shall be
possible with only one booster.
The router shall have a set of relays for zone-switching the power amplifier output(s) to different
loudspeaker groups. Each of the zones shall be switched between the call channel (upon call-station
selection or all-call microphone or emergency activation), the BGM channel (upon front panel
selection), or off. The zone power handling capacity of the router shall be 480 Watts. The router shall
also have 12 input triggers. 6 triggers shall be supervised for EMG purposes.
The 6-zone call station shall be a stylish high quality call station with a stable metal base, a flexible
microphone stem and a unidirectional condenser microphone. It shall be intended for making calls to
selected zones. The special design shall allow for neatly flush mounting in desktops. Using dipswitches
on the bottom of the call station, the call station ID shall be selectable. The call station shall have
selectable gain, speech filter and limiter for improved intelligibility.
On each call station it shall be possible to select 6 zones with the possibility to connect a call station
keypad to increase the number of zones or zone groups that can be selected.
It shall have LED indications for zone selection, fault and emergency state. The call station extension
shall provide seven additional zone and zone group keys
On each call station it shall be possible to select 6 zones with the possibility to connect up to 8 call
station keypads to increase the number of zones or zone groups that can be selected. Selected zones
are indicated with LEDs on the call station, three additional LEDs give visible feedback on the active
state of the microphone and the system. Green indicates microphone active, amber indicates that the
system has detected a fault (IEC 80649) and red indicates that the system shall be in the emergency
The power supply voltage range shall be 18 – 24V with a current consumption of less than 50 mA.
The nominal sensitivity shall be 85 dB SPL (gain preset 0dB). The nominal output level shall be 700
mV. The maximum allowable sound pressure level shall be 110 dBSPL. The microphone shall have a
limiter. The distortion shall be less than 0.6% at maximum input. The equivalent input noise level shall
be no more than 30 dBSPLA. The frequency range shall be 100Hz – 16 kHz. The speech filter shall be
a 315 Hz, high-pass, 6-dB/oct filter. The output impedance shall be 200 Ohms. The stem length with
microphone shall be 390 mm.
Mains voltage shall be 230Vac and 115Vac, ±15%, 50 / 60Hz (selectable) Power consumption of the
Controller shall not exceed 600 Watts; the router shall not exceed 50Watts. Battery backup provisions
shall be implemented; the battery voltage shall be 24Vdc, +20% / -10%.
All low-level connections and volume override shall be on MC1, 5/XX-ST-3, 5 type connector blocks.
All high level connections except mains shall be on MSTB 2,5 /XX-ST. The input contact shall have
supervision based on a series and parallel resistor.
The router and controller shall be rack mountable with removable rack mounts. The router shall be
not higher than 2U. The controller shall be not higher than 3U. The rack mounting kit shall be
The operating temperature range shall be -10°C to +55°C. The storage temperature range shall be -
40°C to +70°C.
On each call station it is possible to select 6 zones with the possibility to connect up to 8 call station
keypads to increase the number of zones or zone groups that can be selected. Each keypad adds 7
zone or zone group keys. This call station features selectable gain, a selectable speech filter and a
limiter for improved intelligibility, even if the speaker moves in front of the microphone. Because the
call station provides a balanced line level output, it can be positioned up to 1000 m away from the
controller, using CAT- 5 extension cables. Using dipswitches on the bottom of the call station
different microphone gain levels can be select ass well as the call station ID and the speech filter.
Selected zones are indicated with LEDs on the call station, three additional LEDs give visible feedback
on the active state of the microphone and the system. Green indicates microphone active, amber
indicates that the system has detected a fault (IEC 80649) and red indicates that the system is in the
emergency state.
4.3.5 ROUTER
The Router has a set of relays for zone-switching the power amplifier output(s) to different
loudspeaker groups.
Each of the zones can be switched between the call channel (upon call-station selection or all-call
microphone or emergency activation), the BGM channel (upon front panel selection), or off. In order
to get a message through although the local volume controls have been set to a low volume level for
e.g. background music, volume override relay contacts are provided for each zone separately for
overriding local loudspeaker volume controls. Both the 3-wire and 4-wire
override schemes are supported. Upon a call or an activated trigger input these contacts will be
activated for the appropriate zones, together with an additional voltage free contact (Call Active) for
control purposes. A 24Vdc output is available to supply power to external relays, so no external power
supply is required for that purpose. A LED VU-meter allows for monitoring of the master output.
4.3.6 RACK
The Rack which will house all the central controller unit, Router, Amplifiers, DVD Player etc. shall be
of the following specification: 19" DUAL rack 800mm depth, 42U high Amplifier rack made of
aluminium channels with side and rear panels made of M.S. louvered side panels and finished to the
architects requirement. The front door shall be made of toughened glass with MS Lockable door. 4
fans shall be provided at the top for ventilation. Side panels shall be ventilated type. The rack shall be
powder coated to grey colour as per IS-5. All spare shall be covered with blank panels. The rack shall
have all necessary trays, holes, nuts and bolts required for mounting amplifiers, music sources,
monitoring monitoring units, zone selection modules, voice processor, and any other accessories
needed for the system.
The DVD player shall be able to play BGM. The unit consists of a DVD/CD-player and a digitally
controlled FM/AM tuner in a compact 2U-high, 19" housing. It connects to almost any public address
amplifier. The DVD/CD player provides up to a whole workweek of high quality, uninterrupted music
playback from a single MP3 DVD. It supports music organized on a disk in multiple folders. The
player will automatically search and play all playable formats on a disk, and has repeat mode.
Navigation is done on the multi lingual on screen display. Formats The unit plays normal audio and
video DVD/CDs, as well as long-play MPEG2, MP3 encoded CDs. It can also play MP3s and display
JPEGs on CD-R, DVD-ROM, and DVD-R. MP3- files with bit-rates from 32 kbps to 320 kbps,
mono/ stereo/joint-stereo, and both continuous bit-rates (CBR) and variable bit-rate (VBR) are
supported. Component composite, and S-Video connectors are available for video output. The unit
plays PAL and NTSC content in progressive scan, as well as interleaved. It is also possible to view
JPEG images from disk. Output Next to the stereo analog outputs, the disc part of the unit also has a
TOSlink optical output that supports S/P DIF as well as DST and Dolby Digital. It is possible to
output S/P DIF, regardless of the source, and to choose left/right, surround channels of low
frequency effects on this output. Tuner The digitally controlled AM/FM tuner uses a frequency
synthesizer for accurate capture of radio stations and has ten presets for FM and ten presets for AM to
store favourite radio stations.
The testing shall be carried out for each loop initially one detector in a loop and subsequently two or
more disassociated detectors in each loop with time gap between the detectors for alarm acknowledge
and Reset.
An identified detector will be subjected to smoke aspiration from burning paper or cigarette puffs,
held at 0.3 m distance from the detector. The panel should indicate through piezo sounder and hooter
that alarm signal has been transmitted throughout the system.
This test shall be carried out in different loops as well as two loops simultaneously. This part of the
detector test shall be repeated again after 24 hours gap.
The same test in the same sequence shall be carried out for this type of detector but with the
application of heat from a hair dryer-held at approximately 60 cm distance. Repeat testing of the same
detector shall be carried out at 24 hours interval.
The next test will be in combination of smoke/heat detector, simultaneously with a time gap between
application of smoke or heat or as required by the Employer's representative.
The panel shall be checked for basic tests, such as, visual checking of input voltage and amperage. All
loops one by one, shall be D-wired to check for fault signal indication in the panel.
Subsequently, in every loop of panel, a detector shall be subjected to smoke or heat test and signals
shall be checked on the panel.
The hooter shall sound automatically and the piezo sounders shall also sound. It shall also be possible
to check that the hooters of all panels sound automatically when the panels are auto moded.
The power source shall be cut off and checked for standby supply from the batteries. After six hours
the power source shall be switched on to check for auto switch over to mains mode. The trickle
charger shall take over the charging of the battery to its maximum cut off level with auto cut off. A set
of discharged batteries shall be connected to the panel in place of the new batteries and the
trickle/boost switch checked for charging of the batteries.
Tests shall be conducted for AC failure, charger failure, battery disconnected or battery failure. In all
such cases the relevant indication should come and the sounder shall also sound alarm.
The manual call box glass shall be removed by unscrewing the back. The micro switch shall
instantaneously give a fire signal in the panel. In case of pull type stations test procedures as
recommended would be carried out.
About 5% of all fire alarm components shall be subjected to random testing by connecting to the
All smoke detectors shall be tested as given above and later cleaned with a vacuum cleaner.
Hooters shall also be tested through direct 24V supply. It shall be tested for 10 minutes.
The earth continuity conductor including metallic parts of the equipments shall be tested for earth to
electrical continuity. All tests shall be carried out as per IS 3043 and resistance of complete installation
shall not be more than one ohm.
The commissioning and acceptance tests shall be apart from the standard or routine tests prescribed
and normally conducted by the manufacturer /Design-Build Contractor and will be irrespective of the
fact whether the same are covered by such tests or not.
a. Each sounder circuit shall be energized separately and the sound level reading taken to check for
conformity with the minimum standards.
f. The results of the above tests either by fault warning or fire alarm shall be recorded in the log
books which will be signed both by the Design-Build Contractor and the employer’s
i) All commissioning tests at site will be in line with NFPA 71 and 72.
ii) Following test shall be conducted:-
a. Loop Checking
b. Checking of smoke detectors, Heat detectors etc. by simulation.
c. Functional tests for fire alarm panel.
d. The Mock trial of the complete Fire Detection and Alarm system