Cdi3 - Specialized Crime Investigation Power Point Prelim Slides 1-40
Cdi3 - Specialized Crime Investigation Power Point Prelim Slides 1-40
• Aludig -Boys
• Akyat- bahay Gang
• Bahala na gang
• Budol-budol gang
• Kuratong baleleng
• Martilyo Gang
• Salisi gang
• Zesto Gang
• Satanans (gang)
• Gucci gang
a. Upper class criminal groups which are proven to more
destructive than these small gangs. These organized
group in the upper class are involved in the perpetration
of the following white collar crimes, such as;
1.Money laundering
2. Corruption
3. Malversation and the likes
Organized crime is a category of transnational or local
groupings of highly centralized enterprises run by criminals
who intend to engage in illegal activity, most commonly to
profit. Some criminal organizations, such as terrorist groups,
are politically motivated.
How committed and scope of operations- organized crimes groups operates
transnationally and are committed for purposes of gaining profit with the element
of illegality. It consists of corruptions to bribery motivated by the hunger of power
and authority. In terms of economic crimes, it is perpetrated for accumulating
gigantic profit to the suffering of others.
In an organized crime family, it works in this manner to maintain
coordination and loyalty.
a. An ENFORCER – one who makes arrangements for killing and injuring the
members or non-members.
b. A CORRUPTER – One who bribes, buys, intimidates, threatens, negotiates
and sweet talks into a relationship with the police, public officials or any else
who might help the members security and maintain immunity from arrest,
prosecution and punishment.
c. A CORRUPTER -a public official, usually not a member of the organization
family, who can wield influence on behalf of the organization’s interest.
Sources of illegal profit
• Gains from goods and services that are of great demand by the society but are
prohibited by law.
• The range of activities in which organized crime groups are said to be
involved in vast indeed.
1. POLITICAL GRAFT- manned by political criminals who use force or
violence of a means to obtain profit or gain or achieving political aim. E.g. vote
buying private armies
2. THE MERCENARY / PREDATORY O.C. – crimes committed by groups
for direct personal profit but they prey upon un willing victims
3. IN-GROUP ORIENTED O.C.- groups manned by semi- organized
individuals whose major goals are for psychological gratification such as
adolescent gangs
4. SYNDICATED CRIME- illicit activity through use of force, threat and
IDEOLOGY – body of ideas affecting the social needs and aspirations of an
individual or group, a class or a culture. While Bovier defines it as “ a set of
doctrines or beliefs that from the basis of a political, economic and other
Pathocracy (is) a system of government – wherein a small pathological minority
takes control over a society of normal people. It is in this type of government
where all types of political ills arises and make it citizens suffer all types of
political ills arises and make it citizens suffer under its regime.