3192162-Witchlight Supplement For The Inn at The End of The Road - by GoofySpook v2.0
3192162-Witchlight Supplement For The Inn at The End of The Road - by GoofySpook v2.0
3192162-Witchlight Supplement For The Inn at The End of The Road - by GoofySpook v2.0
T s u H a r a b a x i s B a b a
Y a g a i n d i s g u i s e
Old Witch
Payam Star
A team effort
comfortable and convenient Inn that
often appears just as you need it. It The content of this supplement stems from several
travels all over Prismeer, or at least it DM’s from the Witchlight Discord Community and
used to, before the realm was splintered Witchlight SubReddit, gathered and modified by me,
by the Hourglass Coven. But why would GoofySpook. The original idea-makers have all given
Zybilna have an Inn traverse her realm consent and are credited at each bit of the
and who would she charge to be its proprietor? Why supplement. If nothing is mentioned, that part is my
none other than her own mother, Baba Yaga, though own creation.
without Zybilna knowing who the kind old lady was. All of this is continually being play tested, and when
What is the big idea you find something particularly troublesome or
worked well at your table, if you have comments,
This supplement to the Wild Beyond the Witchlight corrections, critique or would like to add to this
campaign expands the random encounter of The Inn supplement, reach me on Reddit u/GoofySpooks. I
at the End of the Road in Hither, which as written is would love to hear how it worked or didn’t work for
more or less just a safe place to take a long rest. This you.
supplement turns The Inn into a memorable, and
maybe recurring, place for your PCs to not only rest, Spoiler Warning
but learn about the factions of the module, gamble, Using this supplement does offer a relatively high risk
have social and/or combat encounters, and get hints of spoiling Zybilnas true identity, if your players are
to the overarching plot of the campaign. It adds well versed in Tasha/Iggwilv or Baba Yaga lore. If you
potential conflict, intrigue and clues to an otherwise ran the prelude and had Candlefoot tell the tale of
peaceful encounter, as well as foreshadowing and Baba Yaga and her 4 daughters then the cat is out of
clues to the relationship between Zybilna, the Hags the proverbial bag already.
and their mother, Baba Yaga.
You can use this supplement as foreshadowing to a
potential follow up campaign after The Wild Beyond
the Witchlight: Dancing hut of Baba Yaga, or you can
simply use it as inspiration to add some flavour, mood
and shenanigans to the Inn at the End of the Road,
which from now on is just referred to as The Inn.
As always you can choose to use some, none or all of
it at your table. You are the DM.
Supplement Summary
Tsu Harabax is really Baba Yaga, disguised as a non-
magical, kind, elderly female innkeeper. Baba Yaga
made a deal with Zybilna and was charged with
running the Inn and ferrying mortals who came
seeking Zybilna the Godmother across Prismeer, and
to ferry the dead and their souls to wherever they may
need to go. Zybilna did not know it was Baba Yaga.
Baba Yaga of course knows who Zybilna really is, and
she wants to take Prismeer for herself. And so Baba
Yaga, disguised as Tsu Harabax, trades with
travellers, bides her time and pulls the strings of fate,
until she can make her move on Prismeer. The PCs
may notice or find clues to who Tsu Harabax really is
during their stay at the Inn.
You may want to have The Inn occur more than
once - perhaps once in each realm.
Baba Yaga
Britt Martin
PART 1 | The Why
Baba Yaga lore Tasha enlisted a powerful fiend, The Gentleman
If you want to introduce a legendary figure as Baba Caller, to kill the friends and allies of Isolde, an
Yaga a bit of background knowledge is in order. You eladrin paladin who, unknowingly, had killed several
can find the references at the very end of this of Tasha’s fiend allies.
supplement. When Isolde was alone, angry and emotionally
vulnerable, Tasha presented herself as Zybilna - the
Baba Yaga, The Mother of All Hags, The First Crone, archfey, friend and confidant - and manipulated Isolde
The Great Teacher, is a recurring figure in slavic folk into her role as protector of the Witchlight Carnival,
tales, an ugly, long-nosed ogre witch who lives in a which was the gateway to Prismeer, and wiped
magical hut on two chicken-legs, flys in a magic Isoldes memories Isolde grew restless and traded
cauldron, and eats children. There is really nothing carnivals with a pair of shadar-kai, Naeryx Krumple
whimsical about her, but she appears in many modern and Urmius Umbrage, who took the names of Mr.
day fantasy tales including the Witcher (who did you Witch and Mr. Light. Zybilna then wiped Isolde’s
think Voleth Meir aka “The Deathless Mother” was?), memories of Zybilna and Prismeer and sent fey to
Hellboy, John Wick, and of course in the lore of harass Isolde and keep her busy.
Wizards of the Coast’s Dungeons & Dragons. The amount of energy and emotions Tasha put into
Baba Yaga has three personas; The Mother, The creating her new persona, Zybilna, and her new
Wicket and The Hungry (22). No one knows if the domain, Prismeer, was astounding. Tasha even
three are one and the same or three different hags carved out and locked away key parts of her
who share the same name. Baba Yaga is mercurial in personality to better transform into the Fairytale
nature and often plays two very important roles in the Godmother Archfey role. These personality traits now
folk tales: That of the villain, who harms or seeks to bound in the Dretches at the nursery - or scattered
harm the protagonist, and that of the donor, who is around Prismeer if you adhere to the Eleventh Hour
helpful and gives the hero or heroine a magic agent — supplement.
sometimes within the same story (1). “She [Baba Learning of all of this, Baba Yaga felt that emotion
Yaga] is never depicted as kind, loving, or welcoming again. The domain of Prismeer was fresh and full of
– except when she thinks she is meeting her evening
change. Ripe for infection. Baba Yaga slipped
meal – but always sparks change in the life of the information of the whereabouts of Iggwilv the
central character or characters and provides the Witchqueen to Valor’s Call, and the rumour that she
necessary elements for their transformation and was in collaboration with the League of Malevolence.
liberation.” (2) In turn she informed the League of Malevolence about
an opportunity to seize the Staff of Power from
We shall also let Baba Yaga play both the role of the Valor’s Call and gain a foothold in the Feywild. To her
villain and donor - depending on your point of view other daughters, the hags of the Hourglass Coven, she
and how you feel about Zybilna and her chequered simply said how proud she was of dear Natasha who
past. had set herself up as archfey of Prismeer. That was all
it took for them to begin conspiring against her. Baba
Witchlight Backstory Yaga knows exactly what threads to pull.
Baba Yaga is really only interested in helping herself. Baba Yaga figures that when the dust clears she will
She does nothing simply for the benefit of others. have a new domain for herself, or true confidence in
There is always a hidden motive, often several, and her daughter’s abilities.
they all benefit Baba Yaga in the long run. She took in Baba Yaga and child Servant
the orphan girl, Natasha because she amused her, and Forest Rogers
Tsu Harabax
GoofySpook Midjourney
Tsu Harabax
GoofySpook Midjourney
porch or in the bar of The Inn, where Tsu Harabax is Secret Cost:
laying tarot cards, preparing to do a reading of the The blessing can be used 3 times, but each time results
PCs fate. in an equal amount of automatically failed death saving
throws the next time these should be rolled.
“Tsu thought we might see eachother again, [PC Name]. You may choose to not reveal the cost of the blessing,
Come, let’s see what fate has in store for you and if Tsu but simply that everything has a cost. This adds more
might change it.” mystery to the blessing and to Tsu.
Passing on the blessing: What you should not reveal is
Tsu explains her role as a ferrywoman of Prismeer, that any spend charges of Tsu’s “blessing” is passed on to
the stakes of the PC and says the PC has a choice to Zybilna, which limits her powers slightly for each spend
make. This is where you as DM will have to make it charge, and Baba Yaga is instantly aware of Zybilna being
really interesting for the dying PC, use something unfrozen from temporal stasis, prompting her to attack.
from the PCs backstory that Tsu shouldn’t know, No death saves? A creature that has used Tsu’s blessing
perhaps the Wish from the Sycamore seed at the 3 times does not roll death saving throws. I would advise
Carnival or their worst fear from the Mystery Mine. letting them perform one final heroic act before life leaves
Tsu offers the PC a choice: them: “A hero’s death”. This makes for a heroic ending
and makes it easier to say goodbye to a PC.
A) accept Tsu’s blessing to pass on to Zybilna and
get returned to their body with half health (and
replenish up to half their spell slots and class Example of a death bargain with Tsu
abilities and hit dice if they have less than half) or
B) accept fate and death. You are in the Inn at the end of the Road, by the bar. Tsu
Harabax is behind the counter. She slides you a cup of
Eveningbarry Wine before picking up her tarot cards,
You can choose to offer the deal right there and then, shuffling them and lays 5 before you.
before the first death save, or you can wait a turn. “[PC Name]… Tsu don’t think this life and this place is
The other still conscious PCs continue the fight and
may or may not save the dying PC, but that is done with you just yet, [PC Name]. This place has gone rotten
irrelevant for this cross-cut scene at The Inn. ever since the Hourglass Coven took the reins. If you are
willing, Tsu will offer you a trade.“
On the dying PCs turn, they roll their death saving Tsu opens the front door and the sunshine spills in.
throws and Tsu turns/reveals a tarot card, and chats a “Tsu will put your soul back in your body and Tsu will grant
little, putting on a bit of pressure, though never you her blessing. In return you will swear to help free Zybilna
desperate. and bring that blessing with you to her so that the rightful
ruler may take the reign of Prismeer”.
If you have a set of tarot cards that is awesome and makes
for very dramatic story-telling, but if you don’t you can (Baba Yaga does not actually refer to Zybilna as the
narrate that Tsu “draws” one of the following, depending rightful ruler, but to herself as she is planning to take the
on how you tell your story (use the Major Arcana wikipedia realm for herself. A DC 27 Wisdom (Insight) check reveals
article for inspiration on their meaning): an alternative motive. A DC 18 History or Arcana will let
Initial proposal of the deal to help free Zybilna: The
Empress the PC know that the wording is extremely important when
Failing a death saving throw: The Hanged Man, Death, making deals with anyone in the feywild, especially if they
Devil, The Fool, or Judgement are fey. A DC 10 Intelligence (Investigation) reveals that
Succeeding on a death saving throw: Moon, Tower, Tsu apparently is something more than just human.)
Chariot, or Strength
Accepting the deal: The World, Justice, or Wheel of Tsu opens the door to her basement that is pitch black
Fortune “Or you can take your chances in the afterlife and the
unknown and nothingness that the lack of life entails. The
choice is yours, [PC name].”
They are quite nervous that they might lose their job, Characters make a DC 18 Constitution Saving Throw when
but still puts very little effort in doing their job. There eating it. On a failed save, the character vomits and is
are very delicious treats to be had at the Inn, all nauseated for 1d4 hours.
cooked up by Arina the female white dragonborn who
can be heard singing in the kitchen. Impression Berries change your voice to sound like
someone else in the room.
@Poofimatree from the Witchlight Discord Bog Grog Ale: A mix of Rum, Orange Juice, and fermented
community made this menu with wonderful and herbs that, when drunk, causes the user to gain advantage
delicious treats and their effects. on saving throws against being poisoned for 30 minutes.
Made by @Poofimatree
Roxie has a very high pitched shrill laugh after Then everybody reveals their total number. The player
having lost a low stakes round, but has two locks of with the number furthest away from 21 is the winner and
red in her otherwise blond hair. Dawn Chorus has two takes it all.
streaks of grey in his otherwise red hair, after having
lost two rounds, but his laugh is very deep and rich Example: The d20 is a 6, the NPC or PC decides to raise
(out of proportion to his voice when he is not the stakes with a year of their life span as a 6 on a d20 is
laughing). Vansel continually tries to bet his clothes fairly good. When the time comes to roll the second dice,
and turn the card game into a “strip poker” sort of this NPC or PC rolls a 7 on the d12, and simply checks, as
situation, but the others keep shutting him down. their total is creeping close to 21. When the time comes to
roll the d6 this NPC or PC rolls a 4.That totals to 17. Fair,
Wild Jack but still bad if the goal is a total as far away from 21 as
Roll 2d6, get 12 or as close to as possible. possible. Interesting thing about this game is that rolling
low on every roll is just as good as rolling high. And going
The participants roll one after another, but do not reveal
around the table between each dice lets the game build
until everyone has rolled and had a chance to Hit (get
tension as players get a chance to bluff and raise and do
another d6) or Stay. If you roll more than 12 you lose and
insight checks.
must declare so immediately, losing whatever you have
bed. The winner takes it all.
‡ The Litwick Carnival is the common name of the carnival that Mr. Witch and Mister Light originally owned, previously also
known as L’Moria or simply “The Carnival’’. It travels the Domains of Dread, now led by Isolde, and was plagued by incursions
of Fey and Fiends at Zybilna’s behest, before Zybilna was caught in temporal stasis.
Originally by @Chatty and TheBaziel from the This game is an excellent opportunity for your PCs to
Witchlight Discord. learn more about each others backgrounds and lifes
before they (re)united at the Witchlight Carnival.
Sidequest overview Aileen is fairly insightful and can, when she gets her
The PCs are tasked with escorting out a squatter in head in the game, start saying very personal “Never
the wine cellar, where they find Aileen, an emotional have I ever”-questions about the PCs background.
teenage girl drowning her sorrows in fey wine. Aileen
was left by her girlfriend, Sobella of Danzeluce, who is
cursed to fall in love with the first creature she sees. Aileen’s Drinking Game Rules
To cope, Aileen challenges the PCs to a game of The fey cannot or at least does not lie. And so instead they
“Never Have I Ever,” and may become confrontational tell half truths or divert the conversation or simply hold
if she feels they are winning the contest. their tongue. In this drinking game, the PCs and Aileen will
take turns uttering a statement starting with “Never have I
ever…”, at which point anyone who cannot say the phrase
Running the sidequest without lying takes a swig of wine. This could be “Never
Tsu has had a stowaway in her wine cellar for quite have I ever been robbed at a carnival”.
some time now: A girl who seems to think she can
drown her sorrows. She’s been down there for days When a creature consumes a drink the creature rolls a
and is going to deplete the store of wine if someone Constitution saving throw. The DC is 8 and goes up by 1
doesn’t do something about it. Besides, Tsu suspects for each drink the creature has had already. A creature can
that the girl is running up quite a tab. Tsu will ask the fail a total equal to their constitution modifier. If they fail
PCs if they would be so kind as to preferably collect more than that they are Poisoned. If they fail double the
amount of their Constitution modifier they pass out. Aileen
her debt or just remove her from the premises. rolls these checks with advantage as she has grown
Should the PCs agree to help they are led to the accustomed to the effect.
stairs and sent on their way into the basement.
The girl in the cellar
Aileen is not just any teenager; she’s a clurichaun—a Aileen’s statements will run along the lines of what is
fey creature similar to a leprechaun but focused solely on her mind at the moment, in spite of her also having
on drinking and banter. Contrary to Irish folklore, to drink to these statements: Her recent “break up”
which typically portrays clurichauns as male, Aileen is with Sobella. Aileen seems to grow more sullen if she
female. She’s accompanied by Chester, a mimic that is the only one that drinks, and brighten considerably
serves both as her friend and her luggage. Aileen is if one or more of the players drink with her, both
particularly distressed because Sobella found a new because she is winning the game, but also because
love almost immediately after Aileen had stepped she doesn’t feel so alone in her sorrow.
away to the bathroom at the Inn.
For more details on the clurichaun’s abilities and Aileens Statements
characteristics, refer to the included stat block. “Never have I ever…”
Moving down the stairs the cellar seems much larger Both hated and loved someone at the same time
than it ought to be. The party immediately hears (Aileen drinks)
someone talking to herself, gulping down wine, and Been left by the one you love (Aileen drinks)
sobbing from around a corner. If the party announces Considered a deal from Slack Jawed Lorna so that I
their arrival Aileen will shout to the PCs to go away could forget everything about someone (Aileen drinks)
and leave her alone and that they just don’t get it. It Aileen drinks to all of these statements and when she
requires a persuasion or deception check of 13 for realises she is drinking every time, she stops sobbing,
Aileen to allow the PCs to approach, which is made
with advantage if the party uses arguments around the wipes away her tears, shakes her head and slaps her
topic of not having to drink alone. cheeks and her sad demeanour changes to a more
Approaching, the party will see a girl sitting alone at collected but still angry one. She gets her head in the game
a low table drinking rainbow-glittering liquid from a and begins focusing and reading the PCs and says
glass that she keeps refilling from a jug. In the room uncannily insightful “Never have I ever…”-statements. If a
around her are one or more mimics hidden as barrels PC drinks to these statements Aileen will say that she’d
and other seemingly innocent objects. The mimics do wish she’d tried that, giving the players a clue as to how to
not attack unless threatened or unless Aileen persuade her to move out of the cellar later:
tells/signals them to.
Should the PCs strike up conversation or fail their Travelled to another realm or plane of existence (Aileen
initial check, Aileen will agree to consider moving out doesn’t drink)
of the cellar if the PCs can beat her in a “Never have I Gone reveling with a satyr (Aileen doesn’t drink)
ever” drinking game. Battled the Jabberwock (Aileen doesn’t drink)
Started a family (Aileen doesn’t drink)
check is rolled with advantage if their argument Innate Spellcasting. The clurichaun’s innate spellcasting
involves alcohol or seeing the world or any other good ability is Charisma (spell save DC 13). The clurichaun can
argument that relates to their previous conversation cast the following spells, requiring only alcohol as a
or Aileens statements from the drinking game. The component.
persuasion check is rolled with disadvantage if it At will: friends, mending, minor illusion, purify food and
involves arguments of finding a new love using the drink, vicious mockery.
phrase “plenty of fish in the sea”. If the players don’t 1/day each: blur, calm emotions, heroism, sleep, suggestion
notice the signal, the mimics will attack and get a
surprise round. Aileen doesn’t fight to the death, but
will surrender when the fight seems lost, or if Chester Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one creature. Hit: 2 (1 + 1) bludgeoning damage.
is about to die, at which point she submits to the PCs
terms of leaving the cellar and gives the PCs the “Jug Improvised Weapon. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to
of Perpetual Fey Wine” in recompense/reciprocity for hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one creature. Hit: 3 (1d4 +
the damage she has dealt the party. 1) bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage, depending on
Aileen was not actually drinking any of Tsu’s wine and About
doesn’t actually owe her anything, as she was drinking Contest Evictions. Most people can’t tolerate or afford a
from her own “Jug of Perpetual Fey Wine” which she clurichaun’s presence for long. Unfortunately, attempts to
gives up if the party lets her leave. drive them off usually result in the spiteful clurichaun going
on a destructive rampage and spoiling any remaining wine.
Jug of Perpetual Fey Wine The best way to evict a clurichaun is to challenge him or her
to a drinking contest. A clurichaun can’t abide losing to a
Wondrous item, uncommon mortal and will slink away in shame, never to be seen again,
This seemingly wooden jug is enchanted with an if that happens. This is a risky option, however, because
despite their size, clurichauns can drink prodigiously with
unlimited fey magic source of fey wine. When poured little ill effect.
into another container a glittery sweet-smelling liquid
flows as if poured from a bottle. It produces up to 1 Spiritual Brawlers. While clurichauns aren’t adverse to an old-
gallon of Fey Wine. Once emptied, the jug refills in 1 fashioned tavern brawl, they rely mainly on their magic to
hour. protect themselves. Creatures under a clurichaun’s spell feel
Any wine poured from this flask that isn’t consumed and act as if they were intoxicated, complete with hangovers
within 8 hours turns into a foul smelling sludge. the next morning!
Sidequest overview
The PCs find the ghost of a dead duergar dwarf in the
basement. The dwarf was killed by one of Zybilna’s
accomplices, as this dwarf and his clansmen were
responsible for crafting Snicker-Snack, the sword that
was crafted to kill the Jabberwock, which is Zybilna’s
pet and guardian. The ghost of the craftsman can
provide the PCs with information, including a part of
Snicker-Snack which is buried with the remains of the
How to use this sidequest
This could be in stead of or in addition to the
“Clurichaun in the basement” sidequest, as Tsu
nonchalantly asks the party to bring the letter to
Dwordrartin who she suspects is down there as well.
If you run both basement sidequests, the PCs can
notice an area with recent and soddy stone masonry
at the end of the room where Aileen is drinking
herself into oblivion. Aileen doesn’t know anything
about this.
The death of Dwordrartin implies that Zybilna was
taking steps to eliminate anyone capable of crafting a
weapon that could easily neutralise her monstrous
safeguard. She orchestrated the entombment of
Dwordrartin and likely did the same to the other
duergar responsible for forging the blade, as well as
crafting its hilt and scabbard. Alternatively, if you wish
to add a twist, one of these duergar dwarves could be
Nib. After receiving payment, Nib initially fled but
later experienced remorse for his actions and sought
out Skabatha.
Running the sidequest A letter from Bavlorna to Dwordrartin
This cellar side-quest begins with the PCs being The letter is from Bavlorna, The Witch of the Fens. It is
asked to go down to the cellar and check up on sealed with a wax seal depicting an hourglass. Skabatha
Dwordrartin, a duergar dwarf craftsman who went in Nightshade initially ordered the duergar craftsmen to craft
search of a bottle of very expensive Amontillado fey
wine, with a fairy friend of his some time ago. A letter a sword that could kill a dragon in one swing, and
arrived for Dwordrartin later on, but Dwordrartin Dwordrartin and his clansmen were supposed to deliver it
never came to collect it. Tsu says that she hasn’t to Bavlorna, so that she could have the League of
thought much about him going to the cellar nor who Malevolence use the sword to kill Zybilna’s pet and
he was with. In reality Baba Yaga remembers well guardian, the Jabberwock. Zybilna realised, had the
that it was one Zybilna’s fiend allies (perhaps the craftsmen killed and the sword scattered across Prismeer.
quasit) who was disguised as a fairy, but doesn’t want
to reveal that. This all happened before Zybilna was
frozen in time, but time is strange in the feywild and in The PCs enter the wine cellar. Aileen could be down
the Inn. there, but there is no sign of the dwarf. The stone
Tsu is quite certain that Dwordrartin is still in the work on one of the walls seems recent and soddy. The
cellar, as he hasn’t settled his bill yet. Come to think PCs may notice this immediately with a high
of it, Tsu remembers the other person leaving, but not perception check, or any check you deem appropriate
Dwordrartin. She suspects that he drank the entire to locate changes in the stone or masonry (stone
bottle himself and is sleeping it off. She would like the cunning, tool proficiencies etc.) or a
PCs to wake him up from his slumber and help him to druid/cleric/paladin may sense an aura of death
the room he rented so he can sleep it off there instead. emanating from this section of the walls, as
Tsu would appreciate it and take it as payment for Dwordrartin is buried inside.
chops and begin shuffling her deck of tarot cards. tapestry of fate.”
Things revealed in the conversation by Skylla, at your Baba Yaga grants Skylla reprieve, but warns her that
discretion: any future transgressions will not be tolerated. She
grabs Skyllas shoulder and a sizzling sound can be
Skylla works for Endelyn Moongrave and the heard as Skylla cries out in pain. When Skylla rises
Hourglass Coven, who has grown tired of Tsu’s from the floor - if the PCs can see it - Skylla bears a ᛉ
travelling inn and how Tsu harbours fugitives and mark on her shoulder. A Y with an extra peg in the
ill-doers. middle, maybe the foot of a chicken?
Skylla wants any information Tsu might have on
the unicorn horn and any information about the
PART 4 | The what to do
Witching Arrow. Ranged Spell Attack: +8 to hit, range 60 ft.,
Skylla (CR 8) one target. Hit: 12 (1d10+5) force damage plus 8 (1d8+3)
Medium Humanoid (Human, Warlock), Chaotic Evil
psychic damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 17
Charisma saving throw or be charmed by Charmay until the
Armor Class 15 (18 with mage armor) start of her next turn.
Hit Points 140 (18d8 + 54)
Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft. Spellcasting. Charmay casts one of the following spells, using
Charisma as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 17):
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA At will: disguise self, thaumaturgy
9 (-1) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 20 (+5) 2/day each: blur, charm monster, faerie fire, fly, hypnotic
pattern, invisibility, mage armor, major image, mirror image
Saving Throws Wis +6, Cha +8
Skills Deception +8, Intimidation +8, Acrobatics +6, Bonus Actions
Perception +6
Enchantress’ Scorn (4/day). Charmay targets one creature she
Senses passive Perception 16
can see within 60 ft. of her who is charmed by her. The charm
Languages Common, Elvish, Sylvan
ends on the creature, and it takes 24 (6d8) psychic damage.
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3
Charmay gains temporary hit points equal to the psychic
damage that the creature takes.
Adventurer’s Gear. Charmay wears shoes with the same
properties as slippers of spider climbing and an enchanted Reactions
robe that has the properties of studded leather. She also
carries a magical stiletto, which is a concealed +2 dagger that Misty Escape (Recharges on a Short or Long Rest). After taking
damage, Charmay turns invisible and teleports up to 60 ft. to
deals an extra 1d8 poison damage on a hit.
an unoccupied space she can see. She remains invisible for 1
Spider Climb. Charmay can climb difficult surfaces, including minute or until she attacks or casts a spell.
upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability
check. Legendary Actions
Actions Charmay can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
options below. Only one legendary action option can be used
Multiattack. Charmay makes four attacks. She can replace at a time, and only at the end of another creature’s turn.
two attacks with a use of Spellcasting. Charmay regains spent legendary actions at the start of her
Stiletto. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one Evasive Step. Charmay moves up to half her speed without
target. Hit: 7 (1d4+3) piercing damage plus 5 (1d8) poison provoking opportunity attacks.
damage. The target must make a DC 12 Constitution Saving Enchantress’ Scorn. Charmay uses her Enchantress’ Scorn
throw or become poisoned for 1 minute. ability.
Witching Arrow. Charmay uses her Witching Arrow ability.
You may choose to let her give them a broad smile with a
mouth full of iron teeth at this point if you want to give the
players a better chance to guess her identity.
Baba Yaga Stack the deck. Baba Yaga rearranges the remaining cards in
her deck and places her favourite three in the top of the deck,
Large Giant, Chaotic Evil in random order. Once all three cards are drawn she can no
longer draw cards using This is your card! but must either
Armor Class 18 (natural armor) Stack the Deck, do a Quick Reshuffle or simply turn over the
Hit Points 308 (32d10 + 132) top card at random, leaving her possibilities up to fate.
Speed 40 ft., 40 feet flying when in her Mortar
20 (+5) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 22 (+6) 18 (+4) 24 (+7) Hunchbacks shuffle. Baba Yaga hunches over even further,
causing her movements to become jerky and unpredictable.
Saving Throws Cha +14, Con +11, Wis +11 attacks of opportunity against her during her first 20 feet of
Skills Arcana +10, History +13, Investigation +13, Deception movement are made with disadvantage.
+14, Perception +11
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing This is your card! If Baba Yaga is in possession of her Deck of
from non-silvered weapons, cold, fire, Fates, she can reveals the top card in the deck, eliciting the
Damage Immunities poison effect or spell immediately. If she has used an action to Stack
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, the Deck roll a d3 (or a d4 and reroll any 4s) to determine
poisoned, sleep which of the three picked cards is revealed. If she has used
Senses blindsight 120 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive the Quick Reshuffle roll a d8 to determine which of the eight
perception 21 cards that is revealed. If Baba Yaga has neither Stacked the
Languages Common, Giant, Sylvan, plus the first five Deck nor done a Quick Reshuffle, you roll a d20 to determine
languages she hears per day which card is the top card. The card loses its fateful
Challenge 19 (22,000 XP) Proficiency +7 properties after the effect is elicited until the Card Shuffle is
Enlarge/Reduce. Baba Yaga can use her action to change size Quick Reshuffle. Baba Yaga hurriedly selects eight unrevealed
between Small and Large. Her statistics remain the same cards and places them randomly in the top of her deck, ready
regardless of her size. to be picked.
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Baba Yaga fails a saving
throw, she can choose to succeed instead.
Counter Charm. Baba Yaga throws a powerful charm to
Magic Resistance. Baba Yaga has advantage on saving throws disrupt a creature she can see or smell within 60 feet in the
against spells and other magical effects. process of casting a spell. If the creature is casting a spell of
4th level or lower, its spell fails and has no effect. If it is
Spellcasting. Baba Yaga is a 20th-level spellcaster. Her casting a spell of 5th level or higher, the creature must
spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 23, +14 to hit succeed on a DC 23 ability check using its spellcasting ability;
with spell attacks). She regains expended spell slots when on a failure, the spell fails and has no effect.
she finishes a short or long rest. She knows all warlock
cantrips and all 1st through 6th level wizard and warlock Pestle Sweep. Baba Yaga whirls her pestle and tries to deflect
spells. She has 6 spell slots, and any spell she casts using a an incoming spell or attack onto another nearby target. Baba
spell slot is cast at 6th level. Yaga must succeed on a Charisma saving throw determined
by the casters spell save DC +5 or a Dexterity saving throw
Uncanny Nose. Baba Yaga has an unnaturally keen sense of determined by the attackers to Hit bonus + 8. If Baba Yaga
smell. While her sense of smell remains unimpeded, she has succeeds she can choose a new target for the spell who is
truesight out to 120 feet and advantage on any Wisdom within range from the original caster or attacker.
(Perception) check involving smelling. She also gains the
benefit of the detect magic spell with a range of 120 feet and
automatically detects the presence of anyone under the effect
Legendary Actions
of her curse. Baba Yaga can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
options below. Only one legendary action option can be used
Actions at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Baba
Yaga regains spent legendary actions at the start of her turn.
Multiattack. Baba Yaga first uses Baba’s Curse or Stack the
Deck and then she makes three Witch Bolt attacks. Attack. Baba Yaga attacks once with her Witch Bolt.
Baba’s Curse. Baba Yaga chooses up to 3 creatures that she Festering Curse (Costs 2 Actions). A target Baba Yaga can see or
can see or smell within 60 feet, and who are not currently smell within 60 feet that is currently suffering from Baba’s
under the effect of Baba’s Curse. The targets must succeed Curse has their curse stage increased by one, adding an extra
on a DC 23 Charisma saving throw or be cursed by Baba Yaga 1d4 to the effect of Baba’s Curse. A creature can accumulate
and must subtract 1d4 from every Attack Roll and Saving a maximum of 3 stages of Baba’s Curse, resulting in a
Throw. Baba’s Curse can be removed by Remove Curse or maximum of 3d4 subtracted from their Attack Rolls and
similar spells and effects. Saving Throws.
Witch Bolt. Ranged Spell Attack: +14 to hit, range 120 ft., one Regroup. If she has already used her reaction, Baba Yaga
creature. Hit: 47 (6d12+8) psychic damage. regains the use of her reaction.
PART 6 | The Big Bad
Deck of Fates The attuned creature can stack the cards of fate in
their advantage by using an Action to stack 3 cards at
Wonderous Item, Legendary (requires attunement)
the top of the deck, or a Bonus Action to stack 8 cards
This deck of tarot cards has been used to read the in the top, drawing from these 3 or 8 cards at random.
fortunes and demise of so many souls that eldritch Creatures with Legendary Actions may do these as
energy has infused the cards giving them a unique part of another Action or Bonus Action.
spell storing capacity. The attuned creature can use The cards cannot be scryed upon by magic means,
the cards to cast Augury or Divination 3 times per day and similarly inspecting the Deck of Fates with Sense
without spending a spell slot. The user may also draw Magic or similar detection magic curiously does not
the cards at random and elicit their individual effects. reveal any magical aura around the cards.
Deck of Fates card effects
Baba Yaga has a set of tarot cards, which she can use to tug at the strings of fate, eliciting a unique response depending on the
card drawn. The effect and spellcasting is instantaneous and doesn’t consume her spell slots.
1, The Fool: Bestow Curse (as a touch or ranged spell attack with 30 feet range).
2, The Magician: Baba Yaga calls upon debts paid and casts the ghostly form of Summon Undead, requiring no concentration.
3, The High Priestess: Death Ward
4, The Empress: The cards reveal a multitude of potential futures for Baba Yaga, granting her the benefit of Foresight.
5, The Emperor: The Dowager is a puppetmaster of fate and undeath. Revealing The Emperor lets her cast Danse Macabre,
requiring no concentration.
6, The Lovers: “All is fair in love and war”. Baba Yaga holds onto the Lovers card, granting her the reaction to cast Hellish Rebuke
once as a reaction. If she shuffles The Lovers back into her deck (either by Stack the deck or Card Shuffle) before casting
Hellish Rebuke the effect is lost.
7, The Chariot: Baba Yaga knows all too well that life and death are two sides of the same coin. One cannot be there without the
other. She casts Wither and Bloom as a 5th level spell, causing each creature of her choice in a 10-foot-radius sphere centred
on a point within range to make a Constitution saving throw, taking 5d6 necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much
damage on a successful one.
8, Justice: Baba Yaga gains Temporary Hit Points equal to the damage she has dealt in this and the last 2 rounds.
9, The Hermit: Spirit Shroud, requiring no concentration but only lasting 1d4+2 rounds.
10, Wheel of Fortune: Fortune’s Favour
11, Strength: Baba Yaga holds the card out towards a target and shoots off a Ray of Enfeeblement.
12, The Hanged Man: Baba Yaga knows her own actions have led her here, and that only she can get her out of the situation as
well. For the next 1d4 turns she may step from one area of dim light or darkness into another area of dim light or darkness
within 60 feet of each other costing her only 5 feet of movement. This step does not draw opportunity attacks.
13, Death: Create Undead
14, Temperance: Baba Yaga gains the reactive trait, granting her the ability to use a second reaction each turn in combat for the
next minute.
15, The Devil: Blight
16, The Tower: Finger of Death
17, The Star: “Undeath is the only light at the end of the tunnel”. Baba Yaga emits magical darkness as per the darkness spell in a
15 feet radius for 1d4 rounds, moving with her as she moves.
18, The Moon: Summon shadowspirit requiring no concentration.
19, Judgement: Circle of Death
20, The World: The borders between the realms are diminished as “The World” is drawn, allowing Baba Yaga to step halfway into
the ethereal realm, granting her resistance to piercing, bludgeoning and slashing non-magical attacks for 1 minute.
Can I have your attention? Thank you. Bye.
Toys of Loomlurch
A supplement for Loomlurch adding several toy-
themed stat blocks to your armoury. They may
replace some of the Tin Soldiers in Loomlurch and
allow for a more dynamic fight with interesting
mechanics and tactical combat manoeuvres.
Toys of Loomlurch on DMsGuild.