3192162-Witchlight Supplement For The Inn at The End of The Road - by GoofySpook v2.0

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T s u H a r a b a x i s B a b a

Y a g a i n d i s g u i s e

Old Witch
Payam Star

The supplement is made using

Homebrewery. Head here to help keep the
servers running.
Introduction 4 NPCs at the Inn 15
What is the big idea 4 SideQuest NPCs 16
Supplement Summary 4 Additional NPCs 17
A team effort 4 The Lost and Found Box of the Inn 21
Spoiler Warning 4 Lost and Found Box at the Inn 21
Baba Yaga lore 5 Minor Magical Items 21
Side quests and encounters at the
Witchlight Backstory 5 Inn 22
The alias of Tsu Harabax 6 Quest Hooks 22
Interacting with Tsu Harabax 6 Clurichaun in the basement 23
Working as the ferrywoman of Prismeer 6 Ghost of the Craftsman 26
Map of the Basement 28
The Inn 9 A malevolent visit by Skylla 29
Arrival of The Inn 9 Leaving the Inn 31
Entering The Inn 9
Staying at the Inn 9 Grand Scale Finishing
Map of The Inn 9 Touch 31
Whats on the menu 10 Baba Yaga 32
Clues to Tsu’s real identity 11 Deck of Fates 33
Minor clues 11
Major clues 12 References and Sources 34
Old Pictures of Tsu Harabax 12
Secret Workshop 13 More by GoofySpook 35
Consequences of discovery 14 Lost Things Aplenty 35
Toys of Loomlurch 35

Baba Yaga Token

2 Goofyspook using Midjourney
he Inn at the End of the Road is a

A team effort
comfortable and convenient Inn that
often appears just as you need it. It The content of this supplement stems from several
travels all over Prismeer, or at least it DM’s from the Witchlight Discord Community and
used to, before the realm was splintered Witchlight SubReddit, gathered and modified by me,
by the Hourglass Coven. But why would GoofySpook. The original idea-makers have all given
Zybilna have an Inn traverse her realm consent and are credited at each bit of the
and who would she charge to be its proprietor? Why supplement. If nothing is mentioned, that part is my
none other than her own mother, Baba Yaga, though own creation.
without Zybilna knowing who the kind old lady was. All of this is continually being play tested, and when
What is the big idea you find something particularly troublesome or
worked well at your table, if you have comments,
This supplement to the Wild Beyond the Witchlight corrections, critique or would like to add to this
campaign expands the random encounter of The Inn supplement, reach me on Reddit u/GoofySpooks. I
at the End of the Road in Hither, which as written is would love to hear how it worked or didn’t work for
more or less just a safe place to take a long rest. This you.
supplement turns The Inn into a memorable, and
maybe recurring, place for your PCs to not only rest, Spoiler Warning
but learn about the factions of the module, gamble, Using this supplement does offer a relatively high risk
have social and/or combat encounters, and get hints of spoiling Zybilnas true identity, if your players are
to the overarching plot of the campaign. It adds well versed in Tasha/Iggwilv or Baba Yaga lore. If you
potential conflict, intrigue and clues to an otherwise ran the prelude and had Candlefoot tell the tale of
peaceful encounter, as well as foreshadowing and Baba Yaga and her 4 daughters then the cat is out of
clues to the relationship between Zybilna, the Hags the proverbial bag already.
and their mother, Baba Yaga.
You can use this supplement as foreshadowing to a
potential follow up campaign after The Wild Beyond
the Witchlight: Dancing hut of Baba Yaga, or you can
simply use it as inspiration to add some flavour, mood
and shenanigans to the Inn at the End of the Road,
which from now on is just referred to as The Inn.
As always you can choose to use some, none or all of
it at your table. You are the DM.
Supplement Summary
Tsu Harabax is really Baba Yaga, disguised as a non-
magical, kind, elderly female innkeeper. Baba Yaga
made a deal with Zybilna and was charged with
running the Inn and ferrying mortals who came
seeking Zybilna the Godmother across Prismeer, and
to ferry the dead and their souls to wherever they may
need to go. Zybilna did not know it was Baba Yaga.
Baba Yaga of course knows who Zybilna really is, and
she wants to take Prismeer for herself. And so Baba
Yaga, disguised as Tsu Harabax, trades with
travellers, bides her time and pulls the strings of fate,
until she can make her move on Prismeer. The PCs
may notice or find clues to who Tsu Harabax really is
during their stay at the Inn.
You may want to have The Inn occur more than
once - perhaps once in each realm.

Baba Yaga
Britt Martin
PART 1 | The Why
Baba Yaga lore Tasha enlisted a powerful fiend, The Gentleman
If you want to introduce a legendary figure as Baba Caller, to kill the friends and allies of Isolde, an
Yaga a bit of background knowledge is in order. You eladrin paladin who, unknowingly, had killed several
can find the references at the very end of this of Tasha’s fiend allies.
supplement. When Isolde was alone, angry and emotionally
vulnerable, Tasha presented herself as Zybilna - the
Baba Yaga, The Mother of All Hags, The First Crone, archfey, friend and confidant - and manipulated Isolde
The Great Teacher, is a recurring figure in slavic folk into her role as protector of the Witchlight Carnival,
tales, an ugly, long-nosed ogre witch who lives in a which was the gateway to Prismeer, and wiped
magical hut on two chicken-legs, flys in a magic Isoldes memories Isolde grew restless and traded
cauldron, and eats children. There is really nothing carnivals with a pair of shadar-kai, Naeryx Krumple
whimsical about her, but she appears in many modern and Urmius Umbrage, who took the names of Mr.
day fantasy tales including the Witcher (who did you Witch and Mr. Light. Zybilna then wiped Isolde’s
think Voleth Meir aka “The Deathless Mother” was?), memories of Zybilna and Prismeer and sent fey to
Hellboy, John Wick, and of course in the lore of harass Isolde and keep her busy.
Wizards of the Coast’s Dungeons & Dragons. The amount of energy and emotions Tasha put into
Baba Yaga has three personas; The Mother, The creating her new persona, Zybilna, and her new
Wicket and The Hungry (22). No one knows if the domain, Prismeer, was astounding. Tasha even
three are one and the same or three different hags carved out and locked away key parts of her
who share the same name. Baba Yaga is mercurial in personality to better transform into the Fairytale
nature and often plays two very important roles in the Godmother Archfey role. These personality traits now
folk tales: That of the villain, who harms or seeks to bound in the Dretches at the nursery - or scattered
harm the protagonist, and that of the donor, who is around Prismeer if you adhere to the Eleventh Hour
helpful and gives the hero or heroine a magic agent — supplement.
sometimes within the same story (1). “She [Baba Learning of all of this, Baba Yaga felt that emotion
Yaga] is never depicted as kind, loving, or welcoming again. The domain of Prismeer was fresh and full of
– except when she thinks she is meeting her evening
change. Ripe for infection. Baba Yaga slipped
meal – but always sparks change in the life of the information of the whereabouts of Iggwilv the
central character or characters and provides the Witchqueen to Valor’s Call, and the rumour that she
necessary elements for their transformation and was in collaboration with the League of Malevolence.
liberation.” (2) In turn she informed the League of Malevolence about
an opportunity to seize the Staff of Power from
We shall also let Baba Yaga play both the role of the Valor’s Call and gain a foothold in the Feywild. To her
villain and donor - depending on your point of view other daughters, the hags of the Hourglass Coven, she
and how you feel about Zybilna and her chequered simply said how proud she was of dear Natasha who
past. had set herself up as archfey of Prismeer. That was all
it took for them to begin conspiring against her. Baba
Witchlight Backstory Yaga knows exactly what threads to pull.
Baba Yaga is really only interested in helping herself. Baba Yaga figures that when the dust clears she will
She does nothing simply for the benefit of others. have a new domain for herself, or true confidence in
There is always a hidden motive, often several, and her daughter’s abilities.
they all benefit Baba Yaga in the long run. She took in Baba Yaga and child Servant
the orphan girl, Natasha because she amused her, and Forest Rogers

later set her on a path to unlock the secrets that Baba

Yaga herself was too wise to go snooping into herself:
The paths of the nine hells and the secrets of the
When Natasha/Tasha/Iggvilw, against all odds,
actually managed to learn these long forgotten secrets
and became a lover/paramour/partner of Graz’zt,
Baba Yaga began to feel an emotion she was not
accustomed to: Fear? Jealousy? Pride? Baba Yaga
didn’t like it, so she let a few rumours slip to Graz’zt
and watched the relationship shatter (for good this
time?) and the enemies close in around Tasha. Tasha
did as she was taught and slid into hiding, carved out
a piece of the Feywild for her new domain, and took
the guise of archfey and benevolent Fairy Godmother.
She could be good. Its all about perspective, bending
the light, the truth and the future, and so she named
her domain: Prismeer.
PART 2 | The Why
The alias of Tsu Interacting with Tsu Harabax
Harabax Baba Yaga, disguised as Tsu Harabax, is welcoming
This Baba Yaga is the personae of “The Mother”, who and chatty and often leans in to whisper
is still wicket evil, but more reasonable and less conspiratorially. She is always eating, most often
ravenously hungry. In her guise as Tsu Harabax she roast chicken. She comes off as a little quirky, as she
has less mood swings and a more coherent and stable always talks about herself in the third person, never
personality: That of a welcoming and warm hearted referring to herself as I. “Tsu welcomes you!” or “Tsu
middle aged human woman, with only a slight talent dislikes the way of things in Prismeer.” This is a fey
for magic, who enjoys reading tarot cards and trading loophole out of not lying; using the disguise and
gossip with her guests. Using this disguise, Baba Yaga persona of Tsu Harabax to utter something that for
struck a bargain with Zybilna and was given The Inn Baba Yaga would be a lie.
to ferry mortals through Prismeer - and dispose of the Tsu offers free lodgings to any who claim to want to
dead, both body and soul. Corpses and lose spirits free Zybilna. Helping the PC’s free Zybilna from
would put any potential mortals out of their temporal stasis might speed up the process of Baba
bargaining mood, so Zybilna has “Tsu” traverse Yaga claiming Prismeer for herself, as Baba Yaga
Prismeer and pick them up and dispose of them - see needs Zybilna freed from temporal stasis in order for
“Working as a ferrywoman”. someone to kill her or for Graz’zt to claim her. Baba
While Zybilna fends for her existence, Baba Yaga Yaga doesn’t necessarily want to kill her other
can reap some of the benefits of the quiet life, trade children, but the splintering of Prismeer and the
trinkets, knowledge and secrets for lodgings, meals, Hourglass Coven’s lack of progress is not in Baba
information and the like. She uses these to secretly Yaga’s favour, and frankly, she is growing tired of her
craft potions and powerful spells in her secret children’s internal bickering, incompetence and of
workshop, entered via the false back wall of a being stuck in Hither.
wardrobe in Tsu’s room. See “Secret workshop” for Working as the ferrywoman of
more detail. Prismeer
And so Baba Yaga has put herself right in the
middle of it all, pulling the threads, in the guise of Tsu Like the ferryman of greek mythology, Charon of
Harabax the nice old Innkeeper at The Inn at the End Kharo, the ferryman of Hades who carries souls of the
of the Road. Because Baba Yaga knows that she newly deceased across the river Acheron/Styx, Tsu
herself will be the one to be there… at the end. Harabax and the Inn at the End of the Road carries
mortals across the realm of Prismeer. These mortals
usually seek Zybilna, known to be a benevolent fairy
godmother-like archfey. They have often tried all other
options and now come to seek aid from the archfey in
a desperate attempt to overcome whatever quarrels or
ailments that bother them. But traversing the feywild,
even Prismeer, is difficult and dangerous for mortals
at best. In order to help her worshippers, Zybilna
enrols Tsu Harabax to ferry them around in the
walking inn. Baba Yaga collects the fresh dead and
has ample opportunity to sate her hunger for flesh or
strike a bargain with dead and living alike.
If your PCs kill any NPCs in Hither (harengon
brigands or snakes at Slanty Tower for example), you
can choose to let them hear heavy footsteps in the
distance after they leave the place. Should they return
to investigate then the bodies/corpses are gone -
picked up by The Inn.

Tsu Harabax
GoofySpook Midjourney

PART 2 | The How

Roleplaying Card for Tsu Harabax
Personality Traits: Warm and hospitable, greeting guests with
(Baba Yaga) a grandmotherly kindness. Firm and unyielding when debts
Tsu Harabax enjoys her days at the Inn, the chatter and are unpaid or obligations overlooked.
gossip of the travellers and the quiet life as an Innkeeper in a
travelling Inn. She has grown bored of the Hither swamps Ideals: The virtues of hospitality and reciprocity reign
and desires freedom to roam the rest of Prismeer and see the supreme. Many disputes can be settled over a hearty meal.
Palace again. Tsu has an allegiance with Zybilna. Baba Yaga
however, revels in seeing others fall for her clever disguise, Bonds: Deeply connected to the Inn, seeing it as an extension
and would eat anyone if it served her purpose. of herself. Anyone aiding Zybilna earns Tsu’s trust and
Appearance: An aged woman with sun-kissed skin, silver-
white locks styled in intricate twists, adorned with an array of Flaws: Will not tolerate rudeness or misconduct within the
ornate jewellery. She bears the aura of a mystic seer from Inn’s walls. Insistent on collecting what’s due, by any means
distant shores. necessary.

Tsu Harabax
GoofySpook Midjourney

PART 2 | The How

Death Bargains with the ferrywoman
Tsu’s Blessing
To make things very interesting, and to give a very
substantial clue to your players that Tsu Harabax is A creature who has been granted Tsu’s Blessing may
not just a simple innkeeper, we will let Tsu Harabax choose to automatically get a Natural 20 on a d20 roll.
ferry the souls of those that die in Prismeer, even the This has to be declared before rolling the dice.
PCs. This can be instead of or in addition to the
“Death in Prismeer” table. Everything comes at a cost.
As a PC goes unconscious, their body slumps over,
but they open their eyes and their soul appears on the GM notes:

porch or in the bar of The Inn, where Tsu Harabax is Secret Cost:
laying tarot cards, preparing to do a reading of the The blessing can be used 3 times, but each time results
PCs fate. in an equal amount of automatically failed death saving
throws the next time these should be rolled.
“Tsu thought we might see eachother again, [PC Name]. You may choose to not reveal the cost of the blessing,
Come, let’s see what fate has in store for you and if Tsu but simply that everything has a cost. This adds more
might change it.” mystery to the blessing and to Tsu.
Passing on the blessing: What you should not reveal is

Tsu explains her role as a ferrywoman of Prismeer, that any spend charges of Tsu’s “blessing” is passed on to

the stakes of the PC and says the PC has a choice to Zybilna, which limits her powers slightly for each spend
make. This is where you as DM will have to make it charge, and Baba Yaga is instantly aware of Zybilna being
really interesting for the dying PC, use something unfrozen from temporal stasis, prompting her to attack.
from the PCs backstory that Tsu shouldn’t know, No death saves? A creature that has used Tsu’s blessing
perhaps the Wish from the Sycamore seed at the 3 times does not roll death saving throws. I would advise
Carnival or their worst fear from the Mystery Mine. letting them perform one final heroic act before life leaves

Tsu offers the PC a choice: them: “A hero’s death”. This makes for a heroic ending
and makes it easier to say goodbye to a PC.
A) accept Tsu’s blessing to pass on to Zybilna and
get returned to their body with half health (and
replenish up to half their spell slots and class Example of a death bargain with Tsu
abilities and hit dice if they have less than half) or
B) accept fate and death. You are in the Inn at the end of the Road, by the bar. Tsu
Harabax is behind the counter. She slides you a cup of
Eveningbarry Wine before picking up her tarot cards,
You can choose to offer the deal right there and then, shuffling them and lays 5 before you.
before the first death save, or you can wait a turn. “[PC Name]… Tsu don’t think this life and this place is
The other still conscious PCs continue the fight and
may or may not save the dying PC, but that is done with you just yet, [PC Name]. This place has gone rotten

irrelevant for this cross-cut scene at The Inn. ever since the Hourglass Coven took the reins. If you are
willing, Tsu will offer you a trade.“
On the dying PCs turn, they roll their death saving Tsu opens the front door and the sunshine spills in.
throws and Tsu turns/reveals a tarot card, and chats a “Tsu will put your soul back in your body and Tsu will grant
little, putting on a bit of pressure, though never you her blessing. In return you will swear to help free Zybilna
desperate. and bring that blessing with you to her so that the rightful
ruler may take the reign of Prismeer”.
If you have a set of tarot cards that is awesome and makes
for very dramatic story-telling, but if you don’t you can (Baba Yaga does not actually refer to Zybilna as the
narrate that Tsu “draws” one of the following, depending rightful ruler, but to herself as she is planning to take the
on how you tell your story (use the Major Arcana wikipedia realm for herself. A DC 27 Wisdom (Insight) check reveals
article for inspiration on their meaning): an alternative motive. A DC 18 History or Arcana will let
Initial proposal of the deal to help free Zybilna: The
Empress the PC know that the wording is extremely important when
Failing a death saving throw: The Hanged Man, Death, making deals with anyone in the feywild, especially if they
Devil, The Fool, or Judgement are fey. A DC 10 Intelligence (Investigation) reveals that
Succeeding on a death saving throw: Moon, Tower, Tsu apparently is something more than just human.)
Chariot, or Strength
Accepting the deal: The World, Justice, or Wheel of Tsu opens the door to her basement that is pitch black
Fortune “Or you can take your chances in the afterlife and the
unknown and nothingness that the lack of life entails. The
choice is yours, [PC name].”

PART 2 | The How

The Inn Entering The Inn
The Inn is the centre of this entire supplement. It has Entering The Inn the PCs are met with a comfortable
options for some fun roleplaying opportunities, but and relaxed, but also merry, atmosphere. There is a
can also be a more significant encounter than simply wonderful smell of something roasting and something
a place to get a long rest. sweet being backed wafting from the kitchen.
The structure Zybilna gifted to Tsu isn’t the famed Tsu is seated by the bar/counter eating the last bits
Dancing Hut of Baba Yaga. However, influenced by its of what looks like an entire roasted chicken while
owner’s presence and emotions over time, it has laying down tarot cards. She greets them after wiping
evolved. Much like many aspects of the Feywild, the her hands and mouth with a napkin.
building morphs in response to emotions, intentions, There are plenty of tables, each has 1 free seat. If
and desires. Since Zybilna’s entrapment in temporal anyone takes the last seat, another magically appears.
stasis, these transformations within the Inn have There is always room for one more.
quickened. Should your PCs visit the Inn multiple Staying at the Inn
times, they may notice differences with each visit. Everything comes at a price. Staying at the inn, meals,
While sitting at the bar or working in the common services, secrets and help. It all costs. Tsu doesn’t
area of the Inn, Tsu passes the time by eating and take payment up front. You can choose to have fixed
reading Tarot cards. She’ll happily do a non-magical prices, but I would advise simply letting the NPCs say
reading for her guests, but old habits die hard, and so something vague about putting it on their tab, settling
she often uses one of her well known opening lines: the bill when you leave. “One cannot expect to know
in advance what delightful memories one might make
“Did you come of your own free will, or at another's at The Inn” or “Oh don’t worry about it, you will
hardly feel your coin purse being lighter when you
leave”. This is because Tsu would rather deal in
“Good guests are of course welcome here.”
secrets, memories, trinkets and information than in
At other times she’ll use phrases that show her enigmatic gold.
nature, especially when doing a tarot card reading: Can I have your name?
“All things have their price, child.” If you haven’t already, you can run the fey prank of
“The answers you seek are not always the ones you “Can I have your names please?” If the PCs dont
want.” refute, this will give Tsu their names, and she can in
“In every truth, a riddle; in every riddle, a truth.” fact take the names from them. This can be a
“The path ahead is woven with both danger and bargaining chip should the PCs decide to try and run
destiny.” from the bill later. “You really ought to pay what is
owed. Tsu has your names, remember?”, at which
“Beware, for not all is as it seems.”
point the PCs will realise that they in fact don’t know
their own names - or any of their companions’ for that
Arrival of The Inn matter.
To maintain an element of surprise, consider having The true fey never lies. That doesn’t mean they tell the
The Inn come to rest before the PCs lay eyes on it. truth, mind you. “Your pretty smile is payment
When you’re ready for the PCs to stumble upon the enough” is more likely to mean that the cost will be
Inn, let them hear distant, heavy footsteps squelching your teeth rather than it being free of charge.
in the mud, muffled by the encompassing fog. These
steps halt just before revealing their source, and after Refusing to pay
a brief silence, the soft sounds of mud and water give During their stay they might see another guest refuse
way to the creak of a wooden door. Suddenly, the air to pay and have their spirit sucked through the
is filled with laughter, the clinking of glasses, and the floorboards. They then hear muffled shouting from
familiar hum of a bustling tavern. below the floorboards before the guest is returned
By letting The Inn settle down you avoid the PCs muddy and bruised but eager to pay. This expulsion is
spotting the chicken-legs that carry The Inn around. a lair action that both Aleksandr and Tsu can enact.
Upon arriving at The Inn, players will sense an
atmosphere alive with activity and merriment. This Map of The Inn
establishment serves as a beacon of joy and a If you need a map of the Inn, these free ones on
perceived sanctuary, standing in stark contrast to the Reddit may suffice: Here and Here.
vast, sparsely populated, and mist-shrouded swampy But I wanted to do a shout out to Douglas Lamore’s
marshlands of Hither. Patreon for this incredible layered map, which I used
myself, which is wonderful. I didn’t use the basement
floor though.

PART 3 | The What

Whats on the menu
Every table at the Inn has one seat open, no matter
how many PCs/NPCs are seated there. As the last End of the road Menu
seat is taken, another one magically appears. Cave Fisher is a type of lobster. Their blood is alcoholic.
Order Up, the red and orange plumed kenku, comes
by when signalled to do so by a guest by the table. Dragon Pepper is the spiciest pepper in the realm.

They are quite nervous that they might lose their job, Characters make a DC 18 Constitution Saving Throw when
but still puts very little effort in doing their job. There eating it. On a failed save, the character vomits and is
are very delicious treats to be had at the Inn, all nauseated for 1d4 hours.
cooked up by Arina the female white dragonborn who
can be heard singing in the kitchen. Impression Berries change your voice to sound like
someone else in the room.

@Poofimatree from the Witchlight Discord Bog Grog Ale: A mix of Rum, Orange Juice, and fermented
community made this menu with wonderful and herbs that, when drunk, causes the user to gain advantage
delicious treats and their effects. on saving throws against being poisoned for 30 minutes.

Faerie Fireball: is a delicious cinnamon whiskey made with

a touch of Fey magic. Causes uncontrollable hiccups for
1d4 hours. With each hiccup, a small cloud of shimmering
breath is released. Casting spells while under this effect
requires a DC 12 Constitution Saving Throw.

Sucker Punching a Rabbit: A single teabag steeped in the

biggest mug you have. Gives the drinker advantage on
stealth checks against Harengon Brigands.

Dragon’s Milk: Not really milk nor related to dragons. It’s

an expensive white drink, resembling milk that removes
any alcohol in your body. As a result, you exhale fire in the
form of a single burp, resembling a dragon.

Caramel Fritters have a Potion of Healing baked in.

Made by @Poofimatree

PART 3 | The What

Clues to Tsu’s real 3 severed hands
On the wall behind the counter is a painting of 3
identity hands on top of each other as a “hands in the middle”
There are several clues to Tsu Harabax’s real identity. sort of gesture. If asked, Tsu reveals that it was from
These minor and major clues should be tailored to fit some previous guests. In reality Tsu took a hand from
your group of players’ knowledge of Baba Yaga lore, each of three guests who refused to pay the bill and
and your desire to have them figure it out or not. Feel put them in the picture.
free to withhold some clues on their first visit. “It represents collaboration”
The painting is magical and allows the owner to
Minor clues cast mage hand 3 times by uttering the magical
These minor clues are meant to be relatively subtle. phrase “Lend a hand, will you”.
Baba Yaga has made a persona and alias and is not Tsu is constantly eating
likely to give it away by hanging the most tell-tale Baba Yaga is infamous for eating children and single
signs out in the open. She wants neither stray handedly devouring a feast that would fill a dozen
mortals, visiting fey, her daughters of the Hourglass grown men. Whenever the PCs see Tsu, she is eating
Coven or warlocks (Skylla) to see through her something or other. When they arrive at the Inn she is
disguise. Though as with all areas of the feywild they sitting at the counter actually eating the last scraps of
are influenced and changed by their inhabitants and a roasted chicken from a proper plate. At every other
their dominating emotions and intent. This changes time they see her she is eating something while
the Inn over time which has begun to reflect its owner. moving about; eating an apple; picking at a handful of
In exchange Baba Yaga’s alias and kind behaviour has nuts or some other snack ect.
begun to affect her personality. “I’ve always had a… healthy appetite. Is there
Catkin the scrawny black cat anything I can get you?”
The PCs will likely notice a black cat, Catkin, Vasilisa The Beautiful
wandering around The Inn. It’s rather scrawny and And The Red Horseman
looks hungry. Drawing inspiration from the tale of Ivan Bilibin
Vasilisa the Fair where the main character fed Baba
Yaga’s starving cat and it helped her in return, the cat
at The Inn is also friendly, purrs when scratched, and
will help the PCs with one skill check if they feed it.
Mechanically this allows the PC to roll a check with
advantage if the cat is in a position to help or
alternatively have Tsu roll her check with
disadvantage as the cat will distract her in order to
help the PCs who fed her.
Mortar and Pestle
In the kitchen is all the usual tavern kitchenware, but
also a small wooden mortar with a wooden pestle.
When Arina is in the kitchen the pestle often moves
on its own accord, grinding that which is in the
mortar. This is the iconic vehicle that Baba Yaga uses
not only as a mortar and cauldron, but also as a
means of transportation and flying. She has reduced
its size and hidden it in the kitchen as a mundane
kitchen utensil. For further description of this item
see Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything, page 121.
Sweeping broomstick
As all witches Baba Yaga has a broomstick. She
doesn’t use this for flying however, but for sweeping
away evidence of her deeds. The Inn is constantly
being swept by a magical broomstick. It doesn’t speak,
but its non-verbal communication is not very polite
and it often expects the guests of The Inn to get up
from their tables so that it can sweep under the chairs
and tables they are sitting at. This sweeping nuisance
can magically remove any and all stains and evidence
of mishap - be it stains from the yummy feywild berry
pie or droplets of blood from guests who didn’t want
to settle their bill.
PART 3 | The Who
Long nose Skull fence posts
Tsu will often sniff the air and comment on the smell Baba Yaga has a hut fenced in by skull lanterns. It
wafting from the kitchen, often before the PCs notice goes against the mood of the Inn and is very obvious
anything. This is a reference to Baba Yaga, who is to players who know Baba Yaga lore and to the Hags
known for having a very long nose. She might use this and Zybilna. Instead you might have the chandelier be
to locate those she is searching for, as her excellent an elaborate piece of decorative metal work, with a
sense of smell gives her true sight of 60 feet but only if central post that hangs from the ceiling and 8 arms
there isn’t anything blocking the way or the direction jutting out from the centre, each with a metal sphere
of wind doesn’t allow it. at the end with two holes through which the light
escapes and casts a warm glow. On subsequent visits
Baba Yaga’s three horsemen
the metal spheres of this chandelier resemble skulls
Baba Yaga is so powerful that even “the very times of more and more.
dawn, noon, and night were all subservient to her
whims” (2). This is represented with the NPCs Arina, A hut on Chicken Legs
Aleksandr and Order Up. Tsu uses nicknames for If you want to make the connection between Tsu and
them, calling them “My Bright Dawn, my Red Sun, Baba Yaga more obvious, you can have the legs of the
and my Dark Midnight”. They use this statblock. Inn be chicken legs. For dramatic effect you should
Major clues
only reveal this to your players after they have had a
long rest in the Inn and traded with Tsu or if they are
These clues are more obvious and only to be used if transported to the underside of the Inn and crushed.
you either want the players to make the connection, or That should give them a commodity of respect for the
if your players have no knowledge of Baba Yaga and nice old lady who let them stay at her Inn.
her lore. Name her Barbara Jaegger
Iron teeth This might be too on the nose, but if your players have
Baba Yaga having iron teeth is, as most of the other no clue who Baba Yaga is, this might not spoil it for
clues, debatable. It’s quite odd and is likely to incur them.
some questions from the PCs, and players who know Skylla rambles about her patron
of the Annis Hag might have some suspicion. I’d leave Skylla of the League of Malevolence could pay a visit
this one out until Tsu is waving the PCs goodbye. DC to the Inn. The PCs will later learn that Skylla is a
12 perception check lets the characters notice that warlock with Baba Yaga as her patron. See Side
her teeth aren’t white, but metallic black like iron quests for more detail.
burned over a candle flame. And slightly more pointed
than normal.

Old Pictures of Tsu Harabax

As a red herring, Tsu has put up supposed drawings of herself when she was younger. These depict a slightly younger and a
quite young edition of Tsu Harabax. The resemblance is remarkable and it requires a DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) check to
notice that they are not actual portraits of the same woman at different times, but painted around the same time.

PART 3 | The Who

Secret Workshop The door can also be effortlessly unlocked by voicing
the command word “Trade”. However, from within
Getting in the workshop, the door responds only to the word
Hidden within the wardrobe closet of Tsu’s room is a “Bargain”. This passphrase can be deduced by
concealed entrance to Baba Yaga’s clandestine examining labels on various items within the
workshop. This secret door is safeguarded by an workshop, where the capitalised letters collectively
arcane lock, which can be unlocked with a blend of spell out the secret word.
blood and saliva. One can either make a small cut on
their hand, spit into the wound, and then press their Labelled items in the workshop
palm against the door, or simply bite their tongue and Boggle oil, Alligator tears, Roasted dryad heartwood,
spit directly onto it. In either case, the door will open footprint of a Giant, barbarians Anger, Iced eyes, Nilbog
without a sound. nose-hairs

Baba Yaga has ensured the door remains elusive.

Detecting its presence demands a DC 18
Investigation, Perception or Arcana check, with keen Inside the workshop
observers noting subtle discrepancies in the The secret workshop is a horribly crowded laboratory
floorboards or faint magical auras surrounding the and workshop with voodoo dolls, a cage with dead
entrance. Discerning the method to unlock it requires rats and a cage with live rats, a jar of eyeballs,
a DC 19 Intelligence (Arcana) check. However, if one beholder tears, ground unicorn hoof, chimaera vomit,
employs Detect Magic or a similar, the DC is reduced and all manner of ingredients and potions along with
to 13. It’s worth noting that scrying or divining into or a bubbling cauldron - this is a perfect opportunity to
out of the workshop is rendered impossible. run a Potion Puzzle (for inspiration go here or here).
Most items are unlabeled, but with proficiency in
alchemist’s supplies or herbalism tools they would be
able to identify ingredients worth a total of 83 gold
and (at the DM’s discretion) several useful spell
components along with several dangerous potions:
Potion of poison, vial of acid, Potion of Greater
Healing, Potion of Detect Thoughts, Potion of
Chest full of letters
The workshop also has a locked and trapped chest,
which contains letters in a variety of languages. The
chest requires a DC 16 Dexterity (Thieves Tools) to
open without leaving signs of tampering. 10-15
unlocks the chest but leaves clear signs of tampering.
1-9 springs a trap from inside the locking mechanism
and animates the medium-sized chest which springs
to life and tries to flee the workshop and warn Tsu
Harabax/Baba Yaga.
The letters within are from powerful entities, asking
where “The Witch Queen” (or “Tasha” or “Iggwilv”
depending on how much you want to reveal about
Zybilnas identity) is. Remove or add as details to each
letter depending on the Tasha/Iggwilv lore knowledge
of your players. One of the letters is from Graz’zt,
written in infernal, asking for the whereabouts of “the
Witch Queen of Perrenland”, addressed to “Dear
Yanca of Murkendraw”, which is the first area that
Baba Yaga ruled.
Some of the notes and letters that catch the PCs
attention are written by u/Mintaroni.
Original idea by u/justinsanak.
Baba Yaga is an extremely powerful spellcaster, and it
makes sense that she’d have a spellbook filled with
powerful magic that the PCs may find. This is a
chance to both provide another clue to her identity

PART 3 | The Who

and show her magic capabilities, but also to troll your Consequences of discovery
players as the magic is too advanced for them to learn:
Baba Yaga is currently laying low and waiting for
Zybilna, the Hags, League of Malevolence and Valor’s
Wish, Power word kill, Animate objects, Tasha’s caustic
Call to finish each other off and then swoop in on her
brew, Tasha’s hideous laughter, Tasha’s mind whip,
mortar and claim Prismeer for herself. In the
Tasha’s otherworldly guise meantime she is gathering magical supplies for her
Any other spells you actually want your wizard to have.
spellcrafting and doesn’t want her identity revealed.
Should the PCs connect the dots and discover Tsu
Harabax’s true identity it will cast some light on what
is currently going on in Prismeer. If they are foolish
enough to talk loudly about this discovery by
Written in Primordial. The parchment seems to shift
between solid, liquid, and gaseous states, the words burn mentioning Baba Yaga’s name, the black cat, Catkin,
with a fiery intensity before cooling to a readable form. will try to warn the characters before they go
confronting Baba Yaga. Likewise, if the Chest full of
First Crone, Keeper of the Ancient Ways Letters runs off, Catkin will try to aid the PCs in trying
Where is Tasha? She owes me a debt
to stop it. But only if it got a treat at the table - or
Ages ago, Tasha sought the heart of my realm, extracting
thinks it might get one later on.
secrets that were not hers to take. The balance of the
elemental planes wavers because of her actions. Baba Yaga has by now been influenced quite heavily
by the Feywild and is inclined to strike a deal - or else
- Kossuth, Lord of the Everflame, Elemental Plane of Fire. simply strike them down.
A deal with Baba Yaga
Baba Yaga makes two kinds of deals (or more at your
Written in Infernal. This letter is crumpled in the middle, discretion):
as if clenched tightly in an angry fist.
Their silence or Baba Yaga eats their life energy
Dear Yanca of Murkendraw
Where is the Witch Queen of Perrenland? You know we The PCs will keep the secret. Should they break the
were involved this past millenia, and I’ve been dying to see her promise and reveal Tsu Harabax’s true identity to anyone
and catch up again. Plus I believe she has a few things of that doesn’t already know, their nights will be haunted by
mine. A conversation is long overdue. Answer, or I will find you nightmares that put the Mystery Mine to shame and will
and ask in person.
be unable to benefit from a long rest again, until they take
Kisses from Graz’zt actions to ensure the secrecy of Baba Yaga’s identity - with
whatever means necessary. For a non-violent solution you
Written in Celestial and glows with a soft, divine light. may present the PCs with a one-time-use item that casts
Amnesia or similar memory altering magic.
Crone of the Crossroads,
I am Seraphiel, a Solar of Mount Celestia. The heavens Their memories of the clues for being allowed to leave
seek Iggwilv, previously known as Hura. Her actions have If you as a DM don’t want to deal with exhaustion or
disturbed the cosmic balance, and she must answer for them.
finding a smooth way to give your characters a “Wand of
Your reputation as a keeper of secrets and a master of hidden Amnesia” later on, you can have Aleksandr wipe the
paths precedes you. We urge you to assist in locating her. memories of the clues from the PCs’ minds as they leave
While the heavens prefer diplomacy, do not mistake our
the Inn.
patience for weakness. It would be unwise to stand in our way.
Aid us, and you shall find the heavens can be generous.
Oppose us, and you may find our light less than benevolent.
To pay their bill, either in addition to or in stead of
By the Scales of Justice,
their usual bill, Tsu asks to be allowed to pluck and
Seraphiel of the Upper Planes
keep a single strand of hair or similar from their
heads. This is payment and collateral, as Baba Yaga
Written in sylvan may use this to curse the PCs should they break their
To the Mother of all Witches
vow of silence.
I write to you in an hour of greatest need. I have lost all
contact with Iggwilv and am in need of your assistance. I
humbly ask for your advice in how to find this one of your
daughters, or advice as to where I shall send my reports on the
ongoing proceedings of the fey courts. Both summer and
winter courts are eying the domain of Prismeer, as Zybilna has
so far declared allegiance to neither. I have valuable
information from the courts. Perhaps a bargain can be struck?

Raezil Uthemar of the Summer Court”

PART 3 | The Who

NPCs at the Inn
Inspired by amazing homebrewers and DM’s of the
Witchlight Discord and SubReddit, the Inn has
several guests and employees when your adventurers
enter it, many of which can be found here by
And stat blocks by u/Phaerlax here and here.
Arina, the chef
Female white Dragonborn, works as the chef in the
kitchen. She has white scales and eyes the colour of
the sky just before the sun peeks over the horizon.
She might sing the “Good Morning” from the Singing
in the Rain musical if you are so inclined.
Arina knows Tsu Harabax’s true identity, but will
never reveal it as she is loyal to Baba Yaga.
This NPC is named after the person who collected
and edited the fairytale of Baba Yaga and her black
cat. Arina represents the first horseman, who in turn
represents dawn, from the tale of Vasilisa the Fair.
Order-Up, the waiter
A recreation of @Moth’s original idea, Order-Up is a
kenku (Non-Binary). Their plume is made of red and
orange feathers. They are neurotic and afraid of being
fired but also puts in very little effort in their job. They
respond only with sounds they have heard before or
echoes what the players say to acknowledge that they
have heard their order. When asked about their name
they answer with the sound of a dinging clock, then
Arina’s voice shouting “Order-Up!”.
Order-Up knows Tsu Harabax’s true identity, but is
also loyal to Baba Yaga.
Order-Up represents the second horseman, who in
turn represents day/noon or the sun, from the tale of
Vasilisa the Fair.
Aleksandr the bouncer
Every respectable establishment has a bouncer. At the
Inn at the End of the Road this is Aleksandr.
Aleksandr is an unarmed tabaxi fighter with no
apparent weapons. His fur is midnight black and his
eyes shine like the moon on a cloudless night. Should
push come to shove Aleksandr does the pushing AND
the shoving. Right out of the nearest door or window
in fact. He and Tsu have the ability to use Ethereal
Joust as a lair action, which will plunge the target
straight through the floorboards and out of the Inn to
be crushed by the Inn as it settles down on them.
Aleksandr knows Tsu Harabax’s true identity, but
won’t reveal it.
Aleksandr is named after a collector of the slavic folk
tales regarding Baba Yaga. Aleksandr represents the
third horseman, who in turn represents night - or
death - from the tale of Vasilisa the Fair.

PART 3 | The Who

Vasilisa the Maid When Ernest’s body is at the Inn, Ellywick would be
Vasilisa is a male half-orc adult that does possible and singing a banana tribute song which has the monkey-
impossible tasks for Tsu around the Inn. He wears a man grinning and enjoying the song:
white apron and a typical old timey white classic
french maids uniform with apron and hat. Besides Ellywick knows a tune for every occasion
changing sheets and dusting off, the PCs will see “When you haven’t got time to eat
Vasilisa separating grains of rotten corn from sound Unzip a banana
corn and the like. Vasilisa quite likes his job here, When you fancy a fruity treat
never knowing what tomorrow might bring. He used Unzip a banana”
to work in a demented wizards tower who cared more
about his familiars than his tower which had a tree You might use this statblock created by u/Phaerlax.
growing in one of the windows and was so slanted it For an elaboration on Ellywick, see Ellywick
could topple over any second A Familiar’s Quandary. Expanded by u/hearden.
As a fun gig you could say he used to work for If you are playing online, you can use this Spotify
Madryck Rosloff. Playlist for songs and ambience. All tunes are
Vasilisa doesn’t know who Tsu Harabax really is, originally written by Ellywick Tumblestrum, the
and firmly believes her to be a kind but firm middle greatest bard in the multiverse.
aged woman with no magical talent to speak of.
Reunion: If you have already introduced Ellywick to
To anyone versed in real world Baba Yaga lore, the characters as a means of getting to Prismeer, she
separating corn is one of the chores Vasilisa the Fair could be happy to see them being on the right path.
was tasked with in order to get fire from Baba Yaga
and not get eaten. If your players would know this you Ellywick Unstuck: If you are running the Ellywick
can choose to name the maid differently and switch Unstuck, this might be where Ellywick really meets
up the tasks. the characters for the first time and she probingly
asks “Hello, my name is Ellywick Tumblestrum and
Vasilisa the Maid this is the… first… time we’re meeting?”
Goofyspook using MidJourney You may want to introduce her earlier as a random
bystander in the line in front of the ticket booth or
playing at the feasting orchard, just to add a sense of
recurrence and events across realms.
Sobella of Danzeluce
Originally by u/ZemblanityFalls here with a statblock
by u/Phaerlax.
Sobella could have recovered her sanity and calmed
down slightly if the PCs have helped remove her
curse, though she could be distraught after having
realised that her love for Octavian was true all along.
She is waiting for her one true love to come and find
her. She currently stays in the room in the tower - she
is a princess after all.
Additional NPCs
To have the Inn come to life you may roll on the
Random Inn Guest Table or simply pick those you
SideQuest NPCs like. If you plan on having the Inn reappear several
times during your campaign, tailor each visit to the
You have an opportunity to use the Inn as a quest part of the campaign that your PCs are currently at.
hub or place a lot of different NPCs that offer help or
quests for your PCs. d11 NPC
1 Penelope the Chicken
Satyrs playing cards
Ellywick Tumblestrum 2 Alinora the Bard 8 Two elfs
Ellywick could be playing a lovely tune quietly by the 3 Felsa the gnome trader 9 Harengons
hearth or a wild enticing “clap and sing along” tune 4 Lornling Patrol 10 Ernest’s body
while jumping from table to table, much to the 5 Lizard and Owl on Date 11 Toasted-Cheese
amusement of the Satyrs and most other current 6 Molliver and Elkhorn 12 Young dryad in a pot
patrons (and owner) of the Inn - Ellywick is the most
amazing bard in the multiverse after all.

PART 3 | The Who

Penelope the Chicken Alinora the Bard
Made by u/VeiraVX. Original art by nerdeeart, Made by u/VeiraVX.
repainted by @RayMurata and seen in the
background below, along with Catkin, the black cat. Alinora is strumming a lute by the fireplace and has a
large burlap sack next to her, presumably for tips. She
This chicken has glowing red eyes and is wearing a can tell the PCs:
witch’s hat. It’s sitting by the bar. She knows several The rules of conduct and will go into detail about
things and loves gossip:
reciprocity, especially about her giving music and
She saw a balloon go down by the Slanty Tower, joy.
and she can point the PCs in the general direction She can explain how much the fey love weird
She knows that Prismeer has been split into four random trinkets and stories and emotions, as these
fragments, one for each of the members of the are all not generated in the feywild.
Hourglass Coven and the Palace at the centre and Alinora has got a lot of trinkets as tips for
binding point. performing in the Inn. She will offer to give some to
She has heard a rumour: “Control the mist, control the party if they join her in a performance or teach her
Prismeer”. She believes it means that the Coven a new song.
can control who can travel the mist between
realms. They will need help from someone who Felsa the gnome trader
has permission or knows the way if they want to Made by u/VeiraVX.
She can offer to Remove Curse to someone Felsa sells rings and is sitting by a table with a
suffering from nightmares from the Mystery Mine, jewellery kit making things with a modest sign on the
but for a price - something specific to your table saying “Falsa’s Fine Rings and Things”.
campaign, picking up Penelope’s bill (which could Currently on display are a collection of various
be extensive) or even for a favour in the future ornamental rings, all non-magical. Felsa will create an
(possible future quest hook). ornamental ring for anyone who asks in exchange for
a trinket or coin. These rings can be viewed as
trinkets as well. Felsa might buy stuff from the PCs in
exchange for trinkets, if they need to unload

Ophelia confesses her love at the inn

Ray Murata

PART 3 | The Who

Lornling patrol Lizard and owlin on a date
You can find a stat block for the Lornlings here by Invention of @Moth.
Zibek is a male lizardfolk. Osragel is a female owlin.
Bavlorna sends her lornlings spying in all regions of They are on a date and would prefer to be left alone.
Hither but doesn’t leave her cottage herself - she’s too They are frustrated by the boisterous satyrs ruining
lazy. their romantic date.
Three lornlings enter the Inn. Two of them enter by Molliver and Elkhorn
the front door, the last one sneaks in through the attic. Molliver and Elkhorn were supposed to meet with
If the party hasn’t outright killed the lornling thief at their leader, Stronghard, but he never showed up.
the carnival, one of these lornlings is the one from the They might reveal that they came here searching for a
Carnival. group of evil-doers known as the League of
When the lornling enters the Inn the mood changes Malevolence, who is rumoured to have come to
dramatically. Most people are quiet and avoid eye Prismeer. It’s been a while now, and Molliver
contact with the lornling. Tsu is courteous and suspects that something has befallen their comrades
hospitable as per the rules of hospitality, but doesn’t and so Molliver and Elkhorn will split up and go
like the scrutiny. search for them. If the PCs interact, they can learn all
One lornling stays by the front door, the other this. If they don’t, they’ll simply see Molliver and
creeps around the common room, then has a short Elkhorn bang their cups together, “Valor’s Call!”,
chat with Toasted Cheese about the search for the down their drinks, do a predator-high-five, and walk
Bandersnatch Toast Cheese is supposed to be doing. out the door of the Inn.
The sneaky one from the attic listens at all the doors.
They all exit at the next stop, unless they find the PCs. Two elfs
Any NPC can warn the PCs that there are always These two elfs, Avroniel and Thailia, sit at a table with
three of them. a map between them. The map is an elegant, but
The characters may try to hide or blend in with the inaccurate (as the feywild cannot be mapped) sketch
crowd to avoid being seen by the lornling, succeeding of Hither with the Palace of Hearts Desire in the
on a DC 14 Dexterity (Stealth) Check or DC 12 northern end. They are trying to get to the Palace and
Charisma (Deception or Performance) check. Should see Zybilna for a favour. Their daughter went missing
a lornling spot them, it will croak and run for the door when the Carnival was visiting their realm, and now
and try to get back to Bavlorna to inform her that they are going to ask Zybilna for help finding her. If
someone who was snooping around the Carnival has not Zybilna, then the hags. They are hopeful and
entered Hither. The PCs may try to stop them, but optimistic. If your PCs lost their (memories of their)
neither Tsu nor any of the Inn staff will aid - except for parents, perhaps these are it?
maybe Catkin.
Tsu helps Sven get confirmation that his daughter
is alive and somewhere in Prismeer
Ray Murata

PART 3 | The Who

Satyrs playing cards Shape of Moon
Made by @Moth from the Witchlight Discord
community. You roll a d20, d12 and a d6. The goal is to get a number
as far away from 21 as possible. So 3 is the best (Full
At a table two (or 3) satyrs are playing dice, Wild Jack Moon), then 38 (Lunar Eclipse), then 4, then 37 ect.
or Shape of Moon. Their names are Dawn Chorus (or
if you want a more greek-sounding name: Fyfan) and You buy in to play.
Raucous Winds aka Roxie (or Kofia). If you want a Every participant rolls a d20. Then go around the table:
third one to use the number 3 more often, you can Check, Raise, Fold.
include Vansel, who the party might meet again later. Every remaining participant rolls a d12. Then go around
This allows you to introduce him as a frivolous the table: Check, Raise, Fold.
joyseeking and impulsive satyr - which explains why
he is later caught and imprisoned in the cages at Every remaining participant rolls a d6. Then go around

Bavlorna’s hut. the table: Check, Raise, Fold.

Roxie has a very high pitched shrill laugh after Then everybody reveals their total number. The player
having lost a low stakes round, but has two locks of with the number furthest away from 21 is the winner and
red in her otherwise blond hair. Dawn Chorus has two takes it all.
streaks of grey in his otherwise red hair, after having
lost two rounds, but his laugh is very deep and rich Example: The d20 is a 6, the NPC or PC decides to raise
(out of proportion to his voice when he is not the stakes with a year of their life span as a 6 on a d20 is
laughing). Vansel continually tries to bet his clothes fairly good. When the time comes to roll the second dice,
and turn the card game into a “strip poker” sort of this NPC or PC rolls a 7 on the d12, and simply checks, as
situation, but the others keep shutting him down. their total is creeping close to 21. When the time comes to
roll the d6 this NPC or PC rolls a 4.That totals to 17. Fair,
Wild Jack but still bad if the goal is a total as far away from 21 as
Roll 2d6, get 12 or as close to as possible. possible. Interesting thing about this game is that rolling
low on every roll is just as good as rolling high. And going
The participants roll one after another, but do not reveal
around the table between each dice lets the game build
until everyone has rolled and had a chance to Hit (get
tension as players get a chance to bluff and raise and do
another d6) or Stay. If you roll more than 12 you lose and
insight checks.
must declare so immediately, losing whatever you have
bed. The winner takes it all.

Sleight of Hand vs Perception of every other participant to Satyr bets:

re-roll a dice. If the satyrs are feeling confident they bid high:
A point of a stat
Ceaseless Energy (the ability to stay up all night partying
and still get up the next day, worth 1 use of the fighter-
class’ “Second Wind” ability)
Aggressive Merriment (the quality that makes Roxie get
bossy or pushy when she is excited, worth advantage on
a shove check or similar manoeuvre).
All-or-Nothing Coin
If the satyr don’t feel confident about their rolls they bid low:
The colour from a lock of hair
The low tones of their laughter
Their ability to get drunk for a day
A year of their lifespan
A strum of luck (inspiration)
Advantage on a skill check
Their initiative (Advantage on an initiative roll)
A feywild trinket
A recipe for a hangover cure (Potion of Vitality)

You should continue the list with things your players

would gamble for

MtG: Gallia of the Endless Dance

Johannes Voss
PART 3 | The Who
Harengons Toasted-Cheese and Snark
Invention of @Moth from the Witchlight Discord Original description by u/ZemblanityFalls and
community, rewritten by GoofySpooks. statblock by u/Phaerlax.
If the party has left some of the brigands beaten but Toasted-Cheese is a goblin with a big wooden mask.
alive, you can have these be deserters of Agdons Snark is his pet velociraptor. They are Bavlorna’s
brigands. If not, then they are simply 3 harengons. beast hunters, are somewhat loyal to Bavlorna and
will go a long way to please her. They catch beasts for
Three harengons are eating at the Inn at the End of her taxidermy hobby and are the ones providing the
the Road. Donal (maybe a former brigand sniper from crate of taxidermy “supplies” in the cottage in
Brigand encounter) and Miss Labot (perhaps a former Downfall where Illiq the Baron of Muckstump is
druid from the band of brigands) are dating and Agnes planning his coup.
(Donal’s mom) took them to eat at the Inn. Agnes If nothing in your campaign says otherwise, then
greatly disapproves of Agdon and his ways. Donal and Toasted-Cheese doesn’t currently know about the PCs
Miss Labot have had a change of heart after his run-in or their plan to confront Bavlorna, but is on a mission
with the PCs. Donal used to think Agdon Longscarf to find Bavlorna’s taxidermy pet Bandersnatch.
was the perfect example of a cool harengon, but after
being confronted with the fact that giving up one’s Young dryad in a pot
most precious memory is terrible they both decided to Invention of TheBaziel.
find another way of making a living. Donal recently
asked Miss Labot out. Agnes is there acting as a In the corner is a small tree in a pot. The tree is
chaperone for the two young rabbits - which is custom swaying slowly. The tree is home to a young dryad
as part of the population control in their culture. teenager, Pinea, who was saved from the clearcutting
They are currently discussing starting a carrot of parts of Thither back when the mists was first
plantation with Donal’ keen eye for detail and Labot’s starting to roll in. Tsu saved the young dryad and she
magical ways of manipulating mud. They just need to in return helped Tsu navigate through the mists from
find somewhere that isn’t flooded regularly and some Thither to Hither. She doesn’t know the way back
carrots to get started. though. She is a surly teenager and is essentially
stuck at the Inn, much to her disliking. She wants
Ernest’s body with a monkeys mind nothing more than to be repotted into a bigger pot and
Idea originally by TheBaziel. eventually rejoin the other trees of Thither again.
Earnest from the Witchlight Carnival swapped minds If you’ve run the Within Brigands Tollway supplement
with a baboon after having too much brambleberry by Dan Kahn, you can have Demelyn chatting to the
wine and being on the receiving end of a prank by a young dryad.
leprechaun. The prank turned a little sour when the Skylla
monkey ran off with his body. As with so many other In the campaign as written, the League of
lost things, the body ended up in Prismeer and now Malevolence is introduced very late. Consequently
resides in the chandelier of the Inn. their story doesn’t get as much attention as it might
A middle-aged man wearing no clothes whatsoever merit. To foreshadow the League of Malevolence, you
with long dreadlocks swings from a chandelier eating could introduce the members of the League of
a banana in abe-like fashion. He enjoys Calliope music Malevolence earlier. Some suggest having one of the
but broke the record players that sit on a shelf in the members as early as in the Carnival and having Zarak
corner. This can be repaired by a PC with proficiency attempt to assassinate King Gullop in Downfall.
in an appropriate artisans tool, i.e. tinkers tools, As for the Inn, you can have Skylla pay Tsu a visit.
blacksmithing, woodworkers, thieves tools and the You may want to wait until the party has arrived at
like. The DC is 14 and allows the playing of calliope either Thither or Yon with this encounter, because it
music from the record player much to the enjoyment almost certainly gives away Tsu’s real identity. For
of the monkey-man, who will in turn grant the players further description see “A malevolent visit by Skylla”
responsible advantage on a skill check while at the under “Side quests and Encounters at the Inn”.
inn, if it makes sense for the monkey-man to assist in
any way.
The monkey-man hates the sight of Clurichauns,
and will scream and start throwing things wildly if it
sees one. Tsu knows this and will warn the PCs if they
accept to rid the basement of the Clurichaun.

PART 3 | The Who

The Lost and Found Box of the Inn
Original idea by u/Horror_Ad_5893.
Your PCs may try their luck rummaging through the Lost and Found box. There seem to be some magical items in
there, and occasionally a piece of clothing has a trinket tucked away in a pocket. This is an opportunity for your
PCs to acquire a new wardrobe and an opportunity for you to give them more trinkets if they have run out. Feel
free to change the pieces of clothing to suit your table.
Tucked away at the end of a dimly lit hallway upstairs from the bustling common room of the Inn, there lies a peculiar wooden
box. Its exterior is worn, with faded carvings of playful sprites and mischievous pixies dancing around its edges. A brass plaque
affixed to the front reads, “Lost and Found.”
The box has seen countless items left behind by the Inn’s myriad guests over the years. From the whimsical to the mundane,
each item tells a silent tale of a traveller’s journey or a momentary lapse of attention. Some say the box itself has a touch of
magic, drawing to it the forgotten belongings of those who pass through the Inn’s doors. Others say that it is not a box at all.

Lost and Found Box at the Inn Minor Magical Items

When PCs decide to rummage through the Lost and When PCs find a “Minor magical item” in the Lost
Found box, have them roll a d20 to determine what and Found box, have them roll a d8 to determine
whimsical piece of clothing or item they find: which one-time use magical item they obtain:
d20 Item Found d8 Item Found
1 A hat with a wide brim that seems to be perpetually 1 Feywild Glitter Dust: When sprinkled over oneself, allows
drooping over one eye. the user to upscale a spell by 1 level without using a
2 Boots with mismatched laces; one is a vibrant pink, the higher spell slot.
other a calm blue. 2 Tea-Leaves of Calm Emotions: Brewing and drinking this
3 Minor magical item (Roll on a separate table) tea has the same effect as the ‘Calm Emotions’ spell for
4 A cloak with a pattern of dancing badgers that seem to 10 minutes.
move when you’re not looking directly at them. 3 Magical Whetstone: Sharpening a blade with this stone
5 Gloves with individual pockets for each fingertip. grants it a +1 bonus for 1 hour.
6 A belt that seems to be made entirely of interwoven 4 Charm of Momentary Flight: When activated, grants the
daisy chains. user the ability to fly for a distance of up to 30 feet before
7 Spectacles with one round lens and one square lens. gently descending.
8 Minor magical item (Roll on a separate table) 5 Prism Shard: Reflecting a source of light towards an
9 A scarf with a pattern that looks like a map of an enemy gives them disadvantage on their next attack or
unknown city. spell attack that requires sight.
10 Socks with individual toe sections, each toe section a 6 Bead of Refreshing Breeze: When crushed, releases a gust
different vibrant colour. of wind that has the same effect as the ‘Gust of Wind’
11 A vest that has a patchwork of various fabrics, including spell for 1 round.
one that looks suspiciously like dragon scales. 7 Petal of Quick Healing: When consumed as a bonus
12 A cravat with tiny embroidered images of laughing action, restores 1d4+2 hit points.
gnomes. 8 Quill of Message: Writing a note with this quill and
13 A brooch shaped like a yawning owl. addressing it to someone allows the note to magically
14 Shoes with soles that look like they’re made of sponge. appear in the recipient’s pocket or bag.
15 A mask with an exaggerated frown on one side and a
grin on the other. Items Found in Pockets
16 Earmuffs made of what appears to be fluffy cloud
material. d4 Item Found
17 A shawl that looks like a patchwork of different animal 1 A small, intricately folded paper crane with a message
furs, none of which are recognizable. written in tiny script inside.
18 A necklace made of interlinked spoons. 2 A single, luminescent feather that glows faintly in the
19 A bandana with a pattern of floating feathers. dark.
20 A flyer for the Litwick Carnival‡, announcing its arrival 3 Feywild Trinket (Roll on the Feywild Trinket table)
and its main acts, including Charlotte the fire eater and 4 A tiny vial containing a mysterious, shimmering liquid
the Hall of Horrors. that changes colour when shaken.

‡ The Litwick Carnival is the common name of the carnival that Mr. Witch and Mister Light originally owned, previously also
known as L’Moria or simply “The Carnival’’. It travels the Domains of Dread, now led by Isolde, and was plagued by incursions
of Fey and Fiends at Zybilna’s behest, before Zybilna was caught in temporal stasis.

PART 3 | The Who

Side quests and
encounters at the Inn
The Inn is a perfect opportunity for you to introduce
the players and PC to the rules of Prismeer:
Hospitality, Ownership and Reciprocity. The following
side quests and encounters are built to underline
these rules and maybe unveil some feywild mechanics
and lore, and reveal some of the story arch of the
campaign and this supplement. But they can also
simply be used as an opportunity for you PCs to
engage in a combat encounter where the social
recompense of choosing a violent option isn’t as
detrimental as many of the others in the module.
Quest Hooks
There are several ways to hook your PCs to do these
sidequests, and these 3 seems the easiest:
Bouncer for the night
Tsu asks the PCs to act as bouncers for the “night”, as
the Alexandr has an errand to run, and the Inn needs
a substitute while he is gone.
Pay the bill
Another hook is simply that Tsu wants something in
return for her letting the party stay, or as a reduction
to the charges of meals, drinks and rooms.
The price of information
Tsu asking them to do one or both of these tasks
could be part of a bargain for a particularly interesting
piece of information that the party needs. This could
be the hags’ weaknesses, how to get to downfall, or
how to move through the mist to the other splinter

Vasilisa with Baba Yaga’s Fire

Kate Adams

PART 3 | The Who

Clurichaun in the basement Aileen’s Never Have I Ever

Originally by @Chatty and TheBaziel from the This game is an excellent opportunity for your PCs to
Witchlight Discord. learn more about each others backgrounds and lifes
before they (re)united at the Witchlight Carnival.
Sidequest overview Aileen is fairly insightful and can, when she gets her
The PCs are tasked with escorting out a squatter in head in the game, start saying very personal “Never
the wine cellar, where they find Aileen, an emotional have I ever”-questions about the PCs background.
teenage girl drowning her sorrows in fey wine. Aileen
was left by her girlfriend, Sobella of Danzeluce, who is
cursed to fall in love with the first creature she sees. Aileen’s Drinking Game Rules
To cope, Aileen challenges the PCs to a game of The fey cannot or at least does not lie. And so instead they

“Never Have I Ever,” and may become confrontational tell half truths or divert the conversation or simply hold

if she feels they are winning the contest. their tongue. In this drinking game, the PCs and Aileen will
take turns uttering a statement starting with “Never have I
ever…”, at which point anyone who cannot say the phrase
Running the sidequest without lying takes a swig of wine. This could be “Never
Tsu has had a stowaway in her wine cellar for quite have I ever been robbed at a carnival”.
some time now: A girl who seems to think she can
drown her sorrows. She’s been down there for days When a creature consumes a drink the creature rolls a
and is going to deplete the store of wine if someone Constitution saving throw. The DC is 8 and goes up by 1
doesn’t do something about it. Besides, Tsu suspects for each drink the creature has had already. A creature can
that the girl is running up quite a tab. Tsu will ask the fail a total equal to their constitution modifier. If they fail

PCs if they would be so kind as to preferably collect more than that they are Poisoned. If they fail double the
amount of their Constitution modifier they pass out. Aileen
her debt or just remove her from the premises. rolls these checks with advantage as she has grown
Should the PCs agree to help they are led to the accustomed to the effect.
stairs and sent on their way into the basement.
The girl in the cellar
Aileen is not just any teenager; she’s a clurichaun—a Aileen’s statements will run along the lines of what is
fey creature similar to a leprechaun but focused solely on her mind at the moment, in spite of her also having
on drinking and banter. Contrary to Irish folklore, to drink to these statements: Her recent “break up”
which typically portrays clurichauns as male, Aileen is with Sobella. Aileen seems to grow more sullen if she
female. She’s accompanied by Chester, a mimic that is the only one that drinks, and brighten considerably
serves both as her friend and her luggage. Aileen is if one or more of the players drink with her, both
particularly distressed because Sobella found a new because she is winning the game, but also because
love almost immediately after Aileen had stepped she doesn’t feel so alone in her sorrow.
away to the bathroom at the Inn.
For more details on the clurichaun’s abilities and Aileens Statements
characteristics, refer to the included stat block. “Never have I ever…”

Moving down the stairs the cellar seems much larger Both hated and loved someone at the same time
than it ought to be. The party immediately hears (Aileen drinks)
someone talking to herself, gulping down wine, and Been left by the one you love (Aileen drinks)
sobbing from around a corner. If the party announces Considered a deal from Slack Jawed Lorna so that I
their arrival Aileen will shout to the PCs to go away could forget everything about someone (Aileen drinks)

and leave her alone and that they just don’t get it. It Aileen drinks to all of these statements and when she
requires a persuasion or deception check of 13 for realises she is drinking every time, she stops sobbing,
Aileen to allow the PCs to approach, which is made
with advantage if the party uses arguments around the wipes away her tears, shakes her head and slaps her

topic of not having to drink alone. cheeks and her sad demeanour changes to a more

Approaching, the party will see a girl sitting alone at collected but still angry one. She gets her head in the game

a low table drinking rainbow-glittering liquid from a and begins focusing and reading the PCs and says
glass that she keeps refilling from a jug. In the room uncannily insightful “Never have I ever…”-statements. If a
around her are one or more mimics hidden as barrels PC drinks to these statements Aileen will say that she’d
and other seemingly innocent objects. The mimics do wish she’d tried that, giving the players a clue as to how to
not attack unless threatened or unless Aileen persuade her to move out of the cellar later:
tells/signals them to.
Should the PCs strike up conversation or fail their Travelled to another realm or plane of existence (Aileen
initial check, Aileen will agree to consider moving out doesn’t drink)
of the cellar if the PCs can beat her in a “Never have I Gone reveling with a satyr (Aileen doesn’t drink)
ever” drinking game. Battled the Jabberwock (Aileen doesn’t drink)
Started a family (Aileen doesn’t drink)

PART 4 | The what to do

If Aileen seems to be losing the contest (or when the
game seems to bore your players) she will say Aileen the Clurichaun
Small fey, chaotic neutral
“Never have I ever killed someone who was about to beat me
in a drinking game… Oops. I guess I’ll drink to that” Armor Class 14 (unarmored)
Hit Points 22(4d4 + 12)
Speed 30 ft.
At that point the PCs may notice that one of the
barrels in the dimly lit far corner is open and that STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
what at first glance seemed to be planks or a 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 16 (+3)
broomstick leaning against the wall is in fact a pair of
legs sticking out of a barrel (which is actually a Saving Throws Con +5
mimic). Skills Perception +3, Stealth +3, Insight +3
Condition Immunities frightened, poisoned
“They all end up like that. Now. I believe it’s your turn again. Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
Choose your words carefully” Languages Common, Elvish, Sylvan
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
Proficiency +2
Aileen will try to stealthily (though rolling her Stealth
or Sleight of Hand check with disadvantage because Clurichaun’s Luck. Clurichauns add both their Dexterity and
she is drunk) signal to the mimics to move into Charisma modifiers to their Armor Class.
position and attack the players. If the players notice,
they get a chance to persuade her for a less violent Magic Resistance. The clurichaun has advantage on saving
cause of action with a DC 13 persuasion check. This throws against spells and other magical effects.

check is rolled with advantage if their argument Innate Spellcasting. The clurichaun’s innate spellcasting
involves alcohol or seeing the world or any other good ability is Charisma (spell save DC 13). The clurichaun can
argument that relates to their previous conversation cast the following spells, requiring only alcohol as a
or Aileens statements from the drinking game. The component.
persuasion check is rolled with disadvantage if it At will: friends, mending, minor illusion, purify food and
involves arguments of finding a new love using the drink, vicious mockery.
phrase “plenty of fish in the sea”. If the players don’t 1/day each: blur, calm emotions, heroism, sleep, suggestion
notice the signal, the mimics will attack and get a
surprise round. Aileen doesn’t fight to the death, but
will surrender when the fight seems lost, or if Chester Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one creature. Hit: 2 (1 + 1) bludgeoning damage.
is about to die, at which point she submits to the PCs
terms of leaving the cellar and gives the PCs the “Jug Improvised Weapon. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to
of Perpetual Fey Wine” in recompense/reciprocity for hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one creature. Hit: 3 (1d4 +
the damage she has dealt the party. 1) bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage, depending on
Aileen was not actually drinking any of Tsu’s wine and About
doesn’t actually owe her anything, as she was drinking Contest Evictions. Most people can’t tolerate or afford a
from her own “Jug of Perpetual Fey Wine” which she clurichaun’s presence for long. Unfortunately, attempts to
gives up if the party lets her leave. drive them off usually result in the spiteful clurichaun going
on a destructive rampage and spoiling any remaining wine.
Jug of Perpetual Fey Wine The best way to evict a clurichaun is to challenge him or her
to a drinking contest. A clurichaun can’t abide losing to a
Wondrous item, uncommon mortal and will slink away in shame, never to be seen again,

This seemingly wooden jug is enchanted with an if that happens. This is a risky option, however, because
despite their size, clurichauns can drink prodigiously with
unlimited fey magic source of fey wine. When poured little ill effect.
into another container a glittery sweet-smelling liquid
flows as if poured from a bottle. It produces up to 1 Spiritual Brawlers. While clurichauns aren’t adverse to an old-
gallon of Fey Wine. Once emptied, the jug refills in 1 fashioned tavern brawl, they rely mainly on their magic to
hour. protect themselves. Creatures under a clurichaun’s spell feel

Any wine poured from this flask that isn’t consumed and act as if they were intoxicated, complete with hangovers

within 8 hours turns into a foul smelling sludge. the next morning!

PART 4 | The what to do

Niki Vaszi

PART 4 | The what to do

Ghost of the Craftsman maybe their meals - not their drinks or their rooms
however (she’s got to make a living).
Originally by @Chatty and TheBaziel from the
Witchlight Discord. “Bring him his letter as well, will you?”

Sidequest overview
The PCs find the ghost of a dead duergar dwarf in the
basement. The dwarf was killed by one of Zybilna’s
accomplices, as this dwarf and his clansmen were
responsible for crafting Snicker-Snack, the sword that
was crafted to kill the Jabberwock, which is Zybilna’s
pet and guardian. The ghost of the craftsman can
provide the PCs with information, including a part of
Snicker-Snack which is buried with the remains of the
How to use this sidequest
This could be in stead of or in addition to the
“Clurichaun in the basement” sidequest, as Tsu
nonchalantly asks the party to bring the letter to
Dwordrartin who she suspects is down there as well.
If you run both basement sidequests, the PCs can
notice an area with recent and soddy stone masonry
at the end of the room where Aileen is drinking
herself into oblivion. Aileen doesn’t know anything
about this.
The death of Dwordrartin implies that Zybilna was
taking steps to eliminate anyone capable of crafting a
weapon that could easily neutralise her monstrous
safeguard. She orchestrated the entombment of
Dwordrartin and likely did the same to the other
duergar responsible for forging the blade, as well as
crafting its hilt and scabbard. Alternatively, if you wish
to add a twist, one of these duergar dwarves could be
Nib. After receiving payment, Nib initially fled but
later experienced remorse for his actions and sought
out Skabatha.
Running the sidequest A letter from Bavlorna to Dwordrartin
This cellar side-quest begins with the PCs being The letter is from Bavlorna, The Witch of the Fens. It is
asked to go down to the cellar and check up on sealed with a wax seal depicting an hourglass. Skabatha
Dwordrartin, a duergar dwarf craftsman who went in Nightshade initially ordered the duergar craftsmen to craft
search of a bottle of very expensive Amontillado fey
wine, with a fairy friend of his some time ago. A letter a sword that could kill a dragon in one swing, and

arrived for Dwordrartin later on, but Dwordrartin Dwordrartin and his clansmen were supposed to deliver it

never came to collect it. Tsu says that she hasn’t to Bavlorna, so that she could have the League of
thought much about him going to the cellar nor who Malevolence use the sword to kill Zybilna’s pet and
he was with. In reality Baba Yaga remembers well guardian, the Jabberwock. Zybilna realised, had the
that it was one Zybilna’s fiend allies (perhaps the craftsmen killed and the sword scattered across Prismeer.
quasit) who was disguised as a fairy, but doesn’t want
to reveal that. This all happened before Zybilna was
frozen in time, but time is strange in the feywild and in The PCs enter the wine cellar. Aileen could be down
the Inn. there, but there is no sign of the dwarf. The stone
Tsu is quite certain that Dwordrartin is still in the work on one of the walls seems recent and soddy. The
cellar, as he hasn’t settled his bill yet. Come to think PCs may notice this immediately with a high
of it, Tsu remembers the other person leaving, but not perception check, or any check you deem appropriate
Dwordrartin. She suspects that he drank the entire to locate changes in the stone or masonry (stone
bottle himself and is sleeping it off. She would like the cunning, tool proficiencies etc.) or a
PCs to wake him up from his slumber and help him to druid/cleric/paladin may sense an aura of death
the room he rented so he can sleep it off there instead. emanating from this section of the walls, as
Tsu would appreciate it and take it as payment for Dwordrartin is buried inside.

PART 4 | The what to do

Unresolved Conflicts The sword took 3 duergar dwarves 8 weeks to
As the PCs move to investigate further a ghost of the make and was the finest he and his clansmen had
craftsman floats through the wall and attacks, ever crafted.
thinking the PCs are responsible for his death. It will The blade was made so sharp and long that it
try to possess a PC in order to deal the most harm could cut the head off of a dragon in a single
and avenge itself, shouting clues and lore disguised as excellent strike
profanities at the PCs. A part of the sword is buried with him.
“So you’ve come back to drug me and brick me up again? This sword is Snicker-Snack. The tip of the blade can be
Not this time!” found with Will of the Feywild (or at Cloistered Cove), the
scabbard can be found in in Motherhorn under the stage
as one of the props and the handle is found in the vault of
Ghostly Possession the Palace of Hearts Desires, on the pedestal where
As written, a possession like this cannot be stopped until Snicker-Snack is places in the adventure module.
the possessed creature is unconscious, but this exact
possession can in fact be exorcised by several means, If you don’t follow the Eleventh Hour shattering of
which can be remembered or gleaned with a DC 12
Religion/Arcana/History check: Snicker-Snack, you can exchange the item for something
else that the PCs can either get right away or find pieces of
the possessed PC taking radiant damage throughout Prismeer.
the possessed PC receiving healing
by grappling the possessed individual and stroking their
forehead three times while reciting or playing a lullaby. Treasure
if a cleric or paladin spends their Channel Divinity to
In the wall behind the soddy and recent stonework the
force the ghost out of the creature’s body.
by rendering the PC unconscious or make it fall asleep PCs will find Dwordrartin’s remains and the main
piece of a sword blade, but with the handle, tip and
scabbard missing. The PCs can put a handle onto this
If you want combat, you can go a few rounds before piece of the sword’s blade which lets them use it as a
giving the PCs an option to negotiate with the ghost or +1 long- or shortsword. Dwordratin is able to assist in
learn how to exorcise it. If the PCs argue that they this blacksmithing endeavour if he is allowed to use
aren’t responsible for his death they may try to calm one of the PC’s bodies by possessing it while having
the ghost down with a DC 15 persuasion check. This access to a forge and anvil and blacksmithing tools.
check is made with advantage if the PCs argue that This could be found in Downfall. Allowing for this
they will find his body and give it a proper burial. possession grants the PC half proficiency with
On a success the ghost of Dwordrartin will leave the blacksmithing tools - at your discretion.
possessed PC and seize hostile actions for now, if the As the sword isn’t complete, it also isn’t sentient
PCs promise to remove his remains and put him to yet, but does emit a faint magical aura of
rest under the ground - though not someplace wet and undetermined origin if inspected with Detect Magic.
swampy, but some place up high where his spirit will
be able to feel the fresh air (perhaps the Floating Isles
of Thither that he has heard so much about). Should
the PCs fail, the ghost will scream that Zybilna will
pay for his death and fight till he is exorcised and
The information that the ghost of Dwordrartin knows
is not supposed to be kept from the players if they roll
poorly, and so he will reveal this as part of a
conversation if the party persuades him to stop
attacking them, or he will shout it as part of his angry
combat banter:
He was invited to a tasting of Amontillado as a
cover for meeting with a contact who had ordered
a magical sword.
He met with a fairy-looking fellow but doesn’t
remember anything other than that.
Dwordrartin doesn’t know who ordered the sword.
The order was received by letter, which was
delivered by a mechanical bird (Skabatha’s
clockwork sparrows) Mosswater Marauder
Art by Unknown artist.
Token border by Goofyspook using Midjourney

PART 4 | The what to do

Map of the Basement
Credits to Chatty for mixing two 2MinuteTabletop maps together, found here.
I recommend sealing off the hidden paths behind the barrels until after the PCs have talked to Aileen and the party
notices the recent and soddy masonry. I would also block the two parts of the hidden cellar off from each other and
only focus on the left one. The ritualistic part of the hidden part of the cellar is optional and can be used to give a
hint at something sinister going on in the Inn itself perhaps, if you put in hints to Tsu Harabax’s true identity: A
mortar and a pestle? A set of iron teeth? Or a pair of magic chicken legs that can be thrown and read to cast augury
once perhaps.

PART 4 | The what to do

A malevolent visit by Skylla Zybilna is stuck in temporal stasis after the
Hourglass Coven used Iggwilv’s Cauldron - a
Encounter overview powerful artifact crafted by Iggwilv the Witch
Skylla, deserter from League of Malevolence, now Queen with the help of Baba Yaga herself, to trap
employed by Skabatha Nightshade, pays the Inn a Zybilna in time.
visit in search of either the Unicorn Horn or the PCs. It takes more than just knowing someone’s true
Skylla threatens Tsu who reveals to Skylla who she name to undo the Cauldron’s magic.
really is - with a chance that the PCs learn too. Use Everyone, from Valor’s Call to League of
this stat block for CR4 Skylla made by u/Phaerlax or Malevolence to the Hourglass Coven and now also
the CR 8 one included in this supplement. these new interlopers (the PCs), is looking for the
unicorn horn and it will surface sooner or later. It
How to use this encounter better arrive in the hands of those who will put it to
Many argue that the best place to have the Unicorn good use.
horn is with Skylla, as it is late in the adventure, close If Tsu gives information about the unicorn horn or
to where they need it and gives Skylla an edge against the interlopers, Tsu will in return be granted free
both the League of Malevolence and the Hourglass travel across all of Prismeer and a favour from the
Coven. Having this woman appear at the Inn as Skylla Hourglass Coven.
gives the PCs an even better opportunity (or a If Tsu does not cooperate she will be forced to
possibility even) to notice that Charmey is not who
she says and with a high insight check maybe even Tsu begins a series of very passive aggressive
that Skylla actually has or knows the location of the remarks about how if Skylla doesn’t know these
unicorn horn (hidden in Motherhorn as a theatre prop things then the Hourglass Coven should maybe find
below the stage). someone more capable, about how Skylla’s allegiance
As such, this encounter reveals information about seem to change like the wind so perhaps Skylla might
the unicorn horn, Tsu’s real identity, Charmey and the consider employment at the Inn, as Vasilissa is in
tension between the Hourglass Coven and the League need of assistance when separate grains of rotten
of Malevolence. In addition it gives the PCs an corn from sound corn, and separate poppy seeds from
opportunity to go snooping in Tsu’s room and find the grains of soil. Tsu lays down tarot cards and offers to
secret workshop. read Skylla’s fortune in order to help her with her
Running this encounter career choice. Skylla, proud and arrogant as she is, is
At some point during a long rest or at some point infuriated by this. Skylla roars in anger that Tsu will
where there aren’t any other guests in the common pay for this and that Skylla’s patron is Baba Yaga
room, Vasilissa wakes up the PCs and warns them herself! Skylla shoots a witching arrow at Tsu, who all
that a scary woman is in the common room looking of a sudden is calm, collected and sinister-looking and
for them, urging them to hide in the basement or attic. who replies “I know”, as she waives a hand and the
As a DM you should pick somewhere that the PCs magic fizzles out before it even touches Tsu. “I know
might be out of sight but within earshot of the exactly by whose bidding you are here, and who your
conversation between Tsu and Skylla. power stems from. They stem from me, you ignorant
If you want to portrait Tsu as a kind and helpful ally fool. And you have broken the rule of hospitality and
to the PCs you may have her give the warning, as she attacked a host in their own house.” At this point,
has foreseen danger when she did a tarot card Skylla has broken the rules of Hospitality and shown
reading. herself to be a bad guest, unworthy of any courtesy or
protection. But more importantly, Skylla has just
Skylla arrives attacked her own warlock patron, Baba Yaga.
Skylla arrives dramatically, silhouetted in the Skylla drops to her knees begging forgiveness. As
doorway, shadows creeping unnaturally out from all Baba Yaga is an enigmatic figure, she pauses and flips
around her. These are 3 shadows. Skylla begins the cards of her deck of tarot cards.
questioning Tsu, who is calmly eating behind the
counter. At some point Tsu might set aside the mutton “Hm. Even the darkest threads are needed to complete the

chops and begin shuffling her deck of tarot cards. tapestry of fate.”

Things revealed in the conversation by Skylla, at your Baba Yaga grants Skylla reprieve, but warns her that
discretion: any future transgressions will not be tolerated. She
grabs Skyllas shoulder and a sizzling sound can be
Skylla works for Endelyn Moongrave and the heard as Skylla cries out in pain. When Skylla rises
Hourglass Coven, who has grown tired of Tsu’s from the floor - if the PCs can see it - Skylla bears a ᛉ
travelling inn and how Tsu harbours fugitives and mark on her shoulder. A Y with an extra peg in the
ill-doers. middle, maybe the foot of a chicken?
Skylla wants any information Tsu might have on
the unicorn horn and any information about the
PART 4 | The what to do
Witching Arrow. Ranged Spell Attack: +8 to hit, range 60 ft.,
Skylla (CR 8) one target. Hit: 12 (1d10+5) force damage plus 8 (1d8+3)
Medium Humanoid (Human, Warlock), Chaotic Evil
psychic damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 17
Charisma saving throw or be charmed by Charmay until the
Armor Class 15 (18 with mage armor) start of her next turn.
Hit Points 140 (18d8 + 54)
Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft. Spellcasting. Charmay casts one of the following spells, using
Charisma as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 17):
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA At will: disguise self, thaumaturgy
9 (-1) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 20 (+5) 2/day each: blur, charm monster, faerie fire, fly, hypnotic
pattern, invisibility, mage armor, major image, mirror image
Saving Throws Wis +6, Cha +8
Skills Deception +8, Intimidation +8, Acrobatics +6, Bonus Actions
Perception +6
Enchantress’ Scorn (4/day). Charmay targets one creature she
Senses passive Perception 16
can see within 60 ft. of her who is charmed by her. The charm
Languages Common, Elvish, Sylvan
ends on the creature, and it takes 24 (6d8) psychic damage.
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3
Charmay gains temporary hit points equal to the psychic
damage that the creature takes.
Adventurer’s Gear. Charmay wears shoes with the same
properties as slippers of spider climbing and an enchanted Reactions
robe that has the properties of studded leather. She also
carries a magical stiletto, which is a concealed +2 dagger that Misty Escape (Recharges on a Short or Long Rest). After taking
damage, Charmay turns invisible and teleports up to 60 ft. to
deals an extra 1d8 poison damage on a hit.
an unoccupied space she can see. She remains invisible for 1
Spider Climb. Charmay can climb difficult surfaces, including minute or until she attacks or casts a spell.
upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability
check. Legendary Actions
Actions Charmay can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
options below. Only one legendary action option can be used
Multiattack. Charmay makes four attacks. She can replace at a time, and only at the end of another creature’s turn.
two attacks with a use of Spellcasting. Charmay regains spent legendary actions at the start of her
Stiletto. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one Evasive Step. Charmay moves up to half her speed without
target. Hit: 7 (1d4+3) piercing damage plus 5 (1d8) poison provoking opportunity attacks.
damage. The target must make a DC 12 Constitution Saving Enchantress’ Scorn. Charmay uses her Enchantress’ Scorn
throw or become poisoned for 1 minute. ability.
Witching Arrow. Charmay uses her Witching Arrow ability.

Skylla and Charmey

Art from the module, tokenized by
Jonann of the Witchlight Discord
See their instagram here

PART 4 | The what to do

Leaving the Inn
The players run up a tab by staying at the inn, eating
and drinking and being told secrets.
The PCs will be asked to settle the bill before they
leave. Should they refuse or try to avoid paying it the
employees and other guests will raise their voices in
protest. Should the party continue to refuse they have
then broken the rule of hospitality and are whisked
(either by Tsu or Aleksandr using a Lair Action or
their Ethereal Joust) to the underside of the Inn which
immediately settles down on top of them, crushing
and drowning them momentarily - not intending to kill
them, which would be bad for business.
Settle your debt and pay what is owed
The PCs take bludgeoning damage equal to their character
level every 6 seconds as the Inn is on top of them. They
can stop this by shouting or thinking of their surrender or
agreement to pay which causes the Inn to rise and the PCs
to be teleported back.

At that point Tsu says something referencing one of the

famous Baba Yaga quotes.

“Kings and commoners alike can afford to pay respect. So…

About that which is owed…”.

You may choose to let her give them a broad smile with a
mouth full of iron teeth at this point if you want to give the
players a better chance to guess her identity.

Should they fall unconscious Tsu or Alexandr is likely

to be slightly annoyed, open a trap door which
magically reveals the character in spite of there being Vasilissa the Beautiful at the Hut of Baba Yaga
Ivan Bilibin
a basement, stabilise the character and pull them
back into the inn. Should a fight brake out, Tsu and
Alexandr does not hurt to kill, but do non-lethal Grand Scale Finishing
damage, subdue the PCs and ask politely one last
time before simply erasing their memories and setting Touch
them on their way. If you want to have a Baba Yaga conclusion to the
Tsu accepts trinkets and gold, but prefers campaign, there is the option of pitting Zybilna and all
memories, magical items and secrets. She’ll reduce of her allies against Baba Yaga and all of hers in a
the price if they did any chores/sidequests and to grand and massive scale battle on the fields of
anyone devoted to freeing Zybilna, but not to anyone Prismeer.
who claims to want to kill any of the hags. She is their It could involve characters and entities from
mother after all. Tasha’s past. The PCs can undertake diplomatic
After the matter of payment is settled Tsu waves missions and take precautions and fortify the Palace
goodbye, flashes them a toothy smile full of iron black of the Heart’s desire, run skirmishes and much more,
teeth and closes the door. The Inn lifts off and its bird- in order to better their chances against the oncoming
like legs (or out right chicken-legs) stretch and the Inn onslaught of Baba Yaga and her forces.
turns away from the PCs and walks away.
For added eeriness, consider placing a wicker basket You can find it on DMsGuild when I have finished
behind the Inn. It emits a foul odour, even worse than writing it.
the surrounding bog. A DC 16 Perception check
reveals the basket contains corpses of NPCs the PCs
have killed in Hither, identifiable by distinct features.

PART 5 | The After

The Dancing Hut of Baba Yaga provides an intricate stat block for Baba Yaga, complete with a range of unique Dreadful Curses
and their varied effects. However, I’ve ensured you don’t need to make a purchase to embrace the concept of Tsu Harabax being
Baba Yaga. Below is a stat block you can utilise if confrontation arises. Ideally, Baba Yaga would avoid such confrontations; she
takes great pleasure in deceiving others with her disguise, relishing the opportunity to craft seemingly benevolent deals from
her vantage as an innkeeper.

Baba Yaga Stack the deck. Baba Yaga rearranges the remaining cards in
her deck and places her favourite three in the top of the deck,
Large Giant, Chaotic Evil in random order. Once all three cards are drawn she can no
longer draw cards using This is your card! but must either
Armor Class 18 (natural armor) Stack the Deck, do a Quick Reshuffle or simply turn over the
Hit Points 308 (32d10 + 132) top card at random, leaving her possibilities up to fate.
Speed 40 ft., 40 feet flying when in her Mortar
20 (+5) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 22 (+6) 18 (+4) 24 (+7) Hunchbacks shuffle. Baba Yaga hunches over even further,
causing her movements to become jerky and unpredictable.
Saving Throws Cha +14, Con +11, Wis +11 attacks of opportunity against her during her first 20 feet of
Skills Arcana +10, History +13, Investigation +13, Deception movement are made with disadvantage.
+14, Perception +11
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing This is your card! If Baba Yaga is in possession of her Deck of
from non-silvered weapons, cold, fire, Fates, she can reveals the top card in the deck, eliciting the
Damage Immunities poison effect or spell immediately. If she has used an action to Stack
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, the Deck roll a d3 (or a d4 and reroll any 4s) to determine
poisoned, sleep which of the three picked cards is revealed. If she has used
Senses blindsight 120 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive the Quick Reshuffle roll a d8 to determine which of the eight
perception 21 cards that is revealed. If Baba Yaga has neither Stacked the
Languages Common, Giant, Sylvan, plus the first five Deck nor done a Quick Reshuffle, you roll a d20 to determine
languages she hears per day which card is the top card. The card loses its fateful
Challenge 19 (22,000 XP) Proficiency +7 properties after the effect is elicited until the Card Shuffle is
Enlarge/Reduce. Baba Yaga can use her action to change size Quick Reshuffle. Baba Yaga hurriedly selects eight unrevealed
between Small and Large. Her statistics remain the same cards and places them randomly in the top of her deck, ready
regardless of her size. to be picked.
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Baba Yaga fails a saving
throw, she can choose to succeed instead.
Counter Charm. Baba Yaga throws a powerful charm to
Magic Resistance. Baba Yaga has advantage on saving throws disrupt a creature she can see or smell within 60 feet in the
against spells and other magical effects. process of casting a spell. If the creature is casting a spell of
4th level or lower, its spell fails and has no effect. If it is
Spellcasting. Baba Yaga is a 20th-level spellcaster. Her casting a spell of 5th level or higher, the creature must
spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 23, +14 to hit succeed on a DC 23 ability check using its spellcasting ability;
with spell attacks). She regains expended spell slots when on a failure, the spell fails and has no effect.
she finishes a short or long rest. She knows all warlock
cantrips and all 1st through 6th level wizard and warlock Pestle Sweep. Baba Yaga whirls her pestle and tries to deflect
spells. She has 6 spell slots, and any spell she casts using a an incoming spell or attack onto another nearby target. Baba
spell slot is cast at 6th level. Yaga must succeed on a Charisma saving throw determined
by the casters spell save DC +5 or a Dexterity saving throw
Uncanny Nose. Baba Yaga has an unnaturally keen sense of determined by the attackers to Hit bonus + 8. If Baba Yaga
smell. While her sense of smell remains unimpeded, she has succeeds she can choose a new target for the spell who is
truesight out to 120 feet and advantage on any Wisdom within range from the original caster or attacker.
(Perception) check involving smelling. She also gains the
benefit of the detect magic spell with a range of 120 feet and
automatically detects the presence of anyone under the effect
Legendary Actions
of her curse. Baba Yaga can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
options below. Only one legendary action option can be used
Actions at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Baba
Yaga regains spent legendary actions at the start of her turn.
Multiattack. Baba Yaga first uses Baba’s Curse or Stack the
Deck and then she makes three Witch Bolt attacks. Attack. Baba Yaga attacks once with her Witch Bolt.
Baba’s Curse. Baba Yaga chooses up to 3 creatures that she Festering Curse (Costs 2 Actions). A target Baba Yaga can see or
can see or smell within 60 feet, and who are not currently smell within 60 feet that is currently suffering from Baba’s
under the effect of Baba’s Curse. The targets must succeed Curse has their curse stage increased by one, adding an extra
on a DC 23 Charisma saving throw or be cursed by Baba Yaga 1d4 to the effect of Baba’s Curse. A creature can accumulate
and must subtract 1d4 from every Attack Roll and Saving a maximum of 3 stages of Baba’s Curse, resulting in a
Throw. Baba’s Curse can be removed by Remove Curse or maximum of 3d4 subtracted from their Attack Rolls and
similar spells and effects. Saving Throws.
Witch Bolt. Ranged Spell Attack: +14 to hit, range 120 ft., one Regroup. If she has already used her reaction, Baba Yaga
creature. Hit: 47 (6d12+8) psychic damage. regains the use of her reaction.
PART 6 | The Big Bad
Deck of Fates The attuned creature can stack the cards of fate in
their advantage by using an Action to stack 3 cards at
Wonderous Item, Legendary (requires attunement)
the top of the deck, or a Bonus Action to stack 8 cards
This deck of tarot cards has been used to read the in the top, drawing from these 3 or 8 cards at random.
fortunes and demise of so many souls that eldritch Creatures with Legendary Actions may do these as
energy has infused the cards giving them a unique part of another Action or Bonus Action.
spell storing capacity. The attuned creature can use The cards cannot be scryed upon by magic means,
the cards to cast Augury or Divination 3 times per day and similarly inspecting the Deck of Fates with Sense
without spending a spell slot. The user may also draw Magic or similar detection magic curiously does not
the cards at random and elicit their individual effects. reveal any magical aura around the cards.
Deck of Fates card effects
Baba Yaga has a set of tarot cards, which she can use to tug at the strings of fate, eliciting a unique response depending on the
card drawn. The effect and spellcasting is instantaneous and doesn’t consume her spell slots.
1, The Fool: Bestow Curse (as a touch or ranged spell attack with 30 feet range).
2, The Magician: Baba Yaga calls upon debts paid and casts the ghostly form of Summon Undead, requiring no concentration.
3, The High Priestess: Death Ward
4, The Empress: The cards reveal a multitude of potential futures for Baba Yaga, granting her the benefit of Foresight.
5, The Emperor: The Dowager is a puppetmaster of fate and undeath. Revealing The Emperor lets her cast Danse Macabre,
requiring no concentration.
6, The Lovers: “All is fair in love and war”. Baba Yaga holds onto the Lovers card, granting her the reaction to cast Hellish Rebuke
once as a reaction. If she shuffles The Lovers back into her deck (either by Stack the deck or Card Shuffle) before casting
Hellish Rebuke the effect is lost.
7, The Chariot: Baba Yaga knows all too well that life and death are two sides of the same coin. One cannot be there without the
other. She casts Wither and Bloom as a 5th level spell, causing each creature of her choice in a 10-foot-radius sphere centred
on a point within range to make a Constitution saving throw, taking 5d6 necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much
damage on a successful one.
8, Justice: Baba Yaga gains Temporary Hit Points equal to the damage she has dealt in this and the last 2 rounds.
9, The Hermit: Spirit Shroud, requiring no concentration but only lasting 1d4+2 rounds.
10, Wheel of Fortune: Fortune’s Favour
11, Strength: Baba Yaga holds the card out towards a target and shoots off a Ray of Enfeeblement.
12, The Hanged Man: Baba Yaga knows her own actions have led her here, and that only she can get her out of the situation as
well. For the next 1d4 turns she may step from one area of dim light or darkness into another area of dim light or darkness
within 60 feet of each other costing her only 5 feet of movement. This step does not draw opportunity attacks.
13, Death: Create Undead
14, Temperance: Baba Yaga gains the reactive trait, granting her the ability to use a second reaction each turn in combat for the
next minute.
15, The Devil: Blight
16, The Tower: Finger of Death
17, The Star: “Undeath is the only light at the end of the tunnel”. Baba Yaga emits magical darkness as per the darkness spell in a
15 feet radius for 1d4 rounds, moving with her as she moves.
18, The Moon: Summon shadowspirit requiring no concentration.
19, Judgement: Circle of Death
20, The World: The borders between the realms are diminished as “The World” is drawn, allowing Baba Yaga to step halfway into
the ethereal realm, granting her resistance to piercing, bludgeoning and slashing non-magical attacks for 1 minute.

PART 6 | The Big Bad

Baba Yaga’s Hut
Kami Spirit

References and Sources

Baba Yaga Lore Sources
1. Vice.com - The allure of Baba Yaga
2. WorldHistory.org - Baba Yaga
3. TheRussianStore.com - Tale of Baba Yaga
4. Wikipedia.org - Baba Yaga
5. TVTropes.org - Baba Yaga
6. NewWorldEncyclopedia.org - Baba Yaga
7. Baba Yaga: The Ambiguous Mother and Witch of
the Russian Folktale by Andreas Johns
8. Baba Yaga: The Wild Witch of the East in Russian
Fairy Tales By Sibelan Forrester
9. Russian Fairy Tales: Baba Yaga’s Domain by
Helen Pilinovsky - A very enlightening and
extensive article.
10. The Grand Inn Tavern
11. Inn at the end of the road
12. Douglas Lamore’s stacked map of the Inn at the
End of the Road (Personal favourite)
Stories and tales
13. GrayHawk Wiki on Elena the Fair
14. GrayHawk stories on Elena the Fair and Natasha
the Dark
15. GrayHawk Stories on The Sultans Son and the
Witches sister
16. GrayHawk Stories on Iggwilv’s Wedding
Other Free Homebrew materials
17. Ellywick Unstuck
18. NPCs For Hither by ZemblanityFalls
19. Hither Creature Statblocks by Phaerlax
20. Witch’s Brew: Potion Puzzle
21. DND Logic Puzzles
22. A Familiar’s Quandary
23. A hero’s death
Payed supplements mentioned
23. Dancing Hut of Baba Yaga
24. Mirror Mirror
25. Campfire Stories for the Long Rest
26. Eleventh Hour
Honourable Mentions
27. Witchlight Discord Community
28. Ray Murata who made his wonderful art available
29. All the DMs who made their ideas and encounters
available for this supplement

PART 7 | The Where to find more

More by

Can I have your attention? Thank you. Bye.

Fey prank aside, thank you for reading this Inn at

the End of the Road supplement for the Witchlight
campaign. I hope you’ve enjoyed it and that it has
brought inspiration and fun and more to your
campaign and table. If you find any typos or have
any suggestions, reach me on reddit:

For more additions to the Witchlight Campaign,

see my other supplements:

Lost things Aplenty

The WBWL lists a table of 8 things for your players
to roll or choose from. My players did not choose
any of them, but made up their own. And so I had
to find an appropriate magic item for their Lost
Things. I see this problem on the Witchlight
Subreddit and in the Witchlight Discord
Community often, which inspired this supplement.
It holds 63 Lost Things and corresponding Magical
items with art for each item and new individual
penalties for the PC to work with or against until
they find their Lost Thing, replacing the “No
Inspiration” rule.
Lost Things Aplenty on DMsGuild.

Toys of Loomlurch
A supplement for Loomlurch adding several toy-
themed stat blocks to your armoury. They may
replace some of the Tin Soldiers in Loomlurch and
allow for a more dynamic fight with interesting
mechanics and tactical combat manoeuvres.
Toys of Loomlurch on DMsGuild.


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