First Periodical Test in Tle
First Periodical Test in Tle
DIRECTION: Read the sentences and choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answers on the blank
_____1. Which of the following is not a benefit that people get from planting trees and fruit bearing trees?
A. It protects the soil from erosion. C. It can be a source of income.
B. It can be an additional source of food. D. It creates pollution to the environment.
___ __2. Which of the following statements expresses the advantage of planting trees and fruit bearing fruits?
A. Knowledge and expertise in planting trees and fruit bearing trees help the family find additional earnings and
saves the environment too.
B. Sewing is a way of spending leisure time productively and can be good to health too.
C. People get additional income from raising and selling animals.
D. Selling rice cakes supports the provision of the basic needs of the family.
_____3. Planting trees helps beautify the environment. Which of the following statements below matches the thought of
the underlined sentence?
A. Mila earns from selling coconut.
B. Bea’s classmates admire her for being so diligent in caring for the trees.
C. The trees that surround Ricardo’s house help their place to look very attractive.
D. Trees planted in the community contribute to having fresher air.
A. Buying C. Surveying
B. Marketing D. Planting
A. Seedling C. bedding
B. seed D. Planting
____7. It is a method of planting where the seeds or parts of a plant are directly planted in the soil where they will
germinate and grow into full grown trees.
A. Indirect planting B. Direct planting C. Orchard planting D. Permanent planting
______8. It is a method of planting where the plant needs to be transferred to its permanent place.
A. Indirect planting B. Direct planting C. Orchard planting D. Permanent planting
_____9. It is an elements to be observed in planting trees wherein The nutrient availing medium containing nutrition
and mineral substances essential for the growth and development of plants and trees.
_____10 . Plants and trees need it in order to prepare their food, which is essential for their nutrition and development.
____11. Their growth depends upon conditions of their surroundings. What element is it?
____12 Lina sees to it that roots, branches, and leaves can grow and thrive well. What element in planting fruit
bearing trees is being manifested in the situation?
______14. In putting up a nursery, one must consider all the following except one. Which is it?
A. Location B. Soil type C. Inorganic fertilizers D. Tools
______15. A process of propagating plant where a ring of bark on a large branch is removed, the inner surface scrapped
lightly and then wrapped with moist soil or moss covered with plastic and secured tightly on bothe ends with twine.
A. Marcotting B. Grafting C. Budding D. Cutting
_____17. A type of propagation which refers to a part of plant that is cut and propagated.
A. Marcotting B. Grafting C. Budding D. Cutting
______19. Which of the plants below where you cannot apply grafting, marcotting or budding?
A. Manggo B. Guava C. Lemon D. Strawberry
_______20. Which of the following is a part of the things to remember in preparing layout for orchard?
_______21. Recardo is planning to have an orchard, which of the following he needs to do first?
________22. Which of the following best explains why is layout needed in having orchard?
A. Layout is needed in order to prepare the area where the orchard will be situated
B. Layout is needed so that plants will be displayed.
C. Layout is needed in order for the farmers to know where to rest.
D. Layout is needed in order to compete with your neighbours.
_______23. Which of the following is a tool used in plant propagation?
A. Rake C. Sprinkler
B. Spade D. all of the above
______24. Luchie wants to help keep her hands clean to lessen her chance of getting germs that can make her sick while
planting. What tool will she use?
A. Gloves C. Hoe
B. Sprinkle D. Trowel
______25. Stephanie’s plants have hard branches and shrubs. She wants them out. What tool does she need to use?
A. Hoe C. Sprinkler
B. Pruning shears D. Trowel
______26. Which of the following is a systematic and scientific way of caring orchard trees or seedlings?
A. Cultivate the soil around the seedlings c. Remove the bug that destroys plants
B. Take away weeds around the trees d. All of the above
_______27. Jenalyn noticed that some plants in the orchard started to wither. Which of the following must she do?
_______28. It’s a hot summer. What do plants need the most in this particular season?
a. Soil b. Sunlight c. Water d. Fertilizer
_______29. Which of the following is NOT observing a healthy and safety measure in propagating fruit bearing
a. Meljohn wears dust mask. c. Hannah Jane uses sharp tools carefully.
b. Monica wears rubber gloves. d. Rheian keeps using his phone while working.
_______30. Which of the following statements demonstrates healthy and safety measures in propagating fruit
bearing trees?
a. Diane wears protective clothing
b. Regine uses tools that are not in good condition.
c. Irene doesn’t use gloves when working in the orchard.
d. Hans works in the orchard shoeless.
_______33. John Rex uses overripe banana, watermelon, and pineapple. What do you think will he do with it?
_______ 34. The pesticide coming from the things we have at home or the home made pesticide is called ......
a. Organic fertilizer can increase the ability to keep the moist in sandy soil.
b. Organic fertilizer allows roots to get nutrients the faster way.
c. Organic fertilizer increases organisms that helps enrich the soil.
d. All of the above
_______38. Anjo plans to sell his seedlings. Where will he write the seedlings he plans to sell and the materials he will
use in selling?
a. Objective b. Procedure c. Task title d. Conclusion