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5 Stage Reverse OsmosisSystem Manual January 31 2019

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5 Stage Reverse OsmosisSystem Manual January 31 2019

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This Reverse Osmosis Water

Filtra on System must be installed
by a cer fied professional.
See Page 1.

Reverse Osmosis
Water Filtra on

Installa on & Service Guide

© AlkaViva, LLC January 15, 2016

Reverse Osmosis Water Filtra on System Service Manual
This Reverse Osmosis Water Filtra on System (RO System) uses mul ple filtra on technologies to re-
duce the levels of contaminants in the water supply. For proper opera on, it is essen al to confirm that
the influent water supply complies with the following opera ng parameters. Failure to adhere to the
opera ng parameters may nega vely impact system performance and will void the warranty. DO NOT
 Water Supply: Must be potable

 Feed Water Pressure: 40-60 to 80 psi (3.45-5.5 bar)*

 Water Temperature Range: 40-100⁰F (4.4-38⁰C)
 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS): 2000mg/L (2000 ppm)
 pH Limit: 4-11
 Chlorine: 1 mg/L (Change pre-filters more o en if chlorine exceeds 1 mg/L)
 Hardness: 10 GPG (171 mg/L) So en or expect to replace the membrane more frequently
if hardness exceeds about 10 GPG.
 Turbidity: 5 NTU Maximum
 Less than 0.1 mg/L
 Hydrogen Sulfide: Less than 0.1 mg/L
 Manganese: Less than 0.05 mg/L
*This RO System requires adequate pressure to operate. As the TDS level increases, the influent pressure
requirement increases. In general, this system requires a minimum of about 40 psi at the membrane inlet
with <500 mg/L TDS. With 2000 TDS, the RO System will need about 55-60 psi to achieve minimal accepta-
ble performance.
RO System must be installed and maintained by a qualified, experienced technician or plumber.
It must be installed in a loca on protected from sunlight and not subjected to freezing or impact. The
inlet pressure must be regulated to within the opera onal parameters. Use a dedicated pressure
boos ng device or regulator to maintain proper water pressure. Install and maintain redundant, ade-
quate leak protec on devices and or methods. Install to a cold water feed only.
This drinking water RO System is designed for aesthe c water improvement only and will not protect
against disease causing or remove naturally occurring bacteria. It must be used with a potable water
supply only.
Installa on must comply with all local and state laws, regula ons and codes.
When properly applied, installed and maintained, this RO System will provide consistent, great tas ng
water that can be used for a wide variety of purposes.
The RO System is made with plas c housings and components that will naturally degrade over a highly
variable period of me. To reduce the risk of damage, under normal condi ons, it is recommended that
the system’s plas c housings and components be replaced at 5-10 year intervals.

© AlkaViva, LLC January 31, 2019 1

Water Supply Valve: The provided feed water valve is designed to adapt to most common configura ons. If it is
out of code compliance or fails to provide a proper installa on connec on, you will need to source an alternate
valve with connectors from a plumbing supplier. Install to the cold water supply line only. Make sure there is a
quality, opera onal cold water supply valve at the point of installa on.
System Mount: Secure the RO System using the bracket moun ng holes. You will need to locate studs or other
secure moun ng points. Most systems will include two #10 x 3/4” #2 Phillips pan head or truss head stainless
steel sheet metal screws that can be used for moun ng in certain applica ons. Use appropriate hardware based
on the par cular installa on.
Faucet: (This only applies if you are connec ng your RO System to a faucet and not to an Ionizer.) The faucet
should be posi oned for both func on and appearance. Take great care prior to installing the faucet as a perma-
nent hole may need to be drilled in the sink. Use a pre‐drilled hole if available. If a hole must be drilled, carefully
choose a posi on with an adequate accessible flat area that allows for proper clearance.
Most sink types require a special drill type that will be specific to the material being drilled. The hole size
required will vary based on the style and type of faucet. To help protect the drilling site use masking tape to cov-
er and surround the area. Use safety glasses and adequate dust protec on to prevent the inhala on of irri-
ta ng or dangerous residue. Install the faucet firmly, but do not over- ghten. The typical faucet connector
threads directly on to the sha of the faucet.
Drain Clamp: The drain configura on will vary based on the type of faucet. A non-air gap faucet will have a 1/4”
drain line connec on. An air gap style faucet will require a 3/8” drain line connec on. The drain operates under
low pressure or mere gravity. It is cri cal to install the drain line in an efficient manner that avoids unnecessary
length, bends and loops. If the drain connec on device included with the system is not code approved in the
installa on area, use an alternate, code approved drain connec on method.
A ach the drain clamp to a ver cal sec on of the drainpipe about 6” above the trap and clear of any garbage dis-
posal as debris can restrict the drain flow and prevent proper system opera on. Consider replacing any dam-
aged or corroded drain pipes prior to comple ng system installa on. The connec on of the drain clamp should
face the system faucet.
Taking care not to damage the drain pipe, drill a 1/4” to 3/8” hole and file clean any rough edges. Line up the
hole in the drain clamp with the hole in the drain pipe, making sure the drain clamp gasket is in place. Do not
over- ghten. Shorten the provided drain tubing to allow for a rela vely straight line connec on. Take great care
NOT to trim the drain line tubing on the end where the drain flow restrictor is installed. This will typically be
iden fied with a small s cker that reads “Flow Capillary Inside.”
Storage Tank: Wrap the 1/4” MNPT storage tank connec on point with Teflon tape. Hand ghten (do not over-
ghten) the provided tank ball valve. Using a high quality, accurate, low range air pressure gauge, adjust the
empty storage tank air pressure to 5-7 psi.
Fi ngs: Confirm that all fi ngs are properly connected. Clips and tube inserts are op onal and not included. If
you desire to use clips and tube inserts to secure your RO System, you must acquire them from a plumbing
supply store.
Tubing Connec ons: RO System typically comes with color coded tubing. Red 1/4” connects the Feed Water
Valve to the Sediment Pre-Filter (#1). Black 1/4”connects the membrane reject line to the drain or when an air
gap style faucet is used, this tube will connect the air gap stem on the bo om of the faucet to the membrane
reject line. When using an air gap style faucet, the Black 1/4” connects the air gap stem on the bo om of the
faucet to the drain connector. Yellow 3/8” connects the Storage Tank to the T-Fi ng a ached to the Taste &
Odor Filter (#6). White 1/4” connects the Taste & Odor Filter to the Ionizer (or faucet). (See drawing)

© AlkaViva, LLC January 31, 2019 2

Reverse Osmosis
Water Filtra on

© AlkaViva, LLC January 31, 2019 3

1. Cut the tubing end squarely and remove the internal and
external burrs.
2. Insert the tubing through the back of the nut all the way
through the nut assembly to the tube stop in the fi ng body
(see illustra on). If the tubing does not enter the nut easily,
loosen the nut one turn and then insert the tubing all the way
to the tube stop in the fi ng body.
3. Turn the nut hand ght.
4. Wrench ghten the nut 1-1/2—2 turns.
5. All nuts must be re ghtened when the system reaches
projected opera ng temperature.

NOTE: Squeaking sound when ghtening nut is normal. For

pipe threaded connec ons. Teflon Tape must be used.

NOTE: It is not necessary to disassemble this fi ng for

applica on. Merely insert tubing to stop and ghten nut.

© AlkaViva, LLC January 31, 2019 4

How to make a Standard Connection
MAKING A GOOD CONNECTION Cut the tube square. It is essen al
To make a connec on, the tube is simply that the outside diameter be free of
pushed in by hand; the unique patented John score marks and that burrs and
Guest collet locking system then holds the sharp edges be removed before
tube firmly in place without deforming it or inser ng into fi ng. For so , thin-
restric ng flow. walled tubing we recommend the
use of a tube insert.
Grips before it seals
O‐ring provides a The Collet (gripper) has stainless
leakproof seal steel teeth which hold the tube
firmly in posi on while the O-ring
provides a permanent leakproof

Collet Push the tube into the fi ng and up to the tube stop.


Stainless Steel teeth grip
the pipe.

Pull on the tube to check that it is secure before use.


Push in the collet and remove tube. To disconnect,

ensure the system is depressurized before removing
tube. Push in collet squarely against face of fi ng.
With the collet held in this posi on, the tube can be
© AlkaViva, LLC January 31, 2019 5

The system should be sani zed prior to use, annually and a er any service or filter replacement. Use a tray
or drip pan to catch any spilled water. Use a good quality, unscented 5.25% liquid chlorine bleach.

1. With the feed water turned off and the system drained of water through the ionizer (or faucet), remove
each filter from Housing #1 and #2 and the membrane from Membrane Housing #3. Also disconnect the
1/4” tubing from the inlet side of the Inline Remin Filter #5. Tape the tubing you just disconnected onto
the Inline Remin so that it is situated above all the other filters to prevent water from draining while san-
i zing.

2. Using a so cloth, mild detergent and warm water, clean the inside of Housing #1 and #2. Thoroughly
rinse the housings.

3. Add about 2 teaspoons of the 5.25% bleach to each Housing #1 and #2. Take care not to contact the
O-rings or housing threads with bleach. Properly place the O-rings and install the housings on to the
caps. Firmly hand ghten only.

4. BE CAREFUL! SLOWLY open the feed water valve. Allow the system to fill with water, carrying the bleach
solu on throughout all internal we ed areas needing sani za on. Those areas are the 2 Pre-filter Hous-
ings #1 and #2, then Membrane Housing #3 and finally, Permeate Pump #4.

5. Close feed water valve as soon as water starts flowing out of the disconnected 1/4” tubing a ached to
the Inline Remin. Let the chlorinated water stand in the system for about 20-30 minutes.

6. Release the 1/4” tubing taped to the Inline Remin Filter. Place it into a bucket to drain. Then turn on feed
water to rinse the system.

7. Turn off feed water. Remove the Housings, discard the water and rinse thoroughly.

8. Re-install the filters in Housing #1 and #2 and membrane in Membrane Housing #3 making sure the
O-rings are properly seated. If performing annual maintenance, replace used or damaged O-rings.

9. Reconnect the 1/4” tubing to the inlet side of the Inline Remin Filter #5.

10. Turn on feed water. Allow system to run and fill the storage tank. It is essen al to have leak protec on in
place and to monitor the system for leaks. Watch diligently for leaks during the first few hours of
opera on.

11. Allow the system to fill the tank and discard the first full three tanks of water.

The RO System will produce water at a rate that mimics a fast drip or slow trickle and will typically fill the
storage tank in about 1 to 4 hours. The storage tank uses an air charged bladder to push product water to
the Ionizer (or faucet). Based on various factors, the actual liquid volume of the storage tank will likely be
about 50% of the actual capacity. As the tank emp es, it is normal for the flow rate to the Ionizer to steadily
decrease. The system will automa cally replenish the storage tank at the rate of about 1-2 gallons per hour.
Note that lower water temperature will result in slower replenishment of the storage tank.

© AlkaViva, LLC January 31, 2019 6


1. Pre-filters should be replaced about every 6 months or as needed based on local condi ons. High sediment,
chlorine or other contaminant levels may necessitate more frequent service. Low sediment, chlorine and
other contaminant levels may allow for less frequent service. Failure to replace the cartridges in a mely
manner may result in reduced or complete loss of produc on and damage to the membrane and other
components. Use sanitary gloves and maintain filters in a clean environment when handling and replacing.

2. The membrane element requires consistent drain flow at the designed rate to prevent contaminants from
building up and fouling the membrane sheets. The membrane can suffer premature failure from lack of use,
so use your system frequently for drinking, cooking and other filtered water applica ons. The membrane
should last at least 12 months and, in most cases, will operate properly for more than 2 years. Test and
inspect with each service, but the service life is highly variable. Replace as needed or every 3 years,
whichever comes first.

3. Typical post filters are simply polishing water that has already been filtered by the system. If the balance of
the pre-filters and membrane are serviced and func oning properly, the post filter should last a full 12
months under normal condi ons. Replace as needed. Specialty post filters may require more frequent or
varying levels of monitoring and service.

4. Any me a tube is removed, cut the end with a quality tubing cu er to provide a new sealing surface. Take
care not to cut the drain line flow restrictor which is typically inserted inside the 1/4” black drain tubing
closest to the membrane.

5. Inspect the leak protec on and pressure regula ng methods and/or devices. Replace ba eries and confirm
proper opera on.

6. With each service, it is recommended to replace the O-rings in Housing #1 and #2. Be sure to apply a film of
appropriate silicone lubricant to the new O-rings.

7. The storage tank should be inspected and air pressure adjusted with each service. Use a quality low range
pressure gauge and Schrader-style hand operated bicycle pump to set the emp ed tank air pressure at 5-7

8. The housings should be carefully inspected at each service interval and replaced at no more than 5 years for
clear and 10 years for white or other color. Replace immediately in the case of an inspec on concern or
event involving slightly above specifica on pressure or temperature. In the case of an extreme pressure or
temperature event, replace the system.

9. The system should be sani zed annually. See “System Start-Up” sec on for instruc ons.

© AlkaViva, LLC January 31, 2019 7

Reverse Osmosis Water Filtra on System Warranty
and Limited Remedy One Year Limited Warranty

AlkaViva LLC’s one year limited warranty begins 90 days a er date of manufacture. Warranty covers
defects in materials and workmanship of the reverse osmosis water filtra on system provided the system is
installed and operated within the recommended opera ng parameters. Opera onal and installa on pa-
rameters must comply with state and local codes, manufacturer’s recommenda ons and with generally ac-
cepted industry standards, in that order.
This warranty does not apply to consumable items such as filter cartridges. Provided feed water parame-
ters are met, the membrane is warranted one me on a 12 month prorated basis. This warranty does not
apply to products or components that are damaged as a result of neglect, misapplica on, freezing, act of
God, misapplica on, damage, hot water or any other factor outside of normal opera on. Contact AlkaViva
in advance for advice as to the suitability of a par cular product for a specific purpose.
Warranty does not extend to items built wholly or par ally to the Purchaser’s design or specifica ons. This
AlkaViva warranty is in lieu of any other warranty, expressed or implied. AlkaViva does not make any war-
ranty or implied warranty as to the merchantability or fitness for a par cular purpose. Contact AlkaViva to
obtain a Service Authoriza on number or to discuss any warranty issues by submi ng the Water Ionizer
Repair/Support Form at:
h ps://www.alkaviva.com/repairs
Purchaser’s exclusive remedies under this warranty shall be limited to the repair or replace-ment of the
non-conforming item(s) as determined by AlkaViva. Warranty applies only to the specific failed component
part(s). Items for warranty considera on must be sent freight insured, pre-paid and appropriately pack-
aged to AlkaViva with a formal Service Authoriza on (SA). Customer is required to pay for return shipping
upon comple on of repair. Warranty is for replacement product only with no remedy allowed for any oth-
er related expenses, consequen al damages, lost business or any other expenditures whether actual or
Items returned under warranty, but found not defec ve will be returned at customer’s cost with normal
inspec on charges to apply. Items returned under warranty and found defec ve will be repaired, replaced
or credited to the customer. Items returned for non-warranty inspec on and repair will be repaired and
returned at normal charges.

© AlkaViva, LLC January 31, 2019 8

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