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Spring Boot QA

The document discusses key concepts in Spring Boot including convention over configuration, auto-configuration, dependency management through starters, and the role of the @SpringBootApplication annotation. It also covers how Spring Boot simplifies development through auto-configuration, embedded servers, production-ready features, and developer tools. Questions address topics such as overriding default properties, the purpose of application.properties/yml files, and how the @Autowired annotation enables automatic dependency injection.

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Spring Boot QA

The document discusses key concepts in Spring Boot including convention over configuration, auto-configuration, dependency management through starters, and the role of the @SpringBootApplication annotation. It also covers how Spring Boot simplifies development through auto-configuration, embedded servers, production-ready features, and developer tools. Questions address topics such as overriding default properties, the purpose of application.properties/yml files, and how the @Autowired annotation enables automatic dependency injection.

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100+ Spring Boot Questions

1. Explain the concept of "convention over configuration" in Spring Boot:

The concept of "convention over configuration" in Spring Boot emphasizes the
idea that developers can benefit from default configurations and sensible
assumptions, reducing the need for explicit configuration. It follows a set of
predefined conventions and rules to simplify the development process. By
following these conventions, developers can rapidly create applications with
minimal configuration, reducing the amount of boilerplate code required. Spring
Boot provides sensible defaults and makes intelligent choices based on common
use cases and best practices, allowing developers to focus more on writing
business logic rather than dealing with intricate setup and configuration details.

2. What is the difference between Spring and Spring Boot?

Spring is a powerful Java framework that provides a comprehensive set of
features for developing enterprise-grade applications. It covers a wide range of
modules and libraries, including Spring Core, Spring MVC, Spring Security,
Spring Data, and more. Spring requires explicit configuration and setup to wire
components and manage dependencies.

Spring Boot, on the other hand, is a sub-project of the Spring Framework that
aims to simplify the development process by providing opinionated defaults and
auto-configuration. It leverages the capabilities of the Spring Framework while
minimizing the need for explicit configuration. Spring Boot focuses on convention
over configuration and provides a streamlined approach to building stand-alone,
production-grade Spring applications.

100+ Spring Boot Questions 1

3. How does Spring Boot simplify the development of Java applications?
Spring Boot simplifies Java application development in several ways:

It provides auto-configuration, where common components and

dependencies are automatically configured based on classpath scanning
and sensible defaults.

Spring Boot offers a curated set of starter dependencies that include all the
necessary libraries for specific functionalities, reducing the effort of
managing dependencies manually.

It comes with an embedded server, such as Tomcat, Jetty, or Undertow,

allowing developers to run applications as standalone JAR files without
requiring a separate web server installation.

Spring Boot Actuator provides production-ready features out of the box, such
as health checks, metrics, and monitoring capabilities.

It offers a range of developer tools, including automatic restart, live reload,

and a command-line interface (CLI), enhancing productivity during the
development process.

4. What are the various ways to create a Spring Boot application?

There are several ways to create a Spring Boot application:

Using the Spring Initializr: The Spring Initializr is a web-based tool that
generates a project structure and initializes a Spring Boot application with
the desired dependencies. It allows customization of project metadata,
dependencies, and packaging options.

Using Spring Boot CLI: The Spring Boot CLI (Command-Line Interface)
allows developers to create and run Spring Boot applications directly from
the command line. It provides a convenient way to prototype and develop
Spring Boot applications quickly.

Manually creating a project structure: Developers can manually create the

project structure by setting up the necessary directories and configuration
files. They can then add the required dependencies and configure the build
system (e.g., Maven or Gradle) to manage the project.

5. What is the role of the @SpringBootApplication annotation?

The @SpringBootApplication annotation is a convenience annotation in Spring
Boot that combines three essential annotations: @Configuration ,
@EnableAutoConfiguration , and @ComponentScan . It is typically used to annotate the

100+ Spring Boot Questions 2

main class of a Spring Boot application. This single annotation enables auto-
configuration, component scanning, and application context setup, making it a
powerful shortcut for configuring Spring Boot applications.

6. Explain the concept of auto-configuration in Spring Boot:

Auto-configuration in Spring Boot is a key feature that eliminates much of the
manual configuration effort required when building Spring applications. It
leverages classpath scanning and

conditional configuration to automatically configure beans and set up sensible

defaults based on the dependencies present in the project.

Spring Boot auto-configuration works by analyzing the classpath and

determining which beans should be created and configured based on the
available libraries and dependencies. It uses the @Conditional annotations to
conditionally enable or disable specific configurations based on the presence or
absence of certain classes, properties, or conditions.

Auto-configuration provides a significant advantage in Spring Boot as it reduces

the need for developers to explicitly configure every component of the
application. It simplifies the development process by automatically configuring
commonly used components such as data sources, JPA providers, web
frameworks, security, and more, based on sensible defaults and conventions.

7. How does Spring Boot handle dependency management?

Spring Boot simplifies dependency management by providing a curated set of
starter dependencies. These starter dependencies are opinionated, pre-
configured dependencies that include all the necessary libraries and
configurations for specific functionalities or technologies. By including a starter
dependency, developers can easily leverage the features and capabilities
provided by that technology without worrying about manually managing the

Spring Boot manages dependencies through its dependency management

plugin, which ensures that all dependencies within a specific version range are
compatible with each other. Developers can simply declare the starters they
need in their project's build configuration (e.g., Maven or Gradle), and Spring
Boot will resolve and manage the transitive dependencies automatically.

8. What is the purpose of the application.properties or application.yml file?

The application.properties or application.yml file is used in Spring Boot for
externalized configuration. It provides a convenient way to configure various
properties of the application without modifying the source code. These properties

100+ Spring Boot Questions 3

include database connection details, server port, logging configuration,
application-specific settings, and more.

The application.properties file uses a key-value format, while application.yml

uses YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language) format. Both formats allow
developers to specify configuration properties and their corresponding values.
Spring Boot automatically loads and applies the properties defined in these files
during application startup. It provides sensible default values, and developers
can override these defaults by specifying the properties in the
application.properties or application.yml file.

9. How can you override the default properties in Spring Boot?

To override default properties in Spring Boot, you can provide custom values in
the application.properties or application.yml file. By specifying the properties in
these files, Spring Boot will use the custom values instead of the default values.
When defining custom properties, you need to use the same property keys as
the ones used in the default configuration. By setting a property with the same
key in the custom configuration file, Spring Boot will override the default value
with the custom value.

Additionally, you can also override properties using command-line arguments or

environment variables. By providing a command-line argument or setting an
environment variable with the same key as a property, you can override the
default value during application startup.

The precedence order for property resolution in Spring Boot is: command-line
arguments or environment variables > application.properties or application.yml
> default values.

10. What is the purpose of the @Autowired annotation in Spring Boot?

The @Autowired annotation in Spring Boot is used for automatic dependency
injection. It allows Spring to automatically wire and inject dependencies into a
class or a bean without the need for manual configuration.

By using @Autowired , you can declare a dependency within a class, and Spring
will resolve and provide the appropriate instance of that dependency at runtime.
It enables loose coupling and promotes the use of interfaces, making the code
more maintainable and testable.
The @Autowired annotation can be used with constructor injection, setter
injection, or field injection, depending on the preference and design of the

100+ Spring Boot Questions 4

application. When applied, Spring Boot will scan the classpath for suitable
dependencies and inject them accordingly.

11. Explain the concept of profiles in Spring Boot.

Profiles in Spring Boot allow you to define different sets of configurations based
on the environment or application context. A profile represents a specific
configuration or behavior that can be activated selectively based on specific
Profiles are useful when you want to have different configurations for different
environments, such as development, testing, or production. It allows you to
define property values, beans, or other components specific to a particular
profile. For example, you may have a database connection configuration specific
to the development profile and another configuration for the production profile.
By utilizing profiles, you can easily switch between different configurations
without modifying the codebase, making your application more flexible and
adaptable to different environments.

12. How can you enable a specific profile in Spring Boot?

To enable a specific profile in Spring Boot, you can set the spring.profiles.active
property in the application.properties or application.yml file. You can specify the
active profile(s) as a comma-separated list.

For example, to activate the "development" profile, you can set

spring.profiles.active=development in the configuration file. If you want to activate

multiple profiles, separate them with commas like

spring.profiles.active=development,production .

Additionally, you can also set the active profiles using command-line arguments
or environment variables. For example, you can use the --
spring.profiles.active=development command-line argument or set the
SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE environment variable to development to activate the
"development" profile.
Spring Boot will then load the corresponding configuration properties and beans
specific to the active profile(s) during application startup.

13. How does Spring Boot support the creation of RESTful web services?
Spring Boot provides comprehensive support for building RESTful web services.
It integrates the Spring MVC framework, which is widely used for building web
applications, and simplifies the process of creating RESTful APIs.
To create RESTful web services in Spring Boot, you can follow these steps:

100+ Spring Boot Questions 5

1. Annotate your controller class with @RestController to indicate that it will
handle RESTful requests and automatically serialize responses as JSON or

2. Use @RequestMapping or other specialized annotations like @GetMapping ,

@PostMapping , etc., to map HTTP requests to specific controller methods.

3. Define the necessary request parameters, path variables, and headers using
annotations like @RequestParam , @PathVariable , @RequestHeader , etc.

4. Return the appropriate HTTP response using ResponseEntity , @ResponseBody ,

or specific response-related annotations.

5. Optionally, handle exceptions using @ExceptionHandler to provide custom

error handling and appropriate HTTP responses for exceptional cases.

Spring Boot also offers features like content negotiation, request validation, input
conversion, and automatic documentation generation through libraries like
Spring HATEOAS and Springfox Swagger, which further enhance the
development of
RESTful web services.

14. What is Spring Data JPA, and how does it integrate with Spring Boot?
Spring Data JPA is a sub-project of Spring Data that provides an abstraction
layer on top of JPA (Java Persistence API) for simplified database access in
Java applications. It reduces the amount of boilerplate code required for
database interactions and enables developers to work with persistent data using
a high-level, object-oriented approach.
Spring Data JPA integrates seamlessly with Spring Boot, leveraging its auto-
configuration and convention-over-configuration principles. With minimal
configuration, Spring Boot automatically sets up a JPA data source, transaction
management, and entity manager factory.

To use Spring Data JPA in a Spring Boot application, you typically need to
perform the following steps:

1. Define JPA entities or domain objects representing database tables or


2. Create repositories by extending the appropriate Spring Data JPA interfaces

(e.g., CrudRepository , JpaRepository ), which provide out-of-the-box CRUD
operations and querying capabilities.

100+ Spring Boot Questions 6

3. Use these repositories in your application to perform database operations,
eliminating the need for manually writing SQL queries and JDBC code.

4. Configure the data source properties and JPA settings in the

application.properties or application.yml file.

Spring Boot takes care of setting up the necessary components, such as the
entity manager, transaction manager, and database connection, based on the
default configuration and conventions.

15. Explain the role of Spring Security in Spring Boot applications.

Spring Security is a powerful security framework that provides authentication,
authorization, and other security features for Java applications. It allows you to
secure your Spring Boot applications and protect resources from unauthorized

In a Spring Boot application, Spring Security can be easily integrated and

configured using various annotations and configurations. Some key aspects of
Spring Security in Spring Boot include:

Authentication: Spring Security provides various authentication

mechanisms, including form-based authentication, OAuth, JWT, and more. It
allows you to define user authentication and verification logic, such as
connecting to a database, LDAP, or custom authentication providers.

Authorization: Spring Security enables you to define fine-grained access

control and authorization rules using expressions, annotations, or
configuration. You can secure specific URLs, RESTful endpoints, or
methods based on user roles, permissions, or other criteria.

Security Filters: Spring Security utilizes a set of filters that intercept

requests and perform security-related operations, such as authentication,
authorization, and session management.

Integration with Web Frameworks: Spring Security integrates seamlessly

with Spring MVC and Spring Boot, providing out-of-the-box security
configurations and user interfaces for login and logout.

By incorporating Spring Security into a Spring Boot application, you can enforce
secure access control, protect sensitive resources, and implement robust
authentication and authorization mechanisms.

16. How can you enable logging in a Spring Boot application?

Spring Boot provides built-in support for logging using the widely-used logging

100+ Spring Boot Questions 7

frameworks, such as Logback, Log4j2, and Java Util Logging (JUL). By default,
Spring Boot uses Logback as the logging implementation.

To enable logging in a Spring Boot application, you can follow these steps:

1. Add the appropriate logging framework dependency to your project's build

configuration (e.g., Maven or Gradle). Spring Boot's starters often include
the necessary logging dependencies, so you may not need to add them

2. Configure the logging properties in the application.properties or

application.yml file. For example, you can specify the logging level, log file

location, log patterns, etc.

3. Use logging statements in your code using the appropriate logger provided
by the logging framework. For example, you can use SLF4J API with
Logback implementation.

4. During runtime, the logging framework will handle the logging statements
based on the configuration. The logs can be outputted to the console, written
to log files, or sent to external log management systems.

Spring Boot's logging configuration provides flexibility to customize and

configure various aspects of logging, allowing you to control log levels, log
output formats, log rotation, and more.

17. What is the purpose of the @RestController annotation?

The @RestController annotation is used in Spring Boot to indicate that a class is a
specialized version of the @Controller annotation, specifically for building
RESTful web services. It combines the @Controller and @ResponseBody
annotations into a single, convenient annotation.

When you annotate a class with @RestController , Spring Boot treats all the
handler methods within that class as being responsible for generating the
response body for RESTful requests. It eliminates the need to annotate
individual methods with @ResponseBody because @RestController implicitly adds it
to all the methods.
The @RestController annotation simplifies the development of RESTful web
services by eliminating the need to explicitly annotate every method with
@ResponseBody and makes it more concise and expressive.

18. How can you handle exceptions in a Spring Boot application?

In Spring Boot, you can handle exceptions by utilizing the @ExceptionHandler

100+ Spring Boot Questions 8

annotation and defining exception handling methods within your controllers or
using global exception handling techniques.

Here's how you can handle exceptions in a Spring Boot application:

Controller-Level Exception Handling: You can annotate a method in your

controller class with @ExceptionHandler and specify the exception type that it
can handle. When that particular exception occurs within the controller's
methods, the annotated exception handling method will be invoked, allowing
you to customize the error response or perform specific actions.

Global Exception Handling: Spring Boot allows you to define a global

exception handler by creating a class annotated with @ControllerAdvice and
implementing exception handling methods. These methods can handle
exceptions thrown from any controller within the application, providing
centralized and consistent error handling.

In both approaches, you can customize the error response, log the exception
details, redirect to an error page, or perform any other necessary actions based
on the specific exception being handled.

19. Explain the difference between @Component , @Service , and @Repository

annotations in Spring Boot:

In Spring Boot, @Component , @Service , and @Repository are three stereotype

annotations used to categorize and define the roles of classes within an

@Component is a generic stereotype annotation that indicates a class is a

component or a bean. It is the base annotation for all other stereotypes. It is
typically used for classes that don't fall into the specific categories of
@Service or @Repository .

@Service is a specialization of @Component and represents a service layer

component. It is typically used to annotate classes that provide business
logic, perform operations, or coordinate activities within the application.
Services are often used to encapsulate complex operations and make them
available to other parts of the application.

@Repositoryis also a specialization of @Component and represents a repository

or data access component. It is commonly used for classes that interact with
the database or any other data storage mechanism. Repositories typically

100+ Spring Boot Questions 9

provide CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations for accessing and
managing persistent data.

The main difference between these annotations lies in their intended roles and
responsibilities. While all three are essentially used to define Spring beans,
using the appropriate annotation helps convey the purpose and intent of the
class to other developers. It also allows for potential optimizations and clarity in
the codebase.

20. What is the purpose of the @Transactional annotation in Spring Boot?

The @Transactional annotation in Spring Boot is used to define the transactional

behavior of a method or a class. Transactions ensure that a set of operations are
treated as a single unit of work, providing ACID (Atomicity, Consistency,
Isolation, Durability) properties.

By annotating a method or class with @Transactional , Spring Boot automatically

manages the transactional behavior, handling transaction demarcation,
propagation, and rollback based on the configured settings.
The @Transactional annotation can be placed at the method level, where it
defines that the method should be executed within a transactional context. It can
also be placed at the class level, where all public methods of that class become
The purpose of the @Transactional annotation is to simplify transaction
management by providing a declarative way to define the transactional
boundaries. It allows developers to focus on the business logic without worrying
about the low-level transaction management details.

21. How does Spring Boot support database migrations?

Spring Boot provides integration with database migration tools such as Flyway
and Liquibase to handle database schema management and migration.

Database migration tools allow you to define and version database schema
changes as a series of migrations. These migrations can be executed
automatically during application startup or manually as part of the deployment

In Spring Boot, you can use Flyway or Liquibase by including their respective
dependencies in your project's build configuration. Then, you can define
database migration scripts in the form of SQL or XML files, specifying the
changes you want to make to the database schema.

100+ Spring Boot Questions 10

Spring Boot automatically detects these migration scripts and executes them
against the database during application startup. It ensures that the database
schema is in sync with the defined migrations, allowing for seamless evolution of
the database schema as the application evolves.
By supporting database migrations, Spring Boot facilitates a smooth and
controlled process of managing database schema changes, ensuring
consistency across different deployment environments.

22. What is the role of Spring Boot Actuator?

Spring Boot Actuator is a powerful feature of Spring Boot that provides
production-ready management and monitoring capabilities for your applications.
It offers a set of built-in endpoints and tools for managing and monitoring

application health, metrics, logging, tracing, and more.

The key role of Spring Boot Actuator is to expose valuable insights and control
over the running application. It allows you to gather real-time information about
your application's health, performance, and behavior, making it easier to monitor
and manage the application in production environments.

Spring Boot Actuator provides various endpoints, such as /health , /info ,

/metrics , /env , /loggers , and many more. These endpoints can be accessed

via HTTP or JMX, providing a wealth of information about the application's

Actuator also allows you to customize and extend its functionality by defining
custom endpoints, health indicators, and metrics collectors. This flexibility
enables you to tailor the monitoring and management capabilities to fit the
specific requirements of your application.
Overall, Spring Boot Actuator plays a vital role in ensuring that your Spring Boot
application is production-ready by providing essential features for monitoring,
management, and troubleshooting.

23. How can you configure caching in a Spring Boot application?

Spring Boot provides seamless integration with caching frameworks, such as
Ehcache, Caffeine, Hazelcast, and others, through the @EnableCaching annotation
and caching-related annotations.
To configure caching in a Spring Boot application, you can follow these steps:

1. Add the desired caching framework's dependency to your project's build

configuration (e.g., Maven or Gradle).

100+ Spring Boot Questions 11

2. Annotate the configuration class or main class with @EnableCaching to enable
caching support.

3. Use caching-related annotations, such as @Cacheable , @CachePut , and

@CacheEvict , at the method level to specify caching behavior.

4. Configure the cache properties, such as cache names, cache managers,

eviction policies, etc., in the application.properties or application.yml file.

By leveraging caching annotations, you can cache method results based on the
specified cache names and cache keys. This allows subsequent invocations of
the same method with the same inputs to be served from the cache, improving
performance and reducing redundant computations.
Spring Boot's caching support makes it easy to integrate caching capabilities
into your application, resulting in improved performance and scalability.

24. Explain the concept of Bean scopes in Spring Boot.

Bean scopes in Spring Boot define the lifecycle and visibility of Spring-managed
beans. They determine how instances of a particular bean are created,
managed, and shared within the application context.
Spring Boot provides several bean scopes, including:

Singleton: The default scope. A singleton bean is created only once, and
the same instance is shared across all requests. It remains in the application
context until the application shuts down.

Prototype: A new instance of the prototype bean is created each time it is

requested. It allows multiple instances of the same bean to coexist within the

Request: A new instance of the request-scoped bean is created for each

HTTP request. It is useful when you want to store data specific to a single
request, such as user session information.

Session: A new instance of the session-scoped bean is created for each

user session. It maintains the state specific to a user's session across
multiple requests.

Application: A new instance of the application-scoped bean is created once

for the entire application. It is shared across all requests and sessions.

WebSocket: A new instance of the web socket-scoped bean is created for

each WebSocket session.

100+ Spring Boot Questions 12

By selecting the appropriate bean scope, you can control the lifecycle and
visibility of beans, ensuring that they are managed and shared according to your
application's requirements.

25. *What is the purpose of the `@Value` annotation in Spring Boot?**

The @Value annotation in Spring Boot is used to inject values from properties
files, environment variables, command-line arguments, or other sources into
Spring-managed beans.
By annotating a field, setter method, or constructor parameter with @Value , you
can specify the placeholder expression to retrieve the value from the configured

For example, you can use @Value("${my.property}") to inject the value of the
my.property property defined in the application.properties or application.yml file.

The @Value annotation is versatile and can be used in various scenarios, such
as injecting simple values, configuring object properties, setting default values,
or retrieving values from different sources. It allows you to externalize and
configure properties for your application in a flexible and dynamic manner.

26. How can you enable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) in a Spring
Boot application?
To enable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) in a Spring Boot application,
you can configure CORS-related settings in your application's configuration class
or using properties.

Here are two approaches to enable CORS in a Spring Boot application:

1. Using @CrossOrigin annotation: You can annotate specific controller

methods or the entire controller class with the @CrossOrigin annotation. This
annotation allows you to specify the allowed origins, methods, headers, and
other CORS-related configurations. For example:

@CrossOrigin(origins = "<http://example.com>")
public class MyController {
// ...

1. Using configuration properties: You can configure CORS-related settings

in the application.properties or application.yml file. For example:

100+ Spring Boot Questions 13

# CORS settings

By enabling CORS, you allow cross-origin requests from specified origins,

methods, and headers, ensuring that your Spring Boot application can be
accessed by clients from different domains.

27. Explain the concept of a starter dependency in Spring Boot.

In Spring Boot, a starter dependency is a convenient way to include a specific

set of dependencies and configurations for a particular functionality or
technology stack. Starters are curated collections of dependencies that provide a
cohesive set of libraries, configurations, and auto-configuration for a specific use
By including a starter dependency in your Spring Boot project, you get access to
all the necessary libraries, configurations, and Spring Boot auto-configuration
tailored for that particular functionality or technology stack. Starters simplify the
dependency management process and ensure that the required dependencies
and configurations are correctly aligned and compatible.

Starters are named using a spring-boot-starter-* convention, where the *

represents the specific functionality or technology. For example, spring-boot-
starter-webincludes the necessary dependencies and configurations for building
web applications.

Starters provide an opinionated and efficient way to bootstrap your Spring Boot
projects by providing a curated set of dependencies and configurations, reducing
the need for manual dependency management and configuration setup.

28. What is the purpose of the @Async annotation in Spring Boot?

The @Async annotation in Spring Boot is used to indicate that a method should
be executed asynchronously, in a separate thread, without blocking the calling
By annotating a method with @Async , Spring Boot automatically creates a proxy
for that method and executes it in a separate thread from a thread pool managed
by Spring's TaskExecutor . This allows the calling thread to continue its execution
without waiting for the asynchronous method to complete.

100+ Spring Boot Questions 14

The @Async annotation is often used for time-consuming or non-blocking
operations, such as sending emails, performing background tasks, executing
long-running computations, or making remote API calls.
To enable the @Async annotation, you need to configure a TaskExecutor bean in
your application context. Spring Boot provides sensible default configurations,
but you can customize the thread pool size and other settings as per your
The @Async annotation enhances the responsiveness and performance of your
application by allowing concurrent execution of non-blocking tasks, improving
overall throughput and user experience.

29. How does Spring Boot support the creation of WebSocket applications?
Spring Boot provides built-in support for creating WebSocket applications
through Spring's WebSocket API and integration with WebSocket libraries such
as javax.websocket and

SockJS .
To create WebSocket applications in Spring Boot, you can follow these steps:

1. Include the necessary dependencies in your project's build configuration

(e.g., Maven or Gradle). Spring Boot's starters often include the required
dependencies, so you may not need to add them explicitly.

2. Create a WebSocket handler class by implementing the WebSocketHandler

interface. This class handles WebSocket connection, messages, and

lifecycle events.

3. Configure WebSocket-related settings in your application's configuration

class or properties file. For example, you can define the WebSocket
endpoint and other properties.

4. Annotate the configuration class or main class with @EnableWebSocket to

enable WebSocket support in your application.

5. Implement WebSocket endpoints or controllers by annotating them with

@Controller and using WebSocket-related annotations such as
@MessageMapping to handle incoming WebSocket messages.

By following these steps, you can create WebSocket applications that allow
bidirectional communication between the client and the server, enabling real-
time data exchange and interaction.

100+ Spring Boot Questions 15

30. Explain the concept of conditional bean registration in Spring Boot.
Conditional bean registration in Spring Boot allows you to conditionally create
and register beans based on specific conditions, such as the presence of certain
classes, properties, or other runtime conditions.
Spring Boot provides the @Conditional annotation and a set of predefined
condition classes that you can use to specify the conditions for bean registration.
For example, you can use the @ConditionalOnClass annotation to conditionally
register a bean only if a specific class is present in the classpath:

public class DataSourceConfiguration {
// Bean definitions...

In this example, the DataSourceConfiguration class is registered as a bean only if the

DataSource class is present in the classpath.

Conditional bean registration allows for flexible configuration and customization

of your Spring Boot application based on the specific runtime conditions. It helps
ensure that beans are created and registered only when the required
dependencies or conditions are met.

31. How can you schedule tasks in a Spring Boot application?

In Spring Boot, you can schedule tasks using the @Scheduled annotation and the
@EnableScheduling annotation.

Here's how you can schedule tasks in a Spring Boot application:

1. Annotate the configuration class or main class with @EnableScheduling to

enable scheduling support.

2. In the class where you want to schedule a task, annotate the method that
should be scheduled with the @Scheduled annotation. This annotation allows
you to specify the schedule for the task using cron expressions, fixed delays,
fixed rates, or initial delays.

3. Customize the scheduling behavior as per your requirements. For example,

you can use cron expressions to define complex schedules, set fixed delay
or rate durations, or configure initial delays.

100+ Spring Boot Questions 16

The Spring Boot scheduler executes the annotated method according to the
specified schedule. It runs the task in a separate thread managed by Spring's
TaskScheduler .
Scheduling tasks in a Spring Boot application allows you to automate repetitive
or time-based tasks, such as generating reports, sending notifications, or
performing periodic data updates.

32. What is the purpose of the @RequestMapping annotation?

The @RequestMapping annotation in Spring Boot is used to map HTTP requests to

specific handler methods in a controller class.
By annotating a method or a controller class with @RequestMapping , you define the
URL path or paths that the method or class should handle. Additionally, you can
specify HTTP methods, request headers, request parameters, and other
conditions to further refine the mapping.
For example, to map a method to handle GET requests at the path /hello , you
can use the following code:

public class MyController {
@RequestMapping(value = "/hello", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String hello() {
return "Hello, world!";

The @RequestMapping annotation provides a powerful way to handle different types of

requests and route them to the appropriate methods in your controllers. It allows you
to build RESTful APIs and web applications by defining the mapping between URLs
and the corresponding controller logic.

33. How can you enable HTTPS in a Spring Boot application?

To enable HTTPS in a Spring Boot application, you need to configure an
SSL/TLS certificate and update the application's configuration.

Here are the steps to enable HTTPS in a Spring Boot application:

1. Obtain or generate an SSL/TLS certificate for your domain. This can be

done through a trusted certificate authority or by creating a self-signed

100+ Spring Boot Questions 17

2. Store the certificate and private key in a keystore file, typically in PKCS12

3. Update the application's configuration in the application.properties or

application.yml file to enable HTTPS. Set the following properties:


In this example, the server will listen on port 8443 and use the specified keystore
file with the provided password.

4. Restart the application, and it will now be accessible over HTTPS.

Enabling HTTPS in a Spring Boot application ensures secure communication

between the server and clients by encrypting the data transmitted over the
network. It is particularly important when dealing with sensitive information, such
as user credentials or financial data.

34. Explain the concept of externalized configuration in Spring Boot.

Externalized configuration in Spring Boot refers to the practice of storing
application configuration settings outside of the application code. Instead of
hardcoding configuration values, Spring Boot allows you to configure and
customize various aspects of the application through external configuration files,
environment variables, command-line arguments, or other external sources.

The main benefits of externalized configuration are:

Flexibility: By externalizing configuration, you can modify application

behavior without modifying the source code. It enables you to adjust settings
based on different environments (development, testing, production) or
dynamically change configurations at runtime.

Separation of Concerns: Externalized configuration separates the

configuration concerns from the application logic. It allows developers to
focus on writing code without worrying about specific configuration values.

Secure Configuration: Sensitive information, such as database credentials

or API keys, can be stored securely in external configuration files or
environment variables, keeping them separate from the codebase.

100+ Spring Boot Questions 18

In Spring Boot, the most common external configuration sources are
application.properties or application.yml files, which are typically located in

the classpath. Additionally, Spring Boot supports other configuration file

formats and offers a hierarchy of property sources, allowing properties to be
overridden or inherited from different sources.

35. What is the purpose of the @RestControllerAdvice annotation?

The @RestControllerAdvice annotation in Spring Boot combines the functionalities
of @ControllerAdvice and @ResponseBody annotations. It is used to handle
exceptions and provide global, centralized exception handling for RESTful APIs.

When you annotate a class with @RestControllerAdvice , it becomes a specialized

version of @ControllerAdvice , specifically for RESTful APIs. It allows you to define
exception handling methods that are applied globally to all @RestController or
@RequestMapping annotated classes in your application.

Exception handling methods within a @RestControllerAdvice class can return

custom error responses, handle specific exceptions, perform logging, or execute
any necessary actions when an exception occurs during API request processing.
The @RestControllerAdvice annotation simplifies the process of handling
exceptions in RESTful APIs by providing a centralized mechanism for consistent
error handling and response generation.

36. How does Spring Boot support testing of applications?

Spring Boot provides comprehensive support for testing applications through its
testing framework and integration with popular testing libraries, such as JUnit
and Mockito.
Spring Boot testing features include:

Test Annotations: Spring Boot provides annotations such as

, @WebMvcTest , and @DataJpaTest that allow you to set up a test

environment and configure specific slices of the application for testing.

Auto-configuration: During testing, Spring Boot automatically configures

the application context based on the dependencies and configurations
defined in the test classpath. It creates an isolated environment that mimics
the behavior of the actual application.

Mocking and Stubbing: Spring Boot integrates with mocking libraries like
Mockito, allowing you to create mock objects and stub dependencies for unit

100+ Spring Boot Questions 19

testing. You can use @MockBean to mock Spring beans and @Autowired to
inject the mock objects.

Embedded Servers: Spring Boot provides embedded servers, such as

Tomcat or Jetty, that can be used during integration testing. These servers
allow you to perform end-to-end testing of your application's RESTful
endpoints or web components.

Testing Utilities: Spring Boot offers testing utilities and helper classes that
facilitate testing, such as TestRestTemplate for testing RESTful APIs,
TestEntityManager for testing JPA entities, and MockMvc for testing MVC


With these testing features, Spring Boot simplifies the testing process, allows for
various types of testing (unit, integration, end-to-end), and provides a robust
framework for writing comprehensive tests for your applications.

35. Explain the concept of cross-cutting concerns in Spring Boot.

In software development, cross-cutting concerns refer to functionalities or

requirements that are common and span across different modules or
components of an application. These concerns typically cut across the core
functionality of the application and affect multiple parts of the codebase.
Some common cross-cutting concerns include logging, security, transaction
management, caching, error handling, and validation. These concerns often
involve repetitive and boilerplate code that needs to be implemented consistently
throughout the application.
Spring Boot addresses cross-cutting concerns through various mechanisms:

Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP): Spring Boot leverages AOP to

modularize cross-cutting concerns and separate them from the business
logic. AOP allows you to define aspects that encapsulate reusable
functionalities and apply them to different parts of the application through
pointcut expressions.

Auto-Configuration: Spring Boot provides auto-configuration capabilities

that automatically configure cross-cutting concerns based on the
dependencies and libraries present in the classpath. It reduces the need for
manual configuration and helps enforce best practices.

Starter Dependencies: Spring Boot starters include pre-configured

dependencies for common cross-cutting concerns. By including these

100+ Spring Boot Questions 20

starters in your project, you get the necessary libraries, configurations, and
auto-configuration for handling these concerns effectively.

By addressing cross-cutting concerns, Spring Boot promotes modular and

maintainable code, reduces code duplication, and provides a more cohesive and
consistent architecture.

36. What is the purpose of the @Validated annotation in Spring Boot?

The @Validated annotation in Spring Boot is used to indicate that a class or
method should be validated based on validation constraints defined by the Java
Bean Validation API (JSR 380).

When you annotate a class or method with @Validated , Spring Boot

automatically triggers the validation process on the annotated object or method
The @Validated annotation can be used in conjunction with other validation-
related annotations, such as @Valid , to enforce validation rules on request
payloads, command objects, or domain objects.
For example, consider the following code snippet:

public class MyController {
public void createUser(@Validated @RequestBody User user) {
// ...

In this example, the @Validated annotation is used to trigger validation on the User
object received in the request body. If the User object fails validation based on the
defined constraints (e.g., not-null, pattern, size), Spring Boot automatically throws a
MethodArgumentNotValidException .

The @Validated annotation helps ensure data integrity and consistency by

validating input or domain objects according to the specified validation

39. How can you enable Swagger documentation in a Spring Boot application?
Swagger is a popular framework for documenting and testing RESTful APIs.
Spring Boot provides integration with Swagger through various libraries, such as
Swagger UI and Springfox.

100+ Spring Boot Questions 21

To enable Swagger documentation in a Spring Boot application, you can follow
these steps:

1. Include the necessary Swagger dependencies in your project's build

configuration (e.g., Maven or Gradle). Spring Boot starters often include the
required dependencies, so you may not need to add them explicitly.

2. Configure Swagger-related properties in the application.properties or

application.yml file. For example, you can specify the API title, version,

description, contact information, etc.

3. Annotate your RESTful controller methods with Swagger annotations, such

as @ApiOperation , @ApiParam , and @ApiResponse . These annotations provide
additional information about the API endpoints, request/response models,
and error responses.

4. Run the application, and access the Swagger UI interface at the configured
endpoint (e.g., http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html ). Swagger UI allows you
to interactively explore and test your APIs, view the documentation, and
even generate client SDKs.

Enabling Swagger documentation in a Spring Boot application enhances the

developer experience by providing a clear and interactive representation of the
available APIs, their parameters, and responses. It promotes API discoverability
and simplifies API consumption by both developers and external consumers.

37. Explain the purpose of the @PathVariable annotation in Spring Boot.

The @PathVariable annotation in Spring Boot is used to extract and bind path
variables from a URL to method parameters in a controller handler method.
When you define a mapping for a URL with variables, such as /users/{id} , the
@PathVariable annotation allows you to retrieve the value of the id variable and
use it in your method logic.

Here's an example:

public class UserController {
public ResponseEntity<User> getUserById(@PathVariable Long id) {
// ...

100+ Spring Boot Questions 22

In this example, the getUserById method maps to the /users/{id} URL. The
@PathVariableannotation is used to bind the value of id in the URL to the id

parameter of the method.

When a request is made to /users/123 , Spring Boot automatically maps the value
123 to the id parameter, allowing you to retrieve and process the requested

user with the ID 123 .

The @PathVariable annotation simplifies the handling of path variables in Spring
Boot and allows you to create dynamic and parameterized mappings in your

41. How does Spring Boot support message queuing?

Spring Boot provides integration with message queuing systems, such as

RabbitMQ and Apache Kafka, through its Spring Integration and Spring AMQP
Spring Boot's support for message queuing includes:

Starter Dependencies: Spring Boot starters for RabbitMQ and Apache

Kafka provide the necessary dependencies and configurations to get started

Auto-Configuration: Spring Boot automatically configures the message

queuing components based on the presence of the required dependencies
and the configured properties.

Annotations: Spring Boot provides annotations, such as @RabbitListener for

RabbitMQ and @KafkaListener for Apache Kafka, that simplify the creation of
message consumers and event-driven architectures.

Integration with Spring Messaging: Spring Boot integrates with Spring

Messaging and its abstractions, such as Message , MessageChannel , and
MessageHandler , to facilitate the sending and receiving of messages.

With these features, Spring Boot simplifies the development of message-driven

applications and enables the communication and integration of systems through
message queuing systems.

42. What is the purpose of the @Scheduled annotation in Spring Boot?

The @Scheduled annotation in Spring Boot is used to schedule the execution of a

method at fixed intervals or based on a cron expression.

100+ Spring Boot Questions 23

By annotating a method with @Scheduled , you can specify when and how often
the method should be executed. The annotated method will be automatically
invoked by Spring Boot's scheduling infrastructure according to the configured
Here's an example:

public class MyScheduler {
@Scheduled(fixedDelay = 5000) // Executes every 5 seconds
public void doSomething() {
// ...

In this example, the doSomething method is annotated with @Scheduled and configured
to execute every 5 seconds ( fixedDelay = 5000 ).
The @Scheduled annotation is commonly used for tasks such as periodic data
synchronization, cache refresh, report generation, or any other repetitive tasks.
Spring Boot's scheduling support provides a convenient way to automate such
tasks, allowing you to focus on the business logic instead of manually managing
timers or background threads.

43. Explain the concept of Actuator endpoints in Spring Boot.

Actuator endpoints in Spring Boot provide various management and monitoring

capabilities for your application. These endpoints expose valuable information
about the application's health, metrics, configurations, logging, and more.

Actuator endpoints are exposed as HTTP or JMX endpoints, allowing you to

access the information through HTTP requests or JMX clients. Some commonly
used Actuator endpoints include:

/health : Provides information about the application's health status,

indicating whether it's up and running or experiencing any issues.

/info : Displays general information about the application, such as its name,
version, and description.

/metrics: Provides various metrics about the application, such as CPU

usage, memory usage, request counts, response times, and more.

/env : Displays the current environment properties and their values.

/loggers : Allows you to view and modify the logging configuration at runtime.

100+ Spring Boot Questions 24

Actuator endpoints provide a powerful tool for monitoring and managing your
Spring Boot application in production environments. You can use them to gather
insights, diagnose issues, perform health checks, adjust configurations, and gain
operational visibility into your application.

44. How can you configure connection pooling in a Spring Boot application?

Spring Boot provides built-in support for connection pooling through its
integration with popular connection pooling libraries, such as HikariCP, Apache
Tomcat JDBC, and Commons DBCP2.
To configure connection pooling in a Spring Boot application, you can follow
these steps:

1. Include the desired connection pooling library's dependency in your project's

build configuration (e.g., Maven or Gradle).

2. Configure the connection pooling properties in the application.properties or

application.yml file. The specific properties depend on the chosen

connection pooling library. For example, if you're using HikariCP, you can set
properties like spring.datasource.hikari.* to configure the pool size, timeout,
and other related settings.

3. Spring Boot automatically configures the data source bean based on the
provided properties and the chosen connection pooling library.

Connection pooling improves application performance by reusing existing

database connections instead of creating new connections for each request. It
helps manage and optimize database connections, leading to better scalability
and reduced overhead.

45. What is the purpose of the @CrossOrigin annotation in Spring Boot?

The @CrossOrigin annotation in Spring Boot is used to enable Cross-Origin
Resource Sharing (CORS) for specific controller methods or the entire controller

CORS is a security mechanism implemented by web browsers that restricts

cross-origin requests (requests made from different domains) for security
reasons. By default, web browsers enforce the Same-Origin Policy, which
prevents JavaScript code running in one domain from making requests to
another domain.
The @CrossOrigin annotation allows you to relax the browser's CORS restrictions
and specify which origins, methods, headers, and other CORS-related

100+ Spring Boot Questions 25

configurations are allowed for a particular controller method or class.
For example:

@CrossOrigin(origins = "<http://example.com>")
public class MyController {
// ...

In this example, the @CrossOrigin annotation is applied at the class level, allowing
requests from http://example.com to access the methods in the MyController class.

By using @CrossOrigin , you can enable cross-origin requests and allow clients
from different domains to access your Spring Boot APIs securely.

46. How does Spring Boot support internationalization and localization?

Spring Boot provides support for internationalization (i18n) and localization
(l10n) through the use of message bundles and the MessageSource interface.
To enable internationalization and localization in a Spring Boot application, you
can follow these steps:

1. Define message properties files for different locales, such as

messages_en.properties for English, messages_fr.properties for French, etc.

These files contain key-value pairs representing the translated messages for
each locale.

2. Configure the MessageSource bean in the application context, specifying the

base name(s) of the message properties files.

3. In your code, use the MessageSource bean to retrieve the appropriate

message based on the current locale.

Spring Boot automatically detects the locale based on the Accept-Language

header in the HTTP request or by other means (e.g., browser settings) and
resolves the appropriate message from the corresponding message properties

By leveraging Spring Boot's internationalization and localization support, you can

create applications that adapt to different languages and cultures, providing a
localized user experience.

47. Explain the concept of a health indicator in Spring Boot Actuator.

100+ Spring Boot Questions 26

In Spring Boot Actuator, a health indicator is a component responsible for
providing information about the health status of a specific aspect of the
Health indicators are used by the /health Actuator endpoint to provide insights
into the overall health of the application. Each health indicator represents a
specific subsystem, component, or dependency of the application and reports its
health status as one of the predefined values: UP,


Spring Boot Actuator provides a set of built-in health indicators for common
components, such as the database, message broker, disk space, and more.
Additionally, you can define custom health indicators to monitor the health of
specific application components or dependencies.

Custom health indicators implement the HealthIndicator interface and override

the health() method to provide the health status based on custom checks or
monitoring logic.
The health status reported by the health indicators can be used for monitoring,
alerting, or automated health checks in your application infrastructure. It allows
you to identify and diagnose potential issues, ensure high availability, and
provide insights into the overall health of your Spring Boot application.

48. What is the purpose of the @RequestBody annotation in Spring Boot?

The @RequestBody annotation in Spring Boot is used to bind the body of an HTTP
request to a method parameter in a controller handler method.

When you annotate a method parameter with @RequestBody , Spring Boot

automatically converts the request body into the specified Java object. It uses a
suitable HTTP message converter, based on the content type of the request, to
perform the conversion.
For example, consider the following code snippet:

public class MyController {
public void createUser(@RequestBody User user) {
// ...

100+ Spring Boot Questions 27

In this example, the createUser method expects a User object in the request body.
The @RequestBody annotation tells Spring Boot to deserialize the request body into a
User object automatically.

The @RequestBody annotation is commonly used in RESTful APIs to extract and

deserialize JSON or XML payloads from incoming requests.

49. How can you enable request logging in a Spring Boot application?
To enable request logging in a Spring Boot application, you can configure the
logging level for the org.springframework.web package to DEBUG or TRACE . This can
be done in the application.properties or application.yml file by adding the
following line:


With this configuration, Spring Boot logs detailed information about incoming HTTP
requests, including the request method, URL, headers, parameters, and other
relevant details.

Additionally, you can customize the logging format and output by configuring a
logging framework, such as Logback or Log4j, which are commonly used with
Spring Boot.

Enabling request logging is helpful for debugging, troubleshooting, and auditing

purposes. It allows you to monitor incoming requests and track the flow of data
through your application.

50. Explain the purpose of the @ExceptionHandler annotation in Spring Boot.

The @ExceptionHandler annotation in Spring Boot is used to handle exceptions

thrown by controller handler methods within the same controller or globally
across multiple controllers.
By annotating a method with @ExceptionHandler , you can define custom exception
handling logic to handle specific types of exceptions that may occur during
request processing.
Here's an example:

public class MyController {
public ResponseEntity<String> handleMyException(MyException ex) {
// Custom exception handling logic

100+ Spring Boot Questions 28

return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).body("An error

// ...

In this example, the handleMyExceptionmethod is annotated with

@ExceptionHandler(MyException.class) , indicating that it should handle MyException

instances. Inside the method, you can define the appropriate response or perform
any necessary error handling actions.
The @ExceptionHandler annotation helps you centralize and customize the
exception handling logic within your controllers. It allows you to provide
meaningful error messages, handle specific exceptions, and return appropriate
HTTP status codes or error responses to clients.

51. How does Spring Boot support asynchronous processing?

Spring Boot supports asynchronous processing through the use of the @Async

annotation and the TaskExecutor interface.

To enable asynchronous processing, you need to follow these steps:

1. Annotate a method with @Async to indicate that it should be executed


2. Configure a TaskExecutor bean in the application context. Spring Boot

provides sensible defaults, but you can also customize the thread pool size
and other settings.

3. Call the asynchronous method from another method. The method will be
executed in a separate thread, allowing the calling thread to continue
processing other tasks.

Here's an example:

public class MyService {
public CompletableFuture<String> doSomethingAsync() {
// Asynchronous processing logic
// ...
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture("Result");

100+ Spring Boot Questions 29

In this example, the doSomethingAsync method is annotated with @Async , indicating
that it should be executed asynchronously. The method returns a CompletableFuture
that allows you to handle the result of the asynchronous operation.

Spring Boot's support for asynchronous processing improves application

responsiveness, scalability, and resource utilization by offloading time-consuming
tasks to separate threads. It allows you to perform parallel processing, invoke
external services asynchronously, or handle long-running operations without
blocking the main execution thread.

52. What is the purpose of the @EnableAutoConfiguration annotation in Spring


The @EnableAutoConfiguration annotation in Spring Boot is used to enable the

auto-configuration feature, which automatically configures the Spring application
context based on the classpath dependencies, beans, and properties present in
the application.

By adding @EnableAutoConfiguration to a configuration class or the main

application class, Spring Boot performs classpath scanning and automatically
configures various aspects of the application, such as data sources, JPA,
messaging, web, security, and more. It leverages the Spring Boot starters, which
provide pre-packaged configurations and dependencies for common use cases.

The auto-configuration feature reduces the need for manual configuration,

boilerplate code, and tedious bean wiring. It promotes convention over
configuration and allows developers to focus on the business logic rather than
the low-level setup details.
The @EnableAutoConfiguration annotation is typically used in the main application
class of a Spring Boot application.

53. How can you configure a connection pool in Spring Boot?

In Spring Boot, you can configure a connection pool by providing the necessary
properties for the connection pool library you are using. Spring Boot supports
multiple connection pooling libraries, such as HikariCP, Apache Tomcat JDBC,
and Commons DBCP2.

The specific configuration properties and their values depend on the chosen
connection pooling library. For example, if you're using HikariCP, you can
configure the connection pool properties in the application.properties or
application.yml file with the prefix spring.datasource.hikari.* .

Here's an example configuration for HikariCP in application.properties :

100+ Spring Boot Questions 30


In this example, the spring.datasource.hikari.* properties configure the URL,

username, password, and maximum pool size for the HikariCP connection pool.

By configuring the appropriate properties for your chosen connection pooling

library, Spring Boot automatically sets up the connection pool and manages
database connections efficiently.

54. Explain the concept of transaction management in Spring Boot.

Transaction management in Spring Boot allows you to define and manage

database transactions declaratively, without writing low-level transaction
handling code.

Spring Boot supports transaction management through integration with the Java
Transaction API (JTA), Java Persistence API (JPA), and other transaction
management frameworks.

To use transaction management in Spring Boot, you typically need to:

1. Configure a data source and transaction manager in the application context.

2. Annotate the service methods or classes that require transaction

management with @Transactional . This annotation ensures that the
annotated methods are executed within a transactional context.

Spring Boot's transaction management provides features such as:

ACID Transactions: Spring Boot handles the creation, commit, or rollback

of transactions, ensuring data consistency and integrity.

Declarative Transaction Management: With @Transactional annotation, you

can specify the transactional behavior (e.g., isolation level, propagation) at
the method or class level, simplifying the transaction handling code.

Exception Handling: Spring Boot automatically rolls back the transaction if

an exception occurs, ensuring that the database state remains consistent.

Transaction management in Spring Boot enables reliable and consistent

database operations, making it easier to develop applications with complex data

100+ Spring Boot Questions 31

55. What is the purpose of the @Async annotation in Spring Boot?

The @Async annotation in Spring Boot is used to mark a method as

asynchronous, indicating that it should be executed in a separate thread.

By annotating a method with @Async , Spring Boot automatically runs the method
asynchronously, allowing the calling thread to continue with other tasks without
waiting for the asynchronous method to complete.

Here's an example:

public class MyService {
public void doSomethingAsync() {
// Asynchronous processing logic
// ...

In this example, the doSomethingAsync method is annotated with @Async , indicating

that it should be executed asynchronously. The method will run in a separate thread
managed by Spring's task executor.

The @Async annotation is typically used for time-consuming or non-blocking

operations, such as sending emails, performing background tasks, or invoking
external services, without blocking the main execution thread.

Spring Boot's support for asynchronous processing helps improve application

performance, responsiveness, and scalability by offloading time-consuming tasks
to separate threads. It allows for parallel processing and efficient utilization of
system resources.

56. How does Spring Boot handle security vulnerabilities, such as Cross-Site
Scripting (XSS) and Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)?

Spring Boot provides security features and mechanisms to help mitigate security
vulnerabilities, including XSS and CSRF attacks.

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS): Spring Boot includes protection against XSS

attacks by automatically escaping user input in web pages using template
engines, such as Thymeleaf or FreeMarker. Additionally, Spring Security
provides features like Content Security Policy (CSP) and XSS protection
headers to prevent XSS attacks.

100+ Spring Boot Questions 32

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF): Spring Boot integrates with Spring
Security to provide CSRF protection. It automatically generates and includes
CSRF tokens in forms or AJAX requests, preventing CSRF attacks by
verifying the authenticity of requests.

To further enhance security, Spring Boot encourages best practices, such as

input validation, output encoding, secure session management, and secure
communication protocols (e.g., HTTPS).

It's important to note that while Spring Boot provides security features, it's the
responsibility of developers to properly configure and utilize these features, as
well as follow secure coding practices, to protect against security vulnerabilities.

57. What is the purpose of the @Cacheable annotation in Spring Boot?

The @Cacheable annotation in Spring Boot is used to enable method-level
caching. By annotating a method with @Cacheable , Spring Boot caches the result
of the method invocation based on the method parameters, allowing subsequent
invocations to be served from the cache instead of executing the method.

Caching is useful for methods that have expensive or time-consuming

computations, database queries, or remote calls, where the result is expected to
be the same for the same set of input parameters.

Here's an example:

public class MyService {
public String getDataFromDatabase(String key) {
// Expensive database query
// ...
return data;

In this example, the getDataFromDatabase method is annotated with @Cacheable and

configured to use the cache named "myCache". When this method is invoked with
the same key parameter, Spring Boot checks the cache first. If the data is present in
the cache, it returns the cached value; otherwise, it executes the method and caches
the result for subsequent invocations.

The @Cacheable annotation helps improve performance by avoiding redundant

computations or expensive operations, especially in scenarios where the data
doesn't change frequently.

100+ Spring Boot Questions 33

58. How can you handle file uploads in a Spring Boot application?

To handle file uploads in a Spring Boot application, you can follow these steps:

1. Configure file upload properties in the application.properties or

application.yml file. Specify the maximum allowed file size, location to store

uploaded files, and other related settings.

2. Create a controller method to handle the file upload request. Annotate the
method with @PostMapping and @RequestParam("file") to receive the uploaded

3. Use a MultipartFile parameter to bind the uploaded file to the method. The
MultipartFile class provides methods to access the file's content, name,

size, and other attributes.

4. Process the uploaded file as required. You can save the file to a location,
perform validation or processing, or store the file content in a database.

Here's an example:

public class FileUploadController {
public ResponseEntity<String> uploadFile(@RequestParam("file") MultipartFile file)

Process the uploaded file

// ...
return ResponseEntity.ok("File uploaded successfully");

With this configuration, the Spring Boot application can handle file uploads and
process the uploaded files based on your application's requirements.

59. Explain the concept of circuit breakers in Spring Boot.

Circuit breakers are a design pattern used to handle and prevent cascading
failures in distributed systems. In Spring Boot, the circuit breaker pattern is
implemented through libraries such as Netflix Hystrix or Resilience4j.
The concept of a circuit breaker involves three states: closed, open, and half-

Closed: In the closed state, the circuit breaker allows the execution of
requests as normal. It monitors the success and failure rates of requests.

100+ Spring Boot Questions 34

Open: If the failure rate exceeds a certain threshold, the circuit breaker
transitions to the open state. In this state, all requests are immediately
rejected, and an exception or fallback response is returned without executing
the actual operation. This helps prevent further requests to a failing or
unresponsive component.

Half-Open: After a specified timeout, the circuit breaker enters the half-open
state. In this state, a limited number of requests are allowed to pass through
to check if the underlying operation or component has recovered. If these
requests succeed, the circuit breaker transitions back to the closed state.
Otherwise, it goes back to the open state.

Circuit breakers provide fault tolerance and resilience by isolating failing or

unresponsive components and preventing them from affecting the overall
system. They also provide fallback mechanisms to handle errors or degraded
responses during failure scenarios.

Spring Boot integrates with circuit breaker libraries, allowing you to annotate
methods with @CircuitBreaker or use configuration properties to define circuit-
breaking behavior for specific operations or external service invocations.

60. What is the purpose of the @ControllerAdvice annotation in Spring Boot?

The @ControllerAdvice annotation in Spring Boot is used to define global
exception handling and common functionality for multiple controllers.
By annotating a class with @ControllerAdvice , you can define global exception
handling methods that apply to multiple controllers. These methods can handle
exceptions thrown by controller handler methods and provide centralized error
handling logic.

Additionally, @ControllerAdvice allows you to define reusable functionality, such

as model attribute bindings, @InitBinder methods, or @ModelAttribute methods,
that can be shared across multiple controllers.

Here's an example of using @ControllerAdvice for global exception handling:

public class GlobalExceptionHandler {
public ResponseEntity<String> handleException(Exception ex) {
// Custom exception handling logic
return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).body("An error

100+ Spring Boot Questions 35

In this example, the handleException method is annotated with @ExceptionHandler and
can handle any exception. It provides custom error handling logic and returns an
appropriate HTTP response.

The @ControllerAdvice annotation helps centralize common functionality and

exception handling in a Spring Boot application, promoting code reuse and

61. How does Spring Boot handle database connections and pooling?
Spring Boot provides support for managing database connections and
connection pooling through its integration with data access frameworks like
Spring Data JPA, JDBC, and MyBatis.

When you configure a data source in a Spring Boot application, Spring Boot
automatically sets up and manages a connection pool based on the chosen
connection pooling library, such as HikariCP, Apache Tomcat JDBC, or
Commons DBCP2.

The specific connection pooling library and its configuration properties can be
specified in the application.properties or `application.yml` file.

Spring Boot provides sensible default configurations for connection pooling, but
you can also customize the pool size, maximum connections, connection
timeout, and other related settings based on your application's requirements.
The connection pool manages and reuses database connections, reducing the
overhead of creating new connections for each database interaction. This
improves performance and scalability by efficiently managing the resources
required for database connections.

Additionally, Spring Boot supports transaction management to ensure the proper

handling of database transactions, including automatic rollback on exceptions
and coordination of multiple data sources in distributed transactions.

62. What is the purpose of the @RestControllerAdvice annotation in Spring Boot?

The @RestControllerAdvice annotation in Spring Boot combines the functionalities
of @ControllerAdvice and @ResponseBody . It is used to define global exception
handling and common functionality specifically for RESTful APIs.

By annotating a class with @RestControllerAdvice , you can define global exception

handling methods that apply to multiple REST controllers. These methods can
handle exceptions thrown by controller handler methods and provide centralized
error handling logic. Additionally, the @RestControllerAdvice annotation

100+ Spring Boot Questions 36

automatically serializes the response returned by these methods into the
appropriate response format, such as JSON.

@RestControllerAdvicecan also be used to define common functionality, such as

model attribute bindings, @InitBinder methods, or @ModelAttribute methods, that
are shared across multiple REST controllers.

The @RestControllerAdvice annotation helps centralize common functionality and

exception handling specifically for RESTful APIs, improving code reuse and

63. Explain the concept of lazy initialization in Spring Boot.

Lazy initialization is a concept in Spring Boot where a bean is created only when
it is first requested instead of eagerly creating it during the application startup.
This is also known as on-demand initialization.

By default, Spring Boot beans are lazily initialized, which means they are created
and instantiated when they are first accessed in the application. This can
improve application startup time and resource utilization by avoiding the
unnecessary creation of beans that may not be immediately required.

However, it's important to note that lazy initialization may result in a slight delay
when accessing the bean for the first time. If you require eager initialization for a
bean, you can use the @Lazy(false) annotation on the bean declaration.
Lazy initialization is especially useful when working with large applications or
scenarios where certain beans are infrequently used or have expensive
instantiation logic. It allows for more efficient resource allocation and improves
overall application performance.

64. How can you configure a custom data source in Spring Boot?

To configure a custom data source in Spring Boot, you need to follow these

1. Add the database driver dependency to your project's build configuration

(e.g., Maven or Gradle).

2. Create a class that implements the DataSource interface or extends a data

source implementation, such as BasicDataSource , HikariDataSource , or
TomcatDataSource .

3. Configure the data source properties, such as URL, username, password,

driver class, and any additional configuration specific to the data source

100+ Spring Boot Questions 37

4. Annotate the data source bean creation method with @Bean in a
configuration class.

Here's an example of configuring a custom data source using HikariCP:

public class DataSourceConfig {
public DataSource dataSource() {
HikariConfig config = new HikariConfig();
// Additional configuration...

return new HikariDataSource(config);


In this example, a custom data source using HikariCP is configured with the
necessary properties. The dataSource() method is annotated with @Bean to indicate
that it should be managed as a bean by Spring Boot.
With the custom data source configured, you can use it in other components or
configure persistence-related beans, such as JdbcTemplate , EntityManagerFactory ,
or DataSourceTransactionManager .

65. What is the purpose of the @Profile annotation in Spring Boot?

The @Profile annotation in Spring

Boot is used to activate or deactivate specific configurations, beans, or
components based on the specified profile(s).
By associating the @Profile annotation with a class or method, you can control
when that class or method should be considered for configuration and bean
creation based on the active profiles.
For example, consider the following code snippet:

public class DevelopmentComponent {
// Development-specific configuration and logic

100+ Spring Boot Questions 38

In this example, the DevelopmentComponent is annotated with @Profile("dev") , indicating
that it should only be considered for configuration and bean creation when the "dev"
profile is active.

Profiles can be activated through various means, such as environment variables,

system properties, or the spring.profiles.active property in the
application.properties or application.yml file.

The @Profile annotation provides a powerful mechanism for creating different

configurations or customizing behavior based on different runtime environments,
such as development, testing, staging, or production.

66. How does Spring Boot handle authentication and authorization?

Spring Boot provides integration with Spring Security, which is a powerful

framework for handling authentication and authorization in Java applications.

Authentication is the process of verifying the identity of a user, while

authorization involves granting or denying access to specific resources based on
the user's role or permissions.

Spring Boot and Spring Security offer a wide range of features to handle
authentication and authorization, including:

Authentication Providers: Spring Boot supports various authentication

providers, such as in-memory user credentials, database-backed
authentication, LDAP, OAuth, and more.

User Management: Spring Security provides features for user management,

password encoding, and password policy enforcement.

Authorization: Spring Security allows you to define access control rules and
permissions using annotations, XML configurations, or through method-level

Form-based Authentication: Spring Boot supports form-based

authentication, allowing users to authenticate through a login form.

Token-based Authentication: Spring Boot supports token-based

authentication, such as JSON Web Tokens (JWT), which eliminates the
need for session management.

Additionally, Spring Security integrates well with other Spring Boot components,
such as Spring Data, allowing for seamless integration of authentication and
authorization with database-backed user stores.

100+ Spring Boot Questions 39

By leveraging the features provided by Spring Boot and Spring Security, you can
secure your applications and protect sensitive resources from unauthorized

67. What is the purpose of the @Bean annotation in Spring Boot?

The @Bean annotation in Spring Boot is used to indicate that a method produces
a bean to be managed by the Spring application context.

By annotating a method with @Bean , you define a bean creation method that
Spring Boot will invoke to instantiate and configure the object. The returned
object from the method will be managed by the Spring container, and its lifecycle
will be handled by Spring.
Here's an example:

public class MyConfiguration {
public MyBean myBean() {
return new MyBean();

In this example, the myBean() method is annotated with @Bean , indicating that it
produces a bean of type MyBean . When the Spring container is initialized, it will
invoke this method and register the returned MyBean instance as a managed bean.

The @Bean annotation allows you to control the instantiation, configuration, and
lifecycle management of objects in the Spring container. It's commonly used to
define custom beans, third-party integrations, or to customize the behavior of
existing beans.

68. How can you enable server-side validation in a Spring Boot application?

Server-side validation in a Spring Boot application can be enabled by using the

validation capabilities provided by the Java Bean Validation API (JSR 380) and
Spring's validation framework.
To enable server-side validation, you can follow these steps:

1. Include the necessary dependencies for validation, such as spring-boot-

starter-validation or javax.validation .

100+ Spring Boot Questions 40

2. Annotate the model classes or request DTOs with validation annotations,
such as @NotNull , @NotEmpty , @Min , @Max , or custom annotations.

3. In the controller or service methods, annotate the request parameters or

method arguments with @Valid to trigger the validation process.

4. Handle the validation errors by using Spring's validation results, such as

BindingResult , or by throwing exceptions.

Here's an example:

public ResponseEntity<String> createUser(@Valid @RequestBody User user, BindingResult
bindingResult) {
if (bindingResult.hasErrors()) {
// Handle validation errors
// ...
// ...

In this example, the createUser method receives a User object in the request body
and validates it using @Valid . The validation errors are captured in the BindingResult ,
allowing you to handle the errors appropriately.

Server-side validation helps ensure the integrity and validity of user input,
preventing the processing of invalid or malicious data and improving the overall
quality of your application.

69. Explain the concept of the Spring Boot Starter Parent.

The Spring Boot Starter Parent is a special Maven parent project provided by the
Spring Boot framework. It serves as a parent POM for your Spring Boot
application, providing default configurations, dependencies, and plugins to
simplify the setup and build process.

When you use the Spring Boot Starter Parent as your project's parent, it brings
several benefits:

Default Configurations: The parent POM provides sensible default

configurations for your project, such as the Java version, encoding, resource
filtering, and plugin configurations.

Dependency Management: The Spring Boot Starter Parent manages the

versions of various Spring Boot dependencies, ensuring compatibility and
reducing the need for explicit version declarations in your project's POM.

100+ Spring Boot Questions 41

Spring Boot Plugins: The parent POM includes useful Maven plugins, such
as the Spring Boot Maven Plugin, which allows you to package and run your
application easily.

By using the Spring Boot Starter Parent, you inherit a set of recommended
configurations and best practices, making it easier to develop and maintain your
Spring Boot application.

70. What is the purpose of the @ResponseBody annotation in Spring Boot?

The @ResponseBody annotation in Spring Boot is used to indicate that the return
value of a controller method should be serialized directly into the HTTP response

When you annotate a method with @ResponseBody , Spring Boot automatically

converts the method's return value to the appropriate response format, such as
JSON, XML, or plain text, based on the request's Accept header.

Here's an example:

public class MyController {
public String sayHello() {
return "Hello, World!";

In this example, the sayHello method returns a String , and it is annotated with
@ResponseBody . Spring Boot serializes the returned string into the response body,

allowing it to be sent back to the client.

The @ResponseBody annotation is often used in combination with @RestController ,
where all handler methods are implicitly
annotated with @ResponseBody . It eliminates the need for explicit @ResponseBody

annotations on each method.

The @ResponseBody annotation is particularly useful when developing RESTful

APIs, as it simplifies the process of returning structured data in the desired

71. How does Spring Boot support handling of JSON data?

Spring Boot provides built-in support for handling JSON data through its
integration with Jackson, a popular JSON library for Java.

100+ Spring Boot Questions 42

When working with JSON data in a Spring Boot application, you can perform the
following tasks:

Request and Response Binding: Spring Boot can automatically bind JSON
data from HTTP requests to Java objects using the @RequestBody annotation.
It also serializes Java objects into JSON format for HTTP responses using
the @ResponseBody annotation.

Custom JSON Serialization/Deserialization: Spring Boot allows you to

customize the JSON serialization and deserialization process by providing
custom serializers, deserializers, or mixins.

JSON Content Negotiation: Spring Boot supports content negotiation,

allowing clients to request JSON data by setting the appropriate Accept
header. It can also handle different media types, such as XML, based on the
client's preference.

JSON Property Naming Strategies: Spring Boot provides options to

configure the naming strategy for JSON properties, such as camel case,
snake case, or custom naming conventions.

By default, Spring Boot uses Jackson as the default JSON provider. However,
you can also choose other JSON libraries, such as Gson or JSON-B, by
including the necessary dependencies and configuring them accordingly.

Spring Boot's JSON support simplifies the process of handling JSON data in
your application, allowing for seamless integration with RESTful APIs and
efficient communication between clients and servers.

72. What is the purpose of the @EnableScheduling annotation in Spring Boot?

The @EnableScheduling annotation in Spring Boot is used to enable the scheduling
of tasks and methods based on a fixed delay, fixed rate, or cron expression.
By annotating a configuration class or the main application class with
, Spring Boot enables the scheduling infrastructure, which

allows you to define scheduled tasks using the @Scheduled annotation.

Here's an example:

public class SchedulingConfig {
// Scheduled task
@Scheduled(fixedDelay = 5000)
public void myTask() {

100+ Spring Boot Questions 43

// Task logic
// ...

In this example, the SchedulingConfig class is annotated with @EnableScheduling ,

enabling the scheduling infrastructure. The myTask method is annotated with
@Scheduled and scheduled to run with a fixed delay of 5000 milliseconds (5 seconds).

Spring Boot's scheduling support simplifies the implementation of time-based

tasks, such as periodic data synchronization, cache refresh, or batch processing,
without the need for external libraries or complex configuration.

73. How can you configure error handling in a Spring Boot application?
In a Spring Boot application, you can configure error handling in several ways,
depending on your requirements and preferences:

Global Exception Handling: You can use the @ControllerAdvice annotation

to define global exception handling methods that apply to multiple
controllers. These methods can handle exceptions and provide centralized
error handling logic.

Controller-specific Exception Handling: You can define exception

handling methods within individual controllers using the @ExceptionHandler
annotation. These methods handle exceptions specific to a particular
controller or REST endpoint.

Custom Error Pages: Spring Boot allows you to configure custom error
pages by creating HTML or Thymeleaf templates in the
src/main/resources/templates/error directory. These templates are rendered

when an error occurs, providing a custom error page for different HTTP error

Custom Error Handling Logic: You can implement custom error handling
logic by implementing the ErrorController interface or extending the
ResponseEntityExceptionHandler class. This allows you to have fine-grained

control over the error handling process.

By utilizing these approaches, you can effectively handle and manage different
types of errors, exceptions, and HTTP status codes in your Spring Boot

74. Explain the concept of a RESTful API in Spring Boot.

100+ Spring Boot Questions 44

A RESTful API (Representational State Transfer) in Spring Boot is an
architectural style for building web services that follow the principles of REST. It
provides a standard set of guidelines and constraints for designing,
implementing, and interacting with web services.
In a RESTful API, resources are represented as URLs (Uniform Resource
Locators), and clients interact with these resources using HTTP methods (GET,
POST, PUT, DELETE) and standard HTTP status codes.

Spring Boot simplifies the development of RESTful APIs by providing features

and integrations that align with the RESTful principles:

HTTP Verbs and Endpoints: Spring Boot allows you to define REST
endpoints using @RequestMapping or more specialized annotations like
@GetMapping , @PostMapping , @PutMapping , and @DeleteMapping . These

annotations map the endpoints to corresponding HTTP methods.

Request and Response Serialization: Spring Boot integrates with libraries

like Jackson or Gson to automatically serialize and deserialize request and
response payloads in JSON or other formats.

Error Handling: Spring Boot provides mechanisms for handling and

returning appropriate HTTP status codes and error messages for different
scenarios, such as validation errors, resource not found, or server errors.

Content Negotiation: Spring Boot supports content negotiation, allowing

clients to request different media types (JSON, XML, etc.) based on their
preferences. It can automatically marshal and unmarshal data in the
requested format.

HATEOAS: Spring HATEOAS, a part of the Spring Boot ecosystem, enables

the implementation of HATEOAS (Hypermedia as the Engine of Application
State) by adding hypermedia links to API responses, allowing clients to
navigate through the API dynamically.

By following RESTful principles and utilizing the features provided by Spring

Boot, you can design and develop robust, scalable, and interoperable APIs that
provide a uniform interface for clients to interact with your application.

75. What is the purpose of the @Entity annotation in Spring Boot?

The @Entity annotation in Spring Boot is used to mark a class as a persistent

entity. It is typically applied to POJOs (Plain Old Java Objects) that represent

100+ Spring Boot Questions 45

entities in a relational database.

By annotating a class with @Entity , you indicate to the Spring Boot framework
that instances of this class should be mapped to corresponding database tables.
It enables Spring Data JPA to automatically generate the necessary SQL queries
for CRUD operations and provides object-relational mapping (ORM) capabilities.

Additionally, the @Entity annotation allows you to specify metadata about the
entity, such as the table name, primary key, relationships with other entities, and
validation constraints using annotations like @Table , @Id , @GeneratedValue ,
@Column , etc.

Here's an example:

@Table(name = "users")
public class User {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;

@Column(name = "username")
private String username;

// Getters and setters, constructors, other fields, and methods...


In this example, the User class is marked as an entity using the @Entity annotation.
The annotation specifies the name of the corresponding database table. The

@Id and @GeneratedValue annotations define the primary key strategy, and the

@Column annotation maps the username field to the corresponding column in the table.

The @Entity annotation plays a crucial role in enabling the persistence and ORM
capabilities provided by Spring Boot and Spring Data JPA.

76. How does Spring Boot handle distributed transactions?

Spring Boot provides support for distributed transactions through the integration
with Java Transaction API (JTA) and the use of distributed transaction

By default, Spring Boot uses the DataSourceTransactionManager for handling local

transactions within a single data source. However, when working with distributed
transactions involving multiple data sources or external resources, you need to
configure a JTA transaction manager.

100+ Spring Boot Questions 46

To enable distributed transactions in a Spring Boot application, you typically
perform the following steps:

1. Configure the JTA transaction manager, such as Atomikos or Bitronix, as a


2. Configure the JTA transaction manager as the primary transaction manager

in the application configuration.

3. Annotate the transactional methods or classes with @Transactional to

demarcate the boundaries of the transaction.

With the JTA transaction manager configured and @Transactional annotations

applied, Spring Boot coordinates the distributed transactions across multiple
resources, such as databases, message queues, or external systems.

It's important to note that enabling distributed transactions requires additional

configuration and coordination between the transaction manager and
participating resources. Distributed transactions should be used with caution due
to the increased complexity and potential performance impact.

77. What is the purpose of the @PathVariable annotation in Spring Boot?

The @PathVariable annotation in Spring Boot is used to extract values from the
URI path and bind them to method parameters.
When you define a RESTful endpoint with a dynamic portion in the URL path,
such as /users/{id} , the @PathVariable annotation allows you to retrieve the
value of {id} and use it in your controller method.

Here's an example:

public class UserController {
public ResponseEntity<User> getUserById(@PathVariable Long id) {
// Logic to fetch user by ID
// ...

In this example, the getUserById method is annotated with @GetMapping and defines a
path /users/{id} . The @PathVariable annotation on the id parameter indicates that
the value extracted from the URI path should be assigned to the id parameter.

100+ Spring Boot Questions 47

When a request is made to /users/123 , the getUserById method is invoked with
id set to 123 .

The @PathVariable annotation provides a convenient way to extract dynamic

values from the URL path and use them in your controller methods, allowing for
flexible and parameterized request handling.

78. How can you enable method-level security in a Spring Boot application?

Method-level security in a Spring Boot application can be enabled by integrating

Spring Security and configuring access control rules for individual methods or

To enable method-level security, you need to follow these steps:

1. Include the necessary dependencies for Spring Security in your project.

2. Create a security configuration class that extends

WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter and override the configure method.

3. Within the configure method, use @EnableGlobalMethodSecurity to enable

method-level security and specify the desired security expression language
(SpEL) configuration, such as @EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(prePostEnabled =
true) .

4. Annotate the desired methods or classes with security annotations, such as

@PreAuthorize , @PostAuthorize , @Secured , or @RolesAllowed , to define access

control rules.

Here's an example:

@EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(prePostEnabled = true)
public class SecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
// Configure authentication and authorization settings

protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
// Configure HTTP security settings

public class MyController {
public ResponseEntity<String> adminEndpoint() {
// Accessible only to users with the ROLE_ADMIN role
// ...

100+ Spring Boot Questions 48


In this example, the class is annotated with @Configuration and


@EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(prePostEnabled = true) , enabling method-level security with

pre/post authorization checks. The MyController class has an endpoint that is only
accessible to users with the ROLE_ADMIN role, enforced by the @PreAuthorize

Method-level security allows you to define fine-grained access control rules for
specific methods or endpoints, providing an additional layer of security to your
Spring Boot application.

79. Explain the concept of reactive programming in Spring Boot.

Reactive programming is a programming paradigm that focuses on handling

asynchronous and event-driven scenarios, allowing applications to handle a
large number of concurrent requests with a small number of threads. It provides
non-blocking I/O and efficient resource utilization, making it suitable for highly
scalable and responsive systems.

Spring Boot supports reactive programming through the Spring WebFlux

module, which is built on the Reactive Streams specification. It allows you to
build reactive applications using a functional programming style or the traditional
annotation-based programming model.
The key concepts in reactive programming include:

Reactive Streams: The Reactive Streams specification provides a standard

for asynchronous stream processing with non-blocking back pressure. It
defines interfaces for publishers, subscribers, and processors to handle data
streams in a reactive manner.

Mono and Flux: In Spring WebFlux, the Mono represents a stream with zero
or one element, while Flux represents a stream with zero or more elements.
These types allow you to work with asynchronous sequences of data and
apply reactive operators to transform, combine, or consume the data.

WebFlux Annotations: Spring WebFlux provides annotations such as

@RestController , @GetMapping , @PostMapping , etc., similar to the annotations

used in traditional Spring MVC. However, the underlying execution model is

non-blocking and reactive.

100+ Spring Boot Questions 49

Reactive programming in Spring Boot offers benefits such as scalability,
responsiveness, and efficient resource utilization, especially in scenarios with
high concurrency and I/O-bound operations.

80. What is the purpose of the @RepositoryRestResource annotation in Spring


The @RepositoryRestResource annotation in Spring Boot is used to expose Spring

Data repositories as RESTful resources.

When you apply the @RepositoryRestResource annotation to a repository interface

or class, Spring Boot automatically generates RESTful endpoints for CRUD
operations on the repository entities. These endpoints follow the conventions of
the Richardson Maturity Model and support standard HTTP methods and status

The @RepositoryRestResource annotation allows you to customize the behavior and

appearance of the generated REST endpoints by providing attributes such as
path , collectionResourceRel , itemResourceRel , and excerptProjection .

Here's an example:

@RepositoryRestResource(path = "products")
public interface ProductRepository extends JpaRepository<Product, Long> {
// Custom repository methods...

In this example, the ProductRepository interface is annotated with

@RepositoryRestResource and configured with a custom path of "/products". Spring

Boot generates RESTful endpoints for managing Product entities, such as GET
/products , POST /products , PUT /products/{id} , and so on.

The @RepositoryRestResource annotation simplifies the process of exposing Spring

Data repositories as RESTful resources, allowing you to quickly build RESTful
APIs for your data entities without writing boilerplate code.

81. How does Spring Boot support the creation of microservices?

Spring Boot provides various features and integrations that facilitate the
development of microservices, which are small, loosely coupled, and
independently deployable components that work together to form a larger

Some ways in which Spring Boot supports the creation of microservices include:

100+ Spring Boot Questions 50

Lightweight and Opinionated: Spring Boot simplifies the setup and
configuration of microservices by providing a lightweight framework with
sensible defaults and opinionated auto-configuration. It reduces the need for
manual configuration and boilerplate code.

Embedded Servlet Container: Spring Boot includes an embedded servlet

container, such as Tomcat, Jetty, or Undertow, eliminating the need for a
separate application server for deployment. This makes it easier to package
and deploy microservices as standalone executable JAR files.

Microservice Architecture Patterns: Spring Boot supports architectural

patterns commonly used in microservices, such as service registration and
discovery (e.g., with Spring Cloud Netflix Eureka), load balancing (e.g., with
Spring Cloud Netflix Ribbon), and circuit breakers (e.g., with Spring Cloud
Netflix Hystrix).

Spring Cloud: Spring Boot integrates seamlessly with Spring Cloud, which
provides additional capabilities for building distributed systems and
implementing cloud-native patterns, such as distributed configuration
management (with Spring Cloud Config), service-to-service communication
(with Spring Cloud Feign or Spring Cloud WebClient), and distributed tracing
(with Spring Cloud Sleuth).

Microservice Testing: Spring Boot offers testing support for microservices,

including unit testing, integration testing, and end-to-end testing. It provides
tools like Spring Boot Test, MockMvc, and TestRestTemplate to facilitate the
testing of microservice components.

Spring Boot's extensive ecosystem and integration with Spring Cloud provide a
solid foundation for building and deploying microservices. It promotes the
development of modular, scalable, and resilient microservices architectures.

82. What is the purpose of the @Controller annotation in Spring Boot?

The @Controller annotation in Spring Boot is used to mark a class as a controller

component in the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture. It is typically
applied to classes that handle HTTP requests and define the endpoints for a
web application.

By annotating a class with @Controller , you indicate to the Spring Boot

framework that this class plays the role of a controller and should be responsible

100+ Spring Boot Questions 51

for processing incoming requests, invoking appropriate methods, and returning

Here's an example:

public class MyController {
public String sayHello() {
return "Hello, World!";

In this example, the MyController class is annotated with @Controller , indicating that
it is a controller component. The sayHello method is annotated with @GetMapping and
defines a GET endpoint at /hello . When a request is made to /hello , this method is
invoked, and the returned string "Hello, World!" is sent as the response.

The @Controller annotation is a fundamental building block for creating web

applications in Spring Boot, allowing you to define the behavior and handling of
HTTP requests.

83. How can you handle validation errors in a Spring Boot application?

In a Spring Boot application, you can handle validation errors in several ways,
depending on your requirements and preferences:

Using BindingResult : When performing server-side validation using

annotations like @Valid , you can pass a BindingResult object as a parameter
to your controller method. The BindingResult contains information about
validation errors, allowing you to handle them accordingly.

Using @ExceptionHandler : You can define exception handling methods in your

controllers using the @ExceptionHandler annotation. By specifying the
exception type, you can handle validation-related exceptions, such as
MethodArgumentNotValidException or BindException , and customize the response

or error handling logic.

Using Global Exception Handling: You can use the @ControllerAdvice

annotation to define global exception handling methods that apply to multiple
controllers. By handling exceptions like MethodArgumentNotValidException or
BindException at the global level, you can provide consistent error responses

across your application.

100+ Spring Boot Questions 52

Using Custom Validation Errors: You can create custom validation error
classes or objects that encapsulate validation errors specific to your
application domain. By throwing and handling these custom errors, you can
provide meaningful error messages and additional context to the client.

It's important to note that validation errors should be handled gracefully and
provide appropriate error messages to the client. By employing these
techniques, you can effectively handle validation errors and ensure the integrity
of your application's data.

84. Explain the concept of a composite primary key in Spring Boot JPA.

In Spring Boot JPA (Java Persistence API), a composite primary key refers to a
primary key that consists of multiple attributes or columns instead of a single
attribute. It allows you to define a unique identifier for an entity based on multiple

To define a composite primary key in Spring Boot JPA, you can use one of the
following approaches:

Embedded Id: You can create an embeddable class annotated with

@Embeddable that represents the composite primary key fields. The entity

class then includes an attribute of this embeddable class annotated with

@EmbeddedId .

IdClass: You can create a separate class annotated with @IdClass that holds
the composite primary key fields. The entity class includes these fields as
regular attributes and is annotated with @Id and `@GeneratedValue`.

Here's an example using the @EmbeddedId approach:

public class OrderItemId implements Serializable {
private Long orderId;
private Long productId;

// Getters, setters, constructors, and equals/hashCode methods


public class OrderItem {
private OrderItemId id;

// Other attributes and relationships


100+ Spring Boot Questions 53

In this example, the OrderItemId class represents the composite primary key fields
orderId and productId . The OrderItem entity includes an attribute id of type

OrderItemId annotated with @EmbeddedId .

Composite primary keys are useful when the uniqueness of an entity cannot be
determined by a single attribute and requires a combination of multiple attributes.
They allow you to express complex relationships and ensure data integrity in your
Spring Boot JPA entities.

85. What is the purpose of the @ConfigurationProperties annotation in Spring


The @ConfigurationProperties annotation in Spring Boot is used to bind external

configuration properties to the fields of a Java class. It allows you to map
properties from various sources, such as application.properties , application.yml ,
environment variables, or command-line arguments, to the fields of a
configuration class.

By annotating a class with @ConfigurationProperties and specifying a prefix, you

establish a relationship between the properties and the class fields. Spring Boot
automatically maps the properties with matching names to the corresponding

Here's an example:

@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "myapp")
public class MyAppProperties {
private String name;
private String version;

// Getters and setters


In this example, the MyAppProperties class is annotated with @ConfigurationProperties

and the prefix myapp . The properties myapp.name and myapp.version from the
configuration source (e.g., application.properties ) are automatically mapped to the
name and version fields of the class.
The @ConfigurationProperties annotation simplifies the process of external
configuration in Spring Boot applications by providing type-safe binding of
properties to Java objects. It helps centralize and organize configuration
properties, making them more manageable and easier to change.

86. How does Spring Boot handle database transactions?

100+ Spring Boot Questions 54

Spring Boot provides support for database transactions through its integration
with the Spring Framework's transaction management capabilities.

To handle database transactions in a Spring Boot application, you typically follow

these steps:

1. Configure a transaction manager: Spring Boot supports various transaction

managers, such as DataSourceTransactionManager for JDBC-based
transactions, JpaTransactionManager for JPA-based transactions, or
JtaTransactionManager for distributed transactions. You can configure the

appropriate transaction manager based on your data access technology.

2. Annotate transactional methods: In your service or repository classes, you

can annotate the methods that participate in transactions with the
@Transactional annotation. This annotation marks the boundaries of the

transaction and specifies the transactional behavior, such as propagation,

isolation level, and rollback rules.

3. Handle exceptions and commit/rollback: Spring Boot's transaction

management automatically handles the commit/rollback of database
transactions based on the defined rules. If an exception occurs within a
transactional method, Spring Boot rolls back the transaction by default,
ensuring data consistency.

Here's an example:

public class UserService {
private UserRepository userRepository;

public void createUser(User user) {
// Additional database operations

In this example, the createUser method is annotated with @Transactional , indicating

that it participates in a database transaction. Any database operations performed
within this method, such as saving a user to the repository, will be part of the

100+ Spring Boot Questions 55

By leveraging Spring Boot's transaction management capabilities, you can
ensure data integrity, consistency, and ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation,
Durability) properties for your database operations.

87. What is the purpose of the @Valid annotation in Spring Boot?

The @Valid annotation in Spring Boot is used to trigger validation of a bean or

method parameter.

When you apply the @Valid annotation to a parameter or field, Spring Boot
automatically performs validation based on the validation constraints specified
on that parameter or field.

Here's an example:

public class UserController {
public ResponseEntity<String> createUser(@Valid @RequestBody User user) {
// Logic to create a user
// ...

In this example, the createUser method is annotated with @PostMapping and defines a
POST endpoint for creating a user. The @Valid annotation is applied to the user
parameter, indicating that the User object received in the request body should be
validated based on its validation constraints.

By using the @Valid annotation, Spring Boot triggers the validation process and
checks the validity of the User object. If any validation errors occur, they are
automatically handled, and a validation error response is returned.

The @Valid annotation allows you to ensure the validity of input data and enforce
validation constraints, promoting data integrity and preventing the processing of
invalid or malformed data.

88. How can you configure a thread pool in Spring Boot?

In Spring Boot, you can configure a thread pool by customizing the

ThreadPoolTaskExecutor bean. The ThreadPoolTaskExecutor is a class provided by

the Spring Framework that allows you to manage and control a thread pool.

To configure a thread pool in Spring Boot, you can follow these steps:

100+ Spring Boot Questions 56

1. Create a configuration class and annotate it with @Configuration .

2. Define a method that returns a ThreadPoolTaskExecutor bean.

3. Customize the properties of the ThreadPoolTaskExecutor bean, such as the

core pool size, maximum pool size, queue capacity, thread names, etc.

Here's an example:

import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import org.springframework.scheduling.concurrent.ThreadPoolTaskExecutor;

public class ThreadPoolConfig {
public ThreadPoolTaskExecutor taskExecutor() {
ThreadPoolTaskExecutor executor = new ThreadPoolTaskExecutor();
return executor;

In this example, the taskExecutor method configures a ThreadPoolTaskExecutor bean

with a core pool size of 10, a maximum pool size of 20, a queue capacity of 100, and
a thread name prefix of "MyThread-". The initialize() method initializes the
executor with the provided configuration.
Once the ThreadPoolTaskExecutor bean is configured, you can inject it into your
components and use it for concurrent or asynchronous tasks.

89. Explain the concept of conditional bean creation in Spring Boot.

Conditional bean creation in Spring Boot allows you to conditionally create and
configure beans based on certain conditions or criteria. It helps you control the
creation of beans dynamically, depending on the environment, configuration, or
other factors.

Spring Boot provides the @Conditional annotation and several built-in conditional
annotations that you can use to control bean creation. These annotations

@ConditionalOnClass : Creates a bean only if the specified class is present in

the classpath.

100+ Spring Boot Questions 57

@ConditionalOnMissingClass : Creates a bean only if the specified class is not
present in the classpath.

: Creates a bean only if the specified bean is present in


the application context.

@ConditionalOnMissingBean: Creates a bean only if the specified bean is not

present in the application context.

@ConditionalOnProperty : Creates a bean based on the value of a configuration


: Creates a bean based on the evaluation of a SpEL


(Spring Expression Language) expression.

@ConditionalOnWebApplication : Creates a bean only if the application is a web


@ConditionalOnNotWebApplication : Creates a bean only if the application is not a

web application.

By using these conditional annotations, you can fine-tune the creation and
configuration of beans in your Spring Boot application based on the desired
conditions. It allows you to create flexible and adaptive bean configurations,
optimizing the usage of resources and adapting to different runtime

90. What is the purpose of the @ModelAttribute annotation in Spring Boot?

The @ModelAttribute annotation in Spring Boot is used to bind request data to

method parameters or model attributes in a controller method.

When a controller method is annotated with @ModelAttribute , Spring Boot

automatically binds request parameters or attributes to the method parameters
or model attributes based on their names.

Here's an example:

public class UserController {
public String getUser(@PathVariable Long id, @ModelAttribute("message") String mes
sage, Model model) {
User user = userService.getUserById(id);
model.addAttribute("user", user);
return "user";

100+ Spring Boot Questions 58

In this example, the getUser method is annotated with @GetMapping and handles the
GET request for retrieving a user. The @ModelAttribute("message") annotation binds
the request parameter or attribute with the name "message" to the method
parameter message .
The @ModelAttribute annotation can also be used at the method level to specify
model attributes that are shared by multiple handler methods within the same
By using the @ModelAttribute annotation, you can conveniently bind request data
to method parameters or model attributes, making them available for further
processing or rendering in views.

91. How does Spring Boot handle content negotiation?

Content negotiation in Spring Boot refers to the process of determining the

representation format (e.g., JSON, XML, HTML) to be returned based on the
client's requested media types.

Spring Boot provides built-in support for content negotiation through the
following mechanisms:

@RequestMapping and Media Types: In Spring Boot, you can use the
@RequestMapping annotation along with the produces attribute to specify the

media types that the controller method can produce. The client's requested
media types are compared with the produces attribute, and the appropriate
representation format is returned.

ContentNegotiationConfigurer : Spring Boot allows you to configure content

negotiation globally by customizing the ContentNegotiationConfigurer bean.
You can specify default media types, media type strategies, and content
negotiation rules.

: The ContentNegotiationManager interface provides


more fine-grained control over content negotiation. You can create and
configure an instance of ContentNegotiationManager to define media type
mappings, parameter-based content negotiation, or content negotiation
based on the request headers.

Spring Boot supports various content negotiation strategies, such as using file
extensions (e.g., .json , .xml ) or request headers ( Accept header) to determine
the client's preferred representation format.

100+ Spring Boot Questions 59

By default, Spring Boot uses the MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter to handle
JSON content negotiation and the StringHttpMessageConverter for other media
types. However, you can customize and configure additional message
converters based on your specific requirements.

Through these mechanisms, Spring Boot enables flexible content negotiation

and provides support for serving different representation formats to clients based
on their preferences.

92. What is the purpose of the @EnableCaching annotation in Spring Boot?

The @EnableCaching annotation in Spring Boot is used to enable caching

capabilities in a Spring Boot application.

By annotating a configuration class with @EnableCaching , Spring Boot enables the

caching infrastructure and activates the caching features provided by the
underlying caching framework, such as Ehcache, Redis, or Caffeine.

Here's an example:

public class CachingConfig {
// Cache-related configuration

In this example, the CachingConfig class is annotated with @EnableCaching , indicating

that caching is enabled for the application. You can also include additional cache-
related configuration within this class.

After enabling caching, you can apply caching annotations, such as @Cacheable ,
@CachePut , or @CacheEvict , on methods that are candidates for

caching. These annotations allow you to define caching behavior and specify
cache names or keys.

Caching in Spring Boot helps improve application performance by caching the

results of expensive or time-consuming operations. It reduces the load on
backend systems and improves response times for frequently accessed data.

93. How can you enable compression in a Spring Boot application?

Spring Boot provides built-in support for enabling compression of HTTP

responses, which reduces the response size and improves network efficiency.

To enable compression in a Spring Boot application, you can follow these steps:

100+ Spring Boot Questions 60

1. Include the appropriate compression libraries in your project's
dependencies. For example, you can include the io.springfox:springfox-
compression dependency for compression support with Swagger.

2. Configure compression properties in your application's configuration file

( application.properties or application.yml ). Set the properties
server.compression.enabled to true and configure additional compression-

related properties, such as server.compression.mime-types to specify the MIME

types to be compressed.

3. Customize the compression settings by creating a WebServerFactoryCustomizer

bean. You can define the compression algorithm, compression level, and
other compression-related properties.

Here's an example using application.properties :


By enabling compression in your Spring Boot application, the server automatically

compresses the HTTP responses for the specified MIME types, reducing the
response size and improving network performance.

It's important to note that compression should be used judiciously, considering

factors such as the response size, the client's capabilities, and the network

94. Explain the concept of AOP (Aspect-Oriented Programming) in Spring


Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) is a programming paradigm that aims to

separate cross-cutting concerns from the core business logic of an application. It
provides a modular approach to address common functionalities that span
across multiple components or layers, such as logging, caching, security, and
transaction management.

In Spring Boot, AOP is implemented using the Spring Framework's AOP module,
which leverages proxy-based or bytecode manipulation techniques to achieve
the aspect-oriented programming paradigm.

AOP introduces the concept of aspects, which are modules that encapsulate
cross-cutting concerns. Aspects define advice, pointcuts, and join points:

100+ Spring Boot Questions 61

Advice: Advice represents the actual functionality or behavior to be applied
at a particular join point in the application. It defines what actions to perform
before, after, or around a join point.

Pointcut: Pointcut specifies the join points where the advice should be
applied. It defines the criteria or conditions to match specific join points in the
application, such as method invocations, method executions, or specific

Join Point: Join points are specific points in the application's execution flow,
such as method invocations or field access. They represent the points in the
application where advice can be applied.

Spring Boot provides various annotations, such as @Before , @After , @Around ,

and @AfterReturning , to define advice methods. By using these annotations and
pointcut expressions, you can declaratively apply cross-cutting concerns to your

AOP in Spring Boot allows you to modularize cross-cutting concerns, reduce

code duplication, improve code maintainability, and separate concerns that are
not directly related to the core business logic. It enables you to focus on the
essential functionality of your application while keeping cross-cutting concerns
separate and reusable.

95. What is the purpose of the @ControllerAdvice annotation in Spring Boot?

The @ControllerAdvice annotation in Spring Boot is used to define global

exception handling and apply it across multiple controllers.

By annotating a class with @ControllerAdvice , you can define methods that

handle exceptions thrown by controller methods within the same or related
controllers. These exception handling methods can handle specific exceptions or
a general base exception, providing a central place for exception handling and
error response generation.
The @ControllerAdvice class typically includes methods annotated with
@ExceptionHandler, which handle specific exception types, and can also include
other advices, such as @InitBinder methods for request data binding
customization or @ModelAttribute methods for adding model attributes across
multiple controllers.

Here's an example:

100+ Spring Boot Questions 62

public class GlobalExceptionHandler {
public ResponseEntity<String> handleUserNotFoundException(UserNotFoundException e
x) {
return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND).body(ex.getMessage());

public ResponseEntity<String> handleException(Exception ex) {
return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).body("Internal
Server Error");

In this example, the GlobalExceptionHandler class is annotated with @ControllerAdvice ,

indicating that it provides global exception handling. It includes two exception
handling methods: handleUserNotFoundException , which handles the
, and handleException , which handles all other exceptions.

These methods customize the error response based on the handled exceptions.

The @ControllerAdvice annotation is a powerful mechanism in Spring Boot for

defining consistent exception handling and error responses across multiple
controllers. It helps centralize exception handling logic, improves code
maintainability, and provides a unified approach to error handling in your

96. How does Spring Boot support the creation of GraphQL APIs?

Spring Boot provides support for building GraphQL APIs through the integration
with libraries such as graphql-java and graphql-spring-boot-starter .

To create a GraphQL API in Spring Boot, you can follow these steps:

1. Include the graphql-spring-boot-starter dependency in your project. This

dependency provides the necessary Spring Boot integration for GraphQL.

2. Define your GraphQL schema using the GraphQL schema definition

language (SDL) or programmatically using Java classes.

3. Implement resolvers that define the logic for resolving GraphQL queries,
mutations, and subscriptions.

4. Annotate your resolvers with the @Component annotation or use the @Bean

annotation to register them as Spring beans.

100+ Spring Boot Questions 63

5. Optionally, customize the GraphQL endpoint URL or enable GraphQL
Playground for interactive exploration and testing.

Here's an example of a simple GraphQL schema and resolver in Spring Boot:

public class HelloWorldResolver implements GraphQLQueryResolver {
public String hello() {
return "Hello, World!";

In this example, the HelloWorldResolver class is annotated with @Component and

implements the GraphQLQueryResolver interface. The hello() method serves as a
resolver for the "hello" query, returning the "Hello, World!" string.

With this setup, you can start your Spring Boot application and access the
GraphQL endpoint to execute queries against the defined schema.

Spring Boot's integration with GraphQL provides a convenient way to build

GraphQL APIs, leveraging the power of GraphQL's type system, introspection,
and query flexibility while benefiting from Spring Boot's ease of development,
dependency management, and ecosystem integration.

97. What is the purpose of the @ResponseStatus annotation in Spring Boot?

The @ResponseStatus annotation in Spring Boot is used to declare the HTTP

response status code that should be returned by a controller method.

By annotating a controller method with @ResponseStatus , you can explicitly specify

the HTTP status code to be sent as part of the response when that method is

Here's an example:

public class UserController {
public User getUser(@PathVariable Long id) {
// Logic to retrieve and return the user

In this example, the getUser method is annotated with @GetMapping to handle a GET
request for retrieving a user. The @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.OK) annotation is applied

100+ Spring Boot Questions 64

to indicate that the response should have an HTTP status code of 200 (OK).

The @ResponseStatus annotation allows you to provide a clear and explicit

declaration of the intended HTTP response status for a controller method. It
enhances the readability and self-documentation of your code, making it easier to
understand the expected response status for each endpoint.

98. How can you configure a custom exception handler in Spring Boot?

In Spring Boot, you can configure a custom exception handler by creating a

class that implements the HandlerExceptionResolver interface or by using the
@ExceptionHandler annotation.

Here's an example of creating a custom exception handler by implementing

HandlerExceptionResolver :

public class CustomExceptionHandler implements HandlerExceptionResolver {
public ModelAndView resolveException(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletRespon
se response, Object handler, Exception ex) {
// Custom exception handling logic
ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView();
modelAndView.addObject("message", "An error occurred");
return modelAndView;

In this example, the class implements the


HandlerExceptionResolver interface. The resolveException method is responsible for

handling exceptions and returning an appropriate ModelAndView object.

Alternatively, you can use the @ExceptionHandler annotation to define exception

handling methods within your controller classes:

public class UserController {
public ResponseEntity<String> handleUserNotFoundException(UserNotFoundException e
x) {
return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND).body(ex.getMessage());

In this example, the handleUserNotFoundException method is annotated with

@ExceptionHandler and handles the UserNotFoundException . It customizes the error

100+ Spring Boot Questions 65

response based on the handled exception.

Both approaches allow you to define custom exception handling logic in your
Spring Boot application. You can choose the approach that best fits your
requirements and preference.

99. What is Spring Boot?

Spring Boot is an open-source framework built on top of the Spring Framework

that simplifies the development of Java applications. It provides a convention-
over-configuration approach, along with opinionated defaults and auto-
configuration capabilities, to streamline application setup and development.

Spring Boot aims to make it easier to create standalone, production-grade

Spring-based applications with minimal effort. It eliminates the need for manual
configuration and boilerplate code by leveraging sensible defaults and intelligent
auto-configuration based on classpath scanning and the presence of certain

With Spring Boot, developers can quickly create Spring applications that are
self-contained, standalone, and ready to be deployed with minimal setup and

00. What are the advantages of using Spring Boot?

Spring Boot offers several advantages that make it a popular choice for
developing Java applications:

Simplified Setup and Configuration: Spring Boot eliminates the need for
manual configuration by providing sensible defaults and auto-configuration.
It reduces the setup time and effort required to start a new project.

Opinionated Defaults: Spring Boot follows best practices and provides

opinionated defaults for various components, such as embedded servers,
logging frameworks, and database access. These defaults work well in most
cases, reducing the need for manual configuration.

Auto-Configuration: Spring Boot automatically configures components

based on the dependencies present in the classpath. It leverages classpath
scanning and conditionals to detect and configure components, reducing the
need for explicit configuration.

100+ Spring Boot Questions 66

Embedded Servers: Spring Boot includes embedded servers, such as
Tomcat, Jetty, or Undertow, allowing you to run applications as standalone
JAR files without the need for deploying to a separate server.

Dependency Management: Spring Boot simplifies dependency

management by providing a curated set of dependencies and their
compatible versions. It helps manage version conflicts and ensures the
compatibility of the dependencies used in your project.

Actuator: Spring Boot Actuator provides production-ready features, such as

health checks, metrics, monitoring, and management endpoints, out of the
box. It allows you to monitor and manage your application easily.

Developer Productivity: Spring Boot's simplicity and convention-over-

configuration approach boost developer productivity. It reduces boilerplate
code, provides a consistent programming model, and offers powerful
development tools and features.

Overall, Spring Boot enables developers to focus on building business logic

rather than dealing with infrastructure and configuration concerns. It promotes
rapid application development, improves maintainability, and enhances the
scalability and robustness of Spring-based applications.

100+ Spring Boot Questions 67

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