Spring Boot QA
Spring Boot QA
Spring Boot, on the other hand, is a sub-project of the Spring Framework that
aims to simplify the development process by providing opinionated defaults and
auto-configuration. It leverages the capabilities of the Spring Framework while
minimizing the need for explicit configuration. Spring Boot focuses on convention
over configuration and provides a streamlined approach to building stand-alone,
production-grade Spring applications.
Spring Boot offers a curated set of starter dependencies that include all the
necessary libraries for specific functionalities, reducing the effort of
managing dependencies manually.
Spring Boot Actuator provides production-ready features out of the box, such
as health checks, metrics, and monitoring capabilities.
Using the Spring Initializr: The Spring Initializr is a web-based tool that
generates a project structure and initializes a Spring Boot application with
the desired dependencies. It allows customization of project metadata,
dependencies, and packaging options.
Using Spring Boot CLI: The Spring Boot CLI (Command-Line Interface)
allows developers to create and run Spring Boot applications directly from
the command line. It provides a convenient way to prototype and develop
Spring Boot applications quickly.
The precedence order for property resolution in Spring Boot is: command-line
arguments or environment variables > application.properties or application.yml
> default values.
By using @Autowired , you can declare a dependency within a class, and Spring
will resolve and provide the appropriate instance of that dependency at runtime.
It enables loose coupling and promotes the use of interfaces, making the code
more maintainable and testable.
The @Autowired annotation can be used with constructor injection, setter
injection, or field injection, depending on the preference and design of the
Additionally, you can also set the active profiles using command-line arguments
or environment variables. For example, you can use the --
spring.profiles.active=development command-line argument or set the
SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE environment variable to development to activate the
"development" profile.
Spring Boot will then load the corresponding configuration properties and beans
specific to the active profile(s) during application startup.
13. How does Spring Boot support the creation of RESTful web services?
Spring Boot provides comprehensive support for building RESTful web services.
It integrates the Spring MVC framework, which is widely used for building web
applications, and simplifies the process of creating RESTful APIs.
To create RESTful web services in Spring Boot, you can follow these steps:
3. Define the necessary request parameters, path variables, and headers using
annotations like @RequestParam , @PathVariable , @RequestHeader , etc.
Spring Boot also offers features like content negotiation, request validation, input
conversion, and automatic documentation generation through libraries like
Spring HATEOAS and Springfox Swagger, which further enhance the
development of
RESTful web services.
14. What is Spring Data JPA, and how does it integrate with Spring Boot?
Spring Data JPA is a sub-project of Spring Data that provides an abstraction
layer on top of JPA (Java Persistence API) for simplified database access in
Java applications. It reduces the amount of boilerplate code required for
database interactions and enables developers to work with persistent data using
a high-level, object-oriented approach.
Spring Data JPA integrates seamlessly with Spring Boot, leveraging its auto-
configuration and convention-over-configuration principles. With minimal
configuration, Spring Boot automatically sets up a JPA data source, transaction
management, and entity manager factory.
To use Spring Data JPA in a Spring Boot application, you typically need to
perform the following steps:
Spring Boot takes care of setting up the necessary components, such as the
entity manager, transaction manager, and database connection, based on the
default configuration and conventions.
By incorporating Spring Security into a Spring Boot application, you can enforce
secure access control, protect sensitive resources, and implement robust
authentication and authorization mechanisms.
To enable logging in a Spring Boot application, you can follow these steps:
3. Use logging statements in your code using the appropriate logger provided
by the logging framework. For example, you can use SLF4J API with
Logback implementation.
4. During runtime, the logging framework will handle the logging statements
based on the configuration. The logs can be outputted to the console, written
to log files, or sent to external log management systems.
When you annotate a class with @RestController , Spring Boot treats all the
handler methods within that class as being responsible for generating the
response body for RESTful requests. It eliminates the need to annotate
individual methods with @ResponseBody because @RestController implicitly adds it
to all the methods.
The @RestController annotation simplifies the development of RESTful web
services by eliminating the need to explicitly annotate every method with
@ResponseBody and makes it more concise and expressive.
In both approaches, you can customize the error response, log the exception
details, redirect to an error page, or perform any other necessary actions based
on the specific exception being handled.
The main difference between these annotations lies in their intended roles and
responsibilities. While all three are essentially used to define Spring beans,
using the appropriate annotation helps convey the purpose and intent of the
class to other developers. It also allows for potential optimizations and clarity in
the codebase.
Database migration tools allow you to define and version database schema
changes as a series of migrations. These migrations can be executed
automatically during application startup or manually as part of the deployment
In Spring Boot, you can use Flyway or Liquibase by including their respective
dependencies in your project's build configuration. Then, you can define
database migration scripts in the form of SQL or XML files, specifying the
changes you want to make to the database schema.
The key role of Spring Boot Actuator is to expose valuable insights and control
over the running application. It allows you to gather real-time information about
your application's health, performance, and behavior, making it easier to monitor
and manage the application in production environments.
By leveraging caching annotations, you can cache method results based on the
specified cache names and cache keys. This allows subsequent invocations of
the same method with the same inputs to be served from the cache, improving
performance and reducing redundant computations.
Spring Boot's caching support makes it easy to integrate caching capabilities
into your application, resulting in improved performance and scalability.
Bean scopes in Spring Boot define the lifecycle and visibility of Spring-managed
beans. They determine how instances of a particular bean are created,
managed, and shared within the application context.
Spring Boot provides several bean scopes, including:
Singleton: The default scope. A singleton bean is created only once, and
the same instance is shared across all requests. It remains in the application
context until the application shuts down.
For example, you can use @Value("${my.property}") to inject the value of the
my.property property defined in the application.properties or application.yml file.
The @Value annotation is versatile and can be used in various scenarios, such
as injecting simple values, configuring object properties, setting default values,
or retrieving values from different sources. It allows you to externalize and
configure properties for your application in a flexible and dynamic manner.
26. How can you enable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) in a Spring
Boot application?
To enable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) in a Spring Boot application,
you can configure CORS-related settings in your application's configuration class
or using properties.
@CrossOrigin(origins = "<http://example.com>")
public class MyController {
// ...
Starters provide an opinionated and efficient way to bootstrap your Spring Boot
projects by providing a curated set of dependencies and configurations, reducing
the need for manual dependency management and configuration setup.
29. How does Spring Boot support the creation of WebSocket applications?
Spring Boot provides built-in support for creating WebSocket applications
through Spring's WebSocket API and integration with WebSocket libraries such
as javax.websocket and
SockJS .
To create WebSocket applications in Spring Boot, you can follow these steps:
By following these steps, you can create WebSocket applications that allow
bidirectional communication between the client and the server, enabling real-
time data exchange and interaction.
public class DataSourceConfiguration {
// Bean definitions...
In Spring Boot, you can schedule tasks using the @Scheduled annotation and the
@EnableScheduling annotation.
2. In the class where you want to schedule a task, annotate the method that
should be scheduled with the @Scheduled annotation. This annotation allows
you to specify the schedule for the task using cron expressions, fixed delays,
fixed rates, or initial delays.
public class MyController {
@RequestMapping(value = "/hello", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String hello() {
return "Hello, world!";
In this example, the server will listen on port 8443 and use the specified keystore
file with the provided password.
Spring Boot provides comprehensive support for testing applications through its
testing framework and integration with popular testing libraries, such as JUnit
and Mockito.
Spring Boot testing features include:
Mocking and Stubbing: Spring Boot integrates with mocking libraries like
Mockito, allowing you to create mock objects and stub dependencies for unit
Testing Utilities: Spring Boot offers testing utilities and helper classes that
facilitate testing, such as TestRestTemplate for testing RESTful APIs,
TestEntityManager for testing JPA entities, and MockMvc for testing MVC
With these testing features, Spring Boot simplifies the testing process, allows for
various types of testing (unit, integration, end-to-end), and provides a robust
framework for writing comprehensive tests for your applications.
public class MyController {
public void createUser(@Validated @RequestBody User user) {
// ...
In this example, the @Validated annotation is used to trigger validation on the User
object received in the request body. If the User object fails validation based on the
defined constraints (e.g., not-null, pattern, size), Spring Boot automatically throws a
MethodArgumentNotValidException .
39. How can you enable Swagger documentation in a Spring Boot application?
Swagger is a popular framework for documenting and testing RESTful APIs.
Spring Boot provides integration with Swagger through various libraries, such as
Swagger UI and Springfox.
4. Run the application, and access the Swagger UI interface at the configured
endpoint (e.g., http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html ). Swagger UI allows you
to interactively explore and test your APIs, view the documentation, and
even generate client SDKs.
Here's an example:
public class UserController {
public ResponseEntity<User> getUserById(@PathVariable Long id) {
// ...
When a request is made to /users/123 , Spring Boot automatically maps the value
123 to the id parameter, allowing you to retrieve and process the requested
public class MyScheduler {
@Scheduled(fixedDelay = 5000) // Executes every 5 seconds
public void doSomething() {
// ...
In this example, the doSomething method is annotated with @Scheduled and configured
to execute every 5 seconds ( fixedDelay = 5000 ).
The @Scheduled annotation is commonly used for tasks such as periodic data
synchronization, cache refresh, report generation, or any other repetitive tasks.
Spring Boot's scheduling support provides a convenient way to automate such
tasks, allowing you to focus on the business logic instead of manually managing
timers or background threads.
/info : Displays general information about the application, such as its name,
version, and description.
/loggers : Allows you to view and modify the logging configuration at runtime.
44. How can you configure connection pooling in a Spring Boot application?
Spring Boot provides built-in support for connection pooling through its
integration with popular connection pooling libraries, such as HikariCP, Apache
Tomcat JDBC, and Commons DBCP2.
To configure connection pooling in a Spring Boot application, you can follow
these steps:
connection pooling library. For example, if you're using HikariCP, you can set
properties like spring.datasource.hikari.* to configure the pool size, timeout,
and other related settings.
3. Spring Boot automatically configures the data source bean based on the
provided properties and the chosen connection pooling library.
@CrossOrigin(origins = "<http://example.com>")
public class MyController {
// ...
In this example, the @CrossOrigin annotation is applied at the class level, allowing
requests from http://example.com to access the methods in the MyController class.
By using @CrossOrigin , you can enable cross-origin requests and allow clients
from different domains to access your Spring Boot APIs securely.
These files contain key-value pairs representing the translated messages for
each locale.
Spring Boot Actuator provides a set of built-in health indicators for common
components, such as the database, message broker, disk space, and more.
Additionally, you can define custom health indicators to monitor the health of
specific application components or dependencies.
The @RequestBody annotation in Spring Boot is used to bind the body of an HTTP
request to a method parameter in a controller handler method.
public class MyController {
public void createUser(@RequestBody User user) {
// ...
49. How can you enable request logging in a Spring Boot application?
To enable request logging in a Spring Boot application, you can configure the
logging level for the org.springframework.web package to DEBUG or TRACE . This can
be done in the application.properties or application.yml file by adding the
following line:
With this configuration, Spring Boot logs detailed information about incoming HTTP
requests, including the request method, URL, headers, parameters, and other
relevant details.
Additionally, you can customize the logging format and output by configuring a
logging framework, such as Logback or Log4j, which are commonly used with
Spring Boot.
public class MyController {
public ResponseEntity<String> handleMyException(MyException ex) {
// Custom exception handling logic
// ...
instances. Inside the method, you can define the appropriate response or perform
any necessary error handling actions.
The @ExceptionHandler annotation helps you centralize and customize the
exception handling logic within your controllers. It allows you to provide
meaningful error messages, handle specific exceptions, and return appropriate
HTTP status codes or error responses to clients.
3. Call the asynchronous method from another method. The method will be
executed in a separate thread, allowing the calling thread to continue
processing other tasks.
Here's an example:
public class MyService {
public CompletableFuture<String> doSomethingAsync() {
// Asynchronous processing logic
// ...
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture("Result");
The specific configuration properties and their values depend on the chosen
connection pooling library. For example, if you're using HikariCP, you can
configure the connection pool properties in the application.properties or
application.yml file with the prefix spring.datasource.hikari.* .
Spring Boot supports transaction management through integration with the Java
Transaction API (JTA), Java Persistence API (JPA), and other transaction
management frameworks.
By annotating a method with @Async , Spring Boot automatically runs the method
asynchronously, allowing the calling thread to continue with other tasks without
waiting for the asynchronous method to complete.
Here's an example:
public class MyService {
public void doSomethingAsync() {
// Asynchronous processing logic
// ...
56. How does Spring Boot handle security vulnerabilities, such as Cross-Site
Scripting (XSS) and Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)?
Spring Boot provides security features and mechanisms to help mitigate security
vulnerabilities, including XSS and CSRF attacks.
It's important to note that while Spring Boot provides security features, it's the
responsibility of developers to properly configure and utilize these features, as
well as follow secure coding practices, to protect against security vulnerabilities.
Here's an example:
public class MyService {
public String getDataFromDatabase(String key) {
// Expensive database query
// ...
return data;
To handle file uploads in a Spring Boot application, you can follow these steps:
2. Create a controller method to handle the file upload request. Annotate the
method with @PostMapping and @RequestParam("file") to receive the uploaded
3. Use a MultipartFile parameter to bind the uploaded file to the method. The
MultipartFile class provides methods to access the file's content, name,
4. Process the uploaded file as required. You can save the file to a location,
perform validation or processing, or store the file content in a database.
Here's an example:
public class FileUploadController {
public ResponseEntity<String> uploadFile(@RequestParam("file") MultipartFile file)
With this configuration, the Spring Boot application can handle file uploads and
process the uploaded files based on your application's requirements.
Closed: In the closed state, the circuit breaker allows the execution of
requests as normal. It monitors the success and failure rates of requests.
Half-Open: After a specified timeout, the circuit breaker enters the half-open
state. In this state, a limited number of requests are allowed to pass through
to check if the underlying operation or component has recovered. If these
requests succeed, the circuit breaker transitions back to the closed state.
Otherwise, it goes back to the open state.
Spring Boot integrates with circuit breaker libraries, allowing you to annotate
methods with @CircuitBreaker or use configuration properties to define circuit-
breaking behavior for specific operations or external service invocations.
public class GlobalExceptionHandler {
public ResponseEntity<String> handleException(Exception ex) {
// Custom exception handling logic
return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).body("An error
61. How does Spring Boot handle database connections and pooling?
Spring Boot provides support for managing database connections and
connection pooling through its integration with data access frameworks like
Spring Data JPA, JDBC, and MyBatis.
When you configure a data source in a Spring Boot application, Spring Boot
automatically sets up and manages a connection pool based on the chosen
connection pooling library, such as HikariCP, Apache Tomcat JDBC, or
Commons DBCP2.
The specific connection pooling library and its configuration properties can be
specified in the application.properties or `application.yml` file.
Spring Boot provides sensible default configurations for connection pooling, but
you can also customize the pool size, maximum connections, connection
timeout, and other related settings based on your application's requirements.
The connection pool manages and reuses database connections, reducing the
overhead of creating new connections for each database interaction. This
improves performance and scalability by efficiently managing the resources
required for database connections.
By default, Spring Boot beans are lazily initialized, which means they are created
and instantiated when they are first accessed in the application. This can
improve application startup time and resource utilization by avoiding the
unnecessary creation of beans that may not be immediately required.
However, it's important to note that lazy initialization may result in a slight delay
when accessing the bean for the first time. If you require eager initialization for a
bean, you can use the @Lazy(false) annotation on the bean declaration.
Lazy initialization is especially useful when working with large applications or
scenarios where certain beans are infrequently used or have expensive
instantiation logic. It allows for more efficient resource allocation and improves
overall application performance.
64. How can you configure a custom data source in Spring Boot?
To configure a custom data source in Spring Boot, you need to follow these
public class DataSourceConfig {
public DataSource dataSource() {
HikariConfig config = new HikariConfig();
// Additional configuration...
In this example, a custom data source using HikariCP is configured with the
necessary properties. The dataSource() method is annotated with @Bean to indicate
that it should be managed as a bean by Spring Boot.
With the custom data source configured, you can use it in other components or
configure persistence-related beans, such as JdbcTemplate , EntityManagerFactory ,
or DataSourceTransactionManager .
public class DevelopmentComponent {
// Development-specific configuration and logic
Spring Boot and Spring Security offer a wide range of features to handle
authentication and authorization, including:
Authorization: Spring Security allows you to define access control rules and
permissions using annotations, XML configurations, or through method-level
Additionally, Spring Security integrates well with other Spring Boot components,
such as Spring Data, allowing for seamless integration of authentication and
authorization with database-backed user stores.
The @Bean annotation in Spring Boot is used to indicate that a method produces
a bean to be managed by the Spring application context.
By annotating a method with @Bean , you define a bean creation method that
Spring Boot will invoke to instantiate and configure the object. The returned
object from the method will be managed by the Spring container, and its lifecycle
will be handled by Spring.
Here's an example:
public class MyConfiguration {
public MyBean myBean() {
return new MyBean();
In this example, the myBean() method is annotated with @Bean , indicating that it
produces a bean of type MyBean . When the Spring container is initialized, it will
invoke this method and register the returned MyBean instance as a managed bean.
The @Bean annotation allows you to control the instantiation, configuration, and
lifecycle management of objects in the Spring container. It's commonly used to
define custom beans, third-party integrations, or to customize the behavior of
existing beans.
68. How can you enable server-side validation in a Spring Boot application?
starter-validation or javax.validation .
Here's an example:
public ResponseEntity<String> createUser(@Valid @RequestBody User user, BindingResult
bindingResult) {
if (bindingResult.hasErrors()) {
// Handle validation errors
// ...
// ...
In this example, the createUser method receives a User object in the request body
and validates it using @Valid . The validation errors are captured in the BindingResult ,
allowing you to handle the errors appropriately.
Server-side validation helps ensure the integrity and validity of user input,
preventing the processing of invalid or malicious data and improving the overall
quality of your application.
The Spring Boot Starter Parent is a special Maven parent project provided by the
Spring Boot framework. It serves as a parent POM for your Spring Boot
application, providing default configurations, dependencies, and plugins to
simplify the setup and build process.
When you use the Spring Boot Starter Parent as your project's parent, it brings
several benefits:
By using the Spring Boot Starter Parent, you inherit a set of recommended
configurations and best practices, making it easier to develop and maintain your
Spring Boot application.
The @ResponseBody annotation in Spring Boot is used to indicate that the return
value of a controller method should be serialized directly into the HTTP response
Here's an example:
public class MyController {
public String sayHello() {
return "Hello, World!";
In this example, the sayHello method returns a String , and it is annotated with
@ResponseBody . Spring Boot serializes the returned string into the response body,
Spring Boot provides built-in support for handling JSON data through its
integration with Jackson, a popular JSON library for Java.
Request and Response Binding: Spring Boot can automatically bind JSON
data from HTTP requests to Java objects using the @RequestBody annotation.
It also serializes Java objects into JSON format for HTTP responses using
the @ResponseBody annotation.
By default, Spring Boot uses Jackson as the default JSON provider. However,
you can also choose other JSON libraries, such as Gson or JSON-B, by
including the necessary dependencies and configuring them accordingly.
Spring Boot's JSON support simplifies the process of handling JSON data in
your application, allowing for seamless integration with RESTful APIs and
efficient communication between clients and servers.
Here's an example:
public class SchedulingConfig {
// Scheduled task
@Scheduled(fixedDelay = 5000)
public void myTask() {
73. How can you configure error handling in a Spring Boot application?
In a Spring Boot application, you can configure error handling in several ways,
depending on your requirements and preferences:
Custom Error Pages: Spring Boot allows you to configure custom error
pages by creating HTML or Thymeleaf templates in the
src/main/resources/templates/error directory. These templates are rendered
when an error occurs, providing a custom error page for different HTTP error
Custom Error Handling Logic: You can implement custom error handling
logic by implementing the ErrorController interface or extending the
ResponseEntityExceptionHandler class. This allows you to have fine-grained
By utilizing these approaches, you can effectively handle and manage different
types of errors, exceptions, and HTTP status codes in your Spring Boot
HTTP Verbs and Endpoints: Spring Boot allows you to define REST
endpoints using @RequestMapping or more specialized annotations like
@GetMapping , @PostMapping , @PutMapping , and @DeleteMapping . These
By annotating a class with @Entity , you indicate to the Spring Boot framework
that instances of this class should be mapped to corresponding database tables.
It enables Spring Data JPA to automatically generate the necessary SQL queries
for CRUD operations and provides object-relational mapping (ORM) capabilities.
Additionally, the @Entity annotation allows you to specify metadata about the
entity, such as the table name, primary key, relationships with other entities, and
validation constraints using annotations like @Table , @Id , @GeneratedValue ,
@Column , etc.
Here's an example:
@Table(name = "users")
public class User {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;
@Column(name = "username")
private String username;
In this example, the User class is marked as an entity using the @Entity annotation.
The annotation specifies the name of the corresponding database table. The
@Id and @GeneratedValue annotations define the primary key strategy, and the
@Column annotation maps the username field to the corresponding column in the table.
The @Entity annotation plays a crucial role in enabling the persistence and ORM
capabilities provided by Spring Boot and Spring Data JPA.
Spring Boot provides support for distributed transactions through the integration
with Java Transaction API (JTA) and the use of distributed transaction
Here's an example:
public class UserController {
public ResponseEntity<User> getUserById(@PathVariable Long id) {
// Logic to fetch user by ID
// ...
In this example, the getUserById method is annotated with @GetMapping and defines a
path /users/{id} . The @PathVariable annotation on the id parameter indicates that
the value extracted from the URI path should be assigned to the id parameter.
78. How can you enable method-level security in a Spring Boot application?
control rules.
Here's an example:
@EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(prePostEnabled = true)
public class SecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
// Configure authentication and authorization settings
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
// Configure HTTP security settings
public class MyController {
public ResponseEntity<String> adminEndpoint() {
// Accessible only to users with the ROLE_ADMIN role
// ...
pre/post authorization checks. The MyController class has an endpoint that is only
accessible to users with the ROLE_ADMIN role, enforced by the @PreAuthorize
Method-level security allows you to define fine-grained access control rules for
specific methods or endpoints, providing an additional layer of security to your
Spring Boot application.
Mono and Flux: In Spring WebFlux, the Mono represents a stream with zero
or one element, while Flux represents a stream with zero or more elements.
These types allow you to work with asynchronous sequences of data and
apply reactive operators to transform, combine, or consume the data.
Here's an example:
@RepositoryRestResource(path = "products")
public interface ProductRepository extends JpaRepository<Product, Long> {
// Custom repository methods...
Boot generates RESTful endpoints for managing Product entities, such as GET
/products , POST /products , PUT /products/{id} , and so on.
Spring Boot provides various features and integrations that facilitate the
development of microservices, which are small, loosely coupled, and
independently deployable components that work together to form a larger
Some ways in which Spring Boot supports the creation of microservices include:
Spring Cloud: Spring Boot integrates seamlessly with Spring Cloud, which
provides additional capabilities for building distributed systems and
implementing cloud-native patterns, such as distributed configuration
management (with Spring Cloud Config), service-to-service communication
(with Spring Cloud Feign or Spring Cloud WebClient), and distributed tracing
(with Spring Cloud Sleuth).
Spring Boot's extensive ecosystem and integration with Spring Cloud provide a
solid foundation for building and deploying microservices. It promotes the
development of modular, scalable, and resilient microservices architectures.
Here's an example:
public class MyController {
public String sayHello() {
return "Hello, World!";
In this example, the MyController class is annotated with @Controller , indicating that
it is a controller component. The sayHello method is annotated with @GetMapping and
defines a GET endpoint at /hello . When a request is made to /hello , this method is
invoked, and the returned string "Hello, World!" is sent as the response.
83. How can you handle validation errors in a Spring Boot application?
In a Spring Boot application, you can handle validation errors in several ways,
depending on your requirements and preferences:
It's important to note that validation errors should be handled gracefully and
provide appropriate error messages to the client. By employing these
techniques, you can effectively handle validation errors and ensure the integrity
of your application's data.
84. Explain the concept of a composite primary key in Spring Boot JPA.
In Spring Boot JPA (Java Persistence API), a composite primary key refers to a
primary key that consists of multiple attributes or columns instead of a single
attribute. It allows you to define a unique identifier for an entity based on multiple
To define a composite primary key in Spring Boot JPA, you can use one of the
following approaches:
IdClass: You can create a separate class annotated with @IdClass that holds
the composite primary key fields. The entity class includes these fields as
regular attributes and is annotated with @Id and `@GeneratedValue`.
public class OrderItemId implements Serializable {
private Long orderId;
private Long productId;
public class OrderItem {
private OrderItemId id;
Composite primary keys are useful when the uniqueness of an entity cannot be
determined by a single attribute and requires a combination of multiple attributes.
They allow you to express complex relationships and ensure data integrity in your
Spring Boot JPA entities.
Here's an example:
@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "myapp")
public class MyAppProperties {
private String name;
private String version;
Here's an example:
public class UserService {
private UserRepository userRepository;
public void createUser(User user) {
// Additional database operations
When you apply the @Valid annotation to a parameter or field, Spring Boot
automatically performs validation based on the validation constraints specified
on that parameter or field.
Here's an example:
public class UserController {
public ResponseEntity<String> createUser(@Valid @RequestBody User user) {
// Logic to create a user
// ...
In this example, the createUser method is annotated with @PostMapping and defines a
POST endpoint for creating a user. The @Valid annotation is applied to the user
parameter, indicating that the User object received in the request body should be
validated based on its validation constraints.
By using the @Valid annotation, Spring Boot triggers the validation process and
checks the validity of the User object. If any validation errors occur, they are
automatically handled, and a validation error response is returned.
The @Valid annotation allows you to ensure the validity of input data and enforce
validation constraints, promoting data integrity and preventing the processing of
invalid or malformed data.
the Spring Framework that allows you to manage and control a thread pool.
To configure a thread pool in Spring Boot, you can follow these steps:
Here's an example:
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import org.springframework.scheduling.concurrent.ThreadPoolTaskExecutor;
public class ThreadPoolConfig {
public ThreadPoolTaskExecutor taskExecutor() {
ThreadPoolTaskExecutor executor = new ThreadPoolTaskExecutor();
return executor;
Conditional bean creation in Spring Boot allows you to conditionally create and
configure beans based on certain conditions or criteria. It helps you control the
creation of beans dynamically, depending on the environment, configuration, or
other factors.
Spring Boot provides the @Conditional annotation and several built-in conditional
annotations that you can use to control bean creation. These annotations
By using these conditional annotations, you can fine-tune the creation and
configuration of beans in your Spring Boot application based on the desired
conditions. It allows you to create flexible and adaptive bean configurations,
optimizing the usage of resources and adapting to different runtime
Here's an example:
public class UserController {
public String getUser(@PathVariable Long id, @ModelAttribute("message") String mes
sage, Model model) {
User user = userService.getUserById(id);
model.addAttribute("user", user);
return "user";
Spring Boot provides built-in support for content negotiation through the
following mechanisms:
@RequestMapping and Media Types: In Spring Boot, you can use the
@RequestMapping annotation along with the produces attribute to specify the
media types that the controller method can produce. The client's requested
media types are compared with the produces attribute, and the appropriate
representation format is returned.
more fine-grained control over content negotiation. You can create and
configure an instance of ContentNegotiationManager to define media type
mappings, parameter-based content negotiation, or content negotiation
based on the request headers.
Spring Boot supports various content negotiation strategies, such as using file
extensions (e.g., .json , .xml ) or request headers ( Accept header) to determine
the client's preferred representation format.
Here's an example:
public class CachingConfig {
// Cache-related configuration
After enabling caching, you can apply caching annotations, such as @Cacheable ,
@CachePut , or @CacheEvict , on methods that are candidates for
caching. These annotations allow you to define caching behavior and specify
cache names or keys.
To enable compression in a Spring Boot application, you can follow these steps:
In Spring Boot, AOP is implemented using the Spring Framework's AOP module,
which leverages proxy-based or bytecode manipulation techniques to achieve
the aspect-oriented programming paradigm.
AOP introduces the concept of aspects, which are modules that encapsulate
cross-cutting concerns. Aspects define advice, pointcuts, and join points:
Pointcut: Pointcut specifies the join points where the advice should be
applied. It defines the criteria or conditions to match specific join points in the
application, such as method invocations, method executions, or specific
Join Point: Join points are specific points in the application's execution flow,
such as method invocations or field access. They represent the points in the
application where advice can be applied.
Here's an example:
public ResponseEntity<String> handleException(Exception ex) {
return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).body("Internal
Server Error");
These methods customize the error response based on the handled exceptions.
96. How does Spring Boot support the creation of GraphQL APIs?
Spring Boot provides support for building GraphQL APIs through the integration
with libraries such as graphql-java and graphql-spring-boot-starter .
To create a GraphQL API in Spring Boot, you can follow these steps:
3. Implement resolvers that define the logic for resolving GraphQL queries,
mutations, and subscriptions.
4. Annotate your resolvers with the @Component annotation or use the @Bean
public class HelloWorldResolver implements GraphQLQueryResolver {
public String hello() {
return "Hello, World!";
With this setup, you can start your Spring Boot application and access the
GraphQL endpoint to execute queries against the defined schema.
Here's an example:
public class UserController {
public User getUser(@PathVariable Long id) {
// Logic to retrieve and return the user
In this example, the getUser method is annotated with @GetMapping to handle a GET
request for retrieving a user. The @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.OK) annotation is applied
98. How can you configure a custom exception handler in Spring Boot?
public class CustomExceptionHandler implements HandlerExceptionResolver {
public ModelAndView resolveException(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletRespon
se response, Object handler, Exception ex) {
// Custom exception handling logic
ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView();
modelAndView.addObject("message", "An error occurred");
return modelAndView;
public class UserController {
public ResponseEntity<String> handleUserNotFoundException(UserNotFoundException e
x) {
return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND).body(ex.getMessage());
Both approaches allow you to define custom exception handling logic in your
Spring Boot application. You can choose the approach that best fits your
requirements and preference.
With Spring Boot, developers can quickly create Spring applications that are
self-contained, standalone, and ready to be deployed with minimal setup and
Spring Boot offers several advantages that make it a popular choice for
developing Java applications:
Simplified Setup and Configuration: Spring Boot eliminates the need for
manual configuration by providing sensible defaults and auto-configuration.
It reduces the setup time and effort required to start a new project.