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DMDave and JKW - Dungeons & Lairs 89 - Cultist Hideout - Preview

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DMDave and JKW - Dungeons & Lairs 89 - Cultist Hideout - Preview

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Special Preview Version

Module Design Dave Hamrick

Writing and Editing John Webb
Cover Illustration Matias Lazaro
Cartography Tom Cartos
Interior Illustrations Matias Lazaro, Shutterstock
Additional Assistance Bob Carnicom, Aubrey Moore
Special Thanks to our Patrons

Copyright © Hamrick Brands, LLC

Printed by Mixam, USA, 2023
Typefaces Andada and Garamond

This work includes material taken from the System Reference Document 5.1
(“SRD 5.1”) by Wizards of the Coast LLC and available at https://dnd.wizards.
com/resources/systems-reference-document. The SRD 5.1 is licensed under the
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License available at https://
Cultist Hideout
Cultist Hideout is a Fifth Edition plug-in adventure for four characters
with an average party level (APL) of 1, 3, 5, or 8. This document
offers only the adjustments for the 1st-level version of the adventure. The
characters must track down the source of a dangerous cult and put an
end to their dark idol, an ancient demon called Golmuth.

For the Gamemaster

The town of Queen’s Ford is suffering from a rash of missing persons,
senseless murders, and profane desecrations. Tensions are rising, as
whispers of a demonic cult are spreading like wildfire through the town—
the people want answers, and the nobility of Queen’s Ford are struggling
to keep the peace. It won’t be long before impatience gives way to open
One such aristocrat, Eben Bhalar, recently had his son and sole heir,
Voner Bhalar, kidnapped, and is rallying adventurers to find him. At the
same time, an old cleric called Hastra Grandbeard is telling anybody who
will listen that the source of the cult is a demon called Golmuth, and that
the cult has likely rallied to a ruined cathedral in the swamp, where
Golmuth’s prison was buried over a century ago.
Adventurers who heed the call must journey into the swamps of
Blightwater surrounding Queen’s Ford, locate the sunken cathedral, and
silence the demon’s whispers.

Over a century ago, a demon called Golmuth stalked the swamplands
surrounding Queen’s Ford, drawing a cult of mortals to his banner and
bidding them to commit acts of violence and depravity. A band of brave
adventurers, led by a dwarf cleric called Hastra Grandbeard, managed to
defeat the cult in the Battle of Blightwater, though the victory would
come at great cost, as several of Hastra’s companions fell in the struggle.
To make matters worse, Golmuth himself proved too formidable for the
battleworn adventurers, as neither steel nor magic seemed to have any
As Golmuth gloated over the heroes’ broken bodies, Hastra, in an act
of desperation, prayed for a miracle—and received it. A solar angel, a
harbinger of Hastra’s goddess, descended from the heavens and delivered
unto her a consecrated artifact, a soul cage, with which Hastra was able to
trap and contain Golmuth.

2 Kobold Caves

Recommended Adventure
APL Relative Difficulty

1 1st-Level Hard

2 1st-Level Medium

3 3rd-Level Hard

4 3rd-Level Medium

5 5th-Level Hard

6 5th-Level Medium

7 5th-Level Easy

8 8th-Level Hard

9 8th-Level Medium

10 8th-Level Easy

Kobold Caves 3
With the demon imprisoned, the only task remaining was to ensure the
soul cage’s protection. To that end, Hastra erected a cathedral in the
swamp where her companions fell, and stored in its stone flooring
Golmuth’s prison. Secured by consecrated earth and holy magic, the
demon would never see the light of day.
But as time passed, Hastra was called away to distant lands, and the
cathedral was abandoned. Darkness crept back into the swamp. In Hastra’s
absence, Golmuth learned to whisper through the cracks of his prison.
Now, a new cult of mortals has rallied to the demon’s banner, desecrating
the very stronghold that was built to prevent his reemergence.
Golmuth’s plan is simple: command the cult to kidnap children of royal
blood, and perform a profane ritual that will shatter the soul cage. Hastra
is much too old to battle the cult on her own—brave heroes are needed to
venture into the swamp and stop Golmuth before he can reemerge and
begin anew his campaign of fire and death.

Adventure Hook
As the adventurers arrive in Queen’s Ford, the townspeople are gathered
in Central Square, shouting angrily at Mayor Ostord (NG COMMONER)
and demanding that the nobility of Queen’s Ford come out of their
homes and answer their questions. The mayor is clearly out of his depth,
fumbling over his words and utterly failing to quell the crowd’s disquiet.
Just as tempers begin to boil over, Hastra Grandbeard (LG dwarf
PRIEST), clambors onto the raised platform and uses thaumaturgy to
declare in a booming voice:

“Silence! These people have suffered as you have—Eben Bhalar’s son

has been taken, and you would put a knife to his throat! I know you’re
scared, but violence will only embolden the cultists that are perpetrating
these crimes. Now, unless ye be brave enough to crusade against the cult
of Golmuth—begone!”

Cowed, the crowd disperses, leaving Hastra, Mayor Ostord, and the
adventurers alone. Eben Bhalar (NE NOBLE) comes out of hiding to thank
the old cleric for her timely arrival; Hastra ignores pleasantries and
launches into the story of Golmuth and his foul cult. From here, the
adventurers can introduce themselves.
Should the adventurers choose to get involved, Hastra tells them of
Golmuth’s soul cage and how to reinforce it (see area 7), and Eben begs
them to hurry, before his son is sacrificed (see area 2). Eben lends them

4 Kobold Caves
the aid of their personal bodyguard, Rodgal (NE GUARD). Rodgal is
secretly a member of the cult—he organized the kidnapping of Voner—
and will betray the characters at the first opportune moment.
From there, the quest is straightforward: find the cathedral, reinforce the
soul cage, and bring it back to Hastra Grandbeard for safekeeping.

Traveling Through Blightwater

Before traveling through the swamps of Blightwater, the characters must
designate a guide. At morning, midday, and evening, have the guide make
a DC 15 Wisdom (Survival) check. Record the number of successful
checks. After three successful checks, the characters reach the sunken
Whenever the guide fails a check, roll a d20. On a result of 10-20, a
random encounter occurs: consult the Travel Encounters table to see what
the characters run into, ignoring repeat results. Then, go to the appropriate
section to run the encounter.

d4 Encounter
1 The Highwaymen
2 Crocodile Ambush
3 Playful Fey
4 Quirky Bones

Kobold Caves 5
Encounter: The Highwaymen
The characters come across the site of an ambushed caravan. The bandits
are slightly drunk, celebrating as they pick through the remains of several
slain merchants and guards: they have disadvantage on Perception checks.
Should they discover the characters’ presence, they demand payment to
pass, “unless you want to end up like this lot.” The nature of the
encounter depends on the level of the adventure, as shown in the
Highwaymen Encounter table.
Should the characters defeat the highwaymen, they can claim the
caravan’s spoils for themselves. The nature of the treasure depends on the
level of the adventure, as shown in the Highwaymen Treasure table.

Adventure Encounter Gold to Pass (per
Level Character)
1st 4 BANDITS 5 gp
3rd 25 gp
5th 75 gp
8th 175 gp

Adventure Treasure
23 gp, 15 sp, 20 cp, 4 small art objects (25 gp each), 1
1st potion of healing, 25 lbs of raw leather (25 sp), 1 injured
draft horse with 3 hit points remaining

6 Kobold Caves
Encounter: Crocodile Ambush
As the characters make their way through the swamp, they unwittingly
cross paths with a nest of crocodiles. Have the character’s guide make a
Wisdom (Perception) check. On a success, they see the crocodiles before
they can strike. On a failure, the characters are surprised. The nature of
the encounter depends on the level of the adventure, as shown in the
Crocodile Encounter table.

Adventure Encounter Wisdom (Perception)
Level DC
3rd 10
5th 12
8th 14

Kobold Caves 7
Encounter: Playful Fey
The characters are accosted by four invisible sprites, who ask them to
solve the following riddle:

”If you drop me, I’m sure to crack, but if you smile, I’ll surely smile
back. What am I?”

The answer is “a mirror.” Each character gets one guess. Characters

that give the wrong answer have a trick played on them: roll a d6 and
consult the Fey Trick table. Whenever a character that’s afflicted by a fey
trick takes a long rest, they may attempt a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw,
ending the effect on themselves with a success.

d6 Trick Played
A character loses the ability to speak and understand their
1 normal languages, but gains the ability to speak and understand
A character begins uncontrollably sneezing rainbow-colored
2 faerie dust: they gain disadvantage on all Stealth checks.
For 48 hours, a small item in the character’s possession (a flask,
3 music box, small art object, etc.) becomes awakened. The item
can speak and understand Common and heckles the characters
A character is afflicted with a skin disease that covers them
4 head-to-toe in oozing—but oddly delicious—mushrooms: they
gain disadvantage on all Charisma checks.
A character begins coughing up copper pieces whenever they
5 suffer damage (1 cp per 1 point of damage).
A character becomes “light as a feather”—any impact, no
matter how minor, sends them sprawling 5 feet away and
6 knocks them prone. If thrown by another creature, the
character is thrown 5 feet per 3 points of Strength that the
creature possesses, rounded up.

8 Kobold Caves
Encounter: Quirky Bones
The characters encounter Sir Garwin, a sentient skeleton dressed in noble
clothing who carries his skull in his arms. He is a polite and foppish man
who wishes to be returned to his tomb at the ruined cathedral (see area
7); Garwin was one of Hastra Grandbeard’s companions who died
fighting Golmuth, and was interred there—until Golmuth awakened him
from his slumber. He offers to accompany the characters, “to put that
dastardly do-badder Golmuth in his rightful place!” Sir Garwin is a
SKELETON with 30 hit points and AC 14.

The Sunken Minster

When the characters arrive at the ruined cathedral, read or paraphrase the

The ruins of the abandoned abbey jut out of the swamp like moldering
bones. The stained glass appears scratched white by feverish strokes of a
blade—or claw. There is a distinct smell of sulfur here, and an
otherworldly chill in the air. From inside the abbey, you hear a
maddening chorus of voices that seem pitched on the edge of mania.

General Features
Unless stated otherwise, the Sunken Minster has the following features.
Size and Dimensions. The ceilings within each area of the Sunken
Minster are roughly 35 feet high.
Illumination. Treat each area as being dimly lit (torchlight at night,
daylight filtering in through cracks during the day).
Surface Detail. This once stately cathedral has since been desecrated
with the profane images of Golmuth and his foul cult: blood symbols are
smeared on the walls, the stone eyes of the saints have been scratched
white by knives, and stick fetishes hang from the ceilings. The cathedral
has partially sunk into the swamp; the floor is covered in a thin layer of
filthy, stagnant water, and insects buzz incessantly over its surface.
Barriers. Several doors and strongboxes throughout the Sunken
Minster are locked or boarded up. All of the barriers are made of wood
and have AC 12, 15 hit points, and immunity to poison and psychic
damage. A lock can be picked with a successful DC 12 Dexterity check
using thieves’ tools, or any barrier can be forced open with a successful
DC 15 Strength check.

Kobold Caves 9
Hazard: Maddening Symbology. Certain symbols of the cult plant
profane images in the minds of those who look upon them: creatures
must succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw or become afflicted with
a form of short-term madness. A creature that succeeds on this saving
throw is immune to the cult symbology for 24 hours. Creatures in the cult
are inoculated to this effect.
Hazard: Diseased Weapons. Whenever a creature is struck by a
weapon wielded by a cultist, they must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution
saving throw or contract sewer plague.

Keyed Locations
The following locations are keyed to the map of the Sunken Minster on
page 12.

1 – Nave

A foul congregation has gathered in the shadows of this place, chanting

infernal words in exaltation of the demon Golmuth and erecting idols
of blood and bone. Fire pits smolder and burn—within them, a
demonic visage appears to flicker.

Hazard: Maddening Symbology. The area is filled with the profane

idols of the demon’s cult (see General Features).
Encounter: The Dark Congregation. The Cult of Golmuth uses this
area as their primary meeting ground. Should the characters approach
peaceably, Goregaz the One-Eyed (CE orc CULT FANATIC) greets them and
bids them “to drink deep from the cup of blood.” Any character that
drinks from the cup enters into a pact with Golmuth (see Aftermath). Any
character that refuses to drink is attacked. The nature of the encounter
depends on the level of the adventure, as shown in the Area 1 Encounter
Development: Shadow Spawning. In the 8th-level version of this
adventure, creatures loyal to Golmuth who die during this encounter
spawn a SHADOW.
Treasure: Cult Spoils and Hostage Key. Once the cultists in this
area are defeated, the characters can claim everything they’ve taken.
Additionally, they find on Goregaz’s body the key to Voner Bhalar’s chains
(see area 2). The nature of the treasure depends on the level of the
adventure, as shown in the Area 1 Treasure table.

10 Kobold Caves
Adventure Encounter
1st Goregaz and 8 COMMONERS wielding daggers and sickles

Adventure Encounter
6 gp, 11 sp, 25 cp, 3 small art objects (25 gp each), and a
1st bloodied dagger +1

Kobold Caves 11
12 Kobold Caves
2 – Desecrated Altar

Above the altar, a young man is suspended and splayed by rusted chains.
A demonic creature slashes at his flesh, muttering to itself a gleeful, sing-
song tune; blood drips into several chalices carefully placed around the
ritual site. The man appears to be unconscious.

Hazard: Maddening Symbology. The area is filled with the profane

idols of the demon’s cult (see General Features).
Development: Voner Bhalar. The victim of this blood sacrifice is
Voner Bhalar, the kidnapped heir. If the characters discovered the
cathedral in less than two days of travel, the boy is unconscious, but alive
with 1 hit point remaining. Otherwise, the ritual was completed: he’s dead.
Voner’s chains can be shattered with a successful DC 20 Strength
(Athletics) check, picked open with a successful DC 15 Dexterity check
using thieves’ tools, or opened with Goregaz’s key. Alternatively, the chains
have 20 hit points, AC 19, and immunity to psychic and poison damage.
Encounter: The Fleshmonger. As the characters arrive, a minor devil
called The Fleshmonger is raking Voner’s body with its weapon. Like
Goregaz, he tests the characters to see if they’re loyal to Golmuth before
attacking. The nature of the encounter depends on the level of the
adventure, as shown in the Area 2 Encounter table.

Adventure Encounter
1st 1 IMP

Kobold Caves 13
3 – Cloister

Nature has reclaimed the open air cloister of this once-stately cathedral:
filthy water sloshes with each step, and vines choke the very stone. At
the center of the quad lies a stone fountain covered in ivy and mildew.

Hazard: Maddening Symbology. The area is filled with the profane

idols of the demon’s cult (see General Features).
Encounter: Cursed Fountain. As the characters explore the area, they
hear a telepathic voice call out to them from the fountain; it is the voice of
a cursed monk named Chardayne, who was murdered and hidden at the
base of the fountain about five decades ago. If the characters investigate,
Chardayne’s spirit surprises them and attacks.
When Chardayne falls below half hit points, he does his best to turn
invisible, then performs hit and run attacks as the characters explore the
rest of the cathedral. Chardayne is also hostile to members of the cult. If
Chardayne’s spirit is destroyed, he reforms at the base of the fountain
after 24 hours. The only way to permanently destroy Chardayne’s spirit is
to dig up his bones and burn them. The nature of the encounter depends
on the level of the adventure, as shown in the Area 3 Encounter table.

Adventure Encounter
1st 1 SHADOW

Treasure: Chardayne’s Pack. If the characters discover Chardayne’s

resting place, they can claim his tattered and bloodstained leather pack for
themselves. The nature of the treasure depends on the level of the
adventure, as shown in the Area 3 Treasure table.

14 Kobold Caves
Adventure Treasure
1st 6 cp, 1 potion of healing, and 1 spell scroll of divine favor

4 – Chapel

This small chapel has been desecrated by the cultists: corpses of

unfortunate travelers hang from the ceiling, and whatever holy
iconography remains is heavily vandalized. It appears to be empty.
Curiously, a patch of earth is covered in healthy, vibrantly colored

Hazard: Maddening Symbology. The area is filled with the profane

idols of the demon’s cult (see General Features).
Development: Blessed Earth. A beam of radiant sunlight (or
moonlight, at night) falls on a patch of consecrated earth, which has been
blessed with healthy flowers that have defied the cultists’ rampage. Any
character that prays to a good-aligned deity while standing on the flower
patch can make a DC 10 Wisdom (Religion) check. On a success, the
character recovers 2d6 hit points and is cured of poisons and diseases. If a
character succeeds by 10 or more, they also receive the benefits of a
sanctuary spell. On a failure, nothing happens. If three characters fail in
their prayers, the flower patch wastes away in an instant. Once a character
has received a blessing, they can’t receive another blessing until they finish
a long rest.
A DC 10 Intelligence (Arcana) check recalls that consecrated earth
harms evil trespassers. Using a bonus action, a character can throw a
handful of consecrated earth at a target they can see up to 10 feet away,
dealing 1d6 radiant damage to members of Golmuth’s cult on a successful
hit—however, there’s only d6 handfuls available when the characters

C05 – Repository

Kobold Caves 15
Rotten wood floats on the surface of the water, along with sodden
vellum pages that disintegrate with a mere touch. Whatever knowledge
they held has long been lost to the ravages of time.

Hazard: Maddening Symbology. The area is filled with the profane

idols of the demon’s cult (see General Features).

C06 – Graveyard

What was once the church’s graveyard has become a mire of filthy
swamp water; the tombstones are barely visible over the water line.

Encounter: Quirky Bones. If the characters didn’t discover Sir

Garwin earlier (see Traveling Through Blightwater), he calls out for “a
spot of help, as it seems the mud’s gotten me.”
Treasure: Magic Ring. A careful search of the area reveals a magic
ring glinting beneath the swamp water. If Sir Garwin is still alive, he
demands the ring be put back; he must be persuaded, deceived, or
destroyed in order to claim it. The nature of the treasure depends on the
level of the adventure, as shown in the Area 2 Treasure table.

Adventure Encounter
1st ring of warmth

16 Kobold Caves
C07 – Heroes’ Memorial

Before you lies a stone sarcophagus; scratch marks across its surface
indicate that whatever metals once adorned it were stripped away by
untrained hands. The lid is ajar. At the head of the sarcophagus is a
strange-looking device made of glowing steel.

Development: The Soul Cage. As the characters examine the room,

Golmuth speaks to them telepathically through the soul cage. Knowing
that destroying the soul cage would only send him back to the infernal
plane (thereby freeing him), Golmuth attempts to goad the characters into
shattering the prison. If Sir Garwin is accompanying the characters, he
insists on breaking the cage, and must be persuaded to step aside. The soul
cage has 20 hit points, AC 10, and immunity to poison and psychic
damage. A detect magic spell reveals the cage radiates divine magic.
Alternatively, a character can reinforce the cage by succeeding on a DC 15
Intelligence (Arcana) check. If Hastra Grandbeard shared her knowledge
of the prison, they make this check with advantage. On a success, they
can choose to reinforce the soul cage and stop Golmuth from influencing
the world around him—but not before hearing out the demon’s final plea
(see Aftermath).
So long as the soul cage is destroyed or nullified, Sir Garwin steps back
into his sarcophagus and returns to the afterlife.
Encounter: The Dark Congregation. If the characters succeed in
reinforcing the soul cage, Golmuth calls out telepathically to all members
of the dark congregation in area 1, demanding the adventurers be
destroyed. If the characters flee at this point without the soul cage, the
congregation destroys it, sending Golmuth back to the infernal plane.

Kobold Caves 17
Should the characters attempt to reinforce the soul cage, Golmuth
responds by opening up negotiations, promising tokens of power. If the
characters accept, they enter into a pact with Golmuth: in exchange for
servitude, the characters each learn a 1st-level spell of the GM’s choice,
and form a permanent telepathic connection to Golmuth, no matter
where they are.
At the beginning of each day, characters in a pact with Golmuth must
succeed on a DC 8 Charisma saving throw or become dominated by the
demon: their souls are lost, and they become permanent agents of the
demon lord. The pact can be broken only by divine intervention or a wish
spell. Once broken, dominated creatures regain their free will (though
they’ll have to reckon with the consequences of the things they did while
under Golmuth’s control).
Should the characters destroy the soul cage (or if the reinforced cage is
left behind and subsequently destroyed by the cult), Golmuth returns to
the infernal plane—and begins plotting his vengeance. A few months later,
Hastra Grandbeard suffers a grisly death by method of dismemberment,
but the town of Queen’s Ford is spared. Without a leader, the cult
eventually disbands.
If the characters fail to destroy the cult, they eventually break Golmuth
from his soul cage, and he emerges into the world as a BALOR. His first
target is Hastra Grandbeard and the town of Queen’s Ford. Then,
Golmuth sets about gathering his forces and conquering the rest of the
If the characters successfully saved Voner Bhalar, they are given
Noblelight (+1 longsword that grants the wielder the ability to cast light as a
bonus action) as thanks on top of whatever gold reward Eben Bhalar
promised them.

18 Kobold Caves
Additional Quest Hooks
Here are some ways to expand on the encounters and themes of this
• A scholar has heard rumors of a demon cult, though it was
supposedly defeated over a hundred years ago. They will pay
handsomely for the soul cage.
• A BARBED DEVIL called Xaggoroth, magically disguised as an old
human (DC 17 to detect), tasks the characters with rooting out the
demon Golmuth and his foul cult. Golmuth and Xaggoroth are
secretly old enemies. Once the deed is done, the characters may call
upon Xaggoroth for a wish spell.
• Scouts and road wardens throughout the region are relaying an
alarming number of missing persons reports, acts of violence, animal
sacrifices, and appearances of profane idols (stone idols depicting a
• Yirrel Vaditz (NG COMMONER) is begging for help in locating her
missing brother, who was last seen heading toward Blightwater. Yirrel
doesn’t know about the cult, but knows her brother has been
conspiring with unsavory folk lately.
• Mysterious orbs of light have been seen in the swamps of
Blightwater; locals know them to be death omens.
• Roadside shrines throughout the region surrounding Queen’s Ford
have been systematically vandalized, preventing many from
communing with their patrons. Ω

Kobold Caves 19
20 Kobold Caves

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