Third Summative Test in Science - 2ND Quarter
Third Summative Test in Science - 2ND Quarter
Directions: Choose the correct answer in each number. Shade the letter on your answer sheet.
1. Which of the following sentence shows that heart is important in blood circulation?
A. The heart is the passageway of blood so that blood can circulate to our entire body.
B. The heart pumps blood so that it able to circulate to all parts of the body.
C. The heart carry nutrients and other essential materials need by cells in our entire body.
D. The heart filter the blood so that it can be pure.
5. Which of the following shows healthful habits that promote proper functioning of the circulatory system?
A. Mr. Santos always smoke and drink alcoholic beverages.
B. Mrs. Ramos tolerate his wife to eat too much fatty and salty food.
C. Reyes family did not exercise regularly.
D. Cruz family avoid extreme emotions, tension and unnecessary worries.
6. Respiration includes the intake of oxygen and its delivery to the cells of the different cells of the body and the removal and
release of carbon dioxide. Which body systems interact to send oxygen throughout the body?
A. Intergumentary and muscular system C. Respiratory and circulatory system
B. Skeletal and reproductive systems D. Digestive and nervous system
7. The main parts of the respiratory system are the nose, pharynx, larynx ,trachea, bronchi,,alveoli, lungs and diaphragm. Mouth
is the opening which food passes into the body. Nostrils are the opening into the nasal passages that are lined with hairs. Where
is it easier to breathe, through the nose or through the mouth? Why?
A. Nose because it is the passageway of air. C. Mouth because it is the common passage of air
B. Nose because it has cilia that filter the dust D. Mouth because it allows air to move to the lungs.
8. What part of the lungs that look like bunches of grapes that work as air sacs where exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide
take place?
A. Alveoli B. Bronchiole C. Cilia D. Capillaries
9. When you exhale, how does the diaphragm behave as you breathe out?
A. relaxes B. contract C. sinks D. expand
10. When you exhale, how does the diaphragm behave as you breathe out?
A. relaxes B. contract C. sinks D. expand
11. What are the correct pathways of inhaled air in respiratory system?
A. Nasal Cavity --- Pharynx --- Larynx --- Trachea --- Bronchi --- Lungs
B. Pharynx --- Trachea ---- Nasal Cavity --- lungs --- Bronchi --- Larynx
C. Lungs --- Bronchi --- Trachea ---- Larynx ---- Pharynx ---- Nasal Cavity
D. Nasal Cavity ---- Larynx ---- Pharynx ---Trachea ---- Bronchi ---- lungs
13. What are the correct pathways of exhaled air in respiratory system?
A. Nasal Cavity --- Pharynx --- Larynx --- Trachea --- Bronchi --- Lungs
B. Pharynx --- Trachea ---- Nasal Cavity --- lungs --- Bronchi --- Larynx
C. Lungs --- Bronchi --- Trachea ---- Larynx ---- Pharynx ---- Nasal Cavity
D. Nasal Cavity ---- Larynx ---- Pharynx ---Trachea ---- Bronchi ---- lungs
15. Which of the following prevent food from entering the air way of our respiratory system?
A. epiglottis B. vocal cords C. pleura D. cilia
16. What do we call the process when we breathing in oxygen and breathing out carbon dioxide continuously?
A. Circulation B. Excretion C. Respiration D. Oxidation
18. Why blood become oxygenated when it reaches lungs during blood circulation?
A. The blood absorb carbon dioxide in exchange of oxygen to be use by the body cells.
B. The blood become redder and lesser carbon dioxide when it inside the lungs
C. The blood supply oxygen to the lungs to be oxygenated during blood circulation.
D. The blood absorb oxygen in exchange of carbon dioxide to be expel by the lungs during exhalation.
19. Which if the following is a source of carbon dioxide why blood become deoxygenated?
A. body wastes B. Body cells C. nutrients from food D. Lungs
20. Why blood become deoxygenated when it reaches parts of the body during blood circulation?
A. The blood absorb carbon dioxide in exchange of oxygen to be use by the body cells.
B. The blood become redder and lesser carbon dioxide when it inside the lungs
C. The blood supply oxygen to the lungs to be oxygenated during blood circulation.
D. The blood absorb oxygen in exchange of carbon dioxide to be expel by the lungs during exhalation.