Met 18th Assessment Master Key
Met 18th Assessment Master Key
3. At what height AGL would you expect to find cloud developing if the
conditions prevail?
Surface temp. +24°C; ELR 2.5°C/1000’; Dew Point 12°C; SALR
a) ± 4000’
b) ± 5000’
c) ± 8000’
7. A monsoon is a giant:
a) Sea breeze
b) Katabatic wind
c) Berg wind
8.. In the Southern Hemisphere, when the winds at 5000 ft above mean
sea level are
north-easterly most of the surface winds are easterly. This difference in
direction is
primarily due to:
a) A stronger pressure gradient at high altitudes
b) Stronger Coriolis force at the surface
c) Friction between the wind and the surface
13. An air mass is moving slowly over a high plateau in winter and the
pressure is high.
The relative humidity will:
a) Increase
b) Decrease
c) Remain unchanged
15. Which weather conditions can be expected when moist air flows from a
warm surface to a colder surface?
a) Stratus layer type cloud
b) Convective turbulence due to surface heating
c) Fog, or mist
16. If the surface wind direction is 220°, what do you expect the upper wind
direction to
be at 3000 feet?
a) ± 180°
b) ± 220°
c) ± 240°
18. What determines the type of cloud (structure) which is a result of air
being forced to
a) The method by which the air is lifted
b) The stability of the air before lifting occurs
c) The SALR temperature
19. The type of cloud expected to form when unstable moist air is forced to
rise over a
mountain is most likely to be:
a) Stratified clouds with intermittent showers
b) Layer type cloud with little vertical development
c) Vertical development type cloud
a) 1, 3, 6
b) 2, 4, 5
c) 2, 3, 4, 6
24. Conditions most favorable for the formation of radiation fog are:
a) Cold air moving over a warm surface at night
b) Warm, moist air moving over a cold surface
c) Warm, moist air over low flat land areas on clear nights with a light
31. When crossing a front at higher altitude the change in the temperature
and wind,
direction will be:
a) Greater than the change at a lower altitude
b) Less than the change at a lower altitude
c) The same as the change at a lower altitude
32. The correct method to avoid wake turbulence during take-off and
landing is to:
a) Take-off and land beyond the touchdown of arriving aircraft
b) Take-off and land beyond the point of rotation of departing aircraft
c) Maintain a lower glide path than the aircraft ahead and land beyond its
touchdown point
33.An aircraft is flying over the sea at FL100, with a true altitude
of 10.000 feet; local QNH is 1.003 hPa. What assumption,
if any, can be made about the air mass in which the
aircraft is flying?
A) There is insufficient information to come to any conclusion.
B) Its average temperature is about ISA.
C) It is colder than ISA.
D) It is warmer than ISA
Absolute instability in the atmosphere will occur when the environmental
lapse rate is:
A) greater than both saturated adiabatic lapse rate and dry adiabatic
lapse rate.
B) less than saturated adiabatic lapse rate.
C) less than both saturated adiabatic lapse rate and dry adiabatic lapse
D) greater than saturated adiabatic lapse rate but less than dry adiabatic
lapse rate.
For both saturated and unsaturated air instability will occur
when the:
A) environmental lapse rate is greater than both dry adiabatic
lapse rate and saturated adiabatic lapse rate.
B) environmental lapse rate is greater than saturated adiabatic
lapse rate but less than dry adiabatic lapse rate.
C) environmental lapse rate is less than both dry adiabatic
lapse rate and saturated adiabatic lapse rate.
D) dry adiabatic lapse rate is less than saturated adiabatic
lapse rate but greater than environmental lapse rate.