Stars and Galaxies in The Universe
Stars and Galaxies in The Universe
Members :
1. Amirulamin Sambawan bin Mazlan
2. Mohd Ikram Danial bin Ismail Zaki
3. Muhd Zuhdi bin Jabir
4. Afiq bin Jabir
11.1 Stars and Galaxies in the universe
Red Giant Supergiant Supernova Black Hole
Large Star
Birth of Stars
Stars are formed from nebulae. Nebulae are large clouds consisting of dust particles and gases such as
hydrogen and helium.
• The gases and dust particles in a nebula are pulled by a strong gravitational force which causes it to
form a globe.
• The strong gravitational force causes the globe of gas to shrink and compress until it becomes very
dense and forms a core.
• The core shrinks and becomes dense due to the increasing strength of the gravitational force.
• When the temperature and pressure in the core become too high, a nuclear reaction will take place.
Hydrogen gas turns into helium. A huge amount ofheat energy and light is released.
• The core will shine and a star is formed.
• The star that is formed is known as a protostar.
• This new star continues to expand and becomes either an average star like the sun or a massive star.
Death of Stars
In a star, a lot of heat is generated which will heat up the outermost layer of the star. As a
result, hydrogen within this layer starts to burn. This causes the star to expand. During this
stage, the star appears red to colour and is called a red giant.
If the red giant is not massive, a white dwarf is formed. However, if the red giant is
big enough, it contracts so quickly that a big explosion called a supernova occurs. A
supernova is extremely bright. It can be seen in daylight. As a result of the explosion, A
neutron star is formed if the original star is a large star. If the original star is a super-large
star, a black hole is formed. It is called a black hole because light in it cannot escape.
• Colour
• Size
• Distance
• Brightness
• Temperature
Stars have different sizes; The really big ones are called supergiant stars,
Big stars are called giant stars while the really small ones are called
dwarf stars. The brightness of a star depends on its size, distance and
surface temperature. The brightest stars in the sky are Sirius and Rigel.
Thats all from us!