Citizen Centric Portal: A Project Report On
Citizen Centric Portal: A Project Report On
Prepared By Jay Fichadia (IT-022) I.T department, DDU, Nadiad Darshan Dhagia (IT-020) I.T department, DDU, Nadiad
Guided By Asst. Prof. Siddhi J. Joshi Dept. of Information Technology Faculty of Technology Dharmsinh Desai University
Department of Information Technology Faculty of Technology, Dharmasinh Desai University College Road, Nadiad-387001
We declare that pre-final semester report entitled Citizen Centric Portal is our own work conducted under the supervision of guide Asst. Prof. S.J.Joshi from Faculty of Technology, DDU, Nadiad. We further declare that to the best of our knowledge the report for B.E. SEM- VII does not contain the part of work which have been submitted either in this or any other university without proper citation.
Candidates name: Darshan R. Dhagia (IT Dept., DDU) Branch: IT Student ID: 086018
Candidates name: Jay D. Fichadia (IT Dept., DDU) Branch: IT Student ID: 086019
Submitted To: Asst. Prof. Siddhi J. Joshi Dept. of Information Technology, Faculty of Technology, Dharmsinh Desai University, Nadiad State: Gujarat
This is to certify that the project entitled Citizen Centric Portal is a Bonafied report of the work carried out by Mr. Jay Fichadia, Student ID No: 086019 Mr. Darshan Dhagia, Student ID No: 086018 of Department of Information Technology, semester VII, under the guidance and supervision at Dharmsinh Desai University, Nadiad (Gujarat). They were involved in the project during academic year 2011-2012. Asst. Prof. Siddhi J. Joshi Dept. of Information Technology, Faculty of Technology, Dharmsinh Desai University, Nadiad State: Gujarat Date:
Prof. R.S.Chhajed Head, Department of Information Technology, Faculty of Technology, Dharmsinh Desai University, Nadiad Date:
We would like to thank Ms. Siddhi J. Joshi, Department of Information technology as she has been instrumental in the preparation of this thesis report and kept on encouraging us to submit the project deliverables on time.
Nothing concrete can be achieved without an optimal combination of inspiration and perspiration. No work can accomplish without taking the guidance of the experts. For this we owe my sincere gratitude towards for providing our immense guidance and motivation throughout the project work. Her efforts in this respect, considering her busy schedule, are beyond the purview of acknowledgement.
We are sincerely thankful Prof. R.S. Chhajed, Head (Department Of Information Technology) for the unconditional and an unbiased support during the whole session of study and development. They altogether provided me a favorable environment, without them we would not have achieved our goal.
A blend of gratitude, pleasure and great satisfaction is what we feel to convey our indebtedness to all those who have directly and indirectly contributed to the successful completion of the project.
Jay D. Fichadia (IT-22), ID No: 086019 Darshan R. Dhagia (IT-20), ID No: 086018