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Blackbirds The Extinguishing Quickstart

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Blackbirds The Extinguishing Quickstart

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nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)

nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)

pow e r e d by

nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)

B L A C K B I R D S L E A D D E S I G N E R : Ryan Verniere P RO D U C T I O N E D I TO R: Dave Shaw The characters, situations,
P OW E R E D BY Z W E I H Ä N D E R L E A D D E V E L O P E R: P RO D U C T I O N M A N A G E R: and world in Blackbirds
Daniel D. Fox Chuck Harper
are works of fiction. This
P RO D U C E R : Mary Gumport
D E V E L O P E R S: Bill Bridges, John Chambers, Marguerite K I C K STA RTE R CO N C I E RG E: game was designed,
Dabaie, Edward Austin Hall, Joseph Limbaugh, Zoë Kate Bullock developed, and produced
Quinn, Jared Rosen, and Eddy Webb S O C I A L M E D I A CO O R D I N ATO R: by a multicultural team of
A D D I T I O N A L C O NT R I B UT I O N S: Jason Bolte, Christian Fox
diverse beliefs, identities,
Joe Carriker, and Ify Nwadiwe R P G B R A N D M A N A G E M E NT:
O B S E RV AT I O N S O F A W A N D E R I N G S Q U I R E Daniela Bone and orientations.
Christian Fox C O M M U N I C AT I O N S :
C U LT U R A L C O N S U LTA NT: Marguerite Dabaie Kathy Hilliard
K I C K STA RTE R B U S I N E S S D E V E L O P E R: Tammy Hook
LI N E E D I TO R : John Chambers S A L E S O P E R AT I O N S : Lynne McAdoo
E D I TO R S : Marguerite Dabaie, Edward Austin Hall,
and Eddy Webb E XE C UT I V E C R E AT I V E D I R E C TO R, G A M E S :
CO P YE D I TO R : Mariah Madsen Daniel D. Fox
P RO O F R E A D E R : Madison Schultz C H I EF D E V E L O P M E NT O F F I C E R: Fred Nelson
P R E S I D E NT A N D P U B L I S H E R: Kirsty Melville
A RT D I R E C TO R S: Mary Gumport, Hannah Hahn,
and Rob Sather L I C E N S I N G M A N A G E R: George Ruiz
A RT A S S I STA NT: Jeremy Melloul
G R A P H I C D E S I G N E R S: Diane Marsh and Rob Sather L E A D P L AY TE STE R: Ryan Verniere
COV E R I LL U ST R ATO R : Dave Rapoza P L AY TE STE R S : Ryan Cady, John Cassel, George Finn,
I NTE R I O R I L LU ST R ATO R S: Nathan Anderson, Samuel Jon Frank Jr, Thor Kani, Joe Manganiello, Nick
Araya, ARTeapot, Natalia Bacetti, Clément Blum, Alice Manganiello, Ron Mathews, Graham McNeill, Kyle
Boudry, James Bousema, Xander Brown, Oleg Bulakh, Newman, Chris Prynoski, Adrian Quinn, George Ruiz,
Christopher Campbell, Mark de Bakker, Artem Demura, Jody Schaeffer, Chelsea Shafer, Paul White, Alex Wolf,
Stanislav Dikolenko, LA Draws, Thea Dumitriu, Ken and Ken Wong
Duquet, Celestial Fang, Florian-Ayala Fauna, Jonathan
Fernandes Juanieve, Mike Franchina, Paul Freland, Vlad S P E C I A L T H A N K S : Lauryn Ipsum
Gheneli, Goran Gligović, Grady Gordon, Asmo Grimae,
Sheri Groleau, Hannah Hahn, Jana Heidersdorf, Cristián P O E T RY: Yuzun Kang
Huerta, Ash J, Maxim Kostin, Maxim Kozlov, Jonathan
Kutzer, Tim Liljefors, Vasco Mariano, Iain Matthiae,
Marco Mazzoni, Oriana Menendez, Felix Miall, Maxime
Minard, Alexandria Neonakis, Joseph Pegg, Ariel Perez,
Dave Rapoza, Paul Reinwand, Adam Rosenlund, Olly
Ryder, Roman Sachnow, Rob Sather, Mariya Sviridova,
BW Usagi, Erin Vest, and Maria Zolotukhina
I LLU ST R ATO R : Evangeline Gallagher
CA RTO G R A P H E R : Francesca Baerald

nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)

C H A P TE R 1: What Is This Book? 1

C H A P TE R 2: Blackbirds & the Fateweaver 5

C H A P TE R 3: Combat Scenes 17

C H A P TE R 4: Theurgy & the Od 33

C H A P TE R 5 : The Siege of Grey Face 41

C H A P TE R 6 : Bestiary 55

B O O N CA R D S 61
TA L E NT & TE C H N I Q U E CA R D S 63
B L A C K B I R D P R E- G E N S 71
N O TE S 92

nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)

nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)
C H A P TE R 1

What Is This Book?

nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)

T his Quickstart contains all the rules and
materials necessary to play in the world
of BLACKBIRDS. The rules herein are an
abbreviated version of the full ruleset, but will give you a taste
of the game and what is possible using this system. The weaving
at the end of this booklet is designed to drop the players into the
middle of the action. Familiarize yourself with these terms as you
work your way through the Quickstart:

Six pre-generated Blackbirds are provided in the back of the Quickstart,

while the Weaving should take no longer than three to four hours to
play. The Fateweaver should familiarize themselves with the entirety of
this book before playing.


he invisible hand of Fate is felt most noticeably when it is
absent. In BLACKBIRDS, there exists an atmosphere of
lingering dread ushered in by the recent destruction of the
gods. This abominable act was executed by a secretive cabal known
only as the Oligarchs: pompous mortals united not only to evade the
icy touch of death, but also to destroy and supplant the deities
themselves. And after slaying Heaven’s pantheon, they turned their
TERMINOLOGY dark intentions on the very arbiters of Fate.
͝ Blackbird: The name given to The world of BLACKBIRDS is diverse and expansive. It ranges from
player characters in the world of the misty forests of Thule in the north, down through the continent of
BLACKBIRDS, and any sentient Erebos and across the Carcass Nations engulfed by unrest and war, before
beings that have been touched by finally descending to the island city-state of Corbel, mired in a lengthy
Fate. This term is not used formally military occupation by Florent, a mighty nation from across the Azule Sea.
by the denizens of the world, but The Republic that spanned the continent of Erebos was cast into
informally it might be used to mean civil war twelve years ago by the figures who would later transcend and
brigands, mercenaries, refugees, or become the beings now called Oligarchs. This massive conflict provided
wanderers. the sacrifice of blood, flesh, and spirit needed for their monsterous
͝ Fateweaver: The rules arbiter of a transformation into godlike entities. And the war rages on, perpetuated
game session. by their loyal retainers, who wait for the Oligarchs’ triumphant return.
͝ Flock: A party of Blackbirds. The Weaving included in this book takes place during the siege of
͝ Weaving: A single game session of a castle in the Splendid Kingdoms by the city-state of Vichy.

nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)

nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)
nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)
C H A P TE R 2

Blackbirds † the Fateweaver

nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)

T he most important rule in BLACKBIRDS is
this: keep the game moving! Whatever the
Fateweaver decides for the Weavings supersedes

anything written in the Quickstart. Knowing where the story

goes next is always more important than knowing where that
“It is best to bring one’s
Skill modifier is printed.
own set of dice to a game
of chance, for while there
are plenty in the realms of

Erebos who will gladly idle
n BLACKBIRDS, role-playing drives the story. The exception to
the hours away casting lots,
this is when there are potential consequences for failure. Then—
there are far more eager
and only then—are dice called upon to determine the results.
to turn a friendly game
into a lifelong debt . . .”
—Observations of the
Wandering Squire The Fateweaver will impose challenging situations upon the Blackbirds
that may prove lethal. These vary widely, including combat, intrigue,
and a host of fantastic events. Whenever the Fateweaver calls upon
players to influence a situation, they roll dice to determine what
happens next.
BLACKBIRDS uses two different kinds of dice: Ð6s and Ð10s.

Ð10s and Ð100

You will need two Ð10s. Most of the time, these 2 Ð10s will be rolled
and read together and treated as a number ranging 1 to 100 (called a
Ð100). One die in the Ð100 roll is the tens die (the die treated as 10,
20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 00) and the other is the units die (the
die treated as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0). Here are some examples on
how to read unusual Ð100 rolls:

͝ Face ‘60’ on tens & face ‘9’ on units = 69%

͝ Face ‘60’ on tens & face ‘0’ on units = 60%
͝ Face ‘00’ on tens & face ‘0’ on units = 100%
͝ Face ‘00’ on tens & face ‘1’ on units = 01%
͝ Face ‘10’ on tens & face ‘0’ on units = 10%

nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)

B lackbirds & the F ateweaver 7

A Blackbird may wield a weapon composed of

a substance to which their foe has a supernatural
aversion. One common example is the effect
iron and steel weapons have on the aes. In such
circumstances, these weapons deal the Blackbird’s
[CB] plus 1Ð10 in Total Damage. Bane dice
explode on a ‘9’ or ‘10.’

S K I L L TE STS: R O L L Ð10 0

ost rolls you make during a Weaving
will be for Skill tests. Whenever you
want your Blackbird to attempt an
action, most of the time they’ll make a Skill test.

Ð6s The Basics

This game also uses six-sided dice. There are several First, determine the Skill being tested. Skills
distinct uses for Ð6s, such as Damage dice, Injury encompass specific fields of knowledge and
dice, and Odic dice. There may be times when a expertise, distinct from one another, but all equally
player must roll for two or three of these resources important. Your Blackbird’s capacity in a Skill is
at one time. determined by the number of Skill Ranks—the
more Skill Ranks, the better skilled the Blackbird
Exploding Dice is in that area. Generally, your Fateweaver will call
upon you to test a specific Skill as you role-play.
However, you can request to use a specific Skill to
change events into your or another’s favor.
Each Skill is related to a Primary Attribute,
representing physical, mental, and social capabilities.
When situations ask you to roll a Ð6, and a face These are Combat, Brawn, Agility, Perception,
value of 6 is shown, that die is said to explode. An Intelligence, Willpower, and Fellowship. Coupled
exploded die is then rerolled, and the value is added with Skills, they define your Blackbird’s baseline
to the previous number. If another face value of 6 is chances for succeeding at Skill tests.
displayed, then the die explodes again, continuing Common and Special Skills: Skills come in two
in this fashion until any number besides a face types, Common or Special. Common Skills
value of 6 is displayed. Add up the results of all the represent shared knowledge every Blackbird may
exploded dice to determine the end result. attempt to employ without having practiced them.
Thus, their use may be attempted by anyone at no
Bane Damage penalty. Special Skills, however, require a greater
level of study and proficiency to use. While Special
Skills can be used by a Blackbird without Skill
Ranks in them, you must Flip to Fail the results
when testing them. A short summary of each Skill
is on the following page.

nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)



Athletics Brawn Climb, jump, leap, lift, row and swim Common
Awareness Perception Find traps, avoid ambushes, notice details Common
Bargain Fellowship Compromise, haggle, find a common agreement Common
Charm Fellowship Entertain, flatter, be charismatic Common
Coordination Agility Acrobatics, dodge ranged weapons and escape Common
Disguise Fellowship Hide emotions, mimicry and theatrics Special
Eavesdrop Perception Hide conversations, listen in, read lips Common
Education Intelligence Research, knowledge of history and the world Special
Folklore Intelligence Know cultures, religion, fairy tales and traditions Common
Gamble Intelligence Play games of chance and cheat Common
Guile Fellowship Lie, manipulate others, plant seeds of doubt Common
Handle Animal Fellowship Care for, ride and train animals Special
Handle Vehicle Agility Drive a cart or carriage, pilot a boat. Special
Heal Intelligence Heal others from Damage, disease and Injury Special
Intimidate Brawn Coerce others using physicality and threats Common
Leadership Fellowship Command allies and inspire others Special
Melee Combat Wield and use Melee weapons Special
Navigation Intelligence Avoid getting lost, determine direction Special
Summon Outsiders, use Vitiations and understand the
Odweft Willpower Special
Ranged Combat Wield and use Ranged weapons Special
Stay calm while in distress and resist horrific
Resolve Willpower Common
Rumor Fellowship Gather and recall information from social encounters Common
Scrutinize Perception Sense motives and intentions in others Common
Skulduggery Agility Open locks, disarm traps, pick pockets Special
Stealth Agility Ambush, hide, sneak and spy Common
Strategy Intelligence Plan warfare and tactics in advance Special
Survival Perception Survive in the wilderness, find food, water, shelter Common
Toughness Brawn Withstand pain, endure physical ordeals, hold breath Common
Tradecraft Willpower Craft and repair trappings Special
Warfare Combat Adapt to changing battlefield events in the moment Special
Wortcunning Intelligence Use astrology, herbalism, hedge magic Special

nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)

B lackbirds & the F ateweaver 9

Once you identify the Skill to be tested, a Difficulty Rating to a particular task you wish
determine the Base Chance to use it: your Blackbird to attempt.
First, refer to your Primary Attribute Ύ Trivial (+30% to Base Chance)
percentage value related to the Skill you are using. Ύ Easy (+20% to Base Chance)
Next, add +10 for each Skill Rank your Ύ Routine (+10% to Base Chance)
Blackbird has. Ύ Standard (no change to Base Chance)
Then, apply any penalties your Peril Condition If no Difficulty Rating is listed, it is assumed to
Track may confer. This may cause you to ignore be Standard.
some or all of your Skill Ranks. Ύ Challenging (-10% to Base Chance)
Finally, add modifiers from Talents, Boons, and Ύ Hard (-20% to Base Chance)
Techniques that apply. The highest total modifier Ύ Arduous (-30% to Base Chance)
that can be applied to the Primary Attribute value is Once you have announced what your Blackbird
+30, while the lowest total modifier is -30. intends to do and the Fateweaver calls out the
Other outside influences and conditions of the Difficulty Rating, you must commit to your
environment can have an impact on your ability to intended action.
succeed or fail. These ambient bonuses or penalties
imposed upon you by the drama of the situation are Match: Critical & Sublime
called the Difficulty Rating. The Fateweaver will
tell you the final adjustment you must apply to the
Base Chance.
Add all of the modifiers together to determine
the Total Chance for Success. Grab Ð100, call out
to the table what your Total Chance for Success is, If you succeed at your Skill test and roll doubles
and roll. If the rolled number is equal to or less than (e.g., 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99), you’ve
your Total Chance for Success, you have succeeded rolled a Match and incur a Critical Success. This
the Skill test. If the results are greater than the Total can mean you may dole out additional Damage
Chance for Success, it is a Failure. upon a foe, gain a temporary beneficial effect, add a
The dice might generate special results, based bonus to your ally’s next Skill test, or do a number
on whether they Match or result in a “01” or “00”. of other things.
Also, some rules might require you to Flip to If you roll 01 (1%), the Skill test is a specific
Succeed or Flip to Fail. We’ll explain all these kind of Degree of Success called a Sublime Success.
variables below. Sublime Successes are contextual, much like
Degrees of Successes, but are even more beneficial
Peril Condition Penalties to the Blackbird rolling.
If their status on the Peril Condition Track states Should you roll doubles and fail your Skill test,
“Ignore 1 Skill Rank,” “Ignore 2 Skill Ranks,” or you incur a Critical Failure. The effects of Critical
“Ignore 3 Skill Ranks,” subtract the bonuses their Failures are generally to your detriment. Your
Skill Ranks confer to them. However, if they are Fateweaver will tell you what the effects of these
Incapacitated, they cannot succeed at any Skill test. sorts of Matches are as you play.
If you roll 00 (100%), the Skill test is a specific
Difficulty Rating type of Critical Failure called a Sublime Failure. In
Circumstances directly affect your ability to succeed rare cases, it is possible to have a Total Chance for
or fail with a Skill test. Your Fateweaver will assign Success in excess of 100%.

nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)

10 B L A C K B I R D S: Q U I C K STA RT

However, a result of 100% always fails. Sublime Assistance requires a Blackbird’s full attention
Failures are contextual to the situation, but the and effort. The player of the assisting Blackbird must
Fateweaver may decide that Sublime Failures are describe how their Blackbird is helping their ally.
even more detrimental than Critical Failures. Assisting a Skill test is announced before or
after the Difficulty Rating has been called out by
Flip the Results the Fateweaver.
Some situations might grant a special Skill test The assisting ally hands a Ð10 die (their tens
modifier called Flip to Succeed or Flip to Fail. When die) to you. This is an Assist die, which can replace
you perform a Skill test with this modifier, roll your the tens die result of the next Skill test you make.
Ð10s together, but do not designate which die is the Roll both your Ð100 and the Assist die together.
tens die and which is the units die. Compare both When determining results, refer to either the
potential outcomes of this roll, assuming one die original tens die or the Assist die for the results you
is the tens and the other is the units and then vice prefer (typically the lowest result). This means that
versa. If your modifier says Flip to Succeed, then if you roll Ð100 that comes up with 45%, and your
you take the better of the two outcomes. If your Assist die comes up as 30, your new derived result
modifier says Flip to Fail, then you take the worse can be 35%.
of the two outcomes. Critical Success and Failure Always assume the best result when gaining
cannot be flipped, although Sublime Success and assistance with an Assist die, unless one result is a
Failure can. Critical Failure.
If you encounter a situation where you must
Flip to Succeed and Flip to Fail on the same roll, O P P O S E D TE ST S & D E G R EE S O F S U CC E S S
then the two modifiers simply cancel each other
out, and you roll the dice as normal.

Skill Test Options

Much of the time in BLACKBIRDS, a Skill test is
straightforward: You calculate the Total Chance,
roll Ð100, and check to see whether you succeed
or fail. However, things are not always so simple. In BLACKBIRDS, most Skill tests assess a binary
You will encounter a variety of Skill test options as outcome of Success or Failure; the wall is either
you play: climbed or not. For instance, after your Blackbird
strikes a foe with an attack, the foe may elect to
A S S I STE D S K I LL TE STS defend themselves. The roll to do so doesn’t need to
beat yours, only succeed. The same can be said
when using the Intimidate Skill to terrify a
Blackbird’s enemies. Although the roll may have
succeeded, a Resolve test may be made for the
enemies on their Turn to shake off or ignore its
Other Blackbirds can Assist your Skill tests, effects. However, there are certain situations where
with the following limitations: both tests are successful and result in a tie.
Only one ally can Assist a Skill test. The Should an opposed test be required (such as in
Fateweaver may adjust the Difficulty Rating if a contest of strength or when gambling), not only
multiple allies try to help, however. do you need to succeed at the Skill test for your

nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)

B lackbirds & the F ateweaver 11

Blackbird, but also need to determine how well you S K I LL TE ST S A N D T I M E

succeed using Degrees of Success: Most Skill tests require only moments to
First, subtract the tens die of your roll from the succeed or fail. However, some require a longer
tens digit of your Total Chance. For example, if expenditure of time and energy. For Skill tests that
your Total Chance was 60% and you rolled a 41%, require greater lengths of time, your Fateweaver
the difference would be 2. will indicate how long it will take to attempt after
Next, add the relevant Primary Attribute they’ve announced the Difficulty Rating.
Bonus from which the Skill is derived, equal to the If you choose to triple the amount of time
tens digit of the Primary Attribute as well as any required to try a task, your Fateweaver can
Bonus Advances. If the roll was a Critical or impose a more favorable Difficulty Rating based
Sublime Success, double this number before adding on narrative circumstances to increase your
it. For example, if your Blackbird has a Primary chances of Success. Spending additional time
Attribute Bonus of 4, you would add an 8 on a beyond that typically confers no additional
Critical Success. bonus, unless the Fateweaver rules otherwise.
Whoever succeeds at their Skill test and has the Conversely, some Skill tests may need to be
highest Degrees of Success automatically wins the made in a hurry or under duress. For instance,
opposed test. If the Degrees of Success match, your Blackbird may be racing against the clock to
make another opposed test until one side is declared pick a door’s lock while the owner approaches.
the winner. Anytime your Blackbird is beset by circumstances
where you wish to rush through the Skill test,
R E T RY I N G FA I L E D TE STS your Fateweaver will impose a less favorable
Failed Skill tests may have some kind of Difficulty Rating based on narrative
setback as a result. The Fateweaver may rule that a circumstances.
failed Athletics test results in exhaustion, for
instance. Similarly, critically failing an Athletics
test could result in a nasty fall. Yet, this is not to F O RT U N E A N D M I S F O RT U N E

say every failed Skill test necessarily precludes he Norns are dead, slain by the Oligarchs,
trying again. and Fate’s mysterious influence has run
Whenever you reattempt a failed Skill test, amok in this world. The ebb and flow of
there’s typically a penalty that relies on narrative Fortune and Misfortune struggle constantly to
changes or the imposition of other mitigating influence the events of the world and upend the
factors, as determined by the Fateweaver. For destinies of its inhabitants. But it is the Fate-touched
instance, you may have failed an Athletics test for Blackbirds who seem to attract their fickle attention
your Blackbird to climb over a wall. Your most of all and are able to push their luck in strange
Fateweaver may decide that employing a rope or and intriguing ways.
other climbing implement would allow you to Fortune and Misfortune are very real forces in
reattempt the failed Skill test. Other situations BLACKBIRDS, both within the game world and at
may not allow you to reattempt the Skill test until the gaming table. They’re represented by Fortune
time has passed, particularly if you didn’t know coins available to the players and (over time) the
that the initial Skill test failed. For instance, you Fateweaver. Players spend Fortune coins to make
may have failed a test for your Blackbird to cleanse situations more beneficial for the Blackbirds,
a comrade’s wounds, which you realize only whereas the Fateweaver spends Misfortune coins to
because the patient’s condition grows worse. complicate the Blackbirds’ lives.

nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)

12 B L A C K B I R D S: Q U I C K STA RT

Starting Fortune The player and the Fateweaver should engage in a

At the beginning of each Weaving, the Fateweaver small flashback Scene (our term for a particular
places several coins into a receptacle or a pile. This place and time frame during a game of
group of coins is known as the Fortune Pool. The BLACKBIRDS ) and role-play how the Blackbird
number of Fortune coins placed there at the start of anticipated the current situation and prepared to
each Weaving depends on the number of players for overcome it.
that Weaving:
Starting Fortune Pool = [number A FLOCK M U S T descend into a large chasm
of non-aes player Blackbirds + but lack any climbing equipment. One of the
Fateweaver] x 2 players elects to spend a Fortune to channel
Urd’s Voice and flashes back to the Scene
N O TE : If there’s an aes Blackbird in where their Blackbird remembered to pack
the group, they are not counted in a rope and pitons in anticipation of just this
the number of players, thus resulting in type of situation.
two less Fortune in the pool.

Whenever a player spends a Fortune coin, it is V E R D A N D I’ S E M B R A C E

flipped over, turning it into a Misfortune coin. Spend a Fortune to shelter in the embrace of
These coins become the Misfortune Pool. Where Verdandi, the Norn of “that which is happening
the Fortune Pool is available exclusively to players, now.” When a player spends Fortune in this way,
the Misfortune Pool is used exclusively by the divine providence smiles upon a Blackbird or their
Fateweaver. Once a Fateweaver spends a Flock. The Fateweaver should work with this player
Misfortune, it is flipped back and again added to to determine the best and most reasonable outcome.
the Fortune Pool.
If Fortune is not spent during a Weaving, it P R I M A R I LY, VE R DAN DI’S EM BRACE
does not carry over to the next Weaving. grants for a single Combat Scene the
Enchanted Quality to one weapon in use by
Spending Fortune a player’s Blackbird. Other possibilities include
There are numerous ways for players such coincidences as fog rolling in to hide the
to use Fortune throughout a Flock as it sneaks up on an enemy, a locked
Weaving to influence the door being opened by a stranger, or a trap
course of play. Each of the that fails to trigger as the Blackbirds cross it.
three most important ones
have a connection to one of
the extinguished Norns. S K U L D’ S V I S I O N
Spend a Fortune to channel the divinitory
U R D’ S VO I C E powers of Skuld, the Norn of “that which is yet to
Spend a Fortune to channel Urd, the Norn of come.” When a player spends a Fortune in this way,
“that which has come before.” Heeding Urd’s Voice they may ask the Fateweaver one open-ended
allows a player to retroactively turn a situation in question about the current Weaving. The
their favor. To do so, the player announces a small Fateweaver may not lie to the player when answering
bit of study, preparation, or other activity they this question, but they do not have to give an exact
performed in the past that serves to help them now. answer.

nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)

B lackbirds & the F ateweaver 13

Misfortune may be spent by the Fateweaver to

C O N C E R N E D T H A T T H E corridor ahead have an NPC or creature force their static initiative
may be trapped, a player spends a point value one degree higher for the duration of a
of Fortune to channel Skuld’s Vision and Combat Scene.
asks “Are there any traps ahead for us?” The Misfortune may also be spent to power certain
Fateweaver answers honestly: “No, the area creature Traits, as detailed in the descriptions of
in front is not trapped.” They fail to mention, opponents the Blackbirds will face in the Weaving.
however, that at the end of the corridor is a
sleeping guard who might be awakened by
their actions. FATE

ate is an implacable force that guides the
lives of all beings, great and small. It
OT H E R U S E S O F F O RT U N E was woven into the world by the
Players may spend a Fortune to swap out one old gods as they laid claim to the
Talent or Technique that is currently slotted. Your place in its infancy, setting in
Talents and Techniques are detailed on your motion its natural laws; the
Blackbird sheet. growth, proliferation, and
Fortune may also be used to power the effects evolution of its inhabitants;
of certain abilities. The Talent, Technique, or other and the gods’ dominion over
ability designates how much Fortune must be spent both. It afforded the gods
in this fashion. tremendous power over this
Fortune can be spent immediately after the world and its inhabitants, and
results of any Skill test not involving a Critical or it locked others of their ilk
Sublime outcome to allow a player to reroll the test. outside of Fate, blunting their
The player must accept the result of this new roll. influence over those things. Only
During a Combat Scene, a player can spend a one of these beings was ever given
Fortune to gain one additional Action Point on sanctuary within it, and that small
their Turn. mercy would lead to the eventual
A player can spend one Fortune per Turn downfall of all they had built.
immediately after rolling a Ð6 to treat the die result Such are the fickle ways
as a face value of 6. The die explodes as normal. of Fate.
Spend a Fortune for a player to force their way Upon the demise of the
higher on the Initiative Ladder Norns, the forces of Fate were
Players can spend one Fortune to rise one loosed upon the world. Fate
position on the Peril Track. settled upon those with a latent
potential for greatness within
Spending Misfortune them, the Blackbirds. Whenever a
Misfortune can be spent immediately after the player spends Fate for their Blackbird,
results of any Skill test not involving a Critical or the trajectory of destiny itself bends for a
Sublime outcome to allow a Fateweaver to reroll the single moment, allowing them to avoid imminent
test. The Fatewaver must accept the result of this catastrophe or complete impossible feats of skill.
new roll. Should a fatal blow almost land, Fate can be
employed to avoid it. Some examples follow:

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nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)
B lackbirds & the F ateweaver 15

An exception to this is that Fate may be shared

A B L A C K B I R D I S spotted in an alleyway with a Fatebound comrade in the same Scene so
as they hide from pursuers, so they spend they may spend it to change theirs. Once the Fate
their Fate to ensure they aren’t noticed. The amulet is spent, the player who shared the Fate
Blackbird wasn’t fated to die like a dog in regains it and turns it tails-side up, as if they
this alley. themselves had spent it.
A noble is suspicious of a Blackbird, But be wary, as the power of Fate can only be
so their player spends Fate to retroactively called upon once per Weaving.
happen upon just the right lie to make
their actions palatable. Conversely, the
Fateweaver could have the noble called TA L E NTS, TE C H N I Q U E S & S L O T S

away on urgent business that’s highly wo of the things that set Blackbirds apart
distracting, before the Blackbird failed to from NPCs and creatures are their
convince them. Either way, the Blackbird Talents and Techniques.
wasn’t fated to be caught in this manner. A Talent is a refinement of natural aptitudes
If a Blackbird is dealt a fatal blow by an and capabilities that amplifies a Skill and allows a
enemy, their player can spend a Fate amulet Blackbird to employ it in ways to change or “break”
to avoid the injury. Perhaps a clothyard the standard rules of BLACKBIRDS. A Technique is
shaft actually struck a coin in the Blackbird’s a highly specialized discipline tied to one’s
pocket and didn’t pierce their flesh, or profession. Each Talent and Technique has
possibly a sword thrust punctured only prerequisites the player needs to fulfill before they
the fabric of the Blackbird’s cloak, narrowly can acquire it.
missing them. The Blackbird wasn’t fated to Both Talents and Techniques are reflected by
be killed in this melee. cards that are slotted onto your Blackbird by
physically placing the active Talent or Technique
It is important to note that Fate is neither all card onto your Blackbird sheet.
powerful nor always available to Blackbirds. The Techniques can be Extinguished to do special
most important thing to understand is that Fate can things. To indicate this, turn its card face down to
be used to directly change only your own Blackbird’s indicate it cannot be used again. Extinguished
situation. You can’t, for instance, spend Fate to have Techniques typically remain Extinguished.
your Blackbird instantly murder someone. There
are techniques for that. Similarly, you cannot spend
Fate to set up some 12-dimensional chess gambit to
help someone across town, or to impact things your
Blackbird is not witness to.

N OTE : Theurges cannot spend Fate to avoid fulfilling

their reckonings.

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nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)
C H A P TE R 3

Combat Scenes

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T heir very nature sets them at odds with the
Oligarchs and their servants, their wanderings
and “interference” in local affairs lead to
tensions with established power structures, and the enigmatic
whims of Fate and the Outsiders draw uncanny menaces to
Blackbirds like moths to a flame. Thus, combat is always in the
offing—with mortals, with monsters, and with things beyond
human ken.

STE P 1 : S U R P R I S E R O U N D

Surprise Round can occur at the beginning of combat,
barring the use of certain Techniques or Traits or the entry
of new combatants to the fray, and only if the Flock or its
foe succeeds in gaining advantage over its opponents. This requires an
opposed test be made, with those attempting to surprise declaring
their targets and then a Stealth test being made for them, which is then
opposed by Awareness tests rolled for those targets. Any surprisers
whose Degrees of Success surpass those of their targets are Activated,
generate their AP for the Surprise Round, and may attack their target.
Activated attackers may proceed in any order they choose.

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Combat S cenes 19

Surprised combatants are left temporarily Seize Initiative

Defenseless to all attacks. While Defenseless, they Sometimes it is imperative that a Blackbird go earlier
cannot use any Reactions whatsoever. In addition, in the Initiative Ladder than the outcome of their
Combat Actions made with Melee or Ranged Initiative roll allows. At such times, you may spend
weapons add an additional Damage die to their 1 Fortune to have your Blackbird force themself
Total Damage results against Surprised opponents. higher up the Initiative Ladder to wherever you
Defenders who are unsurprised do not undergo a need them to begin their Turn.
Surprise Round, as their assailant/s did not Activate.
Once the Surprise Round has ended, combat
proceeds to the Opening Round, and all benefits of STE P 3 : C O M B AT R O U N D S
the Surprise Round are lost. & TA K I N G T U R N S

n each subsequent Combat Round, generate
each Blackbird’s Initiative by rolling 1 Ð10 and
STE P 2 : O P E N I N G R O U N D adding the Blackbird’s Initiative Attribute to the
& I N I T I AT I V E L A D D E R result. This again fills out the Initiative Ladder,

hen the Fateweaver announces combat determining the order in which each Blackbird will act
has begun, each player with a Blackbird for this Round. Each Blackbird now generates their
engaged in it must generate their AP at the top of their Turn in the Initiative Ladder.
Blackbird’s Initiative by rolling 1 Ð10 and adding The various things a Blackbird may attempt
the Blackbird’s Initiative Attribute to the result. during combat are divided into categories of Combat
The Initiative results of all combatants are then Actions. The cost for these Actions is paid in AP, the
ranked from highest to lowest and displayed currency of the Action economy.
openly on a marker board or piece of paper for Most Blackbirds begin their Turn with 3 AP.
everyone’s reference. This Initiative Ladder These are then spent to complete Actions when their
determines the order in which each Blackbird will Turn comes up on the Initiative Ladder within the
act for this Round. Round. Again, the Opening Round is a special case
In the Opening Round, each combatant begins during which all Blackbirds begin combat with their
with their full complement of 3 Action Points full AP. A player is not required to spend all of their
(called AP). In subsequent Combat Rounds, each AP on their Turn and can hold onto them so that
combatant will generate their AP at the start of their Blackbird may defend themself through Parry,
their Turn on the Initiative Ladder. Dodge, or other, rarer Reactions.
That said, a Blackbird cannot choose to carry
Matching Initiative Results AP over into their following Turn. When a new
Should two or more players generate the same Turn begins for them, all of the Blackbird’s
Initiative result, compare their Blackbirds’ [PB]s. The remaining AP are lost, and they once again start
one with the higher one trumps the other, provided with their normal allotment of AP.
a Technique or Talent does not contradict this rule.

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20 B L A C K B I R D S: Q U I C K STA RT

T H E C YC L E C O NT I N U E S . . . C O M B AT A C T I O N S

Combat Scene may last for one or for ctions possess a relative cost. Players may
many Rounds. Once combat ends, by elect to spend all 3 AP on a single
whatever means, the Fateweaver will Combat Action, such as fleeing a
announce it. rampaging chimera or having a hound tear out an
enemy’s throat. They may also choose to break up
Conditional Effects in Combat their AP to take multiple Combat Actions, such as
Conditions that may impact Blackbirds in combat: moving to confront an enemy, bowling them over,
Ύ Bleeding: Will be Knocked Out or Slain in a and running them through. Other Actions—
specified number of Turns unless someone parrying a sword blow, for example—can usually be
stanches the flow of blood with a bandage or used only outside of the Blackbird’s Initiative. And
some other form of medical treatment. a few, such as talking and dropping items, typically
Ύ Blinded: Cannot use Dodge or Parry, and Flip to have no cost in AP whatsoever.
Fail on any Skill test involving sight. Excess AP: It is often advisable to hang onto
Ύ Deafened: When Initiative rolls are made, make AP to use Reactions such as Dodge and Parry to
a successful Awareness test or do not add the defend themself from attacks, or use Talents and
Blackbird’s [PB] to that roll. Techniques to defend others. However, when their
Ύ Defenseless: Cannot use any Reactions next Turn begins, their AP refreshes to 3, and any
whatsoever. AP from the prior Turn is lost.
Ύ Disarmed: Loses their weapon 3 strides away in a There exist four main categories of Combat
random direction, and is unable to use their Actions in BLACKBIRDS, and within each of these
weapon hand until the following Turn. categories, there exist a number of specific actions a
Ύ Disoriented: Must add 1 additional AP to the Blackbird can spend AP on to execute. Although
cost of Reactions. the text references the Blackbirds, a Fateweaver has
Ύ Engaged: Cannot leave the Engagement without access to all of these actions for the creatures and
triggering Opportunity Attacks from Engaged foes NPCs they control:
save through the Maneuver Movement Action.
͝ Flanked: Attacks against the Blackbird are made ͝ Attack Actions
at +10. ͝ Movement Actions
Ύ Grappled: Cannot use Combat Actions, save to ͝ Special Actions
Resist at the beginning of their Turn to escape ͝ Reactions
the Grapple.
Ύ Helpless: Cannot use any Actions or Reactions,
and may be Slain with a successful attack.
Ύ Knocked Out: Unconscious and Helpless until
Ύ Prone: On the ground; add 1Ð6 Damage dealt to
a Prone foe.
Ύ Stunned: Begin Turn with 1 less AP.
Ύ Surprised: Suffers an additional 1Ð6 Damage
and cannot use Reactions.
Ύ Wounded: Must add 1 additional AP to the cost
of Movement Actions.

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Combat S cenes 21

Attack Actions DISARM (2 AP)

C A ST M A G I C ( V A R I E S ) EFFECT: While your Blackbird is Engaged with a foe,
EFFECT: Casting requires 1 AP. Every Vitiation cast make a Coordination test. If successful, a successful
after the first in a Blackbird’s Turn is made at a penalty: Coordination test must be made for them to Resist,
-10 for the first, -20 for the second, and so on: or they are Disarmed. Every Disarm after the first
in a Blackbird’s Turn is made at a penalty: -10 for
S T E P 1 : Choose Vitiation: Choose from the the second, -20 for the third, and so on.
Vitiations offered by the Outsider of the While Disarmed, the foe loses the weapon with
theurge Blackbird. which they were fighting, it being thrown three
S T E P 2 : Determine the Difficulty Rating: strides away. In addition, they cannot use their
The Fateweaver determines difficulty rating primary hand to strike until the beginning of their
based on circumstances. next Turn.
S T E P 3 : Focus the Vitiation (Optional): The
theurge’s player may choose a Focus Level EXTINGUISH ACTION (3 AP)
of 1 to 3, but must place that many dice into EFFECT: Each Extinguish Action of a Technique is
the Odic dice pool. The theurge adds +10 unique in its execution, but all cost 3 AP to perform
to their Base Chance for each level of focus. and do not require a test to accomplish. After such
So, by adding 2Đ6 to the Odic dice pool, an Action is employed, it temporarily Extinguishes
they get +20 to their Odweft test. the associated Technique.
S T E P 4 : Accrue Tithe: The Blackbird’s Tithe
score increases by 2 each time a Vitiation is FLANK (1 AP)
used. For each 10 Tithe accumulated all future EFFECT: While a single foe is already Engaged with
Odweft tests are modified by -10. So a theurge another combatant, the Blackbird attacks from the
with a Tithe of 9 would have no modification, side or behind, making it harder to defend against
but one with 10 Tithe would gain -10. the combined assault. Attacks by those so Engaged
S T E P 5 : Make an Odweft Test: Critical or are made at +10 until the foe is no longer Flanked.
Sublime results are described in the specific
Vitiation. In addition, if the roll to enact a GRAPPLE (1 AP)
Vitiation is a Critical or Sublime Failure, EFFECT: When your Blackbird is Engaged with a foe,
the theurge loses the ability to use that make an Athletics test. If successful, their target may
Vitiation until the sun sets and rises again. attempt to Resist, which requires a successful Athletics
This penalty is in addition to any other test, or they are Grappled. Every Grapple attempt after
effects listed in the Vitiation description. the first in a Blackbird’s Turn is made at a penalty: -10
S T E P 6 : Roll for Odic Manifestation: Roll for the second, -20 for the third, and so on.
the Odic dice. If any of the dice are a face While Grappled, the target can use no Combat
6, an Odic Manifestation immediately Actions, save to Resist again at the beginning of
comes into effect. Normally a chart would their Turn to escape.
be consulted, but the results of Odic A Blackbird cannot use Attack Actions while
Manifestation are specified in the Weaving they maintain a Grapple. However, they may release
included in this Quickstart. Remove all of a Grapple at any time. If the Blackbird’s Damage or
the dice that came up a “6” from the Odic Peril Condition Track drops 1 or more levels while
dice pool as the energy grounds out. having a foe in a Grapple, they immediately
relinquish their hold.

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22 B L A C K B I R D S: Q U I C K STA RT

M E L EE AT TA C K ( 1 A P ) make the appropriate Combat-based Skill test. If

EFFECT: When your Blackbird is Engaged with a successful, and the foe cannot, or fails to, Dodge
foe, make a Melee test. After successfully striking, or Parry, they take 1Đ6+[CB] Damage die to Total
determine Total Damage as normal. Every Melee Damage and suffer the appropriate Conditional
Attack after the first in a Blackbird’s Turn is made at Effect:
a penalty: -10 for the second, -20 for the third, and ͝ Arm: Disarmed
so on. A foe may attempt to Parry or Dodge your ͝ Body: Wounded
Blackbird’s Melee Attack. ͝ Head: Disoriented
͝ Leg: Prone
R A N G E D AT TA C K ( 1 A P ) On a Critical Success, the foe is left Defenseless,
EFFECT: When your Blackbird is at a distance from and another 1Đ6 Damage die is added to Total
an opponent, make a Ranged test. After successfully Damage. On a Sublime Success, the foe is still
striking, determine Total Damage as normal. Every rendered Defenseless, but the Total Damage is
Ranged Attack after the first in a Blackbird’s Turn increased by 2Đ6. A Critical Failure, meanwhile,
is made at a penalty: -10 for the second, -20 for the has the Blackbird’s weapon suffer 1 level of
third, and so on. Degradation, while a Sublime Failure raises that to
A target can attempt to Dodge a Ranged 2 levels.
Attack or Parry it with an appropriate shield. A
Blackbird cannot make a Ranged Attack while in Movement Actions
an Engagement with foes, except with a crossbow. Movement Actions are employed whenever a
Finally, to make a Ranged Attack, the weapon must Blackbird needs to relocate into a more tactically
be loaded with ammunition—which may preclude advantageous position, close the distance between
multiple attacks, depending on the weapon. foes, or carefully retreat from an opponent to evade
their attacks of opportunity.
TA K E D OW N ( 1 A P )
EFFECT: When your Blackbird is Engaged with a foe, C H A RG E ( 2 A P )
you spend 1 AP for them to attempt a Takedown. EFFECT: The Blackbird may rush forward up to
Make a Coordination test. (If your Blackbird two times their Movement. If they move at least
uses Takedown at the end of a Charge, you may 3 strides and successfully strike with a Melee
substitute Athletics for the test.) If successful, weapon on the same Turn, add an additional 1Đ6
your Blackbird’s foe is knocked Prone unless they to the Total Damage result. This action provokes
successfully Resist with a Coordination test. Every an Opportunity Attack if the charging Blackbird
Takedown attempt after the first in a Blackbird’s leaves an Engagement.
Turn is made at a penalty: -10 for the second, -20
for the third, and so on. GET UP (2 AP)
The opponent remains on the ground until EFFECT: The Blackbird moves up to 1 stride to
they can Get Up. Attackers add a 1Đ6 Damage die stand from Prone or a crouched position, to get
to Total Damage results they deal to a Prone foe. into a vehicle, or to mount a steed. If they possess
at least one Skill Rank in Coordination, they can
TA R G E TE D AT TA C K ( 2 A P ) Get Up for 1 AP instead. This action provokes
EFFECT: When your Blackbird is Engaged or at an Opportunity Attack if the Blackbird leaves an
Distance with a foe, declare that you want them Engagement.
to hit the arm, body, head, or leg of that foe, then

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Combat S cenes 23

EFFECT: The Blackbird may Hustle a distance equal EFFECT: Before a Ranged weapon may be fired or
to their Movement in strides. This action provokes thrown, one must either load it with ammunition
an Opportunity Attack if the Blackbird leaves an or ready it. To do so, a Blackbird must have both
Engagement. hands free for a missile weapon or one hand free for
a thrown one. Spend the amount of AP required
M A N E UV E R ( 2 A P ) for your Blackbird to load the Ranged weapon as
EFFECT: The Blackbird may maneuver a distance of indicated in its listing on your Blackbird sheet.
1 stride to leave an Engagement, allowing them to Once a Blackbird begins to load a weapon, they
avoid Opportunity Attacks. must finish before taking any other Action. If a
Blackbird spends more than one Turn loading a
RUN (3 AP) single weapon, they are left Defenseless until they
EFFECT: The Blackbird may run a distance up to complete the Action.
three times their Movement. As a result, add +3 to
their Damage Threshold until the beginning of their TA K E A I M ( 1 O R 2 A P )
next Turn. This Action provokes an Opportunity EFFECT: Either before or after the Difficulty Rating
Attack if the Blackbird leaves an Engagement. of your Attack Action is declared by the Fateweaver,
you may spend 1 AP to gain a +10 Base Chance
TA K E C OV E R ( 1 A P ) to your Blackbird’s next Attack Action, including
EFFECT: The Blackbird may move a distance of up to those from Techniques. If you spend 2 AP, your
1 stride to crouch and seek cover. That cover must Blackbird instead gains +20.
rise at least knee-high and be made of wood, stone,
or metal to grant protection. A stout oak, a toppled U S E I TE M ( 1 A P )
carriage, or a stone parapet would work, but shrubs EFFECT: Spend 1 AP to apply poison to a weapon,
or tall grass would not. If the Blackbird is behind quaff a draught of theriac, salmiac, or quickbronze
low cover (such as a crate), add +3 to their Damage elixir, etc. The Fateweaver is the ultimate arbiter of
Threshold when hit by Ranged weapons. If behind what’s possible or not using this broad Action in the
medium cover (such as a stone fence), add +6. If thick of combat.
behind high cover (such as a marble column), add
+9. If behind cover that breaks the line of visibility, WAIT (0 AP)
a Blackbird cannot be targeted by Ranged weapons EFFECT: With Wait, you opt for your Blackbird to
at all. The Fateweaver determines how high or low not act when it is their Turn, instead holding their
cover is for these purposes. AP in reserve to act later in the Round. In doing
so, they may choose to drop to any spot lower in
Special Actions the Initiative Ladder. However, if your Blackbird
FOCUS (0 AP) is attempting to interrupt an opponent’s Turn, you
EFFECT: Either before or after the Difficulty Rating must make a successful Scrutinize test for them to
to cast magic is declared by the Fateweaver, your do so. Otherwise, though your Blackbird acts on the
Blackbird attempts to draw more raw power from same Initiative, they must act after their opponent’s
the Od to positively modify the rating. Your Turn is done.
Blackbird must deal with an Outsider to channel In addition, a Blackbird cannot use Wait to
power. take two Turns back to back. Your Blackbird must
act before the end of the current Round.

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24 B L A C K B I R D S: Q U I C K STA RT

Reactions Protective Quality, no AP is spent, but as there is

D OD G E ( 1 A P ) no engaged foe to strike, no Opportunity Attacks
EFFECT: When facing a successful attack but are conferred. Note that unless they are already
before Damage is determined, you may attempt a armed with a weapon, a Blackbird cannot draw one
Coordination test for your Blackbird. If it succeeds, to Parry an attack.
they avoid all Damage. If the roll critically succeeds,
they avoid all Damage, and no AP is spent to R E S I ST ( 0 A P )
Dodge. A Sublime Success does the same, but the EFFECT: Whenever your Blackbird falls victim to
Blackbird also gains a +3 to Damage Threshold for certain special conditions, you may be asked to
the remainder of the Round. A Blackbird may not make a relevant Skill test, referring to the Skill
Dodge when Defenseless or Helpless. indicated to withstand the condition’s effects. If the
roll succeeds, the results are entirely nullified. If it
O P P O RT U N I T Y AT TA C K ( 0 A P ) fails, the Blackbird suffers the effects as described. If
EFFECT: In certain situations (such as when an the roll critically succeeds, the results are nullified,
opponent exits an Engagement with them), a and the Blackbird moves 1 level up the Peril
Blackbird may make a free Melee Attack against Condition Track. A Sublime Success confers an
their opponent without AP being spent. A foe immunity to the effect for the current Scene.
cannot Dodge or Parry this attack. In cases where your Blackbird’s Turn begins
A Blackbird cannot make an Opportunity and they are currently suffering from the effects of
Attack when Defenseless, Helpless, Prone, or an ongoing Attack Action such as Grapple, you can
concentrating on maintaining a magical effect, nor attempt to Resist for them once their Turn begins.
can one be made with a Ranged weapon. Note that If the roll succeeds, they recover from the negative
if your Blackbird is not already armed with a effects. If it fails, you may attempt to Resist again at
weapon, they cannot draw one to make an the start of your Blackbird’s next Turn.
Opportunity Attack, though they may elect to A Blackbird may not Resist while Defenseless
attack barehanded. A Blackbird may make only one or Helpless. In certain instances, effects may require
Opportunity Attack a Round. an opposed test to Resist. These are conducted as
with any other such test, where whoever succeeds at
PA R RY ( 1 A P ) their Skill test and has the highest Degrees of
EFFECT: When facing a successful attack with a Success wins the opposed test, and if the Degrees of
Melee weapon, but before Damage is determined, Success match, opposed tests continue to be made
you may make a Melee test for your Blackbird. If the until one side is declared the winner.
roll succeeds, they avoid all Damage. If it critically
succeeds, they avoid all Damage, they spend no AP
to Parry, and they make an Opportunity Attack STE P S F O R M A K I N G
against the engaged foe. On a Sublime Success, A N AT TA C K A C T I O N
the effect is the same, but they may make two STEP 1: Which Weapon?
Opportunity Attacks against their engaged attacker. STEP 2: Total Chance for Success
A Blackbird may not Parry when Defenseless STEP 3: Make the Attack
or Helpless. However, if they’re armed with a shield STEP 4: Enemy Defends
or weapon possessing the Protective Quality, they STEP 5: Roll Damage
may Parry Ranged Attacks. When critically STEP 6: Determine Damage Condition
Parrying with a shield or a weapon that has the STEP 7: Determine Injury

nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)

Combat S cenes 25

Step 1: Which Weapon? Rating to be worse, such as wind conditions,

Whenever a Blackbird joins a fight, they darkness, precipitation, etc.
must decide what kind of weapon to use and Thrown Weapons: Certain Ranged weapons
determine whether their foe is at a favorable possess the Throwing Quality, which means these
distance to strike with it. weapons can never be thrown further than its Short
Distance value.
M E L EE W E A P O N S Ranged While Engaged: With the exception of
Melee weapons are the most common type crossbows, Ranged weapons cannot be fired during
of hand weapons. For most Melee weapons, an an Engagement.
attacker must be Engaged with their opponent
to strike them. Punches, kicks, elbow and knee MELEE QUALITIES DAMAGE HANDS

strikes, and headbutts use the stats for barehanded Fast, Finesse, Off-hand,
Dagger [AB] 1
weapons on the Blackbird’s Blackbird sheet. Piercing
Pummeling [BB] 1
R A N G ED W E A P O N S hand weapon
Make a Ranged test for a Blackbird armed Adaptable, Biting (2) ,
Longsword [CB] 1-2
with a distance weapon to strike with it. Ranged Defensive
weapons possess further ranges to strike, called Rapier Disarming, Fast, Finesse [AB] 1
Sabre Defensive [CB] 1
Ύ Short Distance is the minimum range an
attacker can stand away from a target without Shiv Fast, Finesse, Off-Hand [AB] 1
suffering a penalty to attack. It requires a Adaptable, Defensive,
Staff [BB] 1-2
minimum of 1 stride between the attacker and Pummeling
an intended target. Each Ranged weapon has a set Unarmed Pummeling, Slow [BB] N/A
Short Distance listed as Range. Within Short
Distance, a Ranged Attack suffers no penalties to
Ύ Medium Distance is double the Short Distance. Arbalest Fast, Piercing (3),
[CB] 2
crossbow Punishing
While at Medium Distance, a Ranged Attack
suffers -10 to hit. Horse bow Fast, Finesse [AB] 2
Ύ Long Distance is triple the Short Distance. Light crossbow Fast, Piercing, Punishing [CB] 1
While at Long Distance, a Ranged Attack suffers
-20 to hit.
Ύ Extreme Distances: Distances for Ranged
weapons outside of Long Distance serve little Brigandine N/A 4
point. At such ranges, a weapon suffers -30 to hit Gambeson N/A 3
and Damage dice no longer explode. The Light leather N/A 2
maximum strides a missile may travel in such
cases is, at most, four times the weapon’s Short
Distance range value.
Although distance is always a factor in firing Thulian (round) Defensive, Protective
shield (-10)
Ranged weapons, there may be other reasons a
Fateweaver rules a Ranged weapon’s Difficulty

nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)

26 B L A C K B I R D S: Q U I C K STA RT

Q U A LI T I E S ͝ Pummeling: Weapons of this

Weapons and armor have Qualities that Quality always refer to [BB]
differentiate one from another beyond a simple list when inflicting Damage.
of numbers: ͝ Red Iron: This weapon or
armor is made from the deep
͝ Adaptable: Whenever weapons of this iron that can only be found
Quality are held in two hands instead of one in mines far below the
for Attack Actions, add +1 to Damage. surface of the world and is
͝ Biting (2): A Critical or Sublime Success thought to be the congealed
with this weapon causes the Bleed Injury blood of Ouroborus itself.
condition Scarlet Torrent as seen in Injury, For this reason, it is sometimes
below. called Dragon’s Blood. Such weapons
͝ Defensive (x): When using this weapon gain the Enchanted Quality, may strike
to Parry against Melee weapons, add opponents that can only be hit with magical
+10 Base Chance, or the number in weapons, and may cause Bane Damage,
parentheses, if one is indicated. particularly to Outsiders or other beings
͝ Disarming (x): Whenever a foe is that exist or originate partially or wholly
threatened with Disarm using a weapon from within the Od. They also offer a +10 to
of this Quality, they suffer a -10 Base hit when used to attack magical creatures,
Chance to Resist its effects, or the value in theurges, or those with the Witches Blood
parentheses if none is indicated. Boon. In addition, they do not suffer
͝ Fast (x): Whenever a foe is struck by a Degradation from the Wheel.
weapon with this Quality, they suffer a -10 ͝ Signet: This Quality is conferred by the
Base Chance to Dodge or Parry, or the handiwork of guildmasters. Weapons of this
value in parentheses, if one is indicated. Quality gain a +10 Base Chance to strike
͝ Finesse: Weapons of this Quality always and a +2 Damage adjustment. Armor and
reference [AB] when inflicting Damage. shields with this Quality add a passive +2
͝ Off-Hand: Whenever a weapon or shield to the Damage Threshold Modifier. Add
with this Quality is held in the Blackbird’s 3 to the Patronage level required to obtain
off hand while they attack with a Melee such items, if they are even available. In
weapon in their primary hand, add +1 to addition, they do not suffer Degradation
the Damage from that Melee weapon. from the Wheel.
͝ Piercing (x): This weapon ignores Damage ͝ Slow: Opponents gain a +10 Base Chance
Threshold provided by armor up to the to Parry and Dodge against attacks the
number in parentheses. If no number is Blackbird makes with this weapon.
indicated, it ignores 1 Damage Threshold. ͝ Throwing: This weapon cannot take
͝ Protective (x): Shields with this Quality advantage of Medium, Long, or Extreme
can be used to Parry attacks made Distances.
with Ranged weapons. If a number in ͝ Vicious: Weapons with this Quality grant
parentheses is indicated, adjust the Parry an additional 1Ð6 Injury die to determine
for Ranged weapons by this amount. whether an Injury is inflicted upon a foe.

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Combat S cenes 27

Step 2: Total Chance for Success you to ignore two of these Skill Ranks. Thus, you
Numerous factors can influence a Blackbird’s ability can add only one Skill Rank to your Base Chance
to strike a foe with an attack or evade their riposte. when rolling.
To determine Base Chance, refer to the Combat
Primary Attribute first, then add together the total F ATE W E AV E R A DJ U ST S D I F F I C U LT Y
Skill Ranks for the relevant Combat-related Skill, R AT I N G
either Melee or Ranged. The weapon used may also Attack Actions have a fixed Difficulty Rating
influence the Base Chance. For example, an attacker of (Standard +/-0%), but the Fateweaver may
cannot use the Melee Skill when wielding a hunting adjust this when the situation dictates. These
bow. In addition, certain Talents, Techniques, or adjustments are always the result of outside
Traits add bonuses to one’s Base Chance. Finally, influences to which the Fateweaver assigns a
an attacker may be suffering from an Injury or is numerical value to negatively or positively influence
perhaps lower on the Peril Condition Track, which an attempt’s outcome. When your Blackbird is
further penalizes their chances of success. attempting an attack, your Fateweaver will tell you
the Difficulty Rating. The Fateweaver will always
P E R I L ADJ U ST M E NTS announce the Difficulty Rating of the defender as
When your Blackbird is suffering from Peril, well, also adjudicated according to the circumstances.
take this into consideration when the Difficulty
Rating for Skill tests are called out. For instance, F I N A L TA L LY
your Blackbird may have a total of three Skill Ranks Once all of these modifiers have been tallied,
in Ranged, but their Peril Condition Track forces the result determines the Total Chance for Success.

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28 B L A C K B I R D S: Q U I C K STA RT

A best practice is for players to announce their

Total Chance for Success before rolling the dice, as
the chaos of combat and its myriad of modifiers can
confuse even the most focused player at times.
However, the Fateweaver usually won’t announce the
Total Chance for Success for NPCs, as this keeps
players guessing about their foes’ true capabilities.

S O M E A T T A C K S A L L O W a Blackbird to
trigger a special effect when a Critical
or Sublime Success is rolled with an
Attack Action. In such cases, Techniques
and Traits allow an attacker to incur a
mechanical bonus or new effect, as outlined
in its description:
Match—Critical and Sublime Success:
When a Critical Success is rolled for the
Blackbird to strike with an Attack Action
or Technique, the target is left Defenseless
to it. This means that they can neither Parry
nor Dodge Melee or Ranged Attacks, nor
Resist the effects of cast Wortcunning
Step 3: Make the Attack Spells or Vitiations. A Critical Success also
While Rounds in combat adhere to a strict structure, adds an additional 1Đ6 Damage die (or a
your Blackbird is actually fighting throughout the 1Đ10 Bane die, if applicable); a Sublime
Initiative Ladder—raising their shield to intercept Success adds 2Đ6 Damage dice (or 2Đ10
a crossbow bolt, barking out orders, and keeping Bane dice, if applicable).
an eye on the combatants to line up the perfect axe Match—Critical or Sublime Failure:
throw. It all leads to that one throw, for a savage Rolling a simple Failure for an attack has
attack where you finally roll the dice. That is where no adverse effect beyond the obvious.
the joy and excitement of tabletop role-playing However, should a Critical Failure be
game combat comes from, as a successful roll may rolled with any Attack Action, it causes
turn the tide of battle, but a failed one may result in the Blackbird’s weapon to suffer a level of
a terrible rout. As with other Skill tests, an attack is Degradation. Sublime Failure raises this to
resolved using the same rules above. 2 levels of Degradation.

Once an attacker decides what weapon to use Step 4: Enemy Defends
and the Total Chance is calculated, it is time to roll Defenders in combat are in constant motion—
a Ð100. If the result equals or is less than the Total ducking, juking, side-stepping—all to gain a more
Chance for Success, the attack succeeds. If the advantageous position. So long as a defender is
result exceeds the Total Chance for Success, the aware of an incoming attack and prepared, they can
attack fails. attempt to turn it away or avoid it entirely.

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Combat S cenes 29

PA R RY O R D O D G E the Round. A Blackbird cannot attempt to

Providing they are neither Defenseless nor Dodge the same attack twice.
Helpless, a defender has two options to avoid an The size of the weapons involved and the
attack. They may try deflecting it with their weapon form of the attack may be considered by the
or shield through a Parry or try ducking out of the Fateweaver whenever a Blackbird attempts to
way through a Dodge, using either of these Parry. The Fateweaver may rule that trying to
Reactions costs 1 AP, and a Blackbird who has used Parry a pike with a shiv would warrant an
all of their AP is defenseless: (Arduous -30%) Difficulty Rating. Conversely,
͝ Parry: When facing a successful attack with a they may rule that the defender gets a better
Melee weapon, a Melee Skill test may be made chance to parry a sabre with a longsword and
for the Blackbird to use the weapon they are change the Difficulty Rating to (Routine +10%).
wielding to Parry. The Difficulty Rating for the In the case of Dodge, it may be significantly more
test is based on the Difficulty Rating of their difficult to dive out of the way of a volley of
opponent’s Attack Action, translating its bonus crossbow bolts than to simply duck away from a
or penalty into its opposite. Therefore, if their thrown bottle. The Fateweaver makes these
enemy’s Attack Action has a Difficulty Rating of determinations on a case-by-case basis, changing
(Routine +10%), the Difficulty Rating to Parry the Difficulty Rating where they see fit.
is (Challenging -10%). If the roll is successful,
the Blackbird avoids all Damage. If the roll is a Step 5: Roll Damage
Critical Success, they spend no AP to Parry, and After your Blackbird successfully strikes and their
they make an Opportunity Attack against the opponent fails to Parry or Dodge (or chooses not
engaged foe. If the roll is a Sublime Success, they to defend), determine Damage dealt. A Blackbird
may make two Opportunity Attacks against their normally deals out 1Ð6+[CB] Total Damage on
engaged attacker. In addition, if the Blackbird is a successful strike, and this may then be modified
armed with a shield or weapon possessing the by specific Techniques, Talents, Boons, Weapon
Protective Quality, they may also Parry Ranged Qualities, and/or Vitiations.
Attacks. A Blackbird cannot attempt to Parry the
same attack twice. A B L A C K B I R D M A Y wield a weapon
͝ Dodge: When facing a successful attack with a composed of a substance to which their
Melee or Ranged weapon, a Coordination test foe has a supernatural aversion. In such
may be made for them to attempt to Dodge the circumstances, these weapons deal the
attack. The Difficulty Rating for the test is based Blackbird’s [CB] plus 1Ð10 in Total Damage.
on the Difficulty Rating of their opponent’s Bane dice explode on a ‘9’ or ‘10.’
Attack Action, translating its bonus or penalty
into its opposite. Thus, if an enemy’s Attack
Action has a Difficulty Rating of (Routine Calculate Damage Threshold
+10%), the Difficulty Rating to Dodge is Always take into account the Blackbird’s Damage
(Challenging -10%). If the roll succeds, the Threshold when they suffer Damage. Damage
Blackbird avoids all Damage. If the roll is a Threshold equals a Blackbird’s [BB] plus their
Critical Success, the Blackbird avoids all Damage armor’s Damage Threshold Modifier. After an
and does not have to spend AP to Dodge. If the attacker strikes their target and Total Damage
roll is a Sublime Success, the Blackbird also gains is calculated, the defender compares it to their
a +3 to Damage Threshold for the remainder of Damage Threshold.

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30 B L A C K B I R D S: Q U I C K STA RT

B E L OW D A M A G E T H R E S H O L D L E V E L 3 : The Blackbird suffers significant

If the Total Damage is less than the Damage bruising, cuts that require stitches, and/or
Threshold, the defender’s armor has provided lesions that invite infection. Their pain is
sufficient protection, or they have shrugged off the regular, perhaps constant.
blow, and no Damage is taken. L E V E L 4 : The Blackbird’s blood stains their
clothing. They suffer a black eye (or two),
E Q U A L TO O R E XC EED S D A M A G E a flattened nose, an irregular gait, and have
THRESHOLD difficulty speaking.
If Total Damage equals or exceeds base L E V E L 5 : Broken bones, torn muscles, deep
Damage Threshold, the Blackbird moves 1 level cuts, and massive contusions constitute the
down the Damage Condition Track. Blackbird’s body. Their blood soaks their
If Total Damage equals or exceeds 6+Damage clothing, and pain gnaws at the very fiber
Threshold, the Blackbird moves 2 levels down the of their being.
Damage Condition Track. S L A I N ! : The grave yawns wide and the
If Total Damage equals or exceeds 12+Damage wings of Corvus echo in the Blackbird’s ears.
Threshold, the Blackbird moves 3 levels down the Death has come for them, but to survive it
Damage Condition Track. takes only the sacrifice of Fate.
If Total Damage equals or exceeds 18+Damage
Threshold, the Blackbird is instantly Slain.
Each level of Damage Threshold should be Step 7: Determine Injury
noted as base Damage Threshold (Damage When a Blackbird’s Damage Condition Track
Threshold+6 / Damage Threshold+12 / Damage drops to Level 3, Level 4, or Level 5, they are at risk
Threshold+18). For example, if Damage Threshold of suffering an Injury. A Blackbird is never at risk
is 10, it is recorded as: 10 (16/22/28). of suffering Injuries if they move up the Damage
Condition Track, only if they move down it.
Step 6: Determine Damage When a Blackbird’s Damage Condition Track
Condition drops to Level 2, there is no risk of Injury. However,
Whenever a Blackbird suffers Total Damage that once their Damage Condition Track drops to Level
equals or exceeds their Damage Threshold, their 3, a 1Ð6 Injury die must immediately be rolled. If
player must announce to the group where the the result is face 6, the Blackbird suffers a Moderate
Blackbird is on the Damage Condition Track: Injury. Repeat this process when their Damage
Condition Track drops to Level 4. If the results
L E V E L 1 : The Blackbird has the most minor show a face 6, the Blackbird suffers a Serious Injury.
of Damage: bruises, scratches, bumps, Repeat this process once their Damage Condition
welts, old wounds scarring or scabbed over, Track drops to Level 5. If the results show a face 6,
stitches or sutures that no longer reopen, the Blackbird suffers a Grievous Injury. Once they
bandages over lacerations. reach Slain! on the track, the Blackbird is dead.
L E V E L 2 : The Blackbird wears a few small Note that if a Blackbird drops several levels from
cuts, some light bruising, maybe a stitch one blow, only the most severe Damage Level that
or two. Their pain is mild, probably not they have dropped to must be rolled for.
constant, and may be noticeable only
during activity.

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Combat S cenes 31

When Injury Occurs Oligarchs on the move, conflict is a given, and its
Every Injury has a specific penalty your Blackbird outcome is often bloody.
incurs and suffers from until they’ve recuperated:
Ύ Moderate Injury: Funny on the Inside: That last P E R I L CO N D I T I O N T R A C K
blow knocked, sliced, or poked a hole such that Unlike with Damage, the Peril Condition
the victim feels more than pain. Something is Track is a temporary inconvenience born of excessive
wrong, and it’s slowing them down. Until the physical or mental strain. Peril may be caused by
victim recovers, roll 1Đ6 for them at the start of fatigue, deprivation, stress, horror, or a myriad of
each Turn. A ‘6’ means they generate 1 less AP. other conditions. Where a Blackbird is on their Peril
Ύ Serious Injury: Fractured Ribs: A blow to the side Condition Track determines what penalties are
has sundered the victim’s ribcage. Until suffered on all Skill tests until they recover:
recuperated, all rolls made for them to Parry or
Dodge suffer -20. L E V E L 1 : The Blackbird has endured
Ύ Grievous Injury: Compound Fracture: Seeing very little adversity. They evince neither
one’s bone poking through one’s skin is a weariness, anxiety, nor other strain . . . thus
troubling thing to experience, causing the victim far.
to immediately receive 3Ð10+3 Peril. Their L E V E L 2 : Although the Blackbird is only
Movement is halved. operating under a small amount of stress or
is merely winded, they should likely be more
Longsword Quality: Biting (2) careful.
Scarlet Torrent: That is a lot of blood. The victim L E V E L 3 : The pressure is on, and the
bleeds to death in half their [BB] Turns unless Blackbird is feeling it. Their brow beads with
someone stanches the flow with a bandage or other sweat, and they are tired and slow to act.
medical treatment. Until they’ve recuperated, the While they’re in this state, ignore one of the
Injury reopens each time a Critical Failure is rolled Blackbird’s Skill Ranks.
for them on a Combat-, Brawn-, or Agility-based L E V E L 4 : The Blackbird is in mental and
Skill test, requiring the Bleeding be restanched. physical turmoil, as their mind is swimming
with anxiety and their body is weary from
Sacrificing Fate Points exhaustion. They’re likely suffering from
As Fate’s chosen champions, Blackbirds may call intense doubt, are worn to a frazzle, or
upon that force to intervene during moments of both. While they’re in this state, ignore two
crisis. Anytime you feel it’s appropriate during of the Blackbird’s Skill Ranks.
a Weaving—even outside of combat—you may L E V E L 5 : The Blackbird can barely keep it
sacrifice your Fate amulet to save your Blackbird together. They face a significantly reduced
from being Slain! or to ignore any one Injury. chance to succeed at any task but are trying
to hold out hope that help is on the way.
Peril, Damage, & Injury While they’re in this state, ignore all three of
Life as a Blackbird is fraught with danger. They are the Blackbird’s Skill Ranks.
all tied to Fate as its champions in a ruined world. I N C A P A C I T A T E D : The Blackbird’s body
In a time of continent-spanning war, with the betrays them. When they’re in this state, no
gods slain, the Outsiders free, and servants of the Skill test made for them can succeed.

nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)

nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)
C H A P TE R 4

Theurgy † the Od

nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)



T he practice of high magic and its potent
Vitiations, known as theurgy, typically requires

summoning and bargaining with mysterious

and puissant entities. These Outsiders live in the Od, a realm of
existence beyond the boundaries of our reality. Many theurges
form a rapport or communion with such entities, using Tithes to
encourage them to help. The most powerful of theurges can form
a pact with these Outsiders, enthralling them to their will for an
indefinite time, but the wisest know that forcing something into
servitude comes with a price.


dsight is the natural ability some people have to sense the
otherworldly realm and mystical force that is the Od. For
those trained in theurgy, this sense is more accurate, more
focused, and gives information that is easier to interpret. Odsight is
not sight, and some have this ability even though they lack physical
eyes. Although it is simpler to call it “sight” and to speak of what is
sensed within its purview as visual images, the truth is, of course, very
much stranger. In practical terms, Odsight allows a Blackbird to do the
following and applies the following rules:
Sense illusory or glamoured objects and creatures, which are usually
perceived as both what they are and what they seem. Make an Awareness
test for a theurge to notice this effect if it has been created by a supernatural
entity of more power than the theurge (i.e., at a higher Tier).
Notice the presence of Outsiders or those who have relationships
with them. This always requires a Scrutinize test for the theurge
looking and involves staring at (or facing) someone for several seconds
in a conspicuous manner. This costs 2 AP if done during a Combat
Scene. The test is made secretly by the Fateweaver.
With the exceptions above, or unless something is deliberately
trying to—or is designed to—hide its nature, a theurge always
recognizes a a magical creature or object as such.
Odsight does not allow one to see in darkness or if they
are blinded. However, they do have a somewhat greater sense
of their surroundings, especially amongst living things, than
those without this ability.

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T heurgy & the O d 35

T I T H E & R E C KO N I N G S APPEARANCE: The Outsiders of the Court of Silence

ithe represents the amount a Blackbird are animals and elementals in form and speech. The
owes to the Outsiders they have access shapes they wear are varied, but never very human,
to. Using Vitiations and Outsider if they have human semblance at all. One may
Techniques increases a Blackbird’s Tithe, whereas appear as a living flame, another as a swarm of flies.
performing Reckonings (tasks suggested by specific They communicate to the theurges who court them
Outsiders either at their impetus or at the theurge’s with the sounds of wild creatures and untrammeled
request) lowers the Tithe. If a Blackbird’s Tithe nature. Many are unable to speak at all. Yet,
score becomes 10 or greater, it negatively affects somehow, they are understood by those who seek
their ability to perform magic, reducing all Odweft their powerful, and often uncontrollable, gifts.
test by -10 until the Tithe is reduced. SYMBOL: A beast with boar and lion elements, but
made of flames and Lightning.
Accumulation of Tithe Chart NAMES: Beasts, Elementals


2 Tithe per 4 Tithe per 6 Tithe per

Vitiation Vitiation Vitiation F O C U S T H E V I T I A T I O N (O P T I O N A L ) The theurge’s
player may choose a Focus Level of 1 to 3, but they must
1 Tithe per 2 Tithe per 3 Tithe per
Communion place that many dice into the Odic dice pool. The theurge
Vitiation Vitiation Vitiation
adds +10 to their Base Chance for each level of Focus. So,
1 Tithe each 2 Tithe each 3 Tithe each by adding 2Ð6 to the Odic dice pool, they get +20 to their
Pact time the sun time the sun time the sun
sets sets sets Odweft test. Focusing a Vitiation happens at the speed of
thought and, therefore, costs 0 AP in combat.

The Court of Silence R O L L F O R O D I C M A N I F E S T A T I O N Take all the dice in the

The Court of Silence is the court of raw, Odic dice pool, including those added by the theurge if they
boundless, primal fury. The voice of Silence is the focused the Vitiation. In addition, add one die for each 10
howl of the winds, the roar of the beast, the rage of points of Tithe the theurge has accumulated. Roll the Odic
the volcano, the rumble of thunder, and the screams dice. If any of the dice are a face ‘6,’ an Odic Manifestation
of inchoate ferocity of wild things beyond the circle of immediately comes into effect. The more ‘6’s rolled, the
humanity, but it is always without words. The Court more serious the nature of the Manifestation.
of Silence expresses itself only with the absence of
words, and those who seek to plumb the mysteries of E N D I N G A N O D I C M A N I F E S T A T I O N Odic Manifestations
this court would be wise to do so without speaking, commonly last for the duration of the Combat Scene or
for the Court of Silence hates any form of higher narrative scene they were triggered within. Manifestations
locution. Its Outsiders disdain the abstract building dissipate when the Combat Scene ends. Narrative scenes
blocks of higher language and prefer to speak what is, lack the structure of Rounds and Turns, so a good rule of
to them, the only true language: unbounded emotion thumb is to end a Manifestation once the Blackbirds exit
and unfettered animal instincts. The true being deeply an area or once a few moments have passed. Fateweavers
(or not so deeply) hidden in every civilized person is should feel free to conclude an odulation at any time.
the beast, and the urbane exterior that culture forces More than one Odic Manifestation can occur at one time
upon humanity is merely a fragile patina that quickly in one place.
crumbles when exposed to real experience.

nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)

36 B L A C K B I R D S: Q U I C K STA RT

Trammus, The Dual Hound T H E U R GY V I T I AT I O N S

(Imp of Silence) itiations are purely channeled Odic power
gifted by Outsiders that give theurges the

T rammus appears as a lean and malnourished

hound with a head at either end of its body.
The eyes on each head are disturbingly large, and
means to pervert the natural order for
their own benefit. The Blackbird Eponine has access
to the following vitiations:
the jaws have more teeth than does a natural
hound’s. Trammus seems rabid or desperate, and Aegis of Chitin
the two heads often nip at each other and fight. The theurge, or one person they touch, has their
Trammus speaks with the wordless whines and yips skin transformed into insectile, chitinous black
of a dog that only a theurge can understand. With plates that protect them from harm.
it comes the smell of wet fur and a filthy kennel. REMNANT: Bestial Power
REMNANTS: Trammus offers remnants of Bestial DISTANCE: The theurge or one other willing person
Power and Chimera. they touch
WEAKNESSES: Trammus does not manifest near DURATION: 1+[WB] Rounds
bodies of water. EFFECT: Add +1 to the recipient’s Damage Threshold.
COURT: The Court of Silence They are incapable of Bleeding, and if they were
ALLIES: The Court of Joy Bleeding when the magic was invoked, they
ENMITY: The Court of Peace immediately stop. If this magic has never been used
GOALS: “Help master find thralls to help master on them before, they suffer 1Ð10+1 Peril as they
hurt someone.” realize what they have become. The transformation
FAVORED RECKONING: Trammus likes bones but is lasts until the Vitiation ends. Make a Resolve test
notoriously picky about whence they come. The for anyone seeing someone so transformed for the
theurge will know what it wants. first time.
recipients also become
immune to toxins,
venoms, and fire.
who were to be altered by
the Vitiation are changed
both body and mind so
their thoughts become those
of an insect. They will likely cause
havoc and then flee into the nearest
wilderness area to hunt, controlled
by the Fateweaver for the duration
of the magic. When the Vitiation
ends, they suffer 2Ð10+2 Peril from
the realization of what they have done.
SUBLIME SUCCESS: The recipients can’t be
Injured or take more than 2 Damage levels
from any attack.

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T heurgy & the O d 37

SUBLIME FAILURE: All the recipients are transformed Language of the Od

into lemures. This change is permanent unless the The theurge is given the ability to speak the language
recipients spend Fate or broker a temporary deal of magic, the gods, and Outsiders.
with an Outsider to end the effect. REMNANT: Common (accessible to all Outsiders)
DISTANCE: The theurge
Hands of Trenchant Will DURATION: 1 +[WB] minutes
The theurge’s hands gain the ability to cut through EFFECT: The theurge gains the ability to speak the
flesh and parry blades. Language of the Od. This vocalization sounds like
REMNANT: Chimera a language, but it is terrifying and horrible to hear,
DISTANCE: The theurge reminiscent of the buzzing of insects, the snapping of
DURATION: 1+[WB] Rounds bones, and the sounds that unknown creatures make in
EFFECT: The recipient’s hands show no overt change, the dark of night. Supernatural entities or creatures from
but for the duration of this Vitiation, they can the Od are generally impressed by this ability, however.
cut through flesh and Parry blades as if they were Anyone who is not a theurge or Odtouched finds the
made of steel. The effect is as if they had two Melee sound disturbing, and a Resolve test must be made for
weapons with the Fast Quality and the Off-Hand them the first time they hear it. They will also know the
Quality. They may also use their [WB] to determine speaker is manifesting magic of some sort. Speaking this
the Damage bonus instead of another Attribute. language grants the speaker +10 to all Fellowship-based
Finally, whenever the recipient strikes or parries with Skill tests made to influence Outsiders. The Language
their hands, their Odweft Skill may be used instead of the Od has no written form.
of a Combat-based Skill to do so. CRITICAL SUCCESS: The duration is doubled and the
CRITICAL SUCCESS: Add +10 to all tests to attack and theurge may hide the language or make it sound
Parry using the hands. pleasant, as the villein level of the Vitiation, even if
CRITICAL FAILURE: All recipients’ hands become cast at the imp level.
boneless sacks of skin on the ends of their arms for CRITICAL FAILURE: The theurge’s voice sounds
the duration of the Vitiation. The appendages are disturbing and obviously supernatural, penalizing all
completely useless. Fellowship-based Skill tests by -10 and revealing the
SUBLIME SUCCESS: Add +20 to all tests to attack and theurge’s true nature. This effect lasts until the sun
Parry using the hands, and the Vitiation lasts until sets and rises again.
the sun sets and rises again. SUBLIME SUCCESS: The theurge attracts the attention
SUBLIME FAILURE: All recipients’ hands become of an Outsider chosen by the Fateweaver who
charred and twisted, and they gain 1 level of Damage. will introduce itself and begin a relationship at
Any Skill tests relying on the damaged members are the rapport level. All Odweft tests to perform the
at -20. Their appendages will be restored when the Pythonic Liturgy with this Outsider are at +10.
sun sets and rises again, but the Damage must be SUBLIME FAILURE: The theurge’s mouth becomes
healed normally. a source of stinging insects for the duration of the
Vitiation. Anyone within 2 strides of the theurge
when they speak has all Skill tests reduced by -20
from the distraction for one Round as a swarm of
creatures spews forth and stings them. Skill tests
made for the theurge are at -30 for the duration,
whether their mouth is open or not, as the insects
sting them and the inside of their mouth.

nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)


Ophidian Renewal
The theurge heals someone by giving their flesh the permanent reptilian physical quality, e.g., a patch
regenerative qualities of a reptile. of flesh that’s now scaly and discolored, nictitating
REMNANT: Bestial Power membranes covering the eyes that are visible when
DISTANCE: One person the theurge touches the subject blinks, teeth that are slightly pointed.
DURATION: Instantaneous Once used on someone, this Vitiation may not be
EFFECT: The theurge touches one willing person used on them again for 3 days.
and immediately moves them up 1 level on the CRITICAL SUCCESS: Either the Toughness test may
Damage Condition Track. A successful Toughness be forgone, or the recipient may heal twice as many
test must be made for the target, or they gain some levels of Damage or twice as many Injuries.

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T heurgy & the O d 39

CRITICAL FAILURE: The recipient is not healed, but Unweave the Od

the Toughness test must still be made for them. The theurge undoes a Vitiation currently in
SUBLIME SUCCESS: The recipient is fully healed of all progress.
Damage and Injuries, and no Toughness test need REMNANT: Common (accessible to all Outsiders)
be made. DISTANCE: One Vitiation or magical effect currently
SUBLIME FAILURE: The recipient is not healed, but happening that the theurge can perceive
gains a prominent and permanent reptilian feature, DURATION: Instantaneous
e.g., the subject’s eyes become like those of a EFFECT: If the target of this Vitiation was something
crocodile, their flesh is covered in thick scales, their manifested by an imp, the Odweft test to end its
tongue is now forked. All Fellowship-based Skill effects is unmodified. If the target is from a villein,
tests where this would be in issue going forward are the Difficulty Rating for the test is (Arduous -30%).
made at -10. If the target is from a lord, the Difficulty Rating
for the test is -60, making it nearly impossible in
Tree of Many Branches most cases. If the test is successful, the Vitiation or
The theurge grows two extra arms. magic immediately ends; either way, the initiator
REMNANT: Chimera of the magic will become aware of the theurge
DISTANCE: The theurge and their location. This Vitiation may not be used
DURATION: 1Ð6 Rounds on instantaneous magic, only on magic that has a
EFFECT: Two magical arms appear upon the prolonged effect or duration.
theurge’s torso. They do not damage or change the CRITICAL SUCCESS: The magic ends, and the theurge
recipient’s armor or clothing. Any Combat-based, becomes immune to any Vitiation originating from
Brawn-based or Agility-based Skill tests that can the same source until the sun sets and rises again.
benefit from having these extra arms (e.g., climbing CRITICAL FAILURE: The theurge loses all access to
something, grappling someone) gain a +10 bonus. Vitiations until the sun rises and sets again.
Their second attack during their Turn has no SUBLIME SUCCESS: The magic ends, and the source
penalty. The first Parry made after the recipient’s of the magic is unable to use any Vitiation until the
Turn costs 0 AP regardless of the roll. sun sets and rises again.
CRITICAL SUCCESS: The duration is doubled. SUBLIME FAILURE: One of the theurge’s Outsiders is
CRITICAL FAILURE: The recipient’s arms disappear cut off from this world and no longer accessible to
for the duration, and the recipient drops anything any theurge. It must be an Outsider of the same
they were holding. station as the one that empowered this Vitiation.
SUBLIME SUCCESS: As Critical Success, and add 1 After one month, it is able to reform its connection
AP when the recipient gains AP at the beginning of to this world and will once again be accessible, but
each of their Turns. it must be summoned again using the Pythonic
SUBLIME FAILURE: As Critical Failure, but it lasts Liturgy if this theurge wants to use it again.
until the sun sets and rises again.

nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)

nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)
C H A P TE R 5

The Siege of Grey Face

nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)

C asual readers, be aware that this Weaving is
intended to be read only by Fateweavers. The
following self-contained Weaving brings together
many of the signature elements of BLACKBIRDS , and it maps out
many — maybe most — of the outcomes players are likely to
create through the intersection of their choices and the dictates
of dice and other means of determining how the story proceeds.

So that the descriptions in the following text all make sense, would-be
Fateweavers are encouraged to first read the preceding section of this
Quickstart if they have not done so already. Before game play begins,
have each player form the Flock by selecting one of the six Blackbirds
in the back of the Quickstart.


his Weaving encompasses a siege on a single keep and the
decisions the Blackbirds must make as they penetrate the
defenses to seek Prince Bertram, a target they have been
tasked to eliminate. It should be made clear that they are supplemental
mercenary troops hired by Vichy and under the command of General
Hildebrand, but ultimately that their loyalty is to each other and that
the General has been a capricious and cruel employer.
During the course of their encounter, it becomes clear to the
Flock that Bertram has also been touched by Fate in the same
way as themselves, and that perhaps completing the task that has
been set for them is to invite dire consequences. In fact they
discover that Bertram is more in need of saving than of killing.
Of course, the path the Blackbirds take is theirs to choose, and
the threads of Fate will be woven by those who hold them.

Recent History
It is the 13th of Forge in the year 709, the first year in the cycle of
Ouroboros. With the immanence of the Golden Messiah’s manifestation
in physical form on the dim horizon, Vichy has begun to send forth its
armies in preparation for his arrival. The Splendid Kingdoms to the
east have only a tenuous series of alliances with each other, and this
weakness has recently brought the attentions of the Vichy legions to
their doorstep. Fortunately for the Kingdoms, the advance of Vichy has
been hindered by a series of attacks against their supply line.

nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)


The origin of these attacks is Prince Bertram, out her objectives. She has a heavy hand when
who is himself a theurge and has been using the meting out punishment, and an open disdain
powers bestowed to him by his Outsider and cruelty for the smallfolk that borders on
Fliberdijiberit (pronounced flib-er-tee-jib-ber-it) to atrocity. The whispered rumors among the
assist with the attacks against Vichy. Unfortunately troops are that her sense of justice, which had
Bertram has built up a great deal of Tithe by his always been draconian, became worse since
frequent use of Odic powers and has had to turn to the arrival of a strange advisor from the City
the ritual of festival to release himself from this of Painted Glass itself, a nameless paladin in
heavy debt. Festival requires that the prince allow armor of gold. Hildebrand’s golden champion
his servant Outsider to possess his mortal flesh for was unlike anything you had ever witnessed,
what could be hours, days, perhaps weeks. Bertram a hulking presence that loomed over even the
now spends his time under the complete control of most strapping of soldiers among your band. It
Fliberdijiberit, who has dragged much of Grey Face did not take food or drink. It never slept. And,
into the Odic realm. those that dared to get close enough described
Through the capture and torture of an its drawing of breath as absent—perhaps
informant, General Hildebrand discovers the source muffled by its armored visor, which depicted
of the attacks against her vanguard, and she has laid a handsome but emotionless visage. Since the
siege to Prince Bertram’s Keep, the Grey Face. paladin arrived, she has burned a village to
Neither the soldiers of Vichy nor the Blackbirds the ground because it supposedly harbored
have any idea what lies in wait for them at the witches, and she cut off the hands of two of
castle’s heart. your fellow soldiers who had stolen bread. Some
of your group may have voiced the suggestion
that the current military action is the last you
T H E W E AV I N G B E G I N S will take under the command of the general.

nce everyone has chosen their Blackbird, What you know for sure is that you and your
read the following passage to your Flock: fellow Blackbirds have been fighting together
for some time, that you trust one another, and
You have come to find yourselves, either through that the siege is reaching its inevitable end.
lean times or ambitious avarice, to be among
the several mercenary bands hired to assist the As you fight your way through the outer gate
soldiers of Vichy in laying siege to a castle known and into the bluish gray corridors of the wall’s
as the Grey Face, a minor keep in a position of interior, General Hildebrand’s final words
little strategic value on the western border of to you and the other soldiers echo in your
the Splendid Kingdoms. The castle itself is held mind: “Bertram is to be killed, not captured. If
by the forces and bondservants of the lesser encountered, do not give him time to speak or
princeling Bertram, who had the audacity to act, and remove him from this world with the
stand in the way of conquests by the armies of greatest alacrity. Those who satisfy this task will
Vichy, and the Sigilists that make up their ranks. take their reward from the gilded coffers of Vichy.”

It has been a long campaign, and although You breach one of the inner courtyards of the
profitable, several soldiers among the troops keep in the push and pull hurlyburly of battle as
have begun to question the means by which a terrifyingly close shot from a Vichain trebuchet
your commander, General Hildebrand, carries collapses the tower behind you. It is clear that

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44 B L A C K B I R D S: Q U I C K STA RT

the lives of your fellow mercenaries matter little There is a number of Bertram’s soldiers arrayed
to Vichy’s host. As the rubble and dust begins to against the Blackbirds equal to the number of
settle, you see that you are cut off from the rest players, and one of the soldiers is an officer. These
of the Vichian army. You and your companions soldiers stagger within a few strides of the Blackbirds.
are on your own inside the castle’s perimeter. Smoke and choking dust fill the air and conceal the
Your arrival and the collapse have startled some Blackbirds in swirling, ash-colored clouds. Because
of Bertram’s weary troops, who cough and wipe this initial battle is designed so that you and your
silt from their eyes. You and your comrades may players can get a feel for combat and the flow of the
gain an element of surprise. rules, assume that the Blackbirds have gained the
advantage and may attempt a Surprise Round by
The Battle in the Courtyard choosing targets. The players then roll opposed
This conflict is designed to give beginning Blackbirds Stealth tests against Awareness tests made for
and a new Fateweaver an understanding of the Bertram’s soldiers. If successful, the Blackbirds
rules for combat and action. You may also want to activate against their chosen foe.
ensure that everyone understands the details of the
information on their Blackbird sheets and answer I F A P L A Y E R ’ S attack roll against one of
any other questions about the current situation. Bertram’s soldiers is a Sublime Succes, assume
They may even have some questions about their that Blackbird has rendered their opponent
Blackbird: Knocked Out or Slain!, player’s choice.

W H AT A R E S I G I LI STS? The Blackbirds are the only ones from their

They are a religious martial order that both permeates and side within the outermost wall, and it appears the
rules Vichy. They are known to hunt down supernatural defenders are in disarray. The Flock should be able
monsters and threats, to protect people, and to provide to proceed farther into the keep without a great deal
some succor for the poor and needy. They are also known of opposition, and if that proves to be so, they will
for torturing and burning at the stake theurges, witches, be the first to reach Prince Bertram. The path
and those who may or may not have a connection to the forward goes across a stone bridge that leads to a
Od. They adorn their trappings with Sigils, the marks of door into the next walled courtyard. The way back
their saints. is blocked by more than just rubble.
If I am a Theurge, should I be concerned about fighting
alongside Sigilists? As the blood from your wounds and that of your
There are some Theurges who perform duties for Vichy, fallen foes trickles into the cobbled ground, it does
especially in wartime. As long as they keep a low profile and not pool but instead seeps into the foundation
show the proper deference, they are usually left unmolested. of Grey Face. The stones drink hungrily of your
So I can use my Extinguish abilities only between offering. Shadows bend as if the sun were speeding
Rekindlings? on an unnatural course towards dusk. Each of you
Yes, and there will not be a Rekindling during this Weaving. feels an unsteady drift within your guts. It’s as if
So, once you use those abilities, you lose all the abilities on you’re standing on a listing ship, yet your feet are
that card for the rest of the session. Plan accordingly. firmly on the ground.
What about Fate?
You have only one Fate Point, and like Extinguish abilities Regaining your bearings, it becomes clear that
you will not be able to regain your Fate during this Weaving. the world around you has changed. The din of
battle that once hammered at your ears has

nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)


faded as if some unseen power took the warring The Face of Stone
forces and sealed them in some adjacent yet As they cross the bridge, read the following passage
unseen space–hushed between worlds. to your Flock:

DIRECT AT EPONINE IF PRESENT: Your flock has The stone bridge is the only way forward, and
crossed over into a place theurges and magi call you see no further defenders blocking your
the worming. An interstice between the Od path. The bridge itself is made from ancient
and the tapestry of the world. To flee this place flagstones put in place before the keep itself
would only lead deeper into the Odic labyrinth, was built, and it appears to be as sturdy as the
a landscape from which very few ever return. mountain itself. It crosses a rocky ravine that is
a natural part of the terrain the keep was built
N O W ’ S A G O O D time for the Fateweaver upon, a clever use of the shape of the world’s
to draw attention to the flock’s means of bones as a defensive feature. At its far end, the
recuperation, especially if they’re suffering span ends against a stone wall that would be
Damage or any form of Injury. difficult to scale. The way forward proceeds
Binding Wounds: A successful Heal test through a large, stout, oaken door that has a
to Bind Wounds may be made on a Blackbird’s small barred window set within it.
behalf outside of a Rekindling. However,
those Talents and Techniques native to a As you consider this obstacle, you see a face
Rekindling scene do not come into play. A looking down on you from a defensive point
Blackbird may have Bind Wounds performed at the top of the wall, to the right of the door
on them only once per day. Depending above. The face is not human, though it is
on where a Blackbird is on the Damage crudely shaped like a human face. It appears
Condition Track, the Difficulty Rating of to be made from stone and blue crystal. You
the Heal test becomes more challenging. might consider it a gargoyle or work of artistry
͝ Level 1: Automatically succeed by some rock carver, but its eyes are quite alive
͝ Level 2: (Routine +10%) Heal test and looking down on your group with great
͝ Level 3: (Standard +/-)%) Heal test intensity. Before you can react, the face turns
͝ Level 4: (Challenging -10%) Heal test to look over its shoulder and its expression is
͝ Level 5: (Hard -20%) Heal test replaced by one of alarm. The being disappears
Assume that there are enough clean quickly behind the parapet.
bandages on hand for each of the Blackbirds.
Additionally, one of the Blackbirds, The face belongs to Foldehelm, and he has
probably Clement Stonewrite or Eponine been expecting the Blackbirds. The encroachment
Dyrne, has a single vile of quickbronze of the Od caused by the festival his master agreed to
elixir on their person—when quaffed, the has grown in size and will begin to become apparent
potion heals 3 levels of Damage or 1 Injury. to the Flock as it proceeds. Foldehelm will confront
Should the Blackbirds wish to split the vial the Blackbirds later. Now he must go to his master’s
into three sips capable of treating 1 level of chambers to see if he can slow the growing rift
Damage, they may do so. between this world and the Od.

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46 B L A C K B I R D S: Q U I C K STA RT

Each Blackbird may attempt to make one Skill expression changed to one of fear and concern
test, and each successful test will gain them some based on something it saw on the other side of
information: the wall, something apparently close to its
Ύ Awareness: Not long after the face disappears, its location.
place on the wall is filled with another shape, Spending a point of Fortune and using Skuld’s
perhaps that of a soldier? It’s hard to tell, since it Vision to ask the Fateweaver any questions about
keeps itself well behind the cover of an arrow slit Foldehelm will also give them any of the information
and watches the Flock. A similar shape appears above, depending upon the question they ask. Feel
behind the defenses on the left side of the gate. free to remind the Flock that they may do so,
Ύ Education: The great histories tell of an ancient especially if they missed any of the rolls they were
people who were an offshoot of the aes or elves. trying to make. Attempting to spend Fortune and
They willingly chose to remake themselves as new use Urd’s voice to set up an ambush or prepare a
things tied to the natural world and made from the way to attack the daimn will not work; the Fortune
elements. In the end they were destroyed or is simply not spent in this case.
defeated, the lore goes. The seer Amelius prophesied
that some were saved by Fate, and that they would W H O I S M O R E F O O L?
return to the world as Fate’s servants. The face Assuming the Flockmates attempt to move
above reminds you of a picture you once saw in an forward, they approach the door set in the wall on
ancient tome. the far side of the bridge. If they dawdle, let them
͝ Folklore: The creature is a daimn, an ancient know that there are probably other enemy soldiers
people who were created by a magical about and that, at this end of the bridge, they are
transformation. They long ago disappeared from exposed, so it’s best they proceed farther. As they
the world. Some say they died off, and others that move toward the wall and the door, read the
they were merely sleeping. It is said they will following passage to your Flock:
come again, guided by Fate itself.
Ύ Odweft: The face belongs to a magical being that As you approach the stone wall and the door
is highly attuned to Fate and the power of the set within it, you see that the defenses here are
primal and elemental earth. This encounter is not formidable. Two arrow slits atop the wall ahead
by chance but instead part of the warp and weft appear to be shield figures on the far side,
of the Norns. Those who have Odsight realize though you see no arrows as of yet. Scaling the
that the creature whose face they saw has the wall might be possible, but anyone attempting
same, or perhaps a similar, connection to Fate as such an action would be exposed while doing
do members of the Flock. so. The door before you has a small, barred
Ύ Rumor: You are reminded of talk among travelers window set within it, perhaps to facilitate
that, in far flung places of the world, the daimn parley or to ease firing of missiles at attackers.
have been awakening, and that they arise full of
solemn purpose. They claim to be agents of Fate, Your eyes are drawn to a movement of motley
and to be here to help coax forward the color in the barred window. A small shape
machinations of destiny. Could the stone face moves there, a tiny human form with arms and
belong to a daimn? a face. It is a puppet, presumably with a hand
Ύ Scrutinize: The face above seemed unsurprised to inside it, the sort you might see at a marketplace,
see you and your companions and actually looked performing tales of fairies and dragons for the
somewhat relieved. Before it disappeared its amusement of children. This particular puppet

nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)


appears to be an exaggerated version of a V A R I O U S ST R ATA G E M S & O UTCO M E S

pompous soldier, with an impossibly muscled The puppet behind the door refers to itself as
chest. Its movements suggest it is strutting back Gord, and the ones above are called Trim and
and forth beyond the small window. A high and Hindle. Gord enjoys talking and boasting, and is
reedy voice addresses you: “Who goes there? I susceptible to flattery. Trim is incredibly pessimistic,
am Gord! The guardian of this gate! Approach and Hindle is optimistic to the point of being naive.
me if you dare . . .” If the Flock can draw them into a conversation,
then Trim and Hindle will descend and possibly
The voice belongs to a soldier who has been open the door. Charm, Bargain, or Guile tests
possessed and controlled by Fliberdijiberit, and the would be appropriate; feel free to play out the
shapes behind the arrow slits above are likewise encounter. If the rolls go well or if the Flock
ensorcelled. The control has transformed the guards mentions Fliberdijiberit, the guards let them pass
so that each wears a magical puppet on their left without issue, but if the Flock Critically Fails or
hand—but the puppets are the ones in control. tries to force its way in, then combat begins.
Although they behave somewhat comically, they If the Blackbirds attempt to scale the wall, a
remain dangerous. See Soldiers of Fliberdijiberit, Coordination or Athletics test allows them to gain
nearby. the top, but a failure causes them to take 1Ð10+1
As before, each Blackbird may attempt one of Damage as they tumble. A Critical Failure causes
the following tests to gain more information: 2Ð10+2, and a Sublime Failure means they tumble
͝ Awareness: A glimpse at the figures behind the into the chasm below, unless they spend Fate. This
arrow slits overhead shows a flash of color, and action can be attempted during combat for 3 AP.
another puppet, at each one. . . The door mechanism can be overcome with a
͝ Odweft: This thing has a taste of the Od about it. Skullduggery test. A Critical or Sublime Failure
It is either an Outsider or in league with one. A permanently jams the lock, and the wall must be
Critical or Sublime success reveals that this sort of climbed. This attempt also takes 3 AP if done
manifestation is associated with Fliberdijiberit, a during combat.
Villein of the Court of Joy. Note that Fliberdijiberit All three soldiers can throw stones from their
is not the true name of this Outsider. Those who positions. Attempting to attack them in their
have Odsight are certain that there is a bloom of defensive positions causes a modifier of -30%.
Od on the other side of the door and that a
powerful Outsider is working over a large area. REC KONING O P P O R T U N I T Y: E PONINE
͝ Scrutinize: The puppeteer (or the puppet . . .) can reduce her Tithe by 4 by making sure
appears to be filled with a sense of bravado and this encounter with the soldiers does not
self-importance. Perhaps it can be manipulated escalate to violence, either before or after the
by leveraging this demeanor. Flock has bypassed the door. Trammus lets
͝ Strategy or Warfare: If the puppeteer in the Eponine know this as soon as the encounter
window and the watchers above could be begins. The Courts of Joy and Silence seldom
distracted, it might be possible to scale the wall. find themselves at odds, as they are merely
Even if that isn’t possible, an ascent would not be two different flavors of madness.
out of the question, as there are only two visible
defenders. Either way, it would be risky.

nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)

48 B L A C K B I R D S: Q U I C K STA RT

The Threshold of Od a human is a large insect shaped like a man. It

Blackbirds who are able to pass through the door moves towards you with deadly intent.
arrive in a strange courtyard. Read the following
passage to your Flock: The creature is a Greater Lemure of Joy, and it
attacks the flock. The voice that yelled above is
Beyond the door is a small, hexagonal courtyard Foldehelm’s. He is in a window above the archway,
that is disturbing on a deep level. The sky is visible, from which he yells advice from as they assault the
but it’s impossible to tell if it is day or night—the beast. If the battle is going poorly, he tells them
firmament is empty of clouds, stars, moons, or about the red iron longsword hidden among the
sun—even as a strange, gray light pours down rusted blades. Once the Blackbirds defeat the
from above. There are also subtle distortions of Lemure, Foldehelm steps out of the archway.
perspective and distance. The cobbled ground
here is covered with rusted weapons and armor of A T T H E F A T E W E A V E R ’ S discretion, a
many types. At the far end of the courtyard is an longsword made of red iron may be concealed
archway in the stone wall, but you can’t tell how among the weapons scattared arcoss the
far away it is. Festive music comes faintly from the courtyard. Such weapons gain the Enchanted
archway, though it is filled with shadows. Quality, and cause Bane Damage to Outsiders.
They also offer a +10 to hit when used to attack
Everyone seeing the courtyard for the first time magical creatures. In addition, they do not
must make a Peril-based Resolve test or take suffer Degradation from the Wheel.
1Ð10+1 Peril. This courtyard is partially Red Iron Longsword: Adaptable, Biting
encompassed by the Od, and anyone making an (2), Defensive, [CB], Hands [1-2], Patronage 10
Odweft or Folklore test or who has Odsight
immediately knows this to be true. Because of the
distorted perspective, all ranged attacks in this space A short, stout, and lumpy man stands before
are at -10% to be successful. the door. He appears to be made of crude earth
The Flockmates can spend some minutes and stones. His face was the one you saw earlier.
looking about here, but when they approach the The figure—dressed in a threadbare traveler’s
archway with determination or to look at it closely, cloak and the boots, tunic, and breaches of a
read the following passage to them: commoner—appears to be attempting to pass
as a petite human, but there’s no mistaking its
Suddenly, a bright and multicolored light shines fay qualities upon close inspection. His weapon
through the arch, and the boisterous music is sheathed, and he holds up a rough and
grows louder. You are reminded of festivals weathered hand. It appears that he wishes to
and fairs before the wars came. The smell of talk. He says, “My name is Foldehelm, and I seek
baked pies and roasted fruit surrounds you, only to parley before you proceed further. Will
and standing in the light from the doorway is you grant me a moment to talk with you?”
a tall human figure. The light makes it hard to
properly resolve its features, but it seems to be Foldehelm is a daimn, an ancestry related to
dressed in the motley of a jester and holding a the Aes or elves but created in the distant past by
small staff with bells along its length. From the Father Steel from those willing Aes who wanted to
wall above a voice yells “Look out!” The figure change the fundamental nature of their being. This
steps clear of the light. What you thought was particular daimn is a servant of Prince Bertram.

nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)


He is also a natural servant of Fate and has been Ύ There is a darkness that has swallowed the heart
aware of the Blackbirds’ imminent arrival. He hopes of Vichy, and it is growing. Foldehelm doesn’t
they will assist him in helping Bertram instead of know exactly what it is, but maybe the Blackbirds
following the orders of their general. He knows that have noticed something similar?
when the forces of Fate work against each other, Ύ Bertram is a theurge, and his magics have been
dangerous complications can result, but he will preventing the armies of Vichy from invading the
attempt to lead them to discover this truth on their Splendid Kingdoms. Currently, though, he is
own, rather than coming right out and saying it. paying the price of dealing with the Od by letting
Foldehelm encourages the Flock to have himself be used as a vessel. If the Blackbirds help
a conversation with him. If they attempt to him, he would be grateful. Certainly, there would
approach him aggressively or attack him with be knowledge that Bertram could share with the
ranged weapons, he sinks into the ground with a Flock, especially of magic. If one of the Players is
weary shake of his head, passing through the stone running Eponine, then this last point should be
as if it were mere mist. directed toward them especially.
A successful Scrutinize test reveals that The Od has bled into this world as part of a
Foldehelm sincerely wants to parley, and that Reckoning that Bertram must pay for dealing with
his overture is not a trick. He does seem to be the Outsider Fliberdijiberit. Something called a
holding something back, and beneath his calm festival is occuring. Eponine (and only Eponine)
demeanor he observes the Blackbirds carefully and can make an Odweft test to know that a Festival is
with great concern. a rumored way to do a great Reckoning to pay off a
If the Blackbirds agree, Foldehelm continues large amount of Tithe.
speaking: “I have known you would arrive. Indeed, The Flock must choose to save Bertram (The
I was waiting for your appearance. You need not Path of Mystery) or try to kill him (The Path of
question how I came by this knowledge, for like Blood). Foldehelm opposes the Blackbirds if they
yourselves I am touched by Fate, and there are times choose the latter. Either way, they must proceed
when I feel the weave and what is to come. You into the chamber beyond the archway.
must have felt this as well?”
At this point a conversation ensues, albeit a The Festival
brief one. Foldehelm does not have a great deal of Whether accompanied by Foldehelm or without
time to talk with the Blackbirds—he must take him, the Flock enters the chamber beyond. There,
them to Bertram—as he hopes that the Blackbirds the Blackbirds are confronted with madness. Read
will help him to stop the festival before it is the following passage to your Flock:
complete. He’s not sure exactly how they might do
so. He knows only that they alone have a chance to The chamber you enter is larger than the keep
do so. itself would be able to encompass, and in
Foldehelm attempts to pass on the following some places the space seems to stretch into
knowledge to the Flock: infinity. On every side and above you there
Ύ He is a servant of Prince Bertram. Bertram has are staircases, walkways, and platforms that
also been touched by Fate, just as Foldehelm and bleed together in a hodgepodge that makes a
the Flock have been. When those who have been mockery of rational geometry. Wandering along
touched by Fate work together, great things can these walkways and occupying the platforms
be accomplished. When they work against each all around you are people performing every
other, woe swiftly follows. variety of festive activities. Some are singing or

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50 B L A C K B I R D S: Q U I C K STA RT

playing musical instruments, some are dancing,

some are hawking foods or goods from stalls,
some are simply stumbling drunk from place
to place, but each and every one of them has a
puppet on their left hand.

At the center of it all, and in front of you, is a

man seated on a throne of multicolored papier
mache who wears a crown of painted wood.
His left hand is encompassed by a puppet that
wears a smaller but quite real crown but is also
faceless. You sense that somewhere, just out of
sight, something terribly menacing is present
but remains unseen.

As above, everyone seeing this space for the first

time must make a Peril-based Resolve test or take
1Ð10+1 Peril. Also as above, all ranged attacks in
this space are at -10% to be successful.
The Flock has several options for tests to gather
information before proceeding. Remember that
each Blackbird may make only one test:
Ύ Education: Based on his regalia and descriptions
you have heard of him, the person on the throne
is Prince Bertram. He is a minor noble of the platform and appears to be far away (although
Splendid Kingdoms. distance in this place is challenging to determine);
Ύ Odweft: This test reveals the same information as read the following passage to your Flock:
in the “Who Is More Fool?” section above. In
addition, success indicates that the faceless You follow the sensation of menace with your
puppet is a Villein of the Court of Joy and that it instincts and become immediately aware of a
can probably be bargained with. Those who have horror that is in plain sight but that you were
Odsight are aware that an Outsider is present and ignoring subconsciously. This massive shape
that this location is on an open rift into the Od. combines parts of other creatures in rude fashion
Ύ Scrutinize: Bertram’s face stares unemotionally and all out of proportion: one leg is a giant arm
into the middle distance, but observing the body of a human baby, another is a huge bird leg, still
language of the faceless puppet suggests that it is other parts are from creatures probably not of
aware of the Flock’s presence, and it is amused this world, and its front is an amalgamation of
and unsurprised by their appearance here. faces, both human an animal.
Any Blackbird who lacks Odsight and attempts
to seek the source of the unseen menace must make The eyes of those faces and of ones spread
an Awareness test at -10% or an unmodified Odweft across this creature’s body are all closed, and
test. If they succeed, they become aware of a the thing itself is very still. The expressions
quiescent Whispering Chimera that lurks on a of the human faces that make up part of the

nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)


thing appear to be slumbering, but with the the prince: “Oh, mighty warriors and puissant
pained expression of someone in the depths of masters of destiny! So honored am I to be in the
a horrible nightmare. You wish you had never company of such luminaries! Let us engage in
become aware of this monstrosity. lofty discourse and decide the fates of nations.”
And then it giggles.
Those who make themselves aware of the Chimera
must make a Resolve test at -20% or take 2Ð10+2 Talking with Fliberdijiberit reveals that the
Peril. Once they are aware, an Odweft or Folklore test Outsider seems to be seeking a negotiation or
lets them know this is a Whispering Chimera, a beast bargain with the Flock. The Outsider’s goal are
from the Od that serves the Outsiders and, according simply to be known to them and, especially, that
to legend, can devour entire armies. This one seems to Eponine forge a formal relationship with him by
be sleeping. The Chimera remains asleep unless the performing the Pythonic Liturgy at some point in
Flock attacks it directly (an extremely foolish thing to the future. Now that the Flock has met
do, and you should let them know as much before Fliberdijiberit, any of them could call upon the
they attempt it). It exists only to create a greater sense Villein by seeking a temporary deal, so in truth the
of dread and to hint at the plans of Fliberdijiberit. Outsider already has what it wants, but it absolutely
The Blackbirds may interact with the other does not let the Blackbirds know this truth.
possessed souls in the surrounding area. Feel free to Fliberdijiberit wheels and deals for the soul of
play out these encounters. There is little danger Bertram by, at first, asking for outrageous payment
unless the Flock creates it themselves, but everyone and, in return, expecting the Blackbirds to
they talk to and everything they experience should counteroffer. The Outsider knows that if the
hint at subtle dread and madness. The songs are negotiation is too easy they might suspect its
about the Blackbirds themselves, the food they get motives. Also, bargaining with mortals is fun.
from vendors comes in the shape of things personal Things the Blackbirds might ask for:
to those who buy it, and everyone speaks with an air Ύ Release Bertram and close the portal to the Od
of whimsy punctuated with dark portent. Ύ Lay waste to the sieging army and slay General
The Flock has two options: try to help or save Hildebrand.
Bertram (The Path of Mystery); or to attack him, Ύ Answer questions about the world or their current
thus creating a snarl in the threads of Fate (The Path situation
of Blood). Ύ Enter into a relationship with Eponine, if that
Blackbird is present
T H E PAT H O F MYSTE RY Things Fliberdijiberit might demand in
If the Flockmates attempts to engage Bertram, payment:
they find themselves negotiating instead with Ύ One of the Flock must complete the festival at a
Fliberdijiberit, who now controls the prince through future time determined by Fliberdijiberit. They
the rite of festival. Fliberdijiberit is unsurprised by are to come under control of the Outsider and
the Flock’s arrival and, much like Foldehelm, has not remember what transpired during that time.
anticipated this meeting. Read the following passage Ten hours of festival remain.
to your Flock: Ύ Return to the army of Hildebrand and slip a
puppet into her tent.
The faceless puppet bows with mock solemnity Ύ Each member of the Flock must perform a
as you approach. A voice bordering on both Reckoning for Fliberdijiberit, each one’s details
laughter and threat rasps from the throat of to be determined later.

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52 B L A C K B I R D S: Q U I C K STA RT

Ύ Fliberdijiberit requires that the red iron blade (if T H E PAT H O F B L O O D

it was found) be given to him as tribute, in If the Flock attacks Bertram, use the entry for
conjunction with any of the above demands. Soldiers of Fliberdijiberit for him and add 3 to his
Feel free to negotiate as long as it proves Damage Threshold. Foldehelm defends Bertram to
entertaining and the Flock remains engaged. You the end; if he sank into the ground earlier, he
may allow them to make Charm, Bargain, and appears from behind the throne. In addition,
Guile tests as appropriate when they attempt to Soldiers of Fliberdijiberit equal to the number of
make any counteroffer. Once the deal is struck, Blackbirds arrive to assist. This battle proves very
the Blackbirds should receive their reward. difficult. If the Blackbirds succeed in defeating
Assuming they freed Bertram, see The Rift Closes, Bertram and his defenders, they create a Snarl of
below. If they ask for military help against the Fate as the weave works against itself. The one who
opposing army, Fliberdijiberit giggles with struck the killing blow against Bertram claims an
delight and releases the Whispering Chimera, extra temporary Fate amulet, which doesn’t return
which rampages off and begins devouring all after it is spent, though until it is spent, one Fortune
soldiers outside the walls, though it doesn’t stop coin becomes Misfortune each night when the sun
there. The siege is broken, but rumors of the sets. At the start of a Weaving in which a Blackbird
monster and its ongoing devastation continue to possesses a Snarl of Fate, all of the Fortune that
spread. If they seek information, Fliberdijiberit would have been generated for them manifests as
answers a few questions. He can tell them who is Misfortune; a Snarl is always spent before the
really leading Vichy’s armies and about the Blackbirds’ Fate.
coming of the Golden Messiah; or that the gods
have been murdered and something much worse The Rift Closes
lurches towards their thrones; or hint at the Assuming the Flock has negotiated for the release
location of a powerful artifact or the name of of Bertram or killed him, the connection between
another Outsider. These possibilities are beyond this world and the Od is broken. The Blackbirds
the scope of this Weaving. find themselves in an unremarkable throne room.
If Eponine is present and uses Several confused courtiers, soldiers, and people of
Unweave the Od, the Difficulty Rating the keep are present—now freed from the yoke of
for the test is (Arduous -30%), however. Fliberdijiberit. If Bertram is still alive, he is grateful
The vitiation has no effect unless a Critical to the Flockmates and either helps them to sneak
or Sublime Success is rolled—in which out of the keep or allows them to join him in his
case, the festival ends; skip to The Rift conflict against Vichy. The choice is theirs. If they
Closes, below. killed Bertram, the keep is taken by Vichy, and
General Hildebrand becomes their patron.
Here concludes The Siege of Grey Face, the
introductory Weaving. Certainly, many possibilities
for adventure present themselves to those who
would like to continue the story, and there are a
great many ideas in the full BLACKBIRDS book. We
hope you enjoyed this Quickplay. May the blessings
of Fate guide you along your true path.

nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)


n the standard edition of BLACKBIRDS are
charts for suggested Reckonings. For this
introductory Weaving, there are suggestions
for Reckonings if Eponine is present.


n the standard edition of BLACKBIRDS, when
the Odic dice pool generates a 6, a chart is
consulted to determine the result. This
quickplay uses a simpler resolution based upon the
events that are happening in the castle itself. Each
time the dice would indicate an Odic
Manifestation, simply roll a Ð6 and consult the
chart below. If one of these manifestations has
already happened, then choose the next one up on
the chart. Remember to remove all the dice that
showed a 6 from the Odic Pool.


Odic Perspective: The stones of Grey Face vulgarly pull apart and reform in maddening patterns. While it is
still possible to navigate these surroundings, it is nauseating. Everyone present must make a Resolve test or
take 2Ð10+2 Peril. All who lack Fate lose any remaining AP until their next Turn, as they are boggled by what is
Maze of Od: Distance and perspective are twisted askew. Things that are far away appear to be closer and vice
versa. All Movement Maneuvers cost 1 extra AP.
The Weave Revealed: A web of scarlet threads connecting all living things sears into your mind’s eye—you are
3 entangled in it, penetrated by it, and you submit to it and master it all at once. For the rest of the Round, all
Fortune spent does not become Misfortune.
A Glimpse of the Horror: Behind you, a golden sun dawns in the west, accompanied by a choir of innumerable
harmonizing voices whose song quickly transforms into a shrill. The copious din pierces every fiber of your
4 being as yellow light washes over the world. From beyond the walls of Grey Face, the roar of Vichy’s rejoicing
soldiers quakes through your ears, causing them to bleed. The Blackbirds must make a Peril-based Resolve test
at the beginning of each turn or take 1Ð10+1 Peril.
The Puppeteer: Everyone present appears to be a marionette with strings stretching to infinity, controlled by
5 some invisible entity overhead. By observing someone’s strings, Blackbirds who are present can gain a +10% to
their chance to hit that opponent or react to their actions, but they take 1Ð10+1 Peril.
Soldiers of Fliberdijiberit: All soldiers present are completely healed and become Soldiers of Fliberdijiberit. If
there are no Soldiers present, then 3 Soldiers of Fliberdijiberit appear.

nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)

nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)
C H A P TE R 6


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56 B L A C K B I R D S: Q U I C K STA RT

Bertram’s Soldiers

B ertram’s soldiers are weary from the siege but still dangerous.
They do not surrender or parley, as the forces of Vichy are
essentially laying siege to their home. If captured and questioned, they
may hint that something strange is happening in Bertram’s chambers,
but they have no concrete knowledge of the details. They wear
Gambeson and are armed with Light Crossbows and Longswords.


50 [6] 45 [5] 45 [5] 40 [4] 40 [4] 40 [4] 35 [3]

Melee +20 Athletics +10 Coordination Awareness +10 Heal +10 Resolve +10
Ranged +10 Toughness +10 +10 Survival +10 Strategy +10
Warfare +10
Dodge: 55% Damage Movement: 8 Initiative: 13 Size: Normal Peril Threshold: Risk Factor:
Parry: 70% Threshold 7(13/19/25) Suggested for
Gambeson +3: 1 Basic-Tier
9(15/21/27) Blackbird
Light Crossbow: 60% - Distance (Ranged 11 strides) - Load (2 AP) - Damage [1Ð6+6] - Fast, Piercing, Punishing
Longsword: 70% - Distance (Melee Engaged) - Damage [1Ð6+6] - Adaptable, Biting (2), Defensive

BATTLE-HARDENED: Resolve tests made for this of Damage. They gain +20 to all Combat-based
creature are Flip to Succeed when their commanding Skill tests and add 1 Damage die to all Attacks for
officer or leader is present and within their sight. the remainder of this Combat Scene.
MORTAL: Of finite life span; such a creature BATTLE HORN (4 MISFORTUNE, 2 AP, SPECIAL
is naturally vulnerable to all threats of the ACTION): This creature plays a note on its battle
BLACKBIRDS world, including Injury. horn, raises a standard, or performs some other
AMONG ANY GROUP OF BERTRAM’S SOLDIERS THERE act that summons 1Ð6 soldiers. This action may
WILL BE ONE OFFICER WITH THE ADDITIONAL TRAIT: transpire only once per Combat Scene.
This creature chooses an ally
that is about to be struck in
combat and, anticipating the
attack, calls out to them. This
creature makes a Warfare
test and, if successful, the
blow misses as if the ally had
Dodged it.
ACTION): This creature can
use this Trait only when they
have suffered at least 3 levels

nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)

B estiary 57

Foldehelm the Daimn

T he Daimn are creatures of Fate and the Elements, and Foldehelm

is no exception. His appearance is that of a short and stout man,
made from stone, with a beard and hair made of fine blue crystal
filaments. He wears a threadbare cloak, brigandine colored in earth
tones, and wields a worn longsword.


50 [6] 45 [5] 45 [5] 40 [4] 40 [4] 40 [4] 35 [3]

Ranged +20 Coordination Scrutinize +10 Leadership +10
Warfare +10 Tradecraft +20
Melee +20 +20 Awareness +10 Charm +20
Damage Risk Factor:
Threshold: Suggested for
Dodge: 65 Peril Threshold:
5(11/17/23) Movement: 9 Initiative: 15 Size: Normal
Parry: 65 8(14/20/26) 3 Basic-Tier
Brigandine +4:
9(15/21/27) Blackbirds

Longsword: 65% - Distance (Melee Engaged) - Damage [1Ð6+5] - Adaptable, Biting (2), Defensive

CHILD OF THE NUMENFORGE: This creature is a living

spell created by Hekaté and remade by Father Steel,
the progenitor of the daimn. Unlike other daimn,
not only are they immune to poison, disease, and
have no need to breathe air, they are also immune
to Daimn Injury.
MAGICAL CREATURE: Anything that affects magical
creatures specifically will be effective against this
ODSIGHT: This creature possesses the natural ability
to sense the otherworldly realm and mystical force
that is the Od (see page 33 Theurgy & the Od).
Combat Scene, this creature can pass through an
obstacle of solid stone, earth, or wood, no thicker
than 3 strides, by touching it.
SPECIAL ACTION): Up to 6 opponents in sight are
immobilized as roots burst from the ground beneath
their feet and hold them in place. They may not
take the Dodge Reaction or any Maneuver Action
until after the end of their next Turn.

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58 B L A C K B I R D S: Q U I C K STA RT

Greater Lemure of Joy

A Lemure of the Court of Joy lurks within the Od nearby. It appears

to be an insect in the shape of a person, with a shimmering,
purple carapace; and dead, multifaceted eyes that are nothing but a rigid
and uncanny mimicry of humanity. This one’s horrid appearance is
made more disturbing by the addition of the regalia and motley raiment
of a court jester.


50 [7] 45 [6] 45 [6] 40 [4] 40 [4] 40 [4] 35 [3]

Athletics +20 Coordination
Melee +10 Awareness
Toughness +20 Strategy +10 Resolve +20
Warfare +10 +30
+20 Stealth +20
Risk Factor:
Damage Peril Suggested for 3
Dodge: 65%
Threshold: Movement: 9 Initiative: 13 Size: Normal Threshold:
Parry: 60% Intermediate-
15(21/27/33) 7(13/19/25)
Tier Blackbirds
Staff: 60% - Distance (Melee Engaged) - Damage [1Ð6+7] - Adaptable, Defensive, Pummeling
Tainted Claws: 60% - Distance (Melee Engaged) - Damage [2Ð6+7] - Fast, Punishing

CLEVER FOE (1): This creature temporarily gains Injury, if it has any. This effect ends
1 AP and may take a second Turn once all other when the creature is Slain!.
opponents in the Round have gone.
DEXTROUS DUELIST: Parry tests made for this creature
are +20. If one critically succeeds, this creature gains
1 AP. This may happen only once per Round.
NO MORTAL BLADE: This creature is impervious to
Damage from weapons that are not Enchanted.
NO MORTAL SKILL: This creature is immune to
Extinguish Abilities.
RED IRON BANE: Bane dice (Ð10s that Explode on
9 or 10) are rolled instead of Damage dice when
weapons of red iron are used against this creature.
This Damage cannot be mitigated or healed by any
of the Traits of this creature.
REGENERATION: At the beginning of each of
this creature’s Turns, make a (Standard +/–0%)
Toughness test for it. If successful, move it 1 level
up the Damage Condition Track and remove one

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B estiary 59

RESILIENT SINEW (2): This creature can never take JOLLY EFFIGY (3 MISFORTUNE 2 AP, SPECIAL
more than 2 levels of Damage from one attack. ACTION): A lifesize puppet-like effigy of one of
VISAGE OF MADNESS: Make a (Challenging -10%) this creature’s foes crawls out from between its
Peril-induced Resolve test for those who lays eyes chitin plates and joins the fray. The simulacrums’
on this creature for the first time. If the test fails, statistics, equipment, and vitiations are identical to
they suffer 2Ð10+2 Peril and lose all AP they those of the foe it impersonates. When summoned,
currently have. the effigy generates 3 AP and immediately takes
HILARITY (2 MISFORTUNE, 1 AP, COMBAT a Turn. The mimicking puppet acts after the foe
ACTION): This creature performs a hilarious caper who inspired its likeness in following Rounds. The
that is impossible to ignore or to avoid laughing at. fragile effigy has three Damage levels and is Slain!
All opponents take 1Ð10+1 Peril and must make upon reaching the third: 9(15/21).
a Challenging -10% Resolve test or lose 1 AP
and fall to the ground, overcome with mirth, thus
becoming Prone.

Soldiers of Fliberdijiberit

F liberdijiberit has recruited several soldiers from Bertram’s forces and

made them into his creatures. Each soldier wields a melee weapon in
their right hand; their left hand is covered by a hand puppet that is a
crude caricature of the soldier who wears it. The faces of the soldiers are
painted in a fashion that renders them pale, exaggerated, and clownish.
All body language and intention when they speak appears to come from
the puppet. Opponents who realize the motivating force resides within
the puppet and attack it directly learn that it is a weak point; the Flock
should discover this on their own or specifically ask if the soldiers have
a weak spot and make a roll or spend Fortune. The puppets speak with
voices that are ridiculous caricatures of the soldiers’ own voices and
spout fanciful and absurd convictions.


50 [6] 45 [5] 45 [5] 40 [4] 40 [4] 40 [4] 35 [3]

Melee +20 Athletics +10 Awareness
Coordination Heal +10
Ranged +10 Toughness +10 Resolve +10
+10 Strategy +10
Warfare +10 +10 Survival +10

Damage Risk Factor:

Dodge: 55% Threshold Suggested for
Movement: 8 Initiative: 13 Size: Normal Threshold:
Parry: 70% Gambeson 1 Basic-Tier
+3:9(15/21/27) 7(13/19/25)
Longsword: 70% - Distance (Melee Engaged) - Damage [1Ð6+6] - Adaptable, Biting (2), Defensive
Thrown Stone: 60% - Distance (Ranged 10 strides) - Load (1 AP) - Damage [1Ð6+6] - Slow, Throwing

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60 B L A C K B I R D S: Q U I C K STA RT

creature can use this Reaction to cause an opponent ACTION): The puppet on this creature’s hand
to miss a successful attack against any of the transforms into a caricature of one of the creature’s
creature’s allies as long as the opponent is within 20 opponents within 20 Strides and insults them in a
Strides of this creature, unless the attacker makes a very personal way. The target must make a Resolve
successful Resolve test. test or be Defenseless until the start of their next
MORTAL: Of finite life span; such a creature turn.
is naturally vulnerable to all threats of the YOUR OWN WORST ENEMY (2 MISFORTUNE, 2
BLACKBIRDS world, including Injury. AP, COMBAT ACTION): This creature causes a target
POSSESSED BY FLIBERDIJIBERIT: Using Unweave the to manifest a puppet that is a caricature of that
Od on these creatures frees them from possession. target on their own off hand. The puppet mocks the
Such attempts are (Arduous -30%). Once freed, the target. The target drops what they were holding in
unpossessed human simply passes out. that hand, may not pick it up again until the effect
YOU ARE NOT MY MASTER: Resolve tests made for ends, and must make a Peril-based Resolve test at
this creature are Flip to Succeed, and it is immune the end of each of their turns. If they make the test,
to any mind control. the effect ends.
the vulnerable point of this creature (listed in
parentheses) and hit it with a (Challenging -10%)
Combat-based Skill test do 1 extra die of Damage
when attacking. A Critical Success on this test
renders this creature Helpless until the beginning
of their next Turn.

nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)


Boon Cards
Cat’s Cradle Death Frenzy The Die is Cast
Their hands are my hands. In the A starved fury permeates the fabric of Fate indeed goes ungoverned in the
absence of the Norns, some Blackbirds the person’s being, but instead of being absence of the Norns. Yet, some of their
have discovered that they can see the a servant to this nearly ungovernable divine influence lives on in the Blackbirds.
frayed threads of Fate . These gossamer rage, they’ve caged it deep within their Whether the exertion of such power
cords of red hang about the world, entrails. But with each bruise, splintered manifests through an unspoken petition
forming intoxicatingly complex patterns bone, and laceration endured, it becomes to the heavens or as a subconscious
denoting what was once the governance harder to hold back the darkness within. wish born at the center of this person’s
of destiny. To ply these threads is to The beast rattles at its cage, howling mind, the truth is that they can take
know something of influence once solely for blood—and if they’re going to die hold of the threads of Fate and spin
possessed by the lost sister-gods. anyway, why not let the monster out? them with curious proficiency.
͝ Effect: Once between Rekindlings, when the
Blackbird or member of their flock generates
a Failure, they may reroll the test up to three ͝ Effect: Once between Rekindlings, upon reaching ͝ Effect: Once between Rekindlings, this Boon
times, but will generate an Odic die with each the last Damage level or Slain on the Damage allows that any Critical Failure be made into a
subsequent Failure. Upon completing the Condition Track, remove all levels from the Peril Success. In the case of a Sublime Failure, it costs
attempts, roll all the dice in the Odic pool; for each Condition Track. In the case of being Slain, they do 1 Fortune to do so. Additionally, once between
die that shows a face 6, flip an equal amount of not fall. Instead, they endure long enough to perform Rekindlings, this Boon may be employed to
Fortune into Misfortune instead of causing an the effects of Death Frenzy before expiring. Resolve block the Fateweaver from using Misfortune.
Odic Manifestation. Additionally, once between Immediately: All Mortal targets currently Engaged They expend the Misfortune tokens, converting
Rekindlings, the Blackbird may pluck a string of with the person are Slain, and a critical strike is it into Fortune, but the outcome does not occur.
Fate, causing an Odic reverberance that exerts force executed against targets that are anything else.
against an enemy they’ve already caused Damage
to this Turn, causing 1 extra die of Bane Damage.

Hands of the Maker The Dream The Struggler

The creation of exquisite works takes What is this life if not an opportunity In this wretched land governed by
passion and willpower in enormous to achieve greatness? This person is a corruption, this Blackbird chose to
volumes, and this Blackbird possesses rare soul unwilling to let such potential abandon all sense of attachment and any
both. Whether they are the descendant slip through their fingers. The drive to hope of belonging, dedicating themself
of a renowned craftsperson or hold the take what could be theirs overwhelms to the pursuit of some improbable task.
spark of creation within their mind’s eye, all sense of obligation, desire, and More often than not, such matters
their mastery of the hammer and forge is perhaps reason. Their want is so involve revenge. Their dark crusade
undeniable. The finest tradespeople know powerful that, at times, it can disrupt has robbed them of much of their
their work, and influential patrons will the outcome of events around them. humanity, leaving them little more
seek out the Blackbird for their skill. than an extension of their weapons, a
͝ Effect: Once between Rekindlings, transform butcher with some singular purpose. Yet,
a Critical Success rolled for one of the Blackbird’s
͝ Effect: The Blackbird can craft weapons and armor Fatebound companions into a Sublime Success.
obsession is not without its benefits.
with the Signet Quality, and begins the Tapestry
Additionally, at the end of the Weaving, the
with one such item in their possession. It can be
player may flip an extra coin to reclaim their
of any design found in Chapter 7: Trappings. Their
Blackbird’s Fate or use this extra coin flip to
͝ Effect: Once between Rekindlings, for one Combat
Patronage value in crafting materials is 3 levels Scene, when opponents attempt to Parry or Dodge
Assist another Blackbird in reclaiming theirs. the Blackbird’s attacks, the rolls are Flip to Fail, as
above their current rank, as other craftspersons will
the Blackbird’s blows fall with terrifying speed and
always go out of their way to assist them, if only to accuracy. Additionally, once between Rekindlings,
say they once briefly served as their apprentice. they can ignore the No Mortal Fate Trait.

nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)


Boon Boon Boon

Boon Boon Boon

nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)

Talent † Technique Cards

Benediction of Devilish Advocate Duel
Silence Charm & Manipulation - Talent Bow & Blade - Talent
Od & Ritual - Talent
Gain +10 per to all Bargain rolls made for the When the Blackbird is Engaged with only a single
Blackbird. Add an additional +10 when the Blackbird acts enemy, gain +10 per to all Skill tests for Combat
While this Talent is slotted, add +10 per to Odweft as an advocate bargaining with Outsiders for a theurge. Actions.
rolls to use Vitiations given to the Blackbird by
Outsiders of the Court of Silence.

Hidden Blade Ink-Stained Fingers Lost in Your Eyes

Shadow & Subterfuge - Talent Craft & Expertise - Talent Charm & Manipulation - Talent

If the Blackbird successfully performs a Melee Attack While this Talent is slotted, gain +10 per to Skill tests Gain +10 per while making Skill tests for the
against a foe who is Surprised by them, the attack deals using the Education or Folklore Skills. Additionally, the Blackbird to hold someone’s attention or to distract
extra Damage dice equal to their . Blackbird’s memory is nearly eidetic, and they may learn them.
twice as many languages.

nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)


Talent – Tier 1 Talent – Tier 1 Talent – Tier 1

Talent – Tier 1 Talent – Tier 1 Talent – Tier 1

nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)
Talent & Technique C ards 65

Quickload Agittite Swordmaster Barrister of the Od

Bow & Blade - Talent Bow & Blade - Technique Od & Ritual - Technique

During combat, the AP cost to Load a Ranged weapon is ͝ Borivoi’s Guard ͝ Strangeness Mitigation
reduced by 1, to a minimum of 1. (1 AP, Combat Action) (+1 Tithe, 1 AP, Special Action)
Spend 1 AP during the Blackbird’s Turn, and until their Employ this ability right before a Vitiation is used.
next Turn, Parry and Dodge Actions with a sword cost No dice are added to the Odic dice pool, and Odic
0 AP. Manifestations are not rolled for this Vitiation.

͝ Mstislav’s Open ͝ Quid Pro Quo

(0 AP, Combat Action) (1 AP, Special Action)
The Blackbird springs into action, launching an all-out Employ this ability right after the Blackbird fails a
offense. They cannot use Reactions until their next Turn, Vitiation. The failed Vitiation does not incur Tithe.
but they lose any penalties for making attacks beyond
the first when wielding a sword.
͝ Negotiated Resplendence
(+3 Tithe, 3 AP, Extinguish Special Action)
͝ Alianor’s Spite For the next Vitiation the Blackbird empowers between
(3 AP, Extinguish Combat Action) Rekindlings, a Sublime Failure is treated as a Critical
The Blackbird circles their enemies in a slow and Failure, a Critical Failure is treated as a Failure, a Failure
threatening posture with sword in hand. Until the end is treated as a Success, a Success is treated as a Critical
of this Combat Scene, any enemy entering or crossing Success, and a Critical Success is treated as a Sublime
within strides of the Blackbird’s position is struck Success.
down in a flash and instantly Slain!. If the Blackbird
takes any Actions other than Maneuver, it will end this

Flourish of the Sylph Halls of Recollection Haunted Visage

Shadow & Subterfuge - Technique Craft & Expertise - Technique Bow & Blade - Technique

͝ Fleet-Footed ͝ Sagacity ͝ Unimpressed

(Passive Bonus) (Passive Bonus) (Passive Bonus)
Every time the Blackbird takes the Hustle Movement After an Education test fails, the Blackbird can proceed If no Parry or Dodge rolls have been made for the
Action, they may ignore Opportunity Attacks. as if that test was successful. This can be done a number Blackbird since their last Turn, add an extra Damage die
of times between Rekindlings equal to . to their attacks for this Turn.

͝ Reflexive Guard
(0 AP, Reaction) ͝ Font of Wisdom ͝ More to Kill
The first Parry or Dodge test made for the Blackbird (Passive Bonus) (Passive Bonus)
between the end of their Turn and the next costs 0 AP. When assisting a Fatebound companion, add the When there are more enemies in a Combat Scene than
Blackbird’s Skill Ranks in the Skill being tested to their there are allies, the Blackbird gains +1 AP at the start of
companion’s, in addition to giving an Assist die. The total their Turn.
͝ Mercurial Defense Skill Ranks modifying the roll may not be more than 3.
(0 AP, Extinguish Reaction)
After a foe within [AB]×2 strides has successfully ͝ Too Miserable to Die
attacked an ally, the Blackbird may take this Reaction ͝ Forbidden Knowledge (0 AP, Extinguish Reaction)
to leap adjacent to their location to automatically block (Extinguish Action) Some people are just too stubborn to die. When the
that attack. This does not trigger Opportunity Attacks. When seeking information in a book, library, or place Blackbird would normally be Slain!, they are instead
The Blackbird may also choose to render the foe Slain! or of learning that would normally be hidden or extremely moved to Level 4 on the Damage Condition Track, and
Helpless until the end of the Combat Scene. difficult to discover, the Blackbird discovers it after only they add +1 to their Damage Threshold for the remainder
a day of research. This could be the True Name of an of this Combat Scene.
Outsider; the lost location of an ancient tomb, temple,
or artifact; or anything else that the Fateweaver would
normally require more than just a Skill test to learn.

nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)


Technique – Tier 1 Technique – Tier 1 Talent – Tier 1

Technique – Tier 1 Technique – Tier 1 Technique – Tier 1

nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)
Talent & Technique C ards 67

Knife & Bag Work My Art Is a Weapon Sawbones

Shadow & Subterfuge - Technique Od & Ritual - Technique Craft & Expertise - Technique

͝ Pocket Sand ͝ You Have My Attention ͝ Catgut & Bone Needles

(2 AP, Combat Action) (0 AP, Reaction) (2 AP, Combat Action)
Choose a target in strides that uses eyes to see. Make Once per Round, after a successful attack is made against Make a Heal test. If successful, an adjacent ally can ignore an
a Skulduggery test. If successful, the Blackbird’s target is the Blackbird, use this ability as a Reaction to force Injury for the rest of the Combat Scene.
Defenseless until their next Turn. another attack roll, and the opponent must take the
worse result.
͝ Stanch the Flow
͝ Backstab (2 AP, Special Action)
(2 AP, Combat Action) ͝ Cosmic Authority Make a Heal test. If successful, remove the Bleeding
Perform a Melee Attack on a Flanked foe. If the attack (+1 Tithe, 1 AP, Reaction) condition from an adjacent ally.
succeeds, deal extra Damage dice. When someone empowered by one of the Blackbird’s
Vitiations makes an attack, you may choose to make that
attack Flip to Succeed before the roll is made. ͝ Triage
͝ The Knockout (Extinguish Non‑Combat Action)
(3 AP, Extinguish Special Action) Once between Rekindlings, the Blackbird can heal
The Blackbird lures an Engaged foe into a position where ͝ Sacrifice Damage levels and one Injury on one adjacent ally. This
they’re able to land a solid blow on a vulnerable area. (–1 Tithe, 3 AP, Extinguish Special Action) takes 1 hour.
That foe is Knocked Out. If a foe cannot be Knocked Out, One of the Blackbird’s Outsiders takes an opponent as
they are Slain! instead. a sacrifice, devouring them completely in the way that
Outsider would prefer. That target is instantly Slain!.

The Taut String Trammus Venom-Coated

Bow & Blade - Technique Rapport Technique Pleasantries
͝ Snuffling the Loam Charm & Manipulation - Technique
(Passive Bonus)
͝ Needle Threader Effect: The theurge sniffs the ground like a dog and gains
(Passive Bonus) a heightened sense of smell. Add +10 to the theurge’s ͝ Doublespeak
Gain +10 per to all Ranged Attacks. Additionally, Survival tests or you may offer 2 Assist dice when (Special Action)
there is no penalty for making a second Ranged Attack assisting another’s test.
on the same Turn. The Blackbird may hide secret meanings in their words
that only their flock understands. The coded message
͝ The Encroachment of Beasts may be delivered within a brief sentence only.
͝ Always at Hand (+1 Tithe, Non-Combat Action)
(Passive Bonus) Effect: The theurge becomes aware of all animals present ͝ Cloak of Threats
If at the beginning of their Turn, the Blackbird has a and their intentions. For the next hour, the theurge is (Non‑Combat Action)
Ranged weapon in their hands that is not loaded, it is immediately aware of the location and intention of all
automatically loaded without spending any AP. Beasts nearby and what their intentions are. They may The Blackbird speaks a few short sentences of clever
not be surprised by these creatures. metaphor that only their intended target will understand
as a threat against them. Make a Charm test, adding +10
͝ Feathers of the Erl-King per . If successful, treat this effect as an Intimidation
(3 AP, Extinguish Special Action) ͝ Snarl of Authority test on the target.
Choose targets within range of the Blackbird’s (+3 Tithe, 3 AP, Extinguish Special Action)
Ranged weapon. They are instantly Slain!; the Effect: The theurge snarls and their foes are shaken, ͝ A Black Promise
Blackbird’s missiles do their bloody work as if guided by possibly to the point of retreating. Any creatures of at (Extinguish Special Action)
some unseen force. least animal intelligence that hear the theurge’s low
growl immediately flee. Intelligent creatures are at -10 to All enemies who can hear the Blackbird are at –10 per
all Skills for the rest of the Scene. to Skill tests made for them until the end of their
next Turn if in a Combat Scene. Outside of combat, this
affects only their next roll.

nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)


Technique – Tier 1 Technique – Tier 1 Technique – Tier 1

Court of Silence:
Technique – Tier 1 Rapport Technique Technique – Tier 1
nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)
Talent & Technique C ards 69

Arbalest Crossbow Light Crossbow Longsword

Weapon - Technique Weapon - Technique Weapon - Technique
P R E R E Q U I S I TE S : 1 Skill Rank in Ranged P R E R E Q U I S I TE S: 1 Skill Rank in Ranged P R E R E Q U I S I TE S: 1 Skill Rank in Melee

͝ Buried Deep ͝ Twitch Thunk ͝ Feint

(Passive Bonus) (1 AP, Reaction) (1 AP, Combat Action)
All Damage dice that come up less than 2+Skill Rank The Blackbird performs an attack as a Reaction on an While the Blackbird is Engaged with an enemy, spend 1
in Ranged are considered to be rolls of 2+Skill Rank in opponent who just moved anywhere within [PB] strides. AP to force the foe to overextend, dropping their guard
Ranged. The Blackbird’s crossbow must be loaded and in hand for to take advantage of the Blackbird’s “mistake.” This leaves
them to do so. them Defenseless to the Blackbird’s next attack, unable
to Parry or Dodge.
͝ Step & Crank
(2 AP, Maneuver Action) ͝ Close Quarters
Perform the Maneuver Action and Load Action (2 AP, Combat Action) ͝ Half-Sword
simultaneously. The Blackbird reloads their crossbow and fires it at a (2 AP, Combat Action)
foe Engaged with them; if it hits, it does [Skill Ranks in The Blackbird grips their sword on the hilt and blade,
Ranged] additional Damage dice. finding a gap in their opponent’s defense to exploit.
͝ Devastating Force This lowers their opponent’s Damage Threshold by
(3 AP, Extinguish Action) the Blackbird’s [Skill Ranks in Melee]. If the target is
The Blackbird fires a bolt unerringly through practically ͝ Trick Shot wearing armor with the Heavy Quality, reduce it by an
anything. A horse. A wagon wheel. The brittle slats of a (3 AP, Extinguish Special Action) additional –1.
dilapidated house. Maybe even a decayed stone wall. The The Blackbird can do one of the following: shoot
Blackbird’s target is Slain!. something out of someone’s hand up to [PB] strides of
distance, ricochet a shot to hit something up to 2×[PB]
͝ Song of Steel
strides of distance, or hit an object the size of a coin or (3 AP, Extinguish Special Action)
kill a foe at up to 3×[PB] strides of distance. Finding a weakness in their opponent’s stance and
armor, the Blackbird runs them through. The target is

Rapier Shiv Staff

Weapon - Technique Weapon - Technique Weapon - Technique
P R E R E Q U I S I TE S : 1 Skill Rank in Melee P R E R E Q U I S I TE S: 1 Skill Rank in Melee P R E R E Q U I S I TE S: 1 Skill Rank in Melee

͝ Desperate Swordplay ͝ Of Course I’m Unarmed ͝ Clever Rebuttal

(0 AP, Reaction, 1 Peril Level) (Passive Bonus) (Passive Bonus)
The Blackbird may Parry an attack even if they have no When the Blackbird has this weapon hidden on their Once the Blackbird has successfully parried a foe, all
AP, but they fall 1 level on the Peril Condition Track to person, tests made to discover or notice it are Flip to Fail. further Parries against that opponent cost 0 AP until the
do so. They may do this only once per Round. start of the Blackbird’s next Turn.

͝ A Chink in Their Armor

͝ Erudite Blade (2 AP, Combat Action) ͝ Pressing Argument
(2 AP, Combat Action) If successful, ignore [Skill Ranks in Melee] of the (2 AP, Reaction)
Make three attacks against one enemy without penalties. Blackbird’s target’s Damage Threshold Modifier. Parry an attack, and if it succeeds, the Blackbird
The Blackbird may not make any more attacks until their automatically hits with a Melee Attack or Takedown
next Turn. against that foe.
͝ Revenge Is Best Served
͝ Sword of the Robe (0 AP, Extinguish Reaction) ͝ Closing Statement
(3 AP, Extinguish Special Action) (3 AP, Extinguish Action)
After a foe successfully attacks the Blackbird but before
The Blackbird may Disarm or slay up to [Skill Ranks Damage is resolved, Extinguish this card. Instead of the The Blackbird may Parry all attacks against them or
in Melee] foes, and then may choose to end with their attack resolving, the foe is killed, and the Blackbird’s shiv anyone adjacent to them for 0 AP until a number of
blade against one of their foe’s necks. Such a foe can be is Ruined. Turns pass equal to their [Skill Rank in Melee]. This
killed instantly or rendered Helpless. includes Ranged Attacks and those that might otherwise
be very difficult to Parry.

nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)


Weapon – Technique Weapon – Technique Weapon – Technique

Weapon – Technique Weapon – Technique Weapon – Technique

nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)
B lackbird P re - gens 71

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nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)

B lackbird P re - gens 73

nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)


nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)

B lackbird P re - gens 75

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nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)

B lackbird P re - gens 77

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nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)

B lackbird P re - gens 79

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nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)

B lackbird P re - gens 81

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nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)

B lackbird P re - gens 83

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nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)

B lackbird P re - gens 85

nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)

nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)
nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)

nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)

B lackbird P re - gens 89

nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)


nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)

Boons Talents & Techniques Quickstart Key

Artaud Pike Eponine Dyrne

BOON: Cat's Cradle BOON: The Struggler
TALENT: Duel TALENT: Benediction of Silence
TECHNIQUES: (choose one to Slot) Agittite TECHNIQUES: (choose one to Slot) Barrister
Swordmaster, Haunted Visage, Longsword of the Od, My Art is a Weapon, Trammus:
Rapport Technique

Cicilia Gent
BOW & BLADE Lupin Grist
TALENT: Quickload BOON: The Dream
TECHNIQUES: (choose one to Slot) The Taut String, TALENT: Hidden Blade
Light Crossbow TECHNIQUES: (choose one to Slot) Flourish of the
Sylph, Knife & Bag Work, Shiv

Clement Stonewright
CRAFT & EXPERTISE Peregrine Felize
TALENT: Ink-Stained Fingers BOON: The Die is Cast
TECHNIQUES: (choose one to Slot) Halls of TALENTS: (choose one to slot) Devilish Advocate,
Recollection, Sawbones, Staff, Arbalest Crossbow Lost in Your Eyes
TECHNIQUES: (choose one to Slot) Venom-Coated
Pleasantries, Rapier

nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)

nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)
nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)
nedeljko loncar (Order #40325276)

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