How To Ask For Travel Reimbursement in An Interview
How To Ask For Travel Reimbursement in An Interview
The very basic meaning of reimbursement is to give money to the person who has spent it or lost it.
In simple words, it means that if any individual has spent an amount of money for any task or work
which is not for his expenses then he is granted that particular amount to compensate his loss. This
act of giving money is called a reimbursement. It has various types such as Healthcare
Reimbursement, Travel and Mileage Reimbursement and Business Expense Reimbursement. Many
people get confused between compensation and reimbursement, but they are slightly different.
Compensation is paying for an inconvenience, time, discomfort, loss, etc. Whereas, reimbursement
is where the organization pays its employee for a loss of money from his pocket for the company
work. There are many forms of reimbursement in various companies depending on their type.
Inquiring about the travel reimbursement policy can help a lot in clearing confusion regarding the
responsibility of the expenses. You can ask for travel reimbursement if you are going far from your
residence and it will cost you a lot in travelling stuff. Most of the reputed companies have such a
policy and they do pay people according to it. Also, this doesn’t matter if you are selected or not, if
they gave you the word to give a travel reimbursement then they have to pay you for all the eligible
travel expenses. One can send a nicely written email to enquire about it before the interview. Well,
whenever it comes to money and asking for such benefits the situation becomes a little awkward.
Sometimes we don’t know if it’s the right time to ask for it or to even ask for it or how will the panel
react? Many questions start to pop up in our heads regarding this issue. Now let us get to know
about how to ask for travel reimbursement in an interview? You can call them directly on their
office phone numbers. The following points must be noted while writing an impactful email.
Mention Everything
When I mean everything, it surely doesn’t mean that you have to mention what you like to eat or
dislike in drinking. It means that you have to correctly mention your details regarding the interview
and its related expenses which you had to do. You have to mention your name, date of the
interview, position for which you had applied and place where the interview took place. Always
check thoroughly each detail is correctly mentioned and nothing is left out. Keep in mind the
spellings in your words because it is firstly, a bad impression secondly, the paperwork gets in
Whenever we ask for any kind of reimbursement, we need to make sure that we keep all proofs
with us. If you lose your bills then you will not be able to claim any reimbursement. We do this so
that we can show them as a shred of evidence that whatever we are claiming against it is authentic
and not a fraud. Not a single record should be misplaced else they will never believe what you tell
them. Now for attachments with such requests collect all your bills like tickets, lodge bills, hotel
bills, food bills and travel bills and attach them. The dates which are printed on it must be of the
same day when you were called for the interview. Don’t replace any other bill/wrong bill with the
mail, never try to do fraud with such cases because if you get caught, you are done with your
professional image.
Details matter
Whenever we ask for a payback like reimbursements, we must make sure that it includes all the
detail. Why do we need to mention details when we are already attaching bills? We need to do so
because we have spent a certain amount on a meeting whose results aren’t even sure that whether
they will be positive or negative. Details mean that whatever you spent travelling for a journey
(both arrival and departure), a night stay in a hotel, food bills, accessory bills, etc. Please don’t
mention the cost of the water bottle you bought on the way. Mention only those details which are
worth mentioning. It would be better if you keep a copy of these bills in case if they wish to see the
End the letter with a thanking note. Use polite statements requesting them to grant you the
reimbursement. Thank them for giving you their precious time. Express your kindness and
enthusiasm for this amazing opportunity for the interview. Lastly share the appropriate information
like email address and phone number so that the company can respond. They might revert
positively to inform you about the reimbursement policy and procedure they follow.
Why do companies pay for reimbursements? Is it not extra credit loss for them?
Firstly, generally, the big reputed companies follow these policies, not all companies do this. Now
coming to why do they pay for it is that they already put in a lot of money in the recruitment of the
staff. They have well-organized finance teams which pre plan all the budget for reimbursements.
When the recruiter finds an individual suitable and worthy to be hired in the company, they are
ready to take a chance and spend a certain amount of money on him/her. If he clears the interview
session, then he becomes an asset that will fetch them more money from his hard work than they
had spent on his travel expenses. it’s a win-win situation.