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Great Dwarf Road

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Great Dwarf Road

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3. Harpy nests 5a.

Rolling Cylinder Trap

1. The South Gate • 1d4 Harpies (3HD, claws 1d6 or song: one target saves or is If the pressure plate is triggered (2-in-6), a stone cylinder is released
charmed, trying to reach the harpy by any means) to rumble inexorably down the corridor (save or take 3d6 damage).
1: The Great Dwarf Road is the fastest route 9 The air is thick with the acrid reek of the harpies’ excrement. A total
of eight harpies roost here at night, of which 1d4 are present during
the day. Their queen OKYPETE is a harpy with 20 hit points. She is
6. Tombs
through the mountains, but it was abandoned Each chamber holds one or more stone markers inscribed with the
soon after completion. preening and vain, adorned with grisly trophies and jewellery worth
name of a single dwarf. Speaking a name aloud in the presence of its
2: Travellers on the Road spend a full day 400gp. In the nests are six harpy eggs. The Man-legged Centipede
marker summons that dwarf’s spirit. Friendly spirits (1-in-6) will
walking in the darkness. (7) has left hundreds of human-seeming footprints leading to 4.
relay useful information. Unfriendly ones (5-in-6) will deliver a
3: This side of the mountain was home to the
Stone Shepherds clan of Dwarves. 4. Winch disapproving glare and then disappear.
4: A local ruler will grant titles and land to Dwarf Spirit (4HD, incorporeal, disapproving glare 1d6 CHA)
A total of 30 points of strength from a
anyone who can reopen the road to trade. maximum of four people are needed to turn The tombs continue to The Shrine of Grudges (see Appendix B).
5: Dwarves value Honour, Family, and Tradition. the winch, opening the gate at 1. Footprints
6: A former ruler’s natural son, called “The Bastard”, led a failed from the Man-legged-centipede lead down 7. The Road
uprising and is now in hiding.
8 to 5. The centipede will investigate noises
in this room, striking from hiding. • 4 Men-at-arms (1HD, mail, crossbow 1d8
or sword 1d6)
Soaring arches vanish into a vast and silent
Mountains (areas 1, 9), 1-in-6 each hour:
blackness. The road is dead at, the
1: Feral griffon (6HD, armour as mail, claws 1d8/1d8) stonework awless.
2-3: 1-2 harpies (3HD, claws 1d6 or song) Two men-at-arms keep a watch from each of
4-5: Scouting party: 1d6 Men-at-arms (1HD, mail and shield, the raised platforms at the entrance to 8. The
crossbow 1d8 or sword 1d6) solid iron gate to 6 is barred. The road
6: Mountain lion (3HD, claws 2d4 and neck continues deeper into the darkness (see
bite: save or 2d6 damage from surprise attack)
Open areas (3-5, 7, 8), 1-in-6 each turn:
7 Appendix A).

1-3: Scouting party: 1d6 Men-at-arms (1HD,

mail and shield, crossbow 1d8 or sword 1d6)
4-5: The Man-legged Centipede (see 5)
6: A lost harpy chick (once only)
7: A deserter from The Bastard (once only)
8: 1d20 Stirges (1d4hp, ying, bite 1d4 and 2
drain 1d4 CON).

8. Goods yard
1. The South Gate
• 1d4 Harpies (3HD, claws 1d6 or song: one
6 • 2d20 Men-at-arms (1HD, mail and shield,
target saves or is charmed, trying to reach the crossbow 1d8 or sword 1d6)
• 2d6 Camp followers (noncombatant)
harpy by any means)
A windswept mountain road terminates at a 1 • The Bastard (FIGHTER 3, mail, sword 1d6)
towering gate carved from the solid rock of the
mountainside. The doors, of rain-worn and pitted iron, are
4 5 5a The red light of cooking res, the sound of murmuring voices, and the
smell of woodsmoke spill from the arched entrance. Ropes and
pulleys hang overhead. This is the refuge of THE BASTARD, once a
immovable. Squabbling harpies come and go from perches
overlooking the gate. They attempt to lure victims over the popular claimant to the throne, now reduced to banditry with his most
loyal bannermen (50 total). He seeks alliances and coin to support his
cliff (4d6 damage). The postern door (2) is rotted and ajar. 5. Centipede nest ambitions, but he is paranoid and obsessed with imagined traitors and
• Man-legged Centipede (6HD, mandibles 1d8 and trample: up to spies. The last of his coin (1,000gp) is kept in a secure lockbox.
2. Gri on Statues three adjacent targets save or knocked prone and take 1d4 damage,
Three griffon statues guard this corridor. Metal objects begin sparking continue rolling saves and taking damage until save is successful) 9. Mountain doorway
within 20’ of these statues, and an ominous humming grows. Unless Dripping walls and slime. The MAN-LEGGED CENTIPEDE nests among
the correct password is spoken, the statue releases a bolt of electricity • 2 Men-at-arms (1HD, mail, crossbow 1d8 or sword 1d6)
harpy bones and broken eggshells. From beneath its chitinous spine
which deals 2d6 damage (save for half). The passwords are (from the sprout a hundred pairs of mismatched human legs. The detritus of its This doorway in the cliff is reached by an hour’s climb up a
bottom) the Dwar sh words for “tradition”, “family”, and “honour”. feeding partially blocks the hidden door, a seamless stone panel. treacherous clifftop path. In bad weather the guards shelter indoors.
4. Locked storeroom 6. Empty
2. The Shrine of Grudges The door is locked, the mechanism rusted beyond use. The well- An uneasy sense of stillness pervades this empty space.
preserved stores include 120’ of steel chain, pulleys, tubs of grease, The secret door is a seamless stone panel that leads back to the South
Rumours and a cask of ne liquor worth 500gp. Gate via the Tombs (see Appendix B).
1: Dwarves hold grudges obsessively.
7. Cave gate
2: Months ago an expedition set out along the road, never to return.
3: Cisterns and culverts supplied fresh water along the Road. D • 6 Infested wearing mail
4: The Road was also the site of an ancient Dwarf tomb.
and wielding spears
Encounters Here are remains of an
old camp site: the ashes
Open areas (1-7, 9), 2-in-6 each turn: of a re, empty water
1-3: 1d6 Infested
4-5: 1 Larva, dying, desperate for a host.
D 8 asks and old backpacks
torn and tossed about. A
6: 1 Infested, brie y lucid, reverts 2-in-6/turn. bound journal details the
Caves (8), 1-in-6 each turn: C last survivors of the
expedition, hiding from
Roll an encounter from Appendix D. those already infested,
fearing to drink the water.
The Infested The nal entry implies an
attempt to escape via the
Infested: 2HD, improvised weapon 1d10 caves, protected by a
or thrown object 1d8. On death, larva rearguard of six men.
emerges (2HD, tentacles 1d6/1d6, injects

eggs into helpless foes).
Human survivors of a previous expedition
7 9 “Terrible thirst, but we
along the Road, they are infested with a must not drink. How long
will the door hold?”
parasite from drinking the water at 2.
These compel them to seek new victims to infect.
They are sweaty and intense, ghting with
hysterical strength and scavenged dwarf tools. 8. Caves
The infested attempt to capture un-infested using force
or guile. When the victim is helpless, a larva hatches • Worm Bride (8HD, armour as mail, 5 tentacles 1d6
(killing the infested) and injects the victim with an egg. each, gaze attack one target save or rot 3d6)
The egg hatches into a Worm Bride after one month.
1 An underground steam has been diverted for the bene t

of travellers on the Road. Upstream from the dam, a deep
1. Overpass pool is home to the WORM BRIDE. She emerges from the
water, her bone-white tentacles trailing lacy feelers like a
• 4 Infested bridal veil. If she is killed the water at 2 clears in 3 turns.
Infested wait on this walkway over the Road among
festoons of rusting chains, ropes and pulleys. 6 4 The caves continue into the mountains (see Appendix D).

9. The Shrine of Grudges

They feign friendship to lure victims to 5,
hurling bits of mining equipment if rebuffed.

A stylised representation of a dwarf, carved from stone,
2. Aquifer chipped and scarred by hundreds of blows. Any dwarf

• 1d8 Infested B will recognise this as a consecrated Shrine of Grudges.

Strike the statue, say the name of one who has wronged
Dark water spews through a grate into a swift- owing channel. The you, and the oath is complete. You earn 50% less XP
water is teeming with barely visible hair-like worms. Swallowed, they
5. Fungus room from all sources until the named enemy is killed, banished or
grow into full-sized larvae in 1d6 days, infesting the host. • 8 Infested imprisoned, at which time you earn 500XP per enemy hit die
(dwarves earn double this bonus). If you reconcile with the one
Shelf fungus sprouts from the walls, and a great crack in the oor named, or if you name someone who has not wronged you, you are
3. Looted storeroom exhales unwholesome vapours. The main body of infested live here in subject to a curse. Your beard and hair fall out, and any group you are
the dark, subsisting on fungus. in suffers a -2 penalty on reaction rolls (-4 for dwarves’ reactions).
Scraps of old leather, a broken haft and a rusted pulley.
4. Swing bridge 6. Cavern oor
3. Broken Bridge • 2d10 Goblins (1HD-1, spear or javelin 1d6) A deep and swift stream runs along the oor of the cavern, its periodic
• Frye (4HD, armour as mail, spear 1d12. See “The Ogres” section) ooding leaving drifts of detritus from the surface world. The uneven
Rumours Chattering goblins squat around smoky res. The bridge is precarious and slick surface is treacherous, and characters will travel at half
and ill-made. The goblins will defend the bridge ercely, cutting the speed. The stream continues in both directions (see Appendix D).
1: The mountains are subject to frequent powerful earthquakes.
2: Evil things once rallied to the wielder of an axe named Mantaster. lines as a last resort (fall is 40’). The door is blocked by rubble and
3: Older things than dwarves once called these mountains home. unused (2d6 character-turns to clear). 7. Waterfalls
4: The Stone Shepherds clan were led by brothers Borri and Gorri. Water pours over slick black
rock, forming fantastic
Encounters (1-in-6 each turn)
1-3: 1d20 Goblins (1HD-1, spear 1d6)
4 shapes. The spray from these
falls will extinguish torches,
and lanterns gutter and spit,
4-5: 1d4 Giant bats (3HD, armour as leather,
giving light as a candle.
claws 2d4 and save or be thrown 20’)
6: BATTLEBY, a goblin bat-rider (1HD-1, E 8. Grotto
bow 1d6), considered insane by his peers.
5 This remote and miserable
1. Broken Bridge grotto is the nal resting
A vast cavern opens out around the
road, the shrieks of cave beasts and
ed here after stealing the Dusk Stone
(see Appendix X). The jewel
guttural shouts echoing off
glimmers between the bony ngers of
towering stone walls. Camp res
his time-eaten remains.
dance in the far darkness.
The bridge has collapsed, leaving a 3 The Ogres
gap 25’ wide at its narrowest point.
The edge is unstable and 8 Three ogres rule the goblin village,
crumbling. The fall is 60’. bullying them into hunting bats and
The underside of the bridge is a roost for other cave creatures to feed the ogres’
giant bats (3HD, ying, armour as insatiable appetites.
leather, claws 2d4 and save or be thrown GRYLL is elderly and gaunt,
20’). Loud noises will startle the bats,
causing 1d8 of them to
1 his face a mess of scars, one
of his eyes a horrible wet

wake and attack. hole. He spends his time in
the goblin village, shouting at
2. Gatehouse
6 7
goblins and criticising their cooking.
He carries the Mantaster (see
• 2 Goblin lookouts Appendix X) which he coddles like a
(1HD-1, spear 1d6) child. He suspects (correctly) that the
other ogres plot to steal it.
Two goblins wait here, bickering and
sniping at each other. They run to 3 to warn BOYLE is the smartest of the ogres.
of intruders. Given time, they call allies to Her wild hair grows like a matted
prepare an ambush, hiding among crannies black mane around her head. She is
in the cave section beyond the gate. obsessed with the Throne of Eyes,
The gate has been broken open from the far side. D and communes with it hoping to learn
the other ogres’ secrets.
3. The Throne of Eyes FRYE is hugely fat. There’s a 2-in-6 chance the rope bridge breaks if
he uses it. Frye eats goblins who disobey him. Consequently the
• 8 Goblin cultists (1HD-1, spear 1d6)
• Boyle (4HD, armour as mail, club 1d8. See “The Ogres” section)
5. Goblin village goblins re-roll failed morale rolls in his presence.
• 2d20 Goblins (1HD-1, spear or javelin 1d6) If the goblins suffer serious losses, the ogres will begin to accompany
Cyclopean stonework gives way to a roughly pebbled surface, warm the goblins (50% chance of a random ogre with each goblin
to the touch. Eyeballs roll and blink among its folds and protrusions. • Gryll (3HD, armour as mail, axe 1d10+2. See “The Ogres” section)
encounter). If one of the ogres is killed, the other two will overcome
In the centre a throne emerges covered in glaring eyes. This is the A crude palisade made of scavenged driftwood protects the village. their differences and will always be encountered together.
THRONE OF EYES (see Appendix X). Goblins work all hours butchering carcasses for the ogres’ pot.
3. Lore Stones 5. Parliament Chamber
4. The Parliament of Clans The stones are carved with the names and deeds of Dwarves who died Tiered stone benches ank a towering statue of a dwarven ancestor
in the war between the clans. Given time to study the writing, carved in glittering black stone.
Rumours information can be gleaned about the Road and several magic items The crown of the statue forms a platform from which the assembled
within. Choose a rumour from a random page for each turn of study. clan dignitaries could be addressed. The peak of the crown, at the
1: The Stone Shepherds warred for centuries with the Deepwives, a
clan from the other side of the mountains. statue’s brow, rises to a clawed tting intended to house the Dusk
2: Terrible weapons were forged by the dwarves in ages past. Stone. The tting is empty.
3: The Great Dwarf Road was built to solemnise the end of the war If the Dusk Stone is placed in this tting, two things happen:
between the clans. • The warring spectres cease ghting, form ranks, and march along
4: Dwarves count in base 12, and can give you a hundred and forty the road towards their homelands, gradually fading from view.
four reasons why that’s a superior system.
• Crystals high in the vaulted
ceiling begin to glow with a
Encounters (1-in-6 each turn) golden light. All sections of the
1-2: 1d10 Warring Spectres (1HD, axe Road are illuminated as daylight,

1d8 ignores armour, only harmed by magic) and random encounters occur at

1-2: Hunting for victims half the previous frequency.
3-4: Rushing towards the ght
5-6: Fleeing a larger pursuing group 6. Gate of Shame
3-4: Ghost of Gorri Stone Shepherd

5-6: Ghost of Berta Deepwife The walkway juts out from the
wall more than a hundred feet
above the lava. Neatly placed on
1. Lava Bridge the smooth stone are the
The lava’s appalling heat can be felt long before the CIRCLET OF THE DEEPWIVES and
bridge is in sight. Characters who spend more than a
turn on the bridge must save or suffer from heat 6 2
(see Appendix X).
exhaustion. On the walkway
beside the lava the heat is 7. Stone Cube
even worse: characters take
1d6 damage each turn. A smooth-sided cube of volcanic
glass glints darkly. Runic
inscriptions on the wall describe
2. Battle eld of how terrible weapons forged
Ghosts during the war were encased in
• 143 Warring Spectres
(1HD, spectral axe 1d8,
1 obsidian to keep them from ever
being used again.
ignores armour, only A pair of gauntlets on a shelf are

harmed by magic) Fireproof Gauntlets. Inside the
obsidian cube are two potent
Beneath an impossibly high vaulted items: the Quern of Earthquakes
ceiling a spectral host wages an eternal and the Horn of Worms (see
battle. Faces twisted with hate, ghostly Appendix X).
Dwarves of two clans claw, bite, and
grapple amidst their own skeletal E 7 Dwarven Ghosts
remains. They turn on any newcomers
with equal ferocity. The ghostly battle One hundred and forty four family leaders attended the
ebbs and ows in a roughly 90’ diameter circle centred on the tower, commemoration of the end of the war, where the Dusk Stone was to
making it impossible to continue on the road without passing through crown a statue of the clans’ shared ancestor. But the Jewel was stolen,
their battle. Moving through this area draws 1d6-1 ghostly attacks for and the outraged clan leaders took up arms. The two leaders threw
each 30’ travelled, or for each minute spent in the area. 4. Room of Testing themselves from the Gate of Shame and now haunt the Road.
The room within the central tower contains a stone plinth. Four • 2 Earth Elementals (8HD, armour as plate, stone claws 2d6/2d6) The ghost of GORRI STONE SHEPHERD wears long robes of ne mail,
golden plaques (500gp each) record a truce between the Stone The elementals take the form of eagle-headed men with lion-like and bears an extraordinary nose. He mutters about a lost stone.
Shepherds and the Deepwives. A ladder leads upwards to an opening claws. They erupt from the oor to interdict anyone not wearing the
in the at top of the tower. BERTA DEEPWIFE'S ghost wears a high-collared and enamelled suit of
Circlet of the Deepwives or bearing the Stone Shepherds’ Crook. plate. She cries out for revenge on all traitors and thieves.
2. Swine Sounder 3. Piggery
5. The Piggery • 1d20 weresine shoats Hundreds of pigs create a cacophony of grunting and a noxious stink.
• 1d6 wereswine sows Anyone who falls off a walkway is attacked by hungry hogs (1d6
Rumours A makeshift fortress of fallen masonry and sharpened wooden stakes. attacks at +2, 1d6 damage). Each pig has a 5% chance of carrying
Wereswine here are asleep unless an alarm has been raised. There is lycanthropy, passing the curse anyone who eats its esh.
1: Rich veins of precious metals riddle the mountains.
2: The Road once boasted food-halls and hot pools along its length. a 2-in-6 chance of a wereswine waking each turn.
3: Dwarves like their ham-steaks thick and their sauna very hot. 3a. Slaughterhouse
4: The gods curse cannibals with madness and disease. • Scrofa

Encounters (1-in-6 each turn) 5 • 1d4 wereswine sows

1: 1d4 wereswine boars, hungry and belligerent. 6 Bloody carcasses hang from hooks, and rotting offal clogs a drain in
the oor. Squealing pigs and disobedient wereswine are dragged here
2-3: 1d12 wereswine shoats, led by a sow. to provide esh for the sounder.
4-5: A stray pig, escaped from slaughter.
6: Scrofa and 1d4 wereswine sows. 4. Feed room
Three bins are lled to the
Wereswine occur where a strain of lycanthropy arises
4 G
brim with a seething mass of
grubs, feeding on green
among domesticated pigs. Unlike other lycanthropes, slime. Buckets and shovels
wereswine cannot pass on their curse, and rely on births of used for feeding the pigs are
wereswine within a population of pigs to replenish their
numbers. Wereswine do not change form, they resemble
3a 7 tossed in a corner.

burly pink humans with pig trotter feet and snouted faces. 5. Slime cave
Like other lycanthropes, wereswine instantly regenerate
Green slime covers this
damage caused by normal weapons.
uncomfortably humid cave
A shoat (2HD, hooked spear 1d8) is a young wereswine
(anyone who touches green
warrior, his tusks still small and his hide pink. slime will be turned into
A sow (3HD, armour as leather, bite 1d6) is an adult female slime in 1d4 minutes).
wereswine, typically the leader of a group of shoats. They ght
from the rear. Shoats will (5-in-6) ee if their leader is killed. 6. Geothermal cave
A boar (4HD, armour as chain, spear 1d8, tusks: charge 15’, 2d6
Hot water bubbles up from a
damage and knock prone) is an adult male wereswine. These
vent, and the cave is lled
typically live at the periphery of the herd, either alone or in small
with sulphurous steam. The
groups of bachelors. Their tusks are long and their hides thick.
water here has healing
SCROFA (6HD, armour as chain, properties (see 7), but is also
cleaver 1d10 and meat hook: thrown boiling hot (2d6 damage per
15’, 1d8 damage and drag into melee
range) is the leader of the wereswine.
He is always accompanied by 1d4
8 round).

sows with cleavers (1d10 damage).

7. Hot pool
The wereswine here speak a patois of The waters of this pool have healing properties. Soaking for thirty
minutes acts as a Cure Disease spell and restores 2d6 hit points. The
Dwarvish and the common tongue,
mingled with grunts and squealing. temperature is maintained for dwar sh tastes. Non-dwarves must test
CON to endure the heat. The sluice that brings water into the room is
1. Collapsed Shrine F wide enough to climb through, but the hot water deals 1d6 damage to
those doing so.
An earthquake has collapsed this 2a. Palisade An adjacent room contains basins for washing prior to bathing.
shrine, and a narrow crawl-way has opened into the mines (8). This
passage is only discovered by careful exploration of the fallen rock. • 1d12 wereswine shoats
Attempting to clear the rubble will (4-in-6) cause the ceiling to The rocks that make up this ramshackle wall are scarred and pitted by
8. Silver mines
collapse further (save or 4d6 damage). acid. Anxious wereswine peer into the darkness beyond. The shoats Twisting tunnels dug dwarf-high. Bins contain loose ore and mining
will not risk venturing beyond the palisade unless urged by a sow, and tools. Rails for mine carts lead deeper (see Appendix H).
only then with 1d6 rounds of encouragement.
1. Crystal Cli s 4. Forges
6. Illuyanka’s Lair Sheer cliffs covered in multi-faceted crystals which catch and • 3 Soot Elementals (2HD, armour as mail, claws 1d8 or soot cloud
multiply light. Light that hits one of these crystals re ects off all of 30’ save or cough and choke)
Rumours the crystals, meaning that distant rooms can be glimpsed in their Soot-blackened and slag-littered, the res are long dead and cold.
facets. Illuyanka’s hoard (2) can be seen glittering in torchlight, and if Half- nished tools still wait on the anvils. Soot elementals are re
1: A great hero slew a dragon that once lived in these mountains.
Illuyanka is in her lair, her two glowing green eyes peer from the elementals which have been deprived of fuel and heat. They long to
2: The dwarf necromancer “Bonebeard” was imprisoned by his kin.
faces of the crystals, seeming everywhere at once. burn once again.
3: The Deepwives’ fearsome griffon cavalry bore signature lances.
4: Dwarves’ loyalty to their clans is unbreakable. On one of the anvils is an un nished but functional weapon, a griffon
2. Illuyanka’s Lair lance (see Appendix X).
Encounters (1-in-6each turn) Illuyanka’s hoard is comprised of gifts from her cultists (see the
When encountered for the rst time Illuyanka will be:
Griffon Aerie). She has 6,000gp in assorted coins, silverware, 5. Safe
trinkets and gewgaws, all of it pilfered in the last few years.
1: Hunting on the Road, to the South. The door to this safe is heavily warded. Three
successive checks must be made to pick the lock. If
2: Hunting on the Road, to the North.
3-4: Resting in her lair. any check fails, two massive blocks of stone drop
5-6: Sleeping. from the ceiling, sealing off the door and dealing
4d6 damage to anyone below.
Loud noises when Illuyanka is awake and
nearby will (3-in-6) attract her attention.
Open areas (1-3):
2 3 Bonebeard’s hand will pester anyone approaching
the door, wriggling with excitement (see 6).
In haphazard heaps are the con scated treasures of
1: If Illuyanka is out hunting, she returns. If in
Bonebeard (see 6). These include books of esoteric
her lair, she emerges. If sleeping, she awakes,
lore, three minor spellbooks (1d6
spells of 1st to 3rd level), nery and
2-3: Indications of Illuyanka’s whereabouts:
jewels worth 1,000gp (non-magical,
Footfalls, breathing, fresh spoor. If rolled a
purely for vanity), and magic items:
second time, treat as a 1.
Vampiric Trousers, Fractal Lenses,
4-5: Bonebeard’s hand (see 6).
Fascinating Orb, Spell-Catching Staff
6: 1 cultist, carrying 1d6x100gp, sent as a
(see Appendix X).

willing sacri ce (see Griffon Aerie).
Mines and side rooms (4-7):
6. Cell
1: 1d4 wereswine boars, hiding from Illuyanka
2-3: 1 Feral rust monster (4HD, armour as • Bonebeard (WIZARD 8, armour as
plate, antennae rusts one metal item on plate, chill touch 1d10; commanding
successful attack). gaze: save or subject to command)
4-6: Bonebeard’s hand (see 6). A sea of bone-white beard hair lls
this tiny cell. The hair belongs to
The Dragon Illuyanka BONEBEARD, an undead dwarf wizard,
imprisoned here for his crimes. He sits
Illuyanka ed to the Road many years ago, after
losing a battle against a great hero. She is still G 5 amidst his owing white beard,
plotting escape. Gemstones glitter
injured and scarred from that ght, One of her
front legs is a gnarled stump, and half her face
is a mangled mass of scar tissue, missing teeth and constantly
H 6 where his eyes once were, and his
parchment skin is stretched over his

skull. Without access to a spell book,
drooling acid. The hero’s sword is lodged beneath the scales of her he is unable to cast spells. Regaining this and escaping the cell are his
left ank, creating a festering abscess. In combat Illuyanka keeps this chief objectives. In negotiating for his freedom he comes across as
wound turned away from foes. Attacks which target this wound ignore frank and pragmatic, even self-deprecating. It is all lies.
her armour. The sword is Songblade (see Appendix X). 3. Shrine of Fealty
A chest at the end of the corridor outside his cell contains Bonebeard’s
ILLUYANKA (10HD 35hp, armour as plate, claws 1d8/1d4 and bite A polished slab of greenish marble, engraved with hundreds of names. spellbook (see Appendix X) and the key to his cell.
3d8 or acid spray 30’ cone, 1 pt. damage/hp remaining) Any dwarf will recognise this as a consecrated Shrine of Fealty. Carve
the name of a higher-level character into the stone, and swear fealty to BONEBEARD’S HAND (1hp, strangle 1d6, roll STR to escape, immune
Illuyanka is prevented from leaving the Road by a cult of dwarves to non-magical damage) can detach itself, wriggle through a crack in
who have locked the North Gate (see Griffon Aerie). She will spare that character. You may re-roll failed saving throws which would
cause you to break this oath. If you betray your oath, you are subject the door at 5, and wander the Road. The black mummi ed hand
anyone who promises to unlock the gate and let her free. dances, beckons, and tugs at ankles, trying to bring someone to free
to a curse: The character is always chosen rst for any baneful effect
targeting a random party member (e.g. ranged attacks, traps, etc). its owner.
2. The North Gate 4. Drum room
7. Gri on Aerie The doors are shut fast and locked, though great gouges are clawed • 2 Cultists
into the iron and the stone is pitted and scorched by acid. The The huge drums stored here are used for summoning Illuyanka to the
Rumours mechanism is too heavy to be picked by conventional means, though cult’s sacri ces. She arrives 2d4 turns after the drums are sounded,
custom tools might do the job. Unlocked, the doors open to a gentle slavering for meat and treasure and attery.
1: A band of expert thieves have a hideout in the mountains.
touch. Outside the gate a mountain path leads down a narrow pass.
2: Two travelling merchants have been kidnapped by highwaymen. Two captives are bound and writhing on the oor. These are
3: The Deepwives bred erce and colourful “Feathermane” griffons. travelling merchants kidnapped by the cult, intended for sacri ce. The
4: Six keys were made which opened the North Gate. All are lost. merchants’ wares are also here: Spices worth 500gp.

1-3: 1d6 Cultists (from 3).
8 5. Crystal
• The Abject (THIEF 4, dragon claw 1d6+1)
4-5: Swarm of hand-sized spiderlings (noncombatants). The crystal here is from Illuyanka’s lair, and is used
6: Illuyanka, come in hopes of a meal. by The Abject to communicate with the dragon.

Dragon cult 5 6. Weapon store

A cult of degenerate dwarves worships the dragon Illuyanka, seeing Copper pylons sparkle with potency, arcing towards
her as a punishment for their former pride and greed. They have a copper helmet sitting on a central dais. This is the
trapped her in the Road so she will continue to accept their sacri ces Helm of Lightning (see Appendix X). Approaching
of stolen valuables and kidnapped victims. The cult has attracted
mis t dwarves from many clans. They disavow their former lives,
shave their heads and beards, and abase themselves before the dragon.
2 the dais incurs a 1-in-10 chance of being struck by a
bolt of electricity for 5d6 damage.

THE ABJECT (THIEF 4, dragon claw 1d6+1) 6a. Locked door

leads the cult. She has soot-black skin and

piercing blue eyes. She carries Illuyanka’s A panel of solid stone, the lock is set six feet into
Claw (see Appendix X) and wears a key to
the North Gate around her neck. In 4 the rock, making it nigh-impossible to pick. Any
griffon lance turns the lock (see Appendix X).

conversation she is barely comprehensible,
rambling about shame and greed. 7. Water-powered elevator
The cultists (1HD, knife 1d4, dragon hide • 4 Giant Spiders (4HD, armour as mail, bite 2d4
as leather, blowgun save vs. paralysis) brew and save or 3d6 damage)
a paralytic poison for their blowguns.
Victims must save or be paralysed for 2d4 Within this long shaft is a constantly-moving,
rattling confusion of rusty chains, cogs and
turns. The cultists will tie up subdued victims
and leave them in the road. They use the drums
at 4 to summon Illuyanka, who arrives within
6a counterweights. Every turn an open basket of
wrought iron appears at the mouth of the shaft, large
2d4 turns. The whole cult (14 cultists) gathers enough for four people. The baskets take two turns
to watch her feast. to reach the top of the shaft.

The mechanism is extremely fragile. Each time someone rides the
1. Sluice
A torrent of water ows through this channel.
7 elevator, roll 1d6. If the roll is less than the number of people in the
basket, the mechanism will break. Roll again each time the basket is
jostled. A spider clinging to a basket counts as two occupants.
Anyone in the water must save or be swept away to drown.
Thick webbing will (4-in-6) trap anyone falling down the shaft.
1a. Broken overpass 8. Gri on Aerie
• 6 Cultists, watching to the south. 3. Cult chamber
• 1d8 Feral griffons (6HD, armour as mail, claws 1d8/1d8)
Walkways across the road have been demolished by some titanic • 6 Cultists ( lthy pole-arms 1d6, 1-in-10 chance of disease)
The elevator shaft emerges in the middle of the open aerie. A once
force. Three cultists wait on each side of the overpass, watching for Cultists perform ritual abasements and acts of self-degradation. They well-ordered stable for griffons is now a lthy mess of nesting
attack from the south. Six more cultists will arrive from 3 if the keep a cauldron of Illuyanka’s acid for self-mutilation and for use as a material, half-devoured carcasses and griffon waste. Amidst the mess
alarm is raised, attacking from the overpass or holding the staircase last-ditch weapon (2d6 damage, save for half). A crudely-made ladder are 3 griffon eggs and 2 griffon chicks. Griffons come and go from
against attack. They bring their cauldron of acid to pour down the is used for crossing the broken overpass (1a). the aerie. Each round there is a 1-in-6 chance of a griffon arriving.
stairs (2d6 damage, save for half).
The whole pride is 8 griffons, less any killed at the South Gate.
Appendix A: South Gate to Appendix B: Tombs Appendix C: Shrine of
Shrine of Grudges The labyrinthine tomb complex extends as far as the Shrine of
Grudges, but the way is long and hard to nd. Roll a d6 for every Grudges to the Broken Bridge
From the South Gate to the Shrine of Grudges is about three miles, or hour of wandering after the rst (dwarves roll two dice and choose): From the Shrine of Grudges to the Broken Bridge is about six miles,
an hour’s walk. The road continues through solid stone, level and 1: A treasure hoard! A bronze cauldron contains gold ingots and or two hours’ walk. The road begins to show signs of damage from an
unbroken, never altering in height or width. Occasional doorways gemstones worth 5,000gp. Treat subsequent rolls of a 1 as a 3-4. If earthquake. Some of the stone arches have collapsed, and there are
lead to storerooms (looted), shrines and cisterns (now dry). looted, all Dwarf spirits encountered from now will be unfriendly, and ssures in the oor and walls. Waypoints are regularly spaced, but the
will ght as Spectres (6HD, immune to non-magical damage, armour cisterns are dry.
Encounters as plate, chill touch 1d8 damage and level drain).

See “Encounters on the Road” next page.

2: BRAGI LONGTOOTH is the keeper of the tombs. He’s an
unassuming-looking dwarf, white-haired and wrinkled but otherwise
1: The Man-legged Centipede (see South Gate). hale. He claims to have “lost track of time a bit”. It’s been a while 1: 1d6 Infested (see Shrine of Grudges).
2: 1d8 Ironshell Beetles (2HD, armour as plate, bite 1d4, ignores since he spoke with anyone but dead spirits, and he is eager for news 2: 1d2 Moaning Mantas (2HD, ying, moan: save or 1d6 dmg 30’)
damage unless struck on underbelly) of the world. He will happily guide the party to the marker for any 3: 1 Slithering Tracker (5HD, transparent and uid. Numbing touch,
3: Giant slug (8HD, acid spit 1d12 (20’), immune to blunt weapons) dwarf in the tomb complex, greeting each spirit as an old friend. save vs paralysis, kills victim in 6 turns). Follows party and attacks
4: 1d20 Stirges (1d4hp, ying, bite 1d4 and drain 1d4 CON) 3-4: A dead end and a restless Dwarf Spirit (see South Gate). while they rest.
5: 1d6 badgers (noncombatant). Perhaps descendants of dwarven 5-6: Exit to the South Gate or the Shrine of Grudges. 4-5: 1d12 Goblin foragers (1HD-1, spear 1d6) from the Broken
companion animals or else opportunistic burrowers. Bridge.
6: 1d6 Infested (see Shrine of Grudges). 6: 1d6 Giant Bats (3HD, ying, armour as leather, claws 2d4 and
save or be thrown 20’)
Roll 1d4 to select a random encounter location from below.
Roll 1d6 to select a random encounter location from below.

2 4


Encounters on the Road Appendix D: Caves Appendix E: Broken Bridge to
The chance of random encounters on the road depends on the size
of the party and how careful they are being about noise and light.
Miles of caves riddle the mountains, forming a labyrinth of tunnels.
Navigating in the caves is nigh-impossible. Every hour of walking, Parliament of Clans
roll an exploration die (d4) to determine if the party has reached their From the Broken Bridge to the Parliament of Clans is three miles, or
Roll 1d10 for every mile of marching, and roll an extra die for each destination.
of the following which are true: an hour’s walk. Eerie moaning echoes down the road, and a chill
1: Return to origin point (Shrine of Grudges or Broken Bridge). breeze blows. There are fewer signs of the usual cave life.
• The party has many bright lights 2-8: Keep wandering. Choose to increase or decrease the exploration
• The party is more than four people
• The party is more than eight people
die one step (for example d4 to d6). The die may not be increased
below d4 or above d12.
• The party has pack animals 9: A secret area! Roll 1d6: 1: 1d6 Giant Bats (3HD, ying, armour as leather, claws 2d4 and
• The party is travelling in haste 1-3) Emerge at the surface, deep in the mountains. save or be thrown 20’)
Roll 1d10 for every two hours spent in camp, and roll an extra die 4-6) Emerge in the mines (see Appendix H). 2: 1d2 Moaning Mantas (2HD, ying, moan: save or 1d6 dmg 30’)
for each of the following which are true: 10+: Emerge at destination (Shrine of Grudges or Broken Bridge). 3: 1 Slithering Tracker (5HD, transparent and uid. Numbing touch,
• The party has a camp re or similar Dwarves may roll two dice and choose the result they prefer. save vs paralysis, kills victim in 6 turns). Follows party and attacks
• The party is more than four people while they sleep.
4: 1 Carrion Crawler (3HD, armour as mail, tentacles 4 attacks, save
• The party is more than eight people Encounters or paralysis 1d4 turns)
• The party is camped on the road (not in a side room)
1: Special (1d4): 5: 1d10 Goblin foragers (1HD-1, spear 1d6) from the Broken Bridge.
Encounters occur if any of the dice roll a 1. 6: Ghost of Gorri Stone Shepherd (see Parliament of Clans).
1) Flash ood: Water rises rapidly in the caves. Everyone in the
party must save or take 2d6 damage. The party is scattered and Roll 1d6 to select a random encounter location from the previous
A: South Gate to Shrine of Grudges (3 miles) disoriented by the ooding. Decrease the size of the exploration page.
1-3: Roll an encounter from Appendix A. die one step, and check for another random encounter from
4-5: Roll an encounter from Appendix C.
6: Roll an encounter from Appendix E.
creatures disturbed by the ooding.
2) Earthquake: Falling rocks block off the party’s route. Appendix F: Parliament of
Decrease the exploration die to a d4, but ignore results of a 1 on
C: Shrine of Grudges to Broken Bridge (6 miles)
the exploration die.
3) PALDRIC THE HALF-FLUMPH (2HD, psychic drain 1d4, Read
Clans to the Piggery
1: Roll an encounter from Appendix A. thoughts at will). Paldric is the result of a forbidden affair From the Parliament of Clans to the Piggery is six miles, or two
2-5: Roll an encounter from Appendix C. between a lost adventurer and a lonely dungeon creature. He is hours’ walk. The architecture on this side of the mountains is very
6: Roll an encounter from Appendix E. self-pitying and pathetic, angry that his parents brought him into a different. Instead of graceful curves there are abrupt angles, and the
world in which he will never nd love. He knows the caves impression is of strict functionality. As the Piggery draws nearer, a
E: Broken Bridge to Parliament of Clans (3 miles) intimately and will guide the party if they can befriend him.
4) Dungeon entrance: The caves connect to another dungeon,
horrible stench of pig shit and rotting meat is carried on the breeze.

1: Roll an encounter from Appendix A.

2: Roll an encounter from Appendix C.
deep in the mountains. Encounters
2: 1 Slithering Tracker (5HD, transparent and uid. Numbing touch,
3-6: Roll an encounter from Appendix E. save vs paralysis, kills victim in 6 turns). Follows party and attacks 1: Ghost of Berta Deepwife (see Parliament of Clans).
while they rest. 2-3: CIRIATTO (1HD, mail, rusted sword 1d6), a wereswine runt
F: Parliament of Clans to Piggery (6 miles) 3: 4 Expedition survivors (1HD, spear 1d6): These are the last rejected by the clan (see The Piggery). He has constructed elaborate
survivors of an expedition into the Road (see Shrine of Grudges). fantasies about a world of peace and vegetarianism beyond the Road.
1-2: Roll an encounter from Appendix E. They are half insane from living in the dark, and barely remember He will gladly act as a guide for anyone who will help him escape the
3-6: Roll an encounter from Appendix F. their former lives. If subdued they can act as imperfect guides (roll an Road. He knows the area from Parliament of Clans to Illuyanka’s
extra exploration die). Ignore subsequent rolls after the rst. Lair, as well as the Mines (allowing an extra die roll).
G: Piggery to Illuyanka’s Lair (3 miles) 4: 1d8 Ironshell Beetles (2HD, armour as plate, bite 1d4, ignores 4: 1d12 wereswine shoats hunting, led by a sow (see The Piggery).
damage unless struck on underbelly). 5: Minotaur lizard (4HD, armour as chain, bite 1d8 or charge and
1: Roll an encounter from Appendix F. 5: Giant slug (8HD, acid spit 1d12 (20’), immune to blunt weapons). gore 2d6). A bull-headed reptile, a misprint of nature from the dawn
2-6: Roll an encounter from Appendix G. 6: 1d10 Cave Leeches (1HD, bite 1d4: save vs. paralysis 1d4 turns). of time.
6: An escaped pig from the Piggery.
I: Illuyanka’s Lair to Gri on Aerie (3 miles) Roll 1d6 to select an encounter location from the following page.
1: Roll an encounter from Appendix F.
2-3: Roll an encounter from Appendix G.
4-6: Roll an encounter from Appendix I.
Appendix G: Piggery to Appendix H: Mines Appendix I: Illuyanka’s Lair to
Illuyanka’s Lair The Deepwives’ mines riddle the mountains, following veins of
precious metals deep under the earth. Roll a d6 for every hour of Gri on Aerie
From the Piggery to Illuyanka’s Lair is three miles, or an hour’s exploration after the rst (dwarves roll two dice and take the highest). Signs of Illuyanka’s presence continue on this side of her lair.
walk. Claw marks and pools of acid are signs that Illuyanka stalks this On a 5+, the explorers arrive at their destination (Piggery or
Illuyanka’s Lair). If a 1 is rolled twice in a row, the explorers have The distance is three miles, or an hour’s walk.
part of the road. She hunts for easy prey, and will not attack a well-
prepared party, preferring to cling to the high ceiling and wait for an found their way into the caves (see Appendix D).
opportunity for an ambush. Encounters
Encounters 1: Determine Illuyanka’s location (see Illuyanka’s Lair). If she is
Encounters 1: 1d4 wereswine boars, proving themselves (see the Piggery). hunting to the North, she is encountered now. Otherwise re-roll her
2: Flammable gas: If not detected, any ame source will ignite the location, but she is not encountered immediately.
1: 1d4 wereswine boars, proving themselves (see the Piggery) or 2: 1d4 Giant spiders (4HD, armour as mail, bite 2d4 and save or 3d6
(50%) hiding from Illuyanka. gas, dealing 2d6 damage to everyone within 30’ (save for half). If not
ignited, the gas causes suffocation (save or fall unconscious, die if not damage). If encountered on the march, front rank must save or walk
2: 1d4 Giant spiders (4HD, armour as mail, bite 2d4 and save or 3d6 into web and become immobilised.
damage). If encountered on the march, front rank must save or walk removed from the gas).
3-4: 1 Feral rust monster (4HD, armour as plate, antennae rusts one 3: 1d12 dragon-mites (1hp, tiny, bite 1d2). These erce little insects
into web and become immobilised. feed on dragon blood. Detached from a host they seek out other food.
3: Bonebeard’s hand (see Illuyanka’s Lair). metal item on successful attack). Rust monsters were used by the
dwarfs to locate metal veins. 4: 1 Carrion Crawler (3HD, armour as mail, tentacles 4 attacks, save
4: Giant gelatinous cube (2d4HD, pseudopod 1d4/HD, save vs or paralysis 1d4 turns)
paralysis). These grow enormous in the open space of the road. Each 5: 1 Xorn (6HD, armour as plate, bite 2d6, impervious skin, pass
through stone). The Xorn is feasting on ore. 5: Bonebeard’s hand (see Illuyanka’s Lair).
cube will contain 1d6x100gp/HD of assorted valuables. 6: 1d6 Cultists from the Griffon Aerie, hunting Carrion Crawlers for
5: 1d20 cave-locusts (noncombatant). These make a loud noise if 6: Roll an encounter from Appendix D.
their venom. They carry hooked polearms (1d6) instead of their
disturbed (2-in-6 chance of attracting another encounter). normal blowguns.
6: Determine Illuyanka’s location (see Illuyanka’s Lair). If she is
hunting to the South, she is encountered now. Otherwise re-roll her Roll 1d4 to select a random encounter location from below.
location, but she is not encountered immediately.
Roll 1d4 to select a random encounter location from below.


Gri on Lance Stone Shepherds’ Crook
Appendix X: Magic Items Griffon lances were borne by the Deepwives’ Griffon Cavalry. Long While this iron shepherds’ crook touches the ground, the bearer can
steel-hafted spears with sword-like blades etched with a feather cast one of the following spells once per day: Stone Shape, Wall of
Bonebeard’s Spellbook pattern. All griffons carry an ancestral memory which prevents them Stone, Conjure Elemental (Earth). In addition, the bearer can
from harming anyone who bears a griffon lance. command earth elementals, as if casting the Charm Monster spell,
A horrible book bound in skin, the sparse body hair still attached. In
affecting up to 2d8 HD of earth elementals, or half as many HD of
addition to several spells of up to Fifth level, it contains this spell:
Grisly Familiar (Level 2): In casting this spell, the caster must sever
Helm of Lightning earth-aligned creatures (genasi, dao, gargoyles, etc).

their own hand. The hand functions in all respects as a familiar per the A plain copper helmet with leather straps. The wearer is immune to
Find Familiar spell. It has infravision 60’ and runs as fast as a rat. damage from electricity. The wearer can expend a charge from the
Throne of Eyes
helmet to cast the spell lightning bolt as a 5th-level caster, or expend The Throne is a conduit for communication with ancient alien entities,
Circlet of the Deepwives two charges to cast the spell as a 10th-level caster. The helm can hold whose motives and morals are orthogonal to mortal concerns.
up to ve charges. The helm regains one charge for each day it Psychologically compatible characters are able to commune with
This plain golden circlet is traditionally worn by the Queen of the remains in its charging room (see Griffon Aerie). these entities.
Deepwives. Once per day for a duration of three turns it confers the
Characters with an odd number for either INT or CHA are partially
ability to see through stone to a depth of 60’, detecting voids
(including secret passages), veins of minerals, unstable rock, etc.
Horn of Worms compatible with the throne. While in the Throne’s presence, they
receive a +2 bonus to the odd-numbered ability score due to the
When viewing Dwarves, this functions as a Know alignment spell. A curled horn of beaten bronze, covered in blue-green patina. Once
guidance of whispering voices.
per day the horn can be blown to summon 2d4 purple worms from the
If the character’s CHA and INT are both odd numbers they are fully
Fireproof Gauntlets depths of the earth. They arrive in 1d4 hours enraged and violent.
compatible with the Throne. They gain the ability score bonuses as
The wearer of these gauntlets is completely immune to the effects of described above, and in addition each day spent communing with the
heat and re. Furthermore the wearer can cast the spell heat metal at
Illuyanka’s Claw throne gives a 1-in-6 chance of advancing to the next level of
will on anything they touch. A wicked blade fashioned from a dragon’s claw, the hilt bound in understanding the Throne, as detailed below:
leather. It deals +1 damage. Wounds made by the claw do not heal 1. The bonus from being in the presence of the Throne is +4.
Fascinating Orb except by magical means. 2. Once per day the Throne will answer a yes/no question
accurately, regardless of the subject.
Signi cant shapes, subtle signs, and strange sigils seem to surge and
fade in the depths of this crystal orb. After each hour of studying the
Dusk Stone 3. The entities communicate a complex ritual for attaching one of
the Throne’s eyes to your body. This requires expensive materials
orb, a character may make an INT check to discover deeper mysteries A st-sized jewel the colour of the evening sky. It is made from and dangerous psychic surgery (1-in-6 chance of killing the
within. Each successful check advances the character’s understanding, concentrated elemental forces. The stone is worth 3,500gp. In the subject). Further levels of understanding cannot be attained until
and increases the time required to make further discoveries: hours to right hands its forces could be unleashed to devastating effect. the eye is attached. Subsequent levels of understanding take a
days, days to weeks, weeks to months, months to years. week of study to make a check.
Understanding the orb’s secrets confers no bene t. Mantaster 4. You can see through the Throne’s eyes, including those attached
A crude cleaver on a long haft, adorned with grisly fetishes and to your body or anyone else’s body.
Fractal Lenses trophies of past victims. For the enemies of Man, this weapon is a 5. The eye attached to your body sees at all times as if subject of a
These brass and crystal lenses allow the wearer to look deep into the famous relic. It twitches and throbs when a human is within 60’, and True seeing and Detect magic spell.
metaphysical makeup of the universe. When examining an item, the deals +3 damage to humans. Non-humans who ght alongside the 6. Your brain is overcome by an alien intelligence from a realm
wearer can choose from the following levels of magni cation: cleaver’s wielder have an unnatural fervour granting +1 to attacks. beyond time and space.
1. Minute details of the item can be observed: hairline cracks,
scratches, faults, ngerprints, etc. Quern of Earthquakes Vampiric Trousers (a.k.a “Lich Britches”)
2. Microscopic residue can be seen: particles of substances that Kept as a pet by the necromancer Bonebeard, this horrifying pair of
A pair of dark stone disks as for grinding grain, carved with runes.
touched the item, skin oils, residue of storage or handling etc. leather breeches were created from the skin of a rival wizard. The
Activating its magic requires grinding within the quern rocks or soil
3. The elemental makeup of an item can be determined: atomic wearer’s CON is reduced by 1 point due to the trousers’ blood
from the region you wish to affect, along with gemstones worth at
structure, composition of alloys, ingredients of potions, drinking. The wearer cannot cross running water, and the trousers are
least 1,000gp. After a full eight hours of grinding, a devastating
impurities, inclusions, etc. destroyed if exposed to bright sunlight. At will, the wearer is able to
earthquake strikes the desired region.
4. Magical plasms adhering to the item are visible. The nature, transform into a large bat, and/or assume a gaseous form. The trousers
purpose and source of any enchantments or effects can be retain a rudimentary consciousness and long for nal death.
observed. Spell-Catching Sta
5. Ethical alignment of any object or person can be calculated by the
ratio of tiny angels and demons within its substance.
Made from the spine of an elf, this staff can absorb magical energy Songblade
directed at the wielder. When the wielder is targeted by a spell, they
6. The absolute nature of a substance can be observed, and the true make an attack roll against the spell (AC is determined by the level of Unsheathed, this bright silver sword produces a keening note that
underpinnings of its reality. The wearer must save or go insane. the spell). On a hit, the spell is caught by the staff. Spells caught by soars and trills as the blade is swung. It is a +2 sword. All allies may
Each level of magni cation requires a full turn of adjustment and the staff can be cast as if they were memorised by the wielder. re-roll failed morale checks if they can hear the sword’s song.
observation before any information can be gleaned.

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